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428 Pfejcripf on Accejsor e* end Reloled I*®™* 

Fio 146 (Top) Qasljc hose Left to 
fight oserknee Ightweght two-way 
stretch full fool seamless nylon clastic 
hose s milar with partial foot only siroi 
lar underknee (garter) length surgical 
weight oneway stretch garter length 
rayon and cotton hose (Bottom) E* 
iremity supports Left to nght knee sup- 
port ankle support and wnst support 

couraged at least to wear a heavier stocking 
while at home 

Both forms of stocking are available i** 
lengths ranging from below knee or gartc^ 
styles to thigh hose and consideration niu^t 
be gisen as to where the support is needc** 
(Fig 146 lop) Some hate a full foot bu* 
more often the toe and sometimes the he^^ 
arc cut out so that a pair of dress hose may b® 

worn over them Seamless hose is popular 
because it is more easily covered 

0astic hose is put on by rolling or folding 
It down until the foot may be mserted easily 
into the toe end and then rolling it back up 
the leg with a minimum of tugging and pull 
mg &mc wearers in order to prevent swell 
mg need to put on the hose before arising 
Proper care of the clastic stocking is im 
portant since the rubber m it is subject to 
dctenoration from oils heat and other cnvi 
ronmental factors mentioned previously 
Daily washing with soap and water, adequate 
rmsmg and drying and a resting penod be 
tween weanngs are desirable for maximum 
‘iftc Honsequctifiy fne user Snoiiici ‘nave at 
least two stockmgs for each afTected leg 

Cxlremily Supports Anklets knee caps 
and elbow braces arc made of rubber thread 
covered with cotton and woven into seamless 
surgical weight lubes shaped appropnately to 
fit the areas which each is intended to sup' 
port (Fig 146 botiom) They arc used most 
often to compress support and immobilize 
sprains or wrenched joints Sizes run from 
small to extra large with fitting done by 
having the client try on the support Hinged 
knee caps with jointed steel side bars are 
ava hblc to supply lateral support when 
needed for severe sprains Wnstlets (Fig 
146 botiom) also arc used to support a weak 
wrist and arc available m leather as well as 
m clastic cloth Leather wristbands have one 
to three straps depending on their width and 
may be lined or unlincd Elastic and leather 
wristlets often are made in a smgle size which 
IS adjusted to fit the wnst through snap 
buttons or buckles 

Suspensories arc used for a wide vanety 
of conditions involving the scrotum and its 
contenu Conservative treatment of vanco 
celc cpididyanius and orchitis calls for wear 
mg a suspensory They arc also used to 
support the scrotum after treatment of hydro- 
cele and after hernia repair prostatectomy 
and scrotal surgery In each instance the 
(unction of the suspensory is to hold up or 
to support the scrotum so as to relieve the 
pam and discomfort attendant on the afllic 
tioos listed above 

Suspensories consist of a pouch attached 
to a body belt (Fig 147, leji) Some also 

Prescription Pharmacy 

Copyright © 1963, by J B Lippiscott Company 

This book ]S fully protected by copyright and, with the excepUoo 
of bnef extracts for review, no part of it may be reproduced 
m any form without the written pennission of the publisher 

The use of portions of the text of the United States Pharmacopeia, Sixteenth Revision, official 
October 1, 1960, is by permission received from the Board of Trustees of the Umted States 
Pharmacopcial Convention The said Board is not responsible for inaccuracies of the text 
thus used. 

Permission to use portions of the text of the Nationai Formulary, Eleventh Edition, official 
October 1, 1960, has been granted by the American Pharmaceutical Association, The 
American Pharmaceuucal Association is not responsible for any maccuracy of quotation, 
or for false implications that may arise by reason of the separation of excerpts from the 
original context. 

Distributed in Great Bntam by 

Pitman Medical Publishing Co , Limited, London 

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 63 20825 

Printed m the United States of America 


Rapid progress m the art of therapeutics 
has brought Carnatic changes m the practice 
of pharmacy No longer is the dispensmg of 
prescnpUons a test of the pharmacist’s com- 
pounding skills, ra±er, it is a challenge to 
his knowledge of dosage forms and his abihty 
to mterpret this knowledge for the best m- 
terests of the patient and the physician whom 
he serves 

Teachers of dispensmg pharmacy have 
recognized the nature of t^ change and 
have felt the need for a text which can serve 
as a gui^ for the type ot mstmction now re- 
quired Pharmacists, too, are searchmg for 
a text which presents, m an organized fash- 
ion, essential facts relating to the properties 
and the uses of modem pharmaceuticals 
This book is mteoded to be a treatise which 
deals with all aspects relatmg to the dispeos- 
mg of dosage forms — their capabihties, ad- 
vantages, duadvantages, compatibilities and 
mcompaubilities It deals with methods for 
their preparation because we cannot divorce 
methods of preparation from the qualities 
exhibited by dosage forms The organization 
of the text follows a physicochemical classi- 
fication. This system of study should be par- 
ticularly useful to those who have received 
previous instruction m physical pharmacy 
The chapter on bYopharmateuUca is a par- 
ticularly welcome action, smce it brmgs 
together much of the information pertaining 
to the relationship between physical charac- 

teristics of pharmaceuticals and their biologic 
activity Ihe chapter dealmg with radio- 
phannaceuUcals is similarly umque m that it 
contains much correlative material regardmg 
potency and type of radiation and person^ 
safe^ of operators The subject of radiation 
hygiene will command greater attention from 
pharmacists m the future than has been the 
case m the past 

Sickroom supphes and apphances are 
closely identified with prescriptions In some 
cases, devices are limited to prescription sale 
TheieiDie, ilis appropnale^at these be con- 
sidered m a textbook dealmg with prescrip- 
tion practice Similarly, it seems appropriate 
to mclude information regarding the profes- 
sionals whose orders axe fulfilled through 
prescription service Thus, the text mcludes 
not only prescnpiion pharma^ but closely 
related topics as well 

In today’s fast moving world, informa- 
tion IS often superseded before it finds its 
way mto print If such should happen in this 
case, It will be due to the mevitable and m- 
exorable advances of modem pharmaceutical 
science The authors have made every effort 
to interpret pharmaceutical practice m terms 
of unchangmg physical and chemical prm- 
ciples m order that the book may be useful, 
even though the art contmues to change 

The editor and the publisher wish to ex- 
press appreciation to those pharmaceutical 
educators who gave generous assistance m 
the design and preparation of the text 

Joseph B Sprowls 



4 Solution Dosage Forms {Continued) 

Colormg and Flavonng 163 

Packaging 165 

Special Elutions 165 

5 Liquid Dosage Forms Containing Insoluble Matter 178 

Harold M Beal 

Liquid Dosage Forms Containing Insoluble Mailer 173 

Properties of Liquid Dosage Forms Containing Insoluble Matter 178 

Particle Size m Relation to Pharmacologic Action 179 

Solid In Liquid Dispersions (Suspensions) 180 

Liquid'In Liquid Dispersions (Emulsions) 188 

Packaging, Dispensing and Storage of Liquid Dosage Forms Containing 
Insoluble Matter 199 

6 Semisolid Dosage Forms 201 

Seymour Blaug 

ElTccts of Locally Applied Drugs 202 

Classification of Omtmenis 203 

General Indications for Omtmcnt Bases 204 

Ejects of Vehicles on the Skin 204 

Oleaginous Bases 209 

Absorption Bases 212 

Emulsion Bases 214 

Water-Soluble Bases 216 

Ophthalmic Ointments 217 

Preparation of Ointments 218 

Packaging. Storage and Labeling of Omtmenis 221 

Other Topical Preparations 222 

7 Suppositories 

Charles F Peterson 

Therapeutic Uses 
Testing of the Suppository 
Suppository Bases 
Methods of Manufacture 

Special Dispensing and Compounding Procedures for Suppositories 

8 Aerosols 

John! Sciarra 




Pharmaceutical and Mcdicmal Aerosols 
Mode of Operation of Aerosols 
Manufacture of Aerosol Products 
Physicochemical Properties of Propellants 
Aerosol Containers 
Aerosol Vaises 
Pharmaceutical Aerosols 
Medicinal Aerosols 
Veterinary Aerosol Products 
Special Tesung of Aerosols 













Therapeutic Incompatibility 290 

Physical Incompatibility 291 

Chemical Incompatibility 291 

lacompatibihlies of Inorgamc Compounds 292 

10 Incompatibilities of Organic Compounds 305 

DaleE Wurster 

Hydrocarbons 3 Q 5 

Alcohols 306 

Phenols 310 

Aldehydes 313 

Ketones 316 

Carboxylic Acids 317 

Esters 324 

Ethers 328 

Basic Nitrogen-Contaimng Compounds 329 

Acidic Nitrogen-Contaming Compounds 345 

Dyes 351 

Glycosides 363 

Resms 364 

Silver Protem Preparations 365 

Antibiotics 365 

11. Services to the Allied Professions 381 

RoyC Darlington 

Introduction 381 

Medicine 382 

Dentistry 383 

Homeopathy 387 

Osteopathy 389 

Podiatry (Chiropody) 391 

Vetermaiy Medicme 393 

12 Prescription Accessories and Related Items 400 

Waller Smger 

Clmical Thermometers 400 

Rubber and Plastic Accessones 407 

Elastic Support Items 426 

Sickroom Utensils 429 

Electric Healmg Pads 430 

Vaporizer-Humidifiers 432 

Atomizers, Nebulizers, Insufflators 434 

Hypodermic Syringes and Needles 440 

Diabetic Supplies 448 

Diabetic Unne Tests 449 

Surgical Dressings and Related Supplies 450 

Crutches and Canes 461 

Infrared and Ultraviolet Generators 464 


13 Hospital Pharmacy 47g 

GcorgoF Aichambault 

Histoiy 475 

Amcncaa Society of Hospital Pharmacists 477 

Vital Statistics on Hospital Pharmacy m the United States 478 

Responsibilities and Duucs of the Hospital Pharmacist 478 

Organization and Policies 480 

The Hospital Formulary aoj 

Personnel 435 

Physical Facilities 486 

Equipment 49O 

Laws and Regulations 491 

Invcsugational Drugs 500 

Safety Practices 501 

Volume Compounding 503 

Prcpackagmg 504 

Standardization of Prescription and Ward Issue Medication Containers 507 

Inpatient Dispensmg 507 

Labels and Contamers 507 

House Requisitioning of Drugs 509 

Inspection of Nursiog-Station Medication Umts 509 

Outpauenl Department 511 

Emergency and Antidotal Drugs Cabmet 511 

Drug Charges S12 

Purchasing 512 

Central SterJe Supply 513 

Management Respoosibiliucs 513 

Inventory Policy — Stores 514 

Storeroom Arrangement and Control of Stock 5 1 4 

Perpetual layentory Records ' 515 

A Quarterly and Annual Reporting System for Costs and Workloads 516 

Automation 522 

Residencies 523 

14 Radiopharmaceuticals 

William H Brmcr 


Philosophy of Radiopharmaceutical Service 

T^pcs of Radioactivity 

Radioactive Decay 

Units of Radioactivity 

Radiation Protection 


Radiation DetccUoa Instruments 
Other Equipment 
Dosage Forms 

Formulation and Dispensing Procedures 
Uses of Radiophaimaccutical Products 
Other Research Applications 

Laws and Regulations Regarding Procurement and Use of Radionuclides 














No EX 


Prescription Pharmacy 

The Prescripfion 

Elmer M Hem, Ph D * 


Until comparatively recently, it commonly 
was agreed Aat the art of prescription wnt- 
mg originated m the distant past It was 
thought that the Egyptian pnests practiced 
prescnption writmg because they engaged in 
treatmg the sick in addition to their religious 
duties There are preserved in museums such 
Egyptian records as those cut on stone or 
written on papyrus which contain a vanety 
of medical formulas There are several for- 
mulas preserved m the British Museum which 
are said to date from the tune of the Cheops, 
about 3700 b c 

The Ebers Papyrus, wntteo m about the 
16th century b c , is considered to be an un- 
official formulary or pnvate recipe book It 
contains many mvocations for dnvmg away 
disease and specific recipes directing the use 
of drugs 10 common use today Some of the 
formulas m the Ebers Papyrus tended toward 
polypharmacy These recipes, callmg for as 
many as 35 ingredients, were mtended to 
treat the more complex illnesses Each for- 
mula names the mgredients and the quan- 
tities to be used and gives directions for the 
preparation and the use of the medicines It 
is bought possible that the preparation of 
the medicine m a form to be used by the pa- 
tient was accomplished by a class of mdi- 
viduals correspondmg to today’s pharmacists 

According to these ideas, the separation 
of pbannacy and medicme as professions 
could have originated a few thousand yean 
ago However, the late Dr George Urdang, 
who did considerable research on the history 
of the prescription, claimed that there could 

• Coordmator of Pbarmaceuucal Services Pro- 
fessor of Pharmacy University of Washington. 

not have been any prescriptions before about 
AD 1000, if by prescnption” we under- 
stand It to be a wntten order by a physician 
to a pharmacist Dr Urdang pomted out that, 
while It is true that these formulas have come 
down to us from Assynan Babylonian and 
Egyptian antiquity, the former wntten on 
clay tablets and the latter on stone and pa- 
pyrus, they are not prescnptions as such 
TTiey are merely formulas or recipes to be 
used as guides by those mixing medicmes 
Nothmg is known about mdmdual prescrip- 
tion filling dunng this period 

Early pharmacy and medicine m Greece 
were centered around the supernatural 
Though sunple herb medicmes were used, 
there was strong reliance on mcaotations and 
prayen Creek physicians prepared their own 
meffiemes, although a special class of mdi- 
viduals, rhizotomoi, dug the medicmal plants 
It was Hippocrates who was responsible 
for Seeing medicme and surgety from the 
supematurohstic basis Alexandnan conquest 
of the Egyptians was responsible for the 
Egyptian infiuence on Greek pharmacy and 
meihcine The Greeks held strong contempt 
for labor and the specialization of functions 
was effected easily Even the surgeon was 
placed outside the class m which the phy- 
sician resided Perhaps the manual nature of 
the duties of the rhizotomoi or the pharnia- 
copofoi and the surgeon contributed U> the 
rapid development of their skills 

Greek culture, including medical theones 
and practices, was passed on to the Romans 
as a result of the Roman conquest of Greece 
Thus, while early Roman formulas were those 
built around mysticism, they soon became of 
a rational, naturalistic nature 

2 The Prescription 

In Gracco-Roman uracs, according to Dr 
Urdang, there were vanous groups of trades- 
people who compounded medicines besides 
mixing and selling perfumes, fumigations, 
love potions, and fragrant oils and omtmcots 
for athletes and gla^ators Howeser, those 
people could not be classified as pharmacists 
Dr Urdang also reminded us of the fact that 
Pliny (23-79) and Galen (131-201) admon- 
ished the physicians not to trust the pigmen- 
tani (deders m d)estufls and medicmal 
drugs) or the seplasam (importers of and 
dealers m drugs and onental aromatics), but 
to prepare the medicaments to be applied m 
their practices themselves 'Ihcsc admoni- 
tions prose that dispensing by the physician 
was regarded as a mcdi^ ethical require- 
ment, and that there had developed craftsmen 
to whom at least some of the physicians dele- 
gated the labonous task of nuxing mcdicmes 
according to theu directions Nevertheless, 
even m these cases the physician remomed 
the one who applied the medicine or dis- 
pensed the product for application to the 
patient The present established circuit by 
which the physician hands the patient a pre- 
scription that IS brought to and filled by the 
pharmacist, who in turn hands the finished 
product to the patient, still did not exist as a 
matter of routine 

The history of pharmacy and medicine 
smcc the tune of the great Roman Empuc is 
not a story of steady advances The teachmgs 
of such scicntifical/y minded men as Hip- 
pocrates were replaced by magic and mys- 
ticism during the period immediately before 
the birth of Christianity Prescriptions in- 
cluded amulets and charms to be worn by 
the patient Certain words or phrases were 
spoken dunng the preparation of the mcdi- 
cme, and the patient was directed to face a 
certam direction (usually the cast) when he 
used the medicine 

Throughout the Middle Ages, science rc- 
mamed on a lower plane tlian that developed 
by the Egyptians and the Greeks Mediae 
dunng this period was largely in the hands 
of pnests and monks, and ihcir religious be- 
lief mfiucnced medical practice /Astrologers 
and alchemists also mfiucnced prescnpuoo 
wnting In their desire to hold the knowledge 
of the practice of pharmacy and medicine 
from the ^ncral populace, Ujcsc individuals 

used symbols to mdicate the mcdicmal m- 

It was the Arabians who preserved the art 
of pharmacy and mcdicme They kept m close 
contact with the classical tractions of the 
Egyptians and the Greeks, and, after their 
conquests m Europe, brought with them a 
revival of learmng and science The Moham- 
medan conquerors established on the Span- 
ish penmsula such umvcrsiUcs as those of 
Cordova, Murcia, Seville and Toledo From 
these centers of learning, their mfiuencc 
slowly made itself felt over the rest of Europe 

Durmg the Middle Ages, the status of the 
pharmacist was lowered because the physi- 
cian tended to prepare his own medicines 
Separation of pharmacy from medicine began 
to be felt m Europe dunng the lltb century, 
due to the influence of the Moors In the 
Siatuta stve Leges of the southern French 
town of Arles was a rule (supposed to have 
origuutcd between 1162 and 1202) that the 
pharmacist should accurately fill the pre- 
senpuons of the physicians In this ordinance, 
as well as in later similar ordinances, the 
physician was obligated to observe the com- 
pounding, or at least to be present until all 
individual ingredients were collected, by the 
phaimacist These reles provided restrictions 
for both health professiW, forbidding the 
phaimacist to counterpresenbe and the phy- 
sician to dispense 

In 1240, Frcdcnck II of Hohenstaufen 
brought about legislation separating phar- 
macy and mcdicme in the Two Sicilies From 
the 13(h century on, phaimacists m some 
European countries had to swear to fill con- 
scientiously the presenpuons of the physi- 
cians This oath is sull taken m some of those 
couotnes Some time m the 14th ccntuiy, 
specialization m the two professions began 
to appear m England In 1683, the City 
Council of Bruges, Belgium, passed a law 
forbiddmg physicians to prepare their own 
medicines Dr John Morgan, m America, in 
1765 proposed the separauon of pharmacy 
and rocdiane 

Generally speaking, m Anglo-Saxon coua- 
tnes the riglit of the physician to dispense 
has been retained. In England, m 1911, the 
mlroduction of compulsory health insurance 
for employees withm certam income brackets 
required prcscnpiions to be wniicn for tliosc 

Flo I Typical prescription, properly wntten. See text for discussion of the various parts of 
the prescription 

people and hence lumted the right of the 
physician to dispense Certain rules and legu* 
lations (such as pension and ttorkmen s com- 
pensation) in the United States also limit 
the right of the physician to dispense under 
certam conditions, though general/ hts right 
to dispense is still unimpeded 


A prescnption is an order for a medtcme 
or medicines usually wntten as a formula by 
a physician, a dentist, a vctermanaa or some 
odier licensed medical practitioner It con- 
tains the names and the quantities of the de- 
sired substances, with instructions to the 
pharmacist for the preparation of the medi- 
cine and to the patient for the use of the 
medicine at a particular tune 

The prescnption may be (1) a formula 
wntten on a piece of paper, usually a pre- 

scription blank, or (2) it may be wntten by 
the pbaimactst pursuant to the telephoned 
dictation of the physician It may be (3 ) oral 
instructions that direct the use of certam 
drugs or call for the use of some physical 
agent, such as heat. Therefore, oral presenp- 
tioos may or may not concern the pharma- 
cist. The term prescnption is extended also 
to include (4) the finished product, that 
drug or mixture of drugs compounded and 
dispensed by the pharmacist pursuant to the 
instructions of a presenber 


Figure I represents a typical prescription 
properly wntten on a printed blank of the 
type often used m pharmacies for telephoned 
prescnptions and for presenpuons which the 
physician may wish to wnte when be is m 
the pharma^ Along the side of the lUustra- 

4 The Prescription 

tion are numbers mdicating the various parts 
of the prescnpiion 

1 The name and the address of the pa< 
ticnt usually are supplied by the presenber 
If this mformation is laebng on the presenp- 
tion, the pharmacist should add it to keep his 
records complete Reasons for this are obvi- 
ous Federal regulations require this informa- 
tion on narcotic prescriptions The laws of 
some states require the name of the patient 
on all prescriptions 

2 The date on nhich the prescription is 
YiTitfcn usually is supplied by the prescribcr 
According to Federal narcotic regulations, 
narcotic-containmg prescriptions must be 
dated The prescription illustrated in Figure 1 
contains codeme sulfate and is subject to 
control by Federal narcotic regulations 

3 The supersenpUon is written I> and is 
the s>mbol for the Latin word rcape ( take 
thou,’ or ‘you take’), the imperative form 
of the Latin verb recipn? I take ’ 

4 The inscription contains a list of the in- 
gredients and their quantities to be used m 
compounding the prescription 

5 The subscription composes the direc- 
tions to the pharmacist for the compounding 
of the several ingredients into a form suitable 
for use by the patient The class of the prep- 
aration (capsule) IS noted and the number of 
doscs(16) to be prepared is indicated 

6 The tnmscnplion gives the necessary 
directions to the patient for the use of the 
prescnpiion ’(Take) two capsules every 
four hours if needed ” 

7 The name of the presenber may be 
given as on olhcial signature which is re- 
quired by Federal regulations on many nar- 
couc-contammg prescriptions This presenp- 
tion calls for a Qass A narcotic, codeine 
sulfate, m a quantity not more than one grain 
per dose, which, when combined with a ther- 
apeutic dose of aspirin, is converted mto a 
component of a Qass B narcotic so that the 
ofTiaal signature of the presenber is not re- 
quired. Any narcotic prescription falling 
withm the dcfimtioa of a Class B product 
may be accepted orally, in person or by tele- 
phone, by the pharmacist from a physician 
Also necessary on a narcotic prescnpiion, 
such as this, arc the narcotic rcgistciy num 
ber of the presenber and his olficc address 

While there is a decided tendency on the 

part of the medical practitioner to write 
simple, 1 ingredient prcscnptions, there arc 
still some compound prescriptions such as 
the one illustrated m Figure 2 A tj’pical com- 
pound prescription may be considered to have 
4 distinct portions, known as the basis, the 
adjuvant, the corrective and the vehicle The 
basis IS the chief active mgredient In Figure 
2, chloral hydrate is the basis, and from it 
the patient will dtnvc a greater therapeutic 
effect than from any other ingredient Chloral 
h)dratc is a drug with hypnotic action The 
adjuvant is that medicine included to aid or 
assist the basis Sodium bromide is the adju- 
vant here. It has a sedative action due to the 
bromide ion The corrective is that substance 
or those substances added to qualify the ac- 
tion of the basis and the adjuvant Correc- 
tives are used to make other drugs less irn- 
laiing or to serve as flavonng agents The 
syrup of raspberry is added as a flavor 
I^aJly, a vehicle (water m this prescription) 
1 $ added to dilute the active constituents to 
a reasonable dose size 
In a prescnpiion requiring compounding 
by the pharmacist, the quantities of the in- 
gredients and the total amount of the medica- 
uon may be expressed in either apothecaries’ 
or metric units Occasionally, in certain t}pes 
of formulas, the concentration of the active 
constituent is stated m percentage 
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate prescriptions in 
which quantities are expressed m the apothc- 
cones’ sjstem These units arc still used la 
some prcscnptions, but the proportion of 
metric prcscnptions is m die majority and 
IS growing, due to the adoption of the metric 
system m medical schools Any table of units, 
whether It mvohcs weights and measures or 
some other problem such as a monetary sys- 
tem, IS more convemcot to use if it is based 
on the decimal system Tlic use of the mclnc 
system m preference to the apothecaries’ sys- 
tem IS, m most instances, more convenient to 
the physician and the pharmacist 

The metne system is used for formulas and 
doses of products m the t/-S P , the h/ F , the 
NNJ) and the Amcncan Hospital Formu- 
lary Service The sizes of many products and 
the doses of practically all of the individual 
uiuts of the newer products marketed by 
drug manufacturers arc given m the metne 
syatem Sizes and doses of some new products 

Fio 2 Typical compound prescription 

and many of the older products are gives in 
both the metne and the apothecaries’ sys- 

The following prescriptions indicate 2 
methods by which metric quantities may be 


Mercury bichloride 




Pormic acid spirit 


Lavender oil 




Water to make 


In the prescription munediately precedmg, 
the decimal points are placed properly one 
under the other, and it is understood that 
the dry, weighable substances (mercury bi- 
chlonde and resorcinol) are called for in 
grams, whereas the quantities following the 
liquids refer to miUiiiters This prescription 
directs a total volume of 240 ml of solution, 
a quantity which readily can be placed m an 
8-fluidounce bottle Volumes of 100 mL, 200 

ml and other amounts which do not approxi- 
mate apothecary volumes for wbiw con- 
containers are available are not dispensed so 
conveniently Prescription bottles manu- 
factured to contain metric amounts are not 
available at present, although it is probable 
that, as the need becomes more apparent, 
they will be supplied If a iOO-ml presenp- 
tsow vs dispensed vn n 4 oz, botde, the wn- 
tamer will be considerably less than full and 
the partially filled bottle must be explained 
to the average patient. The explanation can 
be accomplished by means of an “excuse 
label” which merely bears the statement that 
the prescnption has been compounded ac- 
cording to the physician’s directions, and, 
owing to the nature of the prescnption, the 
bottle is not filled completely 

A still simpler form of excuse label states 
’Due to nature of contents, this bottle is 
not filled completely ” There are some com- 
binations of mcdicmals which are unsafe 
when dispensed in well filled containers, but 
which can be dispensed safely m oversize 

6 The Prescnpiion 

comamcrs One example u a cough mixture 
composed m part of squill s)rup and am- 
moniurn carbonate The effervescence is slow 
and may not be completed at the umc the 
prescription Ica\cs tbc pharmacy Therefore, 
It is desirable to dispense a 4^z. quantity 
of this combination m a 6<oz. bottle vvhich 
contains the 2*oz. space in uhich the evoUed 
gas can be compressed without danger of 
bursting the bottle 


Codeine phosphate | 48 

Ammonium chlonde 8 [ 

Wild cherry sjrup to make 120 I 

In the prescription immediately preceding, 
the vertical line serves as a decimal point 
Every portion of the number to the left of 
the Ime indicates the whole number of grains 
or milliliters, while the figures to the n^t of 
the line indicate tcnilis, hundredths, etc., of 
a gram or miihhtcr The amount of codeine 

phosphate usually would be read as 480 mg , 
although it might be expressed as 48 eg or 

For convenience, the vertical line may be 
prmted on the prescription blank If it is not 
already on the blank, some physicians make 
a practice of drawing m the vertical line to 
clunioatc misintciprciatton of quantities, os 
illustrated in Figure 3 If die figures colling 
for a senes of ingredients are made m such 
3 manner iliat the decimal pomts do not fall 
one beneath the otiicr, the pharmacist may 
have difficulty m interpreting the presenp- 

Figure 4 illustrates a prescription in which 
the quantities are not WTitten m a straight 
vertical line Tlic quantity of phenol (4 Gm ) 
easily could be read as 0 4 Cm Not only is 
the 4 set over to the nght toward the teaths 
position, but the dot over the / in calcls u so 
located that it might be mistaken for a 
decimal point. The usual quantity ol phenol 

Dosage Caiculohons 7 

m such a dermatologic preparation is be- 
tween 1 and 2 per cent However, since 
sumJar prescriptions wnttea by tins physician 
had been filled at this particular phanna<^, it 
was an easy matter tor the pharmacist to 
interpret the prescnptioa 
If there ever is any doubt on the part of 
the pharmacist as to the latentions of the 
physician, be should telephone the physician 
to have him clarify the questions 
Figure 3 illustrates a prescription that 
necessitates calculation of the amounts of the 
active ingredients Percentage strength m 
ointments is of the weight-m weight t^ 
Sixty Gm is to be the total weight of the 
omtmenL Five per cent of 60 Gtn or 3 Gm 
IS the quantity of salicylic acid to use There 
will be twice this amount (10 per cent of 60 
or 6 Gm ) of benzoic acid required 

Calculations w/w in the apothecancs’ sys- 
tem utilize the figure 480 (grains per ounce) 
If one were to make 1 oz. of a 10 per cent 
omtment of ammomated mercury m white 
omtment, he would use 10 per cent of 480 
or 48 gr of the active constituent and enough 
white omtment (432 gr ) to make the 
finished product up to a total of 480 gr 
The prescription m Figure 5 offers a 
problem m the selection of a vehicle for the 
penicillm solution The pharmacist finds it 
necessary, therefore, to have a good knowl- 
edge of the various buffered, isotonic solu- 

Fig 5 Buffered solution prescription 

tions and the adjustment of pH of these 
vanous solutions In the transcription of this 
prescnption is the abbreviation o u (oculo 
utro), meaning "each eye ” 

As a general rule, Roman numerals are 
used with apothecaries’ umts and Arabic 
figures are used to designate quantities m the 
metnc system The prescnption m Figure 6 
IS unusual m that Roman numerals are used 
with the metric volumetric unit, cc In writ- 
ing the duecuons to the patient, the physician 
used an Arabic figure for 2 drops rather than 
the Roman numeral generally employed with 
such abbreviations 

The quantities of drugs m a prescnption 
often are wnlten for a single dose with m- 
structions to send a specific number of doses 
In the following prescnption, a 5 gr quantity 
of potassium iodide is directed to be dis- 

GS. yf- 

FxO 6 Unusual modem prescnption 

8 Ths Prescnption 

Table 1 Apf’Roxl^^ATE Equivalents in 
Fluid Measure 



Apothecaries Metric 


fl 5 1 



fl 3 a 

8 ml 


fl 3iv 

15 mL 



60 ml 


fl ^iv 

120 ml 


fl ^Vlll 

240 ml 


fl ^ VUl 

236 6 ml • 

* Ajnmcan StanJanh AuccialiM New York 
17 N Y 

solved in enough cherry syrup to make 1 
iluidram Twenty four such doses or 24 
(luidmms (3 fluidounccs) is the (quantity to 
be dispensed The dose ( 1 fiuidrom) is trans- 
lated to the patient as I tcaspoooful The 
required 120 gr or 2 drams of potassium 
iodide should be dissolved m enough of the 
s>rup to male 3 fluidounccs 


Potassii lodidi gr v 

S}rup Cerasi q$ flSi 

M Ft soluuo D t d xuv 
Sig flStmaquatid pc 
The size of the household teaspoon varies 
considerably, and a given teaspoon wiU yield 
diflcrcot volumes of mcdicmc dependent on 
the technic of the person mcosuriog the 
powder or the liquid * In a sundar manner, 
the dessertspoon, the tablespoon and the 
teacup vary in size, depending on the meas- 
uring devices avadablc m diflcrent house- 
holds USP X recognized (he volumes of 
the teaspoon, the dessertspoon and the table- 
spoon to be ‘ 4 cc 8 cc and 15 cc or 1 
fluidrom, 2 fluidrams and 4 fluidroms, re- 
spectively Some ph)siciaas conunuc to wntc 
prescriptions in the apothecaries’ s)stcm (see 
preceding prescription), m such eases, 
wherever fluidram is cmpIo)cd it is assumed 
to mean teaspoonful hfcdicmc graduates ore 
available, those cunemly seen in pharmacies 
ore standardized m terms of 8 icospoonfuls 
to the fluidouncc Accordingly, the household 
measures would have the values indicated in 
columns 2 and 3 of Table 1 

In view of tlie fact that the American 
Standards Association has established on 

Amencon Standard Teaspoon as contammg 

4 93 ci: 0 24 ml , and recognizing that the 
majonty of people will use teaspoons ordi- 
narily available m the household for the ad- 
ministration of medicine, the U S P Revision 
Committee specified m USP XV that the 
teaspoon may be regarded as being equiva- 
lent to 5 ml Onginally, the Committee added 
that the dessertspoon and the tablespoon may 
be Kgarded as representmg 10 and IS ml , 
respectively, but this last statement was not 
included m the USP text USP XVI 
specifies that the teaspoon is equivalent to 

5 ml 

'The Amencaa Standards Association 
recognized 14 fl 5 as the apoihccancs’ equiv- 
alent of the teaspoon The Aracncan Stand- 
ards tablespoon ts 14 79 it 0 73 ml (VS 11 
and the cupful is 236 6 ± H S ml (8 
fl 3) 

It should be pointed out that tables of 
household measurement in cookbooks also 
recognize 3 tcaspoonfuls as bemg equal to 
1 tablcspoooful 

Some manufacturers, in labeling oral 
liquid preparations intended to be admmis- 
ter«i in teaspoonful quantities, specify the 
quantity of medicinal contained m 1 tea- 
spoonful to be 5 ml 'Thus, approximately 
only 6 doses are available m I uuidounce of 
liquid However, a few manufacturers specify 
(he quantity of mcdicmal in a 4 ml tcaspoon- 
ful. accordingly, there are approximately 7Vi 
such doses m each fluidouncc of liquid Such 
labeling IS found for products which have 
been on the market for some ) cars 

Another unit of volumetric measure which 
vanes considerably is the drop This unit is 
used to measure doses of potent remedies and 
frequently is confused with the mmun The 
mmim is alwa)s one sixtieth of a fluidram, 
but the drop vanes m size depending on a 
number of factors One factor contnbuting 
to the vanability of the size of the drop is 
the surface from which the liquid is dropped, 
iQcludmg the external dianjcier of the de- 
livery end of the tube if a tube is used to 
produce the drops Other factors affecting the 
size of the drop arc surface tension, die den- 
sity and the temperature of the liquid and 
the rate at which the drops are formed 

The USP. defines the official medicmc 
dropper as having a delivery end 3 mm. m 

Prescription Procedure 9 

external diameter and adjusted to deliver 20 
drops of water, the total weight of which is 
between 0 9 and 1 1 Gm , at a temperature 
of 15‘’C 

Standard droppers will deliver drops of 
relatively uniform size with a given liquid, but 
may give drops of a different size with an- 
other liquid A dropper which delivers 20 
drops per milliliter of water may deliver as 
many as 50 drops per milliliter of alcohol 
Therefore, it is necessary to consider the 
nature of the liquid bemg measured and to 
adjust the dose accordingly 

The pharmacist may prepare a number of 
stock solutions which commonly are used m 
such small quantities that it is desirable to 
express these quantities m terms of drops 
Liquefied phenol, amaranth solution, solu- 
tions of other coloring agents and flavoring 
oils Of alcoholic solutions thereof serve as 
examples If these solutions are stored in 
dropper bottles, the dropper of which has 
been standardized for the particular liquid 
Its bottle contains, the process of compound- 
ing can be facilitated 


Latm has been used as the language of the 
prescription because it is the language of sci- 
entific nomenclature and is used m the sci- 
ences in general Smce it is a dead language. 
It is less likely to be altered than are the mod- 
em languages It is a umversal language, 
Latm tenns are definite, whereas the ver- 
nacular names of drugs are characteristic of 
certam localities Latin was the language 
of oUcial nomenclature until publication of 
USP XIIl and N F VIII, when English 
titles were hsted first and I^tin titles were 
placed second US P XVI and N F XI do 
not list Latm titles 

The majority of prescriptions today pre- 
sent a mixture of English and Latm The 
names of the ingredients are usually m Eng- 
lish or m an abbreviated form which may 
represent either Enghsh or Latm titles, while 
the directions to the pharmacist and to the 
patient commonly are in abbreviated Latm 
Only very rarely is a prescription written en- 
tirely m Latm There are many prescriptions 
calling for the specialty products of drug 

manufacturers which are designated by titles 
mcapable of ready Latmization 

So long as any Latm words or abbrevia- 
tions appear m prescnptions, the pharmacist 
must be able to mterpret them correctly This 
problem is not usually a difiicult matter as 
the terms most commonly used are recog- 
nizable at a glance after sufficient expenence 
has been gamed 

The abihty to explam why the vanous 
terms possess their particular grammatical 
coostnictjon is quite another story One must 
have a knowledge of the vanous declensions 
of nouns and adjectives, the conjugation of 
verbs, the uses of prepositions and, occa- 
sionally, the interpretation of idiomatic ex- 
pressions Latm is a highly mfiected language 
The changes m the words, or inflections, are 
used in Latm to show case and number of 
nouns, case, number and gender of adjec- 
tives, and voice, tense, mood, person and 
number of verbs 

There arc 6 cases for Latin nouns and ad- 
jectives, but only 2 of these are used exten- 
sively m pharmacy — nommative and geni- 
tive The stem of the word is that portion 
which does not change lo any of the various 
mflected forms To the stem is added the 
necessaiy ending to form each case One ex- 
ample will suffice at this pomt The Latin 
for tincture is tmctura (nommative case) 
and the Latm for belladonna is belladonna 
(nommative case) The stems of the words 
are tinctur and belladonn, respectively The 
prescription form for tmcture of bell^onna 
is uncturae beWadonnae (both words m the 
gemtive case for limitation) 

For 3 complete discussion of the subject, 
the student is referred to one of the textb^ks 
devoted entirely to pharmaceutical Latm* 
In Table 2 are listed pharmaceutically use- 
ful Latm \w3rds and phrases with them ab- 
breviations and meanmgs 

Receiving the Prescription 

hi the majority of pbannacies, it is the 
practice to have a registered pharmacist per- 
sonally receive the prescnption from the pa- 
tient or the person who presents the pre- 
senpuon for the patient The pharmacist can 
serve in this capacity m a more dignified and 

noi Table 2. Lati»j Words AND Phrases 

Term or Phrase 




acid, Ac. 

an acid 



to, up to 

addaturcum tntu 

add. cumtnL 

adde, addatur 


add, let be added 

ad libiium 


at pleasure, as much as one pleases 

admove, admovcatur 


apply, Jet be applied 

ad partes do(cDtes 

ad part, ddent. 

to the painful parts 

agiu, agitetur 


shaLc, sltr, let it be shaken or stirred 

albus, >3, 'Um 




an ampul 


aa. aa 

of each 




ante cibos 


before meals 

ante cibum 


before food 



an onlitoua 



aqua bullieos 

aq bulL 

boiling water 

aqua dcstdlata 

aq dest 

distilled water 

aqua fcr>ciu 

aq ferv. 

hot water 

aqua foatis 

aq font 

spnng water 

aqua pura 

aq pur. 

pure water 

aromaticus, ^a, -um 





balneum vapom 

balo. >3p. 

a steam bath 







bum die 


twice a day 

bis terve m die 


2 or 3 times a day 



a bromds 


calc , Ca 




let him take 

capsula, cspsulae 

cap , caps 

a capsule, capsules 






a cataplasm, poultice 









paper, powder 

charta ccrata 

chart cent. 

waxed paper 



papen, powdea 



(small) paper, powder 




cochleare ampluni 

coeb. ampi 


cochleare magnum 



cochleare medium 

coch. mc^ 


cochleare parvum 

coeb. parv. 







nasal douche 



on eye lotion, an c)ewash 

compositus, -a, -um 

comp .CO. 



cong ,c. 

a gallon 

consperge, coospergantur 


sprinkle, let be sprinkled 

contmus, -a, -um 






cum aqua 


With water 

da. delur, dentur 

d., dec 

give, let be given 



a decoction 

Table 2 Latin Words and Phrases {Continued) 1 1 1 J 

Term or Phrase 





having gone to bed 



let be swallowed 



a dentifrice 

demur tales doses 

d t d 

give of such doses 

diebus al terms 

dieb alt 

on alternate days 

dilutus, a, um 


dilute (adj ), diluted 

dunidius, a, um 


one half 




dispcnsa, dispeosctur 


dispense, let be dispensed 

dividatur la partes aequales 

div mpar aeq 

let be divided into equal parts 

divide, dividatur 


divide, let be divided 






a dose 

durante dolore 

dur dot 

while pam lasts 



an eliXir 



a plaster 






an essence, spint 




ex aqua 

ex aq 

m water 

ex modo praescripto 


ID the manner prescribed 



an extract 









let them be made 



let It be made 

fiat lege axtis 


let be made according to the law ol 
the ait 












a gargle 










granum, grana 


a gram, grains 

gutta, guUae 

drop, drops 



drop by drop 

bora decubitus 

hor decub 

at bed hour, at bedtime 

bora somni 

h s 

at bedtime 






m, into, within 


m aq 

m water 

in aqua buUiente 

in aq bull 

m botliog water 

m die 

ID d. 

JO a day 



an infusion 







IQ Vitro 


in glass 



an iodide 





la vat 

a wash 

lege artis 

1 a. 

by the law of the art 






a Iimment 



a liquor, solution 

Table 2 Latin Words A^D Phrases (.Continued) 

Term or Phrase 





a lotion 



amagma, niUlc 

magnus, a, Hjm 




man pnm. 

first thing m the mormng 




mnhiu, a, um 








you mix 

nusce cxactusime 

M eucL 

mix most exactly 



a mixture 

nuttc, mittatur, mittontur 


you send, let it or them be scot 

nutte tolls, mute tales 

milt loj 

send such 



moderate sued 

modo dictu 

M diet 

as directed 

modo praescnpto 

mod pracs,mp 

m the manner presenbed 





mor diet 

m the manner direded 



a mucilage 






a spray 

nthi! album 

mhd alb 

zinc oxide 



at night 

node maneque 

noct nuncq 

night and monung 

non repctatur 

non rep 

do not repeat 






a pint 

oculo dextro 

ocul dext 

in the ngbt eye 

oculo sumtfo 

ocul simst 

m the left eye 

oculo utro 

ou.ocul uiro.O) 

cache) 6 



toothache drops 



on oleoie 



an olcoresui 



Oil sugar 



an oil 

omoi hora 

omn. hor 

cscry hour 

omnl mane vcl node 

omn m«n >cl nod 

every mormog or night 

omnt quaiu hora 

omn. 4 hr 

every 4 hours 




omol sccunda hora 

omn 2 hr 

every second hour 

omnr tcrtia bora 

omn lert hor 

every 3 hours, every third hour 

optimus, a, -um 


the best 

partes aequalea 


equal ports 


part vicibus 

m div ided parts (doses) 

parvus, a, •um 





a paste 



lozenge, pastille 

per diem 


per day 

per os 

per os 

by mouth 



a petroxolin 



a phosphate 

pilula, pJulae 


a pill, pills 



I please 









put, pface 

post ctbum, post cibos 


after food, after meals 

Table 2 Latin Words and Phrases (Continued) 113] 

Term or Phrase 






pro dose 

pros dos 

for a dose 

pro ratione aetatis 

pro raL aetatis 

according to age 

pro recto 

pro rect 


pro re nata 


as occasion anses 

pro urethra 



pro usu externo 

pro us ext 

for external use 

pro vagina 

pro va^n 


pulvjs, pulveres 


a powder, powders 

pulvis grossus 

pulv gros 

coarse powder 

puivts tenuis 

pulv tenu. 

fine powder 




quantum libet 

as much as you wish 

quantum placet 

q plac 

as much as you please 

quantum sufScit 


as much as suffices 

quantum vis 

q VIS 

as much as you wish 

quantum voluens 

q vol 

as much as you wish 

quaque hora 

qq hor 

every hour 

quater m die 

4 Ld , qj d. 

4 tunes a day 



a root 





take thou 

reductus in pulverem 

red mpulv 

reduced to powder 




ruber, rubra, rubrum 






saturatus, a, um 



secundum artem 

s a 

according to art 

secundum legem 


according to law 







semi, semis 


one half 



half hour 



one and one half 

signa, signetur 


write, let be wntten 






at toe same time 




sine aqua 

sine aq 

without water 

SI opus sit 

Slop sit,sos 

if there is need 


sod , Na 




a solution 

solutio saturata 

sol sat 

a saturated solution 






a species, tea 



a spmt 

spiritus vini rectiiicatus 

sp vin reel , s V r 


spmtus vini tenuis 

sp V 10 ten , s vt> 

proof spmt, diluted alcohol 






a sulfate 

sumat talem 

sum tal 

take one such 

same, sumcndus 


take, to be taken 




suppositona rectalia 

suppos rect 

rectal suppositones 



a suppository 



a syrup 

14 The Prescription 

Table 2. Latin Words and Phrases {Continued) 

Term or Phrase 



tabella, tabellae 


tablet, tablets 




tales doses 

tal dos 

such doses 

tails, tales, talia 





3 times, tbnee 

tere stmul 

ter simul 

rub together 

ter m die 


3 times a day 



3 or 4 tunes a day 



a tiDcture 



a poison tablet 



a trituration 

irochiscus, trochisct 


a troche, troches 






an ointment 

unguentiun moUe 

uagt moU 

soft ointment 

ut dictum 

ut diet 

as told, as directed 

utendum more solitio 

utend mor sol 

use in the usual manner 



a vaccine 






a wine 

vindis. •« 



volatilis, >0 






unus, a, * 011 ] 



duo, duae, duo 

u. 11 


tree, tna 

III. Ut 












































xvui. XVIII 








vigmli unus 










xl, XL 




















Prescription Procedure 15 

a more efficient manner than can some other 
employee of ihe phannacy There may be 
questions asked by the patient which need 
ffie attention of the pharmacist 
If the patient’s name and address do not 
appear on the prescription, the receiver should 
obtain this mfoimation If the prescnpUon 
IS mtended for a child, the age of the patient 
for whom the medicine is intended should be 
recorded on the prescnpUon Somcphysicmns 
supply this mfotmation on the order 

The receiver of the prescnption should 
ascertam whether the pauent (or his agent) 
wishes to wait for the medicine, return for it 
at some specified ume or have it delivered 
On this information will depend the order m 
which the prescriptions then m the pharmacy 
will receive the attetiuon of those compound- 
mg Well-designed pharmacies have waiting 
areas provided for those who wait for their 

Processing the Prescription 
Some of the larger pharmacies use a claim- 
check system to prevent mistakes m handimg 
prescnptions A pilot sheet such as that illus- 
trated m Figure 7 may be used Hus sheet 
has a space for the pauent's name and ad- 

dress and spaces where the receiver can place 
his idenuty and note whether the pauent will 
wait for his prescnpUon or return for it later 
The pilot sheet is divided mto 2 parts, de- 
signed so that the smaller part can be tom oil 
and can be used as a claim check The ma]or 
poition of the sheet cames the same number 
as the claim check and follows the written 
order through the pharmacy while the medi- 
cine IS prepared This claim-check number, 
of course, bears no relaUonship to the senal 
number that will be assigned to the presenp- 
Uon and the finished product. Most pharma- 
cists using the pilot-sheet system stamp the 
current date on both the claim-check portion 
and the remamder of the pilot sheet Some- 
Umes this date is of value m keepmg records 
The pilot sheet and the prescnpUon are 
taken by some compounder who puts his 
uuuals m the space provided for his idenUty 
and then proceeds to fill the prescnpUon 
When the prescnption i$ labeled, Ihe senal 
number of the prescnpUon is stamped on the 
pilot sheet as well as on the label and the 
pharmacist sets down m the space provided 
the price to be charged for the product The 
pilot sheet is attached to the finished product 
and these arc laid aside to be claimed. Space 

16 The Prescnption 

IS provided on the sheet for the lisuag of ad- 
ditional purchases If the bill is paid, the 
cash register stamps the amount paid on the 
pilot sheet If the bill is to be charged, the 
pilot sheet is so marked and is sent to the 
bookkeeper, who makes the proper charges 

Many prescriptions are received from the 
physician by telephone In fact, many phar- 
macies have duect-Ime telephones with phy- 
sicians who need only to lift the receiver of 
their ofSce telephone to speak personally 
with one of the pharmacists in that particu- 
lar pharmacy The telephone saves much of 
the physician’s time either while he is visiUng 
bis patients m their homes or while be is m 
his olBce, because he does not have to wnte 
out the prescriptions 

Usually, the pharmacist taking the dic- 
tated prescription over the telephone will first 
write It out m abbreviated form on scratch 
paper and m a few moments wnte out the 
good copy which is to be kept on file The 
pharmacist must use care m ukmg presenp- 
tioos by telephone that he gets them correctly 
If any question anses about the phystetao’s 
wishes, the pharmacist should hold the con- 
versation o^n until he is sure he has the 
prescription correctly in mind and enough 
of It on paper to transfer that mformation m 
Its enure mtent to the good copy 

One real advantage of the telephone to 
both the pharmacist and the physician is that 
It develops a good interprofessional relauoo- 
ship Wtule the pharmacist bos the physician 
on the telephone, he can quesuon any possi- 
ble mcompaiibiliues Many times, the phy- 
sician mquircs about new drugs or new fonns 
of adnunistration The pharmacist can be of 
real service as a consultant to the physician 
if he studies the new products and is ^ert m 
ansHenng the physician’s questions 


Dispensing mcludcs reading the presenp- 
Uon, checking the presenphon for safety, 
compounding and/or mcasunng the mcdica- 
uon, packaging the mcdicauon, labelmg the 
presenpuon, checkmg the presenpuon, rc- 
cordmg infonnauon on the prescription and 
filing the presenpuon 

Dispensing pharmacy is the final step in 

the presentaUon of medicaments m a form 
suitable for administrauon to the pauent Al- 
though dispensmg pharmacy is based on 
sound scientific principles, it is desenbed os 
an art, and much of the personality of the 
pharmacist is evidenced by the prescnptions 
which he compounds 

Neatness, accuracy and speed are 3 quali- 
Ues that must be developed by the mdi- 
vidual who wishes to become a dispensmg 
pharmacist Neatness and accuracy must be 
developed first, speed comes with expe- 

Nothing can impede the progress of a 
pharmacist as much as a disarranged counter 
on which to compound his presenpuons A 
slovenly dispenser wdl never become a good 
one The habit of leaving bottles and utensils 
in disorder on the counter, or of allowmg 
dirty apparatus and contamers to collect on 
or in the prescription case, mdicates an un- 
disaplmed atutude which will not express 
itselx m accuracy 

In many smt^er pharmacies, only a small 
part of the pharmacist’s ume is spent in the 
compounding of presenpuons Whatever the 
rauo of professionalism to merchandising, a 
portion of the pharmacy should be set apart 
wherein the compounding of presenpuons 
can be conducted without intemipuon 

Dunng the time a pharmacist is com- 
pounding any one prcscripUon, that pre- 
senpuon should be given his undivided at- 
tention NVhen his attention is not devoted 
cnUrely to the presenpuon, errors arc likely 
to creep m For this reason, it iS a good 
polity to keep the presenpuon room clear of 
everyone except the pharmacist If visitors 
do happen to come m, the pharmacist should 
complete his visiting and then return to his 

Reading the Prescription 

The legibihty of a presenpUon depends 
on the experience of a pharmacist as well as 
the penmanship of the medical pracuuoner 
A pharmacist who is accustomed to handling 
pniscnptions wntten by certam physicians 
will cxpcncncc no diQicuIty in reading them, 
whereas another pharmacist may have trouble 
with portions of the orders As the pharma- 
cist becomes more experienced m rccogniz- 

Dispensing fhe Prescription 17 

mg certam drug combinations and diarac- 
teristic directions for the compounding and 
the uses of those combmations, he finds it 
easier to read prescnptions 

A pharmacist with experience m readmg 
the penmanship of the physician who wrote 
the prescription m Figure 8 probably would 
have little difficulty in mterpreting his inten- 
tions The inexperienced pharmacist, how 
ever, might have considerable trouble in 
reading it, and might even find it necessary 
to consult the physician The prescnption 
calls for a half ounce of horse serum oint- 
ment and an equal quantity of Bates* oint- 
ment with 2*/4 per cent silver nitrate, to be 
mixed and dispensed m a collapsible tube 
with a rectal tip applicator The patient is 
directed to mseit the ointment at bedtime 
daily for 7 days 

Fig 8 Prescription presenting a problem 
in legibility 

Age (in months) 

X Adult dose = Infant’s dose 

Dr Clark’s Rule assumes the average 
weight of an adult to be 150 pounds There- 

Checking the Prescription for Safety 
Before a pharmacist attempts to com- 
pound a prescnption, he must understand 
all of It thoroughly He must be satisfied that 
there are no dangerous overdoses or mcom- 
patibilities If any portion of the prescnption 
IS not understood, or if be has detected an 
mcompatibility, he should consult the phy- 
sician who wrote the order Many pharma 
cists hesitate to call the medical practitioner 
about these matters, but, if the calls are 
executed tactfully, there is no reason why 
they should not create a better understand 
mg between the men of both professions 
The dose of each drug m a prescnption 
should be checked carefully by the pharma- 
cist before he proceeds to fill the prescnp- 
tion It should be emphasized that, m the 
event of injunes or fatalities from prescnp- 
tions containmg overdoses of dnigs, the 
pharmacist can be held criminally liable 
Those factors which the pharmacist should 
take mto account m judging the danger or 
the safety of a dose of medicme follow 
Age or Weight of the Patient Tliere are 
a number of methods for calculating the 
fractional part of the average adult dose 
which an i^ant or a child can take safely 
One method (Dr Frieds Rule) is based on 
the assumption that an adult dose of a drug 
can be tolerated safely by a child when be 
reaches the age of ISO months Therefore, 

Weight of 

child in pounds . ^ 

jjg X Adult dose w Child s dose 

As a general rule, a naturally heavy individ- 
ual can withstand larger doses of medicines 
than a person of less weight 

Dr Youngs Rule is very popular 

Ag^+ 12 ^ — ChJds dose 

Dr Cowling’s Rule is based on age m 
years at next birthday (present age +1) 

■ — X Adult dose = Child s dose 


Route of Administration. Companson of 
the oral doses of drugs with the mtravenous, 
the intramuscular, the subcutaneous or the 
rectal doses of the same drugs shows that 
no valid rule can be estabhshed for predict- 
mg the parenteral or the rectal dose of a 
drug from the oral dose Drugs which are 
absorbed completely from the gastromtesti- 
nal tract will probably have equal parenteral 
and oral doses, whereas drugs which are 
poorly absorbed by the oral route will have 
smaller doses parenterally than orally The 
pharmacist must know the range of s^e and 
cffwuve doses for the prescribed drug when 
admmistered by the presenbed route Since 
many drugs cannot be admmistered safely 


The Pfescriphon 

by all parenteral routes, the pharmacist 
should also make certam that the prescribed 
route of admimstratiOQ is safe for the par- 
ticular drug 

Fharmaccuticfll Dosage Form. The vehicle 
of a prcscnption or die degree of subdivision 
of a solid drug m the particular dosage form 
affects the safety and the therapeutic elEcacy 
of the prescription K polyethylene gl>col 
IS used as the base for an ointment contain- 
ing benzoic acid and salicylic acid, the con- 
centrations of the acids should be only half 
what they would be if a hydrocarbon oint 
ment base were employed, because the acids 
are more active m the polyethylene glycol 
base than they arc m the hydrocarbon base 
The degree of subdivision of an active drug 
also may affect its therapeutic activity and 
potential toxicity Agam using an omtmcnt 
as an example, if polysorbate 80 is mixed 
ivith coal tar prior to incorporation of coal 
tar mto the ointment base, a lower concen- 
tration of coal tar must be presenbed This 
IS due to the fact that the subdivision of coal 
tar brought about by prior mixture with the 
polysorbate 80 results m a more pronounced 
action on the sbn This subject will be more 
thoroughly discussed in Chapter 2 

Frequency of Admmistration. If the drug 
has a fleeting action, there should be little 
concent about the short intervals of time be- 
tween doses On the other band, many potent 
drugs have a cumulative action Toxic mani- 
festations may appear, even though the m- 
dmdual dose appears to be safe, if the fre- 
quency of administration is too great. There 
should be more concern about these drugs 
when prcscnplions of large quantity are 
ordered which make possible a large num- 
ber of doses over a short time Among such 
cumulative drugs arc bishydroxyooumann, 
digitoxm and thyroid 

Sometimes, the author of a prescription 
has a parucularly good reason for the appar- 
ent overdose of a drug and he perhaps in- 
tends the dose he has prescribed, but the 
pharmacist nevcrtlicless should consult the 
practitioner to satisfy himself that the dose 
IS correct 

There arc many factors mvolvcd conccra- 
mg the safely of a given dose which the phy- 
sician alone has the opportunity of knowing 
A nervous person usually requires a greater 
quantity of sedauve than a nonnal person. 

whereas a phlegmatic person usually requires 
a quantity of stimulant that seems abnor- 
mally large The doctor’s patient may have 
developed a tolerance for certam drugs and 
consequently need abnormally large doses 
for the desired effect Gross tolerances may 
exist in the patient who may have been tak- 
mg one sedative for some time and has de- 
veloped a tolerance for other member seda- 
tives of the group as well as the one taken 
Pathologic conditions sometimes demand 
larger doses of certain drugs There may be 
an unusually large amount of pam accom- 
panying the conation and abnormally large 
doses of narcotic may be required These are 
some of the charactcnstics pertammg to the 
patient which only the physician knows 
When he writes the prcscnption, he could 
underlme the drug and the quantity to direct 
the pharmacist’s attention to the fact that he 
IS aware of the unusual dose be has called 
for TheleilersQR (quantum rectum, quan- 
tify venfied or correct), both apothecancs* 
and metric systems or both Arabic flgures 
and Roman numerals may be used for the 
same purpose 


A number of years ago the majority of 
prescriptions required compoundmg, that is, 
the pharmacist weighed or measured several 
dru^ and combmed them into one com- 
patible, easily admmistercd dosage form 
Today, relauvciy few prcscnptions mvolve 
compounding (as few as I per cent m some 
localities), but the pharmacist must still 
possess the knowledge and the skill m com- 
pounding to the same degree that be for- 
merly did, so that he can prepare the pre- 
senptions and special formulations that arc 
called for In fact, with the development of 
new pharmaceutical aids — surface active 
agents, suspending agents, preservatives, syn- 
thetic flavors — today’s pharmacist has more 
opportunity to use his specialized skills than 
did his predecessor The exapicnts and the 
procedures he uses in compounding may 
have a pronounced effect on the thcrspcutio 
efficacy of the drug 

No one set procedure can be designed for 
compoimding ml prescriptions Each class of 
prescription and, oftentimes, each presenp- 
tion wtihm the class requues its own cbarac- 
icnsuc procedure The properties of the m- 

Dispensing the Prescription 19 

gredients and even their quantities alter the 
methods that should be emplo)ed to fill the 
prescnption For a complete discussion of 
prescriptions represenlmg each of the vari- 
ous classes of pharmaceutical preparations» 
see the respective chapters m which they are 

Two essential factors m the compoundmg 
of prescnptions are quahtative and quanti- 
tative accuracy Quahtative accuracy is prob- 
ably the more important of the two, but re- 
sults of either qualitative or quantitative 
maccuracy are obvious The most important 
precaution to be observed m the achieve- 
ment of qualitative accuracy is to check the 
labels of the contamers of stock drugs 

After the pharmacist has read and thor- 
oughly understands the prescnption, he 
should assemble all the mgredients on the 
prescription case, placing ^em on the left 
side of the balance and in the order m which 
they will be used As this procedure is earned 
out, he compares the labels of the containers 
with the names of the drugs on the prescnp- 
tion When he weighs or measures the pre- 
senbed quantity of each mgredient, he should 
lace the stock bottle on the right side of his 
alance, again comparmg the labels of the 
contamers with the names of the drugs on the 
prescription Then he is ready to mix the in 
gredients m the proper order to make the 
finished prescription 

As soon as the pharmacist is through with 
the stock contamers, he should return (hem 
to their proper storage places By foUowmg 
such a procedure, the pharmacist reads the 
label on each stock container 3 tunes and 
reads the inscnption of the prescription 3 
tunes while he is filling the presenpuon — 
once when the bottle is taken from the shelf 
and placed on the prescnption case, agam 
when the weigjung or the measurement is 
made and, finally, when the stock bottle is 
returned to its proper place on the shelf 

Much has been written on the subject of 
presenpuon tolerances PresenpUons have 
been analyzed and attempts have been made 
to establish legal tolerances Regardless of 
what tolerances eventually may be estab- 
lished, the pharmacist should make every 
effort to compound his presenpUons ac- 

The P and the A F have established 

mdividual standards for official preparaUons, 
and most of them seem to approximate a 
penmtted error of rt: 5 per cenL This degree 
of accuracy is sufficiently precise for nearly 
all thetapeuUc purposes and can be achieved 
with equipment ordmanly available m the 
pharmacy, in fact, with care, it is possible 
to compound with a greater degree of quan- 
titaUve accuracy than an error of 5 per cent. 
Nevertheless tins value will be selected for 
the discussion which follows 

It should be understood clearly that noth 
mg should ever be said or done to pardon 
maccuracy On no account are carelessness 
and any tendencies to approximate to be 
permitted m any of the acts of dispensmg It 
must be emphasized that accurate compound- 
mg cannot be achieved by considering it a 
procedure to be pracuced only under certam 
circumstances It can be achieved only by 
developing an exactmg technic and by ngidly 
adhenng to such technic regardless of the 
pharmacists opinion of the necessi^ for ac- 
curacy m any particular prescnption He can- 
not decide to compound carefully and exactly 
one time and to approxunate on the next 

In mamtainmg a satisfactoiy degree of ac 
curaqr in compoundmg, not only must the 
medicinal substances be weighed or measured 
with care, but also these ingredients must be 
handled m a manner to prevent losses of 
drugs and diluent m completing the prescnp- 
tion Care must be exercised m transfemng 
weighed materials and m pounng viscous 
flui^ from ^aduates to make certain all of 
each mgredient is present m the final mix- 
ture Furthermore, if the prescnption calls 
for mdividual doses, each dosage form must 
contam an accurate fraction of the total 
medicmal products present The dosage form 
may be either a weighable quantity or a 
measured volume Most of the potent medi- 
cmal substances are solids Therefore dis- 
cussion of weighing will precede that of meas- 
urement of volume 

A prescnption balance m good condition 
is usually sufficiently accurate to weigh faidy 
large quantities withm the limits of S per 
cent, but its ability to weigh small quantities 
within these limits depends on its sensitivity 
The sensitivity of a balance may be defin^ 
as the small^t weight which will disturb the 

20 The Prescription 

equilibrium of the balance and is determiDed 
in the following manner 

Carc/uliy adjust the balance to eqmlibnum 
and arrest the beam Place the smabestwei^t 
on a pan and release the beam If the equi- 
librium is undisturbed, anest the beam and 
replace the weight with the next larger weight 
If this weight does not upset the equihbniim, 
repeat the process until the mmimum weigjit 
which Will do so IS found. This piirumum 
weight designates the sensitivity of the bal- 
ance and may be as little as 1 or 2 mg (high 
scnsiuvity) Wear on the beanngs and cor- 
rosion of knife edges cause a progressive de- 
cline in sensitivity and it is not unusual to 
find a balance with a sensitivity as low as 
10 mg Torsion balances of 120 Cm capac- 
ity have a sensitivity of 2 mg when new and, 
with proper care and techmc m use, declme 
little m sensitivity because of lack of bearmg 

The method of designating sensitivity de- 
scribed above is not to be confused with 
sensibility reaprocal, which is the amount of 
weight which must be added to one pan m 
order to produce a change of one division on 
the index plate m the rest pomt of the 

The sensitivity of the balance is imponant 
when determining possible errors m weigh- 
ing small quantities For example, if 100 mg 
IS weighed on a balance having a sensitivity 
of 2 mg , the actual weight wdl be between 
98 rog and 102 mg., a possible error of 
± 2 per cent If the sensitivity of the balance 
IS S mg , the actual weight will be between 
95 mg and 105 mg , a possible error of ±: 5 
per ccDL II the scasjtjvjiy d the balance js 
10 mg, the actual weight will be between 
90 mg and 1 10 mg , a possible error of 10 
per cent If one wished to achieve an accu- 
racy of ± 5 per cent, he would have to weigh 
a minimum of 20 limes the sensitivity of the 
balance Since there arc often other opera- 
tions subsequent to the initial weighmg, it is 
not good policy to weigh the minimum, but 
rather to weigh 30 or even 40 tunes the sen- 
sitivity of the balance %Vhcn more than one 
operation is mvolvcd in compounding, pos- 
sible errors may cancel each other or they 
may be additive. In the latter case it is obvi- 
ous why more than 20 tunes the sensitm^ 
of the balance should be weighed 

When the desued quantity of medicma] 
IS too small to be weired with the selected 
accuracy, the pharmacist can follow one of 
several procedures Tablets of the medicmal 
substance may be used, provided that they 
are available ui such strength that a number 
of them will contam exactly the quantity 
needed for the prescription and, also, pro- 
vided that excipients and Ellers m the tab- 
lets are not objectionable mgredients m the 
prescnption Dispensmg tablets of the me- 
dicmal may be available for use m the pre- 
scription However, it is quite unlikely that 
the quantity of medicmal needed would be 
exaedy satisfied by one or a segment of the 
dispensmg tablet Furthermore, even if a 
segment contained exactly the desired quan- 
tity, it would be difficult to procure a seg 
ment which would be an accurate fraction of 
the tablet 

A third possibihty is the use of triturations 
of potent medicinals prepared in quanuties 
large enou^ to mamtain accuracy of the 
pr^uct These inturations varv la strength 
(usually from \9o to 10%) dependmg on 
the requirements for these ddutioos and are 
kept ID stock for compounding prcscnptioas 
Which call for small quantities of potent 

i^quot Method of Weiglung and Meas- 
uring. A fourth procedure for weighing or 
mcasurmg veiy small quantiues of drug is 
known as the Ahquot method. An excess of 
the drug equal to a multiple of the quantity 
needed IS weighed or measured, and is di- 
luted to a convement weight or volume Then 
the aliquot, or part of the dilution which rep- 
resents the desired quantity of drug, is used 
m the prcscnptJon This method is illustrated 
by the foUowmg example 

Atropme sulfate gr V* 

Dist. water q.s ad 13 1 

M ct Ft Sol 

Sig Gtt u ex. aq 10* before feeding 
The sensitivity of the balance is 3 mg , 
therefore, m order to have an error no greater 
than lit: 5 per cent at least 60 mg must be 
weighed The pharmacist may weigh 1 gr 
of atropme sulfate (four tunes the amount 
needed), place the drug in a small graduate 
and add enough distilled water to give a 

Dispensing the Prescription 21 

volume of 4 fluidrams Smce he has weired 
four tunes the amount of atropme sulfate 
needed, he then uses ^ of ±e solution 
(which then contains gr of atropme sul- 
fate) m the prescnption To the 1 fluidram 
of atropme sulfate concentrated solution he 
adds sufficient distilled water to make 1 
flmdounce This prescription could be filled 
just as well (or probably better) by weigh- 
mg SIX times the amount of atropme sulfate 
actually needed, placmg it m sufficient dis- 
tilled water to give a volume of 6 firndrams 
of solution and then usmg 1/6 of the con- 
centrated atropme sulfate solution in the pre- 
scnption niere are several correct methods 
of filling each, prescnption when usmg the 
Ahquot method The important rule ts, the 
particular muUple of the amount needed 
which IS weighed or measured is the same 
factor by which the resultmg powder or solu- 
tion must be divided m order to obtam the 
quantity of diluted drug to use m die pre- 
scnption The pharmacist chooses a quan- 
tity of diluent which will give him a volume 
or weight of diluted drug which can be di- 
vided amveniently by the multiple he has 
chosen for the pure drug and which will give 
an aliquot large enough to be measured ac- 
curately The pharmacist must at all tunes 
keep m mind limitations of his balance, 
graduates, and pipets Other examples and 
explanations follow 


Benzalkomiun chlonde 1 SOOO 

m sVenle buS« ^ciuViou q s ad 30 red 

MiSig gtl,iOUq4hr 

Benzalkonium chlonde concentrate solu- 
tion IS 17 per cent m strength A volume of 
0 035 ml of the concentrate is needed for 
this prescnption This volume cannot be 
measured accurately, even with a pipet grad- 
uated m 0 01 ml However, a volume 10 
iimeit that needed, or 0 35 ml , can be meas- 
ured accurately with this pipet A volume of 
0 35 mL of the concentrate (ten tunes the 
amount needed) is added to enough sterile 
buffer solution to give a vxilume of 10 ml 
Then l/IO of this volume (1 0 ml , which 
contains 0 035 ml of the ben^komum chlo- 
nde concentrate) is placed m a 30-01] grad 
uate, and sufficient stenle buffer solution is 
addi^ (slowly, to prevent foammg) to give 

a volume of 30 mL If the pharmacist wished, 
he could measure 100 times the volume of 
benzalkonium chlonde concentrate needed 
(3 5 ml ), add sufficient stenle buffer solu- 
Uon to make 100 ml and then use 1/100 of 
this solution or 1 ml m the prescnption The 
0 035 ml of concentrate could also be meas- 
ured by prepanng a 1 500 solution (I ml 
of benzalkomum chlonde concentrate and 
enough sterile buffer solution to maVe 85 
ml ) and then usmg 3 ml of the 1 500 solu- 
tion with a sufficient quantity of stenle buffer 
solution to make 30 ml of the 1 5000 solu- 
tion called for m the prescnptiou 

Belladonna exL 0 004 

Penlobarbital sodium 0 010 

Acetylsahcybc acid 0 ISO 

M Ft Cap 1 d Ld. No IV 

Stg 1 Capsule 1 hr before each dental 


The pharmacist should prepare enough 
powder for 5 capsules to prevent the neces- 
sity of recovering minute quantities from the 
mortar m order to bnng each capsule to the 
exact weight. Using a balance with a sensi- 
tivity of 2 mg., at least 40 mg must be 
weired to assure accuracy within 5 per 
cent. This degree of accuracy could be 
achieved by weighing two times the 20 mg 
of belladonna extract needed in the prescnp- 
tion, but, smce there are several mampula- 
tions to be performed m compounding this 
pFesenpUon, four times the necessary quan- 
tity IS prepared The 80 mg of belladonna 
extract is thoroughly mixed with a sufficient 
quantity of powdered diluent — lactose, su- 
crose or starch — so that one fourth the total 
mixture will weigh at least 40 mg (the mmi- 
mum quantity which can be weighed on this 
balance with an accuracy of :±: 5 per cent) 

If a weight of 300 mg. were selected for the 
mixture, the weight of the diluent m this case 
would be 300 mg — 80 mg == 220 mg 
After thorough mixing, an ahquot consistmg 
of one fourth of the 300 mg , or 75 mg , is 
weighed and placed m a mortar to be xmxed 
with the pentobarbital and the acetylsahcyhc 
acid. Fifty mg of pentobarbital soffium can 
be weighed on this balance with an accuracy 
of better than ::i: 5 per cent. 

The dosage m each capsule is to be ad- 

22 The Prescriphon 

justed by weight Smcc an aliquot of ?5 mg 
of belladonna extract mixture was weighed 
for the Sv e capsules, each capsule should con- 
tain 15 mg of the dilution Therefore, the 
total weight of medicinal in each capside ts 
175 mg 


The completed prescnption should be 
placed m an appropnate sized container and 
the label attached The size of label will de- 
pend on the style and the size of the con- 
tamer selected It often has been suggested 
that the label should be typed before the pre- 
scription is compounded Typewnters are 
now standard equipment m pharmacies and 
labels should always be typed Figure 9 illus- 
trates a typical label 

It IS customary to mclude on the label such 
information as the senal number of the pre- 
scription, the patient’s name, directions for 
use of the medicine, the date and the pre- 
senber’s name Ha^ printed label for the 
pharmacy bears the name and the address 
of the pharmacy Some states requue the 
uutials of the compounder to appear on the 
label also Labels of prescnptions that con- 
tain narcotics have already been discussed 

Labels should be placed properly on the 
container, should be smoothed out and should 
not be smudged The directions for the use 
of the medicine should be clear and concise 
As a double check on the class of preparation 
dispensed, the pharmacist should list that 
class of product m the directions to the pa- 
tient "Take one capsule three (3) tunes a 
day,” mstead of “one 3 tunes a day ” This 
form of double check is particularly of value 
to the checker for those products marketed 
m more than one form — c g , in tablets and 

FiO 9 Label for prescription shown in 
Figure 1 

capsules This procedure also makes for a 
more complete and more professional label 
The word ‘ take” indicates an mtemal prep- 
aration, although some physicians emphasize 
the mode of admmistration by directing the 
patient to take one capsule ' by mouth” three 
tunes a day 

In addition to ducctions for use of a 
medication, physicians frequently ask the 
pharmacist to place the name of the medica- 
tion on the label Physicians may do this by 
adding to the duccUons, “Label as such ” 
Occasionally, they use along with directions 
some identifying terms such as “allergy medi- 
cine,” “sleep tablets,” or ‘blood pressure 
tablets ” These forms of labeling are obvi- 
ously convement to the physician m talking 
with his patients and convenient to the phar- 
macist m dcalmg with the patients regardmg 
refilled prescnptions 

Special precautions are necessary when 
labelmg preparations mtended for external 

Additional quahfymg labels besides the 
one canymg the imormaiion listed above 
occasionwy may be necessary Lotions and 
mixtufes snould have ' Shake Well” direc- 
tions, and prescnptions not mtended for in- 
temai use should bear directions ‘ For Ex- 
ternal Use Only ” 

The patient probably has no means of 
judgmg the quality of bis prescnption ex- 
cept by the appearance of the product A 
good impression will be made on the patient 
d his powder papers, for example, are folded 
neatly and are placed in a container of good 

Properly finishmg the prescnption includes 
the wrapping or the placmg of the product 
m a prescnption envelope for delivery to the 
patient One type of prescnption envelope is 
shown m Figure 10 

Checking the Prescription 

In some large pharmacies prescription 
labcb are t}pcd by nonprofcssional help A 
pharmacist checks these labels, paces the 
prescnption and serves as a checker of the 
compounded prescriptions In other phar- 
maaes a pharmacist is the labeler as well as 
the checker His chcckmg is based on the 
appearance of tiie finished product only, 
unless be considers it necessary to call m the 

Dispensing the Prescription 23 

compounder for his explanation of the pro- 
cedure employed Whatever the method of 
checking, every step which can be taken to 
prevent errors is to be regarded as an es- 

Information to Be Recorded on the 

When a prescription is compounded, cer- 
tam information should be recorded on it for 
easy reference m refilling the prescnpoon 
Such mformation includes the serial number 
of the prescnption, the date on which it was 
compounded, the cost price, the selling price, 
the size and the type of contamer used and 
special procedures The senal number usu- 
ally is stamped on the prescription with an 
automatic numbering machme, such as one 
of those made by the Bates Manufacturing 
Co Such machines can be set to number con 
secutively, m duplicate, m tnplicate or in 
quadruphcate, or to repeat Duplicate num 
bermg allows for numbering the prescnp- 
Cion and the label with the same number ff 
a pilot sheet system and a daily work sheet 
are kept, the numbermg machme should be 
set to number m quadrepUcate m order to 
put the same number on these records as 
appears on the prescnpuoa and the label 
l^e date on which the prescnption is filled is 
stamped on the prescription with a rubber 
stamp Usually, this datmg is done for the 
day’s prescnptions when they are assembled 
on the prescnption file Often it is necessary 
to know when the prescription was filled 
ongmally, and the presence of the date on 
the prescnption is a convement reference 
The cost of the prescnption, mcludmg the 
contamer, generally is marked on the pre 
scnption in some code which the pharmacist 
has worked out The NARD code is 
PHARMOCIST, where the first mne letters 
are assigned the numbers 1 through 9 and T 
IS 0 PMT, therefore, would mean SI 50 

Any convement combmation of 9 or 10 
different letters will serve as a code If 9 
letters are used, zero may be designated by X 
In a lO-Ietter code, X is used to designate a 
repeat figure — e g , PTX means SI 00 m the 
HORSE and BLACK HOUSE are a few 
examples of codes which might be used. 

A code system is used for the cost, because 
that 15 the pharmacist’s personal informaDon 
The selling pnee is recorded m Arabic figures 
because it is announced to the patient and 
there would be do point m using a code sys- 
tem for It, Selling pnee is necessary on the 
prescription so that the same price can be 
charged for refills 

The size and the type of contamer, espe- 
cially if It IS an unusual one, special pro- 
cedures emplojed m rmxmg the mgredients, 
the size and the color of the capsule used if 
the medicme was encapsulated and any other 
pertment information that will enable the 
pharmacist to make the medication look 
exactly like the ongmal product — all are 
valuable bits of information in case a refill 
IS called for If, on refill, the medication does 
not look exactly like the ongmal product the 
patient obtamed, be sometimes becomes 
apprehensive for fear some error has been 
made m compoundmg his medicauon Even 
a contamer of a st)le different irom that 

24 Tlie Prescripiion 

Fio 1 1 Daily work sheet 

onginally used, or differently worded direc- 
tions, cause some patients to ask questions 
about the “different” medicine 

In some pharmacies, it is the policy also 
to mark on the prescription the identity of the 
original compounder and the checker of the 
prcscnption The compounder and the 
checker of rcMs can be identiffed opposite 
the date of reffll stamped on the reverse of 
the prcscnption Occasionally, there are 
questions regarding procedure which only 
the compounder can answer easily 

The daily work sheet is a daily record of 
the presenpuons filled and usually is de- 
signed to mclude such information as that 
shown in Figure 11 If a large number of 
prescriptions are filled, one record is kept for 
onginai prescriptions and one for refills ff 
only a few prescnptions are filled in a day, an 
extra column can be mtroduced into the 
table to indicate whether the prescription is 
new or refilled. 

The importance of the daily work sheet in 
the pharmacy is obvious It shows the phar- 
macist at a glance the number of new pre- 
scriptions filled, the number of refills and the 
total cost and mcome from his presenpuons 
each day Occasionally, the dady work sheet 
helps to identify a prescnption for a patient 
in the event that the label on the container 
has been obliterated partially or wholly dur- 
mg his use of the medicine 

Filing the Prescription 

Stnngmg the prescriptions on wires, past- 
ing them m books and pasting them on filug 
cards arc procedures which are pracucally 
obsolete Some pharmacists lie the presenp- 
uons m bundles of SOO and place 2 bundles 
in a box, thus filing the orders in boxes of 

Another cffccuve method of filing pre- 
senpuons IS to bmd them in books of 500 
each and keep the books m a steel filing 

cabmet of the size intended for 4 by 6 mch 
index cards The books are formed by loosely 
tymg the presenpuons m a cover of ligbt- 
wci^t cardboard and covenng the back of 
the book and the stnng with bindmg tape 
The range of senal numbers is indicated by 
large numbers on the back of the book The 
books arc placed m the cabinets numencally 
and with the number side (back) up so as to 
be easily visible when the drawer is opened 

There are on the market a number of 
prescnption files of different styles Each 
will bold from 500 to 1,000 presenpUons 
usually on a pair of wires or on a rod The 
files generally are cootamed m a cardboard 
or metal box or a cabmet of appropriate size 

Some pharmacists use a microMmmg de- 
vice to photograph each prescnptioa and 
thus file ^e prescnptions on reels of 16-mm 
film This system is used conveniently, and 
conserves space m prcscrvmg the records It 
IS especially valuable for filmg the older pre- 
senpuons, which are not used so frequently 
as arc those filled more recently 


Narcotic prescnptions cannot be refilled 
under any circumstances In order to obtain 
more of the medicme, the pauent must pre- 
sent a new presenpuon, or if the narcouc 
drag IS m the oral classiCcauon (Class B), 
the physician can give the pharmacist a new 
prescnption by telephone 

Accordmg to the Federal Food, Drug and 
Cosmeuc Act of 193S, prescnptions calhng 
for such drugs as barbiturates, chloral and 
other hypnoucs and the sulfonamides cannot 
be refill^ without the consent of the pre- 
senber However, the provisions of the Act 
were not enforced rigidly until much later, 
when the authonty of the Food and Drug 
AdnuDislrauon was defined by decisions from 
court cases and the Durham Humphrey 
Amendment (October 26, 1951 ) to the Act 
Any drug bcanng the presenpuon legend, 

' Caution Federal Law prohibits dispensmg 
without presenpuon” or Caution To be dis- 
pensed only by or on the presenpuon of a 
physician, dentist or vetennonan,” cannot be 
dispensed on the refill of a presenpuon unless 
the presenber has authorized such acUon. 
The presenber can authorize a reasonable 

Refilled Prescriptions 25 

number of refiJs on the onginal prescnption 
or he can authorize them by written request 
or by telephone The act of dispensmg a drug 
contrary to the provisions of the amendment 
shall be deemed to be an act which results 
m the drug bemg misbranded while held for 

If a physician does not want a prescnp- 
tion to be refilled, he may so indicate by wnt- 
mg on the prescnption non rep or non 
repetatur — not to be repeated He may direct 
that the prescription can be refilled only once 
by so marking it 

Figure 12 illustrates a prescription blank 
prmted to mdude a convement method by 
which the prescnber can mdicate the num- 
ber of times he wishes the prescnption to be 
refilled Simply by encirclmg the appropriate 
square or set of letters m the lower left hand 
comer, the prescnber can convey his wishes 
to the pharmacist The prescnption in Figure 
12 may be refilled three times 

Some physicians msist that none of their 

prcscnptions be refilled without their au- 
thorization, desirmg to have the patients re- 
turn to their offices for examination to 
detenmne whether the same prescnptions 
should be continued It may be pointed out 
that, according to our defimtion of the word 
prescnption, it is an order for a medicme to 
be used fay the patient at a particular tune 
Therefore, it follows that, as the condition 
of the patient changes, his requirements for 
a medicme also may change 

In labelmg reMed prescriptions, most 
pharmacists supply the date on which the 
prescnption was Med originally instead of 
the date of refill Such procedure keeps the 
serial number and the date on the same basis, 
and, should the senal number be obhterated, 
it IS an easy task to find the patients pre- 
scnption m the files However, those phar- 
macists who date the label as of the day on 
which (he prcscnpaon was refilled can still 
trace the patient s original prescnption num- 
ber &om the daily work sheet 

Fig 12 Typical prescnptioa with refiU authorization system mcludR 

26 The Prescription 

When a prescnpUoa is re&Ued, it cames 
Its same senal cumber regardJess of the cum* 
ber of times the order has been repeated. The 
advantages of this system are obvious In 
order to mcorporate the refills mto the serial 
numbenog, some pharmacies follow the 
policy of setting the numbering machine 
ahead each day by an amount corresponding 
to the number of old prescriptions refilled on 
the particular day There may be 100 new 
prescnptions and 85 refills dispensed on a 
ccrtam day If the numbermg machme is ad- 
vanced for only the new prescnptions, it will 
register 100 more at the close of the day than 
it ttgisititd ai the btgmmng ol the day . How- 
ever, there were actually 185 prescnptions 
(100 new ones and 85 refills) dispensed 
Therefore, some phannaues beliese they are 
justified m advaccmg the numbenng ma- 
chine by the amount (85 in this illustration) 
equal to the refills This is accomphshed 
simply by setting the numbcnas machine on 
’‘consecutive” and stamping a number on 
each of the lines used for the refills in the 
doily work sheet These numbers arc cot used 
to identify any of the prescriptions 

The number of times a particular pre- 
scription IS refilled and the dates on wmcb 
those rcfilb are made is important infonna- 
Uon which shoula be recorded on the pte- 
scnption This can be accomplished effec- 
tively by stamping the refill date on the 
reverse side of the prcscnption Opposite the 
date should also be mcluded some simple 
note to mdicate the autbonzation of the pre- 
senber to refill the order, if such authonza- 
Uon IS necessary, and the mitials of the 
pharmacist who dispensed the refill These 
data arc an indication of extent of use of the 
medicme by the patient and are valuable for 
discussion of the refill problem with thepre- 
senber and the paUent Refill mformatioo is 
occasionally of value in preventing a person 
from bavmg ccrtam of bis prescnptions filled 
oftener than proper dosage warrants and in 
preventing neighbors and fnends of the pa- 
tient from usmg the prcscnption. 

While It IS true that some physicians keep 
a record on each patient’s chart of requests 
for authorization to refill a prcscnption, in 
the mnpnty of cases this mformatioo is 
cither incomplete or entirely lacking in the 
physicians' olBccs This of course refers to 

‘ legend ’ drugs Smcc most of the drugs cur- 
rently prescribed are ‘legend” drugs, it is 
necessary for the pharmacist to obtam au- 
thorization from the medical practitioner to 
refill the prescription m the majority of m- 
stances In those cases where legend dru^ 
arc not mvolved the pharmacist can exercise 
bis own judgment m decidmg to refill the pre- 
scnption It should be printed out, howc\er, 
that a pharmacist who refills a prcscnption 
for the ongmal patient, or for anyone else, 
without the autbon^ of the prcscnbing phy- 
sician, docs so on his own responsibility As 
far as the physician is concerned, the trans- 
acuon IS complete v.lstn the phamamst ccsst- 
pounds and delivers the ongmal prescription 
£ven uoauihonzcd sales of quantities larger 
than that caUed for by the prescription are 
the responsibility of the pbarmaast 


Various state and Federal laws govern the 
n^t of certain mdividuaU to dispense drugs 
pursuant to medical practiuoncrs’ presenp- 
tioDS Registered pharmacists generally are 
designated as the persons directly or in- 
directly responsible for the handling of the 
various drugs The pharmacist should be 
thoroughly familiar with the laws of his state 
I/suaiiy, pamphlets of state pharmacy laws 
are furnished by the state board on request 
When the provisions of state and Federal 
regulations are not identical, the more strm- 
gcotof the two must be observed 

Narcotic Prescriptions 

According to the Federal Narcotic Law 
and Regulanons,* a narcotic is any drug de- 
nved from opium or coca or any of its 
natural or synthetic derivatives or drugs 
which have narcotic properties similar to 
those of morphine or of drugs expressly men- 
tioned in the Law Narcotic prescriptions 
must mclude the name, the address and the 

* Relation No 5, U S Treasury Dcparline&t. 
Jout Regulations Bureau of Narcouct and In 
teraal Revenue Service Starch 5. 1959 Also, 
Federal Food Drag and Cosmetic Act and Gen- 
eral Reguiauons for lU Enforccmcoi, U S. Depaxl- 
meet of Health, Education and Welfare Food and 
Drug Adnumstratioa. 

Some Legal Aspects of Pharmacy 27 

Fio 13 Prescnptioo departmcot of a modem pharmacy 

registry number of the piescnber, the date 
when wntten, and the name and the address 
of the patient Prescriptions for Class A nar^ 
cotics must be signed by the prescribec On 
the label of a narcouc prescnption must ap- 
pear the name, the address and the registry 
number of the presenber, the name and the 
address of the patient, directions for use of 
the drug, the date on which the prescnption 
was filled and the name, the address and the 
registry number of the pharmacy Narcotic 
prescriptions must be kept m a separate file 
and may not be refilled. 

The U S Bureau of Narcotics now cate- 
gorizes narcotics m four classes — A, B, X, 
and M Class A includes the narcotics which 
are considered to be hi^y addicting. Class B 
includes the drugs which are thought to 
possess relatively little addiction Iiabih^, 
Class X narcotics are so-called “exempt” nar- 
cotics and Class M narcotics are “esp^ally 

Class A narcotics include opium and its de- 
nvaUves and compounds pbcnanthienc opium 
alkaloids, tbeir salts, denvatives and compounds, 
coca leaves, tbeir alkaloids denvatives, extracts 
and compounds, niependine, its salts, com 
pounds and preparations, and opiates, tbeir 
salts, denvatives and compounds. 

Medical practitioners' presenpUons for 
narcotics is Class B may be accepted by the 
pharmacist orally or by telephone and no 
signature is required Tlie prescnptioas are 
filed on the narcouc file and the label of the 
finished product must have the same informa- 
lion as Oass A narcouc presenpUons 

Oass B narcoUcs include the following sub- 
stances and any of their salts 

1 Isoquinolme alkaloids of opium (papav 
enne, ooscapine, and narceine) 

2 Apomorphine 

3 Nalorphine 

4 (a) Methylmoiphine (codeine) with one 
or more active, non narcotic ingredients in tber 
apeuUc amounts where the codeine content does 
not exceed 8 grams per fluid ounce or I gram 
per dosage unit such as ^npinn. Compound 
with Codeme, Ednsal with Codeine, Trjgesic 
with Codeine 

(b) Compounds of codeme with equal or 
greater quantity of isoqumolme alkaloid where 
the codeine content does not exceed 8 grains 
per fluid once or 1 gram per dosage unit 

5 (a) Compoundsofdihydrocodejnonewith 
one or more acuve non narcotic ingredients in 
therapeutic amounts where the dibydrocodc- 
iQone content does not exceed VA grains per 
flmdounce or Vc gram per dosage unit (Tus 

28 The Prescnphon 

(b) Compounds of ddiydrocodcinone wilh 
a fourfold quantity of any uoquinohne atkatp iH 
where the dihydrocodemooe does not exceed 
1V6 grams per fluid ounce or Vi gram per dos* 
age unit. 

6 Compounds of dihydrocodemone with one 
or more active non narcotic medicinal wgredi- 
ents in therapeutic amounts where the dihydro* 
codeinone does not exceed 8 grams per fluid 
once or 1 gram per dosage unit 

7 Compounds of dibydrohydroxycodetnone 
(Oxycodone, Eucodal) with one or more active 
non narcotic ingredients in therapeutic amounts 
where the dibydroxycodemone does not exceed 
VS gram per fluid ounce or Via gram per dosage 

8 Compounds of cthylmorphine (Dioom) 
with one or more active non narcotic ingredi* 
ents m therapeuuc amounts where the ethyl 
morphine content does not exceed IVS grams 
per fluid ounce or Vi gram per dosage unit 

Gass X narcotic drugs may be dispensed 
without presenpUoa but a record of each 
transaction must be kept m a registration 

Preparations of this group contam lo each 
fluid once or avoirdupois ounce, along with 
therapeuucally active non narcotic mgr^ents, 
not more than 2 grams of opium. Vi gram of 
morphine or any of its salts. 1 gram of code* 
me or any at its salts or Vi gram of ethylmor* 
phmc or any of its salts Also mcluded m Class 
X are diphenoxylate preparations in solid forms 
cootauung not more than 2 5 mg of dipben* 
oxylate and not less than 25 microgiams of 
atropme sulfate per dosage unit 

Class M narcotic drugs contam one of the 
following drugs without limit m quantity, along 
with either active or inert non narcotic ingredi- 
ents of the type used m medicinal preparations 
noscapme, papavenne, narceme, cotarmne and 

COMMOS Law and the 

Besides the Federal Narcotic Act, other 
Federal laws govern the quality of drugs, the 
handling of caustic poisons and the handling 
of alcohol for medicinal purposes 

Many responsibilities of the pharmacist 
arc controlled by common law The courts 
often refer to the degree of care and skill 
exercised by the pharmacist and require hun 
to conduct his practice with “ordinary care ” 
The pharmacist is responsible, for cxamj^c. 

for the proper interpretation of the presenp- 
tion and the dispensing of a product whic±, 
when used acconimg to the directions of the 
order, will not prove mjunous or poisonous 
to the patient He is responsible for and 
should detect therapeutic mcompatibilities 
involving overdoses 

The pharmacist may be held responsible 
for the mistakes of his employees caused by 
neglect or mcompetence For this reason, 
the owner of a pharmacy should buy liability 
insurance to protect bunself to case a d ama ge 
suit IS filed as a result of the negligence of 
one of his pharmacists 

Before a pharmacist can be held liable m 
court action, it must appear that he was 
negligent m his duties as a pharmacist and 
that such negligence was responsible for the 
plaintiff’s mjuiy The defense to such accusa- 
tion attempts to show that the pharmacist did 
exercise ‘ ordinary care,” that the plaintiff 
conlnbuled negligence or that the pharma- 
cist’s negligence was not the real cause of 
m/ury of the plain ti/F 

In an Illinois case,* subsutution of a drug 
m a prescription was considered as negligence 
on the part of the pharmacist The presenp- 
tiOQ called for ’ Stronuum Salicylate, Wyatt ” 
The pharmacist, because he could not find 
Wyatt m his manufacturer’s catalog, dis- 
pensed pure stronuum sahcylatc msiead of 
the intended “Effervescent Suootium Salicy- 
late, Wyeth ” The patient, mjured by exces- 
sive quantiUes of strontium sdicylatc, recov- 
ered damages from the pharmacy because 
the pharmacist did not understand the pre- 
scription The court ruled that he should have 
consulted the physician for proper mterpreta- 
tion of the order. 

The pharmacist is guilty of ncgbgencc if 
be labels a prescription incorre^y In a 
Michigan case,* the pharmacist's label di- 
rected the patient to take his prcscnpiion, 
Fowler’s solution, m tcaspoonful quantities 
instead of 3-drop doses 


Ownership of the presenpuon has always 
been a moot question It is a problem worthy 
of consideration at this point because, what- 
ever document the pharmacist keeps for filing 
purposes, whether it be the ongtnal pre- 
senpuon wntten by the physiaan or a copy 

Some Legal Aspects of Phormacy 29 

of that prescnption, there are certain data — 
such as the serial number of the prescnption, 
the cost pnce and the sellmg pnce — that the 
pharmacist will want to record on it and pre- 
serve among his records 

The ongmal prescnption is, of course, 
more valuable to the pharmacist than is a 
copy of a prescnption m the event such a 
document is used m court proceedmgs In 
the case of Humher V State (1926), 21 Ala 
App 378, 108 So 646,* the court declined 
to allow the doctor to read what he claimed 
was a copy of the prescnption Under the 
‘best evidence” rule, the highest degree of 
proof possible must be produced and no 
evidence shall be received if the court thinVs 
that the person offenng it can secure better 
In this case, the ongmal prescnption was 
considered to be the best authonty as to its 
contents and also the highest degree of proof 

The on^al prescnption wnlten by a 
medical practitioner and given to the patient 
IS the patient’s property until he presents it 
to a pharmacist for compounding purposes 
Then there are vanous factors which deter 
mme who the owner may be ’ 

A patient may subimt his prescription to a 
pharmacist for compounduig without asking 
the pnce of the finished product Even after 
the mcdicme is prepared, the patient has a 
right to recover Ins ongmal prescnption if 
he refuses to pay the pnce asked for the 
medicme or refuses to comply with the terms 
the pharmacist has set In the case of White 
V McComb City Drug Store, Supreme Court 
of Mississippi, 1905, 86 Miss 498, 38 So 
739, 4 Ann Cos 518,* ® the court decided 
that the apothecary, after compounding a 
prescnption and delivering the finished 
product, might have the n^t to retain the 
ongmal prescnption as a record of his busi- 
ness, but that be had no right to retain the 
ongmal prescnption m that instance where 
the sale of the mcdicme was not completed 
because the patient could not or would not 
comply with the terms the apothecary had 
set If the medicme is not delivered Ihe 
pharmacist has no need of the prescnption 
as a record of his busmess or as an instru- 
ment of evidence Hence, the wntten pre- 
scnpiion should be returned to the patient 
for w horn it w as wntten. 

The ownership of the prescnption is con- 
trolled by laws m some states which require 
a pharmacist who compounds and dispenses 
any medicme on a wntten prescription to 
preserve the ongmal prescnption for a 
specified length of time (1 to 5 )ears) In 
other states, there are no such laws desig- 
natmg ownership of the prescnption 

Regardless of the existence of such state 
laws, a pharmacist who fills a prescnptioa 
that contains a drug classed as a narcotic 
dnig must retam the ongmal prescnption for 
a slated lime The Harrison Narcotic Act 
(Federal law) requires a pharmacist who 
compounds and dispenses any of the drugs 
covered by the act (namely, opium, coca 
leaves and their denvatives and compounds) 
to preserve the ongmal prescnption on file 
for a penod of at least 2 years from the date 
on which It was compounded The pharma- 
cist is the legal custodian of such presenp- 
lions, but be cannot refill any of them law- 

If the pharmacist is not required by law 
(either Federal or state) to retam the ong- 
loal written prescnption, qualified ownership 
of the prescnption may be determmed by an 
expressed agreement^ between the pharma- 
cist and the patient Such an agreement (oral 
contract) is often entered mto by the phar- 
macist and the patient This problem is pre- 
sented most frequently by those persons who 
have some unusual prescription, such as one 
that may have been written m a foreign 
country while that person was on a vacation 
or a busmess tnp Perhaps he wishes to keep 
the ongmal prescnption as a souvenir of his 
tnp If it IS decided that the patient will retam 
the ongmal prescription, then the pharmacist 
must file a copy Such agreement, of course, 
should be entered mto before the prescnp- 
tion is compounded 

Ownership of the prescnption may be de- 
termmed also by implied contract,® provided, 
of course, that no laws govern ownership of 
the prescnption If, m any giseo community. 
It js the prevaihng custom for the pharmacist 
to retam the ongmal prescnption, it is as- 
sumed that all patients will leave their pre- 
scriptions to be filed m the store where they 
ha%e their prescriptions compounded On the 
other hand, if it is the prcvailmg custom for 
the patient to retam the ongmal prescnption. 

30 The Prescription 

then the pharmacist should retom a copy for 
his files Expressed agreement seems to hold 
precedence over implied contract, and, m 
localities where the latter is the general rule, 
the pharmacist and the patient can still deter- 
mine ownership of the prescription by ex- 
pressed contract 

The fact that a physician has devised a 
formula for a drug or drugs to be com- 
pounded and dispensed m the form of a 
mcdicme does not give him exclusive right to 
his prescnpuons ‘ Unless he patents it, any 
person may use the formula and dispense the 
medicme under his own name or a fanciful 
name, provided, of course, that the law does 
not restnet the sale of the constituents (nar- 
cotics, for example) However, he may not 
attach the originator’s name to the product 
unless he has the author s consent to do so A 
pharmacist legally can convert the formula 
to his own commercial purposes even with- 
out the ongmator’s consent, but there would 
be a more pleasant feeling between the two 
if the pharmacist first obtamed penmssioo 
from the physician to use bis fonnula. 

It should not be construed from the fore- 
going that counter prescnbmg is to be con- 
doned Seiling o^cr the counter a bottle of 
cough synip of the pharmacist’s own manu- 
facture when It IS called for is no different 
from sellmg a commercial brand of cough 
syrup, but the pharmacist should not countcr- 
presenbe — it is the physician’s duty to diag- 
nose and presenbe True, the pharmacist 
may use the formulas for ethical o\er the- 
counter sales or be may use parts of the 
formulas to improve other physicians’ pre- 
scriptions The latter use of physicians’ 
formulas is undoubtedly the more important 
of the two The pharmacist can do a great 
service to physicians m the correction of in- 
compaubihues and the general unprovement 
of their formulas 

The ownership of the medicine dispensed 
m accordance with the terms of a prescnption 
passes mto the hands of the pauent when 
be pays for the product® If the mcdicme docs 
not mclude ingredients the sale of which is 
regulated by law, he may use it or dispose of 
It by sale or gift If it is a narcouc-conlam- 
mg prescnption, he cannot give it away or 

sell It, since the medicine is mtended only 
for his use 

Very few pharmacies refuse to give copies 
of prescriptions filled to the person for whom 
they were written Such refusal usually is 
made at the request of the physician who 
wrote the prescnption — the physician wish- 
ing to han^e the problems of copies himself 
In a Texas case,* Stuart Drug Co v Hirsch, 
50 S W 583, It was indicated that the custo- 
mer had a qualified nght to the use of the 
prescnption after it was deposited with the 
pharmacist A pharmacist probably has no 
right to give copies to anyone other than the 
original purchaser, the prescnbmg physician 
and duly authorized officers of the law If a 
pharmacist gives a copy of a presenpuon to 
a person not entitled to ir, and the act of 
giving said copy discloses the fact that the 
pauent for whom the presenpUon was 
wntten is suffering from a disorder hurtful 
to him socially or in his business, the phar- 
macut can be held accountable 

Occasionally, a person will brmg to a 
pharmacist a container bcarmg a presenpuon 
number and a label from another dmgstore, 
with the regucsi that the prescription be 
filled by the second pharmacist In most m* 
stances, it is possible for the pharmacist to 
obtam a copy of the presenpuon from the 
first store merely by telephoning for it Of 
course, the nature of the drugs prescribed 
must be such that (1) refills arc not re- 
stneted by law or (2) it is possible to obtam 
the pcnmssion of the presenber to refill the 


1 Arthur, W R. The Law of Drugs and 
Druggists SL Paul, West, 1955 

2 Bureau of Legal Mcdicme and Legislation 
Ownership of prescnptions, J AMA 109 
19B, 1937 

3 O Connell, C L., and Pettit, William A 
Manual on PbarmaceuUcal l^w, Philadel 
pbia, Lca&Fcbiger, 1938 

4 Morrell, C A , and Ordway, E. M The 
capacity and vanability of teaspoons, Drug 
Standards22 216,1954 

5 Muldoon, H C PharmaccuUcat Laun, 
New York, Wiley, 1946 

C/iapfer 2 

BiopharmaceuHcal Considerations in 
Dosage Form Design and Evaluation 

Gerhard Levy, Pharm. D.* 

What IS meant by “dosage form”? In the 
narrow sense, it refers to the gross physical 
form m whidi a drug is administered to or 
used by a patient tablet, capsule, powder, 
solution, suspension, ointment, aerosol, etc 
The term will be used here m a more compre- 
hensive manner to include also dosage form 
diaractenstics such as particle size, salt form, 
solvent type and dissolution rate, as well as 
consideration of effects due to additives 
These additives may be pharmacologically 
inert m the amounts used (tablet fillers and 
lubricants, preservatives, stabilizing agents), 
or they may have the function of modifying 
the absorption, the biotransformation, or the 
excretion of the primary therapeutic agent 

Assessment of the desirable or undesirable 
effects of a dosage form on the therapeutic 
efficacy of the active ingredient and develop- 
ment of superior dosage forms lequue con- 
sideration of many physical, chemical and 
biologic factors The utilization of knowl- 
edge and technics derived from such diverse 
disciplines as physics, chemistry, mathe- 
matics, physical chemistry, physiology, bio- 
chemistry, pharmacology and pharmaceutical 
technology toward the development and the 
evaluation of pharmaceutical formulations 
and dosage forms is embodied m a new area 
of knowledge and research named biophai- 
maceutics Such a far reachmg and inclusive 
subject can hardly be covered m detail withm 
one chapter, and it is intended here only to 
present an overview Much additional nffor- 

* Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Biopbar 
cnaceuUcs, School of Pharmacy, State Uuvmity of 
New York at Buffafo 

mation and stimulation can be obtamed by 
reading the papers cited as references, and 
m particular the reviews by Wagner,^*'* 
Nelson,^** Harper,’® Bousquet,^® and Lazarus 
and Cooper The biopharmaceutical ap- 
proach to pharmaceutical problems is char- 
acterized by simultaneous consideration of 
both physicochemical and biologic factors 
and recognizes tbeir mteraction The reader 
should guard against compartmentalized 
thinking and, rather, draw on the totahty of 
his previously acquired knowledge and apply 
it to the present subject. The discussion to 
follow will be concerned mainly with oral 
dosage forms excludmg sustamed release 
medication (which is considered m CHiap- 
tcr 3), but many of the factors described 
here are also applicable to dosage forms ad- 
ministered by other than the oral route. 


The therapeutic efficacy of a drug is not 
due solely to its inherent chemical constitu- 
tion nor IS the qualify of a compounded pie- 
senpUon necessarily reflected only by its 
elegance and lack of visible signs of incom- 
patibihfy The pharmacologic effect elicited 
by a therapeutic agent is influenced and 
modified by the physical form m which it is 
administered, by the nature and the concen- 
tration of vanous additives used as pharma- 
ceutical formulation aids and by the physico- 
chemical and pharmacologic properties of 
Qtlur drugs with which it may be combined. 
Important and potentially hfe-savmg drugs 
may be rendered practically useless by poor 

32 Dosage Form Destgn and Evoluotion 

formulation PrescnpUons compounded con- 
scientiously by phannacjsts who are unaware 
of the adverse effect of certain pharmaceuti- 
cal manipulations may fail to elicit the ex- 
pected therapeutic results 
Rccogmtion of the importance of proper 
pharmaceutical formulation and the role of 
the dosage form m therapeutics has only 
evolved in recent years The modem phar- 
macist must become thoroughly familiar with 
the subject if he is to fulfill his proper func- 
tion as a member of the health team Re- 
search directed toward acquiring greater 
understandmg and additional knowledge of 
this field has become an important and ex- 
citmg new frontier of pharmacy 

The mtcnsily of the pharmacologic effect 
elicited by a drug is usually some function 
of the concentration of this drug at ns site 
of action m the body In general, it is not 
possible to measure drug coocentratioo at 
this site, but a relative measure as well as an 
indication of the change of concentration 
With time can often be obtained by detemun- 
ing the concentration of drug in the blood 
as a function of time after drug adraimstra- 
tion After a drug has entered the blood- 
stream, It diffuses to other fluids of distribu- 
tion (lymph, spinal fluid, etc ), organs and 
ussues Diffusion equilibnum is usually 
reached fairly rapidly and, from then on, any 
change in drag concentration in the blood 
IS mdicative of concentration changes of dif- 
/tiSiWe drug la other tissues Despite certain 
complications which may ansc due to drug 
bmdmg and slow back iffusioa from some 
sites, it has been found that the drug con- 
centration m the blood reflects the micusity 
of the pharmacologic effect of many thera- 
peutic agents It is appropriate, therefore, to 
consider the various processes which affect 
the direction and the magmtude of the con- 
centration changes of drug m the blood 
The transfer of a drug from the site of 
absorpuon to the bloodstream and from there 
to other body tissues, and its subsequent bio- 
transformation and excretion can be repre- 
sented schematically by the diagram shown 
in Figure 14 This scheme is simplified con- 
siderably, since U should be noted that each 

process depicted by an arrow is actually a 
senes of consecutive processes However, 
each series may be represented as one over- 
all process Furtlicrmorc, some of the single 
arrows which mdicate a unidirectional, irre- 
versible process actually should be replaced 
by a pair of arrows pomting m opposite direc- 
tions to reflect the reversibility of these proc- 
esses The single arrows are used where the 
transfer of drug occurs solely or predomi- 
nantly in one direcuon, so that transfer in 
the opposite direction may be neglected 
The transfer of most drugs across biologic 
membranes occurs by passive diffusion from 
a region of higher concentration to a region 
of lower drug concentration Pick’s law of 
diffusion relates diffusion rate to the concen- 
tration gradient across the real or the imagi- 
nary boundary between two regions m the 
following manner 


( 1 ) 

where da/dt is the diffusion rale across a 
plane of area A, which is perpendicular to 
the direction of diffusion, dD/dx is the con- 
centration gradient and Kd is a proportional- 
ly constant known as the coe^cient of dif- 
fusion The negative sign on the right side of 
the equation indicates that the drug is diffus- 
ing from a region of high concentration to 
one of lower concentration Thus the con- 
centration gradient is negative in the direc- 
tion m which diffusion proceeds • The con- 
centration gradient may be expressed as 
(D— D|)/(X — Xi>, where D and Di refer 
to drug coDcentraaoQ on the high and the low 
ooiKealrstioa sides of the aiembranc, re- 
spectively, and (X — X:) indicates the dis- 
t^ce between the two regions Then, 




In the case of many diffusion processes oc- 
currmg m the body, this relationship may be 
simplified by incorporating the area term A 
and the distance expression (X — Xj) in the 
proportionality constant Furthermore, the 
concentration gradient expression (D — Di) 
may be replaced by D, the term represent- 

* Actually, dilTuuoa occurs in both directions. 
We are concerned here with net dilTusion, where 
diHiision rale in one direction is grcaler than in the 

Kinetics of Drug Absorption and Elimination 33 

Drug at 
absorption site 

Drug m bloodstream 

Kil Ik^ 

Drug excreted m 
the urme 
Drug excreted by 
other routes 

Drug m other fluids 

of distribution and — ■ ^ . » Biotransfonued drug 


Fig 14 Schematic representation of drug disposition after absorption (The rate constant 
K 5 represents processes occumng primarily in the liver ) 

mg drug concentration m the region from 
which diffusion is takmg place The latter 
simplification is justified when the drug con- 
centration m the region of lower concentra- 
tion (i e , the region toward which diffusion 
IS taking place) is very low and negligible 
compared with the concentration m the re- 
gion from which diffusion occurs TTic sim- 
plified equation then takes the form 

where O is the drug concentration la the 
region from which diffusion is takmg place 
and Kt IS a proportionality or rate constant 
Equauon ( 2 ) mdicates that the diffusion or 
transfer rate is proportional to the concen- 
tration of drug at the onginatmg site In 
kinetic terms, this is a first-order rate process 
as opposed to a zero-order rate process 
(where the rate is constant and independent 
of concentration) In the discussion to fol- 
low, all the processes depicted m Figure 14 
by arrows are considered to be first order 
processes, and the K’s with various sub- 
scripts are the first-order rate constants for 
the mdicated processes This means that not 
only rates of transfer, but also rates of other 
processes, such as biotransformation, are 
considered to be proportional to concentra- 
tion Such is the case with many drugs when 
administered m therapeutic dosage *** In 
such cncumstances a generalized considera- 
tion of drug absorption and elinunation is 

Apparent Volume of Distribution, The 
vanous fluids of distribution, tissues, ^ands 
and organs of the body may be considered 
as real or imagmary bony compartments and 
will be referred to as such At diffusion equi- 
hbnum, the concentration of an administered 

drug is not the same throughout the body 
There may be compartments mto which the 
drug may not be able to penetrate and other 
compartments with high affimty and bmdmg 
capacity for the drug, where drug concentra- 
tion IS very high 'rte drug concentration in 
the blood reflects these factors It will be 
relatively bgh if the drug cannot penetrate 
mto a Dum^r of body compartments and 
low if certain body compartments have a 
high affimty for the drug The distribution of 
a drug between the blood and the rest of 
the body compartments at equihbnum is re- 
flected by Its apparent volume of distribu- 

where is the apparent volume of distribu- 
tion, Dt, the concentration of drug m the 
blood, and as the total amount of drug m 
the body (exclusive of the gastromtestmal 
tract and the bladder) at the time Db was 
measured Knowing Vb, which is a character- 
istic property of the drug, under defined con- 
ditions, It IS possible to determme the total 
drug content of the body by measuring drug 
concentration m the blood, since equation 
(3) may be re-arranged as follows 

= Vb Db (4) 

It IS important to realize that this relation- 
ship holds true only dunng diffusion equi- 
libnum.* The apparent volume of distribu- 
Uoa docs not represent the volume of body 
space actually containing drug Rather, it is 
an apparent value which reflects the distribu- 
tion of drug between the blood and the rest 

♦This equilibniiia is only appareat, but u per 
nuts detemuoatioos of values suitable for practical 

34 Dosage Form Design and Evaluaiion 


Fio IS Average theopbylliae blood 
levels for 1 1 human subjects rccciviog 0^ 
Cm of ammopbyllme by rapid intrave* 
nous injection (O) and 1 subject receiving 
OS Gm of aminophyUine orally (X) 
(From Swintosky, J V Illustrauons and 
pharmaceutical interprctatioos of first 
order drug elimination rate from the 
bloodstream, J Am. Pharm Ass Set Ed 
45 395) 

of the body, and permits calculation of tranS' 
fer rates on the basis of drug cooccntration 
changes m the blood 

Changes m Body Drug Content and Drug 
Coaceatealioa la the BIcad. Re!ecnn§ sgsat 
to Figure 14, it con be seen that any change 
in body drug content is due to the relative 
magnitude of absorption rate, on the one 
hand, and excretion and biotiansformation 
rates, on the other The excretion and the 
biotransformation processes designated by 
the rate constants 1^, and Ks may be cod« 
sidcrcd together as one elimination process 
with a first-order rate constant K« where 

daj, _ da^ dap 
dt “ dt dt 


where das represents the change m amount 
of drug m the body dunng time interval dt, 
da^/dt is the absorption rate, and da^/dt is 
the elimination rate This may be related to 
the drug concentration changes in the blood 
by making use of ec^uation (4), substituting 
for an and transposmg the term Vb to the 
right side of the resultmg equation 

dDb _ / da^ dap \ 1 

“dt ^"dt dT 


Accordingly, the drug concentration m the 
blood, as well as the total amount of drug in 
the body, increases when absorption rate is 
higher than elimmation rate, decreases when 
eliminaiiOQ rate is higher than absorption 
rate and remains the same (dDb/dt =: O) 
when the absoiption and the chmination 
rates arc equal The latter consideration is 
the basis of sustained release medication, 
where the dosage form is designed to release 
initially, and permit the rapid absorption of, 
an amount of drug which is sufficient to exert 
the desired pharmacologic effect and then 
to release slowly addmonal drug so as to 
bring about absorption at a rate which is just 
sufficient to replace the amount of drug being 
eliminated from the body 
When a drug is admmistcrcd by rapid in< 
travenous injection, the maximum concentra- 
tion m the blood is reached at once and 
begins immediately to decline, while upon 
or^ admmistration drug levels first increase, 
reach a peak and then decrease This is illus- 
trated in Figure 15, which shov,s hfood levels 
of ihconhyllme after oral and after intrave- 
nous administration It should be noted that 
the peak concentration after oral adrmnistra- 
Uon IS considerably lower than after mtravc- 
nous injection of an equal dose 
After the absorption process has been 
completed, the drug disappears from the body 
al a rate reflected by the first-order rale con- 
stant of elimination, K,, as shown 

K* — Kj + K 4 -h Kj (5) 

The rate of change of body drug content is 
equal to the rate of absorption minus the 
rate of elimination, which may be expressed 
m the language of calculus as 

= (8) 

where the negative sign uidicatcs that body 
drug content is dccrcasmg with time As aa 
dccmascs, the rale of decrease also dumn- 

Kiaehcs of Drug Absorption and Elimination 35 

ishes, but the fraction of drug elimmated in 
a given time period remains constant The 
elimmation rate of theophyllme as indicated 
by the data shown m Figure 15 can be de- 
scribed by the elimination rate constant 
Ke = 0 23 hrs This means that the elimi- 
nation rale at time t is 23 per cent of the 
amount of drug m the body at that time, per 
hour Figure 15 actually represents drug 
concentration changes m the blood rather 
than changes m amount of drug m the body 
By substitutmg V^Db for an (equation (4) ) 
in equation (8) and dividmg each side by 
Vb the expression 

is obtained ITus shows that the rate of 
decime of drug concentration m the blood 
(after absorption has been completed) is 
proportional to concentration, just as the 
rate of decime in total body content of drug 
at tune t is proportional to the amount of 
drug m the body at that time The urinary 
excretion cate of the drug can be related 
similarly to K« and Dt, by mcorporatmg 
and a factor f which reflects the fraction of 
the total amount of drug eventually elimi- 
nated by urmaiy excretion without prior bio- 

fe=K.V,!D» <W) 


Integration of equation (9) results in 

IogD» = logD,- (II) 

where Db is the drug concentration m the 
blood at tone t, K, is the elimination rate 
constant (m ton©-*) and Do is a constant • 
In theoretic terms. Do is the hypotheuc drug 
concentration m the blood immediately after 
drug admmistration, if absorption and equi- 
libration with other tissues were to be m- 
stantaneous and no elimmation bad occurred 
It can be seen from equation (11) that when 
the loganihm of Di, is plotted against t, a 
straight line with a slope of — 1^/2 303 is 
obtained after absorption is complete This is 

* Log D. u (he mtercept on the concealraUon 
axis at zero tune upon extrapolation of the Lsear 
portion of the tlcsceoding blcxM coocentration curve 
when log D» is plotted as a function of bme after 
intravenous admiiustratioa. (See Fig. 16 ) 

FiG 16 Schematic representation of 
drug coDcestiatjon changes as a function 
of time after oral admirustratton Symbols 
are explained m the text (D« ordinarily 
should be determmed from blood levels 
obtamed after intravenous administration 
of drug and is shown here only for illus- 
trative purposes ) 

the reason why blood level data are presented 
advantageously m the form of semiloga- 
nlhmic graphs whenever chmuiaUQa rate is 
proportional to drug concentration Hie 
value of Do can be employed to determine 
Vb, smcc 

,, _ Dose of drug 

( 12 ) 

From equation (11) it can be deduced that 

. 0 693 



where t) is the biologic half-Ufe of the drug 
(the tune required for a given drug concen- 
tration to be decreased by 50%). This value 
can be obtained experimentally from blood 
level data after absorption has been com- 
pleted (Fig 16), and from it K, may be cal- 
culated by use of equation (13) Considera- 
tion of biologic half-life is of importance m 
estabhshmg a proper dosage schedule such 

36 Do»3ge Form Des gn ond Evaluation 

Fic 17 Schematic representation of 
blood levels obtained after oral admiirn 
tratiOQ of equal amounts of a drug m 
three conventional dosage forms with dif 
ferent release charactenstics 

that neither drug accumulation to the point 
of toxicity nor periods when drug levels are 
below the nunimum required for effective 
therapy will occur 

The absorption, the distribution, and the 
elimination of a drug can therefore be char* 
actenzed by the parameters K«, and 
or tj, respectively The values of these pa* 
rameters differ not only between drugs but 
also to some degree between individuals For 
a gnen drug administered under defined coo- 
ditions, It 1 $ possible to establish average 
values subject to the usual biologic vana* 

One now may identify certain factors 
which can affect the concentration of a drug 
at Its site of action and thus modify the m 
tensity and duration of the pharmacologic 
effect elicited by it These arc pnraardy rates 
of absorption, excretion and biotransfonna- 
tion and the nature of the distribution equi- 
librium between the site of action and other 
body compartments How these character- 
istics may be modified quantitatively by vari- 
ous phjsiologic, pharmacologic and ph)sico- 
chemical factors will be discussed in the 
followmg sections 

A more extensive review of the kinetics 
of drug absorption, distribution, biolrans- 
fonnation and excretion is that by Nelson *** 
The application of kinetic coosidcratioos to 
the study of a given drug and to the design 
of dosage forms is exemplified m a senes of 
papers by Swmtosky and co-workcrs“« 
Lb m lu 


iVhen dosage form properties account for 
some modification of ^e pharmacologic ac- 
tivity of a therapeutic agent, the reason is 
most commonly that the inherent absorption 
pattern of the drug has been altered to some 
extent Therefore, it is appropnate to con- 
sider m some det^ the effect of changes m 
absorption rate on pharmacologic activity 
R^rc 17 represents in schematic fonn the 
drug concentration m the blood as a function 
of time after oral admmistration of a given 
amount of drug m three different dosage 
forms These dosage forms, designated A, B 
and C, cause the drug to be absorbed at 
different rates The resulting drug concentra- 
tion vs time patterns will serve to illustrate 
the modifications m pharmacologic activity 
which may be brought about when a drug is 
absorbed at different rates 

A therapeutic agent usually must attam 
some mmunum conceotratioo at its site or 
sites of action before it elicits a given phar- 
macologic response At diffusion equilibrium, 
there is frequently a corresponding minimum 
drug concentration in the blood which ts re- 
fer^ to as the ' therapeutic blood level” or 
the minimum cffecuve concentration ' of the 
drug for a specified therapeutic purpose 
Su<± a concentration is indicated in Rgure 
17 by a suppled horizontal line Smcc the 
onset oj therapeutic ocfivity occurs at the 
tunc the drug concentrauon has reached this 
level. It IS apparent that a therapeuUc effect 
IS elicited most rapidly upon admimsiration 
of dosage form A A longer time is required 
to obtam a similar effect when the dng ts 
administered m dosage form B, while absorp- 
tion from dosage form C is so inadequate 
that the drug conceotraUon never reaches the 
level of effectiveness It is evident that dosage 
form A would be the one of choice when 
rapid onset of therapeutic effect is desired — 
for example, in the case of analgesics On the 
other hand, dosage form C is so poorly for- 
mulated that ordmanly it must be considered 
to be unacceptable as a medicinal prepara- 

nic intensity of the pharmacologic effect 
IS usually some funcUon of drug concentra- 

Effect of Absorption Role on Drug Action 37 

tion Thus, the higher peak concentration of 
drug when administered m dosage form A 
generally will be accompanied by a mote in- 
tensive pharmacologic response than that 
obtained after admmistraUon of the drug m 
dosage form B ^Vhen the peak concMilra- 
tion due to A is sufficiently high to cause 
undesirable systemic side-reactions or toxic 
effects. It may be preferable to use a dosage 
form yieldmg the absorption pattern of B 
Alternatively, a lower dose of drug may be 
admmistered m dosage form A with the pos- 
sible added advantage over B of a more rapid 
onset of action 

The higher the maximum or peak concen- 
tration, the longer will be the time required 
for the drug concentration to decline to a 
subtherapeutic level The duration of the 
pharmacologic effect frequently is reflected 
by the length of time dunng which the drug 
concentration m the blood is equal to or 
higher than the minimum effective concen- 
tration When this is the case, dosage form A 
will brmg about a longer duration of pharma- 
cologic activity than dosage fonn B 

The total amount of drug absorbed may 
be ascertamed by measurmg the area under 
the drug concentration vs time curve 
The areas under the curves for dosage forms 
A and B, respectively, are about equal This 
means that although the drug is more rapidly 
absorbed when admmistered m dosage form 
A, the total amount absorbed is the same 
With both dosage forms The area under the 
concentration versus tune curve obtained 
after administration of the drug m dosage 
form C IS about 60 per cent smaller than 
the area under the other two curves Assum 
mg that the drug is completely absorbed when 
administered m dosage form A or B, it may 
be stated that the biologic availability of the 
drug uben admmistered m dosage form C 
IS only 40 per cent The absorption rate is 
so low in the latter case that, evidently, 60 per 
cent of the drug is propelled past the absorp- 
tion sites and excreted m the feces before it 
can be absorbed 

Faulty formulation of dosage forms result- 
ing m reduced biologic availability of the 
active constituents is a senous problem be- 
cause It may cause patients to be under- 
medicated on a dosage regimen thou^t to 

Fig 18 Plasma levels of phenyhn- 
danedione following administration of 0 4 
Gra in two types of tablets (after Schulert, 
A R . and Weiner, M The physiologic 
disposition of phenylindanedtone in mao, 
J Pharmacol Exp Tber 110 451) 

be adequate by the physician who prescribed 
It A number of reports concerning incom- 
plete biologic availabihiy of drugs due to 
poor formulation have appeared m the lit- 
erature Some of these mvolve very potent 
substances, such as anticoagulants, and other 
drugs that are used to treat senous diseases, 
such as tuberculosis Figure 18 shows differ- 
ences m blood levels after administration of 
equal doses of phenylmdanedvone in two 
different tablet preparations A patient re- 
quiring anticoagulant therapy after a stroke, 
on switching from one tablet preparation to 
the other, either could be subject to senous 
hemorrhages due to overdosage, or could be 
exposed to the danger of further infarctions 
because of inadequate lowenog of prothrom- 
bm levels Similar formulation problems have 
occurred with the anticoagulants dicuma- 
rol“* and warfann Blood levels of para- 
aminosalicylate after admmistration of equal 
doses of the tuberculostatic agent sodium 
para-aminosalicylate m two different tablet 
preparations are shown m Figure 19 and 
demonstrate the madequate biologic avaQ- 
of this drug from one of these prepa- 
rations It must be realized that it is not 

38 Dosage Form Design and Evaluation 

Fio 19 Blood levels of para amino- 
salicylate after admioistrauoa of 12 Gm 
of sodium para aminosalicylate in ti^o 
types of tablets (after Frostad, S Con 
tioued studies in concentration of para* 
aminosalicylic acid (PAS) in the blood, 
Acta tuberc pneumol scand 41 dS) 

sufficient for a dosage form to contain the 
labeled amount of drug, it is equally impor- 
tant that full biologic availability of the drug 
be assured by proper formulation 
A number of drugs can cause gastrointes- 
tinal irntation such as localized erosions of 
the mucosa and hemorrhages, or gastroiotcs- 
Unal distress such as nausea, vomiting and 
diarrhea Salicylates represent the best docu- 
mented example of a drug capable of contact 
imlation,*^’ but there are other medicinal 
agents which appear to have similar liabil- 
ities Tctracyclmes have a selective m- 
hibitory cHect on certain micro-organisms 
usually found m the mtcstinal tract and, there- 
fore, can disturb the normal balance of the 
microbial flora The resulting overgrowth of 
certain molds and fungi may cause nausea, 
vomiting, pruritus am and diarrhea It is de- 
sirable &at such antibiotics be as completely 
absorbed as possible so that there is not a 
arge unabsorbed portion m the large bowel, 
iccausc the mcidcnce and the seventy of 
ocal siJe-effects caused by them is usually 
iroportional to the concentration of the drugs 

m the large bowel Accordingly, prompt ab- 
soiption will tend to dimmish these side 
effects while slow and incomplete absorption 
would have the opposite effect 

One of the desirable attributes of a phar- 
maceutical preparation mtended for oral 
admmistration is that it be absorbed m a 
consistent and predictable manner, since this 
is a necessary prerequisite for obtaming a 
reasonably consistent Uierapeutic response 
The more rapidly a drug is absorbed from 
the gastrointestmal tract, the less likely it is 
that physiologic variables such as gastric 
emptying rate, mtestmaj motility, diet and pH 
cause this drug to be absorbed incompletely 
or erratically This is apparent from absorp- 
tion studies with sulfadiazine,'*’^ sodium 
para-ammosalicylatc®’ and many others 
On the other hand, delayed absorption, such 
as is encountered with sustamed release 
dosage forms, is frequently more erratic'^* 
and sometimes incomplete ' * A possible ex- 
ception to this generalization concerns drugs 
that are unstable in gastnc fluids It may be 
preferable to formulate such drugs in a man- 
ner which prevents or retards their dissolu- 
tion m the stomach and thereby minimize s 
their degradation due to gastnc enzymes or 
low pH \Vhj]e It IS evident that usually the 
most reliable way of introducing a given 
amount of a drug mto the body is the paren- 
teral route, the research pharmacist must con- 
sider It a challenge to develop oral dosage 
forms which approach as much as possible 
the reliability of parenteral medication in this 

On the basis of this generalized and, of 
necessity, ovcrsimpliflcd discussion, it can be 
seen that modifications in the inherent ab- 
sorption rate of medicinal agents due to 
properties of their oral dosage forms can 
affect the onset, the iniemity, and the dura- 
tion of pharmacologic activity and the inci- 
dence and seventy of toxic reactions and 
systemic and local sidc-effccts 

AcsoRPTiov Processes Passive 
D iFFUsio'^ vs Active Transport 

Most drugs arc absorbed from the gastro- 
intcstinal tract by a process of passive diflu- 

Biologic Factors 39 

Sion, but som& are absorbed by means of an 
active transport mechanism. The absorption 
of a drug is affected differently by vanous 
biologic and physicochemical factors, de- 
pending on the type of absorption process 
involved Since this must be taken into con- 
sideration when designing and evaluating 
pharmaceutical dosage forms, a short review 
of absorption processes is m order 
Passive diffusion refers to the movement 
of molecules from a region o! relatively high 
concentration to one of lower concentration 
It also mcludes the movement of ions from a 
region having the same charge to a region 
of lesser or opposite charge Absorption by 
passive diffusion does not require expendi- 
ture of energy by the organism, it is due 
entirely to the concentration or the electrical 
gradient existing across the membrane which 
separates the gastrointestma] lumen from the 
surrounding tissues From equation 2 on 
page 33 it is apparent that in the case of 
passive diffusion, gastroiotestmal absorption 
rate is directly proportional to the concen- 
tration of drug m the gastrointestinal fluids 
This IS true so long as the drug concentration 
m the sutiounding tissues and the blood- 
stream IS very low compared with that m 
gastromtestinal fluids Accordmgly, the per 
cent or fraction of drug absorbed per unit 
time IS independent of concentration, while 
the amount absorbed over a given tune is 
directly proportional to mitial concentration 
This is one of the cnteria used to establish 
whethw absorption is occurring by passwo 

Apart from the concentration gradient, 
diffusion rate depends also on the perme- 
abili^ characteristics of the membrane sepa- 
rating the two body compartments These arc 
reflected in. equation 2 (p 33), by the v^ue 
of Kt, all other conditions being equal The 
gastrointestinal membrane acts like a lipid 
barrier which permits the ready passage of 
lipid soluble drugs, but across which large 
lipid msoluble substances diffuse only with 
difficulty or not at all Smaller lipid insoluble, 
but water soluble substances may pass across 
the membrane through numerous pores 
which arc too small to be seen even with 
the aid of the electron microscope, but for 
which strong though indirect evidence exists 
When absorption occurs by passive diffusion. 

the rate of absorption per unit of mucosal 
surface area depends mainly on the concen- 
tration of the absorbable form of the drug 
m gastromtestmal fluids, the rate of diffusion 
through gastromtestmal fluids toward the 
mucosal surface and the relative permeabil- 
ity of the membrane with respect to the drug 
These factors are influenced by a number of 
dosage form properties which \vill be dis- 
cussed m subsequent sections of this chapter 
Absorption by active transport is a spe- 
cialized process which requires the expendi- 
ture of energy The various active transport 
processes found m the gastromtestmal tract 
are relatively structure specific and serve pn- 
marily for the absorption of natural sub- 
strates, such as monosaccharides, I^amino 
acids, pynmidmes, bile salts and certain vita- 
mms However, there is evidence that certam 
drugs also may be absorbed by one of these 
active transport processes, if iheir chemical 
structures are sufficiently similar to that of 
the natural substrate The anticancer drug 
5 fluorouracil is an example of an actively 
transported drug it js similar m structure 
to the natural substrate uracil, which is ab- 
sorbed by means of the pynmidme transport 
system 5-FIuorouraci] is absorbed by the 
same specialized process Active transport is 
relatively specific not only m terms of chem- 
ical structure but also wiib respect to direc- 
tion For example, it may function only m 
the movement of a substance from the mu- 
cosal to the serosal side of the gastromtes- 
tinai tract and not m the reverse direction 
Absorption by active transport can take 
place agamst a concentration gradient, that 
IS, from a region of low concentration to one 
of higher concentration The process be- 
comes saturated at high concentrations of the 
substance which is bemg transported, and 
one substance can compete with and depress 
the absorption of another if both arc trans- 
ported by the same process Since active 
transport processes consume energy, they 
can be inhibited by various metabolic poi- 
sons, such as fluonde and dmitrophenol, and 
by lack of oxygen Some natural substrates 
and drugs can be absoibed by both active 
transport and passive diffusion processes 
Absorption by the former process is usually 
much more rapid at sufficiently low concen- 
trations Absorption by passive diffusion bo* 

40 Dotage Form Detign ond Evaluation 

comes important at concentrations that are 
high enough to saturate the active transport 
process From the biopbarmaccutical point 
of view, It must be recognized that a drug 
which can be absorbed by active transport 
will be absorbed relatively more rapidly at 
low concentration than at higher concentra- 
tions where the active process is more or 
less saturated and the slouer passive diffu- 
sion process predominates Furthermore, m 
the case of active transport, dietary condi- 
tions can mduence abso^tion rate of drugs 
through the competitive effect of natural sub- 
strates ingested as part of the normal food 

There are some variants of the two mapr 
types of transport processes described thus 
far Water flux can mcrease the diffusion 
rate of a substance across the gastromtestmal 
membrane in the same direction, this is 
known as solvent drag Some substances are 
transported by a process which does not re- 
quue energy and cannot take place against 
a concentration gradient, but which is sub- 
ject to competition by other substances of 
similar structure This absorption process ap- 
pears to be an active one and is called 
pcdtiated transport Another mechanism of 
absorption is that of puiocyiosis (“ccU-drink- 
ing'’)< ^bere particulate matter such as od 
droplets is brought mto the cell by bemg en- 
gulKd in a membrane invagmation which is 
subsequently pinched off and mo>ed mto the 
mterior of the cell 

The various absorption and transfer proc- 
esses have been reviewed in greater detail by 
Laster and Ingclfingcr** and by Schanker 
Intercstmg descriptions of cell membrane 
permeability characteristics wntlcn m popu- 
lar fashion arc those by Holler** and Solo- 

Role of Various Regions of t/ie 
Gastrointestinal Tract in Absorption 

As on mgested drug descends through the 
gastrointestinal tract, it encounters different 
environments with respect to pH, cnz)’mcs 
and fluidity, as well as anatomic regions with 
'different surface characteristics All of these 
anablcs can affect the rate of absorption of 
le drug It has been stated m the previous 
ibscction that absorption by passive diffu- 
:on across the gastromicstinal membranes is 

restneted primarily to hpid soluble drugs and 
that the rate of absorption per unit of mu- 
cosal surface is proportional to the concen- 
tration of the absorbable form of the drug 
in gastiDintestinal fluids Accordmgly, weak 
acids and weak bases are absorbed predomi- 
nantly m lipid-soluble, un lomzed form ** 
Their rate of absorption depends not on their 
total concentration m gastromtestmal fluids 
but on the concentration of the absorbable 
(un-ionized) species, which, m turn, is a 
function of dissociation constant and of the 
pH of their unmcdiate environment Thus, 
weak acids are readily absorbed from the 
stomach, since they exist m essentially un- 
tomzed form m the acidic gastne fluids. 
Weak bases are largely ionized m gastne 
fluids and arc, therefore, absorbed very 
slowly or not at all from the stomach Hus 
situation IS reversed m the fluids of the small 
inlestme which are cither only mildly acidic, 
neutral or even somewhat basic Such an 
environment favors, relatively speakmg, the 
absorption of drugs that are weak bases 
Under these circumstances it is apparent that 
a weakly acidic drug, when administered in 
solid form, must dissolve readily m gastric 
fluids if rapid absorption is desired Umortu- 
natety, weak acids generally do not dissolve 
as rapidly m acidic fluids as do weak bases 
The reverse would be much more desirable, 
smcc rapid dissolution of weakly basic drugs 
in gastne fluids is not as important because 
weak bases are not absorbed to any significant 
extent from the stomach 

It IS cnlightenmg to consider the change 
m the degree of ionization of two weak acids, 
diffenng m K« value, as they are exposed to 
an environment of increasing pH (which 
would be the case when they descend through 
the gastromtestmal tract) Both substances 
essentially arc un ionized at very low pH 
and dissoaate to an mcrcasmg degree as 
they encounter regions of higher pH The 
weaker acid will ionize to a lesser degree at 
a given pH than the stronger and, and the 
concentration ratio of the un lomzcd (ab- 
sorbable) species of the two drugs will m- 
crease in favor of the weaker acid at 
higher pH 

This IS shown m Figure 20 for two weakly 
aadic drugs, benzoic acid and salic)lic acid 
Jt IS to expected that the wcAer acid 

(benzoic acid) is relatively better absorbed 
than the stronger acid as the pH increases 
This IS indeed the case, as evidenced by the 
absoqition data also shown m Figure 20 
A more extensive tabulation demonstrates 
that this relationship holds also for other 
weakly acidic dnigs However, m all in- 
stances, the relative mcrease in absorption 
rate ratio was not as great as the increase 
in the concentration ratio of the tin ionized 
form of the two drugs This is probably due 
to the fact that the pH at the gastrointesimal 
membrane is not necessarily the same as the 
pH of the gastrointestinal fiuids, since it has 
been found that the mtestmal membrane has 
a somewhat acidic zone While this acidic 
pH apparently can be modified m either 
direction by changing the pH of the gastro- 
mtestmal Quids, the magmtude of the mem- 
brane pH change is not necessarily the same 
as that of the pH change of the gastrointes- 
tinal Quids It should be pomted out that m 
the mtact animal the small mtestme strongly 
resists alteration m the pH of its luminal con- 
tents Hence, it is not practical to modify 
the pH of mtestmal Qmds under climcal con- 
ditions The pH of gastric Quids can be m- 
creased by antacids and other suitable alka- 
hne substances, and the absorption rate of 
weak acids and weak bases can be decreased 
and mcreased, respectively, m the human 
under these circumstances 

While the differences between the pH of 
the gastric and the mtestmal Quids account 
to some extent for the different rates of ab- 
sorption of certam drugs from these two 
areas, the mam reason is the difference m the 
absorptive surface areas Anatomically, the 
small mtestme is much better designed for 
absorption than the stomach The mtestmal 
mucosa is covered by numerous vilh and 
provides a very large surface for absorp- 
tion The ratio of mucosal surface area/ 
serosal surface area (MA/SA) is hipest in 
the proximal region of the small mtestme and 
decreases toward the more distal regions 
MA/SA ratios of the upper, the middle and 
the Iol^er segments of the rat small intestine 
are 113, 9 8 and 4 3, respectively" It is 
known that the decrease m MA/SA ratio as 
one descends the human mtestme is also 
rather large.*®® Furthermore, the electrical 
potential across the small mtestme, which is 

1 2 S 4 5 6 7 

Fig 30 Change m the ratio of un ion 
ized benzoic acid (pK. s 4 2) to un ion 
ized salicylic acid (pk« = 3 0) and m the 
ratio of their absorption rates from the 
gastromtestmal tract of the rat, as a fuoc 
HOD of pH (assuming equimolar concen- 
tration of total drug) Absorption data 
from Schanker, h.S ,etal J Pharmacol 
Exp Ther i20 528, and Hogben, C A 
M , et al ) Pharmacol Exp Ther 125 

positive on the serosal side, is higher m the 
jejunum than in the ileum The pH of the 
intestinal fluids also mcreases m the distal 
direction ** Thus, there exists a duodenal, 
jejunal to ileal gradient with respect to ab- 
sorptive surface area (MA/SA), electncal 
gradient and pH The large mtestme presents 
much less favorable anatomic condiuons for 
absorption a larger lumen and no villi The 
effect of the latter will be appreciated by the 
fact that the presence of viUi m the human 
small mtestme increases the surface area 
from seven to ei^teen times over what it 
would be without viUi 
Most of the water absorption from the 
gastromtestmal tract occurs m the small m- 
teslinc ** As the gastiomieslinal content 
passes through the small mtestme, it changes 
hrom Quid to pasty consisteni^ Drug solids 

42 Dosage Form Design and Evaluaiion 

which ha\e not been dissolved in the stem* 
acb or the small intestme may not encounter 
sufficient fluids for dissolution m the large 
mtcstine Diffusion of dissolved drug to the 
mtestjnal mucosa also is bmdered by the m* 
spissation (thickening) of the contents of the 
large intestme Thus pH, surface area, avail* 
ability of aqueous fluids to dissolve mgested 
drug solids and consistency of intestmal con- 
tents are some of the factors which differ in 
various regions of the gastromtestinal tract. 
They can account for differences in the ab- 
sorption rate of a drug from these regions 

The existence of optimal regions for ab- 
serpUoa js even more clear-cut wjlh respect 
to substances that are absorbed by means of 
an active transport mechanism It has been 
established that iron absorption occurs 
mainly in the proximal part of the small m- 
testme and decreases progressively m the 
more distal mteslinal segments, s* while 

the absorption of bile salts is limited to the 
dutal deal segment Riboflavin apparently 
is absorbed only from the upper regions of 
the and thiamine absorption also 

occurs mainly m the proximal regions Under 
equal conditions of supply, the ^sorption of 
thiamine m the distal sections of the intes- 
tine is only 20 per cent of that found m the 
proximal sections The site of active vita- 
mm Bis absorption in man is the ilcum, 
and there may be a specific vitamm Bi- 
receptor mechanism m this part of the 
small intestme The colon apparently 
lacks certam specific transport processes 
present in some or all of the regions of the 
small mtcstine, namely, those for glucose and 
galactose, L-tyrosme, and vitamin Bis " “Hus 
suggests that the rectal route of adrrunistra 
tion IS not satisfactory for substances which 
arc absorbed by one of several active trans- 
port processes 

The existence of specialized absorption 
sites and regional differences with respect to 
pH, surface area and other properties in the 
gastromtestinal tract implies that orally ad- 
mmisicrcd drugs should be m physiologically 
available form (for example, in solution 
rather than in solid form) by the time they 
reach their respective optimum absorption 
sues Only limited time is available for the 
dissolution of a solid medicament, the modi- 
fication of an unabsorbablc molecule to an 

absorbable one by hydrolysis, and similar 
transformations of drugs to their physiologi- 
cally avadable forms in the gastromtestinal 
tract, especially if the optimum absorption 
Site is the proximal section of the small m- 
tesune The rate of passage of intestinal con- 
tents through the upper small mtcstme is 
higher than it is through the lower part For 
example, it has been found that the transit 
time of a balloon through the duodenum is 
5 mmutes, through the jejunum, 2 hours, and 
through the ileum, 3 to 6 hours Drugs that 
are not m absorbable form within indicated 
tunc limits may be propelled past their ab- 
soipuoa sites and excreted totally or m part 
m the feces 

Gastric Emptying Rate 
In view of the quabtative and the quanti- 
tative differences bctucen the absorption 
properties of the stomach and the mtcstme, 
any delay m the transfer of a drug from stom- 
ach to intestine may affect absorption rate 
and, thereby, the onset of therapeutic activ- 
ity For instance, a weak base such as 
cwine Will be absorbed primarily from the 
smalt intestme rather than from the stomach, 
and any delay m gastric emptying will tend 
to delay the onset of analgesia Slow gastric 
emptymg can also affect die biologic avail- 
abili^ of drugs that are unstable m gastnc 
fluids, the extent of degradation being pro- 
portional to the tune durmg which such drugs 
arc exposed to low pH or gastric enzymes 
The effect of pharmaceutical formulation 
variables on the dissolution rate of weakly 
acidic drugs usually will be most noticeable 
while the drugs are m the stomach, where 
ordraarily they dissolve rclaiivcly slowly 
Such differences tend to disappear when the 
drugs reach the small mtcstme, where disso- 
lution IS usually more rapid and less affected 
by differences m dosage form properties 
Consequently, the results of absorption 
studies and certam other types of clinical 
evaluations, both comparative and absolute, 
can be affected by the gastnc emptymg rale 
of the experimental subjects This is one rea- 
son why absorption studies often yield more 
consistent results when earned out on fasted 
subjects Type of food, volume, osmotic 
pressure, pH and buffer capacity, tempera- 
ture and viscosity of gastnc contents, age 

Biologic Factors 43 

and state of health of the subjects and en- 
vironmental circumstances dunng the study 
are typical factors which can influence gastric 
emptying rate Gastnc content leaves die 
stomach by a first-order process, le, at a 
rate which is proportional to volume With 
small volumes, there is an mitial lag time 
before gastnc emptymg begms, while with 
higher volumes there is an mitial phase of 
more rapid emptying Thus, mgestion of 
large volumes of hquid may favor drug ab- 
sorption by mcreasmg the mitial rate of 
transfer of drug to the small mtestine Liquids 
of low viscosity are emptied more rapidly 
than liquids of high viscosity Solutions or 
suspensions of fine particles leave the stom- 
ach at a higher rate than lumpy substances 
Hence, enteric coated tablets, which do not 
dismtegrate in gastnc fluids, often remam m 
the stomach for a considerable length of 
time^ Liquids havmg a high osmotic pres- 
sure are emptied more slowly than pure 
water or solutions of lower osmotic pressure 
Fats slow gastnc emptying rate considerably, 
protems have a lesser effect, and starch re- 
tards gastnc emptying the least Gastnc 
emptymg also is retarded by increased acidity 
of the duodenal contents, which, in turn, is 
related to the acidity of the gastric fluids 
It has been found that subjects with duodenal 
ulcers and gastnc hyperacidity have a higher 
gastnc emptymg rate than healthy subjects, 
while those suffering from gastnc achylia 
have a lower emptying rate ** 

A number of drags are capable of affect- 
ing gastric emptymg rate, usually by some 
central mechanism but, in some instances, ap- 
parently by means of a local effect. Aspitm, 
morphine and codeine are among those drugs 
which delay gastnc emptymg Posture 
also can affect the rate of gastnc emptymg 
For certain individuals, gastnc emptymg is 
facilitated by lying on the nght side and de- 
layed by lymg m supine position^* Since 
gastric emptymg can be a major hnutmg 
factor With respect to the rate of absorption 
of certain drugs, it will be appreciated that 
the variables described m the prccedmg para- 
graphs can have a significant effect on drug 
absorption It has been pomted out recently 
that It may even make a difference whether 
a subject is standmg or sittmg, since this can 
affect the rapidity and completeness of ab- 

sorption of orally administered drugs Dis- 
regard for these considerations could intro- 
duce considerable bias m the clmical testmg 
and evaluation of dosage forms 

Interaction of Drugs with Com- 
ponents OF Gastrointestinal Mucosa 
Interaction of drugs with substances pres- 
ent m or secreted by the gastromtestmal 
mucosa can be of considerable consequence 
m the absorption of such drugs This may be 
illustrated by a consideration of the gastro- 
lotestinal absorption of quaternary ammo- 
mum compounds, many of which are used as 
antichohnergic and hypotensive agents It is 
known that many of these drugs are absorbed 
poorly and irregularly from the gastrointes- 
tmal tract V^e this probably is related 
to some extent to their poor lipoid solubihty, 
It has been shown that quaternary ammo- 
nium compounds form nonabsorbable com- 
plexes with polysaccharide acids of intestinal 
mucm Once the mechanism for the poor 
absorption of quaternaries bad been eluci- 
dated, formulauon adjustments to circum- 
vent this problem and to facilitate absorption 
could be made A physiologically inert 
quateraaiy was coadministered, which either 
interacted preferentially or competed with the 
pharmacologically active quaternary for m- 
teracuon sites TTus resulted in less bmding 
and greater physiologic availability of the 
drug, as shown m both animals and hu- 
mans The more complete gasiromtesti- 
nol absorption of hypotensive quaternaries 
thus attained permitted a reduction of the 
administered dose, which is desirable not 
oidy for economic reasons but also because 
some of these drags exhibit undesirable local 
actmns on the gastrointestinal tract ** The 
use of pharmacologically inert quaternaries 
to enhance drug absorption is not limited to 
hypotensives but is also applicable to other 
quaternaries such as cholinergics and anti- 
spasmodics Of interest with respect to the 
previous discussion concerning regions of 
optimum absorption m the gastromtestmal 
tract IS the observation that the drug mucm 
interaction decreases at lower pH It has 
been suggested that for this reason absorp- 
tion of quatenmnes may be most rapid from 
the upper part of the gastromtesunal tract. 
Dela^ia drag release from dosage forms 

44 Dosoge Form Design and Evaluotion 

could, under such circumstances, have sen* 
ous consequences One nu^t also speculate 
that coadnunistration of antacids could inter* 
fere with the absorption of these drugs due 
to increased drug binding at higher pH 

Along with a consideration of those types 
of interactions which cause inhibition of drug 
absorption, it is appropriate to mention rnter- 
aclions leading to opposite effects Obviously, 
this encompasses all instances of active trans* 
port, for which the interaction of drug with 
a “earner” is often postulated Of 
greater interest to biophannaccutics are in- 
teractions with compounds which can be iso- 
lated and reasonably defined, such as the 
well known interaction of vitamm Bi- with 
mtnnsic factor and the recently reported 
mteracuon of quaternary ammonium com- 
pounds with a phospbatido-peptide fraction 
of mtcsUnal tissue Smee these physiologic 
materials can be isolated, they can be em- 
plo>ed as dosage form addiuves to enhance 
the absorption of certain dnigs Little pub- 
lished work is as yet available m this area, 
but It would seem that it represents a unique 
and perhaps fruitful approach to improved 
drag fonsuIatioQ 



The subject of biotransformauon, which 
IS also called detoxication or drug metabo- 
lism, IS so extensive as to constitute almost 
a separate disciplme It will be discussed here 
only m a limited mann er, pnmardy with re- 
spect to its relationship to the biologic balf- 
lifc or clinunalion rate of drugs More exten- 
sive and detailed information can be ob- 
tained from the book Detoxication Mecha~ 
nisnis by R T Williams An excellent and 
up-to-date review article on the subject has 
also appeared “ 

Williams-®® has classified the metabohe 
changes undergone by drugs and other for- 
eign compounds m the body from a pharma- 
cologic aspect as follows (1) reactions in 
which biologically inactive compounds arc 
converted into acuve metabolites, (2) reac- 
tions in which biologically active compounds 
arc converted mto active metabolites with the 
same or different activity, (3) reactions m 
which biologically acuve compounds arc con- 
verted into macuve metabolites fay oxidation, 
reduction or h)drol>sis, (4) detoxication 

mediamsms, i e , reactions between foreign 
compounds and body carbohydrates or 
ammo acids to yield inactive and nontoxic 
excretory products, and (5) lethal syntheses, 
I e , reactions between the foreign compound 
and a body constituent to produce an mjun- 
ous product. The discussion to follow will be 
concerned primarily with reactions of types 
(3) and (4) which involve the conversion 
of phaimacobgically active compounds to 
essentially mactive metabolites It has already 
been pointed out that the elimination rate of 
a pharmacologically active compound de- 
pends on Its rate of biotransforraation to 
inactive metabolites and the rate of excretion 
of Its unchanged (active) form The elimi- 
nation rate, which ts often expressed m terms 
of the biologic half-life of the drug mvoivcd, 
dctenjuncs the persistence time of drug pres- 
ent m the body The persistence tunc fre- 
quently can be related to the duration of 
pharmacologic activity 
A rational dosage regimen must be based 
on a consideration of a drug’s biologic half- 
life Too frequent administrauon of addi- 
tional (mamtenance) doses after the initial 
dose, or mawlcnjocc Joses which are too 
high, may cause drug accumulation and toxic 
reactions On the other bond, maintenance 
doses which are too low or which ore spaced 
too far apart result in a decline m the total 
amount of drug in the body and may cause 
the treatment to be meffective rrcqucnily, it 
IS necessary to administer a relatively high 
miiial or pnming dose, followed by lower 
mamicnaocc doses at appropnatc intervals 
The shorter the lime intervals between doses, 
the lower is the amount of drug required to 
maintain the drug content of the body m the 
desired range Furthermore, the magnitude 
of the fluctuations of drug concentration in 
various body compartments diminishes as the 
frequency of administration of appropnatc 
maintenance doses increases until, when the 
frequen^ becomes mfinitely large (lc , on 
continuous adnunistration), (he drug con- 
centration in the body remains constant 
(assuming the dosage or rale of drug admin- 
istration to be correct) Continuous drug 
administration can be achieved by intrave- 
nous dnp or by means of properly designed 
oral sustained release dosage forms 

la certam instances it may be possible to 

Biologic Factors 45 

achieve much better therapeutic results by 
continuous drug administration (thereby 
maintaining a constant drug concentration 
in Quids of distnbution) than are obtained 
with penodic drug admmistration and the 
associated fluctuations of drug concentration 
m the fluids The reader may recall that drug 
diffuses from blood to the tissues when the 
concentration of drug in diffusible form is 
higher m the blood and that drug leaves the 
tissues and diffuses back mto the blood when 
the concentration gradient is reversed If the 
rate of diffusion of a drug to the site of action 
is very low,* it may be impossible to achieve 
diffusion equiUbnum between the particular 
site and the fluids of distnbution la the 
course of conventional drug therapy, par- 
ticularly if the drug is rapidly eliminated 
Under such circumstances it becomes neces- 
sary to establish a relatively high drug con- 
centration m the bloodstream m order to 
attam n considerably lower concentration at 
the site of action '^ts may be undesirable, 
not only for economic reasons but also be 
cause of possible toxic reactions which could 
occur, especially when there is a separate 
site of action wiA respect to the toxic activity 
and when diffusion to that site can occur 
quite rapidly On reflection, one is struck by 
the question of how many potentially useful 
drugs may have been overlooked during a 
phannacologic screening process or cimical 
tnal because neither biologic half life nor 
diffusion problems were taken into consid- 
eration adequately in establishing the dosage 
schedule It has been reported recently that 
the blood supply to cancerous tissue is quite 
limited,^’ which suggests that failure of 
chemotherapy of malignancies may, in some 
instances, be due to an madequacy of the 
drug concentration obtained in tumor tissue 
Based on considerations outlined m the pre- 
ceding paragraphs, it would seem to be ad- 
visable to admimster certain anticancer 
drugs m a manner which leads to relatively 
constant drug levels m the fluids of dis- 
tnbution Indeed, it has been observed that 

* For example, the rate of diffusioa of sulfa 
iliaxme from bloi^ to cerebrospinal fluid is so low 
that 6 to 8 hours are required for the coaceatralioo 
of drug in cerebrospin^ fluid to reach half the free 
drug cooceDlration in blood plasma (under con 
ditions where drug plasma concentration is con 
Siam) 150 

Table 3 Dosage Intervals (T) ano 
Ratios of Initial Dose to Maintenance 
Dose (D*/D) for Maintaining 
Constant Drug Concentration* 



t| (hours) T (hours) 





1 8 









Acetyl sulfisoxazole 13 1 






1 6 


23 5 







• Part of a tabulation by Kruger Thicmer E., 
and Buoger, P Arzneun Forsch 11 867 

administration of the anticancer drug 
amethoptenn by contmuous mtraveoous dnp 
was more effective than admmistration of the 
same amount of drug m a single daily dose 
Apparently, this is due to the sustamed drug 
levels achieved by the former procedure 
How important it is for rational therapy 
U> consider the biologic half life of a drug 
when establishing its dosage schedule may 
be shown m the foUowmg tabulation by 
Kruger-Thiemer and Bunger,*-* who calcu- 
lated for a number of sulfa drugs the ratio 
of mitial dose maintenance dose {D*/D) 
and the time intervals (T) between doses 
necessary to maintain drug levels m the body 
within a constant range (Table 3) 

According to the data m Table 3, it is 
necessary to admimster one half die mitial 
dose of sulfisoxazole every 6 hours to mam- 
tain constant body concentration of the drug, 
while m the case of sulfadimethoxine one 
would give one third the mitial dose every 
24 hours The differences m biologic half- 
life between the various sulfa drugs were not 
gjneraify appreciated m die early days of 
sulfonamide therapy, and it has been pointed 
out that sulfa drugs with a long half life 
(such as sulfadiazine and sulfamcrazine) be- 
came discredited because of frequent toxic 
reactions These latter were actu^iy due to 
too frequent dosage and the resulting drug 
accumuhition The combination of two or 
more sulfonamides m one dosage form also 
has been criticized, smcc most of such com- 
binations mvohe substances that differ sig- 
nificantly m biologic half life ” Rational 

48 Dosage Form Design and Evaluohon 

recent review article “ While these proper- 
ties of drugs cause problems and complica- 
tions iQ chemotherapy, they can be utilized 
also m prolongmg the duration of drug action 
or in tcrimnaung it more rapidly Vihere nec- 
essary This often can be accomplished by 
relatively mnocuous substances, such as bio- 
Oavmoids and glucuronic acid 

Intcrsubject Variation. The biologic half- 
life of drugs as reported in the literature 
represents an average value for the type of 
subject m which it was established However, 
even within a group of individuals relatively 
standardized with respect to age, state of 
health, therapeutic r^imen and similar po- 
tential variables, the biologic half life vanes 
significantly Such mtcrsubject variation is 
as characteristic as that of oUier biologic 
parameters, such as weight hei^t and color 
of the eyes Kruger-T^emcr and Hunger 
found twofold differences in the biologic 
half life of each of a number of sulfonamides 
in different mdividuals all of whom were 
healthy and of similar age These authors 
cite similar czpeneoces of other mvesuga- 
tors with streptomycin kanamycin, isoniazid 
and py/azinamide Another report indicates 
eightfold diifcrcoces m rates of metabolism 
of dicumarol and eihylbiscumacetate Also, 
there may be occasional intrasubjecc vana- 
Uons due to changes in dietary habits. Quid 
mtakc and physical activity Such variations, 
regardless of cause, can represent senous 
problems in chemotherapy due to the danger 
of undertreatment or drug accumulation and 
the attendant toxicities Fortunately, it is 
often possible to titrate * patients, using lack 
of clinical response and onset of side elTccts 
as indicators of underdosage and overdosage, 
respectively Such technic may not be useful 
with drugs havmg unfavorable therapeutic 
ratios or insidious or delayed toxic reactions 
Often, It may be dcsuable actually to deter- 
mine the biologic half life of a drug m a gnen 
patient at the start of therapy and to adjust 
the subsequent dosage regimen accordingly 
Altemalivcly, it has been suggested that dmly 
blood samples be drawn during the course of 
therapy just pnor to administration of the 
next dose m otticr to establish the muu- 
mum concentration of drug m the blood and, 
then, to note whether accumulation or con- 
centration dcchoe IS occurring m the course 

of therapy” These considerations are also 
indicative of some serious fundamental limi- 
tations of sustained release dosage forms, 
since the release charactenstics of such forms 
must, of necessity, be based on requirements 
related to the half life of a drug m the aver- 
age individual Moreover, such dosage forms 
permit no adjustments of dosage regimen 
other than to increase or decrease the amount 
of admmistercd drug, the rate of release or 
drug supply to the body (which is analogous 
to the frequency of administration of drug 
in conventional form) cannot be changed 
BiotransfomiatjOQ During Gastromtcstinal 
Ahsorplion. Some recent work points to the 
gastromtcstmol wail os a site of biotrans- 
formation of certain drugs Thus, a drug may 
be partially inactivated even before it enters 
the Quids of distribution unless, for example, 
Its conjugated form is fully hydrolyzed and 
reverted to free drug at the serosal side of the 
gastrointestinal membrane A consideration 
of possible biotransfoimation of drugs during 
their gastromtcstinal absorption is therefore 
pertiocDt before considering, m a foUowmg 
section, the effect of route of administration 
on drug aciiviiy 

Formation of drug glucuronides, until re- 
cently thought to be limited to the liver and 
(to a lesser extent) the kidneys, takes place 
also m the mucous membranes of the gastro- 
mtestmal tract In fact ommal data suggest 
Chat s^chcsis of glucuronides m the fetal 
stomach is already at the adult level, whereas 
hepatic conjugauon with glucuronides is 
known to be very low in the newborn *** 
Thyroxine, truodothyronme and certam thy- 
roxine analogs which arc absorbed by an 
active transport process are also changed 
to glucuronic acid conjugates during ab- 

Whether biotransformation of drugs m the 
gasliDintcsUnal tissues is fully reversible and 
pninanly a mechanism for active transmit 
(the glucuromdc cannot diffuse back mto 
the lumen due to its lipoid msolubility), or 
whether it is irreversible in the body and thus 
serves as part of the detoxication process, 
has not os yet been established In the mean- 
time It IS important that the possibility of 
biotransformation dunng gastrointcstmal ab- 
sorption be considered as one possible cause 
for differences between the pboimacologic 

Biologic Factors 


results obtained from oral and parenteral 
dosage fonns, smce drug plasma levels and 
therapeutic response after parenteral admin 
istration often serve as the standard of com 
panson for evaluation of oral dosage forms 

Rate of Decline op Pharmacologic 

The changes of drug concentration in body 
fluids as a function of time need not neces- 
sarily parallel pharmacologic activity time re- 
lationships For that reason it is desirable 
and, often, technically feasible to determine 
the change m mtensity of a given pharma- 
cologic effect with time For example, re- 
serpine has a half life of only 15 minutes, 
yet Its pharmacologic effects persist for 36 
to 48 hours It has been suggested that the 
prolonged effects are due to an irreversible 
mactivation of reactive sites on the enzyme 
monamme oxidase ** Under such circum- 
stances the duration of the pharmacologic 
effect may be related to the rate of formation 
of new enzyme rather than to the rate of dis- 
appearance of drug from the site of action 
Coumann type anticoagulants, such as di- 
cumarol, require 24 hours or more after even 
parenteral administration to cause an m- 
crease m prothrombin time, evidently because 
of their indirect effect which is exerted on 
an early phase of prothrombin synthesis 
A dnig may exhibit different activity vs 
tune relationships for different pharmaco- 
logic effects This is the case with morpbme 
and other opiates, which exhibit different 
activity ume sequences for analgesia and de- 
pression, respectively It is of interest to 
note that differences m half-life as a function 
of dosage have been observed not only for 
drug eliimnation (cf previous section) but 
also With respect to the decline of a phar- 
macologic response (mydnasis) Differ- 
ences between the time sequences of drug 
concentration and pharmacologic activi^ 
must be taken into consideration m pharma- 
ceutical formulation If the tuo sequences co- 
incide and rapid onset of activity is desired, 
it IS desirable to have dosage forms which 
permit the drug to be absorbed rapidly On 
the other hand, if there is considerable lag 
m pharmacologic response, there is little ad- 
^tage m rapid drug release from dosage 
forms so long as release is not delayed to the 

point of causing incomplete absorption Sirni- 


and the design of sustamed release forms 
^y have to be related m certain mstanccs 
pharmacologic activity 
rather than to that of drug elimmation 

Urinary Excretion 
It has been explained previously that dnio 
elimination is the result of biotransfonna- 
tioa and excretion of unchanged drug In 
most cases, the urmaiy route is the maior 
excrctoy pathway, although some drugs me 
excreted primarily m the bde BUiaiy eicie- 
tion beimmes an important means of drug 
removal from the body only d subsequent 
gastromlestinal reabsoiption of a dnig’thus 
excreted does not occur to any major degree 
Urmary excretion of drugs can mvolve three 
processes glomerular filtration, active tubu- 
lar excreuon of orgamc acids or bases m 
ionic form and passive back diffusion fre- 
absoipuon) of part of such acids or bases m 
noniomc form from the lower tubular re- 
gions Since the rate of reabsorption % 
proporUonal to the concentrabon of drug m 
un-iomaed form, it is possible to modify this 
rate by ebangmg the pH of the unue In this 
way one may either mcrease or decrease the 
urmary excretion rate and, therefore, the 
eb^auon rate of drugs which are weak 
acids or weak bases 

T^e unnary excretion rate of salicylic acid 
can be decreased and higher salicylate blood 
levels achieved by acidifying the urme with 
a^onium chloride An opposite effect is 
flamed by a^mstration of sodium bicar- 
bonate, and this technic has been used to 
trwt cases of salicylate poisonmg, smce it 
thieves rapid removal of the drug from the 
body Similarly, Kostenbauder and co-work- 
ere have shown that the elimination rate of 
the sulfonamide sulfaethidole can be changed 
by urmary pH adjustment « When the urine 
was mamtamed at a pH of 4 8 to 5 2 the 

averagebiologichalf Iifeofthednigwas n 4 

n^rs Upon adjustment of urmary oH to 
7 9 to 8 1 die half bfe was an 

average of only 4 2 hours Sulfaethidole is 
a weak acid with a pK. of 5 5. and it may 
be calculated that 76 per cent of the drug is 
m on ionized fonn at pH 5 0. while oalv 
about I 5 per cent is un ionized at pH 7 8 

50 Dosage Form Design and Evoluation 

The urmaiy excretion of drugs can also 
be retarded by administration of agents ca- 
pable of mhibitmg their tubular secretion For 
example, probenecid prolongs the biologic 
half-Ji/e of penicillms by such a media- 
nism The state of health, particularly with 
respect to kidney function, can be a factor 
m the urmaiy excretion of drugs Thus, the 
average excretion rate constant for exoge- 
nous hippuric acid was found to be 2 7 
hours'"^ m normal subjects, but only 1 2 
hours”’ m subjects with renal disease 

Route of Administration 
Quantitative diJIerences m the pbanna- 
cologic activity of drugs as a function of route 
of admmistration are observed frequently 
and can be related usually to differences tn 
rates of absorpuon and drug concentration 
maxima One ordinarily expects a drug to 
have the same qualitative effect regardless 
of route of administration, but there is a 
sufBcient number of exceptions to justify spe- 
cial consideration A case m pomt is mag- 
nesium sulfate, which acts as a laxative when 
taken orally but is a powerful central nervous 
system depressant v.hcn administered paren- 
terally The laxative effect and absence of 
syTtcmic activity on oral admuustratioo is 
due to the very limited absorption of mag- 
nesium sulfate from the gastromtcsUnal tract 
Drugs that are absorbed from the gastro- 
mtcsUnal tract enter the portal circulation 
and arc channeled immediately to the liver, 
which IS the major site of biotransformation 
On the other hand, drugs do not pass direcUy 
to the liver when administered porenterally, 
sublingually or rcctally Consequently, the 
tissue distribution pattern of drugs may differ 
considerably, depending on route of admin- 
istration This, m turn, can result m the pre- 
dominance of one or another pharmacologic 
effect Certam monamine oxidase inhibitors, 
namely phcniprazine, phenelzine and, to some 
extent, isocarboxazid, give nsc to greater 
brain monammo oxidase inhibition than liver 
monamine oxidase inhibition when adminis- 
tered subcutaneously On oral admmistia- 
uon, these drugs exert a more pronounced 
liver monamine oxidase inhibition than bram 
monamine oxidase mhibiuon This is con- 
sidered to be due to the drug passing directly 
to the brain on subcutaneous adnunislratroo, 
while passing first through the liver when 

given orally A difference m tissue distribu- 
tion pattern as a function of route of admin- 
istration has also been observed with gnseo- 
fulvm, the drug was concentrated in the lungs 
and the skin after intravenous administration 
and m liver, skm, skeletal muscle and fat 
after oral administration ” Pretreatment with 
barbiturates accelerates the elumnation of 
orally admmistercd biscoumacetate, but bar- 
biturates have no appreciable effect on the 
elunmation of mtravenously adnunistcred bis- 
coumacetate This suggests differences m the 
metabolic pathway of this anticoagulant as 
a function of route of administration 

The activity ratios between several opiates 
vary with different routes of admmistration 
This IS also true for the active constituents of 
thyroid, namely tniodothyronme and thyrox- 
me The latter instance can be related to the 
incomplete gastrointestinal absorption of 
thyroxine Smee tniodothyronme is well ab- 
sorbed, the acDvjty ratio between the two 
compounds differs dependmg on route of ad- 

In some instances, the differences in drug 
effects associated with different routes of 
administration may be related to different 
biotransformatiOD patterns as a consequence 
of differences in races of absorption In these 
cases, similar effects can be observed by ad- 
mmistcrmg the drug at different rates by any 
one route The metabolism of 5-hydroxy- 
tryptamine is thus affected Rapid mtravenous 
injection of this compound causes greater 
formation of its o-glucuronidc than subcu- 
taneous administration or sfow intravenous 
infusion ’ The phenolic conjugation of 5- 
hydroxytryptamine, therefore, is considered 
to be an emergency route for its elimination. 
However, the most mlcnse phenolic conjuga- 
tion occurs after oral admmistration, despite 
the slower rate of drug entry mto the body ^ 
This may be due to partial conjugation m the 
gastromtcsUnal wall, as described m a previ- 
ous secUon Opposite rate effects arc found 
with respect to the biotransformation of the 
anutubercular drug p aminosalicylic acid 
This drug is inacUvated pnmanly by acetyla- 
tion Administration of a doily dose ui sev- 
eral small mcrements causes the greatest de- 
gree of acctylauon, while giving the drug m 
a single large daily dose causes the least 
acetyJation®® probably due to saturation of the 
acctylauon process m the body Goose- 

Btotogic Focfors 


quently, the use of single daily doses is pre- 
ferred and considered to be more effective 

The hormonal activity of A*-3 ketosleroids 
IS affected m a paradoxical manner by cnol 
etherification parenteral activity is decreased 
while oral effectiveness is increased “ The 
mvestigators feel that this is due to differ- 
ences in biotransformation, but it has also 
been suggested that differences m rates of 
hydrolysis of these compounds m the gastio 
intestinal tract compared with the rates in 
parenteral depots can account for the ob- 
served effects Another example concerns 
3-phenyI-l,2,4-tnazole, which produces 
strong centraJ nervous system stimulation 
when mjected mtravenously and pronounced 
depression when administered mtrapeii- 

The examples ated so far demonstrate that 
some drugs exhibit not only quantitative but 
also quahtative differences m activity as a 
function of route of admmistration These 
differences may be due to differences in tis- 
sue distnbution patterns, biotransformation 
and physiologic availability from the gastro- 
intestmal tract Relative drug stability m dii 
ferent body compartments may also be in- 
volved and will be discussed m a following 
section Such effects must be considered m 
any attempt to extrapolate pharmacologic 
data oblamed after drug administration by 
one route to mstanccs where the drug is ad- 
ministered by another route This is obviously 
pertinent to the mlelhgent mterpretation of 
literature data and to rational development of 
dosage forms 

Blood Levels and Plasma 
Protein Binding 

Blood level data are widely employed to 
evaluate the absorption rate of drugs as a 
function of dosage form, route of adnunts- 
tration and similar vanables This involves 
no unusual complications m the majonty of 
individual cases, smee the biologic properties 
of a drug such as apparent volume of distri- 
bution, elimination rate and activity are usu- 
ally unchanged so that differences in blood 
levels arc a direct reflection of differences m 
absorption rate (Many of the possible com- 
plicauons discussed in previous sections can 
be avoided m a clinical evaluation by proper 
experimental design ) The utilization of 
blood levels as entena of the comparative 

absorption efficacy and activity of a senes 
of derivatives or homologs is not as simple, 
and such data can easily be mismterpreted. 
The vanous compounds, despite basic struc- 
tural similarities, may differ cot^iderably m 
activity, distribution pattern and biologic 
half life, among other thmgs In such cases, 
blood levels can be mteipreted rationally only 
if the dissunilarities mentioned above are con- 
sidered i»ncurrently Many drugs are bound 
partially to plasma proteins and exist m the 
blood m part as free drug and m part as drug- 
protein complex. Only the free drug can 
diffuse to other tissues, the protem-bound 
portion does not pass across blood vessel 
walls m the healthy individual The greater 
the degree of protem bmding, the smaller the 
amount of the drug which is available to 
extravascular sites, smec the dnvmg force for 
diffusion from blood stream to other tissues 
IS the concentration gradient of diffusible 
(not total) drug 

Obviously, even an mherently active chemo- 
therapeutic agent cannot be effective unless 
It reaches Us site of action m sufficient con- 
centration Some drugs are relatively meffec- 
tive because they are highly protem bound, 
while appropnately modified derivatives may 
be quite active because of their lesser affinity 
for plasma proteins The higher blood levels 
obtamed after admmistiation of one com- 
pound, as compared with the blood levels 
resulung from administration of another de- 
nvative, may mean either that the former is 
more rapidly absorbed or that it is more ex- 
tensively bound to plasma protems In the 
latter case, the higher blood levels would be 
indicative of low availability to extravascular 
tissues and, probably, of low therapeutic 

The generalities mentioned so far may be 
discussed more specifically, usmg the sul- 
fonamides and tetracyclines as examples 
Both types of compounds are active only in 
unbound (diffusible) form The binding of 
sulfonamides to plasma proteins can be de- 
senbedby the equation, 

Dp=rKD? ( 16 ) 

where D, is the concentration of bound drug. 
Of IS the concentration of free drug and K 
and a are constants characteristic of a par- 
ticular sulfonamide This equation is anal- 
ogous to the Freundheh adsorption isotherm. 

52 Dosoge Form Design and Evaluohon 

Fig 21 Protein binding of various sul 
fonanudcs in human blo^ scrum (from 
Scholtan W Die Bmdung der Langzeit 
Sulfonamide an die Eiwciss Korpcr des 
Scrums Arzneun Forseh JJ 707) 

which characterizes many adsorption proc- 
esses It indicates that the degree of protem 
binding is a function of concentration 
This important point has been overlooked 
by the many investigators who determined 
the degree of protcm-biadiQg at only one 
drug eoncentratioo Equation (16) is handled 
more easily to logarithmic fonn 

log Dp » log K + a log D, (17) 
In this form, there exists a linear relationship 
between log Dp and log Dt, with log K as the 
intercept and a as the slope Such a log log 
plot, representing the degree of protein bind 
ing of a number of sulfonamides m human 
scrum as a function of drug concentration, 
IS shown in Figure 21 Several of the lines 
intersect, which indicates that one drug may 
6c more exleasiicly bound than another st 
a low concentration, while the reverse is true 
at higher concentrations In general, the dc 
grcc of protein binding of any one sulfona 
mide decreases with increasing drug concen 
tration as cxcmplilied by the data shown m 
Table 4 Only sulfadiazine and sulfamcrazmc 
do not show this relationship, the micraction 
of these compounds with plasma pnetcins is 
practically independent of concentration The 
iuifonamidc B 5254 is almost totally protem- 
tiound at concentrations of 10 mg % or less 
[t jiclds high blood levels but has no bac- 
enostatic cltccl m vivo'*® because of its cx- 
ircmcly low availability to cxlravascular 
ircas The degree of plasma protein binding 

Table 4 The Relation Between Free 
Sulfonamide Concentration* and 

Total Sulfonamide Concentration 

IN Human Blood ScRUMf 

Total Sulfonamide 
(mg %) 





44 0 

004 <001 


31 0 

0 63 





0 42 


45 0 

13 5 




27 0 

28 5 

2 Sulfanilnmido 5 

melbox) pyrimidine 

55 0 

31 0 



52 0 

55 0 

59 0 

* Expressed as per ccot of total concentration 
t Scholtan W Arioeun Forseh IJ 707 
t S sulfanilamido-3-tibyI 1 2 4-thiadia2oIe 

of sulfonamides differs considerably between 
various animal species Moreover, the van- 
ous species cannot be grouped m any distinct 
order with respect to the relative magnitude 
of plasma protem binding, a different se- 
quence IS obtained with different sulfona- 
mides Therefore, animal data have limited 
value in assessments of the activity of sulfona- 
mide drugs 

When the degree of plasma protem bmd- 
logof a drug decreases at higher blood Icvcb, 
the apparent volume of distribution of the 
drug wiH increase with increasing dose Ac- 
cordingly, doubling an mtiavcnous dose may 
not double the value obtamed by ex- 
trapolating the drug concentration decay 
curve to zero time (cf p 35) For ex- 
ample, Do after intravenous administration 
of if? Gm ot sodium saheyhte (mhich is 
parliaiiy bound to plasma proteins) was 40 
mg %, after intravenous admmistration of 
20 Cm , Do increased to only about 55 
mg % i»i As the relative intravascular re- 
tention of such drugs decreases, a greater 
fiaction reaches bioiransformaiion sites Tins 
can result m higher biotransformation rates 
and smaJJer half lives at higher doses, pro- 
vided that there is no saturation of the con- 
jugatmg system as previously desenbed Such 
effects have been observed with lophcnoxic 
acid* '** and phenylbutazone ^ It is of inter- 
est that there is IittJe correlation between the 
•Thu highly plaxma protein bound compound 
cim bave a iulf life os I005 os yean in humacu’ 

Biologic Factors 53 

degree of plasma-protein bmding and the ex- 
cretion rate of sulfonamides Tbe kid- 
neys evidently are capable of dissociatmg the 
drug-protein complex Various pathologic 
conditions cause changes in the composition 
of plasma proteins and can affect the degree 
of drug bmdmg Scholtaa'®* reports cases of 
nephrosis, diabetes and cirrhosis where the 
degree of plasma protein bmdmg of a sulfona- 
mide was considerably lower than m healthy 

Another mechanism by which the degree 
of protem bmding of drugs can be reduced 
and drug availabdity to extravascular areas 
increased is displacement of the drug from 
its adsorption site by another substance This 
approach should be a most promising one for 
enhancing drug action Amton found that 
sulfinpyrazone, ethyl biscoumacetate, lophen 
oxic acid and other substances displace sul* 
fonamide from plasma protems, resulting in 
a decrease of total drug plasma concentra- 
tion and an increase of sulfonamide concen- 
tration m the tissues ^ 

Effective displacmg agents are substances 
highly bound to plasma protems, but certain 
structural characteristics ace also required, 
probably for adsorption site specificity Dis- 
placement agents have not yet been tried m 
chemotherapy as drug potentiating agents, 
but unintentional displacement effects have 
been observed clinically The protein bmding 
of 2 sulfanilamido-5 mcthoxy pyrimidine was 
very much decreased m a patient with high 
serum biiirubm concentration due to curbosis 
of the liver, bilirubm was found to displace 
the sulfonamide from plasma protems also 
m vitro On the other hand, there are in 
dications that several fatal cases of keniio- 
terns m premature babies were due to the 
displacement of protem bound bilirubm by 
sulfisoxazole, a sulfonamide which was used 
prophylacUcally for its antibacterial effect 
The freed bilirubm accumulated in the cen 
tral nervous system of these infants and 
reached toxic levels there It is likely 

that m VIVO equilibrium between drugs or 
physiologic substances and plasma proteins 
is a funcUoa of concentration and respective 
stability constants, precisely like the equilibna 
of other types of reactions ITius, it is not 
surpcismg ^at a sulfonamide can ihsplacc 
protem bound biluaibm m one mstance, while 

Table 5 Effect of Serum on Antibac- 
terial Activity of Demethylchlor- 


Minimal Inhibitory 
(meg /ml) 
chlortetra- Tetra- 



Streptococcus — 9282 


0 05 


50% Serum 

0 98 

0 70 

Streptococcus — CL 25 




50% Serum 

32 0 


Staphylococcus — P 




50% Serum 



Staphylococcus — T 


0 05 


50% Serum 



Coh — Aerogenes— 1 19 



I 0 

50% Serum 



• Roberts C E, et ol Demethyl chlortetracy 
dine and tetracycline, Arch Intern Med 107 204 

bilirubm replaces a sulfonamide m another 
instance These clinical observations suggest 
the potential usefulness of the displacement 
method as a new and umque approach to 
the potenUation of drugs it is likely that 
further developments m this area will be 

The use of blood level data to judge the 
relative merits of antibiotics such as the 
pemciilins and the tetracyclines is associated 
with considerable difficulty and chance of 
mismierpretation Both broth dilution and 
agar diffusion assay methods tend to mini- 
mize the effect of protem bmding and do not 
reflect the concentration of diffusible drug 
alone Smee different homologs may differ 
considerably m their affinity to plasma pro- 
teins, It IS not appropnatc to base judgment 
solely on total drug levels m the blood This 
IS exemplified by the data m Table 5, which 
show that the greater in vitro activity of 
dcmethyl-chlortetracycime as compared with 
tetnu^clme (which is less protem bound) is 
nullified and actually reversed m the presence 
of serum Moreover, different tetracycline 
homologs differ m their activity against a 
given micro-orgamsm 

54 Dosage Form Design and Evaluation 

Fio 22 Scrum levels of 4 
tetracyclines expressed in terms 
of the administered homolog 
{above) and in terms of tetra- 
cycline activity {below) (From 
Kunin, C Af , and Finland, M 
Clinical pharmacology of the 
tetrac>clinc antibiotics, Clin 
Pharmacol iTherap 2 51) 

CoflCcntrattOQs of vanous tctracydioes in 
the blood, as determmed by nucrobiologic 
assay, can be expressed either m terms of the 
anubiotic ingested or m terms of tetrac^clmc 
Itself The two methods yield dilTcrcnt results 
and may show cither one or another tetra- 
cycline denvative to be the most useful (sec 
Hg 22) Since we arc interested m the ac- 
tivity of such drugs against a particular 
pathogen and not m their activity with re- 
spect to the micro-organism used m the bio- 
assay, it is apparent (hat this type of study 
may not be scry helpful m the choice of the 
most useful lelracyclme denvauve for Ucat- 
mg a particular infection 

In summary, it may be stated that blood 
Joel data alone oiler an msuiUcient basis on 
which to judge the relative merits of struc- 
turally and pharmacologically related com- 
pounds such as the sulfonamides, the peni- 
cillins and the tetracyclines Differences m 
plasma protem binding, antibacterial spec- 
trum andpecuhantics of assay methods must 
also be taxen mto account. Higli blood levels 

may be indicauvc of low drug coacentratjon 
m cxtravascular tissues and low chcmoihciv 
apcutic cficcuvcness Pharmacists should 
View the 'battle of blood levels" waged by 
the sales promotion departments of some 
pharmaceutical manufacturers with a good 
deal of reservation and realize that there may 
be a great deal more to the issue than that 
which meets the eye 

PHYSICAL and chemical FACTORS 
Lipoid Solubility and Dissociatiov 

The gastrointestinal epithelium acts as a 
lipidlikc barrier to most drugs It permits die 
absorption of lipoid soluble substances from 
the gastromtcstmal tract by a process of pas- 
sive diffusion, while lipoid insoluble sub- 
stances can diffuse across this bamer only 
with considerable difficulty, if at all Many 
drugs arc cillicr weak, organic acids or bases 
Depending on their dissociation constants 
and on pH, they exist m soluuon partly 

Physicol and Chemical Factors 55 

ionized and partly m undissociated form 
Only the undissociated form is lipoid-soluble, 
and diffusion of drug across the gastrointesti- 
nal membrane is restricted essentially to this 
form Since the rate of diffusion is propor- 
tional to the concentration gradient of dif- 
fusible drug across the membrane, it is pos- 
sible to increase the absorption rate of weak 
acids and weak bases by appropnate pH ad- 
justments As the pH is decreased, the con- 
centration of the Undissociated form of a 
weak acid mcreases and, therefore, the fate 
of gastrointestinal absorption also is in- 

The same effect is obtained by mcreasmg 
pH m the case of weak bases The expen- 
mental data m support of these statements 
have been summarized by Hogben®^ and by 

When the pH’s of fluids on opposite sides 
of a membrane differ, it is possible for a 
weak acid or base to concentrate on one side 
Diffusion equilibrium mvolves only the un- 
ionized portion of such substances, it wiU be 
present on each side of the membrane in 
equal concentration at equilibnum The con- 
centration of total (dissociated and uodis- 
sociated) drug will differ if the pH’s on the 
opposite sides of the membrane are not the 
same As an example, one may consider the 
diffusion equilibrium of a weak acid (pK, = 
4 0) between gastnc fluids (pH <=“ 1 ) and 
blood (pH “7) Employing the Henderson- 
Hasselbalch equation 

pH — pK, + log 

salt conc cntralion 
acid concentratiOR 


It may be calculated that at pH 7 the ratio 
of undissociated to ionized drug is 1 1,000 
while at pH 1 the ratio is I 0 001 Thus, 
when the concentration of un ionized drug is 
equal on both sides of the gastnc membrane, 
the concentration ratio of total drug (gastnc 
fluids blood) wUl be 1 001 1,001 or, 
roughly, 1 1,000 These considerations pro- 
vide explanations for the passive diffusion of 
weakly acidic or basic drugs agamst what ap- 
pears to be a concentration gradient (but is 
not), and for the ‘ trapping” of such drugs in 
certain fluids or tissues which differ m pH 
from that of their environment. 

Gastromtcslmal absorption of weakly 
acidic or basic drugs is affected not only by 

Table 6 Comparison Between Colonic 
Absorption of Barbiturates in Rats 
AND Chloroform Water Partition 
Coefficient of the Undissociated 















AUylbarbitunc acid 




11 7 



13 9 



28 0 



50 7 





* Scbanler, L S Absorption of drugs from 
the rat colon, J Phannacol Exp Therap ]26 283 

their degree of ionization but also by the 
hpid solubility of their un-iomzed forms The 
relative afBmty of a drug for lipids and for 
water may be estunated on the basis of its 
partition coefficient between a lipidhke sol- 
vent and water The effect of partition co- 
efficient 15 illustrated m Table 6, m whi^ 
are Jisted partition coefficients and degrees 
of absoiption of a senes of barbiturates from 
the colon of the rat The vatious barbiturates 
have about the same dissociation constants, 
so that differences m then gastrointestinal 
absorption can be related directly to parti- 
tion coefficients 

The physicochemical factors of importance 
m the gastromtestmal absorption of weakly 
acidic or basic drugs suggest several methods 
which may be used to mcrease absorption f 
These involve either modifications m en- 
vironmental pH or structural modifications 
of the drug itself The pH of gastnc fluids 
can be mcreased by administration of sodium 
bicarbonate or other antacids This mcreases 
the absorption of weak bases and decreases 
the absorption of weak acids However, it is 
important to consider also several other pos- 
sible consequences of antacid administration 
mcludmg modifications of urmary pH and 
drug excretion rate, gastnc emptymg rate 
and the dissolution rate of admmistercd drug 
solids Changes m the pH of mtcstmal fluids 
are diflicult to brmg about under clmical con- 

t Compare Chapter 4 p 150 for specific apphea 

56 Dosage Form Design and Evaluation 

ditions Less diiCcuU are temporary pH modi- 
fications at more accessible sites, such as the 
c}c Basic buffer solutions have been cm- 
plo)cd successfully to obtain increased phar- 
macologic response from alkaloidal offfi- 
thalmic solutions “ 

It IS often possible to make minor struc- 
tural modiffcations in drugs (and thus to ob- 
tain compounds w-ith greater lipid solubility 
and more favorable dissociation constants) 
without affcctmg significantly their intrm <iig 
pharmacologic properties Such an approach 
has resulted in the development of propionyl 
erythromycin ester lauryl sulfate, a com- 
pound which IS considerably better absorbed 
than the weak base erythromycin itself The 
pK, of erythromycin is 8 6, that of the ester 
IS 6 9 Furthermore, the Iipid partition co- 
efficient of the ester is about 180 times larger 
than that of erythromycin * Another example 
is the weak acid heparin, which is not ab- 
sorbed at a pH above 4, esterification with 
methanol yields a partially methylated com- 
pound with unimpaired anticoagulant ac- 
tivity, which is absorbed at pH s 5, 6 and 7 •-* 

*nicse physicochemical considerations with 
regard to the passage of drugs across the 
gastrointestinal membrane arc aiso appli- 
cable to other biologic banters, including 
the one between blood and brain The 
factors which favor drug penetration through 
biologic membranes m general are a high 
degree of Iipoid solubihty, a low degree of 
ionization, and lack of plasma protein bind 

Dissolution Rate 

Drugs which are administered oraUy m 
solid form first must dissolve m gastro- 
intestinal Quids before they can be absorbed 
Dissolution takes time and frequently is the 
rate limiting step m the absorption process 
The dissolution of a substance m a non- 
rcacung solvent may be described by the 
Noycs-\Vhiincy law 

= KS (C. - C) (19) 

where dC/dt ts the rate of dissolution, S is 
the surface area of the dissolving solid and 
K IS the dissolution rate constant (which m- 
cludcs several factors such as intensity of 
agitation of the solvent and diffusion co- 
c.niruMir of the dissolving drug). C is the 

concentration of drug m the dissolution 
medium at time t and C, is the concentration 
of drug in the diffusion layer surrounding 
the solid material This diffusion layer is a 
thm film saturated with the drug, so that C, 
IS essentially equivalent to the concentration 
of a saturated solution The rate of dissolu- 
tion IS governed by the rate of diffusion of 
solute molecules through the diffusion layer 
into the body of the solution 

Equation (19) mdicates several ways by 
which the dissolution rate of a drug may be 
increased Smcc dissolution rate is directly 
proportional to surface area, one may de- 
crease particle size The greater surface area 
of drug m contact with dissolution medium 
then will bring about more rapid dissolution 
and thereby more rapid gastromtcstmal ab- 
sorption, provided that absorption is rate- 
hmitcd by the dissolution process In m- 
stances where the intrinsic dissolution rate 
IS so low that the drug is ordinarily not com- 
pletely absorbed when administered in solid 
form, the more rapid absorption attained by 
increasing the specific surface area will cause 
also an increase in the total amount of drug 
absorbed from a given dose 

As an example, sulfadiazine, when given 
as a fine particle suspension, is absorbed 
more rapidly and more completely than when 
administered as a suspension of larger par- 
ticles The gastromtcstmal absorption rate 
ofsulfacthylthiadiazolcalso is increased when 
this drug IS administered m smaller particle 

One of the most stnkmg examples of the 
role of dissolution rate and the effect of sur- 
face area concerns the antifungal drug gnsco- 
fulvm This substance is absorbed mcom- 
plctcly because of its very low dissolution 
rate, which is probably related to its poor 
solubility m gastromtcstmal fluids It has 
been found that the absorbability of gnsco- 
fulvm mcrcascs Imeariy with the logarithm 
of specific surface area, as shown m Figure 
23 By Using 0 S Cm of finely micronized 
drug It was possible to obtam the same blood 
levels as those following administration of 
I 0 Gm of the then available commcraal 
form of the drug * As a result of such studies, 
manufacturers now market gnscofulvm m 
finely micronized or microcrystallme form, 
which permits dosage reduction by 50 per 

physical and Chemical Factors 57 

An interesting particle size effect has been, 
observed m vetennaiy practice with respect 
to the anthelmintic activity of phenothiazme 
preparations The activity of these slowly 
dissolving substances against parasites in the 
small mtestine of lambs increases with lO- 
creasmg surface area, as would be expected 
from dissolution rate theory However, it 
has been found that larger particles are 
more effective against parasites mhabiUng 
the large mtestine This is due apparently to 
the smaller particles being dissolved and ab 
sorbed before reaching the large mtestme, 
while larger particles, because of their smaller 
specific surface area, reach the large mtestme 
and are able to exert an anthelmintic effect 
there Obviously, this approach can also be 
used m human chemotherapy where neces- 

The dissolution rate of drugs may also be 
mcreased by mcreasmg their solubility m the 
diffusion layer This would be reflected by an 
mcrease m the value of the C« term m the 
Noycs-Whitney equation In the case of 
weakly acidic or basic drugs, C, can be m- 
creased by modifying the pH of the diffusion 
layer Considering a weak acid HA as an ex- 
ample, Its total solubility Ci is the sum of 
the concentrations of un ionized acid HA 
and the anion A“ 

C,= [HA14-[A-] (20) 

The total solubility of a ueak acid m aqueous 
media at any pH usually is limited by the 
solubility of Its un ionized form Smee 

IH+] [A-I 

IA-] = K. 


( 21 ) 

( 22 ) 

where K, is the dissociation constant of the 
weak acid and the brackets refer to the con- 
centrations of the indicated species m solu- 
tion Substitution for [A~I m equation (20) 
results m 

C. = IHAI + K.f^ (23) 

SVhentH+] <<K„ 
C. = K, 




and, expressed m loganthnuc form, 

log C. - log [HA] - pK, + pH (25) 
From the last equation it can be seen that the 

Fio 23 Effect of specific surface area 
on absorbability of gnseofulvin (from 
Atkinson, R M , er at Effect of particle 
size on blood gnseofulvin levels m man, 
Nature J93 588) 

solubility Cl of a weak acid m the diffusion 
layer mcreases with mcreasmg pH There 
are several ways of mcreasmg pH of the 
diffusion layer One may ( 1 ) increase the pH 
of the entire dissolution medium as such, (2) 
mix a basic substance such as sodium bi- 
carbonate or sodium citrate with the weak 
acid or (3) use a highly water soluble salt 
of the weak acid instead of the weak acid 

Using the first method listed and consider- 
ing physiologic conditions, one may admm- 
ister antacids and thereby raise the pH of 
gastnc fluids m order to enhance the dissolu- 
tion of weak acids The high acidity of the 
gastnc fluids of course favors the dissolution 
of weak bases and has an opposite effect on 
weak acids The second abroach, that of 
adding solid basic substances to a weak acid, 
serves to mcrease pH m the immediate envi- 
ronment of the weak acid solids This is the 
basis of the so-called buffered aspinn tablets 
and of combmations of other weak acids, 
such as PAS, with calcium carbonate, mag- 
nesium oxide and similar basic substances In 
combmations such as these, there probably 
exists an optimum ratio of the two compo- 
nents which IS related, among other things, 
to the strength of the weak acid and the de- 
creasing fraction of total surface occupied 

58 Dosage Form Design and Evotuoiion 

Table 7 Effect of Dissolution Rate on Gastrointestinal Absorption and 
Blood Sugar Lowering AcnviTy op Tolbutamide* 
(Administered m Pure Form as Nondismtcgratmg Pellets) 

Form op 

In Vitro Dissolution RATEt 

Amount of Drug 

Lowering of 
Blood Sugar 


0 1 N HCl 

pH 7 2 Buffer 








Sodium salt 




19 1 

* Nelson, £., ft ol loUueoce of tlie absomion rate of lolbutanude oa the rale of decline of blood 
sugar levels m oonnal humans, f Pbann Sa St 509 
tlniDg of tolbutanude (acid forml/cmVhir 

t In mg of tolbutamide (acid form) I hour after oral ingestion of 500 mg of tolbutamide (or equiva 
lent) , average of four subjects, 
f In mg per cent, I hour after drug administration 

by It as the proportion of addiQvc la the 
mixture is mereased 

The most effective means of atta ining 
higher dissolution rates is to use a highly 
watcT'Solublc salt of the \tcak acid instead 
of the free acid itself The salt acts as its own 
buffer and markedly raises the pH of an 
acidic dissolution medium in the immediate 
environment surroundiog the dissolving drug 
solids The dissolution rate of the sodium salt 
of a weik acid m an acidic dissolution medium 
under certain circumsianccs may be 1,000- 
fold higher than the dissolution rate of the 
weak acid itself Even if the sodium salt 
picopita^ subsequently as the free acid tn 
the bulk phase of an acidic solution such as 
gastric Quid, it will do so usually tn the form 
of Very fine particles The large surface area 
of the drug thus precipitated favors rapid 
dissolution as additional fluid becomes avail' 
able or as some of the dissolved drug is re- 
moved by absorption The wtnnsicalJy more 
rapid dissolution of salts of most weak acids 
as compared with that of weak acids them- 
selves may be overshadowed, of course, by 
other factors, such as differences in particle 
size and tn the physical properties of their 
dosage forms 

The dosage form and the surface area 
factors have been kepi essentially constant m 
a comparative study of the absorption and re- 
sultant blood sugar lowering activity of the 
weak acid tolbutamide and sevend of its 
salts This was accomplished by the use 
of nondismtcgratmg pellets conlammg only 
the respccuvc drug and no additives In this 
way it was possible to establish the effect of 
dissolution rate on the absorption rate and 

the pharmacologic activity of the drug Part 
of the results of this study are summarized 
m Table 7 The greater activity of the sodium 
salt as compared with the acid form of 
lolbmamide is readily apparent 

Differences m m-vivo dissolution rale be- 
tween weak acids and their water-soluble salts 
are greatest at low pH and often dimmish at 
higher pH Thus, such differences would 
show up most prominently m gastnc fluids 
This IS well illustrated by the findings of Lee 
c/uf who have studied the absorption of 
peruciJlin V when adnumstcred as the free 
acid and as the sodium salt, respectively, 
from the stomach and the small mtesunc of 
the dog The results, depicted in Figures 
24 and 25, show that drug absorption from 
the stomach was much more rapid after ad- 
mimstratioo of the sodium salt but that there 
was essentially no difference when the two 
forms were mtroduced directly into the 
duodenum Ihc role of gastnc motility m 
clinical evaluations becomes apparent here, 
prolonged retention of the drugs m the stom- 
ach w dl accentuate the differences m absorp- 
tion rate, while clmical exjadtUoas which 
favor rapid stomach emptying will rend to 
dimmish the differences between the two 

Cottclauon between mtnnsic dissolution 
rate and gastromtcsUnal absorption has been 
demonstrated also m model expenmeots 
usmg Ictracjclmc and some of its salts’*® 
These studies also have shown that the 
absorption rate of the slowly-dissolvmg iclra- 
Qchne was mcrcascd by usmg drug bavmg 
a greater specific surface area (smaller par- 
ticles) However, this effect was not noted 

Physical and Chemical Factors 59 

Fig 24 Serum levels of penicillin V lo 
dogs, resulting from gastnc absorption of 
drug administered as the free acid and the 
potassium salt, respectively, to animals 
whose stomachs were sectioned from the 
duodenum (From Lee C C ,et al Gas 
tnc and intestinal absorption of potassium 
penicillin V and the free acid Antibiot & 
Chcmotber 5 354) 

with the much more rapidly dissolvmg tetra- 
cycline hydrochloride, thus indicating that 
(^solution rate was no longer the rate-deter- 
nuning factor in gastrointestinal absorption 
when tetracycline was administered as the 
hydroclilonde The observations with tetra- 
cycline hydrochloride should be expected, 
smce this drug is absorbed mainly from the 
intestine and only slightly from the stom- 
ach Unless dissolution is extremely slow, 
the rate of transfer of the drug from stomach 
to mtestme, rather than the dissolution rate, 
would be rate limiting m the absorption 

In coosidermg the importance of specific 
surface area with respect to dissolution rate, 
one must distinguish between surface area as 
detenmned by standard methods such as 
mtrogen adsorption and what will be desig- 
nated here as effective surface area The 
latter term refers to the area which is m actual 
contact with solvent and which is subjected 
to the agitation conditions pievaiUng in the 
dissolution medium The difference in mcan- 
mg between the two terms will become ap- 
parent on descnption of the following ex- 
periment Wurster and Seitz have prepared 
cylindncal pellets and have drilled several 
pores of about 1 ram diameter into some 
these Although the surface area of the 

Fro 25 Serum levels of penicillin V m 
fistular dogs after intraduodenal admims- 
ttmion of free acid and pousswim salt, 
respectively (From Lee, C. C , el a! 
Antibiot & Cbemother 8 354) 

pellets was thereby mercased 20 per cent, 
dissolution rate increased by only 4 per cent 
as compared with the pellets without pores 
Gearly, the surface m the pores was not fully 
available to the solvent Also, the mtensity 
of ablation could not be the same in the 
pores as at the external surface of the pellets 
The limited availability of the pore surface 
was due, m part at least, to occlusion by air 
Better penetration of solvent was obtained 
when Its surface tension was lowered by addi- 
tion of sodium lauryl sulfate The surface 
of the granules liberated by the disintegration 
of tablets and the surface of other aggregates 
of drug solids are also somewhat irregular, 
presenting crevices and pores to the dissolu- 
tion medium It will be explained m the sec- 
tion devoted to pharmaceutical formulation 
factors that the approach described on p 58 
may be used to increase the dissolution 
rate of drugs contained m such forms 

Another rather mterestmg surface effect 
has been observed recently This mvolves the 
deposition of a water msoluble film on the 
surface from which dissolution is tabng 
place When alummum aspirin was dis- 
solved m a medium of pH 8 under conditions 
which were such that dissolution should take 
place at a constant rate (negligible drug con- 
centration m the dissolution medium and con- 
stant surface area), it was found that the 
rate o' dissolution actually decreased with 
tune This did not occur with plain aspitm 
or when the aluminum complexing agent 

60 Dosage Form Design ond Evaluation 

Fw 7& o{ aspava aad 

aluminum aspirm m 0 1 M Tns buffer of 
pH 80 (A) aspino (•} aluminum as* 
pirm (O) aluminum asptnn with l*^o 
tOTA added to dissolution medium 
Amounts arc expressed m terms of mg of 
salicylic acid (From Levy, G . and Prock 
nail J A Unusual dissolution behavior 
due to film formation, J Pharm Sci SI 

cthylcncdiammc tctraacetic acid was added 
to the medium (Fig 26) It was estabbshed 
that, at basic pH, a wa(cr>msoIubfe basic 
aluminum compound was formed and dc* 
posited on the solid surface, thus retarding 
further dissolution Similar effects evidently 
occur m the intestine, because the absorp* 
tion of aspirin from aluminum aspino seems 
to dimmish considerably once the drug leaves 
the stomach and enters the intestine 
Salts of a base and a poorly soluble acid may 
exhibit similar effects upon dissolution m 
acidic media, where a film of the acid may 
deposit on the drug surface 

This discussion of dissolution rates and 
their biopharmaceutical importance cannot 
be concluded without making the simple but 
critical distinction between solubibty and 
dissolution rate The former refers to on 
cquihbnum condition while the latter in* 
volvcs a kinetic situation High solubility is 
not necessarily associated with high dissolu* 
tion rate, although solubility is one of the 
several factors affecting dissolution rate 
Saturation is rarely reached m gastrointestinal 
and other biologic fluids smcc absorption, dis- 
tribution and other processes constantly re- 
move dissolved drug The important factor 
IS how rapidly solid drug dissolves and thus 

converts into absorbable and diffusible form, 
because dissolution rate, rather than satura- 
tion of biologic Quids with respect to the drug, 
IS usually the absorption or diffusion limiting 

Crystal Form 

Many drugs can exist in two or more 
crystallmc forms with different space httice 
arrangements This property is known as 
polymorphism The various polymorphic 
forms usually axhibit different x ray diffrac- 
tion patterns, infrared spectra, densities, 
melting points and solubilities As a result 
ot different solubilities, the polymorphic 
forms may also differ with respect to tlicir 
intrinsic dissolution rates * For this reason, 
one polymorph may be more effective m 
chemotherapy tlian another polymorphic 
form of the same drug 

Many drugs may be prepared m a par- 
ticular polymorpluc form by appropriate 
choice of ciystaUization conditions (solvent, 
temperature and crystallization rate), by 
melting and subsequent cooling at particular 
rates, by use of pressure or by the intentional 
addition of impurities Only one form of the 
pure drug is stable at a given temperature and 
pressure (other than the transition point) 
The other forms will convert in time to the 
stable one This transformation may be quite 
rapid or very slow A polymorph which, 
though thermodynamically unstable, trans- 
forms only slowly to the stable form, is re- 
ferred to as mctastabic Many mctastabic 
polymorphs can be considered stable in terms 
of pharmaceutical use, on the basis of the 
usual shelf life of pharmaceutical products 
The stable polymorph usually has the highest 
melting point, the greatest chemical stability 
and the lowest solubility Mctastabic forms 
arc sometimes preferred in pharmaceutical 
preparations m view of their higher solubil- 
ities and dissolution rates For example, 
riboflavin can exist in three different poly- 
morphic forms, having a solubility in water 
at 25* of 60 mg , 80 mg , and 1,200 mg per 

* It has been stated previously that dissoIuUon 
rate is not necessanly proportioDo] lo solubility, 
since other factors are involved m the dissolubon 
process. However, m the case of several ph)ticai 
modifications of one and the tame drug, dissolu 
Uon rale ordinarily increases with solubility 

Physical and Chernical Factors 61 

liter, respectively ** It is evident that the most 
soluble form of this vitamin can be particu- 
larly useful m certam pharmaceutical prod- 
ucts, such as powdered parenteral formu- 
lations that are constituted before use by 
addition of water 

The rate of absorption of drugs admuus- 
tered m solid form may be increased by use 
of the most rapidly dissolving polymorph 
In the case of meAyl prednisolone, which 
was admmistered to rats by subcutaneous im- 
plantation, It could be shown that the mean 
absorption rate from the more soluble poly- 
morphic form II was about 1 7 limes as 
high as that from the stable and less soluble 
polymorph I This difference reflects the 
difference in dissolution rate between the two 

Though pnmaxily of toxicologic mtcrcst, 
it may be pointed out that the various poly- 
morphic forms of sihca differ m their tend- 
ency to cause silicosis, a condition involv- 
ing the formation and progressive growth of 
collagenous nodules m the lungs due to in- 
halation of finely powdered sdicas How- 
ever, there seems to be no correlation be- 
tween fibrogenic effect and dissolution rate 
Rather, the toxic effect appears to be related 
to crystal structure as such 

The different polymorphic forms of a drug 
exhibit difference m their properties only m 
the solid state It is believed that, once m 
solution, the polymoiphs lose their identity 
and become indistinguishable from one an- 
other However, there are recent reports from 
Russian workers that different polymorphic 
forms of certam orgamc acids may exhibit 
different dissociation constants m solu- 
tion The differences are more pro- 

nounced at higher coocentrations of solute 
and m solvents of low polanty These ob- 
servaUons refer perhaps to nonequilibnum 
conditions, and their biopharmaceutical 
significance is yet to be assessed The re- 
ported differences m dissociation constants 
may mean that different polymorphs can have 
different oil.water partition coefficients, a 
possibility that has already been suggested ” 
This may have pertinence to the formulatioa 
of parenteral products containing an od as 
the vehicle 

In view of the possible effect of crystal 
form on absorpuon rate and thereby on phar- 

macologic activity, it IS necessary to consider 
this proper^ as an additional variable m 
pharmaceutical formulation and evaluation 
It has been estimated that at least one third 
of all organic compounds are polymorphic.*® 
About one half of 22 barbituric acid de- 
rivatives and 11 of 16 sex hormones were 
found to have polymorphic forms Some of 
these drugs have as many as four or five poly- 
morphic modifications"® Cortisone acetate 
occurs in at least five distinct ciystallme 
forms, and an examination of 4 brands of 
cortisone acetate tablets has revealed that 
2 contained Form I and the others Form II 
of the dmg®*^ Future revisions of official 
compendia may be expected to incorporate 
standards that will distinguish between poly- 
morphs m cases where the various forms 
may exhibit significantly different pharma- 
cologic activities due to differences m dissolu- 
tion rate and other physical properties, 
Smee metastable modifications of a drug 
ate often absorbed more rapidly, it becomes 
desirable to determine rates of transfonnation 
to the stable form and to find means of re- 
tarding this transformation An example of 
such a rate study is that by Tamura and 
Kuwano,’*® who determmed the transition 
velocity of chloramphenicol palmitate from 
the amorphous and the o-forms to the 
form- A number of polymorphic transforma- 
tion studies With nondrugs are described by 
Van Hook m a recent book^*® to which the 
mterested reader may refer An otherwise 
unstable polymorphic form may be stabilized 
by tbe iniention^ inclusion of impuriucs 
This IS possible when the dunensions of the 
atoms of tbe impunty are such that they can 
fit only mto a particular lattice arrangement 
of the polymorphic compound Rearrange- 
ment of the lattice into another, perhaps 
mom stable, polymorphic form may then be- 
come impossible because the \oids m the 
stable lattice arrangement carmot contam the 
irapunly without fine lattice being subjected 
to very high stress Polymorphic transforma- 
tion m suspensions may also be retarded by 
increasing the viscosity of the medium or by 
addition of substances that are capable of 
adsotbmg on the crystals 

From the point of view of physical and 
chemical stability, it is often advantageous to 
use a drug m its thermodynamically most 

62 Dosoge Form Design and Evatuation 

stable pol)morphic form The latter is 
usually most resistant to chemical degrada- 
tion, and this advantage is mcreased further 
in the case of suspensions by the loucr solu- 
bility of the stable polymorph.^ In addition, 
the conversion of one polymorphic form to 
another in suspensions may be accompamed 
by caking and, in the case of parenteral sus- 
pensions, by poor syringcabihty Thus, the 
greater physical and chemical stability of one 
polymorph may have to be weighed against 
the greater physiologic availabihty of another 

There are factors other than polymorphism 
which can account for differences m phystco* 
chemical properties of drug solids Such 
factors include modifications of crystal habit, 
formation of hydrates or other solvates and 
the property of a drug to exist in either 
crystallme or amorphous form The growth 
rate of a crystal may be modified by certain 
additives and by pH An addiuvc may retard 
the growth of the several faces of a crystal to 
di^erent extents, thereby causing modifica- 
tions of crystal habit In this manner, one 
may obtain a drug in the form of either fine 
needles or thin plates, for example Smcc the 
rates of dissolution from the various faces 
may differ, it is possible to modify over- 
all dissolution rates by crystal habit changes 
which arc accompanied by changes in sur- 
face area ratios between the various crystal 

A significant number of organic mcdicmals 
can form solvent addition compounds or 
solvates Quinine, sulfonamides, steroids, 
barbiturates, xanthines and telracyclmcs can 
fonsv hydsate sicucluccs These can dittex 
markedly from their anhydrous equivalents 
with respect to dissolution rate Ihc anhy- 
drous forms of caffemc, thcophyllme and 
glutcthimide have higher dissolution rates 
than their respective hydrates, while organic 
solvates (n omylate and ethyl acetate) of 
fludrocortisone acetate dissolve much more 
rapidly than the nonsolvatcd form of the 
drug This presents another method for 
modifying dissolution rales of pharma- 

Finally, it is of importance to consider the 
case m which a dnig can exist m other 
crystallme or amorphous form The amor- 

phous form is always more soluble than the 
Mrresponding crystallme form“ and, there- 
fore, may exhibit quantitatively different 
pharmacologic properties The antibiotic 
novobiocin, for example, is not absorbed to 
any significant extent when adnunistcrcd m 
crystallme fonn and, thus, is therapeutically 
inactive However, the amorphous drug is 
absorbed readily and is therapeutically cffcc- 
livc Amorphous novobiocin is at least ten 
tunes more soluble initially than the crystal- 
line drug and exhibits similar differences m 
dissolution rate Although amorphous novo- 
biocm lends to ciystallizc m suspension, it is 
possible to retard this transformation con- 
siderably by addition of mclhylceUulosc One 
may thereby prepare a suspension dosage 
form of adequate stability and therapeutic 

One of the most striking and potentially 
most cniical differences in therapeutic ac- 
tivity between crystalline and amorphous 
drug pertains to chloramphenicol, an anti- 
biotic which IS usually reserved for the treat- 
ment of senous and potentially life-threat- 
coing infections It has been found that the 
crystallme forms of chloramphenicol stearate 
and chloramphenicol palmitatc arc thera- 
peutically inactive and that only the amor- 
hous forms of these two compounds are 
ydrolyzed m the gastromtcsunal tract to 
yield absorbable chloramphenicol * The spec- 
ifications for chloramphenicol palmitate m 
the US P XVI do not distinguish between 
biologically active and inactive forms, and 
one must rely on the conscieniiousncss and 
vigilance of the manufacturer to assure the 
of this impoctawt, drug 

Drug Stability in Gastrointestinal 

Drugs must remain sufficiently stable cot 
only during stomge (subject to appropriate 
storage condiiioas and limitations of sbclf- 
Itfe) but also m gostromlcstinol fluids Any 
chemical change due to pH or cozy me action 
and resulting ui a product that is pharma- 
cologically inactive or less active than the 
administered substance sliould be prevented 
or minimized This may be accomplished 
sometimes by chemical modification of the 
parent molecule to )icld new dcnvaiivcs 

Physical and Chemical Factors 


Tlus approach is exemplified by the greater 
efficacy of orally administered penicillm V as 
compared with orally administered penicillin 
G, due to the greater acid stability of the 
fonner Enteric coatings, if properly formu- 
lated, can prevent exposure of a drug to 
gastric pH and enzymes and mipimi^g deg- 
radation due to one of these factors The 
oral mefficacy of drugs because of acid hy- 
drolysis m gastnc fluids generally should 
be predictable by fonnal kmetic studies, as 
was done with p-chlorobenzaldoxime ** This 
muscle relaxant, though active parentcrally, 
is meffective when administered orally It has 
a stability half life of less than 20 minutes 
m the stomach and thus is largely hydrolized 
to the aldehyde before bemg absorbed ** The 
low potency of orally adnumstered nilro- 
glyccnn and erylhrol tetraiutrate is also be- 
lieved to be due to the mstabiUty of these 
drugs m the gastromtestmal tract Some 
compounds, though unstable m acidic solu- 
tion, are protected from the destructive effect 
of gastnc fluids by their hydrophobic surface 
Such compounds are poorly wetted by aque- 
ous fluids, and chemical mteraction is de- 
creased by the restricted contact. Esters of 
chloramphenicol and erythromycin exhibit 
this property" In the case of chlor 
ampbemcol esters, hydrolysis m the intestine, 
being a prerequisite for absorption of the 
parent drug, can be promoted by use of sur- 
factants and by administering the drug m 
finely divided fonn Erythromycin and its 
esters are inactivated by g^tnc fluids, and 
low wettability is m this case a desirable 
protective feature Stephens and co-workers 
have shown that although propionyl erythro- 
mycin yields satisfactoiy blood levels when 
administered m capsule form, addition of a 
wettmg agent (5% polyoxyethylene sorbitan 
mono-oleate) to the contents of the capsule 
results m much lower blood levels, evidently 
due to greater degradation of the drug in gas- 
tric fluids 

Degradation of slowly dissolving drugs in 
gastric fluids can also ^ muimuzed by ad- 
mimstenog such drup m the form of rela- 
tively large particles Dissolution rate is 
thereby reduced, less of the drug dissolves m 
the stomach and less is therefore destroyed 
by gastnc fluids However, if the particles arc 

Fig 27 Relatiousbip between area be- 
neath cryihromyciD blood level curves and 
dissolution rate of vonous forms of erytb 
romycin in 0 1 N HCI Erythromyem 
(E.) propionate, 1, E acetate, 2, E acry- 
late, 3, E isobutyrate, 4, E, n butyrate, 5, 
free £., 6 (From Nelson, E Physico- 
chemical factors influencing the absorp- 
tion of eiythromycin and its esters, Chem 
Phaim. Bull , JO 1099) 

too large, they may dissolve so slowly that 
they arc not fully biologically available Op- 
timum particle size, therefore, is in some in- 
termediate range where dissolution is slow 
enough to prevent extensive degradauon of 
drag m the stomach and yet sufficiently rapid 
to assure complete dissolution before the 
drug passes absorption sites This balance of 
relatively low dissolution rate m acidic fluids 
(to minunize degradation m the stomach) 
and relatively hi^ dissolution rate in sbghtly 
basic media (to assure rapid and complete 
absorption in the mtestine) sometimes may 
be achieved by appropriate chemical modi- 
fication Nelson has shown this elegantly for 
erythromyem and several of its esters He 
Im demonstrated an inverse relationship be- 
tween the dissolution rate of the eryihro- 
mjem compounds in 0 I N hjdrochlonc acid 
and the amount absorbed from the gastro- 
mtcstmal tract (Fig 27), and a direct rela- 
tionship between dissolution rate at pH 7 4 
and amount desorbed (Fig 23) 

64 Dosage Form Design and Evoluolion 

Z 4 6 a 10 It 

RATE mg/cm^/min X to* 

Fio 28 Rclatioaship between area be* 
ncalh erythromycin blood level curves and 
dissolution rate of various forms of eryth- 
romycin in 0 1 M borate buffer of pH 7 4 
Numbers designate various compounds as 
listed under Figure 27 (From Nelson, E 
Physicochemical factors mduencing the 
absorption of erythromycin and us esten, 
Chem Pharm DuU , 10 1099) 


Drugs may interact reversibly to form com- 
plexes With substances occurring in the body, 
with other drugs and with pharmacologically 
inert components of pharmaceutical dosage 
forms The stability of these complexes under 
defined conditions can be described by a sta- 
bility constant Ko. uhere 

_ {Drug — Complex] 

” ” (Free Drue] [Free Complcxing Agenij 

Equation (26) refers to a 1 1 complex, the 

bracketed terms indicate molar concentra- 
tions Equilibna mvolvmg complexes of dif- 
ferent stoichiometry can be described by simi- 
lar expressions Equation (26) is based on 
the equilibrium 

Drug + Complexing Agent Drug — Complex 

The drug complex differs from the free drug 
with respect to solubility, diffusivity, partition 
coefficient and other properties More impor- 
tant, drug contained in a complex is usually 
pharmacologically mefTectivc The complex 
ordmarily must dissociate at some stage m 
the body before the drug can exert its usuaf 
pharmacologic effect 

The drug complex will usually differ from 
the free drug itself with respect to its ability 
to penetrate biologic membranes This may 
be due to differences m physicochemic^ 
properties between the two forms, or because 
the molecules of complexing agent are so 
large that they cannot pass through biologic 

It IS important to distinguish between the 
equilibrium and the kinetic aspects of drug 
complexes This may be done by coosiderug 
the mteracuon of a drug with a macromolecu* 
lar substance, resulting in a drug complex 
which, due to its large size, cannot penetrate 
biologic membranes or artificial membranes 
with fine pores (such as dialysis membranes). 
If one places an aqueous solution of both 
drug and complexing agent into a dialysis 
ba^ immerses the latter in a beaker of w-ater 
and permits the system to come to equilib- 
num, the species distnbute m a manner 
shown in the diagram below The double 
arrows across the membrane mdicate that 


[Drug Complex] ‘ r'. IDnigl , * [Drug] 

1 1 

t Macromolecular *] 

Complexing Agent J 

Inside Solution 

Outside Solution 

Physical and Chemical Foctors 65 

£ree drug is diffusible and that it exists m 
essentially equal concentration on both sides 
of the membrane The drug complex and the 
complexmg agent cannot pass through the 
mei^rane and renum inside the dialysis bag. 

If the drug in the outside solution is con-* 
stantly removed by some mechamsm, the 
situation may be depicted by the diagram 
below Here there exists a nonequihbnum 
condition, where the drug complex eventually 
dissociates completely and all of the drug 
passes across the membrane In the equilib- 
rium case, only part of the ordinarily avail- 
able drug IS available to the environment out- 
side the membrane In the nonequilibnum 
case, all of the drug is available but not as 
rapidly as it would be in the absence of com- 
plexmg agent. This follows from the fact that 
the rate of diffusion from the inside solution 
IS a function of the concentration gradient of 
diffustble drug across the membrane and 
not of total drug The problem of drug bind- 
mg by plasma proteins (which has been dis- 
cussed m a previous section) is represented 
essentially by the nonequilibnum mode! de- 
senbed here Suitably modified to account 
foe penetcdile complexes which differ from 
the free drug with respect to rate of mem- 
brane penetration and considenog possible 
competition by other substances for both 
drug and complexiog agent, the model can 
represent the conditions which may be found 
m the body. 

Drug complexation with nonabsorbable 
macromolecules can be a useful method of 
retarding drug absorption and thereby tc- 
duemg toxiaty Polyvinylpyrrolidone can re- 
duce the oral toucity of iodine, rucohne, 
potassium cyamde and other drugs m this 

manner * Where the free drug is a local im- 
tant, complexation may prevent or reduce 
imtation by keeping the concentration of 
ffM drug low This approach has been used 
to rechice the skm imtation liability of 
iodine** and the gastrointestmal and tissue 
imtation caused by iron compounds “ On 
the other hand, nomntended complexation of 
a dnig with other components of its phanna- 
ceutical dosage form may reduce the effec- 
tiveness of the preparation due to the slower 
absorption of the drug Many suspending, 
emulsifying and solubih^g agents form com- 
plexes with certam drugs, but, fortunately, 
most of these complexes are not very strong 
and dissociate readily on dilution of foe prep- 
aration m the gastrointestmal tract The prob- 
lem is more acute m ammal experiments, 
where comparative dosages and actual con- 
centrauons may be much higher than m ordi- 
nary human chemotherapy This is particu- 
larly pertinent m animal toxicity studies and 
m the mterpretauon of certam other phar- 
macologic data obtained from ammal ex- 
penmenis For example, it has been stated 
foal solubilizers have occasionally mteifered 
with the biologic activity of nboflavm 
Complexauon often serves as a means of 
increasing foe solubility of a drug Compared 
with a suspension, a solution contammg drug, 
a portion of which is complexed, may be more 
effective (or more toxic) because dissociation 
of foe complex can occur almost instantane- 
ously on dilution, whereas dissolution of sus- 
pended drug solids occurs at much lower 
rates This aspect has been discussed m 
gtcalcr detail by Werner with respect to LD50 
dctennmations mrals 

Some drug complexes penetrate biologic 
barriers more readily than foe free drug itself. 

(Drug CoroplexJ 



Complexmg AgePt 




Inside Solution 

Outside Solution 

66 Dosoge Form Design ond Evaluation 

This may be a means of obtaining mcreased 
drug activity, provided that the drug is re- 
leased from the complex at or prior to reach- 
ing Its site of action The gastromtesUnal 
absorption of iron has been mensased by 
complexation with citrate, p)Tophosphatc and 
EDTA, but the amount of iron actually re- 
maining m the body was less than when the 
drug was administered alone, because the 
complexes did not dissociate significantly and 
also were excreted much more rapidly than 
iron itself The degree of dissociation of a 
metal complex m the body depends to some 
extent on the concentration of the metal m 
body fluids Animals defiacnt m calcium arc 
more capable of taking calcium from the 
complex than normal, “calcium saturated ’ 
anunals The same appears to apply to 
iron This follows from considerations of 
the physical-chemical equilibrium involved 

Complexation may also reduce the ab- 
sorbabuity of a drug coosidcrably, as in the 
case of the tciracyclmcs The complexes 
formed by these drugs with divalent and tri- 
valent cations are absorbed much less efli- 
cicntly than are uncomplexed tetracycimes 
The binding of (etrac)clincs by protein 
macfomoicculcs appears to be mediated by 
the metal ions, which apparently serve as a 
connecting bndge bctv>ccn the drug and the 
protein molccidcs ” Such an interaction 
could be the one responsible for the poor 
absorption of tetracycline complexes from the 
gastrointestinal tract 

Calcium apparently pl3)s an important 
role in the normal phjsiolo^ of gasuomtcslj- 
nal membranes The chelating agent sodium 
cthyicncdiammc tetraacetate (EDTA) causes 
mucosal cells to become detached from the 
rcmainmg tissue due to removal of calcium 
The permeability of the membrane to pas- 
sively diffusing substances is increased in the 
presence of EDTA, perhaps because the 
‘pores’ in Uic membrane arc increased or 
spaces between epithelial cells arc widened 
inrough removal of calcium Thus, the ab- 
sorption of several neutral, acidic and basic 
lipid insoluble organic compounds from the 
gastromtesUnal tract is increased by EDTA 
'^cse substances, which include mamutol, 
mulin, a quaternary ammoruum compound 
and sulfaniUc acid, arc very poorly absorbed 
undcrordinarycircumstanccs Hepann, which 

normally is not absorbed at all from the 
gastromtcstinol tract, is absorbed m the 
presence of EDTA In some instances, 
however, EDTA and otlicr calcium binding 
substances may reduce gastromtesUnal atv 
sorpuon Evidently this involv es more compli- 
cated mechanisms, such as reduced utilizaUon 
of glucose and mhibiUon of tronsmucosal 
transport of glucose and water These factors 
m turn may inhibit the absorption of certam 
dru^, mcluding barbiturates, strychmne and 
sulfonamides * ^ *'* The use of EDTA to 
obtain the effects described m these para- 
graphs is thus rcsUictcd to investigational 
purposes It is unlikely that this agent will 
be used m chemotherapy to achieve simi- 
lar results, m view of the deleterious effects 
of rcmovmg esscnual trace metals from the 
body However, the experiments referred to 
ace useful for obtaining a better undeistand- 
tog of the effects to be anUcipated following 
the administration of drugs or additives which 
are effective complexing agents Such effects 
would be most nouccable m instances where 
the drug is not significantly diluted by body 
fluids m the course of admmistrauon, as, for 
example, on application to the cornea, or by 
the rectal route For additional discussion of 
the pharmaceutical and phannacologic as- 
pects of complexation, the reader may refer 
to review articles by Marcus*** and by 
Wemer *®* 

Surface-Active Agents 
Surface-active agents (surfactants) arc 
used so widely as emulsifiers, solubilizers and 
foimulatjoa adjuncts tliat their effect on drug 
absorption requires careful consideration 
Smcc these substances can affect the mtcgrity 
of biologic membranes, it has been thought 
that they might be effective absorption- 
enhancing agents However, reports concern- 
mg the usefulness of surfacc-aciivc agents m 
CD^anang the gastrointestinal absorption of 
drugs have been conflicting Enhancement as 
well as inhibiUon of the gastrointestinal ab- 
sorption and the pharmacologic acuvity of 
drugs has been observed when surface-active 
agents were added to a medication Many of 
these reports have been reviewed and sum- 
marized by Blanpin ** Much of tlic difficulty 
with some of tlic studies probably has been 
due to the different t)pcs of effects which 

Physical and Chemical Factors 


surface-active agents can exert Briefly, fliqr 
may act on the biologic membrane, the drug 
or the dosage form as such Some suifece- 
acUve agents also have pharmacologic prop- 
erties specific to their particular chemical 
structure and not related to their surfactant 
property m general Several of the listed 
effects may be operative at the same tune, 
the magmtude of each bemg dependent on 
concentration to a different degree Tins com- 
plexity can make proper assessment of sur- 
factant effects very difficult and indicates the 
need for careful expenmental design of studies 
concerned with the biopharmaceuttcal and 
pharmacologic effects of surface-active agents 
The two major mechamsms of surfaaant 
activity with respect to drug absorption are 
described comprehensively m a senes of re- 
ports dealmg with the kinetics of rectal ab- 
sorption The rate of absorption of sodium 
iodide was found to be accelerated 4 to 5 
times by small amounts of polysorbate 20 and 
sodium lauryl sulfate, while the rate of ab- 
sorption of iodoform and tniodopheool was 
retarded by the same agents The accelerated 
absorption of sodium iodide was attributed 
to the surface tension lowering and mucous 
peptizing action of the surface-active agents, 
which results in greater contact of drug with 
the absorbing membrane On the other band, 
the retarding effect in the case of iodoform 
and truodophenol evidently is due to the en- 
trapment of these drugs in surfactant micelles 
(Sodium iodide is not affected lo this man- 
ner } This type of uiteiaclion is a special 
case of compicxation, as descnbed in the 
previous subsection Aggregates of surface- 
active agent molecules (micelles) arc too 
large to pass through biologic membranes, 
and drug molecules bound in these nucelles 
cannot be absorbed The low absorption rate 
of iodoform and truodophenol m the pres- 
ence of surface active agents is a reflection 
of the lowered concentration gradient of dif- 
fusible drug across the membranes Micelle 
formauon docs not take place until the con- 
centration of surface active agent exceeds a 
certam value known os the cntical micelle 
concentration (CMC) Surfactants can thus 
exert a two-phase effect which is a function 
of concentraiion Below the CMC, absorp- 
tion of drugs may be enhanced due to better 
contact of drug soluuon with the membrane. 

this IS a “wetting" or spreadmg effect result- 
mg from a decrease m the surface tension of 
the solution 

Above the CMC, a portion of the drug 
molecules may become entrapped m micelles 
and, as such, be unavailable for absorption 
The wettmg as well as a peptizmg effect is 
also operative, and the net effect (absorption 
enhancement or retardation) depends to 
some degree on the relative magmtude of 
mteraction between drug and surfactant The 
absorption-retardmg effect usually predom- 
mates at higher surfactant concentrations be- 
cause a larger fraction of the drug is bound to 
micelles However, repeated or prolonged 
exposure to high doses of a surface-active 
agent may lead to partial disruption of bio- 
logic membranes and thereby reduce their 
barrier effect significantly 

The concentration-dependent activity of 
surfactants is well illustrated by their effect 
on the bactericidal activity of phenols The 
effectiveness of the phenols is mcreased with 
increasing surfactant concentration until the 
CMC IS reached At this pomt the bactencidal 
activity IS at Its maximum As additional sur« 
factant is added, the activity of the phenols 
1 $ successively reduced until they become 
practically inactivated Is more complex 
environmcnu such as the gastromtestmal 
tract, one must also consider ffie competition 
by certam physiologic substances with the 
drug molecules for micellular bmdmg sites 
Thus, It is evident that the nature and the 
magnitude of the effect exerted by surface- 
active agents can be highly dependent on 
concentration It should not be considered 
unusual for different groups of mvestigators 
to attribute absorption enhancing and ab- 
sorption retarding activity, respectively, to a 
particular surface-active agent, even with re- 
spect to the same drug, since the different 
workers could have empbyed different con- 
centrations of surfactant or different experi- 
mental procedures 

Aniomc surfactants can form msoluble 
precipitates with large drug cations, and 
cationic surfactants can mtcract similarly 
with large drug anions The insoluble com- 
pounds thus formed are often not absorbable 
and combmations leading to this type of reac- 
tion should be avoided in pharmaceutical 

68 Dosage Form Design and Evaluation 

Fats and fat'soluble vitamins are iisaally 
dispersed m fine globules in the small intes> 
Une by the emulsifying action of bile salts 
This dispersion is a prerequisite for adequate 
absorption Patients Vrho are unable to al^rb 
fats properly may be aided by adimnistration 
of surface active agents Emulsification and 
dispersion of fats and bpoid substances such 
as vitamm A arc thereby promoted and ab* 
sorption is enhanced 

^me apparently pharmacologic effects of 
surfactants actually are due to a modification 
of the physical properties of the dosage forms 
m which they and the medicament are con- 
tained For example, a group of investigators 
have found that coadmmistration of poly- 
sorbatc 80 with spironolactone yielded blo(^ 
levels of the latter which were as much as 
four tunes higher than when spironolactone 
was admmistcrcd alone Since the biologic 
half life of the drug remained the same, it 
was concluded that polysorbatc 30 promoted 
the mlnnsic gastrointestinal absorption of 
spironolactone However, this conclusion 
proved to be erroneous in subsequent expen 
ments and bad to be withdrawn, since mere 
modificauon of the physical properties of the 
tablets had similar effects The surfactant 
acted in this instance on the dosage form itself 
and modified its drug release properties 
(This example will be discussed further in 
the section devoted to pharmaceutical fonnu 
lation factors ) 

Some effects that arc apparently specific 
and limited to particular surfacc-activc agents 
deserve mention It had been found that poly- 
sorbatc 80 poI)sorbatc 85 and G 1096 
(polyoxyethylene sorbitan hexaoleate), when 
administered undiluted in high doses, co 
hanced the gastroinlesunal absorption of 
Vitamm Bu by rats A number of other 
surfactants did not have this enhancing effccL 
Further examination revealed that the three 
effective agents formed a highly viscous mass 
when mued with gastric fluids, while the in- 
cflccuve surfactants did noL The absorption- 
enhancing activity of the three ‘ effective ’ 
surfactants could be attnbuted to retardation 
of gastric emptying, as shown by additional 
experunents Naturally, the conditions of the 
experiments were completely unpbysiolopc 
and ore not applicable to human therapy 

Many of the pharmacologic mvestigations of 
surface active agents mvolvc the admmistra- 
tion of extraordinarily high doses, and the 
results should not be extrapolated rouUnely 
to clmical conditions In mterpretmg labcn 
ratory observations, particular emphasis must 
be placed on the doses or the concentrations 
employed, especially if the surfactant effect 
IS on the biologic membrane 

Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccmate is another 
surfactant which exerts a pharmacologic 
effect which is apparently specific to this par- 
ticular agent rather than bemg shared by all 
other surfactants It retards gastnc empty- 
ing and has a powerful inhibitory effect on 
gastnc secretions, even when administered m 
relatively low doses Intcrcstmgly enough, 
inhibition of gastric secretions occurs when 
the drug is administered intraduodenally, but 
there IS no effect when contact of the drug 
IS bmited to the lumen of the stomach or 
when It IS administered parenterally It has 
been suggested that the mhibitory effect of 
dioctyl sodium sulfosuccmaie is mediated by 
a hormone released from the mtestmal mu 
cosa, c g., cnierogastrone 

Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccmate as well as 
another anionic surfactant, sodium lauryl 
sulfate, enhances the absorption of the am- 
omc dye phenol red from the colon of the 
rat, while a noniomc surfactant does not 
None of the three surfactants influenced the 
absorption of a cationic dye, methyl violet 
The mechanism of this effect is not quite 
clear, since it could be inhibited by a gan- 
glionic blocking agent or an anticholinergic 
drug This suggests that an active biologic 
process may be mvolvcd “• 

In cvaluatmg the effect of surface-active 
agents on the absorption rate of a drug, it is 
essential to establiih whether this effect is 
mediated through on alteration of the absorb- 
ing membrane, an mteraction with the drug 
or a modification of the physical properties 
of the dosage form. A change m the perme- 
ability characteruucs of the absorbmg mem- 
brane may be noted by any change m the 
absorption of substances uhich are known 
not to interact with the surfactant (provided 
that dosage form effects are ruled out by 
administering the drug m solution) MiccUu- 
lar solubilization is dctcrmmable by equi- 

Pharmaceutical Formulation Factors 


Ubnum dialysis’-*^ and solubility methods,' 
while dosage form effects can be established 
by means of dissolution rate studies In this 
manner it is generally possible to obtam an 
understandmg of the nature of the surfactant 
effect and thereby utilize surfactants mtelU- 
gently to enhance the activity of drugs or to 
avoid inhibitory effects by removmg the sur- 
factant from a formulation where this be- 
comes necessary As m the case of complcxa- 
tion reactions m general the absorption 
inhibitmg effects of surfactants can be ex- 
pected to be most noticeable m dosage forms 
which are not diluted extensively by body 
fluids on admmistratioa 


The pharmacologic and physical-chemical 
considerations concerning the development 
and the evaluation of pharmaceutical dosage 
forms, which have been outlined in the previ- 
ous sections, represent the necessary founda- 
tion lor a review of pharmaceutical formu- 
lation factors Many of the subjects discussed 
m the previous section could as readily be 
included here, but they have been grouped 
separately for better clarity of presentation 
This section deals primarily with a considera- 
tion of biophaimaceutical aspects of the 
more important classes of pharmaceutic^ 
preparations and outlines some of the prob- 
lems that may be encountered with certain 
of these The effect of phannaceulicai for- 
mulation factors on the therapeutic eflSca^ 
of drugs has been reviewed and illustrated 
recently by examples from climcal and 
scientific literature It is hoped that 

the reader will refer to these articles, because 
the present section will be more concerned 
with the reasons why and the mechanisms by 
which pharmaceutical formulation factors 
can modify the therapeutic efficacy of drugs 
The major classes of pharmaceutical dos- 
age forms designed for internal use may be 
listed m a sequence representing the order 
of rate of release of their active ingrcdienls 

With reference to this sequence, it is assumed 
that the active medicinal is stable in gastro- 
intestinal fluids Reversals within the se- 
quence may occur m cases where a drug is 
unstable m gastric fluids The reasons for 
this possible reversal have been discussed 
earlier m the subsection devoted to stability 
Furthermore, the sequence is based on the 
usual properties of the listed classes of prep- 
amtions, and it should be clear that excep- 
tions may occur in specific mstances Emul- 
sions, nonaqueous solutions, sustained release 
dosage forms, aerosols and suppositories are 
not listed above, because they represent more 
complicated systems which do not lend them- 
selves to ready classification and which must 
be as^ssed individually 


Drugs are absorbed from the gastrointesti- 
nal tract most promptly when administered 
m aqueous solution ^lubility limitations, 
poor stability, objectionable taste and eco- 
noouc considerations may require the use of 
other dosage forms, but, m the absence of 
such deterrents, aqueous soluuons represent 
the dosage form of choice when rapid and 
predictable absorpuoo is desired Homologs, 
when administered m tablet form may differ 
m rate of absorption because of differences 
m their intrinsic rate of dissolution, but these 
differences are not operational when the com- 
pounds are admmislered already in solution 
For example, potassium peniciUm V gave 
higher blood levels than benzathine penicil- 
Im V when both were administered m tablet 
form, but solutions of the two drugs yielded 
essentially equal blood levels of penicillin 
This could be attributed to differences m the 
dissolution rales of these substances and to 
Uieir apparently similar intrinsic absorption 

It IS obvious that liquids are easier to 
swallow than solid dosage forms and that, for 
this reason, solutions are often preferred m 
pediatnc and genatnc medicine However, 
there is an interesting example of a case in 
which the solution dosage form is particularly 
indicated in a certain type of pathology The 
gastrointeslmal absorption of calaum after 

Aqueous SoluUoo — Suspension — Powder — Capsule — Tablet — Coated Tablet 
< - .. - .. — (increasing rate of release) 

70 Dosage Form Design and Evaluation 

Fio 29 Average blood lc\cls of free 
sulfonamide in children following oral 
adnumstration of sulfadimeihoxine (I 
Cm/M^) in tablets and m suspension 
(Alter Sikuma, T e/ at Am J Med 
Sci 239 142) 

ndmuiistration of edetuat carbonate and a 
solution of calcium citrate, respectively, was 
compared m healthy subjects and m anacid 
subjects The results of the study are sum 
manzed m Table 8, where the area under the 
calcium serum level vs tune curve is mdica* 
live of the relative omounis of calcium ab* 

Calcium carbonate dissolves in acidic gas* 
tnc fluids to yield calcium ion m absorbable 
form. Individuals who do not produce gastric 
hydrochloric acid arc unable to dissolve sig 
niiican! amounts of the drug This accounts 
for the very poor absorption of calcium by 
anacid subjects after administration of cal- 
cium carbonate powder When calcium was 
administered m the form of calcium citrate 
solution, the gaslrointcslina] absoipJion by 
anacid subjects was considerably increased 
However, It was not as high as in normal sub- 
jects, probably because some of the drug pre- 
cipitated m the absence of an acidic environ- 
ment in the stomach and the proximal small 
intestine of the anacid subjects Chelation of 
calcium with citrate had no apparent effect 
as such on absorption rate, as evidenced by 
essentially identical scrum levels at all times 
after administration of the two forms of cal- 
cium to normal subjects These observations 
should apply also to other acid soluble drugs 
which are insoluble or poorly soluble in neu- 
tral or allalinc fluids 

Viscosity-cnhancmg agents arc sometimes 
included m solutions to modify consistency 

Table 8 Gastrointestinal Absorption 
OP Calcium by Normal Subjects and by 
Anacid Svbjects after Administration 
OF Calcium Carbonate Powder and Cal- 
cium Citrate Solution in Equivalent 


Average Area under 
Serum Level vs 

Time Curve 
( in rag % ‘hr) 

Calcium Calcium 

Carbonate Citrate Sol 

Nonnal subjects 
Anacid subjects 

447 477 

0 87 2 75t 

•NjfpnMUJD, W Kill? WftrJjenscJir JP J064 
t Average of 13 subjects all other values are 
averages of 10 subjects 

andpourabiJity Of course, they are routinely 
used m suspensions to obtam greater physic^ 
stability If the concentrations of suspending 
agent and the administered dose are suffi- 
ciently high so as to maintain a relatively 
high viscosity even on dilution of the prep- 
arauon m the gastrointcstmal tract, drug ab* 
sorption may be retarded This is shown by 
the data m Table 9, which lists plasma and 
bram mnceotrations of salicylate after oral 
adnuntstrauon of sodium salicylate solution 
with and without 2 per cent methylcellulose, 
sodium acctylsolicylate solution, and acetyl* 
salicylic acid suspension contaimng 2 per 
cent mclhylcchuJosc The volume adminis- 
tered in each ease was 0 2 ml per 100 Gm 
of body weight It is likely that high viscosity 
was Uie major reason for the lower blood 
levels obtained with the sodium sali^late 
sciaiioa conlmaiDg meihyJrcfluJose, although 
some complcxaiion cannot be ruled out In 
the cose of acetylsalicylic acid suspension, 
viscosity as well as dissolution rate would be 
a factor limiting absorption The viscosity 
effect IS due to the inverse relationship be- 
tween the rale of diffusion of drug molecules 
to absorption sites and the viscosity of tlic 
Quids m which diffusion takes place 
Suspensions rank next to soIuDoos with 
respect to the rate of release of their active 
in^cdicnis because of the large surface area 
of the dispersed solids Particle size is a 
critical factor, faster dissolution and absorp- 
tion being achieved by use of finer particles 
The particle size of drug solids m suspensions 
tends to increase with tune, due to dissolu* 

Pharmaceuiicol Formulation Foctors 71 

Table 9 Effect of Dosaob Form on GASTRoiNTEsnNAL Absorption 
OF Salicylates by Rats*! 


Sodium Salicyl- 

Aero Suspension 

ATE Solution 

WITH 2% 


WITH 2% 










Plasma concentrationt 132 




Brain concentrations 11 6 

19 6 

13 3 

21 1 

* Dose 0 72 mmo} /kg data are averages of 12 rats per group 
t Davidson C , et <i{ J Pharmacol Exper Thcrap 134 176 
t In meg /ml as salicylic acid Vi hour after drug administration 
§ In meg /Cm as salicylic acid H hour after drug administration 

Uon of the smaller particles and deposition 
of drug from solution on the larger particles 
Such particle growth should be prevented or 
retarded by means which have been de- 
senbed®® The advantage of adrmnistering 
poorly soluble drugs dispersed m suspension 
rather than compacted m tablets is exempli- 
fied by a study of sulfadmietbowne absorp- 
tion {See Fig 29 ) The drug was absorb^ 
much more rapidly and more completely 
when administered m microcrystallme sus- 

Xateractions between active ingredients and 
pharmaceutical adjuncts are particularly difli- 
cult to notice m opaque suspensions, and the 
possibility of such occurrences muse be con- 
sidered carefully For example, sodium car- 
boxymethylcellulose reacts with amphelammc 
to form an even less soluble and less rapidly 
available substance than amphetamine it- 
self^’’ The use of sodium carboxymethyl- 
cellulo&e to suspend amphetamine would 
therefore be contraindicated The same may 
apply to many other weak organic bases 

There is sometimes the choice cither of 
formulatmg a sparmgly water soluble drug 
m aqueous suspension or of dissolving it in 
an organic solvent If the organic solvent is 
water miscible, such as ^yeerm, dilution of 
the solution with gastrointestinal fluids may 
not cause precipitaUon of drug because of 
the mereased total volume of liquid Pre- 
cipitaUon can occur if the drug is very in- 
soluble m water and the administered dose 
IS high, but the precipitate is usually of very 
small particle size, which favors rapid disso- 
lution as some of the dissolved drug is re- 
moved by absorption Dissolved drug is not 
as readily available if the solvent is immisci- 
ble with water (i e , an oil) The comparative 

efficai^ of an aqueous suspension and a 
solution of drug m an oil depends on the dis- 
solution rate of the drug, its oil water parti- 
tion coefBcient and the ease with which the 
oil tends to disperse m the gastrointestinal 
fluids (the Jailer factor relates to the inter- 
facial area between oil and water phase, 
larger contact area promotes diffusion of drug 
bom one phase to another) In one recent 
study It has been found that the activity of 
vanous esters of testosterone, androstano- 
lone, prednisone and prednisolone on oral 
administration, as well as the activity of the 
respective &ee steroids, was greater when 
these drugs were administered m sesame oil 
soluuoa ^ao when given in aqueous sus- 
pension * While the mvesugators were unable 
to offer an adequate explanation for their 
findings. It appears that the rate of drug re- 
lease from the oil to the gastrointestinal fluids 
was higher than the rale of dissolution of the 
solid drug particles contamed m the aqueous 

The availabihty of drugs contained m 
emulsion dosage forms depends on whether 
the drug is present pnmanly m the aqueous 
or the oil phase and whether the emulsion is 
an od m water or a water m-oil system It 
may also depend on the particle size of the 
dispersed phase The latter factor is also of 
importance m the absorption of poorly ab- 
sorbable hpids In one study, for example, 
less than 10 per cent of unemulsificd liquid 
paraffin was absorbed, but more than 30 per 
cent was absorbed when the oil was admin- 
istered la emulsified torza 


The major factors that cau influence the 
biologic avajabihty of drugs from powders 

72 Dosage Form Design and Evafuahon 

arc readily ideaUfiabte particle size, dtssO' 
iution rate and possible interaction with other 
medicinal com^nents or with diluents pres- 
ent in the powder dosage form Significant 
particle growth on aging docs not occur 
unless the drug has a high vapor pressure 
or the dosage form is exposed to moisture 
Dissolution rate may be modified by appro- 
pnatc choice of crystal form or solvate type, 
where indicated The most common type of 
interaction of drug with diluent involves ad- 
sorption of the former on the latter The 
availabihty of adsorbed drug can be reduced 
markedly if the diluent is water-insoluble and 
a powerful adsorbent 

A previously cited example, namely that 
of spironolactone, may be enlarged on to 
illustrate the effect of particle size on the 
biologic availability of a drug with low in- 
trinsic dissolution rate A recent study*^ per- 
mits comparison of the relative biologic avail- 
ability of spironolactone when administered 
as a loose, encapsulated powder or when 
compacted m highly-compressed tablets The 
amount of spironolactone absorbed from 
powdered drug mixed with lactose and en- 
capsulated in gelatin capsules was found to 
be 6 6 tunes as large as the amount absorbed 
from highly compressed commercial spirono- 
lactone tablets Administration of micronizcd 
spironolactone resulted m the absorption of 
10 times as much drug as from the com- 
mercially available tablets Tlius, microniza- 
tion improves the absorption from the gastro- 
intcsunal tract so that 40 mg give the same 
blood level * time values as 400 mg m the 
form of coovcntional tablets Seme of these 
data are shown m Figure 30 

A unique technic has been dc\ eloped re- 
cently by Japanese pharmaceutical scientists, 
to cause sparingly water-soluble drugs to be- 
come dispened finely m gastromtesunal 
fluids * 2 This technic mvoUcs the formation 
of a cutcctic rmxtuic of the drug and a phar- 
macologically mactivc, readily soluble com- 
pound The cutccuc mixture must ba>e a 
melting pomt that is higher than room tem- 
perature The two substances arc melted and 
mixed, the rmxturc is cooled until it solidifies 
and then is finely powdered When placed m 
water, the readily soluble earner substance 
dissolves rapidly and releases extremely fine 
parlidcs of the drug. By using a eulccuc mix- 

ture of sulfathiazolc and urea, it was possible 
to achieve higher blood levels and earlier 
concentration peaks of the sulfonamide than 
are obtained by administration of orduiary 

Relardatjon of drug release and a rcsult- 
uig decrease m biologic availability due to 
adsorption of the drug on diluents has been 
observ cd with thiamine as well os other drugs 
Some years ago, an acid-clay adsorbate of 
ihiamme served as an international standard 
for the bioassay of this vitamin Subsequent 
studies revealed that the adsorbate actually 
contained twice as much thiamine as was be- 
lieved to be present on the basis of its anti- 
neunUc activity m rats'** In other words, 
only one half of the adsorbed vitamin was 
biologically available under the cxpcnmental 
conditions In another study, only 40 per cent 
of the thiamine and 79 per cent of the ribo- 
flavin ui Vitamin B complex capsules con- 
taining fuller's earth were available to human 
lest subjects Adsorption of vitawws 
on msoluble diluents can reduce their avail- 
ability so seriously that several scientists 
associated with the Food and Drug Adnunis- 
iration have suggested that the vitamin con- 
tent of phannaceuueal products be evaluated 
for labeling purposes on the basis of physio- 
logic availability ** 

All the factors mentioned above also apply 
to capsule dosage forms Au additional fac- 
tor m the case of capsules is the dissolution 
rate of the capsule shell Hard gclaUn cap- 
sules dissolve quite readily m gastromtesunal 
fluids, but a small diilcrcncc between the ab- 
soipuon rate of drugs administered m powder 
form, on one hand, and in gelatin capsules, 
on the other, has been observed Soft gela- 
tin capsules often dissolve more slowly than 
hard gclaun capsules The former, if poorly 
formiflatcd, may interfere with the prompt 
absorpuon of their acUve mgrcdicnts In one 
study, vitamm Bis was less completely ab- 
sorbed from soft gelatin capsules than from 
soIuUon*^ This may have been due to the 
slow dissoluuon of the capsule shells Adsorp- 
tion of drug on fillers and diluents can occur 
with capsules as well as with powders Chem- 
ical mtcracuon between components, though 
rare in the absence of moisture, can occur 
during dissolution This accounted for the 
absorption retarding cflcci of diealcium phos- 

Pharmaceutical Formulation Factors 73 

phate when this substance was used as a 
diluent m commercial tetracyclme capsules 

Compressed tablets, which are the most 
widely used dosage forms, also present some 
of the most difficult problems with respect 
to the biologic availability of their active m- 
gredients fii commenting on the marked 
effect of tablet properties on the rate of ab- 
sorption of various penicillins, Juncher and 
Raaschou concluded that “many published 
studies that do not describe the pharmaceu 
tical properties of the preparations used can 
hardly be considered mdicative of an esti- 
mate of the resorption of the pemcillm com- 
pounds concerned ” * They point out that 
‘this affords an explanation of many dis- 
crepant results and conclusions in studies on 
the oral admmistration of penicillin ” * 

The major problem encountered with com- 
pressed tablets IS due to the decrease in the 
effective surface area of the active ingredients 
as a result of granulation and compression 
of the drug particles Availability of drugs m 
tablets can W affected seriously unless this 
process of compaction is readily re>ersible 
when the tablets come into contact with gas- 
tromtestmal fluids This reversal involves 
usually the dismtegration of compressed tab- 
lets mto their constituent granules, followed 
by disintegration of the granules into primary 
particles The primary particles dissolve at a 
rate which is a function of their specific sur- 
face area, their intrinsic dissolution rate and 
the nature of their immediate environment 
If a tablet fads to disintegrate, the surface 
avadable for dissolution is limited to the 
surface area of the tablet as such Disintegra- 
tion of the tablets but not of the constituent 
granules yields an avadable surface area 
which, though larger than that of the intact 
tablets, IS considerably smaller than that ob- 
tamable by complete dismtegration of the 
tablet and its constituent granules into pri- 
mary particles 

The foregomg comments should mdicale 
to the reader that the intentions of those who 
recommended adoption of the presently offi- 
cial tablet disintegration test (namely, “lo 
insure to the user of the tablet the ultimate 
avadabdity of the medication and m such 

•Juncher, H, and Raaschou, F The soJubiliiy 
of oral preparalioos of penicillin V, AntibioC Med. 
CUn. Thersp 4 497 , 1957 


2 4 • • 

Fio 30 Plasmalevels of spironolactone 
metaboLte after administratioa of 400 mg 
of spironolactone in commercially avad- 
able tablets (•), 100 mg of powdered 
drug m gelatin capsules (0)>aQd 100 mg 
of microDized drug m gelatin capsules 
(X) (After Bauer, G , er aL Arrneim - 
Forsch 12 487) 

reasonable tune as the nature of the medica- 
tion might warTant”'t) cannot be realized 
by such a test The fact that a tablet disin- 
tegrates promptly mto granules does not as- 
sure subsequent disintegration of the gran- 
ules and dissolution of the primary drug 
particles It w not too difficult to prepare 
tablets out of crushed glass particles, for in- 
stance, m a manner which permits such tab- 
lets to pass th& U SP tablet dismtegration 
test This test, though it represents a com- 
mendable attempt to establish m minuim 
avadabdity standards for compressed tablets, 
can no longer be considered useful for this 
purpose m the light of present knowledge 

Tablet dismtegration may determme dis- 
solution rate i£ it is the sloivest process m 

the sequence tablet disintegration * 

granule dismtegration — > particle dissolu- 
tion A tablet dismtegration test could be 

t Vlict, E B Tablet duinlegrauoa tests. Drug 
;bAUiedlnd.-/2 17, 1956 

74 Dosage Form Design and Evoluabon 


Fia 31 From Nelson, E. Therapeutic 
considerations of generic name presenp- 
lions, Western Pharm 7J 9 

indicative of the release rate of the active 
constituents under these relatively rare 
conditions Such a case has been reported 
by Juncher and Raaschou, v,ho found that 
the absorption of potassium pemciUin V 
administered m compressed tablets was m> 
flucnced markedly by the dismtcgration tune 
of the tablets Using these data, and assum> 
mg complete availability of the drug from the 
most rapidly dismtcgratmg tablets. Nelson 
constructed the graph shown as Figure 31 
It indicates that, u this instance, potassium 
penicillin V tablets could pass the US P tab* 
let disintegration test even when one third of 
their drug contents was not biologically 

The more commonly occurring lack of 
correlation between tablet disintegration tune 
and rate of gastromtcstmal absorption of the 
active ingredient is shown m Table 10 for a 
senes of commercial aspirin tablets These 
studies, earned out in ^e author’s labora- 
toiy, demonstrate that dissolution rate, rather 
than dismtegratjon time, is indicative of the 
rate of absorption of ospirm from compressed 
tablets The predictive value of m-viiro 
dissolution tests, when calibrated against m- 
vivo data, is evidenced by the go^ linear 
correlation between the two (Fig 32) 
Schrocter and colleagues undertook an ex* 
tensive study of the possible relationship bC' 
tween rate of dissolution and disintegration 
time of compressed tablets.’*® They found 
some cases where a relationship exists and 
others where it docs not Correlations found 
were highly specific and depended not only 
on the t^pc of drug but, m some eases, also 

Fjo 32 CoiTcIatioa of in vitro dissolu* 
non rates and gastrointestinal absorption 
of aspinn from vanous brands of com- 
pressed tablets (cf Table 10) (From 
Levy G J Pharm. Sci JO 388) 

on the nature of pharmaceutical adjuvants 
m the tablets These considerations limit the 
tablet disintegration test to manufactunng 
control purposes only and preclude its ra- 
tional use as an official availahility test. 

Recognition of dissolution rate rather than 
disintegration time as the tablet property of 
importance with respect to drug availability 
from compressed tablets requued re-examma- 
tion of ccrlam aspects of tablet formulation 
It became necessary to dctcmunc the effect 
of formulation factors, such as the type and 
the concentration of dismtcgrant, bmder, 
filler and lubricant, and the compression pres- 
sure, on tablet dissolution rate 

DissoluUon rate usually is decreased when 
tablet compression pressure is increased 
This is due to the more difficult disintegra- 
tion of highly compressed particle aggre- 
gates However, dissoluUon rate actually may 
be mcrcosed when the drug solids are ex- 
posed to extremely high pressure, because 
of fracturmg of drug paruclcs and the re- 
sultant mcrcase m their specific surface 
area.’** Qunprcssion pressure has no effect 
on the dissolution rate of nondismtcgratiog 
drug solids’** 

Dissolution rate is mcrcased as the con- 
centration of starch, the most commonly used 

Pharmaceutical Formulation Factors 75 

Table 10 Disintegration, Dissolution and Gastrointestinal Absorption 
Values for a Series of Commercial Aspirin Tablets* 


Average U S P 
Time (Seconds) 

Average Amount 
Dissolved in 

10 Minutes (mg ) 

Amount Excreted 




24 31 




18 1 [study It 




15 9j 








13 6 [study lit 





* Levy, G Compamoa of dissolutioa aad absorpuoa r^es o{ dL^erent cocnmerctal aspina tablets, 
J Pharm Sci SO 388 

t la terms of apparent salicylic acid, 1 hour after admnustration of two D 3 Gm tablets 
t Studies 1 and II were earned out with ditfereat test subjects and under somewhat ditlereat cotidiuons 

dismtegrant, is increased Tablet binders 
ordinary tend to retard dissolution, because 
they delay disintegration and form a layer of 
VISCOUS solution around dissolvmg drug 
solids. Dissolution rate is also inversely pro* 
portiooal to granule size if the granules are 
nondisintegrating Certaui vitamins are 
prepared m coated granules for inclusion m 
conventional and “chewable” tablets These 
pantiles are coated with Iipid or other ma* 
tenals to overcome stability problems or ob- 
jectionable taste Unfortunately, it has been 
found that a number of commercial vitamin 
products containing this type of granules did 
not release their full contents of vitamins on 
oral ingestion Caution and adequate in- 
vivo evaluation of coated granules and of 
preparations containing these is mdicated 
Tablet lubricants are substances which are 
mostly water-msoluble and water repellent 
They can prevent adequate contact between 
drug solids and dissolution medium One of 
the few good waler*soluble tablet lubricants 
IS sodium lauryl sulfate It has the further 
advantage of being a surface-active agent 
that actually promotes contact between drug 
solids and aqueous medium and furthers 
penetration of solvent into agglomerates of 
solid particles The dissolution-retarding 
effect of a hydrophobic tablet lubricant (mag- 
nesium stearate) and the pronounced dtssolu- 
uoQ-enhanemg effect of sodium lauryl sulfate 
IS evident m Figure 33, which is based on 
results of studies earned out m the author’s 
laboratory It is this type of effect, rather 
than the proposed absorption enhancement. 

which undoubtedly accounted for the greater 
absorption of spironolactone &om tablets 
containing polysorbate 80,** as already mdi- 
cated m the subsection on surface active 

Considerable research effort is still needed 
to obtain a greater understanding of the vari- 

» 10 0 20 

Fio 33 Effect of lubncant on dissolu 
tion rate of salicylic acid from compressed 
tablets (X) Magoesium stearate 3% 
(•) no lubncant, (O) sodium lauryl sul- 
fate 3% (From Levy, G , f/ a/ jEffectof 
certain tablet formulation factors on dis- 
soIuUaQ rate of the active mgredicnt, 
J Pharm Sci , in press ) 

76 Dotage Form Detign and Evaluahoa 

ous formulation factors that can affect the 
therapeutic efficacy of drugs contained m 
compressed tablets Currently, phaimaccuu- 
cal scientists arc particularly concerned uith 
the development of suitable in Mtro dissolu- 
tion tests and their correlation Vrith m \ivo 
results An mtctcstmg and unique approach 
to the study of dissolution of drugs from tab- 
lets IS the use of thermal analysis which per- 
mits continuous monitormg of the total sur- 
face area of a dissolving tablet on the basis 
of the beat c\olvcd due to the dissolution 

The biopbarmaceutical problems associ- 
ated with coated tablets arc so numerous and 
so complex that they cannot be dealt with 
adequately m a general review of this type 
An excellent presentation of the subject ts 
available elsewhere *** 


Pharmacists must be aware of the more 
important aspects of clinical evaluation of 
drugs and particularly of the valuation of 
new formulations and dosage forms The 
community and the hospital pharmacist will 
have to be able to read criucally and judge 
the significance of research reports which 
appear m the clinical Utcraturc or arc in- 
corporated m manufacturers’ brochures, if 
they want to assist physicians m the choice 
of dosage form and manufacturers' brand of 
therapeutic agents This requires knowledge 
of the fundamentals of expenmentai design 
and sfaCistical methodology Pharmacists can 
also play an unportant port m the design of 
clmical studies and m tiic evaluation of Tesvdts 
denved from such studies if pharmaceutical 
factors arc involved to the extent that the 
clmicol data may be significantly inQucnccd 
by them. It is up to the pharmacist to point 
out certain variables which may not be con- 
sidered ordinanly by the clinical mvestiga 
tors, such as differences in salt form, particle 
sac, vehicle and other formulation and dos- 
age form properties of the therapeutic agents 
to be studied Similarly, pharmacists should 
be able to aid physicians m the evaluation of 
research reports where biophormaccutical 
factors may have aficeted the results The 
research and the manufactunng pharmacist 

is even more directly concerned with clinical 
evaluation, since new dosage forms and for- 
mulations developed by him usually require 
clmical tnal to assess their eOicacy or defi- 

lliere is no standard methodology which 
is applicable to the clinical cvaluauon of 
every conceivable drug and its several dosage 
forms The purpose of the study, as well as 
the known or the expected pharmacologic 
and pharmaceutical properties of a given 
drug or formulation, will dictate the expen- 
mental design Therefore, the research phar- 
macist must be involved directly in both the 
design and the interpretation of results of 
ebn^ studies of dosage forms and formu- 
latioos He will have to acquire competence 
much beyond that which can be obtained 
from the following paragraphs, which can 
provide only an outline of the subject 

Objectivcvs Subjective 
Test Methods 

Fortunately, most aspects of dosage form 
evaluation permit the use of objective meth- 
ods such as the determination of drug con- 
centration m various body Quids This is so 
because the therapeutic efficacy of the drug 
as such has usually been established, and the 
mam purpose is lo determine the degree to 
which intrinsic absorpuon rate, availability 
and elimination rate of the drug may have 
been modified by the dosage form Whenever 
possible. It IS desirable that dosage form 
evaluation be based on quanuiauvc deter- 
mination of the drug and/or its metabolites 
m the bfood, the tissues or the unne Such 
procedures arc least subject to bios and dif- 
Icicnccs m intcrptmuon In some instances, 
no specific assay method is available, or the 
concentration of drug in the biologic Quids 
IS too low for quaniitauvc measurement 
Various pharmacologic parameters may tlicn 
be used as indices of drug concentration, pro- 
vided that the intensity of the pharmacologic 
clTcct IS known to be a funcuon of drug con- 
ccnirauon Thus, the physiologic availability 
of a diurcuc agent may be assessed by the 
volume of unne voided, and the absorption 
of a mydnaiic by determination of pupil 
diameter, but such values arc subject to con- 
siderable vanatJon Therefore, these indirect 
methods arc used only when direct methods 

Clinico] Evaluation of Dosage Forms 77 

are not available Evaluations based on sub- 
jective methods are much more complicated 
because the results depend to a considerable 
degree on environmental and personal fac- 
tors which may affect both investigator and 
subject It IS difiicult to quantitate m a re- 
producible manner such conditions as pam, 
itching or nervousness and to evaluate dos- 
age form effects on the basis of analgesia, 
relief of itchmg and degree of tranquility 

Experimental Design 
Selection of Subjects. Pharmacodynamic 
properties of drugs may often be studied in 
healthy subjects, while determinations of 
therapeutic efficacy require subjects suffering 
from the disease for which the drug is con- 
sidered to be indicated Thus, one may use 
healthy subjects to determme the gastro- 
intestinal absorption of an antibiotic, but 
studies With anemic individuals are required 
to verify the anti anemia activity of liver ex 
tract It IS fortunate that dosage forms usu- 
ally can be evaluated on healthy subjects, 
because studies which require the use of pa- 
tients suffenng from certain illnesses arc often 
complicated by factors such as fluctuations 
in the severity of their condition, the self- 
limiting nature of certain diseases and the 
difficulty of assembling a sufficient number 
of patients with similar pathologic involve- 
ments However, some drugs arc too toxic 
to be evaluated in healthy volunteers For 
instance, many cytotoxic agents used in the 
treatment, of inahgnaTicics have extremeVy 
unfavorable therapeutic indices so that their 
pharmacodynamic evaluation m normal sub- 
jects cannot be justified Absorption, bio- 
transformation and elimination data obtamed 
from studies using healthy subjects can pro- 
vide useful comparative information about 
certain dosage form effects, but it must be 
recognized that these values frequently may 
not be applicable in the quantitative sense to 
subjects suffering from gastrointestinal, he- 
patic or renal disease 

Where the purpose of a study is the de- 
termination of absolute rather than com- 
parative values, such as the biologic half-hfc 
of a given drug, the selection of a represen- 
tative population sample becomes important 
While the sample may be restricted arbitrarily 
to a certain specified age, racial or geographic 

group, the selection of subjects who are to 
constitute this sample must be randomized 
by means of available statistical technics so 
that It may be representative of that total 
population group 

Controls. The purpose of using controls 
as part of the expenmental design is to iso- 
late the variable to be studied and to provide 
a sound basis of companson A potential 
sustained release medicament must be com- 
pared With a conventional dosage form of 
the same drug at the same dose if the sus- 
tained release effect is to be demonstrated 
The effectiveness of a topical antipruritic 
agent can be assessed meaningfully only by 
companson with the effect obtained from the 
ointment or the lotion base alone, because the 
latter may exert a soothing, cooling or protec- 
tive effect and, thus, account entirely for the 
efficacy of the preparation The use of con- 
trols may not ho jxissible if it requires that 
some severely ill pauenis remain unmedi- 
cated, or if only a small number of unusual 
cases are available, but, even then, an ad- 
mittedly less satisfactory ‘ histoncal” control 
IS implied, 1 e , the Tecollecuon of previous 
cases treated differently However, in the 
majority of instances and, particularly, m the 
cimical ev^uation of dosage forms, the use of 
adequate controls must be considered manda- 
tory, and their absence will usually invalidate 
the results of the study Despite this, pharma- 
cists will frequently find reports of clinical 
studies which are devoid of adequate controls, 
as radicated by a recervt assessment of re- 
search methods used m 103 scientific studies 
reported in Canadian medical journals 35 5 
per cent had no controls, 12 5 per cent had 
inadequate controls and only 25 1 per cent 
of the studies were considered to have been 
well controlled The balance of the articles 
dealt with studies where control was impos- 
sible or mapplicable 

Placebos. Placebos arc pharmacologically 
men substances which are administered to 
subjects who believe that they are receiving 
an active drug This piermits distinguishing 
between the effects of the drug proper and 
the effects due to the act of administering it 
Placebos are used primarily m therapeutic 
tmis which arc based on an assessment of 
subjective responses In dosage form cvalua- 
Uoo, placebos arc necessary controls when 

78 Dosage Form Design ond Evaluation 

Table II Side Effects in a 16 Week, 
Double-Blind Trial of GRisEoruLviN* 

Symptoms (37) 









Dy spcpsia 



Abdominal discomfort 1 


Vomiting nausea 






Ulcers m mouth 



Cramps in limbs 



Flushing of face 












Bnttle nails 



Rashes or itching 



'From Bell W and 5tevensoa, C / Report on 
a cUmcal Inal uith gnseofulvio Tratu St John 
Hosp Derm Soc 

the incidence and the seventy of side effects 
such as gastromiesUfia] irritation, nausea and 
vomiting are to be established Without coo- 
uols, one may get a {also unpccssiott of a 
large number of side effects when, actually, 
most of these arc not directly due to the drug, 
0 $ shown m Table 1 1 ** 

While the substance constituting the pla- 
cebo may be pharmacologically inert, the 
process of admuiistcnng this substance as a 
medicament may have both subjective and 
objective pharmacologic effects, such as in- 
creased gastnc hydrochloric acid secretion, 
analgesia, relief of allergic symptoms, ctc^ 
The quantitative and the qualitative nature 
of Uic placebo effect is largely influenced by 
environmental conditions, mcludmg the alti- 
tude of the investigator and the hopes, the 
apprehensions and (he past expcncoccs of 
the patient 

Expcnmcntal Technics. In addition to the 
use of controls and placebos where mdicatcd, 
there are several cxpcnnicntaJ iccbnics which 
ore utilized to overcome extraneous factors 
which could affect the experimental results 
In the sin^le-bhnd ledmic, the patient docs 
not Vnow the identity of the medication so 
that his response is not mfluenced by pre- 
conceived notions or previous ctpcncoccs 
In dosage form evaluation, this requires that 

the vanous preparations should not be readily 
differentiable on the basis of appearance, 
taste and similar properties Thus, two tablet 
formulations should not differ m size, shape 
or impnnt When comparing a parenteral 
form of a drug with a tablet form, it may be 
necessary to admmistcr the parenteral me- 
dicament and a placebo tablet m one mstance, 
and the tablet contammg drug together with 
a placebo injection such as sodium chloride 
solution m the other instance The smglc- 
bhnd technic is applicable when the subject’s 
response may be affected by bias or sugges- 
tive influences If the drug evaluation IS based 
on objective parameters such as drug con- 
cenirauon m the blood, the single-bJind tech- 
nic IS not usually indicated 

Where the pharmacodynamic properties 
and effects of a drug cannot be measured 
readily by objective methods but arc based 
on impressions and qualitative assessments 
by the mvesugator (for example, reduction 
of mflatnmauon, improvement of a skin con- 
dition or degree of tranquility), it is desirable 
that neither (he subject nor die investigator 
know the identity of the medicament. This 
iskfiowm as the double blind techruc, in wbch 
all medications arc coded and the code u not 
broken until the study is concluded and the 
data have been analyzed Uofortunatclyi 
some drugs have side effects, taste or other 
properties so characteristic and impossible 
to conceal that the patient soon learns to 
recognize them and only the investigator rc- 
mams ‘ bhnd ” 

There arc considerable differences between 
subjects with respect to such physiologic fac- 
tors as gastrointestinal motilily, body weight, 
blood volume, etc If two dosage forms were 
to be compared by administering them to 
two different groups of individuals, the pos- 
sible physiologic differences between these 
two groups can complicate interpretation of 
the experimental data Therefore, it is desir- 
able to administer both dosage forms to each 
subject This is known as the cross-o\er 
technic and establishes a better control A 
more sophisticated design is the double cross- 
o\er technic, which involves a repetition of 
the cross-over procedure so that each subject 
receives both dosage forms twice The double 
CTOss-over technic permits deicrmination of 
reproducibility and indicates the degree of 
imrasubjcct variation. It thereby results to 

Clinical Evaluahon of Dosage Forms 79 

Table 12 Sequence of Drug Adminis- 
tration According to a Latin Square 

1 Evaluation of Two Drugs 
Forms (Designated A and B) 

OR Dosage 





Patient Group 1 



Patient Group 2 



2 Evaluation of Three Drugs 
Forms (A, B and C) 

OR Dosage 


Second Thud 


Period Period 

Patient Group 1 




Patient Group 2 




Patient Group 3 




more valuable information and permits more 
meaningful conclusions 
Further refinements of the cross*over tech- 
nics are obtamed by means of a latin-sguare 
design, m which the sequence of drug ad- 
ministration IS vaned Consider an ejpen 
ment ui which dosage form A is to be com- 
pared with dosage form B One may first 
administer A to all subjects and, after an 
appropriate time interval, follow it with B 
This constitutes a cross-over Alternately, 
one may divide the experimental subjects into 
two groups, With Group 1 receiving A and 
Group 2 receivmg B After an interval of 
tune, drug B is administered to Group 1 and 
drug A to Group 2 In this way the two 
groups receise the drugs in different order 
This design can be extended to more than 
two drugs or dosage forms as shown sche 
matically m Table 12 In this way, the order 
of drug admmistration is eliminated as an 
experimental variable which, potentially, 
could infiuence the results For mstance, A 
may cause gastrointestinal irritation which 
makes the mucosa sufQcicntly sensitive to 
react adversely to B despite the fact that B 
ordinarily does not affect the gastrointestinal 
mucosa to any significant degree The latin- 
square design also serves to equalize certam 
unrecognized factors which may influence 
the experimental results, such os an unusu- 
ally hot day, a malfunctiomng analytic in- 
strument or a different laboratory tcc^cian 
Experimental Conditions. Various expen- 
mcntol candiuons can either enhance or sup- 

press differences between dosage forms, so 
that It IS important to be aware of the mech- 
anisms which account for particular advan- 
tageous or undesirable properties of the dos- 
age forms studied If a drug is absorbed more 
rapidly when admmistered m tablet formula- 
lioa A than m tablet formulation B because 
the former tablets dismtegrate more rapidly, 
this effect will be noticeable only when the 
tablets are swallowed whole and not chewed 
If an alkaline additive enhances die gastro- 
mtestmal absorption of a weakly acidic drug 
by mcreasing the rate of dissolution of the 
latter, the enhanemg effect will occur only if 
the drug additive combmauon is adminis- 
tered m solid form and not m solution Many 
similar examples may be cited, but they all 
mdicate merely that the choice of expen- 
mental conditions as well as conclusions 
drawn from the results of a cUnical evalua- 
tion of dosage forms mast be based on a 
thorough understanding of the biophanna- 
ceutical facton and mechanism mvolved m 
the dosage form effects 
Dietary factors can influence markedly the 
gastrointesimal absorption of certain drugs 
Apparently, the amount of gnseofulvm, ab- 
sorbed following oral administration can be 
increased markedly by giving the patient a 
meal high in faL^^ This is shown m Figure 34 
Success of therapy may be affected decisively 
by the patient’s dietary regunen, since made- 


Fic 34 Effects of different types of 
food intake on the serum gmeofulvm 
levels foUowuig a 1 0 Gm oral dose 
(From Crounse, R. C J Invest. Dcrmat 
37 529) 


Dosage Form Design and Evoluohon 

Fic 3S Scnirn concenuatioos after a 
single oral dose of 300 mg of 7'«hloro> 
6>^cmcthyUetrac)chne (•) on empty 
stomach (O) with 20 ml of olummum 
hydroxide gel (X) with Vi pim of whole 
milL (After Schemer, J , er aL Surgery 
IJ4 9) 

quatc absorptiOQ of griseofulvin appears to be 
one of the mechanisms of clinical unrespon 
sivcncss to therapeutic doses of this drug The 
gastromtestma! absorption of 7<hIoio-6 
dcmcthyltctracyclinc and other tctrat^clmes 
IS seriously impaired by simultaneous ingcs 
tion of millk milk products or aluminum hy 
droxidc gel Milk and antacids have been 
prescribed by physicians to reduce gastro- 
intestinal complaints associated with tetra- 
cychne therapy Such practice and (he fower 
tctracyclme blood levels rcsullmg therefrom 
(Fig 35) may be responsible for some of the 
therapeutic failures encountered with these 

Methods of Dosage Form Evaluatio'* 
Dosage forms and formulations are evalu- 
ated usually with respect to one or more of 
the following properties absorption rate, 
stability m the gastromtcsunal tract, elimi- 
nation rate, physiologic availability of the 
therapeutic agent and incidence and severity 
of side effects caused by the drug or other 

onstitucnts of the dosage form In certain 
more specialized cases it may be necessary 
to extend the scope of the evaluation process 
to such matters as tissue distnbution plasma 
binding and sensitization liability, but these 
Will not be discussed here 

Gastrointestinal Absorption Rate. This 
may be studied by determining the concen- 
tration of the drug in the blood as a function 
of time after drug administration In a com- 
parative study, It may only be necessary to 
compare the blood levels of drug when the 
latter IS admmistcred m a given dosage form 
With a suitable standard, such as the blood 
levels obtained after administration of the 
drug in aqueous solution fn an absolute 
study, such as estimation of the inherent ab- 
sorption rate of a new compound, the time 
of peak drug concentration or the iniual rate 
of increase of drug concentration m the blood 
arc useful indicators of absorption rate When 
the urinary excretion rate of the drug or its 
mayor metabolite is a function of drug con- 
centration in the blood, it is feasible to study 
drug absorption by means of the urmary ex- 
cretion mcihod.*®* This mvoivcs collec- 
tion of total unne at regular intervals after 
drug administration, and quantitative assay 
of each portion with respect to the drug or 
the major metabolite A cumulative plot of 
amount excreted versus tunc may then be 
constructed, from which average excretion 
rates may be estimated by graphic methods 
(Fig 36) Excretion rales can also be ob- 
tained from the experimental data by mathc 
matical technics If m a comparative study 
different dosage forms affect urinary pH. 
urine flow rate and drug bioirans/ormation 
to different degrees, utilization of cither blood 
sampling or unnaiy excretion methods as 
sole indices of drug absorption may not be 
sufficicDl, and both technics may have to be 
used together 

Hie onset of a characteristic pharma- 
cologic effect, sucii as reduced salivary flow, 
can serve as an index of drug absorption 
rate Some drugs, such as potassium iodide, 
ore concentrated m saliva in which they may 
be determined chemically or by taste, so that 
the time interval between drug administra- 
tion and its appearance m the saliv-a can be 
a useful mdicator of absorption rate Some- 
tunes isotope labeled drugs may be admin- 

Clinical Evoluahon of Dosage Forms 81 

islered and their appearance and concentra- 
tion build up monitored by measurements 
of isotope activity at an extremity, such as 
the hand, or at a site where the drug may be 
come localized, such as the thyroid gland 
(m the case of certam lodmated compounds) 

Drug Stability m the Gastrointestinal Tract. 
The efficacy of certain dosage forms depends 
on protecting the therapeutic agent from the 
degradativc effect of acidic gastnc fluids or 
various en2ymes diat are present in the gas 
tromtestmal tract In such studies it is paitic 
ularly necessary that the drug assay method 
be sufficiently specffic so that it niU distm 
guish between the drug and its breakdown 
products It IS often possible to obtain at feast 
comparative mformation concerning the pro- 
tective effect of dosage forms by in vitro ex- 
periments, since degradative conditions such 
as pH and enzyme concentration can be 
duplicated relatively easily in the laboratory 
and Since primarily ph)sicochemical rather 
than biologic processes are involved 

Elimination Rate. A large number of thera 
peutic agents are eliminated from the body 
at an apparent first order rate, which means 
that the combmed effects of excretion and 
biotransformation cause the disappearance 
from the body of a constant fraction of drug 
per unit time In some instances the elmit- 
naiion rate is zero order i e , a constant 
amount of drug is elimmated per unit time 
Both rates may be descnbed by means of a 
rate constant or m terms of half-life, which 
is the tune required for the amount of drug 
in the body to be reduced by 50 pet cent * 
The elimination rale is reflected by the slope 
of the declining portion of a drug concentra- 
tion m the blood vs time plot and, fre- 
quently, by the declining portion of an excre- 
tion rate vs Ume plot, provided that decline 
m the concentration or excretion rate is due 
entirely to drug elimination and is not the 
sum of drug elimmation and continued but 
decreasing absorption The latter complica- 
tion may lead to mismterpretations, particu 
lady m the case of prolonged releiwe medi- 
cation, where a slower rate of decline of drug 
concentration in the blood (as compared with 

• It Should be noled that the bait life is ujde- 
pendent of concentniiion in first-order rate proc- 
esses. but that It changes with conceotralioa la 
zao-order rate processes. 

creied vs time {below) (O) tetracyclme 
faexametaphospbate cot^lex. {□) tetra 
cycluje b)drocbIonde, (From Nelson, E 
J Am. Phann Ass (Sci ) 48 96) 

the concentration decime after admmistra 
tion of drug m conventional form) is usually 
due to further drug absorption and does not 
sigrufy a longer biologic half life It is easiest 
to determine elimmation rate after adminis- 
tration of a drug by the mtravenous route, 
after an initial rapid decline of drug concen- 
tration m the blood due to equilibration with 
other tissues, concentration vs time plots 
usually yield straight lines on semiloganthmtc 
(for first-order dcclme) or linear (for zero- 
order decline) graph paper After intramus- 
cular or oral adrnimstraUon, drug concen- 
trations wiU first increase to a maximum 
while absorption rate is higher than chmma- 
tton rate and then decrease when elimination 
rate exceeds absorption It is important to 
assess elimination rate from that portion of 
the concentration vs time curve whicdi no 
longer mcludes any contribution due to fur- 
ther absorption, ^mpletion of absorption 

82 Dosage Form Design and Evaluation 

IS usually evidenced by the linearity o£ the 
concentration vs tune cur\c (when plotted 
on semiloganthmic or linear graph paper) 
at some tune beyond the tune of peak con- 
centration Since the elunmation rate of a 
drug as evidenced by its concentration de- 
crease m body Quids is not necessarily iden- 
tical with the rate of decline of its phar- 
macologic activity, It may be desirable to 
detcrmme the rate of disappearance of the 
'pharmacologic effect This is possible only if 
the pharmacologic effect can be measured 
quanutatively, although a somewhat cruder 
measure of disappearance rate can also be 
obtained by estimating the duration of action 
on an all-or none basis 

Biologic Availability. When drugs are ad- 
mmistered orally, it is always important to 
determine whether they are absorbed com- 
pletely The degree to which an orally ad- 
imnistered drug is absorbed into the system 
IS referred to as its biologic availability As 
mentioned previously, a therapeutic agent 
may not be fully biologically available tor 
reasons such as a low inherent absorption 
rate, slow dissolution rate, slow release from 
a tablet matia, or because it is bound to 
some nonabsorbable macromolecule Several 
technics, both absolute and comparative, arc 
available for the determination of biologic 
availability If a drug is stable m the gastro 
mtcstmal tract and is mhereoUy well ab- 
sorbed, It ]$ possible to detenmne the pos- 
sible adverse effect of slow dissolution rate 
or other dosage form factors on biologic 
availability by using a solution of the drag 
as the standard for comparison The areas 
undcc the blood Icvei v% tunc cueves ob- 
tained after adimnistration of the drug in 
solution and in a given dosage form should 
be equal if availability is not reduced by dos- 
age form effects If only a fracuon of the 
drug IS absorbed when adrouustered m a par- 
ticular dosage form, the per cent absorbed 
may be estimated by the ratio of the respec- 
tive areas under the concentration vs time 
curves When there is some question con- 
cerning the biologic availability of a drug 
even when given m solution, it may be ncc- 
cssaiy to use a parcntcrally administered 
dose as the basts of comparison If tissue 
distribution or biotransformation of the drug 
diffeis With route of administration, such 

comparison of areas under the blood level vs 
time curves is not justiffed and can lead to er- 
roneous conclusions Biologic availabihty is 
estimated most commonly and readily by 
^tcrmining the amount of drug and its bio- 
transfonnation products which are excreted 
m the tirme This also requires a standard of 
comparison m most instances, because uri- 
nary recovery is seldom quantitative, smee 
some of the drug may be eliminated by other 
routes (pulmonary, skm, biliary) or me- 
tabolized to the pomt where it can no longer 
be identified as to its ongm Quantitative re- 
covery IS sometimes possible by means of 
isotopic labeling and analysis of unne, sweat, 
expired air and feces, but this complicated 
methodology is rarely indicated or applicable 
to human subjects In urinary recove^ studies 
It IS necessary to contmuc collection of unne 
samples for a sufficient time to assure com- 
plete recovery of whatever fraction is elimi- 
nated by this route This may require a num- 
ber of days or even weeks, dependmg on the 
rale of elimination Another technic which 
may have to be used if the rate of elunma- 
tton IS very low or if little or no character- 
istic excretion products appear m the unne, 
IS the fecal recovery method Obviously, drug 
which is not absorbed will appear m the feces 
and may be determined by suitable assay 
methods The fcccs also may contam some 
drug and, particularly, biotransformatjoa 
products that were excreted in the bile and 
not reabsorbed This possibility must be con- 
sidered m the choice of the assay method 
and m the analysis of the experimental data 
Side-Effects. Therapeutic agents may elicit 
bo^v systenwi asid fcical swii-cffccts Syrxemvi 
effects are usually some function of drug 
concentration in the body, while local effects 
may have vanous causes, some of which arc 
related to the dosage form m which the drug 
IS administered If Die dosage form can affect 
the incidence and the seventy of side effects 
such as nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal 
bleeding or diarrhea, it is mandatory that 
these effects be considereii la any evaluation 
of new dosage forms The control m such 
studies is usually a placebo, although one 
dosage form may be compared with another 
When evaluation is based on objective pa- 
rameters, such as fecal blood content, it may 
be feasible to use the unmcdicated subject as 

Clinical Evaluation of Dosage Forms 63 

his own control without administenng pla- 
cebos Assessment of subjective side effects 
usually IS extremely difficult, due to placebo 
effects and many other extraneous mfluences, 
and represents a challenge of great magni- 
tude to the chmcai investigator who under- 
takes the study, to the statistician trymg to 
analyze the sigmffcance of the data and to 
the pharmacist and the physician who must 
utilize this information mtelligently m daily 

Sensitivity of the Expenmental Afetbod. 
The success of many research efforts depends 
largely on the specificity and the sensmvity 
of the technics used Subtle deferences may 
not be apparent, or the data may show so 
much vnuation that observed differences are 
statistically insignificant when the experimen- 
tal methods or conditions are inadequate or 
mappropnate Assay procedures may often 
be made more specific by proper utilization 
of separatory procedures such as solvent ex- 
traction, chromatography and ion exchange 
Adequate recovery of drug from the biologic 
specimen must be demonstrated The actual 
assay must be sufficiently discnnunating to 
keep blank values low For studies involving 
quantitative determinations of drug or bio- 
transformation products m biologic fiuids or 
tissues, It IS helpful, where possible, to ad 
minister relatively high doses to the subjects 
so that blank values are very small relative 
to the values due to the drug itself When 
pharmacologic criteria rather than chemical 
assajs are used m the study, it is desirable 
to choose a dosage which is m the sensitive 
range of the dose response curve The rela 
tionship between dose and response must be 
established experimentally in order to indi 
cate the sensitivity of the method When a 
therapeutic agent is absorbed both by an 
active process and by diffusion, different dos- 
age forms should be compared at the same 
dosage level, smee lower doses may be ab- 
sorbed more rapidly than higher doses 
Greater uniformity among the expenmectal 
subjects often reduces the degree of vana- 
liott in the experimental results It may be 
necessary to use the same technician for all 
analjses and clmical procedures Last but not 
least, an increase m number of subjects will 
usually lead to more representative and sig- 
nificant results 

Evaluatiov of Experimental Data 
Statistical Analysis. Once the chmcai ob- 
servations and measurements have been 
completed, it is necessary to assemble and 
sununanze the data, analyze the significance 
of any differences between dosage forms or 
other vanables studied and denve conclu- 
sions It is important that the results of the 
investigation be described m sufficient detail 
to permit others to judge for themselves 
whether the mvestigator's conclusions ate 
justified Often it is not feasible to report 
every single observation or analytic result 
Instead, these are usually summarized m 
terms of measures of central tendency, such 
as the average or the mean, the mode and/or 
the median values However, measures of 
ixntral tendency do not mdicate the vana- 
tioo withm the group of mdmdual data so 
summarized Vanous measures of variation 
or dispersion are used for this purpose The 
simplest measure of vanation is the range, 

1 e , the difference between the highest and 
the lowest values A more useful measure 
of vanation is the standard deviabon, smee 
it notes cot merely the extreme (highest and 
lowest) values but gives an indicauon of the 
way m which the total number of individual 
values are distributed around the average If 
the individual values are normally distributed 
around the average (i e , the number and the 
magnitudes of positive differences from the 
average are the same as the number and 
the magmlude of negative differences), then 
the range of values encompassed by the aver- 
age dz one standard deviation includes about 
two thirds of the total number of values 
which make up the group The average it 
two standard deviations will include about 95 
per cent of all values Another commonly 
used measure of vanation is variance, which 
IS the square of the standard deviation 
Without mfoimation concerning the varia- 
tions of values within each ^oup, it is im- 
possible to come to a reasonable judgment 
concerning the significance of an average 
value or the significance of differences be- 
tween two or more average values A small 
difference between two averages may be 
more meaningful than a large difference, if 
the mtemal vanauons are very small m the 
first pair and very large in the second pair 

84 Dosage Form Design and Evolualton 

Any differences m results obtained from 
different dosage forms, modes of treatment 
or other variables may be either "ical” or 
due to chance Vanous statistical tedmics 
(such as Student’s ‘ t” test, the chi square 
test and analysis of variance) are used to 
determine the likchhood that observed dif- 
ferences are due to chance This is expressed 
in terms of a probability or “P ’ value A * P” 
value of 0 OS or 95 per cent sigmfies that m 
only 1 out of 20 cases will a d^erence have 
occurred by chance alone A “P ' value of 
0 I or 90 per cent shows that in 1 out of 10 
cases the difference will have been due to 
chance In most mstances, experunental dif- 
ferences are considered significant if the cal- 
culated “P" value IS less than 0 05 Thus, 
statistics cannot “prove” differences to be 
real or fortuitous, it can only establish the 
odds concerning thor “realness” The con- 
verse IS also true lack of statisucally sig- 
nificant difference between two groups docs 
not prove that these groups are equal or 
identical More refined experimental technics 
and/or a larger number of measurements 
may ueli establish differences that are sta- 
tistically significant On the other hand, nega- 
tive data (i e , the absence of any significant 
differences) acquire validity pnmanly on the 
basis of the demonstrated sensitivity of the 
cxpenmental method used It is not mtended 
here to describe la detail various statistical 
technics or designs Numerous excellent 
books on statistics arc available for this 

Validity of Conclusions. Even the most 
sophisticated statistical analyses cannot guard 
against wrong mteipretatjon of the cxpcri- 
mCBfaJ data and ua/usuSed eonclusjons Tlie 
mathematical manipulations cannot ordi- 
narily cause an unrecognized variable to be 
uncovered, nor can they prevent an over- 
cnlhusiastic investigator from cxtrapobting 
his results far beyond the confines of his ex- 
perimental system It IS at this pomt that the 
reader of any published research paper or 
manufacturer’s brochure must be esjjcciaUy 
on guard A few hjpothetio examples may 
help to illustrate the problem 

Example iVo. /. ft has been found that 
sulbcstrol administered orally m the form of 
a given brand of cntcric-coatcd tablets is 
fully ph)sioiogically available, and it is con- 
cluded that enteric-coated ublets may be 

used without concern as to the possibility of 
incomplete absoqjtion of stilbestrol Com- 
ment This conclusion is unjustified because 
there are large differences between brands 
with respect to types of coating and stability 
of the latter m gastrointestmd fluids The 
conclusions apply only to the particular brand 
of tablets used or even only to the particular 
lot, if large lot to-lot differences exist 

Example No 2 It iS shown Uiat salicylate 
iflisotption is more rapid after oral adminis- 
tration of tablets containing aspirm and phe- 
nacetm than after administration of an equal 
dose of aspirm m the form of pJain aspirm 
tablets It is concluded that phenacetm en- 
hances the gastromtcstmol absoiption of as- 
pirin Comment This conclusion is incorrect 
because the more rapid absorption from the 
aspirm phenacetm tablets may be due to tab- 
let formulation factors Perhaps aspirm par- 
ticle size, lubricants, compression pressure 
and dismicgrant were such as to result m 
much more rapid dissolution of aspirm from 
the aspinn phenacetm tablets than from the 
plain aspirm tablets 

Example No 3 The relative effectiveness 
of cortisone and hydrocortisone as topical 
anti-mflammatory agents was studied by 
companng results obtained from lotions con- 
taining vanous concentrations of these agents 
suspended in the same vehicle According to 
the expcnmcotal data, a f per cent cortisone 
lotion IS equal m effectiveness to a 2 per cent 
hydrocortisone lotion, and it is concluded 
that cortisone is twice as effective as hydro- 
cortisone Comment This unusual result may 
be due to a difference m particle size between 
the two drugs, cortisone may have been m 
raicronizcd form while hydrocortisone was of 
relatively large particle size The conclusions 
are not justified because the variable to be 
evaluated (the drug) was not isolated since 
on additional variable (particle size) was 

Example No. 4. A new dcnvative of tetra- 
cyclmc IS shown to yield considerably higlicr 
blood levels on oral administration than 
tetracycline itself On this basis, it is claimed 
that ^e new derivative is better absorbed 
and that, at equal doses, it would be more 
effective than tetracycline Comment The 
higher blood levels may be due to greater 
plasma bmdmg, and drug concentration m 

Sources of Infomotion 8.5 

the tissues may actually be lower whea the 
den^'ative is us^ StmQaiiy, the total amount 
of drug absoibed from gastromtestmal 
tract may be the same in each case, or may 
e\ea be greater after administranon of the 
less plasma bound tetraqcLne It must be 
demonstrated, among other dungs, that the 
new dens’atise is not bound to plasma pro- 
teins to a greater extent than tetracycbne 
Itself, before the conclusions can be accepted. 

Hie h}'pothetic examples ated above Qltis- 
tiale some (but not all possible) reasons 'why 
certam conclusions derived from expen 
mental data may be unjustified. There may be 
other reasons, such as experimental condi- 
tions and doses or modes of administration 
bemg “unphjsiologic.” They may differ so 
much from the us't^ dinical conditions that 
results of the study may not be apphcable to 
normal therapeutics 

Finall) , assuming that experimental design 
was flawless and that the significance of ob- 
served differences is demonstrated impres- 
sively by means of highly sophisticated sta- 
tistical methods, one must still deade as to 
the practical significance of the data. For 
example, there ma) be vec) little advantage 
assocated with a new denvative, 1 mg of 
which is as activ e as 5 mg of the parent com 
pound After all, both substances probably 
end up m tablets of equal size However, tf 
the data also show that the new denvative 
has a more more favorable therapeutic mdex, 
then the differences between parent com- 
pound and derivative are significant not only 
m the statistical sense but also m tenns of 
practical application. 


The body of knowledge m the general area 
of biopbannaceutics is growing so rapidly 
that regular and mtensive perusal of the cur- 
rent literature is necessoi} to keep up with 
new developments Judgments and evalua- 
tions of dosage forms and formulations must 
be based on established facts, and these too 
can only be obtamed throu^ a consistent 
review of the literature For this purpose, the 
pharmacist requires sources of information 
quite different from and additional to those 
that only list composition, mdicanons, dosage 
schedule, side effects, etc. of propnetaiy 

products Among the journals, books and 
services which could serve as the basis for a 
contmumg program of acquiring informatxin 
which IS helpful in evnluaUng and di-^tgnTno 
dosage forms are the following 

Journal of Fharmaceotical Saences. Issued 
monthly by the Amencan Pharmaceutical 
Association, this journal contains many 
ongmal research papers dealmg with the 
pharmaceutical aspects of drug efficacy A 
regular feature of each issue is a review 
article m winch the more recent advances 
m an area such as kmetics of drug absorp- 
tion, sustamed release medicatioa or anti- 
biotics IS summarized by an authority m the 

Climcal Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 
This IS the official publication of the Ameri- 
can Tberapeobc Socie^ and is issued bi- 
monthl) The journal contains articles on 
aspects of clinical phanaacoteg), expenmea- 
tal design and e> oluaiion of new drugs Regu- 
larly featured is a Current Drug Therapy 
Section in which a given pharmacologic cl^ 
of drugs IS review^ critically, os well as a 
secuon ennUed Diseases of Medical Progress 
which contains abstracts of papers on ad- 
verse drug reactions 

Journal of the Amencan Medical Asso- 
ciation. Through th^ P^igcs of this publica- 
tion, the Council on Drugs of the Amencan 
Medical Association attempts to provide au- 
thontativ e and unbiased information on drugs 
and drug therapy As soon as practicable 
after a drug is marketed, the Council issues 
3 detailed, descnptive monograph This 
monograph is known as the PreUtmruiry 
Statement As additional informatioa about 
the drug becomes available, it is published 
m a column entitled Aew Drugs and Devel- 
opments in Therapeutics The journal also 
coDtams Council — sponsored articles on the 
current status of therapy m the treatment of 
vonous diseases, as well as articles on pre- 
compounded combinations of two or more 
active mgredients m which pros and cons 
concemmg their appropriate role in therapy 
are discussed. In addition, the journal fea- 
tures an Annual Therapeutic Number con- 
taining summaries of addiuons to iherapeuUc 
knowledge accumulated m the previous year, 
articles on the more fundamental aspects of 
drug therapy and a review of information de- 

86 Dosage Form Design and Evaluation 

nved from the Register/ of Adverse Reac- 
tions A considerable number of the articles 
and monographs mentioned above are re- 
pnntcd m the American Journal of Hospital 

Not and Nonoflicial Drugs (J B Lippm- 
cott Co , Philadelphia, Penna } is an annual 
publication, in book form, by the American 
Medical Association’s Council on Drugs It 
represents a compilation of available i^or- 
mation on drugs, mcludmg their therapeutic, 
prophylactic and diagnostic status, as evalu- 
ated by the Council Each monograph is 
prefaced by a Summaiy of Council Opimon, 
which mcorporates comparisons with older, 
srrrulai dra^ •whtntNtt possiWe 

Drugs of Choice (C V Mosby Co , St 
Louis, Mo ) , edited by Walter Modell, is 
published every 2 years In this book, the 
authors try to present a comprehensive and 
criucal appraisd of all drugs m current use 
Included m the discussions are results of 
clinical tests and data concerning relative 
potency, toxicity, modes of administration, 
onset and duration of effect and side effects 
One chapter deals with physical and chem- 
ical considerations m the choice of drugs 

Year Book of Drug Therapy (Year Book 
Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago 11, 111), 
edited by Harry Beckman, consists of elm- 
ical and experimental evaluations of drugs 
and includes a chapter on drug reactions as 
well as a special section m which the year’s 
new drugs are evaluated cntically 

Current Contents (published weekly by 
the Institute for ScieotijGc Information, Phila- 
delphia 3, Penna ) represents a unique serv- 
ice which helps to overcome the difficulty 
mhcrent m the fact that research papers deal- 
mg with topics of biopharmaccutic^ mterest 
arc scattered throughout numerous scientific 
journals In this publication, the tables of 
contents of over 600 foreign and domestic 
chemical, biologic and pharmaco-medical 
journals arc reproduced regularly Any arti- 
cle of mterest can be looked up in the ap- 
propriate journal which may be available in 
the libranes of universities or hospitals m 
the area, or reprmts may be requested di- 
rectly from the authors For this purpose. 
Current Contents contams m each issue a 
listing of authors’ addresses The journal also 
provides an ongmal article tear sheet service 
through which any of the articles listed may 

be purchased directly from the Institute for 
Scientific Information 

The Medical Letter on Drugs and Thera- 
peutics (published biweekly by Drug and 
Therapeutic Information, fne , New York 
22, N Y ) can be likened to a physician’s 
‘ Consumer’s Digest” It incorporates cnucal 
comments concemmg claims made m manu- 
facturers’ advertisements and brochures, eval- 
uations of new products as compared with 
more established drugs and assessments of 
the significance of pubbshed studies con- 
cemmg the efficacy of pharmaceutical prod 
ucts The publishers periodically acqune 
vanous brands of genencally identical drugs 
and have these assayed by an independent 
laboratory The results are published m the 
form of a tabulation listmg manufacturer’s 
name, assay data and price Since a drug may 
adhere to all official standards and suU be 
therapeutically madequate,'’* it should be 
appreciated that the above tabulation is 
most useful in revealmg definitely imrebable 
brands without necessarily providing an in- 
dication of therapeutic equivalence for those 
brands which are found to satisfy official 

The above mentioned sources can bo used 
readily as the core of a regular information- 
gathenng program by community and hospi- 
tal pharmacists These sources should be 
supplemented with standard and well known 
reference texts, such as the United States 
Dispensatory and Remingtons Practice of 
Phanmey The reader also is referred to the 
Special Literature Number of the American 
Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (Vol 18, 
January 1961), which features articles on 
utilization of literature, classification and 
filing, as well as a comprehensive guide to 
information sources for pharmacists 

Apart from the need to keep abreast of 
scientific developments in bis field, the phar- 
macist must be able to utilize the literature 
m order to find specific information concern- 
ing stabibty, compatibility, pharmacologic 
properties, assay methods and similar aspects 
of a given drug This may require a formal 
search covermg the bteraturc of the past 10 
jeais or more Usually, such a search is 
undertaken with the aid of mdiccs and ab- 
stract journals which arc available m the 
libraries of umvcrsitics and m larger pubbe 
libraries The more important among these 

References 87 

are Chemical Abstracts, Index Medicus and 
Biological Abstracts Readers interested m 
leammg more about the subject are referred 
to A Key to Pharmaceutical and Medianal 
Chemistry Literature, a book published as 
No 16 of the Advances in Chemistry Senes 
by the American Chemical Society 


1 Ahsan S S and Blaug, S M Inter 
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2 Airakinen M M Effect of route of 
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3 Alibrandi A Brunt, G Ercoli A. 
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1 1 Bachracb, W H Physiology and path 
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14 Ballard, B E, and Nelson E Physico 

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15 Bauer, G, Rieckmann, P, and Schau 
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16 Bean H S Solubilisation by surface 
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20 Biles, J A Crystallography, Part II, J 
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21 Blanpm O Modifications de 1 mtensite 
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22 Blythe, R H , Grass G M , and Mac 
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24 Booth a C, and Mollin, D L. The 
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25 Bousquet, W F Pharmacology and bio- 
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27 Brettell, H. R., Akawa, J K., and 
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88 Dosage Form Design and Evaluafton 

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28 Brodic, B B DiBiculties m extrapolating 
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Gastrointestinal absorption of hepann 
and synthetic hepannoids. Nature 190 
263, 1961 

209 Wolf, S The pharmacology of placebos, 
Pharmacol Rev 21 689, 1959 

210 Wu, H , and EUiott, H C . Jr Unnary 
excretion of hippuric acid by mao, J 
Appl Physiol 16 553, 1961 

21 1 Wurster, D E , and Seitz, J A Effect of 
Changing Surface Weight Ratio on the 
Dissolution Rate, J Am Pharm Ass 
ISciHP 335,1960 

Chop/er 3 

Solid Dosage Forms 

Eugene L. Parrott, Ph.D.* 

Approximately two thirds of all prepara- 
tions dispensed are soDd dosage forms Cur- 
rent sobd dosage forms consist of powders, 
divided powders, dusting powders, insuffla- 
tion powders, granules, capsules and tablets 
With the exception of the compressed tablets, 
which are presenbed m approximately 50 per 
cent of all prescriptions, these solid dosage 
forms may be prepared extemporaneously at 
the prescription counter Although each form 
has distinctive characteristics, solid dosage 
forms have several general advantages over 
liquid medication 

Solid dosage forms have a small bulk and 
are easy to package, transport and store The 
patient finds them convenient to cany on 
his person m small contamers A gallon of 
phenobarbital elixir is not portable from the 
viewpoint of the patient, however, 505 30- 
mg tablets contammg the same amount of 
the drug may be earned without any serious 
objection For administration of a liquid 
medication a troublesome teaspoon is re- 

Compounds must be in solution to elicit 
the sensation of taste, consequently, taste is 
more pronounced m a liquid than m a sohd 
medication. Unpleasant tasting drugs are ad- 
mmistered most easily m the solid state be- 
cause the dosage form can be swallowed 
rapidly before a significant amount of the 
drug can dissolve in the oral cavity to pro- 
duce an unpleasant taste With the use of 
confectionary bases, flavors and sweetening 
excipients m sohd cUisage forms, there is less 
rejection of obnoxious tasting drugs in sohd 
dosages than m a flavored hquid preparation 

* Associate Professor of Pharmacy, Stale Uai- 
Ntmiy of Iowa. 

Many sohd dosage forms enclose the drug 
within a shell or a coatmg which acts as a 
mechanical barrier between the drug and the 
taste buds, so that the flavor of the drug is 
never expenenced by the patient 

Predivided sohd dosage fonns provide an 
accurate dose, since each dosage form repre- 
sents one dose With hquid medication the 
patient madveitenlly introduces variance m 
dose due to the lack of uniformity m the size 
of the teaspoon and m the extent to which 
be fills each teaspoon 

Solid dosage forms may be prepared of 
many drugs that cannot be satisfactorily dis- 
pensed m a hquid form Aspinn is rapidly 
hydrolyzed m the presence of moisture, and, 
to date, no satisfactory liquid preparation of 
aspirm has been developed Because chemical 
reactions at room temperature normally 
occur m solution, a drug m the dry solid 
state has a greater shelf-life or stabili^ than 
m the hquid state, fncompstxbihties are less 
evident m the dry state For example, m 
Alka-Seltzer and Seidhtz powders acidic sub- 
stances are blended with a bicarbonate, and 
no reaction occurs while the mixture is dry 
When the consumer places the medication m 
water, a reaction occurs rapidly. 

Sustamed release and delayed release of 
medication has become popular m the past 
few years The vast majonty of sustained re- 
lease products marketed are sohd dosage 
forms because controlled release technics 
generally are more applicable to sohd than 
to liquid medicaUon 

particle size 

In preparing a prcscnplion for a sohd 
dosage form, all dru^ must be reduced to a 


96 Solid Dosage Forms 

fine state of subdivision before mixing The 
fine particle size facilitates mixing and 
permits a more homogencous^reparation, 
assuring the patient of a imifoim dose 
Therapeutic efficacy of a drug may be 
ailected by the particle size Microcryst^lme 
sulfadiazine given orally appears more 
rapidly and m higher concentrations in the 
blood than ordinary sulfadiazme ponder As 
the particles of sulfadiazine arc reduced in 
size, there is a greater specific surface area 
Since the solution of a given weight of the 
sulfadiazine is proportional to the exposed 
surface, with an increased surface area there 
is more rapid solution and increased absorp* 
tion from ffie gastrointestinal tract, as shown 
m Figure 37 

Novobiocin also shows the effect of par- 
ticle size on solution and absorption When 
the crystallme ^id form of novobiocin is 
given orally, practically no absorption occurs 
as mdicated by blood levels If this antibiotic 
is micronized or jprecipitated m a finely 
divided amorphous Itorm, it becomes an effec- 
tive oral drug The more effective absorption 
of finer particles is especially important with 
sparingly soluble drugs such as corticosteroid 
and sulfa drugs This effect has been demon- 
strated with arsenic tnoxide, calomel, Lente 
Uetm, oxytetrac)clme and chloramphenicol 
In the subsicvc ranges, physical properties 
of solids are a function of particle size In the 
colloid range, there is a decrease m melting 
point and an mcreasc m solubiUty and vapor 
pressure A particle must be in the order of 
10“* cm before it has appreciable surface 
cner^ Smee the reality of mereased solu- 
bility IS evident only m the colloidal range 
or less than 0 1 rmcron, for practical pur- 
poses solubihty remains unchMged wiUi a 
change m particle size 

A change of color with a change in par- 
ticle size may be seen by the pharmacist 
Red mercunc oxide becomes jtUcw when 
triturated to a finer state 
The particles of a powdered substance 
may appear uniform to the naked c)c, jet 
there is a wide \anation m the size of the 
particles Most of the particles will fall 
wilhm a narrow range about the average par- 
ticle size, but there will be some much 
smaller and some much larger. The per cent 
frequencies of the various particles plotted 
against the nwan of a group size forms a 

“size freijuenty curve ” An average of the 
particle size would not mdicate if the par- 
ticles were adequately reduced, for there 
could be an equal number of very large par- 
ticles and very small particles which would 
produce the desired average size, however, 
the subdivision would not be acceptable By 
complex and vaned means, pharmaceutical 
mdustry determines size frequency distribu- 
tions whenever essential to the production of 
an elegant product 

The dispensing pharmacist cannot cany 
out elaborate measurements, but, as a good 
procedure, he can pass all powders through a 
sieve to make sure that all macroparticles 
have been pulverized and to establish the 
upper limits of particle size m the presenp- 


Mechanical subdivision is accomplished in- 
dustrially by attrition, hammer or high speed 
mills Solid drugs to be used for insufflation, 
parenteral or ophthalmic use must be of size 
ranging from 1 to 5 microns At times com- 
imnution is earned out at low temperatures 
to facilitate fracture and passage of clastic 
solids such as proteins and mcUiylcellulose 
Very small particle size has been attamed ex- 
penmcntally by appbcations of freeze dry- 
ing. spray drying, ultrasonics and impmge- 
ment procedures Since specialized and ex- 
pensive equipment is not available to the 
pr^Ucing pharmacist, he commonly reduces 
particle size by inturatmg a substance m a 
mortar with a pestle and/or fay passmg the 
substance through a sieve 

In the process of tnturation, the pestle is 
given a circular motion beginning on the drug 
and extendmg lo larger circles until the side 
of the mortar is touched The pestle should 
be held m the palm so that the four fingers 
and the thumb are wrapped about the handle 
allowing the application of downward pres- 
sure The powder should be scraped fre- 
quently from the sides of the mortar with a 
spatula. The time required to pulverize a 
crystal depends on the mdividual chemical, 
however, a minimum of S minutes of tntura- 
tion should be employed by the compounding 

Porcelain and Wedgwood mortars are 
usually found m the pharmacy The pestle 
should fit the mortar so that it permits 
fnaatmum contact between the surfaces of the 
nmitar and the pestle. The efficiency in tnt- 

Powders 97 

uration depends on the area of contact be- 
tween the grinding surfaces as well as on the 
pressure applied A rounded pestle m a fiat- 
surfaced mortar wastes energy and does not 
reduce particle size effectively Glass jnoitais 
and pestles are not used for tnturation be- 
cause of their smooth surfaces A glass mor- 
tar IS used for dissolvmg substances, since it 
IS easy to know when solution has been com- 
pleted A glass mortar is used m mixing 
chemicals, such as lodme and dyes, which 
would Siam a porcelam mortar 

After a solid has been reduced m size from 
the ongmal granule or crystal, it may be 
brushed through a sieve to further reduce 
particle size or to make certam the proper 
degree of subdivision has been obtained The 
fineness of pharmaceutical powders is ex- 
pressed by the C/ S' P m terms of a precise 
range It is interesting to note that the classi- 
fication of powder by fineness is different for 
chemical and for vegetable and animal drugs 

All dosage forms must be uniform to 
ensure that the proper dose of medication is 
given to the patient Blendmg of the vanous 
ingredients is most readily accomplished 
when each ingredient is m powderea form 
before mixing V-blenders, double conical 
and ribbon blenders are used m pharma- 
ceutical industry to blend tons of ^wders 
The dispensing pharmacist utilizes mortar 
and pesUe and sieves to mix a prescription 

Alter cacb mgredienl has been pulverized 
and then weighed, the drug colled for m the 
smallest amount is placed m a mortar and 
an equal volume of the drug next in quantity 
IS added. The two drugs are triturated until 
intimately mixed Then, twice as much of 
the third mgredient, again the drug next m 
quantity, is added and triturated This is 
repeated until all drugs have been mixed 
This method is known as mixing by geomet- 
nc dilution Although the use of geometric 
dilution IS essential when a prescnpuon con- 
tains a small amount of a potent drug, geo- 
metric dduuon may well be used m aB 
blending procedures 


Powders are mixtures of drugs and chemi- 
cals m a dry, fine state of subdivision 
Powders are compounded as bulk powders 

Fio 37 Serum levels m humans after 
one 3 Gm dose of sulfadiazme Micro- 
ciystahme sulfadiazine with the smaller 
particle size produces a higher serum 
level (Reinhold, 3 G, Phillips, F J, 
and Flippin, M F Am J Afed Sci 
2J0 141. 1945) 

and as divided powders (chartulae) They 
are used mleroally or externally There are 
powders for pf eparing douche s, du sting and 
dental powders, and there are msufSations 
K) De mown into body cavities 
Powders have certain inherent advantages 
The small particle size of powders permits 
greater and more rapid dispersion of drugs 
than do drugs given m compacted form 
Capsules and tablets containing very soluble 
drugs, such as chloral hydrate, bromides and 
iodides, often irritate the gastromtestmal 
Had locally Imlatioa and nausea are caused 
by the high concentration of drug m contact 
with a small portion of the stomach mucosa 
The more rapid diffusion of powders lessens 
local irritation 

Powders give the physician free choice of 
drugs, dose and bulk While many dosage 
forms are prefabneated, it would be impos- 
sible to have all combmations and strengths 
of drug m ready-made dosage forms Ex- 
temporaneously prepared powders allow the 
phyacian to prescribe any combination of 
drugs in any dosage best for the mdividual 

Powders permit the admmistrauon of a 
large bulk of mcdicmals which would be 
prohibitive m size for tablets or capsules 
Children and some adults have diificul^ m 
swallowing a tablet or a capsule. For such 
persons, the powder form may be used to ad- 
vantage. Powders are administered orally by 

98 Solid Dosage Forms 

being siirrcd m part of a glass of u’ater and 
swallowed immediately Some persons prefer 
to place the powder on the tongue and follow 
wi^ a drink of water Taste of the medt* 
erne may be improved by mumg the powder 
With fruit juice or honey 

Powders are not the dosage form of choice 
for lU tastmg drugs Drugs which detenorate 
readily on exposure to the atmosphere should 
not be dispensed as powders wi^ their large 
surface area but m a dosage form protected 
from the air Ferrous iron salts arc easily 
oxidixed and should be dispensed as a coated 

hbdicinal agents administered as solids 
must be reduced to powders and thoroughly 
mixed with the other mgredients to ensure 
uniformity, elunmate grittmess and prepare 
an elegant dosage form 
Mixmg of coarse and fine particles results 
m stratification The coarse particles collect 
near the top and the fine particles slip 
through the void spaces and collect at the 
bottom For this reason, all drugs and cbem* 
leals should be reduced to approximately 
the same size before wetghmg and mixiog 
Even with such precautions, the particles of 
the greatest density tend to settle 
In the pharmacy powders are most effi- 
ciently mixed with mortar and pestle Gentle 
trituration produces a light, dufTy powder 
Heavy and prolonged tnturation reduces 
granules and crystals to a fine powder or 
changes a bulky powder to a more compact 
one Heavy trituration causes undesirable 
cakmg of resinous vegetable powders Rou- 
tine siftmg IS excellent to ensure the proper 
mixmg and reduction of particle size 

When a prescription contains a potent 
drug. It IS especially important that a uniform 
powder be prepared 

Belladonna extract 




Bismuth submtrate 

24 0 



Peppermint od 


Sig 3 i a.c untd diarrhea has subsided 

The belladonna extract, the pbcnobarbital 
ind the peppermint oil arc triturated in a 
>orcclam mortar until the mixture is homo- 
’cncous One, 2, 4 and 8 Gm of bismuth 
lubnitrate ore added m sequence with trit- 

uration after each addition The remamder 
of the bismuth subnitrate and 10 Gm of 
kaolin are added and triturated until the mix- 
ture is homogeneous On the addition of and 
tnturaUon with the remainder of the kaolin, 
a uniform powder is obtamed 

2. I) 

Hard soap 50 

Precipitated calcium carbonate 935 

Sacchann sodium 2 

Peppermint oil 4 

Cinnamon oil 2 

Methyl saLcylatc 8 

Sig N F Tooth Powder 

Tbe sacebarm sodium, the oils and the 
methyl salicylate are blended with about one 
half of the precipitated calcium carbonate 
The soap is mixed with the remamder of the 
precipitated calcium carbonate The two 
powders are mixed thoroughly and passed 
through a fine sieve 

No mixing procedure is universal Each 
prescription must be considered as an mdi- 
vidual challenge The method and the order 
of mixing IS determuicd by the chemical and 
the physical properties of the ingredients and 
the intent of the physician 

Bulk Powders 

Bulk powders arc restricted to those 
powders that are nonpotent and can be meas- 
ured safely in a spoon by the patient Ant- 
acids, laxatives or powders for the prepara 
Uon of douches fall in this category 

The usual containers for bulk powders arc 
pasteboard boxes os wide ssvouth, screw-cap 
glass jars The opening should be large 
enough for convenient use of a spoon Bottles 
are preferred m order to protect the prescrip- 
tion from moisture and to retard the loss of 
volatile components Powders for external 
use should be dispensed with External Use 

3 » 

Bismuth subcarbooate 

Calcium carbonate 

Light magacsium oxiJc, aa 30 

Peppermint od 01 

Sodium bicarbonate q s 180 

M fL powder 

Sig. Take as directed (Alkaline Powder) 



4 I> 

Magnesium carbonate 12 

Bismuth subcarbonate 3 

Calcium carbonate 9 

Sodium bicarbonate 30 

Taka Diastase 2 

Sig 3 1 in HoO t I d 

Dusting Powders 

A single therapeutic agent may be a 
medicated dustmg powder, but, more often, 
a base is used as a means to apply a thera- 
peutic agent and mamtam it in contact with 
the skm Alu min um stearate, kaolm, mag- 
nesium stearate, zmc oxide and zmc stearate 
impart adhesiveness to a powder Zmc 
stearate, starch and talc impart an easy flow 
to powders so that they spread uniformly 

Dusting powders are applied to loter- 
tngmous areas as a covenng which protects 
the skm from the chaflng of fnction and 
moisture Vehicles such as bentomte, kaolin, 
kieselgubr, magnesium carbonate and starch 
absorb secretions with a resultant drying 
action that relieves congestion and imparts a 
coolmg effect The cooling effect is due to 
the greatly mcreascd surface for evaporation 
and radiation of heat 

Dusting powders possess the character- 
istics of all properly prepared powders Dust- 
ing powders are generally for dermatologic 
use, but they are sometimes applied to 
wounds and mucous membrunes Since dust- 
mg powders are applied to traumatic areas, 
they must be gnt free All extemporaneous 
dusting powders should be passed through 
a 100 mesh sieve Dusting powders are dis- 
pensed in sifter top cans or boxes with ap- 
propnate directions and auxiliary labels 

5 B 

Done acid 6 

Starch 10 

Salicylic acid 2 

Talc 78 

Sig Apply to feet momiDg and night 

The salicylic acid is tnturated to a fine 
powder m a porcelain mortar The correct 
weight of saliglic acid is tnturated with the 
bone acid until the mixture is homogeneous 
ISie starch and approximately one third of 

die talc are added and tnturated. The re- 
mamder of the talc is added and, after tnt- 
uration, the blend is passed through a 100- 
mesh sieve The foot powder is dispensed m 
a sifter-top can 

6 B 

Paraformolin 3 

Talc 60 

S>g Apply to feet fa s 

7 B 

Acelaisooe 4 

Kaolin 14 

Sodium bicarbonate 14 

M Dusting Powder 
Sig Spnhklc on affected area 
8 B 

Tannic acid 10 

Bismuth tnbromphenale 10 

Powdered boric and 30 

Sig Use as du-ected 

9 B 

Bone and 

Sulfathiazole, aa 60 

Sig Use as a dusting powder 
10 B 

2Unc oxide 2 

Calamine 30 

Starch 1 3 

M Dusting Powder 
Sig Apply to feet b s 

n B 


Starch, aa 30 

Lavender oil q s 

Sig Use on moist areas 

12 B 

DDT Powder 105& 

Talc, q s 120 

Sig Apply locally b i d 

13 B 

Menthol 0 2 

Camphor 0.5 

Zinc oxide 5 0 


Starch, aa q s. 60 

Sig Apply to affected areas p r o. 

100 Solid Dosoge Forms 

14 5 

Menthol 025 

Th}TOoI 0 25 

Monobasic sodium phosphate 50 

Magnesium carbonate 5 0 

Talc, q s 100 

Sig Apply as foot powder 
Douche Powders 

In community pharmacy douches are 
limited to aqueous solutions for imgauon of 
the vaginal tract In general, the pH ranges 
from 3 S to 5 Douclie solutions for the 
vagma are introduced by means of a suitable 
rubber syringe with a specially designed 
nozzle Frequently, the physician presenbes 
an mdividuid formula as a powder such that 
one teaspoonful dissolved by the patient m 
a specified volume of water provides the de- 
sired concentration of drugs 

Aromatics such as methyl salicylate, 
peppermint oil thymol, menthol and cuca 
lyptol arc often present in douche powders 
for their fragrance, freshness and possible 
antiseptic action Dcodonzauon is effected 
by peroxides and perborates Alums, tannic 
acid, zinc sulfate and zme phenosulfonate 
arc used as astringents 

15 n 

Powdered alum 

Zinc oxide aa 30 

Oil of peppermint I 

Sig Use 5 1 in 1 qt HjO as a douche 

16 It 

Lead acetate 

Powdered borax aa 60 

Sig Alkaline Douche use as directed 

17 It 

Citnc acid 10 

Lactose 20 

Zinc sulfate 10 

Ammonia alum 10 

Dried magnesium sulfate 10 

Sig Use as douche ut diet 
18 It 

Aluminum acetate 

Bone acid aa 30 

Sig. One tablcspoonful m 1 qt H,0 
Use as douche q PJ4. 

19 It 

Bone acid powder 15 

Tannic acid 15 

Peppermint oil 0 1 

Sig 5 1 in 1 qt HjO as a douche 


Occasionally, finely divided powders are 
mtroduced mto cavities such as tooth sockets, 
cats, nose, vagina and the throat The 
powder is placed m the chamber of an in- 
sufflator, and, when the bulb is pressed, the 
air current carries the fine particles through 
the nozzle to the area for which the medica- 
tion IS intended 

Disadvantages of the insufflator are the 
difficulty of obtaining a umform dosage and 
the tendency of the particles to stick to each 
other and the walls of the insufflator because 
of electrostatic attraction The newer aerosols 
have overcome these difficulties and have 
largely replaced the insufflator (sec Chap 8) 

20 Ti 

Tneofuron Vaginal Powder 15 

Sig ut diet 

21 I> 

Vioform Insufflate 30 

Sig Cleanse before insufflation 

22 n 

Floraquin Powder 30 

Sig. Use as insufflation b i d 

23 « 

Norisodnne cartridges 10% 

Dispense Aerohalcr and 12 caitndgcs 
Sig Inhale at start of asthmatic attack 

24 » 

PcniciIJm Inhaler with 3 cartridges 
Sig Inhale orally as directed 
Divided Powders 

The procedure for mixing the mgredients 
ID the usual prescription for divided powders 
differs m no manner from that followed, and 
previously desenbed, whenever dry sub- 
stances arc to be mixed by the pbannacist 
Bncily, all drugs arc reduced to a fine stale 

Powders 10] 

of subdivision before weighing The weighed 
powders are blended by gcometnc dilution or 
by mixing m ascending order of amount 
The reason for dividmg the prescnption 
mto mdividual doses is to present the patient 
with an accurate dose, therefore, the powder 
to be dispensed in each paper is weighed 
separately Because of vanation m weights 
of powder papers, a pair of counterbalanced 
wet^ung papers are used mid each weighed 
portion of the powder is transferred to the 
paper in which it is to be wrapped 

Loss of matenal during compounding may 
make the last powder deficient m weight To 
compensate for the loss of matenal, the in- 
gredients for one powder more than the 
number presenbed may be prepared if the 
drugs are neither expensive nor narcotic 
drugs A meticulous pharmacist will not find 
this procedure necessary Generally ± 5 per 
cent has been accepted as a reasonable error 
permissible m compounded presenpuons 
There are three types of powder papers 
marketed. Vegetable parchment and glasstne 
are relatively impermeable and water repel- 
lent They are used for volatile and hygro- 
scopic substances Lightweight bond paper is 
commonly used although it is not moisture- 

Hygroscopic and volatile drugs should be 
double wrapped with a paraffin and a bond 
paper A pharmacist may have his name 
pruned on the bond paper so it appears on 
the top of the paper after the paper is folded 
Colored papers, such as used in Seidhtz 
powders, are used to distmguish powders 
Colored papers are not readily available and 
often must be cut by the pharmacist 

Powder papers arc available m a number 
of sizes designated by numbers, but, un- 
fortunately, there is no standardized number- 
ing system The correct size of paper de- 
pends on the amount of powder to be 
dispensed and the size of the powder box. 
The most popular sizes are 2H x 3H inches, 
3 X 4Vi inches, 3% x 5 mebes, and 4% x 6 

With a little practice the traditional way 
of folding powders provides a neat dosage 

1 Fold over approximately Vi mch of the 
long edge of the paper This fold will be the 

top of the fimshed powder paper Several 
papers should be folded at once to save time 
and to obtain a uniform fold 

2 With the folds distaL lay the powder 
papers side by side so they overlap shghtly 

3 Place the weighed powder m the center 
of each paper 

4 Bring the lower edge up and fit it mto 
the top fold (Care should be taken to avoid 
powder in. the fold or beyond it ) 

5 Pull the top fold toward you until it 
divides the remamder of the paper approxi- 
mately m half 

6 Pick up the folded paper with the 
thumb and index finger of each hand and fold 
the ends over a powder box so that the 
fimshed paper will just fit into the box The 
ends of the paper should be folded uni- 
formly Press the end folds fiinnly with a 
spatula to produce sharp creases The spatula 
should not be passed over the full length of 
the folded paper as this tends to cause some 
powdered matenal to cake and it rums the 
appearance of the papers by fiatteniog the 
roUed edges 

Divided powders are dispensed in binged 
cover cardl^aid boxes with the label pasted 
inside the cover The most common practice 
IS to face all powder papers m the same direc- 
tion with the top fold uppermost A second 
method is to alternate the powders by plac- 
ing half of them with the top folds upward 
and half with the top folds ffijwnward This 
method does not result m as neat an appear- 
ance but n permits the fitting of more divided 
powders mto a box 

The fainged-cover box presents a better 
appearance than the outmoded telescope 
powder box With the hinged cover box, the 
label is an mtegral part of the prescription, 
and the hinged-cover box eliminates the pos- 
sibility of the accidental interchange with the 
lid from another box 

The shouldered box is made so that the 
folded powders project sli^tly above the 
edges of the base without being crushed when 
the cover is closed By so projecting, a 
powder may be easily removed from the box 

Cellophane or plastic envelopes may be 
used instead of powder papers for enclosing 
the mdividual dose Cellophane envelopes, 
which are made of seamed cellophane tub- 

t02 Solid Dosage Forms 

mg, have a closed and an open end The 
correct weight of medicament is placed into 
the cellophane envelope using the weighmg 
paper as a funnel and taking care that no 
po^vder collects at the opening of the en- 
velope As the envelopes are fiUed they are 
set upnght The open end of the filled en- 
velop^ IS folded over approximately inch 
and IS creased sharply The folded envelope 
IS laid on a pill tile and it is sealed by passmg 
a heated spatula over the creased end Since 
the envelopes are too wide to be placed on 
edge in an ordmary powder box, they are 
dispensed by stacking them one on top of 
another in the box 

Packaging in cellophane envelopes takes 
less tunc than traditional powder folding 
and makes differences in skill between phar- 
macists less apparent Dispensing hygroscopic 
drugs m cellophane envelopes protects them 
from atmospheric moisture 

25 Q 

Potassium acetate 1 0 

M Ft Chart tales No XV 
Sig Ooe powder t i d 

Potassium acetate is a deLquescent sub- 
stance It 1 $ usually recommended that po- 
tassium acetate be dispensed in a liquid form 
such as an elixir If the physician insists on a 
solid dosage form, the dried potassium ace- 
tate may be sealed m cellophane envelopes 
The powder will remain dry for two weeks 

26 n 

Sodium sulfocyanate 0 3 

Make 30 powders 

Sig One three limes daily 

Sodium sulfocyanate is hygroscopic and it 
IS normally administered as an elixir If the 
dried sodium sulfocyanate is sealed m cello- 
phane envelopes, the powder remains dry 
for several months 

27 i> 

Acctopbcnetidine 4 0 

Acid acetylsalicylic 7.5 

M ft chart #24 
Sig Ooe q 4 hr in milk 

28 I) 

Acctanilid 0 10 

Caffeine citrate 0 03 

Sodium bicarbonate 0 20 

D T D #12 
Sig Headache powders 

29 B 

Extract of belladonna 0 02 

Bismuth subcarbonate 0 60 

Sodium bicarbonate 0 30 

Tales Chart # I Dispense XXIV 
Sig One p r n 

30 Ti 

Bismuth subcarbonate 0 30 

Bismuth subgallate 0 30 

Powdered opium 0 06 

Make powders # 30 

Sig One powder as directed 

31 I> 

Menthol 04 

Salicylie acid 2 

Sodium chlonde 60 

Zme sulfate 6S 

Alum 65 

Bone acid q s 500 

Ft Cha« No XV 
Sig Ut diet. 

Granulated medication consists of small 
irrcgiflar pmhcles.rangmg from 4 mesh-to 
10 mTsh size Granules are measured by a 
teaspoon, and, as the patient does the mcas- 
unng, granules seldom arc used for potent 
medicaments Granules may be dietary sup- 
pliments such as Somagen or Delcose Gran- 
ules Pasoia Calcium Granulate and Aucro- 
myem Spetsoids arc examples of medianal 
granules to be taken by the spoonful Some 
products such as Panalba KM and SugraciUin 
Flavored Granules exist as granules which 
are to be suspended m water by the phar- 
macist before the prescription is dispensed to 
the patient 

Effervescent granulations arc mixtures of 
medicmal agents with citnc acid, tartanc 
acid or sodium biphosphato and a bicarbon- 
ate They are dissolved in water and taken 
imme diately after cffcrvcsccncc subsides 
The carbonated solution is a pleasant vehicle 
for bitter and saline salts such as magnesium 

Capsules 103 

Table 13 Specialty Names of Solids in Powdered Form 





Purdue Fredenc 

Individual packette of douche powder 



Instantly soluble dry powder 



Soluble or dispersible powder 



Stenle powder in envelope for topical use 



Sterile powder in envelope for topical use 

sulfate Observation of the effervescence may 
be of some ps>chological benefit to the pa- 

The evolution of carbon dioxide occurs 
very rapidly when the granules are added to 
water If powders were added, the violent 
effervescence would spill the solution from 
the contamer The granules are made to re- 
tard solution and effervescence With the 
larger sized granule, effervescence is slower 
and less violent The rapidity of soludon also 
depends on the temperature of the water 
The slow reaction m cold water results tn a 
more complete caibonauon 

The two methods for the preparation of 
effervescent granulations are die fusion 
method and the wet method In the fusion 
method, the blended powders are moistened 
by heating in an oven or over a water bath 
The wet method consists of moistemng the 
mixed powders with some nonsolvent moist- 
ening agent In both methods, (he moistened 
mass is passed through a sieve and the gran- 
ules are dried at low temperatures before 
packagmg For detailed process and formu- 
lations the reader may consult <4mencan 
Pharmacy * 

n It 

Magnesium sulfate 50 

Sodium bicarbonate 40 

Tartanc acid 21 

Citnc acid 14 

Svg One tablespoonful in water 
The unefiloresced crystals of citnc acid 
are powdered and mixed intimately with the 
magnesium sulfate and the dry, powdered 
sodium bicarbonate and tartanc acid The 
mixed powders are placed on a plate of gloss 
or m a suitable dish m an oven previously 

* Sprowls, J B Amencan Pbanaacy. 5tb e<L, 
Philadelphia, LippmcoU, 1960 

heated to approximately lOO^C The mix- 
ture IS carefully blended and, when it be- 
comes moist. It 15 rapidly rubbed through a 
6 me^ sieve The granules are immediately 
dried at SO^C 

The pharmacist rarely has occasion to 
prepare effervescent granules, but he does 
dispense specialty products such as Citro- 
carbonaie, Bromo Seltzer and Sal Hepatica 

Granules are dispensed in wide mouth 
bottles which permit the entrance of a spoon 
Effervescent granules must be packaged m 
a tight container which excludes air and 


Citrocarbooate 240 

Sig Tw'o teaspoonfuls in glass of water 
P c 

34 B 

Bassoran granules 200 

5/g Oae or t»o tesspoaatuh wtdr s 
large glassful of water b t d. 

35 B 

Senokot 60 

Sig Tablespoon h s for normal bowel 

3d O 

Siblm 1 lb 

Sig Two teaspoonfuls m 8 oz water 
h s 

37 B 

Bronuonyl with barbital 60 

Sig Use as directed. 


<^^cs aw gela^ jhcUs to bchllcd with 
an iHdmduaI~dose of powdered and mixed 

104 Solid Dosage Forms 

mgre.dients of^a presc npUon Capsules can 
$0 filled with dry materia ls, semisolids and 
Iiguids that are nonsolvcnts of gelatin 
Capsules are so familiar a dosage to the 
physician that it may not occur to him that 
they are novel to some laymen, yet, nearly 
every pharmacist of long expencnce has had 
empty capsules returned to him for refill It 
is neither wise nor necessary for a pharma- 
cist to volunteer advice on administration of 
every dosage form, but, if he has reason to 
believe that the customer does not understand 
the intention of the physician, it is his du^ 
tactfully and moSensively to make the cus- 
tomer understand Few persons have diffi- 
culty m swallowmg a capsule if the capsule 
IS placed on the tongue and swallowed with 
a dnnlc of water 

On occasion, capsules may be adminis- 
tered rectally or vagmally Wien so used, 
they should be dipped in warm water to 
facilitate insertion The physician may desire 
the contents of a capsule to be dissolved m 
water to make a solution 

An important function of capsules is to 
elunmate the taste and the odor of drugs by 
enclosing the ingredients in an almost taste 
less shell which will release the mcdicauon 
in the stomach after 10 to 15 minutes 
The flexibility from the viewpoint of the 
presenber is restricted only by the bulk of 
the medication Even this disadvantage may 
be overcome easily by adnumstermg sevend 
capsules when the bulk prescribed is too great 
to fill a conveniently swallowed capsule 
CapsuJcs-caiuipl be i^ed with_substanccs 
that react with or disso^Tvc gelatin Highly 
soluble drugs admmistercd in capsules form 
concentrated solutions that irritate the stem 
ach mucosa 

r L Extemporaneous Capsules 

Hard gelabn capsules arc thm shells of 
gclaUn ^ch consists of a base and a shorter 
Mp^hich fits firmly over the base of the 
capsule For human consumption 8 sizes are 
available The variation m densities of drugs 
and the wide combinations of drugs used in 
irescriptions make it impossible to state the 
apacity of each size in other than approxi- 
aalc terms The manufacturer attempts to 
lo this by tables printed on the capsule box 
Vs an mitial guide for the student, the ca- 

pacit^s of capsules m terms of aspum are 
given below 

000 — 1,000 mg 
00 — 600 mg 

0 — 500 mg 

1 — 300 mg 

2 — 250 mg 

3 — 200 mg 

4— 125 mg 

5— • 60 mg 

Three sizes of veterinary capsules are avail- 
able They arc Nos 10, II and 12 Their 
approximate capacities are 30, 15 and 7 5 
Gm , respectively 

In addit on to the common colorless cap- 
sule, there are a variety of colored capsules 
available Ordmarily only the pink and the 
colorless capsule are available to the com- 
munity pharmacist unless a special order is 
placed with a capsule manufacturer 

The pink capsules arc used to diflcrcotiatc 
between two capsule ptescnptions for the 
same person Colored capsules arc used to 
encapsulate ingredients that uould appear 
unattractive in a colorkss capsule The color 
and the size of the capsule used should be 
noted on the prescription to assist in com- 
pounding refills 

Ca p 5ulcs-ar e_stable und e r ordinary condi 
tiQOS^^t they absorb ., rnoisture _an d soften 
under high humidity A dr^^^here may 
cause t hem to become Britifc and crack when 
being filled^ In the phaimacy-iLis-advisable 
to store the empty capsules in glass.cootamf 
ers in whi ch th ey will be protected fr om du st 
and extrem es of hum idity 

Solids for use m capsules arc prepared m 
(he manner presented in the discussion of 
powders The ingredients arc reduced by 
tnturation to about the same particle size and 
then mixed by geometric dilution. 

In sclecUng the proper size of capsule it 
may be necessary to weigh one dose and to 
ascertain by trial the proper size Since many 
persons find it_difficu lt to sw allQNYjarge cap- 
sules, t he pha rmacist select s the sm allest cap- 
sule dim wll conveniently hoId_the pre- 
scribed dose The finished ca psule s houl d be 
fi iledT cLthat spaces visible wthin 

the capsule When the size has been selected, 
the rcguircd number of capsules should be 
removed from the container, for their re- 
moval smgly dunng the fiJlmg process might 

Capsules 105 

Fio. 38 A band-operated capsule-bihog machine with a capacity of 24 capsules. (Universal 
Model Chemi Pbann, 90 W. Broadway, New York, N. Y ) 

result in the contatumatioa of the remaining 

In filling capsules, as in all pharmaceutical 
operations, accuracy and cleanliness must be 
kept jn mind. Each capsules is weighed sepa- 
rately because a capsule is to provide an 
accurate dose otmedic^Uon 

The powder to be encapsulated is placed 
on a paper and pressed down with a spatula 
until the depth is approximately one third 
the length of the capsule body. The empty 
capsule base Is held between the thumb and 
the index finger and is repeatedly pressed 
vertically into the powder until filled. The cap 
is fitted over the base and the filled capsule 
is weighed usmg an empty capsule oi the 
same size as the tare. An empty capsule may 
be used as a tare because the empty capsule 
weighs little compared with the filled capsule; 
thus only a smaU error is introduced due to 
variation in weight of the capsule. If the 
weight is not accurate, it is adjusted by again 
pressing more powder into the base or by 
removing a portion of the contents. CerUun 
powders pack so poorly that the base must be 

held horizontally and the powder pushed into 
it by a spatula. 

The attraction, of gelatin for rnoisture re- 
qmres the pharmacist to observe care~in 
handling a capsule A trace of moisture on 
the capsule causes a sticky surface to which 
dry material adheres. The best method of 
pr otect ing the capsuJeJroni moisture Md fin- 
ger prints, IS _tOL-wear- finger cots or. rubber 

Before compoundmg in the prescription 
area, a pharmacist should wash his hands. 
Clean hands are especially important when 
the dosage form is manu^ly touched. With 
open prescription departments, the patron is 
able to observe the compounding of his pre- 
senpuon. It enhances ^e public image of 
the pharmacist when the patient sees the 
pharmacist washing his hands, wearing finger 
cots and compounding under sanitary con- 

Another method by which capsules may 
be kept free from moisture dunng compound- 
ing h to wash the hands thoroughly, dry 
them and keep the fingers dry by friction 

t06 Solid Dosage Forms 

against a towel before each capsule is ban* 
died. The towel should be stnpped through 
the clenched hngers until a clearly perc^ti- 
ble beat is felt 

A third method is to use the base of one 
capsule as a holder for other bases during the 
filling procedure This minimaes contact of 
the &gers With the capsules 

Regardless of how careful the filling opera- 
tion has been, some traces of material be 
found on the outside of the filled capsule 
This may be removed by roUmg the capsule 
between the folds of a cloth or by shaking 
them m a cloth which has been gathered mto 
the form of a bag 

A few hand operated capsule filling ma- 
chines have been marketed, one is shown m 
Figure 38 If a large number of capsules are 
to be made, such a machme saves a con- 
siderable amount of time 

Occasional prescnptions are received for 
Viscid or scmisohd substances or a combina- 
tion of dry and liquid substances to be en 
capsulated Usually a plastic mass is tonned 
and rolled mto a cylmder which is cut mto 
the proper number of segments The segments 
should be sUghdy longer than the capsule so 
that the ends of the capsule are filled 

Gelatin is not soluble m alcohol, fixed oJ s 
and volatile oil s Ttiese liquHs may be*a t<. 
Sensed m h^ gelaSb ca ps^es empty 
capSUlcTtases arc supporGd’ by a box m 
which boles have been punched. A calibrated 
dropper or pipct is used to deliver the pre- 
scribed volume mto each capsule base Car e 

liquid touchw the edge of the capsule, since 
ils'^rescnce will interfere with propezjcal- 
1 ^ As an added precaution to ensure seal- 
ing, the capsule chosen should be of such a 
size that the liquid does not quite fill the base 

In fillmg capsules with a liquid bavmg a 
disagreeable odor or taste, particular care 
must be taken to make certain none of the 
liquid remains on the outside of the capsule 
If the capsules arc contaminated m the fiUmg 
/process, they should be washed with alcohol 
before being dispensed 

When all the bases have been filled, each 
capsule is jealed by moistenins the low er 
por tion of th e msTde of the cap^wi tli' water, 
fitung'ifbverthe'basc, and giving U a half 
turn. A small applicator or a earners hair 

^sh di pped in warm water provides a co n- 
veme ^way of moisfe ning the caps, cotton 
or ^ter'paper~sKouid no t be used, as^ffi ey 
t end to le ave li nt on~tEg*gapsTil g~'ARerthe 
c^sul es h~a^ ~b'een sealed, they should ^e 
placed on a^ heet-o f- paper rwhere they are 
allowed to remain fo r an hou r before they 
are dispensed ThiTls done to detect poor 
seals an dlealM ge 

Ca ^es are dispense d m pjas^Vr ^ass 
vials are more pbrlablTanlprotect the 

capsule^^bett er than pap er boxesTT the vial 
is of clear-^ii 5 j)r pJaslicTlhTtabermay be 
placed inside the contamer, thnS preventing 
It fronTbecomlng soiled A pledgefoTcotton 
js p]aced~oirtbtrtop~i>f tbs capstdsn^eep 
them from rattlmg — ' 

38 I> 

Acelylsalicylic acid 






Codeine phosphate 


M cl Ft Caps XX 

Sig One q 3 hr 

39 B 

Cenum oxalate 



0 015 

Pepsm scales 


Disp tales #40 capsules 

Sig One capsule t i d p c. 

40 B 


0 50 



M ft D T D # 12 capsules 

Sig One ut diet 

41 B 

Codeine phosphate 

0 03 

Cenum oxalate 


Bismuth subcarbonate 

0 20 

Ft tales caps No XXX 

Sig One capsule Vi hr before meals 

42 8 

Papaverine hydrochloride 0 06 

Aminophyllin 0 10 

Sodium phenobarbital 0 IS 

Nitroglycerm 0 0003 

DTD Caps No 30 
Sig. One Q 1. D 

Effect of Properties of Drugs on Compounding Technics 107 

43 5 

Phenobarbital 20 

Papaverme hydrochloride 15 

Belladonna extract 10 

Tales Caps No I-X 
Sig One capsule a c and h s 

44 B 

Qumme sulfate 
Calcium lactate q s 
Disp as placebo Misce and fill 
capsules 3 grs 

Dispense #12 

Sig One h s p r n for sleep 

45 B 

Desoxya 2 5 mg 

Thyroid pow der 8 0 mg 

La^se q s 
Give 100 

Sig One capsule t i d 30 nun a c 

46 B 

Nembutal 0 050 

Phenergan 0 025 

Tales Caps #12 
Sig Onet 1 d p r n pain 
Elastic Capsules 

In dustrially prepared, capsules ^ed wit h 
a liquid, a suspension or a powder^Xrej cnown , 
as'cl iStic capg les i^asti^caps ules are manu- 
factJlred by a conUnuous operation that forms 
and fills the capsules Warm, molten gelatin 
is fed by gravity through a spreader into a 
metal drum The gelatm is spread on the 
rotating drum fonmng uniform nbbons of 
gelatm The ribbons of gelatm convene be- 
tween rotary dies surmounted by an injection 
apparatus The fill is metered under pressure 
just as the capsule is formed As the dies 
conUnue to rotate, the capsules are sealed 
and cut from the ribbons 

Fso i9 Typical examples of elastic gela 
tm capsules 

49 B 

Diethylstilbeslrol Perles 5 mg 

Give dozen 

Sig One t 1 d for 4 days 

50 B 

Placidyl 500 mg. 

Caps No 30 
Sig Oneb s 

51 B 

Dilantin lO oil 01 

Dispense 100 
^ Sig Oaet i d 

52 B 

Heptuna Plus 100 

Sig Two daily 



47 B 

Somnos OJ 

Caps, No 30 

Sig One an hour before retiring 

48 B 

Muluccbnn 100 

Sig One with meals 

Nearly all substances dispensed m the solid 
dosage form are dry and stable under ordi- 
nary Gonditions Compounding and dispens 
ug problems and incompatibilities arc en 
countered less frequently m solid than m 
liquid preparations, nevertheless, some pre- 
scriptions require special com|X}unding pro- 
cemtres and modes of dispensing because of 
the properties of the drugs 

108 Solid Dosage forms 

Table 14 Specialty Names of Capsules 






sealed elastic gelatin capsule 


Parke, Davis 

banded, hard gelatm capsule 



soft daslic gelatin capsule, elongated at one end, con 
taming sufficient quantity of ophthalmic ointment for a 
smgle application to the eye 


gelatin sealed capsule 


gelatin seated capsule 



dry filled hard gelatm capsule 



bard gelatm capsule contammg a radioactive substance 

Potency op the Drug 
Potent drugs that have doses too small to 
be weighed on a Class A prcscnption bal- 
ance are diluted with an inert powder and an 
aliquot amount is used Ordmanly, lactose is 
used for this purpose The aliquot method 
IS discussed m Chapter 1 In diluting a potent 
drug it >s advisable to add the drug to some 
of the diluent m a mortar, after which the 
remainder of the diluent is added by geo- 
metric dilution By this technic, there is little 
loss of drug by adhesion to the mortar 
Divided powders weighing less than 120 
mg arc inconvenient to administer U the 
patient spills a small amount of the powder, 
the loss IS an appreciable part of the intended 
dose and consututes a serious underdose of 
drug For this reason lactose is added to 
drugs of small doses to increase the bulk of 
the contents of divided powders or cellophane 
envelopes to a bulk which can be easily 
handled by the consumer 
S3 It 

Neostigmine bromide 0015 

Atropine sulfate 0 0004 

DTD Charts No XXV 
Sig. One L 1 d a. c. 

A total of 10 mg of atropine suUatc is re- 
quired for 25 powders This is obtained by 
weighing 1 00 Gra of a 1 100 trituration of 
atropine sulfate with lactose The atropine 
sulfate and the neosugmme bromide arc 
blended by geometric dilution To mercase 
the bulk, 195 mg of lactose is added per 
powder so that each powder weighs 250 mg 
Potent drugs to be placed m capsules arc 

diluted With lactose to a bulk which is con- 
veniently manipulated by the compounding 
phannacist Some pharmacists find it diili 
cult to handle a No S capsule and prefer to 
use, by the addition of a diluent. Nos 3, 2 
and 1, which arc convenient for both the 
patient and the phannacist 

54 n 

Papavenne bydrochloride gr 14 

Pbenobaibital gr 

Belladonna estnet gr Vi 

Give 24 caps 

Sig One or two capsules pro 

The total weight of drugs m each capsule 
IS 17/24 gr is too small a bulk to be 
convementiy handled by the pharmacist and 
will not completely fill a capsule If the 
pharmacist adds 2 7/24 gr of lactose per 
capsule or 55 gr for 24 capsules, each cap- 
sule will contaui 3 gr which can readily fill 
a No 3 capsule 

In some prescriptions, volatile solvents 
may be used to obtain an even distribution 
of a potent drug 

55 n 

lodme 0 5 

Bone acid q s 30 

Sig Josu/natc as directed 

The iodine is dissolved m a volatile sol- 
vent Alcohol, benzene, chlorofonn and clhcr 
arc suitable \olatde solvents The solution 
of lodme IS added gradually to tlic poudered 
bone acid m a glass mortar with trituration 
until thesolventhas evaporated Contact with 
metal should be avoided. Due to the vola- 

Effecf of Properties of Drugs on Compounding Technics 109 

tility of the iodine, the powder should be 
packaged m an airtight glass container with 
aplastic cap 

Incorporation of Liquids 

A smaE volume of a liquid may be tntu- 
rated with an equal volume of powder, and 
the remammg powder added m portions with 
tnturation With the exception of flavoring 
Oils, the majority of liquids found m ex- 
temporaneous prescriptions for solid dosage 
forms are tmctures or fluidextracts It is 
withm the province of the pharmacist to re- 
place, without consultmg the physician, one 
of these liquids with an equivalent amount of 
the corresponding extract 


Belladonna tincture 0 6 ml 

AcetylsaLcylic acid 300 mg 

M Disp Cap tales no x 
Sig One capsule as directed 

Belladonna tmctuie contains m each 100 
ml 0 03 Gm of the alkaloids of belladonna, 
belladonna extract contams m each 100 Gro 
1 Z Gm of the alkaloids The extract is 40 
times the strength of the tincture, and the 6 
ml of tmcture prescnbed may be replaced 
withO ISGm of the extract 

If the extract is not available, the liquid 
may be concentrated to a small volume and 
lactose added before evaporatuig to dryness 
Lactose acts as an absorbent on the surface 
of which the residue piecipitates, conse- 
quently avoidmg a sticky residue when evapo- 
ration is complete 

57 n 

Hydrastis fluidextract 
Bismuth subnjtrate 

Sodium bicarbonate, aa 15 

M et div m chart, no x 
Sig Take 1 powder, mixed with water, 
after each meal 

The fluidextract must be evaporated, since 
the amount of dry material prescribed is too 
great to permit the addition of suffiaent men 
substance to adsorb the large volume of 
liquid The fluidextract is evaporated on a 
ualcr bath, at a temperature not exceeding 
70®C, to a sjnipy consistency Lactose is 

Table 15 Vapor Pressure of Some 
Volatile Pharmaceuticals 


(m ram of 





0 213 




23 4 





0 94 

28 4 


0 082 







44 8 

Phosphorus white 



added and the heat continued until a dry 
powder is formed This is then intimately 
blended with the other mgiedients of the 

If an extract is not available, a small vol- 
ume of a liquid may be adsorbed on the other 

58 n 

Calcium carbonate 
Bismuth subcarbooate 
Sodium bicarbonate, aa 15 

Peppermint spint 8 

M etdiv m chart no xxiv 
Sig One powder after meals 
There is sulScient dry material to adsorb 
the peppermint od which remains after the 
evaporation of the volatile alcohol 

The technic selected depends on the rela- 
tive amounts of the liquid present Evapora- 
tion should be used as a last resort, smee it 
IS usually attended by a sigmficant loss of 


Volatility IS the tendency to enter the 
vapor phase Volatihty is roughly propor- 
tional to the vapor pressure and mvcrsely 
proportional to Ae bodmg point To vola- 
tilize. a solid must have an appreciable vapor 
pressure below its meltmg point 

At a given temperature the vapor pressure 
of a solid is mdicative of its volatility Only 
a few soLds have a high enough vapor pres- 
sure to sublime at atmospheric pressure 
Volatilization is immeasurably slow if the 

110 Solid Dosage Forms 

Fio 40 Vapor pressure of water m a 
waicr-ashydrous salt system at constant 

vapor pressure of a ci}'stal is low The rate of 
volatilizatioa depends not only on vapor pres- 
sure but also 00 temperature and pressure 
The vapor pressure of some solids that are 
volatile m the region of room temperature 
are given m Table IS It appears that a sohd 
with a vapor pressure exceeding 0 1 mm. of 
mercury will vaporize readily 

A dosage form contamiag volatile sub- 
stances such as camphor, lodme and menthol 
should be tightly sealed to miaimize loss by 

Bulk powders, capsules and (ablets con- 
taining volatile substances arc dispensed m 
airtight glass cootaineis Divided powders 
should be double wrapped with an itmcr par- 
afhn and a bond paper Protection from loss 
IS mereased by use of cellophane envelopes 
sealed with beat 
59 J) 


Quinine, aa 


Sodium salicylate 


Powdered capsicum 


Peppermint oil 


M ftXIIcaps DTD 

Sig.. Ut diet for gnppc 

60 n 

Chlorobutanol 0 2 

M etft caps No 12 

Sig One capsule hourly for 3*4 doses 

61 9 

Camphor 0 030 

Belladonna extract 0 008 

Quimne sulfate 0 060 

M etft capsules No 24 

Sig One every 2 hours for 4 doses 

Industrially formulated capsules and tab- 
lets containing volatile substances are often 
coated to retard loss of volatile ingredients 


Rhinitis (Full Strength) 

Give 12 (ablets 
Sig Two tablets daily 

Crystal hydrates that are stable m the air 
between certain limits of humidity are said 
to contain water of crystallization 

A muture of a saturated solution of a salt 
with the solid has a constant vapor pressure 
at a given temperature Diagrammatically, 
the change of vapor pressure from pure water 
to pure salt is shown m Figure 40 for sodium 

Point N corresponds to pure anhydrous 
sodium nitrate with zero vaj^r pressure As 
the salt IS dissolved m pure water (W) hav- 
ing a vapor pressure of Y, the vapor pressure 
of water decreases to X, where the solution 
is saturated with sodium nitrate correspond- 
ing (oS 

P represents the vapor pressure of the 
saturated solution, the ratio of vapor pres- 
sure of the solution to pure water is 0 74 
at TS'C If the relative humidity of the air 
IS higher than 0 74 — for example, H — the 
sodium mtrate will attract water and form 
a saturated solution After all of the sodium 
nitrate has dissolved, it will continue to ab- 
sorb water until the composition of the solu- 
tion (G) has the same relative vapor pressure 
as the atmosphere This phenomenon is deli- 
quescence and occurs oiily when the humid- 
ity of the air is greater than the vapor pres- 
sure of the saturated salt solution 

If the relative humidity of the air is less 

Effect of Properties of Drugs on Compounding Technics 1 1 1 

than 0 74, solid sodium mtrate remains un~ 

Depeodmg on the humidity, a salt hydrate 
may remam unchanged, deliquesce or give 
o2 water Sodium bromide can exist as the 
dihydrate and as the anhydrous salt A satu- 
rated solution of sodium bromide has a rela 
tive vapor pressure of 0 57 at 25°C It will 
deliquesce when the relative humidity of the 
air IS greater than 0 57 The dihydrate has 
a relative vapor pressure of 0 36 at 25*0 
and therefore will give off water when the 
relative humidity is less than 0 36 This is 
called efflorescence Sodium broimde dOiy 
drate is stable only when the relative humid- 
ity ranges from 0 36 to 0 57 at25°C 

*1110 U S P states that borax effloresces 
m dry air The vapor pressure composition 
curve shown m Figure 41 provides a more 
complete characterization of this substance 
A saturated solution of borax has a relative 
water vapor pressure of 0 99 at 20 "C , for 
all practical purposes deliquescence does not 
occur The relative vapor pressure of borax 
IS 0 39 at 20°C when it is m equilibnum 
with the pentahydrate Thetefore, if borax 
IS exposed to air with a relative humidity less 
than 0 39, it will effloresce to the pentaby- 
drate The pentahydcate is stable only at 
relative humidities between 0 39 and 025, 
if the relative humidity becomes less than 
0 25, the pentahjdrate will effloresce to the 
anhydrous salt 

^me common ciystallme drugs that liber- 
ate their water of crystallization m an at 
mosphere of low humidity and become pow 
deiy m appearance are atropine sulfate, 
scopolamine hydrobromide, terpin hydrate, 
zinc sulfate and the sulfate and the phosphate 
of codeme 

Zinc phenolsulfonate effloresces when ex- 
posed to the air If all of the water of hydra- 
tion were removed from the zmc phenol- 
sulfonate, there would be a loss of 25 per 
cent of Its weight Efflorescence may alter to 
a practical extent the dosage of a patient 
If cmcbonme bisulfate effloresced all of its 
water of crystallizatiod, there would be a 
loss of IS per cent of its weight Thus, a 
pharmacist weighing effloresced cinchonine 
bisulfate instead of hydrated cmchoiune bi- 
sulfate would be dispeosmg a 15 per cent 
greater dose 


Fio 41 Vapor pressure of water in ; 
water-borax system at 20* C 

A solid contaming water of crystallization 
may lose such water to a greater or less ex- 
tent on tnturation as a result of the heat de- 
veloped Fuitbennore, any occluded water 
held mechanically m the mterior cavities of 
a crystal will be released as the crystals are 
reduced to smaller particle size 
Ugbt tnturation is recommended with so- 
dium phosphate, sodium sulfate, alums and 
ferrous sulfate The best method to ensure 
a dry powder is to use an equivalent amount 
of the anhydrous chemical If the anhydrous 
chemical is not available, the hydrous form 
may be dried before mixmg 
63 n 

Magnesium sulfate 
Sodium sulfate 

Sodium potassium tartrate aa 15 

Sig Heaping teaspoonful m half a cup 
of hot water night and morning 

On triturating and mixmg the three salts 
a pasty mass is formed A satisfactory pow- 
der could be prepared by usmg equivalent 
amounts of the a]m}drous form of ffle salts 
The prescription should be dispensed m a 

tight glass container 
64 Q 

Sodium sahcylate 6 0 

Sodium sulfate 6 0 

Sodium bicarbonate 3 0 

Potassium bitartrate 6 0 

M ft Chart # XX 

Sig Take one q i d a. c. & bedtime 

112 Solid Dosage Forms 

»t» CCMT «t*T(ll 

Fio 42 Imbibition of water by potato 


Solids exposed to the atmosphere gener- 
ally adsorb some water vapor on their sur- 
faces This IS called water of hygroscopicity 
It increases with an increase in surface area 
and humidity The relation between the 
amount adsorbed and the water vapor pres- 
sure IS given by an adsorption isotherm Ad 
sorption IS relatively large at small pressures 
and changes rapidly with vapor pressure 

A polar molecule such as water is strongly 
attracted by ions or polar molecules on the 
surface of a crystal lattice and held firmly 
by dipole ion or dipole-dipolc interaction, 

Colloidal substances such as cellulose, 
starch, agar and gelatin adsorb large amounts 
of water and retain the appearance of dry 
powders Such water is cidied water of im 
bibiuon The tvaCcr content vanes with hu- 
midity As shown m Figure 42, potato starch 
contains 10 per cent of water at a relative 
humidity of 0 20 and 21 per cent of water 
at a relative humidity of 0 70 Thus, if the 
seal IS not airtight, the water content Ganges 
with the seasons 

Double wrapped divided powders and 
sealed cellophane cn\ elopes usually arc suffi- 
cient toprotcct hygroscopic substances 

65 I) 

Sodium bromide 

Sodium salicylate, sa 10 

Ft chart XXXVI 
Sig Oneq 1 d 


Pbeoobarbital 0 03 

Ferrous sulfate 0 30 

M ft D T D #12caps 
Sig Uno daily 

67 « 


Menthol, aa 0 5 

Alum 30 

Bone ocid q s 120 

Sig 3 1 to 1 qt hot water for douche 

An older method of dispensing hygroscopic 
powders in a divided powder or a capsule 
employs the mcorporalion of an inert sub- 
stance that preferentially absorbs moisture 
Talc, magnesium oxide, magnesium carbon- 
ate and starch have been suggested for this 
purpose The divided powder is then double 
wrapped usuig an inner paraffin paper 

68 U 

Feme ammonium citrate 0 5 

Ft caps tal dos XX 
Sig Onet I d 

If the feme ammonium citrate has been 
exposed to the air and has absorbed mois- 
ture, It Will gum up wbco triturated in the 
mortar Dry feme ammomum citrate may 
be put into capsules If the capsules are ex- 
posed to humid air, moisture is absorbed 
wiihm a week If 60 mg of magnesium car- 
bonate 25 added per capsule, the capsule will 
remom dry after exposure of several weeks to 
the atmosphere 

The choice of inert ingredient depends on 
the presenpUon Magnesium oxide is alka- 
line and, m the presence of moisture, will 
hydrolyze esters If a dear solution is to be 
formed, an insoluble absorbent cannot be 

69 2 ) 

Ammonium bromide 0 I 

Talcs Chart XII 

S/g Use Of directed 

Ammonium bromide absorbs moisture 
from the air If magnesium oxide were added, 
aminontn would be liberated m the presence 
of moisture The dry ammonium bromide 
may be dispensed m the form of a divided 

Effect of Properties of Drugs on Compounding Technics 113 

powder if double wrapped papers or cello- 
phane envelopes are us^ 

Deliquescent substances may absorb water 
from a capsule shell and cause it to crack 
Inert absorbents of moisture will aid m main- 
tammg a dry powder, although they are m- 
effective if the capsules are dispensed m a 
box Capsules containmg dry deliquescent 
and hygroscopic drugs dispensed m moisture- 
tight vials remain stable for long penods of 
time without the addiDon of an mert powder 

70 U 

Sodium citrate 0 12 

Calcium iodide 0 06 

Guaiacol carbonate 0 03 

Aspinn 0 30 

Tales caps No 12 
Stg One after each meal 
Depression of Melting Point 
The meltmg points of certain substances 
that are sohds at room temperature are low 
ered by contact with certain other substances 
to the pomt at which liquefaction occurs 
Commonly dispensed drugs exhibitmg this 
phenomenon are acetanilid, amioopyrme, 
antipynne, betanaphthol, menthol, tnymol, 
phenol, chloral hydrate and the salicylates 
Any substance that has low mtermolecular 
forces as mdicated by low meUmg pomt, soft 
crystallme structure or easy sublimation will 
probably liquefy when triturated with a 
chemical of simdar nature Such compounds 
usually contam aldehydic, ketonic or phe 
nolle groups 

Impunties added to a chemically pure com- 
pound will for the most part lower the melt- 
ing point of that substance If the melting 
pomts of such mixtures arc high, the phe- 
nomenon offers DO problem to the pharma 
cist. However, many drugs used m medicine 
have a low meltmg pomt, and, when they arc 
mixed mtimately with other drugs, the low- 
ered mixed meltmg pomt becomes less than 
room temperature and the mixture liquefies 
Considcnng atmosphenc pressure con- 
stant, the particular state that a mixture exists 
in IS primarily a function of temperature and 
composition Smee phannaceuticals are pre- 
pared to be stable and to be used at room 
temperature, temperature is not a vanable 
To the pharmacist the important factor m 


Fio43 Phase diagram for a salol camphor 

detcrmming the physical state of a mixture 
IS Its composition 

From the phase diagram m Figure 43, the 
physical stale of a mixture of camphor and 
salol ciui be determmed Pomt A is the melt- 
ing point of pure salol Along the Ime AO 
pure salol is separating from the mixture 
Pomt B represents the meltmg pomt of pure 
camphor, and along BO solid camphor is 
separating At O both pure salol and pure 
camphor exist, this is the eutectic pomt At 
room temperature of 25 ®C , this bmary mix- 
ture IS a liquid when the camphor makes up 
from 15 to 50 per cent of the mixture 
71 13 

Camphor 120 mg 

Salol 300 mg 

M ft Powder No 6 
Sig Use as directed 

114 Solid Dosage Forms 

Camphor composes 29 per cent of the pro* 
scnptiofl At 25®C the mxxiure will be a 
liquid A salol-camphor prcscnption con- 
tammg 75 per cent of camphor will be a dry 

Unfortunately, phase diagrams are not 
available for the multiplicity of combmations 
found m prescriptions The physical state de- 
pends not only on the proportion of the low 
mc]ung point ingredients but also on the rela- 
ti\e proportion of the higher melting point 
mgredients If a liquid is formed, there may 
be a sufficient quantity of higher melting 
point material to absorb it effectively With 
the almost mhnite combmations possible m 
medicines, it is difficult to make an accurate 
prediction of the physical state The prac- 
ticing pharmacist should recognize probable 
offenders and compound them as ffiough a 
liquid would form 

If the amount of Iiquefymg ingredients is 
small compared with the entire prescription, 
they may be mixed and the bquids taken up 
in the pores and on the surface of other 

72 l> 

Salicylic acid 






Bono acid 




Sig Dust as directed 

The camphor the menthol and the sah- 
cylic acid arc triturated until liquefaction oc- 
curs The boric acid is added gradually with 
trituration until the liquid is absorbed The 
starch IS then added and triturated oatd the 
prcscnplLon is homogeneous 

If the amount of liquefying substance is 
largo and cannot be absorbed, each of the 
Iiquefymg drugs is mixed separately with an 
mert, high melting pomt protective and then 
mixed lightly The inert protective acts as a 
mechanical barrier or coat to present con- 
tact between the low melting pomt sub- 
stances Further, if any liquefaction occurs, 
the liquid is absorbed by the large surface 
of the protective mgrcdient- 
73 n 

Chloral hydrate 0,25 

AcetyUalicylic acid 025 

M ft Caps No XX 
Sig Two on retiring 

If the acetylsalicyhc acid and the chloral 
hydrate are tnluratcd, a hquid is formed 
The amount of inert substance required to 
absorb the liquid would be too bulky for a 
capsule Each drug is mixed with an mert 
ateorbent such as kaolin or talc to prevent 
the formation of a liquid The chloral hy- 
drate IS mixed with 100 mg of kaolm and 
the acetylsalicyhc acid is mixed with 100 mg 
of kaolin The two mixtures are mixed lightly, 
and the dry powder is filled into No 00 
74 J) 

Acid acetylsalicylic 7S 

Acctophenctidin 4 0 

M et ft capsules No 24 
Sig Two capsules t i d a c 

75 li 

Mcnihol 0 065 

Phenol 0065 

Zme oxide 60 

5ig Apply ut diet 

76 n 

ASA 0 300 

Metheoarauie 0 050 

Magnesium oxide 0 100 

Caffeine 0 075 

M caps DTD #XXX 
Sig Oaap r a headache 
Probably the high melting pomt and a 
large specific surface are the primary criteria 
of a good mert protective The dUtercnces 
observed between various protccuvcs em- 
ployed may be largely those of particle size 
and coating ability Decreasing the size of an 
mert protective by one half will reduce by 
one half the weight of the protective needed 
to coat the Iiquefymg mgredients 

Kaolm, magnesium oxide and magnesium 
carbonate arc commonly used as mert ab- 
sorbents Magnesium carbonate is generally 
the protective of choice as the oxide may 
react W7th other ingredients, carbon dioxide 
or water to form a hard, insoluble mass 

Effect of Properties of Drugs on Compounding Technics 115 

To avoid liquefaction of a mixture of lique- 
fying substances, an inert, high melting point 
substance is generally added to surround or 
coat the drugs, thus preventmg them from 
coming mto contact with each other The 
amount of inert protective may be ration 
ahzed by considermg the effect to be only a 
mechamcal coatmg of the particles 

77 5 

Ammopynne, aa 02 

M et fiat caps D T D No 50 
Sig. As directed 

As the melting points of salol and anuno- 
pynne are 43“ and 104“C , respectively, one 
would anticipate possible liquefaction As- 
suming spherical particles, trituration m a 
Wedgwood mortar will reduce the average 
particle size of the two drugs to a radius of 
100 microns The densities of salol and 
ammopyrme are approximately 1 0 and I I, 
respectively Because of its high melting 
point (2,800“C ) and its large specific sur- 
face area^ magnesium oxide is chosen as the 
inert protective Magnesium oxide has an 
average particle size of 10 microns and a 
density of 1 25 

1 The area of a single particle of salol is 

A, = 4wR2 = 4n.lO-* cm® 

2 The area covered or “shadowed ’ by a 
smgle particle of magnesium oxide is 

A = rR» = Tl0-«cm® 

3 The number of particles o! magnesium 
oxide required to coat one particle of salol is 

A, 4-10^ =400 

A ,r 10-« 

4 Theweightofasingleparticleofsalolis 

Wj = V p =-|-Tr R’ p = 


5 The total number of particles of salol 
in the prescription is 

6 The number of particles of protective 
needed to coat all p^cles of salol is the 
number of particles of salol multiplied by 
the number of particles required to coat one 
particle or 

2,4X 10«X400 = 96X 108 

7 The weight of a single particle of the 
protective ingredient is 

W = V p R* p = 4 19 ( 10 - 3)8 1 25 = 

8 The total weight of protective required 
to coat 10 Gm. of salol is the number of par- 
ticles of protective multiplied by the weight 
of a smgle particle of the protective or 

52xl0-»x96Xl09 = 5Gra 

9 Following the same reasonmg, it is 
found that 4 54 Gm of magnesium oxide is 
required to coat 10 Gm of anunopyrme 

10 The total amount of the inert pro- 
tective necessary to coat the salol and the 
amioopyrioe is 9 5 Gm 

Trial and error have demonstrated that if 
each of the hquefymg substances is diluted 
with an equal amount of inert absorbent, the 
result will be a dry powder The above cal- 
culation, based only on mechamcal con- 
sideration, agrees rather well with the quan- 
tity detenmned by yean of experience 

Chemical Reactivity 

Explosive mixtures usually consist of oxi- 
dizmg agents and orgamc compounds The 
stronger oxidizing agents used in pharmacy 
are potassium cUoiate, potassium perman- 
ganate, sodium peroxide and silver nitrate 
The common reducing agents involved m 
explosions have been charcoal, starch, sugar, 
tamuc acid, sulfur and the sulfides 

With potentially explosive mixtures, tritu- 
ration is to be avoids If the powders are 
to be mixed, they should be tnturated sepa- 
rately, and then mixed hgbtly with a spatula 
or by tumbling the powders As a safety 
measure, it seems obvious that potentially 
eiqilosive mixtures should not be dispensed. 
If the physician insists on such a combina- 
tion, It IS advisable, with his consent, to dis- 
pense the two ingredients separately 

1 16 Solid Dosage Forms 

78 n 

Potassium chlorate 7 5 

Taniuc acid 4 0 

Sucrose IS 

M et ft chart 12 

Sig One p r n gargle in glass of water 

79 I> 

Sulfathiazole 5 

Sodium peroxide 15 

Bone acid 80 

Sig Dustonvroundt i d 

The sodium peroxide wiU oxidize the 
sulfathiazole It should be suggested to the 
physician that the sodium peroxide be elimi- 
nated and a less caustic, nonoxidizing type 
of antiseptic be dispensed 

Light may provide the energy necessary 
for a reaction to occur without a change m 
temperature Acetazolamide, bismuth salts, 
cyanocobalamme, many dyes, fumagiUm, 
mercury and silver salts and many other 
drugs are light sensitive Photosensiuve drugs 
should be dispensed in amber glass contain- 
ers If a suitable amber container is not avail- 
able, the dispensing pharmacist should 
dispense the prescnption m an opaque con- 
tainer and caution tne patron that the medi- 
cation should not be exposed to light 
Some chemicals and drugs such os lodme 
react directly and rapidly with metal Care 
should be observed in the choice of utensils 
to be used with such drugs Metal spatulas 
and metal sieves cannot be used Other chem- 
icals, such as phenols, undergo reactions 
catalyzed by trace metal irapunties from con- 
t&iocrs or metal utsRSiis PlasUccaps arc used 
on prescription containers as they arc less re- 
active than metal caps 

When solid dosage forms arc dry, acids 
and bases or bicarbonates may be mixed 
without any reaction If the pharmacist wishes 
to use this tcchmc, he must begin with dry 
chemicals, compound m a relatively dry at- 
mosphere and dispense the finished dosage 
form m a contamcr that seals out moisture 

80 » 

Pamis)! 05 

Sodium bicarbonate 0^ 

Mix and dispense 50 powders 
Sig One powder 

The Pamisyl and the sodium bicarbonate 
were mixed and the weighed amount of the 
mixture was packaged in paper envelopes 
On dispensing, the powders seemed properly 
prepared, however, m 3 days the patient re- 
turned and compJamed that some of the en- 
velopes were not as full as the first ones he 
had taken Actually, the powders had been 
accurately weighed The ammosalicylic acid 
had reacted with the sodium bicarbonate, m 
the presence of atmospheric moisture, dmu- 
natiug water and carbon dioxide with a loss 
in weight It could be suggested that the phy- 
sician use lactose, if the sodium bicarbonate 
IS used as a diluent, however, if the sodium 
bicarbonate is present to form the soluble 
sodium ammosalicylate, this would not be 

81 B 

AminophyUine 0 2 

Ascorbic acid 0 I 

M D T D Caps No XXV 
Sig One capsule 1 . 1 d 
For several days the capsules appear to be 
satisfactory, but within a week the powder 
becomes gummy and brown and possesses 
an ammoniacal odor In the presence of mois- 
ture, the loosely complexed ethylcnediamiac 
reacts with the ascorbic acid With the con- 
sent of the physician, the aminophylhne and 
the ascorbic acid may be dispensed sepa- 
rately or an equivalent weight of anliydrous 
theophylline may replace the ammophyllme 

A compressed tablet is a unit dosage form 
prepared by*cohipfessing.uHdci: several hun- 
dred kJograms of pressure per square centi- 
meter granulated medicinal substances into 
a discoid shape by means of dies A tablet 
usually has a thiclmcss less than one half of 
Its diameter 5ome_t abIets-ha ve di sunctivc 
sha pis and size s as a mea ns of associ ating 
their identity with a particular company The 
physical charactcnsucs of industrially pre- 
pared solid dosage forms are so distmctivc 
that the Amcncan Medical Association in 
1962 published an IJenuftcasion Gmde for 
Solid Dosage Forms This guide enables one 
to identify tentatively a tablet, a capsule or 

Compressed Tablets 1 U 

a suppository by the use of physical char- 
acteristics, such as size, shape, color, mark- 
mgs and coating The tentative identification 
IS then confirmed by chemical analysis 
In a recent survey it was found that 47 6 
per cent of the prescriptions were for com- 
pressed tablets There are several advantages 
of compressed tablets that make them the 
most popular dosage form The obvious ad- 
vantage of compressed tablets is the con- 
vemence of transportation for the manufac- 
turer, the pharmacist and the patient AH 
pharmaceutical dosage forms are accurate 
dosage forms, and, usually, the compressed 
tablet IS an accurate dosage m which one 
tablet represents one dose A tablet may be 
scored into halves or quarters, and a uniform 
tablet assures practical division by the pa- 
tient into one half or one fourth of the total 
dose m an intact tablet 

Unpleasant tasting drugs are rendered ac- 
ceptable by coating the tablets This may be 
a sugar coat, a film coat or a press coat The 
coating need be designed to protect only dur- 
ing the short time in which the tablet is m 
contact with the taste buds 

The patient geQ « »rill*^ fioda-a^fahlftr-fh e 
^ mplest dosaggJ onnJoLielCjdmiiustTation 
The intended route of administration deter- 
mines the size and the shape of the tablet 
The ma ximum size can not exceed the size of 
the Body' passage t^ugh which the tablct-is 
to be passed or placed An oral tablet for an 

eter The bulk of the dose may decide the 
size of the tablet When this exceeds 500 mg , 
most manufacturers divide the therapeutic 
dose between two tablets, and this becomes 
the prescribed number of tablets for a ther- 
apeutic dose 

The tablet is placed on the tongue and 
swallowed by dnnkmg a glass of water Some 

to swallow a tablet For su^ p ersons for 
c hddren, a tabl eUshouldJirst-be crushetCand 
moistened with water The death of a child 

In th e larynx has_b geajeRoacd>, 

~"The pharmaceutical industry has made it 
still easier to administer tablets by develop- 

ing the chcwable or the soluble oral tablet 
The chcwablc tablet has a base, such as 

mannitol, which can be chewed or allowed 
to dissolve m the mouth 

Tablets provide a broad range of drug re- 
lease Tablets can be designed for a rapid 
release of a drug, as illustrated by the many 
vaneties of fast-actmg acetylsalicyhc acid 
denvatives that are marketed Consistent wit h 
p hysiologic functio n, sustai ned re lease tablets 
provi de-r&l ea'se ofTdrug over a p eno~d of 8 
to 12 hou^ mamta mmg an adequate dosage 
witlT the Mnvenience of a smgle admmistra- 

Our sophisticated society will not accept 
unappealing medication A dosage form must 
be appealmg to the patient m order to re- 
ceive his cooperation m following the dosage 
regimen established by his physician Tablets 
are made elegant by coating, coloring, flavor- 
ing, designing appealmg shapes and sizes and 
packaging m attractive containers The at- 
tractiveness of tablets and the possibihty that 
they be mistaken for candy by children makes 
It necessary that tablets, as well as other 
medicmals, be kept out of reach of children 
Elegant tablets have been made available 
to the patient by our pharmaceutical mdustiy 
at a reasonable cost, because tableting lends 
Itself to mass production methods £at in- 
crease production while decrcasmg the cost 
of latKir An elaborate distribuuon system 
makes readily available to the consumer, at 
low cost, tablets m a wide range of strengths 
Tablets are not only convement for the 
pharmacist to store and package, but tablets 
have few serious disadvantages Tablet for- 
mation 15 limited by the physical and the 
chemical properties of a drug A tablet from 
an ethical firm implies that the research and 
developmental pharmacist has corrected or 
elumnated any problems of stability, incom- 
patibility or other formulation problems prior 
to marketing the tablet, thus, die community 
pharmacist, the physician and the pauent are 
not concerned with such problems, except as 
(hey may affect therapeutic value 

Although compressed tablets arc imprac- 
lic^ for die community pharmacist to pre- 
pare because of lack of tune, equipment, ade- 
quate control and advanced training, the 
^lannacist must have knowledge of the 
methods of preparation, the factors m their 
proper disintegration, the correct storage 

Its Solid Dosage Forms 

condiUoas, the types of containers to use, the expected to determine analytically the purity 
types of tablets available and their particular a:^ the accuracy of manufactured products, 
advantages and disadvantages. The |Aar> The pharmacist, acting on faith and the repu- 
macist must be able to converse and advise tation of a firm, accepts label claims of pre- 
mteliigently about all phases of tablets from fabricated products. The pharmacist therc- 
production to administration so that be may fore should buy products from an ethical 
be of service to the physician and his patient firm with a good reputation. This is his best 
(secChap. 2). assurance that the manufactured product is 

A pharmacist dehvers medication to a pure and accurate, 
consumer with an unphed warranty that the 

punty and the dosage is proper. In extern* Manufacture of Compressed Tablets 
poraneous presenpUons, the pharmacist tahlpts are mnniifnctnreH by 

exercises great care to make certain each two methods; dry granulation a nd wet gran u- 
prescnption is an accurate dosage form. For lation. T o compress a t ablet, t he ingredient s 
obvious reasons, the pharmacist carmot be m ust be fr^ flowm g. b inding _and. nnonrifig. 

Fio. 44 The Tornado mill may be used for granuIaUng, pulverizing and dispers- 
ing. (F. J. Stokes) 

Fig 45 Oven designed for efficient drying of granulauons (F J Stokes) 

to _the punches and t he die Most 

must be formed into granule s Granulation is 
the p rocess by w hich fine powders are con- 
verted to gr^uies witH' th e above charac ter- 
i stics to'assur e uniform fillip and the fonoa' 
tion o f an easHv^cted tablet . 

It appears that when the active ingredients 
are less than 25 per cent of the finish^ tablet, 
they may be blended with spray-dned lactose 
and compressed directly 


Weighing and Mixing the Ingredients. 
When a production batch of tablets is to be 
manufactured, the master formula card is re- 
produced and sent to the chemical and drug 
supply department Th ere, the specified 
wej^jjf^cach mgredient is wcigbed^and 
chewed. The weired material is sent to the 
tablet department where each item is care 
fully recbccked 

M dry mgredieots are in the powdered 

120 Solid Dosage Forms 

fonn so that t hey will pass through a 60- 
mes h sie ve The powders a re blended b y 
gcor^tnc_diIution u sing V Slenders or other 
suitablcjncchanical mixers 
Many of the newer synthetic drugs have a 
small dose, and it is necessary to increase the 
bulk of the tablet to a practical and work- 
able size Common diluents are lactose, 
sodium chloride, maimitol, calcium carbon- 
ate, calcium sulfate and dicalcmm phosphate 
>Vct Granulatmg After the powders are 
blended, a Iiqyid granulatiQg.oc.bmdmg solu- 
tion is added to form an.adhesive moss which 
can be granulated The amount of liquid must 
be detemuned empirically for each new for- 
mu/atton but it is reproducible from batch 
to batch with a production formula The 
liquid IS blended thoroughly into the mass 
with a nbbon blender or other suitable me- 
chamcal mixers When the mass has the 
proper consistency, it is forced through_a wet 
gr anulator with a 6 m es h to 10 mesh sc reen 
'me adhesive matcnals used To bind the 
powders togeffiefThto granules are 5 to 10 
per cent starch paste, 70 to 85 per cent 
sucrose solution, 10 to 20 per cent gelaim 
solution, 10 to 20 per cent acaciajmucila^, 
25 to 50 per cent gl^ose solution, 5 to 10 
per ce nt methsiccllulo se solution, 5 per cent 
cthylcellulose solution and polyvmylpyr- 
rolidonc Water and alcohol act by means 
of their solvent clTect on the ingredients 
Uniform distribution and the amount of 
the binder are critical InsufEcicnt bmder 
leads to poor adhesion, capping and soft 
tablets Excessive binder yields a slowly dis- 
mtegrating and hard tablet, cxcessne bmder 
makes graouJaUcgi e.itremeiy djJBeult 
Color may be added to a tablet to convey 
a cbaractcnsUc identification, increase pa- 
tient acceptance or suggest a flavor Certified 
d}cs arc generally distributed throughout the 
dry mix or dissolved in the binder solution 
A 40 mesh granulation is advisable to avoid 
a mottled tablet 

In a recently developed mixer, the bmduig 
solution may be added slowly as a spray 
Some formulations will form granules with 
a mini mum of liquid and make it unnecessary 
to pass die mixture through a wet granulator 
Drjing The wet granulaUon is spread m 
a dun layer on trays and dried m an oven 
at a controlled teropcnilurc generally not ex- 
ttedm g 55 °C 

Granulating for Compression. The dried 
^nulaiioQ IS ground to a size appropnatc 
to the size of the finished tablet For small 
tablets such as V4 inch in diameter, a 30- 
raesh screen should be used, for tablets up 
to % inch a 12 mesh screen should be used 
An oscillatmg granulator has an advantage 
m that, as soon as a particle is reduced to the 
proper size, it falls through the screen away 
from the grinding action and is not further 
reduced in size Grinding type granulators 
and the Fit^atnck comramutor tend to pro- 
duce an excess of fine powder 

Many tablets are engraved or embossed 
with designs on the tablet surface A 40-mesh 
granulation ;s used with engraved or em- 
bossed tablets, as coarser particles do not fill 
as evenly into the engraving on the punch 
There is a tendency to compress lettered 
tablets harder in order to make the letters 
stand out 

Adding the Lubneant and (be Disintc- 
grant. A lubricant is added to_ensure uni- 
form feeding_of the granules, to prev ent 
s ticking to th e surface o f the punches and the 
_die, to reduce die wall fri ction an d facilitate 
ejection, and to re duce punch and die wear 
Common lulmcants are calcium stea rate, 
ma mesium stea r ate, talc, gbeme, Ster otex 
throug h a 20o.m c5h sieve t o en sure small 
particle size so that theTu brlca nl will have 
Its pro p^coa ung^ect. For purely lubn- 
catmg purposes., more than 1 per cent of a 
lubri cant IS not nec essary 

Liquid petrolatum has been added or an 
ethereal solution spra)cd on the granulation 
This is not a satj^actojy procedusc because 
the hjdrophobic coatmg tends to render the 
tablet impervious to water and retards dis- 

A dismlegrant is a substance which will 
rupture the tablet into many small particles 
soon after admmistration The large number 
of small particles present a greater surface 
than docs an mtact tablet and speed solu 
tion of the drug A disintegration time of 15 
minutes IS satisfactory for most medication 

The most common dismtcgrant is potato 
starch Starch should be dned at 100®C 
(see Fig 42) if It IS to be used as a disin- 
tegrating agent The high water content of 
commercial starches may be reduced tenfold 
by drying, this enhances its dismtcgrating 

Compressed Tablets 12Y 

Fio 46 A sUsaless steel nbboa blender is being leaded for mixing At the right is an 
oscillating granulator used for reducing dried granulations to a desu-ed size for compress on 
(F J Stokes) 

ability and lessens deterioration of moisture Incorporation of an acid and a bicarbonate 
sensitive drugs In the Her gmnidauoa in a tablet wiU produce eServesceace and dis 
method some starch is often mixed with the mtegrate the tablet This technic has been 
granulation with the hope that it wiU break used in some saccharin tablets however its 
apart the individual granules This seems of success has been limited 
doubtful value as starch imbibes water freely Flavor may be added by spraying an 
and retains little capacity to act as a disuile alcoholic solution of the flavor onto the dry 

grant Other disintegrants are gelatin and granules before compression A more recent 
numerous algm derivatives tcchnic is to use dry flasors which may be 

Compressed tablets of medicaments that blended at the mitial mixmg of the mgre 
dissolve slowly should be designed to dismte dients 

grate withm a few mmutes m water or m the Compressing Basically a sin^e punch 
stomach A tablet must dismtegrate withm tablet machine consists of a die fitted with 
a few hours if it is to have any medicinal an upper and a lower punch With the upper 
effect A tablet that passes through the punt^ out of and above the die and the lower 
gastromtestinal tract is not only useless but punch at the lowest point of descent withm 
It gives a false clmical picture and may stand the die a charge of granulation flows mto and 
m the way of other beneficial treatment fills the die cavity The upper punch de 

Tablets composed mostly of soluble ma scends compressmg the material as the 

tenols present no difficulty and generally do lower punch remains stationary The upper 
not require a dismtegraung agent punch ascends, followed after a short tune 

122 Sol d Dosage Forms 

by the lower punch which rises until it is The upper punch is adjusted to control 
flush with the upper surface of the die A feed the thickness and the hardness of a tablet 
shoe ejects the tablet and Alls the die caviQr Lowering the upper punch produces a hardei 
to begin another cycle aiul a thinner tablet 

The lower punch is adjusted so that, at The complexity of the machine its opera 
Its lowest pomt, the cavity it makes will bold tion and mamtenance arc engmeenng prob* 
the quantity of granulation necessary to make lems The proper formulauon of a stable 
a complete tablet At its highest pomt the tablet and the adjustments of the punches 
lower punch is adjusted flush with the upper are pharmaceutical problems 
surface of the die so that the tablet will be '^e finished tablets are passed along a 
ejected without chipping vibrating wire tray or under an exhaust sys 

Fio 47 Twenty two sUtioa rotary l^let machines capable of producing from 
480 to 900 tablets per minute (F J Stokes) 

Compressed Tablets 123 

Table 16 Difficulties Encountered Durino Tablet Compression 


Cappmg (splitting oS of top after compression) 

Excessive pressure 

Excessive fine powder 

Insufficient binder 

Too dry a granulaUon 

Worn die or damaged punch face 

Improper fill 

Damp granulation 

Machine runnmg too fast 
Granulation too fine or too coarse 

Picking (matenal sticking to punch face leaving holes 
in tablet surface) 

Unsatisfactoty lubricant 

Damp granulation 

Static charge 

Scratched punch face 

Mottled tablet 

Incomplete mixing 

Noodismtegrating tablet 

Excessive pressure 

Excessive binder 

Excessive lubncant 

tern to remove any powder The tablets are 
then held in quarantme until they have been 
analyzed and released for bottling by the 
control department 

For the novice developing a tablet to con- 
tain a drug with a small dose, a simple lactose 
granulation may be used as a basic formula- 

Basic Lactose Granulation 

Lactose 350 Gm 

Starch 26 

Color 0 25 

Magnesium stearate 5 

Starch ^aste, 10% I40ml 

By geometric dilution, the color is blended 
with the lactose and the starch The mixture 
IS moistened with starch paste and the wet 
mass IS passed through a 6-mesh screen The 
wet granulation is dried in an oven at dO^C 
The dned granulation is passed through a 
40-mesh screen The magnesium stearate is 
added and the granulation is tumbled for 
several minutes The granulation is com- 
pressed mto tablets with a hardness of 6 kgm 
Neomycin Sulfate Tablet 

Mg. per Tablet 

Neoenyem sulfate 250 

Lactose 100 

Starch 100 

Acacia 5 

Magnesium stearate 5 

The neomycin sulfate, the lactose, the 
starch and the acacia are thoroughly blended 
The mixed powders are granulated with 
methanol cootaming 10 per cent of water 
and passed through 6-mesb screen The wet 
granulation is placed on paper m trays and 
dried m an oven The dried granulation is 
passed through a 20 mesh screen Magne- 
sium stearate is blended mto the granulation 
The granulation is compressed into tablets 
Pediatric Chewable Aspirin Tablet 

per Tablet 

Acelylsalicyltc acid (20-mesh) 81 

Afonnitol 97 

Sacebann sodium 1 

Acacia 4.5 

Starch 11 

Talc 8 

Magnesium stearate 0 4 

Dry flavor 0 6 

A mannitol granulation is prepared first 
The saccharin sodium and the mannitol are 
blended The blend is granulated with 20 per 
cent acacia mucilage and passed through 
8-mesh screen The mannitol granulation is 
dried at 45“C and passed through a 20- 
mesh screen 

The 20-mesh aspinn is mixed with the 
dried manmtol gr^ulation The flavor is 
added to the stardi and mixed thoroughly. 
The talc and the magnesium stearate are 

124 Solid Dosage Forms 

passed through 100 mesh screen and blended 
with the fla\or starch mixture This blend i$ 
mixed with the mannitol aspirin mixture 
Tablets arc compressed to a hardness of 5 
kgm using a 11/32 inch standard concave 
punch and die set 


Wet granulation method is unsuitable for 
substances mjured by heat or for substances 
that arc mcompatiblc with liquid binders 
Here the precompression or slugging method 
IS used 

In the slugging process the entire formula 
IS blended and compressed mto Oat tablets 
called slugs Precompression requires a heavy 
duty rotary tablet machine The punches and 
the dies arc as much as 14’d inch in diameter 
Considerable dust results and the working 
parts of the machine should be housed and 
a dust collector attached at the point of com 
prcssion These prccauuons are advisable 
with all machines 

It IS not essential that the slugs be per 
fccUv shaped as they are ground to the de 
sired granulation size and then compressed 
mto the finished tablet 

Aspirin Tablet 300 mg 

Mg per Tablet 
Aspirin granulation contain 
mg lO^c starch 333 3 

The aspirm granulation is compressed into 
tablets using a 13/32 inch standard concave 
punch and die set 

Phenabarbital Tablet 30 mg 

Mg per Tablet 

Phcnobarbital 30 

Lactose spray dried 168 

Magnesium stearate 2 

The spray dned lactose and the pheno> 
barbital are blended until homogeneous The 
magnesium stearate is added to the blend 
The blend is compressed into a tablet usmg a 
11/32 inch standard concave punch and die 


The use of the chilsonator has been sug- 
gested to cbmmate wet granulation and to 
speed up and simplify the slugging process 
A chilsonator consists of a pair of corded 
steel rollers scored m a grooving style The 
rollers revolve toward each other at a con- 
trolled speed The material to be granulated 

is fed to these rollers at a controlled rate The 
blend is squeezed at a constant pressure 
vaiymg from one to fifty tons per square 
mch The rollers may be heated or chilled 
os necessary Any moisture present in the 
formula is removed by the heat of compres 
ston The compressed granules are discharged 
in irregular stnps of corrugated plaques 
These strips are passed through a conven 
tional granulator to secure the proper size 
granulation from which the finished tablet is 

Other methods have been suggested for 
prepanng granulations In the pan granu 
laiing technic» the blended mgredicnts are 
placed in a ballled coating pan and moistened 
by a spray ^Vhcn the blend has been ade- 
quately moistened, hot air is blown into the 
pan to dry the granules The resulting 
granules approach a spherical shape 

Granulations have been made in V- 
btenders fitted with spray beads through 
which the granulaung solutions arc admitted 
by tninmoQ mouotmgs 
Either modification may be connected in 
such a way that it can be evacuated and 
dned under a vacuum without transfer of 
the granulation 

Tvpes OF Tablets 

Although all compressed tablets are pre 
pored by the same general procedure, com- 
pressed tablets have a wide variety of use 
Some common abbrcviauons for types of 
tablets are given m Table 17 
Tablets Used in the Gastrointestinal Tract. 
Mo st co mpressed tablets are swallowed wh_ole 
with a dnnk of water They disintcgrate_or 
dissolve m the gastrointestinal tract from 
which the drug is ^sorbed m order to exert 
its iherapcuuc effect Some oral tablcts'^arc 
admmistcrcd by placing the tablet in half a 
glass of water, stimng and dnnking the sus- 
pended mixture These bulk tablets are more 
or less restricted to antacid products 
82 . n 

Magnesium and Soda Tablets 100 
Sig Two in water with meals 
Some pharmaceutical firms have given 
specialty or trade names to their tablets 
which are prepared in a distmcUvc form or 

Compressed Toblets 12i 

83 n 

Digitabs ‘Tabloid ' (Burroughs 
Wellcome) 60 

Sig. Oae daily 

84 I) 

BetalmSDiskets (Lilly) 10 mg, No 100 
Sig Two daily 

85 n 

Concidin Medilets (Schenng) IS 

Sig One t 1 d 

86 1 > 

DUantm Infatabs (Parke, Davis) 100 
Sig One morning and evening 

87 n 

Dechotyl Tablets (Ames) 10 

Sig Two h 8 

89 B 

Aspirin Dulcets (Abbott) 18 

5ig Oneq 4 his 

Chewing tablets or wafers have^en avail 
able formany years They are intended to be 
chewed-before swallowing aBd have been 
usedwhcnjhe therapeutic dose w ould make 
t he dosage form too large to'swallo w 

90 n 

Arobon Wafers (Pitman Moore) 12 
Sig Chew two then one q 3 brs 

91 B 

Dical D Wafers (Abbott) 50 

Sig Two wafers with each meal 

92 B 

Kolantyl Wafers (Mcrrell) 32 

Sig Three q 3 hrs 

The^more recent chewing tablet, some- 
times called a soluble table t, bBs a base of 
mannitol or glycine and is pleasantly 
flavored The soluble chewing tablet will 
dissolve in the mouth m approumalely 1 
minute They may be chewed, sucked or 
swallowed whole Chewmg tablets arc espe- 
cially adapted for children 

93 B 

Deca Vi-Sol Chcwable (Mead John- 
son) 100 

Sig One tablet daily. 

Table 17 Abbreviations for Tablets 

C T 

compressed tablet 

C C T 

chocolate colored tablet 

C T T 

compressed tablet triturate 

D A.T 

delayed action tablet 

D T 

dispensing tablet 

E C T 

entenc-coated tablet 

H T 

hypodermic tablet 

M C T 

multiple compressed tablet 

R. A.T 

repeat action tablet 

S C T 

sugar-coated tablet 

T T 

tablet inturate 

94 B 

Viterta Tastitabs (Roerig) 100 

Sig One daily 

95 B 

Tnsulfazine Palatab (Central 

Pharmacal) 30 

Stg As directed 

96 B 

Umeaps Chewable (Upjohn) 30 

Sig 1 2 daily 

Tablets Used m the Oral Cavity, ^uccal 
Jableis are small, flat Uibkls which areplacetf 
firtfld'buccarpouch' between tffe cheek and 
the gu^ As th^drirg~is reieasecTfrom Ihe 
dissolvii^ t ablet. tH e~active ingredient is ab 
s o^rbed wi thout passlng^nto the gastrom- 
testiaal ' tr ac t~This 'is an adwntageous route 
for drugs that would be destroyed by enzy- 
m auc action'’ in the gastrointestin al tract Un- 
fortunately, few drop are readily absorbed 
from the oral sulci Buccal and sublingual 
adm mistra tion is limited to glyceryl trmitrate 
anifsteroidal hormones 

’Anarch and lactose base compressed at 
high forces is used with buccal tablets, as it 
dismtegrates easily m the saliva No flavor 
or sweetening agent is added as they would 
stimulate salivation resulting m undue 
swallowing and loss of the A_ well-. 

Sublmgual tablets are similar to buccal 
table ts, but the sublinguaT tab lets arc placed 
und er the ton g ue 

97 B 

Metandren Linguets (Ciba), 

5 mg No 25 

Sig. Place beneath longue twice daily 


Solid Dosage Forms 

98 n 

PeraodrcQ Buccalets (Ciba), 

S mg Ko 30 

Sig Two daily for 3 days pnor to men 

99 l> 

huprel GIosscls (Winthrop), 

10 mg SO 

Sig One following attack. 

100 » 

Nilro^ycerin H T 03 mg. 

Dispense tube of 20 

Sig 1 2 tablets sublingually as neces 

101 n 

Isordil Subloral (I\cs 
Cameron) 90 

Sig Oneq 4hn 

lo7fnF|p* tablets-iotcoded 
to be bold ui the mouth while Uicy^dss^olve 
gradually and maintai n the m edication m 
contact with the mouth and^tfic throat for a 
long penod Troches are u^d for the local 
effect of 

and local ancstbeiics 

Troches arc manufactured by compression 
or molding Since troches are intended to dis 
sohe slowly and not to disintegrate, they are 
formulated somewhat differently from 
tablets Troches contam more bmde r, arc 
compressed harder andiiavc nodisinte^atmg 
agent added Granulation and compression 
ar^the same as for tablets 

102 It 

A-C Troches (AbboU) I bo* 

Sig Dissolve in mouth as needed 

103 It 

Hjbitan Lozenges (Ayerst) 1^ 

Sig. Dissolve in mouth q i d 

Tablets Used for Subcutaneous Admlnls* 
irailoa. Pellets or implantation tablets have 
been developed for subcutaneous implanta* 
Uon of hormones by use of a Kcamc im- 
planter or by incision Generally, the 3 2 x 
8 pellets are implanted m the thigh 
These stcnlc pellets serve as a depot which 
slowly releases the hormone over a pro* 

longed penod Effects arc observed for sev 
cral months after implantation 

Normally no excipients arc used m formu* 
hung the pellet. The sterile cr)staHme drug 
IS compressed mto the finished pellet under 
aseptic conditions Oreton, Percorten acetate 
and Progynon pellets arc available for hos- 
pital and clmicai use 

Hypodermic tablets are small tablets with 
opposing flat surfaces which arc intended to 
be dissolved under aseptic conditions just 
pnor to injection Hypodermic tablets are 
small so that they readily can be dropped 
mto the barrel of the synngc They must be 
capable of dissolving rapidly and completely 
in water 

Hypodermic tablets may be lightly com- 
pressed or molded. Beta lactose, dextrose 
and sodium sulfate arc used as diluents be- 
cause of their solubility Although special 
precautions are observed m manufactunng 
the hypodermic tablet, it is doubtful that the 
solutions prepared from hypodermic tablets 
are sterile It probably would be advanta- 
geous for the physician to use parenteral solu 
tions sterilized m ampuls 

Atropine sulfate, codeme sulfate, morphme 
sulfate Ditroglycerm and scopolamine hydro- 
bromide are customarily marketed as hypo- 
dermic tablets 

Tablets for Vaginal Use. Tablets com 
pressed mto a pear shape for mscruon mto 
the vagina arc I^own as inserts Inserts have 
a lac tose or a sod iu m bicarbonate base which 
r apidly releases tbTBp ig 
'atoms taWets arc used to make solutions 
mlendcd to be used as douches A jablet 
dts solip j in a.spgctfi c»J vo lcnncLaf. water will 
make a solution of prop er stre ngth of medi- 
c abon foriTvagiDal o ouche 

104 n 

Viofonu Inserts (Ciba) 12 

Sig Insert b s after douche 

105 U 

Nco-Vagisol (Dorsey) 24 

Sig Insert two high in vagina. 

Tablets for Miscellaneous Uses. A few 
specialized items such as dental cooes arc 
used in the mouth llotycm Dcmal Cones 
are composed of a sodium bicarbonate and a 
sodium chlondc base This base will dis 

Evaluation of Solid Dosage Forms 127 

integrate and dissolve in the small amount 
of serum present m approximately V4 hour. 
The dent^ cone is loosely packed in the 
socket after tooth extraction and contains an 
antibiotic to prevent local multiplication of 

Tablets are at times used for convenience 
in extemporaneous preparations for local 
use. Tablets such as potassium permanganate 
tablets and Mercurochrome tablets are used 
to prepare cleansmg and disinfecting solu- 
tions. Tablets are available for preparing 
solutions to be used for chemical stenhxa- 
tion of instruments One Mercury Bichloride 
Large Poison Tablet dissolved m a pint of 
water yields a 1:1,0QQ solution for disin- 

Reagent tablets for diagnosUc tests are 
used by clinics and the patient for self-diag- 
nosis. Acetest reagent tablets are used to 
test for ketonuna; Hematest reagent tablets 
are used to detect occult blood; and Ictotest 
reagent tablets are used to test for urinaiy 

The DisPENstNG of Tablets 

Ta blets should be dispensed in gla ss or 

plas tig^K nr glass^ nftles. Tablm ^ould 

not be touc hed bv the han ds during packag- 
ing procedures. Professional appearance is 
enhanced bj' using an Abbott samtaiy count- 
ing tray which elunmates the fingers touching 
the tablets or other prefabricated dosages. 
Not only is handling unsanitary, but moisture 
from t he hands may cause coat ed mblets to 
dull and to stic k. Colton should'be 'placed 
in the vial on top of thejablets. 

WEenTa'pTcscriptionris written for only a 
few tablets, they may be placed in a cello- 
phane envelope and dispensed in a card- 
board box. 

Tablets should b e sto red in ri^ con- 
tainers.TTth'e'ta blels ' coniam ^ drug^that is 
photosCDsluve, th e tablets mu st be dis pensed 
m a5~5tfiberbottle or vi ai. Exposure to ex- 
cesslve h eat, strong light a nd moisture is to 
be avoide d. 


Chemical Identity and purity of prefabri- 
cated solids ore implied warranties. Self- 

Fio. 48. Sanitary capsule, pill and tablet 
counting tray. (Abbott) 

analysis and control are left largely to phar- 
maceutical industry. The pharmaceutical 
company develops its own assays and speci- 
fications for new drugs and dosage forms 
with the approval of the F.D A. As chemical 
analysis by the practiemg phannacUt is not 
feasible, he must rely on the reputation of 
the manufacturer. TTiere are certain tests 
which may be carried out in the pharmacy 
without any elaborate equipment or great 
expenditure of time. These will help to evalu- 
ate some of the desirable characteristics of 
solid dosage fonns. 

Accurate Weight. The U.S P. weight varia- 
tion tests provide limits for the variation 
from the observed average in capsules and 
from the average gross weight for tablets. 

To determine the wei^t variations for 
hard capsules, 20 mtact capsules are weighed 
and the average gross weight is calculated. 
The weight of each individual capsule must 
weigh between 90 and 110 per cent of the 
average gross weight. 

If all capsules do not meet this require- 
ment, the test may be expanded. Then 20 
capsules are weighed individually. The con- 
tents of the 20 capsules are removed and 
combined. The weight of the total contents 
and the average weight are found. Each cap- 
sule shell is weighed individually. The net 

128 Solid Dosage Forms 

^velght of each capsule content is calculated 
by subtracting the \seight of the shell from 
the respective gross eight The difference 
between the net weight and the average 
weight should not exceed 10 per cent for 
more than 2 capsules, and m no case should 
the difference be greater than 25 per cent 

If more than 2 but less than 7 capsules 
deviate from the average between 10 and 
25 per cent, the net wci^ls of an additional 
40 capsules are determined and the average 
content of the entire 60 capsules is found 
To meet specifications not more than 6 of 
the 60 capsules may exceed 10 per cent of 
the ascrage, and in no case may the dtiTer- 
cncc exceed 25 per cent 

The weight vanation tolerances for un- 
coated tablets arc given in Table 18 Twenty 
tablets arc weighed individually The aver- 
age weight IS calculated For the tablets to be 
acceptable, the weights of not more than 2 
of the tablets may differ from the average 
weight by no more than the percentage tabu- 
lated and no tablet may diifer by more than 
double the per cent 

Organoleptic Evaluation. The homogeneity 
of capsule contents and tablets may be judged 
by visual cxammation Speckled powders or 
tablets indicate improper and mcomplctc 
blending of ingredients and heterogeneous 
listnbution of the active mcdiciasls la 

Table 18. Weight Variation Tolerances 
FOR Uncoated Tablets 

Average Weight op 


Tablet in Mo 


13 or less 


From 13 through 130 


From 130 through 324 


More than 324 


scored tablets the drug must be uniformly dis- 
tributed If the tablet is divided, the patient 
will receive that portion of the total active 
ingredient m the intact tablet only if the 
enure tablet is homogeneously blended 

The naked eye readily detects Jack of 
uniformity or motilmg m a colored tablet 
Multiple layered tablets are often laminated 
into several distinct layers to avoid chemical 
and physical mcompaubilities Some tablets, 
such as NaJdccon or Concidm Mcdilcts, are 
color-speckled tablets Although these tablets 
as a whole are not uniform, each layer or 
granule is homogeneous 

Detenoraiion of solids may be detected 
visually or by odor Aspino tablets which are 
improperly formulated, improperly stored or 
exposed to moisture undergo hydrolysis On 
opening a contamer of such tablets, the odor 
of acetic acid formed during bydrolysts ts 
quickly discernible Tablets may fade or 
darken in color mdicaung that an unwanted 
acUon has occurred. 

Hardness. Capsules may be examined for 
cracks or dents and for brittleness Tablets 
that are chipped or cracked are not suitable 
for dispensing 

The resistance of tablets to mechanical 
wear is shown in breakage and abrasion, and 
It IS governed by the tensile strength of the 
compressed tablet The hardness of a tablet 
1 $ expressed as that force required to break 
the tablet. Hardness is used to characterize 
tablets because it is simple and convenient 
to measure Hardness is measured by the 
Strong Cobb, the Pdzer and the Stokes Hard- 
ness Testers Hardness is expressed in kilo- 
grams of force applied Although the instru- 
ments give different hardness v^ucs for a set 
of tablets, it has been found that a constant 
ratio of hardness results with the Strong Cobb 
Tester giving results 1 6 times those of the 
Stokes Tester. 

Evaluahon of Solid Dosage Forms 129 


Fio 50 Linear rtlationship of loga- 
rithm of compressiooal force and hard 
ocss of a tablet (Higuchi, T Rao, A N , 
Busse, L.W,andSwintosky, J V } Am 
Pharm Ass 42 194, 1953) 

Tlie practicing pharmacist may test tablets 
by snapping them between bis thumb and 
forefinger U the (ablets do not snap readily, 
they are too hard and may disintegrate with 
difficulty Oral tablets normally have a hard- 
ness from 4 to 6, however, sustained release 
tablets and troches are compressed to at 
least 10 

As shown m Figures 50 and 51, hardness 
IS proportional to the loganthm of the force 
of compression and inversely proportional 
to the porosity of a tablet The greater the 
force of compression used m. manufactunng 
a tablet, the less porous and the harder the 
tablet wiU be Although increasing the hard- 
ness makes a more elegant and a less friable 
tablet, the high force of compression reduces 
the void space or porosity With a reduction 
m porosity, penetration of dissolving or dis- 
mtegratmg Quids mto the tablet is diminished, 
consequently slowing or preventing dism- 
tegrationof the tablet. 

Disintegration. Dismtegration tunc limits 
are not specified for capsules, since the 
gelatin shell dissolves rapidly m the gastro- 
intestinal tract A hard gdaun capsule placed 


Fig si Linear relaUonship of the hard- 
ness and the porosity of a tablet (Higuchi, 

T , Rao, A N , Busse, L W , and Swin- 
tosky, J V J Am Pharm Ass 42 194, 

m water at 37^C should release its contents 
within 10 minutes 

Factors determining the disintegration of 
tablets are the physical and the chemical 
properties of the granulation, the hardness 
and the porosity A tablet is generally formu- 
lated with a disintegrating agent, which will 
cause the tablet to rupture and fall apart in 
water or gastric fluid 

Dismtegration does not imply complete 
solution of the tablet or the drug Complete 
disintegration is that condition m which any 
tablet residue remainmg on the screen of a 
disintegration apparatus is a soft mass having 
no palpably firm core Normally, the dism- 
tegration tune of a tablet is tested, but the 
tune required for solution of the drug is not 

Most lubricants utilized m tablet produc- 
tion are hydrophobic substances Excessive 
lubncani will retard disintegration by pre- 
ventmg the penetration of water mto the 
tablet. A tablet with a great void space will 

130 Solid Doioge Forms 

Pic 52 Expoaeniial rebttoosbip be 
tween disinte^tioQ lime and the com 
pre&sional force (Higuchi, T , Rao, A. N , 
Bime. L W and Swiotosky J V J Am 
Pharm. Ass 42 194. 1953) 

be peaetrated by fluid and dissolve or di$> 
utegrate more rapidly than a bard, com 
pressed tablet with >e^ low porosity 

As shown m Figure 52, it nos been deter* 
mined that the logarithm of disintegration 
time is proportional to the force of com 

The simplest means of testing the dism- 
tegration of a tablet is to drop it m a ^ass 
of water With occasional, gentle agitation 
the tablet should disintegrate in 15 to 50 

The USP disintegration apparatus con* 
sists of a basket rack holdmg 6 opcu'cnd 
glass tubes with a 10 mesh screen on the 
undersurface The basket-rack is immersed 
in a 1 liter beaker contaimng an appropriate 
fluid at 37°C The basket rack is raised and 
lowered through a distance of 5 to 6 cm, at 
the rate of 30 cycles per minute The volume 
of fluid used is such that, during the opera* 
uon, the basket rack is never less than 2 S 
cm below the surface of the fluid or abose 
the bottom of the beaker 

Each glass tube is supplied with a per- 
forated, grooved disk which u placed on 

top of the tablet to simulate movement of the 
gastromlestioal tract 

A tablet IS placed m each glass tube and 
a disk IS added The basket rack, is immersed 
and moved through the fluid for the time 
specified m the monograph At the end of 
this time, when the basket rack is lifted, all 
tablets should ba\e dismtcgrated completely 

If 1 or 2 tablets did not disintegrate com- 
pletely, the test IS repeated with 12 additional 
tablets Not less than 16 of the 18 tablets 
must dismtegrate completely to meet speci- 

Plain coated tablets are tested by first plac- 
a tablet m each glass tube and imroeisu^ 
m water at room temperature for 5 minutes 
to wash oS any soluble external coatmg A 
disk IS added to each glass tube, and the 
apparatus is operated for 30 mmutes usmg 
artificial gastric fluid at 37"C After 30 
minutes the basket rack is lifted and the 
tablets are observed. If the tablets have not 
completely dismtcgrated, they are immersed 
at simulated mtestmal fluid and observed 
The tablets should disintegrate m the tune 
specified m the monograph If 1 or 2 tablets 
fail to disintegrate completely, the procedure 
is repeated with 12 additional tablets To 
meet specificatioos, not less than 16 of the 
18 tablets must disintegrate completely 

Entenc-coated tablets arc tested by plac- 
ing a tablet m each glass tube and immersing 
m water at room temperature for 5 mmutes 
to wash off any soluble external coatmg The 
apparatus is operated for an hour usmg simu- 
lated gastnc fluid After an hour the basket- 
rack IS lifted and the tablets arc observed 
No distmcave dissolution or dismtcgration 
should be seen A disk is added to each glass 
tube The apparatus is operated m simulated 
mtestmal fluid for a period of time equal to 
2 hours plus the time limit specified m the 
individual monograph Then the basket rack 
IS lifted and observed All of the tablets 
should have dismtcgrated completely If 1 
or 2 tablets fail to dismtegrate completely, 
the test IS repeated with 12 additional tablets 
To meet specifications, not less than 16 of 
the 18 tablets must dismtegrate completely 

Buccal tablets are tested m the same way 
as uncoated tablets but without disks The 
basket rack is immersed m water for 4 hours 
After 4 hours the basket rack is lifted and 

Coafing of Solids 131 

the tablets are observed All tablets should 
have disintegrated 

The U S P tablet disintegration test does 
not apply to tablets exceeding 15 mm m 
diameter, troches, tablets for hypodermic 
solution, chewable tablets, repeat action and 
sustamed release tablets 
Hypodermic tablets are tested for solubil 
ity A hypodermic tablet should dissolve com- 
pletely, producing a clear solution, wthin 2 
mmutes when shaken gently m a test tube 
containing 2 5 ml of water 

Chapter 2 should be consulted for a dis 
cussion of the limitations of such tests in 
evaluating therapeutic efficacy 


A coatmg can be appbed to a tablet, a piU, 
a granule or a capsule A coatmg may be 
appbed to a solid dosage form to mcrease the 
stabili^ if the drug is ^ected by atmospheric 
moisture or oxygen, to mask an tmpleasant 
taste, to retard loss of volatile mgredients, 
to improve the appearance of the solid form 
or to identify the finished product as being 
manufactured by a particular pharmaceutical 
firm A coating may control the site of action, 
as with enteric coatmg, or it may regulate the 
release of the drug, as with repeat action 

Fio 53 An mdustnal apparatus for tesUo^ tablet dismtegrauon tune. (Dorsey 


Solid Dosage Forms 

106 n 

Anunoiuum chloride Enseals 05 

Dispense SO 

Sig Tw o tablets every 4 hours. 

107 n 

Ferrous sulfate C C., 0 2 No 36 

Sig One tablet ti d p c 

103 I) 

Coryia H “A” (Richards) 30 

Sig One q 3 hrs for cold 

109 I) 

Pagitan S C Orange No SO 

Sig One three tunes a day 

Sugar Coatikg 

Commercially, the majonty of the coaled 
dosage forms are covered by a sugar coal- 
ing The coat is approximately 0 4 to 0 S mm 
m thickness The maximum weight applied to 
a tablet by coating is approximately equal to 
the weight of the uncoated tablet The 
amount of matenal depends on the number 
of coats requued to smooth and color the 

Tablets that arc to be coated arc com- 
pressed with a deep concave punch and die 
set, producing a tablet approaching a spher- 
ical shape This allows the tablet (o be cov- 
ered more uniformly in the shortest time 
Tablets to be coated may be compressed 
harder than uncoated tablets because they 
must withstand the additional processing 
All dust must be removed from the tablets 
prior to coating or the tablets will not be uni- 
formly smooth 

Sugar coating requires expcncncc and 
elaborate equipment which die community 
pharmacist docs not have at his disposal The 
industrial equipment consists of motor-dnven 
coating and polishing pans to which on ex- 
haust and a hot air system with a blower is 
connected The coating pans are made of 
stainless steel or copper Polishing pans arc 
lined with canvas This Immg polishes the 
tablets as they slide against the fabnc Steam 
kcldcs are required to mamtam the coaling 
solutions m a pourable state 

Subcoatiog IS effected by the alicmale 
wetting of the tablet with subcoaung solution 
and application of a coating powder when the 
tablets are partially dry This procedure 
rounds oil the sharp edges and builds the 

tablet to the desired shape Modified solu- 
tions of syrup and gelatin arc used os a sub- 
coating solution Calcium carbonate, starch, 
sugar and kaolin may be used m the coating 

^fedlum Subcoating Syrup 






57 25 

Distilled water 

38 25 

Subcoaung Ponder 

Cidcium carbonate 










If a tablet contains a hygroscopic in- 
gredient, a scaling coat is applied so ^at the 
water from the solutions applied will not be 
absorbed by the tablet Such moisture would 
eventually penetrate the coating, resulting m 
discoloration and deterioration of the tablet 
Pharmaceutical glaze or shellac is dis- 
solved m warm alcohol and allowed to stand 
until soluuon is complete 
Sealing Coat 

Shellac 40% 

Alcohol 60 

The dust free tablets are placed m a coat- 
ing pan A small amount of shellac solution 
IS applied to the rolling tablets The opera- 
tor usually ensures even distnbulion of the 
shellac by mixing the rolling tablets with his 
hand After S minutes of roUmg, the cold air 
IS turned on to dry the shellac After 10 
minutes the tablets arc diy A second addi- 
tion. one half the volume of the first coat, is 
applied and dried Two coats tisually are 
adequate for scaling purposes Excessive 
coating with shellac will mterfere with the 
disintegration of the tablet 

After the tablet has been sealed, the 
gelatin syrup at 60®C is added to the pre- 
heated tablets m a rotating coating pan The 
tablets arc immediately stirred with the hand 
to distribute the solution When the gelatin 
syrup IS partially dry (as mdicatcd by the 
t^lcts bcginnmg to form a ball), the sub- 
coating powder is immediately sprmkicd into 
the coating pan until no w ct tablets show and 
the tablets roll freely An excessive amount 
of subcoaUng powder should be avoided 

Coafing of Solids 133 

When the subcoating powder has been 
taken up by the tablets, the wann air is 
turned on until the tablets are dry This re- 
quires approximately 15 minutes for small 

When the tablets are dry, the warm air is 
shut off and the coating procedure is re- 
peated until the tablets are nicely shaped and 
coated This may require from 5 to 30 coats 

Smoothing is the alternate wetting with a 
smoothmg syrup and drying of the subcoated 
tablets until they are properly rounded and 
smooth Syrups are used as the smoothing 

Smoothing Syrup 

Sugar 60% 

Distilled water 40 

With the tablets rotating m a clean and 
dust free pan, the syrup solution at bC’C 
IS added After 5 to 10 minutes, when the 
rotating tablets appear dull and toll freely, 
warm air is turned on When the tablets are 
dry, the process is repeated until the coating 
IS smooth Drying requires approximately 
20 minutes Five to 25 coats may be neces- 
sary to smooth the tablets 

Colormg. With colored tablets, a certified 
dye IS added to the smoothmg coat and the 
depth of color is gradually built up by suc- 
cessive coats In the initial application, the 
syrup IS colored lightly After several coats 
have been applied, several more coats of a 
more highly colored syrup are applied Sue 
ceedmg coats are made darker m color until 
the last coat has the desired shade This slow 
development of color prevents moiUmg of 
the coat 

A stock coloring syrup may contain from 
0 1 to 0 6 per cent of a certified dye The first 
colored syrup may be a 1 15 dilution of the 
slock colonng syrup, thus, the first colored 
syrup may have the dye present m 0 005 to 
0 04 per cent concentration 

Fimshing is the slow, controlled drymg of 
the last sjrup coat applied to the tablet The 
coaung pan is rotated manually with slow 
drymg so that a very smooth finish is formed 
When the last syrup is applied, the opening 
to the coating pan is covered with a cloth 
The pan is rotated by hand through one half 
a revolution cveiy 10 to IS nunutes during 
a 2 hour period 

I Qtt 

Fio 54 (Above) Sugar-coated tablets 
showing the subcoating, the smoothing 
and the coloring coats (Below) Enteric 
coated tablets 

Polishmg, the final step, is the application 
of a thin layer of a glossy wax The wax may 
be dissolved m warm naphtha or petroleum 
benzine, and the solution is added to the 
tablets which are allowed to rotate until the 
solvent has evaporated The polishing mix- 
ture may be dusted on as a solid which is 
picked up by the rotaung tablets 
Polishing Mixture 

Beeswax 90% 

Camauba wax 10 

In the sugar coaung process considerable 
time IS spent m sealing, rounding and smooth 
ing the tablet and m overcommg the white 
background during the colonng phase A 
suggested modification of this process pro- 
duces a coating about half as thick and re- 
quires half as much Ume 

The tablets are given 2 coats of acacia, 
using a gclatm soluuon as the adhesive A 
colorant is added to the gelatin solution so 
that colormg begins immediately The tablets 
are scaled with one coat of a gum or a resin 
m a suitable solvent Shellac m alcohol may 
be used A pigmented coating suspension is 
now applied Generally, 25 coats are ade- 
quate to develop the desued color The 
tablet IS then polished m the convcnuonal 

Film Coating 

Film coatmg is the rapid process by which 
a thm film of coaling matcnal is applied or 

Fio 55 A technician operating a batlciy of coating pans (each with the capacity of from 
75 000 to 250 000 tablets) and one polishing drum (F J Stokes) 

spcay'ed onto tablets The process of sugar 
coating has the disadvantage of being slow 
and involving much labor and it greatly in 
creases the weight of the dosage form Film 
coating has none of these disadvantages 
Film-coatcd tablets retain their original shape 
and the thin film permits designs unpnnted 
on the tablet to be seen The film coat will 
masL. unpleasant taste and protect the tablet 
from the atmosphere 

There IS no significant change in disintc 
gration of a film<oa(cd tablet oompanrd with 
that of the uncoated tablet. Most film coats 
will add a luster to a dull imcoated tablet, if 
required a film-coatcd tablet may be polished 

m the same maoner as a sugar coated tablet. 

In general the tablets arc given a sealing 
coat after which a solution of ccllulosic 
polymers is applied or sprayed on the tablets 
HydroxycthyIccUulosc sodium caiboxy 
mcthylccUuIosc and cellulose acetate phth^ 
ate have been used m various combinations 
with pol) ethylene glycol and polyvmylpyr 
rolidonc m alcoholic solvents Zem dispersed 
m isopropanol by means of the Spans and 
Tweens has also t^cn used 
110 It 

Erythromid Filmtabs 50 

Sig Three Q J D 

Coating of Solids 135 

Air Suspension Coating 
The Wurster process is an air suspension 
method for the rapid coatmg of granules, 
ponders and tablets The sohds to be coated 
are fed mto a vertical cylinder and supported 
on a column of air which is being adimtted 
conUnuousIy from the bottom of the cylinder 
m such a volume and at such a pressure that 
the solids remam suspended Because of the 
action of the an stream and the pressure drop 
at the top of the cylmder, the sohds rotate 
m both horizontal and vertical planes The 
coatmg solution is adimtted at a controlled 
rate The air coming mto the cylinder is 
heated to provide rapid drying of the coat- 
mg syrup Roimdmg coats on tablets are 
applied in less than an hour 
The Wurster process may be used to pro- 
duce granulations It will granulate rapidly 
and It needs no separate drymg blending or 
gnndmg procedures 

Press Coating 

Press coatmg is the process by which a 
fine, dry granulation is compressed around a 
core tablet fonnmg what has been called a 
'tablet withm a tablet ’ Press coating is 
faster and more economical than the pan 
coating process, as no sealmg or pohshmg 
IS required Incompatibilities caused by mois 
ture are avoided, smce (he press coatmg 
rocess is moisture free Press coated tablets 
ave less weight variation and may be com- 
pressed softer than pan-coated tablets The 
compccssioa coolmg process can be used to 
coat tablets of any shape and size Press- 
coated tablets can be engraved or embossed 
more sharply than con film-coated tablets 
Press-coating machmes are of two types 
In one type the core is compressed on a 
standard tablet machme and fed mto the com- 
pression coater The second type is basically 
two rotary machmes with a smgle drive shaft 
and transfer device so that the compression 
of the core and the coatmg is a contmuous 

In addition to being used to coat a tablet, 
the process may be used to prevent contact 
between mcompatible mgredients of the 
tablet One of the incompatible drugs is com- 
pressed m the core, and the other drug is 
compressed m the coat or the shell separating 

Fig s 6 Press-coated tablets and modified 
press-coated tablets 

the reactmg drugs This technic has also been 
used with lammated multiple compressed 
tablets Each mcompatible drug is granulated 
and compressed separately, fonnmg a 
finished tablet with two or more layers, each 
containmg one of the mcompatible drugs 
Press coatmg has found wide application 
m repeat action and controlled release medi- 
cation In a repeat action tablet, the core is 
treated so that it does not dismtegrate until 
4 to 6 hours have elapsed, while the shell 
dismtegrates rapidly releasmg its drug for 
the initial dose of the medication 
111 i> 

Pabuin A C Buffered 50 

Sig Two Q I D 
112. B 

BoaadoAin Tablets 30 

Sig One b s 
113 B 

Pynbenzamine Ephednne 24 

Sig. Oncq 4hrs 

Enteric Coating 

A dosage form is cntcnc-coated if the 
coatmg prevents the dismtegration of the 
tablet m the stomach but permits disintegra- 
tion m the mtesUnol tract Such a coatmg is 
needed when a drug is decomposed or maett- 
vated by the pH or the digestive eD 2 )’mcs of 
the stomach, is imtatmg to the stomach or 
is to be placed m the specific area of the m- 

136 Solid Dosage Forms 

114 n 

Diasone Sodium 330 mg 

Give 60 Enterabs. 

Sig Ooe daily 

115 Jl 

Gentian violet Enseals, V6 gr No 24 
Sig Twot 1 d. 

116 n 

Pituitary Body Anterior Lobe 50 
Dispense 2V4 gr EmpIcL 
Sig As directed 

Biologic variation ailccts the release of 
medication from an entcric-coated dosage 
form The emptying tune for the stomal 
may vary from a few nunutes to as much as 
12 hours The research and developmental 
pharmacist uses the aserage stomach cmpiy- 
mg tunc of 6 hours m formulatmg an eotcnc 
coaung Solid dosage forms remain for a 
shorter period of time m an empty stomach 
than m a full stomach It is generally con 
sidcrcd advisable to administer an cotenc* 
coated product 2 hours before meals — the 
time when the most uniform emptying ts ob> 

Vonation m pH m the regions of the 
gastrointestinal tract make it preferable that 
an enteric coat disintegmte mdcpcndcot of 
pH More recent cntenc coatings arc based 
on the time requued for dismlcgratioo of the 
coaung when in contact with moisture One 
such entcnc coating is a muture of powdered 
waxes such as camauba wax or stcanc acid 
and vegetable fibers of agar and elm bark 
\Vhen the tablets arc adimmstcrcd, the vege- 
table fibers imbibe water, swell and begin Uic 
process of dismtcgrauon By varymgibeiauo 
of the vegetable fibers to the wax and by vary- 
mg the thickness of the coating the tunc 
required for dismtegmuon may be controlled. 

Gclatm polymerized with formaldehyde, 
stearic acid, salol, keraun or resms has ^cn 
used as an catena coating substance with 
lumted success 

The pracucing pharmacist may be called 
on to coat a capsule, a tablet or a piU wvib an 
cntenc coatmg The traditional salol coat 
used for extemporaneous cntenc coating has 
been replaced to some extent by one consist- 
ing of n butyl stearate, carnauba wax and 

stcanc acid All resist the action of the gastnc 
fluid, but, with the excepuon of camauba 
wax, they are hydrolyzed m the mtesUne 

Forty five parts of n butyl slcaraie, 30 
parts of carnauba wax and 25 parts of stcanc 
acid are fused at 75®C. and are mamtamed 
at this temperature dunng the coatmg 
process The capsule is held at one end with 
mcczcjs and dipped somewhat more than 
half its length into the coaung mixture The 
capsule IS withdrawn, its free end is touched 
to the hp of the dish to remove excess coat- 
ing mixture, and it is placed on a Ulc The 
operation is repeated until one end of each 
of the capsules has been coated Then the 
coating IS completed by grasping the capsule 
carefully at the coated end and by dipping it 
in such a fashion that the coals overlap The 
cycle should be repeated once to ensure an 
adequate coaung Although it is possible to 
coat tablets and pills by this iconic, it is 
difficult to obtain pharmaccuucal elegance 

A more recent method of coating with 
cellulose acetate phihaJate may be used to 
produce acceptable eotenc<oated tablets, 
capsules or pills Cellulose acetate phtholate 
has been widely used commercially The dis- 
mtegration or dissolution of cellulose acetate 
pbthalatc docs not require fluids with a high 
pH but only soluuons vvhicli will contnbutc 
ions to the phthabtc carboxyl group and en- 
hance the solubility of cellulose acetate 
phtholate m aqueous medium. Cellulose ace- 
tate phihalatc coaungs also disintegrate due 
to the bydroIyUc effects of the esterases of the 
intestinal tract 

Cellulose acetate phthalate may be used 
extemporaneously A 10 per cent solution 
of cellulose acetate phtholate m acetone is 
placed m a small viaj A capsule is dropped 
mto the soluUon and removed with tweezers 
The capsule is allowed to touch the lip of 
the vial to catch any excess solution The 
capsule IS held m the tweezen for a mmute. 
after which it is placed on gauze In this 
manner oil of the capsules arc coated The 
cycle IS repeated until 3 coats have been 

This method has the advantage that no 
heat IS used in the coatmg process, there is 
little mcrcasc m weight of the dosage form, 
and tablets may be coated as well as pills 
and capsules 

Molded Solid Dosage Forms 




f ^ 

! non 

I oon 



O C ^ 
o GOO 

Fig 57 Capsules and tablets entenc*co3ted with cellulose acetate phtbalate or a mixture 
of o butyl stearate-camauba wax steanc ac d (Parrott £.1^1 Pfaaim Ass NSI 
158 1961) 

Tablet fnturates are prepared by forcing 
moistened ingredients into a mold under 
manual pressure Tablet tnturates are Sat 
faced tablets with a diameter of approxi 
mately 5 mm The diluent used m tablet 
tnturates is lactose or a mixture of lactose 
and sucrose 

Tablet tnturates are adimmstered by plac 
ing on the tongue and swallowing with a 
drmk of water The advantage of tablet trilu 
rates is their rapid disintegration and solu 
tion Tablet tnturates are fragile and their 
small size makes them unsuitable for drugs 
With large doses 

Some tablet tnturates are made by com 
pression but many tablet tnturates are still 
produced by manual moldmg although the 
method is costly The community pharmacist 
is rarely required to prepare a tablet tnturate 
extemporaneously The procedure for pre- 
paring tablet tnturates in the pharmacy will 
be found m American Pharmacy * 

• Sprowls, J B Amencao Phannacy 3lh cd. 
Philadelphia. Lippincotl, I960 

Hypodermic tablets are mtended to be dis 
solved in water and the solution is to be m 
jecied parenterally Hypodermic tablets are 
smaller than tablet tnturates m order to 
facditate placing the hypodennic tablet in 
the barrel of the syringe Solution of hypo 
dermic tablets must be rapid and complete 
It IS doubtful that solutions prepared m this 
manner are sterile 

Hypodermic tablets arc packaged m tubes 
of 20 tablets It is preferred that they be dis 
pensed in the onginal tube m which they arc 
packaged to restnet contamination and to 
limit the breakage of the fragile tablets 

Tablet tnturates are dispensed m a snap-on 
or screw-cap vial or glass container usmg 
cotton on the bottom and on the top of the 
tablets to prevent breakage 

117 U 

T T Sacchann soluble 1 gr 100 
Sig Use as a sugar substitute 

118 n 

T T Codeine sulfate 1 gr No 12 
Sig One for pain p r n. 

}3S SoUd Dotage Forms 

119 n 

H T Scopolamine hjdrobro- 
midc <X32 mg 

Dispense 1 tube. 

Sig Use as directed 

Pills arc oval or spherical solid masses 
contauiiog drugs to be administered orally 
The usual p^l^^clghs from lOQ to 300 tng 

Pills have declined m use until it has be* 
come a curiosity for a pharmacist to be called 
on to compound an extemporaneous pill Al- 
though some pills are still produced by phar- 
maceutical mdustiy, the tablet and the cap- 
sule have largely replaced the pill as a dosage 
form Pills have no advantages not found m 
tablets or capsules 

In prepanng a piU the powdered mgrcdi- 
ents arc thoroughly blended The appropnalc 
excipient is carefully added and the mass is 
formed by applymg considerable pressure 
with the pestle When the mass is plastic and 
cohesive but not sticky, it is removed from 
Uic mortar and kneaded with the bands The 
correct consistency is reached when the mass 
tends to peel from the sides of the mortar 

The mass is kneaded m the hands until no 
cracks show The mass is then rolled be- 
tween the palms into a ball Thu ball is 
placed on a pill tile and rolled into a c>lindcr 
The cylinder is cut mto the required number 
of segments 

The cut segments arc shaped by roUmg 
one pill at a tune in the palm of one band 
Vritli the hngcr of the other 

Since pills arc now so little used, it has not 
been deemed necessary to repeal the details 
of ihcir production TTicsc may be found m 
earlier texts 

120 n 

Alophen pills IS 

Sig 12b.s 

121 n 

Cathartic Compound, Brown, 

O C No 20 

Sig Twoptllsasalaxauve 

Lozenges dissolve slowly m the saliva, 
medicating the throat for a prolonged time 
Those sold over the counter, such os Allcn- 
bury’s Pastilles and cough drops, are pleas- 
antly flavored to appeal to the sense of taste 

Various t}-pcs of lozenges, such as troches 
and pastilles, arc prepared by molding masses 
Some are prepared similarly to pills with a 
diilerencc m the final form Others arc manu- 
factured by molding a hot mass which solidi- 
fies on cooling In general a lozenge consists 
of the mcdicmal agent, flavors, sugar and 
gelatin or a gum. 

One candy base is prepared commercially 
by combining 1,200 lbs of sugar, 1,000 lbs 
of 43® Baumc com syrup and 560 lbs of 
water Warm water is metered into a tank 
equipped with an agitator The sugar is added 
to the water By means of a steam jacket the 
sugar solution is heated (o 40‘’C The com 
syrup at the same temperature is metered 
mto the tank After thorough mixmg the mass 
IS pumped mto the cookers 

The mass is heated to I15®C for a short 
penod under atmosphenc pressure The syrup 
is pumped through a cod, which is surrounded 
by high pressure steam, and reaches a tem- 
perature of I45®C A vacuum is appLcd for 
approxunatcly 10 minutes and water is with- 
drawn At this stage, the candy base consists 
of approximately two thirds sucrose solids, 
one third com syrup solids and less than 1 
percent water 

Drugs, color and flavors are thoroughly 
mued mto the molten mass As the tempera- 
ture of the candy will be approximately 
90*C, ihcrmolabdc drugs cannot be incor- 
porated m a candy base The mixture is 
mechanically kneaded and drawn mto a thm 
rope on a spinnuig machine The rope is cut 
and shaped by a dic-comprcssmg machine 
The lozcoges are cooled on moving belts by 
jets of cool air 

In order to assure stability, troches are 
packaged in foil or waxed paper to minimize 
moisture absorption from the atmosphere 

122. K 

Candettn I box 

Sig For relief of sore throat 

123 n 

BaciJIets 20 

Sig One troche q 2 hr 

124 n 

SucrcU 1 box 

Sig. Dissolve without swallowing. 

Sustained Release Pharmaceuticals 139 

125 B 

Synkayvite C Lozenges 100 

Sig Two troches t i d 


Sustained-release medication was mtro- 
duced mto the Umted States about 1952 At 
present, sustamed-release medication repre- 
sents about 5 per cent of the total phanna- 
ceutical market Although 3 major firms pro- 
duce 73 4 per cent of the sustained release 
medication, there are approximately 50 
manufacturers that produce sustained release 

Long actmg oral products have been de- 
scnbed by various ambiguous terras A sus- 
tained-release product is one in which a drug 
is mitially made available to the body m an 
amount sufficient to cause a rapid onset of 
the desired therapeutic response, after which 
the level of therapeuuc response is main- 
tained at the initial level for a desired number 
of hours beyond the activity resulting from 
a conventional dose A sustamed-release 
product must be formulated so that the rate 
of release of the drug, after the initial con- 
centration, IS equal to the rate at which the 
drug IS eliminated or inactivated As such a 
release is difficult to produce, most prepara- 
tions are prolonged-action products 
A prolonged-action product is one m 
which a drug is mitially made available to 
the body m an amount sufficient to produce 
the desired therapeutic response quickly and 
which then provides for replacement of the 
disappearmg drug at a cate which mneases 
the duration of therapeutic activity compared 
with that of a single dose 
Repeat action dosage forms are not pro- 
longed acting products A repeat-action prep- 
aration miualiy provides a single dose of a 
drug, and, after several hours, when the 
therapeutic response of the initial dose has 
ceos^, it provides a second smgle dose 
By cxpcneocc, medical science has found 
that there is a certam amount of a drug which 
will be required to produce a desired effect 
m the majority of patients This dose or scrum 
level IS knoiMi as the mimmum efiecUve dose 


Fio 58 A massive dose results in 
longer duration of activity, but the serum 
level rises to a toxic level uutially 

(M ED) Any dosage which falls below 
the minunum effective dose does not produce 
the desired effect 

Ideally, a sustained release solid dosage 
form given once daily should provide suffi- 
cient drug immediately to produce a rapid, 
miual therapeutic response and should mam- 
tam this level of response for 12 hours on a 
smgle administration Prolonged effect may 
be achieved by administering massive doses 
of a drug This is not an effective method, 
because, initially, the concentration of the 
drug greatly exceeds the M E. D Any dose 
that exceeds the M E D is wasted drug, 
smee the desired therapeutic response is ob- 
tamed at the M E D hfassive doses produce 
a drug concentration that approaches the 
toxic dose of the drug and markedly increases 
unwanted side effects 

140 Solid Oosago Forms 

Fio 59 The scrum level obtained by 
the admimstratioo of 1 tablet or capsule 
3 times a day compared with the scrum 
level obtained from an ideal sustained 
release tablet or capsule 

A soluble drug v>ith a halMife of 2 hours 
has a M E D scrum level of 30 y/ml A 
250 mg and a 500 mg capsule produce a 
maximum scrum level of 100 and 180 y/ml . 
respectively Because the capsule dissolves 
rapidly and the soluble drug u quickly dis* 
solved and absorbed the time required for 
release and absorption into the blood stream 
IS small and may be ignored Assuming a 
first order elimination from the blood, one 
can see in Figure 58 that by doubling the 
oral dose the scrum level is maintained above 
the Af E D for approximately 2 additionaf 

A conventional capsule, tablet or pill usu- 
ally IS admmistcrcd 3 or 4 times daily to 
evoke and maintain the desrreJ therapeutre 
response Imtially each dose will produce a 
maximum drug concentration far above the 
M E. D As the drug is eliminated and in- 
activated, the drug conccniration falls below 
the M E D Below this level die therapeutic 
cflcct IS inadequate until the next dose is ad- 
ministered Thus multi-doses arc wasteful 
and inadequate 

If a 250 mg capsule of the soluble drug 
with a half life of 2 hours were presenbed 
to be administered 3 times a day, a patient 

would probably take a capsule at 8 00 a m , 
2 00 P M and 8 00 p M and no medication 
durmg the mght As shown lu Figure 59, 
durmg the 12 hours immediately ^tcr the 
beginning of administration, the scrum level 
would be adequate approximately 60 per cent 
of the tune There arc 4 7 hours when the 
scrum level falls below the hf E D In a 24- 
hour interval there would be II 2 hours of 
adequate scrum levels, approxunatcly 50 per 
cent of the 24'hour period would have thera- 
peutically effective scrum concentration 

An ideal sustamed release dosage form 
will maintain a constant and uniform drug 
release and concentration as shown m Fig- 
ure 59 With sustained release, the maxima 
in drug concentration shown with multi doses 
arc eliminated with a more economical uti- 
lization of the drug and fewer side clTccts 
Sustained release eliminates the fall of drug 
concentration below the M E D so that the 
patient IS receiving a therapeutically adequate 
amount of the drug at all times The elum- 
nation of the maxima reduces the total 
amount of the drug needed to obtain con- 
tinuity of the desired response So much drug 
may be wasted m the maxima that three con- 
ventional 50 mg tablets can be replaced by 
100 mg of the drug m a sustamed release 
form With the sustamed release form no 
drug IS wasted because the drug concentra- 
tion docs not exceed, and is mamtamed at, 
the level of the M E D 

In addition to eliminating the peaks and 
the dips in drug level inevitable with multi- 
dose administration, sustamed release is a 
convenience to the patient and the nursing 
staff With a reduction m the number of doses 
taken daily, the patient is more cooperative 
and less likely to forget to take his medi- 

For case of iliscussion, susiaineti release 
preparations are usually classified according 
to their method of preparation From the 
viewpoint of the physician and the pharma- 
cist who IS advising the phywaan concerning 
sustamed release products, a classification 
based on Uie type of release is most valuable 
The type of contmuous release from a sus- 
tained release dosage form is release or solu- 
tion of the drug in a steady, uninterrupted 
manner from tlic mitial to the final amount 
of the drug released An ideal sustained- 

Susfained Release Pharmaceuticals 


release product \^ouId provide continuous 
release of its medication The erosion, the 
lon-exchange resin and the leaching pharma 
ceutical technics yield products with this type 
of release 

Incremental release is that type of release 
which IS not a steady release rather the drug 
IS released or dissolved m parts with a fixed 
time interval (durmg which no drug is re 
leased) between each part released The con 
trolled dismtegration type of sustained release 
provides incremental release 

Methods of Obtaining Sustained 

Sustained release may be obtained by 
pharmaceutical, chemical and biologic meth 
ods Medical or biologic means are limited 
to the immediate use of the physician and are 
of little significance to the pharmacist 


Controlled Disintegration The method 
first used for controlling the release of a drug 
was the entenc coating The disintegration 
of the entenc coatmg is based on pH of the 
gastrointestinal tract, chemical and enaymatic 
action within the gastrointestinal tract, or 
the time m contact with moisture The most 
reliable release is that based on the tune m 
contact with moisture Although an entenc 
coating releases the medication u\ the intcsr- 
tine or after an average time of 6 hours, it 
IS only a controlled and not a sustained 
release dosage form 

Repeat action tablets consist of a tablet 
withm a tablet or a laminated tablet in which 
the outer shell or a layer disintegrates rapidly, 
releasing the initial dose for immediate edcct 
The core is entenc coated with shellac or 
some resistant coating which protects the 
core from fluids for approximately 4 hours, 
after which the core disintegrates relcasmg 
a second dose of the medication The core 
may be press coated or pan coated with the 
drug to be released mitially 

Repeat action tablets are also known as 
delayed action and timed release tablets A 
repeat action tablet liberates the drug in an 
amount that exceeds the immediate need, and 
the drug lc\cl drops sharply after mgcstioa 
The drug Ic\ el falls below the M E D before 

Fio 60 Repeat action tablets with a 
pan-coated or a press-coated shell which 
releases drug for immediate use and a core 
which does not release any drug for sev 
eral hours 

the core disintegrates When the core dis 
integrates there is again a drug concentra- 
tion similar to that from the first dose 
Usually, these 2 stages do not overlap, so ^at 
there is no therapeutic advantage with repeat- 
action tablets The advantage of repeat- 
action tablets lies in their usefulness to the 
patient who needs medication during the 

lours of sleep 

126 B 

Tnanunic (Dorsey) 12 

Sig One swallow ed whole in morning 

127 U 

Demazin Repetabs (Schenng) 24 

Sig 2 morning and evening 

128 » 

Prestabs Boliserpine R A 

(McNeil) 30 

Sig One daily 

129 1} 

Bcntyl Repeat Action (Merrell) 60 
Sig Onet 1 d 

130 1} 

Coavertin (Aseber) 30 

Sig Two with meals 

131 n 

Bcotril Timed Tablets No 1 

(Carnnek) 50 

Sig. One before breakfast 

142 Solid Dosoge Form* 

Fig 61 (Aboie) Pellet type sustained 
release illustrated by a Mcdule capsule 
(Below) Left the immediate action pci 
lets from a Spansulc Right the sustained 
release pellets from the same capsule 

A pIuraLty of coatings applied to pcUei$ 
has successfully approached ideal sustained 
release Spaosme is the best known example 
of sustamed release uhich depends on d(f. 
ferent thicknesses of the coating on many 
pellets to produce various disintcgratioQ 

Spansule consists of a capsule containing 
a large number of pellets coated with various 
thicimesses of a slowly dispersible substance 
as well as lucoatcd pellets or powdered drug 
to provide initial dnig concentration Eadt 
group of the coated pellets, usually 100 per 
group, contains an equal amount of the drug. 
The total amount of drug m the sustained 
form IS from 2 to 4 tunes the dose given m 
a conv cntiooal tablet or capsule 

Any desired release can be obtained by n 
plurality of coatmgs but, usually, 3 coated 
groups arc employed If X represents the 
thiclmcss of a coating which releases the 
drug at the end of 9 hours and Y is the num- 
ber of coated groups, the thickness of the 
coat for the first group is X/V, and the thick- 
ness of the coat for the second coated group 
IS 2X/Y In actual producuon, the coatmg 
ranges from 30 to 40 per cent on either side 
of the median coating. A good approxuna- 
tion may be based on the weight of the coat- 
ing where X represents the weight of the 

median coatmg of the group which dismtc- 
grates last 

The nucleus of each pellet is either a 12- 
mesh to 40-mcsb nonpareil or the drug and 
sucrose made into a pellet The nonpareils 
arc coated with syrup and the drug, employ- 
ing conscntional pan coating technics Re- 
peated coals of the drug arc added to the 
nonpareils until by assay the proper wei^t 
of drug has been built up on the sugar pel- 
lets These are the uncoated pellets wfcch 
release the drug for immediate effect 

Three fourths of the imcoatcd pellets arc 
pan-coated by spraymg a warm solution of 
glyceryl monostcarate and beeswax m carbon 
tetrachloride onto the pellets rotating m a 
coatmg pan Other watcr-msoluble, mdigesti 
ble lipids such as paraffin, camauba wax, 
baybeny wax or cholesterol may be used to 
sbw disintegration of the coatmg Other 
watcr-dispcrsiblc or digestible substances 
may be used such as the higher fatty alco- 
hols, stcanc acid, diglycol stearate and esters 
of fatty acids of high molecular weight 

Two thirds of the thinly coated pellets ore 
further coated by the same process These 
form the second coated group of pellets cov- 
ered with a film of mtenncdiate thickness 
and having an intermediate dismiegration 

Half of the pellets, which are coated with 
the film having an intermediate dismiegra- 
tion time, are coated further to form a third 
group of coated pellets which dismtcgratc at 
9 hours 

Ejch of the 3 groups of coslcd pc^eis and 
the group of uncoated pellets eaeffi contams 
the same weight of the drug The 4 groups 
of pellets arc blended and encapsulated. 

If all of the pellets m each coated group 
were covered with a uniformly thick coat 
the medication would be released after the 
iniual release m 3 discontmuous surges In 
actual production, there is some vanaiion of 
thickness of the coat within each coated 
group The variance of thickness withm each 
group permits some pellets to dismtcgratc 
sooner than those with the median thickness 
of that group The drug so released overlaps 
the drug rcmaimng from the previous group 
Some pellets wtthm a group ore slightly 
thicker than the median thickness and do not 
dismtcgratc until later so that the drug re- 
leased overlaps with the next group Hus 

Sustained Release Pharmaceuticals 143 

overlapping between groups provides a 
smoother and more uniform release which 
approaches a contmuous type of release 
Spansules dismtegrate mdependent of pH 
with the release mechanism pnmarily one 
of moisture vapor pressure permeability of 
the hpid film. The drug, the composition of 
the coatmg and the thickness of coating 
deteimme the rate of moisture permeahihty 
In addition to promoting a sustamed re* 
lease effect, Spansules provide a more uni- 
form distnbution of the drug m the gas- 
tromtestmal tract If a smgle tablet fails to 
disintegrate, the benefit of the entire dose is 
lost If a few pellets of a Spansule fail to dis- 
mtegrate, the loss of a small amount of the 
total drug will not greatly affect the over-all 

Fundamentally, Medules function sinulariy 
to Spansules The pellets are of uniform size 
so that no stratification occurs during the 
encapsulation process The release of the 
medication is dependent on the composition 
and the thickness of the coating The coat 
consists of a styrene-maleic acid copolymer 
which IS pH'Seosiuve and prevents dissolu- 
tion in the stomach acid 
Shellac coatings may be added in sufficient 
number to provide delayed disintegration 
time of nonpareils which have been coated 
with active mgredients These pellets are 
blended with a conventional granulation and 
compressed mto a tablet Pellets coated with 
ethyl cellulose are elastic enough so that they 
can be compressed with a conventional gran- 
ulation wthout rupturing the coating during 

A sustained-release tablet may be made 
by compressmg a tablet from a blend of a 
conventional granulation and a sustained- 
release granulation The sustained release 
granulation consists of the drug coated or 
granulated with zem, cellulose acetate or 
ethyl cellulose Other sustained-release granu- 
lations consist of the drug held in a slowly 
dispersible or digestible matnx of glyceryl 
esters muted with fatty acids and alcohols 
The uaxy ingredients may compose 25 per 
cent of the delayed tunc material 
132 n 

Tuss Ornade Spansule (SKF) 12 
Sig One daily 

Fig 62 {Left) A cooventional granu- 
lation IS compressed with a sustained- 
release granulation {Right) Sustained- 
release pellets are compressed withm a 
conventional granulation 

133 n 

Medrol Medules (Upjohn) 60 

Sig One in morning and evenmg 

134 n 

Nitroglyon (Key) 50 

Sig One before breakfast and h s 

135 B 

Bellergal Spacctabs (Sandoz) 50 

Sig One morning and evenmg 

136 B 

Pentrilol Tempules (Armour) 45 

Sig OaeA.M&pM 

137 B 

Timed Amodex Capsules (Test 
agar) 30 

Sig One on arising 

Erosion. In the erosion techmc of obtam- 
ing sustamed release an insoluble tablet is 
formed which contmuously releases the drug 
due to the unmterrupted surface erosion of 
the tablet and the solution of the drug The 
tablet does not dismtegrate and maintains its 
geometric shape as it passes through the gas- 
trointestmal tract Because the geometne 
shape IS unchanged while the tablet erodes, 
them IS a continual decrease m the weight 
of drug released per unit time as the surface 
area of the tablet is progressively reduced. 

The erosion technic is generally used with 
a press-coated or a pan-coated outer shell 

144 Solid Dosage Forms 

Fto 63 Urosion type susiamcd release 
tablets {Abo\e) Tablet cores arc press 
coated with a shell to proside immediate 
drug release (Z^uer nghl) The tablet is 
a laminated tablet with an immediate re* 
lease and a sustained release layer 

which ts applied in the contcniioaal manner 
to the specially formulated core After ad- 
ministration, the shell disintegrates rapidly, 
providing an immediate concentration of the 
drug The core then begins to erode at a 
rate determmed by the proper blend of a 
waxy tablet base and the drug No shellac or 
enteric matenals arc used in this method 
The drug is suspended in a solid fat or a wax 
of high molecular weight As the tablet 
erodes, the drug is continuously dissolved 
and IS available for absorption 

Industrially, the drug and the melted fats 
and waxes are blended in a thcrmoslatcd 
mixer with milling and sweeping blades to 
maintain a uniform liquid suspension The 
uniform suspension is passed through a 
stcam-]ack.ctcd valve onto a cooling (^m 
The congealed blend ts sinpped from the 
drum and ground at low temperature The 
resulting granulation is compressed mto a 
tablet and press-coated if desired 
The continuous release of the medication 
and the elimination of the waste of drug at 
the maxima obtained with conventional tab- 
lets reduce the total drug necessary to main- 
tain a therapeutic response One Lontab 
containing 100 mg of pynbenzamine ts ther- 
apeutically cquiv^cnt to 3 conventional 50 
mg tablets 

Two or 3 separate granulations may be 
pressed together to form a multiple-layer 

tablet One layer contains the drug readily 
available for immediate use Another layer 
— the sustained-release layer — is compressed 
and formulated so that it will retain its shape 
during Its passage through the gastrointestinal 
tract If the layer is cylmdricd with a large 
diameter compared with the height of the 
layer, the eroding or dissolving surface will 
remain essentially constant A constant sur- 
face means that tlic drug will dissolve and 
be released at a constant rate, more nearly 
meeting the requirements for an ideal sus- 
tained release dosage form 

The erosion or the gradual oH of 
the surface is based on an atuiuon, and it 
IS independent of pH 

138 n 

Preludm EndurcU (Gcigy) 30 

Sig * One tablet m imdmoming 

139 » 

Doanaul Extentabs (Robins) 30 

5ig One morning and nighL 

140 n 

Sul-Spaniab (SKF) 75 

Sig 4 at start, then 2 doily 

141 n 

Pentraie Sustained Accioa 
(Wamcr-ChilcoU) 50 

Sig Oncq I2hn 

142 n 

Pen-VccL-A (Wyclh) 12 

Sig Two daily 

Ammophyllm Dura-Tabs (Wynn) 18 

Sig 1-2 tablets every 12 hn 

144 « 

Kovahistioc Singlet (Pitman- 
Moore) 12 

Sig One q 8 hrs 

145 U 

Mcstinon Timespan (Roche) 25 

Sig . Two bid 

Leaching is the process by which there is 
steady dissolution and removal of a drug 
from on insoluble, intact matrix. One may 
consider the tablet as an mert sponge wiib 

Susloined Release Pharmaceuticals 145 

its pores filled with the drug The mtact 
matrix of Gradumets consists of a copolymer 
of methyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate 
which passes unchanged through the gastro- 
mtestinal tract and is eliminated in the feces 
The Gradumet is produced by oompressmg 
a granulation of the drug with the insoluble 
plastic material 

When the tablet reaches the stomach, some 
of the drug m the superficial channels is 
leached out rapidly to provide an immediate 
therapeutic effect As the tablet travels along 
the mtestme, the drug is leached out from 
the deeper channels or pores over a pro- 
longed penod The release of the drug is inde- 
pendent of pH and enzyme concentration 

Control of drug release is obtained by 
varymg the porosity and the ratio between 
the exposed surface of the plastic matrix and 
the dissolving drug If the drug is spanogly 
soluble, a highly soluble substance may be 
added to facilitate dissolution from the <^an- 
nels Such a soluble substance is known as a 
channeling agent 

146 9 

Nembutal Gradumets (Abbott) IS 

Sig One on arising 

147 3 

Metamme Sustained (Leemmg) 50 

Sig One every 12 hours 

Ion Exchange Resin. Ion exchange is the 
process by which an insoluble resin extracts 
ions of one land from solution and exchanges 
them for ions of another kmd onginaUy 
bonded to the resin The formation and the 
dissociation of complexes utilizing organic 
acids or bases and certam ion exchange resins 
proceeds at a fimte rate It is claimed that 
when the ion exchange resin is chosen prop- 
erly, the rate of dissolution will produce 
uniform drug release dependent only on the 
concentration of ions available in the gastro- 
intestinal tract 

The lesmate is insoluble and releases the 
drug by double decomposition in which the 
drug IS exchanged for on ion Cationic ex- 
change resins are used to replace a specie of 
cation with another specie of cation The 
resins used for sustamed release are cationic 
exchange resms combined with a cationic 
form of the drug to be released. 

Fig 64 {Left) A Gradumet tablet 
(ffigAt) One which has been exposed to 
water for 24 hours 

SOjO (Drug) SOjONa 

-fNaCl-i. |^+(Dnig)+a- 

-CH-CHa- -CH-4:H2- 

The drug is released by an exchange with 
the cations found in the gastromtestmal ff uids 
The rate of release is said to depend only on 
(he total concentration of these cations Since 
this wncenlration is nearly constant through- 
out the entire gastrointestinal tract, the re- 
lease 1 $ claimed to be predictable, continuous 
and controlled 

The bead size of the lesm affects the rate 
of release of the adsorbed drug With a small 
particle size, the drug is released more 
rapidly A 200 mesh bead has a greater sur- 
face area per unit weight than a 20-mesh 
bead With a greater surface area the drug 
IS eluted or exchanged faster and will not 
give as prolonged an effect as the larger 
bead The degree of cross-lmkage of the 
resm and the quantity of drug removed from 
the particles during elution ^ect the rate of 

Durabond products consist of drugs con- 
taining on amine group complexed with tan- 
nic acid This large molecular polyionic com- 
plex IS claimed to release the drug gradually 
and uniformly The complex salts are pre- 
pared by reacting on alcoholic solution of 
(he therapeutically active amine with a 20 
per cent excess of tannic acid. The reaction 
mixture is diluted with ice water to complete 
the precipitation The precipitated tannatc is 
collected and dried 

The tannatc complex is insoluble, but, in 
(he presence of electrolytes and with a lower- 

146 Solid Dosage Forms 


Fio 65 Fraction of the drug released 
from sustained release dosage plotted 
against time The fraction t, is released 
immediately to provide the miUol activity 
(Wiegand R G and Taylor, J D Drug 
Standards 27 165 1959) 

mg of pH, there is an increased release of 
the amme The rate of release is often rc» 
tarded by the addition of polygalacturonic 

148 H 

lononuD 30 (Strosenburgh) 30 

Sig One fO 14 hrs before rciinng 

149 n 

StimaJose Durabond (Irwm 
Ncisler) 50 

Sig One daily before breakfast 

A biologically acme compound may be 
modified chemically to form an inactive dc> 
mauve tshich liberates the parent compound 
on exposure to cn^mauc action m vivo 
With such roodificauoo. there is at tunes 
modified absorption of the drug from the 
gastromtcsimal tract. 

To overcome the bitterness of chloram' 

S ' :aicol, the palmitaic ester is prepared 
e insoluble and tasteless chlonunphcnicol 

palmitatc is administered to persons who 
cannot swallow a capsule and to children as 
a Qavored suspension The palmitatc ester 
has very little antibiotic activity, but it under* 
goes hjdrolysts in the gastrointestinal tract 
where it is converted into Uic acUve alcohol 
A somewhat prolonged action results be- 
cause, a$ the chloramphenicol palmitatc 
passes along the gastromtcstmal tract, there 
is a conUnuous hydrolysis and absorption of 
the active drug until the palmitatc remaining 
is excreted m the feces A dose of the pal- 
mitate equivalent to 500 mg of chloram 
phcaicol IS detectable in the blood for 12 

An acuve substance may be modified 
chemically so that its absorption, distribu- 
tion or metabolism is altered, but the type of 
response is uocliangcd The length of time 
for which lidocainc exerts its anesthetic effect 
probably depends on the tunc required to 
hydrolyze the amide linkage m the body If 
the two methyl radicals m lidocaine arc re- 
placed by hydrogen atoms, the resulting com 
pound 1 $ rapidly hydrolyzed and exerts its 
effect for a shorter penod Compared with 
this compound lidocamc has a more pro- 
longed clicct, as the two methyl groups 
stencally hinder hydrolysis 


A prolonged effect is obtained by the ad 
ministration of a second drug which will slow 
the excretion of the pnmary drug and pro- 
long Its action Oral penicillin is rapidly ex- 
creted by the kidney The effect of pemeifiin 
IS prolonged by the administrauon of pro- 
benecid which interferes with the renal ex- 
cretion of pcniciUxa, so that it is not readily 
excreted As penicillin remains m the body 
longer, Its action is extended 

^rtain drugs arc very lipoid soluble and 
arc partitioned and deposited m the adipose 
tissue The drug deposited m the fat estab- 
lishes an equilibrium with other body com- 
partments and It IS gradually released to pro- 
vadc a prolonged effect Chlorotnamscoc is a 
long acting estrogen because of this phe- 

A prolonged effect may be obtained from 
the effect of a second drug which modifies a 
physiologic enoyme system responsible for 
ibe inacijvaljon of the ptunary drug Acetyl- 

Sustained Release Pharmaceuticals 


cholme is hydrolyzed or inactivated by cho- 
linesterase Neostigmine combmes wiUi and 
inactivates cholmesterase, thus prolongmg the 
activity of acetylcholine as there is less en- 
jtyrae available to hydrolyze the acetylcholine 
Medical technics have limited application 
and are restncted to direct use by the phy- 
sician The secondary drug often has undesir- 
able actions m addition to its prolongation 
effect At times a massive dose is required to 
obtam the prolonged effect, and it would m- 
volve less risk to the patient to use a conven- 
tional dose regimen 

Limitations or Sustained Release 

Marketed preparations do not release a 
drug with a constant release per umt tune 
but exhibit a continuously decreasing release 
with tune The rate of release becomes pro- 
gressively less than the rate of elimuiation 
Ideally, a sustamed-rclease dosage form 
should release the drug at a rate equal to the 
rate of disappearance from the body The 
products marketed provide a release of the 
drug at a rate which appreciably increases 
the length of activity They are prolonged- 
release preparations 

For sustained release preparations of dif 
ferent mechanism and form, the pattern of 
release of various drugs is approximated by 
a first-order equation For many preparations 
the rate of release of the drug from the sus- 
tained release form is proportional to the 
amount of drug remaining. 

or m the integrated form. 

log — = 



( 2 ) 

where a, is the total dose of die drug m the 
product, a is the fraction of the to& dose 
remaimng m the sustained-release prepara- 
tion at tunc t if a« is unity, and k is the 
apparent specific release constanL 
With a sustained release dosage form 
which releases a fraction of the dose (f|) 
immediately and another fraction (f«) ex- 
ponentially, the amount of the drug released 
(ar) atony time is 

a, = a,f, + a,f, (1 - e-«) 


Fic 66 The logarithm of the fraction 
of drug in the sustained release solid dos- 
age form IS a linear function of tune 
(Wiegand, R, G , and Taylor, J D Drug 
Sundards27 165, 1959) 

Obviously, if all of the drug is released, 
fi + fi = I With the ion exchange mecha- 
nism of sustained release, fi + f, is less than 
1, mdicaliDg that all of the drug is not re- 

In piomoUonai iileraiure the release curve 
IS often presented as a plot of the cumulative 
fracUon of the drug released against tune as 
shown m Figure 65 Smee the amount of drug 
released at a particular tune is of more sig- 
nificance, a better understandmg of the drug 
bemg released at different tunes is obtamed 
by a plot of the logarithm of the amount re- 
maming to be released as a function of tune 
as shown ui Figure 66 With 100 per cent 
release the intercept on the ordinate is the 
logarithm (f«) and k equals the slope multi- 
plied by 2 303 

Sustomed-release products of the leach- 
ing and the lon-exchange types release their 
drag most closely m accord with equation 3 
This IS to be expected, as the diffusional 
processes of release from an mert matrix and 
the ion-exchange mechanism are both first- 


148 Solid Dosage Forms 

onlcf processes With the erosion type ttiUet, 
as the surface area decreases the rate of re- 
lease decreases Thus, this t)pc of sustaiaed 
release may be descrilTcd by equation 3 

Release from a multiple pellet sustamed- 
rclcasc product approximates a first order 
release. This of preparation probably 
has the capability of any desired release pat- 
tern through the mcorporauon of pellets with 
the proper distnbution of coating ^icinesses 
A slight deviation from a first-order pattern 
IS not unexpected, in view of the diiTerent 
form and mechanism of release, however, 
the release is suflicicntly precise to warrant 
the use of equation 3 

Sustamed release products of all types ex- 
cept the lon-cxchange type release part of 
their drug for immediate use Since the res- 
irute form releases no drug immediately, the 
term aJi is zero, and the curve passes ihrou^ 
the ongin when the cumulative amount of 
the drug released is plotted as a function of 

Preparations to be administered occasion- 
ally should have a fi value suQlcicnt to pro- 
duce a rapid ciTcct The value depends on 
the dose incorporated m the preparation and 
the dose of the specific drug For products 
designed for repeated admuustratioo, f| 
should be as close (o zero os possible, smcc 
the drug level is not starting from zero after 
the first administration This eliminates one 
source of maxima and troughs m the levels 
of the drug ui the body 

In Vitro cxpcnmcnis have borne out the 
above relationship which has been correlated 
with in vivo urinary excretion patterns of 
many drugs 

As most drugs arc absorbed m the upper 
mtcsimc to a greater extent than m the lower 
intestine, the dose or the amount of drug re- 
leased after 7 or 8 hours should be greater 
than the drug released at 4 or 5 hours to 
compensate for the decreased absorption 
The opposite release is obtained from most 
marketed products 

Althou^ sustained release medication is 
advantageous, there arc limitations in its use 
When a precise dose is essential, such as 
with the digitalis glycosides, sustained release 
probably should not be used m view of the 
possibility that physiologic variance may alter 
the normal release pattern and fad to provide 
the critical dose required. 

Physiologic variance makes it difficult to 
achieve the ideal pattern of sustamed release 
This IS not a major consideration watli a 
normal mdividual, however, with persons 
known to have impaired or erratic gastro- 
mtcstmal absorption, sustained release mcdi- 
cmion should not be used 

Commonly, there is 3 to 4 times the 
amount of drug in a sustained dosage form 
as there is in a conventional one If die dos- 
age form should be used improperly, sucii 
as by chewing an erosion typo tablet instead 
of swallowing the whole tablet, the patient 
would receive an overdose For this reason, 
a drug should not be placed in a sustained- 
release form unless the margm of safety is 

Pharmaceutically, a drug with a large dose 
IS difficult to develop into a sustamed release 
form The bulk resulting from the drug and 
the excipients which control the release is 
too great to produce a tablet or a capsule 
that can be eas Jy swallow cd 
Drugs such as digitalis, isopropamide, phe- 
noborbital and sulfamethoxypyridazme nave 
a long biologic half life and usually require 
only a single daily dose With inherently long- 
acting drugs there is no need for addiuonal 
treatment to prolong their effect 
Therapeutically, it is not always advan- 
tageous to employ sustamed release medica- 
tion Sustamed release multivitaimns appear 
to be unnecessary, no beneficial prolonged 
effect has been demonstrated with riboflavin, 
ascorbic acid or thiamine Admmistration of 
anticholinergic drugs to persons who arc 
anticholmcrgic sensitive may produce side 
effects, os by altering the gastrointestinal mo- 
tility and secretions, the absorption of the 
drug IS affected Cases of angma of effort 
should not be treated orally with sustained 
action nitriles The prolonged effect may ob- 
scure the warning signs of pam and lead to 
ovcrcxcrtion with fai^ results 

Evaluatjon of Sustained Release 
No single m vitro test will adequately 
reflect the availability of a drug from a sus 
lamed release mcdicauon The USJ* dis- 
inicgrauon test docs not apply to sustained- 
release dosage forms, smcc the amount 
released per unit time is the cntical factor 
to be evaluated 

In view of the several mechanisms by 

Sustained Release Pharmaceuticals 14^ 

which sustained release is accomplished, it 
IS doubtful that a smgle standardized me- 
chanical unit and elution fluid will prove 
satisfactory It seems more hkely that a me- 
chanical means of testmg the release may be 
developed for each mechanism of release 
after correlation with climcal release patterns 

In-vitro release tests for sustamed-release 
products are meaningless unless correlated 
with m-vivo measurements After the vabd- 
rty of a sustained-release product has been 
demonstrated by m-vivo testmg, m-vitro 
measurements may be correlated and used 
for production control 

In vivo evaluation of sustamed release 
dosage forms m humans is earned out mainly 
by detenmnations of blood level and urine 
level and by sub]ective clmical evaluation 
The determmation of blood levels affords a 
way of estimating the ume of onset and the 
duiauon o! effect for a drug if the M E 0 
and the maxunum blood level concentrations 
have been determined Blood levels have been 
used with prednisolone, pemcillm, oxytetra- 
cyclme, sulfaethylthiadiazole and caffeine 

Some drugs are used in concentrations so 
low that they cannot be quantitatively de- 
tected m body fluids Measurement of activ 
ity IS then a subjective and a somewhat ob- 
scure evaluation 

Unnaiy excretion methods offer a means 
of measuring the drug absorbed provided that 
the drug is excreted unchanged or the me- 
Vabotam of the drug is xmderstood For such 
drugs there is a direct relationship between 
excretion rate and the amount of drug m the 
blood Smcc the clinical response of many 
dmgs parallels their conccnlralion m the 
blood, a valid relationship exists between the 

therapeutic effect and the amount excreted 
m the urme If a dosage form is found to have 
prolonged unne levels, it would have pro- 
longed clmical effect Amphetamine, aspinn, 
pemciUm, sulfaethylthiadiazole, tetracjclme, 
nicotmic alcohols, tnmeprazme, phenylpro- 
panolamme and riboflavin have been studied 
by the unnary excretion techmc 

Toxicity tests m animals have been used 
to evaluate lon-exchange resins To use a 
toxicity techmc, one must have a drug wifli 
a relativity high toxicity In comparing the 
LD50 of the untreated drug with an lon- 
exchange resmate, the lethal dose is raised 
and the time until death is longer with the 
resmate than with the untreated drug Similar 
experiments show that the larger beads of 
the resmate have a higher lethal dose and a 
longer lime until death than small resmate 
beads Toxicity studies are valuable m the 
development of a product, however, ±cy give 
00 mdication of the physiologic availability 
of the drug 

In VIVO roentgenogiapbc techmc has been 
widely used to study the release from en- 
capsulated slow-release pellets This has 
proved that there is a wide dispersion of the 
peUets after 1 hour 10 the gastromtestmal 

Radioactive isotopes have been used as 
tracers m anunal studies The availability of 
radioactive drugs has been the restnetmg 
factor m the application of this technic 

The final evaluation of sustamed action 
products must be done by property designed 
clmical tests with humans The actual meas- 
urement of drug concentration or activity re- 
sultmg from a smgle dose and multiple doses 
must be compared with that of the sustained- 
release dosage form 

C/iopfer 4 

Solution Dosage Forms 

Jere E. Goyon, B S., Ph D.* 

A solution may be defined as a homoge- 
neous liquid consisting of at least two com- 
ponents The student will realize that this 
dffSnjlJca encompasses a Ja/ge number of 
diilcrcnt dosage forms familiar from earlier 
studies Thus, ue wish to emphasize the 
sumlantics betsNcen products suen as syrups, 
elixirs and tinctures, rather than their dif- 

Solution dosage forms base some impor- 
tant advantages drugs must dissolve to be 
absorbed and thereby be effective, many pa- 
tients (especially children) cannot swallow 
tablets or capsules, and uniformity of dosage 
IS easily obtainable However, they do have 
some disadvantages they are liable to un- 
dergo detenoration and loss of potency, they 
present many flavormg problems, and many 
mcompatibilitics arise due to mtcractioos be- 
tween dissolved species and to changes in 
solubility produced by solvent alterations 

In oi^er to mix various dosage forms m- 
tcUigcntly the pharmacist must always be 
aware of the solvents which arc used in the 
original liquids Thus, changes m alcohol 
concentration due to mixing an elixir and a 
syrup will explain the ensumg solubility 

The need for several solvents having dif- 
ferent properties may be readily understood 
by considcrauon of the dissolution process 

TiiE DissoLimos pROCCSSf 

In order to discuss solutions, the sub- 

* Associate Professor of Pharmacy, The Uai- 
scrsiiy of Michigan College of Pharmacy, Ann 

t This Ueotmeal ii not intcoJcJ to be a rigorous 
Uevclopmest of the subject but rather to providfl 
the uudeat with an insight into this very complex 

Stance present m largest amount w lU be desig- 
nated the solvent, and other substances pres- 
ent m lesser amounts the solutes The 
qucsimn aatursUy arises' ca ^hich of the 
three states of matter (gas, liquid or solid) 
docs a dissolved solute exist? The molecules 
of a dissolved solute do not occupy fixed 
positions with regard to one another, thereby 
ruling out the ciystallmc state Furthermore, 
they do not uniformly occupy all volume 
available m the cooiamiog vessel, thus ex- 
cluding the gaseous state This leads to the 
conclusion that a solute dissolved in a liquid 
IS, Itself, m the Lquid state Therefore, the 
dissolution process must contam a step for 
converting any other state of the solute to 
the Lquid state 

After convcniOD to the liquid state, the 
molecules of solute and solvent must be urn- 
fonnly mixed This requires a step which 
consists of overcoming the attractive (co- 
hesive) forces between solute molecules (and 
between solvent molecules) and replacing 
them with new forces due to solvent-solute 
mtcractioos Such disruption of forces m- 
volvcs work (or energy) Ganges This energy 
rearrangement is known os mterchange 
energy and may be visualized as follows. 
Consider two liquids A and B Assume mole- 
cules A and B arc similar m size so that a 
molecule of A will be surrounded by the same 
number of molecules (m), whether m Lquid 
A or B Now transfer one molecule of A to 
liquid B with simultaneous transfer of a mole- 
cule of B to liquid A. The work done or 
interchange encr^ must then be. 

AE = -ra(2w^B - Waa — Wbb)J (I) 
If this is done with x molecules, the total 
mterchange energy is x tunes aE, the total 

t w,k = work Dcceuory to tcporxie two mole* 
coles of A. w,a onJ w*t similarly 


Solubility 151 

energy change being designated as the heat 
of mixing A negative aE corresponds to 
the release of heat (exothermic process), 
while a positive AE corresponds to absorp* 
tion of heat (endothermic process) If the 
diSerence m attraction is sufficiently great 
(size differential may also play a part due to 
changes m m) the two hqmds may not be 
miscible Cases where the attractions are 
exactly equal will produce no energy change 
and will be considered as ideal solutions 
Suipnsmgly, a good deal of information 
about a solution may be obtamed by study- 
ing the vapor above the solution Tlus may 
be shown in the following manner 

Consider the saturate vapor above pure 
liquid A at temperature T The number of 
molecules of A retummg to the liquid from 
the vapor phase per second, i e , the rate of 
condensation, is proportional to the vapor 
pressure of A (P^a) and the area between 
the liquid and vapor (S) ITus may be ex- 
pressed as 

Ro = ki P^S (2) 

where kj is the constant of ptoporlionahiy 
The rate of molecules leaving the hquid by 
evaporation will be proportional to S 

Re = ksS (3) 

At cquilibnum the rate of condensation must 
be equal to the rate of evaporation, leading 
to the following expression for the two con- 
stants of proportionality 

= (4) 

Now assume B dissolved m A In a nus- 
able solution the condensation proportion- 
ality constant will be unaffected, smce a 
molecule of A may return at any pomt on 
the surface 

Ro = kxPxS (5) 

where Pi is the pressure of A above the 
solution Tlie rate of evaporation of A will 
depend on the proportion of S which is oc- 
cupied by A, which, m turn, is dependent on 
the mole fraction of A, Xi * This may be 
expressed as 

Ra = k*XiS (6) 

*The mole fractioa of a solute u tbe number 
of moles of tbe solute divided by tbe total nun 
ber of moles m tbe solution. 

Agam, at equilibrium Re = Rc, and using 
equation (4) vve oblam 

Pi = -|- (7) 

hi the case of an ideal solution the forces 
between A-B are equal to those between A-A 
and B-B, therefore ka = ks This results m 
the Raoult’s Law equation 

Pi = P«i Xi (8) 

which may be used to define an ideal solu- 
tion If the A-A mteractions are stronger 
than the A B mteractions, k 2 <k 3 The vapor 
pressure of A above the solution wiU then be 
greater than that predicted by Raoult’s L^w 
Thus, measurements of the vapor pressure 
may be used to obtam an understanding of 
the mteractions m the liquid state It should 
also be noted that the boiling pomt of a 
liquid IS a good measure of its cohesive 
forces As the cohesive forces mcrease, kj 
will decrease with no change m kj and the 
boding pomt will therefore mcrease 

The earlier discussion indicates that the 
solubility of a sohd must depend on the 
energy necessary to melt the solid, usually 
referred to as the heat of fusion (^f) and 
any beat of mixing The solubili^ of a gas 
must depend on the beat of vaporization 
(nHr) and the heat of mixing If the mter- 
chaoge energy is zero, an ideal solution exists 
and some simplifications are possible The 
solubiii^ of a gas must decrease with increas- 
ing temperaturet and the solubihty of a solid 
must mcrease with mcreasmg temperature 

The equation desenbing the solubility of 
a solid which forms an ideal solution, as a 
function of temperature is the usual van’t 
Hoff type used m describing the effect of 
temperature on equilibrium. 

2 31ogX = ^l[^ J^^ ] (5) 

where R is the gas constant (1 98 calories 
per degyee per mole) , Tn is the melting point 
m de^es Kelvm and X is the mole fraction 
solubihty at temperature T Note that at the 
melting pomt tbe solid is miscible with the 
solvent (X approaches 1), as would be ex- 
pected for an ideal solution This also pre- 
dicts that the lower tbe meltmg point of a 

t In order to effect tbe change in state (gas to 
li(]ud) beat must be withdrawn from the gas. 


l&0~ f 


Fio 67 Diagrams of the two poI)morphic systems a — mp of polymorph I, b = rap 
of pol)cnorph II. t = transiuon potat. 

solid the higher ils solubility * This can be 
demonstrated by the solubility of fused ring 
aromatic compounds m benzene (Table 19) 
We may also compare a senes of closely 
related substances (Table 20), since the lo* 
tcrchangc energy should be similar tor each 
The changes in solubility are coosequcotly 
due to dilTcrcnces tn the melting point 
The relationship of melting point and solu* 
bility IS particularly interesting m the cose 
of poKoiorphic substances t Polymoqihs are 
crystal forms of the same substance having 
diiTerent melting points (The student uiU 
recall the different ctystal forms of sulfur as 
an example ) Two distinctly different poly- 
morphic systems arc possible They may ^ 
understood most readily by reference to Fig- 
ure 67 The vapor pressures above the ciys- 
lals and the liquid arc plotted vs the tem- 
perature In port A me transiUon pomt 
(temperature at which both fonns have the 
same vapor pressure) is belowr the mclung 
pomt of polymorph I, and the system is 
cnantiotropic In part B the transition pomt 

• Tbo tap. of A lubslAQce dcaeascA u tbe 
puucle sire U reduced below about 2 nucroos 
djAtseier aod ibe totubibiy ahowi a coscurreol 

t Compue diKuuton Chapter 2, page 60 
Table 19 

Mole FMcnas 

CoM roUNp M P *C. DenzijiE 

Naphthaleoe 80* 81 027 

Pbeoaiiilbrcoe 99*100 0.21 

Asthraceoe 217*218 OOOSl 

IS above the mcllmg pomt of polymorph I, 
and the system is monotropic 

The heat of mixing must be the same for 
all polymorphs The solubility wiU, of course, 
always be greatest for the polymorph with 
the bluest vapor pressure Thus, the solu- 
bility of a monotropic system follows the 
nile that the lower melting form will always 
have the higher solubility EnanUotropic sys- 
tems are more complex Figure 67 (left) 
shows that the solubility of polymorph 11 
vvxiuld be higher at 25^6. but polymorph I 
would be more soluble at lOO^C 

There is currently great interest in the 
pharmaceutical industry m the mvestigation 
of different polymorphs of slightly soluble 
drugs*- Table 21 illustrates both types 
of polymorphism 

O/ course, the consideracion of solubility 
10 nonidcal systems must take into account 
the heax of mixing Tlus may readily be seen 

Table 20 


MP ’C 












95- 96 

1 Cm./14 ml 

1 Gm./10 ml* 

1 Gia/5 ml 

I Gm /4 ml. 

1 Cm./2 ml 



SouuBiLmr w 









1 GnL/13 L. 

1 Gra./5 L. 

1 Cm/3.51- 
1 Gm./1.7 L. 

Solubility 153 

Table 21 

Melung Point Solubility 

Compound »C in Water 


Polymorph I 291-293 60 mg /liter 

Polymorph II 283 1200mg./liter 


Polymorph I 205 0 075 mg /ml 

Polymorph II >230 016 mg /ml 

by noting that 1 Gm of phenobarbital is of mteracuons as those responsible for chem- 
soluble m approximately 800 ml of water, ical bonding between atoms However, be- 
700 mL of benzene, 40 ^ of chloroform, 15 cause of the larger distances over which they 
ml of ether and 10 ml of ethanol are acting they are of considerably smaller 

The over-all heat effect of the two-step magnitude The electrical nature is quite clear 
process (fusion and mixmg) must be the in &e case of ions, where the force between 
algebraic sum of the heats of fusion and mix- them is calculated from Coulomb’s Law 
ing This sum may then be used m place of 

tbe heat of fusion m equation 9 and a more f s 3 ^ ( 11 ) 

general equation useful for nomdeal solu- 

tions obtained where q w the charge on each ion, D is the 

^ AHf T T 1 dielectric constant of the medium between 

(10) the ions and r is tbe distance between the 
Sx R L ‘ a J ions Two other properties of molecules which 

where Sa is the molar solubility at Ta, and result m elecincm mteracuons are permanent 
Si at Ti Therefore, the determination of tbe dipole moments and polanzabihty The stu- 
solubility at two different temperatures will dent w’lU recall that molecules in which the 
tnakfl It possible to riafemiine aH This cqua- poslUve and the negative centers do not co- 
iion then may be used to predict solubihues mcide are known as dipolar molecules The 
at other temperatures product of the charges multiplied by the dis- 

Now, It would appear from the previous tance between them is known as ^e dipole 
discussions that the forces between pbeno- moment. PolanzabUity (usually designated as 
baibital molecules are more closely related a) is a measure of the ease with which the 
to those between alcohol molecules than to average electron distnbutton m a molecule 
those between the molecules of any of the may be altered by an electric field This alter- 
other solvents This is indeed the basis for tbe ation leads to an induced dipole moment m 
rule of thumb that “bke dissolves like” It the molecule. 

only remains, then, to define what is like It is now possible to list the various mter- 
what action forces usually found in solute solvent 

systems (Table 22) 

Interaction Forces Xhe first four cases are easily seen to be 

All mteraction forces are fundamentally electncal interactions and the forces may be 
electneal m nature They are the same Qrpe predicted with the aid of Coulomb’s Lnw 

Table 22 


Interaction Forces 
Between Molecules 

Interaction Energy 
Pkoportiosal to 




(Keesom Forces) 


Ion induced dipole 


Dipole induced dipole 

(Debye Forces) 


Induced dipole induced dipole 

(London Forces) 


154 Solution Dotago Forms 

Table 23 






Diethyl ether 



I 35(25) 

4 3(20) 




1 36(20) 





1 44(20) 

4 8(20) 

Carbon tetrachloride 



I 46(20) 

2 2(20) 



1 36(20) 





1 50(20) 





1 33(20) 


Propylene clycol 





Liquid petrolatum 


> too 

I 48(20) 

2 5(20) 




1 45(20) 





1 47(20) 


The Joit ease u more Jtiheuit but may be 
visualized as follovr's If ^^'e could take an 
instantaneous snapshot of the electron dis* 
tnbutioQ of a molecule, the molecule would 
have a dipole moment (averaged over time 
no dipole exists) This rapidly varying dipole 
wilt then induce a dipole m neighboring mole- 
cules in phase with itself These interactions 
result in on over-all attractive force Such 
forces east between all molecules but arc 
only important when stronger forces arc not 
present to mask tlicm Tlic polanzabduy of 
a molecule is equal to the sum of the polariza- 
bilities of Its constituent atoms London 
forces will consei^ueaily increase with mo- 
lecular weight. Dutance between molecules 
IS also very important, and large Oat mole- 
cules which may approach each other closely 
(e.g , benzene) wm be more strongly at- 
tracted than molecules which arc stciically 
prevented from close association The sura 
of the polarizability and the pcnnancot di- 
pole moment may be measured by means 
of the dielectric constant The dielectric con- 
stant of a liquid may be defined by Coulomb s 
Law (see equation 11) or as the ratio 
of the capacitance of a capacitor with the 
liquid as the diclcctnc to the capacitance 
of the same capacitor with air as the dielec- 
tric The permanent and the induced dipoles 
align themselves oppositely to the applied 
field, thus decreasing the electric field strength 
and mcreasmg the capacitance As the fre- 
quency of the applicu Geld is increased the 
permanent dipole molecules find it increas- 
ingly difficult to align themselves in opposi- 
tion to the applied field Light may be con- 
sidered a very high frequency clcctnc field. 
Whea light passes through a polarizable 

liquid Its velocity is less than its vcloaty m 
air The relative velocity is defined as the 
refractive index of the liquid (m) Therefore, 
the refractive index of a liquid is dependent 
on the polarizability, increasing as the polar- 
izability increases * 

Several properties of common pharmaceu- 
ucal solvents arc given m Table 23 

The coniribuuon of polarizability to the 
dielectric constant may oc shown to be the 
square of the rcfracuvc index Thus, for 
substances bke benzene the diclcctnc con- 
stant IS due almost cnutely to polarizability 
1(1 S)‘ = 2 25] and the molecular interac- 
tions arc due almost exclusively to London 
foracs On the other hand, water with lU 
high dielectric constant and low refractive 
index must consist mainly of dipolc-dipole 
interactions Water actually contams a spe- 
cial subclass of Kccsom forces known as hy- 
drogen bonds These differ from ordinary 
Kccsom forces in that the small size of the 
hydrogen atom makes the positive charge 
more readily available (r will be smaller than 
m other eases) and thus leads to stronger 
bonding Any organic molecule contaming 
N, O or other electronegative atoms will 
therefore be capable of dipolc-dipoIc inter 
actions If the electronegative atom is at- 
tached to hydrogen, hydrogen bonding will 
occur These conditions are quite common in 
organic mcdicinals, and, therefore, Kccsom 

•Tlio Brtual c<iuaUoo for pobiUabllity li 

« = ”6 X M W 

U tbfi moteculsr weight sad p the dcouty of the 

Solubi]iVy 155 

Table 24* 


G m /lOO ml 





Water QS ad 

71 1 






70 4 

0 22 






0 22 





65 2 

0 22 





62 3 












63 2 






62 6 






59 3 






* Modified from Kraiise G M and Cross J M J Am Pbarm Assoc Sci Ed 40 137, Peterson 
C F , and Hopponen, R. E. J Am Pbarm Assoc 42 540 

forces will play a large role m solubility phe- 
nomeoa of such drugs 

We are now m a position to answer the 
earlier question what is like what? The an 
s\ser is that liquids with similar interaction 
forces are “like” one another Water and 
benzene have similar boiling points and must 
therefore have approximately equal cohesive 
forces However, the cohesive forces in water 
are primarily of the Keesom type and those 
in benzene, of the London tjpe The mter- 
action forces ( A-B of our former discussion) 
will be small (a£ a large positive number), 
preventing miscibility of these liquids 
Ioa*dipole interactions are particularly 
teresUng, the most important examples being 
salts m water The interactions of tons with 
water dipoles are strong enough to overcome, 
m many cases, the adverse eoect of the high 
melting point of the sdt However, it must 
not be assumed that all salts are highly water 
soluble In many cases (obvious examples 
are silver chlonde and quinine sulfate), the 
hydration energy is not sufficient to over- 
come the heat of fusion and solubihty is 
therefore quite low 

However, the formation of a charged spe- 
cies from an uncharged species docs lead to 
an increase in Vfater solubility Quinine sul- 
fate IS considerably more soluble than the 
free alkaloid, even though it has only slight 
water solubdity This principle may be used 
to enhance the water solubility of poorly 
soluble alcohols The^coholisestenfi^with 
a dibasic or tnbasic acid and the mono ester 
formed is made into a salt by the addition 
of sodium hydroxide The final product ts 
considerably more soluble than the parent 

molecule and often has good pharmacologic 
activity Riboflavm phosphate (water solu- 
bility 100 X r^boflavm) IS a good example 
An especially important example of salt 
insolubility occurs when both amon and 
cation are large organic molecules la this 
case the strong interactions between the ions 
and the water dipoles are markedly decreased, 
causing a concurrenl decrease m water solu- 
bflity This situation commonly occurs when 
large cation*eontainmg molecules such as 
benzalkoniuro chlonde and large amon-con- 
tainmg molecules such as sodium fluoresem 
are nuxed in solution leadmg to precipi- 
tauon of benzalkonium fluorescemate Ttus 
IS a sufficiently general reaction to warrant 
the “rule of thumb” that large cationic and 
large amonic molecules shoiud not be used 

Changes of Solvent 
Occasionally, it is necessary to change sol- 
vents m a pharmaceutical preparation It has 
been suggested that the solubility of a sub- 
stance should be the same m two solvents 
with the same dieleclnc constant^'' This 
can of course be true only if the diclcctnc 
constant is due prunanly to one type of mter- 
action, e-g., polarizability This may be illus- 
trated by the solubility of phenobarbital in 
mixed solvents Consider the following 

The approximate diclectnc constant 
(A D C) IS calculated by neglecting volume 
changes and usmg the dielectric constants 
from Table 23 For example, the first value 
is obtained as follows 

A.DC s= 015 (21) +0 85 (80) =71 1 

156 Solution Oosogo Forms 

If one viiihcs to predict other solvent com- 
binations It IS only necessary to know their 
dicicctnc constant and to use ordinary alli- 
gation methods 

It IS dangerous to push this reasoning too 
far For example, in Table 24 the solubility 
mcrcoses as the A D C decreases Thus, it 
might be expected that the solubility m 
formamide would be quite small Actually, 
the solubility is greater than that in ethanol! 
This may be rationalized m terms of the bal 
ance of high polarizability and dielectric 
constant of formamide Phcnobarbital has a 
high polanzability as well as permanent di- 
poles, thus making formamide a very good 


The majority of organic medicinal agents 
arc weak acids or bases ConsequenUy, the 
solubility of these agents is stron^y depend- 
ent on the pH of the solution A qualitative 
understanding of this phenomenon is ob- 
tained by assuming that the charged form 
of the drug is more water soluble and the 
uncharged form is tlicrcforc the solubility- 
limiting species Thus, sodium phcnobarbital 
IS freely soluble (1 Gm/ml) and phcoo- 
barbital is only slightly soluble (1 Cm /800 
ml), atropine sulfate is freely soluble (1 
Gm/04 ml ) and atropine slighdy soluble 
(I Gni/455 ml) The two ditTcrcnt ex 
ampics were chosen to illustrate that the 
charged species may be either the acid form 
(atropine sulfate) or (he base form (sodium 
phcnobarbital) of the medicinal This type 
of reasoning is particularly useful m under- 
standing the precipitation seen when a solu- 
tion of sodium phcnobarbital is mued with 
an acidic vehicle It is occasionally desirable 
to put this qualitative reasoning on a quan- 
titative basts This is easily accomplished 
with the aid of the ' butler equation "* 

pU = pK. + log|!!- (12) 

where pH = — log hydrogen ion concen 
trauon, pK 4 =r — log acidic dissociation 
constant, Co = concentration of the basic 
species and Ca = concentration of die acidic 

Hecvlersoa tlusclbAch c<)uxtioa, c( page 

species The pH at which any drug will pre- 
cipitate from solution may be predicted from 
this equation by insertion of the proper 
values The pK^ values and the solubiUttcs 
are obtained from the literature f (If only 
the pKs (2S°C ) values arc given, subtract 
them from 14 to obtam the equivalent pK^ 
(25^0 ] One then inserts the molar con- 
centration of the soluble form reduced by 
the molar solubility for one concentration 
term and the molar solubility for the other 
This can probably be seen most readily with 
an dlustmtion 

At what pH would a soluUon of sodium 
sulfadiazine (S^ ) precipitate from solution? 
Sofubi/ity sulfodfazinc at 25‘’C = J Cmy 
13 liter M W Sulfadiazme 250, sodium 
sulfadiazine 272 pKa = 6 4S 

pH = 6 48 + log 

JO 0 077 

272 250 

0 077/250 

s 643 + log- 

=s 648 + 200 + 078 = 9 26 

When tbe solubility of one of the species 
IS low, the validity of the buder equation 
should be checked The exact equation is 

pH s pKa + log 

Ctv + HaO+ - OH- 


As long as Ca and Co arc at least ten tunes 
HjO+ or OH" concentration the simplified 
version equation 12 is valid In the example 
used here, Ca = 3 08 X 10-«M and OH" 
Gf 0 18 X 10“* Thus the answer is correct 
If the approximauons arc not good, one may 
obtam a better value by inserting the ap- 
proximate value and re solving Tlus may be 
illustrated with the previous example 

pH = 6 48 + log 

0 184 

308X IO-* + OOI8x 10- 

= 9231 

Note that the pH given m this answer is 
sli^tly more acidic than the previous one 

tUiclul sources Are references 7? SO la the 

t Qy & senes of sucb ItcriUoas the sniw-er may 
bo r^itAincd lo any desired accuracy 

Stability of Solutions 157 

When the solubflity-limitmg species is the 
acid species, any error of this nature will be 
such that the predicted pH is too high If the 
basic species is the solubihly-Limting species, 
the inaccuracy will anse from HaO+ not 
being much smaller than Cb The predicted 
pH will therefore be too low The errors m 
both cases are such that they give a margin 
of safety to the predicted pH of precipitation 
Therefore, the approximate equation (12) 
serves the purpose of indicating a pH beyond 
which precipitation is likely 

Often, the vehicle containmg the drug will 
be bydroalcohohc m nature The effect of 
the alcohol will be twofold, it will change the 
dissociation constant and it will mcrease the 
solubihty of the less soluble (uncharged) 
form The qualitative effect on the dissocia- 
tion constant can be seen with the aid of 
Coulomb’s Law (equation II) The intro- 
duction of alcohol will lower the over-all 
dielectnc constant and thereby mcrease the 
work necessary to separate (dissociate) the 
lotuc species This means that the equilib- 
rium always be shifted toward the side 
containmg the fewer charged speaes The 
concurrent mcrease m the solubihty of the 
uncharged species will be much larger Thus, 
the over-all effect wiU be that the pH of pre- 
cipitation will be shifted and the solubility at 
any pH will be mcreased. 

It must always be kept clearly m mmd that 
mixing a weak acid with a weak base will 
result m ncuttahzaivon Thus, if we mix solu- 
Uoas of diphsnhydEanune hydrochloride and 
sodium pentobarbital, we may get precipita- 
tion of either or both or a salt of the two de- 
pending on the relative amounts of each drug 


One other means of effectmg soiutioa de- 
serves attention This process is known as 
“solubilization” and involves a colloidal solu- 
tion the particles of which are capable of 
mcreasing the ordmary solubility of a com- 
pound This mcrease m solubility is due to 
adsorption or mcorporation of the solute 
molecules onto or m the colloidal particle 
The colloidal particles usually consist of 
many molecules of a suifaclanl arranged so 
that the nonpolar portions of the surfactant 

are mteimeshed The resultmg particle is 
probably m the shape of a sausage, a sphere 
or a sandwich and is called a micelle A 
polarizable non-water soluble molecule may 
then be mcoqwrated mto the micelle so that 
its nonpolar portion is m juxtaposition to the 
Boopolar portion of the micelle 

Most of the properties of solubilized drugs 
may be understood by assummg that the col- 
loidal surfactant is simply a second mvisible 
phase Thus, the effect of pH on the solu- 
bilization of weak acids may be explained 
by assuming that the surfactant is a second 
phase m which the undissociated form is solu- 
ble and the dissociated (charged) form is 
insoluble ** 

The use of solubilizers in pharmacy dates 
back to the 19th century However, their use 
in internal preparations is relatively recent. 
The sorbitan esters (Tweens® and Spans®) 
have been widely tested and found to be 
relatively nontoxic The use of solubilizers 
has achieved success in vitamm formulations 
to mcorporale the “fat’ soluble vitamms into 
aqueous preparations Several studies have 
shown that vitamm A is more stable and bet- 
ter absorbed m a solubilized aqueous solu- 
tion than in a true solution m an oil ^ The 
absorption of iron is also mcreased by sur- 
factants Other workers have found that 
surfactants hasten the color fadmg of dyes,®* 
and can decrease the effectiveness of pre- 
servatives ® ** Therefore, it is necessary 

that each preparation containmg a surfactant 
be evaluated on an individual basis 


Since DO medicmal m solution will be 
stable forever, stability is only a relative term 
In pharmaceutical practice, most products 
have sufficient shelf hfe so that the patient 
need take no special precautions However, 
the student is aware that some products carry 
expiration dates beyond which they should 
not be used Other products require refnger- 
ation and some must be protected from light 
In order to understand need for the pre- 
ceding precautions let us consider the fol- 
lowmg experiment 

An organic ester is dissolved m water and 
the concentration of the drug is determmed 

158 Sotuhon Dotogs Forms 

Table 25 

Time (days) 

CoNCt.sTiwnoN (Gin./I00inl ) 








3 90 

-0 400 

-0 103 



-0 280 

-0 110 



-0 175 

-0 106 






0 70 

— = - 106C 


at tunc micrvals o\cr a period of several da)s 
The concentration may Uica be plotted as a 
function of time as shoMii in Figure 6S The 
slope of this curve at any point may be ob- 
tained by determining the slope of the straight 
fine (angenr to the curve at the desired point.* 
For example, the slope at 4 days is computed 
from the slope of the straight line shown m 
Figure 6S drawn tangent at the 4-day potoL 
The slope of the curve at other times is com- 
puted in the same manner The slope may be 
determined at several points and the follow- 
ing data m Table 25 obtained 
Note that the slope divided by the conccn- 

•This is done 4S follows m ss » < «■.— where 

C« is the conccflUaiioQ at ume ti and Ci the cos 
ccotrauoQ at time (k 

tration is a constant This constant will be 
designated k and Uic data m Table 25 may 
now be presented m the form of the follow- 
ing cquaiiOD 

slope = iC - - D1D6C (J4) 

*rhc slope has units of cooccniraiion per day 
and may be expressed as 

Where dC is the change in concentration m 
the time period dt It is thus seen that the 
slope IS the rate of disappearance of the drug 
from the solution According to equation 14 
this rate is proportional to the concentniUoo 
of the drug in soluuon with proportionality 
constant k 

Stabilify of Solutions 159 

Why IS the rate of degradation propor- 
tional to the concentration m solution? 

Assume that m the previous example the 
drug IS disappearing due to the hydrolysis of 
the ester linkage It then seems reasonable 
that the rate of hydrolysis will depend on the 
number of collisions per second between the 
water and the drug molecules (Not every 
collision will lead to hydrolysis, but a certam 
fraction of the colhsions will do so ) In turn, 
the number of collisions will depend on the 
concentration of ester and water molecules 
In dilute aqueous solutions the concentration 
of water will be much greater than the con- 
centration of the ester The number of col- 
lisions per second ■will theieioie depend only 
on the concentration of drug molecules in 
the solution, smce a small change in drug 
concentration will have virtually no effect on 
water concentration Therefore, the rate of 
hydrol>sis must depend only on the concen- 
tration of drug m solution, as seen m equa- 
tion 14 

This type of rate equation is known as a 
pseudo fint-order reaction The order of a 
reaction is the sum of the exponents of all 
concentration terms on the right hand side of 
the equation The hydrolysis is actually sec- 
ond order 

4^=k'(C)(W) (15) 

Where W = water concentration However, 
the water concentration does not change dur- 
mg the course of the reaction, being m great 
excess, and may be mcorporated with the 
rate constant k' to produce k and equation 1 4 
If the amount of water is decreased (e g , 
by usmg propylene glycol m place of water) 
to the point where the water concentration 
IS comparable with that of the drug, the hy- 
drolysis will depend on both drug and water 
concentrations The slope of a plot of con- 
centration of drug versus time would then 
be divided by the product of drug and water 
conantration to obtam the rate constant ^ 
Another type of behavior would be noted 
if the satura^ drug solution were in con^/:t 
with excess solid drug The concentration of 
drug would now be constant, smce the solid 
would dissolve as rapidly as the drug was 
hydrolyzed However, we may detennme one 
of the products of the reactions (e g , the al- 
cohol) and plot its concentration versus time, 
as shown m Figure 69 This plo. may be 
represented by 

This then would be a pseudo zero-order 

Many other types of rate equations are 
possible, dependmg on the mechanism of the 


Solution Dosage Forms 

rcactioa Nfany of the more complex cases 
may be resolved into parallel or senes reac- 
tions, each step of which is actually a zero- 
order or a fint-ordcr reaction 


A catal}^! may be dcHncd as a substance 
which will greatly mcreasc the rate of the 
reaction although it does not occur in the 
stoichiometiy • 

Probably the most common catalysts m 
pharmaceutical solutions are hydronium and 
hydroxide ions The hydrolysis of most drugs 
will be dependent on the relative concentra- 
tion of such ions In some reactions other 
weaker acidic and basic species, c g , 
acetate ion, NHs may also be catalysts Most 
kinetic studies of drug degradation will there- 
fore include a “pH-rate profile** This is a 
plot of the rate constant vs pH Such a plot 
will make It possible to predict the pH of 
maximum stability for a product For ex- 
ample, the optimum stability range for aque- 
ous solutions of potassium penicillin is found 
to be pH 6 0 to 6 S 

The effect of pH on hydrolysis may be 
understood by mvestigation of the reaction 
mechanism (step-by-step pathway) involved 

In acid solution 

are the ratc-limiimg (slowest) steps If it is 
assumed that the ratio of the cquilibnum 
constants for these steps is proportional to 
the rate constants, then the relative rate in 
acidic and basic media depends on the rela- 
tive nucleophilic and electrophilic natures 


of the reactants (OH^, HaO, R — and 

R — C — ^X) 2* Usually it is found that the rate 
constant for base catalysis is much larger 
(200 to 1,000 tunes, or more) than the rate 
constant for acid hydrolysis The total rate 
of disappearance may be wntlcn 

R = kj.(C) (H+) + k„(C) (OH-) 

At pH 7 0 (H+ = OH~) the second term 
will be about 1,000 times the first term At 
pH 6 0 the second term will be 100 times 
larger than the first term but the total rate 
will be only one tenth the rate at pH 7 0 At 
pH 5 0 the second term will still predominate 
(10 tunes the first term) and the total rate 
will be about one hundredth the rate at pH 
7 0 "niercfore, it is apparent that most ny- 
drolyzable mcdicmals will be much more 


R-^-X + H+->R-^-X + HjOt.R-C-X-»R-C-X-{-H+ 

I I 




and m alkalme solution 

^R-C-l-X--*R-C-OH + HX 




K-C-X + OH- -*R-C-X->R-C-l-X--»R-C-0_+HX 

1 \ 


^Vhcre X may be OR*, NH-, etc. 

The reactions with an asterisk over them 

* InvesUgation of the rate equatioa will show 
that the rate is propomooat to the catalyst coo 
ceotratioo. Since the catalyst cooccntratioo is coo- 
-tant, the cooccntrauoa may be Incorporated into 

u rate cooitanL 

Stable at a pH of 5 to 6 than at more basic 
pH values 

Many other catalysts may be encountered 
Inorganic heavy metal ions are often indicted, 
and such unlikely things as sodium phosphate 
may be catalysts under some conditions 
It u imperative, then, that the degradation 

Stability of Solutions 161 

rate of a drug be determined in the final dos- 
age fonn and not merely m an idealized aque- 
ous solution 

Hydrolytic Degradation 
The most important cause of drug decom- 
position IS hydrolysis This follows, smce the 
majonty of organic medicinals are esters or 
contam other groupmgs such as substituted 
amides, lactones, lactams, etc , which are 
subject to hydrolysis There are several ap- 
proaches to this problem * The addition of 
agents which form complexes with the drug 
may decrease the hydrolysis rate sa z* 
other method is often used with antibiotics 
the drug IS packaged m a dry form from which 
the pharmacist prepares a solution immedi- 
ately prior to use Probably the simplest 
method of stabilization is to decrease the 
water concentration Thus, one may prepare 
a relatively stable aspinn solution by replac- 
ing water with alcohol and propylene glycol “ 
However, it should be noted that potassium 
pemollin G is rapidly mactivated by the pres- 
ence of alcohol' The problem with pemctl- 
ha may be circumvented by preparation of 
water-msoluble salts with large organic 
cations replacing the potassium ion (cf the 
section on solubility) Their low solubihty 
strikingly reduces the degradation rate (equa- 
tion 16) and makes a suspension which mam- 
taiQs potency m a refrigerator for a year or 
more Recent work has shown that dis 
solving esters m a micellular solution results 
m considerable stabilization of the ester ** ** 

Autoxidation Reactions 
Another common stability problem is 
autoxidation (oxidations involving atmos- 
pheric oxygen) Many autoxidations mvolve 
free radical mechamsms The basic scheme 
for such reactions may be expressed as 

stand the various approaches to stabilization 
The student will readily perceive that the 
simple kmetic equations which work for other 
reactions will not be useful here smce RH is 
being destroyed by at least two different reac- 
tions, A and C 

The prevention of autoxidation may be 
attempted by slowmg the mitiation reac- 
tion A This can be accomplished by use of 
dark or coated bottles if &e photoxidation 
path IS important, and the use of chelatmg 
agents such as ethylenediammetetraacetic 
acid (Versene®) to remove trace ions which 
are capable of reaction imtiation 

Another widely used method is the addi- 
tion of other easily oxidized substances (in- 
hibitors) which are mcapable of chain prop- 

RO2 + IH I + ROjH 
L prod 

Thus, such substances as phenols and ammes 
may be effective antioxidants, since cham 
propagation requires the structure R 0 0 O 
which IS quite improbable ‘ Often it is nec- 
essary to stabilize phenolic and catechol types 
of drugs (eg, epmepbrme) In this case it 
IS necessary to use a stabilizer which under- 
goes the miliauon step more readily than the 
drug The ability of vanous antioxidants to 
undergo the initiation step may be compared 
using oxidation jTotentials 

Useful antioxidants m oleaginous systems 
are substances such as a-tocopherol, butyl 
hydroxyanisole and ascorbyl palmitate In 
aqueous systems use may be made of agents 
such as sodium sulfite, sodium formaldehyde 
sulfoxylate, sodium bisulfite and ascorbic 
acid It is often found that the mixture of 
two or more antioxidants is synergistic, lead- 
ing to a much larger mcrcase m stability than 
predictable from simple additivity 


— rr- 

heavy melals 




R + Og -> 


cham propagation 


ROg + RH -* 

R +RO2H 

cham propagaUoo 


ROg + RO2 -» 


cham termination 

concurrent reactions may 

be Hydrogen ion conccntrati 

written but these few will enable us to undcr- 
* The contiol of pH has already been discussed 

an effect on oxidation rate In the case of 
phenohe oxidation the removal of an electron 


Solution Dosage Forms 

seems to be easier than the extraction of a 
h)drogcn atom 

1 11 HI 

Maintenance of a low pH will prevent ioniza- 
tion, decrease the concentration of species 
II, and thereby produce significant stabiliza- 
tion of the molecule 

The autoxidation of oils m surfactant solu- 
tions IS quite mtcrcsting Starting with an 
emulsion of the oil and adding surfactant m 
steps until a clear solubilized solution is ob- 
tained, the oxidation rate at first mcreoscs 
and then decreases greatly when solution is 
complete This behavior has been explained 
by assuming that the miuatioa step is tokuig 
place m the micelle and propagation in the 
oil phase Thus, complete solution is equiva- 
lent to addition of a cham inhibitor * 

ElTcct of Temperature, hfost drug degrada 
tions increase rapidly with mcrcasmg tern 
perature The quantitative expression of this 
met IS known as the Arrhenius equation 

® ki T303T\ Ti X Tj / 

where ki is the rate comtant at temperature 
Ti, ka IS the rate constant at temperature T:, 
and Ea IS known as the ‘activation energy'* 
of the reaction The mcrcosc m rate constant 

IS undesirable m itself The most ocsirable 
method for avoidmg contommation is the 
use of aseptic techmc and sterilization of the 
solution This is of utmost importance m the 
preparation of parenteral and ophthalmic 
preparations However, m most oramory m- 
ten^ and external preparations, the rather 
tedious and expensive manipulations of asep- 
tic techmc are not necessary The problem 
of contommation may be minimized by the 
use of suitable antimicrobial or antifungal 

The common phamuccutical solvents al- 
cohol and glycerol ore known to possess 
antimicrobiiU properties In addition, the 
presence of sucrose m high concentration is 
a useful preservative Thus, alcohol m con- 
centration of 15 per cent or higher, glycerol 
at 50 per cent or higher and sucrose solutions 
of 65 per cent need no other preservatives 
When used in combmation, the amounts may 
be less for each ingredient^ 

It IS often desirable to add an antibacterial 
agent to the solution Several agents arc avail- 
able for this purpose, the most widely used 
agents being benzoic acid and the esters of 
p-b>drox)bcQZOic acid. 

Benzoic acid is a far more effective agent 
than sodium benzoate, therefore, the pre- 
servative action must be strongly dependent 
on pH The usual effective conccnuation of 
benzoic acid is 0 1 per cent The concentra- 

witb temperature is rationalized in terms of 
the increased fraction of molecules having 
sufficient energy for reaction Many of the 
common reactions have activation energies" 
of about 12 kilocalories per degree per mole 
Solving equation 17 at this value leads to the 
approximate rule that reaction rate doubles 
for each 10-dcgrcc nsc m temperature 
This readily explains the rationale for 
keepmg medications m the refrigerator The 
degradation rate will be decreased to ap- 
proximately M of Its degradauon rate at 

tion of benzoic acid necessary to mamtain a 
tree acid concentration of 0 1 per cent in a 
solution with a pH of 6 0 would be about 
6 5 per cent (pK^ of benzoic acid is 4 20 ) 
Because of this, other agents are needed 
for Donacidic solutions This need has been 
fiUed by the use of the methyl, ethyl, propyl 
and butyl esters of p-hydrox) benzoic acid 
(parabcos) The high pK^ of the phenolic 
hydroxy group (ca 10) makes their use 
feasible m almost all pharmaceutical prep- 

room temperature 

These esters differ in their relative activity 

Decradatiom by Micro-organisms 
Although a completely different phenome- 
non, the growth of micro-organisms m solu- 
tions may lead to loss of potency In many 
eases (c g , ophthalmic pieporations) the 
presence of viable organisms in the solutions 
* Note the unulanty to eqiutioa 10 

against vanous types of micro-organisms 
Therefore, use is made of mixtures of para- 
bens as preservatives The concentration 
needed u difficult to ascertain, since the rec- 
ommeoded concentrations are often higher 
than the water solubility of the porat^ns 
Solubiu^ data arc given m Table 26 

In practice a problem arises in the use of 

Coloring and Flavoring 163 

Table 26 






Solubility m Gm /lOO ml 










0 02 




0 02 



parabens because of their very slow rate of 
dissolution This may be averted by the use 
of stock solutions m propylene glycol 
Another problem is Ukely to arise when 
parabens are used m solutions containing 
other molecules with which they may mter- 
act through formation of hydrogen bonds 
The mteraction with Tween 80® has been 
thoroughly studied “ The reaction may 
be written 

Tween Paraben = Paraben-Tween 

Hus reaction will follow the law of mass 
action and may therefore be wntten 

(Smce only the free paraben is aobbac- 
tenal, it is necessary to add extra paraben to 
a solution contaming such agents ) The total 
araben needed is the desired free paraben, 
, plus the amoum in the complex form, P-T 
Paraben needed = [PJ + [P T] = [PJ + KFUIPJ 
= Pn+K(T)3 

When P and T are expressed in percentage 
the value of K for propylparaben is about 
0 65 and for methylparaben 4 5 The use of 
this equation has been shown to predict the 
required paraben concentration quite accu- 
rately®® The use of preservatives m oph- 
thalmc solutions will be discussed m a later 


Occasionally the pharmacist encounters a 
prescnption m which coloring will mercase 
patient acceptance A targe number of coa l 
t ar colors are available for such use Prob- 
ably the easiest ap^ach to tbe^ problem is 

the use of hquid food colors available in 
grocery stores Such Food, Drug and Cos- 
metic dyes are not, m general, as stable as 
Drug and Cosmetic dy es However, for use 
m extemporaneous compounding where long- 
term stability IS not necessary they are quite 
useful They consist of solutions of 3 to 4 
per cent colormg agent m a propylene glycol- 
water vehicle The usual colors are blue. 
green, yellow and re^ Other colors are easily 
obtained' byT appropnate mixtures of these 
The dyes are all sodium salts sulfomc 
aad s Thus, one would anticipate possible 
mcompatibilities with large catiomc molecules 
such as the salts of alkaloids However, be- 
cause of the very low concentration of dye 
m the final product (ca 5 X no 

problem is usually observed Smce sulfomc 
acids are quite strong, the dyes are not pre- 
apitated by ordinary acidic vehicles, al- 
though the color may be shghtly altered. It 
IS interesting to note Aat recently some water 
soluble F D C dyes have been reacted with 
large cationic surfactants to obtom oil soluble 


In the past several years patients have 
come to expect pleasanuy flavored medica- 
uot^ Pharmaceutical manufacturers assure 
flavor acceptance by testing formulations with 
flavor panels Of course, such procedures are 
not available to the pharmacist and he must 
depend on the few general flavoring pnn- 
aplcs which he may obtain ® ** 

Flavor is a very subjective sensation de- 
pending on taste, feel, color and odor Such 
a complex phenomenon cannot be described 
by mathematical formulae Research in the 
past few years has led to the realization that 
taste and odor are both adsorption pbe- 
oomena ** Further studies will probably 
lead to understanding of taste and odor dif- 
ferences on the basis of chemical structure 
Even this knowledge would not make flavor- 
mg a science, since difference m taste and 
odor response due to age, genetic differences 
and other factors would still exist 

la attempting to produce pleasantly fla- 
vored liquids extemporaneously the pharma- 
cist must keep several general ideas in mind 
The objectionable taste is ideally blended 
into a taste complex the over all effect of 

164 Solution Dosage Forms 

which 1 $ pleasant Caic must be taken to 
avoid an unpleasant aftertaste which may 
destroy the over all effect (Occasionally, it 
IS well to advise the patient to nnsc his mouth 
after taking his medication ) Another im> 
portant consideration is the difference be- 
tween flavor masking and flavor acceptance 
Although gI)C}rThiza S)rup is an excellent 
masking agent for many mcdicinals, few pa- 
tients approve of its taste-’ -* It should be 
noted that the masking properties of gly- 
cyrrhiza may be due m part to precipitation 
of insoluble salts Cationic drugs may inter- 
act with the large gl)C)nhi2a anion and thus 
reduce the therapeutic efficacy of the drug 

The factors to be considered and the steps 
to be taken in flavonng a liquid medicinal 
may be outlined as follows 

1 Age of Patient 
A Pediatrics 

Sweet candy and fruity flavors 
B Adults 

Citrus less sweet 
C Genatnes 

Mint wine, liquors 

2 Taste to be masked 
A. Salty 

Syrups Raspberry, curus. orange 
flavors cocoa cherry, cinnamon 
Elixirs Gl)cyrrhiza aromatic 
Eavon Maple butterscotch, grape, 
honey, licorice raspberry 
B Bitter 

S)Tups Cocoa glyc>rrhiza aromatic 
enodict>on citric acid 
Elixirs Aromatic 

Flavors Chocolate mints, raspberry, 
honey wild cherry 
C Sour or Acid 

S)rups Raspberry, citrus orange flavor 
Elixirs Aromatic 
Eavors Citrus raspberry 

3 Color 

Match flavor if possible 

4 Texture 

A. Mouth feel may often be unproved by 
addition of an agent which increases 
viscosity such as sorbitol (also imparts 
sweetness) or gums 

B Oily taste may be improved by the 
use of mint, vanilla or ciUus flavors. 

Often, large pharmacologic groups of 
agents have common taste problems which 
may be attacked m a similar manner 

Antibiotics. Bitter taste requires sweeten- 

mg agent such as_juc_rpsc,__sacchanne or 
cyclam ates (sodium or ca lcium) m addition 
to the follow mg 

Banana Lemon 

Cherry Mint 

Orange Raspberry 

Pineapple Chocolate 

Antihistamines have a salty taste as well 
as a stinging ' sensation on the tongue 
Citrus Root Beer 

Raspberry Honey 

Wild Cherry Peach 

Apneot Custard 

Non-narcotic Analgesics. 

Citrus Root Beer 

Banana Wmtergrecn 

Narcotic Analgesics 

Butterscotch Apneot 

Cherry Liconce 

Raspberry Vermouth 

Barbiturates Usually somewhat bitter and 
require sweetening 

Citrus Raspberry 

Mint Anise 

Vitamm Preparations, 

Raspberry VaoiUa 

Cherry Cheny 

Chocolate mint Citrus 

Several sweetening agents are available for 
use as flavor adjuncts Sucrose and sorbitol 
may be used in high concentrations as both 
sweetening agents and to improve “mouth 
feel ' More intense sweetening is obtamed by 
the use of cyclamatc or sacchann, the latter 
bemg less desirable because of its tendency 
to hydrolytic breakdown over long penoe^ 
of tune It IS obvious that no pharmacy would 
wish to stock the large number of different 
flavonng agents noted above Careful pe- 
rusal of the lists wiU show that several flavor- 
mg agents appear several times It may well 
be practical for the pharmacy to carry a few 
flavonng agents which will produce reason- 
able pr^ucls m each ease It has been sug 
^sted that cherry, chocolate, mint, orange 
and raspberry would be sufficient to solve 
most flavoring problems ” 

All such agents should be kept in small 
dark ^ass containers in a cool place to pre- 
vent dwomposition of the flavor 

The student will recall from his cxpcncncc 
m prepanng aromatic waters that many 

Special Solutions 165 

flavonng agents are not very water soluble 
However, adequate flavoring can be obtained 
using only mmimal amounts of flavoranls 
The use of suitable diluting technics with 
flavorants may therefore be necessary 


The student is familiar from his labora- 
tory studies with the ordinary glass bottles 
used for packaging hquids The need for 
brown bottles which absorb the highly ener- 
getic blue wavelengths should be apparent 
from the earher discussion of autoxidation 
The green dropper bottles often used will 
transmit ultraviolet radiation and are there- 
fore no improvement over clear bottles 
The past few years have seen the intro- 
duction of plastic contamers for liquids They 
have certam advantages m terms of break- 
age and opacity However, their ability to 
adsorb preservatives and drugs and allow 
free passage of gases militates against their 
usage m several systems Their use for 
any product must be tested on an mdividual 
basis, and it will probably be several years 
before they may be used widely in prescnp* 
tioa practice 

Although the general principles developed 
earlier are applicable to all solutions, some 
dosage forms require special technics 

Ophthalmic Solutions 
It IS generally agreed that ophthalmic solu- 
tions should be sterile, should contam a pre- 
servative and should have an osmotic pres- 
sure and pH similar to that of normal lacn- 
mal fluid Each of these requirements will be 
discussed separately 

Sterdity. It seems sclf-cvidcnl that any 
ophthalmic solution should be sterile Since 
1953 ophthalmic solutions which are not 
sterile have been considered adulterated and 
misbranded by the FDA In the legal sense, 
this rulmg applies only to commercial prep- 
arations, but the moral obligation of the retail 
pharmacist is clear Although many different 
organisms may cause damage m the e)c, the 
most senous imection is due to Pseudomonas 
aeruginosa (Bacillus pyocyaneus) These 

gram negative bacilli were a common cause 
of wound infection before the days of aseptic 
surgery The orgamsm may be found in the 
mtetinal tract or the normal skm of man 
and may be an airborne contammant Thus, 
contamination of ophthalmic solutions is not 
surprismg if the solutions are not properly 
handled The seriousness of Pseudomonas m- 
fections may be brought home by an ex- 
amination of the clinical literature which 
abounds with terms such as enucleation of 
the eye and corneal transplants ^ No phar- 
macist would want the responsibihty for 
blindmg a patient 

In onier to ensure stenhty of the final 
product, the solution should be prepared 
under aseptic conditions The ready availa- 
bihty of pressure cookers makes it possible 
to sterilize both the apparatus used m fillmg 
and the flna} prescription It is also possible 
to render solutions stenle by filtration tech- 
nics These have been made practical by the 
advent of the Millipore® filler * This filter 
(MF HA) with the use of a Swinny adapter 
on a syrmge makes it possible to remove all 
bacteria from a solution This method is par- 
ticularly useful for filling a large number of 
units of the same solution Its usefulness 
as a general method for individual prescrip- 
tions is decreased by the necessity of auto- 
claving the filter assembly before each use 
With such technics it is possible for the orig- 
inal prescription to leave the pharmacy m a 
stenle condition However, the pharmacist’s 
respcmsibihly does not end here 

Prescrvalnes. Attention to the future use 
of the final product is also unportanL If the 
solution IS to be used m a physician’s office 
or a clinic, the possibility of moculation of 
pathogens mto the solution becomes great 
For example, an epidemic of Pseudomonas 
infection in a Rotterdam hospital, a few 
years ago, revealed that a large number of 
eyedrops m clinical use were mfected Fur- 
ther study of the solutions m use m the con- 
sulting rooms of 12 eje surgeons m Rotter- 
dam showed contammation m at least one 
preparation in each of 9 of the 12 rooms 
examined ** Thus, it is necessary that oph- 
thalmic solutions for such use be “sclf- 
stcnhzmg ” Solutions for home use are much 

*lQformatioa is available from tbe Millipore 
Co, Bedford, Mass 

166 Solution Dotage Forms 

less liable to such “cross lafcctioas," but it 
seems reasonable to use a preservative for 
this t)pc of preparation also A third general 
t)pe of c)c medication is more likely to be 
seen only in hospital pharmacies Prepara-* 
tions for use m traumatized e}cs or during 
surgery should be compounded for the use 
of only one patient Smcc all preservatives 
arc somewhat imtating, and smee this prep* 
aration will only be used once, preservatives 
should be omitted-®® ®* 

The problem arises as to what preservative 
should be used This is a particularly knotty 
problem which has puzzled investigators for 
several )cars The literature is conflicting 
and confusing and the populanty of various 
agents rises and falls with alarming rapidity 
It seems unlikely that much can be gamed 
by reiteration of the history of such preserva- 
U\cs Therefore, only a few examples which 
ar^resently accepted will be discussed 
Ine quaternary ammonium compounds, 
especially bcnzalkonium chloride, have be- 
come accepted as excellent broad spectrum 
preservatives eflcciivc against both gram* 
positive and gram*oegaUve organisms*® 
However, there has been a question raised as 
to their cfTcctiveacss against certain strains 
of Pseudomonas ®® It has been suggested that 
the addition of 001 to 0 1 per cent of 
disodium cthylcncdiammctetraacctatc will 
make such resistant organisms susceptible to 
the usual I 10 000 IXQzalkoaium chlonde 
solutions*® ®® A recent publication suggests 
that a mixture of bcnzalkonium chlonde 
(0 02%) and neomjem sulfate (0 5%) 
might be an excellent combination ' * An 
other possibility is bcnzalkonium chlonde 
(001%) and polymum B 1,000 um(s/cc 
The use of poI>mixm B has been questioned, 
since It 15 one of the few drugs useful against 
clmicol mfcctions of Pseudomonas Recent 
development of a new antibiotic useful against 
Pseudomonas mfcctions seems to reduce the 
validity of this argument ®* Note that the 
need for bcnzalkomum chlonde is due to the 
narrow spectrum of either of the suggested 

The quaternary ammonium preservatives 
have some incompatibilities which must be 
taken mto account with their use They have 
been reported to be incompatible with 5 per 
cent (but not 2% ) bone acid, miratcs, salt- 

i^lates and fluorcsccm Fluoreseem solutions 
are a notonous source of Pseudomonas in- 
fections and the UJJ* suggests that only 
single dose preparations should be used 
In the case of mtrates and sahcylates where 
the cation is the pharmacologically active 
agent, the best method is to change to the 
cUonde or another salt which would be com- 
pauble with quaternanes One other effect 
of the addition of bcnzalkonium chlonde 
should be noted The surface tension reduc- 
tion will decrease the drop size of the solu- 
tion with concurrent reduction in dosage per 
drop (The drop is reduced from 0 05 
cc/drop to about 003/drop m a 001% 
solution ) 

Chlorobutanol has been strongly recom- 
mended in the past ®® However, it has some 
distmct disadvantages It is difficult to effect 
solution of the OS per cent concentration 
required and it is rapidly destroyed by auto- 
claving or in basic solution It u also incom- 
patible with stiver nitrate and sodium salts 
of sulfa drugs ** 

The organic mercunals such os phenyl- 
mercunc nitrate have been used for several 
years as preservative agents ** Unfortu- 
nately, organic mercurial agents arc much 
slower acting than other agents and tend to 
be sensitizing when used over long periods of 
tune Phenylmercuric nitrate is also mcom 
patible with bolides, which further detracts 
from Its usefulness It may be used with 
salicylate and nitrate salts m place of 
quaternanes Thunerosal has recently been 
recommended for ophthalmic use m com- 
bination with polymizin B It worked well 
at the pH tested by the authors (6 8) but 
could not be used at more acidic pH values 
because of precipitation of the free acid form 

No other preservatives seem to have had 
sufliaent testing to warrant their use m pref- 
erence to those discussed 

Osmotic Pressure. A few years ago a great 
deal of energy was expended in the effort to 
assure the correct osmouc pressure of oph- 
thalmic solutions Today, it is possible to 
read m an Italian pharmaceutical journal a 
quotation from a Swiss pharmaceutical 
journal, which onginatcd in an Amcncan 
pharmaceutical journal, that assures us that 
osmouc pressure is rclauvciy unimportantl** 

Special Solulions 167 

This viewpoint is based on the fact that the 
eye is insensitive to a rather large range of 
osmotic pressure Hus concept has been 
challenged on the grounds that although 
pain may not be elicited, tearmg may result, 
and, thus, medications may be washed out 
of the eye Therefore, it seems that the 
safest method is to adjust the osmotic pres- 
sure of solutions for use m the eye to a 
practical range 

The student will recall the earher discus- 
sion of Raoult’s Law This law states that 
the vapor pressure above a liquid is propor- 
tional to the mole fracUon of the liquid m the 
solution Thus, as the mole fraction of solute 
is mcreased the mole fraction of solvent will 
decrease (sum of all mole fractions must 
equal one) and the vapor pressure of the 
solvent must necessarily decrease Let us now 
visualize an aqueous soluuon and pure water 
separated by a membrane which will allow 
water molecules to pass freely but will not 
allow the passage of solute molecules (Fig 
70) Smce the vapor pressure of the water 
IS greater than the vapor pressure of the solu- 
tion, water will pass through the membrane 
mto the solution In order to prevent this 
transfer we may increase the pressure on 
compartment B (Fa) with the piston until 
the volume of water m B no longer mcreases 
with time Thus, we have mcreased the vapor 
pressure of the solution until it is equal to the 
vapor pressure of the pure water Osmotic 
pressure r is defined as the difference in pres- 
sure necessaiy to prevent passage of solvent 
in one direction, i e , 

’r = Fa-F^ 

It may appear that the osmotic pressure 
should be a rather small force, since the 
vapor pressure differences are quite small for 
dilute aqueous solutions vs water This is 
far from true, osmoUc pressures often being 
as high as several atmospheres of pressure! 
The explanation for this lies m the fact that 
large increases in applied pressure must be 
exerted m order to produce small mcreases 
m vapor pressure The equation relatmg the 
tu'o pressures is 

2 3RT 














Fig 70 Water (A) and an aqueous 
soluuon (B) separated by a semiperme 
able membrane with impervious pistons 
exerting pressures and Fb, respec- 
tively, above each compartment 

where R and T have their usual meanmgs, 
V IS the volume per mole of liquid (eg, 18 
ml /mole for water), P* is the vapor pres- 
sure when F (apphed pressure) is zero and 
p IS the vapor pressure for a given value of 
F From this defimuon we may derive a re- 
lationship for predictmg ir for various con- 
centrauons of solute 

„ 23RT, Pb 23RT, P*. 

“ Fa — log— oc-sr- 

V ®P B V i 

Now, Pa = Pb (vapor pressure of water and 
soluuon are equal), Pa* = Pw* where Pw® is 
the vapor pressure of pure water, and Pa* = 
Pn-® Xw = Pir® [I — X,] where is the 
mole fracUon of water and X, is the mole 
fraction of solute m the solution 

23RT, PbP*a 2 3RT , 





For dilute soluuons, [1 — X,1 approaches 
one and 2 3 log [1 — X,] is approximately 
equal to — X» (The student may verify this 
by checkmg the equality for smdl values of 


168 Soluhon Dotog« Formt 

By dcfiniLioa, 

__ moles solute (m) 

moles water + molcjsoluie ' 
and for dilute solutions, where the moles of 
solute arc much smaller than the moles of 

^ _ moles solute (m) 

* ~ moles water 

The moles of water multiplied by the volume 
per mole gis cs the volume of w ater (V) 


r = -iRT=00S2MT (18) 

where M IS the molarity of the solute We 
may predict the osmotic pressure of a 5 per 
cent glucose solution (which has the same 
osmotic pressure as lacnmal Ouid) at 25*’C 
as follows 

» = 0 082 X ^ X 298 
s 6 8 atmospheres ~ 100 Ib /in ^ 
The vapor pressure diflcrcntiai (Pw* •— p) 
producing uus osmotic pressure may be csu> 
mated with the aid of Raoult’s Law to be 
only 2 78 X 10“* mm of mercury or 5 6 X 

The effect of 100 Ib/m^ on a semi' 
permeable membrane such as the cornea of 
the C)e IS easily understood Such pressures 
would neser actually be obtamed with oph' 
tholmic medication, smee the pressure differ* 
cntial would have to be generated by move* 
ment of water molecules across the cornea 
The stimulus will of counc induce lacnmal 

secretion which rapidly dilutes and washes 
out the offending liijuid. 

Incorrect answers arc obtained if one at- 
tempts to use equation 18 for predicting the 
osmotic pressure of electrolytes This may be 
explained by assuming that the molecules dis- 
sociate mio g particles The mole fraction of 
solute X, will then be multiplied by g 

V _ (g)(m) 

moles water 

For exninple, with potassium chJonde, the 
number of moles toth of potassium and 
of cblondc ions are equal to the number of 
moles of potassium chlonde added and the 
total number of moles of solute is therefore 
doubled by dissociation Of course, dissocia- 
tion IS never complete and the factor g is 
always less than the theoretic number of 
particles possible It is therefore necessary 
to determine the factor expenmcntally The 
expenmenta] correction factor is usually 
designated as i Equauon IS then becomes 

vss0082iMT* (19) 

Fortunately, u is not necessary to obtain 
1 values for aU salts encountered, since the 
variation between salts of similar t^pcs (e g , 
NaCI and KG, or MgSOi and CaSO^) is 
nc^gible They also vary somewhat with 
concentration hut this effect is also unim- 
portant for practical compounding A list- 
mg of 1 values is given m Table 27 

*KooMU]g i anj 7 (6 8 atmospheres) it tbere 
lore » pouitile to detemune the molanty of any 
subsunce ncccsuxy 10 prepare an iso-osmoiic solu 

Table 27 Average i Values for Various Ionic TvPEst 






Sucrose, dextrose, Rlyccrm 

Weak cleclroljtcs 

1 1 

Pbcnobarbilal, bone acid 

Urn univalent clcctroI)'lei 

1 8 

Sodium chlonde, procaine HQ, sodium 

Um-divalent e]cctrol> 1 es 


Atropine sulfate, calcium sulfate 

Di*uaiva]ent electrolytes 


Calcium chlonde 

Di-divalent c]ccirol)tct 

1 1 

Zinc sulfate, calcium sulfate 

Uni tnvalcnt electrolytes 


Sodium Citrate 

Tri-univalcnl electrolytes 


Feme chlonde 

Tetraborate electrolytes 


Sodium borate 

t Modi&eJ from Wetli, J 2if Am Phann. Am. [PrxL] J 99, 1944. 

Speciol Solutions 169 

Two solutions which have the same dilonde sufBcient to make the final pcrcent- 
osmoUc pressure are defined as iso-osmotic age 0 9 The sodium chloride equivalent E is 
The term isotonic is more widely used m found m the following fashion 
pharmacy This term is defined m terms of Now, E is the number of weight units of 
an actual cell membrane For example, a sodium chloride equivalent to one weight unit 
solution m which a red blood cell neither of the other solute, therefore the two ir may 
swells nor shrinks will be isotonic with the he set equal and solved for E 
red blood cell contents The term is often 24 5 i i 

loosely used and the possibility that one of ^ = 32 x (20) 

the solutes penetrates the membrane should 

not be overlooked When penetration occurs. Knowing the value of i and the molecular 
the solution may be iso osmotic but not iso weight of any given drug makes it possible 
tome ** Lacrimal fluid (and blood plasma) to obtain the required value of E E will have 
has been found to be isotonic with 0 9 per any weight umts as desired Thus, it is the 
cent sodium chlonde “ Most practical number of grams equal to 1 gram of the m 
methods of preparmg isotomc solutions use gredient, or, equally well, the number of Gm 
this concentration as a guide “ Thus, m equal to 1 Gm of the ingredient A listing of 
the sodium chlonde equivalent method the useful E values is given m Table 28 (Note 
concentration of each mgredient is changed that many of these values are expcmncntal 
(mentally) mto the equivalent amount of and may differ slightly from values calculated 
sodium chlonde and adds additional sodium with the aid of equation 20 ) 

wt l^acl 

(Osmotic pressure of NaQ) s: r^ s 0 082 X I 82 X — — X 298 k 0 76 X wt NaCl 
Osmotic pressure of one weight umt of solute 

= t, = 0 082xiX jj^x29S = 245i/MW 

Table 28 PartI 

Sodium Chloride Equivalents op Dru gs Usually Availa ble in Pure Form 
AcnflavineNF 0 10 Ben^l alcohol N F 0 17 

Alcohol U S P 0 65 Bismuth potassium tartrate N F 0 09 

Alcohol, dehydrated N F 070 

Alum (potassium) N F 0 18 

Ammophyllme U S P 0 17 

Amiodo:^! benzoate 0 20 

Ammonium chlonde P 1 12 

Amobarbital sodium U S P 0 25 

Ampbetanune phosphate N F 0 34 

Amphetamme sulfate U S P 0 22 

Amprotropine phosphate 018 

AmylcaineHCl 022 

Antimony potassium tartrate U S P 018 

AntipyrmeNF 017 

Apomorphine HQ U S P 0 14 

Arecoline HBr N P 0 27 

Arsenic Inoxjde N F 0^0 

Ascorbic acid P 018 

Atropine sulfate P 013 

Aurolhioglucose N F 0 03 

Bacitracin P 0 05 

Barbilal sodium NJ? 030 

Bismuth sodium tartrate 0 13 

Bone acid U S P 0 50 

Butacame sulfate N F 0 20 

Butethaixune formate 0 26 

Caffeine U S P 0 08 

Caffeine and sodium benzoate U S P 0 26 

Caffeine and sodium salicylate N F 0 21 

Calcium aminosalicylate U S P 0 27 

Calcium chlonde U S P 051 

Calcium chlonde ( 6 H 2 O) 0 35 

Caldum chlonde, anhydrous 0 68 

Calcium gluconate U-S P 0 16 

Calcium lactate N F 0 23 

Calcium levulmate N F 0 27 

Calcium pantothenate U5 P 018 

Chuuofon U S P 013 

Chloramine TNF 023 

CHorobutanol (hydrated) P 0 24 

Chlortetracycline sulfate 013 

OtnC acid U5 P 018 


Solution Dosage Forms 

Table 28 Part 1 (Continued) 

Sodium Chloride Equivalents op Drugs Usually Available in Pure Form 

Cocaine HCl U5 P 
Codeine HQ 
Codeine phosphate U S P 
Cupnc sulfate N F 
Cupnc sulfate, anh}drous 

Dextroamphetamine phosphate 
Dextrose P 
Dextrose, anhydrous 
Dihydrostreptomycia sulfate U S P 

Emetine HD U S P 
Ephcdrinc HCl N F 
Ephednne sulfate U S P 
Epiocphnne bitartrate U S P 
Ergonovine roaleate U S P 
Ethasenne HQ 
Etb)lh}drocuprcine HQ 
Ethylmorphine KC! U S P 

Feme ammomum citrate, Green N F 
Ferrous gluconate P 
Ferrous lactate 
Fluorescein sodium U S P 
D Fructose 

D-Glueurooie acid 
LGlutamic acid 
Glycerin P 
Cuanidme HQ 

Hepann sodium Uil P 

Holocaine® HQ 
Homatropine HOr U S P 
HomatzopiDe mclhylbromide VSP 
Hydrasljoc HQ 
Hydroxyquinoline sulfate 
Hyoscyamine HBr N F 
H) oscyamine sulfate N F 

Intracaine HQ 
Isomazid P 

016 Mercury bichlonde U S P 
OIS Methacholine chloride U S P 
014 Methadone HQ U^P 

018 Metfaamphctamioe HCl U S P 
0 27 Methcnamine U S P 

» Methionine N F 

MHhylatropioe bromide 
^ . Monoethanolamme N P 
Q I® MorphmeHClU^P 
Morphine nitrate 
“ Morphine sulfate USP 


0 3Q Harcotme HQ 
0 23 Keomyem sulfate USP 
Q ig Nicotinamide USP 
Q |g Nicoiuuc acid USP 
0 12 

^ ^ “Paolhesine 
Q j_ Papavenne HQ USP 
^ , , Penicillin, potassium CUSP 
Penicillin, sodium G U S P 

0 17 Pentobarbital sodium USP 
0 IS Pentylenetetrazole U^ P 

0 21 Phenindamine tartrate USP 
0 31 Phenobarbital sodium USP 

018 Phenol USP 

- Phenylpropanolamine HQ 
Q i® Physosugmme salicylate U^ P 
^ Physostigmine sulfate 
Pilocarpine HQ U S P 
Pilocarpine nitrate USP 
^ Polymyxin B sulfate USP 
0 08 Potassium chlorate N F 
0 10 Potassium chlonde USP 
0 20 Potassium Iodide USP 
0 17 Potassium nitrate N F 

019 Potassiumpcnnangai}aleU.SP 
0 IS Potassium phosphate N F 

P2I Potassium phosphate monobasic 

019 Potassium sulfate 

0 14 Procainamide HCl USP 
Procaine HQ U^ P 
023 Propylene glycol U^ P 
025 PyndoxineHQU^P 

0 32 
0 18 
0 23 







0 18 
0 18 

0 76 
0 56 


0 44 
0 22 


Lactic acid U^ P 


Lactose U^ P 


Magnesium chlonde 


Magnesium sulfate P 


hfanmtol N F 


Menadione sodium bisuliile U.S P 


Mependme HQ P 


Mephencsin N P 


Mcrbroimn N F 


Mercunc cyanide 


Qmnidine sulfate U S P 010 

Quinine bisulfate N F 0 09 

(^inme dihydrochloride N F 0 23 

Quinine hydrochloride USP 014 

Quinine and urea hydrochloride NJ’ 0 23 

RaccphcdrineHQNP OJl 

Resorcinol U^ P 0 28 

Scopolamine HBr U^ P 012 

Scopolamine methylmtrate 016 

special Solutions 171 

Table 28 Part 1 {Continued) 

Sodium Chloride Equivalents of Drugs Usually Available in Pure Form 

Secobarbital sodium U S P 0 24 

Silver nitrate U S P 0 33 

Mild Sliver protem N F 0 17 

Strong sflver protem N F 0 08 

Sodium acetate, anhydrous 0 77 

Sodium acetate N F 0 46 

Sodium aminosalicylate U S P 0 29 

Sodium antimooyl tartrate 0 13 

Sodium arsenate, dibasic 0 25 

Sodium ascorbate 0 33 

Sodium benzoate U S P 0 40 

Sodium bicarbonate U S P 0 65 

Sodium biphospbate, anhydrous 0 46 

Sodium biphosphate U S P 0 40 

Sodium bipbosphate { 2 H 2 O) 036 

Sodium bisulfite U S P 0 61 

Sodium borate U S P 0 42 

Sodium bromide U S P 0 57 

Sodium cacodylate NF 032 

Sodium carbonate, anbyd 0 70 

Sodium carbonate, monobydrated U S P 0 60 
Sodium chloride U S P I 00 

Sodium citrate UJ5 P 031 

Sodium hypophosphite N F 0 61 

Sodium iodide U S P 039 

Sodium lactate 0 55 

Sodium metabisulfite 0 67 

Sodium nitrate 0 6S 

Sodium nitrite U S P 0 84 

Sodium phosphate exsiccated, N F 0 53 

Sodium phosphate N F 0 29 

Sodium phosphate, dibasic (2HiO) 0 42 

Sodium phosphate, dibasic (l2HaO) 0 22 

Sodium propionate N F 0 61 

Sodium riboflavin phaspbsie 00^ 

Sodium salicylate U S P 0J6 

Sodium s^f ate NP 026 

Sodium sulfate, anhydrous 0^8 

Exsiccated sodium sulfite N F 0 65 

Sodium thiosulfate N F 031 

Sorbitol H 2 O) 0 16 

Stibaimne glucoside 014 

Streptomycin sulfate U S P 0 07 

Strychnine HCl 018 

Strychnine nitrate N P 012 

Sucrose U S P 0 08 

Sulfacetamide Sodium U S P 0 23 

Sulfadiazine Sodium U S P 0 24 

Sulfamerazine Sodium U S P 0 23 

Sul/apyndjoe sodium 0 23 

Sulfatbiazole sodium N P 0 22 

Tannic acid N F 0 03 

Tartanc acid N F 0 25 

Tetracaine HCl U S P 0 18 

Tetraethylammonium bromide 033 

Tetraetbylammooium chlonde 0 34 

Theophylline U S P 010 

Thiamme HCl U3 P 0 25 

TubocuRinne chlonde U S P 013 

Urea U3 P 0 59 

UretbanU3P 031 

ViomyciQ sulfate 0 08 

Zmc chlonde N F 0 61 

Zinc pbenolsulfonate N F 018 

Zinc sulfanilate 0 21 

ZmcsulfateUSP 015 

Zmcsul/alfi dried 023 

Table 28 Part 2 

Sodium Chloridb Equivalents op 
Adrenalone HCl 
9 Aminoacndine HCl 
Amydncame HQ 
Amydnauoe mtrate 
Antazoline HQ U S P 
Antazohoe phosphate 

Atropme methyl xutrate 

Benoxinate HQ 
Benzalkonium chlonde U3 P. 
Benzetbomum chloride U3 P 
Bcnzpynnium bromide 
Bromodiphephydramme HQ 
Butetbamine HQ NJ' 

Drugs Hot Usually Available in Pure Form 

0 27 

Carbacbol U3 P 

0 36 


Cetyltnmethyl ammonium bromide 

0 09 


Chlot^cUzme HCl UJS P 

0 17 





Chlorpheniramine maleate U S P 



CUoipromazme HQ 






C^^melhycaine sulfate 


C^clopeotamme HQ 




Qdopentolate HCl 



Decometbomum bronude 



Dibutolme sulfate 



Dichlorophenarsme HQ 



Dicyclomine HQ 

0 18 

172 Solution Dosage Forms 

Table 28 Part 2 (Continued) 

Sodium QaowDE Equivalents op Drugs Not Usually Available in Pure Form 

Dicth)lcarbaraazine citrate 014 

Dthydrocodetoone cnobcctate HG 0 14 

DihyJroh}drox}codcinone 014 

Dihydromorphinone HG U^ P 0 22 

Diphcnhydmmuie HG U S P 0 2S 

Diphenmethanil inelhyhulfale 0 15 

Dip) rone® 019 

Edrophooium chlondc 0 31 

Epbednne lactate 0 26 

Epincphnnc HG 0 29 

Erythrom>cm glucohcptonate 007 

Eth^Inorcpincphnne HG 032 

EvansBIueUSP 006 

Feme cacodylate N F 009 

Gallamine tnethiodide 008 

Glucosulfone sodium 016 

Glyphylline 0 12 

Hcumethonium bromide 022 

Hexomethonium chlonde 0 27 

Hexobarbito] sodium N P 0 26 

Hexylcamo HG 026 

Histoloc® 051 

Histamine phosphate U S P 0 25 

Histidine monob) Jrochlonde N F 0 29 

4 Hofflosulfanilamide HG 0 28 

Hydralazine HG 0J7 

H) drox) amphetamine H Dr U S P 026 

lodophthalcm sodium U S P 0 17 

lodopyracct U S P Oil 

lodopyracct dicthylamine 012 

Udocainc HG N F 0 22 

Lobeline HG 0 16 

Mcnadionc-diphosphate 0 25 

Mcphcntcramine sulfate Ui> P 0 22 

Mercaptomenn sodium U S P 0 18 

Mercurophylline P 013 

MemlylU^P 012 

Mclhacholinc bromide 0 28 

Mcthanlhcline bromide U^ P 015 

McthapyrdcnellGU^P 0 19 

Methoxanune HG U^ P 026 

Naphazolinc HG N F 027 

Naphunde sodium® 010 

Ncoarsphenamine 0 40 

Neostigmine bromide P 0 22 

Neostigmine methylsulfate P 0 20 

Nikethamide US? 018 

Novaldm® 0 25 

Oxophcnarsine HG P 0 24 

Oxytctracycline HCI P 0 13 

Pcntolinium tartrate 017 

Phenanone sulfoxylate 0 33 

Phcniramine maleate N F 016 

Phenylephrine HCI U S P 0 32 

Phenylephrine tartrate 0 19 

Phenylpropylmethylamme 0 38 

PiperMaine HCI U S P 0 21 

Piridocaine HCI 0 24 

PJaquend® phosphate 018 

PramoxineHG 018 

Prc^arbital calcium 0 25 

Probarbital sodium N F 0J2 

Promethazine HG N F 0 18 

Propoxycaine HCI 0 19 

pynlanune maleate U S P OIS 

Quinaenne HG U.S P 018 

Quinacrue methanesulfonate 0 1 1 

Quimdine gluconate N P 012 

Sodium folate 012 

Sodium ncinoleate 0 10 

Sodium sulfadimidine 0 21 

StibophenUSP 018 

Streptomycin calcium chlonde complex 0 20 
Streptomycin HG 0 17 

Succinylcholine chlonde U S P 0 20 

Sulfisoxazolc diethanolamine 018 

Sympocainc® HG 018 

Synkamm®HCl 0 32 

Synthcnale® tartrate 0 19 

Tetracycline HCI U S P 0 14 

Tclrahydrozohnc HG 028 

Thiopental sodium U.S P 0 27 

Tolazoline HG U S P 0 34 

Transenune® HCI 0 22 

Tnbiomoclhanol P 005 

Trimclhaphaa camphorsulfonatc 010 

Tnplennamine HG P 0 30 

Tropacocaine HG 0 25 

Trypanamide P 0 20 

Tuanunoheptane sulfate N F 0 27 

Uoao® 0 12 

Vinbaibitol sodium 0 26 

Table from Ilammarlund, E. R., and Pederson Bjcrgaard k. J Am Phans. Ass [ScL] 42 107. 1958 

Specia] Soiulions 173 

The use of these values will be illustrated 
by prescnphon examples 

1 9 

Procaine HCl 2% 

Nfft isotonic solution f 5 u 

Smce the prescnption is m the apothecary 
system, we shall assume that 18 gr of pro- 
caine HCl are used E = 0 18 Therefore, 
a solution with an osmotically equivalent 
amount of sodium chlonde ^^ould cootam 
3 2 gr of sodium chloride Two ounces of 
an 0 9 per cent solution would contam 8 gr 
of sodium chlonde Therefore, we need an 
additional 4 8 gr of sodium chlonde to 
render the prescription isotonic 

2 U 

Eserme salicylate 0 5% 

Pilocarpine mtrate 1 0% 

Sodium sulfite 0 1% 

hlft Isotonic solution 30 cc 

This prescription is wntten in the metnc 
system and will be manipulated in that 

0 15 X 0 14 = 0 02 Gm NaCl 
0 30 X 0 21 = 0 06 Gm NaCl 
0 03 X 0 57 Om NaCl 

0 10 Gm NaO total 
0 9% NaCl = 0 27 Gm 

Therefore, 0 17 Gm additional NaCl is 

3 5 

Epbednne sulfate 

Mft Isotonic solution 

0 9 X 0 23 = 0 21 

The closeness of the answer raises the 
quesUon of whether it is really necessary to 
add the other 60 mg of sodium chlonde 
Several studies have shown that the eye does 
not perceive differences if the solution is 
equivalent to 0 5 to 2 0 per cent sodium 
chlonde ** Most authors have rccom 
mended the use of 0 7 to 1 5 per cent NaQ 
as the practical conccntraUon range There- 
fore, It would be reasonable to omit the 
addition of any further sodium chlonde to 
this prescnpuon or any other which falls in 
the above range 



Sodium sulfacetamide 30 I 

Sodium bisulfite { I 

Water q s ad 100 

Let us assume that the E value for sodium 
sulfacetamide is not given m the Table and 
It will therefore be necessary to estimate it 
as follows 

30X 023 = 69 

Without further calculation, this prescnp- 
tion IS obviously hypertonic Since there is 
no soun» of negative sodium chlonde, it will 
be necessary to compound this prescnption 
as wntten with no additional salts 

Most ophthalmic solutions are buffered as 
well as ad 3 usted for tomcity, and the adjust- 
ment of buffered coUyna wtU be discussed m 
the next section 

Hydrogen Ion Concentration. The normal 
pH of lacnmol fluid was the subject of debate 
for many years but is now known to be ap- 
proximately the same as that of blood, 7 4 
Thus, It might seem reasonable to buffer all 
ophthalmic preparations to this value How 
ever, other factors must be considered ^ For 
example, the soIubOity and the stabihty of 
most ophthalmic drugs are strongly de- 
pendent on pH The solubility of weak acids 
(eg, atropine sulfate, pilocarpme mtrate) 
will decrease as the pH mcreases, and the 
solubility of weak bases (e g , sodium 
fluoiescein, sodium suffadiaime) vnll de- 
crease as the pH decreases Many ophthalmic 
drugs are amides and esters which are liable 
to hydrolytic degradation The use of pres- 
sure cookers for sterilization greatly mag- 
nifies the stability problem If the * rule of 
thumb ’ that the reactiou rate doubles for 
each 10 degree nse in temperature is used, 
the rate at 121 “C wiU be approximately 
tunes as rapid (as at room temperature)' 
Fifteen minutes at 121 °C will therefore be 
equivalent to approximately 10 days at room 
temperature (llie heating and the cooling 
tunes will also mcrease the degradation ) As 
mcDtioncd earlier (cf section on stability) 
such drugs are more stable m slightly acidic 
solution Solutions with a pH greater than 
5 0 should probably be sterilized by filtra- 

174 Solution Dosogs Forms 

Tte effect of pH on therapeutic activity and, where nccessaiy (c g , epmephnne, 
in the e)e 15 debatable Most authors belie\e esenne), an antioxidant such as 0 2 per 
that penetration of biologic membranes such cent sodium bisulfite The E values for buffer 
as the cornea is accomplished by the un- solutions must always be considered when 
charged spcacs of a drug Therefore, ii they arc used in compoundmg The E values 
would be expected that weak acids are more for the two buffer solutions a&vc arc 
E (Done acid) =04? 2 X 47 - 0^4 Gm /lOO ml 

E (NaH2P04) =046 4 X 46 = I 84 

E (NojHPO^) = 0 53 4 73 X = 2.50 

E(Naa) = 10 4 30 

8 64 Gm/ 1, 000 ml 

effective at higher pH values and weak bases 
at lower pH v^ucs 

This particular argument becomes aca- 
demic if the buffer capacity of lacnmal Ouid 
IS great enough to bring the pH of instilled 
solutions back to pH 7 4 immediately If this 
were true, the pH of the applied solution 
would have no effect on pharmacologic 
activity Some workers have obtamed results 
which indicate that this is true “ A recent 
ubhcauon disputes these results Tolazolmo 
ydrochlonde was found to be ineffective at 
a pH of 5 30, although ^te effective at pH 
vmues greater than 6 05 ^e author expl ains 
his results with an expenment with artifiaal 
lean He shows that artificial lacnmal fiuid 
required H to 1 hour to neutralize added 
drug The student should note that this i$ a 
rate phenomenon — the buffer capacity is ade- 
quate, but the return of pH to normal is 
slow ** 

Many authors consider a nonbuffered solu 
Uon of pH 5 00 (e g , 2% bone acid) to be 
well tolerated Honever, others claim that 
any pH less than 6 2 is disunctly tmtaung 
and leads to tearing ° 

These remarks should alert the student to 
the controversy surrounding the concept of 
buffered ophthalmic soluuons Although 
many different buffer systems ha%c been sug- 
gested, the two which have been widely ac- 
cepted are 2 per cent bone acid. pH sis S 
(it IS, of course, not actually a buffer but it is 
usually so named) and the Hmd-Goyon 
buffer pH 6 8^ 

Sodium acid phorphale 4 00 Cot 


Dictum phosphate 4 73 Gm 


Sodium chlonde 4 30 Gm. 

Distilled water, q 1,000 ml 

Each solution should contain a preservative 

Both of these formulations therefore are m 
the isotonic range without added mcdicmal 
agent This is quite useful, smee the large 
maprity of dru^ arc used m such low con- 
centration that ihejr addition will sliU leave 
the final product within the isotonic range 
with further adjustment unnecessary Excel- 
lent general directions for tlic preparation 
of ophthalmic prescriptions may be found m 

NF xno 

Viscosity Adjustment. The use of 0 33 per 
cent (4 000 cps) metbylceUuIose with 
1 50,000 bcozolkonium chloride has been 
recommended as a tear substitute ** Methyl- 
cellulose m 1 per cent conccotration may be 
used to increase the viscosity of an oph- 
thalmic solution in order to delay the rapid 
washing away of the solution * ** 

Parenteral Solutions 

The primary difference between paren- 
teral and opbihahmc solutions is the need 
for pyrogen free water m the preparation of 
p^cDtcraJs Tha iS by the vse 

of freshly distilled (not dciomzcd) water m 
at) preparations 

Many authors have noted that red blood 
ccU membranes arc not scmipcrmcablc to 
several salt solutions and that the i values of 
some substances arc not those theoretically 
predicted.* « Before preparing par- 

enteral soluuons of any substance, the 
ongiaal articles should be consulted.* 

Pharmaceutical Solutions 

The student will find it insliucUsc to read 
the package inserts found m modem propn- 
ctarics A few sample formulations arc given 
in the following Tlic student should study 

• rurther mfomuuoa on pareatcraJ* Is avail 
able (a Sproitls, J B Amencan Pharmacy, 3di 
ed. Chapter 12, Philadelphia. UpptneoU. 19W). 

Special Solutions 175 

them and attempt to understand the need for 
each of the nontherapeutic agents 
T^zme Nasal SoluUon® 
Tetrahydrozolioe HCl 1 mg. 

Benzalkomum chionde 0 02% 

Disodium EDTA 01% 

Certified color q s 

Sodium chloride and sodium 

Adjust to optimum pH with 
HCl q s ad 1 ml 

Digifalline Natirelle® 

Chief Glycoside of Digitalis 
purpurea 0 2 mg /ml 

PE.G— 300 28 6% 

Glycerme 43 8% 

Benzyl alcohol 4 0% 

Ethanol 5 0% 

Water for injection \ 8 6% 

Amber Ampules 

Ferrous sulfate 
Sorethytan Laurate 
Fnut flavored vehicle 

55 5 mg. 

150 mg 

Promazine HCl 
Sodium formaldehyde 
Sodium metabisulfite 
Sodium EDTA 
Calcium chloride 
Sodium acetate bufler 

Sparine Injectioo® 

0 75 mg 
0 25 mg 
0 099 rag 
0 039 

q $ ad 1 ml 

£larfl Injection® 

Amitnptybne HCl 10 mg 

Dextrose 44 mg 

Methylparaben 1 5 mg 

Propylparaben 0 2 mg 

Water for injection q.s ad 1 ml 

Serpasil Injection® 

Reserpine 2 5 mg 

Adipic acid 10 mg 

Dimetbylacetarmde 01 ml 

Sodium EDTA 0 1 mg. 

Benzyl alcohol 01 ml 

PE.G 300 05 ml 

Ascorbic acid 0.5 mg 

Sodium sulfite 0 1 mg. 

Water for lojecUon q s ad 1 ml 

(packaged m dark bottle) 

Dramandne Injection® 
Dimeabydnnate 250 mg. 

Benzyl alcohol 25 ml 

Propylene ^ycol 2.5 mL 

Water 5 ml 

Epitrate "Ophthalmic^ 

1 Epinephrine bitartrate 2 % 

Chlorobutanol 0.5% 

Nfethylammoacetopyrocatechol HCl 

Sodium bisulfite 

Sodium chlonde 

Dioc^i sodium sulfosuccmate 

Sodium EDTA 

Compazine Injection® 

Prochlorperazine etbanedisulfonate 5 mg. 

Sodium sulfite I mg 

Sodium bisulfite 1 mg 

Sodium phosphate 8 mg 

Sodium biphosphate 12 mg. 

CedllaDid — D 

Desacetyl lanatoside C 0 2 mg, 

Citnc acid 1 25 mg 

Sodium phosphate 5 3 mg 

Alcohol 7 4%bywL 

Glycerin 15 %bywt 

Water for injection q s ad 1 ml 

Neo-Synephnne Injection® 
Phenylephrine HQ 1 0 mg 

Sodium bisulfite 2 mg 

Citrate buffer qsadlmL 

Sodium chlonde 

Hydrocortone Phosphate Injection® 
HydrocoitisoDe'21 phosphate 

disodium salt SO mg 

Creatinine 8 mg. 

Sodium citrate 10 mg 

Sodium bisulfite 3 2 mg 

Phenol 5 mg 

Sodium hydroxide to adjust pH 
Water q s ad 1 ml 


Ascorbic acid 10 

Propylene glycol q sad 100 

Tussar Syrup® 

d Methorpban bydrobromide 60 mg. 

Phemiamme maleate 45 mg 

Phenylpropanolamine HCl 30 mg 

Sodium citrate 780 mg 

Otncacid 120 mg. 

Chloroform 90 mg 

Methylparaben 30 mg 

Vehicle qj ad 30 ml 


Pfaenylpropanolaxmne HCl 4% 

Phenylephrine HCl 15% 

Chlorobutanol 15% 

Benzalkooium chlonde 005% 

The student should be aware that texts 
can only distill the results of many years of 

176 Solution Dosage Forms 

research and study la order to truly ap- 
prcaatc the problems mv-ohed and to under* 
stand more fully the subjects discussed, be 
will find reading some of the original refer- 
ences rewarding 


1 Bergy, G A J Am. Prof Pharm J8 340, 

2 Block. S S Industrial Preservatives, in 
Reddish, G F Antiseptics, Disinfectants. 
Fungicides and Sterilization, p 733, cd 
2nd. Philadelphia, Lea and Fcbigcr, 1957 

3 Cadwallader, D E , Jr , and Husa, W J 
J Am Pharm Ass [Set ] 47 70S, 1958 

4 earless, J E and Nixon, J R J Pharm 
Pharmacol 12 343 1960 

5 Coles, C L J and Thomas, D F W 
J Pharm Pharmacol 4 893, 1952 

6 Cook, M k Drug Cosm Ind 81 750. 

7 Dale, J K , Nook, M A , and Barbiers, 
A R J Am Pharm Ass (Practl 20 32. 

8 Dole J K and Rundman, S J J Am 
Pharm Ass 18 421, 1957 

9 Deluca P P and Kostenbauder, H B 
J Am Pharm Ass (Sci] 40 430, i960 

10 Dunn C G Food preservatives m Red- 
dish G F Antiseptics, Duinfcctants, 
Fungicides and Stcnlizatioo, cd 2. p 677. 
Philadelphia Lea & Febiger, 1957 

11 D)cr. DL J Colloid Sci /4 640, 1959 

12 Dckholt T H and White W F Drug 
Standards 28 154 1960 

13 Eltcr, J C Phamt acta hciv J6 238, 

14 FVo^d G KsoTileld P C and McDonald, 
J E J Am Pharm Ass [Sci J 42 333 

15 Gocttsch, F J B Ophthalmologica P2 

16 Goldcmberg, R L O Leary, S andZiskm 
N A Proc Sci Seel Toilet Goods Ass 
36 16, 1961 

17 Goldstein, S W J Am Pharm Ass 
IPract]/-/ 498, 1953 

18 Goyan F M , Ennght, J M , and Wells, 
J M J Am Pharm. Ass [Sci ] 33 74, 

19 Hamnurlund, E. R , and Pederson Bjer- 
gaard, K. J Am Pharm. Ass [Sci ) 30 
24, 1961 

20 Higucbi, T Solubility In L)maii, R. 
Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dis- 
pensing, p 167, Philadelphia, Uppmcou, 

21. Higuchi, T, and Lachman, L. J Am 
Pharm Ass [Sci ] 44 521, 1955 

22. Higuchi, W I , Lau, P K , and Higuchj, 
T Prcpnnts of papers presented at the 
A PhA. Conscolion 1962 A IV 

23 Hmd, H W , and Goyan, F M J Am 
Phaim. Ass [Set ] 36 33, 1947 

24 Hind, H W , and Goyan, F M J Am 
Pharm. Ass [Sci] 38 477, 1949 

25 Hmd, H W , and Szekcly, I J J Am 
Pharm Ass [Pract.] 14 644, 1953 

26 Hme, J , and Ba)cr, R P J Am Chem. 
Soc 84 1989. 1962 

27 Homer, L Autoxidation of vanous or 
game substances m Lundberg, W 0 
Autoxidation and Antioxidants, p. 205, 
New York, Interscicnee, 1961 

28 HugiU, P R., Osheroll, B J , and Skolaut. 
M W Am J Hosp Pbaim. 17 535, 

29 lannaronc M , and Eisen, J N J J 
Pharm June, p 24,1961 

30 Janovsky, H L Drug Cosm Ind 86 335, 

31 Kim.H K.andAutian, J J Am Pharm. 
Ass [Sci ]4P 227, 1960 

32 Konigsbacher. K S Drug Cosm Ind 
85 168. 1959 

33 Lachman, L and Higuchi, T J Am 
Phamt Ass [Sci ) 46 32, 1957 

34 Lachman L., Ravin, L. J , and Higuchi, T 
J Am. Pharm Ass [Sci ] 45 290, 1956 

35 Lawrence, C A J Am Pharm Ass 
[SciH4 457,1955 

36 MacCregor, D R , and Elliker, P R 
Canad J Microbiol 4 499, 1958 

37 McPherson, S D , Jr and Wood, R M 
Am J Ophthal 32 673, 1949 

38 Marcus, E , Rim, H k , and Auuan, J 
J Am Pharm. Ass [Sci ] 48 457, 1959 

39 Martin, F M , Jr , ami Mins, J k. Aitb 
Ophtal (Par) 44 561, 1950 

40 hicllen, M , and Seltzer, L. A J Am 
Phann Ass [Sci J 25 759, 1936 

41 Menczcl, E., Rabinovitz, M, and Gold 
berg, Y J Pharm. Pharmacol 12 562, 

42 Miller, O H J Am. Pharm Assoc Praci 
Ed J3 657, 1952 

43 Mims, J L. Arch Ophtal (Par) 46 
664, 1951 

44 Mitchell, A G J Pharm Pharmacol 
14 175, 1962. 

45 Moncncir, R W The Chemical Senses, 
New York. Wiley, 1946 

46 Moncrief, R. W Drug Cosm InJ. 84 
310. 1959 

References 177 

47 Moore, W E J Am Pharm Ass [Sci 1 
47 855, 1958 

48 Mueller, \V H , and Dcardorff, D L. 
J Am Pbann. Ass [SciJ4J 334. 1956 

49 Mullins, J D , and Macek, T J J Am 
Pharm Ass [Sci ] 49 245, 1960 

50 National Formulary, ed 11, p 502 1960 

51 Neidig, C P , and Burrell, H DrugCosm. 
Ind 54 408, 1944 

52. Patel, N IC, and Koslenbauder, H B 
J Am Pharm Ass [Sci ] 47 289, 1958 

53 Pisano, F D , and Kostenbauder, H B 
J Am Pharm Ass [Sci] 48 310 1959 

54 Pryor, J G , Apt, Leonard, Leopold, and 
Irving, H Arch Ophtal (Par ) 67 612, 

55 Purdum.'W A 3 Am Pharm Ass [Sa] 

31 298, 1942 

56 Purdum, W A, J Am Pharm Ass [Sci ] 

32 103,1943 

57 Riegelman, S J Am Pharra Ass [Sc»] 
49 339, 1960 

58 Riegelman, S , and Fischer, E Z. 

J Pharm, Sci 51 210, 1962 

59 Riegelman, S , and Vaughan, D G , Jr 
J Am. Pharm. Ass [Pract ] 19 474, 1958 

60 Riegelman, S , Vaughan, D G , Ir , and 
Okumoto. M Ibid 45 94, 1956 

61 Riegelman, S, Vaughan, D G, Jr, and 
Okumoto. M J Am Pharm. Ass [Pract] 
16 742, 1955 

62 Schwarz, T W , Shvcmar, N G , and 
Renaldi, R. G J Am Pharm. Assoc 
Pract Ed 19 40,1958 

63 Scott, M F , Goudie, A. J and HuettC' 
man, A J j Am. Pharm Ass [Sci ] 49 
467, 1960 

64 Setmkar, I , and Paterlini, M R J Am. 
Pharm Ass [Sci] 49 5, 1960 

65 Setmkar, I , and Temelcou, O J Am. 
Pharm Ass [Sci ] 48 628, 1959 

66 Soehnng, K., KlmgmuUer, O , and Neu 

wald, F Arzneimittel Forsch 9 349, 

67 Swan, K C , and White, N G Am J 
Ophthal 2S 1043, 1942 

68 Swintosky, J V , Rosen, E , Robinson, 
M J , Chamberlain, R. and Guanni, 
J R J Am- Pharm Ass. [Sci ] 45 37, 

69 Theodore, F H , and Feinstcin, R R 
JJ^MA J52 1631, 1953 

70 Tozer, G A J Am Prof Pharm 25 30, 


71 United States pharmacopeia, ed 16, p 828, 


72 Un, N Mechanism of Antioxidation m 
Lundberg W O Autoxidation and Anti> 
oxidants, p l6D, New York, Interscience, 


73 Wesley, F J Am Pharm Ass [Pract ] 
18 674, 1957 

74 West, G B , and Whittet, T D J Phann 
Pharmacol Trans 113 T, 1960 

CEHERAt. References 
S olubility 

75 Hildebrand, J H , and Scott, R L. Regu 
lar Solutions, Englewood CliSs, N J , 
Prentice Hall, Inc , 1962 


76 Schou, S A Am J Hosp Phann J7 5, 

77 Schou, S A Ibid 17 153, 1960 


78 Crocker, E C Flavor, New York, Me 
Graw HiU, 1945 

Ph^-Sical Pharmacy 

79 Martin, A. N Physical Pharmacy, Pbila 
delpbia. Lea & Febiger, I960 

Phj-Sical Constants 

80 The Merck Index, ed 7, Rahway, N J , 
Merck & Co , i960 

ft lA 

Chopfer 5 

Liquid Dosage Forms Containing 
Insoluble Matter 

Harold M Beal, Ph D.* 


Tv,o classes of substances — suspensioos 
and emulsions — present a unique (^allenge 
to the dispensmg pharmacist because of the 
unstable nature of sohd ui-liquid and liquid 
m liquid dispersions 

Solid in liquid dispersions, classified under 
the general term of suspensions and sul>> 
divided in pharmaceutical nomenclature 
under vanous names in the past — i c , mix* 
turcs, magmas, etc. — may be considered to 
mdude both pov.ders in the dry fonn to be 
placed m suspension on dispensmg and 
medicinal substances suspended m liquid 
vehicles with or without suspending agents 
Liquid m liquid dispcisions->-emuIsions— 
arc defined os preparations consisting of two 
immiscible liquids, usually oil and water, one 
of which IS dispersed os small globules m 
the other 

Common problems arc present in the for- 
mubtion of both suspensions and emulsions, 
m that an attempt is made m each case to 
overcome the effect of gravity, with its gcn> 
cral problem of sedimentation of solids in 
suspensions and phase separation in emul- 
sions Smee compounding equipment and 
stabilizing agents arc similar or identical for 
both classes of preparations, this chapter dis- 
cusses both, rather than in the traditional 
method of considering suspensions and emul- 
sions separately 

The great number of medicinal agents cm- 

* Associate Professor of Phamacy, School of 
Phannacy, Umvcraiiy of CoouccucuL 

ployed for internal or external use m a 
liquid form has greatly challenged the dis- 
pensing and manufactunng pharmacist be- 
cause of his limitation to a few nontoxic 
liquid vehicles Many of the new drugs have 
poor solubility in the pharmacist's limited 
supply of solvents, foremg him to turn to the 
suspension or the emulsion as a dosage form 
This has resulted in his investigation of the 
physical*chcmical properties of such dis- 


Until recently, the major concern regard- 
mg an acceptable suspension or emulsion was 
Its ability to remain dispersed long enough 
to provide a uniform dose when taken orally, 
mj^lcd or applied to the skm External sus- 
pensions nccessanly required as small a 
particle size as possible to elimmatc gnttioess 
when applied to the skin surface 

Particles settling under the force of gravity 
arc considered to follow Stoke's equation 


18 >r„ 

where V is the settling rate, d is the mean 
diameter of the particles, p is the density of 
the particles, pe is the density of the disper- 
sion medium, g is the acceleration due to 
gravity and 17a is the viscosity of the disper- 
sion medium The apphcabiliiy of Stoke's 
equation is limited to the foUowmg condi- 
tions ( 1 ) The dispersion medium is of uifi- 
mtcly large volume compared with the dis- 


Particle Size in Relotion to Pharmacologic Action 179 

perscd phase, (2) the dispersed phase consists 
of smooth and ngid true spheres, ( 3 ) the 
particles are mdependent and not flocculated, 
( 4 ) the particle velocity is small, ( 5 ) there 
IS no shp between particle and liquid, (6) the 
particle IS large enough to be unaffected by 
the kmetic motion of the suspendmg liquid 
and ( 7 ) electncal effects between particles 
and the hqmd are neghgible 

It IS immediately apparent that pharma- 
ceutical suspensions and emulsions, because 
of the high concentration of the dispersed 
phase, do not meet the above cntena 
Higuchi^* has modified the approach to 
creammg and settling by treatmg the suspen- 
sion and the emulsion as systems of fiuid flow 
throu^ a packed bed 

Heterogeneous dispersions are stabilized 
by treatment of two factors of Stoke’s equa- 
tion — ^particle diameter (d) and the viscosity 
of the dispersion medium (170) An attempt 
IS made to retard settlmg or creaming by re- 
duction of the particle size of the d^persed 
phase to the smallest diameter feasible withm 
limits of the equipment available and by in- 
creasing the viscosity of the dispersion 
medium by the addition of various hydio- 
coUoids and other agents The problem is 
compounded by the fact that very small par- 
ticles possess a great deal of energy lb a 
system of high concentrauon of dispersed 
phase this results m considerable particle- 
particle mteraciion m an attempt to reduce 
the surface free energy, lowering the total 
surface by particle agglomeration 

Martm*‘ considers another approach to 
the stabilization of suspensions, m addition 
to the use of protective colloids, 1 e , the 
application of surfactants to reduce the mlec- 
facial tension between the particle and the 
liquid He also discusses the use of dispersmg 
or deflocculating agents Examples of the 
latter are the Darvans (R T Vanderbilt 
Co ), Daxads (Dewey and Almay) and the 
Marasperses (Marathon Corp ) The Daxads 
and the Darvans are polymerized oigamc 
salts of the alkjl aryl type represented by the 
following formula 

Na+ -O5S • CHj • Aiyl • SO,- Na+ 

The Marasperses are calcium and sodium 
lignosulfonatcs Deflocculating agents are not 
classified os true surfactants and do not 

greatly lower surface tension They seem to 
be ateorbed on the surface of the particle 
throu^ polar forces, greatly increasmg the 
negative charge on the particle and resultmg 
m particle particle repulsion 

Caking vs Flocculation 

Consideration must be given to the even- 
tual result of the settlmg of particles m a 
suspension, smee most solid m-hquid dis- 
persions do not remam evenly dispersed for 
long periods of tune The suspension must 
be prepared m such a manner that the solids 
are redistributed with ease by shakmg If 
the dispersed paitides form a compact mass 
m the bottom of the contamer the suspension 
IS said to have “caked ” The resull may be a 
mature which is impossible to administer as 
an even dose 

Haines and Martin^* carried on a 
study of caking m pharmaceutical suspen- 
sions They classify particle interaction m 
two ways, physical and/or chemical reactions 
fonmog strong bonds between particles re- 
sulting m “caking*’ or weakly bonded re- 
actions of the van der Waal s type leadmg 
to * flocculation ” Their study indicated that 
a suspension m a state of fine deflocculated 
particles leads to caking In some cases, com- 
monly used suspendmg agents and elec- 
trolytes exaggerate caking The authois sug- 
gest that controlled flocculation, rather than 
dcQocculation, will prevent caking m some 
pbannaceutjcals The study recommended 
the use of a nontoxic flocculating agent, to- 
other with a viscosity-increasing agent, to 
stabdize and flocculate suspensions 

A classic example of clay foimauon is 
shown by a mixture of hydrated magnesium 
oxide and sodium bicarbonate in an aqueous 
suspension. Magnesium carbonate crystals 
slowly form and fuse to a compact mass, 
which will not resuspend. Replacing the 
magnesium oxide by magnesium carbonate m 
the onginal compounding prevents this for- 


Numerous mvesUgators have substantiated 
the observation made by Flippm et dL,* in a 
study of microctystalline sulfadiazine vs 

ISO Liquid Dosage Forms Containing Insoluble Matter 

US P sulfadiazine, in which the greater rela- 
tive rapidity of absorption of the micro- 
crystals was showTi m human subjects by 
evaluatmg scrum blood Icsels Grccngard 
and Woolcy^ evaluated the effect of admin- 
istering sulfur m a colloidal form and also 
in the form of a 100 mesh powder It was 
reported that the colloidal form was absorbed 
at a rate three to four times as fast as the 
pow der form of the drug 

Several authors'* have reported 

that betur absorption of drugs from oint- 
ment bases consistently occurs on reduction 
in size of the particulate matter dispersed in 
the base 

Investigators cognizant of the importance 
of fine particles have devised improved 
methods for obtauung these matcnals 
Essentially, the processes can be classified 
into two broad categones The first mvolves 
methods based on a reduction m size of a 
preformed crystal powder or agglomerate 
TIic second entails a condensation or an 
agglomeration of smaller discrete units to 
form particles of specific size The first 
method IS used more often at present for 
producing particles of low micron size, but, 
because of many diQlculucs inherent to this 
process, condensation methods arc bemg m- 

The rcducuon processes can be subdivided 
in the followmg manner (a) those pro- 

FiQ 71 Stuncvani microoizcr 

ccdurcs in which the solid to be treated is 
dispersed m a liquid medium and aaed on 
in that medium, and (b) those methods in 
which the materials arc processed in the diy 

Most equipment for dry pulverization of 
substances to provide particles m the micron 
range operates on procedures that are quite 
sio^ar The material to be pulverized is ex- 
posed to streams of high velocity air The 
solids arc carried mto the violent turbulence 
by sonic or supersonic velocity streams In 
this turbulent environment the particles 
collide with one another and with the walls 
of the chamber to yield low micron particles 
The Sturtevant Micronizcr* is an example of 
equipment of this type (Fig 71) 

Ihc wet or the suspended solid procedure 
IS the method most often used ui presenpuon 
practice to prepare suspensions Smee pre- 
scription laboratory equipment is available 
for this purpose, it will be discussed under 
sohd m liquid dispersions (p 181) 

A recent approach to the production of 
particles of low micron size has been through 
controlled ciystallizauon Crystallizauon is 
essentially a two-phase operation which is 
initiated by the formation of nuclei or grams 
and IS concluded with subsequent groi^ of 
nuclei to macro size By talang a super- 
saturated soluuon and causing rapid crys- 
tallizauon dunng high-speed sUmng and a 
sudden drop in temperature small particles m 
the range of 5 microns and below can be 
produced Tliesc fine crystals can be resus- 
pended for oral, topical and parenteral ad- 
mmisirauon Recent mvcstigation by Alkm- 
son €C a ! ' and Kraml et al ** on the effect of 
gnscofulvm paruclc size on blood levels in 
man has resulted m a halving of the oral dose 
of gnscofulvm by control of particle size be- 
low S microns 


In the preparation of suspensions m pre- 
scnpiion pracucc the pharmacist is somewhat 
limited m the modificauons which be can 
make to produce a stable and elegant 
product, being confined by the manner m 

* Sturtevant Mill Company, Dovton 22 , Mavs 

Solid In Liqu d Dispersions (Suspensions) 181 

Fig 72 Hand homogenizer 

which the prescription is wntteo However 
there are two meAods which he can use for 
suspension stabilization (a) reduction ot the 
size of the dispersed particle either by break 
mg up aggregates or reducing mdividual par 
tides to a finer state of subdivision and (b) 
mcreasing the viscosity of the dupersion 
medium by the use of suspendmg agents 

Equipment for Panicle Sue Reduction 
Small scale equipment is now available to 
the pharmacist m mcreasing quantities 
Apparatus for the production of the sheanng 
force necessary for breaking up aggregates 
of particles was once confined to the mortar 
and pestle Most of the equipment available 
IS equally applicable to the stabilization of 
emulsions by particle size reduction 

One useful compounding tool is the hand 
homogenizer (Fig 72) consisting of a 
piston which forces the liquid through an 
orifice closed by a brass pm held in place by 
a sprmg The pressure exerted by hand 
pumpmg the piston causes the aperture to 
open and allow the liquid to pass Consider 
able shearing action results in the deaggtom 
eration of solids and the reduction of globule 
size m emulsions 

The general household use of the blender 
(Waring Blcndor Osteiizcr etc.) for food 
preparation has resulted m a general reduc 
tion in the cost and the prescnption depart 
meat has gamed a mixing umt of high effi 
cicncy for the dispersmg of sohd aggregates 

Blendor Head i| 1 

Fig 73 Waring Blendor wilh polylron 

and the reduction of globule size In addi 
tion the Warmg Blendor has a bomogenizmg 
attachment ideal for prescnption use The 
Polytron Assembly* (Fig 73) consists of a 
3 bladed rotor runmng withm an 8 slotted 
stator Opeiatmg as a centnfugal pump the 
rotor blades dnve matenal at high speed 
against the shearing edges of the stator slots 
ITie large number of shearmg faces acceler 
ales particle size reduction for fast dispersing 
and homogenizmg The umt possesses the ad 
vantage of high shear and low capacity per 
nutting Its use m prescription practice 

Certain of the colloid mills available can 
• Will Sc enlific Inc Rochester 9 N Y 

Fig 74 Charlotte ND 1 Stannary model 
coUoid m II with rotor removed to show 
rotor stator arrangement 

182 Lquid Dosage Forms Conlo nmg Insoluble MoHer 

be used for stabilization of suspensions and 
emulsions m quantities small enough for 
prescription compoundmg The Chariotte 
ND 1 • mill with a capacity of 1 to 35 gallons 
per hour (Fig 74) is an example of this type 
The disadvantage of a colloid mill lies in its 
rather high cost for a prescnption depart 

The ball and pebble mill may be used for 
particle size reduction of solid in lic^uid dis- 
persions However, the time required for 
processing of the suspension may often 
climmate its use m extemporaneous presenp- 
uon compounding 

Suspcmioos Without Suspending Agents 
Some solid in liquid dispersions may be 
written for and prepared without a suspend 
log agent, depending on the density of the 
dispersed particles, ihcir tendency to floccu- 
late or caie and how well they are uetted 
by the dispersion medium The following 
prcscnptioos arc wntten examples of this 

1 Q 

Liquor carboais detergeos 1 OmI 
Zinc oxide tSOGm 

Starch 18 0 Cm 

Gl)cena 28 Oral 

Liinewaterqs ad 900ml 

M Ft loiioa 
Sig. Apply hs. 

2. 1) 

Resorcinol 1 SO 

Sodmm biboratc 0 82 

Starch 3 75 

Calamine 3 75 

Alcohol ad 60 00 


Sig Apply to acne q d 

3 n 

Magnesium sulfale ^ J 

Light magnesium carbonate 3iss 

Aq menth pip q s. ad 5 tv 

M ftsusp 
Sig. 3ilLs 

4 n 

Magnesium truilicate 2.4 Gm. 

Light magnesium carbonate 2.4 Cm 

Sodium bicarbonate 2.4 Gm. 

* Oumkolloid Laboraioncs Inc., Garden Cly 

Park, N Y 

BcUadoona tincture 


Peppemunt water ad 


hf fLnustura. 

Sig. 5 u Vi hr pc 


Zinc sulfate 


PoUssa sulfurata 




Stronger rose water 


Purified water q s 
M /htal loLPOO 
Sig Apply to face b i d 

This IS a concentrated White Lotion (LoUo 
Alba) Dissolve the zinc sulfate m enough 
water to make 54 ml and the sulfuratcd 
potash m enough water to make 30 ml Filter 
each and slowly add the sulfurated potash 
solution to the zme sulfate solution with con- 
stant trituration m a mortar Add the glycenn 
and the water and mix well Dispense in a 
Wide mouth bottle 

In most cases of this type, improvement 
may be made by the addition of a suspend- 
ing agent to mcrcasc the viscosity of the 
preparation, and the physician may be con 
tacted for such changes Hand homogeniza- 
tion or treatment m a blender will fur^cr in- 
crease the elegance of the product 

StabilizaliOn by Increasing Ibe Viscosity 
of tbc Dispersion Medium. In addition to 
deagglomcration of solids and reduction of 
particle size to prevent settling of a suspen- 
Sioo, certam viscosity increasing agents are 
available for compounding use Since this 
represents the easiest approach to suspension 
stabilization, it is the one most often used. 

The requirements for an agent of this type 
are (a) that it have no therapeutic action 
Itself in the concentration used, (b) that it 
be relatively chemically inert over a wide 
pH range, (c) that it form a viscous disper- 
sion in low concentrauon, (d) that it not 
change in viscosity over a period of storage, 
and (e) that it either be soluble in water or 
Swell m iL 

This group of suspending agents u clossi- 
fled as protccusc colloids, capable of form- 
ing a film around the dispersed particle 
and/or imparting high viscosity to ^e dis- 
persion medium. In addition to retarding 
Qoccubuon of the dispersed particles, pro- 
tective colloids reduce the sedimentation 

Solid (n Liquid Dispersions (Suspensions) 183 

rate by increasing the viscosity of the dis- 
persion medium 

Rheolo^c Properties of Solid>in-Liquid 
Dbpersions. With the exception of suspen- 
sions m which there is a very large per- 
centage of dispersed phase compared with 
dispersion mechum, the flow properties may 
be considered essentially those of the agent 
used to mcrease the viscosity of the system 
Proper selection of a suspendmg agent or a 
mixture of suspendmg agents, according to 
the flow properties of their aqueous disper- 
sions, will simplify the production of an 
acceptable suspension 

Viscosity-mcreasmg agents, with the ex- 
ception of newtonian materials such as 
glycerm, sucrose solutions, etc , are classified 
as non newtoiuan substances, ue , those ma- 
terials which do not follow Newton’s equa- 
tion of flow Figure 75 shows the flow char- 
acteristics of various materials 

A newtoman liquid (Fig 75, A) flows 
when acted on by any force, the rate of shear 
bemg directly propomonal to the shearing 
stress, as shown by the straight line extending 
to the ongm Non newtoman substances ex- 
hibit flow that has been classified mto several 
^es, plastic flow, thixotropic Sow, pseudo- 
plastic Sow and dilatant flow 

A hquid that exhibits plastic flow (Fig 
75, B) does not flow unUl the applied shear- 

mg stress exceeds a minim um value This 
minimum shearing stress is designated as the 
yield value 

Plastic flow IS frequently associated with 
an mtemal structure which is temporarily 
destroyed by stirrmg or shakmg, but reforms 
on standmg A substance that exhibits this 
flow pattern is said to be thixotropic (Fig 
75, (^) and the property is designated as 
thjxotfftpy The clays bentomte, hectorite 
and Veegum* are thixotropic substances 
These^ substances form a gel structure on 
standmg but become liquid on shakmg? thus, 
they have many applications m suspension 

Most of the natural and the synthetic by- 
drocolioids exhibit pseudoplastic flow (Fig 
75, D), these mclude tragacanth, methyl- 
cellulose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, the 
al^ns and Carbopol 934 1 A substance 
which shows this property flows more readily 
as It is sheared and begms to flow at low 
sbearmg stress, but no part of the curve 
exhibits Imeanty As a result, the viscosity 
of pseudoplastjc materials can be expressed 
ad^uately only by a plot of the entire con- 
sistency curve 

Dilatant flow is exhibited by suspensions 

• R- T VaaderbiJt Co , New York 17, N Y. 

tB P Goodncb Cheoucal Co, Cleveland 15, 

Fio 75 Characteristic flow curves of various substances (A) New- 
toman substance (B) Plasuc substance (C) Thixotropic substance. 
(D) Pscudoplastic substance (E) Dilatant substance (F) Pseudo- 
ptakic substance with thixotrophy (Martin, A. N Physicd Phannacy, 
Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger) 

184 Liquid Dotage Forms Conloining Insoluble Matter 

uith high conccntrauoos of solids, such as 
paints, mks, pastes, etc These substances 
show increased resistance to flow with in- 
creased shearing stress (Fig 75, E) 

Figure 76 illustrates ideal flow patterns of 
non nett toman substances This ttould sel- 
dom be shoun in actual substances For ex- 
ample, some pscudoplastic materials do show 
thixotropy due to breakdown of structure 
with shear (Fig 5, F) 

Classification of Dispersion Stabilizers. 
Protective colloids arc classified in several 
wa)s, one of which is their general division 
into similar chemical classiflcations, as 

\ l^atural plant and animal h^drocoUoids 
A Plant derivatives 
B Animal denvatn cs 

2 Modified plant derivatives 

3 Clajs 

4 S)7itheUc h)drocolloids 

Plant Hydrocolloids 

Acacia is the dned gummy exudation of 
Acacia Senegal and various other acacia trees 
throughout the world It is often designated 
in commerce as gum anbic." It is a ma- 
ture of die calcium the magnesium and die 
potassium salts of orabic acid. As with other 
natural h)drocolloids, the viscosity of acacia 
solutions is ailcctcd by the age of ^e tree 
from which the gum is collected, amount of 
rainfall storage condiuons, pH, addition of 
salts etc Acacia solutions retain their vis- 
cosity through a pH range of 4 to 10 Because 
of the low viscosity of acacia dispemons, 
they arc less used as suspension stabilizers 
than are some of the other plant h)drocol- 
loids However, acacia is used as ancmulsify- 
mg agent and will be discussed further under 
emulsions The following prcscnptions illus- 
trate the use of acacia as a suspension 

6 I) 

Heavy magnesium oxide 


Magnesium sulfaie 




Acacia muedage 

Peppermint water ad 



Sig. 3sstid 


Precipitated sulfur 

4 8Gin. 

Camphor 0 4 Gra. 

Acacia, fine powder 2.4 Cm 

Lime water 60 0 mL 

AquaRosaeqs ad 120 0 ml 

M ft lotion. 

Sig Apply to allcclcd area q 4 hr 

Tragacantli is the dned exudation of 
Astragalus g«mmi/cr and other species of 
Astragalus The ^gum consists of 60 to 70 
per cent of bassorm and 30 to 40 per cent 
of iragacanthm In water, bassonn swells to 
form a gel and tragacanthin a colloidal dis- 
persion Tragacanth owes its cfTccUyeness to 
Its capacity to hjdrate to form a'viscous 
dispersion when placed in water Although 
tragacanth hydrates vety slowly, its rate may 
be increased by the shearing action of rc 
pcated hand homogenization of the disper- 
sion Tragacanth dispersions exhibit maxi- 
mum viscosity at a pH of S, showing a rapid 
drop m storage m a range below pH 4 5 and 
above pH 6 "* » 

8 n 

Camphor spinl 6 0 

Alcohol ' 6 0 

Precipitated sulfun 3 6 

Tragacanth, fiae powder 0 9 

Purified water ad 60 0 


Sig Apply to face night and morning ^ 

Mix the precipitated sulfur with the trag- 
acanih and gradually add about 40 ml of 
water with constant tnturatjoa Mix the 
camphor spirit and the alcohol and add this 
mixture to the sulfur suspension Add enough 
purified water to make 60 ml 
The following prescription illustrates the 
use of tragacanth as a viscosity-mcreasmg 
agent and a film former m a podiatnc prep- 

9 n 

Camphor gr vu 

Menthol gr xiv 

Tragacanth 5 ss 

Glyccnn o us 

Alcohol 3 us 

Amaxanlh solution 1% Tn.xii 

Purified water ad 3 m 

M ftloUon. 

Stg. Apply to feet q 4 hr uL dicL 

Solid In Lquid Dispersions (Suspensions] 185 

Dissolve the camphor and menthol m the 
alcohol Triturate the glycerm with the trag- 
acanth to a smooth paste Add the alcohol 
solution, the amaranth solution and the 
punhed water m divided portions to make 
the final volume 

Algins. The term designates the water* 
soluble derivatives of alginic acid, obtamed 
by extraction from species of kelp Algunc 
aad is a Imear polymer of anhjdro-jS D- 
mannuronic acid The most important de* 
nvatives are the sodium, the potassium and 
the ammonium salts and the propylene glycol 
ester Carehil control of manufacturing con- 
ditions has made available a senes ot prod- 
ucts ranging from low to high viscosity Since 
the algimc acid salts are amomc m character, 
they show their greatest viscdsity stability at 
pH 5 and above When propylene glycol* 
alginate was made available, the range of 
usefulness was extended to pH ranges below 
pH 5 

Sodium algmate, the derivative most fre- 
quently used, IS soluble m water and insolu- 
ble m alcohol Low coocentratioos of alcohol 
produce higher imtial viscosity values than 
does water alone, while higher concentrations 
(30 to 40%) precipitate sodium algmate 
from aqueous dispersions * 

Other natural plant b)drocoUoids are used 
to a lesser extent than are acacia, tragacanth 
and the aigms and are not encountered nor- 
mally m prescription practice Karaya, the 
dried exudation of StercuUa urens, is used 
to a great extent in the food industry and to 
a lesser extent in pharmaceuticals Its mam 
application is as a bulk laxative Locust bean 
gum and guar gum — very similar in prop- 
erties — are used to some extent m pbaima- 
ceuticals Canagecmn, the dried extract of 
certam species of seaweed, is also used to a 
limited extent as a suspending agent and a 
stabilizer of emulsions 

10 B 

Zjqc oxide 

So^um alginate, mcd vis- 

Liq calc bydrox 
Aq Ros qs ad 
M ft. 

Sig Apply as duected. 

* Kelcoloid S, Kelco Company, San Diego. CaUL 

Tnturate the sodium algmate, the starch and 
the zinc oxide together with the glycerm to 
form a paste Gradually add the lime water 
and, finally, the rose water to volume 

Preservation of Natural HydrocoUoid Dis- 
persions. The natural hydrocoUoids are very 
subject to decomposition due to micn>organ- 
isms Thus, when they are used as suspend- 
ing or emulsifymg agents, certam of the 
preservatives must be used Among the ac- 
ceptable ones are a phenylmercunc mtrate 
1 50,000, thimerosal 1 50,000, sodium 
benzoate 1 S per cent and combmation of 
meihylparabcn 0 2 per cent and propyl- 
0 02 per cent 

Anixul Hydrocolloids 
The hydrocoUoids derived from animal 
sources, i e , gelalm, egg yolk and casein, are 
used pnncip^ly as pnmaiy emulsifiers or 
stabili^rs m emulsification and wiU be dis- 
cussed m this chapter under emulsions 

Modified Plant Derivatives 
(Cellulose Derivatives) 

The ceUulose denvatives have become im- 
portant as viscosity-mcreasmg agents because 
they possess ceiiam properties that the nat- 
urad hydrocoUoids do not share The syn- 
thetic cellulose derivatives are produced 
imder chemical control o! raw materials and 
reaction product, thus, reproducible results 
m usage are more likely, m contrast to nat- 
ural gums whose quality is subject to the 
vagaries of nature Furthermore, they are 
free from insoluble substances and other 
matter (morgamc salts, etc ), resulting m a 
clearer dispersion 

MclhylceUuIose. By treatment of ceUulose 
with alJtyl halides su^ as methyl chlonde a 
senes of ceUulose ethers may be obtamed — 
the metbylceUuIoses * Although they are 
available in viscosity types from 15 centi- 
poises to 4,000 centipoises (the absolute 
viscosity of 2% aqueous dispersions at 
20* C), two viscosity types — 1,500 centi- 
poise and 4,000 centipoise — axe most often 
used in pharmaceutic^ Mcthocel HG is 
the designation for a mixed methyl and 
hydroxypropyl ether of cellulose Melhyl- 
c^ulose IS soluble m cold water and insolu- 
ble m most of the common organic solvents 

* Methoec), Dow Chemical Compaoy, MidlaoU. 

3 6 Cm. 

06 Cm. 

186 liquid Dosage Forms Contoining Insoluble Matter 

MetbylccUulose differs from most hydro- 
colloids in that its dispersions gel on bentmg, 
while those of other hydrocoUoids gcl on 
cooling As the temperature approadies 
SO” C , the gcl point of the mctb)lcclluJoses, 
the outer layers of water molecules which are 
attached to the metbylccUulosc molecule 
break away ^Vhen enough of the attached 
water molecules are lost from the polymer 
cham, the solution is transformed mto a gcl 
This phenomenon is reversible on coolmg 
Metbocel HG has a gel pomt 10 to IS** C 
higher than Mclhocel 

Dispersion of methylccUulose presents 
sometlung of a problem, and, as a result, it 
IS very often used m the form of a mucilage 
m prcscnption coropoundmg However, there 
arc three ways m which it can be bandied 
One method is, fint, to mix the mcthyiccl- 
lulose thoroughly with one third of the re- 
uircd amount of water as hot water ($0- 
0° C ), then, to add the remainder of the 
water as cold water The second method is 
to mu the mctbylccUulose with a small 
amount of alcohol or glycerin before adding 
the cold water to prevent lumping If methyl- 
cellulose IS to be used m a formulation con- 
taming other dry logredieols, it may be 
blended with these ingredients prior to mu- 
ing with water 

11 n 

Coal tar solution 




Aqua Hamamelidis ad 



Sig Pat on abraded area 

and oUow to 


When 10 ml of a 2 per cent Methocel HG 
dispersion is thoroughly mixed with the coal 
tar solution and the other ingredients added 
gradually, a stable dispersion results 
12 U 

PbenaceUn 5 Is* 

Glycenn 3i 

MethylccUulose 400 cps., 3*0 sol Svu 
Aromatic elixir ad 3 ui 

M fL Mist. 

Sig. 3iq 4hr forpain. 

Triturate the phcnacctin with the glycerm, 
add the methylccUulose dispersion and mix 
Gradually add the aromatic cluir to volume 

Sodium carboxymcthylccUuIosc is pre- 
pared by treating highly purified cellulose 
with alkali and subsequent reaction with 
sodium monochloroacetate It is a fibrous or 
granular powder, light cream to white m 
color, and is readily soluble m hot or cold 
water As opposed to methylccUulose, the 
viscosity of sodium caiboxymetbylccUulose 
(carboxy methylccUulose, CMC) decreases 
With mcrcasmg temperature Its dispersions 
fall wiihm the pH range of 6 5 to 8 
Carboi^ethylccUulosc has a good toler- 
anoi to ctbanol, with up to 40 per cent of 
ethanol permissible m low concentration dis- 
persions If It 15 Duxed with mmcrol acids, the 
tree acid of carboxymethylceUulosc is formed, 
and precipitation results when a cntical ex- 
cess of the acid has been produced 

CarboxymethylceUulose is available m 
three viscosity grades low viscosity— 25 to 
50 cps m 2 per cent dispersion, medium vis- 
cosity— 400 to 600 cps m 2 per cent dis- 
persion, and high viscosity— approximately 
1 400 cps m 1 per cent dispersion 
13 Ti 

Banum sulfate 

350 OGm. 

CMC70, Prem Grade, 

low viscosity 


Dioctyl sodium sul/osue 

cioatcsol 1% 




Sacchann sodium 

05 Cm 

Sorbitol soluUoQ 70^ 


Purified water to make 

1,000 0 ml 




6 OOGm. 


6 00 Cm. 

Sodium lactate 

36 00 ml 

Saccharin sodium 

0 70Gm 

Tr lemon peel 

3 60 ml 

CMC med vise, sol 

qs ad 

12000 ml 


Sig SOq 4hr 

Powder the sulfadiazmc and the sulfamcra 
ztne m a mortar, add the sodium lactate, the 
saccharin sodium and the CMC solution with 
constant tnturation 

hLcrociystalliac ccUuIose,* which is pre- 
paid by severe aad hydrolysis of ceUulose, 

* Aviccl, Amencaa Viscose Corporation, hlum* 
Hook, Pa. 

Soiid'In-Uquid Dispersions (Suspensions) 187 

can be dispersed in water to form vis- 
cosity thixotropic dispersions that are stable 
over long periods. Early mvestigation* indi- 
cates that mlcrocrystalline cellulose will prove 
to be a very satisfactory snspendmg a^nt- 


The clay minerals of the montmonllonite 
structure have long been used as stabilmog 
agents for suspensions, due to their abili^ to 
form thixotropic dispersions of high viscos- 
i^. The suspending properties of these clays 
are due chieSy to then singular latllcelike 
crystalline structure. The three clays most 
often used are bentonite, hectonte and 

Bentonite (US.P. XVI) is described as a 
native, colloidal hydrated aluminum silicate, 
pale buff or cream colored, free from gn^ 
with a slightly earthy taste. The best grades 
of bentomte usually swell m water to 15 times 
their dry volume, forming a thixotropic dis- 
penion m low concentrations. As a suspend- 
mg agent, a 2 to S per cent dispersion of 
bentomte is used. Bentonite is anionic in 
character and is markedly inSuenced by pH, 
showing maximum viscosity in the alkaline 
range. In additloc, incompatibilities may be 
expected witlL cationic substances such as 
benzalkonlum chloride, gentian violet, ibia- 
n^e hydrochloride, etc. 

Electrolytes change the character of 
bentonite dispersions in many respects, de- 
pending on the kind of electrolyte, the con- 
centration of bentonite and the concentration ' 
of electrolyte relative to bentomte. Mono- 
valent ions have the least effect, and trivalent 
the greatest effect An excess of either cations 
or anions results in coalescence and floccula- 
tion of bentonite particles. 

15. O 





Liq. carb. det 

. 9.00 






3 60 

Purified water ad 



Sig.: Apply tld. 

Mix the powders with the glycerin in a 

• Veegum F and Veegum HV, R. T. Vanderbilt 
Co., New York 17, N. Y. 

mortar, dissolve the menthol and the phenol 
in the coal tar solution and add to the glyc- 
erin paste; gradually add the water with 
constant trituration to volume. 

16. B 

Zinc oxide 

12 Gm. 


12 Gm. 




8 ml. 

Magma bentomte 

48 ml. 

Purified water ad. 

120 ml. 


Sig : Leinei's Lotion. 

Triturate zinc oxide, talc, glycerin 

and alco- 

hoi together; gradually add the 


magma with constant tnturation and, finally, 
the purified water to volume. 

Hectonte, t a member of the montmoril- 
lomte group of days, is closely related to 
bentomte. As a result, its behavior is very 
sumlar and it may be used in the same man- 
ner. Certam properties, especially its greater 
rate of hydration and its white color, give it 
some advantages over bentonite. 

Veegum may be considered to be a highly 
purified form of bentonite. The purification 
procedure removes silica, grit, nonhydrating 
materials, etc. Veegum is supplied in ^e form 
of while flakes (Veegum HV), which swell 
on hydration as does bentonite. Its behavior 
as to pH changes, alcohol and electrolytes 
closely follow that of bentomte. Veegum dis- 
persions are thixotropic as are those of ben- 
tonite. Veegum is generally used in concen- 
trations of l.S to 2 per cent 

17. n 

Prepared chalk 



Saccharin sodium 

0018 Gm. 

Veegum HV magma 3% 



Cinnamon water 



Purified water ad. 

60 0 



Sig.: Chalk Mixture. 15 ml. a c. 

Mix the Veegum magma with the cinnamon 
water, and add enou^ of this mixture to the 
saccharin sodium and the prepared chalk in 
a mortar to fonn a smooth paste. Gradually 
incorporate the remainder of the diluted 
magma and, finally, enough purified water 
to make 60 mL 

t Available as Macaloid, Inerlo Company, 1489 
FoUom Saa Ftanosco, f^if- 


Liquid Dosage Forms Conloining Insoluble Matter 

AU of ihc clay dispersions may be prepared 
m the same manner However, it most be 
remembered that bentonite takes a longer 
period of time to hydrate and will take as 
much as 24 hours to reach its maximum vis- 
cosity When the dry powder IS used, the clay 
IS triturated with the insoluble substances in 
a mortar and the vehicle is added a little at 
a time until the final volume is reached \Vhen 
a magma of the clay is used, it is usually m 
the concentration of 2 to 5 per cent Ben- 
tonite magma is prepared by sprmkling the 
powder on hot purified water and allowing 
to stand for 24 hours with occasional stirring 
Magmas of all tlie clays may also be pre- 
pared by adding the clay to hot punfied water 
with rapid sturing, as in a blender 

Since the cla)s will support growth of 
microorganisms under certain condiuons, a 
preservative is generally considered desir- 
able, «c. a meth>lparabcn (0 2%)-propyl- 
araben (0 02^%) combination or sodium 
enzoateO 1 percent 

Synthetic Hyorocolloios 
In Uie attempt (o overcome some of the 
disadvantages of natural products, especially 
the lack of purity and uniformity of h)dro> 
colloids of plant ongm, many s)nthctic poly- 
mers have ^cn prepared Of these a caiWxy 
vin)l pol)Tncf* of high molecular weight has 
had tne most extensive use Supplied as a 
white powder in the acid form,, it is neu- 
tralized with alkali and exhibits its greatest 
viscosity at a pH range of 5 to 10 Carbopol/ 
934 may be used in both internal and exter- 
nal preparations The following kaolin pcctm 
presenpuon shows an example of the use of 
Carbopol 934 os a suspending agent 
18 It 


t! 66 



Carbopol 934 


Sucaryl sodium 


Pcppcrnimt oil 

0 35 

Mciiiyi salicylate 


Sodium caibonatc to neutralize 
DwUllcd water ad 



It must be remembered in the use of Carbopol 
that Its neutralized gels tend to undergo oxi- 

• n p Gocxinch Chemual Co^ Cevclaod 15, 

dative degradation when exposed to light. 
Schwarz and Lcvy“ reported this loss of vis- 
cosity and aitnbutcd it to the presence of 
trace metals Therefore, when Carbopol is 
used as a suspending agent, the suspensions 
should be protected from light or contain 
antioxidants or EDTA to complex trace metal 

Carbopol is also quite sensitive to small 
amounts of electrolytes, showmg a marked 
decrease in viscosity in its neutralized aque- 
ous dispersion Preservatives which are lomc, 
such as benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, etc., 
can cause the decrease m viscosity 

Ionic Behavior of Hvdrocolloids 

In employing viscosity increasing agents, 
the chemical reactivity of these substances 
should be takciv into account Most of the 
suspending agents used are antonic in nature 
(acacia, tragacanih, sodium alginate, karaya, 
carragecnin, sodium carboxymcih)lceUuIosc, 
Carbopol 934, bentonite, hcctontc and Vee- 
gum) Mcthylcellulose, microcrystalline cel- 
lulose and pTop)tlcnc glycol alginate are non- 
ionic Nakashima and Miller,*^ m a study of 
tome incompatibilities of suspending agents, 
showed that the use of some anionic suspend- 
ing agents resulted in the prccipitauon of or- 
ganic cationic substances such as thiamine 
hydrochloride, neomycin sulfate, bcnzal- 
komum chloride, etc , with the rcsulung pos- 
sibility of inactivation of the substance Tins 
was especially evident with the clays and in- 
dicates the need for care m selection of a 
viscosily-incrcasmg agent to be combined 
with cationic substances 


The pharmacist encounters the emulsion 
system in his dispensing pracucc more often 
than he may realize and shpuld be thoroughly 
familiar with emulsion technology He prot^ 
ably will be concerned less with emulsions 
to be taken internally than with external oil- 
m-water or water in-oil lotions used both for 
their emollient action and as viscous liquid 
earners for insoluble medicinal agents 
It is assumed that the student is thor- 
oughly familiar with the thconcs of emulsi- 
fication and the terminology of this class of 
pharmaceuticals However, it may be wue to 

Lqutd In Lquid Dispersions (Emulsions) 189 

review some o£ the features of an emulsion 
system Although an emulsion may be con- 
sidered as a two-phase system consisting of 
two immiscible liquids, one of which is dis- 
persed throughout the other in the form of 
globules, from a practical standpoint a third 
component — the emulsifying agent — must be 
added to stabilize the heterogeneous disper- 
sion This third substance onents itself at the 
interface, thereby aclmg as a bndge between 
the immiscible hquid pair It reduces the 
interfacial tension between the two and forms 
a film around the dispersed globule, prevent- 
ing or retardmg coalescence of the mtemal 
phase Emulsion technology, as far as the 
pharmacist is concerned, involves a knowl- 
edge of the types of emulsions which he will 
encounter, plus an awareness of the myriad 
of emulsifymg agents which he has at bis dis- 
posal for producmg satisfactory oil m-water 
and water m-oil emulsions 

Ihe pharmacist must realize that the sta- 
bility of an emulsion may be improved if 
(a) the particle size of the internal phase is 
decreased as far as possible, (b) the optimum 
ratio of oil to water is used, and (c) the vis- 
cosity of the system is mcreased 

Globule Sue. As the globules of the to- 
temal phase are reduced to a sue approach 
mg the colloidal range (under 5 microns), 
they are influenced by brownian motion, this 
helps to keep the globules m a uniform dis- 
persion This IS accomplished by shearing 
action rcsultmg from efficient and prolonged 
trituration m a mortar, the passing of the 
emulsion through a hand homogenizer or a 
colloid null or muung it m a blender 

Phase-Volume Ratio. The volume of the 
mtemal phase compared with that of the 
external phase (phase-volume ratio) will m- 
fluence the characteristics of an emulsion 
Generally speaking, the most stable emulsions 
have an mtemal phase occupying between 
40 and 60 per cent of the emulsion As the 
percentage of mtemal phase mcrcases the 
viscosity of the emulsion nscs due to the 
packmg of the globules of the mtemal phase, 
preventmg free movement m the external 
phase When the concentration of the inter- 
nal phase approaches 80 per cent, there is 
mechanical crowding to such an extent that 
the emulsion usually has the consistency of 
a paste 

Viscosity. The pharmacist is limited m the 

changes which he can make m the phase- 
volume ratio of an emulsion, however, he 
may mcrease stabihty by adding certam m- 
gredients to mcrease the viscosity of the ex- 
ternal phase To raise the viscosity of the 
extemd phase of an oil m water emulsion 
he must add a substance which is soluble m 
or miscible with water and, also, has the ca- 
pacity to mcrease viscosity The polyethylene 
gjycols, cellulose ethers, natural and synthetic 
gums and clays have been used successfully 
as viscosity mcreasmg agents If the pharma- 
cist wishes to raise the external phase vis- 
cosity of a water-m-oil emulsion, he must 
add to the system a substance which is solu- 
ble m or miscible with the oil phase and will 
increase its viscosity Among the substances 
which have been used for accomplishmg this 
m water-m-oil emulsions are viscous oils, 
waxes, fatty alcohols and fatty acids 

Classification of Emulsdjmg Agents. 
Emulsifying agents may be classified mto 
three mam groups 

1 Natural emulsifying agents 

A Those from vegetable sources 
a Carbohydrates such as acacia, 
tragacanlh, chondrus and pectm 
b Those derived from cellulose 
B Those from animal sources 
a Gelatin, egg yolk and casern 
b Wool fat and cholesterol 

2 Fmely divided solids 

3 Synthetic emulsifymg agents 
A Amomc 

• B Cationic 
C Nomomc 

Natural Emulsifying Agents from 
Vegetable Sources 

The natural emulsifymg agents from vege- 
table sources all have some of the same fea- 
tures, as they are all carbohydrate denva- 
Uves, glycosidclike and amonic m nature, all 
produce oil m water emulsions under normal 
circumstances and are sensitive to high con- 
centrations of alcohol or salts They are dif- 
ferentiated by the way m which they act as 
emulsifiers lliose which reduce mtcrfacial 
tension and form a tough mechanical film 
around the dispersed phase are considered 
to be * true” emulsifiers, those which func- 
tion by mcreasmg viscosi^ to the extent of 
preventmg creammg and coalescence are con- 
sidered * quasi" emulsifiers 

)90 Liquid Dosage Forms Contoin ng insoluble MoMer 

Acacia uas discussed under suspcndiog 
agents previously m the chapter In general. 
It )iclds good, stable and palatable emulsions 
of low viscosity Other gums, such as traga> 
canth, agar or pccUn, ore often added in 
small quantities to increase the viscosity of 

Acacia emulsions may be made by the wet 
gum (English), the dry gum (Continental) 
or the bottle method (with volatile oils) 
(Sec p 198 ) The ratio of gum to oil vanes 
from 1 part of acacia to 2 parts of volatile 
oH to 4 parts of hxed oil The following pre- 
scnption illustrates the use of acacia as an 
emulsifying agent 

19 0 

Kaolin lOSGm 

Aluminum hydroxide OA Gm 

Mineral oil ISOmJ 

Acacia 4 S Gm 

Peppermint water ad 90 0 ml 

M ft emulsion. 

Sig. Onctablcspooofulqd 

Triturate the liquid petrolatum with the 
acacia Add 9 ml of pcppermiat water and 
form a primary emulsion Mix the Icaolm and 
the aluminum hydroxide with the remainder 
of the peppenmnt water and add slowly to 
the nucleus 

20 n 

01 ncini 


Acocu, in fine powd. 

8 1 Gm. 

Tr vanilla 




DtsL water ad 


M ft emulsion 

Sig. Three tablespoonfuls at bedtime. 

Triturate the acacia with the oil Add 16 ml 
of water all at once and form an emulsion 
Incorporate the s)Tup, the tioctuie and the 
remamder of the water m small amounts with 

Tngacanth emulsions may be made by 
cither the wet gum or the dry gum method, 
keeping m mind that 0 1 Gm of tragacanth 
IS required where 1 Gm of acaaa was used 
When the wet gum method is used, a muct' 
lage IS made of 1 part of gum to 20 parts of 
water Tragacanth emulsions are stable but 

tend to be coarser than those made from 
acacia Passmg through a hand homogcmzcr 
materially improves their particle siae and 
appearance The following liniment uses 
tragacanth as the emubiher 

21 B 

Liquid petrolatum 18 00 

Bergamot oil JO 

Lavender oil JO 

Sodium benzoate 43 

Tragacanth 1 80 

Distilled water ad 12000 

M ft emulsion 

Tnturate the liquid petrolatum with the traga* 
canth until smooth, add 38 ml of water all 
at once and moke an emulsion Dissolve the 
preservative m 12 ml of water and add 
gradually Add the oils and enough distilled 
water to make 120 ml This emulsion d&> 
mands a larger amount of tragacanth than 
normal because the low percentage of hquid 
petrolatum mcreascs the viscosi^ require- 

Agar IS employed to some extent as an 
auxiliary cmulsther m liquid petrolatum cmul* 
sions To mcrcase viscosity it is used m the 
amount of 1 per cent of the total volume of 
the emulsion The general procedure is to 
prepare an emulsion with acacia, water and 
oil and then add a 2 per cent agar mucilage 
to this emulsion 

Chondrus. In itself, Chondrus is not very 
adaptable to prcscnption use because of the 
difficulty m preparing the mucilage from the 
plant However, its refined dned extract, 
conageenm, is available under the names of 
Sea Kern* and Kraystayf m a variety of 
types, depending on their ultimate use These 
substances arc rather sensitive to electrolytes 
and hydrolyze at low pH values They will 
tolerate up to 20 per cent of alcohol before 

Pectin IS often used alone or m combma- 
tioa with acacia as an emulsifier ^Vhen em- 
ployed alone, 0 1 Gm. of pccUn is used to 
replace 1 Gm of acacia in the emulsion. 
When used to mcrcase the viscosity of acaaa 
emulsions, a concentration of approximately 
1 per cent of the final cmubion volume is 
employ cd 

*5ea Plant Corporation, New Bedford Mass. 

t Phenu Foods Company, Queago 90, IIL 

Lquid In Liquid Dispersions (Emulsionsl 191 

22 B 

Ltqmd petrolatum 



1 0 



Methyl salicylate 


Punfied water ad 


M ft emulsion. 

Mix the pectin and half of the hqtiid petio- 
latum in a mortar, add 25 ml of punfied 
water all at once and triturate until an emul- 
sion IS formed Allow to stand for 10 min- 
utes and contmue tnturation until white and 
creamy Add slowly, with tnturation, the re- 
mamder of the liquid petrolatum, the syrup, 
the methyl salicylate and the rest of the pun- 
fied water 

Algms. Sodium alginate, discussed eadiec 
m the chapter, is classed with tragacanth and 
pectm as one of the substances which emulsi- 
fies prmcipally by mcreasmg the viscosity of 
the mixture Satisfactory emulsions may be 
obtamed with 50 per cent of oil with the 
use of about I per cent of sodium algmate, 
medium viscosity Propylene glycol alginate* 
may be used m prescriptions of the foUowuig 
23 9 

Paraldehyde 15 0 

Syr Pruni virgmianae 75 0 

Kelcoloid S 06 

M ft. emulsion. 

Sig 15 0 ml b.s 

Form a mucilage with about 15 ml of the 
wild cherry syrup and the propylene glycol 
algmate and gradually add the paraldehyde 
m mcreasmg amounts, with constant tritura- 
tion, until emulsification is complete, then 
add the remamder of the wild cherry syrup 
Other Emulsifiers. At vanons tunes sub- 
stances such as honey, malt extract, hconce 
extract, etc , have been used as emulsifymg 
agenU Smee they are httle used, they will 
not be discussed here 

Natural Emulsifiers Derived 
FROM Cellulose 

The modified celluloses are generally 
ihou^t of as agents for the suspending of 
solids but may be used successfully in many 
emulsion formulations They possess the ad- 
• Kelcoloid S, Keleo Company, San Diego, Calif 

vantages over the natural gums of higher 
punty and less sensitivity to changes m en- 
vironment pH, concentration of electrolytes 
and the presence of mold or bacterial or- 

Methylcellulose has been described m 
some detail under suspensions It may be 
used both as a primary emulsifymg agent and 
as an auxiliary emulsifier to mcrease the vis- 
cosily of emulsions Excellent emulsions can 
be obtamed with mmeral oil and cod hver 
oil, using methylcellulose as the primary 
emulsifier “ A dispersion of the meihylcel- 
lulose IS made, placed m a mortar and the 
oil added m small amounts with constant 


Castor oil ^ i 

Methocel HG 2% Sol g l 

Vanflla Tr TTt xx 

M fL emulsion 
Sig Jssbs 

Make a 2 per cent Methocel HGf dispersion, 
place m a mortar and gradually add the oil, 
with constant tntuiation, to fonn as emul- 
sion Addthefiavor 

Sodium Caiboxymethylcellulose (CMC) 
may also be used as a primary emulsifier but 
IS generally used with other emulsifiers to 
mcrease viscosity 

Emulsifying Agents from 
AND.UL Sources 

Egg yolk, egg albumm, casein and con- 
densed milk have been used occasionally as 
emulsifymg agents m pharmaceuticals How- 
ever, gelatm remams the one which is used 
frequently m the production of oil m-watcr 
emulsions, especially with mmeral ofi. 

Gelatin. The US P distmguishes two types 
of gelatm ' Gelatin derived from an acid- 
treated precursor is known as l^pe A (Phar- 
magel A) and exhibits an isoelectnc pomt 
between pH 7 and 9, while gelatm denved 
from an alkali treated precursor is known as 
Type B (Pbarmagcl B) and has an isoelectnc 
pomt between pH 4 7 and 5 ” 

Pbarmagel A is generally used m an acid 
solution m the range of pH of 3 to 3 5 At 
this pH it IS positively charged and is mcom- 

t Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Mich. 

1 92 liquid DoMge Forms Containing Insoluble Matter 

paublc lAith ncgauvcl) charged h)droco!Iotds 
such as acacia, tragaconth or agar Phaimagd 
B IS used in a pH range abo\c ils isoelectric 
point In this range, it is negatively charged 
and IS compatible with the negatively charged 

When gelatin is used as an emulsifier, it is 
impossible to male a satisfactory emulsion 
with mortar and pestle Homogenization or 
treatment with a colloid mill is necessary In 
prescription practice the hand homogcnizcr 
has proved to be quite satisfactory 

Gelatin may be used in a low concentra* 
Uon — in the area of 1 per cent — of the total 
emulsion volume The procedure consists of 
adding most of the water in the formula to 
the gelatin, heating to 98 100“ C and stir* 
nng until the gelatin is dissolved When cool, 
the gelatin solution the od and the other 
ingredients ore mixed roughly and passed 
through a hand homogcnizcr several times 

25 II 

Pharroagel A 
Tartaric acid 




Liquid petrolatum 
Purified water ad 

70 mg. 

n ml 
5 mg. 
72 mL 
60 ml 
120 ml 

M ft emulsion 

Sig Ssshj 

Add the Pharmagcl A and the tartanc acid 
(to bnng pH to acid range) to 36 ml of 
water Heat at boilmg for S to 10 minutes 
until all of the gelatin dissolves Cool to 
50“ C., add liquid petrolatum, syrup, flavor, 
alcohol and enough purified water to make 
120 ml Pass through the hand homogenizcr 
several times 

All of the previous substances discussed 
as emulsifying agents have certain things us 
common all normally are soluble or dis> 
pcisible m water and are oil in water cmulsi- 
ficn In addition, if emulsions arc to be 
stored for any period of time, preservatives 
must be added The ones most used are so~ 
dium benzoate, benzoic acid, alcohol and the 

Wool Fat and CholcsteroL Wool fat and 
Its mam active mgrcdient arc used more 
often as water in-oil emulsifiers m ointments 
and creams or emollients Wlicn they are 

used m liquid preparations of the lotion tj-pe. 
they are generally auxiliary emulsifiers 

Finely Divided Solids 

Many finely divided solids, especially those 
which arc hi^Iy h)dratcd in dispersion, will 
form very stable emulsions, usually of the 
oiI-in*watcr type Examples of compounds 
of this type which will onent at tlic interface 
between oil and water arc bentonite and the 
other cla)s, magnesium h)droxtdc, aluminum 
hydroxide and magnesium tnsilicatc Some- 
times the emulsion may be prepared by agi- 
tatmg the magma of the compound with the 
oil 10 a bottle Usually, the magma is placed 
in a mortar and the oil added m small 
amounts with constant tnturatioo Hand 
homogenizatioQ or treatment in a blender 
greatly improves this type of cmukion The 
followmg prescriptions arc examples 

26 n 

Liquid petrolatum 

F E cascara 3 j 

Magma magnesia ad 3 

M ft emulsion. 

Sig 3ssh4 

Place the magma magnesia in a mortar Add 
the liquid petrolatum, with constant tntura- 
uoo, in small amounts until all has been 
emulsified Add the flujdcxtract Mix. If nec- 
essary, pass through a hand homogcnizcr 

27 « 

Cottonseed oil 


Oleic acid 


Aluminum hydroxide gel 


Puniied water ad 

60 0 

M ft emulsion 

Place the aluminum hydroxide gel m a mor- 
tar, gradually add a mixture of the oil and 
the oleic acid with constant trituration until 
completeJy emuhtBed. Add the punBcd water 
tovwume Hand-bomogenize if necessary 

28 n 

Camphor (X3 

Menthol OJ 

Phenol 0 6 

Olive oil 24 0 

Bentonite magma ad 60 0 

Sig. Apply to Itching area. 

Liquid In Liquid Dispersions (Emulsions) 193 

Tnturate the three eutectic substances to- 
gether and add the olive oil Place the ben- 
tonite magma (35 mi ) m a Wedgwood mor- 
tar and gradually add the oil solution m small 
amounts, with constant trituration, until 
completely emulsified Hand homogenization 
greatly improves this preparation 

Synthetic Emulsifying Agents 

A few of the substances that belong to a 
large group classified as surface active agents 
or surfactants have emulsification also as one 
of their applications The usual method for 
groupmg these compounds is according to 
their behavior m solution Most of the sur- 
factants ionize m water, and either the anion 
or the cation is responsible for the surface- 
active properties If the anion is the surface- 
active po^on of the molecule, it is termed 
an anionic surfactant If the cation is the 
surface active portion of the molecule, it is 
called a cationic surfactant If it is a molecule 
which possesses surface active properties but 
does not ionize, it falls into the classification 
of nonionic surfactants In the following sec- 
tions those compounds which are used prm 
cipally as emulsi^mg agents will be discussed 

Anionic Emulsifying Agents 

In this group appear three important types 
soaps, s\]^atM compounds and sulfonated 
compounds All have one characteristic m 
common — their mcompatibility with acids, 
catiomc surfactants and caUons which will 
react with the anion to form an insoluble 

Soaps may be considered as the reaction 
products of fatty acids above Cj4 with alka- 
Ime substances, i e , KOH, NaOH, NH4OH, 
Ca(OH)2, Zn(OH)2, Mg(OH)2 or an or- 
gamc amin e such as tne&anolamme When 
they are used as emulsifying agents, the re- 
action forming the soap usually takes place 
during the preparation of the emulsion 

Alkali Soaps (Monovalent) These 
substances produce oil in water emulsions, 
unpart atkafim ty to the finished preparatioa 
(pH 9 to 10) and are seldom used m inter- 
nal preparations because of their bitter taste 
and laxative action. In the presence of ex- 
cessive amounts of multivalent cations such 
as calcium 10 ns an msoluble soap is precipi- 
tated In an acid medium the alkali soaps 

form the free fatty acids Smee the free fatty 
acids are feeble emulsifymg agents, this usu- 
ally results m breaking of the emulsion The 
following formula is a lotion type utilizing an 
alkifii soap as the emulsifier 

29 I? 

Stearic acid 3.5 Gm 

Glycerin 8 0 Gm 

Potassium hydroxide 0 2 Gm. 

Alcohol 8 0 Gm 

Lanolin 2 0 Gm. 

Purified water 78 3 Gm 

The procedure used m compounding this is 
a standard one for emulsions of this type 
The water soluble substances — m this case 
the glycenn, potassium hydroxide, alcohol 
and water — are heated together to about 
70® C The fat-soIuble ingredients — ^lanolm 
and stcanc acid — are heated to the same tem- 
perature, the two solutions are mixed and 
allowed to cool to room temperature with 

This type of lotion base is used less often 
than others because of its alLahnity and tend- 
ency toward skin nntation and sensitization 

Metallic Soaps (Divalent) This group 
results from the reaction of fatty acids 
(whether alone or as a component of a fixed 
oil) with zme hydroxide, magnesium hy- 
droxide or calcium hydroxide Neither the 
zinc soap (zinc stearate) nor the magnesium 
soap (magnesium stearate) is used as an 
emulsifier However, the calcium soap is one 
of the emulsifiers most used m dermatologic 

Calcium oleate produces water m-oil emul- 
sions, imparts alkahmty to the finished emul- 
sion and 15 limited to external use because 
of the characteristic taste of soaps It is sen- 
sitive to an acid medium which liberates the 
free fatty acid but has a higher acid tolerance 
than ihe alkah soaps 

Emulsions usmg a calcium soap as the 
emulsifymg agent are prepared by mixing 
calcium hydroxide solution with a fixed oil 
m equal portions or with the oil m excess 
If the acid value of the oU is too low, the 
addition of a small amount of oleic acid often 
will produce a satisfactory emulsion This 
emulsion base may be used as a vehicle for 
msoluble solids The foUowmg are lotion- 
type dermatologic prescriptions of record 

194 Lqv d Dosage Forms Contoin ng Insoluble Matter 

30 n 

Pulv calanuoe 
Zinc oxide 
Olive Oil 

Lime water aa 30 


Sig. Apply locally b i d. ct 

Shake the lune water and the obve oil m 
a 2 Qoz. bottle until a creamy emulsion re- 
sults Pbcc the powders m a mortar and add 
the prepared w/o emulsion with tnturauoo 

31 U 

Pulv calamine 

Zine oxide aa 6 

Sol calc, hydroz. 25 

Olive oil 9 

Puntied water ad 50 


Sig. Locally ut diet 

Since the volume of lime water exceeds that 
of the oil (which will be the external phase), 
first mix the full amount of olive oil with an 
equal \olume (9 ml ) of lune water Agitate 
uiiul the emulsion forms Place the powders 
ui a monar add the remainder of the Ume 
water and 16 ml of distilled water, then the 
w/o emulsion Mix thoroughly 
Soaps OF OkgamcAmises Several of the 
organic ammes have been used to form soaps, 
however, iricthaoolamme is the one used in 
many lotion bases ^Vbcn reacted with steanc 
or oleic acid, the soap that is formed acts as 
aa excclltat od va 'Hater esnMiaificT U pro- 
duces a slightly alkaline cmubion, in the 
range of pH 7 S to 8 Like other soaps, tt is 
mcompaUblc with acidic substances and 
acidic solutions The procedure for prepar- 
ing emulsions contauucg tnethanolammc 
soaps IS the same as that for the alkali soapS 


0 04Cii> 

Steanc acid 

2.40 Gal. 

Cetyl alcohol 

1 20 Cm. 

Wool fat 

0 80 Cm* 

Liquid petrolatum 

4 00 mL 


I 20 mi 


Perfume q s. 


M etSig. Back Rub Lotion (Peter Bent 
Bngbam Hospital) 

Heat the menthol, the steanc acid, the cetyl 
3 alcohol, the wool fat and the liquid petro- 
2. latum to 70® C Dissolve the tnethanolammc 
m the water and beat to 70® C Mu the two 
solutions StiruntucooL 

33 D 

Hydrous wool fat 20 0 Gm. 

Steanc acid 2 0 Gm. 

Light liquid petrolatum 1 0 0 ml 

Tnelhanolanune 0 8 ml 

Rose water qj ad 100 0 ml 

M ft loUOD. 

Sig. Lanolm Lotion 

Heat the wool fat, the steanc acid and the 
b^t bquid petrolatum to 70® C Dissolve the 
tnethanolammc m the rose water and heat 
to 70® C. Mu the two solutions Stir until 

It IS intcrcstmg to note that triethanolamme 
soaps have an HLB value m the range of 12, 
which explains why they have been used so 
successfully as cmulsihers for bquid petro- 
latum (required HLB is about 12) (For 
discussion of HLB see p 195 and TaUe 29 ) 

Sultatcd Compounds. Many surfacUnts of 
this type arc available They arc produced 
by sulfating a long-cham alcohol and makmg 
the alkab or amme salt. Sodium lauryl sulfate, 
composed of a muturc of sulfatcd alcohols 
with lauryl alcohol the prmcipal one, has 
been used m pbarmaccuut^ for the past few 
years as an oil in-water emulsiiicr It has the 
advantage over soaps of bemg less sensitive 
to aads and compaulile with colciun salts, 
smcc calaum lauryl sulfate is not water m- 
soluble When used by itself, sodium lauryl 
sulfate forms emulsions of rather poor stabd- 
ity Therefore, it is employed with stabilizers 
such as cetyl or stcaryl alcohol Sodium lauryl 
sulfate has been avoided by dermatologists, 
who consider it a primary imlant to the skin. 
TTic foUowmg formula mcludes sodium lauryl 
sulfate os the cmulsibcr 

34 U 

Cetyl alcohol Z4Gm. 

Light liq petrolatum 19 2 m] 

Sodium lauryl sulfate 0 6 Cm. 

Punfiedwaterad 1200ml 

M ft emulsion. 

Uquid'ln>L!quId Dispersions (Emulsions) 


Heat the ce^I alcohol and light liquid petro* 
latum to 70® C., dissolve the sodium laufyl 
sulfate in the water and heat to the samg 
temperature. Mix and stir until cool. This 
may be used as a stock lotion base. 

Sulfonated Compounds. Dioctyl sodium 
sulfosuccinate* is die major representative 
of this group of sulfonated surfactants. It is 
used both as a wettmg agent and as an emul- 
sifier in pharmaceuticals. 

Cationic Emulsifying Agents 

The cationic surfactants may be used as 
oil-in-water emulsifiers. However, because of 
their superior bacteriostatic properties they 
are seldom used as emulsifying agents. Benz- 
alkonium chloride is representative of this 
group of compounds. 

Noniomc Emulsifying Agents 

The nonionic surfactants used in pbanna^ 
ceuUcals are complex esters, etben or esler<. 
ethers of alcohols. They possess the advan- 
tage over anionic and catlomc agents of 
stability over a wide range of pH. Most non- 
ionics can be made by taking practically any 
hydrophobic compound wUch has in its 
structure a carboxy, hydroxy, amido or amino 
group with free hydrogen attached to the 
nitrogen and reacting it with ethylene oxide. 
Furthermore, the properties of each com- 
pound can be changed considerably simply 
by changing the molar portion of ethylene 
oxide, that Is, by changmg the length of the 
polyox) ethylene chain. Most of the nonionlcs 
are viscous liquids or soft pastes. The ethylene 
oxide type accoxmts for 80 to 90 per cent of 
all nonionics used. 

The HLB System. With the development 
of the nonionic emulsifiers a great amount of 
interest was taken in more exact methods of 
determining whether an emulsion remained 
stable or not and whether the proper amount 
and type of emulsifier was bemg used. Giif- 
fin®* ® assigned to the respective components 
of emulsion systems a vdue indicating their 
relatively lipophilic (nonpolar) or hydro- 
philic (polar) characters. This value repre- 
sents the ratio between the lipophihc portloa 

* Aerosol OT, American Cyanamide Company. 
New York 20, N. Y. 

Table 29. “Required HLB” Values for 
O/W Emulsions of Common 

Add, stearic . . 

. . . 15-18 

Alcohol, cetyl 


Alcohol, steaiyl 


Isopropyl esters 


Lanobn, anhydrous 
















•The Required HLB of any material is bkely 
to vary sLgbtly with the source of the material, the 
concentraiion desired and the method of prepara- 
tion, and should be verified against your own in- 
gredients at your own desu’ed concentration and 
with your own manufacturing technic. 

Matenals that are surface acUve, such as fatty 
acids, fatty alcohols, etc , uben used at high coa- 
centraljoiu. wilt likely require a higher HLB. 

The Required HLB for making W/0 emulsions 
of any material will be in the range of 3 to 8t for 
soIubiluatioD m water, m the range of 10 to 18. 

From Guide to the Use of Atlas Sorbitol and 
Surfactants lo cosmetics, Allas Chemical Indus- 
tries, Inc., WtlffliDgton, . 1962. 

of the molecule and the hydrophilic portion 
and is called the hydrophile-hpophile bal- 
ance (HLB). 

Each emulsifier and major component of 
an emulsion was assigned an HLB value of 
from 1 to 20. Although higher values are 
known, most surfactants fall below 20. The 
higher the HLB value of an emulsifier the 
more the polar portion predominates, and 
the lower the value the more the nonpolar 
portion predominates. It has been found that 
water-in-oil emulsions are formed when the 
emulsifiers are in the range of HLB 3 to 6, 
while oll-in-water emulsions are formed from 
HLB 8 to 18. Substances with low HLB 
^ues are predominantly oQ-soIublc while 
those with high HLB values are predomi- 
nantly soluble or miscible in water. 

Use of the HLB System. The HLB value 
of the oil phase of an emulsion, i.e., oHs, 
waxes, etc., must first be considered to de- 

196 Liquid Doioge Forms Containing Insoluble Mottcr 

Table 30 HLB Values op Some Selected Emulsifying Agents 

Chemical or Generic Name 

Trade Name 


Soibilon Trioleate 

Span or Arlacel 85* 

1 8 

Sorbitan Tnstcoratc 

Span 65* 


Sorbilan Scsquiolcate 

Arlacel 83* 


Gly eery 1 Monostearate 


Sorbitan Monooleate 

Span or Arlacel 80* 


Sorbitan Monostcorate 

Span or Arlacel 60* 


Glyecryl Monoslcarate 

Aldo 28> 


Sorbitan Afonopalmitate 

Span or Arbccl 40* 




Sorbitan Monolaurate 

Span or Arlacel 20* 




Pt^yoxydhyleTicSorbiiQn Tndede 

Tween 85 • 


Polyethylene Glycol 400 Monostcorate 

11 6 

Triethanolamine Olcatc 


Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Monostcaralc 

Tween 60* 


Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Mono-olcate 

Tween 80* 

15 0 

Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Monopalmitate 

Tween 40* 


Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Monoburate 

Tween 20* 


Sodium Olcate 


Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 

above 20 0 

* Atlas Chemical Compao) Wilmington 99. Delaware. 
tGl)CO Chemicals Corp New York 1, N Y 

tenntae \shat will be the matching HLB o( 
the emuisi/ier or emulsifier blend rc<;uircJ to 
produce a stable emulsion Many of the sub* 
stances m the oil phase base already been 
assigned HLB values and may be determined 
from available tables Table 29 lists some of 
the Required HLB" values of common m* 
grcdicnts of emulsion formulae 

As an example of the use of the HLB sys- 
tem the following fonnula is given t 

Z^rquid perrobtum 


Wool fat 

Cetyl alcohol 





and an o/w lotion vehicle is desired The 
percentage composition of the oil phase is 
35^ + + 1*0 = ST'p and its required 

HLB for o/w emulsification can be calcu- 
lated as follows 



Liquid Petrolatum ~ 94 6*0 X 1 2 = I i 4 
t S« footnote to Table 29 

WoolPal =i= 27«X10= 03 

Ccljl Alcohol =-^= 27SI X 15a 04 

Estimated required HLB of emulsifier 12 1 
Therefore, an emulsifier or a combuiation 
having an HLB range of 11 to 13 probably 
Will be satisfactory 

Table 30 shows some of the HLB values 
of some emulsifying agents 

There ore many other surfactants for which 
the HLB values have been detemuned Once 
the required HLB value of the oil phase has 
been determined, on emulsifier or a blend of 
emulsifiers may be selected of approximately 
that HLB For Atlas emulsifiers charts arc 
available giving HLB values of various 

In the formula given with Table 29, with 
a required HLB value of 12 1, a sin^e emul- 
sifier such as polyethylene glycol 400 mono* 
stearate might prove satisfactory hfore often 
a blend of two emulsifiers of similar struc- 
ture, one with a high HLB value and the 
other with a low HLB value, is chosen If, in 
the above case. Tween 80 (HLB-15) and 
Arioccl 80 (HLB-4 3) were selected the 
proportion of each could be determined by 

Liquid In Liquid Dispersions (Emulsions) 197 

alligation This would give 78 parts of Tween 
80 to 29 parts of Arlacel 80, or 5 per cent of 
Tween 80 and 2 per cent of Arl^l 80 

TTiere are many noniomc emulsifiers avail- 
able, but the pharmacist will find that he en- 
counters a relatively low number m emulsion 

Gl>col esters consist of reaction products 
when a glycol (glycenn, propylene ^ycol, 
diethylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, etc ) 
reacts with a fatty acid — ^usually, steanc acid 
With the exception of the polyethylene glycol 
stearates, they are rather poor emulsifying 
agents when used alone If a small amount 
of an amomc surfactant such as sodium stea- 
rate or sodium lauryl sulfate is added, they 
become efficient oil m-water emulsifiers Two 
of the group are used m pharmaceuticals 
glyceryl monostearate, self-emulsifymg and 
polyethylene glycol 400 raonostearate 

Glyceryl Monostearate S E This mix- 
ture serves as an emulsifier in many phar- 
maceutical and cosmetic emulsions Because 
It depends for its emulsifying effiaeocy on 
the blend of nomomc amomc emulsifiers, it 
has the incompatibilities of the amomes, i e , 
sensitivity to an environment of low pH 
When used m liquid preparations, glyceryl 
monostearate S £ is present as a coemubifier 
along with amine soaps, etc An acid stable 
self-emulsifymg glyceryl monostearate con- 
taining a small amount of a nomomc emulsi- 
fymg agent of high HLB is available as 
Arlacel 165* for use in lotion formulas coo- 
taming acidic salts 

35 U 

Cetyl alcohol 


Arlacel 165 


Sorbitol solution 




PreservaUve q s 

M ft lotion base 120 ml 

Heat the cetyl alcohol and the Arlacel 165 
to 70® C , heat the sorbitol soluuon and the 
water to the same temperature Mix and stir 
until cool 

Polyethylene Glycol 400 Monostea- 
rate The polyethylene gl) col esters may be 
used not only as nomomc emulsifiers but also 
as suspendmg agents They are found in 

• Atlas Chemical Company, Wilmingtoa 99, 


many cosmetic lotions m conjunction with 
amomc emulsifiers such as tnethanolamme 
stearate ** 

36 Cleansing Lotion 


Steanc acid 

2 OGmu 


Liquid petrolatum 



Isopropyl raynstate 

2 0 ml 


Polyethylene glycol 400 





5 0Gm 


White wax 



Propylene glycol 




I OmI 





Punfied water q s ad 

100 Oral 

Mix and heat ingredients 1 through 6 to 70 
to 75® C , dissolve 7, 8 and 9 in the water 
and heat to the same temperature Add the 
aqueous solution to the oil solution and stir 
uniformly to room temperature 

Sorbilan Esters. Although there are many 
nomomc emulsffiers available which are satis- 
factory for use m pharmaceuticals, the 
Tweens* and the Spans* have had the most 

The Spans and the Arlacels are prepared 
by esterification of sorbitan with various fatty 
acids Table 30 shows their chemical com- 
position <The Arlacels are a highly punfied 
grade of the Spans, mtended for pharma- 
ceutical and cosmetic use 

The Tweens arc denved from Spans by 
treatment of the nonesterified hydro:^ groups 
with ethylene oxide to form polyoxyethylene 
side chains Chain length can be controlled 
to gtve surfactants of varying polaraUes 
Tween 80 is official m USP XVI as Poly- 
sorbate 80 

37 It 

Zinc oxide 
Peanut oU 
Alum acetate sol 
Polysorbate 80 
Punfied water ad 

Sig Burow’s Emulsion 

12 0Gm 
12 0Gni 
12 0Gm. 
48 0ml 
2.4 ml 
2.4 ml 
120 Oral 

Heat the lanolin, the peanut oil and the poly- 
sorbate 80 to 60® C Mix well and cool to 

• Allas Chemical Company, Wilmington 99, 

193 bquid Dotage Form* Containing Inmluble Matter 

room temperature Mix t\ith the zme oxide 
and the talc m a mortar Add the alummum 
acetate solution followed by the \^atcr with 
constant trituration 

38 n 

Castor oil 45 0 ml 

Span 80 63 ml 

Tween 80 (0 67'v soL) 387ml 

To make 90 0 ml 
M. Sig Castor Oil Emulsion. 

Mix the Span 80 and the castor oil Place 
the Tucen 80 solution m a mortar and add 
the Span>castor oil mixture m small propor- 
tions with constant trituration.^* 

General Preparation of Emulsions 

The pharmacist must be able to prepare 
emulsions extemporaneously using the mortar 
and pestle, together with whatever other 
small-scale equipment he may have at his 
disposal In general when working with the 
gums, he uses one of three methoth of prep- 

Dry Gum Method (Contmenlol Method) 
This method mvoUcs the preparation of a 
concentrated emulsion or nucleus of oO, 
acacia and water by the following procedure 
The acacia and the oil arc placed u a diy 
Wedgwood or porcelain mortar, m the ratio 
of 4 parts by volume of hxed oil to 1 part by 
weight of acacia. When the acacia is thor- 
oughly distnbutcd throughout the od, 2 parts 
by volume of water arc added all at once, 
followed by rapid trituration until the emul- 
sion IS formed This nucleus is tnturated for 
St feast 5 minutes, then the additional in 
grcdicnts arc added Water soluble ingrcdi 
cnis should be dissolved in w-ater and added 
to the nucleus in small amounts with constant 
tnturaiion Insoluble substances should be 
hocly powdered and triturated with the nu- 
cleus Alcohol should be diluted with water 
and added m small quantities Oil soluble 
substances arc dissolved m the od before 
the nucleus is made Finally, the cmubion is 
tramferred to a graduate and brought to 
volume withwatcr 

Wlicn tragaconih or pcctm are used in 
place of acacia Ko die amount of each Is 
required The ratio for fonmng the nucleus 

becomes 4 2 0 1 mstcad of 4 2 1 With Im- 
seed od or liquid petrolatum the ratio of od 
to acacia is often a 3 1 ratio, mabog the 
primary emulsion or nucleus a 3 2 1 ratio 
Wet Gum Method (English or American 
Method), This procedure invoUes the prep- 
aration of a mualage of acacia with water, 
usually m the same ratio as is used in the dry 
gum method. A smooth muedage is made 
by tnturatmg 1 part by weight of acacia to 
2 parts by volume of water If tragacanth 
or pcctm IS used, the ratio of gum to water 
becomes 1 to 20 If the gum is a fine powder, 
It may be wetted with a small amount of 
glycerin or aAaatof Co pretenC Jianpuig wJien 
Uie water is added 

After the muedage is made, the od is added 
in small increments with constant trituration 
until all IS emulsified The nucleus is now 
triturated for 5 minutes and dduted as de- 
scribed imdcr the dry gum method. If, durmg 
the addition of the od to the mucilage, the 
Viscosity of the emulsion becomes too high, 
small amounts of water may be added to re> 
turn to the ongmal viscosity 
Bottle Method The bottle method is 
merely a vanaiion of the diy gum method, 
used with volatde ods One part by weight 
of acacia is thoroughly mixed with 2 or 3 
parts by volume of volatile od by shaking 
m a bottle Two parts by volume of water 
are added all at once and the shabng con- 
tinued imlil the emulsion is formed Other 
u^edicnls and the remainder of the water 
are added in small quantities with constant 

Molds, yeasts and bactena find the aque- 
ous phase of suspensions and emulsions a 
fine medium for growth For this reason ore- 
servatives must be added to both solid in- 
liquid and liquid m liquid dispersions which 
are to be stored for more than a few days 
Benzoic acid (0 1 to 0 2% ), sodium ben- 
zoate (0 1 to 02%), alcohol (5 to 10%), 
pbeo)Imercuncnitrateandacctate(l 10,000 
to 1 25,000), phenol (0 5%), crcsol 
(0 5%), chlorobutanol (0.5%), soibic acid 



(02%) and the cationic quaternary am- 
monium compounds (1.10,000 to 1 50,000) 
have been used as antibactenal preservatives 
with varying degrees of success 
The most popular preservatives, because 
they are active against bactena, yeasts and 
molds, have been the parahydrojybenzoic 
acidesters butylparahydroxybenzoate (bulyl- 
paraben 0 02%), methylparahydroxybenzo- 
ate (methylparaben) andpropylparahydro:^- 
benzoate (propylparaben) A combmation 
of methylparaben 0 2 per cent and propyl- 
paraben 0 02 per cent seems to be the mix- 
ture of choice 

In the use of preservauves, consideracon 
must be given to the possibihty of a reaction 
occumng between the substance used as a 
preservative and the suspending agent or the 
emulsifier that may inactivate the preserva- 
tive The result may be the formation of an 
mactive complex or an lomc reaction 
It has been shown-® that complex forma- 
tion takes place between methylcellulose and 
the parahydroxybenzoic acid esters Barr and 
Tice® reported the growth of micro-organisms 
m the presence of surfactants containing 
polyether groups A large number of non- 
lomc surfactants used m pharmaceuticals 
belong to this class These substances also 
tend to form complexes The mvestigators 
reported that soibic acid 0 2 per cent proved 
to be a satisfactory preservative 

With the use of polymenc substances — 
natural and synthetic — as suspending and 
emulsifymg agents, care must be taken to 
select a preservative for a particular system 
to avoid possible mactivation of the pre- 


All suspensions and emulsions are heter- 
ogeneous and should be dispensed with a 
“shake well” labeL They should be stored 
m a manner to prevent freezmg or exposure 
to hi^ temperature If they are not sensitive 
to light, they may be dispensed m clear glass 
When suspensions and emulsions are viscous, 
wide-mouth bottles should be used. It is often 

advantageous to package dermatologic pre- 
scriptions m polyethylene squeeze botUes 


1 Atkinson, R M , Bedford, C , Child, K. J , 
and Tomicb, E G AnUbiotics and 
Chemotherapy 12 232,1962 

2 Barr, M , and Tice, L F J Am Pharm 
Assoc (Sci ) 46 442, 445, 1957 

3 Battista, 0 A , and Smith, P A Ind and 
Eng Chem 54 20, 1962 

4 Bellinger, von Mane, and Munzel, K. 
Pbaim actahelv 34 79, 1959 

5 Fleming, W , and Wolf, M Am J of 
Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Venereal Dis 
30 47, 1946 

6 Fhppin, H , Reinhold, J G , and Philhps, 
F J Am J Med Scl 210 141, 1940 

7 Greengard, R , and Wooley, J G J 
Biol Chem. 132 83, 1940 

8 Griffin, W C J Soc Cos Chem. 1 311, 

9 J Soc Cos Chem 5 1, 1954 

10 Guide to the Use of Atlas Surfactants and 
Sorbitol m Pharmaceutical Products, Atlas 
Chemical Co , Wilmington, Delaware, 

11 Haines, B A, Ir, and Martin, A N 
J Pharm Set 50 228,1961 

12 J Pharm Sci SO 753, 1961 

13 J Pharm Sci 50 756, 1961 

14 Higuchi, T J Am Pharm Assoc (Sci ) 
48 657, 1958 

15 Hospital Formulary, Hamilton, Illinois, 
The Hamilton Press, 1959 

16 Kraml, M , Dubuc, 1 , and Caudry, R 
AnUbiotics and Chemotherapy 12 239, 

17 Lafferty, G , and Gross, H J Am Pharm 
Assoc (Sci ) 44 in. 1955 

18 Laug, P , Vos, E , and Kunze, F J 
Pharmacol Exp Ther 89 52, 1947 

19 Lichtm, J L, and Uchtin, A J Am. 
Pharm. Assoc (PracU) 14 295, 1953 

20 MacDonald, L, and Himmlick, R. J J 
Am Pharm Assoc (Sci ) 37 368, 1948 

21 Martin, A N Physical Pharmacy, Lea 
and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1960 

22. Nakashuna, J Y , and Miller, O H J 
Am. Pharm. Assoc, (Pract) 16 496, 1955 

23 Osborne, G E., and DeKay, H G J 
Am Pharm. Assoc (PracL) 2 420, 1941 

24 Polyglycol Esters, Kessler Chemical Cora 
pany, Philadelphia. 

25 Schwarz, T W, and Levy, G J Am. 
Pharm Assoc. (Sci ) 47 442, 1958 

200 liquid DoMge Forms Contoining tnsolubis Motter 

26 Schwarz, T W Levy, G and kawagoe, 
H II J Am, Phaxm Assoc. (Set ) 47 
695, 1958 

27 Sw-alTord. W , and Nobles, W L. J Am. 
Pbann Assoc (Pracl ) 16 171, I95S 

28 Tiilman, W J , and Kuramoto, R J Am 
Pharm Assoc. (Sci ) 46 211, 1957 

lypical Pharmaceutical Formulations for 
Topical Application, Allas Chemical Com* 
pany, Wilmington, Delaware, 1960 
Vicher, £, Sn)der, R and Gathercoal 
E. J J ^Vm Pharm Assoc, (Sci ) 26 
1241, 1937 

chapter 6 

Semisolid Dosage Forms 

Seymour Blaug, Ph D * 

T he ter ms salve, ointment and cream mdi- 
cate preparations that have m common the 
prop^erty of bemg semisohds which are spread 
easily on the skm \ While these terms are 
sometimes used mterchangeably, they are at 
other times used to represent gradations m 
viscosity, the salve bemg considered most 
viscous, the omtment less and the cream 

Semisolid dosage forms mclude primarily 
those preparations to be applied to cutaneous 
tissue, such as ointments (salves, unguents) 
cerates, creams, jellies, pastes, plasters and 

A dermatologic prescnption is usually ap> 
pli edlo h ighly sensitive, t^eased or denuded 
areas, and the application of such a prescnp* 
tion requires the patient’s cooperation There- 
fore, such preparations should be easily ap- 
plied and should be prepared so that the 
completed product is not gramy to the touch 

Omtments constitute one of the oldest 
forms of dermatologic therapy Zopf** gives 
3 bner history of the development of the 
modem omtment It is mtercstmg to note 
that m the 1960 National Prescnption Sur- 
vey conducted by Abbott Laboratones, oint- 
ments ranked third (behmd tablets and cap- 
sules) m frequency of various sobd dosage 
forms prescribed The human “preoccupa- 
tiorTwith'outer self,” if not medical reasons, 
caused skm and dermatologies to rank first 
in number of new product marketings m 1961 
(as in 1960) with 15 per cent of the total m 
this classification 

An ointment has been defined as a “fatty 
preparaUon of such consistency as to be easily 
applied^ the skin, with rubbmg” Our pres- 

• Professor of Pharmacy, College of Pbarmaqr, 
State Univenity of Iowa. 

ent concept of an omtment is much broader 
ointments are soft, semisolid preparations 
mtended for application to cutaneous tissue 
with Of without munction They may be en- 
tirely free of oleagmous materials Because 
of their physical properties they are used m 
dermatologic therapy for three purposes ( 1 ) 
as lubneatmg agents (emollients), (2) as 
vehicles m which to mcorporate drugs re- 
quired to treat skm disorders, and (3) as pro- 
lecuve coverings to prevent contact of the 
skin surface with chemicals, aqueous solu- 
tions and some organic solvents 
There are sevc^ factors which inSuence 
the selection of the type of preparation to be 
used topically Among these factors are the 
diagnosis, the effect desired, the condition 
of the patient and the area or areas to be 
treated The selection of base for the ex- 
temporaneous preparation of an omtment is 
the privilege of the physician However, it is 
the responsibility of the pharmacist to pre- 
pare products that are pharmaceutically cor- 
rect In exercismg this responsibility the phar- 
macist may generally make mmor changes 
necessary for the preparation of a superior 
product This may mvolve the use of small 
amounts of inert matenals as levigatmg 
and/or solubilixmg agents However, the 
pharmacist must be certam that the levigating 
or solubilizmg agent does not mteract or m- 
terfere with mgredieot and is not 
considered to be a sensitizmg agent. For ex- 
ample, some physicians may consider lano- 
lio, used occasionally as a levigatmg agent or 
for Its hydrophilic value, as a skm sensitizer 
Blaug ct al * ^ ® have shown that many agents 
used as solubilizers or as dispersmg agents 
mteract with preservatives and active m^edi- 
ents commonly used m semisolid dosage 


202 Semisolid Dosage Forms 

It IS most important that the pharmacist 
consult with the ph}siaan before changmg 
the l)pc of base or the form of an active 
constituent m a dermatologic prescnption 
Alteration from an oleaginous base to an 
emulsion base may effect the absorption and 
percutaneous action of the active mgredieot 
necessitating either an mcrease or decrease 
in concentration of the therapeutic agent 


Topical medication is presenbed to pro* 
duce a specific beneficial effect The pnncipal 
effects of most substances applied to the skin 
are indicated by their genenc names 

Antipruritic agents relieve itchmg in van- 
ous ways Commonly used agents and 
strengths include menthol 0 25 per cent, 
phenol 0 S per cent, camphor 2 per cent 
and coal tar 2 to lOpercent 

Kcratopinstic agents tend to increase the 
thickness of the homy layer Salicylic acid 
1 to 2 per cent is an example of a keratoplas* 
tie agent, whereas stronger strengths of salt* 
cylic acid are keratolytic. 

Kerntofjtic agents remove or soften the 
homy layer Commonly used agents of this 
type include salicylic acid 4 to 10 per cent, 
resoremol 2 to 4 per cent and sulfur 4 to 10 
per cent A strong destructive agent is tn> 
chloracetic acid, full strength. 

Anticczcmalous agents remove oozing and 
vesicular excretions by vanous actions Some 
may act as protcctives, kcratolytics and anti- 
pruritics The common antieczematous agents 
include 2 per cent bone acid solution packs 
or soaks, coal tar solution 2 to S per cent and 
h}drocortisooc and denvatives 0 5 to 1 per 
cent mcorporated m lotions and omtmeots 

Antiparasilics destroy or inhibit Uvmg m- 
festations Agents of this type include benryl 
benzoate 10 to 30 per cent emulsion or lotion, 
sulfur ointments, n-cthyl-o^otoootoluidine 
10 per cent (Eurax Cream)* and gamma 
benzene hexachlonde 1 per cent (Kwell 
Ointment) t 

* Gcigy Cbcmica] Corporalion, Yoaken, New 

tRecd and Caxunck, Keedvrorth, New Jestej 

/Vntiscptics destroy or inhibit bactena and 
fungi Commonly used agents mclude lodme 
1 to 5 per cent, lodochlorhydro^qmn 4 per 
cent (Vioform Cream and Ointment) J and 
antibiotics such as bacitracm 500 uiuts/Gm , 
tetracycline hydrochlonde omtment 3 per 
cent (Vioform Cream and Omtment) t and 
(Cbloromycetm Cream§) Antifungal agents 
mclude Benzoic and Sahcylic Acid Omtment, 
sulfur and ammoniated mercury m vanous 
bases and undecylemc acid, zme undecylcnate 
in vanous bases 

Anliseborrbeics are agents that alleviate 
seborrhea (excessive discharge of sebum 
from the glands) by vanous actions, le, 
antjprunucs Examples are ammoniated mer- 
cury 2 to lOpercent, coal tor 1 to 5 percent, 
ichthammol 4 to 10 per cent, resoremol and 
sulfur omtmcnts, salicylic acid omtments 

Emollients are agents that soften the skm 
surface Mineral oil, white petrolatum, cold 
creams and w/o emulsion bases are examples 
of such agents However, recent investiga- 
tions by Blank^ with callus tissue have re- 
vealed that the water content of the stratum 
corecum is probably the prune factor in de- 
termmmg its softness and llexibihty In hvisg 
skin, moisture is contmuously reachmg the 
stratum comeum (outermost layer of the 
epidermis) and bemg evaporated off the sur- 
face of the skm as “insensible perspiration."** 
One source of this moisture supply is the tmy 
onhees of the ecenne glands (small sweat 
glands openmg directly onto the skm sur- 
face) The second source is through the 
transepidcnnal transport of moisture but its 
source is still the subject of discussion ** Re- 
cently Mah^* demonstrated the existence of 
a barrier membrane lymg just below the 
stratum comeum which lumts the amount of 
transepidcimal moisture which can reach the 
outer layer of the skm, thus confinnmg earlier 
studies of Blank ’ This moisture reachmg the 
stratum comeum is m the mam evaporated 
into the atmosphere but a small percentage 
IS retained in the stratum comeum, account- 
ing for Its softness and flexibihty It has been 
demonstrated* ** that there is present m the 

tOba PbannaceutJcal Products, loc., SummiC, 
New Jersey 

t Parke Davu and Co , Detroit, Micbigao. 

Classification of Ointments 203 

stratum comeum a water-extractable mtroge> 
nous matenal capable of bmdmg up to 3 
tunes Its weight in water Should there be a 
deficiency of water-bmdmg matenal m the 
stratum comeum, a dry s^ condiUon may 

Excessive moisture loss can occur when 
the water vapor pressure m the surrounding 
atmosphere is extremely low, such as exists 
under low relative hunudi^ conditions espe- 
cially on cold, windy days 

Blank^ and Peck** have shown that ole- 
aginous matenals such as mmeral oil and 
lanolm per se do not soften dead, dned and 
callus tissue However, the action of these 
matenals may be different on livmg skm * 

Oleagmous matenals may act as skm sof- 
teners by retarding moisture evaporation from 
the surface of the skm by forming an occlu- 
sive film which retards moisture evaporation 
Matenals that absorb moisture from the air 
-and add such moisture to the stratum cor- 
neum or materials that retard moisture loss 
from the skm by virtue of their emulstfymg 
abihty may be classified as moisturizing 
agents m that they aid m increasing moisture 
content and hence the softness of the skm 

Protectives are agents that protect the skin 
agamst moisture, air and chemicals Petro- 
latum, zmc oxide ointment, starch omtment 
and silicone omtments and lotions fre- 
quently are so employed Water-removable 
emulsion bases do not protect the skm very 
well agamst aqueous solutions However, sun- 
screemng agents that filter out ultraviolet rays 
may be mcorporated m vanous types of der- 
matologic vehicles The protective agent in 
this case would be the active mgredicnt, not 
the base 


Omtments are usually classified accordmg 
to their composition and/or their therapeutic 
action, based on their degree of penetration 
on application to the skm. 

Based on composition, omtments can be 
classified as follows 

1 Oleaginous or Hydrocarbon Bose* 

Petrolatum, fixed oils of vegetable ongin, 
mixtures of petrolatum with wax or 

other stiffening agents, oils of ani- 
mal ongm, sui^ as lard and silicones 
A Anhydrous 
B Nonhydrophihc 
C Insoluble m water 
D Not water removable 

2 Absorption Base 

Hydrophilic bases such as Wool Fat and 
Hydrophilic Petrolatum 
A Anhydrous 
B Hydrophilic 
C Insoluble m water 
D Not water removable 
Hydrous (Emulsion Base, w/o) — Hydrous 
Wool Fat (Lanolm) Rose Water 
Ointment, Petrolatum Rose Water 
A Hydrous 
B Hydrophilic 
C Insoluble m water 
D Not water removable 
R Water in-oil emulsion 

3 Emulsion Base (o/w) 

Hydrophilic Omunent, vanishmg creams 
A Hydrous 
B Hydrophihc 
C In^luble m water 
D Water removable 
£ Oil ID water emulsion 

4 Water Soluble Base 
Polyethylene Glycol Ointment 

A Anhydrous 
B Hydrophilic 
C Water soluble 
D Water removable 
E Greaseless 

Goodman** classified omtments accordmg 
to their degree of penetration on apphcation 
to the skm as 

1 _ Epidennatic omtments. or tho se wh ich 
demonstratelittle or no power of penetration 
into the skm. This group includes the ole- 
agmous and the hydrocarbon bases 

2 Endodermatic omtments, or those which 
possess some power of penetration mto the 
skin. Wool fat, lard, lanolm and vegetable 
oik are mcluded m this group 

3 Diadeimatic omtments, or those which 
penetrate the skm peimittmg or encouragmg 
^teouc absorption of active constituents m- 
coiporated m the base Emulsion type and 
water-soluble bases belong to this cl^s 

Lane and Blank** have classified omtments 
and dermatologic vehicles accordmg to physi- 
cal differences between the vehicles, i e , 

204 Semisolid Oojage Form$ 

aqueous vehicles, eg, water, aqueous lo> 
tiOQS, vehicles \Hhich act as oils, c g , petro- 
latum, wool fat, pastes, vehicles whi^ act 
as powders, c g , starch, talc, vehicles which 
act as organic solvents, c g , alcohol, ether, 

It is not possible to list completely the 
specific vehicle m which to incorporate a 
particular drug for the best treatment of a 
given disorder However, the pharmacist 
should be able to recommend to the general 
practitioner or the dermatologist the type of 
base that can be used to produce a stable 
antibiotic omtmcnt, or that can be used as 
a slun lubricant or as a vehicle to be used on 
the sqalp He should also have a general 
knowledge of the factors that promote the 
penetration not only of ouitments but also 
of other topical preparations Generally, the 
o/w emulsion bases or water soluble bases 
arc mdicated when vehicles which are water 
removable and not greasy to the touch are 
desired As vehicles for medication to be 
applied to the scalp , they are most suitable 
because they can be easily washed out of the 
hair They may be preferred for cosmetic 

Water*in*oil emulsion bases form rela- 
tively occlusive oil films on the skm surface 
They arc little afTccted by atmospheric con- 
ditions and exchange water vapor slowly 
They are not very miscible with sweat Con- 
sequently, they promote the accumulaUon of 
sweat at the skm-velucle interface producing 
hydration of the skin surface Hence, watcr- 
in-od emulsions arc used to provide lubnea 
tion and arc especially indicated when the 
skin IS dry Olcagmous vehicles difTer from 
water m-oil emulsions to the occlusivcncss of 
the film formed on the skin surface 

Olcagmous vehicles arc also indicated 
when skm lubrication and h)dration are de- 
sired, smcc, like water m*oil emulsions, they 
form occlusive oil films on the skm surface 
^Thcy differ from watcr-m-oil emulsions onlyt 
|m the exaggeration of this occlusive char-\ 

For most antibiotics, inert oleaginous or 
anhydrous w/o emulsion bases offer greater 

stability than o/w emulsion bases or the water 
miscible, hygroscopic bases 

The nonvolatile water-miscible vehicles 
such as Polyethylene Glycol Omtment are 
freely miscible with sweat They will not 
soften dry skin, smee they do not retard the 
evaporation of sweat, hence, they maintam 
the least hydration at the skin vehicle mter- 
facc Tills IS especially true when the relative 
humidity is low However, such vehicles are 
useful when water removability is desired, 
such as for application to hairy regions 


Hydration o! the Skm, A large percenta ge 
of topical preparations are used soldy for 
their physical effect on the skm surface, such 
a^the control of hydration Other topical 
preparations are used as vehicles, and their 
primary function is to deliver an mcorpo- 
rated medicament to a certain area of the 
sUn Before discussing the effect of the 
vehicle on drug diffusion and penetration, let 
us consider the role of the vehicle or base on 
the degree of hydration induced in the stra- 
tum corncum 

The stratum corncum or homy.laycr of 
the epidermis is the outermost layer of the 
skm it 15 made up of stratified layers of dead 
kcraunizcd cells that arc constantly bemg 
shed The chemical protein m_ these cells, 
keratin, is hygroscopic and softens when it 
contams sufficient water This water diffuses 
from mner layers of the skm and may be 
taken up from the atmosphere under certam 
conditions Monash and fllank®^ and Mon- 
asb^ have demonstrated that the inner two 
thirds of the stratum corncum constitutes the 
mam barrier to water loss, and that the outer 
one half to two Uiirds of the stratum comeum 
IS the mam bamer to percutaneous penetra- 
tion The thickness of this outer keratm area 
differs in different parts of the body accord- 
mg to the degree of protection required, 
bemg thickest on the palms of the hands and 
the soles of the feet Hence, penetration may 
proceed at a slower rate through skin areas 
with a thicker layer of outer keratm, being 
drastically reduced through the palms and 
the soles On the other hand, the outer kcra- 
tm area is exceptionally thm on the face, a 

Effects of Vehicles on the Skin 


point to be remembered m considenng the 
possible penetration of cosmetic matenals 

The degree of h)[^ation mduced m the 
stratum come um is one of the more impor- 
tant characterist ics of ji vehicle or other topi- 
cal preparation As the permeability to water 
vapor of the” omtment or the lotion film on 
the skin increases, there is a corresponding 
decrease m the degree of equihbnum hydra- 
tion mduced m the stratum corneum 

Oleagmous vehicles are the most occlusive 
and mduce the greatest hydration of the 
stratum comeum through sweat accumula- 
tion Oleagmous vehicles containmg a lipo- 
philic surfactant, such as anhydrous water- 
in-oil emulsion vehicles, are somewhat less 

Oil m water emulsions probably show the 
greatest variation m permeability to water 
vapor This is due to the greater variety of 
mgredients m such formulations Shelmire*' 
has shown that a basic formula (oil sur 
factant and water) for an oU-m water emul- 
sion vehicle will not produce a film of maxi- 
mum water retaining capacity unless a fourth 
substance is added, usually one of the long* 
chain saturated alcohols, esters or acids As 
the outer phase of an oil in water emulsion 
evaporates from the skin the emulsion tends 
to invert, leaving a continuous oil film con 
tammg other dissolved or suspended sub- 
stances The long chain alcohols esters and 
acids dissolved or suspended m the oil prob- 
ably increase the viscosity and the cohesion 
of the oil film, thus inhibiting the evaporation 
of water from the skin surface 

Powers and Fox*^ studied the effect of 
representative fatty matenals, humcctanls 
and emulsifiers on rate of moisture loss from 
the skm The matenals which retarded mois- 
ture loss from the skin most effectively were 
primarily the nater-msoluble non surface- 
active fatly or oily compounds This type of 
compound forms a scmiocclusive bamcr on 
the surface of the skin, thus retarding the 
rate of water evaporation 
Surfactants used in oil m water emulsions 
had little effect m influencing the rate of 
moisture loss from the skm 

Glycerme and prop>Iene gl)Col, used m 
many emulsion formulations, consistently in- 
creased the amount of moisture lost to a dry 
atmosphere Although these humcctanls will 

decrease the rate of water loss from the 
vehicle itself and prevent crust fonnalion, 
they will actually mcrease the rate of water 
loss from the stratum comeum Certam of 
the water-soluble polyoxyethylene esters and 
ethers also did this Humectants and poly- 
oxyethylene esters and ethers may accelerate 
water loss by drawing moisture from withm 
the skm to the surface under dry or low hu- 
midity conditions They may also mterfere 
with the ngidiQ' of the final oil film on the 
skin and probably interfere with mversion of 
an oil m water emulsion 

Water-soluble vehicles such as Polyethyl- 
ene Glycol Ointment do not wet the skm and 
do not retard the evaporation of water from 
the stratum comeum, hence, they produce 
the least change m hydration from the time 
of application until equilibrium 

In summary, water containing vehicles wet 
the sbn mitiaily, but the degree of hydra- 
tion decreases as the aqueous phase evapo- 
rates Although oleagmous vehicles do not 
wet the skm mitially, they do produce a 
steady mcrease m hydration as moisture is 
prevented from evaporating by the occlusive 
oil film 

General Factors Affecting 
Percutaneous Absorption 
The most important route of absorption 
through the skm is through the appendages, 
1 e , the sebaceous and the sweat glands The 
openmgs of the skm glands offer a ready pas- 
sage for medicaments to the cells Unmg the 
walls of the glands Penetration through the 
walls into the surrounding epidermis and, 
thence, to the general circulation eventually 
occurs Smee the pores of the glands are 
filled with hpoid material and air, it is diifi- 
cuU for water soluble matenals to penetrate 
unless the vehicle contains substances which 
permit the medicament to mix with the con- 
tents of the glands However, Rothman*® ex- 
plained some aspects of percutaneous absorp- 
tion by assuming the existence of a ‘ bamer ’ 
thought to be located m the outer stratum 
comeum The ‘barrier” itself behaves like a 
scimpermeablc membrane, exhibiting strong 
negative absorption toward some matenals 
Hydration of this ‘ bamcr” membrane ap- 
pears to mcrease the rate of passage of dl 
matenals which penetrate the skm, probably 


206 Semiselid Dotago Forms 

Fio 76 A Unnary 
excrctJOQ data showing 
the iniluencc of niois* 
ture oa the pcrcutan&> 
ous absorptiOQ rale of 
ethyl salicylate • Hy> 
drous system, O Anhy- 
drous system 

Fio 76 B Unnaiy 
excretion data showing 
the lotiucoce of mois- 
ture OS the percutane- 
ous absorption rate of 
methyl salicylate • Hy- 
drous system, O Anhy- 
drous system 

Fio 76 C. Unnary 
excretion data showing 
the influence of mois- 
ture on the percutane- 
ous absorption rate of 
glycol salicylate, • Hy- 
drous system, O Anhy- 
drous system. 

Effects of Vehicles on the Skin 


Table 31. ExPERiitENTAL Excretion Eates and Other Physical Cosstants 
OF THE Test Penetrants* 








1 Hydrous system rate (moles/100 cmVhr ) 

11 7 



calculated as the salicylate ester 

2 . Anhydrous system rate (moIes/100 cmVbr ) 




calculated as the sahcylate ester 

3 Rate hydrous system 




Rate anhydrous system 

4 Per cent water solubUity 


0 08 

0 03 

5 Distribution coefficient (olive oil/water) 




6 Relative distribution coefficient (glycol salt 




cylate 1) 

• From I Pharm. Set 50 29 1 

by increasing the size of the holes in the matic difference m absorption rates After 
membrane Generally, medicaments soluble approximately 6 hours the excretion rate of 
m oil and water are most strongly absorbed salicylate is at a steady state 
on the ‘bamer” membrane and appear W AsshowninTabIe3I,lheabsorptioarates 
require the least hydration of the membrane for the three drugs can be related to their 
for percutaneous absorption Drugs soluble dislnbuuon coefBcients and their per cent 
m water only require a greater degree of hy- 
dration, and water-insoluble drugs appear to 
require the greatest hydration of the stratum 
comeum m order to penetrate ^ 

Usmg an absorption cell attached to the 
forearm of human subjects, Wurster and 
Kramer^’ studied the absorption of three u 
liquid salicylate compounds under hydrous 
and anhydrous skm conditions Salicylates ^ _ 
studied were ethyl sahcylate which is the 
least water soluble, methyl salicylate of me- — 
dmm solubility, and glycol sahcylate which < ^ 

IS the most water soluble Unnary saheylaie <o {2 
was deter min ed at various lime intervals and _j ^ 
plotted against time Figures 76 A, 76 B and o S 
76 C show graphically that the absorption >- 
was greater when a hydrous skm condition ^ 
was mamtamed The more water-soluble 
drug, glycol sahcylate, was aided to a greater 
degree by the presence of moisture than Vicre 
the less soluble compounds 
Ihese figures also show that the curves 
plateau or the rate of excretion becomes a 
constant At this pomt the excretion rate of 

the sahcylate is the same as the absorption ~ a . . 

•' ^ Fio 76 D Accumulative unnary sah- 

. , cylatc data showing influence of moisture 

An accu mul ative plot of the glycol sail- on percutaneous absorption rate of glycol 

cylate absorpuon under hydrous and anhy- sahcylate. • Hydrous system O Anhy- 

drous conditions (Fig 76 D) shows the dia- drous system. 



Semisolid Dosage Forms 

solubility m water As the dutnbutioit co- 
cflicicnt decreased, the absorptioa rate in- 
creased under h}drous conditions The rates 
shown in Nos 1 and 2 are for 100 cm’ of 
skin surface Wurster and Kramer*’ demon- 
strated that the excretion rate is directly 
proportional to the area of skin surface 
through which the salicylate diffuses No 3 
expresses the ratio of the rate m the hydrous 
system to the rate m the anhydrous system 
The ratio shows the increase in rate pro- 
duced by skm hydration This ratio decreases 
with the decreasing water solubility of the 

Other factors that must be coasidcccd m. 
any discussion of drug diffusion and percu- 
taneous absorption are 

Area to Which the Vclilclc Is Applied. 
There can be little doubt that drugs which 
penetrate the stratum corncum do so most 
readily where the outer kcratic layer is thin 
Penetration proceeds slowly through skin 
areas with a thick layer of outer kcratm, such 
as through the palms and the soles The 
sebaceous and the sweat glands per unit area 
would also be a factor, although MacKce 
et aP* found that sweat pores were not nec- 
essary for penetration, since no evidence was 
produced of penetration of vehicles applied 
to the skin of the palms of infants, which 
contains numerous pores and well developed 
ss\cat glands but no follicles They con- 
cluded that absorption takes phcc into the 
homy layer and the follicular opemngs of 
the epidermis 

Solubility Characteristics of the Drug in 
the Vehicle. Using the ontiwhealing effect 
as a criterion for absorption of pynbcnzaminc 
hydrochlonde from various vehicles. Peck 
et al ” found that the best results were ob- 
tained with an oil-in water emulsion base 
Since pyribcnzamme hydrochloride is water 
soluble. It IS easier for an o/w emulsion base 
to deliver a water-soluble medicament to the 
skin Michclfcldcr and Peck’’ also shoued 
that pynbcnzaminc hydrochlonde penetrates 
best through the normal skin from a water- 
miscible emulsion base They also showed 
that pynbenzamme base is absorbed best 
from a fatty base However, pynbcnzaminc 
base is absorbed better than die hydrochlo- 
nde, even from an o/vv emulsion base Ap- 
itly, hpoid solubility of the active m- 

grcdient is more important than the vehicle 

Shclmirc** demonstrated that diffusion to 
the skm surface of a highly oil soluble drug 
was greatest from a petrolatum vehicle Ap- 
parently, polyethylene glycol vehicles can 
provide a relatively high surface concentra- 
tion of watcr-msoluble drugs with little per- 
cutaneous absorption A drug highly soluble 
m oil and water did not penetrate when in- 
corporated m a polyethylene glycol vehicle 
Mrcbelfelder and Peck’’ also found that a 
polyethylene glycol base is not a suitable 
vehicle for pyribcnzamme hydrochlonde, so 
fac as penettaUon » conxmeoed The rela- 
tively high surface concentration of water- 
msolublc drugs produced by polyethylene 
glycol vehicles is probably due to the fact 
that polyethylene glycol vehicles accumulate 
the least sweat at the skin vehicle mterface 
and, thus, present less of an aqueous barner 
to the diffusion of water insoluble drugs from 
vehicle to sbn surface Since polvetbyleoe 
glycol vehicles do not maintain hydration of 
the skin surface, it is understandable why 
water-soluble medicaments arc not trans- 
ferred readily to the skm surface 

Covcruig or Bandaging Over the Vehicle. 
This factor is most important when usmg 
water miscible vehicles, since the occlusion 
or covering of such vehicles will increase the 
solution of water soluble drugs by lohibiung 
the evaporation of sweat or the aqueous 
phase The quantity of drug dehvered to the 
skm surface should increase, and penetration 
may also increase due to an increase m hy- 
dration of the stratum corncum 

Amount of Inunction. MacXee and his 
co-workers’* and Peck et a/” showed that, 
in general, the longer the period of inunction 
the greater is the amount of drug absorbed. 
The viscosity of the vehicle is related to the 
period of inunction, since it is easier to 
force a base of low viscosity into the gland 

Concentration of Medicament ui the 
Vehicle. The rale of penetration of a me- 
dicament appears to increase m direct pro- 
portion to the concentration in the vehicle, 
provided that the solubility limit of the me- 
dicament IS not exceeded The action of a 
medicament on the skm may not increase m 
direct proportion to its concentration when 

Oleaginous Bases 209 

the medicament is insoluble or only slightly 
soluble m the vehicle “ ** 

Frequency of Reapplication and Length 
of Contact Tune of Vehicle on the Skin. In 
general, the quantity of drug absorbed is pro- 
portional to the time the vehicle is in con- 
tact with the skm However, this may be 
affected by secondary changes of drug con- 
centration due to changes in de^ee of skm 
hydration and evaporation of water from an 
emulsion vehicle Malkinson"^ demonstrated 
that rate of penetration of a medicament de- 
creases with time as the tissues become satu- 
rated with the drug 

Condition of the Skm Probably the most 
important single factor in determining rate 
of drug penetration is the condition of the 
outer stratum comeum Several mvestiga- 
tors“ ** demonstrated the effect of epider- 
mal damage m percutaneous absorption 
When the stratum comeum is not mtact, it 
is apparent that differences between vehicles 
with regard to rate of drug penetration will 
be minor Medicament concentration be 
comes mcreasiogly important when the vehi- 
cle IS applied to injured or diseased skm 
This is understandable because differences to 
hydration induced m the stratum comeum by 
various vehicles become of less importance, 
leaving other factors such as solubility and 
concentration of medicament as factors to 
consider m percutaneous absoqjtion The 
vehicle assumes more importance when the 
stratum comeum is mtact 


Oleagmous bases mclude lard, vegetable 
oils (usually used as components of vehicles) 
and hydrocarbons such as petrolatum, liquid 
petrolatum, paraffin and jelled mineral oil 
Also included m this group of scraisolid 
preparations arc'Bases consisting of or con- 
tammg silicones, used primarily as protec- 

Lard. The purified mtemal fat of the 
abdomen of the hog was employed exten- 
sively m the past as a vehicle or as a com- 
ponent of vehicles It is soft and greasy and, 
like other vehicles in this category, it forms 
an occlusive film when applied topically 
Lard will absorb approximately 15 per cent 
of Its weight of water Sufferung agents such 

a s spermaceti or, b eeswa x ^_be mcor- 
ported to improve its physical properties 
Lard has largely been replaced by benzo- 
mated lard prepared by the addition of 1 per 
cent Siam benzoin Thij_preparatign _has 
better keepmg qualities than lard because of 
the balsamic acids (primarily benzol^c acid) 
and coDiferyl benzoate contained m the Siam 
benzom These constituents serve as anti- 
oxidants and preservatives Lard belon gs to 
the endodermatic class of oi ntments, smee 
absorption of m edicaments from lard bases 
has been demonstrated " 

Vegetable Oils. Olive, cottonseed persic, 
sesame and other oils are seldom employed 
as vehicles However, they are frequently 
employed m sermsolid preparations as soften- 
ing agents for preparations containing waxes 
or for their emollient effect They are often 
employed m emulsion lotions and emulsion 
type omtment bases 

Petrolatum (Petroleum Jelly). Petrolatum 
N F li a tasteless, odorless, unctuous, mass 
obtained from petroleum It vanes m co lor 
from yellow to light amber White Petrolatum 
USP is petrolatum wholly or nearly de- 
colorized It IS preferred when a white .o.r a 
translucent ointment is desired Both petro- 
latums consist of microciystalhne, sobd hy- 
drocarbons suspended in liquid and semi- 

Petrolatums are employed extensively as 
components of many emulsion bases, either 
oil m-water or water in-oil types T hey are 
also u sed a5_occlusivc^ emollient, protective 
covenngs for the Steigleder and Raab<* 
studied a vanety of seinisolid bases with re- 
spect to their protective action on the skin 
surface against contact with water White 
petrol atum showed the best_protective action 
Addition onnicone dfd not enhance the 
protective qualities of the base Data indi- 
cated that ointments have a prolonged influ- 
ence on the skm surface, even when pro- 
tection against water was no longer complete 

Petrolatu m bases a re ffeasy and difficult 
to remove from^the skin ^so, they_are m- 
capable of absorbing, aqueous solutions (5 
to 10^ of water can be mcorporated by 
trituration) However,.this ^ be remedied 
by mcorporating 15 per cent of wool fat 
with petrolatum, this imxture will absorb up 
to SO per cent of water 

210 Semisolid Dosage Forms 

The major advantage of hj drocarbon oint- 
mcDts over oleaginous bases prepared from 
animal fats and vegetable oils is that they do 
not raaadify Petrolatum Rose Water Oint- 
ment L/SP possesses this advantage over 
the Rose Water Omtmcnt prepared from a 
vegetable oil 

1 5 

Iodine 03 

Petrolatum q4 30 0 

Sig Apply at bedtime 

Dissolve the iodine m a small amount of 
water containing 0 3 Cm of potassium iodide. 
Incorporate the solution m 10 Cm of wool fat 
and then incorporate the petrolatum 

2 n 



Zme oxide 


Petrolatum q s 


Stg ProtecUve oiotmenL 

Apply as di- 


Incorporate the starch and the zinc oude by 
levigating With the petrolatum A portion of 
Uie petrolatum can be toeltcd and used as the 
levi^Ung agent. Incorporate the remaitung 


Peru balsam 




Salicylic acid 


Petrolatum qji 


Sig Apply locally as directed 

Levigate the sulfur and the salicylic acid with 
a small portion of the petrolatum. Mix the Peru 
balsam with an equal weight of castor oil and 
incorporate with the concentrate, then add the 
remainder of the base and mix well 

Prescription 1 demonstrates the incorpora- 
tion of a water soluble medicament m pet- 
robtum. Medicaments such as iodine, mcr- 
bromm, etc , should not be meorporated by 
tnturation 'They must be dissolved in water 
prior to mcorporation in the base Presenp- 
tiOQ 2 is a stiff, protective type of omtmcnt. 
If a levigating agent such as hquid petrolatum 
IS used, the preparation becomes too soft In 
general, the vehicle itself should be used os 
the levigating agent in most omtment pre- 
senpuons Ihc use of auxiliary agents such 
as liquid petrolatum results in undue soften- 
ing of the preparation Prcscnption 3 illus- 
' 'cs the use of a spcaal levigating agent. 

castor oil It is used to prevent the * bleeding” 
or separation of Peru balsam from the 
oleagmous vehicle smee Peru balsam is only 
slightly soluble in most oleagmous vehicles 
Ichtbmnmol also con be readdy incorporated 
m petrolatum by first triturating it with an 
equal weight of castor oil Icbthammol Omt- 
ment N F employs wool fat as the levigating 
agent However, Peru balsam and ichlham- 
mol can be incorporated directly m emulsion 
bases such as Hydrophihc Ointment USP. 
to produce a stable pr^uct 
Anh ydrous pe trolatum bas es are also em- 
ployed exte nsivfly _when. antibiotics sudi as 
penicinSr the tetracyclines, chloramphemcol 
and bacitracm are to be prepared m a senu- 
soUd dosage _form Extensive hydrolysis 
occurs if these antibiotics are incorporated 
in water-containing emulsion bases or m 
water soluble bases such as Polyethylene 
Glycol Omtment U SP If it is desired to m- 
corporate these antibiotics m emulsion type 
or water soluble bases, the ointments should 
be refrigerated. Neomycin, tyrothryem and 
polymyxm B are stable at room temperature 
IQ ^ t^s of ointment bases 

>Vlulc Ointment, US P and Yellow Oint< 
meat,NF These h ydroc arb on bases cons ut. 
rcspci^vely, o_fwhitc and yellow petrolatum, 
stmehed (respectively) with wbite a nd yellow 
Both serve as emollient jrehicles for 
other ointments Yellow Omt men t is also em- 
pioyed as the vehicle m Chrysarabin Oint- 
meot Both the White and the Yellow Omt- 
meats are known as Simple Ointment \Vhite 
OmlmCDt should be employed to_ prepare 
white omtmcnis and Ycllowpmtmcot should 
be used to prepare colored ointments when 
Simple Omtmcnt is presenbed Variations 
are permitted m ^e amounts of petrolatum 
and wax, to mamtam a suitable consistency 
at extreme climatic conditions 


Dismuth subnitrate 


White wax 


White petrolatum 


Sig Apply as directed 

Melt the wax and the petrolatum on a water 
bath Use a portion of the melted base to levi 
gale the bismuth suboitrate Stir the remaining 
base until congealed and mcoiporate the well 
tnturated bismuth suboitrate. A veiy sliil prep* 
anitjon results 

Oleaginous Bases 21 1 

5 5 

Zinc sulfate 
Sulfurated potash 

Calamme aa 4 0 

Wool fat 

Petrolatum qs 600 

Sig Apply to skm 

Prepare white lotion Filter off the water and 
incorporate the residue m the wool fat. Levi 
gate ^e calamine on a slab with a small amount 
of petrolatum Incorporate the calamme and 
the white lotion residue in the remamtog 



Potassium iodide 


Yellow omtment q s 

30 0 

Sig Apply as directed 

Dissolve the potassium iodide in a small 
quantity of water Dissolve the iodine in this 
solution Incorporate the iodine solution in 5 
Gm. of wool fat and incorporate sufficient 
yellow ointment to make 30 Gm 

Plasttbase* (Jelene) con sists la fgelv__fif 
mineral oils jejied with high molecular weight 
hydrocarSoowMes The liquid phase is 
mobilelmd is'ief^ed m what is believed to 
be a matrix of submicroscopic interstices 
An unique feat ure of P lastit^e_^ its u n- 
usual jemperature- visco sitv relauonsbip It 
melts at 90 to 91®*C and mamtams its omi- 
mentlike consistenqi over a wide tempera- 
ture range ( — 15® to 60®) 

la-vitro studies^* mdicate that Plasti- 
base permits a greater release of an incor- 
porated medicament than does petrolatum. 
This IS associat ed with t he mobility of_th e 
Oil phase, penm^g^ a dr ug to d iffuse into 
the suiroimdmg media 
Menthol, salicylates and camphor are dis- 
solved by_PIastibase, producing omtments 
that are too soft This is probably due to 
mteractio^iwth the high molecular weight 
waxes used to gel the mineral oil Cod tar, 
when incorporated m Plasubase, also pro- 
duces a very soft ointment PrescnpUons 
using Plasubase as the vehicle cannot be 
prepared by fusion because it is difficult to 
cool the resulting mixture to a smooth con- 
sistency In preparing PlasUTiase com- 
mercially, a shock cooling procedure (\ery 

• Trade name of E. R- Squibb & Sons, Div of 
Olm Mathicson Chemical Corp , New York. N Y 

rapid coolmg to a low temperature) is used 

Silicones c annot be considered as hy dro- 
carbon matenali^ since th eir _basic\structure 
IS not c arbo^but an alterna te chain of silicon 
and oxyg en ato ms, i e , -:gi rO-S i-0 They 
are included m the oleagmous group ofomt- 
ments because thjy me oily fluids or greasy 
semiso lids similar m appearance to_aiid 
possessmg so^e of the physical properties of 
liquid petrolatum and petrolatum such as m- 
ertness antTimmiscibility \y^"water 

Physically, silicones vaiy from low vis- 
cosity fluids through high viscosity hquids 
and semisolids to solids, dependmg on the 
substituent orgamc groups attached to the 
sihcon and the degree of cross-Imking of the 

Sili cone fluid s are u sed extensively m semi- 
sohd preparauons to provide a protective 
bamer "against common skm irritants The 
fluids arc odorless, tasteless^-relauvely mert 
chemically and physiologically®® and water 

Dunethicone, a water-repellent silicone 
fluid consisting of dunethylsiloxane polymers, 
IS used m the form of an omtment contam- 
mg 30 per cent silicone m a petrolatum base 
Dunethylsiloxane polymers are commercially 
available as D C 200 (Dow Commg) fluids 
of vanous viscosiUes Usually, the 1,000-cts 
fluid IS used m protective omtments 


CHj— i-o- 






— Si-CHa 


In addition to the mcoiporatmg of silicone 
fluids m petrolatum, these can be emulsified 
in oil m water or water m-oil type of emul- 
sions, m much the same maimer as mmcral 
oil Plem and Plein®* have prepared sihcone- 
contammg omtments such as silicone cold 

cream, silicone hydrophihc omtment, etc 

Vaoistl Silicone Omtment®* 

7 B 

Steanc acid (Fearlsteanc) 


Synthetic Japan Wax 


DC 200, 1000 CIS Silicone Fluid 200 

Potassium hydroxide 




212 Semitolid Dosage Forms 

Propylparaben 0015 

Distilled water 67 S 

Worm the aqueous mixture of the potassium 
hydroxide and the parabcos to 75° and slowly 
add It to the warmed stearic acid Japan Wax, 
D C 200 mixture. Sur until the ointment 

Steiglcdcr and Raab‘^ studied the protec- 
tive action of a petrolatum ointment contain- 
ing 25 per cent silicone and a neutral, pet- 
rolatum free omtmcnt contammg 2S per cent 
silicone These were compared with the pro- 
tective action afforded the skin sut^cc 
against contact with water by petrolatum. 
Hydrophilic Petrolatum USP , Hydrophilic 
Ointment US P , Zinc Ointment USP and 
Olive Oil USP White petrolatum showed 
the best protective effect 

Spccialties Containing Silicones 
AND Silicates 

Covtconc (Abbott) — a plasticized combma 
tion of dimeihylpolysiloxane, miroccUutose and 
castor oil in a vanishing cream base, used to 
protect the skin from occupaiionol dermatoses 
and skin contact allergies 
Domiconc (Dome) — Acid Mantle Cream (a 
buffered solution of aluminum acetate m an 
oil m water type of emulsion base) contaiiung 
20 per cent silicone 

Pro-Dcma (Westwood)— a nongreasy cream 
containing 52 5 per cent silicone 
Silicotc (Anur-Slonc) — a specially refined 
petrolatum base containing 30 per cent silicone 
Kcrodex Bamer Creams (Ayerst) — available 
as water repellent and water soluble prepara 
Uo!u containing magnesium silicate, liiatomacc- 
ous silica, zinc oxide, zinc stearate and kaolin 

The term absorption as used m the above 
title docs not refer to the therapeutic cfDcacy 
of bases when applied to the skin but to their 
hydrophilic or water-absorbing properties 
’^is dass of bases may be divided into two 
groups, one group consisting of anhydrous 
bases which permit the incorporation of 
aqueous solutions with the formation of a 
water m*oil emulsion, i c , Hydrophilic Pet- 
rolatum US P , Wool Fat USP The second 
group consists of hydrous watcr-m-oil emul- 
sions, which permit the mcorporation of ad- 
ditional quantities of aqueous solutions, i e , 

Hydrous Wool Fat US P , Rose Water 
Ointment N F and Petrolatum Rose Water 
Ointment US P 

Hydrophilic Petrolatum USP This ba se 
enables the pharmacist to incorporate water 
or a solution of medicmal substances m 
water rcsulling m the formation of a water- 
in-oil emulsion The original formula for 
hydrophilic petrolatum contained cholesterol 
wool fat \Vqpl fa^has since been deleted 
and the cholesterol content increased from 1 
to 3 per cent, enabhng the incorporation of 
large quantities of aqueous solutions 

8 I) 

Aluminum acetate solution 100 

Hydrophilic petrolatum q s 1000 

Sig Apply as directed 

University of Iowa Absorption Base 

9 » 

Cholesierol 300 

C^tlonsced oil 300 

White petrolatum 940 0 

Heat the while petrolatum and the cottonseed 
oil to 145° C Remove from the beat, add the 
cholesterol and siir uniil congealed 

Anhydrous Lanohn USP (Wool Fat), 
Wool fat IS the purified, anhydrous, fatlike 
substance from the woolof sheep It contains 
the sterols cholesterol and oxyctiolestcrol as 
well as tntcrpcnc and aliphatic alcohols Al- 
though called a fat, wool fat is more accu- 
rately classified chcmirally_as a wa x The 
crauisifymg and the emollient actions'’of 
lanolin arc thought to be due to the alcohols 
which arc found m the unsaponifiablc frac- 
tion when lanolm is treated with alkali Wool 
wax alcohols constitute about SO per cent of 
this fraction which consists of approximately 
30 per cent of cholesterol, 25 per cent of 
lanosterol, 3 per cent of cholcstanol, 2 per 
cent of agnostcrol and 40 per cent of various 
other alcohols Wool fat is capable of taking 
up about twice its weight of water It is too 
sticky and tenacious to be used by itself but 
mixes readily with other oleaginous matcnals 
to increase the hydrophilic property of the 
base. Lanolm USP contains 25 to 30 per 
cent of water 
10 » 

Bufow s solution 5 0 

Zinc oxide 3 0 

Absorption Boses 213 

Table 32 Water Number of Fatty Alcohol, Wool Fat and Petrolatum Mixture 

Water Number 

Fatty Alcohol 

Wool Fat 






Cetyl alcohol, A% 




108 3 

Stearyl alcohol, 6% 





Boric acid ointment 

10 0 



White petrolatum q s 

60 0 

The Bntish Pharmacopeia contains a 
monograph for an absorption base under the 
name Wool Alcohols Ointment 

Wool Alcohols Ointment B P 

11 n 

Wool alcohols 60 0 

Hard paraffin 240 0 

White or yellow soft paraffin KK) 0 

Liquid par affin 600 

Melt together and stir until congealed 

Wool Alcohols IS a crude mixture of sterol 
and tnterpene alcohols prepared by hydro- 
Irang wool fat with alkali and separatmg the 
fraction containing cholesterol and other 
alcohols The preparation is clauned to be 
much less odoriferous than wool fat 

Rose Water Ointment N F (Cold Cream). 
This preparation was ong^inated by Galea 
and waI”knovm for centuries as Ceratum 
Refngerans Cold cream prepared with ex- 
pressed almond or persic oil is readily ab- 
sorbed by the skm and produces a sensation 
of coolness The emulsifier m cold cream is 
the sodium salt of the acids found in sper- 
maceti and white wax Ctoj.d cream is used as 
an emollient ointment or as a vehicle for 
medicaments It belongs to the group 2 type 
of absorption bases, the hydrous water-m-oil 

Petrolatum Rose Water Ointment US P 
This preparation differs from Rose Water 
Ointment NF m the replacement of the ex- 
pressed almond or persic oil by an equal 
weight of liquid petrolatum This produces 
an ointment which is not subject to rancidity 
However, petrolatum rose water omlmcnt 
IS nonabsorbent and remams greasy to the 
touch, produemg less coolmg sensation than 
cold cream The pclrolatum-contaming oint- 

ment IS used primarily as an emollient and a 
cleansmg cream”(uscd to remove makeup 
and grease pamts) It is very similar to the 
commercially available cleansing cream or 
theatneal cream 

Water Number 

Most oleagmous bases such as lard and 
petrolatum can become absorption bases by 
the addition of an ingredient or ingredients 
that mcrease ihe water number of the 
oleaginous base Caspans and Me) defined 
the water number as the largest amount of 
water (in Gm ) that 100 Cm of an oint- 
ment base or fat will bold at normal temper- 
ature (20*) They also described a titration 
method for determining the water number 
of an ointment base A more sensitive method 
utilizes the Karl Fisher reagent and an instru- 
ment such as the aquameter Halpem and 
Zopf*’’ mvestigated the hydrophilic properties 
of the saturated fatty alcohols from Cio to 
Ci$ Casparis and Meyer reported the water 
number of petrolatum as 9 3 to 15 6 and lard 
as 7 5 They found that 4 per cent cetyl 
alcohol increased the water number of pet- 
rolatum to between 38 8 and 51 5, while 3 
per cent cetyl alcohol mcreased the water 
number of lard to 244 9 There appears to be 
a definite relationship between concentration 
of fatty alcohol and the water number of the 
vehicle Stearyl alcohol was found to produce 
the greatest potentiation of the water number 
of petrolatum, although cetyl alcohol bad the 
lowest optimum concentration, i e , m white 
petrolatum 5 per cent cctyl alcohol raised the 
water number to 38, whereas 7 per cent 
stearyl alcohol raised it to 42 

As shown in Table 32, combmations of 
cctyl or stearyl alcohol and wool fat increased 
the water number of petrolatum more than 
either cetyl or stearyl alcohol alone 

Smcc the water number mdicates the mau- 

214 Semisolid Dosoge Forms 

mum amount of water that the base will hold. 
It IS advisable to add w'atcr m quantities of 
10 to 15 per cent less than is indicated by 
the water number Tins will preclude the 
possibility of water bleeding from the base 
because of temperature variations 

12 K 

White wax 7 0 

Sodium borate 0 S 

Precipitated sulfur 5 0 

Rosewater 18 0 

Liquid petrolatum q s 60 0 

Sig Apply to skin twice daily 

Melt the wax on a water bath with the liquid 
petrolatum Dissolve the sodium borate in the 
rose water warm to about 65^ and gradually 
add the warm solution to the melted mixture 
Stir until congealed Use a portion of the base 
to levigate the sulfur incorporate the remain 
ing base 

Specialty Absorption Bases (Anhydrous 
AND Hydrous) 

Almatone (AImay)->a h>poaUcrgeoiC oiot 
ment containing lanolin derivatives with sper 
maccii and petrolatum 

Aquaphor (Duke) — absorption base coo 
taming 6 parts of woolwax alcohols and 94 
ports of aliphatic hydrocarbons 

Hydrosorb (Abbott) — a mixture of otcic acid 
ester and amide of diethanolamine, oIcic acid 
and petrolatum 

Hydrolcx (Texas Pharmacol) — a neutral, 
oleaginous absorption base consisting of sorbi 
tan sesquioleate white wax and blended 

Lanolor (Squibb)— hydrous wool fat, pan 
Tied and deodorized 

Nivca Cream (Duke) — an emulsion of ncu 
tml aliphatic hydrocarbons in water with wool 
wax alcohols 

Polysorb (Fougcra) — a wax petrolatum mix* 
lure containing sorbitan sesquioleate as Use 
emulsifying agent 

Plastibasc Hydrophilic (Squibb) — a hydro- 
philic counterpart of PJasljb^c conlaiiungSS 16 
per cent liquid petrolatum, 5 64 per cent poly 
ethylene wax 6 per cent emulsifying agent and 
0 2 per cent anuoxidant and preservative 


The outstanding characteristic of this group 
of semisolid bases is w atcr removability Since 
these bases arc oil m water emulsions, they 

arc diluted readily by th e e xternal phase 
and, hc^cc, are readily removed from“’the 
skin or clothing Alihough~these bases arc 
al^tcrmcd hydrophilic' bases (Hydrophilic 
Ointment US P ) the y will not t ake up more 
than 30 to 50 per'cent of their weight yn 
water without losing their ointment con- 

Emulsion bases are not a s occ lusive as 
oleagmous bases or anhydrous and Hydrous 
absorption bases However^ they are cos- 
metically appealing and arc useful when a 
medicament is to be applied to a haiiy region 
such as the scalp Many cosmetic prepara- 
tions such as vanishing creams, foundation 
creamr, etc , arc o/w emulsion preparations 
They do not leave a greasy residue when ap- 
plied to the face 

In addition to oil and water, an emulsion 
base may coniam high molecular weight fatty 
alcohols such as cetyl and/or stearyl alcohol 
These alcohols improve the stability of the 
base by increasing its consistency and also 
enhance the water holding ability of the base 
Most emuhio^baics, becausc_ot. their ex- 
ternal aq^ous phase, also contain a humec- 
lant such as glycenn, propylene glycol or 
sorbitol These substances reduce water loss 
through evaporation and may assist m ob- 
taining a more intimate dispersion of oils, 
grease, etc, m water 

The choice of emulsifier is important, smcc 
solubility of the emulsifying agent is a de- 
termining factor in the type of emulsion pro- 
duced In general, an agent that is soluble in 
water or more readily wetted by water than 
by oil will fonn an o/w emulsion Such agents 
include monovalent soaps, amine soaps, sul- 
fated fatty alcohols, polyglycol esters, qua- 
ternary ammoruum compounds and many 
nonionic polyoxyethylene derivatives Ionic 
agents such as soaps, sulfatcd fatty alcohols 
and quaternary compounds arc sensitive to 
the presence of other ions and to changes 
m pH Thus, amonic emulsifying agents such 
as soaps may be mcllcctivc m formulations 
contaimng buffer salts or cationic matcnals, 
and cationic agents such as the quaternary 
compounds arc meffectwe in the presence of 
anionic materials such as soap Ointments 
prepared with anionic agents arc not stable 
at pH s much below 5 to 6 On the other 

Emulsion Bases 


hand, nonionic agents do not ionize, hence 
are compatible with electrolytes and lomc 
emulsifying agents In general, noniomc 
agents are less imtating than aniomc agents, 
which are less imtatmg than cationic agents 
Noniomc emulsifying agents are widely 
used m cosmetic and dermatologic formula- 
tions One must keep m mind that preserva- 
tives and medicaments may interact with the 
noniomc emulsifymg agent m such formula- 
tions Blaug er <3/ * ^ ® have shown that many 
commonly used nomonic surfactants interact 
with preservatives and active mgredients used 
in semisolid dosage forms For example. Hy- 
drophilic Omtraent U SP XV contained 
polyoxyl 40 stearate (Myi] 52),* a non- 
ionic surfactant, as the emulsifying agent 
However, it was noted that medicaments 
containing an acidic hydrogen such as benzoic 
and salicylic acids, phenol, etc , produced a 
marked softening of the base For this reason 
the U^P XIV formula contairung sodium 
lautyl sulfate, an anionic agent, was re- 
adopted mt/SP XVI 
13 n 

Bacitracin 500 uniCs/Gm 

Stcaryl alcohol 15 0 

White wax 1 0 

Gl}cenn 5 0 

Myn 52 50 

Water 74 0 

Sig ^pply to infected area (hre* times 
daily •- 

Prepared as above, the preparation becomes 
very soft due to interaction between the Myrj 52 
and constituents in Bacitracin Replace the 5fyt] 
with 2 0 Gm of sodium lauiyl sulfate Nfelt the 
stearyl alcohol and the w‘%x on a water bath 
and heat to about 65° Dissolve the sodium 
lauiyl sulfate and the propylene glycol in the 
water and heat to about 65° Slowly add the oil 
phase to the water phase with stimng Stir until 
the preparation congeals Levigate the baci 
tracm with a small amount of the base, then 
incorporate the remaining base Preparation 
must be refrigerated For greatest stability baci 
tracm should be incorporated in an anl^drous 

14 n 

Salicylic acid 0 6 

L.CD 3 0 

* Atlas Chemical Industnes, Inc , Wihmagtoa, 

Zinc oxide 




Water removable base q s 


Sig Apply as directed 

Dissolve the salicylic acid in the L.C D and 
incorporate in hydrophilic ointment Levigate 
the zinc oxide and the starch with a portion of 
the hydrophilic ointment Incorporate in the 
remaining base 

15 n 

Salicylic ac.d 




Neobase q s 

Sig Apply to scalp 



Coal tar 


Zinc oxide 


Polysorbate 80 


Petrolatum q s 

60 0 

Sig Apply to arm daily 
Mix the coal tar with the polysorbate 80 
Levigate the zinc oxide with a small portion of 
peirolatum and incorporate the coal tar and 
the zinc oxide m the remaining petrolatum The 
polysorbate 80 serves a dual purpose It func- 
tions as a dispersing agent and also aids m the 
removal of the ointment from the skin 

17 n 

Salicylic acid 


Undecylenic acid 

1 0 

Hydrophilic base qs 

60 0 

Sig Apply between toes once daily 


Ammoniated mercury 


Liquid pefro/afam 


Steanc acid 


Cetyl alcohol 




Distilled water q s 

Sig Apply locally p r n 

60 0 

The emulsifier, triethanolamine stearate, is 
prepared m situ Melt the cetyl alcohol and the 
steanc acid on a water bath. Add the liquid 
petrolatum and warm to 70° Disperse the tn- 
ethanolamine m the water, heat to 70° then 
add to the melted oil phase with stimng Stir 
Ull congealed Use a portion of the base to levi- 
gate the ammomaied mercury then incor- 
poime the remaining base 

19 n 

Sulfur 2 0 

Phenol OJ 

216 Semisolid Dosage Forms 

Cct) I alcohol 80 

While wax 05 

Propylene ^ycol 50 

Sodium lauiyl sulfate 1 0 

Disulled water qs 600 

Sig Apply to scalp as directed 

Spectalty Emulsion Bases <o/w) 
Almay Emulsion Base (Almay) — a hypo* 
allergenic grcascless o/w base 

Celaphil (Texas Pharmacal) — a water re- 
movable grcascless base free from any fatty ma 
tena] It contains cctyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, 
propylene glycol, s^ium lauryl sulfate and 

Dermabase (Marcelle) — a hypoallergenic 
grcascless emulsion base 
Deemovia {Texas Phaimacsl) — an aetd pH 
vanishing cream type of base compatible With 
acid reacting medicaments The base consists 
of glycciyl monostearate (acid>emuistfying), 
spermaceti mineral oil glycerin and water 
Mulubasc (At Ex)— a hydrophilic, nondehy 
drating vamshing cream type base 
Ncobasc (Burroughs Wellcome) — liquid pet 
rolatum polyhydne alcohol esters propylene 
glycol and water to form an o/w emulsion base 
Phorsjx (Texas Pharmacal)— an o/w emul 
Sion base made with oomonic emulsifiers The 
base IS adjusted (o a pH of 4 6 
Unibase (Parke, Davis)— noogreasy base 
consisting of higher fatty alcohols, petrolatum 
glycerin water and an emulsifying agent It 
has a pH approximating that of the skin. Um 
base will absorb 30 per cent of its own weight 
of water 

Vclvachol (Texas Pharmacal) — a hydrophilic 
emulsion base compatible with acids, bases, 
strong electrolytes and many other medica 
ments The base contains cholcstcrin sodium 
lauryl sulfate cetyl alcohol stearyl alcohol, 
petrolatum, liquid petrolatum and water 


Tilts group of so-called greasclcss ointment 
bases IS comprised of water soluble ingredi- 
ents, the polyethylene glycol polymers known 
as Carbowix* compounds Pojy ethylene Gly- 
col Ointment USP is ihc_or^phannaCQ- 
pocial preparation in this group Nilrofuto- 
zone soluble Dressmg N F a a medicated 
poly ethylene gly col sctnisolid preparation 
The (^bowax compounds of mterest in 
ointment formulation arc Uiosc that vary m 
* Umoo Carbulc Chemicals Co , New York, 
N Y 

molecular weight from 1 000 to 6 000 ^n 
sisiency of these compounds vanes from a 
soft petrolatumlike semisolid to bard, waxy 
soUds, the consistency mcrcasmg with mo- 
lecular weight The outstandmg feaUirc of 
these compounds is water solubihty fcitch 
tests have shown the (Tarbowaxes to be m- 
nocuous and no more irritating than lanolin 
or petrolatum when applied to the skm ^ 
Cybowax. 1500, a soft, petrolatumlike 
semisolid, can be used as a vehicle for the 
topical application of medicaments However, 
the higher molecular weight Carbowaxes arc 
usually blended with the low molecular weight 
(200-600) liquid polyethylene glycols for 
oiDtment formahtioa For example, Poly- 
cthy/ene Gfyeof Ointment C/S F is a blend 
of Carbowax 4000 and polyethylene glycol 
400 The base for Nitrofurozonc Soluble 
Dressmg N F consists of a blend of poly- 
ethylene glycols 300, 1,540 and 4,000 
Polyethylene Glycol Omlment USJ* pos- 
sesses many desirable properties It washes 
off readily with water, il is not greasy, it 
shows no physical changes on aging and it 
permits ready dispersion oj water-soluble me 
dicaments However, the solubility of this 
base precludes the addition of aqueous solu- 
tions much in excess of 5"pcr cent of the total 
formula Inclusion of 5 per cent stearyl or 
cetyl alcohol m the formula mcreascs the 
water number of the omtment, allowing the 
inclusion of 20 per cent of water 
20 n 

Burows soJutiDU 5 0 

Polyethylene glycol ointment qs 300 
Sig. Apply to irritated area three times 

The water solubility of polyethylene glycol 
ointment precludes the inclusion of the Burow s 
solution Replace 2 Gm. of the omtment base 
with cetyl alcohol Melt the cctyl alcohol and 
(he polyethylene glycol ointment on a water 
bath Add the Burows solution and stir until 

Medicaments such as benzoic and salicylic 
acids, phenol and tannic acid have a solu- 
bilizing effect on ointment bases containing 
the high molecular weight Carbowax com- 
pounds This may result in an undue soften- 
log of the base These medicaments have been 
ahown to mtcract with the high molecular 
Weight polyethylene glycols, the complexes 
formed having different solubility character- 

Ophthalmic Ointments 


isUcs from those of the parent compounds 
In-vitro studies^® have shown that me- 
dicaments diffuse readily from Carbowax 
bases However, Shelmire*^ has shown that, 
although diffusion of a medicament to the 
skm s^ace from a polyethylene glycol vehi- 
cle IS high, htUe percutaneous absorption 
occurred. Michelfelder and Peck^® ako found 
that a pol}ethylene glycol vehicle is not a 
suitable vehicle for a water soluble drug, if 
one desires percutaneous absorption 

Carbowax compounds have been used to 
prepare water removable emulsion bases to 
which varymg quantities of water can be 
added London and Zopf®^ developed the fol 
lowing Catbowax emulsified base 


Carbowax 4000 


Stearyl alcohol 

34 0 



Sodium lauryl sulfate 

1 0 

Purified water 


Heat the Carbowax, the stearyl alcohol and 
the glycenn on a water bath to 75^ C Add, 
with stimog, to the water previously heated to 
75° C and cootaming the sodium lauryl sulfate 
Stir until the base congeals 

Carbowax emulsified bases ore not truly 
water soluble The Carbowax has an adjuvant 
action as an emulsifier and improves the 
water removability factor of the base In ad- 
dition, larger quantities of aqueous solutions 
can be added to such bases than can be 
added to poljethylene gI}col vehicles 

Polyethylene glycol vehicles form non- 
occlusive films on the skin The residual film 
from such bases can and will take up water 
which has diffused through the skin or come 
from the sweat glands, permittmg the loss of 
such water to the environment. Since poly- 
ethylene glycol vehicles do not maintam by- 
drauon of the skin surface, it is understand- 
able why water soluble medicaments are not 
transferred readily to the skm surface. 

Often included- m the group of _ymtcr- 
soluble bases are scmisolid bases ^t ore 
not soluble m water but swell with water 
Such bases are hydrous and usu^y contain 
an emulsifying age^t Included m this group 
arc preparations produced throu^ the use 
of bentonite, Veegum,* gelaun and cellulose 
denvaUves Guth et al ® prepared bentonite 
omunent bases m which vanous antibacterial 

agents were incorporated. These omtments 
showed high m-vitro activity 

22 R 


20 0 

Sodium lauryl sulfate 




Purified water 

69 5 

Sprinkle the bentonite on the liquid portion 
of the base and stir at a slow rate of speed in 
a mechanical mixer until a homogeneous prep- 
aration results 

Universal Omtment Base* 
23 R 



Sodium lauryl sulfate 






Tween 80 


Purified water 

78 8 

Add the Veegum to the water slowly, agi- 
tating continually until smooth Add the other 
mgr^ients, stu until smooth. 

Massachusetts General Hospital Oint- 
ment Base^® 

24 R 

Polyethylene glycol 200 mono 





Polysorbate 80 




Punfied water 

78 9 

These bases are not greasy, spread readily 
without rubbmg and form a protective film, 
yet, they can be easdy removed from the 
skm with water They do not alleviate dry- 
ness as well as does petrolatum because they 
arc not occlusive The residual film left on 
the skm by these bases will take up water 
which has diffused through the skm or come 
from the sweat glands, hence, they arc vehi- 
cles of choice when an omtment is to be ap- 
plied to a moist lesion 

Special precautions must be taken la the 
prcparati^^of an ophthalmic ointment The 
active ingredient "is 'added to the''omtmcnt 
base, “cither as a finely po wdered chemical 
or as a solution. Wherc^ possible, the active 

•R- T Vanderbilt Company, Inc., New York, 
New York. 

218 Semisoljd Dosage Forms 

prcpanng light ointmcots or creams 
(Hobart Manufactunog Company, Troy, 

ingredient should bt. sterile as should 3 solu 
lion of the active ingredient Not al) of the 
dni^s prcscTjlvd in ophlhalmic oiniiTieats aiv 
avadablc as sterile chemicals If available, 
ampuls or vials of the dry parenteral powder 
should be used However, although capsules, 
tablets or the bulk chemicals may not be 
stcnic they usually do not support bacterial 
growth NMthm the lattice structure of the dry 
material, hence they can usually be used 
where the sterile powder is not available 
Powders or tablets should be triturated and 
incorporated m die ointment base aseptically 
This can be accomplished by using sterile 
utensils The mortar and the pestle, ^du- 
ates, spatulas, etc , can bc_ycrilizcd by auto- 
claving (a pressure cooker can be used) If 
an omtment slab is used, it can be wa^ed 
with an acuscptic solution (preferably by an 

antiseptic dissolved in 70% alcohol) These 
precautions arc necessary to prevent con- 
taminants from infecting the eye, particularly 
an eye which is already jnjured Ricgehnan 
and Vaughn®* use the term ‘ mjured eje” to 
mdicate one in which the corneal epithelium 
has been damaged An_intact epithelial layer 
acts as an effective bamer to orgapums which 
mi^t otherwise invade the cornea Hence, 
sterility is probably of greater importance 
when the ointment is to be applied to an in- 
jured eye than when U is to be_appUcd to an 
intact eye (i c , one in which comeal cpi 
thclium has not been damaged) 

Most ophthalmic ointments are prepared 
with a petrolatum base, a petrolatum mineral 
oil base or a petrolatum wool fat base A 
petrolatum wool fat base is sometimes used 
when an aqueous solution of the active m 
grcdicnt is to be incorporated jn an oph- 
thalmic ointment Whatever type of base is 
used, it must be nonimtating to the eye and 
should permit dilTusion of the active ingredi- 
ent from Uic base to the secretions of the 
eye Although absorption bases, o/w emul 
Sion bases and water soluble bases can be 
employed for ophthalmic drugs, they may be 
uTitating The irritation is probably due to 
the surface active agent m the base At the 
same time, the surface active agent may in- 
crease the availability of the drug m the eye I 
Petrolatum or a petrolatum mineral oil 
base may be heat sterilized m a hot air oven 
at 175® C for 2 hours After the active in- 
gredient IS aseptically incorporated in the 
stenie vehicle, the ointment should be trans- 
ferred inio stenie ophtbaimic tipped tubes 
The tubes can be stcniizcd by storage in 70 
per cent alcohol for 24 hours prior to use 
The use of tubes reduces the possibility of 
contaminating the omtment 

Mechanical Incorporation ^Vhcther an 
omtment is applied to an irritated area of 
the skin or to intact skm, it should be ho- 
mogeneous, smootli and free from granular 
or gntty particles The usual technic used by 
the pharmacist to prepare such“an ointment 
mvolvcs mechanical inco rporati on of the ac- 
tive mgrcdicnt m the oimm_cnt base on an 
omtment slab with a spatulx A mortar and 

Preparation of Ointments 21? 

a pestle are often used to incorporate liquids 
in an ointment base. The mortar and pestle 
are probably not as efficient as the ointment 
slab an^ spatula for incorporating i^olu- 
ble powders in an ointm ent base because of 
the smalt'surface any one 

Mechanical incorporation of a medicament 
on an ointment slab requires a ground glass 
plate and two stainless steel_ spatulas. Hard 
rubbe r spatulas or wooden tongue depressors 
shouliTbe used when danger of chemical re- 
action between the steel spatula and certain 
medicaments, i.e., iodine, tannic acid, sali- 
cylic acid, mercuric salts, etc., exists. 

Before incorporating insoluble medica- 
ments in aiTomiment base, the medicaments 
must be reduced to an impalpable powder. 

Fio. 78. Emcka equipment for oint- 
ment preparation. {Left) Mixer and 
kneader. (Right) Three-roller mill suit- 
able for mixing and finishing ointment 
materials in small batches. Motor unit b 
detachable for all-purpose use. (Chem- 
ical and Pharmaceutical Industry Co., 
Inc., New York, N. Y.) 

This can be accomplished on a slab by levi- 
gating the medicament w'ith a small portion 
of the base to form a smooth nucleus. The 
nucleus is then incorporated with the remain- 
ing basej If very small amounts of medica- 
ments are to be incorporated, a small amount 
of mineral oil or a vegetable oil can be uSed 
as a levigating agent . However, the use of 
levigatmg agents (other than the base itself) 
usually results in a marked softening of the 
finbhed product. The details of preparing an 
ointment by mechanical incorporation are 
thoroughly understood. However, some me- 
dicinal substances require special techm'cs 
on the part of the pharmacist in order to pre- 
pare a very smooth homogeneous product. 
fAlkaloids can easily be incorporated in 
ointment vehicles if used in the salt form. 
The alkaloidal salt should be dissolved in the 
smallest quantity of water possible. The aque- 
ous solution can be incoiporated directly in 
absorption bases, emulsion bases and water- 
soluble bases. If an oleaginous base is pre- 
scribed, the aqueous solution can be incor- 
porated with a small quantity of \vool fat 
before incorporating in the oleaginous bas£] 
See Nos. 1 and 10. 

Pilular extracts and other viscid materials 
are more easily dispersed in an ointment base 
if they are first softened with certain solvents 
such as alcohol or chloroform. The amount 
of solvent used should be kept to a minimum 


Semisolid Dosage Forms 

Fio 79 Roller mills such as (his arc 
used m the large scale production of omt 
menu (From Deno R A Rowe, T D 
and Brodie D C The Profession of 
Pharmacy Philadelphia Lippincott, 1959) 

and the softened extract should be ini^r 
porated immediately Diluted alcohol is used 
ui the ptcpica^n cC Ouitio'ittX 

N F and chloroform is used m the prepara 
tion of Chiysarobm Ointment U 5 P 

Coal tar can be incorporated readily u 
oleaginous bases and pastes by first dispcrs 
ing the tar with Polysorbatc 80 1/ 5 P , a non- 
lonic surfactant The dispersed coal tar is 
then incorporated in the base One per cent 
of coal tar can be dispersed with 0 S per cent 
of poi)sorbatc 80 Coal Tar Ointment US P 
is an example of such a preparation Coal 
tar usually can be meorporated m emulsion 
bases such as Hydrophilic Ointment USP 
by simple tnturation 

Viscid matenals such as ichihammol and 
Peruvian balsam arc only sli^tly soluble in 
most oleaginous bases and, ^cqucntly, after 
mcorporation m such bases, the ichthoounol 
or the Peruvian balsam bleeds” or separates 

from the base Both materials can be incor- 
porated m an oleaginous base by first dis- 
persing them m an equal weight of castor oil 
Peruvian balsam and ichthammol can be in- 
corporated m emulsion bases such as Hy- 
drophilic Ointment US P with a minimum 
amount of trituration 

Fusion. Ointments co ntaining hard, waxy 
ingredients such as wax, spermaceti paraffin, 
Car]?Qwaxcs,Jiigh.jnokcular_wagh^aity al 
cohols, etc , plus soft materials such as pelr o 
latum and/or glycols, surfactants, watcr.»ctc , 
arc prcpar?d_by the fusion process This 
process also can be used to incorporate me 
dicamcntT* that arc readily soluble m the 
melted base or to incorporate aqueous solu 
tions in water soluble bases 

In th ejusio n process ^e jngredicnt wijh 
the highe^'melting point is piaccdln a bcaler 
or evaporating dish and melted on a watef 
bath The 'other ingredients ore added in 
order of decreasing melting points jnitJ the 
soft oleaginous matenals have all b een t hor 
oughly incorporated Thfe^as e roust be sufred 
until It congeals to prevent the Kparationpf 
large particles of the ingredients with hipier 
melting points. An active mgredi^t tha^ is 
soluble m the base can be added to the warm 
base }ust before it congeals Perfume oil^and 
other volatile matenals should be added after 
the base has cooled to about 35 to 40®_C 
An active ingredient which is ins oluble, m 
the base should not be spri nkled on th e 
melted base Instead, the medicament shquld 
be levigated with a small portion of the 
melted base When the remaining base has 
congealed it can be incorporated with^e 
levigated mass 

Emulsion bases are usually prepared by 
fusion Waxes, fatty alcohols, lanolin and any 
oleaginous matenals are melted in a suitable 
vessel The emulsifying agent is dispersed m 
the water, previously heated to approximately 
the same temperature as the oleaginous phase 
Any water soluble ingredients, such as pre- 
servatives, and humectanis such as glyccnn 
or propylene glycol arc dissolved m the water 
The aqueous phase is added to the olcagmous 
phase with stirring and the mixture is sUrred 
until the base is congealed 

25 li 

Bismuth subnitrate 150 

White wax 10 0 

Packaging, Storage and Labeling of Ointments 221 

Paraffin 5 0 

Petrolatum 70 0 

Sig Apply as directed 
Melt the wax, the paraffin and the petrolatum 
on a water base Use a portion of the melted 
base to levigate the bismuth subnitrate on an 
omtment slab Stir the remaining base until it 
congeals, then combine with the levigated 

26 0 

Burow s solution 5 0 

Poljethylene glycol 400 20 0 

Polyethylene glycol 4,000 35 0 

Sig Apply to irritated area daily 
Melt the peg 4,000 on a water bath Add 
the peg 400 and stir Add the Burow s solu 
tion before the mixture congeals and stir until 
the ointment congeals 

Cetyl alcohol 8 0 

White wax 0 7 

Propylene glycol 5 0 

Sodium lautyl sulfate 1 0 

Purified water q s 60 0 

Sig Apply to scalp as directed 
Melt the white wax and the cetyl alcohol on 
a water bath Disperse the sodium lauiyl sul 
fate in the water previously heated to approxi 
mately the same temperature as the cetyl alco- 
hol wax phase and add to the wax phase with 
sumng Stir until congealed Levigate the sulfur 
with the propylene glycol, then combine with 
the congealed base 


Fackagmg. Omtments are usually dis- 
pensed m either omtment jars or tubes, jars 
bemg used most frequently by the retail phar- 
macist Omtment jars are available m brown, 
green or opaque white glass 

Ointments prepared by mechanical incor- 
poration should be packed m jars uniformly, 
to avoid air pockets A spatula can be us^ 
to fill the jar which should be tapped agamst 
the palm of the hand dunng fillmg to ensure 
that the air pockets are filled by the omtmcnL 
The contamcr size should be such that the 
omtment fills the contamer but docs not con- 
tact the lid Imcr After the jar has been filled, 
the spatula should be used to smooth the 
surface of the omtment and give the product 
a finished appearance 

Omtments prepared by fusion can usually 
be packed while the omtment is still warm 
and fluid enough to be poured directly mto 
the jar It is usually unnecessary to smooth 
the surface of omtments packed m this 

The use of collapsible tm tubes avoids the 
possibility of omtment contammation through 
use Furthermore, a collapsible tube presents 
a mmimum of omtment surface to the action 
of air and hght Collapsible tm tubes are 
avadable with special tips for application of 
omtments to the eye, the nose, the rectum 
or the vagma 

Omtment tubes are easily filled by placmg 
the ointment on a powder paper longer than 
the tube Shape the omtment to form a cylin- 
der shorter than the contamer Roll the cylm- 
der with the paper to form a tube havmg a 
diameter smaller than that of the collapsible 
tube Slip the lube mto the contamcr then 
flatten awut Vt inch of the open end of the 
tm tube with a spatula Holdmg the flattened 
edges of the tube together with the spatula, 
grasp the protruding paper and slowly with- 
draw it from the contamer This leaves the 
omtment inside the collapsible tube Make 
two */^ inch folds at the flattened end of the 
lube to prevent any omtment from bemg ex- 
truded The cap end of the tube should be 
open dunng the process of fillmg and closmg 

Storage. Ointments should be stored in a 
cool place, primarily to prevent the base from 
liquefying If the base should liquefy, insolu- 
ble medicaments may settle to the Irottom of 
the contamer Emulsion bases may separate 
mto two phases if allowed to soften or liquefy 
Water-contammg omtments should not be 
unduly exposed to the air, since evaporation 
of water may change the physical character- 
istics of the omtment 

When dispensing an ointment from a stock 
contamcr, scrape the orntment from the sur- 
face Diggmg mto the omtment exposes a 
greater surface area, mcreasing the possibility 
of rancidity, water loss and mold growth 

Labelmg Special stnp-form labels, which 
encircle the omtment jar or tube, are avail- 
able Labels should be covered with cello- 
phane tape to prevent soilmg 

Labels are somewhat difficult to attach to 
collapsible tm tubes Coat the area of the 
tube to be labeled with benzom tmeture Per- 
mit the tincture to dry and then apply the 

222 Semisolid Dosage Forms 

stnp-fonn labc! Labels should be attached 
near the top of the tube to prevent dcstmo- 
tion and soiling while the ointment ts being 

This section includes topical preparations 
which do not fit easily mto the classification 
of omtmcnts previously outlmcd Induded m 
this group arc cerates, creams, pastes, plas- 
ters and poultices These preparations differ 
m consistency from ointments and are usually 
medicated ^me i e , cerates, plasters and 
pouluccs, arc spread on cloth before apply- 
ing to the skm 

Cerates are omtmcnlltkc preparations with 
a consistency between those of ointments and 
of plasters As the name implies, true cerates 
always contam wax (cera) However, sper- 
maccu, paraffin, suet or rosm have been em- 
ployed as suflfenmg agents m cerates 
Qrates are used by spreading at ordmary 
temperatures on cloth and applying to the 
skm They should not be soft enough to 
liquefy when applied to the skin Cerates are 
usually prepareJ with lard, oil or petrolatum 
and a sufficient quantity of high melting wax 
to give the proper consistency Because of 
the high meltmg ingredient, cerates are pre- 

K arcd by fusion (Hve cerates were official m 
'F VIII Simple Cerate, Rosm Cerate, 
Compound Rosm Cerate, Canthondcs Ce- 
rate and Lead Subacetate Cerate 
Cerates arc seldom presenbed in modem 
dermatologic practice They formerly were 
used as drnsmgs and protectivcs for mflamed 
and ulceraUve areas of the slun 

Creams are usually thought of as a soft 
cosmetic type of preparation, i e , vaiusbiog 
creams, hand creams, face creams, etc Phar- 
maceutically, medicated creams arc scmisohd 
or thick liquid emulsions containing medica- 
ments dissolved or suspended in the emulsion 
and intended for external applicaUon In gen- 
eral. creams belong to the oil m water eroul 
Sion classification of ointments However, 
many preparations arc referred to as creams 
because of consistency and appearance with- 
out regard to the type of base used 
In the Bntish Pharmacopeia creams are 
medicated liquid emulsions consisting of a 
mixture of wool fat, olive oil or other fixed 

oil and hme water These preparations are 
water in-oU emulsions similar to lime lim- 
ment and calamine Imiment Tlic B P also 
uses the term cream as a synonym for sev- 
eml ointments and pastes 

There is one cream official in NF XI, 
Pramoxine Hydrochlondc Cream, It con 
tarns PramoxmcHydrochlondcNF (Trono- 
thane) • in a water miscible base Most pro- 
prietary medicated creams are prepared with 
water-soluble or water-removable bases 

Pastes encompass two classes of omtment- 
Iikc preparations for external use — the fatty 
pastes such as zinc oxide paste and the non 
greasy pastes containing ^yeerm with pec- 
tin, gelatin, tragacanth, etc Pastes arc usu- 
ally stiller and less greasy than ointments due 
to a high proportion of powdered mgrcdients 
such as starch, zme oxide and calcium car- 
bonate m the base Powders may be present 
to the extent of SO per cent, e g , Zinc Oxide 
Paste VSP which contains 25 per cent 
zinc oxide and 25 per cent starch m while 

past es arc less greasy and niotc>absof|b 
tiyc than ointments bccausc-oL theic^higb 
proportion of powdered medicamenu haying 
an affinity for water Therefore, they are pre- 
ferred for acute lesions havin g aj endcacy 
toward oozing, crustmg or vcsiculation Such 
pastes are less pi.nctraiing and less macer- 
ating than ointments and tend to absorb the 
serous exudate Medicaments incoiporated 
in pastes are absorbed less readily than from 
ointments and, therefore, have a more super- 
ficial acuon 

In addiuon to powders, fatty pastes are 
composed ol liquid jwtroiaium, pcuolatum 
or fatty materials such as wool ht, benzoin* 
ated lard, etc There arc three official fatty 
pastes Aluminum Paste USP , Zme Oxide 
Paste US P (Lassar’s Plam Zme Paste) and 
Zme Oxide Paste with Sali^lic Acid SJ^ 
(Lassar's Zme Paste with Sali^lic Acid) 


Zinc oxide 






Petrolatum q s 


Sig. Apply as directed 

Triturate the calamine with the zme oxide 
* Abbott Laboratoncs, Chicago, Illmou. 

Other Topical Preparations 223 

and the starch and incorporate the powders in 
the petrolatum A portion of the petrolatum can 
be melted and used to tnturate the powders 
Liquid petrolatum should not be used as a levt 
gating agent, since the amount required would 
result in softening of the product 

29 B 

Sulfur 1 0 

Salicylic acid I 0 

Lassar s paste q s 30 0 

Sig Apply twice daily and b s 

Levigate the sulfur and the salicylic acid with 
a small amount of the base or with a very small 
quantity of liquid petrolatum Incorporate the 
remaining base Since the amount of medica* 
tcient contamed ui this pcescciptioa w small a. 
levigating agent such as liquid petrolatum can 
be used 

30 B 

Ichthammol 1 0 

Starch 25 0 

Zinc oxide paste q s 60 0 

Sig Apply at night 

The second class of pastes, made with 
glycenn and gelatin or pectin, are useful 
when fatty bases are undesirable, i e , for ap' 
plication to wet surfaces The nongreasy 
pastes are advantageous when applied to 
moist surfaces because of their miscibility 
with water 

Fantus and Dyniewicz^* introduced pectin 
and tragacanth pastes for the treatment of 
bedsores and ulcers The preparation of these 
pastes and other nongreasy pastes differs 
from the preparation of fatty pastes, since the 
basic mgredient of the paste — pectin, (raga- 
canth, etc — ^must hydrate In general, the 
pastes can be prepared by hrst Vrctting the 
hydrocoUoid with a small amount of glycenn 
and then adding a sufficient quantity of hot 

31 B 

Pectin 5 0 

Glycenn 10 0 

Ringer s solution q s 60 0 

Sig Pectin paste 

Mix the pectin with the gljcerm. Then, while 
stirring, add the Ringers solution previously 
heated to 100° Continue stimng to mate s 
smooth paste 

Glyccrogelatm pastes are prepared by al' 
lowing the gelatm to hydrate m hot water 
and then adding the powdered medicaments 

wdiich previously have been nibbed to a 
smooth paste with the glycerin Glycerogela- 
tin pastes soften at body temperature and 
may be applied after they have been softened 
by warming Zinc Gelatin U SP is a firm 
glyccrogelatm paste It is used by placmg the 
jar in hot water to melt the paste, which is 
then applied to the skm with a brush The 
paste congeals on the skm, forming a pro- 
tective film 

32 B 

Zinc oxide 

20 0 


20 0 





Purified water q s 


Sig Apply to itching area 

Add the gelatin to the water with stirnng 
then heat on a water bath until the gelatin dis 
solves Add the zinc oxide and calamine, previ 
ously triturated with the glycenn Stir until a 
smooth paste results 

Nongreasy, water-dispersible pastes must 
be stored in tightly closed contamers to pre- 
vent the loss of water On standing for sev- 
eral months, pectm pastes may liquefy The 
liquefaction may be due to en^miatic hy- 
drolysis of the pectm caused by mold growth 
The parabens or benzoic acid should be em- 
ployed to prevent mold growth 

Plasters are sohd or semisoUd adhesive 
masses spread on cotton, felt, Imen or muslm 
and intended for topical apphcation to van- 
ous parts of the body 

The older type of plaster, prepared by 
reactmg litharge and oil, was Imown as 
diachylon plaster (Lead Oleate Plaster N F 
IX) This type of plaster required the apph- 
cation of heat m order to spread and apply 
the plaster to the skm Plasters are now pre- 
pared with a base of India rubber or with 
mixtures of vmyl resm, plasticizers and other 
chemical additives These plasters are ad- 
hesi\« at body temperature and, hence, can 
be applied readily without beatmg Further- 
more, the newer adhesive plasters possess a 
low^r mcidence of uritatioa and sensitization 
than the older plasters which contamed such 
mgredicnts as losm and pitch Plasters m 
general may be somewhat irntant, partly be- 
cause they prevent evaporation from the skm 
and partly because of the small quantities of 


Semisolid Dosage Forms 

volatile ods contamed m the resms from 
which plasters are often prepared 
Years ago, the pharmacist prepared plas- 
ters extemporaneously With the introduction 
of machine made plasters, the hand-spread 
plasters became obsolete However, the phar- 
macist should instruct the patient purchasing 
a plaster as to the method of applying The 
part to which the plaster is applied must be 
dry and dean to ensure close contact be- 
tween the skm and plaster 
The plaster serves two purposes (1) it 
affords protection and mechanical support 
and (2) it may be medicated, in which case 
It bnngs medication mto close contact with 
the sVin surface The demand toi mtdicavtd 
plasters is limited to those containing sali- 
cylic acid, belladonna and bclladorma and 
salicylic acid and mustard Two plasters arc 
official m the C/ J P Adhesive Waster (ad- 
hesive tape) and Salicylic Acid Plaster, and 
two arc official m the N F Belladonna Plas- 
ter and Mustard Plaster 
Poultices or cataplasms are soft prepara- 
tions applied to the skin while hot m order 
to reduce inflammation or, in some cases, to 
act os countenmtants They apply moist 
heat to the body areas and thcoreucally draw 
mfcctious materials from body tissues The 
drawing action is asenbed to the hygro- 
scopic nature of the ingredients used as the 
poultice base, i c , kaolin, flaxseed and other 
mucilaginous substances The lost offiaal 
poultice was Kaolin Cataplasm NF IX It 
contained kaolin, bone acid, thymol, methyl 
salicylate, pcppermmt oil and glycerin and 
was used as a warming poultice for deep- 
seated inflammations 


1 Blank, I H J Invest Derm J8 433, 

2 J Invest Demi 21 259, 1953 

3 Proc Sci See. Toilet Goods Ass 

2S 19, 1955 

4 Blank, I H , and Shappino E. B J 
Invest Derm 25 391, 1955 

5 Barr, M , and Guth, E P J Am Phorm 
Ass.lSci]-/0 13,1957 

6 Blaug, S M , and Absan, S S Drug 
Stand 28 95, 1960 

7 J Am Phaim.As$ [Sci]50 441, 


8 Cospans, P , and Myer, E W Pharm. 
actahelv 10 163, 1935 

9 Chakravarty, D, Lach, J L, and Blaug, 
SM DrugStand 25 137,1957 

10 Oark, W G Am J Med Set 212 523, 

11 Cyr, G N, Skauen D M, Chnstian, 
J and Lee, C O J Am Phaim Ass 
(Sci]5S 615, 1949 

12 Darlington, R C, and Guth, E P J Am. 
Pharm Ass [Pract ] II 82, 1950 

13 Fantus, B , and Dyniewicz, H J Am 
Phairo, Ass [Sci ] 28 548, 1939 

14 Flesch, P , and Esoda, E C J J Invest 
Derm 28 5, 1957 

15 Foster, W, Wurster, D E, Higuchi, T, 
and Busse, L W J Am Pharm Ass 
IScil40 123,1951 

16 Goodman. H J Am Pharm Ass [Pract] 
3 7, 1942 

17 Halpern, A , and Zopf, L. C J Am 
Pharm Ass [Scilid 101,1947 

18 Higucbi, T, and Lach, J L. J Am 
Pharm Ass [Sci ) 43 465, 1954 

19 Johnston, G W, and Lee, C O J Am 
Pharm Ass [Sci] 52 278, 1943 

20 Jones. E R , and Lewicki, B J Am 
Phann Ass [Sci] 40 509, 1951 

21 Landon, F W, and Zopf, L. C J Am 
Pharm. Ass [Pract)4 251,1943 

22 Lane, C C , and Blank, 1 H Arch Derm 
Sypb 54 497, 1946 and 54 650, 1946 

23 Am Prof Phann 13 357, 1947 

24 MacKce, G M , Sulxbcrger, M B , Herr- 
mann F , and Baer, R K J Invest Derm 
6 43,1945 

25 McClelland, C P , and Bateman, R L. 

J Am Pbann Ass [Pract] 10 30, 1949 

26 Mall J W J Invest Derm 27 451, 


27 Malkinson, F D J Invest Derm 31 
1% 1958 

28 Meyers, D B, Nadkorni, M V, and 
Zopf, L. C J Am Pharm Ass [Pract ] 
32 231,1949 

29 Michclfclder, T J , and Peck, S M J 
Invest Derm 19 237, 1952. 

30 Monasb, S J Invest Derm 29 367, 


31 Monash, S, and Blank, H A. M A 
Arch Derm 78 710, 1958 

32. Murphy, J T (cd ) Formulary of the 
Massachusetts General Hospital and The 
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infinnary, 
pp 91,92.94,95,1951 

33 Peek, S M , Finklcr, B , Mayer, G G , 
and Michclfclder, T J J Invest Derm. 
14 177. 1950 



34 Peck, S M, and Click, A W J Soc. 
Cos Chem 7 530, 1955 

35 Plein, J B , and Plein, E M J Am. 
Pharm Ass [Sci H2 79, 1953 

36 Bull Am Soc Hosp Pharm. 

13 38, 19S6 

37 Powers, D H and Fox, C DrugCosmel 
Ind 82 32, 1958 

38 Riegelraan, S, and Vaughn, D G, Jr 
J An Pharm Ass [PracL] 19 474, 1958 

39 Rochow, E. G Chemistry of the Silicones, 
ed 2 New York, Wiley. 1951 

40 Rothman, S Physiology and Biocbem 

istry of the Skin, Chicago, Univ Chicago 
Press, 1954 

41 Shelmirc, J B J Invest Derm 26 105, 

42 Arch Derm. 52 24, 1960 

43 Stcigleder, G K , and Raab, W P J 
Invest Derm 38 129, 1962 

44 Strakosch, E. A . and Clark, W G Am 
J Med Sci 205 518, 1943 

45 Wuntcr, D E , and Kramer, S F J 
Pharm Sci 50 288, 1961 

46 Zopf, L C. Amencan Pharmacy, ed. 5, 
p 315, Philadelphia, Lippmcott, 1960 

chapter 7 


Charles F. Peterson, Ph D.* 

Suppositoncs arc solid, shaped unit dosage la VS P V and its use and the employment 
forms for the apphcation of medication to of suppositoncs gradually increased 
the rectum, the vaginal cavity or the urethral Suppositoncs are classified by the site to 
tract Certam manufacturers refer to the last which Uicy arc to be applied and whether 
two dosage fonns as “inserts,” particularly the medication is intended for local or s>s- 
when made by compression as a specially tcmic effects The size and the shape of the 
shaped tablet These melt or dissolve in the suppository are such that they facilitate m- 
sccrelions of the cavity and usually release sertion into the body opemng Some manu- 
the medication over a prolonged period For- facturers of ‘ inserts” furnish an apparatus 
mcrly, specially shaped suppositoncs were designed to place the “insert” high m the 
made to be placed in the ear and the nose vaginal tract or beyond the reach of the 
Modern medical concepts for medication ap- fingers This type of preparation will be con- 
plicd locally to these caviues calls for the ap- sidercd to be a special category of supposi- 
pIicalioQ of a solution which is sometimes tones, since, in general, suppositories are 
held in place with a pledget of cotton placed with the fingers mto the miended 

The use of suppositories has been traced opening The pharmacist should make sure 
to the time of the ancient Egjpiians and that the patient understands the correct ap« 
Greeks ** Hippocrates recorded the use of phcation of the dosage form dispensed to the 
herb and soap mixtures which were inserted patient 

rcctally to sumulaie the defccaUon refiex when used without qualificauon, the terra 
This use of suppositories appears in many of suppository usually signifies the form in- 
thc WTitmgs S)stcmic absorption of drugs tended for rectal insertion The de- 

did not appear to be important to these an- senbes rectal suppositories for adults as usu- 
cicnts, although some mixtures coniammg ally wcighmg about 2 Gm each and having 
potent drugs such as mandrake and poppy a tapered shape =* The most popular shapes 
seeds were mentioned Perhaps the lack of a appear in Figure 80 Of these shapes, the one 
suitable base and, consequently, of avaiJd- preferred by many is the modified torpedo 
bdity of the acuve drug kept this dosage form on insertion of the blunt head, the pressure 
from dependable use exerted on the suppository by the external 

In the late 18th ccntuiy, cocoa butter be- anal sphincter is translated into movement 
came available and Antoine Baumd rccog- which forces the suppository into the rectum 
nized and promoted its usefulness as a sup- jj,g niodificd torpedo is formed most satis- 
pository base in Europe In 1852, A B factordy by molding as m the fusion process 
Taylor suggested the use of cocoa butter as cylindrical shape is more 

a suppository base to American pharma- easJy attamed The largest diameter should 
cists It was recognized as Thcobroma OJ 5 ^ about 13 mm , usually tapered to about 
•Aswciaic Professor ol Pharmacy Temple Uni 7 mm , and the length about 25 to 35 mrm 
versity School of Pharmacy For children, the diameter and the length 


Suppositories 227 

should be reduced, with accompanied reduc mucous epithebal surface m the vagmal tract 
tion of weight to about 1 Gm is well supphed with circulation so 3iat medi- 

Vagmal suppositories are more varied m cation may be absorbed and have a systemic 
shape and usually have globular, ovoid or effect 

modified conical shapes They are described Urethral suppositones (which may be 
as weighmg about 5 Gm , but, on examma- called inserts ) are the form least used 
tion, the majority of commerci^ vaginal sup- These are slender rods, 3 to 6 mm in diam 
positones weigh between 3 and 4 Gm and cter, preferably somewhat flexible, yet firm 
some weigh up to 8 Gm The vagmal sup- enou^ for insertion For the male urethra 
pository IS used pnmarily for local effects, these are 100 to 150 mm long and for the 
although It should be kept m mmd that the female 60 to 75 mm 

Fig so Sizes and shapes of suppositones (Top) Rectal suppositories, 1 Cm 
torpedo c>lmdncal tapered {Center) Vagmal ovals {Bottom) Vaginal balls and 
pcssanes, with cross section (From Chemical and Pharmaceutical Co , Inc 90 West 
Broadway, New York NY) 

228 Suppos tones 

Suppositoncs arc made primarily for local 
cSccts of the medication and may be con- 
sidered a solid umt dosage form of topical 
preparations for special application The ac 
tions of the medications mtroduced into the 
rectum may be classified as follows 

1 To stimulate the defecation reflex by 

2 To soothe or heal the tissues immedi- 
ately at the surface 

3 To be assimilated mto the circulation 
for systemic actions 

The mtent of medications mtroduced mto the 
vagnal tract is almost invariably that of local 
action, therefore, the discussion of the im- 
plications of the choice of base, the concen 
tration of drugs and the intended duration of 
action of medication will be m terms of the 
rectum as the site of application 
Smith points out that the ph)sician should 
determine the state of rectal functionmg and 
sensitivity of the patient for whom rectal 
admmistraUoQ is contemplated 
The function of the normal rectum u expul 
Sion rather than rctemioo but there are indi 
viduals whose lower bowel is quite tosensiuve 
and habitually contains fcca] matter On 
the other hand there are those whose rcctums 
arc exceedingly sensitive, as in various forms of 
proctitis and who would have difficulty retain 
mg medicaments * 

Local conditions such as anal Gissure or 
inflamed hemorrhoids may also make rectal 
administration difficult or dangerous 
The advantages of rectal admmistration 
for systemic eflects are (a) with some drugs, 
this route is as effective as parenteral injec- 
tion, (b) the stomach is not imtatcd further 
in conditions such as cyclic vomiting, (c) the 
drug does not come into contact with diges 
tiie enzymes It is a convenient method of 
administration for certain bed ridden pa- 
tients, children and the mentally lU who re- 
fuse to swallow Of interest to phaimaasts 
and physicians is the possibility of controlling 
the rate by which the drug is made available 
for absorption- 

Dosage. The problem of dosage limits rec- 
tal administration It has been assumed that 
• South, A Techtuc of htcdicaiion, p Il6 
Ptuladelptua, Ljppiocott, 194S 

the dose by rectum of some drugs is double 
that by mouth On the contrary, the correct 
dose and the rate of release of the drug from 
the suppository must be delermmed for each 
drug In some cases, the concentration of the 
drug or the total amount of the drug which 
must be given will be either too irritating or 
in greater amount than reasonably can be 
placed into a suppository The dose of 400 
to SOO mg of a drug may be considered as 
maximum, maLmg allowance for increasing 
the weight of the suppository to 3 Cm In 
any case, the availability of the drug from 
the medication base is dependent on physical 
characteristics of the finished dosage form 
The suppositoiy base and the drug cannot be 
considered separately because mixture of 
drug with vehicle changes the physical prop 
criies of the latter 

As Reigclman and Crowell have shown, 
diffusion of the drug to the surface for ab- 
sorpuoD IS one of the rate limiting steps 
They demonstrated the important effect of 
particle size of the suspended drug and the 
apparent effect of surface active agents on 
the mucous fluid secreted over the absorbing 
surface Another influence which can be 
projected is the lowered availability of the 
drug when it is bound to components of the 
base either through physical interaction with 
the surface active agents present or through 
preferential solubility of the drug in the base 
The effect of percentage of saturation on 
the release of the drug from the solutions has 
been thoroughly presented by AUawala and 
Reigelman * The reasoning may be easily 
followed that a drug that is very soluble m 
theobroma oil and present m. a low concen- 
tration will have a smaller tendency to escape 
to the aqueous solution than will one that is 
slightly soluble and present m the theobroma 
oil at saturation level 

The absorption of drugs from the colon as 
described by Schanker'^ and the kinetics of 
rectal absorption as determined by Rctgel- 
man and CrowcIP® agree in principle, so that 
It mt^t be said that the absorption of drugs 
from the colon and that from the rectum arc 
quite similar However, one should keep m 
mind that the area to which rectal retention 
enema is applied is much greater than that 
of the suppository, since the latter mokes 
contact only with ffic rectal ampullou The real 

Testing of the Suppository 229 

anatomic difference, with perhaps a physio- 
logic advantage, is that the rectum is supphed 
with the lower and the imddle hemorrhoidal 
veins which pass directly mto the general cir- 
culation The upper hemorrhoidal vein along 
with venous supply for the digestive tract 
pass mto the hepaUc portal system Thus, 
medications and food products assimilated 
m the alimentary tract circulate through the 
hver before reachmg the general system 
Drugs which are modified m activity or con- 
centration by the hver are thought to act more 
rapidly if they are spared immediate action 
by the liver Bucher showed that more than 
one half (50 to 70% ) of the rectally adnim- 
istered drug was absorbed directly into the 
general circulation ® 

Drugs which are effective by proper rectal 
a dminis tration mclude digitalis, chloral hy- 
drate, paraldehyde, alkaloids, tribromo- 
etbanol, hcxethal, thiopental, certam bar- 
biturates and theophyllme The factors which 
mfiuence availability from the rectal colon 
area include the degree of lonizauoo and the 
lipid water partition of the undissociated 
form The pH of the colon was demonstrated 
by Schanker*^ as 6 8 to 7 0, and it was found 
to have little buffer capacity Thus, the dis- 
solved drugs contained m the area will de- 
termine the existing pH according to their 
o\vn properties of dissociation Therefore, 
weak acids and bases are absorbed, while 
those which are highly lomzed are absorbed 
slowly Schanker further showed that acidic 
drugs were absorbed more readily when the 
rectal contents were made more acidic Weak 
organic electrolytes that are highly lipid solu- 
ble were found to be absorbed more readily 


The US P XVI m its defimlion of sup- 
positories states that the preparation should 
melt, soften or dissolve at body tempera- 
ture -* Also, on page 4 of the General Notices 
sccUon of the USP under Ointments and 
Suppositories there is the statement “the 
proportions of the substances consutulmg the 
base may be \aned to mamtam a suitable 
consistence imder different climatic condi- 
tions, provided the proportion of active 
mgredients is not varied ” The official pro- 

of a degree and a scale ranging from 32 
to 45* is adequate (Setnikar, I, and 
Fanlelh, S J Pharm Sci 51 566 571) 

cedure for determmmg the melting tempera- 
ture of fatty substances (Oass II) can be 
used to determme the meltmg range of the 
simple suppository, but it docs not prove to 
be satisfactory for those suppositories con- 
taining a significant amount of suspended 
particles Nor is the meltmg procedure satis- 
factory for the definition of “softening or dis- 
solving at body temperature ” 

Setnikar and Fantelh*® have recently re- 
viewed the proposed methods for descnbmg 
the physical properties of suppositories and 
have suggested an improved test procedure 
This procedure for hquefaction tune appears 
to answer many of the problems not previ- 
ously solved by any one procedure A com- 
parison of the liquefaction umes with the 
clmical experiences should be made, as was 
done by Hennig,® to make the results of this 
test significant 

Setnikar and Fantelli desenbed the me- 
chanical and the ph}sicochcmical conditions 
present m the human rectum which they 
thought important for a test procedure to 
reproduce These were (a) an average tem- 

230 Suppositories 

Table 33 A Comparisos of Melting Pojmt* and Liquefaction TiMEf 










Tbeobroma Oil 



Disaturatcd triglycerides 

Estannum At 



Modiiied coconut oil with added mono* 

Estannum Bt 




Imhausen E§ 

38 5 


Hydrogenated tnglyccndcs of launc acids 

imhausen H§ 



plus monoglycendes 

Dcbydag III# 



Hydrogenated tnglyccndcs 

Carbowajt 1 540 •• 



Polyethylene glycol (number represents 

Carbowax 4 OOO*^ 



average molecular weight) 

Carbowax 6 000* • 
Carbowax 6 000 + 



20% water* • 



ClycennalcJ Gelatin 50 


50% Gelatin and gi)ccnn 

Myr] 52tt 



Polyethylene glycol monostearate 

Tween 61+'*^ 



Polyethylene glycol sorbitan monosCearaCc 

* Method of Bogs 
t Measured at 37' 

P/ arms, e 1958 

• C 


t Edelfctiwerke Hamburg Eidclstedt, Germany 

HmhaiuenCo WiUen Ruhr Germany (now Wuepsol Chemische Werke) 

[| Softening after 10 to 20 minutes no Uquefactioo during I hour 
# Deutsches Hydnenverke Dusseldorf Germany 
••Union Carbide Chemicals Co New York 17, N Y 
ft Allas Chemical Co Wilmington 99 Delaware 

(Adapted from data of Setnikar I and Fantelli $ Liquefaction time of rectal suppositones 
; Phann Sci 51 566 ) 

pcrature of 36 9“ C (36 2® to 37 6® C ), when the suppository has completely melted 
(b) water not present in the liquid state but A comparison of meltmg points and hque* 
represented tn the semisolid fcccs (which faction times of some suppository bases is 
contain about 80% of water), (c) water given m Tabic 33 Mor(^,detai]ed composi- 
content somewhat variable due to dilTusioa Uons for the suppository bases ace listed m 
from the body fluids (osmotic force attracts Chapter 19 of American Pharmacy, 5th 
(he water and high force may result in im- Ediuon 
tation and pain), (d) practically no peris- 
taltic movement, (c) pressure on the con SUPPOSITORY BASES 

tents varying from zero to 50 cm of water, 

and (f) possible presence of feces In suppositories, the function of materials 

Tlie apparatus (Fig 81) is prepared by other than medication is to present an accept- 
placing a length of moistened inflated ccJlu- able and usable dosage form For example, 
lose dial}sjs tubing through the cylinderand the difficulty of handling a rectal cvacuani 
over the ends, securing live end of the tubing dose of gljccnti is overcome by the addition 
with clastic bands Water is circulated through of soap to make a Arm gelled mass which can 
the cylinder and the height of the apparatus be inserted readily The suppository base also 
adjusted so that the lower half of the tubing may be required for dilution of the drug to a 
is collapsed When the temperature of the nonimtating concentration Tlius, the im- 
watcr has been adjusted to 37“ C , the sup lant local action and the volatility of chloral 
pository IS dropped mto the open end of the hydrate arc reduced to acceptable levels by 
tube Then the apparatus is lowered about incorporation into a suppository Other pos- 
30 cm to obtain the desired pressure of siblc functions of the base are to stabilize or 
water The liquefaction time is determined to control the rate of release of the drug This 

Suppository Boses 231 

may be demonstrated by the following ex- 
ample The poor dissolution rate of aspinn 
from a compressed form and its consequent 
slow rate of assimilation may be obviated by 
use of a suppository preparation containmg 
a dispersion of finely powdered drug in a 
suitable base 

A general classification of suppository 
bases is possible on the basis of their physical 
properties The oleaginous class includes 
cocoa butter and fats with similar properties 
and contrasts with the ‘ water-soluble” class 
which includes the polyethylene glycols and 
glycero gelatin An intermediate ‘ hydro- 
philic” class IS proposed to include all 
those not moluded m the other two as •weW 
as those surfactants and mixtures which dis- 
perse themselves or the medication in water 

Theobro-na oil (cocoa butter) is the prin- 
cipal suppOiitory base and is often thought 
of as the base to be used when none is speci- 
fied It IS 3 firm solid of cream color which, 
on warming, begins to soften at 30** C and 
melts to a thin oil at about 34’’ C Unlike 
many fats and oils, cocoa butter is generally 
uniform, having a faint, agreeable odor Its 
composition is also difierent in that there are 
only a small number of glyceride types pres- 
ent and two of these constitute more than 
three fourths of the total Meara** repotted 
the composition of one representative sample 
of cocoa butter to be as follows 



Fully saturated tnglycendes 





57 0 


22 2 






1 I 

Ajconsequence of the prr^en cy of the higb 
pro portion of disaturated triR lyccndes is 
n mrked p^vmorphKm (the property of exist- 
ingm several crystalline forms) When cocoa 
butter is heated to above the melUng tem- 
perature (about 36'^ C ) and then ch^ed m 
a suppository mold, solidification does not 
take place until the temperature ts well below 
1 5° C_ and crystallization takes place as a 
metastable form. If such a suppository is 
taken from the mold after such treatment 

Fic 82 The per cent of drug released 
from cocoa butter after 90 minutes as 
related to the temperature of the test 
Abscissa temperature in °C (Sprowls, 

I B American Pharmacy, ed S Phila 
delphia, Lippmcott) 

and allowed to come to room temperature, 
It will be found to melt at about 23° or 
24° C The explanation of this phenomenon 
IS that the stable ciystal nuclei have been lost 
by heating the cocoa butter beyond the melt- 
ing point Should the suppository made from 
the overheated cocoa butter be allowed to 
remain cool for a sufficient length of time, 
its original melting temperature will be re- 
stored The exact length of tune will vary 
from a few days to more than a week accord- 
ing to the response of the melted mass to the 
rate of cooling and the presence of other 
components Should it be necessary to heat 
cocoa butter, the melting should be done 
carefully, keeping temperature of the mass 
as low as possible and mixing well to keep 
the temperature uniform The finely shredded 
fat IS heated carefully to a creamy, pourable 
State, leaving nuclei of the stable crystals 
which, on cooling, encourage solidification 
to the onginalform 

A further complication results with cocoa 
butter suppositories when substances dissolve 
significantly m the fat and lower the melting 
temperature It is well known that the frccz- 
mg point of a solution is lower than that of 
the pure sohent and the freezing point de- 

232 Suppotitones 

pression ts proportional to the conccntratioQ 
of the solute The proportionality constant 
IS the molal freezing point depression which 
IS estimated as IS** to 16° C for cocoa 
butler • 

Increasing the concentration of a soluble 
substance m the fat lowers melting tempera* 
turcs of the mixture until the eutectic point 
ts obtained Further addition of the sub- 
stance increases the melting temperature 
from the eutectic point up to the meltmg 
point of the added compound Thus, the ad- 
dition of white wax to the cocoa butter in 
amounts up to 3 per cent will gi\e mixtures 
which have lower melting temperatures than 
the origmal cocoa butter (even after appro- 
pnatc agmg) Addition of white wax beyond 
6 per cent is required to raise the melting 
temperature of the cocoa butter-wax mix- 
ture Even larger proportions of wax will be 
required to make an acceptable suppository 
should other soluble components be present 
m amounts having a significant elTcct on the 
melung temperature 

The addition of a greater number of com- 
ponents may also have the effect of increasing 
the melting range The suppository may have 
a liquid portion held by the crystollme matrix 
at ordinary room temperatures On warrnmg. 
additional components become melted unul 
a significant portion has been melted and the 
solid form no longer exists Thus, the meltmg 
point of the base is most significant when the 
medication is not appreciably dissolved m 
the base but is merely suspended in it Fig- 
ure 82 illustrates the availability of anuno- 
pynne and procaine hydrochloride from 
cocoa butter ut aw iw-vitro test os reported 
by Eckert and Muhlcman 

In detenrunmg these data, the procamc 
hydrochlondc was suspended in the cocoa 
butter as a fine powder It is evident that 

*This value was calculated from the mcltiog 
point determinations reported by Oeschi^ for dilute 
concentrauoas (about DOS molal) of phenol and 
procaine. The value 6* C staled in Amencan 
Pharmacy (5lh ed.) was calculated from the 
determination of 20 per cent Chloral Hydrate 
(about i 2 molal) in cocoa butter The higher cou 
ceniraUon of solute as used in the latter case 
causes departure from the “ideaP solution and it 
has been suggested that mlerpretalioa of these 
lowered melung poinu should be made using the 
concepts of cutecUc formauon by phase diagram 

the procaine was able to transfer to the oil- 
water mtcrfacc after the temperature bad 
reached the melting temperature of the cocoa 
butter The ammopynne was released to the 
water and did not appear to be more than 
sli^tly tcmpcraturcAicpendcnL It may be 
assumed that the aminopynne was dissolved 
m the liquid portion of the suppository base 
and was transferred by diffusion to the oil- 
watcr mtcrfacc 

Fatly Substitutes A number of olcagmous 
substances have been suggested as subsU- 
tutes for cocoa butter Most recently the use 
of lUipe butter, or Borneo tallow, has been 
proposed This vegetable fat, because its 
melting temperature is slightly higher than 
that of cocoa butter, may be used more con- 
veniently The German Pharmacopoeia in 
1959 recognized Adeps Sobdus in its Third 
Supplement to the 6ih Edition * The mono- 
graph bearing this title desenbes neutral fatty 
compounds contaixung triglycerides of satu- 
rated vegetable fatty acids mixed with partial 
glycendcs m various amounts to control vis 
cosity and emulsifying abiii^ of the base (see 
Table 33, p 230) A number of items stmilat 
to Adeps Solidus arc now available in the 
United States and include the Wcccobee 
senes* and the Witcpsol senes t These bases 
arc reviewed by Pcnnaii and Steiger Tnppi 

In general, oleaginous compounds of the 
types described are used in the same way 
as cocoa butter, however, they have an ad- 
vantage m that the formation of unstable 
polymorphic forms with lower melting points 
docs not take place easily They have in- 
creased ability to emulsify water and glyc- 
enn and arc stable to oxidation However, 
Hennig* and others have shown that drugs 
arc absorbed at diUcrcnt rates from these 
bases and from cocoa butter Therefore, this 
IS another mdication of the need for clinical 
companson of results, as opposed to reliance 
on m-vjtro data 

Water-Soluble Suppository Bases 

Glyccnnatcd Gclatm. The general for- 
mula and procedure for mabng Glycermatcd 
Gclatm Suppositoncs arc desenbed m US P 
XVI and may be outlmcd as follows: 

• Drew Chemical Co 

t Riches Kelson, Inc. New York, 17, N V 

Suppository Boses 233 

Table 34 Physical Properties of Selected Polyethylene Glycols 
FOR Suppository Use* 

Series No 

Average Freezing 

Molecular Specu=ic Range 

Weight Gravitv " C, 

Solubility at 20® C 
(Gm per 100 ML ) 

Water Methanol Ethanol 

300 (N F ) 


1 125 

—15 to -8 

completely miscible 

400 (t/-S P ) 


1 125 

4- a 

completely miscible 



1 15 



48 1 

1 540 (WF) 

I 450 

I 15 



4,000 (USP) 


1 204 



35 1 







17 500 




• Abstracted from Carbowax” Polyethylene Glycols, Union Carbide Chemicals Corporation, 1958 
t Mixture of equal parts polyethylene ^ycol 300 and polyethylene glycol 1,540 
t Softening point reported because of the high viscosity of the melt 
§ Data not available 

Water and the medicinal agents 10 Gm 

Glycerin 70 Gm- 

Gelatta 20 Gm. 

The ingredients are mixed m the order in 
which fiiey have been given, taking particu- 
lar care that the medication is dissolved and 
the gelatin added without formation of lumps 
or mcorporation of air So^ation of the gela- 
tin requires heat and time Tice” suggested 
that a salt-wa^ bath be used to increase the 
temperature and^feduce the. tune for the 
gelatin to dissolve If an electric hot plate is 
used, care must be taken so that the high 
temperature docs not cause the mixture to 
bum, especially since the glycero-gelaim mix- 
ture does not conduct heat readily from the 
bottom to the rest of the mixture The mass 
should be well stirred, but with care that air 
bubbles are not entrapped Either Pharmagel 
A or Pharmagel B may be used to make the 
suppositories, accordmg to the compatibili- 
ties of the medication Propylene glycol or 
Polyethylene glycol 400 may be used to re- 
place the glycerin for drugs requiring such 
solvents Sometimes the gclalm content is in- 
creased to as much as 30 per cent to make a 
firmer suppository, especially when it is to be 
used for rectal insertion 

■At Gl ycenna t ed gehtuiJ?ase_is _most ^icn 
H-^ setf for local application of a ntibacterial 
agents to the vagmiJ^ct whe^ e it is m t end^ 
that the solutioiTbc re tain^ for prolonged 
action of thc^djug Th^hygrosco pic te ndency 
of the gljcena mi^es it new^sary lhat_ihc 
suppository be protected from externa l mo is- 

mr6.and, auhe sam e time,jeqmrc5 sufiBcient 
water to be present m the glycennated gela- 
tin suppository to preyenljintati on of th e 
mw^us tissues I t is recommended t hat the 
glycennated .gelatin suppositor y_be mo is- 
teo^ jvilh water, before msertign^O^® 
a wayjh ^mijjal “sting®® caused by the b^gro- 

The polyethylene glycols were developed 
m Germany dunng the 1930’s as the result 
of the need for “ersatz” matenals They were 
patented m the United States and Germany 
m 1938 as water-soluble ointment and sup- 
pository materials* The sobd polyethylene 
glycols have molecular weights above 1,000 
(as shown m Table 34) The viscous solu- 
tions formed when they are used are less 
bkely to leak from the body cavity to which 
they have been applied As is the case with 
glycennated gelatm, water must be com- 
pounded in the suppositoiy or the sup- 
positoiy dipped m water before msertion in 
order to overcome the possibility of irnta- 
Uon caused by water being drawn from the 
tissues to dissolve the base and release the 
medicament. Foimulaiors have suggested the 
use of a coating contaming a local anes- 
thetic, and another suggestion which has 
been made is to include a waxy material such 
as cctyl alcohol The former suggestion adds 
therapeutic complication and the latter sug- 
gestion makes a product that is dissolved 
slowly The problem of imUUon is empha- 
sized m the arguments against the use of ^cse 
bases, whereas the proponents of the use of 

234 Suppositories 

Table 35 Polyethylene Glycol Suppository Bases 

Base No 








Polyethylene glycol 400 


Polyethylene glycol 1 000 



Polyethylene glycol 1,540 





Polyethylene glycol 4 000 





Polyethylene glycol 6,000 









Bases Nos 1 anJ 2 from SperanUio G J , and Hassler, W H J Am Pharm Assoc (Pract ) 14 
26 1953 

Base No 3 from Hassler W H and Cacchillo A F J Am Pharm Assoc (Sci ) 4J 683, 1954 
Bases No 4 through No 7 from Collins A P, Hohman J R., and Zopf. L C Am Prof 
Pharm. 23 231 1957 

the base find that imtation is a minor consc* 
qucncc There is reason to believe that the 
level of iiTitatiOQ will vary with individuals, 
medications, formula modifications and con- 
diiions of use 

Cacchillo and Hassler^ reported that the 
2*hour blood salicylate level after adminis- 
tration of acetylsalicylic acid averaged as 
follows water-soluble suppositoiy, 93 per 
cent of the level after oraJ administration, 
cocoa butler suppository 66 per cent and 
glyccro gelatin suppository, 53 per cent 
Spcrandio and Hassler’* compared the poly- 
ethylene gl)col base with cocoa butter by 
making suppositories of water-soluble bar- 
biturates and determining the onset of action 
and the duration of action in rats The onset 
of barbiturate action was more rapid from 
cocoa butter suppositories and the duration 
of action was longer from polyethylene gly- 
col suppositories 

Some examples of formulas proposed for 
polyethylene glycol bases will be found in 
Table 35 

As these formulas mdicate, considerable vari- 
ation IS possible IQ the proportions of high 
molecular weight and low molecular wei^t 
polyethylene glycols to be used With certain 
drugs It may be possible to use a single solid 
polyethylene glycol 

Difficulties m compounding are usually re- 
duced by mixing several of these bases to 
yield the desired properties An example of 
the difficulties encountered is the formation 
of a gclatmous mass which occurs when aim- 
nophyllmc is melted with polyethylene glycol 
4,000 (Guida) ' Addition of 10 per cent or 
more of the lower molecular weight poly- 

ethylene glycols 400 or 1,500 facilitates for- 
mulation by retarding the gel formation dur- 
ing the melting stage so that the mass may be 
poured mto the suppository mold Addition 
of the low molecular weight polyethylene gly- 
col compounds and water aid m the forma- 
tion of a more plastic mass, however, these 
compounds may lose water unless the more 
hygroscopic glycerin or propylene glycol is 
added A hnn plastic property is desired to 
prevent formation of a crumbly mass A large 
proportion of insoluble medication or use of 
the higher molecular weight polyethylene gly- 
cols (particularly polyethylene glycols 4,000 
and 6,000) may lead to the formation of a 
dry crystallme mass that is easily crumbled 
The “hydrophilic” suppository bases as 
defined m this chapter arc those mixtures of 
the oleaginous and the water-soluble mate- 
nals which make suitable mixtures, which 
emulsify water to make w/o emulsions or 
which disperse themselves m water Ex- 
amples of suigle substances that are mcluded 
m this class arc PoJycuyJ 40 Stcaxalc fMyij 
52*) Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostcarate 
(Tween 61*) and Polyoxyethylene oxy- 
propylcnc stearate (G2i62*) 

Mixtures of cocoa butter with various 
emulsifying agents have been made It is 
relatively easy to add 2 per cent of choles- 
terol or 10 per cent of wool fat to cocoa 
butter, which will allow the incorporation of 
a significant proportion of water (up to 
25%) in the form of a w/o emulsion. It is 
difficult to sec how a true o/w emulsion sys- 
tem may exist m a solid dosage form that 
*AUas CbenuciU ladiutnes, Wilmington Dela- 

Methods of Manufacture 235 

would be suitable for suppository use The 
external continuous phase should be of a 
sohd or semisolid matenal that melts or 

Mixtures of oil emulsifying agents with 
fatty bases must of necessity produce a_lquasi 
emulsion”“to form a solid suppo sitory O n 
contact with the mucous fluids, they are hy - 
drated to form a creamy fluid which spreads 
over the cavity and m time relies the basic 
medicaUon There is insufficient m vivo"data 
available to confirm this, but m vitro release 
data by EckerTand Muhleman^ mdicate that 
water-soluble drugs dispersed in w/o emul- 
sions axe not as readily available as the same 
drugs suspended in anhydrous vehicles 

A great deal of caution is advised in the 
use of surfactants with drugs intended for 
rectal absorption,’ ^ since there are 
many reports of mletactions of these com 
pounds with active drugs Each combmation 
should be considered on its own ments and 
clmical testmg is indicated for assurance of 
therapeutic efficacy 

Tardos er a/ “ have reported increased 
absorption of atropine sulfate, morphme sul- 
fate, pilocarpine hydrochloride and peoia- 
methazol as measured by a pharmacologic 
test when cocoa butter base was modified by 
the addition of Span 60* at 3 per cent or 
Tween 60* at 1 per cent With atropine sul- 
fate it was reported that the addition of mtro- 
glycenn 0 01 per cent or 0 05 per cent fur- 
ther increased the pupillary response Usmg 
suppositories without the surface active 
agent, no increased response was observed 
on the addition of the local vasodilators 


The method of manufacture of supposi- 
tories depends on the number of units to be 
made, the materials to be used and the equip- 
ment at hand In general there may be con- 
sidered to be two methods — the hot or the 
fusion process and the cold process All of 
the suppository bases and many of the added 
medicaments can be processed by melting 
the mixture and pourmg it mto molds The 
cold process may be subdivided further into 

•Alla* Chemical Imiustnes, Wilmingloa Dela 

the hand rolling method and the compression 
method, which differ m the manner in which 
the suppositories are formed 

The hand rolling method is the molding 
o f the si^po^tory with the finprs af^r the 
formatio n of a plastic m ass This method has 
I he advanta ge of requirmg only the mmimum 
of^^ipment— a'mortar and a pestle, a spat- 
tila and a piH tile o^afo inimenrslab Usu - 
all y no more th an ^_or l2~dos es'^re m ade 
at one time by this method and no excess of 
ma tena ls m^is ured, smcei!^ith.good 
technic, tl^ lo ss of m ateria ls will be sli ght 
Th^powdered_jnedicatioiL is mixed in a 
monar, wlh a peslie wnb an equal amount 
of finely grate d cocoa butter In orde^to 
ensum a uniform mass, the rest of the finely 
divfded cocoa butter is added a little at a 
time and the mass is mixed thoroughly after 
each addition The pes tle should be used to 
force the mass against the sides of the mortar 
and cause the lumps of cocoa butter to be- 
come partly liquid Should the mass fail to 
becom^plastic, it may be transferred to a 
mortar warmed by application of hot water 
(about 30* C is the maximum allowable 
temperature for the mass) Suppository mix- 
tur es containin g a large amount of insoluble 
powders (10% or more) may require_thc 
addition pf _a bland vegetable oil (cottonseed 
or peanut od) to the extent of about one 
half the weight of the powders 

The uniform semiplastic mass is taken 
from the mortar and placed onto a sheet of 
lioticss paper towel or filter paper so that it 
can be kneaded by hand Bykecpingthepapcr 
between the mass and the hands, the ^gers 
do not come in contact with the mass which 
IS being kneaded Better results are obtained 
by rapid, continuous kneading than by work- 
mg the mass so slowly that the liquefied por- 
tion of the cocoa butter has a chance to revert 
to the normal solid form 

Once the cohesive plastic mass has formed. 
It can be rolled out on the pdl tile into a urn- 
form cyhnder having the same diameter as 
the suppository to 1^ formed The cylinder 
IS divided into the number of suppositories 
to be made At all tunes, the mass is handled 
with the spatula directly or with a thickness 
of paper between the fingers and the sup- 
pository mass The umt portions of the cylin- 

236 Suppositones 

dcr are shaped quickly mto the desired form 
of the suppository, since the mass quickly 
solidifies and loses its plasticity (Fig 83) 
The conical shape and the pointed cyfiodcr 
are shapes made more easily than the modi- 
fied torpedo shape previously described Uni- 
formity of weight, shape and length may be 
checked visually and by measurement Ap- 
pearance IS important for the sake of the pa- 
tient, who may prejudge the efficacy of the 
medication by the neatness and the uni- 
formity of the medication 

The finished suppositoncs will regam much 
of the firmness observed m the ongmal cocoa 
butter when they arc allowed to stand for a 
penod of hour or so Usually, they are 
not packaged until after such a coolmg period 
m order to prevent the deformations which 
would otherwise occur in wrappmg and plac- 
mg mto a carton 

The compression method requires the for- 
mation of a uniform mixture pnor to plac- 
ing the mass into the chamber for molding 
One should follow the procedure desenbed 
m the previous section for makmg the urn- 
form mixture of medication with cocoa but- 
ter In this method, three or four additional 
suppositories must be made for each lot so 
that excess material is available to expel the 
suppositoncs from the mold 

First, one must find the weight of the base 
for each suppository This is done m the fol- 
lowing manner (assuming cocoa butter as 
the base) 

The cocoa butter is placed in a granulated 
form m the chamber of the machine to which 
the appropriate mold has been attached 
Molds arc available for S-Gm vaginal and 
for t-Gm or 2 Gm. rectal suppositoncs The 
compression chamber is placed m the frame 
and the pressure wheel turned to dose the 

djamber Then crushed ice is placed on the 
chamber and the mold for a few minutes 
After dulling the mass to approximately 
10* C , the pressure wheel is turned to ex- 
trude the base from the chamber mto the 
mold against the end plate After the air is 
expelled from the base, there is a considerable 
mcrcasB m pressure on the wheel At this 
point the pressure wheel is reversed slightly, 
the end plate removed and pressure re applied 
carefully to eject the molded suppository 
The trimmed suppository is weighed to de- 
termine the weight of the cocoa butter needed 
to fill the mold 

The novice is advised to read the operating 
instructions for the compression machme and 
to make a practice lot usmg plain cocoa but- 
ter The temperature of the compressed mass 
IS the cniical factor for case of manufacture 
Under pressure the matenal will fiow mto the 
mold, solidify and contract sufficiently when 
not under pressure to be ejected m solid 
form For plain cocoa butter this tempera- 
ture range is about 5® to 10® C The tem- 
peratum range must be increased for those 
masses containing significant amounts of m- 
soluble powders and reduced when materials 
lowering the meltmg range of Che mass are 

Many of the suppository bases proposed m 
this chapter may be formulated with drugs 
and excipients permitting the use of the com- 
pression method. The mass should have suffi- 
cient plasualy to how mto the mold under 
pressure and to congeal when the pressure 
IS removed so that a solid form may be 
ejected The use of plasticizing agents and 
coDlroJ of the teofpcTature for compressjoa 
make the use of many other matenals 

The fusion method is used with all of the 
suppository bases and may be used for all 
but the most heat sensitive drugs It is the 
method used for making gelatin base sup- 
positoncs and Glyccrm Suppositoncs, US P 
because each of these matenals requires a 
high temperature Also, the suppository for- 
mulas using a polyethylene glycol base quite 
often are prepared by melting all constituents 
together and pourmg the liquefied mass di- 
rectly mto the mold The molds are usually 
at room temperature or lughcr if a slow rate 
of cooling IS required to allow air bubbles to 

Fic 84 The Armstroog Suppository Machine No 3 (formerly knows as the Whitall- 
Tatum Press), showing compression chamber, separate dies, end plate and locking wrench 
(Armstrong Cork Company, Lancaster, Pa.) 

nse to the surface and, thus, aid in formation 
of a more stable form 

In the procedure for cocoa-butter-basc 
suppositories, only enough heat to cause the 
mass to become pourable should be used 

Fio 85 Pounng of Suppositoncs 
(Witepsol, Chcmische Werkc Wilten, 

Insoluble powders may be mixed with grated 
cocoa butter m a mortar with a pestle, or a 
portion of the melted mass may be poured 
as a levigation agent on the powders while 
they are mixed with the spatula on an omt- 
ment slab Once a smooth mixture has been 
made, the mixture of powder and base is 
placed in a beaker to be melted with the 
remamder of the base The mixture is stirred 

Fig 86 Suppository mold having longi- 
tudinal partition. (Witepsol, Chcmische 
Werke Witten, 1961) 

238 Suppositories 

Fjc 87 Suppository mold of transverse 
partition design, closed (Witepsol, Che 
miscbe Werke Witten, 1961) 

to prevent settling of the powders as it is 
poured into the cfiilTcd mofrfs The mofds 
should be overfilled by 3 to 4 mm to allow 
for contraction on cooling One should expect 
the formation of a dimple in the center of 
the molded suppository, as suppository ma- 
terials contract on solidification and, thus, 
allow convenient removal from the molds 

Comparison of Methods of Manufacture. 
Reports have been made from time to tunc 
of variations in absorption of drug caused 
by the use of different procedures Tardos 
et al ■' reported a difference between sup- 
positories made by the compression method 
and those made by fusion for two of the 
bases tested (Myrj 52 with Carbowax) “The 
differences may occur because the drug is not 
solubilized or dissolved m the excipient when 
the suppository is made by mixmg and com- 
pression Gunnar Hopp'“ compared melted 
and compressed suppositories, for those sup- 
positories made by compression he reported 
increased oxidation which he atlnbuled to 
mcraJ from itic mschiac entering the sup- 
pository and acting as a catalyst to oxidative 
changes Many of the suppository bases arc 
subject to such oxidative changes, and, there 
fore, care should be taken particularly to 
avoid iron contamination 


Incorporation of Insoluble Powders. Pow- 
dered material should be reduced until it will 
pass completely through a 120-mcsh sieve 
A microcrystallinc powder is preferred where 
possible In general, the partially melted sup- 
pository base should be used as the leviga- 

Fio 88 Suppository mold of transverse 
partition design, open (Witepsol, Che 
mischc Werke Witten, 1961) 

Uon agent, however, m formulas containing 
more than JO per cent of powder a liquid 
Icvigation agent is added to about one half 
the weight of the powder A vegetable oil is 
preferred for use with the fatty bases and one 
of the liquid components (glycerin, poly- 
ethylene glycol 400 or water) is chosen for 
the water soluble bases 
Castor oil is used to aid the mcomration 
of extracts, particularly when alcohol is used 
to soften the hardened pilular extract Usu- 
ally the alcohol will have evaporated almost 
completely before the softened material is 
finally incorporated, otherwise there will be 
(a) the possibility of irritation, (b) migra- 
tion to the surface of the alcohol soluble con- 
stituents on storage, (c) change in medica- 
ment release because of solvent effect of 
alcohol or nugration of drug 
For the incorporation of large amounts of 
powder into suppositories the same rules 
should be followed m the choice of a Icviga- 
tion agent as arc followed m the preparation 
of ointments An additional requirement is 
that the Icvigation agent be nonirritating to 
the mucous surface of the cavity 

Care should be taken m tlic fusion process 
that the suspended powders continue to be 
dispersed uniformly throughout the supposi- 
tory mass until it has congealed The mass is 
healed until it has just reached a creamy, 
pourable consistency and is stirred while 
being poured When properly handled, con 
gealing takes place relatively quickly, thus 
preventing separation Lehman’’ reported 
that the addition of aluminum stearate to the 
fatty bases aided suspension of the powders 
dunng the criucal phase by mcrcasmg the 
viscosity of the mcltra base 

Special Dispensing and Compounding Procedures for Suppos for es 239 

Fig 89 Suppos tory mold ng using plost c shells {Top lejt) Placing the mat ready for 
molding [Top ng! t) The filled shells ready for mounting on stems {Bottom lejt) The 
molded and capped suppositones {Bottom right) The user removing the suppository from 
Its shell (Chemical and Pharmaceut cal Industry Co Inc ) 

Lubncatiod The suppository mold_^en ceotration of soluble drug is mixed with the 
erally do es not require lubn cati oa if the sur base Thcobroma oil is particularly sensitive, 
face iTclcan and p olished T he mass sh ould because of the low melting poI)Tnorphic 
have sufficient contraction to free the molded forms which arc possible and its high molal 
form on cogliog and time_shoul d be al/oi sed freezing point depression The problem may 
for the complete con traction [ Should diffi-Q be solved without change in the formula by 
culty indicating requirement of XlQbri^l^ requiring that the finished suppository be 
occur the'choice^hbuld’ be made of a light stored at suffic enlly low lefngerator tem 
min eral oIFcoating fo r the watecjsoluble^^ perature to mamtain the solid form until use 
hnseit fnuy hasg <>,jwa^tcr v^icb Mil con^^The use of bceswax or spermaceti in amounts 
deSJe from the atmosphere _as a very thin sufficient to raise the melting temperature is 
film on tKe~cbilled~moIiris' usu^y the be st not without difficulty as the method of treat 
lubricant Aqueous soap solutions, may_bc .jment of the drug theobroma oil-wax mix 
applied as a light film of a very dilute solution *'^turc prior to and dunng congealing will 
Dusting Powders Suppositones properly determine the melung temperature of the fin 
formulated and properly made need no dust ,shed suppository Also there is the possi 
mg powders Should extemporaneously com (jdjty of a change in the mcltmg temperature 
pounded suppositories require a powder it on storage as theobroma oil reverts to a 
is suggested that starch be used and then in lugijej. melting polymorph Example 
a rmnunum amount Excess powder par 
ticularly of a type which is not easily wetted ^ 

may mtciferc with release of the mcdicaiion Hydrate 500 mg 

Lowered MtlUng Temperature A charao- 
tcnstjc lowering of solidification and melting 

temperatures occurs when a significant con In this prcscnption 500 mg of wax per sup 

240 Suppositones 

posilory IS chosen as the means to raise the 
melting temperature and is melted over a 
water bath The chloral hjdratc is added 
without further addition of heat Before con- 
gealing takes place, grated cocoa butter is 
added (1 Gm per suppository) The mass 
IS mixed and warmed carefully to aid ui for- 
mation of a uniform dispersion and then 
poured into molds The suppositories are 
allowed to harden thoroughly m the chilled 
mold and then are trimmed and removed. 
The weight is determined to find if further 
addition of drug or base is required to adjust 
the dose If required, grated cocoa butter or 
drug IS added to the melted drug base and 
then warmed and mixed together uni3 pour- 
able, and recast mto the molds The finished 
suppositoncs should be allowed to remam 
under refrigeration or in a cool place for a 
few days and then should be tested for melt- 
mg at bady temperature 

C7sc of Plastic Afolds. A few years ago 
plastic molds were introduced as a replace- 
ment of the traditional metal molds The 
plastic mold does not have the mechanical 
strength, loses polish more easily so that 
sticking IS more of a problem and does not 
conduct heat as readily as the metal mold 
These disadvantages have been set aside 
partly by the use of thm shells of plastic m 
two pieces that allow molding of the sup- 
pository and dispensing it in the mold which 
senes as its package The patient may cosily 
remove the suppository and discard the shell 
at the time of use Many commercial supposi- 
tory formulas may be conveniently packaged 
in this way with economic efiicicney Its use 
on a small scale will depend on the availabil- 
ity of a smaller molding tray Currently, the 
molding tray holds 288 of the plasuc shells 
(Fig 89) 


1 AUawala, N A, and Rcigelman, S J 
Am. Phann. Assoc, (Sci ) 42 267, 19S4 

2. Bochcnuhl, and Middcndorf, U S PaL 
2,149005, 1937 

3 Bucher, K- Helv physiol phannacoL 
actad 821,1948 

4 Cacchilo, A F , and Hassler, W H J 
Am Pharra AsWe (Set ) 43 683, 1954 

5 Collins, A P , Hohman, J R , and Zopf, 
L. a Am, Prof Pharm 23 231, 1957 

6 Deutsches Amzcibuch VI, 3rd suppi , 

7 Eckert, V , and Muhleman, H Pharm. 
acta helv 33 649, 1958 

8 Guida, A F An In Vitro Method for 
the Study of Theophylline Release from 
Suppository Bases, Thesis Univ Kansas, 

9 Hcnnig W Ueber die Reklale ResorpLon 
von Medicamentcn, Zunch, Juris Verlag, 

10 Hopp G En Sammenlikncnde under- 
sokeke over gninnmasscr og fremsuUings 
metoder for suppositorrer, Oslo, 1961 

11 Kremers, E., and Urdang, G History of 
Pharmacy, ed, 2 Philadelphia, Lippiocott, 

12. Lehman, H Schwea Apoth ZciL 97 555, 

13 Meara. M L. J Cbero Soc 1949, 2154 

14 Oesch, P Ueber die HcrstcUuog und 
PrufuDg von Suppositonen, Zurich, Ernst 
Long 1944 

15 Pennati, L., and Steiger Tnppi, K Phann 
acta helv 33 663,1958 

16 Rcigclman S , and Crowell, W J J Am. 
Pharm Assoc (Sei) 47 115, 123, 127, 


17 Robertson, J S J Phann. Sci SO 21, 

18 Schankcr L. S J Pharmacol Exper 
Thcr 126 283, 1959 

19 Setnikar 1 , and FanteUi, S J Pharm 
Scl5/ 566, 1962 

20 Smith, A Tcchnjc of Medication, Phila 
deJphia, Dppmeott, 1948 

21 ^jcrandio, G J , and Hassler, W H J 
Am. Pharm Assoc. (Pract ) 14 26 1953 

22. Tardos L., Weuman, L. J , and EIlo, 
Pharmazie 74 526 1960 

23 Tardos, L., Elio, Magda, and Jc^bagyi 
Acta Phann. Hung 29 22 1959 

24 Taylor. A B Am / Pharm 24 211. 

25 Ticc, L. F, and Abrams, R. E Am 
Prof Pharm 18 327, 1952 

26 United Stales Pharmacopcu XVI, Mack, 


C/japfer 8 


John J Scjorra, Ph D.* 


Tlie application of the principles of aero 
sols or pressurized packaging to medicinal 
and pharmaceutical products is of relatively 
recent occurrence X^ile it is true that sev- 
eral spray-on antiseptics, burn preparations 
and local anesthetics were available during 
the early years of the aerosol industry, it is 
only during the past 5 or 10 )ears that sen 
ous mterest has been given to die formulation 
of suitable phannaceutical and medicinal 
aerosols In 1962, over 31 million units of 
medicmal and pharmaceutical aerosol prod 
ucts were produced in the United States This 
represented an mcrease of 72 2 per cent from 
the 1961 figure (over 18 million), an m- 
crease of 181 per cent from 1960 figure (over 
1 1 million) and a 300 0 per cent mcrease 
from the 1959 figure (over 10 million) When 
It IS noted that less than 1 mdhon units of 
these products were produced m 1952, the 
newness of the development and the in- 
creased mterest m this area is quickly ascer- 
tained. Figure 90 traces the growth of me- 
dicmal and pharmaceutical aerosols m the 
Umted States from 1953 to 1962 

Pressurized containers for pharmaceutical 
products actually were used for many years 
on a small scale and for special purposes 
Many will recall the physicians’ use of ethyl 
chlonde for mmor surgery-® This product 
consisted of eth}l chlonde (acting as boih 
propellant and active ingredient) packaged 
in a glass ampul fitted with a valve When 
the ethyl chlonde ampul was held m the 
warmth of the hands, Ae vapor pressure of 

* Professor of PbannaceuUcal Cheimsuy, St. 
Johns University College of Pharmacy 

the ethyl chlonde increased After the valve 
was opened, the liquid ethyl chlonde escaped 
Since the boilmg pomt of ethyl chlonde is 
12 3® C, It re\erted quickly to the vapor 
state This caused a freezmg of the skm and 
tissues with resultant local anesthetic effect 
A host of aerosol products have evolved 
which are of interest to the pharmacist from 
both a commercial and a scientific viewpomt 
Ever smee the first aerosol products were 
developed, the community pharmacy has 
been a major outlet for their distribution 
These products include insecticides, hair lac- 
quen, room deodorants, shave creams, per- 
fumes and colognes, as well as some of the 
more specific pharmaceutical and medicmal 
aerosols such as the bum preparations, the 
local anesthetics, the steroids, the first aid 
products, the antiasthmatic and migrame 
preparations, the dental creams, etc which 
are part of the daily annamentanum of the 
professional pharmacist The products have 
been formulated utihzmg different aerosol 
systems— each s)stem designed to serve a 
specific puqx>sc This newer method for the 
(hspensing of medicmal and pharmaceutical 
pn^ucts has many advantages over the more 
conventional methods and, m some instances, 
has made popular products that cannot be 
dispensed or applied efficiently by any other 
method — for example, hair lacquer 

From a scientific viewpomt, aerosols are 
important to the professional pharmacist 
smee they have become another dosage form 
Smcc aerosols have invaded the domain of 
the pharmaceutical field and arc sold to such 
a large extent by the pharmacist both over- 
the-counter and on prcscriptiou, it is the re- 
sponsibility of the professional pharmacist 


242 Aerosols 

Fig 90 Growth of aerosol drugs and 

to equip himself with as much knowledge as 
possible m regard to aerosol products “ In 
this way he can render another professional 
service to both patient and physiaan. A 
knowledge of aerosol formulation and com* 
ponents IS essential in order to discuss these 

products inteUigently As the technology in- 
creases m this field the pharmacist may well 
find himself compoundmg a number of 
aerosol presenpuons extemporaneously 


The term aerosol is defined as a system 
consisting of a suspension of fine solid or 
liquid particles m air or gas As such, smoke, 
fog. dust or moisture suspended m the atmos- 
phere, etc , can be classified as aerosols 
While this IS generally accepted as the classi- 
cal definition of the term, a more recent defi- 
nition includes as aerosols those products 
which depend on the power of a liquefied or 
a compressed gas to expel the contents from 
the container This is slightly different from 
the definition advanced by the Chemical 
Specialties Manufacturers Association which 
includes only those products utilizing a 
liquefied gas propellant ^ Terms such as 
“pressure pack,” “pressurized packaging,” 
‘pressurized product” etc arc also used to 
desenbe this type of product It is m the 
light of the newer definiuon that the term 
aerosol is used m this chapter 

Ongmally, the term aerosol referred to 
liquid or solid particles of a specific size 
range, but this concept is falling into disuse 
However, one current system for the classi- 
fication of aerosol products is based on par- 
ticle size for example, space sprays dispense 
the active ingredients as a finely divided spray 
with the particles no larger than 50 microns 
m diameter, while those sprajs having par- 
ticles considerably larger are classified as 
surface coaling sprays The latter generally 
produce a wet or a coarse spray and are used 
to coat a surface with a residud film Finally, 
the aerated foam system completes this 
classification of aerosol products This sys- 
tem IS used when a foam, such as is found m 
shaving creams, rather than a spray, is de- 
sired The charactenstics of the foam depend 
on the nature of the formulation and will be 
described in greater detail m a later portion 
of this chapter 

All of Uie existing aerosol products can 
be encompassed within the above classifica- 
tion Medicinal and pharmaceutical aerosols 
arc included m the general definitions How- 

History 243 

ever, the pnociples and the considerations 
involved m the formulation of aerosol prod- 
ucts used for a therapeutic response are quite 
different from those reeardmg other aerosols 
and, in addition, differences exist between 
those aerosols mtended for internal adminis- 
tration and those for topical admmistration 
Therefore, it is advantageous from the view- 
point of discussion as well as formulation to 
disUnguish between these types of aerosol 

hlcdicmal aerosols may be defined as those 
aerosol products contaimng therapeutically 
aaive ingredients dissolved or suspended in 
a propellant or a mixture of a solvent and 
a propellant and intended for administration 
as fine solid particles or liquid tmsts via the 
respiratory system or the nasal passages 
They are mtended for local acuon in the 
nasal areas, the throat and the lungs as well 
as for prompt systemic effect when ab- 
sorbed from ^e lungs into the bloodstream 
(inhalation or aerosol therapy) The particle 
size must be considerably below 50 miaons 
and, m most instances, should be between 
0 5 and 1 0 microns for maximum therapeutic 

Pharmaceutical aerosols may be defined 
as aerosol products contammg therapeutically 
acuve ingredients dissolved, suspended or 
emulsified m a propellant or a mixture of 
solvent and propellant and mtended for 
topical admmistration or for administration 
mto one of the body caviUcs such as the ear, 
the rectum and the vagina Ophthalmic prep- 
arations may also be included m this dcGni 
tion when they are developed 

In this chapter, pharmaccuucal and me- 
dicinal aerosols will be discussed in the light 
of the precedmg definitions, but several other 
definitions have been advanced Kanig®^ de- 
fines both medicmal and pharmaceutical 
aerosols as ' those which are admiiustcred 
mtcmally or externally and which have a 
therapeutic effect in the cure or alleviation 
of any human or animal disease or condi- 
tion ” 


Aerosol products were first mtroduced in 
the United States about 1942** when the 
well Lnown aerosol insecticide was developed 

as a result of the mvestigations of Goodhue-* 
and Sullivan"* of the United States Depart- 
ment of Agriculture The msecticidal aerosols 
produced a fine spray, and particles of m- 
secticide remamed suspended m air for a 
relatively long penod of time, makmg them 
extreo^ly effective agamst insects and house- 
hold pests These preparations were used by 
members of the Armed Forces throughout 
the world, especially m malaria infested 
jungles and swamps, and them effectiveness 
has been well established They were gen- 
erally m high pressure cjlmders, since the 
propellant available at the time was dichloro- 
difluoromethane which has a vapor pressure 
of 70 pounds per square mch gauge (psig) 
at 70" F • Interstate Commerce Commission 
regulations necessitated a heavy, bulky steel 
contamcr for the shipment of ^csc products 
m interstate commerce Figure 91 illustrates 
a typical product of this kmd Followmg 
World War II, newer propellants, valves and 
coolamcrs were developed so that a spray 
possessmg the proper particle size could be 
produced using a pressure of 35 to 40 psig 
In 1947, an amendment to the Interstate 

*The term psig represents the uncorrected gauge 
pressure and is to be distinguished from psia which 
represents pounds per square inch absolute — that is, 
corrected to include atmospbenc pressure (14 7 

Flo 91 Original aerosol “bug 
temb ** 

244 Aerosols 

Commerce Comnmsion regulations per- 
mitted pressures of 40 psig at 70° F in ihin- 
wallcd contamers The lo'Acr pressure made 
possible the use of a ‘ beer-can” t)pe of con- 
tainer (Fig 92) which could be mass-pro- 
duced at a considerably loucr pnee ^an 
the heavy-walled contamers 

Alummum and stainless steel containers 
were developed for use with medicmal and 
pharmaceutical products as well as for sev- 
eral perfumes and colognes ** The develop- 
ment of the low-pressure and the ultra low- 
pressure ( I S 25 psig) aerosols made possible 
the use of glass and plastic-coated glass con- 
tainers Plastic contamers have been de- 
veloped and arc findmg use for certain per- 
fume and cologne aerosols 
With the development of the standard 1- 
inch openmg for tm plate contamers, vanous 
%'ahes were designed to dispense the product 
m many different ways, such as a fine stream, 
a fine mist a coarse spray, a foam etc An 
important milcstoae-^sscnual for medicinal 

Fio 92 Beer can" type aerosol 
container (Coniincntal Can Com 

aerosols — was the development of a metered- 
valvc FoUowmg this, many other metered 
valves were developed utilmng different prin- 
ciples so that today metered valves are com- 
mercially available for dispensmg quantities 
of concentrate from as low as SO mg to as 
much as 1 ounce 

While the work of Goodhue and Sullivan 
formed the basts for the modern-day aerosol, 
the dispensing of products from a pressurized 
container antedates many of the current 
aerosol products In fact, the first commercial 
aerosols were pharmaceutical propnetanes ** 
The vainous products covered by Gebaucr 
m his basic patents were pressurized prod- 
ucts “ Ethyl chloride, tannic acid and 
surgical soap were marketed in this manner 
Several of these products are shown m Figure 
93 Several antiseptic solutions were de- 
veloped utilizmg carbon dioxide as the pro- 
pellant*® The atomizer has been on the 
medical scene for about one hundred years 
and represents an early development for the 
administration of substances in aerosol 
form ®* In fact, the atomizer was used to a 
great extent to aerosolize hair lacquers pnor 
to the use of liquefied gases for this pur^se 
While many of these atomizers and similar 
devices were cumbersome and bulky to use, 
they were the only devices available for this 
purpose Chapter 2 indicates the use of 
atomizers, nebulizers, vaporizers etc 

While the method of inhalation or aerosol 
thempy IS not new, formulation and develop- 
ment of a convenient, effective self spraying 
unit IS the result of recent endeavors The 
ancients recorded the efficacy of the vapors 
from bummg leaves and herbs, within the 
past 30 )cars, the smoke from burning 
stramonium leaves has been used m the 
treatment of asthma The burning of sulfur 
candles to disinfect the air and the spraymg 
of operating rooms with germicidal materials 
arc well known and effective means for 
fumigation and sterilization A patient par- 
taking of the beneficial effects of salt air at 
a beach may be ulilizmg aerosol therapy un- 
knowingly when the mmute salt particles m 
the air produced by the atomization forces of 
the breakers are mhalcd 

The first medicmal aerosol product ap- 
peared m the Umted States m 1955 This 

Pharmaceutical and Med cinal Aerosols 


product — ^Medi Haler Epi (Riker Labora 
tones) — was intended for local action in 
the lungs and was effective in relieving the 
symptoms of asthmatic attacks Following 
this other products were developed for use 
as antiasthmatics treatment of the symptoms 
of angina pectons nasal vasoconstnctois and 
treatment of migraine headaches 

Pharmaceutical aerosols were first de 
veloped m the early 1950 s and mcluded 
local anesthetics antiseptics spray-on band 
ages topical creams and ointments bum 
preparations and toward the end of the 
1950 s several vitamm preparations 


Before considcnng other aspects of phar 
maceutical and medicmal aerosols an ex 
ammation of the advantages of aerosol 
products may be desirable 

General Advantages 

1 The product is more convenient to 
use since the package is a compact unit and 
the product can be appbed or admmistered 
easily and quickly 

2 Smee the medication is sealed m a 
pressurized container there is no danger of 
contammation of the product with foreign 
materials and at the same tune the con 
tents can be protected from the deletenous 
effects of both air and moisture 

3 If the product is packaged under 
sterile conditions sterility is maintained 
throughtout the life of the product 

4 Through use of metered valves accu 
rate dosage can be obtamed 

Advantages of Pharmaceutical Aerosol 

1 The irritation produced by the me 
chanical application of a medicmal over an 
abraded area of the skm is reduced and 
sometimes elimmated by a spray-on aerosol 

2 Fmely powdered drugs such as anti 
biotics can be convemenUy administered 
from this type of container 

3 There is no danger of contammauon of 
the unused portion of the aerosol medica 
ment from an infected wound as is possible 
with conventional packages 

4 Smee the medicinal is applied directly 
from the container to the affected area of the 

Fig 93 Early pressurized products 

skin there is no waste or messiness such as 
accompanies the use of an applicator or a 
cotton swab 

5 Liquefied gas aerosols dry rapidly due 
to the cooling effect of the vaponzation of the 
propellant, which may be desirable m certam 

6 The medication can be applied m an 
extremely ihm layer duectly over the affected 
area resulung m faster absorption and more 
efficient utilization of a given amount of 

Advantages of Medicinal Aerosols (In* 
halation Therapy ) 

1 Some medicmals formerly given as an 
injection can be admmistered by inhalation 
thereby makmg possible self medication at 
home by the patient m place of admmistra 
tion by medically tramed personnel m the 
office or hospital 

2 The dangers of givmg medicmals by 
injection (trauma embolism stenic ab- 
scesses etc ) are avoided smee inhalation 
therapy will often replace an mjectable 

3 The use of medicmals by inhalation 
docs away with the necessity for elaborate 
sterile preparations requued for parenteral 

4 Response to drugs administered by m 
halation is prompt foster m onset of activity 
as compared with response to drugs given 
orally and with most drugs approaches m 
travenous therapy m rapidity of action 

246 Aerosols 


Fig 94 Cross scciion of typical space or 
surface spray 

5 Since ihc drugs arc absorbed directly 
into the blood stream via the lungs there 
IS no decomposition or loss of drug in the 
gastromlcstmal tract such as occurs when the 
drug IS admmistcrcd oraffy 


Aerosol systems may be classified as fo) 

1 Liquefied gas systems 

A Two-phase system 
a Space spray 
b Surfaee spray 

c Dispersion or suspension sys 

B Three phase system 
a Two-layer 
b Foam system 

2 Compressed gas systems 
A Solid stream dispensmg 
a Insoluble inert gases 
B Foam dispensmg 
a Soluble mert gases 
C Spray dispensing 
a Soluble inert gases 
b Insoluble inert gases 

Liquefied Gas Systems 
When an aerosol preparation stands at 
room temperature m a closed contamer, some 
of the propellant will change from a liquid to 
a gas and fill the empty space m the con 
tamer An equilibrium is soon reached be- 
tween the number of molecules gomg from 
liquid to vapor and from vapor to liquid 
Equilibrium is established when the pressure 
wiihm the container becomes equal to the 
vapor pressure of the propellant This vapor 
pressure is exerted equally m all directions 
and is independent of the quantity present 
When the valve of the contamer is opened, 
the pressure forces some of the liquid up the 
dip tube and through the valve When the 
liquid material comes into contact with the 
warm air at aimosphenc pressure, the pro- 
pellant portion of the formulation instantly 
changes to a gas and, m so doing, dispenses 
the active ingredients as a fine spray The 
volume of head space wjihm the container is 
mcrcoscd as the product is discharged This 
causes a temporary drop in presstre as a 
result of the expansion of the gas m the 
vapor phase Some of the hquid propellant 
now changes to the vapor phase, thus, 
quickly rcstonng equilibrium and original 
pressure (This is a significant difference 
from compressed gas aerosols ) 

Two-Phase System. Space sprays and sur- 
face sprays function as indicated m the pre- 
ceding paragraph Tlic two types of spray 
differ m regard to pressure within the eon- 
tamer the space spray has a pressure of 
to to 40 psig, producing a fine mist so that 
the particles remain suspended in air for at 
least 40 to 60 minutes, the surface spray is 
slightly lower in pressure and is used to coat 
a surface with active mgrcdicnts rather than 
suspendmg particles m air Residual insecti- 
cides, moihproofcrs, paints and pamt re- 
movers make up some of the surface sprays 
Figure 94 shows a typical two phase system 

Mode of Operation of Aerosols 247 

applicable for use as cither a space or a sur- 
face spray 

The two phase system is also used for 
both medianal and pharmaceutical aerosols 
The active ingredients are dissolved m the 
propellant or a mixture of propellant and 
solvent ^Vhea the valve of the aerosol is 
depressed, active mgredicnts and propellant, 
or propellant and solvent are released Pro- 
pellant and solvent vaporize quickly, leavuig 
behmd the finely subdivided active ingredi- 
ents This system has been used to great 
advantage for both medicmal and pharma- 
ceutical aerosols However, several problems 
m formulation become immediately apparent 
For the most part, the therapeutically active 
ingredients are not directly soluble m the 
propellants and must be (^solved through 
use of a suitable cosolvent The solvents avad- 
able for this purpose are lumted to those 
sbowmg very little, if any, imtation and 
toxicity when used topically or by inhala- 
tion Lack of adequate data on toxicity for 
many solvents further complicates the formu- 
lation of such products Ethyl alcohol, 
mmeral oil, glycerin, propylene ^)col, poly- 
ethylene and polypropylene glycol, acetone 
and ethyl acetate are a few of the solvents 
that have been used When one considen 
soUents for inhalation, the list is considerably 

Dispersion or Suspension System In- 
soluble materials can be suspended m a 
liquefied gas propellant through the use of 
suitable dispcrsmg agents Several aerosols 
contaming insoluble matenals have been de- 
veloped and consist pnmanly of talcum, dis- 
persmg agents such as isopropyl mynstate, 
and propellant Pamt aerosols are included 
m this category Anubiotic and steroid 
aerosols are further examples of this type 
In several medicinal aerosols containing 
epmephnne and ergotamme the therapeu- 
tically active ingredients are suspended m the 
propellant In use, the propellant evaporates, 
leaving behind the finely dispersed active in- 
gredients This system is a useful method 
for the application of antibioucs and other 
medicinal agents 

Three-Phase System. This system is ebar- 
actenzed by the presence of a greater quan- 
tity of water than is found in a two-phase 
system Since water is not miscible with the 

propellants that are generally used, separa- 
tion will occur unless an emulsion is formed 
Dependmg on the type of formulauon de- 
sired, one of the two following systems may 
be employed 

Two Layer System The active ingre- 
dients are dissolved m water or an aqueous 
base, and, when propellant is added, two 
immiscible layers are formed Depending on 
the density of the propellant, the propellant 
cither will float on top of the aqueous solu- 
tion or wU fall to the bottom of the con- 
tainer The propellant is one phase, the 
second phase consists of the aqueous solu- 
tion, finally, some of the propellant vaporizes 
and fills the head space to make up the third 
phase The propellant vaponzes due to the 
decrease m pressure as the contents of this 
three-phase aerosol dimmish, and the gas 
passes through the aqueous solution (if the 
propellant is the heavier layer) and restores 

248 Aeroiols 

Fw 96 Foam typo aerosol Fic 97 Cempreased gas aerosol 

the pressure m the head space Ooly a small 
quantity of propellant is used in aerosols of 
this type, and only aqueous solution is dis- 
peosca The absence of propellant from the 
dispensed solution necessitates the use of a 
specially designed nozzle to produce the 
proper spray Figure 95 shows such an 

Sc^cral products utilize a hydrocarbon 
such as isobutanc or propane as the pro- 
pellant The hydrocarbons ore used in the 
same way as arc the fluorocarbons for this 
purpose, except that the hydrocarbon is 
lighter than water and floats on top of the 
aqueous layer Several household cleaners 
and mothproofers are examples of three- 
phase aerosols 

This system has not been utilized to date 
for pharmaceutical and medicinal aerosols 
It should be useful for the dispcnsmg of 
various antiseptic solutions Through use of 
a suitable actuator and baffle (similar to a 
ncbuhzcr) the desired type of spray may be 

Foam SysTE^t Foam aerosols operate on 
essentially the same prmcipic as the two- 
phase system except that the propellant is 
partially emulsified with the active ingre- 
dients \Vhen the valve is depressed, the 
emulsion is forced through the nozzle and, 
m the presence of warm air and at atmos- 
pheric pressure, the entrapped propellant 
changes to a gas and whips the emulsion into 
a foam Foam products operate at about 35 
to 40 psig at 70® F and contain about 6 to 
10 per cent of propellant as compared with 
about 80 to 90 per cent of propellant for 
spray products Figure 96 shows a foam 
type aerosol When the container is supplied 
with a dip lube (as shown in Fig 96), the 
ojalamcc is held upnght during use Some 
products do not contain a dip tube, and, 
therefore, the directions specify that the con- 
tainer be inverted pnor to use It is important 
that the directions be followed, otherwise, 
the propellant may escape without dispensing 
the active ingrcicnts Another important 
consideration is that these products must be 

Mode of Operohon of Aerosols 249 

Table 36 Petrolatum as a Compressed Gas Aerosol* 

CoMPosiTiov OF Base 


Petrolatum Petrolatum 

% w/w % w/w 







Limpid oily liquid 




Limpid ody liquid 




Limpid oily liquid 




Viscous ody liquid 




Viscous ody liquid 




JellyliLe semisolid 




JeUyliLe scmisolid 




Jellylike semisolid 




Viscous semisolid 




Viscous semisolid 




Viscous semisolid 


• Nitrogen at 90 psig 

A — Too limpid, does not adhere to skin surface 

B -x Flowed evenly, may be a little too funpid. docs not adhere to skjo surface 
C — - Produced a pr^uct having most of the desired cbaractenstics 
D — Could be dispensed, may be too viscous. 

B— Could be dispensed, too viscous to be spread over sbn surface 
P ~ Could not be dispensed 

From Sciarra, J J , Turney. P J , and Fecly, W J The formulation of topical pharmaceuticals m 
aerosol packages. Drug Standards 2S 20. 1960 

shaken before use As these are eraulsioo 
t)pe products, there is a certain amount of 
separation of active ingredients and pro- 
pellant so that shaking is required to pro- 
duce a homogeneous mixture This is another 
significant difference from most of the com- 
pressed gas aerosols which specify that the 
container is not to be shaken and is to be 
held upnght during use Shave creams and 
shampoos are examples of foam type aero- 
sols While It IS highly unlikely that this sys- 
tem will be useful for medicinal aerosols, it 
has been used for the formulation of pharma- 
ceutical aerosols The product is dispensed 
as a foam which can then be applied to the 
affected area In this manner the medicinal 
agent can be applied either to a limited area 
or to a larger area with very little, if any, 
imtauon due to application of the medicinal 
A recent advance in this area is the develop- 
ment of the “quick-breaking” foam The 
product IS dispensed as a foam, but, m con- 
tact with skin areas, the foam quickly col- 
lapses, Icavmg only the solution of medicinal 
agent This makes possible the apphcation of 
mcdicmals to wounded or abraded areas 
without the necessity of tubbing to disperse 

the medicinal This is highly desirable when 
applying raedicinals to such areas 

Compressed Gas Aerosols 
Depending on the nature of the formula- 
tion and the type of valve used, a compressed 
gas can be used to dispense the product as a 
solid stream, a fine mist or a foam 

In aerosol products of this type an inert 
gas such as mtrogen, carbon dioxide, nitrous 
oxide etc is used as the propellant (Fig 97 ) 
As the name indicates, the gas is compressed 
in the container, and it is the expansion of 
the compressed gas which provides the push 
or the force necessary to expel the contents 
from the container This is essentially the 
same pnnciple as the liquefied gas aerosol 
except that there is little or no reservoir of 
gas, so that as the contents of the container 
arc expelled the volume of the gas will in- 
crease causing a drop m pressure according 
to Boyle’s Law. 

P = k“ where p = pressure, V = volume of gas 

Solid Stream Dlspcnsiag. Nitrogen is used 
as the propellant for this type of product 

2i0 Aerosols 

Table 37 Polyethylene Glycol as a Compressed Gas Aerosol* 

Composition op Base 

PEG 4 000 PEG 400 

^0 W/W % W/W 







Limpid liquid 




Viscous liquid 




Very viscous liquid 




Jellylike semisolid 




Viscous semisolid 




Very viscous semisolid 




Very viscous semisolid 


* Nilrogcn at 90 psig 

A — TooUmpid does sot adhere la sLin surface 
C — Produced a product having most of the desired charactcnslics. 

D — Could be dispensed, may be too viscous 
F — Could not be dispensed 

From Sciama J J , Tinney, F 1 . and Feely, W J Drug Standards 2S 20 

Nitrogen is essentially insoluble m the mix- 
ture of active ingredients so that only the 
concentrate is dispensed and none of the 
gas This makes possible the dispensing of a 
product m its onginal form and is suitra for 

Fio 98 Sclf- 
agilaling aerosol 
product (Con- 
tinental Enter- 
prises, Inc.) 

the (lispcnsmg of tooth pastes, hair dressings, 
ointments and creams, cosmetic creams, 
cough syrups, vitamins, foods, and other 

E roducls It IS because of the lack of solu< 
ility and the fact that the product is to be 
dispensed as a stream and not as a spray that 
one is cautioned not to shake a compressed 
gas aerosol containing nitrogen prior to use 
The cooccDtraie is generally scmtsolid m 
nature and the dispensing characteristics arc 
largely dependent on the viscosity of the 
product and the pressure within the eon- 
tamer ** Since there is no liquefied gas pres- 
ent, compressed gas aerosols operate at a 
substantially higher initial pressure of 90 to 
100 psig at 70® F nils higher initial pres- 
sure IS necessary to ensure adequate pressure 
for tile d/speasing of most of foe conieets 
from the container The amount of product 
rctamed m the unit after exhaustion of the 
pressure vanes with the viscosity of the 
product and loss of pressure due to seepage 
of gas during storage 

Some dental creams and hair preparations 
utilize this aerosol system 

In order to detemune the dispensing char- 
acteristics of several commonly used oint- 
ment bases IS hen formulated as a compressed 
gas aerosol, Sciarra, Tinney and Feely'* used 
a petrolatum base and a polyethylene glycol 
base These were packed into aerosol con- 
tainers utilizing nitrogen as the propellant. 
Tables 36 and 37 show the results of their 

Several problems arise during the formula- 

Mode of Operation of Aerosols 251 

tion of compressed gas aerosols because all 
of the product cannot be dispensed from the 
container, and, in the case of extremely vis- 
cous materials, the product does not Sow 
rcathly, resulting in cavitation and subse- 
quent loss of gaseous propellant. This has 
been partially overcome through use of a 
piston type container in which the gas pushes 
against a piston which, in turn, exerts a pres- 
sure against the product.^ This ensures a 
more uniform dispensing of the product and 
is applicable to semisolid pharmaceutical 
preparations. Other similar devdccs make use 
of a thin plastic or polyethylene bag to hold 
the concentrate product.*® 

Foam Dispensing. This system is s imil ar to 
the liquefied-gas foam system except that 
nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide arc used 
as the propellants. Recently, a mixture of a 
liquefi^ gas (octafluorocyclobutane) and 
nitrous oxide has been introduced for use in 
whipped creams and toppings. These gases 
are soluble in the product concentrate (which 
is generally an emulsified product) and, 
when the aerosol is dispensed, some of the 
soluble compressed gas is emitted with the 
concentrate. This will cause a w'hipping of 
the cream. In this type, shaking of the con- 
tainer prior to use Is desired in order to mix 
some of the gas with the active ingredients. 

Fio. 99. Addition of propellant by the cold Ming process. 



Spray Dtspcnsmg This system is similar 
to a tuo-phasc s)stcm except for the pro* 
pcllant A compressed gas such as nitrogen, 
carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide is used Smee 
the compressed gases do not possess the dis- 
persing po\^er of the liquefied gases, a me- 
chanical breakup actuator is used and a ixct 
spray can be produced Nitrogen is used to 
(hspense an aqueous solution of an lodme 
complex, nitrous oxide has been used to dis 
pense a barbecue sauce, while carbon dioxide 
IS used to dispense a de icer spray Webster** 
has investigated the use of some of the solu 
blc compressed gases as propellants for 

products requiring a fine spray The major 
advantage of this type of system is that the 
propellant has greater compatibility with 
aqueous liquids 

A recently developed compressed gas 
aerosol system is unique in that it makes use 
of three variables, namely the viscosity of 
the product, the orifice of the valve and the 
pressure within the container, to dispense the 
product as a fast moving jet ’ stream which 
becomes self agitating if it is directed uito 
milk or water*® In this process, a soluble 
compressed gas is used to dispense the prod 
net as an aerated foam mto a hquid diluent 

Monufacture of Aerosol Products 


As the foam comes mto contact Vrith the 
dQuent, the gases trapped withm the foam 
expand, resultmg in a complete mixture of 
the concentrate with the diluent Whde die 
soluble compressed gases have greater dis- 
persmg power, mtrogen also can be used 
advantageously The pnnciple has been ap- 
plied to several flavored syrups (chocolate, 
strawberry etc ) with success At the present 
time, the system is used pnncipally m the 
dispensing of food and beverage concen- 
trates,®^ but It may be used for dispcnsmg 
many pharmaceutical syrups, elixirs and 
other liquid products Figure 9S shows the 
dispensmg of such a product 


A propellant compound can be hquefied 
either by lowering the temperature below its 
boiling pomt or by an increase m pressure 

When the propellant is kept below its boDing 
pomt or at a pressure above its vapor pres- 
sure, the propellant will be m the hqmd 
state This is essentially the basis for the two 
methods used to fill liquefied gas aerosol 

Laboratory Procedures 
Cold Process. In the cold process, the 
active mgredients are chilled and weighed 
into an open contamer Then the cold pro- 
pellant IS metered mto the contamer and 
the container is sealed by cnmping the valve 
m place This unit is then heated m a water 
ba^ to 130° F to test for leaks and to test 
the strength of the contamer Figure 99 shows 
the addition of the propellant component to 
the concentrate and Hgure 100 illustrates 
the cnmpmg of the valve onto the aerosol 
contamer A schematic diagram of the cold 
fillmg apparatus is shown m Figure 101 
This method is fast but is not generally 

CAUTION: Outlet valve on cylinder and valve on niins line should never both be closed at the same time, 
thereby Uapp ng Uqu d wh ch may expand and rupture I ne- One or both valves should always be open. 

NOTE Aerosol canUmtr to be TI ed u cooled before fa ng by Hnmerxng n Finely ground «ol d urbon dioude. 

Fig 101 Laboratoiy cold fillmg of aerosob (E. I duPoot dc Nemours and Co , loc ) 

254 Aerosols 

suited for aqueous and emulsion t)’pc prod cnmpcd into place the trapped air is cvacu 
ucts since the concentrate will freeze and ated from the cootamer via a vacuum pump 
solidify at these low temperatures ( — 40“ or evacuated at the same time that the valve 
F ) IS inserted through use of a combmauon 

Pressure Process This process can be used crimper and vacuumizing unit The propellant 
for aerosol products of all types The con is added through the valve utilizing the vapor 
centrate is prepared in the usual manner and pressure of the propellant to force it through 
placed into the aerosol contamcr at room the valve This is shown m Figure 103, a 
temperature (Fig 102) After the valve is dtngram of the apparatus is given m Figure 

Fio 102 Add I on of product to aerosol container (Allied Chemical Corp 
General Chemical Div } 

Manufacture of Aerosol Products 255 

104 Since a relatively large amount of 
propellant must be forced through a small 
valve openmg, newer techniques utilize the 
pressure of nitrogen or another compressed 
gas on the propellant to force the propellant 
through the valve openings In this way 
speeds comparable with that of the cold filling 
process are attained 

The differences between these two methods 
have been summarized by Herzka and Pick- 

soluble compressed gases, the contents must 
be shaken during the gassing operation, 
either mechanically or by hand, to ensure 
adequate solution of the gas m the concen- 

Large-Scale Production of 
Aerosol Products 

Since aerosol technics are quite different 
from the usual pharmaceutical procedures, it 
may be advantageous to discuss the procc- 

Cold Process 

1 Not suitable for small to medium produc 
tion runs at moderate speeds 

2 Propellant losses are likely to occur 

3 Unsuitable for inflammable propellants 

4 The moisture content of the pack is likely 
to increase during filling 

5 Heat has first of all to be removed from 
the product and the propellant and then re- 
placed in order to bring the temperature of the 
pack to 130* F 

6 The product must have reasonable vis- 
cosities at low temperature and must be un- 
affected by refngerauon Therefore, tt is unsuit- 
able for water based products 

Pressure Process 

1 Suitable for small to medium production 
runs at moderate speed 

2 Propellant losses are insignificant 

3 Suitable for inflammable propellants 

4 Filling IS completely anhydrous 

5 No heat has to be removed initially and 
less heat is therefore needed to bring the tem- 
perature of the pack to 130* F 

6 Suitable for water based products 

Herzka, A , and Pickthall, I Pressurized Packaging (Aerosols) ed. 2 p 115 New York Acad Press 

In the pressure process, provision must 
be made to evacuate or remove all of (he air 
from the contamer, otherwise the air trapped 
within the contamer will increase the final 
pressure According to Dalton’s Law of 
Partial Pressures, the total pressure, P will 
be equal to the sum of the pressure due to air, 
pi, and the vapor pressure of the propellant, 

P = Pl + P2 

Smee the propellant is added prior to seal- 
mg the valve m the cold process, the air is 
expelled by the partial vaporization of the 
propellant Both of these methods are used 
satisfactorily m the laboratoiy and m produc- 
tion for the fillmg of all types of aerosol 
products The method of fillmg the com- 
pressed gas products is similar to the pres- 
sure process, and the gas is added through 
the valve through use of a specially design^ 
nozzle and a reduemg gauge set to the de- 
sired pressure as shown m Figure 105. For 

dures mvolved m the large-scale production 
of aerosol products bnefly, with special em- 
phasis on medicmal and pharmaceutical 

The filling of aerosol products is accom- 
plished through the use of specialized equip- 
ment An aerosol filling plant combines the 
standard manufactunng and fillmg equip- 
ment found m most pharmaceutical plants 
with the specialized equipment necessary to 
pressurize aerosol products, and facihties de- 
voted exclusively to the filling of all types of 
aerosol products are available 

A manufacturer who wishes to market an 
aerosol product can do so m one of two ways 
The entire operation may be set up and Uic 
manufactunng and the packaging operations 
done by the manufacturer concern itself On 
the other hand, the services of a custom or 
contract filler or loader may be secured and 
the complete operation be performed by the 
custom filler. If desired, the manufacturer 

Fic 103 Addition of propellant by 
pressure fdlmg process (Builders Sheet 

cussioD of the nature of the equipment is 
bejond the scope of this chapter, however. 
Figure 106 illustrates a semiautomatic aero* 
sol filling line Phannaceulical and medicinal 
aerosols can be produced on equipment of 
either the rotary type (Fig 107) or the 
straight line type (Fig 108) Pharmaceutical 
and medicind aerosols arc generally filled 
m a completely enclosed, air-coaditioncd 
room kept under positive pressure Strict 
quality control procedures should be adhered 
to at lUl times 

The propellant is one of the most important 
components of the aerosol package It is said 


Fic 107 Rotary pressure filler (The KannJg Pak Corp ) 

to be the heart of the aerosol It provides the For purposes of this chapter the propellant 

necessary force to C4pcJ the contents, it includes 

causes the product to be dispensed as cither 1 Liquefied gases 

a foam or a spray, depending on the formula' A Fluonnated hydrocarbons (halo* 

tion * Also — with the exception of the com- carbons) 

pressed gas propcifant — it serves as a solvent B Hydrocarbons 

tor certain active ingredients 2 Compressed gases 

According to the Chemical Specialties 

Manufacturers Association, a propellant is Liquefied Gas Propellants 

“A liquefied gas with a vapor pressure greater Fluonnated Hydrocarbons. The liquefied 
than atmospheric pressure ( 14 7 psia) at a gases used as propellants arc essentially chio* 
temperature of 105° F ” This indudcs sub- nnated fluonnated hydrocarbons of the 
stances which m themselves cannot be used methane and the ethane senes and, more rc- 
as propellants but which will give a sabsfac- cenUy, the butane senes These compounds 
lory vapor pressure when they arc mixed havcbccauscdformanyycarsasrcfrigcranis 
wiih a liquid of high vapor pressure This Their low boiling points and vapor pressures 
dcriniiion is not all-incluswe, since it docs make them ideal for this putposc These 
not cover the compressed gases Since the properties arc the basis for ihctr use as aero- 
vapor pressure of some of the compressed sol propellants (impounds such os tnchloro- 
gascs approaches 800 psig, for practical pur- raononuoromcthanc (Propellant 11), di- 
poscs, they cannot be used as liquefied gases. chlofodiQuoromcihanc (Propellant 12) and 

Fig lOS Straight line aerosol equipment (The KartridgPak Corp ) 

dichlorotctrafluoroetbane (Propellant 114) 
are examples of some of the propellants 
utilized in aerosol products Each propellant 
has a constant vapor pressure at any given 
temperature and by varying the propellant 
vapor pressures from about 5 to 140 psig at 
70® F can be obtained The wide range m 
vapor pressure of these compounds their 
relatively nontoxic property their nooin 
(lammability and their noninitating char 
actenstics make them safe and elective 
propellants The U S Food and Drug Ad 
ministration has already approved several 
products containing propellants of these types 
for spraymg into the mouth or the nose &ch 
new product must be fully investigated be 
fore It is gjien approval A relatively new 
propellant known as octaQuorocyclobutane 
IS reported to be nootoxic stable and suit 
able for use m medicinal and food aerosols 
and has been granted approval by the Food 
and Drug Administration for use m whipped 
creams and toppings 

Nomenclature The fluormatcd hydro- 
carbons (halocarbons) arc demed from 
relatively simple chemical compounds 
(methane ethane and butane) but it is 
awkward to refer to substituted compounds 
by their complete chemical names — for ex- 

ample dichlorodihuoromethane dichloro 
tetrafluoroethane etc For this reason the 
refrigeration mdustry has adopted a number 
mg system which is used to designate the 
various fluorinaied hydrocarbon propellant 
compounds * 

1 All propellants are designated by three 

2 The first digit on the nght is the number 
of Quorme atoms m the compound 

3 The second digit from the nght is one 
more than the number of hydrogen atoms m 
the <x>mpound 

4 The third digit from the right is one 
less than the numter of carbon atoms in the 
compound When this digit is zero it is 
omitted from the number Therefore two 
digit numbers indicate methane dcnvativcs 

5 The number of chlorine atoms in the 
compound is found by subtracting the sum 
of the fluorine and the hydrogen atoms from 
the total number of atoms which can be 
added to the carbon cham 

6 In the case of isomers each has the 
some number and the most symmetric one 
IS indicated by the number alone As the 
isomers become more and more asymmetne, 
the letter a b ceic follows the number 

7 Where the compound is ^dic, a C is 

260 Aerosol* 

Fic 109 Range of vapor pressure* obtainable with various mixtures of propellants at 
70* F 

used before the number The following is an 
example of the use of this system 
PROPELLANT 12 — ^This contoins two 
fluorine atoms (last digit) and no hydrogen 
atoms (second digit from right is one more 
than number of hydrogen atoms) Since it is 
a tHO>digit number (zero is understood be* 
fore the first digit), this compound is a 
methane dcnvativc Since four atoms con be 
attached to this carbon and only tss-o fluorine 
atoms arc present, there must be two 
chlorine atoms Therefore, the compound is 


F— i:— F 


Table 38 indicates the relationship between 

the chemical name and the number of some 
of the commonly used propeUants In the 
following discussion these compounds will 
be referred to as Propellant 1 1, Propellant 12 
etc. In the UnneJ States these compounds 
arc available under the following trade names. 

Frton — Freon Products Division, E I 
du Pont de Nemours and Company 

Cenetron — General Chemical Division, 
Allied Chemical Coip 

isotron — Industrial Chemicals Division, 
PennsaJt Chemical Corp 

Ucon — Union Carbide Chemicals Com- 
pany, Union Carbide Corp 

Physical Properties of Propellants 
Several of the more unportant physical prop- 
erties of the fluormated hydrocarbons arc 
in Table 39 

Vapor Pressure The fluormated hydro- 

Table 38 Numerical Designation of Fluorinated Hydrocarbons 

CiicMiCAL Name 

















osy Dichlorodifluorocthane 



Monochlorodiiluoroc thane 









Table 39 Physical Properties of Fluorinated Hydrocarbons 

(volume per cent m 

Qir) noninflam noninflam nonmflam 5 1 17 1 9 0 14 8 noninflam 

Toxicuy (U L, rating 

system) 5A 6 6 5A 5At 6t 

• psig 4-14 7 = psia t Probable t Preliminary Value 

262 Aerosols 

Fio 110 Vapor pressure vs tcmpcralurc (E 1 duPont dc Nemours and Co , Inc ) 

carbons arc gases at room temperature but 
their vapor pressure is low enough so that 
the;/ may b« hs^vst&eii casvly Vapor prcsssitt; 
IS defined as the pressure exerted by a gas 
or a vapor when it is in contact with the 
liquid or llic solid phase of the same ma- 
tcnal * This is constant for any given ma- 
terial at a given temperature The lluonnatcd 
hydrocarbons arc unique in that they exhibit 
a range of vapor pressures when blended 
Figure 109 shows the extent of vapor pres- 
sures obtainable with the various available 
fluonnated hydrocarbons 

As the temperature of the fluonnated hy- 
drocarbons IS increased, die vapor pressure 
will increase, since a greater number of 
molecules will exist m the vapor state at 

elevated temperatures as compared with 
lower temperatures Since an cquilibnum 
txvsts bc\wetn number ol 
changing from the vapor state to the liquid 
slate and from the liquid state to the vapor 
stale, a temperature is soon attained where 
the propellant can exist only in the gaseous 
state This IS known as the critical tempera- 
ture However, aerosols of the liquefied gas 
type depend on the condmon that the vapor 
phase in equilibrium with its liquid state 
For practical purposes, the vapor pressure 
considerations very seldom exceed tempera- 
tures of 130® F Figure 110 shows the effect 
of temperature on the vapor pressures of a 
number of different propellant compounds, 
and Figure 1 1 1 shows this same rclaponship 

physicochemical Properties of Propellants 263 

Fig 111 Pressure temperature relationship of Freon 12/11 solutions (E I duPont de 
Nemours and Co . loc ) 

with commonly used propellant blends The sure is equal to the sum of the mole fractions 
Lilect of varymg the amount of each com- of each component present, multipLed by the 
pooent of the propellant at vanous tempera- vapor pressure of the pure compound at the 
lures IS shown m IHgure 1 12 desired temperature Expressed mathemat- 

Whtlc the vapor pressure of the propellants ically 
remains constant at any given temperature, 

the vapor pressure can & “custom made” = N^Pao 

by blendmg vanous propellants having dif- + na 

ferent vapor pressures This has been shown 
graphically m Figures 111 and 112, how- where 

ever it IS possible to calculate this reJa- ^ Component A 

Uonship Roault s Law states that the vapor _ >apor pressure of pure Componeni A 

pressure of a soluuon is dependent on the _ number of moles of Component A 
vapor pressure of the mdividual compo- On = number of moles of Component B 
nents For ideal solutions, the vapor pres- N, =; mole fraction of Component A. 

Fia 112 Vapor pressure — compos j oa of Ocnciron 12/J 14 macs (Allied Chem cal Corp 
Ocncral Chemical Division) 

The total vapor pressure of the system is 
then obtauicd by 

V P = p, + Pb 

This )s best shown by referring to the follow 
lOg example 

Calculate the vapor pressure at 70* F of 
a solution consisting of 60 per cent by weight 
of Propellant 1 14 and 40 per cent by weight 
ofPro^Uant 12 

To calculate the moles of each substance 

moles - - 60 

“ “mW 1709 

£=03511 moles Propellant 114 

• = 0 3309 moles Propellant 12 

Total number of moles 

0 3511 + 0 3309 = 0 6820 moles of 
Propellant 114/12 

Fia 113 Density of aerosol propellants (Allied Chemical Corp General Chenucal Div ) 

Mole fraction of Propellant 1 14 
Moles of PropeUant 114 0 3511 ^ 

Total Moles 0 6S20 

Mole fraction of Propellant 12 

Moles of Propellant 12 03309 

£ = = 0 481 

Total Moles 0 6820 

Partial pressure of Propellant 1 14 

Mole fraction X V P = 0 5149 X 27 6 
= 14 21 psia Propellant 1 14 

Partial pressure of Propellant 12 

Mole fracuon x V P = 0 4851 X 84^ 
= 41 18 psia Propellant 12 

Total pressure of system 
14 21 + 41 18 = 55J9 psia (absolute) 

To obtain gauge pressure 

55 39 — 14 7 = 40 69 psig (gauge) 

The results of these calculations generally 
differ slightly from the experimental results 
since It IS assumed that the solutions are 
ideal in behavior As the second component 
becomes smaller and smaller the behavior 
approaches ideal conditions 

In any given senes of fluonnated b)dro 
carbons as the number of fluorme atoms m 
crease the boiling point will decrease and 
the vapor pressure will increase This can 
be seen from Table 39 
Density These matenals vary m density 
from 0 911 to 1 513 Gm /ml Generally, the 
density of the compound mcreases as the 
number of Quonne atoms mcrease This holds 
true for any gnen senes of compounds In 

266 Aerosols 

Fio 114 Density of propellant 12/11 solutions (Chemica] Corp General Chemical Div ) 

many instances the amount of propellant to 
be used 10 a given formulation is expressed 
m terms of weight Howcicr it is somelrmes 
more comement to measure these quantities 
on the basis of volume, and the density would 
be used to calculate the volume from the 
weight Figure 113 shows the densities of the 
various aerosol propellants at diflerent tern 
peraturcs The densities of the vanous blends 
of Propellant 12 and Propellant 11 are 
given m Figure 114 

For the most port the hquid density i5 un 
portont In the case of liquefied gases, the 
density of the propellant in the vapor state 
IS equally important Depending on the size 
of the contamcr the w-cight of the propellant 
m the vapor state becomes significant Figure 
1 15 shows the vapor densities of Propellants 
Hand 12 

Heat of Vaponjiiion When an aerosol 
product IS dispensed from a container, the 

volume of the head space increases, causmg 
a temporary drop m pressure Immediately, 
some of the molecules in the hquid state 
change to the vapor state to restore the 
ongmal pressure In so domg heat changes 
take place If the discharge is rapid, then 
this heat change is noticeable m that the 
temperature of the package is lowered. The 
heat of vaporization for Propellant 11 and 
Propellant 12 is shown m Figure 116 In 
the cold filling process a knowledge of the 
heat changes mvolvcd are important so that 
proper equipment may be utilized 
Solubility Characteristics The fluonnated 
hydrocarbons arc relatively nonpolar organic 
liquids and arc good solvents for materials of 
similar types They arc not miscible with 
the highly polar compounds such as water 
The fluorocarbons have solvent qualities 
simibr to those of the chlonnated solvents 
such as carbon icirachlondc However, there 

Physicochemical Properties of Propellants 267 

Fio 116 Saturated liquid and vapor heat content. (Z^/r) Propellant 1 ! (Right) Propellant 
12 (AlLcd Chemical COrp Geoer^ Chemical Oiv ) 

268 Aetosols 

Table 40 Stabilizisg Effect of 



FIVE Bond 
Distance (A) 

Methylene ch!o- 


cH cr. 

I 77 

Carbon tcira 




Propellant 22 


1 73 

Propellant 1 2 


1 70 

IS enough difference so that direct compan- 
son IS not too helpful The solvent power of 
the duoruiatcd hydrocarbons ranges from 
poor for the highly fluorioatcd compounds 
such as Propellants 12 and 114 to fairly 
good for those contammg less fluorine — such 
as Propellant 11 Fluonnatcd compounds 

than the other compounds and, therefore, 
cannot be used for aqueous preparations 
CCIjF + H 3 O HCl + CHasF 

Table 41 contains selected mformatioo as 
(o the hydrolysis of some of the commonly 
used propellants From this table it can 
seen that, in regard to hydrolysis, Propellant 

11 IS the least stable, and, uhilc Propellants 

12 and 114 ore stable, the completely fluo> 
nnated Propellant C-318 has about 1/20 
the hydrolysis rate ol Propellant 12 The 
hydrolysis rate is increased in the presence 
of alkaline maienals and, therefore, is a 
function of the hydroxyl ion concentration 
An increase in temperature will also increase 
the rate of hydrolysU 

Another reaction uhich has been the cause 
of corrosion in metal contamers is the rc> 
action of Propellant 1 1 with ethyl alcohol 

CCIjP + CjH.OH f CH 3 CHO + HO + CHCIjF 


CHjCHO + ZCjH.OH » CH,CH(OC,Hs), + HjO 


CjHjOH + Ha CsHjCl + HjO 

comaiomg other halogens axe usually better 
solvents than the completely fluonnatcd com- 
pounds Generally, compounds with a low 
molecular weight arc more soluble m the 
fluonnatcd hydrocarbons than Uiose with 
high molecular weight 

CiiEMiCAi Properties The fluonnatcd 
hydrocarbons are noted for their chemical 
mcrincss They arc, for the most part, non- 
rcactivc The general reaction w-hich may 
take place invoHcs the carbon (o-lialogcn 
bond Ithos been established that the fluorine 
Imkcd with a carbon atom mcrcascs the 
stability of the other halogens attached to the 
same carbon atom This nuy be demon- 
suated by measuring bond distances Gen- 
erally, the shorter the bond distance, the 
greater the energy required to rupture the 
bond Table 40 gives some of the carbon- 
to-chJormc bond distances 

The reaction becomes important m the 
presence of water, for hydrolysis wiU take 
place, resulting m the formation of acids 
which arc corrosive to the metal contamcr 
and the metallic parts of the valve Propel- 
lant 11 shows a greater rate of hydrolysis 

It has been estimated that this reaction takes 
place to the extent of about 7 per cent The 
acculdchydc and acetal are corrosive in 
action Sanders'*" has noted that this is a 
typical free radical reaction and requires the 
presence of a catalyst It was concluded that 
this reaction could be prevented by the addi- 
tion of a suitable stabilizer This led to the 
formulation of a * stabilized ’ Propellant 1 1 S 
which IS Propellant 1 1 with the addition of 
3 stabilizer such os nitromcthane This is 
sulflcicnt to prevent the reaction 

Propellants 11, 12 and 114 arc commonly 
used in all aerosol formulations They arc 
suitable for use in pbannaccutical and me- 
dicinal aerosols os well Propellant 11 has 
a greater solvent range than the others, how- 
ever, hydrolysis m aqueous media limits its 
use Propellant 12 is used to a great extent 
for mcdicmal acrosob, since the desired par- 
ticle size is produced when used with a 
specially designed applicator 

Recent investigations by Tinncy and 
Sciarra'" have shown that Propellants 142b 
and lS2a arc suitable for use in medicmal 
aerosols Propellant I42b and Propellant 

Physicochemical Properties of Propellants 269 

Fio 117 Propellant vapor extinguishing a flame (E. J duPont dc Nemours and Co Inc) 

I52a have been found to be good solvents 
foe some of the commooly used medicinal 
agents such as ephcdrine, atropme and 
tnpclcnnamme These propellants arc less 
prone to hydrolysis than Propellant 1 1 and 
cause less imtalion While Propellant 152a 
tends to be slightly more inflammable than 
some of the other propellants, the quantity 
of propellant used m medicinal aerosols is 
extremely small so that inflammability is not 
considered to be a problem 

Another propellant showing promise of 
use for medicinal and pharmaceutical 
aerosols IS Propellant C 318 Thiscompound 
has been developed for use m food aerosols 
but may be applicable to medicinal uses It 
IS free from hydrolysis and has an extremely 
low toxJCJiy 

An additional feature of the fluormated 
hydrocarbons is their nonmflammabihty In 
fact, they have been used as fire extinguishers 
The vapors are heavier than air and will form 

Table 4 1 Rate of Hydrolysis of Several Compounds 
(Grams of Propellant Hydrolyzed/Liler of Water/Vear) 

One Atmosphere Pressure — 86* F 

1 Per Cent 


Water Alone 

Water + Steel 

Water + Copper 

Sod Cars 

Propellant 1 1 

<0 005 

19 0 

0 IS 


Propellant 12 

<0 005 


0 005 


Propellant 21 

<0 01 


0 38 


PropcUaot 114 

<0 005 

I 4 


0 01 

Propellant 22 



0 02 


Note The rate of Propellant C-31S was found to be 22 mg.Mitcr of 10 ptf ceal Sodium 

Hydroxide so|uijoa/}ear 

270 Aerosols 

Tadle 42 PifYsiCAL Properties of Compressed Gas Propellants 








Chemical formula 




Na + O, 

Molecular w eight 





Boiling point *F 





Vapor pressure, psia, 

70* F 




Solubility in water, t 

77* F. 



0 014 


Limit of inflammabiliiy 





Toxicity, UL. rating 




Density (gas) Gm /ml 


1 53 

0 96699 


* Sublimes 

t At Cntical Point (-233* F ) 

t Volume of gas si atmospheric pressure soluble in one solume of water 

a blanket around the flame uith the exclusion 
of oxygen This unique property is shovm in 
Figure 117 

Hydrocarbon Propellants. The hydrocar* 
bons (butane propane and isobutane) base 
not been utilized to date for pharmaceuucal 
and medicinal aerosols While their low order 
toxicity makes them suitable for use, their 
odor, taste and high degree of inflammability 
discourage their use for (his purpose How* 
e>cr, mixtures of hydrocarbons and fluor* 
mated hydrocarbons have been investigated 
and found to be less inflammable than the 
pure hydrocarbon ^ 

Compressed Gas Propellants 

Of the nonhqucfied compressed gas pro- 
pellants, nitrogen has found the greatest use 
its insolubility and inertness ha>c made it the 
propellant of choice uhen dispensuig certain 
pharmaceutical products m their onginal 
form such as vitamins, ointments and creams 
It IS possible that the future development of 
suitable actuators and baffles may allow the 
use of nitrogen and other compressed gases 
as propellants for medicinal aerosols Since 
the size of the particles must be well below 
10 microns for inhalation therapy, an elHacnt 
baffle IS necessary Present-day technology in 
this area precludes the use of the compressed 
gases for this purpose 

Other compressed gases finding use for 

pharmaceutical preparations arc nitmus 
oxide and carbon dioxide These are known 
os soluble compressed gases and are used for 
a vanety of purposes Being soluble in the 
product eoncentratc, they cause the product 
to expand when emitted from the container 
If the product is emitted through a foam type 
valve, a foam is produced A fine mist can be 
obtamed through utilization of a mechanical 
break up actuator and a nonfoaming product 
concentrate The type of formulation will 
determine the dispensing charactensucs of 
the product Formerly, a compressed gas pro- 
peUant was used to push the material through 
the valve and dispense it in its original form 
Nitrogen was used for this purpose Recently, 
It was found that by usmg a soluble com- 
pressed gas and a spray nozzle, the product 
could also be dispersed as a wet spray 
The pressure developed by a compressed 
gas IS dependent largely on the temperature 
and the amount of gas present The ideal gas 
fonnula may be used to express the rclaiton* 

PV = nRT 

where P = pressure m aUnosphcrcs, V = 
volume in Iiien, n = moles of gas (Gm / 
hf W ), R =: universal gas constant 
(008205 liter aimosphcrcs/dcgrce/molc) 
and T= absolute temperature (®C -4*273) 
This can be used to caioilate pressure 

Physicochemical Properties of Propellants 271 

Table 43 Underwriters’ Laboratories 
Classification of Toxicity 




0 5 to 1 vol % , senous injury 
in 5 mmutes 


0 5 to 1 vol %, senous injury 
m 30 minutes 


2 to 2 5 vol % , senous injury 
m 1 hour 


2 to 2 5 vol %, senous injiuy 


Less toxic than 4 but more toxic 
than 5 


Much less toxic than 4 but 
more toxic than 6 


Data indicate cla&smg as 5a or 6 


20 vol % , no mjury lo 2 hours 

From Reed, F T Toxicity of propellxnts, 
Amencaa Perfumer 7S 42, 1960 

changes taking place as a compressed gas 
aerosol is dispensed ^Vbereas a liquefied 
gas aerosol maintains a constant pressure 
throughout the life of the product, a com 
pressed gas aerosol will show a drop m pres* 
sure For example, 6 Buidouaces of a tooth 
paste concentrate are placed m an 8-fluid- 
ounce contamer and pressurized ^vlth nitro- 
gen to 90 psta, when 2 fluidounces of product 
have been dispensed, the pressure falls to 
approximately 45 psia (Boyle’s Law) If the 
product contained a soluble compressed gas. 
the pressure change would not be as great. 

Some physical constants for the commonly 
used compressed gases are shown m Table 

Nitrogen is chemically mert and has been 
used for many years to prevent the oxidation 
of pharmaceuticals This property adds to its 
effectiveness as an aerosol propellant Nitro- 
gen IS generally prepared by liquefaction of 
air followed by separation of the rutrogen 
from the oxygen and the other components 
of air 

It IS used mainly for those aerosol products 
mtended for dispensmg as a solid stream m 
ihcir ongmal forms As such, it is useful for 
many semisoUd prcpacatioru and viscous 

Nitrous oxide is stable m the presence of 
most oxidizing agents It is gencr^y used m 
combmation with carbon dioxide as a pro- 
pellant for whipped cream and loppings A 

Table 44 Toxicity Rating of Several 
Commonly Used Substances 


V L 





SO 2 


10 ppm 



1 00 ppm 



25 ppm 

CH 3 O 


lOO ppm 

From Reed F T Amencaa Perfumer 75 42 

recently introduced aerosol utilized this com- 
bination as the propellant for a chocolate- 
flavored syrup Its latest use is m the formu- 
lation of a velennaiy product for mastitis, 
to dispense the product as a foam. 

Carbon dioxide is considered to be a 
stable and relatively mert gas However, it is 
soluble in water to w'hich it imparts an acid 

In many food products such as fruit- 
flavored syrups the acid pH is desired, since 
It imparts a tart taste to the product In addi 
uon to Its use as a food propellant, carbon 
dioxide has been used to formulate the de- 
icer type aerosol sprays 

Toxicity of Propellants 
The Underwriters’ Laboratories have m- 
vestigated the toxicity of several of the fluo- 
nnated hydrocarbons and reported their find- 
ings for groups The Laboratories system of 
classificauon is given m Table 43 Table 44 
gives the classifications for some commonly 
used chemicals, and Table 45 presents the 
results of the Underwriters’ Laboratories 
studies ^ Propellants 12, 1 14 and I52a have 
been placed in Group 6 and are rated as less 
toxic than carbon dioxide Considering that 
air IS a member of Group 6, it is apparent 
that materials classified m Group 6 may be 
used safely as propellants 

However, a danger to the manufacturer of 
the propellants and to the aerosol loader 
would exist should these materials displace 
the oxygen m the air Smee the propeUants 
will not support life, precautions must be 
taken to ensure an adequate air supply 
Smcc many of these products are used 
topically, skm sensitization to the commonly 
used propellant compounds should be con- 



Table 45 Classification of 
Propellant Compounds 


U L. Classi 


Max. Allowable 



I OOOpptn 



I 000 ppm 



1 000 ppm 



1 000 ppm 



1 000 ppm 







C 318 


I 000 ppm 



5 000 ppm 

N 0 











I 000 ppm 

n Qulane 


1 000 ppm 

i Butane 


1 000 ppm 

Adapted from Reed F T Americaa Perfumer 
75 42. 1960 

stdercd Very liiilc data are available on these 
compounds as to skin scosiuzatjon However, 
to date, very few, if any, cases of skin sensi- 
tization have been reported In rabbit-e)e 
tests which were conducted. Propellants II, 
12 and 114 caused no reaction While the 
concentration of propellant used m each test 
was low, lack of toxicity was indicated for 
this group of compounds 

TTic liquefied gas propellants arc refriger- 
ants and may cause frost bite if they are 
sprayed on a skin area for a prolonged period 
of time This is unlikely to occur, since the 
initial chilling effect would serve as a warn 
ing Very litUe is known as to the quantita 
live temperature changes taking place on the 
skin when an aerosol product is sprayed 
over an affected area Studies by Dunne“ led 
to the following conclusions * 

* Dunne T F Deiermioauoa of pou ble chill 
ing effects of propellants Aerosol Age 4 36 1959 

Fia 118 Three piece im-coated cootamers (Continental Can Co ) 

Aerosol Valves 


Fig 119 Two piece drawn containers 
(Spra tamer) 

1 The chilling effect of a s)Stem ts generally 
less than that of the pure propellant However 
at propellant concentrations of 70 per cent and 
above the chill ng effect may be greater than 
that of the pure propellant 

2 The chilling effect increases as propellant 
concentration increases 

3 The chilling effects of propellant solvent 
systems for a given solvent are in the same 
relative order as the pure propellants 


The containers used for pharmaceutical 
and medicmal aerosols arc similar to the 
usual type of aerosol containers Aerosol or 
pressure contamers generally fall into one 
of the following categories 

1 Metal 

A Tin plated steel 

a Side seam (three piece) 
b Two piece or drawn 
B Aluminum 
a Two-piece 
b Extruded 
C Stainless steel 

2 Glass 

A Uncoated glass 
B Plastic-coatcd glass 

3 Synthetic resins and plastics 

All of the materials listed above have been 
used in the construction of aerosol containers 
Pharmaceutical and medicmal aerosols are 
packaged m many of these containers 

Figures 118 to 123 illustrate several of these 

During the development of the aerosol m 
dustry many new and challengmg problems 

Fic 120 IVo-picce alummum aerosol 
container (Continental Can Co ) 

274 Aerosols 

Fio 121 Stainless steel containers for 
medicinal aerosols 

were encountered As the various aerosol 
products were developed the shortcomings of 
the technology m various areas became ap> 
parent Howeser, once a problem presented 
Itself, ways and means to overcome the dilTi- 
cultics were immediately investigated The 
development of vanous t)pcs of propellant 
eompounds and the technology involved in 
the development of the various aerosol con 
tamers have been discussed m the preceding 
sections The development of the aerosol 
valve was not dilTcrcat Here, too, many 
problems were apparent smcc the valve roust 
perform various functions ’ 

1 The valve must be capable of reieasrog 
the product promptly and of stopping the 
(low quickly 

2 ft must be capable of dispensing the 
product in the desued physical form, whether 
or not this requires a change m the onginal 
form. For example, insecticides arc dispensed 
as fine spra)s or mists, shaving creams as 
foams, and tooth pastes m their ongmal form 
While the nature of the formulation and the 
type of propellant used have an influence on 
the dispensing charactcrutics, it is the valve 
which ultimately determines the form of the 
dispensed product 

3 Certam applications require that the 
flow of product M accurately controlled— 
that IS, only a given amount of product must 
be dispensed This is especially needed for 
mcdicmal aerosols and several pharma* 
ceutical aerosols 

Vanous aerosol valves have been dc- 
V eloped and include the following 

I Non metered valves 
A Liquefied gas 
a Spray 
b Foam 

B Compressed gas 
a. Spray 

b Foam 
c Solid stream 

2 Metered valves 
A Liquefied gas 
a Spray 
b Foam 

B Compressed gas 
a Spray 
b Foam 
c Solid stream 

hfost of the valves listed above arc avail- 
able for use on both metal and glass con- 
tainers A few can be used only on metal 
coDiauicrs, due, mainly, to certain restne- 
tions placed on the size of the valve proper 
Spray Valves. Most spray valves arc com- 
posed of certam basic parts, consisting essen- 
tially of an orifice which opens into a cham- 
ber There are generally two or three of these 
onfices and chambers m each valve The dis- 
ch:ugc rate of the product is controlled, for 
the most part, by the size of the smallest in- 
ternal onfice while the dimensions of the ex- 
ternal onfice generally determines or influ- 
ences the degree of atomization As the liquid 
passes from one onfice to another, it expands, 
causing a drop m pressure which results m a 
partial vaporization of the liquid. This process 
1 $ repeated at the other onfices, the vaporiza- 
tion of propellant becoming more violent at 
each orifice and resulting m a complete 
atomization of the product at the final orifice 
This spray type vajve will dispense the con- 
tents of the contamcr continuously as long 
as the valve is left m the open position 
In addition to the onfices, the valve is 
made up of an actuator button, a valve core, 
a natural or synthetic rubber gasket seal, a 
valve cup, a stainless steel or nylon spring, 
and a dip tube Figure 124 shows such com- 
ponents and their relation to each other The 
gasket prevents the liquid phase of the 
product Jrom flowing through the valve stem 
by scaluig it when the valve is m the closed 
position Tension on the valve stem is main- 
tained by the sprmg. When finger pressure is 
applied at any point on the side of the 
actuator, the valve core is deflected from the 
scat This exposes the onfice to the product 
concentrate, thus allowmg access to the ex- 

Fig 122 Class aerosol contaioen (Foster Forbes Glass Co ) 

276 Acrotols 

paosion chambers \vithia the valve core 
Other valves operate by depressing the actu- 
ator rather than by a tilting action. 

The product and the propellant come into 
intimate contact with most parts of the valve 
and steps must be taken either to choose ma- 
terials that are not alTccted by the propellant 
or the product concentrate or to protect those 
components which will be affected with suit- 
able coatings Throu^ use of an appropnatc 
actuator the product can be dispensed in a 
vanety of ways using this t}pe of valve 

Foam Valves. The valve described m the 
precedmg paragraphs can also be used for 
foam products However, a simpler t)pc is 
useful and allows for a greater flow rate 
These valves generally consist of a valve 
stem inserted through a rubber or rubbcrlike 
gasket When the valve stem is tilted or de- 
pressed, the valve scat is no longer in con- 

tact with the rubber gasket and the product 
IS allowed to flow through the openings 

Metered Valves. A valve that dispenses a 
predetenmned quantity is highly desirable 
for medicinal aerosols the dosage of which 
must be controlled withm narrow limits 
These valves may be designed m one of the 
follow mg wa)s 

1 Double chamber system 

2 Stainless steel ball check 

3 Flexible chamber type 

4 Rigid chamber type*- 

The valves ore capable of accurately dis- 
pensing from 50 to 150 mg of propellant 
with active ingredients Tlus amount will vary 
somewhat, depending on the density of the 
concentrate These valves can be used only 
with liquefied gas propellants They have 
been used successfully for perfumes, colognes 

(I) Dual Onficc. (k) Groove (Rxsdoa Manufacturing Co ) 

Pharmaceutical Aerosols 277 

and medicinal aerosols In addibon, they are portance when the omtment is to be applied 
useftil for both spray and foam products, to irntated, or diseased skm or denuded 
dependmg on the formulation and the actu- areas The smaller the particle size of the 
ator Other types of metered valves can be medicament, the less is the preparation likely 
used for both liquefied and compressed gas to cause further imtation Such a reduction 
aerosols m particle size can be accomplished by a 

liquefied gas aerosol formulation m which 

PHARMACEUTICAL AEROSOLS dispersion of particles from the actuator 

is withm the range of 30 to 50 imcrons or 

These products have been developed as less With the reduction both m particle size 
fine sprays, foams, powders and semisohd and m thickness of the matenal to be apphed 
preparations Smce they are used topically, to a given area, penetration of medication 
local irritation is an important consideration mto the ducts of the skm can be accomplished 
Other considerations, as outlmed by Porush’* without vigorous rubbmg 
are as follows Ethyl alcohol is a good cosolvcnt and is 

1 Compatibility of component mgredients useful m many types of pharmaceutical aero- 

2 Wetness or spray chaiactenstics, m- sols It is miscible with the usual propellants 

cludmg rate of propellant and cosolvent and is relatively free of dermal toxicity How- 
evaporaiion ever, alcohol is not suitable for application 

3 Stability of the drug m contact with the to large areas of broken, abraded skm or 

contamer and valve parts burned areas, smce it causes a stmgmg sensa- 

4 Effect of the aerosol solution and drug tion Other cosolvents such as propylene gly> 

on the contamer and the valve (mcluding col,polypropylenegl)col,isopTop)lmynstate, 
corrosion of metals and detenoration of polyethylene glycols, some fixed oils, glyc- 
gaskets) erm, hquid petrolatum, hexylene glycol and 

5 Appraisal of dermal toxicity several of the diethylene glycol monoall^l 

6 Clmical evaluation of the drug ethers may be used General formulas which 

The classification of vanous omtment bases van be used as a startmg point for the formu- 

and the absorption of medicmals from these lation of two phase pharmaceutical aerosols 
bases has been discussed elsewhere How- follow 

1 AcUve iDgredicDls 10% by weight 

PropeUants 12/11 (50 50) 90% 

ever, m regard to the use of pharmaceutical This can be used to formulate medications 
aerosols, it is of mterest that, accordmg to for athlete’s foot, bum remedies, wound 
Fuller, Hawkins and Partridge,®' the funda medication etc The amount of active m- 
mental consideration m the absorption of gredients may be vaned to suit mdividual 
substances from omtments is the ratio of needs 

2 Active ingredients 1 5% by weight 

Solvents 10% 

Propellants 12/11 (50 50) 85 89% 

the surface of the preparaUon to its volume ” This can be used for the products listed under 
If the surface is relaUvely large — as m a thm Formula 1 The solvents tend to decrease the 

film lajer the delay from oil preparations chilhng effect as well as to leave behmd a 

IS small, this is found when omtments arc thm film or residue, depending on the nature 
smeared over a large surface In this connec- of the solvent 

Uon it seems that an aerosol omtment ptep- An emulsified or foam system has been 
arauon is advantageous, smce it will coat a used to great advantage for the dispensmg 
large area of the body with a veiy thm film of therapeutically active mgredients which 
of medication irritatmg or otherwise hannful if m- 

Particle size is always important m omt- haled It is also useful for those applicauons 
ment preparauons It is of even greater im- m which the chilling caused by the rapid 

[ 278 1 

Variation of propcUaot conceniraiion may yield pro[>er spray 
rromSciarra J J r/al Drug Standards 75 20 1960 

280 Aerotolt 

cvaponiUOD of the propellants presents a 
problem For the most part, foam aerosols 
contain a considerably smaller quantity of 
propellant Depending on the t}*pe of for> 
mulatjon, the foam may be q^uick breaking 
or stabilized. The quick-brcakiog foam for> 
mulatioQ IS useful uben products arc used to 
cover a large area or when rubbmg is not 
desirable — as m treatment of extensive areas 
that have been burned or denuded The me* 
chaoical application of medication together 
with the abrasion caused by spreadmg the 
product over the aiTcctcd area may cause 
further damage The stabilized foam prepara- 
tion IS useful for many topical preparations 
when penetration of the acuve mgredieots 
IS enhanced by rubbmg Many sterol and 
steroid preparations are dispensed m this 

In on attempt to determine some of the 
principles involved m the formulation of 
emulsion tv pc topical preparations, Sciarra, 
Tinncy and Fccly"‘ investigated several typi- 
cal ointment bases m combination with sur- 
factants One senes consisted of an ointment 
base and a propellant while the other senes 
consisted of an omtnicnt base, a propellant 
and a surface active agent The dispcnsmg 
characteristics arc shown m Tables 46 and 

The addition of a surfacc-acUvc agent to 
the propcllant/oinuncnt base mixture m- 
creased the stability of most of the products 
insofar as separation of ingredients is con- 
cerned In those cases where a foam type 
spray was produced, tlic foam quickly col- 
lapsed, releasing llic base m its original fonn 
This IS believed to be an ideal method for 
the administration of raediciaol ingredients 
over a large area, since no spreading or rub- 
bing IS required m order to bnng the base 
and the medicinal agents in contact with the 
alTccted areas of skin No attempt was made 
durmg this study to alter the propellant con- 
centration in order to produce diflcrcnt types 
of spray s and foams 

Further investigations were earned out m 
the laboratories of Allied Chemical Corpora- 
tion, General Chemical Division, as to the 
formulation of quick-breaking foams •• A 
basic formulation for a quick brcakmg foam 
IS as follows 

Ethanol 46 0-66 0% 

Surfactant 05- 5 O'e 
Water 28 0-42 0% 

Propellant 3 0-15 0% 

The proportion of surfactant m a quick- 
breabng foam is between one half and one 
twentieth of that employed in formulations 
for the stabilized foam products 

According to investigations earned out m 
the labointones of the E I du Pont de 
Kemours and Company, nonaqueous aerosol 
foams may also be formulated.^® Glycols and 
glycol dcnvaiivcs have been substituted for 
water in conventional formulations By 
proper selection of the glycol, the surfactant 
and the propellant, foam stability may be 
vaned to obtain very stable foams or quick- 
breaking foams The use of aerosol foams 
has been suggested for vaginal foams, oint- 
ment bases, bum preparations and other 
topical aerosols 

A suggested starting formulation for non- 
aqueous foams IS as follows 

Glycol 86% 

Emulsifying agent 4% 

Propellant 12/114 (40 60) 10% 

An ointment base formulation may co: 
sist of 

PoIycihyJcne glycol 400 86% 

Propylene glycol monoslearate S E 4% 
Propellant 12/114 (40 60) 10% 

Antibiotic preparations have been fotmu- 
laxd using a foam type aerosol The follow- 
uig IS a general formula which may be used 
for this purpose 

Foam base 90% 

Active ingredients 2% 

Propellant 12/114 (40 60) 8% 

A typical stabilized foam base is composi 
of the following ** 

Part A Mynstic acid 133% 

Slcanc acid 5 33% 

(triple pressed) 

Cetyl alcohol 0.50% 

Lanolin 0 20% 

Isopropyl my ristale 133% 

PoftS Tncibanolamine 3 34% 

Glycerin 470% 

PVP 034% 

Water, puniled 82.93% 

Pharmaceuticol Aerosols 281 

It IS prepared according to standard phar 
maceuticd technics and pressurized using the 
pressure method 

The suspension or the dispersion system 
has been used to great advantage m the dis- 
pensmg of powders, mcludmg antibiotics and 
steroids The propellant quickly evaporates 
and leaves behmd the finely dispersed pow- 
der Major difficulties whidi accompany the 
formulation of this type of aerosol product 
are valve clogging brought about by an ag- 
glomeration of ffie msoluble particles and 
the setthng out of the therapeutically active 
ingredients These problems have been over- 
come through the use of specially designed 
aerosol valves together wiffi suitable lubri- 
cants and dispersing agents In regard to the 
latter, isopropyl mynstate has been used to 
the greatest extent m preventing the agglom- 
eration of the msoluble particles Other sub- 
stances which have been used successfully or 
axe currently under mvestigation are liquid 
petrolatum, propylene glycol, lanolm and its 
denvauves, steanc and mynstic acids and 
steanc and mynstic alcohols Most of the 
usual pharmaceutical suspendmg and dis- 
persing agents, such as acacia, tragacanth, 
methylcellulose etc , cannot be used, since 
they are incompatible with the propeUants 

An example of this type of system is as 

AcUve ingiedients (insoluble) 0 S% 

Suspending and dispensing agents 0 5% 
Inert powder such os Talc (3S0 

mesh) 100% 

PropeUant 12/11 (50 50) 890% 

This can be used for dispensing a vanety of 
topical preparauons mcludmg medications 
for athlete’s foot, first aid preparations and 

Several vitamin preparations have been 
formulated as compressed gas areosols Pom- 

erantz suggests the following 

per 06 ml 

Thiamine hydrochlonde 
RiboQavux (phosphate sodium 

1 Omg 


I Omg 


50 Omg 


1 Omg 

Pyndoxide by drochlonde 

2.5 mg 

Ascorbic acid 

40 Omg 

Vitamin A 

5,000 1 U 

VitammD 1,000 1 U 

Vitamm Bja 1 0 meg 

This IS dispersed m a base of 

Tween 80 10 0% 

Sodium benzoate 0 2% 

Water qs 100 0% 

After packagmg m a glass contamer, it is 
pressurized with mtrogen to 90 psig 

Classificatios of Aerosol Pharma- 
ceutical Preparatiovs 
A recent survey of aerosol pharmaceutical 
products found that aerosol pharmaceuticals 
were available for many different uses 
A listmg of pharmaceutical aerosols which 
supplies the name of the manufacturer, as 
well as type of aerosol, composition and use, 
IS also go en “ 

Local Anesthetics. A variety of chemical 
compounds bavmg local anesthetic proper- 
ties have been utilized as the active mgredi- 
ents for this type of aerosol Benzocame, 
ethyl chloride, tetracame, naepame, ^clo- 
methylcame and pramoxine hydrochloride 
are only a few of the local anesthetic agents 
which have been used In addition, Propel- 
lant 1 14 alone, ethyl chlonde and Propellant 
114 and Propellants 12/11 have been used 
for their local anesthetic properties 
Anliscptics, Germicides, Dismfectants and 
First Aid Preparations. The nature of the 
active mgredieuts used m aerosol prepara- 
tions of this type vanes from the simplest of 
antiseptic agents such as lodme to some of 
the more complex agents such as antibioucs, 
quaternary ammomum compounds and or- 
ganic mercurials 

Adhesive Tape Removers and Bandage 
Adherents. The adhesive tape removers con- 
sist of a solvent such as ethyl alcohol, ace- 
tone or isopropyl mynstate, oleate, stearate 
etc dissolved m the propellant Rosm, ben- 
zom and other resmous matenals are used 
for the bandage adherents The tape remov- 
ers are useful m that they allow for the easy 
removal of surgical tape with a mmimum of 

Body Rubs. There are basically two types 
of preparations used as body rubs One type 
consists of a silicone incorporated mto a 
suitable base, while the other consists of an 

282 Aerosols 

alcohol, such as ctbaaol or tsopropanol, and 
a propellant. These products are generally 
used for the prevenuon of bedsores m bed- 
ridden patients 

Bum remedies consist chiefly of a local 
anesthetic m combmaiion v.ith antiseptic 
agents such as sulfur, hexachlorophene, l^n- 
z)l alcohol, tannic acid etc. In addition, cool- 
ing and soothing agents such as menthol and 
chlorobutanol ore generally present A ^^ 1 - 
cal bum formulation follovss * 


1 00% 





Pynlamme maleale 

0 25% 




1 00% 

Oleyl alcohol 

4 00% 

Dipropylene glycol 


Propellant lS2a/ll 


The eilccuvcncss of an anubiouc spray 
powder m the local treatment of bums has 
been noted by Games et al ** 

Dermatologic t'roducts. This is a rather 
broad classificatioo and includes those prod- 
ucts used as antipruntjcs, anu mQammatory 
agents, in the treatment of acne or poison ivy 
and related conditions etc Many of these 
preparations utilize a steroid— generally cor 
tisone or one of its dcnvativcs — as the them 
pcutically actnc ingredient Other products 
make use of antihistammics These products 
arc ciitrcmcly cffccuvc, smcc they allow for 
maximum penetration of the aciisc mgrcdi- 
cntswithamimmumofwastc In most eases, 
a thm him of medication is applied over the 
affected areas, and in the case of foam prep- 
arations. the medication is applied only to 
the aUcctcd area without waste Several 
studies indicating the ehectivcncss of many 
dihcrcnt dermatologic aerosols have been 

reported M u 

Foot Preparations. The aerosol method is 
an ideal method for the application of foot 
preparations. In the treatment of athletes 
foot, shoes, stoclangs and affected areas can 
be sprayed easily with medication. The usual 
mgrcdicnts for athletes foot remedies arc 
undecylenic aad and one of its salts (such 
os zinc undecylenate) although many other 
mgrcdicnts are bemg used. Other foot prep- 
arations male use of a talcum powder with 

* Aaencan Cbolcsurot ProJucu. 

or without an antiseptic agent such as bexa- 

Spraj-OD Protective Films. One of the first 
formulations for a spray-on protective film 
utilized polyvinyl pyrrohdone and vinyl ace- 
tate copolymers ^ 

PVP/VA (40 60) 100% solids 5 0% 

PoIyeihylcDe glycol 600 0 2% 

Ethanol, aohyd 24 8% 

Propellant 142b/ 114 (30 70) 700% 

Many mcdicmal agents such as antibiotics 
and antiseptics can 1^ incorporated with this 
basic formulation On application, the sol- 
vent and the propellants vaporize, leavmg 
behind a thm transparent film, whidi, m ad- 
dition to providing protection, allows for the 
visual inspection of the affected area Smee 
this is a breathmg film,” the possibility of 
infection by anaerobic bactena is minimized 
Other protective preparations utilize a sili- 
cone which provides a water-resistant film 
over the affected area 

Vitamm Preparations. Several multiple- 
vitamin preparations have been formulated 
using a compressed gas system** The pres- 
ence of nitrogen ensures increased stabihty, 
since many of the vitamins and the mmerals 
present arc sensitive to oxidation However, 
the viscosity of the product offers a serious 
problem to the formidator Generally, a syrup 
base IS utilized m order to mask the taste 
of the vitamins as well as to ensure vitanim 
stability Attempts have been made to pre- 
pare metered vitamin preparations with vaxy- 
ing degrees of success 

Pbansacculicai Jahahals. The vapor Xnun 
an inhalant type product is designed to give 
prompt relief from the symptoms of nasal 
and bronchial congestion Generally, the 
vapors of therapeutically active ingrc^cnts 
are produced through the utilization of a 
vaporizer (see Chap 1 1 } Recently, aerosol 
products have become available for this pur- 
pose In use, an enclosed area is sprayed 
with the mcdicmal ingredients The force of 
the liquefied gas propellant disperses the 
medicinal agents throughout the area m the 
manner of a vaporizer In addition, these 
products can be used to spray a small amount 
of the mcdicmal on a handkerchief and the 
vapors are then inhaled. 

A typical formulation may contain the 
following * 

Medional Aerosols 283 

Tnethylene glycol 


Dipiopylcne glycol 

0 5% 

Deltyl Extra 

0 2% 

S DA- Ethanol No 40 

15 0% 

Aromatic Oil 

1 0% 

Propellant 11/12 (50 50) 

83 0% 

Other Applications. Many reports have 
indicated vanety of pharmaceutical 
products 'which can be dispensed m aerosol 
form.® 80 53 ei 63 i^ese products include 
eye, car, nose, throat and dental preparations 
Many of these products are currently under 
investigation and in vanous stages of de 
velopment However, problems as to foimu 
lation, valve design, necessary applicators 
etc must be solved before they can become 
commercially available 


Inhalation therapy may be defined as the 
admmistration via the respiratoiy system of 
medicinal agents which are m ^e fonn of 
fine solid particles or liquid mists In recent 
tunes, physicians have administered pern 
cUlm and other antibioucs by way of the 
respiratory tract. Many drugs have been ad- 
ministered by this method as mdicated by 
Dautrebande,^* ^® Amsier,® Grant,®* Sul- 
senti^® and Sciarra ** Neuroth*® discussed the 
use of several devices suitable for the pro- 
duction of aerosol particles 

In 1955, the fint aerosol medicmal prod- 

uct was mtroduced m the Umted States This 
preparation consisted of a self-contained 
pressurized umt which utilized epinephrine 
as the therapeutically active agent In use, 
the product dispensed finely subdivided par- 
ticles of epinephrine The particles were m 
the range of 10 microns and below, with 90 
to 99 per cent less than 5 microns Accord- 
ing to Dautrebande, for true mhalation ther- 
apy the particles must be well below 0 5 mi- 
crons and, in many mstances, of submicronic 

In order to understand fully the therapeu- 
tic efiBciency of inhalation therapy, a review 
of the respiratory system is desirable How- 
ever, a detailed discussion of this subject is 
not withm the scope of this chapter Those 
parts of the respiratory system to which m- 
balation therapy is applicable have been re- 
viewed by Sciarra and Lynch®* and are illus- 
sirated m Figure 125 

Since It IS known that the particle size of 
therapeutic aerosols afiects their clmical use- 
fulness, many mvestigations have been car- 
ried out to determine the particle size that is 
most effective for a given therapy Particle 
sl~^ determmes the site of deposition m the 
luugs and, hence, chmeal effectiveness Ac 
cording to Abramson®^ and Fmdeisen,*® par- 
ticles larger than 30 microns were deposited 
in the trachea, those 10 to 30 microns m 
size reached the terminal bronchiole, those 
ranging from 3 to 10 microns reached the 

284 Aerosols 

Table 4S Particle Site op Isoproterenol and Episephrive Aerosol Suspensions 

Mass Median 
Diameter,* (microns) 

Mass of Particles wttu 


<5 microns, ‘o 

< 7 microns, % 

< 10 microns, ^ 

Lot No 

1 (Iso) 





Lot No 

2. (Iso) 





Lot No 

3 (Iso) 





Lot No 

4 (Epi) 





*As determined by the "light scatter decay method** (analysis of the change m light intensity of a 
Tyndall beam as an aerosol settles under turbulent conditions) From Ponish, L, et al Pressurized 
pharmaceutical aerosols for tnhalaUon therapy. J Am Phann. A (Sci ) 71, I960 

Table 49 Effect op Internal Pressure op Isoproterenol Suspension on 
Particle Size Distribution Emitted 





Mass With Diameters 

< 5 microns, 

> < 7 microns, ‘e 

' < 10 microns, 

Sample A. 


I 9 


100 0 





89 0 

98 6 

Sample B 



83 ( 

95 4 

99 6 



66 2 

89 0 

98 9 

FromPonish.L ftet J Am Phann A.(Scl)V9 7l 1960 

als color duct, uhilc those panicles m the 
range oM to 3 microns reached the alveolar 
saes It has been funher reported that par* 
tides less than 0 5 microns in size reamed 
the alveolar sacs and were expired Other 
workers have reported difTcrcnl values Also, 
the per cent rcicniton of the pantclcs must 
be considered LandahP** ** reported that 

f iamdcs of 60 microns or more \tcrc col- 
acted in the trachea with less than one per 
cent for partidcs less than 6 microns Par- 
ticles larger than 20 microns failed lo reach 
the terminal bronchiole, while those larger 
than 6 microns failed to reach the alveolar 
duct Those panicles less than 2 mterons 
faded to reach the region of the alveolar sacs 
However, It IS more or less agreed in regard 
to material to be deposited in the aivcoh for 
therapeutic value, that those panicles less 
than 0 5 microns must be considered. The 
importance of particle size m aerosol therapy 
has been indicated by Lovejoy 

Freedman,-* Grater and Shucy,” Hams,** 
SdUcr ’ and Zohman and Wdliams** all rc- 
poned significant therapeutic improvements 
when patients sulfcrtng from chrome asthma 
were treated with liquefied gas aerosols con- 
taming eiilier cpinepbnnc or isoprotcicnd 

In a study of the cITccts of various nose drops 
and sprays on vasomotor rhinites of preg- 
nancy, It was found by Banon* that a Itquc- 
fled gas aerosol containing phenylephrine 
seemed to be the most cliccuvc agent The 
author concluded that the beneficial results 
obtained from this product were due to the 
cRicicnt method of propelling the medication 
into the nasal and the nasopharyngeal spaces 
Administration of crgotaminc in the form of 
a liquefied gas aerosol has been shown by 
various investigators such as Finch,** Ryan,®* 
and Speed** to be an effective and efficient 
way of introducing the drug into the cir- 

Many medicinal agents lend themselves to 
admimstration by inhalation In fact, a drug 
given by intravenous injection can, in most 
eases, be reformulated into a suitable aerosol, 
provided that the drug is capable of being 
deposited m the respiratory tract and is non- 
irritaUng Such drugs as epinephrine, iso- 
proterenol, octyl nitrite, phenylephrine and 
ergotanune have been succcssfuly formulated 
into liquefied gas acrosob The particle sizes 
of isoproterenol and cpinephrme produced 
by liquefied gas aerosols have been investi- 
gated by Ponish et al“ and some typical 

Veterinary Aerosol Products 285 

results are given m Table 48 Table 49 illus- 
trates the relationship between internal pres- 
sure and particle size These products have 
met with a great deal of success and have 
been readily accepted by both phjsician and 

Some typical formulations of medicinal 
aerosols follow ” 

Angina Spray 

Octyl nitnte 

1 00% 

Propellant 12/114 

99 00% 

Asthma Spray 

Isoproterenol hydrochloride 


Ascorbic acid 

0 10% 


35 75% 

Propellant 12/114 


Asthma Spray 


0 25% 

Hydrochlonc acid 3/V 


Ascorbic acid 




Ethanol, absolute 

33 10% 

Propellant 12 

25 00% 

Propellant 114 


Figure !26 illustrates the package of a 
medicmal aerosol which is available 


Aerosol products offer many advantages 
to the vetermary field In addition to ^e 
generally accepted advantages of aerosol 
products, vetennaiy aerosols (1) provide 
mcreased penetration of medicuial agent 
through the animals fur, (2) facilitate ad- 
mmistration of the medicinal agent and (3) 
minimizes loss of medication from the 
aEccted area through activity of the animal, 
smee the mgredieots are finely dispersed 

Veterinary products have been developed 
for use as deodorants, repellants, grooming 
agents, antiseptics and germicides, and for 
the treatment of several specific conditions 
such as pmkc)e, mastitis, foot rot and ring- 
worm Many of the pharmaceutical aerosols 
previously covered are applicable to veteri- 
nary use, however, only those products de- 
veloped specifically for vetennaiy use wnD 
be mcluded m this section 

Antiseptic and Germicidal Vetennary 
Aerosol Products. These products are m- 
tended for the treatment of a vanety of con- 
ditions from a simple wound or abrasion to 

Fic 126 Schematic view of Medi 
balei' showing valve assembly (Riker 
Laboratones, Inc ) 

foot rot and nngworm The active ingredients 
generally consist of antibiotics and antiseptic 
and gennicidal ingredients A rather recent 
development — an aerosol product intended 
for the treatment of mastitis — consists of the 
follovsmg ingredients per dose 



PoJymyxm B 



Mill miscible vehicle to 

250 mg 
100 mg 
71 000 Units 
5 mg 
1 25 mg 
2.5 ml 

The active ingredients are added to the 
milk miscible vehicle and, after packaging, 
the product is charged with mtrous oxide By 
means of a metered valve, a measured dose 
of 2 5 ml is dispensed through a special teat 
tutw In use, the teat tube is inserted into 
the teat canal The valve is actuated by press- 
ing down and allowing the mcdicauon to flow 

286 Aerosols 


Like other pharmaceutical and medicinal 
products, aerosol products of a medicinal 
nature require a “new drug” application 
Mauser^* has discussed some of the data 
which are necessary 

The various components used to package 
aerosol products must be thorou^Iy in* 
spccted by the quahty control department 
In addition to the genera! analytic control 
procedures used m the manufacture of non- 
aerosol products, several special tests are 
required for aerosol products 

A stringent requirement of the Interstate 
Commerce Commission is that all aerosol 
products pass a flame extension test” — that 
IS, when the aerosol product is sprayed to- 
ward an open flame, the flame must not ex- 
tend more than a given length In Figure 127, 

Fio 127 Flame cxlemioo test (Albed Cbcnucil Corp General Chemical Div ) 

An aerosol preparation suitable for treat- 
mcot of pinkeye m cattle and sheep contains 

Methyl violet 


Furfuryl alcohol 


Tetrahydrofurfuryi alcohol 

0 03% 




14 60% 

Propylene ^ycol 

9 11% 

Propellant 12 


Propellant 1 1 


A typical flea, lice, and tick 
conlam the following 

spray may 



Pipcronyl butoxide 





2,2 Thiobis (4 chloro-6 methyl 




Petroleum distdlate 

23 36% 

Methylene chlonde 


Propellant 1 1 

27 50% 

Propellant 12 


References 287 

a typical aerosol preparation is subjected to 
this test. Additional tests are required to de- 
termine the explosiveness of the product 
usmg the “open” or the “closed” dnim ap- 
paratus. The vapor pressure of the final prod- 
uct must also be determined. It has previously 
been mdicated that all aerosols are heated 
to 130° F- in order to test for leaks and 
strength of container. In the case of pharma- 
ceuticals and medicmals, an exemption from 
this test IS permitted for those products which 
will undergo decomposition at this tempera- 
ture. Many of these tests are desenbed in 
detail m a publication of the Chemical Spe- 
cialties Manufacturers Association,* 

For spray products, the spray pattern 
is extremely important. The application for 
which the product is intended detenmoe 
the requirements of the spray. The spraying 
characteristics are dependent on the nature 
of the fotmulaUon, the pressure and the 
amount of propellant present, as well as on 
the valve and the actuator. In many instances, 
faulty manufacturing procedures can be de- 
tected through an examination of the spray 
pattern. Some contract fillers routinely ot^ 
serve the spray pattern of each aerosol con- 
tainer produced. A typical spray pattern can 
be seen in Figure 128. 

These arc only a few of the necessary tests. 
The entire filling operation for pharmaceu- 
tical and medicinal aerosols should be closely 
supervised. Mason and Hait*^ discuss some 
of the difierences In fillmg and control pro- 
cedures between pharmaceutical and non- 
phaimaceutical aerosol products. 

Pharmaceutical and medicmal aerosols 
have established themselves as a dosage form 
which has many unique features and a tech- 
nology of its own. Smee this is a relatively 
new dosage form and requires the use of a 
liquefied or compressed gas, studies must be 
initiated to determine the behavior of many 
medicmal agents in contact with the pro- 
pellants. hi addition, the pharmacolo^ ac- 
tivity must be determined for both new and 
old drugs, since the mode of administra- 
tion is d^erent. As this mfonnatlon be- 
romes available, it will be possible to 
utilize aerosols more extensively as a dosage 

Fio. 128, Tbe spray pattern. 


1. Anon, Aerosol News J;7, 1958. 

2. Anuler, R , and Malaboeuf, J.: Present 
role of aerosols is tbe treatment of various 
pulmonary diseases, Sem. hop. Paris 37: 
856, 1961. 

3. Barr, M.; Aerosol dosage forms, J, Am. 
Pbann. Ass. [Pract] 79:675, 1958. 

4. Barton, R. T.: Western J. Surg. 66:347, 

5. Beard, W. C.: Valves in Shepherd, H. R.: 
Aerosols: Science and Technology, p. 119, 
New York, Interscience, 1961. 

6. Burn Remedy, A.T.P. Bull No 14, N. Y„ 
Allied Chemical Corp. General Chemical 
Div., 1958. 

7. Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Asso- 
ciation, Glossary of Terms Used m the 
Aerosol Industry, New York, 1955. 

8. C.5MA. Aerosol Guide, New York, 
Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Asso- 
ciation, 1957. 

9. Daniels, F, and Alberty, R. A.: Ph)sical 
Chemistry, ed. 2, p. 125, New York, Wiley, 

la ibid..i4s. 

11. Dautrebande, L.: Characteristics of liquid 
aerosols. Physiol. Rev. 32:214, 1952. 

12. : Studies on Aerosols, p. 104, 

Washington, D. C., DepL of Commerce, 

26S Aeroiot* 

13 Studies on aerosols, Arch, int 

phimiacod>n 129 455, 1960 

14 Ounne, T F Determination of possible 
chilling cilects of propellants. Aerosol Age 
4 36. 1959 

15 Aerosols os a pharmaceutical dos* 

age form, Aerosol Age 6 22, 1961 

16 Finch, J W Or^ inhalation therapy, 
Med Times 5S 1029,1960 

17 Findeisen, W Ueber des abetzen klcincr 
m dcr Luft Suspendicrtcr Trichen in dcr 
menschlichcn Lunge bei der Atmung, 
Pnuger’sTJd 367, 1933 

18 Foresman, R. A , Jr The Metal Con- 
tainer in Shepherd. H R Aerosols Sci- 
ence and Technology, p 57, New York, 
Intcrscience, 1961 

19 Fox, I , and Palley, S Lf S Patent No 
2,977,231, 1961 

20 Freednun, T Mcdihalcr therapy for 
bronchial asthma. Postgrad Med 20 667. 

21 Fuller, A T , Hawkins, F , and Partridge, 
M W Rate of absorption of sulfonamides 
in Mtro and in viso after local application. 
Quart J Pharm Pharmacol 15 127, 

21 Gant, J Q. and Could, A H Steroid 
antibiotic aerosols a practical modality in 
otitis externa Med. Ann. D C 30 528. 

23 Games A L Corbin. C. E. and Pngol, 
A Local therapy of bums with a nco- 
m)cin bacitracin spray ponder, Antibiot 
Med 7 291 1960 

24 Gebauer C L U S Patent No 2,171,- 
501, 1939 

25 U.S Patent No 711,045, 1902 

26 U.S Patent No 668,815, 1901 

27 Glasscr O Medical Ph}sics, Vol 2, p 
823 Chicago Year Book Pub, 1950 

28 Goodhue L D Insecticidal aerosol pro- 
duction spra)ing solutions in tiqucflcd 
gases, Indiutr Eng Chem 34 1456. 1941 

29 Goodhue. L. D , and Sullivan, W N 
U.S PatentNo 2.321,023,1943 

30 Graham, J J Packaging pharmaceutical 
aerosols. Drug Cosmetic Industry 87 36, 

31 Grant I S. Practitioner JSI 698, 1958 

31 Grater, W C , and Shucy, C B Mcdi- 
halcr in asthma. Southern M J 5/ 1,600, 

33 Hardy, P W., Hoffman, II T, and Whea- 
ton. E Aerosol Food Products in the 
Frce-Piston Container, Institute of Food 
Technologists, 2!« Annual Mccung, New 
York, 1961 

34 Hams, M C The use and abuse of the 
pocket ncbulacn in the treatment of 
asthma, Postgrad Med 23 170, 1958 

35 Hauser, J New drug applications for aero- 
sol pharmaceuticals, Aerosol Age 5 30 
(June), 30 (July) 1960 

36 Herzka, A., and Pickthall, J Pressurized 
Packaging (Aerosols) ed 2, p IIS, New 
York, Acad Press 1961 

37 Kanig, J E The present status and future 
of medicinal aerosols. Aerosol Age 6 35, 

38 Landahl, H D , and Hermann, R On the 
retention of air borne particulates in the 
human lung, J Industr Hvg 30 181, 

39 Landahl, H D , Tfaccwcll, T , and Lassen, 
W H Retention of airborne particulates 
in the human lung, A M A Arch Industr 
Hyg 3 359, 1951 

40 Losejoy, F \V,3t,cta! Importance of 
particle size in aerosol therapy, Proc Soc 
Exp Dtol Med i03 836 1960 

41 Mason, A P, and Hart, J W The fillers 
role in pharmaceutical aerosols. Soap and 
Chemical Specialties 35 127, 159, 1960 

42 Meahberg P Metered valves for dis 
pensing products propelled by immiscible 
gases. Aerosol Age 5 36, 1961 

43 Mina, F A. Mode of action of ultra low 
pressure aerosols, Drug and Cosmetic Ind 
75 625, 1954 

44 — — Pressure Viscosity-Tune Factors 
m Dispensing Aerosol Liquids, Proc 
C S hi A 45lh Annual Meeting, p 72 

45 Mitchell, R I Retention of aerosol par- 
ticles in the respiratory tract, Am Rev 
Resp Dis 82 627, 1960 

46 Mobley. EK. US PatentNo 1 378,481, 

47 Neomycin Foam, ATP Bull No 32, 
New York, Allied Chemical Corp , Gen 
cral Chemical Div , 1958 

48 Neuroth, M E Aerosols, newest of old 
therapy, Am Prof Pharm 25 223, 309, 

49 Package for Profit, p 4 Wilmington Del . 
Freon Products Division, E 1 duPont, 

50 /&/</, p 10 

51 Pomerantz, E Prcsstirc-packcd pharma- 
ceuticals, Drug Cosmetic Industry &J 431, 

52. Pormh, I , Thiel, C C , and Young, J G 
Pressurized pharmaceutical aerosols for m 
halation therapy, J Am Pharm Ass. (Sci ) 
49 70, 1960 



53 Prussm, S B Hie potential of phanna- 
ceutical aerosols, Drug Cosmetic Industry, 
84 584, 734, 1959 

54 Reed, F T Propellants in Shepherd, 
H R Aerosols Science and Technology, 
p 224, New York, Interscience, 1961 

55 Toxicity of propellants. Am Per- 

fumer 75 40, 1960 

56 Reiogold, G Can making and can mak- 
ing materials (personal communication) 

57 Robinson H M Prednisolone (Meti 
Derm) as an aerosol for dermatoses, 
A.MA Arch. Derm 79 103. 1959 

58 Ryan, REA new approach to the 

A.M A. Arch Otolaryng 72 325, 1960 

59 Sanders, P A Non aqueous aerosol 
foams Aerosol Age 5 33, 1960 

60 The Reaction of Tnchloromono- 

fluoromethane with Ethyl Alcohol, Proc 
C S M A 46th Mid Year Meeting, p 66, 

61 Scbenng s Dilodeim foam aerosol. Aerosol 
Aged 27, I960 

62 Sciaira, J J Development of phannaceu 
tical and medicinal aerosols m the United 
States, Aerosol Age 6 65, 1961 

63 — — Aerosols and the pharmacist, J 
Am Pharm Ass (Pract ) 19 672, 1958 

64 Aerosol therapy, Aerosol Age 
1 14, 1956 

65 . — .... The Formulation of Self Agitating 
Pressurized Food Products, Institute of 
Food Technologists, 21st Annual Meeting 
N Y,1961 

66 The importance of aerosol lech 

nology to the conunuoity pbaimacist. 
Aerosol Age 4 66, 1959 

67 Sciarra 1 1 , and Cestan, J E. Extern 
poraneous preparation of pressurized pbar 
maccutical products, J Pharm. Sci , in 

68 Sciarra, 3 J , and Eiscn, H Dermato- 
logical pharmaceutical aerosols. Am Per 
turner 77 57, 1962. 

69 Sciarra, J J , and Lynch, V Aerosol in- 
halation therapy. Drug Cosmetic Indus 
try 86 752, 1960 

70 Sciarra, J J , and Turney, F J Solubility 
of medicinal agents in duorocarbons, J 
Pharm Sci,iQ press 

71 Sciarra, J J , Turney, F J , and Feely, 
W J The formulation of topical pharma 
ceuticals in aerosol packages. Drug Stand 
28 20, 1960 

72 Seltzer, A- A useful device for treating 
a«ite allergic drug reactions, hied Ann. 
D C 27 131, 1958 

73 Shepherd, H R Aerosols Science and 
Techaolagg, ij 2, New YatL, lotecsctewyi, 


74 Aerosols Science and Techno! 

ogy, p 387, New York, Interscience, 1961 

75 Spray-on Protective Film, Bull No 7, 
N Y , Allied Chemical Corp , General 
Chemical Div , 1957 

76 Speed, W G Ergotamme tartrate in 
halation, Am J Med Sci 240 327, 1960 

77 Sulsenti, G Cortisooic agents by aerosol 
to otorhmoIaiyDgology, Arch ital otol 
71 559, 1960 

78 Technical Manual Aerosol Formulations, 
Givaudan Delawanna, Inc , New York, 


79 Theodorau, I E Packaging food prod 
ucts. Aerosol Age 2 23, 1957 

80 Walker, M H A hydrocortisone panto- 
thenylol aerosol foam for skin therapy, 
J Am Podiat Ass 52 198, 1962 

81 Wallace, T A , 3r Quick breaking aero- 
sol foams Am Perfumer 75 85, 1960 

82 Webster, R C Compressed gas propel 
lants for non food products Aerosol Age 
6 20, 1961 

83 Yontef, R Prednisolone aerosol, Med 
Tlracs Dec 1958 

84 Zohman, L., and Williams, H M , Jr 
Comparative effects of aerosol broncho 
dilators on ventilatory function m bron 
chial asthma, J Allergy 29 72, 1958 

C/iapfer 9 

Incompafibility and the 
Incompatibilities of Inorganic 

Louis W. Busse, Ph D.* 

The term incompatible or incompatibSity 
Mihea applied to the nuung of mcdicanicnts 
IS used most often to describe (1 ) the com* 
bining of ph)$ically mconipatiblc substances 
such as oil and v.aicr in the absence of an 
emubificr, (2) Uie combining of substances 
that will react chemically to form a com* 
pound that is not desired, (3) the combming 
of substances tint uiU react chemically to 
form a more potent or toxic compound that 
uill be m oserdose These types of tneom* 
paubiliiy generally are classed as (1) physi* 
col, (2) chemical and (3) Uierapcuiic 
The study of prescription incompatibiliucs 
requires the application of the knowledge 
gained in all of the areas of the pharmacy 
curriculum (i c , chemistry, physics, pharma- 
cology and pharmacy) to the particular prob- 
lem at hand A proficient pharmacist should 
be able to anticipate the incompatibility 
before mixing and know bow to treat it or 
present it from occurring m order to dispense 
the prescription 

In this kind of incompatibility, the most 
frequent occasions where Uie consideration 
of tile pharmacist is necessary ansc either as 
matters of oicrdosage or the wnling for a 
substance when somethmg else is mtended, 
eg, mcrcunc chloride for mercurous, or 

• Profestor of PtaimAcy, Umveojiy of Wo- 

barium sulfide for banum sulfate Since pre- 
scnbing is the prerogative of the physician, 
the occurrence of antagonistic combinations 
such as stimulants and depressants, antispas- 
modics and drugs which increase the lone, 
cathartics and astringents, is of no concern 
to the pharmacist unless the combmations 
arc of such dosage as to be dangerous 

Oterdosage m prcscnptions is considered 
as a therapeutic mcompaiibility and may 
occur frequently In evaluating dosage, the 
student should always consider (1) the fre- 
quency with which the drug is administered 
and (2) the possibility of the combination 
of drugs prescribed possessing a synergisiic 
acUom Therefore, epmephrme and cocaine, 
codeine and aspiim, meicunals and salicyl- 
ates should be administered m smaller doses 
in combination than when administered on 
an individual basis 

In many instances, the amount of the drug 
administered m one day, if it possesses a 
cuiDulativc effect, is as important a con- 
sideration as the amount taken in each dose 
The judging of the limits of dosage which 
one would ^ow on a prescription is not sub 
ject to method For the most part, this knowl- 
edge will be acquired through experience and 
ol»crvauon under the supervision of a phar- 
macisL For the beginner, the simple rule of 
not permuting any dose twice that of the 
ofTictal average is a safe one Exception 
might be made in the eases of such highly 
potent drugs administered m doses less than 
He© gr 


Chemical Incompatibility 291 

The student also should keep m mmd that 
overdose can occur in prescriptions adminis- 
tered externally as well as internally Thns, 
m addition to Imowmg the doses of the potent 
drugs administered mtemally, he must also 
know the permissible concentrations of drugs 
to be applied externally or locally when in- 
corporated m the vanous vehicles and ap 
plied to different membranes Permissible 
concentrations of several drugs m various 
type vehicles for application to cutaneous 
membranes are given m Table 50 


The term physical incompatibility, very 
frequently caUed pharmaceutical, is used to 
descnbe those combmations or mixtures m 
wtuch, the mcompaUbvUty is due to the lack 
of solubility of one or more of the sub- 
stances m the liquids of the prescription, or 
the liquefaction of powders when triturated 
together (m which case these are called 
eutectic* mixtures) 

Hie common examples of physical mcom- 
patibility are listed below 

1 Immiscible liquids— cmulsificauon neces- 

A Oil water 

B Chloroform water 

C. Balsams, etc water 

2 Cementation of ingredients m mutures 

A. Bismuth subnitrate plus acacia as a 
suspending agent 

B Zmc oxide and starch plus acacia as 
a suspending agent 

3 Precipitation because of decreased solu 

A. Alcoholic extracts plus water 

B Hydrophilic colloids m a dehydrat 
tng medium 

a. Mucilaginous and albuminous 
solutions plus alcohol 
b Mucilaginous and albuminous 
solutions plus electrolytes 
(Hofmeister senes) 

C Saturated solutions of volatile oib 
in water plus salts 
a Aromatic waten plus salts 

* The term eutecuc is applied to the nuxiore of 
two or more substances in such proportions that u 
has the lowest melung point possible with those 
cotnponenu iB pharmacy it generally is applied 
to the mixtures of sohds hquuy at rooia. 

Table 50 pERxnssiBLE Concentrations 
OP Drugs in Various Vehicles for 
APPLICATION TO Cutaneous Membranes 







Phenol 1-2% 



Salicylic acid 1-2% 


Mercunc cUonde 0 0 1-0 1 % 


Anunomaled mercury 1-2% 


D Concentrated solutions of salts in 
water plus alcohol 

a Potassium citrate solution plus 
hyoscyamus tincture 
E. Supersaturated solutions at lowered 

4 Lique/achoa of sohd tagredients oa mixing 
A Camphor and menthol 
B Phenol and salol 
C Camphor and chloral hydrate 

An analysis of the above examples indi- 
cates the necessity for broad general knowl- 
edge m the following techmes or methods 
if incompatibihues of this nature are to be 
prevented or remedied 

1 Emulsifying agents and technics 

2 Suspenihng agents and technics 

3 General knowledge of solubilities, solvents 
and solvent action 

4 The use of adsorbing agents (eutectics) 

CHEMICAL incompatibility 

Chemical incompatibihty is said to be 
present if undesirable chemical reactions 
occur or may occur on compounding (nux- 
ing) of the medicaments tLs may be evi- 
denced m numerous ways 

I Precipitation 

a By hydrolysis — zinc chloride m puri- 
fied water, sodium phcnobarbital in 
purified water 

b By double decomposition— strontium 
bromide plus sodium salicylate 
Z Evolution of a gas 

a. ^fcrvcscccice*“4iberaUQn of carbon 

b liberation of nitrous oxides 
3 Color formation 

292 Incompalibili^ and the Incompotibifities of fnorgonic Compounds 

Table 51 Solubility of Salts in Water 

Sparingly Soluble Soluble 

Bromides, chlorides and Ammonium, potas* 
iodides of lead, mcr- sium and s^ium 

cury and silver salts 

Great tact, diplomacy and sympathetic 
understanding arc required at all times oa 
the part of the pharmacist. 


SulSdcs of all metals 
except the alkaline 
earth and alkali 
metals which are sol- 
uble UNH^)oS,Na.S. 
CaS, BaS] 

Sulfates and chromates 
of banum, lead, mer- 
cury, silver and stron- 

Hydroxides, oxides, car- 
bonates, phosphates, 
oxalates and carbon- 
ates of all metals, ex- 
cept the aUaH metals 
and the ammonium 
ion (NH«) 

Chlorides, except 
silver chloride, 
mercurous chlo- 
nde and certain 
oxychlorides (zinc 
Acetates, nitrates 

a. Antipyrine plus ethyl nitrite (blue 

b Cherry syrup plus alkalis (change of 

c Ubecation of iodine from iodides tn 
acid medium 

Certain chemical cornbinaUoos, such as a 
mixture of oxtdinng and ccducuig agents, at 
times may be prescribed Tlicy arc not in- 
compatible m the sense that they cannot be 
dispensed However, dispensing of such com- 
bmations may require particular care and 
skill m the order and the method of mixing 
and handling 

The decision as to whether die product of 
a chemical reaction which occurred dunng 
the mixing of the ingredients is undesirable 
again cannot be based on general considera- 
tions Each prcscnption presents an individ- 
ual problem, particularly when a different 
physician is involved each time. The limits 
to which a pharmacist can go in changing a 
prescription according to his best judgment 
mvolvc the physiciaii pharmacist relation- 
ship KnovvJcugc and txinfidcncc in the judg- 
ment of the pharmacist con be built up m the 
physician only by long and saiisfacio^ expe- 
rience with the pharmacist and his work 

In the discussion m this chapter, the ob- 
jective IS to survey the chemici incompati- 
bilities which may occur as a consequence 
of solidnlity differences The substances are 
grouped into inorganic (accordmg to occur- 
rence m the periodic table) and orgamc com- 
pounds While the morgamc compounds can 
be considered on the basis of thetc anion or 
cation components, the periodic grouping 
seems to lend itself to a more coherent dis- 
cussion and to lead to less repetition Gen- 
eral solubility rules precede each discussion 

General Solubility Rules 

This discussion is directed primarily to- 
ward the solubility or insolubility of these 
substances m water or dilute concentrations 
of alcohol and water 

While there are numerous exceptions to 
solubility rules, the following may be stated 
for their usefulness m predicting solubilities 
ID prescription combinations 

1 Inorganic compounds m general tend 
to dissolve in water (polar), while organic 
compounds tend to show insolubility m this 

2 Inorganic compounds m general arc 
quite insoluble m organic solvents (nonpolar) 
such as benzene, cilier and chloroform 

3 Acids, bases and salts (ionic and polar 
compounds) will be more soluble m a polar 
solvent (water) than m a solvent such as 

4 Orgamc compounds (nonpolar) will be 
more soluble in the nonpolar solvents 

5 Salts with weak crystd forces and high 
tendency to hydrate will be water-soluble 

6 Salts with strong crystal forces and 
sU^t tendency to hydrate will be sparmgty 
soluble in water 

7 Salts formed from univalent ions which 
arc easily hydrated and have relatively weak 
coulombic forces between the ions arc usu- 
ally soluble 

8 Many salts formed from combmations 

Incompatibilitiej of Inorganic Compounds 293 

Table 52 Souibility of Salts op -niE 
Alkali Metals 



Gm /100 ml. 

Polassjum nitrate 

3} 6 

Potassium chlonde 

34 0 

Potassium sulfate 

it li 

Potassium phosphate 

SI sol 

Sodium nitrate 

87 5 

Sodium chlonde 

35 8 

Sodium sulfate 

18 89 

Sodium phosphate 

11 11 

Lithium chlonde 


Lithium nitrate 

71 45 

Lithium sulfate 

35 0 

Lithium phosphate 

0 039 

Ammonium nitrate 

192 4 

Ammonium chlonde 

37 0 

Ammonium sulfate 

76 0 

of a divalent or tnvaleot ion and two or three 
univalent ions are quite soluble The poly* 
valent cations are usually highly hydrated 
because of a large central charge This high 
degree of hydration counteracts the mcreased 
coulombic forces between the polyvalent 
cation and the univalent anion 
9 Almost all salts formed from combina- 
tions m which both ions are polyvalent (di- 
valent, tnvalent or tetrava/ent) arc spar- 
mgly soluble m water 

Table 51 illustrates some of the general 
solubility rules for morgamc salts 

Group I Alkali Metals 
(U, Na, K,NHi+) 

These cations, m general, form watef- 
soluble salts with all the umvalent and the 
divalent amons, Q, NO 3 (acids) Salts of 
the tnvalent anions (PO*) will tend to be 
much less soluble even to the point of being 
slightly soluble Tabic 52 illustrates this fact 
The data m Table 52 indicate that, m 
general, aromooium salts are more soluble 
than lithium salts, lithium salts are more 
soluble than sodium salts and sodium salts 
arc more soluble than potassium salts The 
cations of Group 1, then, appearmg m their 

Table 53 Comparison op Energy of Hy- 
dration OF Alkali Ions with the Solu- 
bility OF Their Chlorides and Sulfates 




Hydration energy 
(Kg Cal /Gm. 
mole ion) 




Solubility of chlondes 

78 0 

35 8 

34 0 

Solubility of sulfates 
(Ghl/IOO ml ) 

35 0 

18 89 

11 11 

order of decreasmg solubility, are NH 4 +, 

With the cKception of the ammomum ion, 
these differences m solubilities can be ex- 
plained on the basis of the difference m 
the energies of hydration* of these 10 ns See 
Table 53 

These deductions or correlations are sub- 
stantiated further by the work of Buchner' 
and CO workers, who measured the salting* 
out effect of these ions and established the 
lyotropic numbers These numbers for lith* 
lum, sodium and potassium are given m 
Table 54 Since the lyotropic number is 
directly related to lomc hydration, these data 
also lend support to the general solubility 
statements made regarding these cation salts 

These differences m solubilities also con 
be rationalized and explained on the basis 
of the ionic radius of these lOns The degree 
of hydration is, in a maimer, a measure of 
the solubilizing properties of these 10 ns and 
IS related to the intensity of the electro- 
static field surrounding the ions Thus, m 10 ns 
having the same valence, the smaller ions 
(smaller ionic radius) have a more mtense 

“ Energy of hydration Is defined as that energy 
nbich IS released i^hen lOos luually in a vacuum 
are placed la pure water These figures indicate the 
relative aflinity of these ions for water 

Table 54 Lyotropic Numbers of Alkali 










294 Incompatibility and the Incompatibilities of Inorganic Compounds 

Table 55 Relationship of Electrostatic 
Fields of Alkali Cations to the 
Solubility of Their Salts 




Ionic radius 

(Angstrom units) 

0 60 

0 95 

1 33 

Rauo of charge to 


1 OS 


Solubility of bromides 
(Gm /lOO ml ) 

177 0 

90 24 


field than the larger tons and, therefore, 
greater hjdration energy This relationship 
IS illustrated m Table 55 
The fact that these ions do form water- 
soluble salts IS evidence that these univalent 
cations are not the cause of many incom- 
patibilities m themselves The majority of 
the mcompattbilitics are caused by the anion 
component of the salt 

In addition to the general mfonsatioo re- 
garding these cations, the folloumg specific 
facts should be learned 

1 Lithium salts (Cl, I, Dr) are often del- 
iquescent and are freely soluble m alcohol 
and glycerin Their solubility m alcohol is 
much greater than that of the correspondmg 
sodium and potassium salts 

2 \Vhen these cations arc corabmed with 
anions from weak acids, they form salts, the 
aqueous solutions of which are alkaline m 
reaction This rcsuliuig alkalmity is Cre- 
quenily the cause of the precipitation of the 
free alkaloid from alkaloidal s^ts which gen- 
erally require an acid pH for stabibty 

3 Ammonium sales will decompose with 
the liberation of ammoma in strongly alka- 
line solutions The rate of decomposition is 
mcrcascd with increasing temperature 

Group 2 The Alijvline Earth Metals 
(Barium, Strontium, Calcium and Mag- 
nesium, AND THE Heavy Metals Zinc and 

The Alkahne Earth Metals 
The cations Sr++, Ca++ and 

Mg++, like Li+, Na+ and K+, will form 
water-soluble salts with the univalent anions 
(F-,Cl-,Br-,I-,NOj“) \Vhcncombmcd 
Viiih divalent and tnvaicnt anions (S 04 "“, 

Table 56 Comparison of Hydration En- 
ergy AND Solubilities of the Hydroxides 
OF THE Alkaline Earth Metals 





Atomic weight 












Gm /lOO ml 

3 89 

0 77 


0 001 


0 233 

0 066 

0 022 

0 0003 

COi — , PO* ) the resulting salts are, 

for the most part, msoluble m water 

Exceptions to the univalent anion solu- 
biliQr rule arc the bicarbonate and the hy- 
droxide compounds which arc msoluble The 
solubility of the bicarbonate salts of the alka- 
line earth metals (divalent) is generally 
greater than that of the carbonate com- 
pounds The reverse is true m the alkali metal 
group of cations where the carbonate salts 
arc more soluble than the bicarbonate 

The hydroxides of the alkaline earth 
metals arc, in a pharmaceutical sense, quite 
insoluble These do not follow the solubility 
order when based on the energies of hydra- 
tion of the cation Table 56 illustrates thu 
reverse order 

With the exception of the hydroxides, the 
order of solubility of these cations follows 
quite closely the rules set forth under Group 
I According to their energies of hydration, 
the salts of magnesium should be more solu- 
ble than those of calcium, calcium salts more 
soluble than strontium salts and strontium 
salts more soluble than banum salts Table 
57 shows this relationship to be true, with 
the exception of the magnesium salts These 
arc less soluble than the calcium salts, with 
the exception of the sulfate anion. Magne- 
sium sulfate IS very soluble 

Tlius, even m the solid state, magnesium 
sulfate is largely hydrated and, therefore, the 
further separation of the ions on going into 
solution IS an easy process However, as the 
size of the positive ion (Ba++) approaches 
the size of the anion, we have a compound 
whose ions arc approximately equal m size 
The barium ions will pack quite firmly into a 
solid crystal and, therefore, it is not necessary 
for water to fill up the crystal lattice The 
bttcr may even be prevented from happen- 

Incompatibilities of Inorganic Compounds 295 

Table 57 Solubilities op Salt$ of the Alkaline Earth Metals 





Atomic weight 





Hydration energy 






Gm /lOO ml 



0 0016 

0 00076 


Gm /lOO ml 

35 7 


74 5 

54 S 

Gol Mol /lOOml 

0 333 

0 67 

0 576 


Gm noo ltd 




96 5 

Gm Moi /100ml 


2 08 

1 91 




177 8 



Gm Mol /lOOml 


0 68 

0 53 


Gm /lOO ml 



121 8 

73 2 

Gm MoL/lOOmI 



0 49 


Gm /lOO ml 

0 00023 



34 4 

ug When this occurs, a very insoluble sub* 
stance voU be the result 
All of the salts of these cations which 
contain a univalent anion (Cl', Br', I”, 
QOa”, NOj") are deliquescent and fona 
highly hydrated salts They are also quite 
soluble m alcohol, water and glycerin Their 
deliquescent property necessitates their being 
UghUy stoppered during storage penods 
When dispensed as a powder, they very often 
require the addition of an adsorbing agent 
Tim deliquescent property is ch^cter- 
istic of salts which are highly hydrated 
and crystallize with several molecules of 
water of crystallization, le, MgCljdH^O, 
Caa2 6H2O, SrCl2 6H2O, MgSO* 7H2O and 
CaS04 2H2O Of these 10ns, the Mg+'*’ ion 
is generally the most highly hydrated This is 
because it is the smallest ion of the senes 
For example, in combmation with the larger 
SO4 — ion it does not fill completely the 
space bclvseen the sulfate ions with its own, 
and there is room remaining for 7 molecules 
of water around each magnesium ion This is 
illustrated m Table 58 

The mcompatibiliues of this group ap* 
pear chiefly uhen these morganic salts are 
placed m solution with uni*divalcnt salts or 
v^ith salts of orgomc acids whereby double 
decompostuon occurs Viith the formation of 
a salt having 2 divalent components or a 
di\ alcnt cation and organic amon 

Caa2 + Na2S04 CaSO* | + 2NaCl 
SrBr^ + 2Na Salicylale -» 2NaBr + Sr 

Salicylate i 

2NapheaobarbitaI + Ca(OH)2 -♦ 

Ca phenobarbital + 2NaOH 

Salts of these alkalme earth cations with 
moDOcarboxylic organic acids having more 
than 4 carbons will for the most part be in- 
soluble, except with those orgamc acids con- 
taining sufficient hydroxy or ammo groups to 
associate with water and solubilize the salts 
Examples are levulenic acid, lactic acid, 
glucomc acid and some ammo acids (such 
as glutamic acid) 

Physical mcompatibilitics frequently occur 
with magnesium oxide because of its prop- 
erties of hydration The hydration occurs 
more rapidly and to a greater degree the 

Table 58 Hydration, Solubility and 
Ionic Size for Sulfates of Alkaline 
Earth Metals 








Gm /IOO 


SO4 — 


Ba+ + 



0 0002 


1 15 



Ca+ + 

1 0 




0 65 


27 0 

296 Incompatibility ond the Incompohbiiities of inorganic Compounds 

smaller the particle size of the oxide Thus, 
light magnesium oxide should never be used 
m hquid preparations, for, ^^1th a limited 
amount of water, it sets to a cementhke hard- 
ness The ‘ heavy” magnesium oxide (larger 
particle size) is h)drated less easily and ab- 
sorbs much less water and, therefore, is pre- 
ferred to the “light" 

When studying this group of cations, the 
student should always keep m mmd the 
toxicity of the barium salts Banum sulfate, 
which is the only salt of banum commonly 
used medicinally, is msoluble, thus preveot- 
mg systemic absorption. The soluble banum 
chloride is sometimes used medicmally to m- 
creasc the ventncular rate in the Stokes- 
Adams syndrome, however, this use is rare 
For this purpose, it is admmistered m doses 
of 30 to 40 mg 4 Umes daily for a day or 
two until the attacks arc controlled Barium 
IS a marked stimulant for all types of muscle 

Zinc and Mercury 

So far, we hate been able to explam the 
solubility relationships of the cations m 
Group 1 and 2 on the basis of hydration 
energies, lyotropic numbers and the ratio of 
the charge to the ionic radius This was pos- 
sible because the bonding of all of the com- 
pounds formed by these cations were, for the 
most part, purely ionic in character As was 
seen from the solubility diustrations, most of 
these salts were quite soluble Since only the 
possibility of ionization makes solution of an 
ionic solid (Na+Cl") possible, one can rea- 
son that the positive ion (Na*^) under the 
existing coodiuons has a greater attraction 
for the water molecule than for the chlondc 
(Cl“) ion, for example This is true m the 
case of the alkali metals and the alkalmc 
earth metals In those insoluble salts, m 
which the bonding is purely ionic (BaSO«, 
CaCOs), ions of higher valence are mvoivcd 
and the solubility then is dependent on the 
rclau^c strengths of the ionic forces m the 
oystal lattice 

However, m the case of the transition 
metals, the matter is much more m doubt. In 
this group, it appears that the force between 
the positive ions (Ag+) and chlorine 
for example, is rclauvcly greater than that 
between water and silver ion 

This mdicatcs a tendency for the bond to 

be partly covalent m nature, and a greater 
importance of van dcr VVaaJs’ and dipolc- 
dipole interaction forces in the formation of 
these crystal lattices 

Hydration. All of the cations exhibit an 
attraction for water and this attraction m- 
creases with the charge on the cations — 
monovalent least and the tn- and tetravalent 
the highest As the energy of hydration in- 
creases [indirectly a measure of the attraction 
of the cation (+) for oxygen (~) m water] 
the bonding between the cation and oxygen 
changes Thus, m the alkali and the alk^me 
earth metals, for example, the water of hydra- 
tion seems merely to occupy holes in the 
crystal lattice (weakly bound), while m the 
transitional and heavy metals the water ap- 
pears to be deiimtcly attached to the specific 
cation [Al(6H20)Cls] in many of the salts 
It is the latter type of coordinate bonding 
which IS a factor causing many of these diva- 
lent and trivalcDt cation hydroxides to be 
amphoteric in character 

The principal amphotertc hydroxides arc 
Zn(OH)2, So(OH)j, Pb(OH)3, (AIOH)# 
andCr(OH)3 These hydroxides will dissolve 
m an excess of alkali, fonnmg their respective 






Zmeate ion 
Stamiite ion 
Plumbite ion 
Aluimnate ion 
Chromite ion 

Zinc and mercury each forms a complete 
senes of salts that (filler greatly m their solu- 
bih^ m ivatcr In addition, mercuiy exists m 
two states of oxidation and forms the two 
senes of salts, mercurous (Hg+) and raer- 
cunc (Hg++), which also differ as to solu- 
bdity This relationship is shown in Tabic 59 
From the data m Table 59 , one can read- 
ily gather that even the more soluble mercury 
s^ts arc less soluble than the corresponding 
zinc salts and that there arc many more solu- 
ble zme than mercury salts The soluble zinc 
salts shown in Tabic 59 ore all hydrolyzed 
readily The hydrolysis of zme salts produces 
the cation Zn(Hj0)30H+ The ionic speaes 
which exist m zme solutions of different pH 
values arc as follows 

Acidsolulion 2n(H20)4++ 

Zn(H20)j(OH) + 

IncotnpQitbliities of Inorganic Compounds 297 

Table 59 Solubility of Salts of Zinc and Mercury 

Zinc Salt 


Gm /lOO ML. 



Solubility Gm /lOO ml 
Mercurous Mercuric 




0 75 












0 00021 












Nitrate 3 H 2 U 





Nitrate 6 H 2 O 




Sulfate • 6 H^O 



0 06 


Sulfate • 7 H 2 O 

96 5 





0 000001 






Neutral solution Zn(H 20 ) 2 (OH) 2 Zn(OH)j 


Basic solution Zn(OH)4 — Zlincaie ion 

According to Pauling,^ the conversioa of 
each complex into the next occurs by removal 
of a proton from one of the four water mole- 
cules of the tetrahydrated zinc ion. The pre- 
cipitate of zinc hydroxide is formed by loss 
of water from the neutral complex 

The hydrolysis of zinc chlonde, for ex- 
ample, IS a partial one and may be illustrated 
as follows 


ZqOHCI (solid) +H+ 

The basic salt of zmc oxycWondc is formed 
and will precipitate, giving a cloudy solution 
The formation of HCl also mdicates the fact 
that these salts are acidic m solution This 
cfiTTiff type of reaction occurs with all of the 
Tin e salts of the halides and the acetate The 
nitrate and the sulfate do not hydrolyze 
as readily and therefore form more stable 

Zmc salts will readily form the msoloblc 
hydroxides m neutral and shgjitly alkaline 
media and precipitate according to the equa- 

Zn+ +SO 4 — + 2X+ OH- ^ 






+ X-SO4 

These salts should be buffered when dis- 
pensed as solutions m prescription practice 
A common example is the formation of a 
basic zmc borate in the alkaline medium of 
sodium borate, with bone acid the true zinc 
borate is formed and is soluble Very weak 
solutions of the sulfate and the chlonde are 
dispensed frequently as mild antiseptics and 
astringents for use in the eye or the nose 
Zmc salts wiU be precipitated also when 
combmed wuh salts of orgamc acids of more 
than 4 carbon atoms m solution An example 
of this would be 

C— OVa 


ZnSO* + 2 i 


c— o— Zn— O— C 

I \ 

c c 

OH ^C— OH i + Na^04 


c c c c 

c c 

In addition to precipitating the organic 
acids, the salts also precipitate the larger 

29B incompatibility and the Incompatibilities of Inorganic Compounds 

molecules containing carboxyl groups, such 
as acacia, proteins and tannins These they 
precipitate not only by virtue of their fonn- 
ing zinc salts but i^o by dehydration oi the 
large hydrated molecule However, the de- 
hydrating properties take place only when to 
fairly concentrated solutions In addition, 
the anions (SO^ — , C1-, etc ) play a great 
part m the dehydration Therefore ZnS04, 
for example, would be more dehydrating 
than ZnClj since the SO4 — ion is higher in 
the Hofmcisler senes than the Cl~ ion 
(ZQSO4 w'lll precipitate methylccllulose sus- 
pensions in this manner) 

Frequently, the insoluble compounds of 
zme arc desired, and such as the zinc sulfides 
generally are precipitated freshly in order to 
get the finest particle size 

Potassa sulfurata + Zinc sulfate 

Potassium sulfate + Zinc mono and polysulfides 

This is an example of a chemical reaction m 
a presenpuon which is not an mcompaubility 
The oxides and the peroxides arc used fre- 
quently as dusting powder for their mild 
astrmgent, antiseptic and deodorizing prop- 

The zinc ion also readily forms complexes 
such as Zn(HoO)4++, Zn(NHj)4++ and 
Zn(CN)4++ Thcfonnatioao{Zn(OH)afiu 
into this system of complex formation Ac- 
corduig to Pauling,’ 2 molecules of 
2hi(H20)3(0H)3 can combme with the loss 
of water to form the larger complex, 



/ \ / \ 

HjO O OH2 

By contioumg this process, an mfimtcly long 
chain could be formed 

H H H H K 


/\ / \/ \/ \ /\ 

- Zn Zo Zn Zo — 
\/\ / \ /\ /\ / 

H H H H H 

The structure of Zn(OH)3 precipitated is 
thought to be essentially this 

Mercury forms two senes of compounds, 
one of which has an oxidation state of -{-1 
(mercurous) and one an oxidation state of 
4-2 With the exception of mercurous chlo- 
ride and mercurous oxide, the mercurous 
salts are not used widely in pharmacy and 
medicine This is due to the fact that they 
are very msoluble and unstable chemically, 
since they are easily reduced to metallic 
mercury by the action of hght The mercur- 
ous ion consists of two mercuric ions plus 
twro electrons which form a covalent bond 
between them [Hg Hg]++ Mercurous chlo- 
nde then may be pictured as having the 
linear covalent structure 


This covalent structure contributes much to 
the insolubility of these compounds 
There are two factors one should always 
keep in mind m dispensing the mercurous 
salts (1) they are reduced easily, and this 
IS hastened by light, moisture and tnturation, 
(2) mercurous salts may form the more solu- 
ble mercunc salts in the presence of excess 
anion, thereby causmg imtation For ex- 
ample, It has been reported that imtation 
occurred when calomel was used as a dusung 
powder m the eye at the same tune that 
potassium iodide was being administered 
mtemaUy The more soluble potassium mer- 
cunc iodide was formed m the tissues be- 
cause of the presence of the iodide ion 
Simultaneous administration of soluble 
halides and insoluble mercurous salts is con- 

The mercunc salts (Hg++) possess dif- 
ferent properties from the corresponding 
compounds of zme These diUercnces may 
be explained in part by the strong tendency 
of the mercuric ion to form covalent bonds 
These differences arc reflected m the low- 
ered soIubiJj^ of the mercunc salts over those 
of zinc This IS illustrated by the solubility 
products of the sulfides. 


Salt Product (Kgp) 

Zinc sulfide 10~-‘ 

Mercunc sulfide 10“®* 

and by the much greater solubili^ of the 
halides of zinc as illustrated m Table 59. The 

Incompatibilities of inorganic Compounds 299 

tendency toward a greater covalent character 
m these compounds is substantiated also by 
the difference m melting and boiling points 
between the salts of mercury and zinc The 
greater tendency for mercury to form cova- 
lent bonds IS mdicated by its low boiling 
pomt and meltmg point 

The mercuric ion has a strong tendency 
to hydrolyze and to precipitate basic salts 

HgfNOala + HOH Hg 



+ HNOj 

This tendency is mcreased m alkaline 

Of the somewhat soluble salts, mercainc 
chloride has the least tendency to hydrolyze 
m solution because of its very low degree of 
ionization and, therefore, its small concen- 
tratton of mercuric ion The mercury ts pres- 
ent mainly as un ionized Imear covalent 

Cl— Hg— Cl 

However, solutions of mercuric chloride are 
stabilized by ammonium chloride, and, for 
stock solutions, the addition of a small 
amount of the latter is recommended 

Mercuric iodide is one tenth as soluble as 
mercuric chlonde but is solubilized in an 
excess of iodide ion It forms a soluble com- 
plex salt, potassium mercunc iodide, accord- 
ing to the followmg equation 


I I 

/ / \k 

Hg +2KI s^Hg , 

\ V' 


The addmon of potassium iodide to solu- 
tions in order to solubilize mercunc salts is 
jusufiablc and aixording to the best art. How- 
ever, these solutions liberate iodine slowly 
on standing and turn jcUowish m color The 
addition of a small amount of sodium thio- 
sulfate IS recommended to keep the lodme 
from colormg the solutions The dispensing 

Table 60 Properties of Zlnc and 
Mercury and Their Salts 


AND Salt 










-38 9 

Zme chlonde 



Mercunc chloride 



of such combinations of mercunc salts as 
will form potassium mercunc iodide with 
alkaloids or solutions containing alkaloids is 
to be avoided, smee this salt is an alkaloidal 
preapitant t'^en used for this purpose m 
analysis, it is known as Mayer’s reagent In 
addition to alkaloids, mercunc salts also 
precipitate proteins, orgamc acids of more 
than 4 carbon atoms and tannms 

The incompatibility of the mercury salts 
may be summarized briefly as follows 

1 Hydrolysis to basic mercunc salts 
which are insoluble, particularly in the al- 
kalme medium 

2 Reduction to meialbc state m the pres- 
ence of reduemg agents This is particularly 
true of the oxides This reduction is hastened 
by light and heat 

3 Precipitation due to the formation of 
an insoluble salt through double decompo- 

Groups Boron and Aluminum 
The metalloid boron docs not occur in 
the free state m nature In pharmacy, we use 
It as the hydrated BaOj known as ^nc acid 
(H 5 BO 3 ), or the complex borate mineral so- 
dium tetraborate decahydrate (Na^B^Or* 
10 H 2 O) called borax The mcompabbilities 
of these substances are due not to the borate 
ion as such but chiefly to the acid or basic 
properties of the solution (Sec under the 
met^s for the rcspccU>e mcompatibilitics ) 
Aiumuium is the only caUon from this 
group that is of known importance to phar- 
macy Of the aluDunum compounds, only the 
chlonde, the sulfate, the phosphate and the 
hydroxide are used frequently The double 
sulfates of alummum with cither potassium 
or ammomum (alums) arc used as styptics 
(styptic pencils) mfrcquently, however, they 
aic used m great quantities mdustnoUy to 

300 Incompatibjlity and the Incompatibilities of Inorganic Compounds 

Table 61 Hydratios Energies 

Hydration Energy 


(Ko Cal /Gm M ion) 

A1 + + + 




produce the hydroxide for medicinal use and 
as a mordant in the dyemg process 

Aluminum is a member of the third penod 
with all three valence electrons m the third 
energy level and so is always trivalent 
A 1 +- 1 -+ has a very small ionic radius and, 
as a result, a very high electric intensity at 
the surface This is manifested in a great at* 
traction for water, resulting in a bi^ heat of 
hydration and hydration energy In fact, of 
the tons used m pharmacy and medicine, the 
aluminum ion is second only to the feme 
ion (Fe+++) m hydration energy 

The lomc radius and the ratio of charge to 
radius of socrol ions arc shown in Table 62 
The very small lomc radius of + and 
the high ratio of charge to radius explain why 
this substance is never found free m nature 
and why it forms the hydrate (H 3 BO 3 ) 
boric acid so easily 

Because of its hydration energy, the alu* 
mmum ion is always associated with 6 mole* 
culcs of water in solution, and this mcreases 
the tendency to form soluble salts, many of 
them hydrates 

The chief msolubic salts arc the carbonate 
and the phosphate 

Of the soluble salts of aluminum, the chlo- 
ride and the sulfate are used most commonly 
Both salts arc ionized m solution, and, since 
they are the combmation of a weak base and 
a strong acid, they confer an acid pH to the 
medium They hydrolyze slightly in solution 
and, therefore, should be stabilized with an 
excess of anion— eg, alumuium chloride 
with ammonium chlonde or aluminum 
sulfate with ammomum sulfate 

Aluminum chlonde is unique m that m 
ihe anhydrous slate it is one of the few ex- 
amples of an morgamc compound existing 
as a molecule It is not in tlic fonu an 
ionic solid It is stable and can be distilled 
and sublimed. It hydrates very rapidly to 
form the Al( 6 H 20 )CIj w-ilh great rapidity 
and violence Caution must be used m ban- 

Table62 Ionic Radius 


Ionic Radius 

Charge TO 



1 48 

Sr+ + 

1 13 

1 77 

Ca+ + 

0 99 

2 02 

Mg+ + 

0 65 

3 03 




B+ + + 

0 20 


dling the anhydrous compound In solution, 
however, the type of bondmg changes, and, 
in sufficient dilution, the salt appears to be 
completely ionized 

llie acidity of both the sulfate and the 
chlonde in solution is quite high, and for use 
on the shn these solutions should be buf- 
fered Concentration of 10 per cent should 
not be exceeded for general astringent usage 
as an antiperspirant 

Aluminum, hie zioc, will form basic salts 
such as aluminum subacetate (Al(OH) 
(CsHjOj) xHsO When dried, this salt is an 
msoluble compound, but, if it is prepared and 
left 10 solution, It will continue to be soluble 
The salts are not very stable and hydrolyze 
to form the msoluble hydroxide and precipi- 
tate out 

Aluminum hydroxide gel is a colloidal sus- 
pension of A 1 ( 0 H )3 The colloidal suspen- 
sion IS destroyed by heal, freezmg, electro- 
lytes and dehydrating agents On drying, the 
particle size mcreases rapidly, which greatly 
reduces the adsorbing and reacting powers of 
the compound Aluminum hydroxide is solu- 
ble m t»th acid and alkali and so is am- 
pbolcnc Like zinc hydroxide, it acts as an 
acid and, therefore, will form alummate salts 

Al(OH), + NaOH Na+AlOj + 2 H 2 O 
The reaction is a typical neutralization, with 
alummum hydroxide functioning as the acid 

Group 4 Tin and Lead 

Tin and lead have two elections m the Po 
and Px levels and, therefore, exist m diflcrcat 
valence stales which involve cither ( 1 ) loss 
of ail four valence electrons Pb-*'+++, (2) 
loss of only the Pj level electrons Pb++, (3) 
gain of four electrons to give structure of the 
succeeding rncit gas 

Incompatibilihes of Inorganic Compounds 301 

Table 63 Solubilities of Aluminum 



(Gm /lOO ML ) 



Bromide anhydrous 

Soluble with violence 

Bromide • 6H2O 


Bromide • ISHjO 


Chlonde anhydrous 

Soluble with violence 

Chlonde • 6H2O 


Iodide anhydrous 

Soluble with decomposi 


Iodide • 6H,0 

Very soluble 


63 7 

Sulfate anhydrous 

31 3 

Sulfate •9H2O 


Sulfate • I8H2O 


ITie relative stability of the 2* and the 4+ 
valences in this group is m accord with the 
general rule that the highest positive valence 
in the families is more stable in the odd- 
numbered periods Therefore, the 4+ valence 
of tin m the fifth period and the 2* valence 
of lead m the sixth period give the most 
stable compounds In agreement with this 
rule IS the fact that the plumbic (Pb++-++) 
compounds ate relatively few in number and 
quite unstable In pharmacy, therefore, we 
are mterested chiefly m the plumbous 
(Pb++) compounds of which acetate, arse- 
nate, sulfate, oleatc and the monoxide are 
used most frequently 

Lead preparations are used primarily as 
astnogents and act by virtue of the lead ion 
reactmg with the proteins of the skin fonn- 
mg an msoluble lead protcinate The degree 
of astnogency is related to the degree of 
ionization of the lead salt The very soluble 
compoxmds are very astringent, while slightly 
soluble compounds cause a mild astnngency 
because of the slow release of the lead ton m 
the tissues 

Table 64 shows the soluble and the sh^tJy 
soluble compounds of lead 

Solutions of lead salts or suspensions of the 
insoluble compounds almost always arc pre- 
scribed as such, and, therefore, few mcom- 
patibilities anse However, it should be kept 
in mind that, with the exception of the sol- 
uble salts shown m Table 64, all other lead 
salts are insoluble, and, therefore, if other 

Table 64 Solubilities op Lead 
Compounds (Water to Dissolve 
1 Gm ) 



1 6 ml 






93 0 


200 0 

Slightly Soluble 











compounds were added to such solutions, an 
incompatibility would be certam to result, 
1 e , lead would be precipitated by acids, 
sulfates, chlorides, citrates, carbonates, al- 
kalis, tannis, phenols and plant extracts 
(tinctures, fluidextracts, etc ) 

Very frequently, suspensions of finely sub- 
divided insoluble lead salts are prepared 
extemporaneously m preference to suspend- 
mg the powered salt as such For example, a 
frequently encountered prescription is 


Zinc sulfate 

Lead acetate, aa 0 300 

Punfied water, q s 120 0 

Sig Apply as directed 

Such precipitates are not considered un- 
desirable, and a similar illustration is en- 
countered m lead and opium wash 

Lead acetate 1 8 

Opium tincture 3 5 

Purified water, q s 100 0 

Sig Apply as directed 

In this case, the msoluble lead mecooate is 
desired and serves as a mild astnngent sus- 

The more serious problem encountered 
mth solutions of lead salts is stability The 
chlonde, mtrate, acetate and subacetate are 
all hydrolyzed m solution easily and react 
quiclJy with the carbon dioxide in the water 
and arc precipitated out as the basic lead 
carbonate This is illustrated in the unstabihty 

302 Incompatibility ond the Incompolibilihe* of Inorganic Compounds 

of the oQIcial solutions of lead acetate and 
subacctate Up to the present tune, no effec- 
tive means of stabilizing these solutions has 
been devised Precautions such as using 
boiled water, which is carbon-dioxide free, 
and keeping small completely filled bottles 
to exclude air should be observed when pre- 
parmg solutions of lead salts 

Groups Arsenic, Antimony and 

Arsenic, antimony and bismuth arc the 
metallic elements of Group 5 \^hich mcludes 
the nonmctalhc elements nitrogen and phos- 
phorus Of these elements the compounds 
of arsenic and bismuth are the most impor- 
tant from the standpomt of incompatibilmcs 
Therefore, this discustson is restneted to 
these two 

Arsenic^ Inorganic arsenic is seldom used 
m present day mcdicme This is primarily be- 
cause Its uncertain absorption from the in- 
tcstmal tract makes it unp^ssiblc to maintam 
constant blood levels However, it is still 
prescribed infrequently as a stimulant m its 
use as a tonic or alterative m anetiuas and 
skin diseases 

Arsenic forms arsenous and arsemc acids 
However, these are difficult to obtam except 
m solution, smee the acids lose water readily 
to form the oxides The arscnious oxide 
(arsenous acid, arsenic trioxide) and arsenic 
oxide (arseme pcnioxide) are slightly solu- 
ble in water and tbcir solubility is mereased 
m the presence of acid or alkali Solutions 
of arsenous acid (anenic tnoxidc) generally 
arc brought about by addmg HCl or potas 
Slum bicarbonate to the medium, and this is 
the basis for Arsenous Acid Solution and 
Potassium Arscnitc Solution (Fowler's Solu- 
tion) The arsenic trioxidc is feebly acidic 
and, as such, reacts with alkali to form the 
metallic arscnites, it can also act as a base 
and thus react with acids (halogen) to fonn 
the hahde 

Smcc anenous acid solution and potas- 
sium arsemte solution are administered singly 
and not mixed with other drugs, locom- 
patibiliUcs seldom arc encountered However, 
if other substances are added, one must keep 
m mmd the acidity of the one solution and 
the basicity of the other, smee the incom- 

patibih^ will be one of a pH phenomenon. 
For example, m the combination of potas 
Slum arsemte solution and alkaloidal salts 

Strychnine sulfate 0 005 

Potassium arsemte solution q s 60 0 

sttychnme will be precipitated because of the 
alkalmity of the solution of potassium 

Bismuth. Whereas the arsemcals used m 
medicine are almost always m solution, the 
bismuth compounds are highly insoluble and 
are administered as powders or as suspen 
siODS (exception — bismuth gljceriie) These 
compounds are used largely for their me- 
chanical coating of mfiamed tissue which is 
accomplished through a mild astringent 
action and a slow reduction of these com- 
pounds to metallic bismuth in the mtestinal 

llie Group 5 elements illustrate quite well 
die tendency for the metallic properties of 
the elements withm a given group to increase 
with the increase in atomic weight This ts 
exemplified by the fact that the arseme oxides 
arc more aci^c than basic, whereas the bis- 
muth oxides are more basic than aci^c How- 
ever, they are only feebly basic and, there- 
fore, combine with acids to form salts which 
are easily hydrolyzed Similar evidence is 
presented m the fact that the electropositive 
character of metals decreases with increase 
lo valency, and, in consequence, the tend- 
ency of the salts to hydrolyze increases Hy- 
drolysis IS a common property of the halides 
and other salts of the trivalcnt metals and 
frequently occurs with bismuth salts m solu- 
tion or suspension For example, bismuth 
suboitrate m suspension readily hydrolyzes to 
liberate nitric acid 

2BiONO, + HOH ^ (BiOaOHNOj + HNO, 

Bismuth chlondc (BiClj) decomposes com 
plctely m solution according to the following 

BiO, -I- HOH ?=SBiOa + 2 HQ 

Suspensions and soluuons of bismuth salts 
areordingly will be acidic and have the in- 
compatibiliucs of acids, they cause efier- 
\csccncc with carbonates and liberation of 
iodine from iodides which, in turn, is con- 
verted mto dark brown bismuth iodide 

incompottbtliiies of inorganic Compounds 303 

I O 

B— I or red basic bismuth iodide Bi 

\ \ 

I I 

Prescnptions illustratmg these properties 
are listed below 

Bismuth submtrate 


Calcium carbonate 


Peppermint water, q s ad 



Bismuth subsalicylate 


Potassium bicarbonate 


Cenum oxalate 


Simple syrup, q s ad 


The hydrolysis of the bismuth subsalicylate 
hberatmg sahcyhc acid will cause a vigorous 
release of carton dioxide from the calmum 
carbonate These incompatibilities may be 
overcome readily by subsututmg bismuth 
subcarbooate for tto subnitrate or sub* 
salicylate They may be overcome by allow* 
mg the effervescence to go to completion and 
then pourmg mto the container, but this is 
time*consummg and inconvenient to both the 
pharmacist and the patient It should be 
understood that, when carbonates are con- 
tamed m a prescription and a bismuth com- 
pound IS piescnbed m combmation, the salt 
of bismuth used should always be the car- 
bonate, smce this does not hydrolyze to 
hberate an acid 


Bismuth submtrate 8 0 

Sodium iodide 3 0 

Cinnamon water, tj s ad 240 0 

Bismuth compounds also are reduced quite 
easily to metallic bismuth m the presence of 
orgamc reducmg agents such as glyccnn (and 
polyhydro:^ alcohols m general) Tins re- 
duction takes place much more rapidly m 
alkalme media, and, therefore, any combma- 
tion of bismuth salts m which the acid liber- 
ated during the h)droIysis will be removed 
* through chemical combmation should be 
avoided For example 


Bismuth submtrale 100 

Zinc oxide 200 

Glycerm 10 0 

Rose water, q^ ad 100 0 

The mtnc acid that is hberated is com- 
bined as zmc mtrate This prevents a lowered 
pH from devclopmg and encourages further 
hydrolysis which, m turn, facihtates the re- 
duction to metalhc bismuth by the glycerm. 
This type of mixture must be protected from 
light or reducmg substances such as glycerm 
must be omitted. 

Because bismuth salts are so easily hy- 
drolyzed with the resultmg formation of the 
insoluble basic salts, almost all bismuth 
(impounds used m pharmacy are insoluble 
The following are examples 

Bismuth hydroxide {milk of bismuth) 
Bismuth subcarbonate 
Bismuth subgallate (dernmtol) 

Bismuth subiodide 
Bismuth submtrate 
Bismuth subsalicylate 
Bismuth lodosubgallate 
Bismuth tnbrompheoate 

Groups 6 and 7 

Since the incompatibihues involving mem- 
bers of these groups are ionic m character, 
they are considered under the respective 
cation components 

Group 8 Iron, Nickel and Cobalt 

Of the elements of periodic Group 8, only 
iron IS used to any appreciable extent m 
pharmacy and medicme For this reason, pos- 
sible sources of pharmaceutical incompabbil- 
1 ^ which may anse from the use of other 
members of the group will not be considered 

Iron. Nearly all mcompatibihtics mvolv- 
mg non salts are due to either (1) the m- 
soIubihQr of the ferrous and the feme hy- 
droxides or (2) changes m the oxidative 
level of the iron salts In addiUon, incom- 
patibility ansutg from the formation of in- 
soluble salts such as carbonates, phosphates, 
sulfides and salts formed from the dibasic 
organic acids must always be considered. 

The low solubility of the hjdroxides, espe- 
cially feme, results m a considerable amount 
of hydrolysis 

Fcaj + 3HOH ^ Fe(OH), i + SHQ 

304 Incompatibility and the Incompatibilities of Inorganic Compounds 

A pH below 4 IS required m most cases m 
order to maintain Fc+++ m solution m the 
absence of special completing agents Thus, 
any substance which is alkaline or \vhich 
normally tends to buffer solutions above this 
pH value can be considered to be incom* 
pauble This would mclude such substances 
as borates, carbonates, bicarbonates, acetates 
and others 

Precipitation of iron salts or their hydrox- 
ides can be obviated m many cases by the 
addition of completing agents Such sub- 
stances as NHj, lactate, citrate, pyrophos- 
phates, amines, sugars, polyhydroxy alcohols 
(glycerin) and certam protems form co- 
ordination complexes with ferrous and feme 
ions which are soluble However, pharmacists 
should keep in mind that the “completed” 
ion may not exhibit some of the desircd 
properties of the free ion (aquo ion) For 
example, it is considerably less astringent be- 
cause of the reduced number of Fe++ or 
Fc+++ ions On the other hand, however, 
the lack of this property is a desirable one 
when iron u administered mtcmally Ex 
omplcs of such iron complex salts arc 

1 Soluble ferrous phosphate (contains 
sodium Citrate to solubilize) 

2 Iron and ammouum citrate 

3 Feme pyrophosphate with ammonium 

4 Feme citrochlonde (feme citrochlonde 

5 Saccharated ferrous carbonate 

6 lion ^yeerophosphate 

7 Iron nucicioate (iron with fcrronuclctc 

8 Iron peptonale (iron with peptone) 

9 Iron tartrate 

10 Saccharated iron oxide 

However, incompatibdity may also be the 
result of such complex formation, e g , 
Fe+'*‘+ ions form complexes with phenolic 
compounds such as phenol, cresols, sahcylic 
acid and sabcylates, which are deeply 



Feme chlonde tincture 

Rose water, q s ad 

Bone acid 

Zinc oxide 

Salicylic acid 

Deolooite magma, q^ ad 

The supernatant liquid will turn pmk on 
standing because of the iron present m the 
bentonite reacung with the phenolic hy- 
droxy group of the salicylic acid 
The oxidizmg action of feme iron 
(Fe+++) and the reducing action of fer- 
rous iron (Fe++) produce many mcom- 
patibihtics Hydroxy acids, mercurous salts, 
phenols and other easily oxidized substances 
arc readily acted on by feme ions, especially 
under the influence of sunlight 
Since ferrous iron is relatively easily air 
oxidized, iron salts can often act as oxygen 
transport systems m the atmospheric oxida- 
tion of many compounds Either ferrous or 
feme ions through an oxidation reduction 
^clc can catalytically decompose peroxides 
Agam addition of a coraplexing agent may 
be helpful in reducing or even preventing 
undesired oxidative changes Since the degree 
of interaction is usually greater between 
feme ions and complexing substances than 
between ferrous ions and the same sub- 
stances, the oxidative potential of the former 
IS reduced considerably For example, the 
electrochemical reaction 
Fe++=Fc+ + + +c Eo = 0782voU 

lFc(CN)8)++ = lFe(CN) 5 )+ + + + e 

Eo = 0 36 volt 

Lactates, ammonium ions, sugar, glycerin, 
pyrophosphate, etc, exhibit approxunatcly 
the same effect 


1 Voel, A , and Buchner, E H Chem Rev 
20 169, 1937 

2 Pauling, Linus General Chemistry, p 436, 
Son Francisco, Freeman, 1947 

3 Ibid 


But], H B Physical Biochemistry, New York, 
Wiley, 1943 

Hildebrand, J H Principles of Chemistry, eJ 
5, New York, Macmillan, 1947 * 

Sneed, M C , and Maynard, J L General In- 
organic Chemistry, New York, Van Nos 
trand, 1942. 

Thome, P C L, and Roberts, E R Ephraim s 
Inorganic Chemistry, cd 4, New York, Inter- 
science, 1943 

I 0 

chapter 1 0 

Incompatibilifies of Organic 

jif*( tmRABV Jf 

Dale E Wurster, Ph.D.* 

In this chapter a large number of the vari- 
ous types of mcompatibilities encountered m 
the formulation of drug products and the 
compounding of prescriptions are discussed 
Unfortunately, it is not practical m a stogie 
chapter to discuss all the classes of chem- 
ical compounds employed m pharmaceutical 
preparations However, a sufficient number 
of substances are treated to acquamt the stu- 
dent with the kmd of information required 
to recognize and solve problems pertaining 
to drug stability in pharmaceutical systems 
The student should ^o be aware of the fact 
that the mformation presented is fully as use- 
ful to explain compatibility as it is to explain 

The problems mentioned are primarily 
chemical m nature, but some physical prob- 
lems, particularly those related to solubih^, 
are also discussed The emphasis on solu- 
bility IS justified, as many mcompatibihties 
are the result of the mitial insolubility of a 
compound or the formation of a preapitate 
through chemical reaction or mteraction 

To avoid unnecessary repetition, calcu- 
lations per tainin g to the kmetics of drug deg- 
radation are omitted from this chapter, smce 
this information has already been treated m 
the text. Similarly, other calculations, such 
as those governing whether a preapitate 
would be obtamed when a given concentra- 
tion of an alkaloidal salt is dispensed m an 
, aqueous medium bavmg a particular pH, 
have also been given previously (see C3iap- 

Lastly, mformation pertaining to the sta- 
• Professor of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin 

bility of cerlam physical systems rather than 
chemical compounds per se can be found m 
the chapter dealmg with the dosage form 
containing the particular pharmaceutical sys- 
tem Thus, the correlation of the information 
given m this chapter with that m the previous 
chapters serves to make evident to the stu- 
dent the solution of both chemical and physi- 
cal mcompatibiiities 

Saturated Hydrocarbons 
This class of chemical compounds is rep- 
resented m pharmaceutical dispensing by 
hquid petrolatum, petrolatum and paraffin. 
Although the actual number of substances 
of this class which are used is not great, 
the above-mentioned agents are employed 

Solubihty. The saturated hydrocarbons are 
nonpolar compounds and, therefore, are m- 
solubJe m water and other polar solvents 
However, these substances are miscible with 
other nonpolar solvents such as ether, ben- 
zene, petroleum ether, chloroform, carbon 
disulfide and fixed oils as a result of mduced 
dipole-mduced dipole mteractions 

Incompatibdity. Inasmuch as the alkanes 
are extremely unreactive substances, they give 
nse to no incompatibihues m prescriptions 
due to chemical reactions However, they do 
cause many incompatibilities of a solubility 
nature The members of the alkane senes do 
not react with acids, alkalies or oxidizing or 
reducing agents In order to bring about a 
change m their structure, either extremely 

306 Incompohbiliiies of Orsanic Compounds 

hi^ temperatures, strongly electrophilic 
(electron-seeking) reagents or both usually 
arc required. 

Incompatibilities in prcscnptions involving 
the saturated h) drocartons arise mainly from 
attempts to mu these nonpolar compounds 
with polar compounds The same prmciples 
apply both in hquid preparations containmg 
liquid petrolatum and in ointments contain- 
mg petrolatum In either ease, if water is in- 
cluded, whether alone or with dissolved sub 
stances, compatibility can be attamed only 
through emulsihcation 


The alcohols may be considered as hy- 
droxy dcnvativcs of hjdrocarbons The sub- 
stitution of a hydroxyl group for a hydrogen 
of a hydrocarbon causes profound changes 
m both the chemical and the physical prop- 
erties with the change m solubility charac- 
teristics being particularly evident loasmudi 
as alcohols may contam one or more hy> 
deoxyl groups, they are classiSed as mono- 
hydroxy and polyhydroxy compounds 

Monohydroxy Alcohols 

Solubility The alcohols are miscible with 
water by virtue of tbcir ability to ossoaate 
with water through hydrogen bonding. From 
a practical pharmaceutical standpomt, propyl 
and isopropyl alcohol represent the upper 
limits 01 solubility of alcohols m water, al- 
though normal butyl alcohol is soluble to the 
extent of 7 9 Cm per 100 ml and amyl alco- 
hol to the extent of 2 7 Gm per 100 ml of 
water As the alkyl cham of the monohydroxy 
alcohols is mcrcascd beyond certain limits 
(4 to 5 caibon atoms) , these alcohols become 
less polar and lose their abihty to compete 
with the more polar water molecules for a 
place m the association complex They then 
arc replaced by water molecules and become 

Alcohols ore miscible with or solubil- 
ize other substances containing hydroxyl 
(—OH), amino (— NH 2 ) orimino (— NH) 
groups having hydrogen as the positive end 
of a dipole with whi^ the alcohol can asso- 
ciate Thus, the alcohols arc capable of solu- 
bilizmg substances such as alkaloids, car- 

Table65 Solubilities of Some 
Monohydric Alcohols 

Solubility in Gm 
PER 100 ml op 

Alcohol Water Alcohol Ether, etc 

Methyl alcohol 



CO eth. 

Ethyl alcohol 


CO eth , ch] , 

me al 

Isopropyl alcohol 



09 eth 

n Butyl alcohol 



CO eth 

Isobutyl alcohol 



CO eth. 

n Amyl alcohol 



so eth. 

n Hexyl alcohol 



CO eth. 

eth. s ether 

chi ^ chlorofonn 
me. aL = methyl alcohol 

00 = soluble m all proportions 

boxylic acids, phenols, resms, balsams, 
barbituric acid dcnvativcs, etc and may be 
added to aqueous preparations contaming 
these substances to prevent preopitatjon 
IncompaubiLty, Alcohol precipitates many 
substances such as tragacaoth, acacia, agar, 
other plant gums that are carbohydrate m 
nature, atbuoun, gclatm and other proteins 
from aqueous solution These substances are 
precipitated because the alcohol acts as a 
dchydraUng agent The alcohol possesses 
such an a&uty for the water that the two 
readily associate and destroy the association 
existing between the gums and the water 
Many morganic salts are precipitated from 
aqueous solutions by the addition of alcohol 

Ihe polybydroxy alcohols demonstrate the 
relationship that exists between the number 
of hydroxyl groups and the molecular weight 
of the compound. When the ratio of the 
hydroxyl groups to the carbon atom content 
is mcreased, the result is an increase m di- 
electric constant, polanty and soIubiUty in 
water The glycols, glycerin and carlwhy- 
drates arc examples of compounds of this 
class which are used m pharmaceutical dis- 
pensing Incompatibilities of a solubility na- 
ture are encountered when these substances 
are mixed with nonpolar substances that are 
incapable of association through hydrogen 
bond formation 

Alcohols 307 

Carboliydrates. Tbe carbohydrates mdude 
substances such as the sugars, the stardies, 
tbe pectins, the celluloses and many other 
substances closely related to them 

Sugars Tbe sugars which are used m 
pharmaceutical dispensmg are classihed ac> 
cordmg to their behavior toward hydrolytic 
agents (e g , monosaccharides, disacchandes, 
etc ) These classes are also subdivided mto 
groups, depending on whether they are re- 
duemg sugars (e g , glucose, fructose, mal- 
tose, lactose) or nonreducing sugars (eg, 

Solubility The monosaccharides and the 
disacchandes are soluble m water in spite of 
their relatively large molecular wei^t, since 
they have a suffiaent number of hydroi^l 
groups in the molecule to promote solubihqr 
Water dissolves these substances by associa- 
tion through H bond formation. They are 
shghtly soluble m alcohol for tbe same rea- 
son, although to a much more limited extent 
Incompatibility Alcohol causes the pre- 
cipitation of sugars from concentrated solu- 
tions This may be explamed on the fol- 
lowmg basis the alcohol competes more 
efficiently for water, associates with it and 
forces the sugar out of soluuon 

The sugars are oxidized easily and. when 
triturated m the dry form with strong oxi- 
dizing agents such as permanganates, per- 
oxides, picnc acid, etc , they form explosive 
mixtures The disacchandes arc hydrolyzed 
by acids In alhalme solution, the reducing 
sugars turn dark because of the formation of 
decomposition products 

Gums Tbe plant gums acacia, agar, chon- 
drus, sodium algmate and tragacantb are car- 
bohydrate m nature and find use m pharma- 
ceutical dispensmg as dispersion slabihzeis 
m polyphase systems such as emulsions and 

Solubility These hydrophihc substances 
become hydrated to form gels due to the 
presence of the hydroxyl groups in the mole- 
cule Their water solubihty is thus attributed 
to their abihty to associate through hydrogen 

Most of the plant gums require a consider- 
able amount of time to hydrate completely 
to form homogeneous preparations &tem- 
poroneous preparations con be made by tritu- 

rating the gum with a small amount of water- 
soluble hydroxyr compound such as alcohol 
or glycerin They are insoluble m the alco- 
hols, and, when tnturated together, each 
small particle of the gum becomes surrounded 
with ^cohol On the subsequent addition of 
water, the alcohol and the water associate 
through hydrogen bondmg, and the water is 
thus drawn through the mass so that each 
small particle of the gum is surrounded by 
water Therefore, hydration of the gum takes 
place more readily and a homogeneous mucil- 
age IS obtained more rapidly than when w ater 
alone is used This techmc may be employed 
for acacia, tragacanth, mcthylccUulose, etc 

Incompatibility The gums are dehyihated 
and precipitated by alcohol with a resulting 
decrease m viscosity They are also precipi- 
tated by heavy metals 

Agar. The chemical consututioa of agar 
has been shown to be a magnesium or a cal- 
aum salt (or a mixture of these two) of a 
sulfunc acid ester of a linear polygalactose ** 

Proposed Stniciure of Agar* 

Agar IS dehydrated and precipitated from 
aqueous preparations by the addition of al- 
cohol Tonnm also has a dehydrating action 
oQ agar similar to that of alcohol, but is elTec- 
tive in a much lower concentration Whereas 
the alcohol must be m excess of 50 per cent 
by weight, a 1 per cent concentration of 
tannic acid causes precipitation There is also 
a difierence between the two m tbe mecha- 
nism of dehydration It is believed that the 
tannin is adsorbed on the surface of the col- 
loidal particles m such a manner m this com- 
plex that tbe sugar portion of the tannm 
molecule is orientated toward the surface of 
the agar and the aromatic groups toward tbe 
dispersion medium, or water Tbe external 
nature of the agar is changed m a manner so 
as to curb or suppress hydration “ A small 
amount of alcohol will restore the hydro- 

303 Incompatibilities of Organic Compounds 

philtc property of the agar by removing the 
adsorbed taamn 

Electrolytes m adequate concentration 
(0 1 N and above) compete with the colloid 
for the water which is present, thus causing 
dehydration and a decreased viscosity of sols 
Due to the presence of the sulfunc acid ester 
m the molecule, agar ionizes to yield a nega- 
tively charged hydrophilic colloid which may 
form a coacervate with an oppositely charged 
colloid with a resulting decrease in viscosity “ 

Chondrus (Irish Moss) This is chemi- 
cally similar to agar and resembles agar m 
Its physical and chemical mcompatibihtics It 
forms a soft gel at 3 per cent and a firm one 
at 5 per cent concentrabon 

Sodium Alginate This is the sodium salt 
of algmtc acid Although the structure of al- 
gimc acid is mcompletely known, it is be- 
lieved to be a polyuronic acid Algmic acid 
is insoluble m cold water and only shghtly 
soluble in hot water However, the magne- 
sium, ammonium, potassium and sodium salts 
possess hydrophilic properties Sodium al- 
ginate t$ soluble 1 20 m water 

Proposod Slnicture ol Algmic Acid* 

Addition of soluble calcium salts to aque- 
ous solutions of sodium alginate yields the 
insoluble calcium aigmate which pceapiutes 
as a gel A similar gel formauon is obtamed 
by all other metallic ions, with the exception 
of alkali, magnesium and ammomum ions 
Sodium aigmate solubons are compatible 
with sugars, soaps, glycols, glyccnn, starch, 
protems and a number of dispersion st^i- 
lizcrs At a pH of less than 4, precipitation 
occurs due to the formabon of the insoluble 
algmic acid. Mineral and orgamc acids m 
small quantibcs arc a source of this mcom- 
paubility Above a pH of 10, sodium algi- 
nate IS unstable, and there is a decrease m 
viscosity Once agam, alcohol m sufficient 
quanbty (above 30 per cent w/w) causes 
prccipitabon from aqueous solution 
Acacia The acacia molecule contains 
d galactopyranosc, d glycuromc acid,/-rbam- 

nopyranose and /-arabofuraoosc, and exists 
m the form of the calaum, the magnesium 
and the potassium salts It owes its acid- 
ity to the presence of d-glycuronic acid 
Acacia is sufficiently acidic to cause effer- 
vescence with carbonates and bicarbonatcs 
It IS precipitated by heavy metal ions Com- 
mon precipitabon mcompabbdities occur 
with feme chloride, lead subacctatc, tannins 
and sodium borate The precipitabon occur- 
ring due to the alkalmity of the sodium borate 
may be retarded by the addibon of glycerin 
This yields a weak acid solution by forming 
a sodium glyceroboratc and glyccrobonc 
acid buffer system- Alcohol (above 35%) 
precipitates acacia by actmg as a dehydrabng 

Acacia is stated to contam an oxidizing 
enzyme'^ which is capable of causing incom- 
paubihucs with the easily oxidized phenolic 
compounds such as rcsorcmol, phenol, thy- 
mol, tannin, etc * Other substances contain- 
ing phenolic hydroxyl groups m their mole- 
cule (e g , morphine) are affected similarly ** 

Tracacanth According to Norman,®* 
tragacanth is composed of a water-soluble 
fracbon (called tragacantinn) and bassorm, 
which swells m water The water-soluble frac- 
bon consists of uronic acid and arabmose 
Rowson’® showed that the bassorm contains 
methoxyl groups and is similar to pecUn m 

Tragacanth is precipitated by alcohol 
(above 35% ) and decomposed by alkalies 

Cellulose Derivatives Mcthyiccllulose 
(Methocel) is used as a dispersion stabilizer 
la polypb'ase systems because oi its ability to 
increase viscosity Wide ranges m viscosi^ 
arc possible through the use of the various 
viscosity types f 

* Tlie mechanum of these oudaUoo reactions is 
pn^bl/ similar to that brought about by tyrosio 
ase Tyrosinase u responsible for the black colora 
tioQ observed in potatoes bananas etc., when they 
are exposed to air The enzyme tyrosinase u capable 
of introducing a hydroxyl group in ortho position 
to the —OH group already present in phenols 
o>DihydroxyIic phenols are readily autoxidizable in 
alkaline solution or in neutral solution 

t A 2 per cent solution of tncthylcellulose of the 
100 cps viscosity type has a viscosity of 100 centi 
poises at 20* C Metbylcellulose is available m the 
follotsing viscosity ty^ IS cps, 25 cps, 100 cps, 
400 cps 1,500 cps and 4 000 cps. Tuo per cent 
solutions of these viscosity typM yield solutions 
varying from low to very high viscosiues 



soluble and forms viscous, transparent, neu- 
tral solutions The water-soIubility of methyl- 
cellulose IS m marked contrast with Ae 
parent compound, cellulose The difference 
m the water-solubility of these two substances 
may be explamed on the following basis 
Cellulose is insoluble m water because of 
the mtermolecular association exisUng be- 
tween the cellulose molecules This associa- 
tion between the cellulose molecules ties up 
the hydroxyl groups so that they are unavail- 
able for association with water When cellu- 
lose IS methylated,* association between the 
cellulose molecules is hmdered to such a de- 
gree that free hydroxyl groups are exposed 
and become available for association with 

CHj O-CH, H 0 CH, CH, 0 CM, 

BO CH, kt^OH 

Representation of Random Outribution of Metboxyl 
Groups in a DunetbylceLlulose 

Incompatibility Methylcellulose is precipi- 
tated from aqueous solutions by heat Ther- 
mal agitation causes the water molecules to 
move about more freely, and the weak asso- 
ciation bonds are ruptured, thereby causmg 
a decrease m the water-solubility of the 
methylcellulose This effect of heat m de- 
creasmg the water solubility also occurs lo 
other alcohols 

tions However, dilute alkahes do cause a 
slight mcrease m viscosity 

Tanmc acid mteracts with methylcellulose 
and causes it to be precipitated from aqueous 
solution Similar complexes which result m 
the precipitation of the methylcellulose are 
formed with other phenols such as resorcmol 
Unlike the plant gums, methylcellulose in 
aqueous solution is not precipitated by rela- 
tively high concentrations of alcohol 

Inasmuch as methylcellulose is nomonic, 
It IS compatible with the commonly employed 
dispersion stabilizing agents, such as plant 
gums, soaps, bentomte, sodium lauryl si^ate 
and benzalkomum chlonde 

ETHYLCELLULOSE (Ethoccl) IS the ethyl 
ether of cellulose It does not hydrate m water 
but IS solubilized m orgamc solvent systems 
such as one composed of equal parts of 
chloroform and isopropyl alcohol It is used 
to form water-msoluble films to control both 
drug stability and drug release m granules 
and tablets The water resistance of the films 
can be decreased by the mcluston of water- 
soluble substances such as methylcellulose, 
polyethylene glycols and polyvmyl alcohol 
Gum, CMC) can be represented as the prod- 
uct of the type of reaction such as that be- 
tween alkah cellulose and sodium mono- 
chloroacetate in which a subsUtution of ap- 
proximately 0 75 carbo^methyl group per 
onhydroglucose unit is obtamed m the 

Aqueous methylcellulose solutions arc 
stable over wide pH ranges (pH 2 lo 12) 
and, therefore, are not affected appreciably 
fay alkalme and acidic substances m presenp- 

* Within certain limits, an increase in the nomber 
of melhox)! groups per anhjdroglucose unit in* 
oea&cs the water solubility Those cellulose denva 
tiles contaiiung an average of 1 3 methoxyl groups 
per anbydroglucose unit are water insoluble When 
the number of methoxyl groups per anhydroglocosc 
unit vanes between 1 3 to 2 6. the products are 
soluble in cold water, above 2 6 methoz)! groups 
per anhjdroglucose unit, the compounds breome 
less water soluble but they are more soluble in 

^ + NaCl 

Like methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellu- 
lose IS available in. vanous viscosity ^ades 
(Hercules CMC-70-H, CMC-70-M and 
CMC-70-L) The sodium carboxymethylccl- 
lulose is eas Jy hydrated with water as a result 
of both lon-dipoIe and dipoIe-dipoIe mterac- 
tions The pH of 1 per cent solutions of the 
viscosity-inducmg agent is m the 6 5 to 8 0 
range Carboi^methylcellulosc solutions are 
very stable to acid and do not precipitate 
until the pH is below 1 1 This pH would not 
be encounteied normally m pharmaceutical 
preparations SoluUons of this agent also tol* 

310 Incompahbilihes of Organic Compounds 

Table 66 Solubilities of Some Phenols 





Ether, etc 




76S eth , s chi , oils, alk., gly. 


45 I*® 

V 5 

s eth . bz., chi , alk. 




50chl.50bz.66.5etb,s alk 


2 0"® 


eo eth , s chi , ord org solv 




V s eth. 




V s eth , s chi , gly , alk 


62 5» 


83 3 eth , si s bz., chi 




V s eth , s gly , bz. 


0 0352® 


360 eth , s cU . si s gly 

alk. = aikali eth. =c ether 

bz. 55 benzene gjy = glycerin 

chi ssMorolona eo = soluble mail proportions 

crate high cocccntratiOBS of alcohol (up to 
50%) without precipitating 

Hov^’ever, some problems are encountered 
when solutions of Cellulose Gum arc mixed 
with solutions containing water soluble salts 
such as alumiQuin sulfate, silver nitrate, fer* 
nc chlonde and lead acetate Several vis> 
cosity inducmg agents such as methylceilu* 
lose, pectin, sodium alginate and polyvmyl 
alcohol are compatible with aqueous solutions 
of carboxymcihylcellulosc, but delayed in* 
compatibilities were observed with gelatin, 
acacia, t^ondnis and tragacanth 


Chemically, the phenols fall into (be same 
class as the ^cohols, but the presence of the 
aromatic nng lo the phenols greatly modifies 
their chemical and solubility properties 

Solubility. Although the phenols are acidic, 
they arc too \\ cakly acidic to dissolve la water 
through an acid base reaction, but they arc 
solubilized m water through dipoIe-dipole 
tcraction m the same manner os the alcohols 
The introduction of more —OH groups into 
the aromatic nng mcrcascs the water solu- 
bili^, whereas nonpolar substituents decrease 
the watcf-solubility 

Cause of Acidity. The cause of acidity and 
the marked contrast m chemical properties 
between the phenols and the aliphatic olco* 
hols arc due to the presence of the acidic 
(electrophilic, electron acceptor) phenyl 
group The unsaturated, elcctron-dcficieot 

phenyl group tends to withdraw the surplus 
electrons on the oxygen In supplying a share 
of Its unshared electron pair to the phenyl 
group, the oxygen becomes electron deficient 
The electron pair of the oxygen-hydrogen 
bond, therefore, is held more closely to the 
oxygen The oxygen hydrogen tood is thus 
weakened and the proton held more loosely 
This accounts for the acidic properties of 
phenols in which there is a tendency to ionize 
m aqueous solution by donating a proton to 
the more basic compound, water 


+ h:osh -♦ + h;o;h 

j u ~ 

Fbcnols are only weakly acidic and do not 
ionize sufficiently to be highly soluble m 
water unless the aromatic rmg has other 
acidic substituents which increase their aad 
properties, or other solubilizing groups (OH, 
NHs) which mcreasc their ability to associ- 
ate However, the phenols arc sufficiently 
acidic to be readily soluble in dilute aqueous 
alkali hydroxides by virtue of the fact that 
they are capable of forming water-soluble 
ionized salts 

OH o" 

Phenols 311 

Unless they have other acidic substituents, 
they are weaker than carbonic acid and the 
water-insoluble phenols are precipitated from 
aqueous alkali solutions by carbon dioiude 
Inasmuch as they are such weak acids, they 
do not decompose carbonates or bicarbonates 

The mtroduction of other acidic (electro- 
philic) groups mto the aromatic nng m- 
creases 5ie unequal sharmg of the electron 
pair of the oxygen hydrogen bond and makes 
the compound a stronger acid This elTect in 
increasing the acidity is illustrated clearly by 
trmitrophenol (picnc acid), which is a much 
stronger acid than phenol itself The dissoci- 
ation constants hsted m Table 67 show the 
difference in acid strength between phenol, 
carbonic acid and trmitrophenol 

Chemistry. The result of the electron shifts 
IS an increased electron density on the ortho 
carbon atom which, m turn, mcreases the 
electron density on the para and the other 
ortho carbon atoms The ortho and the para 
positions thus react readily with electrophilic 
(electron seekmg) reagents, e g , phenol is 
easily nitrated m the ortho and the para 

The electronic theory shows us that bases 
are capable of donating electrons and that 
acids are electron acceptors When the phe- 
nomenon of oxidation reduction reactions is 
taken mto consideration, it is observed ibat 
reducing agents donate electrons or a share 
in their electrons to the oxidizing agent From 
the standpomt of the fundamental electronic 
concepts mvolved, an analogy can be drawn 
for bases and reducing agents and acids and 
oxidizing agents Both bases and reducing 
agents, therefore, arc electron donors, whereas 
acids and oxidizing agents are electron ac- 
ceptors ^ "* 

Consequently, phenols are reducing agents 
because the oxygen possesses unshared elec- 
trons and functions as an electron donor It 
has long been known that oxidizing agents 
such as peroxides, permanganates, air, etc., 
arc capable of oxidizing phenols to colored 
oxidatue products, and these same reactions 
may gi\e nsc to incompatibilities in prescrip- 
tions Phenols give characteristic color reac- 
tions With feme chloride In this reaction, the 
iron functions as the oxidizing agent and is 
reduced to the ferrous state Other important 

Table 67 Dissociation Constants 





1 3 X 10-u» 


Catbonic acid (first 

I 6 X 10-1 



3 5 X 10-^ 


Ethyl alcohol 

7 3 X 10-20 

drugs classified under other chemical groups 
such as dicthylstilbestrol, epmephrme, mor- 
phme, rutm, etc , which have phenolic groups 
in the molecule undergo similar reactions 
Phenol is soluble m water to the extent 
of 6 7 Gm. per 100 ml and is readily soluble 
in ali»hol, ^ycenn and aqueous solutions of 
alkali hydroxides 

Phenol interacts with protems to form 
water insoluble complexes This is the cause 
of the corrosive action of phenol on the 
skin Phenol should be removed from the 
skm with alcohol rather than water, due to 
Its greater solubility m the former solvent 
Phenol m-ojJ solution does not cause the ex- 
tensive tissue necrosis such as aqueous so- 
lutions cause, but its effectiveness agamst 
micro-organisms is also decreased Phenol is 
precipitated from aqueous solution by solu- 
ble heavy metal salts It forms liquid or soft 
masses with many organic compounds such 
as belanaphthol, camphor, chloral hydrate, 
menthol, lead acetate, pyrogallol, resorcinol, 
tbyrmol, other organic compounds possessing 
low meJliDg points and functional groups wjih 
which It can interact 

The oxidation of phenol to colored de- 
composition products by peroxides, perman- 
ganates and other oxidmng agents takes place 
in the same manner as stated m the general 
discussion of phenols Alkali hydroxides ac- 
celerate its oxidation and, thus, autoxidation 
by air m aqueous alkali solution occurs at a 
rapid rate 

CRESOLlCeHifCHj)©!!] Cresol IS a mix- 
ture of the 3 isomenc crcsols and is simiTar to 

312 Incompatibilities of Organic Compounds 

phenol m its chcoucal properties The effect 
of nonpolar substituents on the aromatic nng 
IS sho\\‘n clearly in the case of the cresols, 
thus ^^e find that they are only about one 
third as soluble in water as phenol (approt 
2 Gm per 100 mL) Crcsol is freely soluble 
m alcohol, glycerin, ether, fixed oils, solu- 
tions of alkali hydroxides and soap solutions 
Creosote consists chiefly of cresol, oxy- 
crcsol, methyl crcsol and other phenols It is 
only slightly soluble in water but is readily 
soluble m alcohol and fixed oils It has reduc- 
mg properties and is mcompatible with oxi- 
dizing agents Proteins and gums are precipi- 
tated by cresol Color reactions are obtamed 
with feme salts 

\s not very vjattt-scAuWo 
(1 1,000} and it, too, illustrates the effect of 
decreasmg the water solubility by mcreasiog 
the molecular weight without an accompany- 
ing increase m the number of bydrophUe 
groups Betaoaphtbol is very soluble in alco- 
hol, glycerin, uxed oils and dilute solutions 
of alkidi hydroxides In the presence of light 

and air, betaoaphthol is oxidized and turns 
pmk to brown with the formation of colored 
oxidation products Other oxidizing agents 
such as peroxides, permanganates, chlorates, 
etc , have a similar effect In alkali hydroxide 
solutions, the oxidation reactions take place 
more readily Soft masses or liquids are ob- 
tamed when betaoaphthol is tnturated with 
phenol, menthol, camphor, etc 
Resorcinol is much more soluble m water 
than IS phenol and illustrates the abihty of 
an mcrcascd number of hydroxyl groups to 
promote greater water-solubility It is also 
soluble m alcohol and glyccnn In aqueous 
solution, resoremol is oxidized and the solu- 
tion assumes pmk to red and brown colors 
because of the formation of colored oxidative 
products Resoremol is a reduemg agent, 
especially in alkalmc solution, and it is capa- 
ble of reduemg silver, mercury and copper 

salts Even m omtmcnts, for example, it is 
capable of reduemg ammomated mercury to 
free mercury The free metal thus hberated 
causes the omtment to assume a blue to gray 
color Blue to violet colors are obtamed with 
feme chloride On tnturation with substances 
such as camphor, menthol, phenol, beta- 
naphlhol, etc , soft masses or liquids result 
llcxylrcsorcmol (Caprokol) is almost m- 
soluble m water (0 05 Gra per lOO ml ) but 
IS very soluble in alcohol and ether It is also 

soluble m glycerin and fixed oils The mtro- 
duction of the alky group produces decreased 
water-solubihty as compared with resoremol 
Hexylrcsorcinol is similar to resoremol m its 
chemical mcompatibilities 
Thymol ( 3-hydroxy- 1 -methyI-4-isopro- 
pyl benzene) is almost insoluble m water 

(0085 Cm per 200 ml) The decreased 
watcr-solubiLty as compared with phenol is 
due to the nonpolar substituents on the aro- 
matic rmg Thymol is soluble in alcohol and 
ddute solutions of alkali hydroxides It forms 
liquids or soft masses with camphor, men- 
thol, chloral hydrate, phenol, etc 
Chlorothymol is similar to thymol m its 



CH, ''CH, 

Trinitrophesol (picnc acid, 2,4,6-ln- 
nitrophcnol) is a strong acid (p 310) Ex- 
plosions may result when picric acid m the 
dry form is tnturated with substances which 
are oxidized easily, or when the acid is sub- 
jected to rapid hcatmg or percussion Picric 
aad precipitates protems (gelatin, albumm, 
etc) and most alkaloids Because of this 

Aldehydes 313 



latter property, it is used ss an alkaloidal 


Solubility. The lower members of the alde- 
hyde senes are soluble m water but those of 
C 5 and above are only shghtly soluble or m 
soluble Thus, these compounds have approx- 
imately the same limits of water soIubihQr as 
the monohydroxy alcohols 

Chemistry^ The tcacUons of the aldehydes 
are a function of the carbonyl group As illus- 
trated m the following equation, there is a 

H H H 

I /~v ^ 

R — C = 0 or RaCSo 0-^ RoCoO* 


tendency for the electrons of the carbon 
oxygen bond to break away from the carbon 
and to collect on the oxygen 
This causes the carbon to become charged 
positively due to the electron deficient^, 
whereas the oxygen atom has gamed a share 
of electrons and becomes charged negauvely 
As a result of the electron deficiency, the car- 
bon becomes one of the reactive centers 10 
the molecule and reacts with any reagent that 
has available electrons for attachment In all 
the addition reactions of the aldehydes, it is 
observed that the more positive part of the 
reagent joins to the ci^gen and the negative 
part joins to the carbon. 

1 Addition of sodium bisulfite 

H H 

H-6-O + KflHSO.— » fl— C-OH AWehy<Je4)BuIfite 
* I Compound 


Table 68 Comparison of Water- 
SoLUBiLiry OF Some Aldehydes 
AND Alcohols 


Solubility in 
Cm per IOO 
ML ofHiO 








n Valeraldehyde 

si s 

n Caproaldehyde 


n Heptaldehyde 

si s 




Propyl alcohol 


Butyl alcohol 


Amyl alcohol 


Hexyl alcohol 


Heptyl alcohol 


The carbonyl group also has an important 
effect on the hydrogen attached to the o-car- 
boo atom Smee the carbon atom of the 

carbonyl group is deficient m electrons, it 
tends to withdmw the electrons bonding the 
hydrogen on the o-carbon atom. In this case, 
a tautomeric shift rather than resonance oc- 
curs because the hydrogen shifts from the 
carbon atom to the oxygen However, this 
does account for the reactivity of the a-hydro- 
gen Thus, m the preparation of chloral, the 
hydrogen is substituted easily by chlorme 


CH,~C=0 +3CI, »CC1,— C=0 -I-3HCI 

2 Addition of HCN 

R-e>0-f HCN- 



3 A ddition of hy droxy lamme 


R-C— 6H 


H /* 
HC— C=0^ 



Cl fg I 

♦ HCI+H-C-C=0 

314 incompotibilities of Organic Compounds 

♦HC=C“0H + a,- 



Cl-C-C-O H 




Aldch}dcs arc capable of addition reac- 
tions with water via the same mcebamsm as 
the other addition reactions In aqueous solu- 
tion, this equilibrium exists but the dih>droxy 
compound ts usually too unstable to be iso- 
lated However, the halogen-substituted alde- 

hydes such as trichloro3cctaldch)de (chloral) 
form stable addition products with water 

1 1 

CCJ,— C=0-h HOH— ♦CCI,— C-OH 


Chloral Chloral Hydrate 

For)'mcnz3iion ta&es place with the afde- 
hjdcs due to the polanzaiion present m the 
carbonyl compounds, as previously explained 


1CH,-C=0>, ^[^°"°> lieCKTOC SESm 

Paraldehyde Although it is an acetal 
rather than an aldehyde, paraldehyde is in- 
cluded at this point, smee its mcompati- 
bilitics ore a result of the regeneration of 
acetaldehyde Paraldehyde is a colorless 
transparent liquid possessmg a pungent odor 
and a disagreeable taste It is somewhat solu- 
ble m water ( 1 ml m 8 ml ) and is soluble 
in all proportions in alcohol Paraldehyde is 

inert to oxidizing agents and does not fonn 
addition products because the carbonyl group 
IS no longer present In dilute acid, acetalde- 
hyde IS regenerated Thus, acid syrups and 
elixirs used as vehicles may promote the de- 
polymerization of paraldehyde The liberated 
acetaldehyde may then give nse to many 
iDCompatibilitics, such as the formation of 
the usual addiDon products 

Because of its bad taste and odor, paralde- 
hyde has not much populanty m present-day 
medicine, but it is actually one of the best 
and the least toxic of hypnotics Its use in 
the fonn of an emulsion has previously been 
recommended " 

Paraldehyde detenorates through oxida- 
tion on standing, becomes more acid*' and 





Incompatibility. In the presence of alkali, 
aldehydes undergo aldol condensation. The 
extent to which the reaction progresses is de- 
pendent on the concentration of the alkali 
With strong alkali, aldehydes polymerize to 
form resins 

liberates free iodine from iodides The acid 
which IS formed as a result of this oxidation 
IS probably peracetic acid 
Formaldehyde When solutions of form- 
aldehyde arc evaporated to dryness, a mix- 
ture of polymers known as the polyoxy- 

Aldehydes 2\S 

methylenes is fonned. Aqueous formaldehyde 
solutions are quite stable, which mdicates 
that the formaldehyde exists m equilibrium 
with the hydrated compound formed by an 
addition reaction with water On evaporation, 
water is elimmated from successive mole- 
cules of the formaldehyde hydrate to give 
nse to a mixture of polymers referred to as 
paraformaldehyde Aqueous solutions of 
formaldehyde which are subjected to cold 
temperatures are subject to the formation of 
par^ormaldehyde which settles out as a 
white preapitate Sulfunc aad also induces 
the reaction 

electromenc effect present m the carbonyl 
group, creates a center of low electron den- 
sity on the carbonyl carbon atom so that ad- 
dition reactions with nuclcophihc reagents 
(electron donor) readily take place 

Chloral Hydrate 

In a sunilar manner, chloral forms chloral 
alcobolate by addition Chloral alcoholate 

H H j_ 

H-c=:o + HOH=^H-C-OHFormaldebyde Hydrate CCI,-C-0 + H0-CHj-CH, ► 


Y / 'i \ 't 

H-C-OH +jH-C-OH| +HO-C-H ► 

OH \ OH / OH 





Paraformaldehyde is slowly soluble m cold 
water, it is readily soluble m hot water with 
the formation of fonnaldehy de It is insoluble 
m ether and alcohol Inasmuch as heat causes 
the regeneration of formaldehyde from para- 
formaldehyde (Paraform), the latter com- 
pound IS used for fumigation purposes 

Strong oxidizing agents oxidi^ formalde- 
hyde to formic acid, and alkalies produce the 
formaldehyde resin 

Qiloral Hydrate This is very soluble 
m both water and alcohol The stability of 
this hydrated form of chloral may be ex- 

• I 


plamed on the basis of the mductive effect 
of the halogen substitution on the a-carbon 
atom Just as m the case of the chlorinated 
acetic acids, the electrophilic chlorine groups 
on the o-caibon atom tend to withdraw el^- 
troos This mducUve effect, together with the 



Chloral Alcoholate 

may be formed in hydroalcobolic solutions 
cootainmg high concentrations of extremely 
water-soluble salts such as sodium and potas- 
sium bromides, acetate, citrates, sulfates, 
sugars, etc In this case, the chloral alcoholate 
separates as an oily layer which also contains 
cbJoral and alcohol In solutions containing 
less than 10 per cent alcohol, chloral alco- 
bolate does not form, regardless of the salt 
or the chloral hydrate concentrations ** In 
solutions contoxnmg between 10 and 50 per 
cent of alcohol and a high salt concentration, 
the chloral alcobolate is formed readily and 
separates as an inumscible layer due to the 
saliujg-but effect of the high concentration 
of the water soluble salt In solutions con- 
taining above 50 per cent alcohol, the chloral 
alcoholate does not separate because the salt 
concentration necessary cannot be as great 
m this high alcoholic solution Furthennore, 
chloral alcoholate is lery soluble m both 
water and alcohol, and, if formed, ivould dis- 
solve readily m the excess of alcohol No diffi- 
culty IS encountered m solutions which do not 
contam the highly water soluble salts regard- 
less of the alcohol concentration because 
chloral hydrate is very soluble m both water 
and alcohol and the saltmg-out effect is ab- 
sent Actually, chloral alcobolate is less toxic 
and less hypnotic than chloral hydrate,’ but 
when it separates out as a layer at the top 

316 Incompatibilihes of Organic Compouadt 

Table 69 Comparison of Water- 
Solubility OF Some Ketones 
AND Alcohols 


Gm per IOO 





Ethyl methyl 

35 3« 



n-Propyl ethyl 

v si s. 

Di n propyl 










27 a 




0 09‘» 

of the bottle, the danger lies in taking too 
Urge a quantity m a single dose 
In aqueous solutions, chloral b)drate 
slosvly decomposes Li^t accelerates this 
decompositioo. Chloral hydrate in aqueous 
solution is incompatible with alkaline sub- 
stances and undergoes b)drolysis to form 
chloroform and the salt of formic aad. Due 
to this reaction, sodium phenobarbitol, so- 
dium dipbenylh)dantoiaate and other salts 
which yield alkalme solutions may cause the 
hydrolysis of chloral hjdratc and the subse- 
quent precipitation of the free phenobarbi- 
t^ etc 


CC1-— C —OH +N0OH — »CHCI. + 

* I » 


Chlon] Chlor^ 

llydrato form 

r /O"*! / 

[h- ^-o| h]|-»hc-oh»»h^o 

1 foH 1 1 

*• ‘ ** formato 

On oxidation, chloral hjdrate yields 
trichloroacetic acid (CCIr-COOH), on re- 
duction, It fields tiichloroethanoi (CCHy- 

Chloral hydrate forms sc(t masses or 
liquids when tniuratcd with acctopheoetidm, 
camphor, cocoa butter, menthol, phenol, thy- 
mol, salol and many other substances 


Solubility. Like the aldehydes, the ketones 
haw approximately the same bmits of solu- 
bility m water as the monohydroxy alcohols 
Those above C5 are only slightly soluble or 
are insoluble m water 

Chemistry. Because the ketones contain 
a carbonyl group, many of them undergo the 
same addition reactions as the aldehydes, 
however, the subsutuuon of an alkyl group 
for the hydrogen atom markedly decreases 
the additive reactivity of the carbonyl group 
If one compares the activity of acet^debyde 
and acetone in the formation of the bisulhte 
addition compound, it is observed that ace- 
tone reacts much less rapidly and to a lesser 
extent This may be explamcd on the basis 
that the methyl group in acetone which has 
been substituted for the hydrogen atom m 
acetaldehyde is an electron repellent group 
This group then tends to decrease the electron 
deficiency of the carbonyl carbon atom, de- 
creases the poIanzatjoQ of the molecule, and, 
consequently, the carbonyl carbon atom is 
less reactive with the electron donor reagents 
8 - 

CH,-C — CH, 

* a* * 

Because of their decreased polanzation, 
the ketones arc less susceptible to polymcn- 
zation than the aldchy dcs 

In pharmaceutical dispcnsmg, ketones give 
nsc to few mcompatibilitics because they 
seldom appear as such m prescriptions, with 
the exception of camphor and, to a vciy 
limited extent, acetone Since the polarizing 
effect of the carbonyl group docs not lead to 
any important chcmic^ mcompatibilitics, the 
problems encountered m the dispensing of 
those ketones which arc used arc due usually 
to insolubility or to the formation of eutectic 

Acetone (dimethyl ketone) is soluble m 
water, alcohol, ether, chloroform and fixed 



CHj— C— CH, 

Oils Although It bos little application m the 
compoundmg of prcscnptions, it is widely 
used in pharmacy os a sohenL 

Carboxylic Acids 317 

Table 70 Solubilities op Some Monocarboxylic Acms 

(Fatty Acid Series) 


Solubility in Gm 

PER 100 ML. OP 



Ether, etc 

Formic acid 



« eth , gly 

Acetic acid 



eo eth 

Propiomc acid 



eo eth , chi 

Butync acid 

5 62 


CO eth 

Valeric acid 

3 7‘» 


eo eth 

Caproic acid 



s eth 

Capryhc acid 

0 25>»® 


so eth , chi 

Capnc acid 

si s 


s eth. 

Launc acid 



V s eth 

Mynstic acid 



s elh , chi 

Palmitic acid 



s eth 

Steonc acid 



V s eth , s cfal 

eth. = ether 

chi s= chloroform 

gly =glycena 

Camphor is almost insoluble m water 
(approx. 0 1 Gm per 100 ml ), but it is veiy 
solume m alcohol, ether, chloroform, ben- 
zene and acetone Incompatibibties of a sola- 

0 ’° 

bility nature usually are due to the addiuon 
of water to alcoholic solutions of camphor, 
m which case the camphor is precipitated 
Camphor may also be precipitated fiom cam- 
phor water by the salung-out effect of high 
concentrations of water soluble salts Cam- 
phor forms soft masses or hquids when tntu- 
rated with chloral hydrate, phenol, menthol, 
thymol and many other substances The 
liquefaction causes little difficulty m omt- 
ments but may be tioublesome m external 
dustmg powders 

Mosocarboxylic Acids (Fatty Acid 

SolubUity. The monobasic carboxylic acids 
have approximately the same limits of solu- 
bihty in water as the alcohols The oxygen- 
hydrogen bonds of these acids are not polar 
enough to allow them to dissociate to a great 
enough degree to be solvated by water 
through an acid base reaction- Therrforc, the 
lower members of this senes are soluble in 
water due to their ability to hydrogen-bond 

with water As the alkyl cham is mcreased, 
the solubilizing influence of the carboxyl 
group IS not sufficient to overcome the sol- 
vent-solvent interacuon of water, and the 
molecule becomes insoluble 

Although tbe monocaiboxylic acids are 
weak acK^, they form water soluble ionized 
salts by reaction with alkah hydroxides, car- 
bonates and bicaibonates The aiLab sidts of 
tbe water msoluble acids thus become soluble 
m water through an lon-dipole mteraction 
Hie alkali salts of the higher members of this 
senes (Cio and up) ore capable of lowering 
surface tension and are called soaps When 
aqueous solutions of these water-soluble salts 
are acidifled!, the free acid separates ouL AU 
metals, other than the alkali metals, form 
water insoluble salts with these higher acids 

The monocorboxylic acids are soluble in 
alcohol because of the ability of the two sub- 
stances to hydrogen bond These aads have 
low dissociation constants and low dielectnc 
constants, and are soluble m ether and other 
weakly polar solvents 

Chemistry. The substitution of aadic (elec- 
trophilic) groups for hydrogen in vanous 

t p 

CH ^"< 

parts of the molecule profoundly affects the 
aadity of tbe compound. The acidic group 
IS an electron acceptor and draws electrons 
toward iL This inductive effect causes a de- 

318 Incompahbilitiet of Organic Compounds 

Table 71 Dissooation Covstants op 
Some Mosocarboxylic Acids and 
Some Chlorinated Derivatives 





Formic acid 

1 76 X 10-* 


Acetic acid 

1 75 X 10-» 


Propiomc acid 

1 4 X 10-* 


ChJoroacctic acid 

J 4X 10-* 


Dichloroacctic acid 

5 X 10-2 


Trichloroacetic acid 

2X 10-1 


o-Chlorpropionic acid 

i 47 X 10-* 


/3-ChIorpropioaic acid 

8 59 X 10-» 


creased electron density on the carbon atom 
of the carboxjl group The electron pair of 
the ox)gcn h>drogen bond, in turn, is held 
more closely to the oxygen and the proton rs 
held less hnnly Therefore, the acidic strength 
IS increased, as is observed by the increased 
dissociation constants in compounds with 
this type of substitution (Table 71) This 
effect is most pronounced when the substi* 
tuUon of an acidic group for a hydrogen talies 
place on the a carlxn atom and is diminished 
mark.cdly the more remote the substitution 
becomes Because of the ability of electro* 
philic groups to withdraw electrons, the su^ 
stituuon of these groups on the o-carbon atom 
not only increases the acidity, but also has a 
loosening effect on the carboxyl group, 
thereby causing an increased tendency to 

When a hydrogen is replaced with a sub* 
stituent that releases electrons, the opposite 
effect IS observed Thus, when a methyl group 
replaces a hydrogen of acetic acid, the mduc* 
live c^cct IS in tlic opposile direction and a 
slightly increased electron density m the car' 
boxyl group results The proton now is held 
more {irmly, and the acid strength is de* 
creased as is indicated by the decreased dis- 
sociation constant (Table 71 ) 

CH,-c'^OH + N«HCO, — ►CH,-C-ONo+KjO + CO^ 

0 0 
// // / 
Z CH,-C-OH +N9jC0, *2CM,-C-OK8+HjO + COj 

All of the common metal salts of acetic 
acid arc soluble m water, with the exception 
of the Sliver and the mercurous salts, which 
arc only sparingly soluble The acetates 
readily hydrolyze m aqueous solution, with 
the formation of basic salts of the metal 
With acetates other than alkali salts, the basic 
metal salt which is formed is usually less solu* 
ble than the parent compound, and mcom- 
patibihaes may result Similar incompatibili- 
ties are observed when alkali acetates are 
dispensed in aqueous solution with soluble 
morgamc salts other than those of the alkali 
met^ For example, a dark red color is ob- 
served m solutions contaming the acetate ion 
when soluble feme salts arc added This color 
IS the result of the formation of feme ace* 
rate, which then hydrolyzes and forms col* 
loidal feme hydroxide The red feme hy* 
droxidc 1 $ aggrecated and preapitated on 

The other lower members of this fatty acid 
senes, such as propiomc, butync and valcnc 
acids, are similar to acetic acid in their reac- 
tions but seldom are used as such m medicine 

Oleic acid (CuHjaCOOH) illustrates the 
effect of an increase in the alkyl portion of 
the molecule in decreasing the water solu- 
bility This acid is insoluble m water, but it 
IS soluble in alcohol and ether The alkah 
metal salts of oleic acid arc soluble in water 
due to the loo-dipoIc interaction between the 
solute and the solvent On aadiffcation of 
aqueous solutions ajntainmg soluble oleates, 
the original water-insoluble oleic acid sepa- 
rates out Soluble heavy metal salts give nse 
to incompatibilities because of the formation 
of the insoluble olcatc through double dccom 
position reactions Since oleic acid is tiasalU' 

CH ,-i— c H ^ c 0 H 

Incompatibility. Acetic acid is soluble in 
water, alcohol and ether It is a stronger acid 
than carbonic acid, thereby causing the liber- 
ation of CO] from carbonates and bicorbon- 
ates m aqueous solution [acetic and = 

1 75 X 10“*, carbonic acid K* = 35 X 
10“^ (firstbjdrogcn)! 

z — QNfl +(CH,- coo),p& - 

Sodium Lead 

Oleau Acetate 

acHj-c-oNfl •KC,^„coo^ n 

Sodium L e ad Oleata 
Acetate (uuolubU) 


Carboxylic Acids 319 

Table 72 Solubilities of Some Polycarboxylic Acids 



PER 100 ML OF 



Ether, etc 

Oxalic acid 



1 37 elh , i chi , pet eth , bz 

Succinic acid 

6 8» 

0 3 eth , 1 bz., chi 

Tartanc acid 


19 85“ 

04 eth. 

Citnc acid 



Z26 eth 

bz z= benzene 

chi = chloroform 

eih aether 

peL elh = petroleum ether 

Table 73 Dissociation Constants of Some Polycarboxylic Acids 

K. K, 

(First (Second 






Oxalic acid 

6.5 X 10-2 


6 1 X 10-® 


Succmic acid 

6 6 X 10-« 


28 X 10-* 


Maleic acid 

1 5 X 10-2 




Fumanc acid 

1 X 10-2 


3 X 10-5 


Tartanc acid 

1 I X 10-2 




Citnc acid 

8 4 X I0-< 


(3rdH4x l0-«) 

rated, it absorbs iodine by addition across ibe 
double bond 

The higher members of this senes such as 
stcanc (Cl HmCOOH), palimuc (CwHai- 
COOH) and mynstic acids (CisHj COOH) 
are similar to oleic acid m their reactions 
with the exception that they are all saturated 
and do not absorb lodme In aqueous solu- 
tions, the sodium salts of steanc and palmitic 
acids have a tendency to gel, the potassium 
salts exhibit a lesser tendency toward gel- 

Trichloroacetic acid (CCU — COOH) 
IS a much stronger acid than acetic acid, m 
fact, it approaches the acidic strength of the 
mmeral acids This is due to the presence of 

the 3 chlonne atoms which replace the 3 
hydrogens on the o-carbon atom Since the 
chlonne is an electron acceptor (electro- 
philic), It tends to withdraw electrons from 
the carboxyl group, thus causing the electron 
pair of the oxygen hydrogen bond to be held 
more closely to the oxygen This weakens the 
oj^gen hydrogen bond to such an extent that 

the hydrogen is held loosely and the com- 
pound readily dissociates Tnchloroacetic 
acid is very soluble m water m spue of its 
mcreased molecular weight (each chlonne 
bemg roughly equivalent to 3 carbon atoms) 
The molecular weight of tnchloroacetic acid 
(163 40) hes between that of pelargonic 
(J58 24) and capnc (172 26) acids, both 
of which are water insoluble Therefore, it is 
obvious that the solubihty of tnchloroacetic 
acid m water is not a matter of association, 
as IS the case with acetic acid, but anses from 
the fact that trichloroacebc acid readily dis 
sociates by givmg up its proton to the more 
basic compound, water Water dissolves the 
acid through an acid base reaction, whereby 
the water ruptures the covalent bond and pro- 
duces ionization. 

+ H SOS H — * 

** 0 H 

CCI,-O-0 + H SOS H 

Tnchloroacetic acid is incompatible with 
alkali salts of many weakly acidic substances 
which arc water insoluble m the free state — 
e g , soaps, phenates, etc. Being a strong acid. 
It coagulates proteins (albumm,gelaun, etc.) 


320 Incompatibilities of Organic Compounds 

and has a corrosive action on the sbn Be- 
cause of this latter property, sometimes it is 
used to remove warts and corns 

Dicarboxyuc Acids 

As has already been pomted out in the 
chapter on solubiliucs, the intcrmolecular 
forces existing in organic compounds play an 
important role m the physical state and prop- 
erties of the compound These compounds, 
possessing strong dipoles, have high mter- 
molecular cohesive forces due to the attrac- 
tion of the positive end of a dipole in one 
molecule for the negative end of a dipole tn 
anoilicr molecule 

Solubiiit), The dissolution of these acids 
m the inert solvent, water, necessitates the 
overcoming of the cohesive forces Oxalic 
acid, possessing high mtcrmolecular forces, 
exists as a solid and is less watcr-sotubte 
than acetic acid, which is a liquid 

Chcmistrj. The dissociation constants of 
the dicarboxylie acids show the effect of the 
additional carboxyl group m the molecule 
Oxalic and acetic acids arc intcresling m this 
respect, and it is observed that oxalic acid is 
the much stronger acid of the two The addi- 
tional carboxyl group attracts electrons so 
that the hydrogen on the other carboxyl group 
IS held less flntily and dissociates more 
readily The dissociation constant for the sec- 
ond hydrogen is reduced greatly by virtue of 
the fact (hat, after the dissociation of the first 
hydrogen, (hat carboxyl group then bears a 

negative charge and repels electrons The hy- 
drogen of the second carboxyl group is thus 
held more firmly, as is shown by its dissocia- 
tion constant (see Table 73) The more re- 
motely the carboxyl groups are spaced from 
each other m the molecule, the less prommeot 
this mductivc cfTect becomes (see succuuc 
acid. Table 73) 

Cis trans isomcnsm also plays an impor- 
tant part m detemumng the acidity in the uo- 
saturated dicarboxylie acids When the car- 
boxyl groups are dose to each other in space 
(CIS form) , the mductivc cllect is greater than 

when they arc farther apart (trans form) (see 
maleic and fumaric acids, Table 73) 

Hydroxy-polycarboxylic Acids 
These acids are solids for the same reasons 
as listed for the dicarboxylie acids In phar- 
macy, these acids are represented by tartanc 
and citnc acids 

Solubility. These are weak acids and are 
soluble m water because they contain a large 
number of functional —OH groups relative 
to their molecular weight They are soluble 
m water because of their ability to hydrogen- 
bond with the solvent The salts of the alkali 
metals are water-soluble, but the normal salts 
of most other metals arc insoluble 
Incompatibility. Tartaric acid (dihy- 
droxysuccmic acid) is a weak acid but it is 
soluble m water, smee it is capable of asso- 
ciation with water The normal alkah metal 






salts of tartanc acid are soluble m water, 
most other metals form water-msoluble salts 
However, the bitartrates of potassium and 
ammonium arc only slightly soluble A pre- 
cipitate of potassium bitaitrate is often ob- 
tamed m solutions containing soluble po- 
tassium salts and tartanc acid Aci<^ also 
prccipualc potassium bitarliale from solu- 
tion contammg potassium-sodium tartrate 
(Rochelle salt, IWaC<H 40 e) In the pres- 
ence of strong oxidizing agents, tartanc aad 
IS oxidized to oxalic acid Inasmuch as it is 
a weak reduemg agent, tananc acid is capa- 
ble of reduemg soluble silver and mcrcunc 
salts, the reaction is accelerated with heat 
Qtric acid is a water-soluble compound, 
smee It possesses a large number of —OH 
groups relative to its molecular weight It 


yields water-soluble salts with the alkah 
metals, iron, magnesium, aluminum and cop- 
per Many of the normal salts of other metals 

Carbo}cyl>c Acids 321 

Table 74 Solubilities of Some Aromatic Carboxylic Acids 

Solubility IN Gm per 100 ml op 




Ether, etc 

Acetylsalicylic acid 

0 25 


357 eth 59chl,v si s bz. 

Benzoic acid 


47 12“ 

40 eth., s chi , CCI 4 me al 

Gallic acid 

1 1623 
33 0>«> 

27 22» 

2 5 eth , s gly 

Salicylic acid 

0 1820 


50 Seth ,s chi 

Tannic acid 

285 7 

V s 

100 gly . v s acet . almost 1 eth , cbl , 
pet eth bz. 

aceL = acetone 

eih. = ether 

me al methyl alcohol 

bz. zz benzene 
citZ. = chiorofona 

gly = ^ycena 

peL eth zz petroleum ether 

are water insoluble, but the aad salts are usu- 
ally soluble due to the free —OH groups 
Since the alkali atrates are so extremely 
water soluble, they are capable of salting out 
alcohol from hydioalcohohc solutions This 
gives rise to some mcompatibilities when con- 
centrated solutions of tne alkali citrates are 
mixed with alcoholic solutions such as elixirs, 
tmctures, etc 

The sodium, potassium and ammonium 
atrates precipitate alkaloids from aqueous 
solution m which they are present m the fonn 
of their mineral acid salts The alkali citrates 
yield solutions bavmg an alkabne reaction 
and, m the type of mcompatibiliQr stated 
above, the alkaloids are precipitated in their 
free form due to the elevated pH (see Chap 
4) The adjustment of the pH or the addi- 
tion of alcohol to solubilize the precipitated 
free alkaloid will overcome this type of in- 

Sodium, potassium or ammomum atrate 
revents the preapitation of calcium, iron, 
ismuth, lead and other salts from alkaline 
solutions by forming chelates with these 
metals which are water soluble 

Sodium and potassium citrates often are 
listed as solubilizing agents for acetybahcylic, 
benzoic and salicylic acids The alkali citrates 
promote the solubility of these compounds in 




CM. ^OM 

1 V 

3 frVeH + 



1 9 


1 # 

















aqueous solution through the formation of 
the water soluble, ionized sodium or potas- 
sium salts The resultmg acid atrate or citnc 
aad IS also soluble 

Aromatic Carboxylic Acros 

Solubility. In considering the effect of the 
aromatic nucleus on water solubility, we find 
that the phenyl group is equivalent to m- 
creasmg &e alkyl group m the normal ah- 
pbatic senes by approximately 4 carbon 
atoms ^ This increase in molecular i^eight 
without an accompanymg increase m hydro- 
philic groups greatly decreases the water solu- 
bili^ Thus, benzoic acid, which may be 
taken as a representative example of the 
group, IS water-insoluble from the practical 
standpoint of the pharmacist 

The water insoluble members of this group 
of acids are soluble in dilute alkali solutions, 
since tb^ are sufficiently acidic to form 
water-soluble ionized salts The salts denved 
from the alkaline earth metals are much less 
soluble than the salts of the nllfali metals 
Most other metals form salts nhich are still 
less soluble IncompatibiUues are encoun- 
tered when the soluble alkali metal salts of 
these acids are dispensed in an aqueous solu- 
tion omtaming soluble salts of other metals 
In this case, double decomposition occurs 
and the water insoluble salts of the aromatic 
carboxylic acids are precipitated Aqueous 
solutions of the soluble alkali metal salts 
yield the bee acids on admixture with acidic 

Chemistry. The carboxyl group attached 
to the benzene nng is an aadic (electrophilic) 

322 Incompotibilillef of Orgonic Compounds 

Table 75 Dissooatiov Constants of 
Some Aromatic Carboxylic Acids 





Dcnzoic aad 

67 X 10-» 


Salicylic acid 

1 06 X 10-« 


group and tends to withdraw electrons from 
Uic aromatic nucleus This causes an area of 
low electron density in the ortho and the para 
positions Acidic reagents (electron accep- 
tors) thus react at the meta position, whereas 
basic reagents (electron donors) react at the 
ortho and the para positions 

Benzoic acid is practically insoluble m 
water but is soluble in alcohol, fixed oils and 
dilute alkali solutions In aqueous solution. 

sodium benzoate yields precipitates with the 
soluble salts of lead, mercury, iron, etc , due 
to the formation of the water insoluble ben- 
zoates of ilicsc metals The additioa of aetds 
to aqueous solutions of sodium benzoate pre- 
cipitates free benzoic acid Many references 
list bcnzoic acid as being soluble m solu- 
tions of alhah citrates or acetates This is 
uivaicnt to dissolving benzoic acid in a 
utc alkali solution. The water-soluble 
ionized salt of the acid is formed, and the 
resulting acid citrate, citric acid or acetic acid 
remains soluble 

Salicylic acid (onhobjdroxybcnzoic 
acid) is insoluble m water from tlic prac- 
tical standpomt of the pharmacist but is solu- 
ble m alconol and dilute solutions of alkahes 

In dilute aqueous alkali, it forms a water- 
soluble ionized salt From the conventional 
method of writing the structural formula for 
saheyhe acid, it would appear that this acid 
should be more water-soluble than actual 
practice shows it to be That is, the presence 
of two hydrophile groups for its molecular 
weight would seem to indicate watcr-solu- 
bility The low watcr-soIubility may be cx- 
ptamed on the basis that it undergoes chela- 
tion, thereby tying up the polar groups which 
promote water-solubility 

Free salicyhc acid is precipitated wrhen 
aqueous solutions of sodium salicylate are 
acidified Sodium sal]C}Iate causes mcom- 
palibihucs when it is added to aqueous solu- 
tions contauuDg soluble alkaloidal salts If, 
for example, sodium salic) Iste and the hydro- 
chloride salt of an alkaloid are dispensed to- 
gether in aqueous solution, salicyhc acid and 
the free alkaloid wiU precipitate This tyM 
of incompaiibJjty often can be overcome by 
the addiuon of alcohol to solubilize the free 
acid and the alkaloid, provided that they are 
not present m such large quanutics as to 
make this procedure impossible or uode- 

Aqueous solutions of sodium salicylate be- 
come colored as the result of oxidation by 
atmosphenc oxjgcn The color is due to the 
conversion of the phenol to colored qumoid 
oxidation products Air oxidation can 
be prevented by the addition of 0 1 per cent 
sodium bisulfite, sodium sulfite, sodium thio- 
sulfate or other antioxidants The presence of 
oxidizing agents in the solution, of course, 
greatly accelerates the above reaction. 

The salicjlates yield color reactions with 
feme chlondc and copper salts “ The usual 
eutectic mixtures are encountered when sah- 
qIic aad is triturated with phenols, acids and 

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspinn) is pracu- 
cally insoluble m water ( I Gm, per 400 ml ) 
but IS soluble in alcohol (1 Gm, per 5 ml ) 
and dilute aqueous alkali In alkaline solu- 
tion, It forms the water-soluble ionized salL 

Carboxylic Acids 323 

In general, ace^Isalicyhc acid should not be 
dispensed m aqueous solution since it under- 
goes hydrolysis to yield acetic and salicylic 
acids However, if an aqueous preparation 
of aspinn such as is requested occasionally 
by pediatricians is absolutely necessary, an 
aqueous suspension can be prepared Ac- 
cording to Its hydrolysis rate,** aspinn has 
a half life of approiumately 20 days at pH 
2 99 Thus, the aspinn can be suspended in 
an aad vehicle such as atnc acid syrup and 
remain sufficiently stable for a short period 
of use Heat, acids and alkalies all hasten the 
rate of hydroljsis of aspinxL After hydrolysis, 
the liberated salicylic acid or salicylate ions 
yield the typical color reactions with feme 
salts See Chapter 2 for a discussion of the 
kinetics of drug decomposition, the calcula- 
tion of the rate constant and the balf-life 


OH + CHj-C-OH 

The acetate and citrate salts of the alkali 
metals have previously been recommended 

C-OH 0 





1 0 

-t- HOC-C-ONo— * 

\ /? 







o ^ 

// CHr-c-oH 

r “'‘8 1 

^y-0-C-CM,+ HO-C-C-OH 
I I O 

I // 






as solubilizmg agents for aceylsalicylic acid 
m aqueous solutions, but this is also a ques- 
tionable practice, smee hydrolysis still takes 
place These salts yield alkiilme solutions 
and form the water-soluble sodium acetyl- 
sahcylate The acid citrate or free atnc and 
acetic acids formed m the reaction are, of 
course, also water-soluble 

Acetylsahcylic acid is a stronger acid than 
carbonic aad and effervesces with carbonates 
and bicarbonates, liberating carbon dioxide 

Aspinn forms soft masses when tnturated 
with acetanilid, acetophenetidm, ammop^-rme, 
antipyrme, etc 

Probenecid (Benemid, p-(dipropyIsul- 
famyl)benzoic acid) can be classi&ed both as 
an aromatic carboxylic aad and as a sulfon- 
amide type compound It is nearly insoluble 
m water and dilute acids but soluble m alco- 
hol, acetone, chloroform and dilute alkabes 

CHj (jHj 

CH2 ch, 
I ' I “ 

CH, CH] 

In medicme it is emp]o)ed as a uncosunc 
agent m the treatment of gout and is used to 
prolong the activity of penicillin, p amino- 
saheyhe aad and phenolsulfoopbthalem m 
the body 

Tannic acid (tanmn, gallotannic acid) is 
a complex and heterogeneous group of as- 
stnngent plant prmaples m which one or 
more of the hydroxyl groups of glucose are 
eslcnfied with either gallic [CeH 2 (OH)a- 
COOHl or digallic [HOOCCeH 2 (OH)s- 
0C0C9H2(0H)3] acid ^ Tanmc acid is very 
soluble m water, alcohol, gl)ceTm and ace- 
tone The presence of many —OH groups m 
its molecule, which enables this acid to hy- 
drogen bond with other — OH-contaimog 
compounds such as alcohol and water, ex- 
plains Its great solubility in these solvents 
The alkali metal salts of lanme aad are 

324 incompolibilities of Orgonic Compounds 

Table 76 A Comparison of tiie Water- 
Solubility OF Some Esters and Alcohols 


Solubility im 
Gm per 100 



Methyl acetate 


Ethyl acetate 

8 62« 

Propyl acetate 

1 89W 







2 . 72 a 

water-soluble, but the salts of many other 
metals such as lead, tin, copper and iroa are 
water insoluble The feme salts yield the 
t}'p]cal blue black coloration and precipitate 
with taniuc acid This is due to the oxidation 
of the toanic aad by the iron The presence 
of mineral aads and alkali citrates tends to 
present this reaction with the feme salts The 
oxidation potential of iron is reduced by acid 
With the alkali citrates, a Fe* citrate 
complex IS formed which also reduces the 
oxidation potential of the iron 

Tannic acid precipitates practically all al- 
kaloids from aqueous solution, but the pre- 
apitatc rcdissoUcs on the addition of alco- 
hol Tannic acid reacts with proteins (gelatin, 
pepsin, albumin, etc ) and prcapitates them 
from aqueous solutions 

In aqueous solution, taniuc acid is oxidized 
and the solutions turn brown, presumably 
due to the formation of qumoul oxidation 
products of the phenolic compounds The 
presence of oxidizing agents hastens the de- 
composition Explosions may result from the 
tnturation of tannic acid and strong oxidiz- 
ing agents such as permanganates, iodine, 
chlorates, etc , in the dry form 

Tanmc acid also precipitates aotipynoe, 
some neutral bitter principles, gl)cosiacs and 
the plant gums (p 307) 


An ester is an organic or inorgomc acid m 
which the aad h)drogcn has been replaced 

Esters Derived for Organic Aaos 



Solubility. The esters of the R — C — O— R 
type derived from alcohols and organic acids 
ei^ibit approximately the same limits of solu- 
bility m water as the alcohols Table 76 illus- 
trates this similarity The introduction of 
hydrophilic groups ( — OH, — MHz, etc ) 
into the ester molecule increases the polarity 
and the water-solubility in the same manner 
as It does m the case of the alcohols Ihere- 
fore, waier-solubihty is augmented due to the 
increased ability of these compounds to asso- 
aate with water A comparison of glycerol 
moQoacetate (monacetin, CH-OH — 42HOH 
— CHjOOC— ^Hs) and propyl acetate, both 
of which contom the same number of carbon 
atoms, ailords a good example of the effect 
of these groups in promoting water solubility 
Glycerol monoacetate is very soluble in water, 
whereas propyl acetate is much less soluble 
(Table 76) As the length of the alkyl group 
IS increased, there is a decrease in the Polar- 
is and an accompanying decrease m the 
water solubility Many of the esters arc solu- 
ble m alcohol, but the alkyl group may be 
mereased to such an extent that they become 
practically insoluble m this solvent The fixed 
oils (tnglyccndes), which contain the large 
alky] group of the fatty acids, are a go^ 
example of this effect Inasmuch as the esters 
arc relatively nonpolar compounds, they are 
soluble in the other relatively nonpolar sol- 
vents such as ether, chloroform, carbon tetra- 
chlondc, etc. 

tacompaUbilityv The estea axe acuUal 
compounds which gradually hydrolyze m the 
presence of water into tbcir corresponding 
alcohols and acids The hydrolysis rate is in- 
creased by both aads and alkabcs 

Fats and Fixed Oils The fats and fixed 
oils arc glyceiyl esters of fat^ acids Chem- 
ically, there IS only a minor difference be- 
tween fats and oils, the oils are liquid due to 
the increased unsaturation of the fatty aads 
These glycctyl esters arc rclauvtly nonpolar 
compounds and are, therefore, insoluble m 
water and alcohol, but arc soluble m other 
nonpolar solvents such as ether, chloroform, 
etc Castor oil is soluble m alcohol due to the 
fact that the oil is composed mainly of the 



tnglycende of ncmoleic acid [CHafCHj)®- 
CHOHCH2CHCH(CH2 )iCOOH] which is 
a h}droxy acid capable of associating with 
the alcohol 

Rancidity may develop m fats due to oxi- 
dative, hydrolytic or ketonic degradation, but 
usually It is attnbuted to the oxidative type 
which IS induced and accelerated by the pres- 
ence of air, light, heat, moisture and the pres- 
ence of metal catalysts such as copper, zmc, 
etc The products formed in the rancidifica- 
tion of fats include aldehydes, ketones, lac- 
tones, hydroxy acids, other acids of smaller 
molecular weight than the parent acid, car- 
bon dioxide and water ** Because of the 
presence of free acids, rancid fats liberate 
lodme from iodides Due to their unsatura- 
tion, some fats and all oils absorb lodme at 
their double bonds 

Other mcompatibdities of a solubility na- 
ture arise when oils are prescribed m prep- 
arations containing water In such cases, one 
must resort to the process of emulsihcation m 
order to obtain a homogeneous preparation 

The fats and the oils are saponified by 
alkalies on long standing or with the aid of 
heat All fixed oils contam a small amount 
of free fatty acids which readily form metallic 
salts, e g , lime water is utilixed in Calamme 
Liniment to form the calcium soaps of the 
free fatty acids of olive oil, which ^eo form 
a water in-oil emulsion 

Phenyl salicylate (salol) is practically 
water msoluble Its molecular weight is too 
great for the functional hydroxyl group to 
carry into ai^ueous solution It is soluble in 
alcohol and the less polar solvents, ether, 
chloroform and fixed oEs The presence of 
the phenobc — OH group enables phenyl 
salicylate to form a water soluble ionized s^t 
in dilute alkali solution, however, the aikah 
accelerates its hydrolysis into salicylic aad 
and phenol which then exist m the solution 
as the soluble ionized salts 

When phenyl salicylate is prescnbed m an 

aqueous medium, either suspensions or emul- 
sions can be prepared If a suspension is de- 
sired, the particle size of the phenyl sahcylate 
should first be reduced by suitable means and 
the particles then suspended with the aid of 
a viscosity-mducmg agent In the case of an 
emulsion, the phenyl salicylate can be dis- 
solved m a fixed oil (such as obve oil) and 
the emulsion then prepared in the usual 

Phenyl salicylate forms soft masses or 
liquids when tnturated with camphor, chloral 
hydrate, tcrpm hydrate, thymol, phenol and 
many other substances 

Resorcinol monoacetate (Euresol) is a 
water msoluble liquid which is soluble m 
alcohol and most other orgamc solvents It 


6 - 

illustrates the effect of esterification m de- 
creasmg the water solubilizmg properties of 
the hydrophilic hydroxyl group Resorcmol 
IS soluble m water smce it contains 2 phenobc 
hydroxyl groups, and the ratio of the func- 
tional — OH groups to the molecular weight 
IS well withm the limits of water solubility 
However, after eslenfication of one of the 
—OH groups, the ability to associate with 
water is greatly decreased, so that the result- 
ing ratio of — OH groups to the molecular 
weight falls beyond the limits of water solu- 
bility Resorcinol monoacetate is soluble in 
dilute solutions of alkali hydroxides but it is 
rapidly hydrolyzed to resorcinol and acetic 
acid ID this medium In alkaline solution, 
resorcmol readily undergoes air oxidation to 
colored decomposition products Oxidizmg 
agents and heat accelerate this reaction. 

Benzyl benzoate is msoluble m the more 
polar solvents such as water and glycerm, but 
IS soluble m alcohol and the less polar sol- 


«>0 — CH 

326 incompahbilitici of Organic Compounds 

\ciiis ether and chlorofonn Since it is insolu- 
ble in water, it is often used in the fonn of on 
emulsion for external application in the treat- 
ment of scabies The ofiicia! Benzyl Benzoate 
Lotion of the contains oleic acid and 
tncthanolanuoc which form the tnethanol- 
anime soap as the emulsifying agent for the 
benzyl benzoate. 

Methylparaden and Propylparaben 
Mcthylpirabcn (methyl parahydroxybenzo- 
ate) and propylparaben (propyl parahy- 
droxybenzoate) arc used for the preservation 


of pharmaceuUcal preparations which arc 
subject to microbial aetcnoration The methyl 
ester IS soluble to the extent of 1 Cm m 4C)0 
ml of water, whereas the propyl ester is solu 
ble only to the extent of 1 Cm m 2,000 ml 
This illustrates the subsequent decrease m 
water solubility which results when the alkyl 
group IS increased m similar compounds 
Inasmuch as both compounds conum the 
hcnolic —OH group, they are readily solu- 
Ic in dilute solutions of alkali hydroxides 
but arc then hydiolzycd to the benzoate and 
the corresponding alcohol These two com- 
pounds arc also soluble in alcohol, ether and 
iixcd oils 

Glyceryl triacetate (inaccim) is mod- 
Cfsiciy soiisbic in R’afer (7 17 Cm per }fX) 
ml ) and is readily soluble in ether, alcohol 
and other glyceryl esters (fats and fixed oils) 



I “ 


I ? 

Glycctyl tnacctaic is not used as a therapeu- 
tic agent but is mduded as a solvent m the 
surgical antiseptic Chlorazodm Soluuon la 
the presence of alkalies, it is hydrolyzed to 
acetic acid and glycerol 

Esters Derived from Inorganic Acids 
The esters denved from alcohols and m- 
oigaoic acids show varying chemical and 
physical propcrucs The esters denved from 
futne and nitrous acids are neutral, whereas 
those esters denved from sullunc acid are 
strong acids 

Solubility. The nitnc and the nitrous acid 
esters arc soluble in alcohol, but they are 
msoluble m water The sulfuric aud esters 
are strong acids due to the presence of the 
coordinate sulfur-oxygen bonds which create 



R-o-s— o:h 



strong dipoles m the molecule The electron 
pair of the oxygen hydrogen bond is held 
more closely to the oxygen, and the com- 
pound readily dissociates These compounds 
are readily soluble in water, smcc they are 
solvated through an acid base reaction In 
alkaline soluuon, they form water-soluble 
ionized salts 

» ~ t fit 

«-e-$-ei M ♦ HiwH — + mioim 
© ~ 0 

Esters denved from carbonic acid have 
only a limited use in pharmacy They are usu- 
ally wmer msoluble and soluble in alcohol 
locompalibilily. The esters denved from 
morgonic acids are readily hydrolyzed by 
alkalies to yicfcf the parent afeohof and the 
alkali metal salt of the aad 
Nitrite Esters Nitrite Ethyl Ni- 
trite Spint (spirit of nitrous ether, sweet spirit 
of niter) is official in the N T The spint 
gradually hydrolyzes m the presence of water, 


li^l and air, and liberates nitrous acid. The 
nitrous acid present m the spint is capable 
of liberatmg free iodine from iodides, oilro- 
gen from ammonium salts and carbon dioxide 
from carbonates and bicarbooates Gilor re- 
actions arc observed with many aromauc 
compounds such as acctomlid and aceto- 

Esfers 327 

NH^Bt + HNO TI2 NH^NO + HBl 

NH^NOj— ♦ 2HjO + N, 

phenetidin which yield yellow colors, anU- 
pynne which exhibits a green color due to 
the formation of nitrosoantipynne, and phe- 

Eryihrityl Tetramtrate (Erythrol Tetra- 






AntipyTine Niirosoantipyrine 

nohc substances widi which reddish brown 
colors are produced The cause of the color 
production is due to the substitution of the 
—NO group into the molecule at centers of 
high electron density As already explained 
in the discussion of phenol, centers of high 
electron density exist at the ortho and the 
para positions The electroa*seekmg (electro* 
philic) reagent thus reacts at these positions 


OH 0 





Qumone Nilfoso- 
Moooxime phenol 

o Nitrosophenol 

In alkaline solution, the ethyl mtnte is 
rapidly hydrolyzed to ethyl alcohol and the 
nitrite salt 

Mannitol Hexanitrate 



' \ 







Pentaerythntol Tetramtrate (Peritrate) 

OjN-O-CHj^ ^CHj-O-NOj 

The nitrate esters cause httle dithculty m 
prescription practice because usually they are 
dispensed m the dry tablet form They arc m> 
soluble m water and soluble m alcohol In the 
dry, undiluted form, they explode on percus- 
sion and thus are marketed m the form of a 
1 10 tnturation with lactose They are hy- 
drolyzed readily by alkahes to the alcohol 
and the nitrate salt 

CMj-CHj-O-N so -t- NtOH— 

Amyl nitrite (CH 3 — CHs— CHj— CHj— 
CH 2 — O— NO) has similar potential mcom- 
patibilities but it is always administered by 
the mhalation method so that the dispensing 
problems are elimmated 

Nitrate Esters Glyceryl Trinitrate (Ni- 
troglycerin, Glonoin) 

CH,-0 — NO. 





I I 

CH-0 — NO, tSNgOH— » CHOH -tSNtNO, 

I I 

0^-0* NO, CH,OH 

Glyceryl Ttmiirate Glycerol 

Carbonate Esters Sal-ethyl carbonate 
(carbomc acid ester of ethyl salicylate) is in- 
soluble m water and dilute acids It is only 


Jncompotibil lies of Organic Compound* 

Table 77 Comparison of Boiling Points 
AND Water Solubility of Some Alco* 
HOLS, Ethers and Alkanes 


B P 

Solubility in 
Gm per 100 



97 19 




7 9-0 



2 722 


157 2 

0 59 0 



0 09** 



-23 65 

3 700'*{em ») 

Ethyl methyl 




34 6 

7 5-0 

Methyl n butyl 


V si s 

Elhyl n butyl 

91 4 





-42 17 
-0 6 
U>-0 3 

6 5>^(cm.») 


36 2 

0 036‘« 


69 0 



98 52 

0 0052'* » 

slightly soluble in alcohol but is soluble m 
acetone and chloiofonn In the presence ol 
alkalies, sal'etbyl carbonate is hydrolyrcd to 
the salic)laie, ctb)l alcohol and carbonate 

Ethyl Carbonate Elhyl Salicylate 

Ethyl SaJicybte SoUium Salicylate 

Creosote carbonate (Crcosotal) is a mu- 
ture ol the carbonates of the constituents of 
viood tar creosote It is a colorless to ycl- 
loMish, clear, Mscid liquid This compound is 
insoluble in water but is soluble in alcohol, 
chloroform and fixed oils In the presence of 
alkalies. It 1 $ h}dro!)'zcd to the carbonate 
and various phenolic constituents of creosote 
which arc, chiefly, guaiacol and creoso! 

Guaiacol Cicosol 


Solubility. The ethers arc neutral, imrcac- 
iivc, oiganic compounds When the boiling 
points and the water solubility of ethers are 
compared with those of alcohols of a com* 
parable molecular weight, it is observed that 
the subsutuuon of a nonpolar alkyl group for 
the hydrogen of the —OH group causes a 
great change m these physical constants This 
type of substitution removes the hydrogen 
Imnd function of the —OH group causmg 
the ethers to resemble in some respects the 
low boiling nonpolar hydrocarbons This also 
results in a decreased tendency to associate 
with water, which causes a decrease in their 
water solubility The boibng points of the 
ethers are also lower than those of alcohols 
of comparable molecular weight, since, os 
previously explained, the ethers, like the al- 
kanes, are poorly associated, whereas the 
alcohols ore highly associaied through hydro 
geo bondmg 

The ethers, being relatively nonpolar, are 
insoluble m the highly polar solvents but arc 
readily soluble in nonpolar solvents This 
difference m solubilities is illustrated by a 
comparison of the solubilities of the nonpolar 
higher molecular weight hydrocarbons in 
water, alcohol, ^yeerm, ether and chloro* 
form Petrolatum and mineral oil may be 
taken as examples of these higher molecular 
weight hydrocarbons Both petrolatum and 
mmeral oil arc insoluble m w atcr, alcohol and 
glycerin but arc readily soluble m ether and 

Incompatibilily The ethers give nsc to 
few incompatibilities since they arc very un- 
rcactivc and are used but spanngly per se m 
pttscnplions Ethers may be cleaved by 
hydnodic acid to the corresponding alcohol 
and alkyl iodide, but this reaction requires 
drastic cooxliuons (rcfluxmg for 2 Iiours or 
more), not normally encountered m manu- 
faaunng procedures or pharmaceutical dis* 
pensmg practice This reaction may be con- 
sidered to be on electrophilic attack by the 
hydrogen ion on the oxygen 

Basic Nitrogen Confaining Compounds 329 

R-CH^— <)— CHj-R— ►R-CHjOH+I + R-C^^ 




R-cf^ +r — ►R-cny: 

Ether (diethyl ether, CHa— CHa— O— 
CHa— CHa), although seldom used m the 
actual filling of prescnptions, is used exten- 
sively as a solvent m the phannaceutical in- 
dustry Ether is an excellent extraction me- 
dium, as It is generally a good solvent for most 
organic compounds and dissolves only a very 
few morgamc substances It is immiscible with 
water and separates out as a discrete upper 
layer Because of the high volatihty of ether. 
It is removed easily by distillation from ex- 
tracts at a temperature (34 6° C ) which 
does not destroy the extracted prmciples 
When ether is exposed to air and light for 
long penods of time, it is oxidized to a non- 
volatde peroxide which, on removal of the 
solvent, becomes explosive when heated The 
foUowmg substances have been identified ten- 
tatively m the ether peroxide mixture 

c-CH-o-m-CK, (cH.-eJ'l) 

OH OH \ 

Dibydroxyelhyl Peroxide ElhylideDe Peroxide 

Ether is somewhat soluble in water (7 5 
Gm per 100 ml ) and is soluble m strong 
acids The solubility in acids is due to the 
basic character of the oxygen The oxygen 
possesses unshared electron pairs and is, 
therefore, nucleophilic That is, it is capable 
of donatmg electrons One pair of the un- 
shared electrons thus coordinates with the 
proton of the acid to produce a salt, as shown 
m the following reaction 

CHj-CHj-O — CHj-CHj - , 

The ammes are derivatives of ammonia 
in which one, two or three of the hydrogens 
are replaced by an aliyi group They are 
designated as primary, secondary or tertiary 
ammes, dependmg on the number of hydro- 
gens which are replaced. 

Solubility. The ammes have slightly higher 
limits of solubihty m water than the alcohols 
and other oi^gen-containing compounds 
The lower a mm es are soluble m water due 
to the presence of the unshared electron pair 
on the nitrogen which makes it possible for 
them to associate with water through hydro- 
gen bonding 


R ;n S — 

•• 0 

R H'' 

As the length of the alkyl cham is mcieased, 
they lose £eir ability to compete with water 
for a place m the association complex and 
become water-msoluble 
The water msoluble amines are soluble m 
dilute acid solutions by virtue of the unshared 
electron pair contamed on the mtrogen This 
unshared electron pair coordinates with the 
proton of the acid to form a water-soluble 
ionized salt 

Thus, the acid salts 


- 1 

l + 




R SNt H 

= J 


330 Incompatibilities of Organic Compounds 

Tablets Comparisoh of the Water 
Solubility of Some Aailves and 


Gm per 100 







n Butyl 


n Amyl 


n Hexyl 

si $ 

n Heptyl 

si s 

n Octyl 


n Nonyl 

si s 



n Prop) 1 


n Butyl 


n Amyl 

2 7» 

n Hexyl 


n Heptyl 

0 09*» 

n Octyl 


n Konyl 


of these basic niirogea compouods are water* 
soluble, since the highly polar compound, 
\satcr, IS able to rupture the lomc bonds and 
solubilize the compounds through an ton* 
dipole mechanism as it does m a similar 
manner with NaG Due to their lomc nature, 
these compounds are insoluble m the noo' 
polar soUents such as ether, chloroform, ben- 
zene. carbon tclrachlonde, etc. 

The basic nitrogen in a pnmaiy, second- 
ary or tertiary amine is capable of carrying 
approximately 5 carbon atoms into aqueous 
solution -• The rauo of the number of basic 
nitrogen groups to the molecular weight of 
the compound is operative m the same 
manner as it applies m — OH-contaiomg 
compounds, c g , n hczylanunc [CHj(CHj)#- 
N!!*] IS only slightly soluble, whereas 1,6- 
hcxancdiaminc [NHj(CHa)«NH 2 ] is very 
soluble in water 

The aliphatic amines are more basic than 
ammonia, a fact which is borne out by tbev 
dissociation constants In fact, tnmethyl* 
amine is capable of displacing the weaker 
base, ammonia.** However, when an aadic 
group (electrophilic, electron acceptor) re- 
places one or more of the hydrogens of am- 

Table 79 Dissociation Constants (Kt) 
DP Some Organic Bases 




Ammonium hydroxide 

I 8 X 10“® 



5X 10-* 



52X 10-« 



74X I0-» 









64 X I0-* 



1 6X 10-* 



23 X 10-» 



46 X 10-** 



3 1 X 10-*® 



4 1 X 10-** 


moiua, a decrease in the basicity is obtained. 
In this case, the electron pair bonding the 
nitrogen to the acidic group is held more 
closely to the acidic group, which, m turn, 
causes the unshared electron pair of the nitro- 
gen to be held more closely to the nitrogen 
This then decreases the ability of the nitro- 
gen to hydrogen-bond with water and, also, 
decreases its ability to coordmate with the 
proton of an acid in salt formation More 
specifically, m Table 79, it may be observed 
that aniline is much less basic than the alkyl- 
substituted compounds The basic — NKs 
(electron donor) group of aniline contains 
an unshared pair of electrons which it can 
share with the acidic (clcctrophihc) phenyl 
group ** In the light of the preceding discus- 
sion. It IS obvious that m the followmg struc- 
ture the unshared electron pair of the nitro- 
gen IS DO longer as readily available cither 
for hydrogen bonding with water or for co- 
ordinating with the proton of an acid to form 
a salt The electronic shifts indicated m the 

above structure also account for the high 
relativity of the ortho and the para positions 
with respect to electrophilic reagents The 
onbo and the para positions arc centers of 
hi^ electron density and react with reagents 
which can accept electrons 

Bquc Nitrogen Containing Compounds 331 

TTie effect of decreasing water-soIubility by 
substituent groups which replace one or more 
hydrogens on the basic mtrogen is readily 
borne out when benzylamme and amlme are 
compared. Amlme is soluble m water to the 
extent of 3 4 Gm per 100 ml , whereas 
benzylamme, which contains one more car- 
bon atom, IS miscible m all proportions The 
mcreased solubility of benxylamme over 
anUme m water is due to the fact that a 
methylene group is mterposed between the 
phenyl group and the ammo group so that 
the ammo group m this case is not con- 
jugated with unsaturation as m the case of 
anifme This makes it impossible for the im- 
shared electrons to shift and mcrease the 
covalency between the mtrogen and the 
aromatic nucleus 

Other acidic groups when substituted for 
a hydrogen of ammoma have a similar effect 
in decreasmg the basicity of the mtrogen 
The amides may be taken as an example In 
this case, the shift of a pair of electrons from 
the double bond between the carbon and the 
oi^gen tends to cause an electron dehcicncy 
on ^e carbon atom which, m turn, is satisflea 

soluble m water, pelargonamide, CHj- 
(CH2)7C0NH2 is insoluble) The lower 
solubih^, m this case, is caused by the de- 
creased availabihty of the unshared electron 
pair of the mtrogen which is necessary for 
hydrogen bondmg. A great decrease m the 
basicity of the mtrogen also is observed (see 
Table 79), and the aimdes have a neutral re- 
action to dilute acid solution How ever, 
Water insoluble amides are sufficiently basic 
to dissolve m more concentrated acid solu- 

Actually, sufficient substitution of acidic 
^oups for the hydrogens of ammoma may 
progress to the pomt where the mtrogen no 
longer retains its basic properties, and a re- 
mammg hydrogen on the mtrogen becomes 
acidic Suiffi IS the case with succimmide 

and pbthalimide 

by the shift of the unshared electron pair of 
the mtrogen to cause an maease m the 
covalency between the mtrogen and the 
carbon Smce the oxygen has acquired a 
share of an electron pair, it has become nega- 
tively charged, and the mtrogen, havmg given 
up a share of an electron pair, has become 
positively charged If the molecule were com- 
pletely polarized, it could be represented by 
the followmg structure 

Pblbalunide is practically msoluble in water 
but dissolves readily m alkali. The sulfon- 
amides and the ba^iturates, which will be 
discussed m detail later m the chapter, are 
also examples of mtrogen-contaimng com- 
pounds with sufficiently strong acidic substi- 
tution to cause a remainmg hydrogen to be- 
come acidic 

H-C = NH, 

However, it exists in the more stable mtcr- 
mediate form or hybrid between the conven- 
tional structure and that shown above Al- 
though water-solubility is not greatly affected 
in the case of the amides derived from am- 
moma, some decrease is observed (n- 
nonylamme, CH 3 (CH 2 )iCH 2 NH 2 is shghdy 

Alkaloids and Chemically Related 

In this chapter, the reader will observe 
that alkaloids are not treated as a separate 
class of compounds possessing mcompati- 
bilities peculiar only to them but that the 
discussion mcludes many chexmcally related 
substances havmg similar incompatibiliUes. 

Alkaloids. Because the substances of this 
group differ so greatly m chemical composi- 

332 Incompohbiljlies of Organic Compounds 

uon, and since no one definition is sufficient 
to include all the venous compounds, phar- 
maceutical chemists have commonly resorted 
to an cDumeraiion of some of the cbetnico] 
and ph) steal characteristics of alkaloids m 
lieu of a definition (S)nibetic substances 
may have similar properties to those alka- 
loids of vegetable or animat origin.) There- 
fore, they have been stated to be white 
oystalline substances — although a very few 
ore colored (eg, berbenne), and some of 
the oxygen free compounds are liquids (e g , 
nicolmc, coniine, etc } Most of the com- 
pounds of this class react with alk)l halides 
to give crystalline addition products They 
give characteristic reactions with the com- 
monly termed “alkalovdal reagents “ The free 
alkaloids are usually water-msolublc but 
soluble m dilute acid solutions and the or- 
pnic solvents, whereas the alkaloidol salts 
axe soluble m water and alcohol but insolu- 
ble in the less polar organic solvents such as 
ether, chloroform and the fixed oils (Table 
80) However, m dctcrming the water-solu- 
bility of the free base of al^oids and other 
chemically related compounds, it must be 
borne m mind that the basic nurogen is 
capable of carrying approximately 5 carbon 
atoms into solution Thus, such substances 
as antipyrme, ommopynne, coiTcinc, etc , are 
water soluble (p 330) 

The nitrogen which is contained m the 
molecule and which must be present m order 
for these substances to be labeled os alka- 
loids may occur m the form of pnmary, 
secondary and tertiary (either alphatic or 
cyclic) amines Other forms of nitrogen 
combinations such as acid amides, acid 
imidcs, cyanides, quartemary ammonium, 
ammo imme, diaimno imino, imine and tn- 
amme groups also may be present along with 
the anunes m the alkaloid molecule -* 
Although tlic presence of nitrogen is es- 
scnual m alkaloids, they also contain many 
other functional groups which contribute to 
the ocUv ity of the compound from the chemi- 
cal, the physical and the physiologic stand- 
pomt These functional groups mdude pn- 
moiy, secondary and tentary alcohols, 
ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, esters, 
methyl ethers, methylene ethers and 
phenols *• 

Ciasstficauon of Some Alkaloids and Chenu- 
0 iUy Related Compounds (.Basic N-Coniain- 
ing Compounds) 
h Alkylammc Group 
A Primary Amine 
1 Tuamine (2-ammoheptanc) 


B Tertiary Amines (Diracthylcthyl- 
ammo group) 

1 Diphenh) dranune drochlonde 
(Benadryl Hydrochloride, /J-di- 
racihylammocthyl bcnzhydiyl ether 

2 Tripelennamine Hydrochloride 
(Pynbcnzaminc, pyndylbenzyl-di- 
ractbylcihylcncdiamme hydrochlo- 

3 Thenylpyramine Hydrochloride 
(Histadyl, Thcnylcnc, N,N-diracthyl- 
N' (2 lhcnyl)-N' (2 pyridyl)-cth)l- 
cncdiaminc hydrochloride) 

II. PbenylalLylammc Group 

1 Amphetamine (Benzedrine, 1-phcn- 
jI-2 ammopropanc) 

Basic Nitrogen-Coniaining Compounds 333 

Parednne (p-hydroxy-l-phenyI-2-am» 

2 Methamphetamine Hydrochloride 
(Desoxyephednne Hydrochlonde; 1- 

O CHj-ch~ch 3 9 Phenylpropanolamine (Propadnne; !• 

NHCHj . HO phenyl-2-ammo-propanol-l ) 

3 Ephednne (l-phenyl-2-methylanime- 
propanol-1 ) 

a CH^CH-GHj III. Diphenylalkylamiae Group 

OH NHCH ^ Meihadon (Dolophme, 4,4-diphenyI- 

* 6-dimethylammoheptanone-3) 


4. Epinephrine (Adrenalm, methylammo- 

I * 

5 Eptnine (3,4-dihydroxyphcQyIethyl- 

6 Phenylephrine Hydrochloride (Neo- 
synephrme, a-hydroxy-/3-methylainmo- 
3-hydroxy ethylbenzene hydrochlonde) 

rV. AUmnoIamine Group 
1. Triethanolamine 



A- p-Aminobenzoic Acid Derivatives 
1 Procaine Hydrochlonde (Novocam; 
p-ammo-benzoyl dxethylammo- 
etbanol hydrochlonde) 


7. Nethamine ( l-phenyl-2-raethyIcthyI- 
ammo-propanol-I ) 



C-O-Cl^-CHj-N ‘HO 

CH — CH-CH. 

J \ 

OH CH,-N-C,H- 

2. Butacaine Sulfate (But^n Sulfate; 
panol sulfate) 

334 Incompotibililies of Organic Compounds 

3 MonocaineH)droch!onde (p ^mmo^ 
bcnzo)] isobut)! ammrxthanol hy* 


4 Tetracaine H^drochtonde (Pooto- 
camc hjdrochlondc, p butylanuoo- 
bcQzo) 1-/3 dimcth} lammO'Cthanol 

h) drochlonde) 

N-CH,-C«f CH^CH, 


5 Am)Uine Hydrochloride (Nacpoinc 
H) drochlonde, mono-n*am>}-a[nmo- 
cth)l*p ammo'bcnzoalc hydrochlo- 

> Hd 

CH,- CH,- CH,- CH,-CK, 

B BcNZoicAao Derivative 

1 Intracaine Hydrochloride (Di- 
cthoxin, /3'dicth)!animocih)l>p-ctb> 
OX} benzoate h}drochIonde) 

0 /VOS 

C Tropic Acid DERivATfVB 

1 Syntropan (tropic acid ester of 3>di* 

CH, CH,-CH, 


D Diphenylacetic Acid Derivative 
1 Trasenime (diphcnylacct}ldicthyl* 
amino^thanol hydrochloride) 

-C-0-CH,-CH,-N • Hd 

V. Pjnduic Group 
I Pellettertne 

2 Sparteine 5u!/aie 

W.-W.-K CM, M--CH.-CM, 
* » , 1*1 1 , » 

3 Coniine 


VI. Pyndioe-PjTrolidiac Group 
I Nicotine 

04,- CM, 
-CH CH, 
N / * 


VII. Condensed Pjpcndine'PjiTohdme 
Group (Troploe) 

! Atropine 

Basic Nitrogen Containing Compounds 

2 Homalropme Hydrobromide 

CH,-CH — 0®” __ 

J N CH, y HBr 




CH, 'CH,-CH, 

7 Eucupin (Isoamylhydrocupreine ) 

3 Scopolamine Hydrobromide 

,CH CH CH- 0 ' 

/T I I * ^ 

0 I N CH- CH — 0—C — 

\l t * \ 


4 Cocaine 


CH,— CH^— CH— C— 0— CH, 

[ «-». 

CHj— CH.^— CH, 

VIII. Quinoline Group 

1 Quimne 


8 Oxy quinoline 


IX. Isoquioolme Group 

1 Papaverine Hy drochloride 

2 Morphine Sulfate 

2 Quinidine Sulfate (Dextro isomer of 

3 Totaquine (Contains the total alka- 
loids of cmchona) 

4 Cinchonine Sulfate 

3 Codeine 

4 Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride 

5 Cinchonidme Sulfate (Levo isomer of 

6 Pamaquine [plasmochme, 6 methoxy- 
8-(l-methyl-4-dietb)lamino) butyl- 

336 incompotibilities of Organic Compounds 

5. Apomorphine Hydrochloride 

6. Dihydromorphinone Hydrochloride 

7. Dihydrocodeinone 

(Mcrcodeinonc, Hycodao, Dicodid) 

NaiorpkiM Hydrochloride 
(NoUine H)drochloiide) 


9. Methyldihydromorphinone Hydroch!o~ 
ride (Mctopoo Hydrochloride) 

X. Indole Group 

1. Physosiigmine Sahcylaie (Eserme 


(Protnioaal Suucture) 

3. Ergoloxine 

4. ErgonoMne Mdeaie 

5. Ergotainine Tarxrate 

Basic Nitrogen Containing Compounds 337 

6 Reserpme 

XI. Imidazole Groap 
1 Pilocarpine Nitrate 


2 Naphazobne Hydrochloride (Pnvme 
Hydrochloride , 2 (naphthyl- ( T) - 

methyl) imidazoUne hydrochlonde) 

3 Histamine Phosphate (4 imi- 
dazolylethylanune phosphate) 

XIII Pipendme Group 

1 Meperidine Hydrochloride (Demerol 
Hydrochlonde, Isonipecame, Dol- 
anthm, Pethidme, ethyl l-melhyM- 
phenyl pipcndine-4-carboxylate hydro- 





XII. P}Tazole Group 

I Antipynne (Phenazone, 1,5-dimethyI- 
2 phenyl 3 pyrazolone) 

2 Piperocaine Hydrochlonde (Mety- 
came,benzoyl-7-(2 methylpipen- 
dino) propanol hydrochlonde) 


2 Aminopyrine (Amidopynne, Pyrami- 
doQ, 1,5-dimelhyl 2 phenyl-4- 
dunethylanuno-3 pyrazolone) 

3 Surfacaine (Cyclomcthycame, p-cyc!o- 
hej^lozybenzoyl-y-(2 methylpipen- 
dmo) propanol hydrochlonde) 




338 Incompotib lilies of Organic Compounds 

4 Dwtliane (Pipcnduiopropancdiol-di- 
phcn)!urcihane h)drochiondc) 

I 9 

CH,-e-c— * ih-A 
\IV. Amlioc Group 

1 Phenacaine U)drochlonde (Holocainc, 
cthcn>l p p'*diclhox)diphcn)]amtdinc 

XViL FhcDOtbuizuie Group 

1 Promethavne (10 (2 diracihylanimo* 


0-CH,-CH, 0-CHj-C«, 

\V. Purine Group 

1 Cfli7«He (I|3, 7 (nracthjlxanthuae) 


o-c c-hC 
I II > 

CK,-M — c— n 

2 Theophylline (i,3*dimcth)Uanthinc) 

2 Promazine (10 (3 dimcthylammo- 
propyl) phcnothiazmc) 



I * 

CH, CH, 

CH,-N— C-O 

I I 

O-C C— K-M 

I U 

CH-N — C- 

3 Chlorpromavne (Thorazine, 2-chlon>- 
10 (3 duncthoyaminopropyl)* 

3 Theobromine (3,7-dimcih)Uaalhmc) 

HN — c-o 

I I 

-C C-H — CM, 

1 I > * 

\>I. Guanidine Group 

1 Chloroguamde Itydrochlonde 
(Guanatol Iljdroclilondc, N^-p- 
chloro-pheny] N. isopropyl 
biguanide hydro^oridc) 

1 ^ 

CHj— N-CH, 




Incompatibility. The alkaloids and chemt' 
cally related compounds containing tnv'alcnt 
nitrogen arc capable of forming ^^atcr solu- 

Basic Nitrogen Containing Compounds 339 

ble salts with acids The unshared electron 
pair of the nitrogen coordinates with the 
proton of the acid to form the correspondmg 
water-soluble ionized salt IncompatibiUties 
may thus result from attempts at dispensing 
these water-soluble mmeral acid salts m an 
aqueous medium havmg an alkalme reaction, 
m which case the free base is precipitated, 
provided that it is not sufficiently water- 
soluble to remam m solution as such This is 
perhaps the most frequently occtirrmg type 
of mcompabbihty for this class of com- 
pounds Included m the hst of compounds 
which give an alkalme reaction m aqueous 
solution are the soluble hydroxides, carbon- 
ates, bicaibonates, the alkali citrates, tar- 
trates, acetates, the sodium salts of bar- 
biturates, the sodium salts of sulfonamides, 
etc The foUowmg examples, while typical of 
the alkaloids, also are applicable to the 
chemically related synthetic compounds m- 
cluded m the previous classification 

sible means of conectmg these mcompati- 

1 Neutralization of the solution before 
the addition of the min eral acid salt of the 
basic N-contammg compound 

2 Suspension of the insoluble precipitate 
with the acid of acacia, tragacanth, Metho- 
cel, etc 

3 The addition of alcohol or other water- 
juiscible solvents such as gl}cenn or propy- 
lene glycol to solubilize the free base Of 
these three methods, the last is most often 
used by the pharmacist The addition of acid 
to neutralize the alkaltnw solution may lead 
possibly to other mcompatibilities, the use 
of a suspending agent markedly changes the 
physical charactenstics of the prescnption 
and may not be desured by the physician, 
whereas few physicians are averse to the ad- 
dition of a small amount of alcohol for pre- 
scnpUoDs intended for mtemal admimstra 
tion Usually 10 to 35 per cent of alcohol 

1 Alkaloidal salt (HCl) -I- NaOH free alkaloid + NaQ -i- H^O 

water soluble) (water insoluble) 

2 Alkaloidal salt (HCl) + sodium pbenobarbital -»free alkaloid -I- free pbenobarbital + NaCI 

(water soluble) (water insoluble) (water insoluble) 

3 Alkaloid salt (HQ) + sodium citrate -» free alkaloid + cilnc acid + NaCl 

(water soluble) (water insoluble) (water soluble) 

Other mcompatibiliues m the nature of 
precipitant reactions, of course, would be 
present when compounds of this class are 
dispensed m an aqueous medium containing 
any of the “alkaloidal reagents ” However, 
this type IS not too frequent, smce ffiese 
reagents are not employed commonly m pres- 
ent-day prescribmg trends, althou^ tanmc 
acid and tamun-containmg preparations are 
occasionally a source of thfficulty The van- 
ous lodme complexes are encountered even 
less frequently, but it is to be remembered 
that the presence of any substances which 
will give nse to the formation of KafHgli) 
(Mayer's reagent), Na2(Hgl4) or HaCHgli) 
— or any of the other alkaloidal precipitants 
— will cause precipitation. 

These preapitation reactions are undesir- 
able m prescriptions because a uniform 
dosage cannot be ensured, and too large an 
amount of the potent drug may be taken 
la a smgle dose 

Three methods of overcommg these pre- 
cipitation rcrnmons are aften listed as a pos- 

ts sufficient to dissolve the msoluble precipi- 
tate m all of the above mcompatibihties 

The esters of this class, which mclude the 
local anesthetics such as Butacame, Laro- 
came, Monocame, Naphthocame, procame, 
Tetiacame, Tmocaine, Metycaine and Suria- 
caine, the alkaloids atrophme, homatropme, 
rescrpme, scopolamine, cocame and their 
synthetic substitutes, Syntropan and Trasen- 
tine, etc , undergo hydrolysis m aqueous me- 
dium to the correspondmg alcohol and aad 
from which they are derived. The rate of 
hydrolysis (see Chap 4) is greatly acceler- 
ated at pH's near neutr^ty or on the alka- 
lme side and by the apphcation of heat, as 
m stenlizmg If these substances are bufiered 
on the acid side (pH 3 0 to 5 0), the sta- 
bility of their aqueous soluuons is enhanced 

As a general rule, it may be stated that 
alkaloids are mcompatiblc with oxidizmg 
agents Some substances such as epmepb- 
nne, Epmme, Parednne, Neosyncphnne and 
physostigmme are even oxidized quite readily 

340 incompatibilitiei of Organic Compounds 

Table 80 Solubilities of Some Alkaloii^ and Qiemically Related Synthetic 
Compounds (Basic N*Containinc Compounds) 

StoLUBILITY IN Cm per 100 MU OF 
Water Alcohol Eihcr, etc 
s s 1 cth 

66 7 6 clh 

1 Acclylchohoe chloride 
2. Anunopjnne, U^P 

3 Amphetamine (Benzednne) 

4 AmphetammesulfatefBenaednneSuIfate) 

5 Am)huie hydrochloride (Amjlcatoe) 

6 Anljpynne 

7 Aponmrphmc 

8 Apomorphme hydrochloride 

9 Atropine 

10 Atropine sulfate 

1 1 Benzalkomum chloride (Zephiran 


12. Butacaine sulfate (Butyn) 

13 Butyl aminobeozoate (Butesin) 

14 CalTeioe 

15 Carbachol 

16 Chlorpromazine hydrochloride 

17 Cinchonidine 

I S Cinchonidine sulfate 

19 Cmchooioe 

20 Cinchonine sulfate 

21 Cocaine 

22. Cocaine hydrochloride 

23 Codeine 

24 Codeine phosphate 

25 Codeine sulfate 

26 Comme 

27 Meperidine h) drochlonde ( Demerol 

11) drochlonde) 

23 Melhamphciamine (Desoxyephednoe) 

29 Methamphetamine hydrochloride 

(Elcsoxyepbednne Hydrochlonde) 

30 Dihydromorphinone hydrochloride 


31 Diotbane Hydrochlonde 

32. Diphcnhydr^ine hydrochlonde 

33 Ephednne 

34 Ephednne hydrochlonde 

35 Ephednne sulfate 

36 Epincphrme 

37 Epinephnne hydrochlonde 

38 Epinine 

39 Ergonosine (Ergomeinne) 

40 Ergonovme maleate (Ergoirale) 

41 Ergotamine 

42. Ergotamine tartrate 

43 Ergotoxine 

44 Elthyl aminobcnzoate (Bcnzocatne, 


45 Ethyl morphine hydrochloride (Dionm) 

46 Eucupia (Isomylhydrocupreine) 

si s 


s cth 


si s 

1 etb 


si s 

1 eth 



2 6 cth 

si s 


s cth 


2 47 

0 053 cth 


68 5 




0 05 etb, 016 chi 



1 cth 



I eth , si s chL 



s eth , ch] 


2 3>« 

0 044 cth . 142chl 



1 cth . chi 


66 6 

s chi . 1 cth 


4 81 

041 eth. s chi 


I 37 

0024 cth .0 I6chl 

0 0272® 

0 7952® 

0 27 eth , s cbl 



0 043 cth , 2 I chi 



26 3 cth ,s cbl 


38 4« 

1 cth 

0 83» 

62 52® 

8 0 eth , s chi 

44 5» 

0 3 82- 

0 07 eth 

3 3“ 


1 cth . chi 

1 1 


V si s eth 


$1 s 

1 cth 

V si s 


s eth 


si s 

I cth 


sp 1 

1 cth 



1 eth 



1 . eth 



5 cth , chi 


7 14 

I cth. 


$ h 

1 cth 


si s. 

1 cth , chi 



L eth. 

U s 

si s 

si s. 

si s. 

sp s chL 



1 Clh , chi. 



s clh ,ch] 



V si s. 

s b. 

si s clh. 



50 chi ,25 clh. 



si 1 eth.,cbL 



t eth 

Bauc Nitrogen Containing Compounds 34 1 

Table 80 Solubilities of Some Alkaloids and Chemically Related Synthetic 
Compounds (Basic N-Containing Compounds) (Continued) 

Solubility IN Gm per 100 ml of 



Ether, etc 

47 Chloroguamde bydrocblonde 
(Guanatol Hydrochlonde) 

sp s 


1 etb 

48 Histamine 


sL s 

49 Histamine phosphate 

50 Homatropme hydrobromide 


17 5» 


0 23 chi . 1 eth 

5 1 Intracame hydrochlonde (Diethoxm) 



52 Methacboline cblonde (Mecholyl) 



s chL 

S3 Methadone hydro^londe 



1 eth 

54 Metycaine hydrochlonde 



s chi , 1 eth 

55 Monocame hydrochlonde 

sp s 

sl s 

sl s chi , 1 eth 

56 Morphine 


0 39 

0 02 eth , s cfal 

57 Morphine sulfate 

6 66 

0 22 

1 eth , cb! 

58 Morphine hydrochlonde 

5 72 

2 38 

1 eth , cbl 

59 Nalorphine hydrochlonde (Nalline 



V sl s cbl , 1 eth 

60 Neostigmine bromide (Prosugmm 



L eth 

6 1 Neostigmine methylsulfate (Prostigrmn 



1 eth 

62 Phenylephnne hydrochlonde 

(Neosyoephnne Hydrochlonde) 



I ctb 

63 Nethamme hydrochlonde 



s eth , cbl 

64 Nicotine 



65 Nicotine hydrochlonde 



66 Oxyqumolme 



67 Oxyqumolme sulfate 

68 Pamaquine naphthoate (Plasmochio) 



s acet 

69 Papaverine 

V sl s 

V s 

0 39 eth 

70 Papavenne hydrochlonde 

2 7»» 


1 eth 

7 1 Parednne hydxobromidc 

72 Pellelienne 




s eth , cbl 

73 Pellelienne toonaie 



sL s eth., 1 chi 

74 Phemerol Cblonde 



1 . eth 

75 Phenacaine hydrochlonde (Holocainc) 


1 eth 

76 PhysosUgmme (Esenne) 

sl 5 


s eth , chi 

77 PhysosUgmme salicylate (Esenne) 



0 57 eth , s chi 

78 Pilocarpine 



sl s eth , s chi 

79 Pilocarpine hydrochlonde 



1 eth , si s cbl 

80 Pilocarpine nitrate 


1 eth , chi 

8 1 Naphazohne hydrochlonde (Pnvine 



V sL $ cbl , 1 eth 

82 Procaine hydroeWonde (Novocain) 


3 33 

si s chi , 1 eth 

83 Pbcnylpropanolamme hydrochloride 
(Propadnne Hydrochlonde) 



I eth , chi 

84 Quuune 


73 8 eth , s chi 

85 Quinine hydrochlonde 



042 eth 

86 Quimne dlhydrochlonde 

166 6 


V sl s eth , si s chi 

87 Quuune bisulfate 

11 1 

5 36 

0056 elh ,s chL 

88 Quinine sulfate 


1 16“ 

sLs eth. 

89 Quiiudtoe 



4 5 eth , s chi 

90 Quinidine sulfate 

1 0“ 


V si s eth , s cbl 

91 Reserpme 


0 055 

1 6 67 chi . s acids 

92 Scopolamine (Hyoseme) 

V s 

V $ eth. s. chi 

342 Incompotibilihes of Orgomc Compounds 

Table SO SoLuettmcs of Softfs Alkaloids aso Chewcally Related SYNniETic 
CoMPousDS (BasicN-Covtainino Compounds) iCotUtnued) 


PER 100 ML. OP 



Ether, etc. 

93 Scopolamine b)drobroinide 
(H}osane H)<lrobromidc) 

66 6^ 

6 3“ 

1 clh .0 13 chi 

94. Sponcme 


V s 

V s. cth , s. chi 

95 Sparteine sulfate 


33 3“ 

1 eth , chL 

96 Strychnine 



0018 cth,s.chl 

97 Sir) chmne nitrate 


0 83 

1 cth , 0 64 cbl 

98 Suycbnine phosphate 

3 33 

si s. 

1 cth 

99 Sli)chiunc sulfate 

3 2“ 

1 J“ 

1 cth ,s. chi 

100 SurfacaiDC* (Cyclomclh)caine) 

101 S}'ntropant 

10 + 


si s. 

1 eth , cbl 

102. Tctracame hydrochloride (PoDtocaine) 



1 eth 

103 Telractbylammonium chloride (Etamoo 



I cth 

104 Then) Ipyramine hydrochloride 
(Histad)l Thcn)leRe) 



1 eth 

105 Theobromine 


0 023*' 

si s eth 

106 Theophylline 


1 25 

st s eth 

107 Totaquine 



s chL 

103 Traseaiinet 

109 Tnethanobiemne 



si s eth 

110 'nipclennamineh)droch]ondc 


1 Clh 

HI Tuamine 

si s 


s cth cht 

112. Tuanune sulfate 



sp s cth 

* As the h)tlfDchlonJe t As the phosphate t As the b)droch1orKle 

by ihc oxygen of ihc atr Therefore, ao aoD- 
oxidant such as sodium sulfite m a 0 1 per 
cent concentration is added to prevent ^is 
reaction and mamtam their stabUity These 
compounds arc oxidized much more readily 
in an alkaline solution than in an acid solu- 
tion Thus, the use of buffers to maintain the 
soluuon at the proper pH aids materially in 
preventing their decomposition The use of 
buffers to maintain the stability of these solu- 
tions by preventing precipitation, b)drol)‘sis 
and oxidation reactions and to make them 
compatible with tissue fluids is of great im- 
portance m ophthalmic solutions and solu- 
tions mtended for application to the mucous 
membranes of the respiratory tract 
Sorenson s modiiic^ buffer s)stem at a pH 
of 6 8 (ct^ual parts of an M/IS NaHsPOc 
solution and Af/lS NaiHPOt solution =; 
6 SI) has been recommended** as a buffer 
for atropine, epfaednae, cucatropme, faoma- 

iiopmc and pdocarpwc The United States 
Pharmacopeia^* recommends a 1 9 per cent 
bone aad solution for salts such as those of 
cocamc, piperocaine, procamc and tctracame 

Quaternary Ammonium Compounds 

The drugs of this chemical class mclude 
the parasympathomuncUc agents ace^Icbo- 
line chlonde, methacfaolme cblonde, car- 
bachot, neostigmine bromide, neostigmine 
mcthykulfatc and bcozpyruuum bromide, 
the parasympatholytic agents mcthanthelme 
bromide, propantheline bromide, ontrcnyl, 
tiyC)damol sulfate, and those possessmg both 
paras)'mpalholytic and sjTnpathol)tic activ- 
ity such as tctracthylammonmm chlonde, 
bcxomcthonium bromide and hcxamcthonium 
chloride The surface active and gcnmcidol 
agents bcnzcihomum chloride, bcozalkooium 
chlonde and cetylpyndinium chlonde also 
belong to this chcmi^ class 

Batic Nitrogen>Contaimng Compounds 343 








ifS ? 




Tetraethylammonium Chloride 

CHs CH3 

CHj-N-CHj-lCHjl^-CHa-N -CH^ 
CHj L3 



Hexametbomum Chloride* [Esomid Chloride, 
Hexametoa Cblonde, Merhium Otlande, Hex 
ajsethylenebis (trunetbylammooium chlonde)) 

* Also avaOable as Hexametboiuum Bromide (Bis* 
tnum Bromide) 

Neostigmine Methyhullate (Pros* 
tigmina Methylsulfate, dimethyl* 
carbamic ester of 3 hydroxy* 

Benzpyrimtim Bromide [Stigmonene Bromide, 
1 Benzyl 3 (dimethylcaibamyloxy) pyridinium 

CH,-N-CH£-CHjj-0-C-CH, Cl' 

Acetykholme Chloride 

CH,-N — CH.-CH-O-C-CH, d” 
• I * I * 

CH, CH, 

Methacbolme Chloride (acetyl 4 
methylcboline chloride) 


I * 



Methaaibehae Bromide (Baaihme Bromide, 4* 
dgthylmethytom moahyl 9-'xaotheaecarboxylate 

Cartiachol (carbammoylcholine 

Propaolhehae Bromide (Pro-Banthioe, d-duso* 
propylmetbylamiooethyl 9 xantheoecarboxylaie 

Neostigmine Bromide (Pros* 
Ugmine Bronude, dimethyl* 
carbamic ester of 3 hydroxy* 
p^nyl trimethylammooium 

Antreoyl [diethyl (2-hydraxyethyl) methylamm^ 
mum bromide a-phrayl-cyclobexaiieglycolatel 

344 Incompalibilities of Organic ComiMuncis 

Tricyclimol Sul/ato (Elorme Sulfate l-cyclobexyt 
I pheoyi ^pyrrolijino-l propanol metbyUulfate) 

Denaethoniuin Chlorule IPbernerol Chlorule, p-(2 
methyl'4- 4^imeih)l penune-2) (phenoxy-cthoay 
ethyl) 'Ounethyl-benrylartunoflium chloride] 

CM, I* 



R s • muiiure of alkyls 
from CaIIi> (O Cmllar 

Oeaulkomum Chloride 
(Zcphiran Chloride al 
moQiurn chloride) 

CetylpyTidmium Chloride 

Solubtlitj. The qualeroary ammoaium 
salts arc denvcd from tertiary amines and an 
alL}I halide In this reaction, the covalent 
bond between the halogen and the carbon 
atom of the all)l halide is broken m such a 
manner that the halogen retains the electron 
vthich uas contributed by the carbon atom 
to the covalent bond The halogen thus re* 
tarns Its stable octet, and the carbon atom 
has lost an electron The halogen gams an 
electron and becomes negatively charged 
The alk)l radicid, having lost an electron, is 
positively charged and accepts a slure of the 
unshared electron pair of the mtrogen to 
complete its octet. The nitrogen, havmg given 
up a shore m on electron pair, becomes posi- 

tively charged and the solid, water-soluble, 
ionic salt IS formed as indicated below 

Te(rul)cy) Ammonium Hatide 

Base Strength The tetraalkylammo- 
mum hydroxides contrast sharply with am- 
momum hydroxide and the amme hydrates 
in that they arc much stronger bases These 
quaternary bases do not decompose with the 
loss of water, as do the amine hydrates and 
ammonium hydroxide, but dissociate to yield 
a high concentration of the hydroxyl ion and 
the tetraalkylammonium ion As is mdicated 
by the following structure, the quaternary 
ammonium bases are completely ionized and, 
therefore, arc comparable in base strength 
with the hydroxides of the alkali metals 



Incompalibihly, These quaternary am- 
momum salts contrast with the hydrobalide 
salts of the amines m their behavior toward 
alkalies They do not liberate the free amine 
on reaction with alkali Although the follow- 
ing reaction may be considered as taking 
place, all of the substances present are com- 
pletely ionized Alkalies, therefore, are not 
a source of a solubility mcompatibdity with 
the quaternary ammonium salts 

The surface-active agents and germicidols 
such as bcnzalkonium chlonde, cctylpy- 
ndmtum chlonde and benzcthonium chlo- 
nde are cationic agents and their germicidal 
activity m aqueous solution is reduced greatly 
by such amonic agents as soaps, sodium 
lauiyl sulfate and diocyil sodium sulfosuc- 
cinate This decreased activity is due to the 


Aadtc Nitrogen Containing Compounds 345 

coacervatioa which takes pl^ between op- 
positely charged anionic and cationic agents 

The parasympathonumetic agents of this 
group are chemically similar but give nse to 
few mcompatibilities, since their therapeutic 
use does uot often mvolve admixture with 
substances other than solutions to control 
the pH, e g , neostigmme broimde and bone 


As explained m the discussion of the basic 
mtrogen-contammg compounds, the nitrogen 
may be sufficiently substituted with acidic 
groups to weaken the nitrogen hydrogen bond 
to such an extent that the remauung hydro- 
gen becomes acidic The proton may then be 
lost m basic solution with the formation of 
the water soluble ionized salt (see p 331) 


The sulfonamide drugs afford a good ex- 
ample of the effect of this type of substitu 
tion In this case, the sulfonyl group is suffi 
ciently acidic to overcome the basicity of the 
mtrogen An acidic group decreases the 
basicity of a basic mtrogen m the same way 




Siif angami dg (p-axmoobeozeoe 

Sulfapyndme (2 p-amiao-beazene 

04— $— »0 S CH 

KH---C^ CM 

Sulfathmole (2-suUuuU&iidothuzole) 

Sulfadiazine (2*sulfaniIainjdopyriniidine) 

Sulfamerazme (2 sulfanilanudo-4> 
methyl pyrimidine) 

Sulfamethazine (2-suIfatulanudo-4 &- 
dimethyl pyramdtne) 

0 «— S-eo jiH 

Sulfasuanidme (p-amino* 

Sulfisozizole (Gantn&in, 3 4-dimethyl 

346 Incompotibilities of Organic Compounds 

Sulfwiii}litia4iUoIe (J-ctiiyl 2-«uir&iuhaudo* 
1 J 4-(hia4ltuotc) 

Sulfuneiftoirpyrklujae (l-tulfanjlamido- 







It mcrco&cs the aodity of an aud — that iSt 
by withdnniog dectroos In the case of the 
sulfonamides, the tn-o coordmately bonded 
ox)gea atoms cause the sulfur atom to be* 

corns dcctroQ*deficient. In an attempt to 
satisfy this deficiency, the sulfur tends to 
wuhi^w electrons from the nitrogen. This, 
m turn, causes the pair of electrons bonding 
the hydrogen to the mtrogen to be held more 
closely to the mtiogen so that the hydrogen 
becomes bound loosely and is given up 
readily m basic solution to form the water- 
soluble ionized salt. This type of salt forma- 
tion occurs only in those compounds s^hich 
are denvatives of cither ammoma or primary 
amines Those compounds which arc denva- 
uves of secondary ammes have no remauung 
hydrogen on the nitrogen, so salt formation 
IS impossible 

SulfAibiszole Sodium Sul/uhiuols 

(waier intoiuble) (watcr-wbble) 

Soluhdily. The sulfonamides which are 
weak acids are msoluble m water but solu- 
ble m dilute alkali Due to the basic ammo 
group, the sulfonamides are also soluble m 
solutmos of mmeral aads 
locompaUbilily. Most of the mcompati- 
bilitics of the sulfonamides are of on ocid- 
basc nature resultmg from attempts to dis- 

• ? ■ EphcdrmeHydrochlonde 


Sodium SuITuluuoIe 



pense the soluble sodium salu in a slightly 
acid medium The sodium salts of the sul- 
fonamides m aqueous medium have a pH of 
approximately 9 to 10 Aqueous solutions 

Aadic Nitrogen Containing Compounds 347 

Table 81 Solubilities op Some Sulfonamides and "niEiR Sodium Salts 

SoLUBIUrV IN GM per 100 ML OF 




Ether, etc 




s diL alk , dll ac. 




s diLalk., dll ac 




s dll alk., dll ac 

Sulfathiazole sodium 



1 eth 



sp s 

s dll alk., dll ac 

Sulfadiazine sodium 


si s 

1 eth 



si s 

s dll alk , dll ac , sp s eth , 
aceL, chi 

Sulfamerazme sodium 

33 3 


1 eth., chL 


sJ s 

sp s 

sp s acet , s dij alk., ac 



sp s 

s dll ac 



sp s 

s dll alk 

dll ac. = dilute acid 

dll aUf- s dilute allfftli 

aceL acetone 

of the soluble sulfonaicude salts are unstable 
m air, resulting m precipitates of the free 
sulfonamide due to the absorption of OO^ 
Color reactions also are observed as the re- 
suit of partial oxidation of the drug with the 
formation of complex, highly colo^ oxida- 
tive products Oxidative Ganges m the sola 
tioos can be controlled by the addiaon of 
sodium sulfite (0 75 to 2 0 % ) and glycenn 
(1%) The sodium salts are too alhahoe 
for oral administration and may cause gas- 
trointestinal disturbances Some substances 
which cause the precipitation of the free sul- 
fonamide are mineral acid salts of the sym- 
pathomimetic amines (ephedrme HO, d»- 
oxyephednne HCJ, Parednne HBr, elc ), 
mmera] acid salts of the local anesthetics 
(procame HO, tctracame HO, etc ) and 
many other substances which yield aad solu- 
tions If the substance (HO salts, etc ) caus- 
mg the precipitation of the free sulfonamide 
IS m low concentration so that it remains 
soluble in water in the free form, the sulfona- 
mide may be buffered at a stable pH and the 
precipitation prevented However, some pre- 
cipitation reactions of this nature occasW- 
ally are intended by the physician — eg, 
nasal solutions containing 5 per cent sodium 
sulfathiazole and 2 per cent epbednne hy- 
drochloride, etc 

Many commercial preparations for mtra- 
nasal therapy contammg sodium sulfathiazole 
(2 5%), d,l-desoxj ephedrme hydrochlonde 
(0 125%), anhydrous sodium su^te (2 0%) 
and gljcerm (10%) are dear, stable solu- 
tions According to Hamilton ex aJ, the 

water-soluble salts can be formed between 
the sympathomuneUc amines and the sul- 
fonamides These salts were prepared by first 
heatmg the aqueous solution given above 
unUl all the ingredients dissolved and then 
adjustingtoapHof 8 7 witb06 A^HQ 

8^0^— CH 






The barbiturates are another example of 
nitrogen-containing compounds with suffi- 
aent substitution of acidic groups for the 
hydrogens of the nitrogen to cause the re- 
mainmg hydrogen to become acidic m 



CH,-CH C — NH 

Wf O 

Aluraie (5-allyi 5 soptopyl 
barbituric sod) 

348 Ineompahbiniies of Organic Compounds 

CX,-eH-Wg-0<, C — KH 

V c-o 



Amobubiul (Amytal. 5 eoamyl 
9<tliylbirbuurK acul) 


Wc-W, t—M 

X \~ 

CHj-CH, M 

Darboal (S-<liethylbarbaurK 


CM.— CH,-CM--C C- 


CHj-CH,'’ 'e- 

I . 


Oeivnal (Sodmo 5-<tjiy| $. 
(l-methyl i>butcnyl) barbt- 

CM,~CM— CM- C— NM 


CH,-»CM— CM, e— MH 
* • • 

Pul (SJ-duUylbarbitmlc 


* ^ * ■ *> / ■ . 

A f" " 

CM, -CM, C— NM 

Orul Solium (SoOium i-n- 
hexyl 5<thylbubauraie) 

C«-CM,-CM-CH C — M 

CM,— CM e K» 

rcfttobubaU Soduua (Vctnbuul. 
SotlJum-S'Cthy) 5>(1 mnbyl butyl) 

I * II 

CH.-CH— CH,-CH C — N 

* » * \/ n , + 

C C-S No 

/ \ I 

CM,—CH, C— NH 

* * n 


Tluopcstal Solium (PetuoUul 
Sodium, Sodium S<th>! S 
(I neihylbutyi) thiobarbauratel 


Phaaodom (S-cyelohexaiyt 
5-<thyl batbiturio acid) 


Phenobaibaal (S phenyl S-eihyl 
barbituric aetJ) 






Saadcplal (S uobutyl 5 allyl 
barbituric acid) 

Wi, U 
I * I! 


• * • \ / a _ + 

C c-o No 

/ \ I 



Sc roo al Sodium (sodium 9> 
allyl 5 (l-<ncthyU>utyl) bar* 
bit urate] 

As shoun m the above structures, all of 
the important barbiturates arc derivatives in 
which various groups are substituted for the 
hydrogens on the number five carbon atom, 
lliesc barbiturates, which are derived from 

Aadic Nitrogen Containing Compounds 349 

maloQic acid and urea, are weak acids As 
m the case of the irmdes, two acidic carbonyl 
groups must be substituted for the hydrogens 
of the mtrogen m order for the remaining 
hydrogen to become acidic Here the effect 
of the individual carbonyl groups is the same 

are soluble in alcohol and insoluble m water, 
but their sodium salts are readily soluble in 
both solvents 

Incompatibihly. The major mcompatibih- 
ties of the barbiturate drugs are once agam 

B. c— . n:h 

as m the acid amides (see p 331) The 
tendency for a pair of electrons to shift from 
the double bond to form a stable octet on the 
oxygen creates an electron deficiency on the 
carbon atom In an attempt to satisfy this 
deficiency, the carbon atom tends to with* 
draw electrons from the nitrogen The un- 
shared electron pair of the mtrogen thus 
shifts so as to mcrease the covalency between 
the nitrogen and the carbon The electron 
pair bondmg the hydrogen to the mtrogen, 
consequently, is held more firmly to the nitro- 
gen, and the hydrogen m turn is held loosely 
The combined effect of the two carbonyl 
groups makes the hydrogen so loosely held 
that the proton is removed easily in basic 
solution This migrates to the oxygen of the 
carbon atom m number two position to yield 
the enol form which then reacts with the 
alkah to yield the water-soluble ionized so- 
dium salt The reaction may be illustrated as 
follows (see bottom of page) 

From the structure it can be observed that 
only the monosodium salt is possible with 
this class of compounds 
Solubihfy. The barbituric acid derivatives 


ft C“ 

0 0—0 No + HCK 

Sodium Soil ot a Substituted Barbituric Acid 
(water soluble) 


\/ I 

C — 0 + Nod 

J \ J 

fr C NH 

Substituted Barbituric Acid 
(water insoluble) 

those of acid-base reactions Aqueous solu- 
tions of the sodium salts of the barbiturates 
are alkalme m reaction, and, when aadified, 
the insoluble barbituric acid derivative is 
precipitated This type reaction takes place 
whenever an attempt is made to dispense the 
soluble barbiturates m an aqueous medium 
cootaming alkaloidal salts, acid syrups, acid 
elixirs, salts of many of the vitamins of the 
B-complex and other substances havmg an 
acid reaction Aqueous solutions of soluble 
barbiturates and thiamme hydrochloride, for 
example, result m the precipitation of the 

r' c — n:h 

\/ iHi . 





11 . 










I >■ 

R C N 

n t— I 

C C-0 |h 1+ NoiOH] — ► 

R* C NH 





350 Incompatibilitie* of Organic Compounds 

Table 82 Solubilities of Some Barbiturates and Their Sodium Salts 


SoLUDiLmr IN Cm 

PER 100 ML OF 



Ether, etc. 


si s 


s dll oik 


V st s. 


s dll all 

Barbital. U5 P 



2.8S cih , s dll olL. 

Barbital sodium 



1 cih 




1 cth 


V sLs. 


s diLolk 

Ortol sodium 

V s 


1 eih. 

Pcnlobarbitol sodium 

V s 

i cth 


V sLs. 


s dd alL 




6 6 eth , s. dll alk , 2.5 chi 

Phenobarbital sodium 

V s 


1 cth, chi 


V sL s 


i dd alk 

Seconal sodium 

V s 

Thiopental sodium 

V s 


1 cth 

free baibtiunitc and a dcstrucuoa of the 
thiammc acuvuy due to the alLabaity of the 
soluble barbiturates la all of the above pre* 
etpilaiion reactions, alcohol may be added 
(0 solubilize the liberated barbiturate, or the 
free barbiturate may be substituted for the 
soluble barbiturate and again solubdized by 
the addition of alcohol In the ease of the 
soluble barbituratC'thiaouac h}drocbloridc 
incompatibQity, the free barbiturate and the 
alcohol ali\a)s should be used to prevent the 
destruction of the thiamine by the alkalinity 
of the soluble barbiturate 
The soluble batbilutalcs are also incom- 
patible t^ath ammonium salts ^ The fol- 
lowing reaction takes place between these 


II - ♦ 

C-O Ho* + HH.Br- 




C"0 + NaBf4NH, 

Aqueous solutions of the soluble barbitu- 
rates hydrolyze to form the RS R* acetyl 
urea and other therapeutically tnaetive sub- 
stances For example, aqueous solutions of 
phenobatbital sodium h)drolyzc to form 
phcnyletbylacctylurca The rate of decom- 
position IS mflucoced markedly by the tem- 
perature and the pH of the solution A 10 
per cent solution of phenobarbital sodium at 
39* C showed 22 per cent decomposition 
m 1 month Soluble barbiturates arc pre- 
cipitated from aqueous solutions at pH’s 
below 8 8** 

HvDAvroiv Compounds 
The bydantom compounds arc similar in 
structure and reactivity to the barbiturates, 
and the mechanism whereby they form solu- 
ble sodium salts is also the same as for the 

Diphea)lhyiiAmotn Sodium (Dtlatuin, 
Sotublo PlicoyioiA, todlum 5,3 

Dyes 351 


FhethenyUle Sodium (Tbi^toia 
Sodium, Sodium 5 phenyl 5 
2 tbieoyl) bydantoicute) 

Dipheoylhydantom sodium is soluble m 
water and alcohol It has the same tocom* 
patibilities as the soluble barbiturates and is 
precipitated from aqueous solution as the free 
diphenylhydantoin by acids and acid salts 
Unless buffered to a pH of approximately 
117, Its aqueous solutions undergo hy> 
drolysis, and precipitation of the free di- 
phenylhydantoin occurs Phenantom and 
phethenylate are chemically sunilar to di- 


The synthetic orgamc dyes or so-called 
“coal tar dyes ’ are used m mdustry for the 
purpose of imparting colors to such sub- 
stances as cloth, leather, paper, cellophane, 
wood, etc., and as coloring agents for phar- 
maceutical preparations V^en used in phar- 
maceutical preparations, only certified colors 
nhich meet the specifications set forth m the 
Food, Drug and Cosmetic act may be used. 
Many d)es are also valuable therapeutic 
agents which are employed m medicme and 
surgery because of their antisepuc, germi- 
adal and wound healmg properties 

Incompatlbihues mrolvmg dyes are usu- 
ally the result of chemical reactions leadiog 

to the loss of color or change m color In 
order to understand the nature of these re- 
actions, a certam amount of background m 
the theory of dyes is essential 

Theory of Color. The cause of color is 
atUibuted to the presence of cer tain chro- 
mophore groups within the color producing 
molecule These chromophores mclude the 

— N=N— (azo), =C=C(thio), -N=0 
0 “ 

(mtroso) , — N=:N— (azo:w) , — N 


o- o 

(nitro), — CH=N — (azomethme), =C=0 
(carbonyl) and =C=C=(ethenyl) groups 

Other subsutuent groups called auxochromes, 
which cause a deepening of the color, may 
be present m the molecule The auxochromes 
mclude the -NRa, the -NHR and the 

Although all organic molecules are capa- 
ble of absorbmg hgbt to some degree, most 
of them absorb m the ultraviolet* region and 
af^ear colorless In other words, they trans- 
mit or reflect those rays falling m the visualf 
region of the spectrum. According to mod- 
em concepts, the theory of hght absorption 
IS concerned with the vibrations of the elec- 
trons m the molecule m response to the stim- 
ulation by hght wates of a ce’lam specific 
oscdlauon frequency Where the electrons 
are firmly bound m the molecule (e g , as 
they are m a saturated hydrocarbon), their 
vibration rate is extremely high and they 
respond to and absorb hght only of short 
wave length and high frequency, which falk 
m the far ultraviolet region However, such 
is not always the case when the molecule 
contams unsaturated groups The valence 
electrons of these unsaturated groups are 
held more loosely, or we may say that ±ey 
are more mobile and arc capable of bemg 
set in vibration by li gh t or longer wave 
lengths The absorption of hght then may be 
m the visible region of the spectrum. In sup- 
port of this theory, a simply constructed un- 

• Below 4 000 Angsuem umts. 
t Visual spectrum includes those wave lengths 
between 4 000 and 8 000 Angstrom amts (1 A = 
IO-» mm. or lO-io m. or 0 000,000 0001 meter) 

352 Incompalibil ties of Organic Compounds 

saturated compound usually absorbs light 
only in a single limited region of the spec- 
trum and, therefore, has an absorption band 
of maximum mtensity at a specific w-asc 
length As the unsatumtion and the com- 
plexity of the molecule increase, scscral ab- 
sorbing centers may be created, givmg nsc 
to a osmplex absorpuon spectrum composed 
of several bands, a senes of peaks or an ex- 
tremely broad absorption band The light of 
the visual spectrum which is not absorbed 
by the compound is transmitted or reflected, 
and the compound assumes the color of the 
unabsoibcd light Thus, if a compound ab- 
sorbs all light of the visible spectrum except 
that viewed by the c)c as red, u will appear 
to be that color The vanous chromopnorc 
groups apparently differ m their activity, 
thus, It IS observed that only one azo. thio, 
azoxy or mtro group as a substituent on a 
benzene nng u sufficient to yield a colored 
compound Such is not the case with the re- 
maining chromophonc groups listed on page 
351 However, as a general rule, more than 
one chromophore group is required to >ield 
a colored compound, and even in the above 
cose the unsaturated benzene nog contnbutes 
to the color of the compound 
The auxochromes, while incapable in them- 
sclv es of ) lelding colored compounds, possess 
the ability to augment the function of the 
chromophore group and cause an intensifica- 
tion of the color According to Bury,** “the 
function of the auxochromc is to introduce 
the possibility of resonance” in the molecule 
In tne resonance structures, more mobility 
IS conferred on the valence electrons of the 
chromophore groups, which results m on in- 
creased light absorption in the longer vvave 
lengths In support of the resonance theory. 
Bury utilizccl the tnpheQ)lmelh3ne dve, 
Deboer’s violet, which shows resonance cue 

to the possible existence of two equivalent 
structures In order to show the importance 
of resonance m the production of color, fuch- 
sommme lliN=Ctni=C(Cel 1 s) 2 ] is cited’* 
as an example of a compound conlainmg the 
same chromophore group (quinoid s^’stem) 
but lacking the p-amtno group and devoid 
of color, since it is mcapable of resonance 
Other structures capable of resonance m- 
elude the diphcnymcthane, ammo and 
h>droxyazobciizcnc, indammc, mdophcnol, 
auraminc, aendme, pyroninc, azine, oxazme 
andthiazine J)cs ** The chromophonc groups 
are unsaturated and arc usually electron ac- 
ceptors The auxochromes arc electron 
donors The carboxyl, sulfonic acid groups 
and halogens have little effect cither as auxo- 
chromes or chromophores 

In the d>emg mdustry, the term auxo- 
chrome has taken on another meaomg from 
that onginally intended In this respect, auxo- 
chromes arc rtferred to as groups m the 
molecule which confer on the compound the 
ability to d)c a substance and yield a fast 
color, that is. they * faciJiiatc the attachment 
of the d)c to the fabnc”** Many colored 
compounds not containing auxochromes are 
mcapable of acting as d)cs When considered 
from this standpoint, the auxochromes ful- 
filling this function may be either acid or 
basic m nature These auxochromes mclude 
the basic —NRj, — NHR and — NHj and 
the atadic —SOiH, — COOH and —OH 
groups The basic auxochromes are capable 
of causmg an mtcnsification or deepenmg of 
color, the acidic auxochromes do not possess 
this property D^cs containmg these groups 
may be classified as acidic and basic dyes, 
those ioTming salts with bases being acidic 
dyes and those formmg salts with acids bemg 
basic d)cs The sulfonic acid denvauves are 
also prepared as a means of mcrcasmg the 
water-solubility of the d)'c Certam groups 
when subsUluted m the auxochrome also 
cause a color change When alkyl and arjl 
groups are substituted m the auxochrome, a 
deeper color is observed These color-deep- 
emng groups are called bathochromes If an 
a^l (c g , acetyl) group is substituted m the 
auxochromc, the color becomes lighter and 
the substituent group is termed a h^pso- 

Inasmuch as we are conccrocd at this pomt 

Dyes 353 

only with the chemical and the physical prop- 
erties of these dyes, no attempt has been 
made to distmguish between those possessmg 
therapeutic properties and those used purely 
as colormg agents 

Most of the dyes used m pharmacy, 
whether for their therapeutic or coloring 
properties, are salts of acid or basic dyes 
The dye ion exhibits greater resonance than 
the parent molecule The auxochromes are 
capable of forming lonizable salts Any sub- 
stance causing a decrease m the ionization 
will reduce the mtensity of the color This is 
the basis for many mcompatibihties 

Classification of Dyes 
I. AcndineDjcs 

1 Acriflavine (Acnflavme base, a mix- 
ture of 3, 6-diammo-lO methyl acridi 
mum chlonde and 3,6-diammo acn- 

NH — CH — CH,— N 

U. AzoDjes 

1 Scarlet Red (Scarlet Red Medicmal, 
Biebnch Scarlet Red, <>-tolyl azo-o- 
tolyl azo-j3 naphthol) 

2 Scarlet Red Sulfonate (Biebnch Scar- 
let, water-soluble, the disodium salt 
of azobenzenedisulfomc acid azo J3- 

CHj cr 

2 Acriflavine Hydrochloride (a ma- 
ture of the hydrochlorides of 3,6- 
diammo 10-methyl acridmium chlo- 
nde and 3,6-diamiQo aendme) 

3 Proflavine Dihydrochlande (3,6-di- 
amino acndine dihydrochloride) 

4 Proflavine Sulfate (3,6-diammo acri- 
dme sulfate) 


5. Quinacnne Hydrochloride (Mepa- 
enne Hydrochlonde, Atabrmc, the 
dihydrochlonde of 3-chloro-9-(4-di- 
ethylammo-l -methjlbutylammo)-?- 
methoxy aendme) 


3 Pyridium (Mallophene, phenylazo- 
2,6-diammopyridine monohydrochlo- 

4 Serenium (2,4-diainmo-4-ethoxy 
azo-benzene hydrochlonde) 

354 Incofnpalib Tliet of Orgon c Compounds 

5 Congo Red (sodium diphcnjl-diazo- 
bis a-Rapbth)Iamine 4^uironate) 

6 FD AC Red No I (Poncoau 3R, 
the sodium salt of pscudocumylazo* 
p napbthol 3,6k1isuuoiuc aad) 

7 PDAC Red No 2 (Amaranth, the 
sodium salt of 4 sulfo^apbthyiazo* 
p naphihol*3,6-disulfooic acid) 

8 FJ) AC Red {so 4 (PoQCcau SX» 
thcsod]umsaltof5 sulfo-m xylylazo- 
o-oaphtbol^^sulfonic acid) 

9 FD AC Red No 32 (OU red XO, 
m :^l)lazo-/7 napbthol) 

10 FJ) AC Orange No I (Orange I, 
the sodium salt of p sulfopbcoylazo* 


11 FJi AC Orange No 2 (Orange SS, 
o-tolylazo*/7 napbthol) 

IZ FDAC Yellow No 3 (Yellow AB, 
phenylazo-p naphthylamme) 



13 FJ)<tC No (Yellow OB, o-tolyl- 
azo*/l naphthylamme) 

CM, NM, 


14 FDAC Yellow No 5 (Tartrazmc, 
the sodium salt of 4-p-sulfopbenyl' 
azo-l-p-5ul/ophcnyl-5 hydroxy Ipyra- 
rolcO*carboxybc acid) 

15 FJ3 AC Yellow No 6 (Sunset Yel- 
low FCr, the sodium salt of p-sulfo- 
pbenylazo-/! napbthol 6 monosul- 

Dyes 355 


HI# PJilIiaJeiii Djcs 
A. Fluorescein (Pyronine) Dyes 
I. Fluorescein Sodium (Soluble Fluo- 
rescein, Resorcmolphthalein So- 
dium; the disodmm salt of fluores- 

2. Soluble Eosin (the disodium salt of 


6r Br 

3 Merbromin (Mercurochrome; the 
disodmm salt of 2,7-dibromo-4' 
hydro symercunfluorcscem) 



4, FD&C.RedNo 3 (Eiythrosia;tbe 
disodmm salt of tetrmodofiuores- 

B. pHENOLPHiHALEiN Derivatives 
1. Phenolphthalein 



2 PhenoUeirachlorophthalem 



3 lodophthalein Sodium (tetraiodo- 

phenolphthalem sodium, lodeikon) 
C Phenolsulfonphthalein Deriva- 

1 Phenolsulfonphthalein (Phenol 

356 Incompotibilihet of Organic Compounds 

2. Drompheml Blue (tctrabromophe- 

IV. TblozintiDjCS 

1 T/i:onuie (Laulh’s violcl) 


2. Phcnoikazine (Thiodiphcnylaminc) 

2. MethylrosaniUiu Chtonde (GcnUan 
violet, crystal violet, mctb)l violet, 
hcxamcthylparaosaniliae chloride) 

3 Malachiie Green (tctramclh)Wi-f>- 
aminoinphcn)! catbinol chloride) 

3 Methylene Blue (Mclh)’ith>oainc 
Chloride, tctramcth)lthiomac chlo- 

4 FDiiC Green No 1 (Guinea 
Green, tke mottosodiunt salt d 
bino! disulfooic acid anhydride) 

V. Triphcnjimcthaiie (RusamUne) Pjes 
1. Rosanihne Chloride (FuchsiiJ, Ma- 

5 FDdC. Green No 2 (Dgbt Green 
SF Yellowish, the dtsodium salt o( 
bmol uuuUonic acid anh) dndc) 

Dyes 357 

6 F D &.C Green No 3 (Fast Green 
FCF, the disodium salt of diben 2 yl- 
bmol tnsulfomc acid anhydnde) 

7 FD&C Blue No I (Brilliant Blue 
FCF, the disodmm salt of dibeo^l- 
dietbyldiammotnpbeaylcarbiool tri* 
sulfomc acid anhydride) 

VI. NitroDycs 

1 FD&C Yellow No I (Naphthol 
Yellow S, the sodium salt of 2 4- 
duutro-o-naphlhol 7 sulfonic acid) 


2 FD&C Yellow No 2 (Yellow AB, 
the potassium salt of 2,4 dimtro-o- 
naphthol-7-sulfomc acid) 



Vn. IndigoidDyes 

I Sodium Indtgolmdisulfonaie USP 
(FD&C Blue No 2, Indigo Car- 
mme, the sodium salt of the di- 
sulfomc acid of mdigotm) 


The mcompatibihties of the vanous dyes 
may give nse to different problems, depend- 
ing on their particular use Relative to this 
point m the case of the medicinal dyes, we 
are concerned mainly with those reactions 
which result m a decreased therapeutic 
efficacy, whereas with the coloring agents we 
are concerned with those reactions m which 
a change or destruction of the intended color 
IS noted However, the causes of these m- 
compatibilitjes may be similar in nature For 
example, the precipitation of a medicinal dye 
from a solution decreases the therapeutic 
value of the solution (antiseptic, germicidal, 
cell proliferation activities, etc ) and, when 
a coloring agent is mvolved, causes a dimmu- 
tion of the mtended color Since the undesir- 
able reactions are not entirely limited to the 





(water cnsoluble) 

253 lnconipolibil>>i«t of Orgonic Compoundt 

Tadle S3 SolubiutiesopSomeof tiie More Important 
Dyes Used in Piiarmacv 

Solubility in Gm for 100 ml op 




Ether, etc. 



si s. 

n. 1 cth , chl , f oils 

Acnilavine H>drochlonde 



n i elb , chl , f oils 

Amaranth. F DAC Red No 2 


sp. u 

s giy , i cth. 

Bismarck Drown 



s. CtL 

Dromphcnol Blue 



si s cth , di] allc 

Congo Red 



t eih. 

PDJ.C Blue No 1. Bnlliant Blue FCP 



s. gly , 1 cth 

FD.^C Green No t, Guinea Green 

P D iC Green No 2, Light Green SF 



s. gly , i cth 

Yellow ish 



s.gly .1 cth. 

F O Green No 3, Fast Green FCF 

si s 

s gly , i elb 

FD&C Orange No I, Orange No 1 



s gly . 1 cth. 

F D iC Orange No 2 , Orange SS 



s oils, si s gly 

FDJ,C Red No 1, Ponceau 3R 


si s. 

s gly , i etb 

FD&C Red No 3. Eryihrosin 



s gly 1 eth 

FDiC Red No 4, Ponceau SX 

si S 

s gly . 1 cth 

F D.AC Red No 32, Od Red XO 


s] s. 

si s gly . s oils 

FDiC Yellow No 1. Naphthol Yellow S 


si s. 

s gly . 1 eth 

FDiC Yellow No 2. Yellow AB 


si s. 

FDiC Yellow No 3. Yellow AB 


si u 

sp s gly , 1 oils 

F D iC Yellow No 4. Yellow OD 



si s.cly,s oils 

F DilC Yellow No 5, Tartnmoe 


si 1 

F D.iC Yellow No 6. Sunset Yellow FCF 


si t 


1 euL 

riuoresccin Sodium 


lodophthalem Sodium 


si s 

1 cth 

Malachite Green 



s amyl a] 




i acet , chl , eth 

Mcth)lcne Blue 



$ chl 

Meth)lrosaniline Chloride 



6 6 gly . s chl , 1 cth 




lOcth.s dll tilk 


0 076 

0 285 

L chl , cth 




s cth acet dil alk. 




ZOOacel .5 0chl 

Proflavine Dih}drochIonde 



si $ eth , chl . Iiq pet 



a tct}!,chl,}!q pet 


1 0 


1 acet bz.. chl , eth , oils 

Quinaenne HjdroehlonJe 



n 1 cth 


U s 


1 cth 

Scarlet Red 


si s. 

Scarlet Red Sulfonate 


Sodium Indigotindisulfonalc, UJJ* F DJLC 



si t 

si s cth , 1 bz., chl , f oils 

Blue No 2 


s. gly , 1 cth. 

Soluble Losin 


L eth 




s. cth. 

specific use of the compounds, no separa- 
tloa IS made bclsvccn ihe mediaDo) d}es aod 
the coloring agents in the following discus* 
Sion of their incompatibilities. 

Although htUe has been ssnttcn concern* 
mg the incompaubilitics of the dyes, a study 
of a few of their reactions will ser>e to 
acquaint the student with some of the prob* 

Dyes 359 

Table 84 Resistance of the F D &C Certified Dyes to Various Conditions 
Influencing Their Color Stability in Pharmaceutical Preparations 

FD&C Certified Dyes 

Reducinq Oxidizing 
Alkali Agents Agents 

moderate moderate good 

(VaterSoiubte Dyes 

FJD&C Blue No I, Brilliant Blue good 
F D &C Blue No 2, Indigo 
Cannine poor 

FD&.CGreenNo l,GuineaGreen poor 
F D^C. Green No 2, Light Green 
SF Yellowish poor 

F D &C Green No 3, Fast Green 
FCF good 

Orange No I, Orange I moderate 

FD&C Red No 1, Ponceau 3R good 
F D &C Red No 2, Amaranth moderate 

PD&C Red No 3, Erythrosme fair 
F D^C Red No 4, Ponceau SX fair 
FD&C Yellow No 1. Naphthol 
Yellow moderate 

P D &C. Yellow No 2, Naphthol 
Yellow (K salt) moderate 

P D.&C Yellow No 5, Tarirazme good 

PD &C. Yellow No 6, Sunset 
Yellow FCF good 

OilSotubte Dyes 

F D &C Orange No 2, Orange SS fair 
FD &C Red No 32, Oil Red XO fair 
FD&C Yellow No 3, Yellow AB poor 
P D &C Yellow No 4, Yellow OB poor. 





























































lems which may anse m the dispeosmg of 
them As a general rule, it may be stated that 
basic dyes are incompatible with those or- 
ganic substances which yield a large ncgaDve 
ion on ionization. Eztendmg this point, we 
find that soaps, tannms, acidic dyes, etc , may 
yield precipitates with the basic dyes, al- 
though m many cases it is a very slow re- 
action. Conversely, the acidic dyes often 
yield precipitates with those substances 
which give nse to a large positive ion on 

The sodium and the mmeral acid salts of 
acid and basic d^es arc prepared in order to 
facilitate the solution of the compound m 
Water \Vhen these salts are placed in an 
aijueous medium v.hich destroys the salt, m 
compatibilities often result. For example, 
Merbromm is precipitated readily m an 
aqueous acid medium Mmeral acid salts of 
such substances as local anesthetics, sym- 

pathomimetic ammes, etc , cause similar re- 
actions However, acidic dyes which arc the 
sodium salts of sulfomc acid are not aSected 
appreciably by acids or mmeral acid salts of 
orgamc compounds (see Table 84) This be- 
havior of the sodium salts of these acidic 
sulfomc acid dyes toward acid is explamable 
on the basts that sulfomc acids are strong 
acids so susceptible to ionization that they 
are capable of canymg large molecules mto 
solution in water 

Acndinc Dyes. The acndine dyes mclude 
acriflavme, acnflavme hydrochloride, pro- 
flavme dihydrochlonde and proilavme sul- 
fate Acnflavme is mcompatiblc with solu- 
tions m ntaintn a cblorwe, pheool, silver 
mtratc, mercuric chlonde and alkalies Solu- 
tions contaming sodium chlonde yield a 
preapitate on standmg” Hus preapitate 
may be explamed on the basis of the solu- 
bility product 

360 IncOfflpoIibiGtiet of Orgonlc Compounds 

tVoiUvme Di^yJfocMorh]o 

Ac^ucous solutions of proHaMnc dih}dio* 
chlonJe precipitate the )cllow prol^vioc 
base on tlic addition of sodium h)droxide 
Sd’.ec nitrate T5 produces a precipitate of 
Sliver chloride with an aqueous solution of 
proflav me dih)droch]oridc 

jVzo Djcs. On referring to the reactions 
of the azo compounds, it is observed that 
ozobcnzcnc is reduced rudily m aikalmc 
solution to h^drazobcnzcnc and ultimately to 
aniline by acid reduction Comparable tcduc- 

Protlaiino Ba.e 

On referrmg to Table 84, it will be observed 
that the FD&.C dyes (red 1, 2 and 4, 
orange 1 and 2, and yellow 3, 4 and 6) 
possess little resistance to color changes 
brought about by the presence of reducing 
agents Scarlet red, for example, is con- 
verted by reduction to the Icuco (colorless) 

Phtbalcm Dyes. The phthalcin dyes may 
be divided into three groups ( 1 ) the fluores- 
cein (pyrOQinc) group, (2) tlie phenol- 





uon reactions also may take place with the 
azo dyes m the presence of reducing agents 


phtbalcm group and (3) the phcnolsulfon- 
phthalcin group They may also be classified 
as triphcnylmcthane dyes The compounds 
of the first nvo groups are derivatives of 
phthahe anhydride and phenols, the mem- 
bers of the latter group arc derivatives of 
suUobcnzoic anhydndc They arc all used 
m pharmacy as dyes and mdicaiors In gen- 
eral. these compounds arc water-insoluble 
but become water-soluble and highly colored 
on the formation of tlicir sodium salts 
The leacuons of the fluorcseem com- 
pounds may be illustrated with fluorescein 
The color of fluorescein is due to resonance 
which allows for die presence of the qumoid 
chromophorc group m the molecule Thcrc- 

Ftuoraceia— Ke$ocuAC« Fonu 

Dyes 361 

fore, the above resonance structures are pos- 
sible m fluorescein In alkaline solution, the 
following reaction takes place 

Fluoresoeia Sodium 

out of a molecule of water which results m 
the formation of the chromophore qumoid 
group If more alkali is added, the tnso- 
dium salt is formed and the solution again 
becomes colorless The loss of color is 
brou^t about by the destruction of the 
quinoid structure The addition of acid re- 
verses these reactions and the leuco form is 
agam obtained 

Tnphenjlmcthane Djes. The tnphenyl 
methane dyes owe their color to the presence 
of the chromophore qumoid group m the 
molecule Because these dyes are reduced 
readily to the leuco form, mcompalibihties 
may anse when they are dispensed with re- 
ducing agents The followmg reaction with 
pararosanilme, on page 362, illustrates this 

In the presence of alkah, the hydrochlonde 
salts of the basic tnphenylmethane dyes are 

DisodiumSalt TnsodiumSalt 

(waler-soI(d>le) (colorlc&s) 

(nd color) 

Phenolphthalein may be used to illustrate 
the formation of a salt and the production of 
color An analogous reaction tal«s place with 
the phenolsulfonphthalem derivatives 

On the addition of alkali to a solution con- 
tainmg phenolphthalem (or similar com- 
pound), the water soluble ionized disodium 
salt is formed and the soluUon turns red 
The production of color is due to the sphtting 

converted to the colorless carbmol base The 
colorless carbmol base may then be reduced 
to the leuco base * This type of mcom- 
patibihty is shoivo readily Viith malachite 
green and methylrosanilme chloride 

In addition to bemg incompatible with 
reduemg agents and alkahes, melhylrosani- 
Ime chlonde (gentian violet, methyl violet, 
crystal violet) is mcompatible with acids 

362 IncoRipot bil lies of Orgonic Compounds 


(color leu) 

The addiUoQ of aad causes the color to change 
from violet to green to )eIIow The citplona 
tion of this color change lies m the faa that 
the acid prevents the remammg basic groups 
from contributing to the resonance which u 
possible in the ongmal structure.^* Mcth}l* 
rosaniline chlonde (gentian violet, ci}stal 
violet) fields a precipitate with tannic acid. 

Tbiozinc Djes. Tlic tbiazmc d)cs, which 
include ihionine, phenothiazinc and meth)N 
cne blue, may resonate between several pos- 
sible forms Klcthylcnc blue is, perhaps, the 
most important of this group Three of its 
possible resonance forms are shown below 

Mcih)lcnc blue is reduced readily to the 
colorless compound Other incompatibiliucs 
include color changes wills acids and alkalies 

M<ih>lrManiIineCIilarhl« $rcca color) 

(viold color) 

Glycosides 363 

Malachite Creen 

Acids cause the color to become a lighter 
shade of blue, a purple shade is obtained with 
alkalies An excess of sodium hydroxide 
yields a violet precipitate on standmg These 
incompatibilities are shown in the followmg 
reactions Other incompatibiliUes of a pre- 
cipitation nature are caused by iodides, 
mercunc salts, thiocyanates and permanga- 

Nttra D^vs. Tbs mtio dyes exhibit <}aly a 
fair resistance to the inSuence of reduemg 
agents Aromatic mtro compounds are, of 
course, oxidizing agents and may be reduced 
to the corresponding ammo compound The 
mtro dyes are also susceptible to reduction 
and, thus, m Table 84 it is observed that the 
mtro dyes F D &C No 1 (Naphthol Yellow 

S) and F D &C Yellow No 2 (Yellow AB) 
manifest only a fair amount of resistance to 
the color changes brought about by leducmg 

Indjgoid Dyes. These dyes may be re- 
duced to the leuco (colorless) form The 
following reaction with indigo cannme (So- 
dium Indigotin Disulfonate, U S P) illus- 
trates the change brought about by reduc- 
tioa as shown on tbs followiag page 
On oxidation, the color of indigo carmine 
IS changed from blue to green to light yellow 
From these reactions, it is observed that 
both oxidizmg and reduemg agents may be 
potential causative agents for incompatibil- 
ities for these dyes However, m practical 
use it IS found that indigo cannme has a 
moderate resistance to reduemg agents but 
poor resistance to the activity of oxidizmg 
agents (see Table 84) Indigo cannme is 
preapitated by sodium chlonde from aque- 
ous solutions, and sodium hydroxide causes 
the color to change from blue to yellow 


The term glycoside designates that class 
of compounds which, on hydrolysis, yield a 
sugar and a nonsugar component More 

364 Incompolibililies of Organic Compounds 


No 0^ 

spccificaily ihc gljcosidcs may be designated 
according to the sugar they contain Thus 
gl)cosidcs yielding glucose on h)drolysi$ are 
termed glucosidcs, those yielding fructose, 
fructosidcs, those yielding rhamnose. rham* 
nosidcs Houcter, glucose is the most com* 
mon sugar component of the glycosides The 
nonsugar component is called the aglucon 
The aglucon component of the glycoside 
molecule tarics widely in its com^sition 
from simple alcohols to complex steroid 
structures, but the presence of at least one 
hydroxyl group ciUicr as an alcohol or a 
phenol IS cssenual The glycosides may be 
classed as sugar'Cthers but they arc, per* 
haps, more correctly termed acetals Like 
lire synUtctic acetals the glycosides arc not 
hydrolyzed by alkalies but can be hydrolyzed 
by acids Some arc hydrolyzed rcaddy by 
weak acids at room temperature, whereas 
others arc much more resistant and require 
drastic treatment m respect to (he time, the 
temperature and the concentration of the 
acid necessary to bring about hydrolysis 
Solubility. In spite of ihcir large molecular 
weight, most glycosides arc soluble in water 
and alcohol owing to the poly hydroxy sugar 
component which associates with water 
through hydrogen bonding Howeser, the 
phytosicrohns arc quite water*insolub!c The 
glycosides arc insoluble in ether b(.cause of 
the large number of functional —Oil groups 
After hydrolysis, the sugar is soluble in 
water, but the a^ucon usually is insoluble 
Itieumpalibilily. Some incompatibilities 
may develop in prescriptions if acidic sub* 
stances capable of hydrolyzing the glycoside 
ore present. .Many glycosides arc precipitated 

by tannic acid and soluble heavy metal salts 
Some of the more important glycosidc-oon* 
taming drugs arc digitalis, gentian, gly^T- 
rhiza, yalap, squill, strophanlhus and buck* 
wheat, which is the mam source of Ruim, 


The resins arc a class of ill defined plant 
substances often desenbed as natural or in* 
duced, solid or scmisolid exudates of plants 
which arc soluble m alcohol but insoluble in 
water They arc believed to be oxidauve 
products of the tcrpcncs and, as such, they 
vary greatly in their chemical composition 
A distinction is often made between the 
naiurally occurring resins and die prepared 
resins, the latter type is prepared by extract- 
ing (he crude drug with alcohol, pouring the 
extract into an excess of water, and filtering, 
washing and drying the precipitate Gum 
resms are natural exudates of plants consist- 
ing of mixtures of gum and resin Olcorcsins 
are mixtures of volatile oils and resin Bal- 
sams arc resinous substances containing 
bcnsiic or cinnamic acids or their esters 

Although, as stated above, the resins vary 
widely in chemical composiLon. most resms 
have one point in common m that they con- 
tain a large percentage of acidic substances 
From this standpoint, no dutmction need be 
mode between natural resins, prepared resms, 
olcorcsins or balsams in a discussion of their 
inoompatibilities in prescriptions Some of 
the more important resms, resmous sub- 
stances and resin-contaiiung drugs are 
uofcUda, ospidium, benzoin, capsicum, co* 



paiba, gamboge, ginger, guaiac, ipomea, 
jalap, kamala, mastic, myrrh, Peru balsam, 
podophyllum, rosm, storax and Tolu balsam 

Incompatibility. Resms are precipitated 
from their alcoholic solutions by the addition 
of water Smce these substances are acidic m 
nature, almost all of the resms are soluble 
m solutions of alkali hydroxides due to the 
formation of their sodium salts With heavy 
metals they form insoluble salts Because 
many of resm acids contain phenolic 
hydroxyl groups, they give color reactions 
with feme chloride and, as a general rule, 
are incompatible with oxidizing agents 

Such substances as Peru balsam copaiba, 
etc , although not soluble m water, can be 
dispensed m an aqueous medium by forming 
an emulsion In tLs case, castor oi! can be 
used to dissolve the resmous substance, and 
the emulsion then prepared m the usual man- 
ner Castor oil is useful in this respect for 
external preparations m that it is composed 
of the tngljcende of ncmoleic (12 h)dfoxy- 
oleic) acid, the presence of the —OH group 
enables it to associate through hydrogen 
bonding with the acidic constituents of the 
resins to solubilize them 

Peru balsam and other resinous substances 
m the form of viscous liquids separate from 
omtments when the base is composed solely 
of a nonpolar substance such as petrolatum 
Emulsifying agents such as wool fat, glyceiyl- 
monostearate, etc , or castor oil will prevent 
this separation 


The different silver protein compounds 
vary widely m composition but generally 
consist of msoluble compounds such as silver 
oxide, metallic silver, stiver halides or some 
prolem silver precipitate and denatured pro- 
tern®^ The commercially available forms of 
silver protem compounds may contain m- 
soluble silver compounds in which the silver 
IS apparently m actual chemical union with a 
protein or its hydrolytic products, or they 
may be colloidal metallic silver, silver oxide 
or other salts and the denatured protem 
According to the N F , * Mild Silver Protein 
IS Sliver rendered colloidal by the presence 
of, or combination with, protein ” The N F 
does not state deffmtely the exact chemical 

composition of mild silver protem other than 
to list the percentage (19 to 23%) of silver 
that the compound must contam, however, 
the silver is probably present as the mer- 
captide salt. 

Incompatibility. As a general rule, it may 
be stated that these silver preparations are in- 
compatible with the soluble alkaloidal salts 
The difficulty here anses from the gradual 
formation of the insoluble silver salt of the 
acid with the hbcration of the msoluble alka- 
loid Husa*® states that silver protem com- 
pounds are also mcompatible with tannm, 
acids and lodme Here the mcompatibihties 
are due to ( 1 ) the formation of the msolu- 
ble silver tannate, (2) the fonnation of the 
silver salt of the acid and (3) the formation 
of the msoluble silver iodide 

Mild Silver Protein Preparations 

Argyrol is a mild stiver protem compound 
coDtammg 20 per cent silver combmed with 
protem It forms stable colloidal solutions 
havmg an approximate pH of 9, a silver ion 
concentration of approximately 10~’ and a 
particle diameter of approximately one tenth 
to one hundredth that of Staphylococcus 
aureus (Staphylococci have a diameter of 
07 to 0 9/1.)** Argyrol SS solution con- 
tains 10 per cent mild silver protem and is 
stabilized with 10 mg per ml of the com 
plexmg agent disodium calcium ethylenc- 
diamme tetraacetate 

NeO'SilvoI contams 18 to 22 per cent of 
silver iodide and yields colloidal aqueous 
solutions It is stabilized with gelatm Nco- 
Silvo! IS miscible with water to the extent 
of 25 per cent, it is slowly soluble m glycenn 
and msoluble m fixed oils 

Silvol IS a mild silver protem preparation 
contammg approximately 20 per cent silver 
with an alkalme protein It is freely miscible 
with water, with which it yields a colloidal 
solution with a very low percentage of free 
silver ions 


This group of therapeutic agents, which m 
the common pharmaceutical terminology has 
become known as the antibiotics, vanes 
greatly m chemical composition Because of 
the great differences m the chemical nature 

366 Incompohbilities of Organic Compounds 

of the antibiotics, it is not logical to treat the 
subject of their incompatibilities as a class of 
compounds Hie mcompatibilitics of each 
substance must be considered in an mdi- 
vidual manner Actually, the problems en- 
countered by the practicmg pharmacist m 
the compounding of these antibiotic sub- 
stances tend to be reduced by the manner m 
which they arc presenbed and used How- 
ever, It is essential for the pharmacist to 
know the reactions of these substances m 
order to understand not only the possible m- 
compatibilities which may Im encountered in 
compoundmg but also the problems mvotved 
in product formulation, storage and the limi- 
tations of the various modes of administra- 
tion No attempt has been made in the fol- 
lowing discussion to provide a complete list 
of the microorganisms against which the in- 
dividual antibiotics are cilective, smee the 
therapeutic use of these agents is not withm 
the scope of this chapter 


Bacitracm is a neutral polypeptide ob- 
tained from cultures of Bacillus subtilts, 
siniin Tracy I It is active against many gram- 
positive and certain gram negative organisms 
and frequently is active against organisms 
which have become resistant to peoiciUm It 
can be used by mtramuscular injection 
against systemic infections, but its mam use 
at the present time is by topical application 
against infections of skin, eye, nose and 
throaL Bacitracm does not yield detectable 
blood Icicls when given by the oral route 

Solubility. Bacitracm is soluble m water 
and alcohol but insoluble m acetone, ether 
and chloroform 

Incompatibility. Bacitracm can be pre- 
cipitated from aqueous solution by high con- 
centrations of soluble morganic salts such as 
sodium chloride It also is precipitated and 
inactivated by heavy metal ions’ and tannic 
acid Salicylic acid likewise causes bacitracin 
to be precipitated, but the precipitate main- 
tarns antibiotic activi^. Aqueous solutioas 
in general arc unstable, however, m neutral 
or sightly acidic solution, activity is rctamed 
for long penods if the solution is refrigerated 
at 0* to 5“ C At 37® C., inactivation occurs 
m 2 weeks In alkaline solution (pH 9 and 
above), the antibiotic is macuvated rapidly 

In the dry form, bacitracm is stable at 
temperatures up to 37® C It is also stable 
m anhydrous hydrocarbon omtment bases 
but rapidly loses its activity m the water- 
misciblc bases ^ It is reported that bacitracm 
omtments contammg polyethylene glycols 
and propylene glycol lose 50 per cent of their 
activity withm a week at room temperature “ 


Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin, d- 
1,3-propanediol) was obtamed ongmally 
from cultures ot Sireptomyces venezuelae but 

O ljlH-C^CHClj 

1 $ now prepared by chemical synthesis It is a 
broad-spectrum antibiotic which is c0ective 
against certam gram-negative bactena, spiro- 
chetes, nckettsia and larger viruses 
Solubility. Chloramphenicol is only 
slightly soluble m water (025%) but is 
soluble m alcohol, acetone, ethyl acetate and 
propylene glycol The palimtate ester is veiy 
insoluble m water, thus the extremely bitter 
taste which characterizes the parent com- 
pound IS decreased significantly so that the 
ester can be employed satisfactorily m aque- 
ous suspensions for oral use 

Incompatibility. Chloramphemcol is a 
much more stable compound than either pcni- 
cdlm ot strcptQtajcmv however^ a is rapidly 
macuvated m dilute aqueous alkali At pH 
10 8, chloramphenicol is over 87 per cent 
macuvated in 24 hours at 25® C It is rela- 
Uvciy stable m neutral and aadic soluUons 
In the dry form, the antibioUc is very stable 
at room temperature 


Cycloscnno (Seromycm, D-4-ainmo-3- 
isoxazobdone) is an anUbioUc substance pro- 
duced by Sireptomyces orchldaceu^' or 
Sireptomyces garyphalus “ The compound is 
effccUve against the mjcobactcnum tubercu- 
losis organism and is thus employed m the 
trcaimeot of severe pulmonary tuberculosis 
Cycloserine is soluble in water (10 Cm 

Antibiotics 367 

0.,,^ c=o 

per 100 ml at 25® C ) The compouad is 
stable m alkalme but unstable m neutral and 
acidic solutions 


Erythromycm (Ilotycm, Erythrocm) is a 
broad spectrum antibiotic obtamed from 
Streptomyces erythreus It is somewhat sim- 
ilar to penicillm m antibacterial acttvi^ and 
allegedly does not produce the profound 
changes m the mtestmal flora which is often 
observed with the use of other broad- 
spectrum antibiotics 

The antibiotic has the followmg formula, 
and, smce it contams basic mtrogen m the 
molecule, it is capable of forming salts with 

destroyed rapidly in aqueous solution by both 
acids and alkalies It is most stable m the 
range of pH 6 to 8 and is mactivated very 
rapidly at pH 4 and below Therefore, the 
free base and the soluble salts are mactivated 
m the stomach unless given m the form of 
entenc-coated tablets However, the msolu- 
ble stearate and the ethylcarbonate esters are 
not destroyed by the acid of the stomach and 
thus can be admmistered m the form of aque- 
ous suspensions as previously stated 


Neomycm (Mycifradm) is a basic com- 
pound obtamed from cultures of Strepto- 
myces Uadiae It manifests antibiotic activity 
agamst both gram positive and gram negative 
bacteria and is particularly effective against 
staphylococci Thus, it is widely us^ by 
topicd administration, m both the solution 
and the omtment form, for the treatment of 
skm mfecuons It is also admmistered orally 
as an mtestmal antiseptic 




\ OH 




CH, CH, 

SoIubiUty. The free base is poorly soluble 
m water (0 2% ) but is soluble m alcohol, 
acetone, ^oioform and ether The hydro- 
chloride salt IS soluble m water (4 0%) but 
the stearate and the ethylcarbonate esters are 
water insoluble Because of their msolubihty, 
these esters are not so bitter tastmg as the 
free base or the soluble salts and, therefore, 
are particularly useful m pediatnc prepara 
tions m the form of aqueous suspensions 
Incompatibility. Erythromycin, both as 
the free base and m the soluble salt form, is 

Solubility. Smce Neomycm is a basic com 
pound. It forms salts widi acids Neomycm 
Sulfate IS soluble m water but insoluble m 
most organic solvents 
Incompatibility. Neomycm is more stable 
m aqueous solution than many of the other 
antibiotic agents and is even acuve m alka- 
lme solution * Its stability range m solution 
IS between pH 1 5 and 12 ^ 


Novobiocin Sodium (Cathomycin So- 

363 {ncompatibiliiies of Organic Compounds 

dium, Albamycm) is the salt of an acidic 
substance produced by the organism Strepto- 
myccs This antibiotic is effec- 

U\c against gram posiute organisms and i$ 
especially useful against resistant strains of 

S^osobiocm as the sodium salt is \ery 
soluble m water and is also soluble in alco- 
hol, glycerin and propylene glycol The anti- 
biotic IS relatively stable under both acidic 
and alkaline conditions and thus can be dis- 

f lensed m liquid as well as dry solid dosage 
orms Novobiocin (Cathomycm Calcium) is 
also available as the calcium salt This salt is 
soluble m natcr (0 4 Cm per 100 ml ), m 
alcohol (3 3 Gm per 100 ml ) and m ether 
(022 Cm per 100 ml ) 


Oleandomycin phosphate is an antibiotic 
substance obtained from the growth media of 
Sueptomyces antibioticus This compound is 
effective against gram positive organisms and 
is particularly useful against staphylococci, 
streptococci and pneumococci 
Tins antibiotic contains basic nitrogen’* 
in Its compict structure and thus is able to 
form water-soluble salts with acids It is m- 
cludcd in the macrolidc group of anubtoucs 
of which erythromycin is also a member 
Olcandomycm phosphate is soluble m 
water (45 4 Gm per 100 ml ), in alcohol 
(33 3 Gra per 100 ml ) and is slightly solu- 
ble in ether 

Tnacclylolcandomycin (Cyclaroycin, 
TAO), the tnacctyl ester of oleandomycin, 
IS only slightly soluble m water and ether but 
IS soluble (10 Gm per 100 ml ) m alcohol 
Because of Its decreased water solubility it is 
more stable in liquid preparations than salts 
of the parent compound and is often used lo 
in the form of a suspension. 


Pcnicdlm is obtained as a growth product 
from the molds Peniallium noiaiuni and P. 
chrysogenum Thom (Fam AspergiUaceae) 
PemciUm G also has been prepared syn- 
ihcucally The antibiotic substance obtained 
from these molds has been shown to be a 
muturc of chemically related substances The 
fermentation liquors contam mainly peni- 
cillin G, smaller quantities of K and F, and 
vanable amounts of the other pcmciUins In 
various commercial procedures, the produc- 
tion of penicillin G has been increased by the 
process of adding certain precursors such as 
phcoyiacctamidc and pbenylacetic acid to 
the media, whereas the addition of S-aUyl- 
mercaptoaccue acid to the fcnncntation broth 
yields [woicilJm 0 All of tlie known naturally 
occurring pcnicilliDs are derivatives of the 
parent p lactone structure shown below and 
differ only in the nature of the R radical 

ft — C — NM— CH — CH C 

I I I'w, ,9 

O-C— H W C-OH 

Parent Structure of PenicilUn 

The following arc some of the more im- 
portant pciuciUtns 

ftnicillin G It " ^ (Uenzyl) 

PauctUiaPft — CHj-CH,— 

PcnicUIuikR “ (n llept>l) 

PenKilUaO R= CHj^CH-CHj-S-CHj- 

Antibiotics 369 

Penicillin V - o- 0-CH^- 

Penicillin X 

R =g (p-Hydro*ybenzyI> 

Owing to the manner m which pemciUm 
1 $ prescribed and used, few incompatibdities 
are encountered in the actual dispensing of 
the drug However, there are many important 
points concerning its stability which the phar- 
macist must know. 

Solubibty. The free acid of penicillm is 
insoluble in water and decomposes readily 
The aikah and the aikahne earth metals aU 
form water soluble salts, but those sails de- 
rived from heavy metals are only slightly 
soluble m water Pemcnim is also soluble m 
gjycerm and alcohol, but these solvents cause 
It to be uiactivated The salts denved from 
vanous amines such as procaine (Procaine 
Penicillin G) or N,N'-diben^lethylencdia- 
mine (Benzathine PeniciUm G, Bictllio) 
have poor water*solubility 
Incompatibility* Aqueous solutions of 
peniciUm readily decompose with a loss in 
potency even when refngerated In solutions 
havmg a pH of 5 or less, the free acid of 
penic^in is precipitated Solutions having a 
pH 8 0 and above cause a rapid deteriora- 
tion of the penicillin The incompatibilities of 
pemcillut la aqueous saluuoa may thus be 
summarized as follows (1) precipitated and 
inactivated by acids and heavy metals, (2) 
inactivated by alkalies (pH 8 0 and above), 
gl}cena and alcohol, and (3) mactivated by 
oxidizing agents Since penicillm is pre- 
cipitated and mactivated by acids, it is in- 
compatible m the acid medium of the stom- 
ach In this case, the penicillin is mactivated 
before absorption can take place m the small 
intestme This may be classed as a thera- 
peutic or physiologic incompalibiliiy In 
order to facil tate the oral admmistration of 
penicillin, buHcnng agents such as aluminum 
hydroxide, calcium carbonate, anhydrous so- 
dium citrate, etc , may be added to pem^in 
tablets or solutions to reduce the hydrogen 

ion concentration of the stomach In this way, 
the destruction of the penicillin m the stora- 
adi IS decreased In the alkaline fluids of the 
body such as saliva, enteric juices and bile, 
the pH range usually falls between 5 0 and 
8 0, and the drug is not destroyed so readily 
Even so, following oral adimnislration with 
these precautions, roughly only about one 
fourth of the ingested penicillm is absorbed, 
thus, much larger doses are required with 
this route of admmisliation 

Because of their water msolubility, Pro- 
caine Penicillm G and Benzathine Pemcil- 
liQ G are more stable m an aqueous medium 
than the potassium salts The aqueous sus- 
pensions are used both orally and paren- 
teraily and are stated to retain their activity 
for long penods of time Therapeutically, 
these insoluble forms are of value because, 
after parenteral admmistration, they mam- 
tain hi^er and more constant pemcillm blood 
levels than the more soluble forms 

Pemcillm ointments remam active for a 
long penod of tune if they are compounded 
without first dissolvmg the drug m water but 
incorporated m anhydrous omtment bases 
However, the area to which the ointment is 
to be appbed governs to some extent the type 
of omtment bases used When pemcillm oint- 
ments are intended for applicaoon to mucous 
membranes, the drug, m the dry form, may 
be incorporated mlo a base which is capable 
of absorbmg water Solution of the penicilhn 
then takes place m the aqueous fluids of the 
membTancs to which the ointment is applied 


The polymyxins are denved from vanous 
strains of the spore-formmg soil bacterium 
BaciHus polymyxa (B aerosporus) All the 
known members of the polymyxm group 
(A, B, C, D and E) are basic polypeptides 
and therefore are capable of fomung water- 
soluble salts with inorganic acids The poly- 
myxins are effective agamst most gram-nega- 
tive organisms This anubiotic is used mainly 
by topical application but also can be given 
orally for infections of the gastro-mtestmal 

Solubility. Polymyxm B sulfate and the 
hydrochloride salts are soluble m water but 

370 Incompalib Iihes of Organic Compound^ 

insoluble m most orgamc solvents As the 
free bases, the polymyxins are only sbghtly 
soluble m Vratcr and arc msolublc m alcohol 

Incompalibilily. The polymyxms are in- 
compatible m aqueous solution with strong 
acids and alkalies Such solutions rapidly lose 
their antibiotic activity even at room tem- 
perature However, m less acidic and in neu- 
tral solutions (pH 2 to 7), the antibiotic is 
stated to be thermostable * 


Streptomycm is produced by the actino- 
mycctc, Strepiomyces gnseiis and is obtained 
as a growth product of this orgamsm. 

Chemically, streptomycm is an osgamc 
base composed of strcptidme (1,3'diguaiu 
dmo-2,4 S 6 tetrahydroxycyclohexane) and a 
disacchandclike component streptobiosamme 
jomed through a gljcoside Imkagc The 
streptobiosamme portion of the molecule is 
composed of streptose and N mcihyl-1 glu- 
cosamine The structure of streptomycm is 
shown below (CsiHjjNtOu) 

Due to the presence of the basic mtrogen 
m the molecule, streptomycm forms salts 
with acids It IS available as the bydrochlo- 
nde, the sulfate, the phosphate and the strep- 
tomycm calcium chlonde complex known ns 
streptomycm tnhydrochloride calcium chlo- 
ride [(CjiHssNtO, a SHaijCaOsl Reduction 
of the iddehjde group to a primary alcohol 
m the streptose portion of the molecule yields 

Mlubdit). Streptomycm and its sails are 
very soluble m water but insoluble m chloro 
form, ether and other nonpolar solvents 

locompalibihty. In the dry crystallme 
form, It 15 quite stable at room temperature, 
but as a precautionary measure against de- 
composition It should be stored at tempera- 
tures not exccedmg IS” C Aqueous solu- 
tions arc stable at room temperature for 
1 week, but elevated temperatures cause 
rapid deactivation of the streptomycm The 
optimum pH for stabihty of streptomycm 
m water is 4 5 to 7 0 Dihydrostrcptomycm 
IS more stable to alkali than streptomycm 


Tbe tetracyclmes compose a group of 
chemically similar agents bavmg similar 
broad spectrum antibiotic activity These 
agents are cfifortctracyclme (Aureomycm), 
oxyietracyclme (Terramycm) , tetra^clme 
(Achromycin, Tetracyn) and dcmethylchlor- 
tclracyclme (Dcclomycm) Chlortetra^cline 
IS obtamed ^om the organism Streptomyces 
mireofaciens, whereas oxjtetracyclme is ob- 
tamed from Streptomyces nmosus Tetra- 
cycline can be prepared by reductive dc- 
chlonnaiion of chlortelracycimc * As is 
observed from their structures, these sub- 
stances are amphotenc since they contain 
both acidic and basic groups m the molecule 



OH 0 OH 0 'NHj 


Vitamins 371 

Cl OH CHa-N-CHa 


They are thus able to fonn salts with either 
acids or alkahes The acid salt is formed oa 
the basic mtrogen of the dimelhylamino 
group attached to the number four carbon 
atom The monosodium salt is formed by 
reaction of the phenolic OH group in posi- 
tion 10 with alkah The disodium salt of 
these compounds also can be prepared In 
this case, salt formation occurs at positions 
10 and 12 

Solubility. The free forms of the tetra- 
cyclines are only slightly soluble m water 
However, the hydrochloride and the sodium 
salts are soluble m water but practically m- 
soluble m acetone, chloroform and ether 
Salts formed with other metals such as cal- 
cium and magnesium are water msoluble 

Incompatibilit}'. The tetracyclines are un- 
stable m neutral and alkahne solutions 
Therefore, it is not practical to use these 
agents m the form of their sodium salts in 
aqueous solutions Tetracyclme is somewhat 
more stable to alkaline conditions than is 
chlortctracyclinc, however, under more dras- 
tic conditions, a similar degradation of the 
molecule occurs * « ss s* been shown 
that all of the tetracyclines are more stable 
m solution at pH 2 5 than at either pH 7 or 
9 when heated to 100° C for 15 mmutes and 
that tetracyclme was less inactivated at all 
three pHs dian either chlortetracydme or 
oxytetraejelme * The hydrochlonde salts of 
the tctrac)clmes are all stable m the dry 


Tyrothnem is produced by the tyrolhnx 
group of aerobic spore formmg soil bacteria 
Bacillus brevis, B mesentencus, etc It is 
composed of two crystalhzable polypeptides 
known as gramicidm (20 to 25 % ) and tyro- 
cidm (60%) These two substances can be 
separated by treatment with a mixture of 

acetone and ether Gramicidm is soluble m 
this mixture and tyrocidm is insoluble 

Tyrocjdm is beheved to be a cychc 
polypeptide havmg a molecular weight of 
approximately 2,500 and contammg two 
molecules of aspartic acid, glutaimc acid, or 
nithine, tryptophan, prolme, tyrosine, leu- 
cme and valme, and three molecules of 

Solubili^. Tyrocidm is strongly basic and 
forms water soluble salts with hydrochloric 
acid Gramicidm contains 6 tryptophan, 6 
leueme, 4 vaUne, 4 alanme, 2 ^yeme and 
2 unknown ammohydroxy compounds Both 
ot polypeptides are nearly insoluble in 
water, but tyrothnem is soluble m alcohol 

Incompalibihty. Tyrothnem is used only 
topically, smee it is too toxic for systemic 
administration The gramicidm causes he- 
molysis of the blood cells To be effective. 
It IS necessary that the tyrothnem come m 
direct contact with the offendmg organisms 


The vitamins are a very unportant group 
of compounds m modem therapy and nutri- 
tion Because most of the problems mvolving 
their stability and mode of administration 
have been solved, the practicmg pharmacist 
does not encounter too many mcompatibih- 
Ues in the dispensing of them. Many of the 
previously exislmg difficulties have been 
overcome by the various types of prepara- 
tions which are readily aviffiable from drug 
manufacturers However, some mcompati- 
bihties are created when physicians attempt 
to combme these preparations with other 

The vitamins vary greatly m their chem- 
ical composition On the basis of their solu- 
bihties and the manner m which they are dis- 
pensed, it IS convement to divide ffiem mto 
nvo groups ( 1 ) the fat-soIuble vitamms and 
(2) the water-soluble vitamins The fat solu- 
ble group mcludes vitamins A, D, E and K. 
The water-soluble group mcludes ascorbic 
acid and those of the B-compIex 

A complete discussion of all the com- 
pounds possessmg vitamm activi^ and their 
reactions is not appropnate in this chapter 
Therefore, for the most part, only those re- 

372 Incompotibiliijes of Orgome Compounds 

actions and properties \Nhich contribute to 
dispensing problems arc discussed. 

Fat-Soludle Vitamins 
Yilamin A (antiAcropblhalima vitamin) 

pound originally designated as vitamin D 
ivas found to be a mixture of lumisterol and 
calciferol, of which only calciferol is anti- 
rachitic The naturally occurring provitamm 
D, 7-dch)drocholcstcrol, )ields vitamin Dj 

'CH— C — CH— CH— CH — C*“CH — CH.OH 




I \ : I I 


CH, C 


IS a hi^ly unsatuxated alcohol found in the 
nonsapoaihable fraction of fisb-liver oils and 
animal fats The carotenoid pigments, known 
as provitamins, are found m Die plant king- 
dom The animal body is capable of conven- 
ing many of these mto vitamin A Smec both 
vitamin A and the carotenes arc highly un- 
saturated, they are extremely sensitive to oxi- 
dation. In the absence of oxygen, they arc 
quite stable to heat Due to the relative ease 
with which they undergo oxidation and 
autoXidatiOD, care should be taken that the 
emulsifying agents used m the preparation of 
emulsions of dsh liver oils do not contam 
oxidizing enzymes ** For example, the oxi- 
dase* present m acacia should be destroyed 
before the gum is used as an emulsifying 

Vitamm A and the carotenes are insoluble 
m water, but they arc soluble m the nonpolar 
solvents of ether, chloroform, carbon disul- 
fide, benzene, petroleum ether and fats The 
carotenes are practically insoluble in alco- 
hol, however, vitamm A, due to the presence 
of the —OH group, is alcohol-soluble 

Vitamin D (aniirachitic vitamm) is found 
m both plant and ammal tissues Crgostcrol 
upon irradiation with ultraviolet light is con- 
verted to vitamm D 2 (calciferol) The com- 

*The oxidase is destroyed by drying the acacia 
at tO}* to 105* C (Kieft, J P Pturm Wcckblad 
76 1133. 1939} or by beaung aqueous preparaboos 
lo 100* C 

on inadialioQ This is identical with tlte 
natural vitamm Dj of fish liver oils Tlie ani- 
mal body apparently is capable of synthesiz- 
ing vitamin O from various sterols At least 
10 difierent provitamins D are now known 
lo exist 

Vitamins D are relatively stable to heat 
and oxidation and, therefore, they are not 
inacuvatcd by autoclaving at 120" C m the 
absence of air In the presence of air they are 
inactivated at this temperature Vitamm D 3 

Vitamin Dj (calciferDl) 


(calciferol), on heating at 160* lo 190® C 
in the absence of air, yields pyrocalcifcrol 
and isopyrocalcifcrol, both of which arc de- 
void of antirachitic activity Vitamm D is 
sUdilc to alkali, as shown by the fact that it 
can be isolated from the nonsapomfiablc frac- 
tion of fats All of the known viiamms D m 
the pure state arc white, odorless ciysials 

Vitamins 373 

which are soluble m fats, ether, chlorofonn, 
acetone and alcohol, but insoluble m water 
Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils such 
as wheat-germ oil, nce-germ oil and cotton- 
seed oil It IS also present m leafy green and 
yellow vegetables and fruits such as lettuce 
and oranges Animal tissues contam only very 
small amounts 


Vitamm Ks 

(2 methyl 3-difaniesyI 1 4-naphiho(juinone) 


a Tocopherol 

The tocopherols are water-msoluble but 
are soluble m the less polar solvents such 
as ether, chloroform and oils Four closely 
related tocopherols of sunilar chemical com- 
position, a, fi, Y and S, are known to possess 
vitamm E activity In the absence of oi^- 
gen, the tocopherols are stable to heat up to 
200” C and are not affected by hydrochloric 
orsulfunc acids at 100” C The tocopherols 
are less resistant to alkalies and are destroyed 
gradually when allowed to remain m contact 
with alkalies for long periods of time Sufii 
cient stability to alkali is manifested by the 
tocopherols to make it possible to isolate 
them from fats by saponification In an alka- 
Ime medium, the tocopherols are especially 
susceptible to oxidation This oxidation re 
suits in a destruction of their vitamin E ac- 
tivity Ultraviolet light also destroys their 
activity Because of ^e ease wth which they 
undergo oxidation, the tocopherols are effec- 
tive antioxidants and are employed to pre- 
vent the oxidation of fats The y isomer is 
the most effective antioxidant, and the fi 
isomer is more effective than the a isomer 
The antioxidant activity is dependent on the 
free phenolic — OH group which is not nec- 
essary m the molecule for vitamin E activity 
Vitamm K (antihemorrhagic vitamin) 
occurs m plants and micro-organisms Two 

I / * 



naturally occurring vitamins K are definitely 
known Vitamm Ki is found m green plant 
materials such as alfalfa and spinach, and 
vitamm K 2 is found m most bactena The 
bacterial flora of the mtestmal tract syn- 
thesize large amounts of vitamm K that pro- 
vide an important source m humans 

Expenmentation has shown that vitamin 
K activity IS not lost when a h)drogen re- 
places the side chain m number 3 position 
This compound, 2-methyl-l,4 naphthoqui- 
none, also known as menadione, is official 
m the US P and is used extensively m medi- 
cme for its vitamm K activity Other substi- 
tuted naphthoquinones are known to possess 
vitamm K activity and have been used clmi- 
cally Menadione sodium bisulfite, which is 
a water-soluble derivative suitable for intra- 
venous or mtramuscular mjection, is also 
mduded m the US P 

The naturally occurrmg vitamins K and 
menadione are insoluble m water but soluble 
m fats, ether, chloroform, acetone and pe- 
troleum ether The vitamms K are thermo- 
stable, but they are very sensitive to light 
(sunlight, artificial hght and ultraviolet light) 
and aUrahes Reduemg agents convert the 
natural vitamms K and menadione to hydro- 
qumonc derivatives 

(2 meihyl 3 pbytyl 1 4-napbtboquxnOQO) 

374 Incompohbilities of Organic Compounds 




(2 methyl I 4-napbthoquiooQe) 

Menadioite Soduio} BisuUite 

Water-Soluble Vitamins 
Ascorbic acid (cevitamic acid, vitamin C), 
the antiscorbutic vitamin, is present to all 
living plant cells and is found m increased 
amounts m actively growing parts of the 
plant Aniaa} tissues contain only small 
amounts, but increased auanutics are present 
in the organs and the endocrine glands (bver, 
adrenal gland, thymus and pituitary) Hu- 
mans are unable to synthesize the vitamin, 
thus It must be mcluded in the diet Excellent 
dietary sources include green vegetables, 
bernes, apples and aims fruits The vitamin 
IS also synthesized for commercial use 


Ascorbic acid is an odorless, white, crys- 
talline compound which is soluble m water 
(1 Cm in 3 ml ) and alcohol (1 Gm in 
30 ml ) but msoluble in the nonpolar sol- 
vents ether, chloroform, fats, etc Ascorbic 
acid IS a monobasic acid, yields aad solu- 
tions and readily forms salts with metab 
This acid is a strong reducing agent, and in 
aqueous solution it is readily oxidized and 
inactivated by the ox}gca of the oir This 
oxidative dcstmction of ascorbic aad talces 
place rapidly m alialme solution, but it is 
markedly decreased m aadic solution. Al- 
kalies, oxidizmg agents, light, heat, riboQavin 
and traces of iron and copper are all capable 
of hastenmg the decom^sition of ascorbic 
aad. In the dry crystalline form, ascorbic 
acid IS relatively stable 

p-Aminobeozoic acid (PABA) occurs in 
the plant and the animal kingdoms m both 

free and combined form Because of its wide 
distribution in nature, no deficiencies duectly 
attributed to it have been observed m hu- 
mans Apparently, dictaiy sources and m- 
testmal synthesis supply adequate amounts 
of this essentia] metabolite 

p Aminobeozo e Acid 

p Ammobcnzoic acid is a stable colorless 
substance which is soluble in water to the 
extent of 0 5 Gm per 100 ml , freely soluble 
10 boding water and soluble (1 10) in alco- 
hol Its solubility m aqueous solution is in- 
creased by both alkoh and mineral acids due 
to the presence of both the carboxyl and the 
ammo groups which enable it to form the 
water soluble ionized salts 

Diotm (vitamin H) is present in small 
amounts m all higher animals Dietary 
sources include liver, kidney, eggs, milk, 
vegetables, grains and nuts It occurs m the 
free state m plant sources and mamly as a 
chemically bound compound m animal tis- 
sues The s)nthctic product is available 


kH HH 

I I 


I I 

* Dwtin 

Biotin IS soluble in water and alcohol and 
insoluble m ether, chloroform and petroleum 
ether The vitamin is relatively stable m 



aadic and basic solution and to beat It is 
inactivated by oxidizing agents 

Choline (tnmethyI-;3-hydroxyethyIammo- 
nium hydroxide) is a constituent of the 
phospbobpids, sphingomyebn and lecithin 
Dietary sources of the substance include egg 
yolk, liver, bdney and the germ of cer^ 
grains This substance, which is included m 
the B-complex, is a growth factor concerned 
biologically with transmethylation reactions 
m the animal body 


1 » 

• I * * 



Cholme is a colorless, viscid, hygroscopic, 
strongly alkalme hqmd, very soluble in water 
and alcohol and insoluble m ether It readily 
forms salts with acids (chlonde, bromide, 
borate, picrate, etc ) The salts, which are 
hygroscopic, are also soluble m water and 
alcohol Aqueous soluaoos of the salts are 
practically neutral 

FoLc acid (pteroylglutaimc acid, "L caset 
factor,” ‘ vitamin M,” ptendyl p-ammoben- 
zoyl glutamic acid) is found m green leaves 
(spinach, etc ), mushrooms, yeast, hver and 
kidney It is also prepared synthetically 
Therapeutically, fohc acid is used m the treat- 
ment of various macrocytic anemias 



Folic Acid 

The folic acid molecule is composed of 
a ptendyl group, p-ammobenzoic acid and 
/-glutamic acid. In foods it is found in the 
conjugated form containing additional mole- 
cules of glutamic acid Folic acid is a stable, 
)eIIow, crystalline substance which, although 
only slightly soluble m water, is soluble m 
dilute alkah and acid due to the present of 
catboi^l groups and basic nitrogen m the 
molecule However, it is destro)ed readily 
by boiling in aad solution. 

Inositol (hexah)droxy-c)clobexaae, meso- 
mositol) occurs naturally as a normal cell 

constituent in both plant and animal tissues 
aad is prepared synthetically In nature it 
occurs m many different forms Some mositol 
occurs m the free state, but m plants it is 
present mainly m the form of the hexaphos- 
phate, m the hver it is combined with a pro- 
tein and IS alkali labile, m soybean it is found 
as a glycoside Only the optically mactive 
form (meso mositol) possesses biologic ac- 



Inositol possesses a sweet taste and is 
soluble in water (approx 16 5 Cm. per 100 
ml ) It IS insoluble m absolute alcohol and 
ether Inositol is highly resistant to the action 
of both acid and alkah 
Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide. Nico- 
tinic acid (niacm, PP factor, pellagra pre- 
ventive factor, 3-pyndinecatboxyhc acid) 
occurs m small amounts m all hving cells 
Dietary sources mclude hver, yeast, wheat 
germ and miJk Man is dependent on dietary 
sources for mcounic acid, although consid- 
erable amounts probably are contnbuted 
through Its synthesis by the bactenal Bora 
of the intestines In animal tissue it is found 
not as mcotinic acid but as the amttfe A 
small amount of mcotmamide (macmamide) 
IS present m tissues in the free form, but the 
majonty is present in the chemically bound 
forms of co-enzymes I and II For commer- 
cial purposes, mcotimc acid and mcotmamide 
are prepared synthetically 


NKOUaiC Acid NicoUnamide 

Chemically, mcotmic acid is the ^-car- 
box)hc acid of pyndme It is very stable and 
may be heated without decomposition Nico- 
tmic acid IS sbghtly soluble m water (approx. 
1 65 Gm per 100 ml ) and alcohol (approx. 
1 25 Gm per 100 ml ) and insoluble m 
chloroform and ether The acid is readily 


376 Incompalibilities of Orgonjc Compounds 

soluble m dilute alkali and acid due to the 
carboxyl group and basic nitrogen Vrhich 
enable it to form the ^vatcr•soluble ionized 
salt Destruction of nicotinic acid docs not 
occur even when the compound is heated m 
acid or alkaline solution 

Nicotmamide (macmamidc) is very solu- 
ble in both water and alcohol, but it is only 
slightly soluble m ether In aqueous acid or 
alkalme solution it is converted to nicotinic 
acid by hcatmg 

Pantothenic acid is present in all plant and 
animal tissues Dietary sources mclude liver, 
kidney, heart, tongue, yeast, eggs, muscle 
tissue, rice bran and molasses In both am- 
mal and plant tissue it is usually bound to 
protein, only a small amount of this acid 
occurs in the free form It is also prepared 

0 0 


Pantothenic aad is a white, odorless, crys- 
tallmc powder which is rcaddy soluble in 
water but insoluble m alcohol The vitamin 
IS destroyed by heat, acids and bases In 
aqueous acid or alkali solution it is bydro- 
ly^ to alanmc and a-hydroxy-/7,^>di- 
mcthyl-y-butyrolactone, as shown below 

In higher animals, two other forms of the 
vitamm which possess activity equal to that 
of pyndoxme are the aimnc and the aldehyde 
an^ogs (pyndoxamine and pyndoxal) It is 
possible that other members of the B« com- 
plex also exist ” 

Pyndoxme is a colorless, ciystallme pow- 
der havmg a slightly bitter taste It is soluble 
in water, ^cohoT and acetone but only slighdy 
soluble m ether and chloroform Due to the 
presence of the basic mtrogen m the mole- 
cule, It readily forms water-soluble lonizablc 
salts with aads The bydrochlondc is the 
form which appears on the market and is 
most used It is soluble m water (22 2 Gm 
per 100 ml ) and alcohol (1 1 Gm per 100 
ml ) The aqueous solution of the hydro- 
chlondc has a pH of approximately 3 2 
Pyndoxme is stable to heat and acid but is 
destroyed by light Because of the phenolic 
—OH group m the structure, pyndoxme 
shows many reactions of the phenols, eg, 
It yields an orange-red color with feme chlo- 
nde and undergoes air-oxidaiion m alkaline 

Riboflavin (vitamin B:, vitamm G, lacto- 
flavin, 6,7-dmicthyI-9-(d-r-nbityl-)isoalIoxa- 
zme) occurs m all living cells of the plant 
and the animal kingdoms It is found cither 
as the free vitamm, the phosphate, or the 
adcmnedmuclcotidc phosphate Excellentdie- 




•C — KM-CH- 


Paalolheiue Acid 

,0 «». ^ r wcCx ] 

, CHOH-C— )w)J CHOH-C-0 

g Alulae a Hydroxy g ^’dimethyl r-buiyrolactooe 

Pyridoxme (vitamm D«, anti-acrodyma 
rat factor, 3-hydroxy-4,5-di(bydroxymcthyI)- 
2-mcthyl pyndinc) is present m both the 
plant and the animal kmgdoms Dietary 
sources include yeast, nee bran, wheat, corn, 
molasses, fish, hver, milk, egg yolk, lettuce 
and spmach The naturally occumng vita- 
min IS present m the form in which it u bound 
to protein Only small amounts arc found m 
the free state is prepared synthetically, as 

CM^CM C**/"*! 

pyriloune PyndoxuuM 


taxy sources are heart, hver, kidney, muscle, 
c^, milk, green leafy vegetable, whole gram 
and yeast ^mmercial supplies of nbo^vm 
ore obtained by the synthesis of the vitamm 



Riboflavin k an orange-yellow crystallme 
compound which is only shghtly soluble in 
water (12 mg per 100 ml ) and ethyl alco- 
hol (4 5 mg per 100 ml ) It is insoluble in 
ether, acetone, chloroform and benzene Be- 
cause of the basic nitrogen m the molecule. 
It IS capable of forming such salts as the 
monosuccmate, borate, phosphate and ace- 
tate which are more water-soluble than the 
parent compound These more soluble salts 
have found use m pharmaceutical prep- 

Rcducmg agents convert nbofiavm to leu- 
conboSavm, but this reaction is easily re- 
versible The oxidation-reduction reaction 
shown below is of great importance m the 
function of nbofiavm nucleotide m cellular 
respiration Riboflavm is quite resistant to 
the action of oxidizmg agents 

Thiamine hydrochlonde (vitamm Bi, thia- 
mine, thiamme chloride, ancurm, antineuntic 
vitamm, antibcnben vitamm, 4-methyI-5-/?- 
hydroxy-eihyl-N-{[2 meihyl-4-ainmo-pyrim- 








Ui9^elion in ^ 
oIkatifl« solution 

■oufrol or ocid 

Lumallovin {e,7,9-tnfn»lhyl- 



Luimcl»<m»(6,7 duntlhyj- 

RiboQavm is very soluble m aqueous al- 
kalme solution by virtue of the acidic hydro- 
gen of the imide group The acidic hydrogen 
IS replaceable by sodium and, therefore, m 
aqueous solution the water-soluble lonued 
salt IS fonned However, the nbofiavm is 
then quite unstable to light and heat In aque- 
ous alkali, nbofiavm is converted by irradia- 
tion to the biologically inacuve, fluorescent, 
degradation product, lumifiavin In acid solu- 
tion (pH 1 0 to 6 0), nbofiavm is quite 
stable to heat, but it yields the macUve lumi- 
chrome on irradiation 

MCOH -fH, Y" 


* HCOri 

0 HO 


chloride) Thiamine occurs naturally m the 
free form, as a protem complex, as a phos- 
phorus protem complex, and as the pyro- 
phtKphoric acid ester (cocarboxylase) Die- 
tary sources of the vitamm mclude pork, 
yeast, cereal grams, nulk, peas, beans, fruits 
and nuts It is prepared synthetically for 
commercial uses 

TTuamme hydrochlonde i^ a white, hy- 
groscopic, crystallme solid It is soluble m 
water (lOO Gm. per 100 ml ), m alcohol 
(1 Gm per 100 ml ) and glycenn (5 5 Gm 
per 100 ml ) It IS insoluble m ether, ace- 
tone, chloroform and oils Inasmuch os thia- 
nune hydrochlonde is a basic mtrogenous 
compound, it shon3 many of the reactions of 


378 Incompotibiliiies of Organic Compounds 

the alkaloids and logicall) could be classified 
with them It fonns insoluble compounds 
vnUi tanmc, picric and phosphotungstic acids, 
potassium mercuric iodide, mercunc chlo- 
ride and iodine 

In the dry ci)stallinc form, the vitamm is 
stable, m stron^y acid solutions it is quite 
stable, thus, aqueous solutions having a pH 
of 3 S may be autoclaved at 120** C with- 
out decomposition However, weakly acid 
solutions (pH 5 0 to 6 0) are not stable to 
heat In aqueous neutral or alkaline solu- 
tions, thiamine h^drochlondc is unstable — 
heat accelerates the decomposition It is, 
thus, mcompatible with alkabes and other 
basic substances Many mcompatibilities of 
this nature anse when the vitamm is dis- 
pensed m aqueous solution with substances 
such as sodium phcnobarbital, alkali car- 
bonates, bicarbonatcs, atrates, acetates, etc , 
all of which yield alkalme soluuons 
Thiamine h)drochlonde u very sensitive 
to both oxidation and reduction and it is, 
therefore, mcompatible with oxidizing and 
reduemg agents On oxidation, the vitamm 
IS converted to the biologically inactive, 
highly fluorescent thiochromc This reaction 


— it — C-CH, otteqUcft 




IS the basis for the photofluorometne method 
of assay for the vitamm The reaction docs 
not progress readily m strongly acid solution 
(pH 2 0), but the fonnauon of the Uuo- 
^ome is accelerated as the solution ap- 
proaches neutrality (pH 7 0) After long 
penods of time, small quantities of thio- 
chrome are formed even m alcoholic solu- 
tions of the vitamin. 

Vitamm Dtj (Devidox, Cobionc, C)anoa>* 
balamm, Dodex) is obtained commcraally 
from the feimcntation products of such or- 

ganami as Sirepiomyces grueus, S oUvaceus 
and 5 aureofaaens In the normal daily diet. 
It IS obtamed from foods containing animal 
protem It IS considered to be an essential 
nutritional factor required for normal blood 
formation, neural function and growth The 
main clinical uses for the vitamin at the 
present time arc thus m the treatment of 
pernicious anemia both with and without 
neurologic complications, pam associated 
with neurologic disorders and growth re- 
tardation due to anim al protcm deficiency 
The very complex chemical structure of 
vitamm Bis has been elucidated'* and, as was 
accurately reported, in previous work, it has 
been shown to contain cobalt and a cyano 
group** and has an cmpincal formula corre- 
sponding to CesHgoNiiOuPCo The cobalt 
IS present in the form of a coordination com- 
plex m which the cobalt is trivalent and has 
a coordination number of sue'* On acid hy- 
drol)sis (6 N HQ, 100'’ C ), l-<*-D-nbo- 
furanosido-5,6-dimeihylbcnzimid3zole is ob- 
tained from the vitamin, whereas more 
drastic conditions of acid hydrolysis yield one 
equivalent of 5,6-dimctbylbenziimdazole 
Other h)drol)sis products which have been 
obtained from vitamm B |2 arc ammonia, 
phosphonc acid and D-I •amino-2 propanol 
Vitamin Bj- is soluble m water to the ex- 
tent of 1 25 Cm per lOO ml at 25* C and 
forms neutral, odorless and tasteless solu- 
tions The vitamm is inactivated m aqueous 
solution by strong acids and strong alkahes 
The maximum pH range for stability in solu- 
tion is 4 5 to 5 0 In this range, soluuons can 
be autoclaved without significant loss of ac- 
Uvity Vitamm Bia undergoes slow decom- 
position on exposure to both ultraviolet and 
visible hgbt It is stated to be unstable m 
aqueous solutions containing acacia, alde- 
hydes (such as vaniUm and those contamed 
m synthetic fruit flavors), ascorbic acid, dex- 
trose, ferrous gluconate, ferrous sulfate and 
sucrose ** It is stable in the dry form at room 
temperature provided that it is not exposed 
to strong light for extended periods of time 


1 Abraham, B. P J Pharm St Phannaco! 

3 264, 1951. 

References 379 

2 Adams, W L. J Pharmacol & Exper 
Ther 75 340, 1943 

3 Anker, H S , «/ a/ J BactenoL 5S 249* 

4 Antibiotics, p 8, London, Pharmaceutical 
Press, 1952 

5 Ibid,^ 61 

6 Bohonos, N, er a/ Antibiotics Annual, 
1953 1954, p 54, New York, Medical 
Encyclopedia, 1953 

7 Bond, O C., Himelick, R E , and Mac- 
Donald, L. H J Am Pharm Ass (Set ) 
J8 30, 1949 

8 Boothe, J H , er a/ Antibiotics Annual. 
1953 1954, p 46, New York, Medici 
Encyclopedia, 1953 

9 Ibid . p 47 

10 Booth, S H , e/ a/ J Am Cbem. Soc 
75 4,621, 1953 

11 Bourquelot, E J Pharm, Chim 19 473, 

12 Brecht, E A , and Rogers, C H J Am- 
Pharm. Ass 29 178, 1940 

13 Brink, N G , Kuehl, F A., and Folkers. 
K. Science 702 506, 1945 

14 Science 1/2 354, 1950 

15 Brown, H C J Am Chem Soc. 67 378, 

16 Bury, C R J Am Cbem Soc 57 2,115, 

17 Cellulose Gum, Hercules Powder Co, 
pp 2 9, 1949 

18 Celmer, W D , Els, H-, and Murai, K. 
Antibiotic Annual 1957 1958, p 476, New 
York, Medical Encyclopedia. 1958 

19 Chem &Eng Newsii 3487, 1955 

20 Craig, L. C., Shedlovsky, T , Gould, 
R G , and Jacobs, W A. J Biol Cbem, 
J2S 289, 1938 

21 Daubert, B F J Am Pharm Ass (Sci ) 
J3 321, 1944 

22 Edwards, L. J Trans Faraday Soc. 46 
723, 1950 

23 Gilman, H. Organic Chemistry, >ol II, 
p 1858, New York, Wiley, 1943 

24 /iid,p 1844 

25 Ibtd.<p 1609 

26 Gis\oId, O, and Rogers, C. H The 
Chemistry of Plant Constituents, p 203, 
Minneapolis, Burgess, 1943 

27 Goodman, L., and Gilman, A The Pbar’' 
macological Basis of Therapeutics, p 1079, 
New York, Macmillan, 1955 

28 Ibid.f 169 

29 GnU, F J Am Pharm Ass 21 765, 

30 Hamilton, W F., George, M F , Simon, 

E., and Turnbull, F M J Am Pharm 
Ass (Sci ) 33 142, 1944 

31 Hargreaves, G W J Am Pharm Ass 
21 571,1932 

32. Harned, R L., et al Antibiotics and 
Chemolher 5 204, 1955 

33 Hams, D A, et a! Antibiotics and 
Chemother 5 185, 1955 

34 Hu^t, E L J Chem Soc. 1 70, 1942 

35 Hirst, E L, Jones, J K. N , and Jones, 
W O Nature J43 857, 1939 

36 Hoeksema, H , er af J A C S 77 6,710, 

37 Howard, M E Modem Drug Encyclo- 
pedia and Therapeutic Index, ed 6, p 79, 
New York, Drug Publications, Inc , 1955 

38 Husa, W J Pharmaceutical Dispensing, 
p 544, Iowa City, Husa, 1951 

39 Ibid p 650 

40 Ibtd.p 551 

41 Ibid.p 458 

42 Husa, W J , and JatuI, B J Am Pharm 
Ass (Sci ) 33 217, 1944 

43 Hutchings, B L., et al J Am. Cbem 
Soc 74 3710, 1952 

44 Jones, W G M > and Peat, S J Cbem 
Soc 2 225, 1942. 

45 Jordan, E. 0 , and Burrows, \V Textbook 
of Bacteriology, ed 14, p 307, Philadel- 
phia, Saunders, 1946 

46 Kaezka, E. A , Wolf, D E., Kuehl, F A , 
and Foikers, K J Am Chem 7J 

47 Kaezka, E. A , ef of J A C5 77 6404, 

48 Kedvessy, G Chem. Zentr II, 314, 1942 

49 Kuehl, F A, Flynn, E. H, Holly, F W, 
Mozingo, R , and Folken, K J Am 
Chem Soc 68 536, 1946 

50 Luder, W F , and Zuffanti, S The Elec 
tronic Theory of Acids and Bases, p 120, 
New York, Wiley, 1946 

51 Ibid p 83 

52 Lyman, R A Amencan Pharmacy, vol 
2, p 196, Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1947 

53 /iid.p 197 

54 Ibid p 186 

55 McElvain, S M The Characlenzation 
of Organic Compounds, p 51, New York, 
Macmillan, 1953 

56 /Aid,p 51 

57 Mclnick, D , Hoebberg, M , Himes, H W , 
and Oscr, D L. J BioL Chem 160 1, 

58 Merck Service Bulletin, Vitamin B 12 , Part 
I, Pharmaceutical Information, p 2, 1953 

59 /W.p 9 

380 Incompatibilities of Orgonic Compounds 

60 New and NonoOlctal Remedies, p 134, 
Philadelphia, LippincoU, 1954 

61 /W.p 112 

62 Nuon, W Pharm J 167 213, 1951 

63 Nonnan, A. G Diochem J 2S 200, 

64 Ibid 

65 Osborne, C E, and DeKay, H G J Am 
Phann. Ass (Pract ) 2 240, 1941 

66 Osol, A , and Farrar, G E U S Dis 
peosatory, p S68, Philadelphia, Ltppin 
cott, 1950 

67 Ibid p 27 

68 Ibld.p 1043 

69 Peck, R L., Craber, R P , Walti, A., and 
Peel, E W I Am, Chem. Soc 68 29. 

70 Pfau.E Apoih Ztg 46 724, 1931 

71 Pfeiffer, C, and Williams, H J Am 
Pharm. Ass (Pract,) 8 572, 1947 

72, Pharmacopeia of the Uruted States, Sa 
tecnUi Rev , p 826, 1960 

73 Pratt, L. S The Chemistry and Physics 
of Organic Pigments, p 136, New York, 
Wiley, 1947 

74 Ibid p 137 

75 Pratt R , and DuFreooy, J Antibiotics 

p 193, Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1953 

76 Remick, A, E. Electronic Interpretations 
of Organic Chemistry, p 37, New York, 
Wiley, 1949 

77 Ibid p 235 

78 Rosenberg, H R Chemistry and Physi- 
ology of the Vitamins, New York, Inter- 
science, 1945 

79 Rowson, J M Quart. J &Yr Dk Pharm 
10 161,1937 

80 Taylor, T W J , and Baker, W The 
Organic Chemistry of Nitrogen, p 31, 
Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1937 

81 Tool J S Quart J & Yr Bk Pharm 
10 439, 1937 

82 Ibid 12 573, 1939 

83 Waller, C W , el al J Am Chem Soc 
74 4981, 1952 

84 Ibid. 74 A97S. 1952 

85 Wesp, E F . and Erode, W R J Am 
Chem Soc 56 1037. 1934 

86 Weygand, C Organic Preparations 
p 445, New York, Interscicncc, 1945 

87 Wilson, C 0 , and Gisvold, O T Text- 
book of Organic Medicinal and Pharma- 
ceutical Chemistry, p 642. Philadelphia, 
Lippincott, 1954 

Chapter 1 1 

Services to the Allied Professions 

Roy C Darlington, Ph D * 


A major function of the practicing pharma- 
cist IS his service as consultant to members 
of the allied health professions Students, 
teachers and practitioners of pharmacy are 
constantly remmded that this is an important 
objective of pharmaceutical educauon, and 
many believe that it is bemg accomplished 
However, the results of reliable studies and 
surveys mdicate that the consultative service 
rendered by pharmacists to physioans is 
minimal, and m regard to practitioners of the 
other health professions, it is practically non- 
existent Thus, the present status of this 
area of mterprofessional relations seems to 
be at vanance with the objectives of pharma 
ceuucal education and the vanous orgaiuza- 
tions of pharmacy, unless certain basic facts 
are taken mto account 
A perusal of the Codes of Ethics adopted 
by the American Pharmaceutical Associa- 
tion m 18S2, 1922 and 19S2 reveals that not 
until 1952 was there specific reference to 
the relation of pharmacists to members of 
any of the allied professions other than phy- 
sicians ’ Furthermore, the statement. 

The pharmacist willingly makes available bis 
expert knowledge of drugs to the other health 

appeared first m the 1952 Code These facts 
are especially significant because the A Ph A 
Code IS generally accepted as the professional 
Code of Ethics of the pharmacists of the 
United States ** 

The curriculum of the representative col 
lege or school of pharmacy, medicme, den- 
Usiry, osteopathy, podiatry or vctcnnaiy 
mecheme does not provide for adequate m- 

* Professor of Pharmacy and head. Department 
of pharmacy Howard Uoiveruty 

strucUon m the proper mteirclationship of 
the alhed health professions As a result, the 
graduate pharmacist enters his profession 
with madequale knowledge o! the need that 
practitioners of the allied professions have 
for the consultative services he has to offer 
Similarly, graduates of the allied health pro 
fessions (mcludmg medicme) enter their re- 
spective professions unaware that it is the 
responsibility of pharmacists to provide these 
services These conditions do not contribute 
to the attamment of the primary objective of 
all of the health professions — that is, the 
rendenng of maximum service to public 

Data from two studies concerning the con 
sultative service of pharmacists to the prac- 
titioners of medicme and dentistry — the two 
professions with which pharmacy is most 
actively associated— will serve to mdicate 
the extent of the consultative services re 
ccived by the respondents A survey of 



S«rvices to the Allied Professions 

ph)siciam rc%’calcd that 54 pcrccntof theoph' 
tbolmologists, 70 per cent o£ the otorhtnolar* 
yugologists and 83 per cent of the general 
practitioners bad never been approached by 
a phannacist for the purpose of discussing 
services available to physicians — this despite 
the fact that 75 per cent of the physicians 
wanted pharmacists to consult with them 
conccmiog the prescribing of medications^' 
Another study relating to dentistry showed 
that 81 per cent of the participants had never 
been approached by a pharmacist for the 
purpose of discussing services to dentists'^ 

It may be argued that practicing pharma- 
cists are adequately serving practitioners via 
consultation mitiated by the latter This con- 
tention IS not supported by data from a recent 
survey In a study conducted by the author. 
141 pharmacists were surveyed. Four of these 
pharmacists were located m hospitals This 
stud^ revealed that pharmacists m 137 stores 
received approximately one request for in- 
formation every 5 days Only 39 per cent 
of the requests received required a profes- 
sional education for answermg The hospital 
phonnacists received less than four requests 
per day and only 35 per cent of the requests 
required a professional education for answer- 
mg It IS mteresung to note that more than 7 
per cent of the requests for information were 
from dentists, podiatrists and doctors of 
VCtermary medicine These data arc a port 
of a national survey which reported on the 
consulting practices of 481 pharmacies dur- 
ing a l(^ay penod. The national survey 
revealed that each pharmacy, on an average, 
was consulted less than 5 times a week by 
medical practitioners " The extent of the 
services ^mg rendered to the practmonen 
of homeopathy, osteopathy, podiatry and 
vetermary medicine is easily gauged from 
these statistics 

Pharmacists feel that the compounding 
and/or the dispcosmg of a prcscnption m- 
volve a professional service and have a 
tendency to rely on this service as the sole 
basis for professional status On the other 
hand, it is a fact that they are well quahlied 
by training and experience to serve the addi- 
tional function of consultant on drug products 
to other health practitioners Indeed, the 
pharmacist is tbs only pracutioncr whose 

daily activities arc directly associated with 
those of all other health practitioners m 
xmnistenng to the pubhc health. 

In order to assist the pharmacist in under- 
standmg bis relationship with other prac- 
tiuoncrs, It IS desirable that he know the 
objectives, the qualihcatioos, the rcsponsibil- 
ibes, the prerogatives and the limitations of 
each of these The purpose of this chapter is 
to impart such knowledge 


Medical Education 
Medical education began m the United 
States, as it did m Europe, with the ap- 
prenticeship system By the year 1800, sev- 
eral medic^ schools associated with um- 
versities had been established Withm the 
next century, hundreds of medical schools 
were established in the United States How- 
ever, m 1908, when Abraham Flexncr began 
bis study of the schools of medieme m the 
Umted States and Canada, only about 10 
per cent of the praeuemg physicians were 
graduates of medical schools " 

When the Flexncr report was published 
m 1910, only one of the 155 schools then 
operating required a baccalaureate degree 
for admission and only 16 required as much 
as 2 years of college work. Presently, 76 of 
the 86 medical schools m which students can 
begin the study of medieme require at least 
3 years of college preparation Ten schools 
require the completion of a degree program 
for admission *' In 1960, more than 80 per 
cent of the students admitted to medical 
schools m this country had completed 4 
years of college 

Medical Licensure 
All of the Stales and the Distnct of 
Columbia require a license to practice mcdi- 
cme To qualify for a heense, a candidate 
must be a graduate of an approved medical 
school, pass a licensmg cxammation, and— 
in 37 states and the Duinct of Columbia— 
serve a 1-ycar hospital mtcmship As of 
i960, 13 stales pcnmttcd hcensurc imme- 
diately after graduation from an approved 
medical school Twenty-one states and the 
Distnct of Columbia require candidates to 

Denlisiry 383 

pass an exammation m the basic sciences to 
become eligible for the medical licensmg ei- 

All licenses to practice medicme are issued 
by the states The National Board of Medi- 
cal Ex amin ers also gives an exammation 
which IS accepted by most states as a sub- 
stitute for state exammation Most states do 
not limit remprocity 

Medical Practice 

In 1960 nearly 40 per cent of all physi- 
cians were located m the five states with the 
largest populations New York, California, 
Pennsylvama, Dlrnois and Ohio As a rule, 
gener^ practitioners were distributed much 
more widely than specialists, whose mem- 
bers were concentrated m large cities * 

The trend m medical practice is toward 
specialization In 1923 the full time special- 
ists represented only 1 1 per cent of the prac- 
ticmg physicians m this country, by 1955 
almost 40 per cent were specialists^* A 
1959 survey of a selected group of medical 
graduates (Class of 1950) disclosed that 63 
per cent were m specialty practice, 33 per 
cent were m geoerd practice and 4 per cent 
were m research and teachmg This survey 
— which IS still in progress — further revealed 
that 78 per cent of a class of 196 1 62 mtems 
mtended to enter specialty practice and only 
18 per cent plaimed to go mto general prac- 
tice The rcmaming 4 per cent planned 
careers of research and teachmg 

About SO per cent of those who plan to 
specialize expect to practice mtemal medicme 
or surgery Approximately 30 per cent plan 
to practice obstetrics gynecology, pediatrics 
or psychiatry, and 20 per cent mdicatc that 
one of the other specialties will be selected ** 
There are 19 official Specialty Boards and 
about 50 specialties or subspecialties of 

The tendency toward mcreasmg specializa- 
tion and the contmumg shortage of physi- 
cians m the United Smtes are of real concern 
to those who are mterested m the health 
and welfare of our ever-mcreasmg popula- 
tion If adequate medical services are to be 
provided under such conditions, the tech- 
mcol, the paramedical and the professional 
groups associated with medicme must im- 

prove and mcrease their services to physi- 

Practicmg pharmacists render an im- 
portant professional service through the 
dispcnsmg of prescriptions m greater num- 
bers each year (More than 740 milhon 
prescriptions were dispensed m 1961 
They can provide an additional service of 
great importance by actmg as consultants to 
physicians — who, after all, are the prmcipal 

Dental Education 

Educanon for the profession of dentistry 
has evolved similarly to that of pharmacy 
and the other health professions — ^from the 
apprentice method with no formal academic 
requirements to the requirement of a pro- 
fessional degree preceded by presenbed 
liberal arts education Since the establishment 
of (he first school (the Balumore College of 
Dental Surgery) m 1840, the profession has 
developed from the level of apprenticeship 
traimng to the level of a comprehensively 
organized health profession ^ 

Dentistry has many national and local 
organizations which pubhsb an abundance of 
literature m the form of journals, scientific 
papers and survey reports Some of the 
important naUonal organizations vitally asso- 
ciated with dental education are the Amen- 
caa Association of Dental Schools, the Amer- 
ican Association of Dental Examiners, the 
NaUonal Board of Dental Exammers and 
the Council on Dental EducaUon of the 
American Dental Association.^* 

The Council on Dental EducaUon is pres- 
ently responsible for the accrcditauon of 47 
dental schools, 34 dental hygiene programs, 

4 schools for dental laboratory techmcians 
and 306 mtemships and residencies It estab- 
lishes educauonal standards for schools for 
dental assistants and, recently, has devoted 
much tune to the study of standards for cer- 
Uficauon of dental laboratory teebmaans and 
dental assistants 

The 47 accredited dental schools m the 
United States and Puerto Rico bav e a present 
enrollment of almost 14,000, m 1960 they 
graduated 3,253 students with the degree of 

384 Services to the Allied Professions 

tkictor of Dcotal Mcdicmc (DMD), 
Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental 
Science (D D S ) * “ Eighty per cent of the 
graduates took the tbcorcticM cxaminatiOQ 
adnunistercd by the National Board of Dental 
Examiners The Board has issued more than 
21,000 National Board Certificates since its 
first examinations m 1934 At present, 35 
state boards accept this cxammation ui iicu 
of the states’ M-nttcn examinations, and it is 
predicted that there will be 100 per cent 
participation by candidates by 1970 and 
100 per cent recognition by boards by 

Most of the graduates jomed the ranks of 
approximately 90,000 active practitioncn, 
and five of each six joined about 96,000 other 
dentists who arc members of the Amencao 
Dental Association They also joined one of 
the 52 state societies m the 50 states and the 
District of Columbia which are affiliated with 
the American Dcotal Association ‘ 

Dental Practice 

In Its development, dental research has 
influenced dental practice considerably m 
the areas of diagnosis, prcvcotion, restora* 
uon and treatment As recently as the 1930*$. 
dental practice was limited to relieving pam 
and treating lesions of teeth and tissues of 
the mouth Today, with a health'Coiiscious 
public that IS much better informed concern- 
ing disease and is rightfully demanding belter 
health service, the dentist must be cooccrdcd 
With the comprehensive management of oral, 
facial and speech defects and with oral struc- 
tures and tissues as they relate to the total 
bcalih ot the mdrviiiual He mnsl not on\y 
prevent the occurrence and the progression 
of dcotal diseases, but also search for oral 
pathologic changes that provide early indi- 
cations of sj’stcmic disease *• In other words, 
dcoUsts have the responsibility of providing 
a complete health service to more and more 
persons by preventive and restorative prac- 
tices m all conditions that can be diagnosed 

The demand for dental care will coatinuc 
to increase because of population growth, 
improving economy, expanded dental iiisur> 
ance programs and rising educational levels 
In 1958, when almost 2 billion dollars were 
spent by the public for dental care, nearly 

two thirds of the population received no 
dental care ° If these persons arc to receive 
professional service, dentistry must become 
more efficiently productive Dentists can ac- 
comphsh this only by utilixing to a much 
greater extent the auxiliary services of dental 
hygienists, dental assistants and dental tech- 
nicians Tbey also must use effectively the 
services of the allied professions — medical 
and pharmaceutical, prmcipally 

Pharxwceutical Services 
Recent activities at the academic and the 
industrial levels indicate that improvement 
m interprofessional relations ana pharma- 
ceutical services can be expected There is 
evidence that the pharmaceutical industry is 
aware that the 1 1 million prescriptions 
wntten by dentists m 1961 constituted ap- 
proximately 1 7 per cent of the prescnptions 
dispensed More important, the industry 
realizes that this is more than double the 
0 8 per cent reported for dentists by the 
pharmaccuucal survey study in 1949 *’ It is 
important that practicing pharmacists recog- 
nize the significance of this trend m a pro- 
fession whose practitioners may legally pre- 
scribe for most condmons that can be 
diagnosed orally The pharmacists must 
demonstrate their competence as consultants 
Ckimpctcncc lo this area requires that 
pharmacists understand the terminology, the 
therapeutic purposes and the dosage regi- 
mens of general practitioners and dentists who 
practice m a specialty The necessities of 
dental therapy differ m many respects from 
those of medical practice Because of these 
dificicnccs, ihc dental presenpuon cannot be 
expected to contribute a large part of the 
doUar volume of prescription income More- 
over, because the therapeutic needs of many 
dental patients are short term m nature, as 
few as 2 or 3 doses may be prescribed For 
example, the dosage regimen for preopera- 
Uve or postoperative treatment with drugs 
IS usually of short duration Furthermore, 
few such presenpuons arc refilled Pharma- 
cists sometimes rc^rd a dental prescription 
for 6 tablets or capsules or for 1 ounce of 
an oral hquid as a ‘ nuisance presenpuon," 
but they should realize that such medication 
IS a necessary adjunct to the rendering of on 
adequate service to the pubhc health They 

Dentistry 385 

should utQize available house organs con- 
cerning dental therapeutic agents They 
should encourage their local associations to 
sponsor joint meetings with local dental asso- 
ciations They should imiiate and sustain 
well planned consultative programs which 
are desigued to make known the services 
they are prepared to offer These programs 
should be directed especially to general prac 
titioners who represent 97 per cent of the 
practicing dentists It is these dentists and 
the specialists m oral surgeiy and pen 
odontology who most frequendy use drug 
therapy m their practices Information most 
useful to the dentist follows 

1 The procedure for procurmg a narcotic 
registry number 

2 The procedure for wntmg conventional 
and special prescnptions (narcotic, etc ) 

3 The legal requirements concemmg oral 
(telephone) prescnbing 

4 The legal requirements concemmg the 
procurement of amphetamine, barbiturate 
and narcotic drugs for office use 

5 The formulation of special drug com 
bioations for use m dentistry 

6 The availability of pharmaceutical 
specialties applicable to dental therapy 

7 The mdications and the contramdica- 
tions for the use of specific drugs m dental 

8 The assistance which is available m the 
evaluation of curreody available pharma- 
ceutical specialties used by dentists 

In addition to servmg as consultants con 
cermng prescnptions, pharmacists should be 
famihar with the materials and the formulas 
used by the dentists in their offices 


Used By Dentists 

Dentists purchase most of their office 
supplies from dental supply bouses Many of 
these products are promoted only to dentists, 
and pharmacists cannot buy them at a pnee 
less than that paid by the dentist Then^orc, 
it IS impractical for pharmacists to serve as a 
source of supply for such products It is 
possible for pharmacists to ascertain the 
needs of dentists m their neighborhood and 
to prepare some of their office supplies How 
ever, pharmacists can serve dentists best by 
consultation concerning drugs which are 

available for dental therapy In addition to 
the previously mentioned sources of informa- 
tion, there are booklets published by drug 
companies which desenbe the drugs currently 
promoted to dentists The number of such 
publications can be expected to mcrease, be- 
cause young dentists are wntmg more pre- 

Practically all of the presenpUon drugs 
promoted to dentists are the same drugs that 
are used by physicians For this reason, 
dentists, m taking a case history, attempt to 
learn what medicme — if any — the patient is 
receiving By so domg, they avoid the risks 
of prescnbing contramdicated drugs and of 
duplicating medicmes The following are 
some of the drugs which now are promoted 
to dentists 

Analgesics. The choice of an analgesic is 
determmed by the seventy of the pam. The 
foUowmg are presented most frequently 

Salicylates A.P C capsules are used 
alone or m combmation with codeine or an 

nnlihittamifi ft 

Non narcotic Analgesics Dextro propoxy- 
phene — alone and m combination with com 
pound aspirm or a tranquilizer and aspinn— 
IS probably presenbed most often 

Narcotic Analgesics Mcpendine hydro- 
chlonde (f/5P) is preferred to morphme 
for severe pam 

Anti'infectivcs arc used therapeutically to 
treat infectioas of the mouth Indications for 
the use of these preparations are preopera- 
tive and postoperative prophylaxis m patients 
with a history of rheumatic fever, infectious 
hepatitis, kidney disease or diabetes Al- 
though sulfonamides and the broad spectrum 
antibiotics are presenbed, pemciUm tablets 
and lozenges are used most often The fol- 
lowmg are examples of anti mfectives pre- 
scribed by dentists 

Pheaoi^metbyl penicillin tablets 

) 250 tag. 

Potassium pbenetbicillin tablets 250 mg 

Phcnox)iQeffiyl pemciUin (115 
mg ) with tnple sulfa tablets 
(03 Cm.) 

Buffered penicillin G tablets 

(tZ-JJ*) 250 mg 

PeniciUm lozenges 5,000 units 

Tetracyclme h)drochIondc cap- 
sules (t/3J» ) 250 mg 

386 Services to the Allied Professions 

iVnUbsslamsocs. Dcotists use anuhista- 
mmes propbylacticaliy aod therapeutically 
tn cases of drug allergy They prescribe them 
also for use before and after oral surgery to 
reduce postoperative edema aod pain and to 
improve the healing process The rationale 
for the latter use is based on demonstrations 
that traumatic oral surgery mcrcascs the 
bistamme content of the gmgiva and the 
saliva Antihistamines prevent most of the 
reaction of the tissues to the increased 
amount of hutaminc Dquid or solid oral 
dosage forms usually arc presenbed Since 
the preparations promoted to dentists arc the 
same as those used by physicians and are so 
numerous and well Ijiouti, examples of these 
are not given 

Anti mllammafoiy Agents. Tissue damage 
due to extractions and oral surgery is often 
followed by excessive mflammation Such an 
inflammatory response can be harmful aod 
delay healing To prevent this reaction some 
dentists use preoj^rauve and postoperative 
treatment with corticosteroids This is a Iow« 
dosage and short term type of therapy Phar- 
macists who recommend these drugs to 
dentists for use should also give them litera- 
ture which explains the possible side cfTects 
and the contraindications for use The fol- 
lowmg pfcscnpuons are used by dentists ^ 

I Q 

Prednisolone Tablets 

(USP) 2.5 mg 


Sig 2 tabs pc ec h.$ for 2 days, then 
J Ub g4h 

2, n 

Prednisone (U.SP) 2.5 mg 

Chlorpheniramine moleate 2.0 mg 

Vitonun C 75 0 mg.‘* 

M fLTab #1 
DTD #12 
Sig Take 1 tab Li d 
pc eths 

IfjpnoUcs and Sedatives. Dentists use 
barbiturates and nonbarbiturate C N S de- 
pressants to calm pauents after operations 
and to make them less apprehensive prior to 
surgery Usually, quick acting sedatives are 

3 U 

Secobarbital sodium capsules 

Sig sh.s.pxn 

4 n 

Ethmamate tablets 0 

Tab No VI 

Sig 2 tab Vi b before appointment 

(Ed note May be used tn the presence 
of impaired liver or kidney 
fuocuon ) 

5 n 

Pentobarbital sodium (USP) gr iss 

Aspinn (USP) gr v 

M ft Cap #1 

Mitle #X1I 

Sig ) p r n for pam and oervousneu 

Tranquilizers. Mild acting tranquilizcn of 
the oeuroscdativc type are used with success 
by dentists Unlike the barbiturates and many 
other sedauves. drugs of this type alleviate 
anxiety without lessening mental acuity 

The mild tranquilizers arc especially useful 
m the treatment of the apprehensive and 
nervous patient who is having dJBcuIty m 
adjusting to newly acquired dentures They 
are also beneScial to many patients who are 
startmg a long range restoration or rccon- 
slnicUon program which will require dental 
appomtments over a period of weeks or 
months The anxieties of such patients arc 
usuatfy a£fa)cd by therapy with (hugs such 
as the following 

6 n 

PhcDaglycodot tablets 200 mg ” 

No 36 

Sig 1 lab Li d 

7 « 

Perphenazme tablels 2 mg 

No 21 

Sig 1 lab q 4-6 h. 

Vitamins, Smee larger numben of the 
populace arc seeking dental care aod because 
dental canes, gmgiviUs, glossitis and stoma- 

Komeopalhy 337 

btis may be early climcal signs of nutritional 
deficiencies, dentists are favorably positioned 
to recognize the need for vitamm therapy 

Muluviianuns, muluvilamins with min- 
erals, and B complex with C vi tamins are 
used m cases that mvolve metabolic stress 
or significant dietary restrictions These cases 
mclude patients with oral infections, those 
who are undergoing oral surgery and those 
who either are being fitted for dentures or 
have acquired them recently Patients with a 
prolonged clottmg time due to hypopro- 
tbrombmemia often require vitamin K ther- 
apy when undergomg tooth extraction or 
dental surgery Among the vitamms presently 
bemg prescribed by dentists are the fotlow- 

8 3 

Multiple vitamin caps (therapeutic) 

No 30 

Sig 1 cap daily 

9 3 

B complex with vit Ccaps 
No 36 

Sig 1 cap 1 1 d 

10 3 

Multiple vitamin minerals caps (tbera 


Sig i cap A M and P M 

11 3 

Menadione tablets (U S P ) 5 mg 

No 10 

Sig 1 tab 1 1 d 

Development of the Profession 

The homeopathic concept of medical prao- 
bce was mtroduced m 1796 by the German 
physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) 
He hved to sec the profession practiced m 
many countries of Europe, Asia, South 
Amcnca and North Amcnca The practice 
of homeopathy m the Umted States began m 
1825 with the amval of Dr Constantme 
Henng, one of Hahnemann s disciples Dr 
Henng is considered to be the father of 

Homeopathy m America. He established the 
first college at Allentown, Pennsylvama 
When this college closed, be founded the 
Hahnemann Medical College m Philadelphia 
This was the last college m this country to 
discontinue the teac^g of courses m 
homeopathy to medical students ** 

"niE Homeopathic Concept 
TTus concept has its ongm m a ‘ Law of 
Cure" found m the wmUngs attributed to 
Hippocrates (ca 400 B C) “Through the 
like, disease is produced, and throu^ the 
application of the hke, it is cured.”*® It was 
philosophy plus the results of his medi- 
cal experiments which led Dr Hahnemaim 
to announce the Law of Similars (simiha 
simihbus curantur) as the Law of Chire and, 
thus, launch the profession of homeopathy 

The Present Status of Homeopathy 
IN THE United States 
Education. Homeopathy is not taught m 
any msutution which grants degrees Pro- 
fessional education m homeopathy consists 
of a postgraduate course which is given each 
year for two weeks at MiUersviUe State 
Teachers College m Pennsylvama. Physicians 
with the degree of M D , M B (British), or 
D O (with unlimited practicing privileges) 
receive certificates on completion of the 
course Other practitioners may take the 
course but they do not receive certificates 
Homeopaths teach the course 
The most significant efforts m education 
have been made by the 1 1 Laymen’s Leagues 
m as many cities These Leagues conduct 
classes for laymen who are interested m 
learning about homeopathy Instruction is by 
a layman or tape recordings and is given m 
10 weekly meetings 

Organizabons of Homeopathy. There are 
5 national organizations, 2 mtemational or- 
ganizations and 19 state and sectional so- 
cieties with homeopaths as members There 
are also about 9 lay organizations working m 
the mlerest of homeopathy The American 
Institute of Homeopathy (busmess oifice m 
Philadelphia) is the national organization 
which represents the practitioners of homeop- 
athy The Institute publishes a bimonthly 
journal and is responsible for revision and 
publication of the Homeopathic Phaimaco- 

388 Services to the Allied Professions 

pcia U S The American Foundation for 
Homeopathy is the national organization 
which directs the professional and the lay- 
mens educational programs It also pub* 
lisbes much of the literature of the pro- 

Practitioners of Homeopathy. Statistics 
concerning practitioners have not been pub- 
lished recently and Vierc not published in 
1962 by the profession oc by the Govern- 
ment However, it can be reported that in a 
metropolitan area with a population of 2 
million there arc about 25 practitioners of 
homeopathy and one homeopathic pharmacy 
Only two of these homeopaths pracucc true 
homeopathy, the others use both * allopathic * 
and homeopathic methods of diagnosis and 
trcatmcnL The two genume homeopaths do 
not presenbe and the others together wntc 
an average of about 15 homeopathic pre- 
senpuons per day These facts indicate that 
homeopaths dispense rather than presenbe 

Pharmaceutical Services to 

Dased on membership m state societies, it 
appears that most of the pracutioners of 
homeopathy arc located m the states of Cali- 
fornia, New York and Pcnnsylvama Homeo- 
pathic pharmacists provide presenpuon serv- 
ices, but the predominant service is that of 
manufacturing dosage forms to be dispensed 
by the homeopath Those who practice only 
homeopathy need no other services How- 
ever, most homeopaths also practice ‘al- 
lopathic medicine and, therefore, need ad- 
ditional pharmaceutical services l^c rc^ar 
pharmacist can provide consultative and pre- 
senpuon services m regard to the modem 
chemotherapeutic agents which most home- 
opathic pharmacies cannot afford to stock 

No profession can survive unless there is 
a demand for its services The fact that 
homeopathy has survived indicates that there 
IS still such a demand As a consequence, it 
IS necessary that information concerning 
these services be available to mtercsted per- 
sons A principal source of such inlormatioo 
IS the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the 
Umted States The revised 6ih edition was 
published m 1941 and the revised 7ih edition 
Is in the process of preparation. The Home- 
opathic Pharmacopeia U S bos the same 

governmental status as the f/ 5 P and serves 
homeopathy m the same manner that the 
V^P serves medicme and pharmacy All 
drugs or drug combinations which arc olBcial 
have been 'proved’ by testing on healthy 
human beings There arc no antibiotics, 
modem chemotherapeutic agents or injcct- 
ables listed m the homeopathic pharmaco- 

'Die Preparatio*4 of Homeopathic 
Dosage Forms 

The principal vcbicLs used m the prepara- 
tion of liquid and solid dosage forms arc 

1 Alcohol (f/JP) — used to prepare tinc- 

2. Dispensing Alcohol (88% v/v)— used to 
prepare dilutions from tinctures 

3 Distilled Water — used to prepare solutions 
of substances which have low solubibty in 

4 Lactose— used to prepare solid dosage 

Great emphasis is placed on the use of 
fresh drugs in the preparauon of tinctures 
and solutions The moisture content of the 
drug IS calculated as a part of the menstruum 
The unit of medicinal strength u the dried 
drug The pharmacopeia recognizes the fol- 
lowmg dosage forms 

1 Tinctures. These are designated by the sign 
« (zcn> reduced) to denote the strongest liquid 
preparation Unless otherwise indicated, they 
arc 10 per cent preparations 

2 Aqueous Solutions. These are usually pre 
pared ID 100 1 0 or 0 I per cent concentra 
uons depending on the degree of solubility 

3 Dilutions. These are prepared by diluting 
Unctures with Dispensing Alcohol or by diluting 
solid dosage forms with lactose The official 
method of dilution is by the use of the decimal 
scale whereby tbe original quantity of medi 
cine IS djvid^ progressively by ten The first 
decimal (IX) contains I/IO, the second dect 
mol (ZX) 1/100, the third decimal (3X) 
1/1,000, and the fourth decimal (4X) 1/10 000 
of tbe original drug Some practitioners dcsig 
naie thu s>stcm of dilution by using D1 for 
I/IO, D2 for 1/100, D3 for 1/1,000, and D4 
for i/10000 ccnccntraUoos. A few of the 
fiomeopaihs still use the centesimal system of 
dilution which was recommended and adopted 
by Hahnemann In this system each dilution 
contains 1/100 part of the preceding dduUon. 

Osteopoihy 389 

These dilutions are designated as follows* 1C 
(1/100), 2C (1/10000), 3C (1/1,000.000) 

4 Tnturations These are tablets or powders 
prepared by dilution with lactose 

5 Tincture Tnturations. These are prepared 
by adding the tincture to lactose, tnturating and 
allowing It to dry Since these tnturations con* 
tain oidy the dcohol soluble constituents of 
drugs, they are different from tnturations pre- 
pared from the drug To differentiate from drug 
tnturations a minus sign is used above the fig- 
ure denotmg potency, for example, IX (1/10), 
2X (1/100) etc 

6 Medicated Powders. These are prepared 
by adding one part of a hquid preparation to 
10 parts of lactose, tnturatmg and allowmg to 
dry The strength of the medicated powder i$ 
one decimal more than the dilution used m its 

7 Medicated Globules These are made from 
sucrose or lactose and they are medicated by 
saturation with liquid preparauons The excess 
of liquid is removed and the vial is inverted oo 
a clean white blotting paper until the globules 
00 longer cling together 

8 Medicated Cooes or Disks These ore made 
of caoe sugar aod egg albumen. They are 
formed mto bemispbencal masses which are 
designated according to the diameter of the 
base lO millimeters The No 6 size, which is 
most often used, will absorb about 2 drops of 
Dispensing Alcohol They are used and dis 
pensed in the same way as are medicated 
globules *• 

9 Homeopathic Frescnptions. The following 
prescnptions were copied from die 1962 pre- 
scription file of a homeopathic phannacy and 
are reproduced exactly as written It is interest- 
mg to note that tablet tnturates are presenbed 
by volume as well as by number 


Mercunus dulcis 6X 

Phytolacca dec 6X equal parts 

Disp TT 125 

Sig 2 Q2H Today then 


Thuja 12X 

Disp T T 02 . u 

Sig FourTabletsTID 


Valeriana 0 

Disp 30 cc 
Sig gtt20HS 

Phosphorus 30X T T 

Disp oz. 1 

Sig, Four tablets T I D 

Glonoinum 6XTT 

Disp 500 
Sig 1 PRN 

Carduus mar D2 

Nux vomica D4 

Valenana 0 

Chehdon D2 

aa ad 50 0 cc 
Sig gtt 20 T I D ac 

The Osteopathic Concept 
The osteopathic concept os a system of 
medical practice was introduced by Andrew 
Taylor Still (1828-1917) who pracUced as 
a physician and surgeon m the state of 
Missouri From the time that he advocated 
a different approach to health and disease, 
and (or 18 years thereafter, osteopathy was a 
one man profession In 1892 Dr Still 
founded the first college of osteopathy at 
Kirksville, Missouri The charter granted the 
corpomUon (Amencan School of Osteop- 
athy) and Its board of trustees the right to 
coiffer the degree of Doctor of Medicme 
(M D ) However, the degree Doctor of 
Osteopathy (DO) was chosen 
The osteopathic concept, as interpreted by 
the faculty of the Ktrksville College of Oste- 
opathy, emphasizes four general pnnaples 
From ^ese are derived an etiologic concept, 
a philosophy and a therapeutic technic which 
are distmctive to osteopathy However, it is 
emphasized that these are not the only fea- 
tures of osteopathic diagnosis and treatment 
The four principles are as follows 

1 The body u a umt Though beterogeneoiu 
in structure, the human body funcuons as a 
umt in both health and disease Therefore, in 

390 Services lo the Allied Professions 

the managcmcQt of the patient, it is necessoiy 
to consider the patient as a whole 

2. The body possesses sell-regulatory nieeh- 
anisms These mechanums are operative m the 
A. Production of natural and acquired im 

D Hemostatic regulation of vital functions 
C. Repair of damaged tissues 
D Compensation for irreparable damage 

3 Structure arui lunetton are reciprocally 
inter related This relationship provides a basis 
for the structural etiology of disease and for 
the technics of manipulative therapy 

4 Rational therapy is based on an under 
standing of body unity, sell regulatory mech 
anisms and the inter relationship of structure 
and function All therapy is based on an evalua 
Uon of the patient as a whole, and, although 
special consideration is gisen to impairments 
arising m the musculoskeletal system, rauonal 
and appropnatc therapy may include surgery, 
the use of drugs or any other properly recog 
nued modality ** 

Osteopathic Education and Trainino 

A oimimum of 3 years of prescribed 
liberal arts educauoa followed by 4 years 
of professional study m an approved college 
of osteopathy are required for the de^e of 
Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) Seventy per 
cent of the 1961 entenog class had one or 
more degrees Almost all graduates (more 
than 99 per cent in 1960) serve an mtero- 
ship m an osteopathic hospital that has been 
approved by the Amencan Osteopathic Asso- 
ciaiion for irauung interns Those who wish 
to become certified as specialists must have 
at least 5 years of training after service as 
VQtcins The snccesslul compltncm of oral, 
wnttCQ and practical cxatnmaiions, which are 
administered by Certifying Boards, qualifies 
them as specialists Presently there are 12 
such boards ** 

There are now 5 accredited colleges of 
osteopathy m this country In 1962 there 
were approximately 1,561 students in these 
colleges which have about 350 graduates a 

Osteopathy in the United States 
The first national organtzaDon (Amcncan 
Association for the Advancement of Oste- 
opathy) was formed m 1897, m 1901 it 
changed its name to the Amencan Oste> 
opathic Assoaatiom The Assooation u a 

federaDon of divisional societies organized 
within the states and the tcmtoncs of the 
United States It publishes a scientific 
journal, an annual directory, a code of ethics 
and other publications for professional and 
lay use * 

Osteopaths are licensed to practice in all 
of the states and the temtoncs m accordance 
with the provisions of the heensmg laws The 
various laws provide for one of three types 
of licenses Alaska, Maryland, Mississippi 
and Montana issue limited licenses which do 
not permit the use of drugs or surgeiy 
Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Minne- 
sota, Morth Carolma North Dakota and 
South Carolma issue limited licenses which 
permit the use of either drugs or mmor sur- 
gery The other 38 states and the Distnct of 
Columbia usue unlimited licenses which 
allow osteopaths the same pnvilegcs of prac- 
tice that are granted medical doctors 
(M D ’s) “ 

There axe more than 14,000 D 0 's in the 
United States (one D O to every 17 M D ’s) 
and more than 13,000 are m active practice 
About 97 5 per cent of those in active prac- 
tice arc located m the 38 unlimited states and 
the District of Columbia, 2 0 per cent prac- 
tice in the 8 states that permit the use of 
either drugs or minor surgery, and 0 S per 
^nt arc located m the 4 states that allow 
only manipulative therapy More than half 
of ^1 D O s ore located m S states, namely, 
California, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and 
Pcrmsylvania. Most are in pnvatc practice 
and arc relatively young, 7 per cent of them 
are women fjcneral pracmiDners tend to 
locate m small towns or cities The specialists 
usually practice in large cities 

Prescribing Practices 

Although osteopaths were only 6 per cent 
of the practicmg physicians in 1961, they 
wrote more than 39 imllion new prescnptions 
or about 12 per cent of all the new presenp- 
Uoos ** About 88 per cent of the more than 
13,000 practicing osteopaths need the same 
pharmaceutical services required by physi- 
cians (M D ’s) There arc no drugs or pre- 
scriptions which arc unique to osteopathy 
Practicing pharmacists have the responsibility 
of cstabli^mg commumcation with the 
osteopaths m their commumties These prac- 

Podiatry (Chiropody) 391 

titioners need the consultative services of 
pharmacists even more than do physicians, 
because many are not detailed by representa- 
tives of drug compames to the extent that 
physicians are 


Chiropody, which hterally means the art 
of treatmg diseases of the hands and the feet, 
IS now used synonymously with podiatry The 
approximately 8,100 practitioners who are 
hcensed to practice in the 50 states and the 
Distnct of Columbia deal solely with pre- 
vention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases 
of the feet Hospitals, city health depart- 
ments and clmics of the Veterans Administra- 
tion use the services of podiatnsts As com- 
missioned officers m the Medical Service 
Corps, podiatrists establish and supervise 
dimes of podiatry in the several branches 
of the Armed Forces In 1959, a study con- 
ducted at an armed force trammg center re- 
vealed that 6 per cent of all recruits were 
referred to podiatrists for consultation and 

PoDUTRic Education and Practice 

In 1962, five colleges of podiatry or 
chiropody were reported as being ac- 
credited These colleges award the degree 
of Doctor of Podiatry (Pod D ) or Doctor 
of Surgical Chiropody (DSC) after the 
completion of a course of study which m- 
cludes 1 or 2 years of prescribed hberal 
arts educaUon and 4 years of professional 
education and training All podiatrists are 
licensed to practice by board examiners who 
administer qualifying exammations At least 
4 states require the completion of a 1-year 
internship after graduation Reciprocity is 
available to practitioners m all but 16 of the 

State lavvs vary, but, as a rule, podiatrists 
are licensed to diagnose and treat most foot 
ailments by medic^, surgical, physical and 
mechanical means They use roentgenopa- 
phy, biopsy, unnalysis and biologic and blood 
tests m diagnoses They perform various 
tj-pes of surgery on the feet (no amputa- 
tions) They do not treat systcime diseases 
However, they arc qualified by academic 
background to know when foot or lower-leg 
pathology indicates the possible existence of 

certam systemic diseases and the necessi^ 
for refeiT^ to a physician They do not ad- 
minister general anesthetics but they mject 
local anesthetics Thirty-five states and the 
Distnct of Columbia permit podiatrists to 
prescribe all forms of medication The other 
states place varymg limitations on presenb- 
ing pnvileges ® 

Forms and Sources of Drugs 
Used Bv Podiatrists 

The National Formulary (N F XI) con- 
tams the formulas for 17 specialty prepara- 
tions used mpodiatnc practice These include 
solutions, suspensions, ointments and a 
powder They are representative of some of 
the topical medicmes used by podiatrists 
In addition to the formulas for special^ 
preparauons, the V F Y also included a list 
of more than 100 drugs and preparations 
used by podiatnsts All of the drugs neces- 
sary to compound these formulas are stocked 
by phaimacies, yet practically all podiatnsts 
obtain their office supplies from supply 
houses, pnmanly because pharmacists make 
no effort to ascertam the needs of podiatnsts 

Pharmaceutical Services Required 
By Podiatrists 

Educators and practitioners of podiatry 
have slated that the use of prescnptions is 
indispensable to a satisfactory and successful 
practice of podiatry Therefore, the relation 
between podiatrists and pharmacists should 
be the same as that between physicians and 
pharmacists Pharmacists should not pre- 
senbe and sell medicinals for the treatment 
of ailments of the feet which require diag- 
nosis They have a responsibihty to assist m 
educating the pubbe concemmg foot health 
care This responsibihty dictates that phar- 
macists should inform their customers of the 
availabihty of podiatrists’ services, and they 
should make referrals when necessary 

Podiatnsts also want and need the con- 
sultative services of pharmacists conceming 
drugs and the wnting of presenpuons The 
need for these services is so great that at 
least one company sells booklets of presenp- 
Dons to podiatrists These booklets contam 
IS presenpUons, each of which is prmted 
on a tear-off label The advertisement states 
that this is a “dispensmg service "** This 

392 Servicet to ihs Allied Professions 

service IS obviously a responsibility of pnic> 
ticmg pharmacists 

The following arc examples of presenp- 
tions used m the practice of podiatry 
Analgesics. In most cases, podiatrists can 
admmisler elTcctise local treatment to chnu' 
nate foot pain However, there arc occasions 
when oral medication is needed to relieve foot 
pain ivhich may vary from mild to severe 
For Rehef of Mild Pain 

12. n 

Acetophenetidin (U SP ) gr uss 

Acetylsalicylio acid (U.SP) gr mss 

Caffeine (0^ P ) gr ss 

MfLCap No l.DTD No 24 
Sig 11 q 4 h p r □ for pain 

13 n 

Pentobarbital sodium (USP) gr ss 

Acctylsalicylic acid (USP) gr v 

M ft Cap No 1 
MitteNo 21 
Sig 1 q 4-S h. for pain 
For Relief of hfoderate Pain 

14 n 

Acetopbeaclidia (U S P ) gr iiss 

Acet)UaIic}Iie acid (USP) gr mss 

Caffeine (U.S P ) 

Codeine phosphate (U-S P ) aa gr $$ 
MftCap No l.DTD No 16 

Sig I not oftencr than q 4 h pjrn 
for pain 

15 n 

Ethoheptazine citrate 75 mg 

Acetylsalicylic acid (U S P ) 325 mg 

Mft lab No 1. DTD No 24 
Sig 1 or 2 tabs. 3-4 times daily for paio 
For Relief of Severe Pain 

16 U 

Mcpcndinc HG Tablets 

(USP) lOOmg 

No 9 

Sig. Tab I q 6 h. p r n. for pain 

17 n 

Methadone HG Tablets 
(U.S P ) Urns 

TD No 10 

Sig Tab 1 not oficner q 6 h p r n for 

18 n 

Dextro propoxyphene 32 mg 

Acetophenetidin (USP) 162 mg 

Acctylsalicylic acid (U.SP) 227 ms 

Caffeine (USP) 32 4 mg 

Mft Cap No 1, MitteNo 20 
Sig Cap 1 or 2 q 6 h for pom 
19 1> 

Levorphanol tartrate tablets 

Sig 1 q 8 h 

Sedatives and Hypnotics Patients who arc 
apprehensive and restless pnor to, during or 
after treatment or surgery may need the relief 
afforded by these drugs 

20 n 

Pentobarbital sod Cap (USP) gr iss 

No 6 

Sig 1 cap Vi h before appointment 

21 n 

Secobarbital sod Cap (USP) gr iss 

No 12 

Sig I h s for sleep 

22 n 

GluIcUumide Tab (N F ) Q 5 

No 10 

Sig 1 tab ut diet p r n 

<\nli mfcclncs Anubiotics and suifona 
nudes arc used to treat infections of the feet 
and the lower port of the legs They arc also 
used prophylactically in foot fractures or foot 
surgery, with diabetic patients and those who 
have a history of rheumauc fever infectious 
hepatitis or recent pulmonary disease A1 
though the sulfonamides and the broad 
spectrum anubiotics are prescribed, the oral 
preporauoDs of pcniciUm arc used most fre- 
quently The following arc examples of prep- 
arations prescribed by podiatrists 

Veterinary Medicine 393 

23 5 

Buffered peniciUio G Tabs 

(U^P) 125 mg 

No 12 

Sig lq4h between meals 

24 5 

Potassium phenethiciUm Tabs 250 mg 

No 12 

Sig 2 stat, then 1 q 4 h q i d 

25 n 

Erythromycm Tab (USP) 250 mg 

No 12 

Sig 1 q 6 h 

26 U 

Phenoxyinelhyl penicillm for 
oral suspension (USP) 60cc 

Sig lOcc tid Ih ac 

27 D 

Tetracycline HQ Caps 

(USP) 250mg 

Sig 2 caps q i d 

28 0 

Triple sulfa Tabs 0 5 Cm 

No 36 

Sig 4 tabs stat , then 2 q i d with full 
glass of water 



Vetermary medicine is a separate, self- 
governing profession with its own system of 
education, licensure and organization As an 
organized medical profession it is relatively 
young, the first veterinary college m the 
United States having been established m 
Philadelphia m 1854 By 1900 about 30 
vetermary schools had been organized, and, 
with the exceptions of the statfi-supporied 
institutions of Iowa, Ohio, Washmgton State 
and Ciimcll, New York, they were pnvately 
supported More than 10,000 vetennanans 
were graduated from the pnvately-supported 
colleges before the last one — located m 
Washmgton, D C— closed m 1927 At pres- 
ent there are 18 vetermary schools m the 
United States and two m Canada, all are 

associated with a college or a umversity and 
arc accredited by the American Vetermary 
Methcal Association ( A V M A ) 

Veterinary Medical Education 

Ihe 18 schools and colleges of vetermary 
medicme m the Umted States have their roots 
m the schools of agriculture Most were out- 
growths of departments of vetermary science 
With the exception of Tuskegec Institute and 
the University of Pennsylvama, all of the 
vetermary colleges and schools are located 
in land-grant or state-operated institutions 
Seven of the state-supported vetermary 
schools have been established smee the end 
of World Warn 

Smee 1949 all of the colleges have re- 
quired a minimum of 2 years of college edu- 
cation for entrance to the 4-year professional 
program. Although mdividual courses vary, 
all professional cumculums mclude 2 years 
of basic sciences and 2 years of climcal vet- 
eruary medicme and surgery Most of the 
colleges are of comparable size and no col- 
lege admits more than 75 students m a feesh- 
fflan class In 1961 there were approximately 
two applicants for each available place and 
about one fifth of those admitted had ac- 
quired advanced degrees prior to admit- 

In most colleges the students are requned 
to gam practical expenence by working at 
least one summer session with a practitioner 
Several colleges have internship programs 
which students must complete before they re- 
ceive degrees Each year about 900 graduates 
receive the degree of Doctor of Veterinary 
Medicme (D V M or V M D ) from the 20 
colleges About 10 per cent of the vetermary 
students, many facul^ members and others 
engaged m research are domg graduate work 
m the fields of anatomy, microbiology, 
pharmacology, physiology, pubbe health and 
vetermary pathology On the completion of 
these studies they receive the degree of 
Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy 

Veterinary Medical Licensure 

Each state has an examining board which 
administers written, oral and practical cx- 
anunations to candidates for licensure There 
are about 25 states that use the objecuve tests 


Servicet to tho Allied Professions 

\stuch are prepared by the National Board 
of Veterinary Medical Examiners (estab- 
lished m 1950) and the Professional Ex- 
amination Service of the Amencan Public 
Health Association. It is expected that in- 
creasingly more states will use these exami- 
nations Other staustical data concemmg the 
profession of \etennaiy medicine are shown 
in Table 85 

Table 85 Data Coscermnq Veterinary 
Medicine IN 1962* 

Vetcrinonam m the Uzuted States 21,954 
Vetennonans m Canada 1,597 

Membership in AV MA. 16,131 

Vetennonans m general practice 501% 
Vctcnnarians in small animal 
practice 22 1% 

VeCennanam in other types of 
practice 3 2% 

Vetennaruns m teaching and 
research 5 6% 

Vetennanans in regulation, nulilaiy 
and public health 1 1 2% 

Vetennanans in miscellaneous 
activities 7 8% 

Number of ammol hospitals in the 
United States 4,000 

Number of animal hospitals that 
specialize m or include small ani- 
mal treatment 3,000 

Number of families in U S that 
own one or more dogs 17,900,000 

Number of families lo U S that 

own one or more cats 1 1300,000 

Number of students who entered 
vetennary colleges in 1961 1,104 

Total number of students enrolled 
in vetennary colleges for the aca- 
demic year 1961*1962 4,008 

Total number of women students 
enrolled in 1961-1962 157 

*AVMA Bulleun Vetennary Roundup d. No 
1 , 1962 . 

Tub American Veterinary Medical 
Association (a V.hf A) 

The A V.MA , which is the professional 
organizatioa of Amcncon and Canadian vet- 
ennonons, was founded ss the United States 
Veterinary Medical Association on June 9, 
1 863, in New York City. It assumed its pres- 

ent name in 1898 The Association is com- 
posed of 63 constituent associations repre- 
senting vetennanans in the 50 states, the 
Canadian proving, the U S temtones and 
possessions, the Federal Government and 
the Armed Forces The Association has its 
headquarters in Chicago and maintains a 
bureau m Washmgton, D C 

The Association publishes the Journal of 
tfae Amencan Veterinary Medical Associa- 
tion (semimonthly), The Amencan Journal 
of Veterinary Research (bimonthly) and a 
Directory (annually) Special^ Boards m 
veterinary mcdicmc recognized by the 
A V M A are the American College of Vet- 
erma^ Pathologists, the Amencan College of 
Laboratory Animal Medicine and the Ameri- 
can Board of Vetennary Public Health 

Veterinary Medical Practitioners 

Most vetennanans are currently engaged 
m the following fields of work 

1 Pnvatc practice (about 66 per cent)— 
large animal, small animal or mued practice 

2. Covernment service (about 14 per cent) 
— federal (domestic or foreign), state and local 
(county or municipal) work m animal disease 
control, research and publie health areas 

3 Military service m the Army or the Air 
Force Veterinary Corps (about 4 per cent) 

4 Teaching, research, or both (about 43 per 

5 Commeraal employment (about 13 per 
ccDt)^ — those engaged in the development, the 
production, and the testing of biologic 
products ** 

Services Required From Practiciso 

Pet vetennanans have the greatest need 
for tfae services of practicing pharmacists 
These practitioners serve persons who arc 
emotionally motivated to seek care for their 
pets and, therefore, readily accept presenp- 
tiOQS, whereas fanners are pnmarily inter- 
ested m the dollar value of the onunals which 
must be treated. Smee most form calls are 
for the treatment of emergency illnesses or to 
gisc mjcctioos for immumzatioa, the medi- 
cines arc usually administered by seten- 
oanons Despite these facts, pharmacists con 
provide some services if satisfactory com- 
munication is established Pharmacists should 
especially know that the USP, the NF, 

Veferinary Medicine 395 

and other pharmaceutical tejctbooks are is- 
cludmg mcreasmgly more mfonnation coc- 
cenuag drugs used by vetermanans 

Pharmaceutical Preparations Used by 
Farm Veterinarians 
Biologicals are the most unportant o£ the 
mjections used by farm vetermanans The 
quahty of these preparations is controlled by 
the U S Department of AgncuUure through 
Its Animal Inspection and Quarantme Di- 
vision of Agncultural Research Service, 
USD A Approximately 125 kinds of vel- 
ermary biologicals were produced in 1959 
by 65 companies Vetennarians use anti- 
sera, vaccines, bacterms, antitoxms, toxoids 
and other mjectablcs m the prevenuon, the 
diagnosis and the treatment of diseases of 
animak Examples of die preparations used 

1 Antisera 

Anti anthrax serum 











AnU blackleg 





Hog cholera antiserum (porcine ongm) 
Swine erysipelas aatisenim (equine origia) 
2 Antitoxins 

Botulmus antitoxin (Types A, B and C) 
Tetanus antitoxin 

3 Baeterins 

Mixed bactenn, avian (chicken formula) 

Leptospira pomona bactenn 

4 Toxoids 

Tetanus toxoid (alum precipitated) 

5 Vaccines 

Anthrax spore vaceme 

Rabies vaccine 

6 Diagnostic Antigens 

Leptospira antigen 

Pullorum disease antigen, stained, poly- 

'Diberculm (intradcrmal) 

Pharmaceutical Preparations Used by 
Pet Veterinarians 

The oral and the topical medications used 
to treat pets are similar to or identical with 
those used m the treatment of human beings 
However, the doses and the nomcncUituie 
of many of these drugs differ In addition, 
pharmacists should be aware of the unusual 
reactions of cats to certain drugs 

The dosage regunen of animals is deter- 
mined by body weight As a rule, the dose 
for cats is one half that of the human adult 
and the dose for the average dog (about 45 
lbs ) IS the same as that for the adult human 
being Cats are very sensitive to the alkaloids 
of opium and their derivatives, and phenolic 
compounds are usually not apphed topically 
Ihe following presenpUons are representa- 
tive of the compositions of pharmaceutical 
specialties promoted to pet velennanans 


Category Prescription Remarks 


Prophenpyndamine maleate 


Used for eczema, pruntis. 


20 mg 

mange and other der- 

dl methionine (N F ) 

30 mg 


M fL Cap No 1 

MiUeNo 24 

Sig Give one Li d 

Codeine phosphate (U S P ) 

gr IV 

Used to treat coughs and 


Sodium citrate (U S P ) 



Anunomum chlonde (U S P ) 

gr XX 

Ipecac syrup (U^ P ) 

Tolu balsam syrup (U^ P ) 


qj ad 

Sig 3 1 q 4 h 


F.ihylrnnrnhme hydrochlonde 

Used to treat broocIuUs 



gr V 

and tracheitis (should 

Potassium guaiacolsulfonate 

not be administered to 





Services to the Allied Professions 












Gcnatnc Formula 


Potassium citrate (N P ) 

Citnc acid (U^ P ) 

Alcohol (USP) 

Orange s) rup (U^ P ) q s ad 
Sig o I tud 

Iodoform (N P ) 

Tannic acid (N P ) 

Potassium alum 
Bone acid (Ui> P ) oa 
Exsiccated ferrous sulfate 

Talc (U S P ) qj ad 

Sig Use topically as directed 

Neomycin sulfate (U^ P ) 

Hydrophilic ointment (USP) 
q s ad 

Sig Apply to affected area b i d 
Bismuth subgallate (N F ) 

Oil ofeade(USP)aa 
Resorcinol (USP) 

Bumulb subniirate (N F ) 
Calamine (USP) 

Zinc oxide (USP) 

White ointment ( U S P ) q s ad 
Sig Apply as directed 

Phenylephrine HCKU^P) 
Chlorprophenpyndamme ma 

Dihydrocodcinone bilartrate 

Chloroform (U^P) 

Menthol (USP) 

Alcohol (USP) 

Aromatic cUxir (U.S P ) 
q s ad 

Sig lOcc Lid 

Dextromorphao HOr (N F ) 
Mcthoxyphcnamine KCl 
Sodium citrate (U^ P ) 

Cherry syrup (U^ P ) qj ad 
Sig 2cc.q4h 
Dicthylstilbestrol (U^ P ) 
McibylCestostcrone (U^ P ) 
Vitamin B 13 

Thiamin HCl (U^P)aa 
Nicotinamide (U^ P ) 
Riboflavin (USP) 

Pyndoxine HQ (US P ) 
Calcium pantothenate 
(USP) aa 

Cherry syrup (US.P) q.sjd 
Sig Give 5 cc. Lid 









5 * 


1 % 



9 % 




10 % 







6 : 

90 j 

1 8 mg 
360 mg 

18 0 mg 
90 Drag 

9 0 mg. 


Used to control capillary 

Used for supcrllcial sbn 
infections or abrasions 

For nuDor sbn conditions 
or first degree bums 

For respiratory conditions 
mucosa, bronchospasm, 
and cough (use with 
caution for cals) 

For cough associated with 
bronchial constriction 

Used m genatnes rccom 
mended for prcopcrativc 
and postopcraihe use 
also for weakened and 
deficient states due to 
any cause 

Vetennary Medicine 397 





Hematinic Vitamin 

Desiccated liver (N F ) 

Ferrous gluconate (U S P ) 
Thiamm HCl (U S P ) 

Riboflavin (U S P ) 

Nicotinamide (U S P ) 

Mft Cap No I 

TD No 36 

Sig Give 2 b 1 d 

0 250 
0 120 
0 003 
0 001 

0 DOS 

Used for anemias, malnu- 
tritioD and anorexia, also 
as a tonic following re- 
moval of intestinal para- 

Anti arthritic 

Metfaylprednisolone Tab 

No 24 

Sig Give one 1 1 d for 4 days, 
then one bid 

2 mg 

Recommended for use in 
certain skin, otic and 
ocular diseases, also used 
in allergic and stress 

Anti infective 

Potassium penicdlm G (USP ) 
200 M units 

Sulfadiazine (U S P ) 
Sulfamethazme (USP) 
Sulfamerazine (USP) 

M ft Cap No 2 

D T D No 12 

Sig One Capsule V6 h ac 

I bid 

0) 167 

0 167 
0| 167 

Used for treatment of ab- 
scesses, poeumoma and 
other suscepbble infec- 

AnU infective 

Tetracycline HCl Capsules 
(USP ) 


Sig Give two capsules q 6 b 

125 mg 

Used to treat pentomtis, 
hemorrhagic septicemia, 
parotitis, otitis media and 
otherinfectious processes 



Neomyem sulfate (USP) 
Sulfaguanidioe (N F ) 

Sulfadiazine (USP) 
Sulfamerazine (U S P ) aa 

Kaolm (N F ) 

Fectm (N F ) 

Peppermint water (USP) 
q s ad 

Sig 5 1 b 1 d 

gr V 

3 11 

gr vm 

5 VI 
gr vm 

Used for diarrheal condi- 
tions associated with in- 
fectious enteritis, dis- 
temper, leptospirosis and 
parasitic mfestation 



Bismuth subcarbonate (USP) 
Phenyl salicylate (N F ) aa 

Zinc phenolsulfonate (Nj^ ) 

Pepsm (N F ) 

Methylcellulose (U S P ) % 

Lactated pepsin elixir (N J ) 

Sig Give 2 to 4 cc. Li d 

0 5 

0 3 

1 0 

120 0 

An antacid, astringent and 
protectant for use in 
conditions where gastro- 
intcsunal imtation exists 



Aluminum hydroxide gel 

Sig 5to lOcc q2-4h. 

240 0 

Used in treatment of pep- 
tic ulcers (gastnc and 
duodenal), idso for the 
relief of symptomatic 



Pentobarbital sodium (USP) 
Belladonna extract (N F ) 

M fL Capsules No 20 

Sig . Cap 1 U-d. 



Used in the treatment of 
spastic states of the gas- 
trointestinal, the bOury 
antt the unnaiy tracts 


Servicet lo the Allied Profesiion* 






Anil asthmatic 

Ammoph>lline (U S P ) 

Dried aluminum hydroxide get 



Used to treat asthma, as* 
cites, edema and cardiac 


(USP ) 

Phenobarbital (U.S P ) 

DTD No 15 

Sig Give 1 tab daily 

Chlorpromazinc HCl Tablets 






For use in treatment of 


MittcNo XII 

Sig Tab lql2h 



hystena car sickness and 


Prednisolone (USP) 

5 mg 

Used in the treatment of 


H)droxy 2 ine HCl (N F ) 

M ft Cap No 1 

MittcNo 12 

Sig Cap Ibid for 3 days 
then 1 daily 

10 mg 

a vanety of allergic con 
ditions complicated by 
anxiety and tension ex 
amplcs are chrome urti* 
coria keratitis prunus 
kennel cough, eczemas 
and kcrato-conjunctivitis 


Hydrocortisone acetate (USP) 


For the treatment of oeu 


Neomycin sulfate (USP) 


lar inflammation and in 

Benzolkonium chlonde 

Phcnacaine HCl (N P ) 

H) droph die petrolatum (USP) 

(Dispense m ophthalmic tube) 

Sig Apply ou bid 

1 5000 



Muscle Relaxant 

McphcncsmTablcts (N F ) 


Sig Give one U d 

500 mg 

For treatment of spastic 
eonditions associated 
with disease or injury to 
a joint also used in 
chorea, arthnUs and 

sU>chmnc potsomog 


1 Adams, J E Abstract of State Laws, 
p 15, Washington, DC, Amcncan Fo 
diatiy Association, 1961 

3. IbiJ p 37 

3 A V M A. Bulletin Velennaiy Roundup 
6 No I, 1962 

4 Breuster, R. E Coraers in Osteopathy, 
Guidance Leaflet No 23, p 8, U S Gov 
emment Pnntuig Ofllcc, Wastunglon, 
DC, 1961 

5 Bulletin No 1300>71, p 2, U S Govern 
ment Printing Oflice, Wo^ngton, DC. 

6 Bureau Report Summary of survn of 
dental practice, D,A 62 765, 1961 

7 Burlage, H ^f , Lee, C and Rising, 
L. W OnentaiioQ to Pharmacy, p 271. 
New York, McGraw Hill, 1959 

8 Committee Report Dental education, 
J ADA 62 95,\96\ 

9 Constituent societies aflUiated 

with A Dj\ , Ju\ D A 63 179,1961 

10 Couned Report Growth of the National 
Board, J A D^ 65 410,1961 

1 1 Darlington, R C Improving prescription 
practices, 111, J N Ph A 2 26 1955 

12 • - - - The status of dental therapeutics 
in dental schools and colleges, J N Fh A 
S 30, 1958 

13 Deno R A Rowe, T D, and Brodie 
D C The Profession of Pharmacy, p 9 
Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1959 

14 Division of Operational Studies, A^ M C 
Current trends in career choices among 
medical graduates J Med Educ 3? 239, 

15 Flconcr, A Medical Education m the 

Veterinary Medicine 399 

Umted States and Canada, p 3, New York, 
The Carnegie Foundation for the Ad- 
vancement of Teaching, 1910 

1 6 Furr, E B Pnvate communication, 
March, 1962 

17 Furr, W B , and Furr, E B Private com- 
munication, June, 1962 

18 Green, J M The Heart of Homeopathy, 
p 24, Washington, D Q, American Foun 
dation for Homeopathy, 1961 

19 Ibid ,p 4 

20 Hillenbrand, H Dentists will write 18 
million Bs by 1970, APP 28 23, 1962 

21 Hockstein, E S The role of the podiatrist 
15 the naval service, J,APA. 51 488, 

22 HoUinshead. B S The Survey of Den 
tistry, p 239, Washington, D C , Ameri- 
can Council on Education. 1961 

23 Ibid.p 241 

24 lbid,p 414 

25 Ibid, p 565 

26 Ibid.p 95 

27 Homeopathic Societies, JAIH 55 D, 
Nos land 2, 1962 

28 Information and Statisucs Bulletm, Amen- 
can Osteopathic Association, Chicago, 


29 Lavelle, M B Pnvate communication, 
June, 1962 

30 ' Pnvate communication, January, 


31 Miller, C E An mquuy mto medical 
teaching, J Med Educ 37 185, 1962 

32 Mills, L W Educational Supplement, 
J^O A , 61 393, 1962 

33 Mordell, J S The Prescnption Study of 
the Phann-iceuCscsl Survey, p 20, Wash- 
ington, D C , Amencan Council on Edu- 
cation, 1949 

34 Myers, T J Advisory Board of Osteo- 
pathic Specialists and Board of Certifica- 
tion, J AO A, 60 577, 1961 

35 National Formulary, 10th ed, p 801, 
Washington, D C , American Pharmaceu- 
tical Association, 1955 

36 National Formulary, 11th ed , p 491, 
Washington, D C , Amencan Pharmaceu- 
tical Association, 1960 

37 Olsen, P C IJ refills overtake new 
scnpt business, Drug Topics 106 41, 1962 

38 Prescnption Survey Report, Amencan 
Druggist /45 7, 1962 

39 Report of Committee on Government 
Operations, Veterinary Medical Science 
and Human Health, p 159, Washington, 
D C , U S Government Pnnting Oflice, 

40 Ibid.p 171 

41 Rising, L W Professional consulting — a 
neglected function of pharmacy, Am J 
Pbarm. Educ 26 209, 1962 

42 Rubin, A Desk Reference and Directory, 
p 10, Washington, D C, Amencan Po- 
diatry Association, 1962 

43 Op cit, p 87 

44 Schenng booklet, op cit,p 29 

45 Sheps, C G Problems, pressures, and 
prospects, J Med Educ 36 3, 1961 

46 Siskin, M Senior dental students wnte 
Bs, pharmacy students fill them, APP 
28 34, 1962 

47 Stephenson, H C , and Mittelstaedt, S G * 
Vetermary Drug Encyclopedia and Thera- 
peutic Index, 9tb Edition, p 7, New York 
City, R H Donnelley Corp , 1961 

48 Survey by Professional Market Research, 
Drug Topics, 106, No 2, p 27, 1962 

49 The Homeopathic Pharmacopeia, 6th Re- 
vised Edition, p 33, Boston, Amencan In 
stJtulc of Homeopathy, 1941 

50 Therapeutic Agents for DENTAL Medi- 
cine/Surgery, p 18, Bloomfield, N J, 
Schenng Corporation, 1961 

51 Ibid ,p 18 

52 Therapeutic Agents Useful in Dentistry, 
p 4, Indianapolis, Eh Lilly and Co , 1961 

53 Ibtd.p 11 

54 Ibid , p 21 

55 Ibtd.p 26 

chapter 12 

Prescription Accessories 
and Related Items 

Walter Singer, Ph D.* 

The term prescription accessories was 
corned in 1949 to categorm: the many items 
uhich the pharmacist provides to meet the 
needs of the patient who is being cared for 
at home * It encompasses a wide range of 
devices from which there has been selected 
a represcQtaUve sampling for discussion in 
this chapter These and related items arc 
sometimes altcmauvcly designated as raedici* 
nal adjuncts, sick>room supplies, convales* 
cent ai^ or surgical supplies 

As these names imply, a prescription usu- 
ally IS not essential to the legal dispcnsmg of 
such devices Ocarly, society has designated 
to the pharmacist the pnmc responsibility for 
informing the lay person or the presenber 
Vihcn there is need for appliances or supi^ics 
necessary to ensure correct use of medicines, 
to provide desirable correlative care of the 
sick individual or to enhance his comfort 
Additionally, the pharmacist is expected to 
advise micUigcntly m the choice of a suitable 
accessory from among the variety of avail- 
able competitive products Mhich may seem 
indistinguishable to the untramed e)e He 
must warn against dangers of misuse as well 
as mform about correct use, maintenance and 
storage This chapter is onented toward sup- 
pl)U)g basic and specialized information 
alMUt properties and uses of prescription ac- 
cessories so as (o permit the phonnacist to 
meet these multiple responsibilities now and 
m the future Obviously a suitable intern- 
ship under a preceptor knoi^lcdgeablc in this 

*Ai%btact Profeuor of Phannac}' aoJ Fbanna 
ceuti^al Chenusiry, Univtmiy of California Scboid 
of Pharmacy, San Franciwo 

area is a desirable complement to the dis- 
cussions presented herem The choice of ac- 
ccssoncs to be discussed has been governed 
by several factors Some devices deserve men- 
uon because of their widespread usage, as 
shown in Table 86 Most attention is given 
to those whose complexity in design or use 
leads to opportunity for a professional serv- 
ice Others (such as orthopedic appliances) 
demand training in fitting or adjusting to the 
degree that quite extensive course work at 
specialized schools is almost mandatory for 
obtaining suHicient information to be truly 
useful l^ese are not discussed. 

Body temperature is commonly assumed 
to remain at so constant a level m health that 
a deviation from the limits of the accepted 
normal range is regarded by the physician 
and the layman as diagnostic of body mal- 
function Fallacies in this concept have been 
pointed out A satisfactory approxima- 
tion of the temperature of the interna] organs 
can be made b^ insertion of a suitable ^cr- 
roometer mto cither the mouth or the rectum, 
these being closed cavities with fairly large 
blood vessels Studies^'' of large samples of 
norma! individuals have showTi oral tempera- 
tures to range from 97 0 to 100 4° F with 
98 6* F popularly accepted as average (Fig 
129) A diurnal vanation of nearly 2° F 

71)6 author wiibes to express hu grautuJe to Mr 
Doa HascUon who took the onpinal pictures for all 
the figures in thu chapter with the cxcepuoa of 

Figures 135, 141, 149, 159 and 165 


Clinical Thermometers 401 

Table 86 Sales of Prescription Accessories in Pharmacies 


1962 Sales IN 

Pharmacy % of 
Total Sales 


$ 1,190,000 


Medicated plasters 



Medical atomizers 






Eyecups, enamelware, hard rubber specialties 



Flat goods, water bottles etc 

10 ,000,000 


Ice bags, icecaps 



Feminine bulb syringes 


Infant bulb synnges 



Folding synnges 

4.330 000 


Heating pads 



Men’s supporter belts 



Fmt aid supplies 



Other elastic goods 






Heat lamps 



Fever thermometers 



Athletic supporters 

3,530 000 


Invalid nags 



Abdominal belts 



Elastic stockings 



Crutch tips, pads 



Colostomy appliances, unnals 


• Data from Olsen P C 'Vhat customers spent for all products sold in drug stores Drug Topics 
107 6, July 15, 1963, Olsen P C Pharmacies up five million dollars m first aid sales Drug Topics 
107 40 July 1, 1963 y *C 

may occur with minim a m the period of low 
activity between 2 and 6AM and with 
maxima at active periods in the afternoon “ 
Rectal temperatures are said to be 1® F 
higher than oral, although differences of only 
07to09“F are frequently encountered 
Values above 99 4° F orally and 100 3® F 

Fig 129 An esumate of the ranges in 
body temperature found in normal per- 
sons From DuBois, E. F Fever and the 
Regulation of Body Temperature, Spring 
field, IlL^lhomas^ 1948 

Heat Stroke 
Brain lesions 
Fever Therw 
F csRitE Disease 


Karo Exerdsc 







Efficient in 
FEBRILE Disease 
Health AND \M0RK 





Fig 130 Extremes of human body 
temperature with an attempt to define the 
zones of temperature relation From 
DuBois, E. F Fever and the Regulation 
of Body Temperature, Spnngfield, 111 , 
Thomas, 1948. 

402 Prescnpiton Accessories and Reloted Items 

Fio 131 (le/t) Types of clioicot (her 
mometcrs A. Security bulb B Basal 
thermometer with oailhcad stem C Oral 
bulb, flat type stem D Rectal bulb, ceo 
Ugrade scale (RighO A model of the 
constriction chamber of a elinical ther* 
momeier Powdered iron (appeanog 
black) IS used to represent the mercury 
The central depression or ''air bubble is 
made by collapsing the healed wail of the 
stem so as to obliterate the center of the 
lumen The openings around the depres 
sion are about 00006” in diameter in the 
clinical thermometer 

rcctally arc coosidcrcd fcbnic, with perhaps 
5 per cent chance ol cnor m this respect 
Feser may have an emoUonal coni{:«ncDt, 
but, more frequenUy, elevation of body tem- 
perature above normal is caused by an in- 
tcctious process inflammation of an area, 
bram mjury, dehydration or certam drugs 
Temperatures below 96 6" arc considered 
subnormal Malnutrition, shock, excessive 
perspiration or prolonged exposure to cold 
may lead to low body temperatures While 
the exact mechanisms by which changed 
locls of body temperature arc produced and 
maintained are not known, such shifts are 
said to be due to “resetting the hypothalmic 
thermostat” Physiologic aspects of body 
temperature, temperature regulation and fever 
have recently been well reviewed” Body 

temperatures under dilTcrcot conditions are 
illustrated m Figure 130 

Characteristics and Manufacture of Ther- 
mometers. The expert design of the chnical 
or fever thermometer (Fig 131, left), which 
permits measurement of temperature with 
ease and accuracy, often is not appreciated 
by cither the user or the pharmacist The 
thermometer, about 4 mches in over-all 
length, IS short enough to be supported m the 
mouth or the rectum without difliculty and 
to be easily carried about or stored, yet its 
scale may span as much as 18® F In order 
to obtam maximum linear movement of the 
mercury with small changes m temperature, 
the thermometer bulb is made quite large 
while the diameter of the stem capillary is 
only about 0 001 to 0 004 inches, approxi- 
mately one tenth that of the human hair** 
The stem tubing is tnacgular m cross-section, 
forming a prism so that the column of mer- 
cury 15 magnified os the user looks at it 
through the apex VisibiLty is enhanced by 
the background fumisbcd by ao opaque strip 
of glass fused along the base of the triangle 
Smee the scale is not easily seen while the 
thermometer is still inserted orally or rec- 
tally. It IS necessary to arrange to make the 
mercury column remain at its highest point 
even after the thermometer is returned to 
room temperature This sclf-rcgistermg fea- 
ture is provided by a small constricUon cham- 
ber (Fig 131, right) formed in the capillary 
about meb above the juncture of the stem 
and the bulb The heated, expanding mer- 
cury must force its way through the two tiny 
openings which penetrate the chamber, but, 
as shnnking into the bulb starts on cooling, 
these thin columns of mercury break at the 
constriction, leaving the column level un- 
changed m the stem above After the reading 
is taken, the mercury may be forced back 
down the stem by shaking the thermometer 

Oral, rectal and security (stubby) bulbs 
arc available (Fig 131) The oral bulb is 
^lindncal, elongated, and thin-walled for 
quick registration The rectal bulb has i 
strong, blunt, p>car shape which aids in inser- 
tion into the rectum and retention by sphinc- 
ter muscles The short sturdy sccunty bulb 
represents a compromise intermediate shape 
suited to either o^ or rectal use Acceptance 

Clinicol Thermometers 403 

of this bulb has increased markedly m recent 
years as the pharmacist has made known to 
the pubhc its advantages of dual use and 
resistance to breakage 

Climcal thermometers are not machine- 
made Glass blowers form each bulb mdi> 
vidually and then jom bulbs and stems m one 
of the hrst of the many operations mvolved 
m producing a fimshed thermometer ® 

Exact reproduabihty in size and shape of 
bulb is not possible m such handwork, con- 
sequently each thermometer is impredictably 
unique m the amount of mercury it contains 
Each must have its scale detenmned indi- 
vidually by calibration Thus, two thermom- 
eters, even though identified by the same 
catalog number and sold as equivalent, may 
have scale lengths and upper and lower limits 
which differ Immersion m water baths ther- 
mostated to maintam known temperatures 
establishes the mercury levels for the scale 
limits of a given thermometer “Pointing” 
machmes automatically space and draw tn 
intermediate scale markings on the wax- 
coated stem which can then be etched by 
unmersion m hydroSuonc acid Suitable pig- 
ments are pamted into the scale marks to 
increase visibihty The Fahrenheit scale is 
commonly used in this country, but many 
manufacturers make at least some of their 
styles available optionally with the Centigrade 

“Hard shakers” with too narrow constne- 
tions and * retreaters” with too wide apertures 
are detected by appropriate tests and are dis- 
carded by lehable manufacturers Thennom- 
eters are then stored m “seasonmg vaults” 
for 4 to 6 months to allow the glass to 
achieve molecular stabihty After thu aging 
the accuracy of calibration is rechecked m 
thermostated tanks before release for distri- 
bution Some manufacturers season their 
thermometers before etching m the scale 
Accelerated agmg by heat treatment is now 
practiced also Minim um requirements for 
cUnicai thermometers have been dcvcli^d 
by cooperative efforts of manufacturers, dis- 
tributors and users along with the U S De- 
partment of Commerce These are set forth 
m Commercial Standard 1-52 (CSI-52) • 

* Available from ihe Supennvendent of Docu 
menu, U S. PrinUng OfScc. Washington 25, DC, 
at a cost of 10 cents. 

Fig 132 Accuracy of thermometers m 
use to a hospital (From Dimood, E G , 
and Andrews, M H Chmeal thermom- 
etersaodunnometers, J A M A 125) 

A certification that this standard has been 
met or surpassed is found with each ther- 
mometer feme may also certify to comph- 
ance with addition^ regulations of Massa- 
chusetts, Connecucut or Michigan 
Accuracy of Thermometers. Since deci- 
sions as to therapeutic regimens to follow may 
be based on the presence or the absence of 
a few tenths of a degree of temperature, ac- 
curacy m a clinical thennometer is an obvi- 
ous requuement Rough checks of one ther- 
mometer against another may permit the 
pharmacist or user to detect gross variations, 
but precise determmations of accuracy are 
possible only m laboratones with special 
control equipment 

In a large study, 540 thermometers made 
by different manufacturers were selected at 
random from pharmacies at vanous wide- 
spread pomts m this country and compared 
by accepted technics with the accuracy limi ts 
presenbed by CSl-52, which all were certi- 
fied to meeL'^ Almost 18 per cent exceeded 
the allowable error For two brands, charac- 
terized as “of foreign manufacture” and as 
“promotional items,” standards were not met, 
m one case, by 28 per cent (of 144 samples) 
and, m the other, by 35 per cent (of 62 sam- 
ples) While the pharmacist is not equipped 
to make tests of this nature, he at least should 
mspect visually each brand of thermometer 
offered to him so as to reject those of obvi- 
ously poor quality m appearance 

Qinical ^eimometcrs arc relatively frag- 
ile Many are shattered when dropped while 
th^ are being bandied or shaken Bulbs are 


PreKriplion Accessories and Reloted Items 

FiO 133 Thermometer case with whirling 

broken by nnsmg them with hot water Less 
obvious and more dangerous arc subtle 
changes m the constriction chamber, ‘re- 
treaters' m which the level of the column 
drops before the reading is taken can result 
from slight jarring. Decreases in accura^ 
may dcsclop m improperly aged mstruments 
Separations may occur m the mercury col- 
umn * Figure 132 presents the results of a 
test of acctiracy of 465 thermometers of a 
variety of brands and styles which were u 
actual use m a large general hospital ** If one 
assumes accuracy at end of manufacture, 
ngors of usage had evidently seriously dam- 
aged many of these thermometers Retreaters, 
hard shakers, defective pigmentation and 
mercury separation also were found It is 
probable that a large proportion of thermom- 
eters that arc currently depended on for home 
use have been rendered similarly defective 

Use and Maintenance of Thermometers. 
Many manufacturers supply more or less 
complete directions for use and maintcooncc 
with each thennometer packaged for indi- 
vidual sale Additional mstruclivc leaflets arc 
available and helpful The pharmacist roust 
be prepared to illustrate and supplement this 
information He might proceed along the fol- 
lowing hoes, tailoring his approach accord- 
ing to the situation 

The pharmacut should advise as to the 
choice of bulb Many laymen do not know 
that there arc dilTcrcnt bulbs, let alone that 
one may have advantages of strength or sen- 
sitivity over another This is also an oppor- 
tunity to warn agamst rectal use of oral bulbs 
The thermometer should be removed from 
Its ease and inspected in the presence of the 

* Tale hold of the bulb cdJ and shale toward 
the lop, then reverse and shale toward the bulb 
This should mend the break unleu other damage 
has been done to the thermometer 

purchaser to be sure that it is mtact and that 
the bulb IS of the t)pc marked on the outside 
of the package Identiflcation and explana- 
tion of the constnction chamber (the “air 
bubble”) may prevent return of an irate 
client with the mistaken claim that he was 
given a faulty mstrument Holding the bulb 
for a few moments will make the mercury 
rise enough to permit a demonstration of how 
to read a thermometer This will also illus- 
trate why the bulb should not be held when 
a readmg is being made The pharmacist 
should instruct the client as follows, stand 
With back to light, hold the end opposite the 
bulb between the thumb and mdex finger of 
one hand and support the thermometer with 
the other hand, being careful not to touch 
the bulb, look down at the apex of the tri- 
angle toward the engraved scale and rotate 
the thermometer slightly back and forth until 
the mercury column appears at maximum 
width, locate the top of me column with re- 
spect to the scale readmg The pharmacist 
must explain the scale markings ^Vbl]e the 
major degree lines are easily interpreted, the 
fact that each of the four mtcrmediate gradu- 
ations represents 0 2'* F is not always clear 
to the user If the individual finds it diflicult 
to see the mcrcuiy column, the pharmacist 
should suggest a style especially modified for 
easier reading Thermometers with flat stents, 
colored backgrounds m the stem or glass balls 
that appear blue only when the column is m 
position to be read fdl into this category 

The shaking down of the column should 
be demonstrated hold the nonbulb end be- 
tween thumb and index finger and swmg arm 
down ending with a snap of the w-nst as 
though shakmg water off the fingers, warn 
agamst trying to shake down a thermometer 
by jarring the hand against a solid object, as 
this may damage the constriction, suggest 
shaking down be done over a bed as a pro- 
tection in ease the thermometer slips from 
the fingers If a client seems apprehensive 
^x)Ut this operation, demonstrate a style with 
a whirling device m which centrifugal force is 
utilized to cany down the mercury (Fig 

Other information which the pharmacist 
may wish to volunteer is found in recom- 
mended procedures for use and mamtenance 
of thermometers Temperatures should not 
be taken for 20 to 30 minutes after dunking. 

Cl n ca! Thermometers 405 

eating smoking or exercise smce such ac- 
tivities may raise body temperature (or lower 
It m the case of cold drinks) Always be sure 
the column is down to 97“ F or less before 
msertmg the thermometer For oral tempera 
tures the bulb (oral or secunty) should be 
moistened with cool tap water and placed 
under the rear edge of the tongue tind rotated 
two or three times The tongue should be 
held down and the lips should be closed 
gently over the stem Breathmg should be 
nasal to avoid entry of air mto the mouth 
The mdividual should remam at rest The 
readmg should be taken after 3 minutes 
The thermometer should be replaced m the 
mouth for another mmute then reread This 
IS repeated until two consecutive readmgs 
agree The thermometer is shaken down then 
cleaned and disinfected as described below 
For rectal temperatures the bulb (rectal 
or secunty) and the lower portion of the 
stem should first be lubncated for ease of 
insertion In order of preference (for rea 
sons of adverse mfiuence on disinfection) 
the lubricants to use are a water soluble 
jelly,* mmeral oil or petrolatum The ther 
mometer is inserted gently and pushed with 
a mmimum of force until the 98 6“ F mark 
passes the anal openmg About one half of 
the stem will now protrude The thermometer 
should be left m place for at least 4 minutes 
An adult will probably be most comfortable 
lying on his side Babies should be held face 
down perhaps across the knees and the 
thermometer supported between the fingers 
throughout the entire period The thermom 
eter is removed, wiped with cleansing tissue 
With the direction of motion bemg from the 
stem down over the bulb end and then read 
Rectal thermometers are marked — by cus 
tom apparently — to mdicate 98 6“ F as 
normal although as previously pomfed 
out, normal rectal temperature may be 
99 6“ F For sake of clanly, both the actual 
temperature as read and the manner of tak 
mg the temperature should be reported to 
the physician As with oral temperatures, 
repeated insertion until two consecutive read- 
mgs agree may be advisable Longer insertion 
tunes will be needed if the thermometer is 
cold or if the patient has poor cuculatioo. 
Because of recognized mexacUtudes, axil 
* K. Y Jelly Johnson and Johnson New Bnuis* 
wck,N J 

Fic 134 Records of basal temperature 

lary or grom temperatures are taken only 
when neither the mouth nor the rectum can 
be used An oral or a secunty bulb is used 
The axilla is wiped dry, the thermometer 
placed m the axilla and the arm is held close 
to the body to make as closed a cavity as 
possible An enclosed space for the ±er 
mometer can be made m the grom by flexmg 
the thigh on the abdomen At least 10 mm 
utes should elapse before the reading is made 
An axillary or a grom temperature is usually 
1“ F lower than the oral, so 97 6“ F would 
be normal 

The Basal Thermometer The basal tern 
peralure thermometer is a specialized mstru 
raent helpful m estunatmg time of ovulation 
Smce It IS probable that fertilization can occur 
only wilhm the first 24 hours after release of 
the ovum from the Graafian follicle accurate 
knowledge of the occurrence of this event 
would permit Ummg of mtercourse so as 
either to enhance or to decrease the possi 
bili^ of conception Ovulauon occurs once 
during each normal menstrual cycle approxi 
mately 14 days before the next menstrual 
penod Basal temperature the lowest tern 
peiature reached by the body of a nor mal 
healthy person while awake typically passes 
through a biphasic cycle over the course of 
the menstrual cycle The temperature is 
mitially low, a mid-cy cle tbcnnal shift occurs 
to a high level, where the temperature re- 
mains until It once agam becomes low pre- 


Preicriplion Accessonet ond Reloled Items 

nuQStrually (Fig 134) The temperature 
nsc mdicatcs that o^ailatioa has occurred one 
or two dajs before or will occur one or two 
da)s after or is occurring at the moment of 
the temperature nse " T^e temperature nsc 
IS said to be related to the presence of pro* 
gcslcronc or some combination of proges- 
terone and estrogen in the systemic circula- 
tion “ In spue of the lack of deSmtude, 
which has led some physicians to consider 
the method quite limited,** *** others con- 
sider It reliable ** 

An ordmary fever thermometer is not very 
satisfactory for mcasurmg the small tempera- 
ture rise of about 0 5“ F which is related to 
ovulation The basal thermometer (see Fig 
3) is easier to read, since its scale, ranging 
ody from 96“ F to 100® F , is graduated 
to 0 1® F rather than to 0 2® F The bulb 
resembles an elongated security type Tem- 
perature IS taken either orally or rcctally, 
once daily, unmcdiaiely on awakening in the 
mommg and before getting out of bed Rather 
explicit directions and charts for recording 
these daily measurements are provided with 
the thermometer Since each woman vanes to 
some extent in her ph)sical characteristics, 
each must determine her own menstrual 
rh)lhffl by keeping this record for 3 or 4 
months Coosultauon with a physician is 
essential for proper interprctauon of the 

Cleaning and Disinfecting Tbcrmomelcis. 
The cluucal thermometer should alvva)s be 
cleaned and disinfected after use, to mnu- 
mizc transfer of pathogens The proper pro- 
cedure for doing this has been the subject of 
numerous mvcsligations Con- 

sideration of these reports leads to the fol- 
low mg suggesUons After oral use the ther- 
mometer should be wiped thoroughly with 
clean cotton w ct with a solution of cqu^ parts 
of tmeture of green soap and water * Wiping 
should start on the stem and proceed toward 
the bulb After a rinsing with cold ruamng 
water, the thermometer should be immersed 
to at least halfway up the stem for 10 to 15 
minutes m a solution of 0 5 to 1 0 per cent 
iodine m 70 per cent rubbing alcohol, either 

■ In place of water 95 per cent cU))l alcohol has 
been recommended^ for admUlurc here but the 
itight increase in effectisencss docs not justify the 
added expense 

ethyl or isopropyl The 70 per cent alco- 
hols without added lodmc seem nearly as 
cdcctive, so are aqueous solutions of 0 05 
and 0 25 per cent iodine m 1 per cent potas- 
sium iodide A 0 I per cent tmeture of 
bcnzalkomum chlondc has been found to be 
eflecUve against usual oral pathogens, while 
aqueous 0 1 per cent was noL*®* Neither was 
reliable against the tubercle bacillus *** 
Certain synthetic phenolic dismfcctants arc 
useful m 2 or 3 per cent concentration **‘ 
Other strengths of alcohols, t e , 50, 95 or 
100 per cent ethyl alcohol and 99 per cent 
isopropyl, arc reported mcflcctivc as arc 
certam lodophors (contaimng 200 ppm avail- 
able iodme solubilized with nonionic deter- 
gents) After suitable disinfection the ther- 
mometer should be nnsed with cold water 
and wiped dry with clean cotton or tissue 
Some suggest that a similar procedure should 
be followed immediately before use as well 
as after The thermometer should be stored 
in its cose Continued immersion in anu- 
septic soluuon IS not recommended, as thu 
may damage scale pigments Followmg recta! 
use, the thermometer should be wiped with 
dry, clean ussuc to remove most of the fecal 
matter and the lubricant before rcadmg il 
Then the same disinfection procedure can be 
followed, smcc rectal pathogens are suscepu- 
ble to It *‘* Greasy lubricants such as petro- 
latum and mmerid od have been shoivn to 
interfere with dismfccuon *** 

Thennometer Cases and Acccssoncs. A 
hard rubber or a plastic ease resembling a 
fountam pen is usually furnished so that the 
thermometer may be stored safely The case 
may or may not have on external clip for 
pocket use Typically, Uicrc is an inner spnng 
which gnps the thermometer to keep it from 
sinking the sides or folhng out. Some eases 
are leakproof so that the thermometer can 
be stored in onuscpiic solution, this may be 
justified in spite of damage to scale pigments 
when there is extreme possibihty of transfer 
of infectious organisms as m a senes of house 
calk by a phjsiaan Whirling devices arc at- 
tached to some eases to help in shaking down 
(see Fig. 133) Elaborations in design of 
eases may add to the cost of the thermometer 
without real gam to the pauenL The pharma- 
cist and the user should avoid storing the 
thennometer near heat or in sunlighL 

Rubber and Plastic Accessories 407 

It IS quite possible that the home into 
which the cluucal thermometer is bemg taken 
may lack any or all of the foUowmg adjuncts 
to Its effective use and mamtenance properly 
labeled dismfectant solution, cotton balls, tis- 
sues, tmcture of green soap and a water-solu- 
ble lubncant The phaimaast who is alert to 
his responsibilities for service will keep a sup- 
ply of these items near his thermometers and 
w^ advise of the need for them when it seems 
appropnate to do so 

Thermometers Broken in Situ. Clmical 
thermometers are frequently broken m situ, 
especially m the mouths of children This im- 
mediately arouses concern, and advice is 
often sought from the pharmacist Mehnert** 
surveyed the medical literature and com- 
mented on his failure to find a sm^e report 
other than his own of serious injury related 
to breakage of a thermometer m the mouth 
In the case cited, the broken bulb (rectal) 
had not been recovered after the accident 
More than two years later, it was discovered 
that the tip bad penetrated the hilum of the 
submaxiU^ gland The released mercury 
had gravitated into the ^and and also under 
the skm of the neck. Investigauon of the 
cause of. the pain and the tumorlike appear- 
ance of the region led to its discovery Me 
tallic mercury is not dissolved appreciably if 
at all m the gastromtestinal tract Little ab- 
sorption occurs even though the mercury 
may become dispersed as very fine droplets 
ihrou^oul the mtcslmes ® Lack of toxicity 
IS suggested by the once common oral ad- 
ministration of as much as one pound of 
mercury in the treatment of obstipation * 
^Vbea a thermometer is broken m ^e mouth, 
primary concern should be directed toward 
the recovery of as much of the glass (and the 
mercury) as possible and the stoppage of 
bleedmg from cuts It is wise to give the white 
of egg as an antidote for mercury, thus, per- 
haps, errmg on the side of caution Soft bread 
to coat swallowed particles of glass to pre- 
vent damage to the intestines has been sug- 
gested A physician should always be 
called. It may take as long as 14 days for all 
the mercury to lease the body m fecal mat- 
ter * Breakage of thermometers m the rertum 
seems less likely to occur and to mvolve 
snapping of stems rather than crushing of 
bulbs Here the mam problem is one of need 

for dextenty and care m removmg the rem- 
nants of the thermometer 


A number of the devices designed to assist 
in makmg the sick more comfortable, m the 
ungaUng of body cavities and the coUectmg 
of body secretions are made largely of rub- 
ber because this matenal is soft, tough, im- 
permeable, easily formed and elastic — a 
umque combmation of properties that only 
recently has been achieved m the synthesized 
elastomers which can match it m most of 
these properties The fascmating story of the 
mtroduction of rubber mto European civili- 
zation and Its subsequent growth to a posi- 
tion of top economic importance is recounted 
m detail m readily available encyclopedias 

Properties op Rubber 
Natural rubber, an isoprene polymer 
(C»Hg)B, IS obtained as an elastic solid from 
latex (sap) of the rubber tree {Hevea 
braziUensis) or from similar sources Latex* 
1 $ a milky, sticky fiuid contaming about 35 
per cent of raw rubber (caoutchouc) as a 
colloidal aqueous suspension of globules 
Latex concentrated to 60 per cent rubber 
and preserved with ammonia against spon 
taneous coagulation is itself commercially 
available Alternatively, at the rubber planta- 
tion a weak organic acid (fonmc or acetic) 
IS added to latex to cause the rubbes gjobules 
to come together to form a coagulum The 
coagulum may be washed and rolled into 
thm sheets which are dned m air to form a 
yellow white crepe rubber, sodium bisulfite 
IS added dunng the processing to prevent 
browmmg due to oxidation Sometimes the 
washed coagulum is rolled to heavy sheets 
which are dned m hot smoke ansmg from 
bummg wood The smoke acts as a preserva- 
tive and also turns the rubber brown Latex, 
crepe rubber and smoked sheet seem to be 
ranked m this order of excellence os startmg 
matenals for rubber health goods 

Raw rubber has limited usefulness, since 
It soItcQs and becomes sticky at summer tem- 
peratures while It IS bnttle at low tempera- 

*An aqueous emulsion of synthetic rubber or of 
plastic is also called a latex. 


Prescnphon Accettonet ond Related Item* 

turcs. Also, It ts dissolved by conunoo organic 
liquids including gasoline Cements, surgical 
adhesive tape, insulating tape and crepe 
soling arc made from naturd rubber The 
prmcipal treatment of rubber to improve its 
properties IS vulcanization, ic , heating with 
sulfur Changes m properties with tempera* 
turc ore lessened and resistance to solvents 
is mcrcascd Soft rubber contains 2 to 10 
parts of sulfur, hard rubber 20 to 50 per cent 
Accelerators such us thiuram sulfides, di- 
phcnylguamdinc or other agents arc added 
to speed up vulcanization Matcnals such as 
zinc oxide, carixin black and clays arc fillers 
added to modify stiffness, strength and re- 
sistance to abrasion and chemicals Anti- 
oxidants — for example, phenyl-alpha or 
phcn)l beta naphthylamine — are needed to 
prevent deterioration Solid pigments includ- 
ing lithoponc and titanium dioxide, or solu- 
ble d)cs of the phihalocyaninc and the azo 
families arc used to impart color Proper 
choice of additives and suitable tailonng of 
the rubber for intended use are hidden as- 
pects of quality which arc difilcult to evaluate 
m rubber health goods 

Plastics and synthetic rubbers have already 
replaced natural rubber m many uscs'^ and 
are beginning to do so in the rubber health 
goods industry The newly developed stereo- 
regulated elastomers such as polybuladicnc 
and CIS polyisoprcnc may well be used when 
they become available in sufficient quantity 
Excellent brief reviews of the nature and the 
properties of these matenab have been pub- 
lished “ “* Neoprene, which is polymerized 
l-chlosobutaditne 1 ,1 , vs used because vl le- 
sists oil, sunlight and ozone dcicnoraiioo 
Plastics which make up part or oU of a num- 
ber of appliances ore polyvm)! chlondc, 
pol)st>rcne, polyamide (N)lon) and poly- 
cth)lcnc Manufacturers use coined names 
for these plastics often without otherwise 
idcntif)ing them m the dcscnptions of their 

Tub MASurACTURE or Rudder Goods 

The major steps’^ in the manufacture of 
rubber goods arc (1) the kneadmg of the 
warmed raw materials m specialized rouccs 
until homogeneous, (2) the forming of the 
desired shape and (3) the cunng, usually by 
hcaung. for puqiosc of desenpuon it is con- 

venient to organize these items into groups 
lUKTOrding to the method of forming the 
shape, I e , by molding, flattening into sheets 
or immersion of forms (mandrels) into fluid 
dispersions This plan is deviated from (as 
m the ease of elastic support Hems) where 
groupmg according to a common therapeutic 
usage seems more fnutful Also where apro- 
pos, nonrubber appliances arc described 

SttEETivG Goods 

Sheeting may be made by forcing rubber 
mixtures to pass between heated rollers (cal- 
enders) Hospital film, a thin ( 004 to OOS 
mehes) transparent sheeting made by calcn- 
denng, can be used to make pillow covers 
and the like, since it is readily cut to size 
and the cut ends con be scaled together with 
a hot iron Dam is a similarly formed but 
thicker (approximately 015 inch) sheeting 
Since It IS used as an occlusive covering over 
wound dressings, dam is available in stand- 
ardized widths and lengths with attached tic 

Shceimg may also have a fabric base The 
fabnc, usually cotton, may be coated by the 
Macintosh process m which a naphtha solu- 
tion of rubber is applied to the surface A 
thinner sheeting known as rubberized vode ts 
made by polymenzing neoprene within tlic 
meshes of the cloth These supported and 
therefore, stronger sheetings arc used to make 
protective garments and protective coverings 
for mattresses 

Plastics, cspcaally polyvinyl chlondcs 
(Koroscal, Zonas), arc used as sheeting ma- 
tesvals bceavive they have less wdoi and greater 
resistance to teanng than rubber They also 
seem cooler to he on Unsupported sheeting 
of both film and dam thicknesses as well as 
the fabnc type arc available m rolls 36 to 54 
inches wide and 25 or 50 yards long 

Rubber sheeting can be laundered with 
warm water and mild soap It con be dis- 
infected and odors removed with saponated 
cresot solution or formaldehyde solution 
Autoclaving for not more than 20 minutes or 
immersion in boiling water for not more than 
IS ore also safe, especially if followed by a 
12 hour penod of nonuse to allow loss of 
absorbed water Sheeting should not be folded 
sharply or wadded It * fatigues” or loses its 
strength along creases formed from repeated 

Rubber and Plastic Accessories 


Fia 135 {Left) Fountain syringe and water bottle Slip type pipes are shown, the 
larger is a vaginal tip the smaller is an adult rectal tip The shut off on the tubing is the 
spnng type {Right) Combination synnge-water bottle Screw type pipes and a lever shut 
off are shown *I^e water bottle stopple is lying at the left and Die hollow synnge stopper 
at the right of the neck. 

folding, so It IS recommended that sheeting 
be rolled rather than folded for storage 

Molded Goods 

Water Bottles and Synnges. Water bottles, 
fountam syringes and combination synnge- 
water botUes are flat bags, essentially rec- 
tangular in shape (Fig 135), all of which 
are molded in about the same way Two 
pieces are cut from a sheet of heavy com- 
pounded rubber and placed against the inner 
faces of a two piece mold The mold is closed 
tightly and compressed air is admitted to 
keep the inner surfaces of the bag from stick- 
ing together while the mold is bemg heated to 
fuse edges and to cure the rubber The 
seam is usually covered and reinforced by 
cementing or fusing a thin stnp of sheeting 
over It The neck of a water bottle or a com- 
bination syringe has a threaded metal (usu- 
ally brass) collar The collar may be molded 
m as a part of the ongmol operation or it 
may be mcorporated separately mto a bard 
rubber ring which is cemented mto the neck 
later A hard rubber or a plastic stopple of 
standardized shape and thread is provided to 
close the bag The combinatioa syringe has 
m addition a specialized hollow stopper ter- 
minating m a short pipe to which tubmg can 
be attained. The neck of the fountam synngc 

cannot be closed of! and instead may be 
widened or funnel shaped to make it easier 
to pour water mto iL The base of the foun- 
tain syringe has a bard rubber or plastic 
outlet to which tubing may be attached Ac- 
cessones to the fountam and the combmation 
syringe mclude tubmg, a shut-oS and tips or 
pipes (Fig 135) 

Most companies make three or four grades 
of quality m these articles Cheaper botdes 
may be thmner walled and contain lower 
grade rubber with large amounts of mmeral 
filler or of reclaimed rubber, making them 
less clastic and shorter lived Wei^t is not 
neccssaniy an mdication of quality Tubmg 
IS usually about 9/32 of an mch in mtemal 
diameter and S feet or slightly less m length 
but varies significantly m quality Less ex- 
pensive syrmges have a simple spnng or snap 
shutoff to stop Sow through the tubmg, while 
better ones have a more efficient and more 
easily operated lever ^"pe Either two or 
three tips are furnished, there is usually a 
vagmal imgator and an adult rectal and 
sometimes an infant rectal These may be 
hard rubber, vinyl or nylon Slip types which 
slide into the tubmg are cheaper and mote 
likely to allow leakage than the screw-on 
type The packagmg may become progres- 
sively more elaborate as the cost of the item 

410 Prescription Accessories ond Related Items 

increases A guarantee against dcfccuvc work- 
manship or material is gisen for penods of 
time which progress from 1 or 2 jears up 
to 5 ^cars for the more expensive bottles and 
s)nngcs While the pharmacist can readily 
point out quality diiTcrcnccs to a prospective 
user when he is comparing items made by 
one company, it is more difficult to make a 
logical choice between equally pneed items 
made by competitive suppliers It is probable 
that significant differences do not exist 

jya:er bottles ordinarily are used as a 
means of appl)uig dry heat to a limited body 
area m order to induce vasodilation and 
leukocytosis, relax muscles and connective 
tissue or hasten suppuration Reflex relief 
of congestion m uiicmal organs may result 
Hot moist applications arc more cticcuvc for 
promoting drainage from wounds and skin 
lesions Heal is contraindicated^* when vaso- 
dilation will mcreasc pain os in a swollen 
sprained anUe or an infected tooth Heat 
should not be applied when it would be dan- 
gerous to hasten a suppurative process (os 
m appendicitis} 

Because the water bottle seems to be such 
a simple device, the user may be unaware 
that there is a correct way to use it for maxi- 
mum benefit with minimum danger The 
water should be heated to 120® to 130® F 
for ao adult or to 110® to 120® F for a 
child or an unconscious or an elderly person 
The healed water should be placed in a 
pitcher and adjusted to temperature with a 
suitable thermometer before pouring it mto 
the water bottle The pharmacist may find it 
difficult to justify purchase of a thermometer 
along with a w-atcr bottle for short term use 
As an exjKdicnt he may suggest testing the 
water by hand, it should be uncomfortably 
hot but not unbearably so Hot water from 
the tap may be over 140® F and should not 
be run directly into the bag The bottle should 
first be filled With hot water, stoppered and 
tested for leaks by applying pressure The 
warmed bag should be emptied and then 
filled only' to one half or three quarters of 
Its capaaty A completely filled bag is un- 
comfortably heavy against the patient and, 
also. IS unable to conform to body contours 
Repeatedly filling the bottle to bulging with 
hot water will stretch it out of shape and 
hasten detenorauon of the rubber Next, the 

bottle should be placed on its side with the 
neck held up to prevent spilling while pres- 
sure of the hand along the flat surface 
squeezes the water up mto the neck of the 
bottle, thus cxpctlmg the air and making the 
bottle more flexible The stopple should be 
screwed in tightly and the bag turned upside 
down to be sure there is no leak at the neck 
The outside of the bag should be dried and 
It should be wrapped m a towel or enclosed 
in a fitted cloth cover before placing it against 
the patient This will decrease possibility of 
burning the skin and will also sene to ab- 
sorb perspiration Hot water bottles require 
refilimg every 2 to 4 hours After use the 
bottle should be drained completely and 
hung upside down by its tab until dry Air 
should be blown m to keep the inside sur- 
faces apart, the stopple mserted and the bag 
stored in its box m a cool place to protect it 
from heat, ozone and sunlight, which de- 
tenorate rubber 

The foiiiiiam syringe is used to supply 
water or special solutions for enemas or for 
vagmal imgations (douches) An enema is 
the lojecuoo of fluid into the rectum and the 
colon so as to cause contraction of the colon 
and the impulse to defecate'®^ as a response 
either to the pressure sensations created or 
to irritants contained m the fluid Enemas arc 
givbo to relieve constipation (either real or 
fancied), to cleanse the bowel before surgery 
or before barium visualization, to help escape 
of gas from the colon or to inject fluids to 
be retained for local or systemic effects 
Liquids used include tap water, normal saline, 

1 to 2 per cent sodium bicarbonate or weak 
soap solutions These may be warmed to 
about 100® F, but they should not be hot 
About 1 quart of liquid is put mto the bag 
for a clcansmg cncmx The hard rubber rec- 
tal Up is well lubricated, preferably with a 
water soluble jelly, smee petrolatum has an 
adverse efiert on rubber The newer plosuc 
Ups arc said to have smooth surfaces slick 
enough to be mserted easily without prior 
lubrication Air is climmatcJ from the tubing 
by allowing a small amount of soluuon to 
run out into a contamcr The inflexible hard 
Up must be inserted into the rectum very care- 
fully and with due allowance for the inevi- 
table mvoluntaiy protccuve spasm of the 
rectal sphmeter muscles which will occur as 

Rubber and Plastic Accessories 41 1 

the insertion starts The adult rectum is 
about S or 6 inches long so the tip should 
not be inserted more than 4 mches, I or 2 
inches is usual for insertion for infants The 
syringe is hung or held up so that the top 
level of the fluid is 18 to 24 inches above the 
patient’s buttocks The tube shut-off is re- 
leased to allow fluid to flow slowly The fluid 
should travel the entire length of the colon 
(about 5 feet), reaching the ileocecal valve 
m 5 to 8 minutes Smce the capacity of 
the average adult colon is about 750 cc , be- 
tween 500 and 1,000 cc of enema fluid are 
needed to produce the pressure necessary to 
stimulate penstalsis The patient should try 
to retam the fluid for 5 or 10 minutes so that 
the feces may be softened If the bag is held 
too high the outflow will be too rapid and a 
small amount of fluid will imtiate the defeca 
tion reflex without gettmg high enough to 
cleanse the colon or to soften the feces 

After use, the rectal tip should be wiped 
with clean tissue, washed and dismfected by 
immersion in saponated cresol solution or 
one of the synthetic phenol solutions* for not 
more than 15 mmutes followed by a 1 mmute 
immersion in rubbmg alcohol (70 per cent), 
and then dned The bag and the tube should 
be nosed out and hung up to dry before 
being returned to the box for storage The 
shut-off should be removed from the tube, 
smce kinked rubber detenorates rapidly 

Disposable enema units are popular for 
home use because of convemence, safety and 
effectiveness The Fleetf enema unit (Fig 
136) is a 135 ml compressible polyetbyleoe 
bottle with an aqueous solution of 16 per 
cent of sodium biphospbate and 6 per cent 
of sodium phosphate It has a short pie- 
iubneated tube and an internal rubber dia- 
phragm to prevent too rapid admimstration 
A similar oil retention disposable umt is also 
available Travad^ (Fig 136) is a dispos- 
able enema umt made up of a polyvmyl chlo- 
nde bag with an 18 mch length of flexible 
tubing which allows self administration m 

* Two per ceot Amph}! or 0 S}1 (Lcba & Fmk. 
Toledo Ohio) are cUccuve 

t C. B Fleet Company Inc. Lynchburg, Vir 

t Flint, Eaton & Company, Morton Grove 

lllinnK , 


Fig 136 Disposable enema units 

the sittmg position The fluid is a 135 ml 
aqueous solution of sodium dibydrogen phos- 
phate (12%) and sodium ntrate (10%) 
It may be heated by placmg the bag m warm 
water The entire umt will withstand botUng 
or steam sterilization 

The pharmacist should know the purpose 
for which a syringe is to be used so that he 
can advise as to its use and prevent misuse 
For example, enemas, like cathartics, are 
contramdjcated m the presence of undiag- 
nosed abdo min al pain and should not be 
employed regularly as a substitute for normal 
physiologic control of defecation 

Vagina] imgaiion is commonly done for 
cleansing purposes The vagmal mucous 
membrane lining is folded and covered with 
protective secretions and it is not easy to 
clean the canal Solutions containmg ^nc 
acid, borax, alum, vmegar, lactic acid, sur- 
factants, phenols or similar mildly antiseptic 
or acidic matenals®* are used, generally m 
amounts of 2,000 cc or more The vagmal 
tip has a ribbed, somewhat bulbous end with 
a number of small openmgs around the bulb 
so as to give a spray effect The user should 
be lymg on her back m the bathtub with the 
douche bag suspended not more than 3 feet 
above the body level The synnge tip is m- 
serted gently downward and backward until 
a resistance is felt The lips of the vagma are 
pressed about the nozzle to prevent the fluid 
from escaping and the fluid allowed to run 
until a feeling of fullness mdicates the vagma 
IS filled to capacity After a moment, the lips 
of the vagma ore released to allow the solu- 
tion to run out This process is repeated until 
the solution is used up After use the equip- 

412 Prescnption Accessories and Related Items 

mcnt should be nnscd, dried and stored as 
desenbed for Uic water bottle 

The folding or travel st)le of fountam 
s)Tingc (Fig 137) IS increasingly m demand 
because it can be Gtted compactly into a 
small space for easy storage and carrying 
The syringe u narrower than usual m shape 
but has an inverted pleat along each edge so 
that addition of fluid to the bag everts the 
side panels to give an overfall capaaty of 
2 quarts or more The best grade of rubber 
(te, latex) IS used for maximum extensi' 
bdity and strength To appeal to the femmme 
patron these arc made m a variety of colors 
and have attractive carrying cases 

lee bags or caps may be made m molds in 
much the same fashion as water bottles, but 
a variety of shapes are made to permit appli 
cation of dry cold to spcciGc parts of the 
body (Fig 138) Tlic throat and spinal icc 
bag IS long and narrow and may have uc tabs 
at each end so that it can be fastened in place 
around the throat or the abdomen Some 
throat or tonsillectomy collars arc perma- 
nently formed into a ring by metal spnngs 
incoiporated along the perimeter Molded icc* 
caps arc flat, somewhat circular m outline 
and have a large central openmg for the icc 
The English type icecap is not molded, but 
ts made of cloth cubbenzed by the Afacintosh 
process A thin layer of rubber is deposited 
from a solution placed bctvvccn two thicL- 
ncsses of cotton cloth Then an ornamental 
(usually chccVcrcd) doth matcnal is 
mented to one surface to make a nonsweaung 

Fio 138 Icc bags [Leji, lop) Throat 
and spinal bag (Ltfl center) Ice cap 
{Left bottom) Curved tonsillectomy col 
lar iRigbt) One of the two English type 
caps has been flaltencd as it would be 
when used 

exterior while the other surface is made mois- 
tureproof by painting on a rubber solution A 
cylinder of this layered cloth is cemented to 
a circular bottom and fastened into a metal 
collar to form a multiplcatcd bag which will 
stand erect or which can be flattened by tele* 
scoping the top into the bag (Fig 138) 
Bags are made to be 6, 9 or 11 inches m 
diameter when flattened 
Icc should be broken up into small pieces, 
roughly walnut-size, and nnsed with water 
to melt off sharp edges before being put m 
the bag The bag is filled one half to two 
thirds full, the air pressed out and the stopper 
screwed in The outside should be dried and 
the bag tested for leaks English icecaps do 
not require covering, but other styles do 
The ICC needs replenishing every 2 to 4 hours 
After use the bag should be washed, dried 
and stored in a cool place 

The pnmary clTccts''^ of the moderate dry 
cold of the ICC bag application include con- 
traction of superficial blood vessels, pale cool 
skin, decrease m local perspiration, goose- 
flesh and, perhaps, shivering Secondarily the 
superficial vessels dilate, skin becomes 
warm and red, perspiration increases Reflex 
ciTccis, such as the stopping of nosebleeds by 
cold application to the back of the neck, may 
be elicited. Therapeutic uses of dry cold seem 
quite limited,'* Contraction of blood vessels 
may reduce circulating fluids in an area and 

Rubber and Plashc Accessories 413 

Fio 139 Invalid cushions {Left) A 
polyethylene foam type An in 

Sated nng 

relieve pam caused by pressure Control of 
hemonhage, checking of mflammauon and 
prevention of suppuration may be achieved ** 
ReSex vasoconstriction of blood vessels in 
internal organs may occur Moist cold is 
more effective than diy m most of these re- 
spects Circulatory stasis and injured tissue 
are contramdications to apphcation of cold 
Invalid Cushions. Persons who spend much 
of their tune m a sitting or a recumbent posi 
bon are more comfortable when their weight 
IS distributed broadly and supported on air 
entrapped in rubber cushions One type of 
invalid cushion (Fig 139) is molded mto an 
inffatable rmg Air is blown m through a 
simple type of air valve Clients should be 
cautioned that the cushion is hard and tm- 
comfortable if too full of air The correct 
dimensions must be chosen so as to afford 
ptopet support of the pawed tuberosiUes of 
the ischium upon which the weight of the 
sitlmg person rests ** Weight should be borne 
along the edge of the central bole If the 
diameter of ^e openmg is too small, the 
pelvic bones are forced apart, if it is loo 
large, they are squeezed together Since, m 
an adult, these bones are normally 4 to 6 
mcbes apart, the 14 mch or 16 mch nng is 
usually satisfactory The cushion should be 
mSatcd and sat on to test for leaks and for 
size Circular cushions may become warm 
and uncomfortable as radiation from the 
body raises the temperature of the au in the 
center opening A horseshoe shaped cushion 
which permits air circulation and, also, some 
adjustment of diameters is available but is 
quite expensive Vinyl nngs are now being 

FiO 140 Rubber urinal for male 
{Top) The lop bas a cloth suspensory 
ihe cap shown near the tip can be 
screwed on Ibe dram closure to convert 
the top mto a dnp unnal The elon 
gated bag is screwed on the dram closure 
m usual usage {Bottom) Urmal with 
tubing connecung top and bag The use 
of the tubmg is optional as the top and 
the bag may be screwed together directly 
The top of this urmal is made of rubber 

marketed Small oval mffatable rubber cush 
ions, 8 by 10 inches, are designed for place 
meat under ears, elbows or heels of bed 
nddeo patients with the mtent of preventmg 
development of ulcers which frequently re- 
sult at these points where bony prommences 
may be pressed against the flesh 

Cushions m which au* is held os a foam 
within multiple rubber cells are now com 
petitive in pnee with inflatable nngs and 
offer the advantage of mcreased softness and 
greater flexibility in design Foams may be 
made m several ways Latex can be whipped 
m frothmg umts until a foam is produced 
This IS poured mto molds, congealed and 
wet vulcanized under conditions which pre- 
vent evaporation of the water contained m 

416 Prescription Accessories and Reloted Items 

FiO 141 Diagrams of t)picai eoteros 
tomies {Top le/i) The sigmoid aod the 
rectum arc removed in a i}pica] colos 
torn) {Top right) Iq a typical ileostomy 
the colon and a segment of the distal 
ileum arc removed {Dotioni left and 
right) The colostomy opening is made by 
pulling the colon through the abdominid 
wall usually in the lower left abdominal 
quadrant as shown The ileostomy stoma 
IS generally formed in the lower nght 
quadrant using the end of the cut ileum 
(FromScidc D RN2J 37 1960) 

can be left in place for 4 or S days It is re- 
moved by lifting one edge and peeling gently 
from the skin 

During the recovery period after surgery 
or during times of intestinal disorders with 
attendant diarrhea the patient wdl need to 
wear a bag to catch the citcrctions A dis- 
posable plastic bag, 6 x S inches, con be at- 
tached with a rubber band over the flange 
of the C ring in place of the rubber cover 
The bag IS di^arucd as necessary Units uti- 
lizing a soft rubber sponge against the body 
and no cement, and all rubber models, some 
with inflatable cushions, arc also available 
A number of patients are unable to master 
natural control of defecation after colostomy 
A survey of some 92 colostomy patients*** 
showed that 80 per cent bad to cleanse the 
colon rcgubrly by imgaiions (enemas ) , com- 

monly once daily, usually m the morning An 
irrigating appliance is shown m Figure 142 
The patient sits on or near the commode m 
the bathroom Two or three pmts of warm 
tap water (105“ F ) arc put into the assem- 
bled fountain syrmgc The catheter (26F) • 
is attached to the tube by the tubing connec- 
tor and threaded through the bole m the 
antisplash cup The distal 3 or 4 inches of 
the catheter arc lubncatcd with a water solu- 
ble )cUy or With petrolatum The bag should 
be hung so that the water level is about 18 
inches above tlie colostomy opening when 
the user is seated The plastic drain sleeve is 
attached at its side openmg to the large rub- 
ber nng, then the flat surface of the nng is 
held against the body by a belt The open 
end of the sleeve is suspended m the com- 
mode bowl The water is allowed to run to 
expel air from the tube and to contmuc to 
flow slowly while the catheter is gently m- 
serted to a depth of 2 to 4 mehes The anti- 
splash cup 1 $ held against the body to prevent 
escape of fluid while the rate of flow is con- 
trolled as necessary by pinching the catheter 
Ruid containing feem matter is allowed to 
pass out of the opemng of! and on during 
the imgabon Inasmuch as drainage may con- 
tmue for 40 to 60 minutes after imgauon, 
the sleeve may be folded double and damped 
to make a bag so that the user can move 
about After use the componeots of the im 
gallon appliance should l:^ washed with de- 
tergent, rinsed and allowed to dry A some 
what different imgaiion procedure that is 
claimed to prevent spillage for 48 hours has 
been described 

The ileostomy patient has additional prob- 
lems because he has a constant and uncon 
troUable dnunage of fluid Consequently, he 
must wear a permanent appliance cemented 
to the skin, usually with a disk rimmed open- 
mg at one Side of a flat rubber pouch placed 
over the Stoma There is a slccvehkc con- 
tinuation open at the bottom end to permit 
the emptying of accumulated fluids This is 
folded back on itself and damped to make a 
dosed container An attached waistbcU pro- 
vides additional support Often, a dean bag 
IS attached each day, the soiled one being 
washed m warm soapy water, rinsed and 
dned Vinegar m the wash water is said to 

* See Table 68, p. 420, for catheter sizes 

Rubber and Plashc Accessories 


FiQ 142 A colostomy apparatus and irrigation set {Top leji to right) Tht dora^ the C 
nog and a folding type fountain syringe The tubing has a lever type shut>oS and is attached 
to a one-eyed ca^eter which is inserted into the top of the plastic dram sleeve and through 
the opening in the rubber nng by which the sleeve is fastened over the stoma About 4 
inches of the catheter has been pushed through the antisplash cup See text for further 

help to deodorize the rubber but eventually 
accumulated malodors force the discardmg 
of the bag 

A questionnaire survey of over 400 pa 
Uents with ileostomies”* found that 35 per 
cent of the respondents had suffered skin 
trouble Many of them reported irritation 
m a small circular area of unprotected skin 
between the inner nm of the appliance disk 
and the iliac stump The stump may not be 
enclosed closely by the relatively inflexible 
rubber nm since there must be room for 
passage of solid objects m the stool The 
duration of contact with ileostomy dmmage 
and the amount of proteolytic engine ac 
tivity m the fluid detemune the degree of 
imtation Imtation may result from fluid 
seepage beneath a loosened disk Also, the 
skin ^neath the disk may be unable to tol 
erate cements and solvents commonly used, 
reactions appear due to primary imtants 
rather than to allergens Trauma from friction 

develops as the appliance rubs against adja 
cent areas of the body Suggestions mcluded 
cementmg to the body a soft sponge rubber 
pad which fits closely around the stump and 
serves as a base to which the nm of the 
pouch could adhere Replacement of poorly 
fitted appliances was necessary Karaya gum 
was reported to give the most relief of im 
tation of all the omtments pastes and pow 
deis that were tned • Zinc oxide ointment 
or Alummum Paste USP are sometimes 

In the enterostomy patient the pharmacist 

*Spniikle karaya gum Ighlly over the alTected 
$ te Allow to fonn sticky paste with scrum present 
or add a small amount ot waler if necessary Form 
a similar sticky pasle on appliance disk. Place the 
disk over the treated skin area. Thu w II adhere 
and protect for about 24 hours Somewhat longer 
adherence can be obtained by allowing the karaya 
gum to become firm on the sbn and then using 
nibber cement to glue the appliance on thu pro 
tective layer 

418 Prescription Accessories and Related Items 

FlO 143 Bulb $}ruigcs {Top Ith) 
Feminine bulb synnge unh rciracted 
pipe {Top right) Feminine bulb synoce 
nonrctraciable pipe (Center U/i to right) 
Infant rectal synnge ear synnge breast 
pump nasal aspirator (Bottom) Ascpio 
synnge uith soft rubber tip 

has a client who faces severe psychological 
roblcms in adjusting to drastic changes in 
is way of life Fear of being consider^ dif 
ferent or rcpulsnc seems to be common. To 
help themselves to adjust to their dtsabihty» 
people With enterostomies hate formed clubs 
m a number of localities One that is national 
m scope IS a mutual aid organization of i]cos> 
tomists named QT, Inc after surgical words 
Q and T at Mt. Smai Hospital, Newr York, 
where it was organized.*” 

Bulb syringes arc used to force fluids into 
body casiUes such as the car, the rectum or 
the \3gina and to remose fluids from others 
— the nose for example SyTinges of this type 
consist of a hollow bail like part, the bidb 
and a holtow tij\whichlnay be either a pro- 
longation of the bulb Itself or a lube of dif- 
ferent composition inserted mto or otherwise 
jomed to the bulb ^Cotnprcssmg the bulb 
expels the oir so that fluid can be sucked up 
when pressure on the bulb is released and 

then forced out agam on rccomprcsston 
Bulbs arc made by vulcanizmg rubber or 
plastic in molds while inflating the wanned 
mixture either with air or with nitrogen gen- 
erated by the action of heat on a pelleted 
mixture of sodium nitntc and ammomum 

Bulb syringes are named according to the 
part of the body on which they arc used 
However, the so-called car synnge is quite 
adaptable to procedures other than imga- 
iion of the car It is a one piece unit with a 
relatively long soft, flexible nozzle tapered 
to a small opening (Fig 143} (Capacities 
range from 1 to 3 ounces Irrigation of the 
external canal of the ear is usually done for 
simple cleansing or to wash out impacted 
car wax (cerumen) which has hrst been 
softened by a few drops of hy drogen peroxide 
solution, glyccnn or olive oil ““ A mixture 
of sodium bicarbonate (1 6 Gm ), glycerin 
(4 cc ) and water (q s to 30 ml ) is said 
to soften wax eflccuvcly^* Solutions of sur- 
factants are marketed for this purpose,” but 
there have been reports of irritation from 
liieir use Isotonic saline, 1 to 2 per cent 
sodium bicarbonate and tap water warmed to 
about 105° F arc among the fluids used for 

In an adult the ear canal runs upward and 
forward then downward and forward to the 
eardrum’* The pinna should be lifted up- 
ward and backward to straighten the canal 
while the stream of Quid is directed with low 
pressure against the back wall of the canal In 
an mfant the eardrum is m an oblique posi 
liOQ and covers part of the floor of the caaal, 
m order to make the whole canal accessible to 
the fluid It IS necessary to draw the auncle 
downward and backward ’* Pressure on the 
bulb should be gentle and steady, smcc too 
much force can be damaging The up should 
be held so as not to block the canal in order 
to allow return flow into a catch bosm The 
amount of fluid to be used is judged by the 
clanty of the return flow and the appearance 
of the surface of the canal Finally, the canal 
should be dned with pledgets of cotton 
Unless ordered by a physician, irrigation of 
the car is contraindicated when mfccuon is 
present or when the eardrum is perforated 

Since air bubbles forced into the cor may 
produce loud sounds and discomfort, the 

Rubber and Plastic Accessories 419 

bulb should he filled completely with fluid at 
the start In general, this may be done readily, 
m the foUowmg way Compress the bulb 
and suck up hquid Point the nozzle upward 
and squeeze until liquid starts to come out, 
then without releasmg pressure put the tip 
back mto liquid again Now release pressure 
and the bulb will fill completely 

Rectal synnges are characterized by the 
long and narrow hard rubber or vmyl pipes 
which are shpped mto the tip of the bulb 
(Fig 143) The infant size has a bulb ca- 
pacity langmg from 1 to 4 ounces and a pipe 
about 2 mches long, the bulb m the adult 
size holds from 5 to 8 ounces and the pipe 
IS about 2Vi mches long These are used to 
introduce fluids to stimulate defecation, espe- 
cially m infants, adults seem to prefer to use 
the fountain syrmge for themselves Con- 
stipation IS seldom a real problem m chil- 
dren Most often it is a diagnosis made by 
overworncd parents who have been condi- 
tioned to beheve that a dafly bowel move- 
ment IS a necessity Pediatnaans consider it 
wrong physically and psychologically for a 
parent to get mto the habit of giving a child 
regular enemas They should be used only 
on speaal occasions with the advice of a 
physician Authorities** *** *** differ m pro 
cedures to follow as well as m the types and 
amounts of fluid to use Change of diet is 
advocated as a more fundamental approach 
to overcoming constipation.*** 

After use, the syrmge should be wiped 
clean of lubricant and fecal matter and 
thoroughly washed with soap and water It 
may be disinfected by contact with a 2 per 
cent soluuon of a synthetic phenol for not 
ttmie than IS minutes followed by thorough 
nnsmg with water * It should be stored with 
the usual precautions for preservation of 

Feminine bulb syringes arc used for 
vaginal douches Bulb capacities range from 
8 ounces to 10 ounces or more The attached 
pipe IS relatively large — about V4 inch m 
outside diameter and 5 to 6 mches long It 
may be made of inflexible hard rubber or 
vmyl. It may be cither straight or sh^tly 
curved Less commonly, the pipe is flei^le 
The Up has mulupic openings or a removable 
perforated screw cap to give a spraying 
acuon A heavy soft rubber shield is fitted 

around and movable along the pipe There 
may be a closure cap for the pipe 

bi use, the syrmge is filled completely with 
one of the usual douche soluUons, and the 
tube 1 $ inserted so that its Up approaches the 
inner end of the vagmal canal (4 to 5 
mches) Shallower insertion is advised if 
vagmal surfaces are inflamed The shield 
should be adjusted to fit firmly against the 
vagmal entrance The bulb should be 
squeezed very gendy to force out its contents 
Fluid will be retamed in the vagma as long 
as the bulb is kept compressed After the 
desired period of apphcation the pipe is 
drawn partly out through the shield without 
allowmg leakage, the compression slowly re- 
leased and the fluid withdrawn mto the bulb 
The fluid can then be discarded and the im- 
gation repeated as desired The syrmge 
should be washed thoroughly with soap and 
water and may be dismfected by general pro- 
cedures already described It should be hung 
nozzle end down to dram and then properly 
stored when dry 

The feminine bulb syrmge has some ad- 
vantage over the fountam syrmge m con- 
vemence of use and compactness In fact, 
some are made so that the pipe may be re- 
tracted mto the bulb for storage m a smaller 
space (Fig 143) However, because of the 
possibihty that a too forceful outflow will be 
generated by excessive pressure on the bulb, 
gynecologists generally do not recommend 
Its use 

The same wammgmay be advanced to dis- 
courage the use of the family bulb (valve 
syringe) This is a rubber bulb with two 
valved openmgs, each attached to a flexible 
rubber tube One tube is dipped mto the 
imgauon flmd and the other, fitted with a 
rectal or a vagmal tip, is mserted mto the 
cavity to be irrigated. The valves allow fluid 
Sow in one direction only, so alternate con- 
stnction and release pumps fluid out of the 
reservoir through the bulb and mto the body 
cavity There is obviously danger of excessive 
force bemg used with this apparatus 

The infant nasal aspirator (Fig. 143) is a 
1-ouncc to 3-ounce bulb with a 5iort acom- 
shaped tip made of glass or clear plastic 
It IS used to suck mucus out of the nasal 
cavity if It has become so congested that the 
infant has difficulty breathmg This pro- 


Pretcriplion Accessories and Related Items 

Table 88 Catheter, Rectal and Colon Tube Sizes 










































0 D (inches) 














endure js iomchmes recommended as prefer* 
able to admmisiraiion of nose drops or as 
desirable immediately prior to mstiUation of 
such drops The bulb is compressed, then 
the tip IS inserted in the nostril i^hite gradual 
release of pressure gently sucks out the 
mucus This may be repeated 2 or 3 times 
Viiih each nostril An car synngc is also use- 
ful for the same purpose The Birmingham 
style nasal douche is not adsocated for wash- 
mg out the mucus, smcc the dow-nward tilt 
of the nasal passages necessary for its action 
may cause (low of fluid into Eustachian 
tubes and the can After use the aspirator 
should be washed, disinfected and stored as 
usual for rubber goods 
Breast pumps (Fig 143) have a I-ounce 
to 2Vi-ouocc bulb into which is mserted a 
ihtck'Wallcd hom-shapcd glass or plastic 
shield about 3 inches long, the open end of 
which doles out to a circle with o 2-ioch 
diameter One side of the neck is evagmated 
to form a shallow reservoir In use the bulb 
is compressed and the shield is placed against 
the breast so os to enclose the nipple On 
release of the bulb, milk u sucked out 
through the nipple Rccompression of the 
bulb allows the milk sacs to rchU so that the 
procedure can be repeated until no further 
flow of milk IS obtamed The milk may be 
desired for a baby who cannot nurse, m 
which ease the pump should first be sterilized 
by immersion m boiling water for 10 mmutes 
or should be otherwise suitably disinfected 
Breast pumps may be used when a baby is 
weaned temporarily because of illness of the 
mother or because the baby is unable to 
suckle sufficiently to dram the breasts of mdk 
at each feedmg It is necessary to empty the 
breasts completely, since failure to do so 
regularly will result ui a drymg up of the 
milk secretion Manual espfcssion of breast 
milk by the mother is a less traumatic and, 
therefore, a preferred procedure, a breast 
pump should not be supplied without advice 
from the physician la aitcodancc 

The urethral syringes used currently arc 
largely of the bulb type, the plunger type hav- 
ing been superseded by this more easily 
handled form The syrmge barrels arc gen- 
erally of glass for ready sterilization The 
Asepto* urethral synnge is available in sizes 
ranging from Vi ounce to 1 ounce and with 
blunt or tapered glass tips as well os soft 
rubber tips The neck of the bulb fits msidc 
a Oared end of the glass barrel (Fig 143) 
and has thick walls the better to maintain 
Its shape The capacities of the bulb and the 
band ate adyusted so that one full com- 
pression fills or empties the barrel without 
drawmg Ouid mto the bulb Two small side 
openmgs m the removable Bakelile plug in 
the neck of the bulb allow movement of air 
but hinder flow of fluid into the bulb Other 
Asepto syrmges are available with capacities 
up to 4 ounces, with special ups for attach- 
ment to catheters or hypodermic needles, or 
tor uTtgaUag the eye and other body caviucs, 
so that they arc of general uuhty 

The medicme dropper is a bulb synngc 
which the pharmacist handies so frequently 
that the usual forms require no dcscripuon 
The oJIidoJ medicine dropper is defined by 
the United States Pharmacopeia'^^ as havmg 
a delivery end 3 mm in external diameter 
and delivering 20 drops of water weighing 
1 Gm at IS® C Droppers vary m size and 
form of bulb and m length, curvature and 
style of Up, those to be used for mstilling 
drops into the nose or the eye have blunt, 
flared or ball ups Droppers attached to 
dropper bottles often arc not standard This 
may give the pharmacist cause to wonder if 
the amount of medication delivered in the 
number of drops stated on the presenpuon 
label IS actually that mtended by the pre- 
senber One manufacturerf advertises that 
hts bottles have polyethylene tubes designed 
to deliver according to USJ* standards It 

• BcctoD, DicLiiuoa and Company, Ruiherford 
N J 

t Armstrong Cork Company, Lancaster, Pa. 

Rubber and Plastic Accessories 


Fig. 144. {Left) Ure- 
thral catheters. From 
left to right: 30F Rob- 
inson 2-eye hollow tip 
x-ray opaque rubber 
catheter (eye on oppo- 
site side dotted in with 
white paint); 30F 1-eye 
solid tip rubber cath- 
eter: 24F 1-eye coude 
olive tip rub^r cath- 
eter; 14F 1-eye Nylon 
woven catheter with 
male thread at tip; S-tip 
Nylon woven filiform 
with female thread to fit 
tip on Nylon woven 
catheter. {Right) In- 
dwelling catheters. From 
left to right: Foley cath- 
eter, 18F, 5 cc. balloon 
inflated; Foley catheter, 
18F. 5 cc. biloon, not 
inflated; Foley catheter, 
30F, 30 cc. balloon in- 
flated; Malecot tip cath- 
eter, 30F; Mushroom 
tip catheter, 30F. 

should be noted that these polyethylene 
droppers soften and collapse at autoclave 
temperatures and, thus, are not suitable for 
preparation of sterile ophlhalmics. An inter- 
esting development is a flexible one-piece 
vinyl chloride medicine dropper* developed 
for one-time use in hospitals. These ate 
actually reusable, since they are easily rinsed 
and can be boiled for 5 minutes or auto- 
claved for 10. The dropper meets VSJ*. 
specifications for size and for delivery of 

Mandrel Goods 

Items such as catheters, tubing, rubber 
gloves and other rubber goods are often 
made by applying thin coats of rubber to the 
outside of forms (mandrels) immersed in 
fluid dispersions of rubber. A mandrel may 
be made of porcelain, glass, varnished wood 
or metal. In one method, the mandrel is 
dipped into a latex dispersion, then removed 
to allow drying of a thin layer of rubber on 

*TFL CUqIc Dropper, Thomas Fazio Labora- 
tories, Auburadale 66, Mass. 

its surface. Successive dippings by hand or 
machine follow until the desired thickness is 
built up. In the electro-deposition or anode 
process, a metal mandrel is made a positively 
charged anode so that it collects on itself a 
coating of the electronegative rubber par- 
ticles. Mandrel-made items are generally 
vulcanized by heat while still on the mandrel. 

Tubmg, High grade rubber tubing is made 
from latex by the anode process. Much of 
the tubing on the market is molded, often by 
an extrusion process, from rubber of varying 
quality and with formulations modified for 
specific purposes. It is often colored and 
may have exterior ribbing. That designated 
as “floating stock” is the purest form in the 
sense that it contains a low amount of sulfur 
and mineral fillers. ^Vhilc internal diameters 
of tubing usually range from 1/16 to inch 
with wall thiclmcsses of 1/16 to Vi inch, 
tubings with dimensions different from these 
arc made for specialized uses. Tubing is 
marketed in 2S-foot or 50-foot rolls, in boxes 
or on reels. It is also available in shorter 
lengths — as 5-foot replacement tubing for 

422 Pretcription Accessories and Retaled Items 

fountain s)nngcs, for example Tubing has 
many uses, from general lalxiratory work, to 
conducting intravenous solutions hfuch tub* 
mg IS now made of plastics rather than 

Urethra] catheters are tubes which arc m* 
troduced into the urethra m order to dram 
the bladder or to mjcct fluids into it They 
arc made of wo\cn fabrics (silk, linen, 
n)lon), metal, glass, s)’nthcuc rubbers (nco* 
prcnc) and plastics (pol 3 cth)]cnc, vinyl) as 
well as of hard or soft rubber In order to 
provide cxlrctncly smooth inner and outer 
surfaces, rubber catheters arc made by the 
anode process or, m some eases, by molding 
o\cr glass tubmg Catheter sizes are desig* 
nated accordmg to scales named after the 
country of origin (Table S8) On the French 
scale — which is the one most commonly re- 
ferred to— catheters run from 10 to 22 They 
arc 10 to 12 mehes long and arc uniform m 
caliber throughout their length except that 
there may be a funnel-shaped openmg m 
some styles The tip is variable, being round, 
olive or conical (for example), and it may be 
solid or hollow with one to several aper- 
tures (eyes) (Rg 144) 

Careful study of the manufacturer's cat- 
alogs IS necessary to become familiar with 
the many styles available A fairly stiff oon- 
elastic catheter, sometimes especially curved, 
IS often easier to insert into male patients 
because of bends and stnclurcs m the rela- 
tively long urethral passage Flexible cath- 
eters of softer rubber arc used in females 
where the shorter urethra causes fewer prob- 
lems Sizes I8F and 20F arc normally used 
for adults, lOF and I2F for children A wire 
stylet (or mandrin) may be used to un- 
part rigidity to a rubber catheter during in- 
sertion It IS withdrawn after insertion, leav- 
ing the catheter m place The flliform catheter 
has a long flexible tip (Fig 144, left) which 
males Its way past strictures and coils up in 
the bladder while the mam part of the in- 
strument follows Its lead X ray urethral 
catheters ore impregnated with lead or bis- 
muth salts so as to cast a shadow under the 
X ray Some catheters have calibrations on 
the outside, so that distance of insertion is 
readily determined Double-channel instru- 
ments have two lumens so as to permit in- 
flow and outflow for irrigation purposes 

Self retaining or indwelling catheters have 
been designed to decrease need for recurrent 
catheterization The Foley catheter (Fig 144, 
nght) IS the most used In addition to the 
main lumen, there is a smaller one which 
connects to an inflatable rubber bag near the 
catheter tip After insertion, air or water is 
passed into the rubber bag making it loo 
large to slip back through the vesicle openmg 
The catheter will remain supported m place 
until the bag is deflated to penmt removal 
Either constant or mtcrmittent drainage can 
be established Creevy** has selected five 
catheter styles which he says arc satisfactory 
to fulfill all the needs of on active urologic 
practice and desenbes their use 

Cathetcis must be stenle and aseptic 
technics must be used dunng insertion Lu- 
bneauon is always necessary, a sterile water- 
soluble jelly* being preferred to petrolatum 
or mineral oil for therapeutic reasons, as 
well as for lessened damage to rubber cath- 
eters A recent trend is the use of disposable 
polyethylene and vinyl catheters These are 
sealed into mdividual plastic envelopes and 
then sterilized with ethylene oxide 

While opinions on the danger of catheten- 
zation vary greatly, the catheter has been 
called the most common agent responsible for 
resistant urinary mfcctions Insertion of a 
urethral catheter is a procedure requiring 
skill and cxpencncc beyond that of a lay 
person, and must be done by the physician 
or the nurse Because of the specialized 
knowledge required for their use and also, 
perhaps because of their misuse m attempted 
self abortions, catheters arc classified as 
legend "drugs," a prescription bemg required 
for their dispensmg 

Stomach tubes arc 60-tnch long, soft rub- 
ber tubes intended for passage into the 
stomach for purposes of removing its con 
tents, for gastric lavage or for mlroducing 
liquid food or medication These tubes have 
one cy c near the open tip and a widely flared 
funnel-opening at the other end There is a 
depth mark 18 inches from the up In addi- 
tion to this style, there is a design in which 
the tube is cut into two approximately equal 
lengths which arc then joined through a 

* Lubsfox stenle surgical lubncant in a 2.7 Cm 
•lagle use foil package u available from Durrougbs 
Wellcome and Co Tuckahoe, N J 

Rubber and Plastic Accessories 423 

valved aspirator bulb Stomach tubes are 
Sized accordmg to the French scale, the small 
22F being used for children, while sizes 28F 
to 32F are available for adult use Whfle m- 
sertion of the stomach tube is usually reserved 
for the physician, gastnc lavage is a term 
familiar to phannacists as a part of the 
emergency treatment of poisomngs The 
stomach tube is first placed m ice, smce a 
stiff, cold tube is passed more easily Some 
recommend lubncatmg the tube with a vege- 
table oil, though oils may mcrease the tend- 
ency to nausea The tube is placed far back 
m the mouth of the sitting or recumbent pa- 
tient As he swallows, the tube is advanced 
until the marker is reached, mdicating that 
the end is m the stomach There is danger of 
damagin g the larynx or perforatmg the esoph- 
agus or the stomach If the patient is un- 
cooperative, a smaller tube may be passed 
through the nose Lowermg the funnel end 
below the level of the tip will siphon out the 
stomach contents The funnel is then held 
upright and about 500 ml of irrigating fiuid 
(water at 105^ F , usually) is added, kern- 
mg the funnel full To siphon again, the 
funnel is mverted and lowered while there is 
still some fluid m it, smce this avoids the 
mtroducuon of air which may cause disten- 
tion and pauL This alternate dilution and 
dramage is repeated until the wash fluid is 
clear or until a prescnbed amount has been 
given As much as 3 gallons may be used 
Finally, the tube is pmched off at the pa- 
ticnt's bps and quickly mtbdra»’a Alter 
use, It IS cleaned and disinfected by usual 
procedures satisfactory for rubber 

Duodenal tubes are provided for insertion 
by way of the nose, usually mto the upper 
part of the small mtestine to sample its 
contents or to remove gas and fluids m 
the prevention or the treatment of disten- 
tion following abdommal surgery Suction 
by an aspirating device is used m this pro- 
cedure The Levm tube is a flexible, soft- 
walled, 4 foot tube, sizes 10 to 18F, with 4 
side e)es near the tip and with concenliK 
markmg rings usually 19, 23, 27 and 31 
mches from the tip The Cantor tube is an 
18F, 10 foot tube with a small mercury filled 
bag at Its multiple-eyed tip The “mushy” 
heavy balloon is mtended to stimulate open- 
mg of the p)lonc val>c and to permit ad- 

vanemg of the tube by gravity The aspirator 
is started when the letter ‘ S” on the tube is 
at the patient’s nose The MiUer-Abbott*^* 
tube is a metal tipped, 16F, 10 foot, double- 
lumen tube, one lumen openmg mto a small 
balloon near the tip Markings on the tube 
are to mdicate the distance it has been passed. 
An eye at stomach level, as well as one at 
duodenal level allows dramage of both The 
tube IS passed through the pylonc valve with 
the balloon deflated, then peristaltic action 
carries the inflated balloon and the tube along 
the mtestme Dam rubber reservoirs to ac- 
cept aspirated flmds are at the upper end 
Many modifications of these basic designs, 
including some with magnet tips, are avail- 

Rectal tubes superficially appear to be 
large urethral catheters They are made of 
flexible rubber and always have an openmg 
on the tip as well as one eye near the Up 
and a funnel-opening on the other end. They 
are 20 mches long and are available m sizes 
16F to 32F, with 22F and 24F most often 
used for adults The rectal tube is attached 
through supplemental tubmg to an imgatmg 
can or to a fountam synnge for givmg an 
enema. The up end is lubneated and mserted 
mto the rectum for a distance of about 4 
mches Higher inseruon serves no purpose 
and may be dangerous The relaUvely long 
leng^ of the rectal tube is to provide flexi- 
bility and some degree of control rate of 
fluid flow by finger pressure Rectal tubes 
are less likely to cause injury to the rectum 
than are the hard inflexible tips usually sup- 
plied with fountam synnges, therefore, the 
pbannacist can do his patron a service by 
tellmg him about them 

Colon tubes are larger and heavier-walled 
rectal tubes They are 30 inches long and 
range m size from 22F to 32F These tubes 
are used to remove feces &om the lower 
colon by imgauon m much the same maimer 
as are rectal tubes They are also used to 
mtroduce fluid food mto the lower bowel 

Rubber Globes. Stenle rubber gloves are 
used by physicians and nurses to guard 
against contammation of wounds and to pro- 
tect their hands from pathogens or unpleasant 
discharges while exammmg body areas Sur- 
gical gloves are made from natural latex by 
&e anode process to secure the thm walls 


Prescription Accessories and Related Items 

Fio 145 {Leji) Nipple shield (.Right) 
Dreast shield 

necessary for freedom of motion and sensi- 
tivity of touch Sizes from 6V6 to 10 allow 
for the desirable snug fit. The gloves may be 
sterilized by autoclaving for 15 minutes at 
250° F Procedures for obtaining maximum 
glove life have been worked out Washmg 
with mJd soap or detergent and nnsing arc 
followed by drying mside and out Holes arc 
detected by visual inspection, air testing or 
electrical methods Prior to autoclaving, 
the gloves arc powdered inside and out to 
prevent sucking on exposure to steam 
Talcum or an absorbable powder prepared 
by processing cornstarch* are often used 
gloves arc wrapped as individual pairs 
m muslin or m autoclave paper along with 
a packet of glove powder which will used 
when the gloves arc donned All air should 
be exhausted from the autoclave durmg 
sterilization As little as 0 I per cent of air 
remaining m the steam chamber will double 
the rate of deterioration of the gloves Smcc 
the glove rubber temporarily loses its strength 
because of being heated, gloves should not 
be used for 24 to 4S hours after autodavmg 
Eth)lcnc oxide stcnlizaUon at 130® for 4 
hours*^ followed by a post stcrilizauon rest 
period of 8 to 16 hours is also used Gloves 
should be stored m a cool, dark place Care 
must be taken to avoid puncturing gloves 
with the fingernails v hilc handling Surgical 
gloves arc removed fi ini the hands by rolling 
them inside out, rather than by pulling them 
off Disposable pol}cth)lcnc and polyvinyl 
gloves m prcstcnlizcd unit packages arc now 
rclauvciy inexpensive and ore becoming more 
widely used, especially as examining gloves 

Rubber gloves for household, garden or 
work use are also manC.'cl made, but usually 
by dippmg proccdutes Walls arc thicker tlion 

* Dioiotb. Eihicoo, Inc , Somen-j N 1 

for surgical gloves, fingers may be reinforced 
and roughened on the outside, and the mside 
may have a special lining for ease of don- 
ning Small, medium, large and extra large 
sizes are marketed Synthetic rubbers such 
as neoprene, which resists oils and greases, 
as well as various plastics arc widely used 
Such gloves arc appropriately stocked in a 
pharmacy, since they are used to protect 
hands against detergents and common irri- 

Finger cots arc rubber finger-shaped 
shields wihich are used m Ueu of gloves to 
protect fingers against corrosives or to pro- 
vide a nonslip grip for work such as sorting 
or filing Thin walled cots are made from 
natural latex rubber by a mandrel process, 
while thicker ones for heavy work arc made 
from other rubber formulations or from 
neoprene Usual sizes are small, medium, 
large and thumb A cot which is too small 
can seriously interfere with blood circulation 
Tlic pharmacist should discourage the use of 
finger cots as a wateiproof covering over 
bandages, since they prevent ventilation 

Nipple Shields. A nipple shield (Fig 145) 
IS a round, slightly convex glass or plastic 
plate with a short central upwardly project- 
ing tube to which a rubber nipple is securely 
attached The nipple is mandrel made The 
shield is intended to be placed over sore 
nipples so that the pressure of the nursmg 
baby’s mouth wdl be attenuated by the re- 
sistance of the rubber nipple This device is 
not very satisfactory for either the mother 
or the baby, so it is used only when gross 
imtation or fissures arc present The breast 
shield (Fig 145), made entuely of rubber 
and shaped much like the nipple shield, docs 
not provide for nursmg It is worn to protect 
inflamed or imtatcd nipples from contact 

Condoms. The condom or prophylactic 
IS a thin, nonporous sheath which is worn 
over the ptnis during coitus A legal defini- 
tion of the term prophylactic includes “any 
dcviw, appliance or medicinal agent used in 
the prevention of venereal disease"*^® Be- 
cause of the public health aspects inherent m 
the use of condoms, many states in this 
country have established standards of 
quidity for these articles and test them regu- 
larly. About 16 states restrict their distnbu- 
tioa to regular drug channels Since condoms 

Rubber and Plastic Accessories 425 

prevent the deposition of semen mto the 
vagmal canal, physicians may prescnbe their 
use when voluntary control of conception is 
necessary for obstetnc or gynecologic rea- 

Sheaths made of rubber and of animal 
membranes are most widely available m this 
country A film*®’^ depicting the production 
of rubber prophylactics by a latex process is 
distnbuted without charge for showmg to 
select groups Glass mandrels are dipped 
mto a dispersion of latex, heat-dned and re- 
dipped to make a sheath with a diameter 
rangmg from 1 Vi to 2 inches and with a wall 
thickness of about 0 002 mches A narrow 
bead is formed by rolling the open end on 
Itself, leaving the tube slightly more than 7 
mches long Sheaths are heat-cured while on 
the mandrel DusUng with talcum powder 
prevents sticking together of rubber surfaces 
The sheaths are placed on metal mandrels 
and passed through an electrified bath to de- 
tect and eliminate those with holes Ihe m- 
dividual condom is rolled mto a flat nog 
which may then be sealed m aluminum fed 
or otherwise encased Usual packages are 
paper envelopes, cardboard boxes or metal 
contamers with 3, 12 or 36 condoms In a 
cement process which is used by one com- 
pany m this country, glass mandrels are 
dipped mto a solution of crepe rubber m 
benzol or gasolme,^"* then the rubber is 
vulcanized at high temperatures There is 
controversy as to the relative ments of the 
two processes A special shape of prophy- 
lactic, the receptacle end condom, termmates 
m a short narrow pouch — about 1 x % 
mches — which, m use, extends beyond the 
tip of the perns This is claimed to reduce the 
possibihty of breakmg the sheath, smee the 
semen is ejaculated mto the open chamber 
rather than against an end which may 
be stretched tautly if the user of the regular 
condom does not allow a temunal margm 
Receptable end condoms may be dry or may 
be lubricated before packagmg The exact 
composition of the lubncant is a manufactur- 
mg secret, but the fluid is aqueous and gen- 
ei^y contams gljccnn and a preservative 
Lubneauon is mtended to compensate for a 
possible dryness of the vagmal canal and is 
therefore stated to mcrease sensitivity 
Condoms made of animal membranes are 
about the same m general dimensions as 

those of rubber except that they may be 
slightly thinner walled Details of manu- 
facture are not available These * skms” are 
made from a natural pouch, the “cul” or 
cecum of the lamb The pouches must be 
cleaned and defatted to prevent deterioration 
and the development of noxious odors Smee 
they are not elastic, rubberized thread is sewn 
along the nm of the open end Skms are 
generally lubricated and rolled before pacL- 
agmg Animal membranes are claimed to 
conduct heat better than rubber and, there- 
fore, to mterfere less with normal responses 
They are more costly than those made from 

Misbranding and adulteration provisions 
of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act 
apply to condoms which pass m mterstate 
commerce State regulations, where they 
exist, are often more specific In California, 
for example, minimum dimensions of sheaths 
are specified and sample prophylactics must 
pass a water lest’*'’ Prophylactics are re- 
quired to be labeled with the name and the 
address of the manufacturer and also with the 
date of manufacture No prophylactic may 
be oflered for sale when the dating mdicates 
It was manufactured more than three years 
pnor Storage of prophylactics should be m a 
cool place removed from sources of heat or 
ozone Contact with petroleum jelly or 
oils can be expected to brmg about detenora- 
tion of rubber prophylactics 

Diaphragms. The vagmal diaphragm is an 
oedusive device which the woman apphes 
over the cervical openmg pnor to coitus It 
IS used only for contraceptive purposes 
Diaphragms are generally made of ihin latex 
rubber molded mto a domed circular shape 
and rimmed with a steel spnng enclosed m 
heavier rubber Available models differ m 
shape, depth, kmd of rubber and m type, 
thickness and tension of spnng When prop- 
eriy positioned, the lower part of the dia- 
phragm nm rests m the postenor fonux and 
the upper part lodges behmd the symphysis 
pubis so as to hold the diaphragm securely 
in place The diaphragm does not allow 
sperm to be deposited directly at the cervical 
openmg but it cannot be expected to prevent 
them from passing around its run A contra- 
cepti'ie jelly or cream must always be applied 
to Its surfaces and run so that sperm must 
travel m the spermicidal preparation for at 

426 Prescription Accessories ond Reloted Items 

least the diameter of the diaphragm before 
reaching the os It ts the increased duration 
of exposure to the spermicide >\hich con> 
tnbutes to the ciTectivcocss of this method 

To afford adequate protection the size and 
the 1)^0 of diaphragm must be selected for 
the patient by the physician after a gyne- 
cologic examination to determine the depth 
of the sagina, the lone of the perineum and 
the condition of the pelvic organs The dia- 
phragm N^hich IS either too small or too large 
IS not properly supported and the penis may 
pass betivccn it and the symphysis to release 
sperm at the cervical os Because of the 
need for individual fitting and for instmc- 
lion m proper insertion, Federal law stipu- 
lates that these devices may be dispensed 
only on prescription Diaphragm sizes, 
designated m terms of the diameter in milli- 
meters, range from 50 to 105 m merements 
of 5 Sizes 70 to 90 ore those most commonly 
prescribed, with 75 the size most frequently 
called for 

The wearer is taught to mtroduce the dia- 
phragm wuh her fiagcis, or she may prefer to 
use an mserter specially designed for this 
purpose** Most diaphragms may be used 
cither dome up or dome down Before in- 
sertion, about a tcospoonful of spermicidal 
jelly or cream is spread on the rim and over 
the side of the diaphragm which will contact 
(he cervix or over both sides The diaphragm 
may be inserted several hours pnor to coitus 
and should be left in place for 6 to 8 hours 
after It should be removed not longer than 
24 hours oficr mscrtion Removal is suoply 
accomplished by hooking the tip of the index 
fmger over (he ontenor nm of the dia- 
phragm and pulling down and ouL A cleans- 
ing douche may ^ taken at this time, al- 
though It is not necessary and, perhaps, 
undesirable The diaphragm should be 
washed with mild soap and water, nosed, 
dned thoroughly, dusted with talcum powder 
and stored in its contamcr It should be cx- 
ammed for holes or tears before use Bod- 
ing the diaphragm or cleansing with antiseptic 
solutions IS neither necessary nor recom- 
mended •• 

Before dispensing a diaphragm the phar- 
macist should alw'ays examine it carauUy 
for defects or detenoratioo. If the presenp- 
tion docs not cany complete mformatioo. 

be should ascertam if the patient desires an 
introducer and a vaginal cream or jelly Kits 
contammg these along with the diaphragm 
are avaJable A supply of talcum powd^cr 
may be suggested as an adjunct to proper 
care of the diaphragm Since a diaphragm 
may last about 2 years, the pharmacist may 
be well advised at the time of the ongmal 
dispcnsmg to tell the patient that permission 
of ^c presenber will be needed when replace- 
ment IS necessary 

Cervical caps arc soft rubber, plastic or 
metal cups made to fit over the cervical open- 
ing Suction may play a part m holding cer- 
tain types in position They arc frequently 
left in place for days or even longer without 
mjury^® Cervical caps may be used m 
some eases where anatomic abnormalities 
prevent the use of a diaphragm Although 
they arc in common use m Great Britain and 
Central Europe, they do not appear to be 
well known to die lay public m the United 
States They may be dispensed only on 

Conlraccpbve Agents. Compositions and 
uses of contraceptive jellies, creams and sup- 
posiloncs have been reviewed annually 
Some products arc designed to be used as the 
sole contraceptive agent, while others must be 
applied to a diaphragm or placed inside a 
condom. A translucent syringe applicator 
may be supplied to facilitate deposition of the 
jelly or the cream (about 5 cc.) m the 
vagina. Commercially available formulations 
have been reported and tested by m vitro 
methods ** ** Vanabics inherent m actual 
use situations do not appear to be amenable 
to the rigorous control necessary for chmeal 
studies capable of unequivocal determination 
of either the absolute or the relative efficacy 
of the several chemical and mechanical con- 
traceptive methods which have been de- 
vised” Phjsicians seem to make a 
choice based on a sort of clinical ‘sixth- 
sense ” No pharmacist should recommend a 
contraceptive product or method 


Orthopedic supports require detailed ex- 
position and demonstration for adequate ex- 
planation of uses and fitting for specific 
individual conditions Nooethclcss, there are 

Elastic Support Items 427 

certain elastic support items which are 
stocked by pharmacies because they are used 
without medical advice Elastic hosiery, 
anklets, knee caps, wnst and elbow supports, 
athletic supporters and suspensories faU mto 
this category Elastic bandages will also be 
discussed at this pomt because of similanties 
m construction and use 

Elastic bandages* may be made with rub- 
ber threads woven mto the fabric, or, altema- 
Uvely, the elasticity may be due to a special 
kmt of cotton fibers These bandages are 
used chiefly to apply compression to sprains, 
vancose veins, bums or wounds and nb 
fractures The elasticity allows the bandage 
to “give” if swelling occurs under it, so that 
mterference with circulation is minimized 
Greater pressure may be applied with the 
rubber-contauung bandages, but they are less 
porous and, therefore, make the covered area 
warmer All-cotton bandages are less sub- 
ject to deterioration from heat and light, and 
washing restores the elasticity Both types are 
available m widths of 2 to 6 inches or more 
The usual length is 5 Vi yards, stretched 
Ends are fastened m place by flat, pronged 
metal clips which are furnished with each roU 
of bandage Replacement, clips should be 
stocked, smce clips are easily lost or broken 
At least one brandf now is marketed with 
a clip permanently attached to one end. 

Adhesive elastic bandagest are adhesive- 
coated cotton bandages with somewhat the 
same uses as those delmeated above, as well 
as those usually thou^t of for adhesive tape 
Widths vary ^m 1 inch to 4 mcbes and 
lengths are up to 5 yards stretched. 

Elastic Hose. Elastic hosiery is worn to 
prevent or alleviate vancose veins These 
develop usually m mdividuals such as den- 
tists or pharmacists who may be required to 
stand m one place for long penods of time 
Alternate contraction and relaxation of leg 
muscles during walkmg help the return flow 
of blood to the heart against the force of 

*Ace Elastic Bandages, B D Cotton Elastic 
Bandage, Bccton, Dickin^n and Co Rutherford, 
N J , Adaptic and Comprol Elasuc Bandages 
Johnson and Johnson, New Brunswick, N J 

t Tensor Elastic Bandage, Bauer and Black, 
Chicago lU. 

tAce-bcsi>e, Bectoo, Dickinson and Co, 
Elastikon, Johnson and Johnson. 

gravity by massaging vein walls so as to 
sqiKeze the blood along through a senes of 
v^ves which tend to direct it upward only 
With contmued standmg, blood accumulates 
m the leg, venous pressure mcreases, the 
valv^ fail, the walls of the effected veins 
bulge and knot as they become distended by 
the blood and severe pam is felt. The com- 
pression and the massaging action of elastic 
bandages or hosiery are used to help the 
leg muscles m retummg blood to the heart 
and thus give symptomatic relief and prevent 
further unsightly venous distention 

ElasUc hosiery is kmt from latex rubber 
thread covered with nylon, rayon or cotton 
Brands and styles differ in details of design, 
m gauge of rubber thread used and m weight 
and type of kmttmg yam An elastic stocl^g 
may have either two-way or one way stretch, 
the latter lackmg lengthwise stretch One- 
way stretch stockings are generally of heavier 
weight and dehver maximum circular com- 
pression which makes them better suited to 
treat severe or difficult cases Men do not 
object to tbeir bulkiness, but women find 
them unattractive and often refuse to wear 
them m public Smce there is no vertical give, 
the one-way stretch stocking must be fitted 
very carefully so as to provide uniform pres- 
sure Failure to do so may cause edema or 
other compbcations m spots where too httle 
pressure is being applied Individual manu- 
facturers supply diagrams to show the key 
parts of the leg to measure and correspond- 
ing tables to enable choice of the correct 
stock size Snug measurements accurate to 
H inch should be taken without compressing 
the leg If swellmg occurs during the day, 
circumference measurements should be taken 
by the patient in the morning before arising 
Two way stretch stockings are available 
m surgical (heavy) weight, service weight 
and m sheer light-weight styles Fitting to Uie 
leg IS easier, smce the more the hose is 
stretched lengthwise the smaller its circum- 
ference becomes A few measurements are 
taken to choose from among the 4 or 5 
available sizes rangmg from small to extra- 
large As the thickness of the cloth decreases, 
therapeuUc support docs likewise It is doubt- 
fiil that the ultra-sheer style which vanity 
persuades women to choose actually provides 
adequate compression. They should be en- 


Prescription Accessories ond ReJoled Items 

Fio 146 (Top) Elastic hose Left lo 
right, overknee, lighlss eight, two-way 
stretch, tiiU (oot reandcss ayloo clasuc 
hose, similar with partial foot only, simi- 
lar underknee (garter) length, surgical 
weight one-way stretch, garter length, 
rayon and cotton hose (Bottom) Ex- 
tremity supports Left to nghi, knee sup- 
port, ankle support and wrist support 

counged at least to wear a heavier stocking 
while at home. 

Both forms of stoebng arc available in 
lengths langtng from bclow-kncc of garter 
styles to thigh hose, and considcratioo must 
be given as to where the support is needed 
(Fig 146, wp) Some have a full foot, but, 
more often, the toe and, sometimes, the heel 
arc cut out so that a pair of dress hose may be 

worn over them Seamless hose is popular 
because it is more easily covered 

Elastic hose is put on by rolling or folding 
it down until the foot may be inserted easily 
into the toe end and then rolling it back up 
the leg with a minimum of tugging and pull- 
ing &mc wearers, m order to prevent swell- 
ing, need to put on the hose before arising 
Proper care of the elastic stocking is im- 
portant, smee the rubber m it is subject to 
deterioration from oils, heat and other envi- 
ronmental factors mentioned previously 
Daily washing with soap and water, adequate 
rinsmg and drying and a resting penod be- 
tween weanngs arc desirable for maximum 
life (ibnscqucntly, the user should have at 
least two stockings for each affected leg 

Extremity Supports. Anklets, knee caps 
and elbow braces arc made of rubber thread 
covered with cotton and woven mto seamless 
surgical-ncight tubes shaped appropnately to 
6t areas which each is intended to sup- 
port (Fig 146, bottom) They are used most 
often to compress, support and immobilize 
sprains or wrenched joints Sizes run from 
small to extra-large, with fittmg done by 
having the client try on the support. Hinged 
knee caps with jointed steel side-bars are 
available to supply lateral support when 
needed for severe sprains Wristlets (Fig 
146, bottom) also arc used lo support a weak 
wnsl and are available m leather as well as 
in clastic cloth Leather wnstbands have one 
to three straps, depending on their width, and 
may be lined or unlmcd Elastic and leather 
wnsUcts often arc made m a single size which 
IS adjusted to fit the wnst. through snap 
buttons or buckles 

Suspcnsoncs are used for a wide vancty 
of condiuons involving the scrotum and its 
contents Conservative treatment of vanco- 
cclc, epididymitis and orchitis calls for wear- 
ing a suspensory They are also used to 
support the scrotum after treatment of hydro- 
cele and after hernia repair, prostatectomy 
and scrotal surgery In each instance, the 
function of the suspensory is to hold up or 
to support the scrotum so os to relieve the 
pam and discomfort attendant on the afUiC- 
tions listed above 

Suspcnsoncs consist of a pouch attached 
to a body belt (Fig 147, left). Some also 

Sickroom Utensils 429 

Fig 147 {Left) Suspensory This style with leg straps is especially suited for active or 
heavy set men {Right) Athletic supporter 

have leg straps which provide additional sup- 
port though they may cause some discomfort 
to the wearer Pouches are made of soft 
cotton knitted mto a porous mesh to permit 
ventilation The pouch should be the conect 
size to contain ^e entire scrotum comfort- 
ably A pouch that is too small tends to bmd 
and cut at the edges and to compress rather 
than to support A pouch that is too large 
cuts mto tissues around the scrotum and does 
not give good support Since correct fit is 
determmed only by observation from both 
front and side with the patient m a stand 
mg position, the original designation of size 
may be made by the attending physician 
Pouch sizes range from small to extra large 
Some styles have drawstnngs which allow for 
nunor adjustments Belts may or may not 
be elastic but are always adaptable to a wide 
range of waist dimensions Size designations 
do not refer to belt length but only to pouch 
capacity Vanations b^ctween suspensories 
are found m weight of pouches, form of body 
belt and presence or absence of leg straps 
Catalogs suggest that some styles are better 
for stout men and others are better for 
slender men 

Athletic supporters are worn usually os 
scrotal supports to combat fatigue and strain 
durmg sports or other tinng physical activ- 
ities They differ from suspensories m being 
made of clastic cloth (cotton or nylon) and 
m bemg designed to enclose all the gcmtal 

organs wiihm the pouch rather than only the 
scrotum (Fig 147, right) Some arc made 
with a nonelasuc butted mesh pouch Both 
pouches and leg straps are generally an m- 
tegral part of the appliance, but they are 
detachable m some styles Belt widths vary 
from 1 mch up to 10 mebes with the wider 
belts bemg used as abdominal supports, 
sometimes for a “s limmin g** effect Sizes are 
m terms of waist measure, not pouch size, 
and run from small to extra large Supporters 
are easily fitted, smee the elasticity of the 
waistband allows for a range of 2 to 3 mebes 
witbm each size As with ^ apphances con- 
tauimg rubber, proper care to avoid contact 
with detenoratmg agents will extend the 
penod of useful service 

Proper care of a person confined to bed 
may require the use of several forms of pans 
or basms for collecting body excretions and 
discharges This ware is made commonly of 
stainless steel or porcclam enamel and, some- 
times, of gloss, rubber or plastics 

Bedpans (Fig 148, top) are fanly shallow 
pans which are slipped under the hips of a 
person lymg m bed so as to collect his feces 
and urmc They are generally oval m shape 
and have a wide ffat nm for supportmg the 
weight of the mdividual Both adult size and 
duld size pans are made. A specially angled 

430 Prescription Accettones ond Reloied Items 

rto 14S (Top) Dcdpjfl (Je/l) and 
fracture pan These ore sUonlcss stcc! 
{Douom) Male (left) and fcrtulc caaincl 

st)lc* said (o be less uncomfortable is avail* 
able The fracture bedpan (Fig 148, top) is 
smaller, flatter and easier to use with tm- 
mobilizcd or oserwcight patients or children 
Those of stainless steel arc most suited to 
continued and rough usage as m hospitals 
Enamclware is acceptable for home use, 
though heavy, cold and easily chipped, it is 
cosy to clean Rubber inflated bedpans arc 
sv ann and comfortable, but are expensive and 
difficult to clean Plastic bedpans arc light, 
warm, sturdy and easily cleaned, so these 
newly available forms seem ideal for home 
use Autoclavablc pans are molded from poly* 
propylene nonautoclavabic from polystyrene 
The purchaser may need instmctioo m the 
use and the care of a bedpan Steel or coomcl- 
warc should be warmed before use by wash- 
ing with warm water and then drying It is 
advisable to spread several layers of news* 
paper under the patients hips as a precau- 
tion against acadcntal spillage Immediately 
after use, the pan should be cleaned, dried 
and made ready for reuse 

Douche pans have the general appearance 

* Relax Bedpan The Jones Meul Product* Com 
pony WcsxLjrjyctte, Ohio. 

of fracture pans, but arc flatter, shallower 
and more oblong They arc used to collect 
medicated solutions or washes following 
irngations of body cavities 

Unnols arc employed to collect urme The 
two types, the male and the female, differ 
in shape as shown (Fig. 148, bottom). 
They are made from stainless steel, porce- 
lain enamel, glass or plastic Some arc cali- 
brated to /acdiCatc mcasunng (he volume of 
unne output when requested by the physi- 
cian They hold about 1,000 ml m the 
honiontal position Unnals should be 
warmed before use m the same manner as 
bedpans and similarly cleaned after use 
Autoclavablc plastic urinalsf arc now avail- 

Kidney basins arc so named because of 
their shape They arc also called emesis, pus 
and sputum basins after the fluids commonly 
collected in them The usual capacity is 500 
(o 1,000 ml Inexpensive kidney basins of 
plasuc or treated paper are available, these 
arc disposed of after each use 

Other utensils and equipment which phar- 
macists should supply— since they are needed 
for taking care of bedridden patients — in- 
clude wash basins, foot tubs, serving trays, 
feeding cups, water pitchers, drinking tu^s 
or flexible straws and graduated measures 


For reasons of convenience and easy ad- 
yustment of temperature, electric healing 
pads arc now popular for home use Signifi- 
cant diflcrcDCcs m design exist among the 
av-adablc models withm any one brand of 
beating pad. For example, a pad may be con- 
structed to be either moisture resistant or w ci- 
piDof, U may be a three-speed, a three posi- 
tive heat or a variable heat pad These terms 
are clarified in the descriptions which follow 

The pad usually consists of a heatmg clc- 
inem, at least two thermostats, a switch, a 
cord^t, a plastic or rubberized cover and a 
cloth cover The heating element is a re- 
sistance wire which is wound over on insulat- 
ing core and then covered with an insulating 
bycr of matcnal to make a strand about three 

t PluU cnctlic Manufacturing In« PasoJen* 
Catifonua The Jones Metal ProJucu Compaa/ 
West iM*)CUe, Ohio 

Electric Heating Pads 431 

millmieters m dumeter This is sewn to a 
flat piece of matenal, usually burlap A spiral 
rectangular or, alternatively, a back and forth 
pattern is followed to ensure even distnbu- 
tion of heat over the whole pad The thermo- 
static controls and the cornet are attached, 
then the unit is covered on both sides with a 
layer of soft cotton wadding backed with an 
open-mesh gauze layer and the whole umt 
is sewn togeUier along the edges The flat pad 
IS enveloped m a totally enclosed cover 
(usually a rubberized fabric or, sometimes, 
vmyl) and sealed m a vulcanizing press or 
a bi^ frequency sealmg machine to make it 
wetproof These pads are immersed m water 
to meet quahty-control standards for mois 
ture leakage • It has been claimed that 22 of 
42 models selected for test were not fully 
sealed against moisture, the fault usually 
bemg at die power-cord entrance Moisture- 
resistant pa^ are built m the same manner 
except that the cover is not completely 
sealed and they are not given an immersion 
test One or two cloth covers are placed m 
the box along with the pad. 

The switch selector on the 3-speed pad 
may be marked low, medium and high, but 
these refer not to the flnal temperature of 
the pad but, rather, to rate of temperature 
nse No matter which setting is used, the pad 
will eventually attam the same temperature 
(approximately 165 to 180° F) Only the 
speed at which the pad heats up is con- 
trolled The pad has tv^o heater circuits which 
differ m resistance and by switchmg from one 
to another or by switchmg both circuits m 
parallel, the time required to obtain the de- 
sired temperature is varied (Fig 149, top) 
One of the two thermostats functions to 
operate the pad at the desired temperature 
and the second one is m the circuit as a 
safety backup m case the operating thermo- 
stat becomes defective and fails to open the 
circuit On the other hand, through different 
circuitry,*®* the ihrec-positive (or fixed) heat 
pad does attain a separate and distmct sur- 
face temperature for each different switch 
selector position (Fig 149, bottom) Tem- 
peratures are reached m 15 to 20 minutes 

Pads differ m design of control switch, 

* Standard for Electrically Heated Pads and 
Bedding. UL 130, Dec. 1954, Underwnters Labo- 
ratones Inc . Chicago, IlUnois 

Fio 149 (Top) Typical temperature 
time cbaractensUcs of a three speed elec 
tnc beatiog pad (From Little L. D , and 
Wise, R A , General Electric Co , Ashe 
boro, N Carolina) (Bottom) Typical 
temperature time characteristics of a 
three positive heat electric beating pad 

there bemg pushbutton, slide, contmuous 
rotary and click-stop rotaiy types Switches 
may have a glow light or raised ‘ braille” 
markmgs to help m heat selection m the dark. 
Covers may be made of cotton, acetate, 
acrylic or nylon, they are generally washable 
and are often beautifully patterned While 
12 X 15 inches appears to be the standard 
size, both larger and smaller pads are avail- 
able Guarantees against defecuve workman- 
ship and material range from 1 to 5 years 
These are factors which, along with differ- 
ences m basic construction features, are 
measures of quahty or affect pnee The 
waterproof pad is preferable because there is 
less d^ger of shock to the user who perspires 
heavily Furthermore, the waterproof pad 
may be placed over a wet compress to supply 
ste^y warmth and moist heat which may be 
therapeutically desirable for inflamed areas 
of the skm, for example A moist beat kit 
consuting of a cellulose sponge and a double- 
pocket cover IS available t On the other 

t Mout Heat Kit Casco Products Corp Bridge 
port, Cona 

432 Prescription Accessories ond Reictcd Items 

hand, the moisturc-rcsistani pad must be 
kept dry, it must not be used Vitth VrCt dress* 
mgs The three posiUsc heat pad is also pref- 
erable over the three speed pad, smcc the 
sclectability of the correct heat is desirable 
for use over an extended length of tune 

The pharmacist should be sure that his 
client is warned about possible misuse of the 
clcctnc hcaimg pad Precautionary state- 
ments arc usually pnntcd on the box, these 
should be emphasized at the time the pad is 
dispensed Use of pins or other metallic 
means of fastenmg the pad in place is very 
dangerous because of the possibility of ex- 
posure to clcctnc shock. For sunilar reasons 
the pad should not be crushed or folded 
while operaung nor should it be used if the 
vm)l cover shows signs of blistering, crack- 
ing or other damage It is important to warn 
the user to examine frequently the area being 
heated for unusual redness or signs of burn- 
ing Cautions against going to sleep while 
usuig the pad should be voiced, since serious 
bums con result from this error 


Vaponzcr-humidilicrs arc devices used to 
produce steam and high humidity in the sick 
room Both the moist heat and the increased 
relative humidity*" arc considered bcnchcial 
Inhalation of moist warm air is said to allevi- 
ate inflammation of the mucous membranes 
in acute colds and in sinusitis, to liquefy thick, 
tenacious mucous and to relieve coughing** 
The use of steam to relieve croup symptoms 
IS standard •* Pediatricians not infre- 
quently order vaporizers to be operated con- 
tinuously hour after hour in the bedroom of 
a ‘croupy’ child. Prolonged exposure to the 
low relative humidity of artificially heated 
rooms adversely affects the protccUvc mecha- 
nisms of the mucous membranes of the re- 
spiratory tract and contributes to the increased 
incidence of upper respiratory infection dur- 
ing cold weailicr** Simple humidification 
may give relief to certain individuals with 
acute or chronic respuatory disease ** Vapor- 
izers often arc designed with a medicament 
cup placed so that escaping steam passes 
directly over it When aromatic matures such 
os Compound Benzoin Tincture are placed 
therein, the volatile mgrcdicots arc vaporized 

by the heat and arc earned along to be m- 
h^ed with the water vapor Good evidence 
that these substances add to the therapeutic 
action is lacking, and some practitioners be- 
heve them to be unduly imtant to the respira- 
tory tract. 

Tlie basic components of a vaponzer- 
humidilici are a jar to hold the water, an 
clccincal unit to convert the water to vapor, 
a lid with on escape hole for the steam and 
a service cord to connect the clcctncal unit 
to regular house current Jars are glass or 
heat resistant plastic such as polypropylene 
Luis are hard plastic usually The medica- 
ment cup generally is hollowed out of the 
portion of the lid immediately beneath the 
steam escape hole A separate nozzle or 
steam spout IS sometimes provided with the 

For optimum performance a vaponzer- 
humidilicr should begin to produce steam 
within 2 or 3 minutes after being connected 
to the source of clcctncity, it should reach 
a steady rate of stcammg m 30 minutes or 
less, It should vaporize about 10 to 16 
ounces of water per hour, it should produce 
steam for a relatively long time — ^perhaps 8 
to 12 hours. It should shut off automatically 
before the water level becomes too low, and 
It should be safe to use, i c , wiUiout danger 
of causing electric shock or bums Some 
models meet these qualifications, others do 
not ** The specifications for steaming rate 
and durauon require a jar capacity of 1 gallon 
or more A squat design with a broad base is 
less likely to Up over accidentally 

The iJircc types which are commcrciaUy 
available differ in the way m which the water 
vapor is formed In the electrolytic type (Fig 
ISO, top), two electrodes arc immersed in 
water which Uicn is heated as clcctnc cur- 
rent IS caused to flow between the electrodes 
In the butler type, an msulatcd heating ele- 
ment is immersed in the water to heat it to 
the boiling point The third type (Fig 150, 
bottom ) docs not heat the water, but depends 
on mechanical forces to break water particles 
into fine vapor, thus producing a so-called 
cold steam 

Most electrolytic models have an elec- 
trode assembly composed of the lid and of 
the two electrodes suspended in a cylindncol 
plastic chamber When this is inserted into 

Vi\ 1 . ■ 

-’-j ! 

I'l-V 'yi yEr' /U?' 


Fio. 150. (Top) Electrolytic vaporizer. The cap and the electrode assembly (lower 
center) have been removed from the chamber (le/i). Note that the chamber is shorter 
than the plastic jar with which it is used. Part of the cylinder of an adjustable-rate electro- 
lytic model (lower rigltt) was removed to show the electrodes. At the low setting the 
insulating plate is between the two electrodes. A, medicament cup; B, stationary electrode; 
C, insulating plate; D, movable electrode. (Bottom) Cold steam vaporizer-humidifier. 

( library 


Pretcnplion Accettones and Related Items 

ihe mam jar, %\ater flows into the plastic 
chamber through a small hole in the chamber 
bottom Only the rclau\cly small amount of 
water m the chamber must be heated to boil* 
mg m order to produce steam. This mokes 
for quicker starting and also greatly reduces 
the risk of bums or scalds, since the rest of 
the water m the jar docs not get boding hoL 
As the steam is generated it nscs through a 
senes of holes at the top of the plastic 
chamber and escapes ihrou^ the single targe 
hole m the lid For safety, automatic shut-ofl 
of the heating is assured by making the 
chamber too ^ort to reach the bottom of 
the jar; when the chamber is empty, cuncor 
flow between the electrodes is not possible 
even tiiough there is still water m the jar 
Smcc the water is electrically live as long as 
the electrodes arc m contact with it, the user 
must be cautioned always to disconnect the 
unit before lifting off the cover Some models 
are designed to break the circuit automati- 
cally when the cover is raised 
The rale of steam producuon is propor- 
tional to the rate of current flow between the 
electrodes in the electrolytic models This, m 
turn, depends on the quantity (and con- 
ductance) of the ions in the water Failure 
to understand this relationship u frequently 
responsible for Jissatisfaciion on the part of 
the user Tap water is rarely suitable The 
high mineral content of hard water causes 
frothing spdling over and a shortened dura- 
tion of steaming, on the oUicr hand, soft (or 
distilled) water conducts too poorly to pro- 
duce enough steam The preferred procedure 
IS to use distilled water (or soft tap water) 
to which is added an amount of s^t. borax 
or sodium bicarbonate adequate to impart 
the correct conductivity Some companies 
provide small salt tablets with the vaponzer 
It IS usually necessary to start out with a 
very small amount of clcctro])te and increase 
It with successive uses until the performance 
IS satisfactory A more selective control of 
rate of steaming is alTordcd by those models 
in which the space separating the two elec- 
trodes can be widened or narrowed within 
set limits by turning a dial on the hd (Fig 
ISO, top) Increasing Uic distance between 
electrodes (turning dial toward ‘low”) re- 
sults m a slower rate of steam production, 
smcc current flow is decreased. In clectcolytsc 

models it is unportant to rinse the jar and 
the electrode chamber with tap water after 
each use so as to keep deposition of minerals 
to a miDunum Even if this is done, it is 
Usually nccessaiy after some SO hours of 
operation to disassemble the electrode cham- 
ber in order to scrape accumulated mineral 
deposits from the electrodes 

Boilcr-tjpc vaponzer huimdificrs also may 
have the beating element incorporated wath 
the lid Since, generally, all the water m the 
jar IS heated, steaming may not start until 
10 or more mmutes after plugging in the ele- 
ment Also, the possibihty of being burned 
increases when all the w'aier is heated to 
boilmg Advantages of the boiler include 
heating action mdependent of mineral con- 
tent of water, water not electrically live, posi- 
tive automatic shut'OlT by thermostatic con- 
trol when the water level ^ops 

In the cool vapor machme, an clectnc 
pump sucks water from the reservoir tank, up 
into a smaller chamber where rapidly rotating 
metal vanes dash tlic water particles fores- 
aw/ against a fine screen The vapor thus 
formed nscs from adjustable cod or top vents 
at a rate of 10 to 20 ounces per hour This 
newer tjpc can use ordinary tap water and, 
perhaps, has other advantages in design 
which may encourage its being used despite 
Its higher cost. 


Atomizers and nebulizers arc mslnimenis 
used to apply liquids as sprajs However, 
they arc not micrchangcablc m usage 
Atomizers are designed to form relatively 
coarse sprajs for application to the nasal 
passages, the throat and the pharjnx, while 
nebulizers emit fine sprajs v^hich reach the 
larjfix and even the alveoli of the lungs Con- 
struction characteristics and prmciples under 
Ijing their operation and use have been re- 
viewed See Chapter 8 (Aerosols) for 
a discussion of this subject. 

Atomizers. AH atomizers function accord 
mg to the same basic plan Liquid placed in 
a bottle is forced up and out through a dip 
tube by amngmg for the pressure on the sur- 
face of the liquid to be greater than that m 
the tube As the liquid emerges from the dip 

ionizers, Nebulizers, Insufflators 435 

Fig 151 (.Top) Vacuum type atooiizer The air stream is pumped through the air tube 
and does not enter the container In order to show the air tube, the larger concentric tube 
through which the liquid flows has been unscrewed from the atomizer on the left the one 
on the right has been sectioned Atomization takes place at the tip where the air stream and 
the hquid meet A. air tube (metal), B vent C distal end of air tube D, canal for liquid 
E, proximal end of air tube (Bottom) Pressure type atomizer (Le/l) In the sectioned 
atomizer the path followed by the air stream has been outlined with a light color The 
course of the liquid is indicated by arrows (Right) The Up has been unscrewed from the 
atomizer in order to show the end of the small plastic or hard rubber tube through which 
the liquid is forced The air stream passes through the larger tube F, atomizing chamber 
G, tube for liquid H dip tube, I, removable lip 

tube It IS dispersed mto a spray by force- stream is conducted at high velocity over the 
able impact with a rapidly flowmg stream of exit end of the dip tube Pressure in the tube 
air The two basic atomizers, the vacuum and is thereby reduced m accord with Bernoulli’s 
the pressure ^pes, differ m the way m which pnociple'**^ and, as a result, liquid is pushed 
the pressure on the surface is generated. In up mto the tube by the force of atmospbenc 
the vacuum ^pe (Fig ISl, top), the air pressure Outside air enters the bottle 

436 fresctiplion Accessonet ond Related Items 

Table S9 Atomizer Solutioss 
Compatible with Metals 

Furacm Naul (Eaton) 

Epbcdnoc Inhalant 
Cepacol (Mcrrcll) 

Vonednne (Mcrrcll) 

Gluco-Fcdnn (Parle Davis) 

Chlorctone Inhalant (Parke, Davis) 

S T 37 solution (Merck Sharp & Dohroe) 

through a small vent hole in the cap In ibe 
pressure tjpc (Fig 151, bottom), part of 
the air stream is detoured through the con- 
tainer so as to reinforce the vacuum action 
by an additional pressure on the liquid sur- 
face The container is not vented os this 
uould negate the pressure cffccL In atomizers 
for home use. the air stream is generated by 
squeezing a volved rubber bulb, those used 
in ph)sicians' offices or m hospitals arc often 
operated from a motorued aw compressor 
Vacuum tjpe atomizers have narrow air 
tubes and wide fluid tubes which result in the 
formation of large volumes of coarse spray 
On the other hand, pressure atomizers, which 
arc designed with wide air tubes and narrow 
Huid lubes, emit small volumes of a fine 
spray Spfa)s from vacuum atomizers arc 
intermittent, (he flow stopping immediately 
on release of the bulb Pressure atomizers 
tend to produce a more continuous spray 
The usual nose and throat formulations 
contaming sympathomimetic amines, anti- 
septics, antihistamines and local ancsthcucs 
may be applied more clicctivciy from at- 
omizers since sprajs can reach throat and 
nasal surfaces which gargles and mstiUations 
from medicine droppers cannot.®* The phar- 
macist probably should suggest the use of 
atomizers more frequently than he docs His 
clients will need advice in sclectmg from 
among the several styles the one suitable for 
the intended use For example, certain at- 
omizers arc made with metal caps and out- 
let tubes because these arc not easily broken 
and may be stcnlizcd by flame or boding. 
Unfortunately, many commonly used solu- 
tions either attack metal or deteriorate more 
rapidly m its presence Commeraal prepara- 
tions compatible wiili metal atomizers arc 
(istcd in Table 89 Atomizers designed so 

that the solutions contact only glass, plastic 
or hard rubber arc more fragile and can be 
stcnlizcd only by tlic relatively mefliaent 
method of immersion m alcohol or other 
gcnnicidal solutions Some vacuum atomizers 
nave twin outlet tubes and an adjustable 
spray up which is convenient for dirccung 
the spray back of the soft palate Tlicsc arc 
parucularly suitable for oleaginous* and 
viscous liquids Others with single lubes 
(Fig 151, /op) ore easier to dean out if 
clogged and arc reconmicndcd for solutions 
which tend to crystallize Pressure atomizers 
generally produce a finer spray which car- 
ncs the medication mto deeper cavities of 
the nose and the throat more readily than 
docs the coarser spray from the vacuum 
types A pocket-type atomizer operating on 
the vacuum principle produces a very fine 
mist almost equivalent to that from the 
nebulizer which it resembles m design This 
compact and capped atomizer is convenient 
to cany, and, also, it operates with small 
volumes of soluuon — an advantage when the 
medication is potent and expensive 

Before spraying medication into the nose 
the patient should clear the nasal passages 
by blowing The head is tilted back, and (he 
aiomizcr up is placed iq one nostril, leaving 
the other open Some atomizers have a nasd 
guard winch fits over the spray up The 
guard minimizes the danger of scratching the 
luiing of the nazes and limits back flow by 
prually plugging the nasal openmg Grooves 
on the surface prevent buildup of air pressure 
within the nasal caviUcs For throat applica- 
Uons the nasal guard is removed and the 
tube of the atomizer is placed m the mouth 
With the Up directed toward the area to be 
sprayed Atomizers tend to clog and are 
most easily opened up with the help of a 
fine wire such as a hypodermic needle wire 

Plastic spray bottles arc commonly used 
(or commercially available nasal and throat 
mcdicauoos When the flexible container is 
squeezed, the air inside is compressed and 
the increased pressure forces the fluid up a 
narrow bore tube into a small hole in the 

* Oily vehicles are in Uiifavor because oil w^cr 
feres with eJury activity of mucous membranes 
Uhl there u a ml of lipoiU pneumonia if the tlrop- 
lets ue intialcsL 

Atomizers, Nebulizers, Insufflators 


Up at the same time that a stream of air is 
being forced into the tip through two tmy 
holes The shearmg forces and the vacuum 
effect are similar to those already described 
for atomizers Patrons sometimes complain 
that the bottle is not full, smce they fail to 
realize the air space is essential to the for- 
maUon of the spray Empty plastic containers 
are marketed for use with extemporaneous 
nasal preparauons 

Nebulizers (Fig 152) consist of a small 
vacuum-type atomizing umt enclosed m a 
larger contamer or flask. The spray is formed 
by nishmg a fine jet of air over the up of a 
capillary dip tube It is earned forward by 
the air current which, however, spreads out 
and slows up because the flask chamber is 
large and the outlet tube is wide Conse- 
quently, only the smallest drops are canted 
through the outlet tube, larger ones striking 
the sides of the flask and falling back to the 
base of the dip tube In some styles, this 
baffling action is enhanced by curving (Fig 
152, left) or oflfsettmg the outlet tube In 
some (Fig 152, right) the spray is made to 
strike against a baffle plate placed about 2 
mm &om its pomt of ongin This more 
efficient design^^’ facihtates subdivision mto 
finer particles and elimmauoa of the large 
drops Nebulizers are generally used with the 
vent hole open, closmg it decreases the 
amount of spray which is formed Nebulizers 
are made only of glass or of plastics, since 
metals accelerate deterioraUon of agents com- 
monly used m aerosols Pocket-size models 
are available Rubber bulbs are used to oper- 
ate hand models Small compressors or tanks 
of compressed oxygen, hehum or other gases 
may be used m physicians' offices or m hos- 

The nust or fog which flows out of the 
nebulizer is a suspension of a hquid in air 
and is classified as an aerosol Nebulizers 
were first developed to apply bronchodilators 
directly to the lungs to palliate chronic 
bronchial asthma, chrome pulmonary em- 
ph)sema and related conditions Along with 
the local topical effect, there may be a pro- 
nounced systemic acUon, smce these drugs 
may pass rapidly mto the cuculatory sys- 
tem.*^* Antibiotics and mucolytics which are 
also applied to the lungs as aerosols prob- 

Fig 152 Nebulizers (Top. left) The 
nebulizer is used m the vertical position 
shown A outlet tube, B, vent stopper, 
C, air jet, D, capiUaiy dip tube, E, ap- 
proximate limits of liquid chamber (Top 
nght) Nebulizer to be held in a honzont^ 
posibon, thus, the base of the dip tube will 
extend into the liquid m the chamber 
F, vent stopper; G, air jet, H, baffle, 
I, dip tube (Bottom) Nebulizing umt 
with baffle-plate J, baffle plate, K, capil- 
lary dip tube, L, air jet tube. 


Pretcnption Accetiones ond Related Items 

ably exert largely local action although some 
ab^rption of antibiotics can be shown to 
occur Partidc-sizc distnbution, which de- 
pends on the design of the nebulizer and the 
way in which it is used, largely governs where 
the medication will unpingc, how much will 
be retained or will be exhaled and, also, the 
degree of absorption into the bloodstream 
Particles of 3 micra radius and larger arc 
taken out completely by the trachea, the 
bronchi, the bronchioles and the alveolar 
ducts Particles of 1 micron or more reach 
the alveoli and 97 per cent are retained, only 
3 per cent bemg exhaled Smaller particles, 
0 3 to 0 4 micra radius penetrate to the 
alveoli also, but 6S to 70 per cent of them 
arc recovered on exhalation Nebulizers 
should be constructed with suitable baOlcs 
to remove the large panicles and to ensure 
delivery of small particles, most of which are 
the size optimum for deposition only m the 
bronchioles, the alveolar ducts and the al- 
vcolt Paruclc radu ranging from 0 S to 2 0 
or 3 0 micra arc suitable 
Publubed performance data for commer- 
cially available nebulizers are scanty and arc 
not in good agreement, perhaps due to dif- 
ferences m cxpcnmental teeWes and to 
vonations in the mdiv idual nebulizers used 
Most mvcstigators have used the Vaponefnn* 
and the DcVilbissf No 40 nebulizers and 
have considered them to be satisfactory and 
about equivalent with respect to the average 
particle size produced. Of the particles pro- 
duced by these nebulizers, 80 to 90 per cent 
were found to be 1 S micra radu or less ' ” 
Rcif and Holcomb‘S* have listed relevant 
operating characteristics of nebulizers and 
have studied the cfTccts of varying several of 
these In view of the numerous claims for 
supenonty of one design over another, it is 
unfortunate that a systematic comparison of 
all the available models and styles has not 
been made 

The pharmacist will have frequent contact 
with chronic asthmatics who regularly use 
aerosols of bronchodilator substances. He 
may be asked to advise m the selection and 
the preservation of the medication Epmepb- 
nne fohalauon a 1 100 aqueous 

soluuon of Icvo cpmcphrme bydrocluoride, 
IS the standard preparation Propnetary solu- 
* Tbs Vapooetna Company New York, N Y 
t Tbs DsVilbua Company, Somenet, Pa. 

Uonst containing 2 25 per cent of the racemic 
form are staled to be equally cfTcctivc and 
more stable, but advantages over the 
ofGcial solution do not seem to be marked 
Instability of cpmcphrme solutions is de- 
lated by development of a pink color which 
Incomes dark, brown and by precipitation 
Exposure to sunlight and elevated tempera- 
ture and opening the contamcr all accelerate 
decomposition Although the pharma- 
cist should not dispense a deteriorated prod- 
u^. It has been shown that colored solutions 
may not have decreased significantly m 
potency Many asthmatics continue to use 
even deeply colored or precipitated solutions, 
provided that relief is still obtained Other 
bronchodilator inhalant solutions, available 
on prcscnpiion only, are isopropylartcrcnol 
hydrochloride! (1 100 or 1 200) andproto- 
kylol hydrochlondcll (1 100) Pressurized 
containers of broochodilators are discussed 
elsewhere (sec Aerosols, Chap 8) 

Dtrccuoos for using nebulizers are given 
on nebulizer boxes and inserts supplied with 
the medications used The solution is added 
by dropper through the throat tube, 10 to 
20 drops being used The fluid level must be 
kept below the Up of the dtp tube or atomiza* 
uon will not occur Generally, the patient is 
directed to place the nozzle just inside the 
partially opened mouth, then to squeeze the 
bulb vigorously once or twice, inhaling deeply 
through the mouth with each compression 
The vent is opened for maximum aerosol de- 
livery The mholaUon of mcdicaUon may be 
repeated several umes at intervals of 1 or 2 
minutes until relief is obtained Swallowing 
of the solution should be avoided so as to 
limit systemic effects Gargling with warm 
water relieves the dryness that sometimes is 
felt Patients should be told not to be con- 
cerned about the pmk color which appears 
m the sputum as the drug is decomposed. 
Excess soluUon should be left in the nebulizer 
(capped) and not returned to the bottle 
where u could hasten detenorauon of the 

t VapoDtrna Inhalant Soluuon Vaponctna Co. 
New York, Urcaiheaty Inhalant Soluuon Pucai 
Co Inc.. &aitle, Aiiiunaoefnn Inhalant Solution, 
Tlia)er Labs.. lov. New York. 

I Uuprel iI>drochlonJe Soluuon, Winthrop 
LabL. New York. 

]|Ca)Uae Inhalation, Lakcsule Labt. Inc., htil 

Atomizers, Nebulizers, Insufflators 439 

Fio 153 {Top) Powder insufflator Air (arrow) is forced into the bottle through a tube 
(B) ending well above the surface of the powder The spray is forced up through the exit 
hole m the cap and passes out through the exit canal (A) The lumens of the air tube and 
the spray tube are painted a light color in the sectioned insufflator on the right {Bottom 
left) Pocket type powder blower In this disassembled blower the parts are (upper left to 
lower ngbt) bulb and air ]et tube, baffle, chamber cap The baffle slips down over the 
jet tip au* dnected into it is deflected back against a micronizcd powder contained m the 
chamber so as to whip it up into a cloud of f^e particles which floats out of the exit tube 
{Bottom right) Abbott Aerohaler The arrows show the path followed by the ball when the 
user inhales through the mouthpiece (C) Sifter caitndge (D) A spare caitndge is also 

whole amount The nebulizer should be and the almost mstantaneous relaxation of 
cleaned at least weekly Rmsmg with cool bronchospasm obtamed. Some asthmatics be- 
water is generally adequate for plastic nebu- come psychologically addicted to the nebu* 
hzers, hot water damages them Vmegar or lizer and pamc if they are without it or the 
rubbmg alcohol may be used for glass nebu- medication even temporarily Others take the 
hzers It IS sometimes necessary to undog medication too frequently and m excess, 
the jets with a fine wire thereby producing anxiety states and fast- 

Pngal>*^ has pomted out the mixed bless ness to the drug. The pharmacist should 
mgs of the ease of aerosol administraboa understand why &ese clients may sometunes 

440 Preicnphon Acceisories ond Relafed Items 


Fta 154 Hjpodcmiic sjnngcs (Le/i) 
S)r]n£c ^vhlcb has plunger and barrel 
ground to tit together A, plunger n, bar* 
nd flange C, plunger guard. D, barrel. 

£, tapered Lucr up (Rishi) Interchange- 
able type The syringe has both metric and 
apothecary graduations it also has a Lucr 
LoV tip (F) 

become quite querulous Some lascstiga- 
tors'* ““ hate reported that syslcrmc effects 
from inhalation of nebulae of sympatho- 
mimetic amines are quite limited and base 
considered this to be cv idencc that only minor 
quantities arc absorbed Others’** do not 
agree Although asthmatic patients uith car- 
dmvascular msolvcrocnts or diabetes shotsed 
no ill effects from inhalation of cpmephnne 
solutions," federal regulations r^uire that 
sy'mpathomimctics be labeled to mdicate that 

they should not be used if high blood pres- 
sure, heart disease, diabetes or thyroid disease 
IS present unless directed by a physician 

Powder insufllalors or blowers arc used to 
mix finely divided solid particles with air to 
form a spray for topic^ application One 
form IS shown m lugurc 153 {top) Air from 
the compressed bulb whirls up fine powder 
in the reservoir formmg a cloud which is ear- 
ned out through the outlet lube This can be 
deposited as a uniform thin layer of powder 
on nose, throat, car, tooth socket or body 
surfaces Powder blowers should be dispensed 
as accessories much more frequently than is 
customary m current practice 

Finely divided or micronizcd powders are 
sometimes inhaled orally or nasally to pro- 
duce topical and systemic effects akin to those 
produced by liquid aerosols Inhaled dusts 
have been found to be imtating,*’ and the 
vo^e for this therapy has passed taking with 
It most of the spcci^ized devices that were 
designed for it The Acrohalcr used for ap- 
plying tsopropylaricrcool sulfate* u tllus- 
trated (Fig \Si, bottom, right) A sifter car- 
tridge of powdered drug is inserted m the 
assembled Acrohalcr When the user inhales 
through the mouthpiece or the noscpiece, a 
loosely rolling ball is pulled upward and for- 
ward, rapping against the cartridge so as to 
shake out some of the powder through two 
small holes m the cartndge plug. The dust is 
then inhaled A pocket type powder blower 
for applying micronizcd powders to both 
upper and lower respiratory tracts is available 
(Fig 153, horrom, fe/r) For proper acuon, 
powder insufflators and the powden them- 
selves must be kept dry to prevent clump- 
ing and clogging 


A synngc is an instrument used to inject 
liquids into the body or to instill them mto 
b(wy cavities ** Bulb syTuigcs and gravity- 
flow (fountain) types arc described with pre- 
senpuon accessories made of rubber The 
forms and the uses of the plunger or hypo- 
dermic syringe arc also of significant imj^rt 
to the pharmocut 

• Sonuxlnne Sulfate, 10^* and 25'*. Abboll 
Laboratone*. North Chicago, (Iliooii. 

Hypodermic Syringes and Needles 441 

Because of the capacity for misuse inher- 
ent m instruments which are capable of m- 
jecung potent materials into the body, phar- 
macists clearly bear a great responsibili^ m 
their control of the distribution of hypodermic 
syringes and needles to lay and professional 
people Federal regulation is lacking, but a 
number of states have laws which designate 
by whom and to whom they may be sold For 
example, in California they may be dispensed 
only by registrants A prescription is re 
quired unless the item is supphed to another 
professional person or dispensed for admims- 
tenng msulm to a diabetic or epinephrine to 
an asthmatic Of course, the pharmacist is 
morally bound to ensure as far as possible 
the legitimacy of sales without prescription 
Diversion of these articles mto illicit use with 
narcotics is the prmcipal danger 
Descnption of Syringe. Basically, the hy- 
odenmc syrmge (Fig 154) consists of a 
arrel and a plunger, both of which are usu 
ally made of a borosilicate glass resistant to 
thermal shock and low in alkalinity The all- 
glass syrmge is known as the Luer syringe, 
after its mventor The barrel is a tube open 
at one end and closed at the other except for 
a hollow tip The open end is thickened and 
extended radially outward to form a Sange 
to prevent shpping of the barrel through the 
hngeis The plunger is a glass rod with a flat 
distal end and a proximal end shaped mto a 
button type knob The relative duneosions 
of the barrel and the plunger for a given 
syrmge are such that the plunger will move 
freely throughout the barrel, yet the surfaces 
of the plunger and barrel must so closely ap- 
proximate each other that fluid cannot pass 
between them even when under considerable 
pressure Suitable fit has been achieved in 
two ways In one, both the barrel inner sur- 
face and the plunger outer surface are ground 
with abrasives, then the two parts are placed 
together and further ground to make a match- 
mg pair The two components are marked 
with identical serial numbers and must al- 
ways be used only together smcc they arc 
uniquely fitted If one part is lost or broken, 
the other must be ducarded The second 
method makes use of unground barzels made 
of a glass tubmg which has so uniform and 
constant an mtemal diameter that plungers 
can be precision ground to given dimensions 

to fit It Consequently, both barrels and plung- 
ers are mterchangeable * Broken components 
can be replaced without difficulty because of 
this standardization Syrmges are usually sup- 
plied with a spring metal retaining clip which 
presses gently against the plunger so as to 
keep it from accidentally slippmg out of the 
barrel Users often prefer to remove this 
plunger guard, since it tends to mterfere with 
manipulation of the syringe 

The tip of the syringe barrel provides the 
point of attachment for a hollow steel needle, 
the part of the instrument designed to pene- 
trate into the body The tip may be glass 
with the exterior surface ground, or it may 
be formed from a metal cyhnder welded to 
the glass The usual Luer metal or glass tip 
has a taper with standardized dimensions,! 
which allows the needle hub to be shpped 
over It and to be held on by friction When 
this method of holding is used, the needle is 
reasonably secure, but it may slip oS if it is 
not properly seated or if there is need for 
much manipulation of the needle after m- 
sertion A more positive gnp is assured with 
(he Luer Lok tip t This is a patented metal 
collar (Fig 154) with a circular mtemal 
groove mto which a flange on the needle hub 
may be mserted A half turn locks the needle 
m place The syrmge tip is usually concentric 
to the barrel axis, but syrmges with eccentric 
tips are avaJable for situations (as m mtra- 
venous work) where it may be desirable to 
mtroduce the needle as nearly parallel to the 
surface as possible 

S^Tinge Graduations. Tlie range of ca- 
pacities for general purpose syrmges is from 
2 to 100 ml , larger and smaller ones are 
available for specialized uses All markings 
on the syrmge, mcluding graduation lines and 
numerals, should be apphed with pigments 
capable of withstanding repeated autoclaving 
They may be fused m, fused on or etched and 
fused Si^cs (Fig 154) may be double (m 
minims as well as ml and fractions thereof), 

* Multifil Synoge, Becton Dickinson and Com 
pany, Rutherford, N J 

tAmencao Standard Dimensions of Glass and 
Metal Luer Tapers for Medical Appheauons, ASA, 
Z70 1 ]9d5, American Standards AssociaUon, Inc , 
New York. 

t Becton, Dickinson and Company, Rutherford 

N J 

4-42 Pretaiplfon Accessories and Related Items 

Fio 155 <Le/i) Tuberculin s>ting» Disposable s)'nsse. Each syringe has tv>o scales^ 
one graduated to 0 01 cc. umts, and one to miotm units The plungers are colored blue 
(Centtr) Insulm s)nflge4 The plungers have been pulled back to tbe mark for 30 units of 
U SO iiuulin Short i}pe U 80 syringe short type double-scale synnge long type U 80 
syringe with blue plunger disposable U 80 plastic synnge (Right) The Bushcr Automatic 
Injector The injector at the left u loaded with a syringe and has been cocked so that touch 
mg the lever will move the sy nnge ahead and inject the needle. 

or single (metne only) or may be spcaoltzcd 
Tuo basic factors ailcct the acoura^ of 
synnge dosage ” One is (he built m accuracy 
of the synnge and the other is the accuracy 
of the admmtstration Federal speciScatioos* 
which arc generally followed by the industry 
require synnges to be tested (with water) for 
accuracy at each mam graduation mark with 
a calibrated burette Syringes must dchscr 
:h 5 per cent of the capacity mdicated at each 
marL Each conventional ground-glass synnge 
must be mdividually graduated, since mtcr> 
na] diameters of the barrels vary unpredict- 
ably Prccuion sizing of tubing used for 

*CG-5-921b Federal SpeciAcaiioa, Syringe 
Luer (All glass) August 7 1958 General Services 
Admimstrauon Regional OtIIcet Federal Supply 
Service New Yoik, San Francisco and elscwvre 
No charge. 

tcrchangcable synnges allows graduation cn 
masse To facilitate accurate readings, tbe 
plunger may be made of colored ^ass (usu 
ally blue) or it may have a narrow black or 
colored precision line near the bottom It is 
esumated” that most of the available glass 
synnges are accurate to ri: 3 per cent Phar- 
macists tend to overlook the possibility of 
using hypodermic synnges to measure small 
volumes when compoundmg 
Special purpose synnges (Fig 155) are 
named according to the usual intended use 
These mclude the vaccine,” the ‘luberculm” 
and the “insulin’ syrmges. They may differ 
from usual sytingcs m scale graduations, m 
over oil capaaty and, perhaps, m length rela- 
tive to capacity A typical vaccine synnge 
may have a capaaty of 1 ml with graduations 
to 0 05 ml. It IS mtended for use aUo with 

Hypodermic Syringes and Needles 443 

Fia 156 Disposable 
synnges (Across) Clear 
polystyrene barrel with 
removable needle tram 
lucent polyethylene bar 
rel needle not supphed 
glass barrel needle per 
manentlyattacbed poly 
styrene syringe supplied 
with medication (peni 
cillm suspension) and 
a separately packaged 
needle tramlucent bar 
rel supplied with medi 
cation in glass container 
The needle guard is used 
also as the piston when 
the syringe is assembled 
for use (Top) Metal 
barrel and piston with 
rubber sealed glass car 
tndge containing medi 

epmephrme and other medications for which 
doses are 1 ml or less Tuberculm synnges 
are 0 25, 0 S or 1 0 ml m capaci^ and have 
long barrels with narrow mtemal diameters 
to allow precision m graduation to 0 01 ml 
The thm plunger is colored blue typically 
This design was developed for the mtra 
cutaneous mjection of very small doses of 
tuberculins for diagnostic purposes insulm 
synnges are shown m Figure 155, center 
Disposable Syringes Sterile synnges which 
are to be discarded after being used once 
have advantages that have led to their ac 
ceptance m some quarters These disposable 
synnges are conveiuent to use and lessen 
hazanis of cross infection Institutions tend 
to convert to usmg them if cost studies show 
that the change is justified by savings result 
mg from freeing personnel equipment and 
space needed to clean sterilize, assemble and 
store reusable synnges ** Individual phy 
sicians choose to cany them m their bags 

on the basis of convemence Disposable 
synnges are made of glass or plastic or 
Iwtb Some have metal parts also The plas 
tics used mclude polys^rene, polyethylene 
polymethylmethaciylate, polypropylene and 
nylon Polystyrene (possibly the most 
used) and polymethylmethacrylate are glass 
like m appearance, while the others lack opti 
cal clanty but are more flexible A major 
deterrent to a wholehearted acceptance of 
plastic synnges has been the demonstration 
that, contrary to ongmal expectations, plas* 
tics have been shown to be mcompatible with 
a number of medications “ Users also 
have been disenchanted on occasion by 
poorly made synnges which were difficult to 
assemble or faul^ in operation owing to ill 
fit of barrels and plungers or to loose needles 
Disposable synnges are marketed in a 
vanety of designs (Fig 156) Some resemble 
conventional synnges m appearance and are 
supphed m an assembled form ready for use 


Prescriplion Accettones and Reloled Hems 

Fio 157 {LtU) H)poiIiniiic needle* These arc the same length, since the shaft of the 
security bead needle (fe/r) u measured from the bead A, shaft, B secunty bead. C, hub, 
D gauge number (/fig/ir) Variations m hypodermic needle points (Top) Underside siews 
{Bottom) Side sicsss {Across) Short betel regular point, long bevel regular point, Huber 
point In the side views the points are turned so that the openings into the canals face toward 
the nghL 

in individual sterilized paper envelopes or 
polyethylene bags These may be oU plastic 
or they may have a glass barrel with a plastic 
plunger They are available with or without 
needles Needles, when attached, are usually 
covered by a separate plastic sleeve Some 

forms of single use units arc supplied only 
with a cartridge of on mjectablc agent con* 
tamed within ibe synngc barrel A synnge of 
this type has to be taken apart and reassem- 
bled in order to insert the shaft of the piston 
mto a rubber plunger The cartndges have 

Hypodermic Syringes and Needles 445 

Table 90 Suggested Needle Sees 









V4 orH 

V s b 

Schick, Dick, allergic tests 




r b 

Insulin, immunizations 



r b 



r b 




% or 1 

r b 

Polio vaccine 





r b 
r b 

Hormones, bismuth 


m orlVi 

r b 




r b 




s b 

Penicillins, transfusions 



s b 

Glucose, blood tests 

r b , regular (long) bevel s b short bevel v $ b very short bevel 

attached needles and are usually made of 
glass so that contact with the plastic of the 
synnge is avoided In yet another type of dis 
posable product, a rubber sealed glass car- 
tndge with a selected stenle medication and 
neede is provided for insertion into a re- 
usable metal synngelike device Several other 
fonns have been marketed and new ones are 
undergomg tnal 

Dispeosmg of Sjnngcs. Syrmges are sup- 
plied m individual boxes or, for large users 
such as hospitals, m bulk packages The 
commumty pharmacist is well advised to m- 
spect each synnge before he releases it to 
his client, smcc these easily broken instru- 
ments are sometimes unjustiGably returned 
as having been defective when purchased 
Proper fit of syringe components can be 
tested by covering the Up hole with a finger 
and pullmg back on the plunger The vacuum 
created should be sufficient to make movmg 
of the plunger difficult Before the plunger 
IS released the vacuum should be broken by 
uncovermg the Up hole, otherwise, the 
plunger may shoot back to its miUal posiUon 
with sufficient force to knock out the bottom 
of the barrel 

Hypodermic Needle ConslrucUoo. The 
parts of the hypodermic needle are illus- 
trated m Figure 157 Needles are made firom 
vanous special steels which arc chosen to be 
strong, flexible and rustless or nearly so 
Needle size is designated by two numbers, 
the gauge and the shaft length in inches 

Gauge numbers represent the outside diam- 
eter of the shaft expressed according to the 
Stubb s English wire gauge system They run 
from 27, the finest, to 13, the thickest The 
shaft or cannula is measured from its junc- 
ture with the hub to the up of the pomu 
As an excepUoD, the “security’ needle is 
measured from the small metal bead which 
IS fastened 14 inch from the hub (for easy 
withdrawal in case of accidental breakage) 
Lengths range from mch up to 3V4 mches 
The gauge number is often stamped on the 
needle hub, the length is not 

SeUebon of Needle. The choice of needle 
size for a given use is governed by factors 
such as the desired depth of penetration, the 
fluidity of the injecuon and the safety and 
the comfort of the patient, Fme needles may 
be suitable for thin mobile liquids, while 
thicker ones may be needed for oils or sus- 
pensions Short needles may be adequate for 
thm persons, while longer shafts will be 
needed for similar mjecuons into obese pa- 
Uents Table 90 presents suggesUons for 
needle sizes to be used for several common 
types of mjecuons It should be reco^uzed 
that physicians or nurses or pauents may 
express mdividual preferences on occasion. 
Specialized needles for parucular uses such 
as tissue biopsy or spmal, hemorrhoidal or 
tonsdar mjecuons arc not usually stocked by 
the commumty pharmacist This is also true 
for needles with gold or silver cannulae 


Prewiplion Accessories and Relared Items 


Fig 158 Disposable needles (LtfO 
The needle in the pacLage is sealed under 
a slifl plastic film (/?ig/ii) The opaque 
plastic tube u opened by removing lU 
cap {Center) Two unpackaged needles 
(/e/I) with plastic hub. (ng/ii) with metal 

Several designs for needle points have been 
developed (iMg 157, rig/ii) All arc tapered 
with front and side bevels to nuntmize the 
amount of force needed for mscruon and to 
reduce pain and trauma.** Needles with the 
regular long front bevel arc generally used 
for hypodermoclysis and subcutaneous and 
intramuscular injections Those with short 
bevels arc preferred for intravenous injccuons 
and transfusions Needles with a very short 
bevel arc used intradcrmall) As it is being 
inserted, the regular point someumes punches 
out a plug of tissue which may occlude the 
cannulx Because of its dosed front bevel 
which places the opening parallel to the shaft, 
the Huber point (Fig 157, ng/ir) pierces 
rather than punches Most users do not seem 
to discriminate m favor of either regular or 
Huber potnts 

Needle Sources, Paclaging. Needles ob- 
tomed from reliable sources in the United 
States vary little m quality A number of sim> 
pie but ctlcctive quality tests which the pbar* 
macui can apply without elaborate equip- 
ment have Ncca described** N'ccdlcs arc 
supplied to the cximmunity pharmacy in boxes 
of 12 of the same sue or, less frequently, of 

lusorted sizes Hospital packs may be gross 
lots To protect the points, the needles may 
be encased in small plastic tubes or else 
mounted on thm cardboard 
Needle »ucs. A needle wire is a thin stam- 
less steel rod of such diameter and length 
that it may be fitted through the hub into the 
cannub and extend for a short distance 
beyond the pomt These wires are useful in 
protecting needle points and m preventing 
clogging of cannulac when the needles are 
not in use For example, diabetics will find 
that prior insertion of needle wires will re- 
duce the madcnce of bent points m needles 
stcnlizcd in a pan of boiling water Wires 
may be supplied m the boxes of needles or 
may be obtained separately The pharmacist 
should supply a wire with each needle and 
should explain its function 
Disposable Needles. It is difficult to mam* 
tarn sharp pomts on needles vvhen they arc 
reused several times Grinding them on 
smooth oil stones (Arkansas stones) will 
restore bevels and remove burrs or fishhooks, 
but this requires considerable skill Smee dull 
pomts make for painful injections, stenle dis> 
posable needles (Fig 158) have been de- 
veloped One time use of these needles not 
only elimmatcs problems of sharpening but 
also docs away with costly, time-consuming 
cleaning and sterilization procedures and w-ith 
transmission of scrum hepatitis Since rc- 
usabili^ IS not a factor, disposable needles 
can be made of less expensive steels Plasuc 
hubs which cannot be boiled or autoebved 
may be used Packages arc designed to raam- 
tam sicnlity and to permit the needles to be 
removed without contommaijon Cbst-studics 
m hospitals appear to justify use of dispos- 
able needles in place of reusable ones 
Use and Mainlcnonce of Syringes and 
Needles. Pharmacists should be able to an- 
swer questions about the use and the care 
of hypodermic syTtnges, needles and related 
Items Although the pharmacist docs not in- 
ject drugs, be should be suffiacntJy mformed 
about all parenteral technics to answer ques- 
tions about hypodermic devices used m them. 
Reviews” *” of common technics should be 
utilized. Care and handling of syringes has 

Hypodermic Syringes and Needles 447 

been well-descnbed and published m a fonn* herent surfaces, but may damage the glass 
convement to distnbute to users Immedi- Boilmgfor lOmmutes ma25 per cent aque- 
ately after use the synnge and the attached ous solution of glycerin is said to be effective 
needle should be flushed several times with if the parts are separated while still hot.^* As 
cool water The disassembled components a service to his clientele, the pharmacist may 
should be soaked in mild detergent solution wish to equip himself with a synnge opener 
for 15 to 90 min utes, the longer times being This is an ^-metal synnget with a female 
advocated if oily medications are to be re- Luer-Lok tip In use, the syrmge opener is 
moved. Prolonged soakmg or the use of a filled with warm water or cleaning solution 
cleanmg solution that is alkaUne, concen- and attached to the tip of the stuck syrmge 
trated or hot may remove the pigment or Steaddy mcreasmg pressure is applied until 

destroy fit of plunger and barrel After nns the stuck plunger is expelled from the barrel 

mg, the synnge and the needle may be Stains and deposits which develop on 
sterilized by one of the several standard syrmgcs may be removed by swabbmg with 
te chni cs cotton moistened with an appropnate reagent. 

If syrmges and needles are not rmsed and Alkali deposits and blood are removed with 
disassembled immediately as suggested, the 10 per cent mtnc acid, iron stams by 10 per 
parts later may be found to be stuck to- cent hydrochlonc acid Concentrated am- 
gether Soabng overnight or longer m a de monia, sodium citrate soluuon, alcohol and 

tergeot solution frequently releases the ad orgamc solvents are sometimes used suc- 

• Glass synnges recommended, care and ban cessfuUy 
dlmg, Leaflet supplied by Becton Dickinson and t Becton Dickinson and Company Rutherford 
Company, Rutherford N J N J 

Pfescriplion Accetiories ond Related llemt 


Jct'tnjccfon. Numerous attempts'^ ha\e 
been mode to dcselop mjcction devices su* 
penor to the h}podennic s)nnge and needle 
Prominent among these have been mstru* 
ments intended to force a Cnc ]Ct of medt> 
cation under high pressure throu^ the dermis 
mto the tissues While the basic pnnctplc 
seems to be sound, difCculues in design have 
dela)cd production A smgle-dose mjcctor is 
not )ct on the matket, W a gun-shaped 
multidosc jet injector (Fig 159) is currently 
available • Dcpcricncc~ with large groups 
mdicates several advantages of the jet injec- 
tor for mass inoculation uithvaccmes These 
include relatively Tess pain, less time required 
per injection decreased personnel needs, re- 
lease from need to stenlize between mjcctions 
and lower cost per injection A rate of 1,000 
to 1,800 shots an hour may be obtained 
Virus of scrum hepatitis cannot be trans 
nutted It IS stated that viscous oQ suspen 
sions and particulate suspensions can be 
injected ** ’rtcrc may be a greater madcncc 
of bleeding, erythema and transient local 
edema than from needle punctures Cutting 
of the epidermis may occur if the jet is per- 
mitted to move about during mjcctioo 
Mechanical ddTiculucs may occur ••• 

An electrically driven hydraulic pump con- 
nected to the gun by a flexible hose forces 
fluid under pressure into the gun handle This 
cocks a sprmg which, when released by pull- 
ing the trigger, pushes a plunger forward to 
eject the dose of medication through a line 
jet (less than 0 006 inch diameter) m the 
injector head The medication is supplied 
automatical!) from standard multiple dose 
vials of 5 to 100 ml capacity It passes 
through a closed s)stcm which can be re 
moved from the gun for auioclavuig before 
starting a senes of mjcctjotis Injeciion vol- 
ume may be varied from 0 1 to 1 0 ml by 
choosing the plunger of correct length A 
dosage indicator is provided on the side of 
the injector gun A different nozzle is used 
for subcutaneous mjeaions and intramuscu- 
lar injections lotxa^rmal injections may be 
made with an adapter, but intravenous in- 
jections are not given by the jet method. 

• Hypjtpray VfoJel 'K," R. P Svhaer Corp^ 
Ot iml Mwh. 

While the high onginal cost may seem to be 
a deterrent, the evident usefu^ess of this 
device for mass moculation should encour- 
age the pharmacist to brmg it to the attention 
of local public health and school ofQcials and 
phj-sioans The Hjpospray may be dispensed 
only on prcscnption. 


Diabetes is an incurable condition which 
may demand rigorous attention to diet, con 
unued medication and constant vigil to main- 
tain life The pharmacist should lx prepared 
to render cojnpJeJc and knowledgeable serv- 
ice to the more than 3,500,000 diabetics m 
this country 

SjTingcs and Needles, The usual insulin 
synnges (Fig I5S) have a capacity of 1 cc., 
but synnges able to hold 2 and 3 cc are 
available also In order to facilitate the self- 
admmisiraiion of insulin by the diabetic, 
synnges are graduated in units of insulin 
The pharmacist must be certain to dispense a 
s)nngc commensurate with the strength of 
insulin that his client is using The 40 unit 
scale generally is red and the 80-uoit scale 
IS green to correspond with the identifjing 
colors specified for the boxes and the labels 
of these strengths of insulin Dosage error is 
less likely w ith a S) nngc having a single scale, 
but a s)ncge with a double scale may be de- 
sirable for sjTCCial cases Disposable syringes 
(Fig 155) arc useful in cmcigcncies or while 
traveling, but they ore too expensive for 
routine daily use The sizes of needles used 
for the subntancous injection of insulin arc 
grtcB la Table 90 Either the regular pamt 
with a long bevel or the Huber point u pre- 

Pocket kits containing syringes, needles 
and various occcssoncs are available The 
Bushcr Automatic Injcctorf is a spring de- 
vice that can be set to insert the needle at 
the proper angle and depth when a tugger is 
rclcasco (Fig 155) It may be suggested as 
an aid for children or timid adults 

Sterilization technics practiced by diabetics 
are quite simple The disassembled syruigc 
and the wired needle are placed m a wire 
strainer (the common household type) which 
u then immersed m water and boiled for at 

r Becioa DuLmtoa aaJ Com^i^y 

Diabetic Urine Tests 449 

least 10 mmutes The parts are assembled 
after having been allowed to cool m the 
strainer removed from the water Contamma- 
tion IS avoided by holdmg the plunger by the 
knob, the barrel by the sides and the needle 
by the hub Many diabetics will sterilize 
syrmges and needles as infrequently as once 
a week, daily sterilization is certainly much 
safer Immediately after use, the syrmge and 
the needle should be rinsed with cool lap 
water and then with a small amount of alco 
hoi Between mjections the parts may be 
stored m rubbing alcohol The practice of 
relying on a simple nnsmg with alcohol as the 
only routme means of preventing contamina- 
tion IS to be discouraged 

Special Accessories. The diabetic may be 
concerned about the need to protect his in- 
sulin against deterioration when be must 
carry a supply with him while travelmg It is 
evident that msulin loses potency so gradu- 
ally at room temperature that there is no cause 
to anticipate a significant change over the 
short tune mterval during which a given vial 
would be used up once started Especially 
designed vacuum bottles which sup^rt an 
msi^ vial m a packing of ice are of some 
use for long trips 

Diet Factors. In order to manage his con- 
dition properly the diabetic frequently re- 
quires special diet foods and diet informa- 
tion, sugar free medication, diagnostic aids 
and guidance The pharmacist should be pre- 
pared to offer all of these The synthetic 
sweeteners, saccharm and Sucaryl,* are avail 
able m tablet, powder and hquid forms It has 
been reported*** that some sugar free” gums 
contam mgredients which are converted into 
glucose by salivary enzymes Bauer and 
Wasson** discussed the often overlooked 
gljcogenetic properties of alcohol, glycerm 
and propylene glycol Liquid medications'* 
suitable for diabetics can be prepared by the 
pharmacist as a distmctive mihvidual con- 
tnbuuon to the welfare of his diabetic cli- 


The diabeuc is generally directed by his 
physician rouunely to test for glucose m his 
unne, since its appearance mdicates failure 

* Sucary!, Abbott Laboratories Chicago HI 

to control the condition Several well-estab- 
lished methods depend on the reduction of 
cupnc ions m alkaline solution to form a 
reddish precipitate of cuprous oxide *** Bene- 
dict’s test methodf requires a test solution,*** 
test tubes, medicine droppers and bottle 
brushes which the pharmacist should be ready 
to supply The Chmtestt tablet, a combma- 
iton of cupnc sulfate, anhydrous sodium hy- 
droxide, citnc acid and sodium bicarbonate, 
IS more convenient to use and to carry along 
when travelmg One tablet is added to a mix- 
ture of 5 drops of unne and 10 drops of 
water m a small test tube Boilmg occurs as 
heat IS produced by the solvation of the so- 
dium hydroxide and reaction with citnc acid 
Tlie curate complexes with cupnc ion to pre- 
vent precipitation of cupnc hydroxide Effer- 
vescence occurs as the carbon dioxide formed 
from the sodium bicarbonate bubbles through 
the hquid Shaking the tube dunng the reac- 
tion IS cootramdicated smee the ‘ blanket” of 
carbon dioxide protects the system against 
an interfering reacuon with atmospbenc oxy- 
gen The tube is shaken gently at 25 seconds 
after the boiling stops and the color is com 
pared with a standardized color scale for 
quantitation The tablets are very hygroscopic 
because of the anhydrous sodium hydroxide 
When detenorated, they are dark blue rather 
than spotted bluish-white Containers should 
be kept tightly sealed Because of its moisture 
content, cotton should not be placed m the 
bottle Sealed m foil tablets are available to 
reduce spoilage A neatly constructed kit con- 
taining tablets and the necessary apparatus 
makes a compact umt to offer to the diabetic 
The pharmacist should cauuon the user that, 
due to their lye content, Clmitest tablets may 
be injurious if handled or swallowed,*®^ and 
they should be kept out of the reach of chil- 
dren Dextroteslf is available for the quan- 
titative delennmauon of blood sugar by the 
chnictan In this procedure sulfosahcyhc acid 
(m tablet form) is used to precipitate blood 

t Place 8 drops of unne and 5 ml of reagent m 
test tube Immerse in boiling water for 5 minutes 
Observe when cool Reducing substances are pres 
ent in increasing amounts as a green yellow-orange 
or red preapitale is formed 

t ^nes Company, Inc Elkhart Indiana. 

§ Ames Company Inc 

450 Prescnplion Acceuories ond Reloled llemi 

proteins before the Omitcst tablet is rcactecL mfonnation (| The pharmacist must be ncU 
TcS'Tapc* and Quustuf are enzyme* aware that seemingly minor infections such 
impregnated paper strips which, when dipped as colds, boils and carbuncles rapidly be- 
into unne samples, desclop a color if glucose come serious conditions m the diabetic.^* 
IS presenL Topical reactions'* for the Tes- The need for extreme attention to foot b)- 
Tape arc gieoe and the treatment of corns, calluses, 

glucose oxidase 

1 Glucose 4* Oa - ‘ — » gluconic acid H-Oa 


2. HjOa -f o lolidine ■ > blue color (composition unknown) 

The colors that are seen arc shades of green, 
since a )eIIow d}e is also present in the 
paper A new Qimstix (available m 1962) 
utilizing similar cnz)'mcs but a diilcrcnt 
chromophares}stemde\elops lavender colors 
Color s^es are used for a rough quantita- 
tion'* of the amount of glucose present It 
IS worth noting that ascorbic acid dela}s the 
color development, intcrfcnng amounts of 
the vitamin may appear in the urine follow- 
ing therapeutic dosages The impregnated 
paper must be stored m tight, light-rcsistaot 
coolainen and protected from heat to avoid 
enz)‘me deterioration 

Since kclonuru develops when fats are lo- 
complculy mciaboliicd m poorly controlled 
diabetes, the diabetic may be directed also 
to examine his urme for ketone bodies The 
reaction of sodium nitroprusside vviih ketones 
(pnnapally acctoacctic acid) to produce a 
dutmeuve purple color u the basis for the 
commercially available Acctcsif reagent 
tablets and for a test paper, the Ketostu 
reagent stop ^ Smcc the unne also becomes 
moderately acid, with the pH approaching 
4 S, indicator papers such as the phenaph- 
IhazineS paper arc used by diabetics to signal 
approaching acidosis 

Sfuch of the voluimnous dabctic btera- 
turc'**** IS aimed at the diabetic himself, but 
It IS also of mterest and value to (he phar- 
macisL Manufacturers of diagnostic products 
and medications for diabetics provide useful 

* EU Lilly anJ Co lQJuiup>Ui. loUiaox 
t Amci Cotnpaay, Inc 

t SoJium DiiropnaviUc. diiodiuni pbavptiaie aaJ 
tnuooaccUc aetd Amu Co^ lOv 

f SoJiLRi iLmirophcovl-azo-iuphiboI d lulfoiuie. 
Sitmiae paper, C. R. S< U Sou, Sew Yoik, 
N Y 

blisters or athlete’s foot with mild but effec- 
tive methods is occasioned by the character- 
istically poor circulation of blood to the feet 


Surgical dressings ore matcnals applied 
over sores, wounds and other lesions They 
have a long history of usage** These and 
refated supplies are appropriately available 
through the pharmacy to physicians and lay- 
men Surgical supply bouses are the major 
outlet for specialized items m this category, 
such as surgical mstruments, sutures and bulk 
packages of dressings In terms of retail 
dollar value, nonpharmacy outlets such as 
supermarkets and variety stores now sell 
nearly 40 per cent of the first aid items pur- 
chased by the general public ** *>* This is 
evidence that pharmacists m general have 
failed to demonstrate to tlic public a uiuquc 
ability to advise m the selection and the use 
of these items 

Surgical dressings have multiple functions 
Protection of wounds from bacterial or other 
contammauon and from furtiier injury is a 
prime one Uses which sometunes may as- 
sume paramount importance ore the partial 
or the complete immobilization of an injured 
area, the support of damaged tissues, the 
control of bleeding, the absorption of exuda- 
tions and the holding of medication m place 
These and other functions will be brougnt out 
as vanous forms of dressmgs are discussed 
Items referred to by brand name have been 

II Amei Pictoclioic (a cooiiauias tcries of high 
I to cuxreni disgnovis anJ therapy), CuJebook 
tv a Qcw diabetic pauent (a booklet), Ames Com 
pasjr. loc. 

Surgical Dressings and Related Supplies 451 

Fig. 160. {Left) Examples of cotton gauze mesb. {Top) Type VII, 20 x 12 mesh; Type I, 
44 X 36 mesh. {Bottom) Type VIII, 14 x 10 mesb. {Right) gauze pads. The 2 mch x 2 uch 
pad can be unfolded to a 2 mch x 6 mch rectao^e without exposmg loose ends. 

selected only oa the basis of the authot^s 
familiariQ' with them; no attempt has been 
made to be all*inclusive. 

Cotton is the major raw material from 
which dressings are made. Rayon, cellulose, 
plastics and a host of adjunctive agents are 
also used. The production and the processing 
of cotton for medicinal uses has been de- 
scnbtd.®^ Cotton is naturally nonabsorbent 
because it contains waxes, resins and fat^ 
substances which prevent water from wetting 
it. It is made absorbent when these sul^ 
stances are removed by boiling the previ- 
ously cleaned cotton for several hours jo 
dilute sodium hydroxide solution under steam 
pressure in a closed tank (kier). Subsequent 
bleachmg with sodium hypochlorite converts 
the cotton from its natural gray color to a 
more appealmg white. Nonabsorbent cotton 
has relatively limited medicmal uses as pad- 
dings and as moisture-resistant backings for 
dressings, for example. Absorbent cotton as 
such and also woven into fabrics is the form 
which is more widely used. 

Official standards*®* for purified (absorb- 
ent) cotton provide specifications for purity 
and absorbency and impose other require- 

ments as well. Cotton fibers are unceliular 
cellulose hairs with a spiral twist that makes 
them especially valuable for spinning. They 
vary in length from a few millimeters up to 
50 mm. or slightly more. Short-staple cotton 
fibers average less than 25 mm. , medium- 
staple fibers average less than 25 mm., 
medium-staple fibers average from 25 to 30 
mm. and long fibers from 30 to 40 mm. Each 
grade Is employed m some form of dressmg. 

Small pieces of cotton have been found to 
be so useful as swabs that machine-made 
cotton balls have been marketed in three or 
four sizes. They are used to wipe oS fluids, 
exudations and medications and to apply 
liquids, cleansers, antiseptics and medica- 
tions. Similar balls made of rayon are said 
to be softer, smoother, more lint-free and 
more absorbent and to offer less hazard from 
static electricity. Bulk packages containing 
one Co several thousand nonstenle cotton or 
rayon balls are supplied to institutions. 
Smaller packages containmg sterile cotton 
balls are stocked in pharmacies. These are 
used mainly for cosmetic uses or for baby 

Cotton-tipped applicators also make useful 


Preicnpfion Accestonet and Retofed Items 

&v.abs for appl)!!)^ medications, cleaning 
lA’Ounds, noses and cars and taking cultures 
They arc made by winding long-fiber cotton 
on the end of smooth birch sticks A bmder 
which IS insoluble m alcohol and common 
medications and not aiTcctcd by stenlizauon 
may be used to hold the cotton on Appli- 
cators may be 3 or 6 inches long, tips may 
be small or large Bulk packages arc non- 
slcnlc Small packages of slenle applicators 
arc familiar first aid items m pharmacies 
Short double-tipped stcnic applicators arc 
marketed under scscral brand names for 
home uses, especially for baby care These 
should have flexible, nonsphnicnng steins 
such as those made of rolled paper 

Cotton Gauze. Absorbent gauze is cotton 
m the form of a plain woven cloth conform- 
ing to standards set forth in the US P It 
IS an open meshw-ork of threads spun from 
long-staple cotton fiben /Utcr the cloth is 
woven, It IS rendered absorbent and bleached 
by kicnng m processes smular to those used 
m making surgical cotton Gauze is classified 
into t>pcs according to its mesh Mesh is 
denoted by two figures, the first being the 
number of warp or lengthwise threads per 
inch and the second the number of fill or 
Lateral threads per inch There arc eight 
ofiicial T)^^ I, the most closely 

woven, has a 44 x 36 mesh, T}pc VIII has 
a loose mesh, 14 x 10 (Fig. 160, left) Qose 
weaves arc stronger and more protective. 

ones are softer and more absorbent 
Gauze IS used alone or along with more cficc- 
live absorbents such as surgical cotton, ra)on 
and cellulose It u filmaicd. for example, by 
distributing a thm even la}cr of cotton be- 
tween folds of gauze 

ItajoR and Cellulose. Ra)on, one of (he 
earliest of the s)nihclic fibers, is becoming 
more widely used for surgical dressings Most 
used 1 $ tliat made by the viscose process in 
which either wood pulp or short fiMr cotton 
(lintcrs) IS dissolved m causuc soda and 
carbon disulfide and then forced throu^ 
spinnerets into an acid salt bath to form 
filaments of cellulose In comparison with 
cotton, rayon is chimed to be more absorbent 
and to abvoib more quickly, have less lint, 
better shelf life and present no static hazard 
Cellulose derived from bleached sulphite 
wood pulp and made mto thm laycn of 

creped paper* is used to replace cotton as 
an absorbent filler m some dressmgs 

Pnmary and secondary dressings arc the 
two mayor catcgoncs of surgical dressings 
Primary dressings arc mtended for direct con- 
tact with wounds Secondary dressmgs arc 
applied over primary ones or to areas where 
no wounds exist. Dressmgs with which the 
community pharmacist should be familiar m 
each category will be described 

Prlmary Drlssincs 

Gauze Dressings. Prunaiy dressings must 
be stcnic and absorbent Cotton gauze is the 
basic cloth for most of these dressings Gauze 
IS manufactured in a vancty of meshes in 
bolts, 100 yards by 36 inches Bulk supplies 
arc not sterile and arc used chiefly by hos- 
pitals and other consumers who have facil- 
ities for stenlizauon Usual packages contain 
28 X 24-mcsh or 24 x 20-mcsh gauze cut 
into 1-yard or 5-yard lengths, folded to 4V6' 
inch widths (8 plies or layers), urapped in 
paper, rolled, placed m sealed cartons and 
stcnlized These arc used cbicQy m outpatient 
and emergency rooms and m doctors’ offices 

Gauze Pads. Gauze pads or sponges are 
made by folding 20 x 12-mcsh surgical gauze 
into squares or rectangles wiUi 8 to 32 laycn 
(Fig 160, rig/it) The folding pattern IS such 
that all cut edges are mside and the pad may 
be unfolded lengthwise without exposing cut 
edges or loose threads Twelve-ply pads rang- 
ing from 2x2 inches to 4 x 4 mehes, placed 
in mdividual sealed glossinc envelopes and 
then sterilized and packaged m cartons of 12, 
25 or 1 (X), are supplied to pharmacies under a 
variety of trade names t Sponges arc also 
made of filmatcd gauze which is softer, has 
increased absorptive power and tends to carry 
drainage away from the wound Pads may be 
filmatcd with cotton, rayon or either of these 
plus a center layer of cellulose Bulk pack- 
ages, sterile or otherwise, are supplied to 

Gauze dressings may adhere to wounds, in 
effect being glued on as the absorbed exudate 
does vvithio the network of gauze threads 
Removal is painful and damaging. Attempts 

* Ceitucotiun. Bauer & Black, Chicago III 

t S(cn PaJ, Johiuoa & Johnson New Bruoswick, 
N I , Economy PaJs Parke Davu Detroit, Micb 

Surgical Dressings and Relafed Supplies 453 

have been made to provide nonadherent 
dressings by modifymg the surface which is 
to be m contact with the wound Polyethylene 
or other plastic films* are used, for example 
Gauze, cotton or cellulose, alone or com- 
bined, are used as absorbent backings The 
plastic film IS pierced with multiple perfora- 
tions or with slits to allow absorption and 
ventilation Another form of nonadherent 
padf is made from a rayon gauze impreg- 
nated with a bland water-m-oil emulsion m 
such a way as to leave the pores open This 
^pe IS said to be less adherent and less 
maceratmg than that faced with plastic*® 
Gauze saturated with white petrolatum is 
also available m various shapes and sizes for 
use as a protective, nonadherent dressing 
Specifications for petrolatum gauze are given 
in the Sterile dressmgs are indi 

vidually packaged m sealed alummum foil 
envelopes or, m the case of selvage stops, m 
a sealed plastic tube The occlusive action of 
this dressmg may or may not be desirable m 
given situations ClinicaJ tnab of nonadher- 
ent dressmgs have led to confiicting re- 
ports Prelimmary experiments, both m 
vitro and on animals, show lowest ad- 
hesion to nontrcated cotton and suggest that 
best results are obtamed with materials which 
allow wounds to dry most rapidly 

Special Gauze Dressmgs Specialized pn- 
mary gauze dressings which are usually sup- 
plied m bulk by surgical supply bouses 
mclude sponges which have radio-opaque m- 
serts incorporated m the gauze to pennit 
detecuon by roentgenography if they should 
be left in a body cavity during surgery 
Laparotomy pads, which are essentially 
oversize x ray-detectable sponges, fall mto 
this category Selvage edge gauze strips are 
strips Vi mch to 2 mches wide with both 
edges woven so as to prevent shredding 
These sterile slnps, either plam or medicat^ 
with 5 per cent iodoform, are used as pack- 
ings for wounds and cavities, mastoids, tooth 
sockets and the like to stop bleedmg or to 
act as dramage wicks They are packaged 
m sterile glass jars Dressmg combines are 
designed for absorpUon of large volumes of 

• Tcifa Pads, Bauer & Black, Perfron Pads John 
son & Johnson 

t AdapUc Non Adhering Dressing Johnson & 

blood and exudations from wounds The 
basic consists of a layer of absorbent 
cotton about 1 mch thick backed up by a 
layer of nonabsorbent cotton The cotton is 
enclosed m a gauze cover The absorbent 
side is placed next to the wound, and the 
backmg serves to protect clothmg or bed- 
dmg against flow through A number of sizes 
arc made A modified type with a layer of 
cellulose between two layers of absorbent 
cotton IS intended for use when topped by 
still a second pad 

Adhesne Absorbent Bandage U S P^^^ is 
well known under a variety of trade names,! 
smee this handy form of compress is widely 
used as a dressmg for small wounds Each 
bandage is an mdividual sterile dressing com 
posed of a small pad of folded gauze affixed 
to the center of an overlappmg piece of ad 
hesive plaster The adhesive surfaces and the 
face of the pad are protected by coverings of 
crmolme, polyethylene or similar materials 
arranged so that they can be easily peeled oil 
without touching the pad TTie adhesive 
plaster backing of the pad is perforated to 
permit ventilation of the wound Plasters may 
be cloth-backed, sometimes waterproofed, 
white or flesh-colored Currently, plastic- 
backed tapes are more popular because they 
are thinner, waterproof and less conspicuous 
when applied Elastic tapes§ are also used 
Some brands have nonadherent pads surfaced 
with perforated plastic films Pads impreg- 
nated with merbromm, lyrothncm, mtrofura 
zone and other anU infective agents are sup 
plied, but the need for medication applied 
this way is questionable Severe competition 
among manufacturers has led to a prolifera 
tion of sizes, shapes and even of colors In 
dividual bandages are sealed m paper en 
velopes and sterilized These are packaged 
ID tins or boxes which may contam all one 
size and shape of bandage or an assortment 
of sizes or shapes 

E)e pads are oval shaped, about x 
2% mches, and are made of absorbent 
cotton covered by a fine mesh gauze They 
are applied as dressmgs to protect mjured 

t Readi Bandages Parke, Davis & Co Curad 
Ptasac Bandages, Bauer & Btack Band Aid Ad 
hesive Bandages, Johnson & Johnson 

i Elastoplast, Duke Laboratoncs, Inc S Nor 
walk. Conn. 


Prescription Accessories and Related Items 

e)cs, usually being held m place by clear 
plasuc tapes The pads arc scaled m indi- 
vidual glassme envelopes, then sterilized 
Fifty envelopes arc packaged m a carton A 
diflcrcntly shaped and larger pad with a non- 
woven cotton fabric cover is also available 

Secondary Dressings 

Secondary dressings arc used to hold pn 
niary dressings in place, give additional sup- 
port and protection to the injured area, 
supply compression when needed and splmt 
or immobilize portions of the body Since 
they arc not intended to contact wounds 
directly, secondary dressings need not be 

Adhesive Plasters. Adhesive plaster, com 
monly known as adliesive tape, consists of a 
fabric or a film evenly coated on one side 
with a pressure sensitive adhesive mixture 
The foundation may be a plain weave cotton 
cloth, a resm-eoated cloth for water re- 
peUvney, a napped flannel for moleskin, felt 
tor chiropodists tape, clastic woven cloth or 
films of plastics such as polyvmyl chloride * 
The two principal comjranents of the ad 
hesive mass arc the elastomer base and a 
rcsio The latter component adds tackiness 
or ' quick-stick" properties Antioxidants, 
plasticizers coloring agents and fillers such 
as zinc oxide are added to create a balanced 
blend of adhesion, cohesion, sirctchmess and 
elasticity Unvulcanizcd crepe rubber is a 
common elastomer, but synthetics such os 
polyisobut)]enc arc beginning to be used In 
the process of manufacturing cloth backed 
tapes, the adiicsive mass is heat softened, laid 
on the backing and then spread over the sur- 
face and mto the interstices of the cloth by 
passing the plaster between rolls of a calender 
stack Plastic film backmg cannot be cal- 
endered but is coated by a solvent spreading 
process * With the cxccpuon of some types 
with specialized backings, tapes arc cut into 
widths from 14 to 4 inches Lengths of 1 to 
10 yards are wound into rolls on spools 
Individual metal spools with protective snap- 
on metal sleeves are stocked m most phar- 
macies Specialized plastic dispensers with 
built in cutters arc recent mnovations Rolls, 
12 inches by 10 )ards, uncut or precut into 
widths with uniform or assorted widths on a 
smgic roll, arc packed in mctal*cappcd, stiff 

cardboard cylinders for the use of hospitals 
or physicians Inexpensive tapes usually have 
lighter weight cloth backings but arc quite 
for most purposes Tapes with an 
extra heavy cloth backmg should be recom- 
mended for strappmg and other bandaging 
procedures requiring high tensile strength 
Water repellent tapes arc needed when the 
bandaged part must be protected from water 
Plastic tapes are strong, thm, waterproof, un- 
allectcd by soap or grease and may be 
slightly elastic Gear plastic tapes arc least 
visible on skm surfaces Adhesive tapes which 
have clastic cloth backs are described m the 
section on elastic bandages (page 427) 

Moleskin is a thick, soft, napped cotton 
used for cusbionmg purposes Moleskin ad- 
hesive is used m orthopedic conditions where 
soft tissue traction is required or where an 
extremity is to be supported and cushioned 
at the same tune It can be cut to provide 
padding for corns, calluses, bunions and the 
like Chiropodist Adhesive Felt* is used for 
the same foot disorders It is, perhaps, more 
resilient and phable than molcskm Both 
molcsbn and felt backed adhesives are pack- 
aged in wide rolls faced with cnnoliae or 
other protective covcringr- 

Adhesive tape has multiple uses “ It serves 
to hold primary dressings m place and pro- 
tect them In orthopedic work, adhesive tape, 
plain and elastic, is applied to immobilize 
injured lunbs and jomts Strapping the chest 
with adhesive tape when the nbs arc broken 
reduces discomfort and hastens healing 
Coaches and trainers of athletes make hberd 
use of support by adhesive tape®® to treat 
and prevent injunes When cut into buiter- 
fiy shapes, adhesive tape can be used m place 
of skm sutures to close small wounds or to 
reinforce healing wounds after sutures are 
removed Individually wrapped sterile butter- 
fly ^pe closures are available 

In general, proper ways to apply and re- 
move adhesive tapes arc not Imown to lay 
people who, instead, rely on misconceptions 
passed along from others The pharmacist 
can ascertam readily the intended use of the 

* Fell u a fabric produced by the maiUog or 
feJung togeiher of fibrous oiatenals such as wool 
hair or furs, Chiropodist Adhesive Fell (Parke 
Davu) u 83 per cent wool 17 per cent rayon. 

Surgicat Dressings and Relafed Supplies 455 

tape and should offer advice with respect to 
best procedures to follow Tape should be 
applied only to a clean, dry surface, moisture, 
oils, grease and powders mterfere with ad- 
hesion. Improvement of adhesive masses has 
removed the need for pnor application of 
Compound Benzom Tmcture to skm as a 
tackiher Tape should not be used to cover 
lodme tmcture or counterimtant liniments 
Adhesive tape may be removed without pam 
or trauma if done slowly and with the aid of 
solvents capable of dissolvmg or looseiung 
the adhesive mass Carbon tetrachloride, 
ether, benzme or mineral oil can be applied 
with cotton to the back of the tape and 
allowed to soak through In a few moments 
the edge of the tape can be peeled back and 
removd started It is often more satisfactory 
to hold the tape tightly and to push the skin 
away from it rather than to pull upon the 
tape More solvent can be appbed along the 
edge as necessary Rippmg of the tape oil 
rapidly is no longer done To prevent pam 
and stram on a wound, adhesive should be 
pulled toward the wound rather than away 
from it^* Tape which passes across a dress 
mg should be cut at the edge of the dressmg 
and the remainder removed from the skm 
separately. Remnants of the adhesive should 
be swabbed of! with solvents The skm should 
be washed and dned after these solvents have 
been used. 

Reactivity to Adhesive Plasters. The esti- 
mate that the mcidence of skm reactions to 
adhesive plasters lies between I and S per 
cent is probably too low Some mvesUga 
tors have shown that nearly 50 per cent of 
their test subjects developed skm changes 
foUowmg application of ordinary adhesive 
plasters Complamts about skm re 
actions are voiced to the pharmacist who, 
therefore, should be informed concemmg 
them He also should be able to evaluate 
claims that one tape is less likely than an- 
other to produce untoward reactions 

While there is not complete agreement as 
to the etiology of the reactions, Russell and 
Thorne^®* suggest that reacuoos of at least 
5 types may develop, owing variously to the 
following causes Trauma of removal, unta- 
tion by the adhesiv e, maceration of the homy 
la)er followmg retention of sweat and serous 
discharges, disturbance of balance of skm 

bacterial flora, eczematous sensitization Re- 
union due to removal develops a mmute or 
two after removal of plaster, especially at 
hairy sites It generally disappears quickly 
also The reaction is greatest with more 
tacky plasters It can be prevented almost 
completely by usmg a solvent or a detackifier 
such as ether or mmeral oil to assist m re- 
movmg the tape 

Irritation by the adhesive arises from me- 
chanical or chemical stimulation of keratm 
formation, mterference with desquamation, 
pluggmg of pilosebaceous folhcles and, prob- 
ably, from other unknown causes also It is 
more pronounced with people who perspue 
heavily and m hot, humid surroundmgs It 
appears clmically 5 days or more after ap- 
plication The more adhesive the plaster, the 
greater the imtaiion Waterproof and ordi- 
nary plasters with similar adhesiveness pro- 
duce equivalent irritation, suggestmg that the 
operative factor lies with the physicochemi- 
cal properties of the plaster, not with the 
degree of permeability of the backing 

Xvhile sweat retention and maceration of 
the homy layer may lead to mfection or m- 
fectious eczema, plasters with porous back- 
mgs are not always found to be less imtatmg 
than nonporous ones However, lack of 
imtation by a newly developed surgical tape 
which IS discussed later is attributed in part 
to porosity of the backing and consequent ab 
sence of skm maceration Disturbance of the 
balance of bacterial flora on ±e skm assumes 
importance only when antibacterial agents 
are incoq>oratcd m the adhesive mass, m 
which case there is some possibility of an 
“ecologic” drug eruption 

Ibe mcidence of eczematous sensitization 
1 $ much smaller than that of reactions due 
to direct contact imlation How- 

ever, Kiel*® has pomted out that allergic con- 
tact owmg to adhesive tape is by no means 
rare m the absolute sense It develops after 
a latent period of days on the first exposure 
or after a few hours on subsequent ones 
Many of the constituents of the usually com- 
plex adhesive mass have been implicated, 
among them colophony rcsm (rosm) , chlorox- 
ylenol (an anUseptic sometimes used) and 
the protems m rubber Sensitivity to teipcne 
structures m resins and rubber has been sug- 
gested as mitiatmg the reaction.®*® 

Surgical Dresstngs and Related Supplies 455 

tape and should offer advice with respect to 
best procedures to follow Tape should be 
applied only to a clean, dry surface, moisture, 
oils, grease and powders interfere with ad- 
hesion Improvement of adhesive masses has 
removed the need for prior application of 
Compound Benzom Tincture to skm as a 
tackifier Tape should not be used to cover 
iodine tmcture or counterimtant liniments 
Adhesive tape may be removed without pain 
or trauma if done slowly and with the aid of 
solvents capable of dissolvmg or loosening 
the adhesive mass Carbon tetrachloride, 
ether, benzme or mineral oil can be applied 
with cotton to the back of the tape and 
allowed to soak through In a few moments 
the edge of the tape can be peeled back and 
remov^ started It is often more satisfactory 
to hold the tape tightly and to push the skm 
away from it rather than to pull upon the 
tape More solvent can be applied along the 
edge as necessary Ripping of the tape off 
rapidly is no longer done To prevent pain 
and strain on a wound, adhesive should be 
pulled toward the wound rather than away 
from It “f* Tape which passes across a dress- 
mg should be cut at the edge of the dressmg 
and the remamder removed from the skm 
separately Remnants of the adhesive should 
be swabbed off with solvents The skin should 
be washed and dried after these solvents have 
been used. 

Reactivity to Adhesive Plasters. The esti- 
mate that the incidence of skm reactions to 
adhesive plasters lies between 1 and 5 per 
cent IS probably too low Some mvestiga 
tors have shown that nearly 50 per cent of 
their test subjects developed skin changes 
following application of ordmary adhesive 
plasters Complamts about sUn re- 

actions are voiced to the pharmacist who, 
therefore, should be informed concerning 
them He also should be able to evaluate 
claims that one tape is less Lkely than an- 
other to produce untoward reactions 

\Vhne there is not complete agreement as 
to the etiology of the reactions, Russell and 
Thorne*®^ suggest that reactions of at least 
5 tjpes may develop, owmg variously to the 
followmg causes Trauma of removal, irrita- 
tion by ^e adhesive, maceration of the homy 
la)er following retention of sweat and serous 
discharges, disturbance of balance of skin 

bacterial flora, eczematous sensitization Re- 
action due to removal develops a mmute or 
two after removal of plaster, especially at 
hairy sites It generally disappears quickly 
also The reaction is greatest with more 
tad^ plasters It can be prevented almost 
completely by usmg a solvent or a detackifier 
such as ether or mmeral oil to assist m re- 
movmg the tape 

Imtaiion by the adhesive arises from me- 
chanical or chemical stimulation of keratm 
formation, mterference with desquamation, 
pluggmg of pilosebaceous folhcles and, prob- 
ably, from other unknown causes also It is 
more pronounced with people who perspire 
heavily and m hot, humid surroundings It 
appears clmically 5 days or more after ap- 
plication The more adhesive the plaster, the 
greater the imiation Waterproof and ordi- 
nary plasters with similar adhesiveness pro- 
duce equivalent imtation, suggestmg that the 
operative factor hes with the physicochemi- 
cal properties of the plaster, not with the 
degree of permeability of the backmg *** 

While sweat retention and maceration of 
the homy layer may lead to infection or m- 
fecuous eczema, plasters with porous back- 
mgs are not always found to be less imtatmg 
than nonporous ones However, lack of 
irritation by a newly developed surgical tape 
which IS discussed later is attributed m part 
to porosity of the backing and consequent ab 
sence of skm maceration Disturbance of the 
balance of bacterial flora on the skm assumes 
importance only when antibacterial agents 
are incorporated m the adhesive mass, m 
which case there is some possibility of an 
“ecologic drug eruption 

The madence of eczematous sensitization 
IS much smaller than that of reactions due 
to direct contact irritation How- 

ever, Kiel®* has pomted out that allergic con- 
tact owmg to adhesive tape is by no means 
rare m the absolute sense It develops after 
a latent penod of days on the first exposure 
or after a few hours on subsequent ones 
Many of the constituents of the usually com- 
plex adhesive mass have been implicated, 
among them colophony resm (rosm) , chlorox- 
ylcnol (an antiseptic sometimes used) and 
the proteins in rubber Sensitivity to terpene 

structures m resins and rubber has been 
gested as mitiatingthe reaction.*” 

Fia 161 Applyiog tubular gauze to a 
finger (Top) A length of gauze slightly 
longer than twice the length of the finger 
IS threaded over the applicator and placed 
on the finger Breaks in the skin should 
first be covered with a sterile dressing 
(Center) The applicator is pulled od the 
finger and twisted one full turn (Dotiom) 
The opplicator is pushed forward again to 
apply a second layer of gauze and seal the 
tip end The base of the bandage should 
be fastened down with adhesive (ape 

Ityporeactivc Tapes. la attempts to eltm* 
mate skm tmtations caused by adhesive 
tapes, a number of hyporeactive tapes (also 
called hypoallergenic) have been fonnulated 
using specially purified ingredients and a 
minimally compleit mass A formula for a 
mass made with synthetic substitutes for both 
rubber and resins has been advanced as 
hypoa'i^CTgenic ll is nol as adhesive as 
more usual formulations and is useful pn- 
manly for patch testing Tapes* with single- 
ingredient masses haie been marketed, gen- 
erally, these tapes arc less adhesive also 
Peck and co-workers*” believe the most 
common type of irntation to be due to eleva- 
tion m pH and changes in bacterial flora under 

* Dermicel Surgical Tape Johnson & Johnson 

the depression of bacterial flora by these fatty 
aad salts Humphries” reported marked re- 
duction in adhesive tape dermatitis with tape 
of the same brandf and also found better 
adhesion, less pruriUs and less skm macera- 
tion Others** found no difTercnce between 
the pnoiaiy irritant qualities of this tape and 
two others with standard adhesive masses 
It IS probable that a certain amount of non- 
specific irritation by adhesive plaster cannot 
be avoided ** 

An mtcrestmg new tapej now seems to 
offer advantages of less occlusion and irrita- 
tion** ** without sacrifice of adhesiveness 
The backing material is rayon in a thin, 
porous, nonwoven web construction The 
adhesive is a synthetic copolymer — perhaps 
of acrylate esters'* *** — ^which is coated on 
the backing without blocking the micropores 
of the web Therefore, ventilation is mini- 
mally impeded When smoothed down firmly 
on dean dry skm, the tape adheres tightly, 
yet It can be peeled off easily without trauma 
Hairs are not entrapped in the adhesive It 
does not leave a sticky residue on the skin 
The tape is not dislodged by secretions, 
perspiration or soaking Complete lack of 
skm imtatjon or maceration is clauned** 
Rolls of tape to 3 inches by 10 yards 
are available m cartons of 24 to 6 rolls Since 
the tape unwinds readily and tears easily, 
special dispensers are not necessary The 
fragile appearance of the tape may delay its 
general acceptance by the public Claims for 
It have yet to meet the test of widespread use 

Liquid Adhesive. An alert pharmacist will 
find opportunities to inform his patrons of less 
familiar adhesive materials that they may use 
to their advantage For mstance, a liquid ad 
besive massi is sometimes more convenient 
than the conventional tapes for adhenng 
small dressings over minor wounds or skin 
eruptions m areas that are difficult to band- 
age It may be applied directly from the tube 

t Pro-Cap, Seamless Rubber Co . New Jtaven 

1 3 M brand Micropore Surgical Tape, Minnesota 
Mining and Manufacturing Co , St Paul, Minn 

I Duo Surgical Adhesive Johnson & Johnson 

Surgical Dressings and Related Supplies 457 

so as to fonn an elastic ring around the area 
to be protected For example, boils on the 
back of the neck can be covered with a 
small piece of sterile gauze, a rmg of liquid 
adhesive placed around the gauze and a 
slightly larger piece of soft flannel placed 
over all so that its outer edges be 
afBxed to the skm Cellulose film products 
such as Scotch* tape are well known for 
household uses They may also be used to 
hold face dressmgs and eye pads in place 
when a product less conspicuous than ordi- 
nary tape is desirable 

Roller Bandage. Gauze bandage, also 
known as bandage rolls and roller bandage, 
may be made to comply with US P stand- 
ards for Absorbent Gauze^®^, m which case 
Type I gauze {44 x 36 mesh) is used Most 
bandage rolls stocked by pharmacists for use 
by the general public W1 into this category 
They are available m widths of 1 to 4 inches 
X 10 yards Edges are treated to minunize 
ravelmg Individual rolls are paper-wrapped, 
sealed in boxes and sterilized after packag 
tag Bandage rolls of looser meshes as well 
as of unbleached muslin (56 x 60 mesh) are 
also made for mstitutions and physicians 
primarily These rolls are nonsterfle They 
may be cut into standard widths and pack 
aged by paper-banding a number of rolls 
together Uncut rolls, 36 inches wide or more, 
are also supplied 

Gauze bandages are used to hold on dress 
mgs and, occasionally, to supply slight pres- 
sure or support They ate not mtended for 
duect application to wounds Musim roUer 
bandages are stronger than gauze and are 
used to hold splmts or bull^ dressmgs m 
place Wrappmg with roller bandage is an 
art requiring much practice if neat results 
are to be obtamed First aid manuals and 
other sources'** illustrate desirable technics 
The pharmacist called on to render first aid 
will be well advised to use one of the more 
easily applied bandages descnbed below 

Triangular Bandages. The Esmarch tn- 
angular bandage has numerous uses in first 
aid'" because it is quickly and easily applied 
by one reasonably acquainted with its capa- 
bilities Head dressings, bmders for splmts 
for broken bones and arm slmgs are readily 

* Minnesota Ntimng and Manufactunng Co 

Fig 162 Conforming bandage The 
edges have been turned back so that the 
2 ply construction and the mdividua! 
threads can be seen 

made from these bandages They are isosceles 
right tnangles of bleached muslin approxi- 
mately 54 inches m length at the base Non- 
stenle packages of various sorts are avail- 

Tubular Bandage. The pharmacist may 
enhance his stature as an advisor about first- 
aid supplies by tellmg his chents about unique 
Items and showing how they may be used 
with advantage over highly promoted con- 
ventional products obtamable from self- 
service racks m nonprofessional outlets For 
example, a seamless tubular gauze bandagef 
can supersede the traditional roller bandage 
for many uses It is apphed much more 
qaicWy and, generally, it makes a neater, 
more comfortable covering with less bulk, 
especially over areas diflScult to wrap There 
are 6 sizes which are supplied in 10-yard and 
50 yarf rolls and 4 sizes m 5-yard rolls Sizes 
1 and 2, which are used for small and large 
fingers and toes, are packaged with an apph- 

t Surgitube, Surgitubc Products Corporation 
Brt>nx.N Y 

458 Prescription Accessories and Retoted Items 

cator and instructions for use (Fig 161) 
Intermediate sizes fit oNcr hands, feet and 
elbows The laigest tubing fits over the head 
Both white and flesh-colored rolls are made 
The bandage as supplied is not sterilized 

Conforming Bandage The discovery that 
preshrunk cotton gauze fibers become kiniqr 
and stick to each other’ led to the develop 
ment of a new form of roller bandage • A 
14 X 10 mesh gauze is used and the edges are 
folded to the center (Fig 1 62 ) Owing to the 
loose mesh and the enmped threads, the 
bandage is soft and conforms readily to body 
contouR, and overlapped laycR gnp one an- 
other, thus lessening slip Because of its 
two-way stretch it »s less likely to constrict 
STiVcllmg areas The 2 ply construction gives 
the bandage greater absorbency The con- 
forming bandage should be recommended for 
household use, since even a novice can make 
a neat covering with it Individual stcnle rolls 
are marketed m sizes from 1 to 4 inches x 5 
yards Bags containing nonstenle rolls up to 
6 inch widths are also available This gauze 
with a filler of rayon is used m institutions as 
a highly absorbent elastic compression dress 
ingt for breasts, amputee stumps of limbs 
and bums 

Self*adhcnng Bandage. Self adhering 
gauze^ IS a useful form of bandage about 
which the lay public is not well informed 
This is bleached absorbent gauze (32 x 28 
mesh) impregnated with natural rubber latex 
so that the gauze slicks only to itself, not to 
skin or hair The bandage is dry to the touch 
It can replace adhesive tape as a mfld sup 
port for strains or can function as a bandage 
for hofding on dressings Its advantage is 
that overlapping lajcR can be pressed to- 
gether and made to cohere The bandage is 
nonocclusive, since the gauze meshes are not 
filled in Water does not materially affect the 
cohcsivcness An od resistant form impreg- 
nated With synthetic resins is available In- 
dividually boxed sterile rolls of to 2 inches 
by I'A, yards arc supplied for pharmacies, 
and rolls 12 inches by 10 yards are cut to 
order for msliiuiions 

• Red Cross Impro^cd Bandage Klmg Confoim 
Bandage, lohnson & Johnson. 

t Compression Roll Johnson & Johnson 

t Gatateic Bandage General Bandages Joe 
Morton Grove, III 

Plaster ol Paris bandages are used in or- 
thopedic work to make plaster casts for 
fractures and for other conditions m which 
immobilization and support are necessary 
Plaster of Pans (CaSOi'ViHjO) is a white 
amorphous powder made by partial dehydra- 
tion of gypsum (CaS04*2H20) The plaster 
reacts exothermically with water to form 
crystals of gypsum which interlock to form a 
hard, ngid mass on drying The plaster can 
be molded to fit the nintours of the area 
to which It is being applied, but after a certam 
cntical point — known as the setting time — at 
which ciystallization occurs m the harden- 
ing process, further movement of the plaster 
causes it to crumble ** Bandages are made by 
rolling and rubbing the plaster into meshes of 
crinoline § Advantages are claimed for those 
made by hand,” but machine made propn- 
clary bandages are used much more fre- 

The two mam kinds of plaster bandages 
differ in the manner m which the plaster is 
resent m the bandage The loose plaster 
andages are made by sprinkling the dry 
powder m a smooth, even layer on the 
cnnolme and rolling the cnnolme over on it- 
self so as to hold m the powder The hard- 
coated plaster bandages are made by apply- 
ing a |mste or an emulsion of the plaster to 
the crinoline and then baking it The second 
type is preferred by most orthopedic men be- 
cause It 1$ less messy to handle, wets more 
rapidly and loses less plaster in the wetting 
process The hard-coated form|| is supplied 
ID roUs of 2 to 8 inches x 3 or 5 yards (Fig 
163) It IS also supplied as straight board 
fifce spfintsff made 6y cutting 3-jnch, 4-mcfi 
and 5-inch widths of hard-coated bandage 
into 15-mch, 30 inch or 45-mch lengths 
Splints are used to reuiforcc casts and speed 
up cast raabng Plaster of Pans bandages arc 
sometimes packaged individually m sealed 
polyethylene bags# or m waterproof poly- 
ethylene papcR* • to protect agamst moisture 
The time required for the plaster to set 
after It IS wetted depends on a number of 

I Cnnolme is a loosely woven bleached gauze 
MilTened by starch 

I) Specialist Plaster of Pans Bandages Specialist 
Filler of Pans Splints, Johnson & Jotuison 
# Readi-Cast Parke Davis & Co 
Ostic, Bauer & Black 

Surgica! Dressings and Related Supplies 459 

Fio 163 Bandages used m casts Left to right stockinette cotton felt hard coated plaster 
of Pans bandage 

factors Th^e are controlled to a degree in 
the manufacture of the bandages and the 
splmts, most of which fall into one of two 
ranges of setting time The extra fast setting 
which crystallizes m 2 to 4 nunutes, is useful 
for foot plasters on very small children The 
fast setting, which crystallizes m 5 to 8 min 
utes, IS used for most cast work Setting 
can be hastened by adding either sodium 
chloride or alum or delayed by adding borax, 
but the plaster is made bnttle Experienced 
workers modify settmg times while they are 
makmg the cast by controlling the tempera- 
ture of the water used warrn water acceler- 
ates settmg, cool water delays it 
Formalm resms have been found to add 
waterproofing and strength to plaster of 
Pans casts, temg especially useful for walk- 
mg casts, for example Casts may be made 
one half the thickness and the weight of an 
ordmaiy cast and about 4 times as strong ** 
The resm may be used as a powder to which 
water and a catalyst, usually ammonium 
chlonde, are added The regular fast-settmg 

plaster bandages are wetted with this solu 
tion and applied as usual Polymerization of 
the resm m situ forms a hard waterproof, 
easily cleaned cast Bandages* contammg 
resm, plaster and catalyst as one unit ready 
for wettmg are marketed also Casts can be 
made entirely of synthetic resms, but this is 
not commonly done m this country 

Smce plaster of Pans bandages are used 
by specialists tramed m makmg casts, phar- 
macists are not often asked about technics 
of application 

^mpment such as stainless steel buckets, 
plaster knives, spreaders, benders and cast 
cutters are genei^ly obtamed from surgical 
supply houses However, pharmacies may 
stock matenals such as stockmette and sur- 
gical (sheet) waddmg, both of which are 
used as paddmgs under casts Stockmette, 
which is slipped on directly over the skm, is 
a seamless tubular material knit of un 
bleached nonabsorbent cotton yam (Fig 

* ZOROC Resm Plaster Baudaies Johnson & 


Prejcnption Accessories ond Related Items 

163) The knitted weave confers elasticity 
to allow the stockinette to adapt itself to body 
conformations The 25 yard rolls come m 
widths ranging from 2 to 12 inches It is not 
recommended for use over acute fractures or 
immediately postopcralively because « acts 
as a constricting banda^ and may impair 
circulation Sheet wadding is used for al- 
most all casts — usually bemg wound over 
stockmettc It is made from bleached non- 
absorbent cotton which has been glazed on 
both sides to give it tensile streng^ and to 
avoid matting or lumping It is supplied to 
6-yard lengths as uncut sheets 36 inches wide 
as well as rolls 3 to 8 inches wide A non- 
woven cotton felt fabric,* avaflable m rolk 
2 to 6 inches % 4 ^ards, has properties of 
softness, elasticity, conformability and 
strength which make it suitable for ortho- 
pedic cast padding 

Packagisc and Storage of 
Surgical Dressings 

Surgical dressings arc labeled to identify 
(hem either as stenie or as noasterdizcd. 
Each stenle item is sealed in an individual 
package labeled to the effect that stcniity will 
not be guaranteed if the package bears evi- 
dence of damage or has been opened previ- 
ously Since openmg the packages usually 
destroys the resale value, pharmacists tend to 
dispense surgical dressings without examin- 
ing Iheir construction or establisbmg their 
quality For the sake of obtaining this neces- 
sary information, small packages should be 
opened or samples should be obtained Sur 
gical dressings should be stored in closed 
cabmets that protect them from dust m order 
to be consistent with the concept of stcniity 
When placed on open shelves, frequent dust- 
ing is mandatory These items should not be 
stored near sources of heat since absorbent, 
color or adhesiveness may be affected ad- 
versely by elevated temperatures 

Related Supplies 

A number of items are related to surgical 
dressings m the sense that there is a sunilar- 
it) m construction and an association tn use 
Into this category fall obstetneal pads or 
sanitary napkins, vaginal tampons, medi- 
cated plasters, cellulose tissues, spray-on 
wound dressings, underpads, disposable 

* Webnl Bandages. Bauer & Black 

diapers and surgical masks, for example The 
last three on this list are described in the 
following sections 

Disposable Underpads. By preventing 
soilage of bed linens, disposable underpads 
may save both time and energy for those en- 
gaged in home and institutional nursing.*-^ 
These pads are generally composed of a 
highly absorbent filler sandwiched between 
a soft fabne facing and a water-repellent 
backing Several brands and qualities are 
available The more efficient stylcsf have a 
nonwoven fabric facing, a cellulose filler and 
a polyethylene backing Less expensive onesj 
may have a paper facing, cellulose filler and 
a repellent backing paper The usual size is 
MVi X 24 inches with a large pad, 23 x 24 
inches also is supplied in some brands 
Usually, 200 pads are packed m a case for 
institutional use Smaller quantities per 
package arc supplied for home use | 

Disposable diapers are basically similar to 
disposable underpads m design They may be 
complete diapers, the whole being discarded 
when soiled or wet, or they may be single- 
use absorbent pads which are inserted as 
needed into a reusable plastic or nylon holder 
Several brands are marketed, each m a range 
of sizes They are most used as a convenience 
for traveling Their use may also lessen the 
danger of contagious diseases such as im- 

Surgical Masks Face masks of various 
types arc used m operating rooms and else- 
where to mmunizc transmission of air borne 
orgamsms They arc intended to filter both 
inspired and expired air so as to stop passage 
of pathogens in either direction They are 
shaped to fit over the mouth and the nose 
and to extend under the chin to keep perspira- 
tion from dropping into the work area Tapes 
are attached so that the masks may be tied 
on The simplest type is made from a single 
layer of finely w oven fabric Another is made 
of 4-pIy fine mesh surgical gauze A third 
type has a Danncl filter covered on both sides 
with fine mesh gauze Each of these masks 
has a flexible metal strip (sometimes remov- 

t Lornv Undeqiath Johiuon & Johnsoo, locoa 
tineot Pads Bauer & Black 

t Bed Pads Johnson & Johnson Disposable 
Underpads Parke. Davis & Co 

(Chux Disposable Underpads Chicopee Mills 
Inc. New York N Y 


Crutches and Canes 461 

Fio 164 (Le//) Forms 
of crutches Left to 
right standard wooden 
double upright adjust 
able wooden double up 
right Canadian wooden 
adjustable Lofstrand alu 
minum and adjustable 
double upright alumi 
num with wooden axil 
lary rest and hand grip 
(Right) The tripod po- 

able) in the upper seam to allow the mask 
to be molded over the nose A close fit is 
necessary to prevent the breath from blowing 
op over the upper margm However, wearers 
ohen complam that eyeglasses are fogged by 
condensation of moisture from the breath 
Inlerfcience with breathing, muffling of the 
voice and wetness of the mesh after short 
periods m use are other discomforts which 
are endured to some degree A new surgical 
mask* mcorporatmg a finely porous filter 
fabnc m a lightwei^t plastic shell seems to 
offer advantages m both efficiency and com- 
fort The contour shape keeps the mask from 
touching the mouth and the nostrils, while an 
adjustable nosepiece prevents escape of air 
around the edges The mask is held on by an 
elastic band It is claimed that current modeb 
are 98 per cent effective m bacterial control*®^ 
over long penods of time An earlier design 
was found to be 86 to 90 per cent efficient 
m bacterial filtration over a test penod of 
30 minutes, whereas a gauze mask was 30 to 
40 per cent efficient in a 2 minute test and 
only 8 to 10 per cent efficient at the end of 
30 minutes The mask is designed for one 
*Aseptex surgical mask Minnesota Mining & 
Manufactunng Co 

tune use only so as to elimmate costs of 
washing and re sterilizabon Only boxes con- 
tammg 50 masks are available Although the 
desirabili^ of packaging these masks suitably 
for hune use to prevent spread of upper re 
spiratoiy infections from mother to child is 
recognized, apparently it will be some time 
before this will be done *** In the meantime, 
only relatively mefficient gauze masks are 
available for this purpose 


Cnifches Pharmacists often sell or rent 
cratches to persons who are temporarily dis 
abled due to a broken leg a sprained ankle 
or other crippling injury This service entaib 
fittmg appropriate cratches to the mdividual 
and iDstractmg m their use Both alummum 
and hardwood cratches are available Alu- 
minum ones are lighter and stronger but 
more expensive Standard or plain crutches 
are fixed m length, adjustable ones can be 
set to several lengths Several typical cratches 
are shown in Figure 164 (/e/0 

Cratches with double uprights and a hand 
gnp are best for short term use by novi<»s, 
as considerable skill and strength are needed 

462 Prescnption Accessonet and Retofed Items 

Table 91 Standard Crutch OtART 

Height of Person 


Crutch Size* 








































* If height in inches is an odd number subtract 
17 to get crutch length if even subtract 1$ 

to handle most of the other styles The phar- 
macist may prefer to stock adjustable 
crutches in this style, since there are only 
four sizes to be carried The center post is 
pierced by a number of holes spaced 2 inches 
apart along its length Two of these boles arc 
lined up tt iih holes through the uprights, long 
bolts are passed through, and wing nuts are 
securely attached to fasten the center post m 
position and to make the crutch the desired 
over all length Hand grips may be set to 
4 or 5 positions by a similar bolt and nut 
arrangement Crutch sizes are adjustable as 
follows adult, from 48 to 60 inches, youth, 
from 36 to 48 inches, child, from 30 to 36 
inches and infant, from 24 to 30 mehes 
Brands vary slightly in range of adjustment 
Economy models of aluminum crutches are 

generally supplied in two sizes only, one 
adjusting from 29 to 41 inches, the other 
from 42 to 60 inches 

To estimate the correct size for an indi- 
vidual, measure from 2 inches below the 
axilla to a point about 4 inches to the side of 
one foot while he is standing erect, shoulders 
and pelvis m line If the patient is still bed- 
nddeo, measure to the heel and add 4 inches 
A standard crutch chart (Table 91) may be 
posted in the crutch department The de- 
sired length is obtained by moving the center 
post as necessary, and the hand grip is placed 
at about one third the total length To deter- 
mme if the size is cxirrect, have the patient 
assume the 'tnpod' position (Fig 164, 
righty which will be used in walking With 
the hands placed on the hand grips and the 
crutch tips about 4 inches in front of and to 
the side of the feet, the axillary rests should 
be about 2 inches below die axillae as the 
weight IS borne on the wnsts and palms The 
wnsts should be bent and the elbows flexed 
so that the foreann makes an angle of 15 to 
20 degrees with the upper arm The crutches 
should be complete with foam rubber pads 
on the axillary rests and the hand grips and 
with rubber crutch tips Readjust as neces- 
sary Sizing may be speeded up by making 
preliminary adjustment with a crutch with 
a slotted center post and uprights with which 
the patient’s crutches may be matched An 
aluminum telescopic underarm crutch which 
has an easily adjusted tubular single shaft 
IS also handy for measunng patients for 

Standard wooden crutches come in lengths 
from 26 to 60 inches in increments of 2 
inches About a dozen sizes are needed to 
take care of most youths and adults (Table 
91) Aluminum crutches are supplied only 
m adjustable models 

Amputees, poliomyelitis victims and others 
who require continued use of crutches gen- 
erally are fitted for crutches and taught to 
use them by the medical persons treating 
them Lightweight crutches of spcaal design 
often arc supplied to these people at the hos- 
pital or obtained from sources other than 
pharmacies One of the more widely used Is 
the Lofstrand aluminum crutch* (Fig 164) 

•TtielAfitnind Company. Rockville Md 

Crutches and Cones 463 

Table 92 Handling Crutches on Stairs* 

1 Hold railing with one hand t 

2 Place both crutches under opposite aniLt 

A Patient with one good leg, other can 
bear partiS weight 
To ascend To descend 

3 Step up with good 3 Lower crutches and 

leg bad leg to the step 


4 Lift bad leg and 4 Bring good leg 

crutches to this down to this level 


B Patient with one good leg, other 
cannot bear weight 
To ascend To descend 

3 Push on crutches 3 Lower crutches to 
and railing to lift the step below 
body so that good 

leg can be placed 
on the step above 

4 Lift bad leg and 4 Bend good knee, 

crutches to this shifting weight to 

level crutches and rail 


5 Step down with 
good foot 

•Modified from Arje, F B How to teadi 
crutch walking RN2^ 38, 1961 (March) 
t The first 2 steps apply to all 4 procedures 

The forearm ts gnpped lightly by the pivoting 
cradle at the top of the crutch so that the 
handle can be released without dropping the 
crutch or losmg its support The crutch size 
IS determined by measuring from the palm 
of the hand to the floor with the arm parallel 
to the body Nonadjustable crutches rangmg 
from 30 to 42 mches from hand gnp to Up 
are made Adjustable crutches of severd 
styles and size ranges also are available Com- 
ponent parts may be ordered separately 
Too often, pharmaasts supply crutdics 
Without being certam that the recipient knows 
how to use them Instructions m how to walk 
with crutches should be an integral part of 
the service^® There are seven gaits for 
crutch walking,^® three of which are easDy 
learned (Fig 165) Negotiating stairs pre- 
sents problems (Table 92) The pharmacist 
should practice these procedures and be pre- 
pared to demonstrate them 

Crutch Accessories. Crutch arm pads, 
hand-gnp cushions and crutch tips are neccs- 

Fio 165 Crutch gaits A Four point 
gait easiest and safest, useful when pa- 
tient can bear some weight on both legs 
The patient puts one crutch forward, then 
tfae opposite foot, the other crutch, the 
opposite fool, three weight beanng points 
at aU Umes B Two-point gait weight on 
one leg and opposite crutch bring other 
leg and crutch forward together and shift 
weight to them, faster than the four point 
C Three point gait used when one leg is 
unable to bear weight (symbolized by toe 
only), but tfae other is strong enough to 
bear all of the patient’s weight, weak leg 
and both crutches are advanced together 
and the weight is balanced on them as the 
good leg is moved forward 

sary accessories Arm pads are usually made 
of sponge rubber, sometimes reinforced by 
fabnc Immgs Only one size is made, as this 
can be stretched over the arm-piece of all 
standard adult-size crutches The pad is used 
to protect the axilla against faction and m- 
jtny, but Its presence creates the erroneous 


Preicriplion Accessories and Related Ilem^ 

Fio 166 Canes An adjustable aluminum 
c and a four Kcgcd cane are shown 

impression that the crutch user is supposed 
to support his wcigl j on the arm rests Weight 
must be carried on • ic wrists and the elbows 
Leaning on the a lUary rests may cause 
paralj’sis of the rad' :al nerve or of the entire 
brachial plexus, we yncss in the forearm, the 
wrist or the hand s^iGcs the onset of this 
“crutch paraljsis ” iubber hand gnp cush- 
ions may be split lengthwise to permit slip- 
ping oser the crute’-’hand gnp or they may 
be a closed style bps are made of 

rubber high m minerai^cr content to make 
them abrasion resistant, t^^ may be fabrtc- 
Uned to minimize chance of t^plches wearing 
through Tips l^ve a characterwh 5 ,bapc with 
a concave suction-cup design on the tettom 
They cushion against jamng and prevent 

sliding Crutch tips with worn-over rounded 
ed^ unsafe and should be replaced 
Several sizes, with internal diameters rang- 
ing front % to 114 inches are made The 
cnitch lip should fit tightly A little talcum 
powder sprinkled on the inside of the tip 
mAkes It easier to slide on Lubneatmg with 
oil or grease will damage the rubber Crutches 
should not be dispensed unless dressed with 
arfn pads and crutch tips but the use of 
hand grip cushions is not common 

Canes are used by people who require less 
support than that afforded by crutches 
Wooden canes vary greatly in quality of 
wood used and degree of omateness Alu 
minum canes some in adjustable styles, are 
abo avai'iable Tittmg ol canes is largely a 
jnAtter of finding a length which seems to be 
comfortable llie elbow should be only 
slightly bent when the weight is borne on 
the cane The standard cane length is 36 
inches with lengths up to 44 inches available 
in some brands Some aluminum canes (Fig 
166 ) may be adjusted as much as 16 inches 
from 22 inches to 38 inches Rubber cane 
tips which serve the same functions as crutch 
tips, should be attached to walking canes 
The blmd man’s cane is 42 inches long, white 
at the top, red at the bottom and metal- 
upped Three legged and four legged canes 
(Fig 166) have uses intermediate to those 
of crutches and walking canes When a cane 
IS used for weight bearmg it is carried beside 
the disabled leg ^Vhen used for balance, it is 
earned beside tJie sound leg ^ 


The application of heat to parts of the 
body m order to relieve muscular pain— or 
for many other purposes — is one of the com 
monest and the simplest forms of therapy 
Radiation — the process m which an object 
loses heat by emitting energy m the form of 
electromagnetic waves — is an important 
method of transmitting therapeutic heat. 
Pharmacists supply a large number of the 
h^t radiating devices used in this country 
arid should be prepared to offer sound advice 
concerning their selection and use 

Heating Action of Infrared Rays. Hie 
wavelengths used for beat therapy are in the 

Infrared and Ultraviolet Generators 


Table 93 Characteristics and Sources of Selected Spectral Regions* 

Spectral Region 
AND Wavelength (A) 





Far IR 

150 000 to 15000 


0 05 to 1 mm 


Dull red heaters 
Carbon arc 

Near IR 

15 000 to 7.600 


1 to 10 mm 


Luminous heaters 

Carbon arc 


7,600 to 3 900 


10 to 1 mm 


Luminous heaters 


3,900 to 2 900 


1 toO 1 mm 



Carbon arc 


2,900 to 1 800 


0 1 to 0 01 mm 


Cold quartz 

Mercuiy arc 

* Modified from Coblentz W W Sources of ultraviolet and infra red radiation used in therapy, 
JAMA 132 i78 1946 

t Penetration to depth at which biologic aciion if any, may still be expected 

infrared and the visible portions of the spec- 
trum (Table 93) Low-temperature sources 
such as hot water bottles,* electnc heating 
pads* and dull red heaters emit principally 
far infrared rays, while high temperature 
sources such as sun and incaadesceat 
lamps radiate near infrared and visible rays 
When radiant energy strikes the body sur- 
face, some IS reflected and the rest is ab- 
sorbed m the skin and the underlymg tissues 
The extent of both the reflection and the 
penetration into the human body vary with 
the wavelength of the mcident radiation 
It IS generally agreed that significant pene- 
tration (Table 93) can be expected only for 
visible and near infrared radiation maximum 
penctrstion occurrwg at wavelengths about 
11,000 A In this range of radiation, about 
40 per cent reflection occurs Far infrared 
IS absorbed in the stratum comeum, near 
infrared shows strongly increasmg absorp- 
tion m upper layers, decreasing m lower 
layers, visible light is absorbed chiefly in the 
conum Both visible and infrared radiation 
may reach subcutaneous tissues 

In radiant heatmg, electromagnetic waves 
are wmverled mto heat energy by a two- 
stage mechanism In the first stage, the 
absorbed radiation excites electrons m tissue 
molecules to higher energy levels, vibrational 

• The lotensity of radiation from hot wafer 
bottles and electnc heating pads » too low to be 
therapeutically significant these devices beat by 
conduction, not by radiation 

and rotational movements withm the mole- 
cules are also mcreased In the second stage, 
the excited molecules distribute the extra 
eoer^ to others as they coUide during the 
thermal agitation which is always present 
Consequently, the absorbed energy appears 
as fanetic energy of the molecules, viz , as 
heat The actual distnbution of the heat 
withm the tissues depends on the site of ab- 
sorption, the rate of conduction to other 
layers and the rate of removal of heat by 
the circulatmg blood Owmg to its super- 
ficial absorption, nonpenetratmg far m&ared 
creates a greater sensation of warmth than 
do the near infrared and the visible radia- 
tions at equal mtensiues Smee the factor 
Jimilin^ the intensity of radiation which may 
be administered to &e patient is his own sub- 
jective feeling of warmth, a greater intensity 
of near infrared or visible radiation m the 
penetrating range can be given before the 
subject feels discomfort, and, consequently, 
a greater nse in temperature of deeper tis- 
sues can be achieved.*®* 

Infrared generators used therapeutically 
are composed of metallic conductors mounted 
in the tOTler of concave reflectors and heated 
by the passage of an electnc cunent There 
are tw> types the infrared radiators which 
operate at relatively low temperatures and 
arc essentially nonlummous and the heat 
lamps which operate at high temperatures 
and are luminous 

Hic heating element of an infrared radia- 


Prescription Accessories and Related Items 

tor ma) be a resistance wire wound on or em- 
bedded m a noncondacfing matenal A com- 
mon form IS a ceramic cylinder about 2 inches 
in diameter and 6 inches long with a nickel- 
chromium resistance wire embedded m it In 
a second style, the infrared rays are radiated 
from flat circular plates made of metal which 
arc heated by current floiving through resist- 
ance w-ircs embedded m them The two forms 
arc used similarly A third design consisting 
of a nickel-chromium resistance wire inside 
a fused silica tube has recently been inf/o- 
duced The reflectors are placed on stands, 
sometimes of the gooseneck design The m 
frared radiators are marketed m smaD units 
that drawr 50 to 300 watts and large ones 
that draw up to 1,500 watts They operate at 
a red glow (about 800° C ), emitting mostly 
far infrared radiation 

One form of the modem heat lamp con- 
sists of a tungsten filament enclosed in a 
rounded, gas ^ed, clear glass bulb which 
can be screwed into a light socket The pres- 
ence of the gas (argon) prevents oxidation 
of the filament and allows it to be heated to 
a higher temperature The lamps operate at 
about 3,000° C . emitting radiation of 4,000 
to 40,000 A svith maximum emission at about 
11,000 to 12,000 A Shorter and longer 
waves are absorbed by the glass of the bulb 
The lamps come m wattages ranging from 
150 to 1,500 The penetrauon effect is the 
same regardless of lamp size, small (amps 
are used to treat small areas such as the 
hands or the feet, and large lamps are more 
effective for warming larger areas of the body 
such as the back Some lamps have a variable 
resistance mounted in senes with the bulb 
so that the power output can be regulated 
Lamps are mounted at the center of alu- 
minum reflectors and attached to stands of 
vanous types Some are fitted with a wire 
gauze protector to protect the patient from 
hot fragments of glass if the bulb should 
burst Several small lamps may be mounted 
m a semicircular shield forming a "baker” 
which can be used to heat large areas such 
as the trunk 

The heal lamp commonly stocked m phar- 
macies differs from the one described above 
mainly in that the reflector is an mtegral part 
of the bulb itself The reflector is made by 
depositing a thin film of alutmnum on the 

mside of the funnel-shaped portion of a 
conical bulb The lamp can be screwed info 
an ordinary light socket or lamp base Lamps 
with red or black glass faces absorb some of 
the visible light, thus reducing the gbre’“ 
and, perhaps, also leading to some psycho- 
logiatl benefits owing to the red glow that is 

The design of the heating element and the 
reflector as well as their positioning relative 
to one another markedly influence cover- 
age pattern (i e , the pattern of the rays over 
the treatment area at which they arc di- 
rected) For example, faulty design may 
cause undue concentration of the rays at a 
smgle pomt, thus creating an undesirable hot 
spot. Also, particular combinations of types 
of heating elements and reflectors Wfill yield 
coverage patterns better for some forms of 
heat treatment than for others Catalog 
desenpuons of infrared generators would be 
much more meaningful if information about 
the coverage pattern for each model were 

Therapeutic Uses of Infrared. Irradiation 
from both luminous and nonluminous sources 
of heat rays produces marked hyperemia, 
tissue relaxation and relief of pain Since the 
effect of the difference m penetration of the 
emanations appears to be of little practical 
therapeutic importance, the nvo sources are 
used interchangeably Radiant heating is used 
to treat traumatic inffanunatory conditions 
such as sprains and muscle strains, catarrhal 
conditions of the mucous membranes and in- 
fections of the skin includmg folliculitis and 
furunculosis It is employed to relieve the 
paxfl of vanous forms of arthntis and rheu- 
matoid conditions as well as to relax and 
warm muscles and tissues pnor to massage 
and exercise Knowledge of the specific mctA- 
anisms by which pam is relieved is incora- 
pJete It can be sboivn that the threshold of 
pain in a pcnphcral area of an extremity can 
be raised by directly heating the sensory 
nerve to the area •— The relaxing effect of 
heat on skeletal muscle may ^ due to 
ns effect on the neurons and the muscle 
spindles mvolved m propnoceptor reflex 

The technic of local radiant healing is quite 
simple Radiation is directed over the part 
to treated from a distance at which it feels 

Infrared and Ultraviolet Generators 467 

comfortable The average distance is from 
2 to 3 feet If at any time the individual feels 
an unpleasant bummg sensation, the heat 
lamp should be moved farther away, a few 
inches at a time, until he feels only a com- 
fortable warmth The usual mtent is to cause 
a reddening of the skm with a mmimum of 
sweating, smce water absorbs infrared rays 
Exposure generally is contmued for 20 to 40 
minutes, but longer exposure is not harmful 
m local treatment, provided that the radiation 
is not too mtense Indeed, heat radiation 
commonly is applied for too short a penod 
to be effective Radiation should be di- 
rected agamst noncovered surfaces, since 
various textile materials absorb 20 to 40 per 
cent of the infrared rays 

The simple heat lamps available m phar- 
macies are packaged with mstructions and 
waramgs which the pharmacist should dis- 
cuss with his client The major precautions 
are du:ected toward the danger that the user 
may be burned Blistenng may occur when 
the radiation is too intense, the patient should 
be warned that a severe bummg sensation is 
not a part of the treatment. A burn may 
occur when the circulation is poor because 
of arterial disease, smce heat may not be 
carried away from the area rapidly enough 
Particular caution is needed m irradiating 
anesthetic areas over skm scars or m cases 
of nerve injunes, smce burning sensations arc 
not fell and the tendency toward blistering 
IS pronounced Blisters are more likely to 
form if a strong Imiment has been applied 
and has not been washed completely off 
before beginning the heat treatment Con- 
junctivitis and lens damage may occur fol- 
lowing direct exposure of the eyes to infra- 
red raj’s When irradiating the face, the eyes 
may be protected with a shade or they may 
be covered by pieces of absorbent cotton 
moistened with rvater and flattened agamst 
the eyelids Obviously, a hot lamp or cle- 
ment should not be touched Some suggest 
that all infrared lamps should have a guard 
or a screen to catch hot broken glass or metal 
chips m case of failure of the heating element 
Short-wave diathermy and ulirasomc ther- 
apy are also methods of applymg heat to the 
body In diathenny, that region of the 
body which is to be treated is posiuoned in 
the field of an electrical apparatus which 

generates a high-frequency current, com- 
monly 27 12 or 35 7 megacycles per second 
In ultrasomc treatments, the body is heated 
through contact with an applicator contam- 
mg a quartz or a barium titanate crystal 
which IS made to vibrate through the piezo- 
electnc effect at a frequency between 100 
and 1,000 kilocycles per second Both meth- 
ods mduce heat m deep tissues, that from 
ultrasomc therapy tending to be more local- 
ized These treatments are administered by 
tramed physical therapists pursuant to a phy- 
sician’s prescnption Pharmacists are not the 
usual suppliers of these machines 

Ultraviolet radiation (Table 93) is emitted 
by very hot bodies and ionized gases The 
sun IS the chief natural source of ultraviolet, 
but sunlight reaching the earth contains none 
of the short waves of the far ultraviolet, since 
these are filtered out by the atmosphere 
Artificial sources such as the carbon arc and 
the mercury vapor arc have been developed 
to assure independence from the vagaries of 
the weather Pharmacists often supply ultra- 
violet lamps for both lay and professional use 
Effects of Ultraviolet I^ys. Numerous 
physiologic actions have been claimed for 
ultraviolet rays Local effects which may 
occur in irradiated skin include erythema, 
pigmentation, stimulation of growth of epi- 
thelial cells and peeling Systemic activity of 
Vitamm D may be observed followmg its 
formation from 7-^ehydrocholesterol m the 
skin Several other systemic effects of ultra- 
violet irradiation have been noted.®® It is not 
known whether the general tonic effect which 
IS sometimes attnbuted to moderate exposure 
to sunlight is psychological or actually de- 
nved from some objective biochemical alter- 
ation ®® Statements that colds are prevented, 
mental activity stimulated and dental caries 
prevented by ultraviolet radiation no longer 
appear in advertisements for sunlamps 
The local effects can be related to the 
wavelength of the mcident radiation and the 
layer of the skm to which it penetrates Eiy- 
ihema is produced by wavelengths between 
2,400 and 3,200 A, with two maximal areas 
of eiythemal effecuveness approximately at 
2,500 and 2,970 A The response is a 
photochemical one in which absorption of 
photons of ultraviolet eneigy by proteins or 
nucleic acids or both causes the liberation of 


Prescnption Accessories and Related {ferns 

vasodilator and mflammatoiy substances not 
yet identified The shorter waves are absorbed 
in and affect the stratum comeum, the longer 
waves act m the deeper stratum granulosura 
The crjihcmal response is delayed from 4 to 
8 hours, becoming visible sooner after a 
strong dose than after a weak one Skin pig- 
mentation or tanning follows repeated irradi- 
ation with erythema producing doses between 
2,800 and 3,000 A but not with those around 
2,500 A The pigment consists of brown 
granules of melanin which may appear in 
irradiated skin m three ways An immediate 
tanning effect, maximum m less than an hour, 
IS due to a direct photo-oxidation of pre- 
formed reduced melanin to darker, oxidized 
melanin This results only with rays between 
3,000 and 4,300 A A delayed tanning effect 
which occurs several days after exposure con- 
sists of an upward migration of mclanm gran- 
ules from the melanocytes m the basal layer 
A true darkening of the skin, beginning atout 
two days after exposure, results from a syn- 
thesis of new melanin stimulated by ery- 
thema producing rays 
It u well known that tanned sk/n shows 
less erythcmal response than does untanned 
The cryihema-producmg and the tanning rays 
m some way stimulate epithelial cell division 
which leads to a thicker stratum comeum 
The increased thickness of the homy layer 
IS believed to constitute the major protection 
against further skin damage by irradiation 
TTjc peeling which occur is the casting off 
of dead cells, and its extent is proportional 
to the degree of the erythema produced 
Ultraviolet Lamps. The principal types of 
artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation are 
the carbon arc lamps and the mercury vapor 
lamps For detailed descriptions of carbon 
arc lamps which were the firet to be devel- 
oped, but which have largely been replaced 
by the more convenient forms of the mercury 
vapor sources, see ScotL*^’ 

Passage of electric current through mer- 
cury vapor causes the crmssion of ultraviolet 
rays There arc three general types of mer- 
cury vapor lamps, viz., the low pressure, the 
high-prcssurc and the fluorescent. In all of 
these types the mercury is enclosed in tubes 
(bumcR) of fused quartz or of siLca glass, 
because these materials transmit ultraviolet 
freely and are, at the same time, extremely 
heat resistant 

The low-pressure lamp consists of an evac- 
uated* quartz tube containmg a small amount 
of liquid mercury and a small amount of neon 
gas It has two electrodes which are con- 
nected in senes with a stabilizing choke to 
an alternating current transformer The dis- 
charge IS mitiatcd in the neon This generates 
enough heat to vaporize the mercury which 
then takes over the carrying of the current 
The discharge is earned by electrons and 
positive ions The pressure is 0 001 to 0 01 
atmospheres, the voltage is about 2,500 volts 
and the spectral emission consists of about 
95 per cent m the line of 2,537 A m the short 
ultraviolet The tube remains cold because 
very little current is consumed Lamps of this 
type are used to treat superficial skin mfec- 
tions and also to disinfect air, since bands 
near 2,500 A have been shown to exert a 
bactencidal effect They may be mounted on 
reflectoR or incorporated in special holders 
The Ji/g/i pressure lamp has an evacuated 
quartz burner contaming traces of argon gas 
and a larger amount of liquid mercury which 
IS carefully adjusted to create a vapor pres- 
sure of 2 to 10 atmospheres when fully 
vaporized The electrodes are coated with a 
theimiooic emitter (banum and strontium 
oxides) to increase the supply of electrons 
sufficiently to permit operating the tube with 
a potential drop of about 100 volts A start 
mg circuit which is actuated by pushing a 
button momentarily applies about 600 volts 
between an external electrode and one of the 
intemal electrodes This initiates the argon 
discharge The mercury arc is established in 
2 or 3 minutes, but a total waiting period of 
about 5 minutes is needed to allow it to sta- 
bilize The operating current is 1 or 2 am- 
peres, therefore, a lamp of this type gets quite 
hot It IS generally cooled only by the room 
air flowing around it A special type — the 
Kromayer lamp — is equipped with a cooling 
jacket m which water or air is circulated 
The high pressure lamp emits radiant ene^ 
spread quite uniformly and widely through 
the ultraviolet range For this reason, and, 
also, because it can be made to emit higher 
intensities than other types, the high pressure 
lamp is the most used m clinical applica- 
tions anti research The quartz burner 
tends to deteriorate with use, being trans- 
• If air were present mercury oxfdes would form 


infrared and Ulfravjolet Generators 469 

formed gradually by heat to tndymite, an 
ultraviolet-opaque form of silica Rheostats 
arc generally provided to allow mcreased 
voltage to be used as needed to restore the 
output of rays After several hundred hours 
of use the bulbs may need to be replaced 
The burner should not be touched with the 
fingers because the finger marks will become 
permanently etched into the quartz when the 
burner is heated agam If it is touched mad- 
vertently, the burner should be cleaned im 
mediately with ethanol 
The fluorescent tube operates on the same 
prmciple as the fluorescent tube used for 
lightmg It IS a modified low pressure mer- 
cury arc tube which is coated with a special 
fluorescent phosphor on its mner wall The 
arc, operatmg at 0 00001 atmospheres pres- 
sure, emits radiation at 2,537 A This is ab- 
sorbed by the phosphor which then emits 
radiation of longer wavelength, mostly near 
3,000 A The glass used is one which absorbs 
rays shorter than 2,800 A These tubes may 
be 3 to 4 feet long and are mtended for gen- 
eral body irradiation 

Sunlamps have been developed for home 
use as a source of radiation similar to sun- 
light These are special glass bulbs which are 
opaque to wavelengths below 2,800 A and 
are similar m shape to ordinary electric light 
bulbs There are three types, the S-1, the S 2, 
and the RS The RS (reflector) type is the 
one commonly stocked by pharmacies, since 
11 can be screwed mto ordmaiy sockets and 
operates at 110 to 125 volts, whereas the 
others require a special fixture with a trans- 
former Tlie RS bulb is comcal and has an 
aluminum coatmg on the funnel-shaped por- 
tion to act as a reflector Inside the outer ^ass 
envelope is a small high pressure mercury- 
arc tube made of quartz There is a tungsten 
filament which heats up to vaporize the mer- 
cury and then remains in the circuit as a 
ballast ’ Because of this incandescent fila 
meat the RS bulb enmts radiation in the visi- 
ble and the short infrared portions of the 
spectrum as well as m the ultraviolet 
Ultraviolet Therapy Techmc. The techmc 
of applying ultraviolet radiation is an exact- 
ing one, inasmuch as it is necessary to regu- 
late closely the duration and the frequency 
of the applications as well as to control the 
intensity of the radiation by adjustmg the 
distance of the burner from the patient Only 

relatively nonspecific mstructions can be 
given, since the details will vary according 
to the efficiency of the apparatus, the mdi- 
vidual sensitivity of the patient and the prog- 
ress of the treatment For general (over- 
all) body irradiation the first dose is one 
which barely causes a first-degree erythema 
Patients develop increasing tolerance as treat- 
ments contmue and become able to stand suc- 
cessively larger doses The burner is usually 
placed about 30 mches from the mdividual 
at first and the begmnmg exposure tune may 
be only 15 seconds Treatment is not repeated 
until the erythema response from the previous 
exposure has completely subsided This lunits 
frequency of application to every other day 
or to once daily at most After the mitial ex- 
posure It IS usual to leave the burner at the 
same distance and to mcrease the tune by, 
perhaps, IS seconds each tune until the ex- 
posure lime becomes about 3 minutes (or 
less, depcndmg on the equipment) Some ch- 
nicians then move the burner closer to the 
individual m 2 inch progressions down to a 
minimum distance of 1 8 inches 
There is a wide range in individual sensi- 
tivity to ultraviolet *** Blondes are from 40 
per cent to 170 per cent more sensitive than 
brunettes, men are 20 per cent more sensitive 
than women Even different body areas react 
differently to radiation, those with a thick 
homy layer are the least sensitive, and the 
face is the most sensitive 

Efficiency of ultraviolet generators is meas- 
ured by the degree of erythema produced 
under standard conditions of exposure This 
cntenon was adopted by the Amencan Medi- 
cal Association’s Council of Physical Medi- 
cmc® when it was issuing seals of acceptance 
for brands of various devices, a practice dis- 
contmued m 1955 Four degrees of ery- 
thema are recognized First-degree erythema 
IS a slight reddening of the skin which fades 
within 24 hours In second-degree erythema 
the reddening is more pronoun^ and it lasts 
about 3 days, it is equal to a mild sunburn 
Thud degree erythema is similar to a severe 
sunburn, smce the reddening is intense and 
there is some edema and peeling of the skin 
It takes about a week to subside Fourth- 
degree erythema follows destructive doses, 
which, after a short latent penod, produce an 
intense reddening followed by exudation and 
blistering This persists for many days The 

470 Prescription Accessories and Related 

Table 94 Possible Photosensitizers 
(Oral or Injected)* 

Thiazide diuretics 

Carbonic anhydrase 







Methylene Blue 













Heavy metal salts 










Para aminobeozoic 


* Data from Med Letter 3 56 1961. Watkins 
ALA Manual of Electrotberapy, p 80, PbiU 
delphia. Lea * Febiger, 19SS 

Council* ** adopted an erythemal unit of 
dosage intensity svhich was based on the in* 
tensity of radiation of wavelength 2,967 A 
capable of producing a mmunutn perceptible 
erjthema on average untanned skin m 15 
minutes Then, artificial sources were rated 
in terms of the number of erythemal units 
they should produce if they were elTiciently 
designed The Council also distinguished be- 
tween two general types, i c , sudamps and 
therapeutic lamps Sunlamps were chose emit- 
ting ultraviolet radiation almost entirely be- 
tween 2,900 and 3,132 A, these were con- 
sidered to be safe for unsupervised use 
Therapeutic lamps are intended for profes- 
sional use only or for patient use under the 
direction of a physician Types S-I, S-2, RS 
and fluorescent types are sunlamps High- 
pressure lamps and also some low-pressure 
ones are classed as therapeutic 
Dangers of Ultraviolet Radiation. The dan- 
gers in home use of ultraviolet are obviously 
manifold The pharmacist who supplies de- 
vices for this purpose must volunteer the 
necessary precautionary statements even 
though they may seem to be expressed clearly 
m instructions acaimpanying the device He 
should warn against overdose from either a 

single excessive exposure or from too fre- 
quent exposure Some mdmduals have an 
exaggerated idea of what they can withstand 
and tiy to get a deep tan in one sitting Others 
simply fall asleep under the lamp This is a 
major reason for stocking lamps with timers 
that can be set to shut oS the lamp auto- 
matically Lamps should not be touched, 
since they are hot enough to bum That the 
eyes can be damaged by ultraviolcl is com- 
monly known Wavelengths below 3,200 A 
arc responsible Conjunctivitis and blephantis 
with a painful pricking sensation may de- 
velop after bnef exposure Edema, contrac- 
tion of lids and comeal erosion may occur 
Long exposure to intense ultraviolet rays 
may produce color scotomas, constnction of 
the peripheral field and, some believe, lenticu- 
lar cataracts Consequently, protective goggles 
widi dark smoked lenses should be worn by 
the user Several serious forms of dermatitis, 
general toxemias, exacerbation of tuberculosis 
and precanccrous skin lesions may result 
from excessive or incorrect use of ultraviolet 
radiation Some authorities feel that the 
dangers of home treatment with ultraviolet 
radiation outweigh possible benefits *** 

The phamaetsc has a special responst- 
bility, because the use of certain drugs is 
known to cause an increased sensitivity to 
ultraviolet rays The photosensitivity reaction 
may be phototoxic or photoallcigic or both “ 
The phototoxic reaction resembles a severe 
sunburn, and residual tannmg appears after 
the erythema subsides PhotoaUergic re- 
sponses, which result from an antigen-aati- 
Iwdy rcacuon, require an incubation period 
of several days following exposure to both 
the drug and ultraviolet for the sensitization 
to be developed Subsequent exposure to 
ultraviolet may develop the reaction — ^usually 
a severe urticarial dermatitis — withm a few 
minutes There is no residual tanning Even 
a partial luting of drugs implicated as phoio- 
sensitizcrs (Table 94) is impressive evidence 
of the need for caution Coal tar prepara 
Dons require special mention as being photo- 
sensitizcrs when applied cxtcmally Thephar- 
macut who supplies a sunlamp for home use 
should certainly be informed of the drugs 
which the intended user u tabng so that sen- 
sitization reactions may be avoided 

References 471 


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Sources and Their Analysis with Scanner, 
pp 1, 33, Springfield, Thomas, 1950 

131 Russell, B , and Thorne, N A Skin re- 
actions beneath adhesive plasters, Lancet 
268 67, 1955 

132 Samp, R. ! Results of a questionnaire 

survey of colostomy patients, Surg 
Gynec Obstet JOS 491, 1957 

133 Scott, P M Clayton’s Electrotherapy 
and Actinotherapy, cd 3, pp 362 374, 
London, Baillicre, Tindall & Cox, 1958 

134 Scully, F J , Minnesota Mining & Manu- 
facturing Co Personal communicatioa. 

135 Secor, S M New hope for colostomy 
patients, Nurs Outlook 2 643, 1954 

136 Segal, MS The Management of the Pa- 
tient with Severe Bronchial Asthma, 
pp 99, 100, Springfield, Thomas, 1950 

137 Seide, D RN 23 37, SepL, 1960 

138 Sheldon J M, Hcnscl, H M , and 
Blumenthal, F Adhesive tape imtation, 
J Invest Derm 4 295, 1941 

139 Sbestack R L Handbook of Physical 
Therapy, p 16 New York, Spnnger, 

140 Sidi, E , and Hincky, M Allergic sens! 
tization to adhesive tape experimental 
study With a hypoallergemc tape, J Invest 
Derm 29 81, 1957 

141 Siegler, S L , and Siegler, A M Evalu- 
ation ol the basal body temperature, 
Fcrtil Stcnl 2 287, 1951 

142 Sliver, H K , Kempe, C H , and Kerape 
R S Healthy Babies, Happy Parents 
ed 2, pp 40, 192 New York, McGraw- 
Hill 1960 

143 Slome, D , ed Wound Healing, p 54, 
New York, Pergamon 1961 

144 Smith, A Technic of Medication 
pp 80 125, Philadelphia, Lippmcott, 

145 Sommermeyer, L, and Frobisher, M, 
Jr Laboratory studies on disinfection of 
oral ihermometen, Nurs Res I 32,1952. 

146 Laboratory studies on disinfec- 

tion of rectal thermometers, Nurs Res 
2 85. 1953 

147 Spock, B The Pocket Book of Baby 
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148 Stasney, J , and Jernstrom, P Urme ex 

aminations Seminar Rep J 2.1956 

149 Stephenson, N R , and Romans, R G 
Thermal stability of insulin made from 
zinc insulin crystals, J phamL Phar- 
macol 72 372, 1960 

150 Stone, H M The technique of the 
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151 Thompson, E. M , and LeBaron, M ’ 
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152 Tietze, C The clinical effectiveness of 

References 475 

contraceptive methods, Am J Obstet 
Gynec 78 650, 1959 

153 The Condom as a Contraceptive 

pp 6, 8, New York, National Committee 
on Maternal Health, Inc , 1960 

154 Tietze, C , Lehfeldt, H , and Ltebmano, 
H G The effectiveness of the cervical 
cap as a contraceptive method. Am J 
Obstet Gynec 66 904, 1953 

155 Tinker, R B Disposable hypodermic 
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156 Title, M M Disposables up to date 
Hosp 34 73, Dec 13, 1960 

157 Todays Horizon m Health 16 mm, 
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158 Tompkins, P The use of basal tempera 
ture graphs in determining the date of 
ovulauon, JA.MA 124 698, 1944 

159 Towle, R. L. New horizons m mass in 
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160 Ulrich, E W Pressure sensitive adhesive 
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nesota Mimng and Manufacturing Co 

161 Umted States Pharmacopeia, 16th Re- 
vision, pp 75, 182, 262, 304, 306, 550, 
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162 Warren, J , Ziherl, F A., Kish, A W , 
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163 Watkins ALA Manual of Electro- 
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165 Zimmerman C Esophageal stncture 
from accidental ingestion of Clmitest 
tablets. Am J Dis ChUd 97 101, 1959 

C/iopfer 13 

Hospital Pharmacy 

George F. Archomboult, Ph C , LI B , LL D , Sc D , Pharm D * 

Hospital pharmacy, or, more properly, 
pharmaceutical service m hospitals, is a rela- 
tively new specialty m the profession of phar- 
macy It IS one that has matured since the 
twenties as a result of improvements m the 
standards of hospital care and developments 
m the present-day drug armamentanura 

Definition. Hospital pharmacy is that spe- 
cialty of pharmacy that concerns itself with 
the evaluation, the selection the procure- 
ment, the storage, the control and the utili- 
zation of drugs m hospitals It encompasses 
the supplymg of medications for inpatient 
and outpatient use, the preparation of stenlc 
medications, volume compounding, prepack- 
aging, drug formulation and research Fur- 
thermore, hospital pharmacy serves as the 
focal point m the dissemination of drug- 
thempy information to the staff 


The separation of pharmacy from medicine 
first look place in the early eleemosynary in 
stitutions engaged in caring for the sick and 
the injured History records the faa that 

* Pbannacy Uauon OlRcer to the Office of the 
Surgeon General Chief Pharmacy Branch Di 
vision of Hospilals, U S. Public Healib Service 
Department of ficalth Education and Welfare 
U ashington. D C 

This chapter has been prepared with the thought 
in mmd of familiarizing the student with the basic 
concepts ot the practice of hospital pharmacy ad 
ministration In general the chapter folloi^'s the 
proposed syllabus for a coune on hospital pbar 
macy administraiion as presented by the special 
Committee on Education of the Amencan Swiety 
of Hospital Pharmacists (See EducaUon and In 
temship number Butl Am Soc Uosp Pharmaehts 
May June 1955 ) 

pharmacies were important segments of hos- 
pital activities as long ago as the 4th century, 
at a time when hospitals were part of many 
of the monastenes After the plague m the 
I4ih ccnluty, the separation of pharmacy 
from medicine became an established fact, 
and hospitals of that era are reported to 
have had well-equipped phannaceutical 

The first hospital pharmacist m colonial 
America is believed to have been Jonathan 
Roberts, pharmacist of the Pennsylvania Hos- 
pital m Philadelphia (1752) (Fig 167) 

Benjamin Franklin, who aided m the es- 
tablishment of this hospital, wrote 

The practitioners charitably supplied the 
medicine gratis till December. 1752 when the 
managers, having procured an assortment of 
drugs from London, opened an apothecary s 
shop in the hospital, and it being found neces 
sary, apjxiinted an apothecary to attend and 
nuke up (he medicines daily, according to the 
prescnplion with an allowance of fifteen 
pounds per annum for his care and trouble 
he giving bond with two suflicicnt sureties for 
the faithful performance of his trust 

Prior to 1920 for a penod of approxi- 
mately 170 years, the recorded history of 
hospital pharmacy in the United States is 
quite brief The majority of pharmacists en- 
gaged m this specialty of the profession re- 
ported little m the literature and received 
little recorded recognition from American 

Not until the Amcncan College of Sur- 
geons began Its hospital standardization pro- 
gram in 1918 was there any notable change 
m this apathy 

Starting in the early twenties and contmu- 
mg strongly thereafter, hospital pharmacy 

Atnencan Society of Hospifol Phormacis^s 477 

Fjo 167 Picturizalion of the first hospital pharmacy m Colonial America (c 1755) 
(Copyright 1954, Parke Davis and Co ) 

began to attract attention as an important tional groups for the betterment of patient 
element m hospital patient care Three fac care 
tors might be named as contributing greatly 

to the present vigorous activity of the prac AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HOSPITAL 
tice of hospital pharmacy the standardiza PHARMACISTS 

tion program of the Atnencan College of 

Surgeons (now the program of the Joint The national society for hospital pharma 
C^ommission on Accreditation of Hospitals) cists was founded m 1942 and incorporated 
to upgrade patient care m hospitals, Uic de m 1955 The society, an affiliate of the Amer 
velopment since 1940 of the powerful drug ican Pharmaceutical Associauon is devoted 
annamentanum available to the medical prac to the profession of hospital pharmacy and 
litioner of today an armamentarium that nc dedicated to the unprovernent of pharmaccu- 
cessilates highly tramed pharmacists to guar tical service m the mterest of better pauent 
antee the proper selection control and use care m hospitals Over 3 000 hospital phar 
of drugs, and the influence of the Amen macy pracuuoners hold membefship m this 
can S«iety of Hospital Pharmacists This organization, many belongmg to one of the 
nationalsocietyworkscloselywiththeAmen 57 affihatmg local chapters The journal of 
can Pharmaceutical Association, the Ameri- the society, American Journal of Hospital 
can Hospital AssociaUon the Catholic Hos Phannacy, is well known mternaUonally in 
pita! Association the Joint Commission on hospital and pharmaceutical circles 
Accreditation of Hospitals and other na- 1)16 objectives of the Amencan Society of 

47S Hospital Phormacy 

Hospital Phannacjsts as stated in the consti- 
tuiUon and bylaws (1962 revision) arc 

The objectives of the Society shall be (1) to 
provide the benelits and protection of a hospital 
pharmacist to the patient, to the institution 
which he serves, to the members of the allied 
health professions with whom he is associated, 
and to the profession of pharmacy (2) to assist 
m providing an adequate supply of such quali 
fied hospital pharmacists (3) to assure a high 
quality of professional practice through the 
establishment and maintenance of standards, 
(4) to promote research in hospital pharmacy 
practices and m the pharmaceutical sciences 
in general (S) to disseminate pharmaceutical 
knowledge by providing for interchange of in 
formation among hospital pharmacists and 
members of allied specialties and professions 


Hospital pharmacy in the United States is 
a recognized specialty of the profession of 
pharmacy and a valued service ta sound hos- 
pital operations Statistics reQect this oosi- 
tion. For instance over 53 per cent ot the 
6,712 hospitals reporting in the 1962 listing 
of the American Hospital Association state 
that they operate pharmacies 


The responsibiliUcs of the hospital phar- 
macist are set forth clearly m the Minimum 
Standard for Pharmacies in Hospitals of the 
American Society of Hospital Pharmacists 
as amended November 8, 1962 These duties 
are slated to be as follows 

The preparation and sterilization of inject 
able medications when manufactured in the 
hospital, the volume compounding of pharma 
ceuticah, the manufacturing of pharmaceuli 
cals, the dispensing of drugs, chemicals and 
pharmaceutical preparations, the filling and 
labeling of all drug containers issued to services 
from which'medication is to be administered 
necessary inspection of all pharmaceutical sup- 
plies on alt services and at nursing medication 
stations the maintenance of an approved stock 
of antidotes and other emergency drugs, the 
dispensing of all narcotics hypnotics, and alco- 
hol and the maintenance of a perpetual inven 

lory ot them, the development of specifications 
both as to quality and source for the purchase 
of an drugs, chemicals, antibiotics, biologicals, 
and pharmaceutical preparations used in the 
diagnosis and treatment of patients, furmshing 
information concerning medications to phy- 
sicians. interns and nurses, the establishment 
and maintenance, in cooperation with the ac- 
counting department, of a satisfactory system 
of records and bookkeeping in accordance with 
the policies of the hospitd for (a) charging 
patients for drugs and pharmaceutic^ supplies, 
and (b) maiaUimog adequate control over the 
requisitioning and dispensing of all drugs and 
pharmaceutical supplies, the planning, organiz- 
ing, and directing pharmacy policies and pro- 
c^ures in accordance with the established poli- 
cies of the hospital, the maintenance of the 
facilities of the department, cooperation in 
teaching counes to students in the school of 
nursing and in the medical and dental intern 
training programs, implementing the decisions 
of the pharmacy and therapeutics ajnunittee 
and serving as secretary to the committee, and 
the preparation of periodic reports on the prog- 
ress of the department for submission to the 
administrator of the hospital 

To (he Admimstralion. Directly or mdi- 
rectly, these rcspoosibilities and functions are 
aunra to provide the best m pharmaceutical 
service for the patient at the most economical 
c£»L Not only is it the duty of (he hospital 
pharmacist to provide good pharmaceutical 
semee to the patient, it is also his responsi- 
bility to operate the pharmacy department 
effiaently and economically This the com- 
petent pharmacist does by providing quality 
medications and services at the most favor- 
able prevailing pnccs 

To ibe Clinicians. It is often said that the 
hospital pharmacist is the drug therapy con- 
sultant to the staff, this is one of his prime 
responsibilities He continuously must be alert 
to the latest trends m clinical pharmacology, 
biochemistry, microbiology and the other 
health sciences He must be prepared to dis- 
cuss With clinicians the relative ments of 
drugs and to advise on their dosage, strength, 
side effects, contramdications, use and oUier 
pertinent factors 

To the Nursing Profession and Paramedi- 
cal Groups. The hospital pharmacist has pro- 
fessional responsibilities to the nurse, the 
dietitian and the medical record librarian In 


Responsibilihes and Duties of the Hospital Pharmacist 479 

hjs penodic inspections of nursing medica- 
tion stations he should be alert to prevent 
labeling and packaging by nursing personnel, 
detect outdated biologicals and ampul medi- 
cations, spot excess and obsolete stocks as 
well as check on narcotic and hypnotic vicda- 
tions The competent hospital pharmacist ful- 
fills his teachmg responsibilities by lectures 
to nurses and others on the action and the 
uses of drugs and their side effects and con- 
traindications, and on pharmaceutical arith- 
metic, posolo^ and toxicology It should go 
without saying that the preparation of anti- 
biotic suspensions, surgical fluids and paren- 
terals falls into ha domain and not that of 
the nune 

The hospital pharmacist's responsibilities 
to the dietetic department hes m his knowl- 
edge of vitamms, essential ammo acids, min- 
eral and other food supplements He can best 
advise as to the preparations to be stocked 
to obtain the greatest value per dollar ex- 

penditure Also, his skill m preparmg elegant 
fla\mnng extracts for hospit^ consumption is 
brought to bear m this relationship 

To ti\e medical record hbianan, as well as 
to the nurse and the medical and the dental 
mtem, the hospital pharmacist has the re- 
sponsibility to teach, among other thmgs, sci- 
entific drug nomenclature and the generic 
names of drugs, as well as their many trade 

To the Department. To the pharmacy 
Itself, the hospital pharmacist is responsible, 
of course, for adequate mventones of quality 
drugs, the periodic inspection of equipment 
and Its maintenance, the general appearance 
of the department, the standardization of 
medication contamers for pharmaity and 
nursmg station dispensmg umts, and the giv- 
mg of prompt, efficient service 

Also, under this bnef discussion of re- 
sponsibilities should be mentioned the ne- 
cessity for adopting a policy relative to 

Fig 168 The pharmacy service m relation to the administrator and 
to all other departmental services of the “X ’ Hospital (Developed by 
Mr Ray Kneifl, Sister Mary Berenice and others for the Catholic Hos- 
pital Association in conneclioo with the Point Ratmg Plan for Hos- 
pital Pharmacy Service m the Bulieiin of the Amencan Society of 
Hospital Pharmacists, 9 No 4) 

Organixatton and Policies 481 

Sample Outline of Policy or Objective 

In the development and conduct of the Phar 
macy Service (Department) of 
Hospital, jt shall be the primary purpose of the 
Sisters of , their associates and 

assistants m this department, to render efficient 
professional service motivated at all times by 
Chnstian chanty to in- and out-patients of aU 
economic levels, to this end, the chief pharma 
cist and staff pharmacists wQI cooperate whole- 
heartedly with medical staff members, and espe 
cially with the Pharmacy and Therapeutics 
Committee, in the development of sound poli- 
cies governing this service The program of 
service shall include 

To achieve the desired measure of efficiency 
throughout the hospital, this department will at 
all times cooperate with other special depart 
ments m Hospital har 

moniously and effectively to assure continuity 
of service to patients, providing the education^ 
guidance and matenals relating to scientific ad 
vances m drug therapy for other professional 
groups as well as for pharmacists The Phar 
macist will cooperate with the Director of the 
School of Nursing in her teaching program for 
student nurses 

In realixmg this goal the administrator of 
the hospital and the chief pharmacist are guided 
by the “Minimum Standard for Hospital Phar 
macies” of the American Society of Hospital 
Pharmacists In the organization, staffing, equip- 
ment and admmistration of the pharmacy In 
complymg with the Standard the Pharmacy 
Service of Hospital attempts 

to qualify for recognition by appropriate ac 
crediting agencies m Medici, Pharmacy and 
hospital fields as providing a service of profes- 
sional quality adequate to safeguard the health 
of the people 

(Paragraphs may be added or developed for 
special services (functions) if desired ) 

Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee 

The Minunum Standard for Pharmacies tn 
Hospitals m reference to the Pharmacy and 
Therapeutics Committee states 

Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee 
There shall be a Pharmacy and Therapeutics 
Committee, which shall hold at least two regu 
lar meetings annually and such additional meet 
mgs as may be required The members of the 

• Prepared by Mr Ray Kneifl, Sisler Mary 
Berenice and associates, Catholic Hospital Assoa 
ation. Institute on Hospital Pharmacy, July, 1952 

committee shall be chosen from the several divi 
sions of the medical staff The pharmacist in 
charge shall be a member of the committee and 
shall serve as its secretary He shall keep a trans 
script of proceedings and shall forward a copy 
to the proper govemmg authority of the bos 
pital TTie purpose of the committee shall be 
(A) to develop a formulary of accepted drugs 
for use m the hospital, (B) to serve as an ad- 
visory group to the hospital pharmacist on mat- 
ters pertaming to the choice of drugs to be 
stocked, (C) to evaluate clmical data concern- 
ing dru^ requested for use in the hospital, (D) 
to add to and to delete from the list of drugs 
accepted for use in the hospital, (E) to prevent 
unnecessary duplication in the stock of the same 
baste drug and its preparations and (F) to make 
recommendations concerning drugs to be 
stocked on the nursing units and other services 

To this role, another important item has 
been added recently — the penodic review of 
patient's charts for mconsistencies m medi- 
cation orders (ovennedication m number of 
drugs used and use of a drug beyond a rea- 
sonable period) with report on findings made 
at least once annually at staff meetings 
Names of patients and physicians are, of 
course, oot revealed 

The role of the chief pharmacist on this 
committee, as its recorder or secretary and 
as one of its votmg members, is an important 
one Among the more important functions 

1 Maintenance of an adequate, up-to-date 
library and a drug therapy reference file for 
the use of the committee and the staff 

2 Interviewing and screening of profes 
sional medical representauves ( detail men”) 
of pharmaceutical firms, and arrangmg for 
departmental mterviews with them when in- 
dicated This IS an important function of the 
secretary masmuch as it keeps him mfonned 
of the latest drug therapy agents bemg de- 
tailed by the pharmaceutical firms to phy- 
sicians on the staff, either at the hospital or 
m their offices This function is admmistra- 
tively valuable to the hospital m that it con- 
serves the tune of staff members without the 
loss of the valuable information that the de- 
tail representatives have for members of the 
vanous services 

Arrangmg vnlh the detail representative 
for the presentation of exhibits to the staff at 
optimum times At such meetings, the detail 
representative of a pharmaceuticd firm has 

482 Hespilal Pharmocy 

the opportunity to discuss the pharmacology, 
the biochemistry, the microbiology or ie 
pharmacy of his product wth all interested 
staff members 

3 (a) Prompt preparation and disscmma- 
Uon of accurate minutes of committee activi- 
ties This rcsponsibiliQ' caimot be emphasized 
too strongly The proper custody of the min- 
utes is equally important The surveyor for 
the Joint Commission on Accreditation of 
Hospitals may ask to inspect the record of 
pharmacy committee meetings In evaluating 
the hospital pharmacy, the inspector con- 
siders the recorded activities of the pharmacy 
committee as well as the hospital formulary 

(b) Seeing that the minutes of the commit- 
tee and the format of the formulary arc more 
than a mere recording of decisions to add 
and delete drugs and a list of drugs currently 
stocked The mmutes should contam the 
pharmacologic basis for a drug s selection or 
rejection The formulary should contam a 
format on each drug comisting of its generic 
or oiBctal name, all important trade names. 
Its identifymg characteristics, actions, contra 
indications, side effects, toxicology, posology, 
size and strengths available 

4 Preparation of the agenda for each 
meetmg after approval by the chairman and 
releasing it to committee members sufBctenily 
m advance of the meeting to allow time for 
intelligent preparation 

5 Editing of the formulary (after review 
by all pharmacy committee members and 
final review and approval by the medical and 
the dental staffs), as well as mainiaimng cus- 
tody of and issuance of formulary and sup- 
plements to medical staff members, residents, 
interns and other authorized personnel such 
as nurses and medical record librarians 

6 Encouraging of individual staff mem- 
bers to present requests for drup to the com- 
mittee, and assisting of staff members to col- 
lect proper and adequate information to cover 
the request (see Fig 170) 

7 &rvmg as a drug therapy consultant to 
the staff, especially the residents, the interns 
and the nurses These services usually ore 
given m private conferences, but much value 
IS obtained from formal lectures to medical 
and dental interns and the nursing staff 

Also, as a voting member on this commit- 
tee, the pharmacist must 

1 Prepare himself by sufilcient study to 

mtelligently discuss and participate m making 
decisions on the subjects placed on the agenda 
for consideration 

2 Attend all meetiop regularly and 

3 Place the medical needs of the patients 
and the hospital above his personal scientific 
interests and desues m mal^g recommenda- 
tions and decisions 

4 Dlsscmmatc the committee’s thinkmg 
and aims among his colleagues as well as 
bnng his colleagues’ problems and thinking 
to the attention of the committee 

5 Stress the use of generic and official 
names when workmg with the staff or the 
teaching residents the interns, the nurses and 
the mescal record libranans 

6 Favor the policy of using “blind tests” 
m controversial areas In other words, drup 
to be studied should be so labeled that only 
the chairman and the secretary of the com- 
mittee know the exact identi^ of a drug until 
the committee has had time to evaluate all 
the clinical and pharmacolopc evidence pre- 
sented to IL 

7 Keep himself appraised not only of the 
pharmacologic merits of drup but also of 
their comparative costs in relation to their 

8 Weigh his decisions not only m the Lght 
of providmg the best drug therapy for patients 
but also of preventing needless and wasteful 
duplication m the same class of drugs 

9 Work for the establishment of mean- 
mgful drug terminology Discourage unsafe 
practices m drug identification such as the use 
of synonyms, codes, numbers or letters, and 
the use of trade names without knowledge of 
the generic or the official name, also promote 
and advocate the use of the metric system in 
svard prescribing, nursing station medication 
labeling and formulanes 

10 Advocate and work for the establish- 
ment of Restricted Drug Lists Because of 
tbcir complex action, potency and toxicity, 
certain modern-day drop, in the mterest of 
better patient care should be restneted to use 
by those staff members wth special com- 
petency m their administration 


A formulary has the following purposes 
and goals 

PKS 1689 
KEY 6-S5 



TO PHARMACY COMMITTEE UirtaEti Cbief Pbsrnuist 




□ AMPULE □ OTHER (Spec fr) 









O NO □ YES (If TES what advantags does Ih s drag 


HH.'!.Uil:Hiia^ltilWfil:1.10fJT>ltAI I H 1 1 1 1 1|| 1 j 



(Bst of drug 







Fiq 170 Request for nonbasic drug to pharmacy committee through the chief phar 
macisu (U;S P ) 

484 Hospital Pharmoqr 

1 To provide the patient with the best 
possible drug therapy 

2 To provide the physician and the den- 
tist with carefully selected agents of proved 
effectiveness, which will be a basis for flexible 
drug therapy 

3 To provide a standard of companson 
for the evaluation of new therapeutic agents 

4 To provide the physician, the dentist, 
the pharmacist and the nurse with a ready 
reference on the essential pharmacolo^ of 
the basic drugs 

5 To provide for simplification of all 
drug therapy record keeping 

Pharmacy and therapeutic committees are 
now in operation in many of the nation’s hos- 
pitals These committees have indtviduaQy 
developed entena for the evaluation of drugs 
Essentially, these criteria all aim at selecting 
for the formularies of the hospitals the best 
among approximately 2,500 available drug- 
therapy agents Critena used by many com 
mittees are as follows 

1 The therapeutic efficacy of the drug 
should be v.cll established 

2 Preference should be given to USP 
N F , D and ADR drugs 

3 Unnecessary duplication of action 
should be avoided 

4 Drugs of secret composition should be 

5 Unless they provide a real advantage in 
combination form, mixtures of drugs should 
be avoided 

Formularies should be revised periodically 
or be loose leaf manuals that can be kept 
uijto-datnb^sbnetoejlancconnfi Thattsitoif 
the formulary system should never be so rc- 
stnctive as to prevent the physician from ob 
taming any desired drug in an emergency 
The use of the formulary system has many 
advantages Foremost, of course, is the bring- 
ing to the patient those drug-therapy agents 
considered b) the committee to be the best 
available Other advantages are reduction m 
mventones and m the number of ordere 
processed This is brought about by the 
elimination of many duplications m basic 
drugs The formulary is a valuable reference 
for the staff, especially the busy intern and 
resident, as to the drugs slocked by the phar- 

macy, their preparations, strengths, forms, 
dosage and dispensing sizes 

It cannot be stated too strongly that the 
formulary of a hospital and the use of the 
formulary sj-stem is a medical staff responsi- 
bility and not a function or a responsibility 
of the hospital administrator or pharmacist 
These individuals implement the sj’stem and 
the decisions of the Pharmacy Committee 
as ratified by the medical staff as a whole 
Further, “cunent” or “present” consent of 
the prescriber is mvolved in the dispensmg 
of a nonpropnetary medication irrespective 
of whether it is or is not of the same brand 
referred to in the prescnption or medication 
order For the leg^ protection of the phar- 
macist and the hospital, all medication con- 
tainers dispensed under the formulary system 
should carry the strip label approved by the 
American Hospital Association and the 
American Society of Hospital Pharmacists 
and reproduced tielow 

Further, prescription order forms and patient 
progress or medication charts should carry 
the following footnote “O Authorization is 
given for dispensmg by nonpropnetary name 
unless checked here ” 

It must be borne m mind by hospital phar- 
macists and administrators, relative to the 
Formulary System Concept, that this is an 
accepted and approved method whereby the 
wedic-it stag ot wQtV;w.g 

a Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee 
selected by u evaluates, appraises and selects 
from among the various medicinal agents 
available those that arc considered to be most 
useful m patient care, together with the phar- 
maceutical preparations in which they may 
be administered most effectively 

Five-Poivt Statement of Operation 

FOR THE Hospital Formulary System 

(Adopted May 1963 by the American So- 
aety of Hospital Pharmacists, the Ameri- 
can Pharmaceutical Association, the Amen- 



can Hospital Association and the Amencan 
Medical Association *) 

To promote the adoption of a Fonnulary 
System by the hospital medical staff with the 
understandmg that the admimstratioa of such 
a program will 

1 Be mitiated and operated withm the indi- 
vidual hospital through regulations promulgated 
by Us medical staff 

2 Insure the maintenance of the responsi 
bihty and prerogatives of the physician m the 
exercise of his profewional judgment. 

3 Provide for final determination by phy- 
sicians and pharmacists of medications to ^ 
included m the formulary 

4 Authorize the physician to preacnbe medi- 
cations not included m the fonnulary if m hts 
judgment individual patients require special 
treatment and 

5 Permit the physician, at the time of pre 
scnbing medications, to approve or disapprove 
the dispensmg or administrauon of medications 
m accordance with the Hospital Formulary 


Agam referruig to the Minimum Stand 
ard, It IS noted 

Pefiooael. The pharmacist m charge shall be 
well trained in the specialized functions of ho$ 
pital pharmacy and shall be a graduate of an 
accredited college of pharmacy or meet an 
equivalent standard of training and experience 
as set forth in the supplement to these stand 
ards He shall have such assistants as the volume 
of work in the pharmacy may dictate These 
assistants shall include an adequate number of 
additional registered pharmacists and such other 
personnel as the activities of the pharmacy may 
require to supply phannaceutical service of the 
highest quality All members of the staff of the 
pharma^ shall be competent, of good moral 
character and mentally and physically fit to per 
form their duties acceptably 

Specifically, the properly qualified hospital 
pharmacist should be well versed m his 
knowledge of medications and their actions 
mcluding side effects and contraindications, 

* To guide hospital pharmacists physictaos ad 
miRistralors and others as to the intent of this Five 
point statement, a Statement of Guiding Pnsciples 
on the operation of the Hospital Formulary Sy% 
tern is currently (June 1963) under development 
by the four national groups concerned 

Table 95 Pharmacy Personnel* 

Staffing Pattern^ 

Bed CAPAcriYt 


100 200 500 750 1,000 




1 1 



Assistant chief 



1 1 



Staff pharmacist 



0 1 






1 2 







0 I 






0 1 



Pharmaiy helper- 
stock control 




0 1 



Pharmacy helper 



1 1 



• Based on outpatient activity of approximately 
70 prescriptions daily 

t Add 1 additional pharmacist for each addt 
tionai 70 individual outpatient prescnptions dis 
pensed daily above basic 70 If prepackaging is in 
effect, ratio is higher 

t Assumes 1 or more additional areas of super 
vjsion—x ray service, central stenie supply. labora 
lory, purchase and supply activities, general admin 

$ If oulpaueat activity and hospital poLcy indi 

^ Based on normal workloads, meludmg the fol 
lowing measurable and nonmeasurable factors 

1 Compounding and dispensing of individual 
outpatient prescnptions 

2 Ward and cLmc (basket) issues 

3 Hospital manufactured pharmaceuticals 

4 Time consumed in individual consultations 
With medical dental and other staff members on 
drug therapy problems 

5 Teacbng schedules — medical dental, phar- 
macy iDieras nurses, medical record Iibranans 

6 Preparation of extemporaneous sfenle paren 
teral and surgical solutions of narcotics antibiotics 

7 Requisitioning and/or purchasing of supplies 

8 Maintenance of perpetual inventories 

9 Preparation of reports monthly, annual, on 
stock control of inventones, drug costs, workloads 

10 Attendance at and participation m staff phar 
macy committee and other meetings 

1 1 Clinical pharmaceutical research 

12 Indoctrination and traimng of department 

he should have the ability to develop and 
conduct a pharmaceutical bulk-compounding 
program, he should have mtimate knowledge 
of control procedures including technics to 
ensure quality control and distribution con- 
trol He also must have the ability to conduct 

486 Hojpilcl Pharmacy 

and participate m research, teaching and m- 
servicc training programs Finally, be must 
have the abiLty to administer and manage a 
pharmacy service in a hospital that devotes 
Itself to patient care, research and teaching 

Proper manpower m terms of quantity and 
quality is necessary m operating any of 
service Sound personnel practice requires 
that the personnel office recruit for specific 
vacancies, screen out those applicants who 
manifestly do not meet the requirements of 
the proposed position, and refer, when avail- 
able, DO less than 3 qualified applicants to 
the chief pharmacist for interview, discussion 
of the work and final selection In referring 
these applicants, it should be the responsi- 
bility of the personnel office of the hospital 
to make whatever pertinent recommendations 
may be indicated to guide the pharmacist in 
making his selection The chief pharmacist 
makes the final selection based on such fac- 
tors as ability of the candidate to work with 
the present personnel and his degree of effi- 
ciency This IS usually standard procedure 
for interviewing of hospital pharmacy per- 
sonnel Obviously, proof of licensure should 
be demanded Further, references concern- 
ing the professional and moral character of 
the applicant should be made only of mdi- 
viduals who have current knowledge of the 

A rule-of-thumb approach to staffing needs 
IS presented m Table 95, p 485 

Use OF Nonprofessional Personnel 

Nonprofcssional personnel (pharma^ 
helpers ) should be utilized wherever possible, 
but never m activities requumg the skills or 
the knowledge of a pharmacist Many activ- 
ities, such as the collection and the delivery 
of nursmg station pharmacy baskets, stock 
checking, storeroom arrangements, perpetual- 
inventory record keeping, dusting and clean- 
ing, and prepackaging (under duect and 
immediate supervision) may be allocated 
properly to helpers Floor collection and de- 
livery of baskets should be on a definite 
schedule Most hospitals find, on experimen- 
tation, that Monday, Wednesday and Fnday 
“basket da)^” ser\c the hospital adequately 
and allow the remainmg da)‘s of the week for 
bulk-compounding prcpickaging and other 
pharmaceutical or administrative activities 


Faclliti» Adequate pharmaceutical and ad 
nunistrative facilities shall be provided for the 
pharmacy department, including especially 
(A) the necessary equipment for the compound 
jng, dispeosmg and manufacturing of pharma 
ceulicals and parenteral preparations, (B) book- 
keeping supplies and related materials and 
equipment necessary for the proper administra- 
tion of the department, (C) an adequate library 
and filing equipment to make information con 
ceming drugs readily available to both phar- 
macists and physicians, (D) special locked stor- 
age space to meet the legal requirements for 
storage of narcotics, alcohol and other pre- 
senbed drugs, (E) a refngerator for the storage 
of Ihermolabile products, (F) adequate floor 
space for all pharmacy operations and the stor 
age of pharmaceutic^s at a satisfactory loca 
uon provided with proper lighting and ventila- 
tion • 

The Complete Department 

The current concept of a complete hos- 
pital pharmacy department consists of the 
following areas (1) a waiting area, (2) an 
office for the CHiief of Service, (3) the out- 
patient dispensing unit, (4) the manufactur- 
ing or bulk<ompoundtDg mut, (5) the 
stenle preparations unit, (6) the “m house," 
ward basket and prepackaging units, (7) the 
pharmacy storeroom, (8) the research, 
analysis and control umt, (9) the special 
technics area, (10) the alcohol and volatile 
liquid area, (11) the narcotic vaults, (12) 
the allergy preparation unit, (13) a radio- 
active isotope dispensmg unit, (14) the cen- 
tral stenle supply area and (15) a "cold’ 
storage room with a regulated temperature 
range of 12* C to 15® C. Items 1, 2, 5, 8, 
12, 13, 14 and IS depend on the size of the 
institution and the need and the desirability 
for mclusion 

Space Requirements and Layout 

When one considers the progress made m 
patient care since 1945 and the facilities 
needed to give this modem care, one recog- 
nizes the dur need for expansion space for 
many of the old-lme hospital departments 
Until recently, pharmacies, by and large, 
vtcic "drug or dispensing rooms,” located in 

•From “Minimum Standard for Pharmacies in 
Hospitals “ with etude to application, as amended 
November 8, 1962 

Physical Facilities 487 

the basement or some other out-of the way 
place m the hospital Today, because of its 
many and varied activities, the department 
IS considered a “service,” not unlike the out- 
patient, the dietetic, the radiology or the 
nursmg service The phannaqr may have 
several subdepartmenis such as outpatient, 
pharmacy proper for house issues, manufac- 
turmg, prepackagmg, bulk pharmacy storage, 
drug-secunty vault, research, control and 
analysis area, parenteral and surgical fluid 
area, speaal techmcs area, allergy depart- 
ment, and, more and more of late, central 
sterile supply and, in some instances, a radio- 
isotope prescnplion dispensmg umt These 
subdepartments all demand certain mintmtim 
square footage for their proper funcuonmg 
Furthermore, where patients present them- 
selves to the pharmacy for prescriptions, the 
department nwist be no less presentable than 
other patient areas, and must be located func- 
tionally Today, hospital administrators favor 
the concept that a phannaceutical service 
should be located in a central place on the 
first floor, adjacent to outpatient activities 
and elevator facilities — m other words, 
located functionally in relationship to ' trafiBc 
flows ” 

In plaomng a pharmacy or m remodelmg 
one, it IS necessaiy to have some yardsticks 
of measuremcut as to what is optimum and 
reasonable space needs Fortunately, hospital 
pharma^ has several such yardsticks 

The old “Minimum Standard for Phar- 
macies m Hospitals” {Bulletin of the Ameri- 
can Society of Hospital Pharmacists, 5 232, 
No 5) states that 

Floor space in the pharmacy shall amount to 
not less than five square feet per hospital bed 
The hospital pharmacy engaged in the manufac 
ture of pharmaceuticals and parenteral solutions 
shall have additional space as required for the 
proper carrying out of these functions 

Table 96 Area Distribution for 
General Hospital Pharmaoes* 

Areas in 

Square Feet^ SO-Bep 100-Bep 100 Be.p 

Compounding and dis 

pensing laboratory 205 



Parenteral solution 




Active store room 





Office and library 





Totals 205 



• Hospital Faciluies U S Public Health Service 

t Areas shown are net areas and do not include 
walls aod partitions Additional storage space is pro- 
vided for bulk pharmacy stores in an area directly 
beneath the pharmacy and separate from central 

Other authonties require 600 square feet 
for the first 100 beds, 500 square feet for each 
100 beds thereafter,* 1,000 square feet for 
the first 100 beds, 500 square feet for each 
100 additional beds.f each pharmacist 
should have a working area of 20 square feet 
counter space, 40 square feet floor space % 
See Table 96 for U S P H S Standards re- 
leased m 1951 (Pharmacy Department 
Planning and Equipment for 50 , 100 , and 
200-bed general hospitals Fourth Prmtmg 
1961, U S Department of Health, Educauon 
and Welfare, U S Public Health Service) 
Hggres 171 and 172 illustrate specific 
plans for pharmacies of 50 , 100- and 200 
bed hospitals, keyed as to major equipment 

The floor space requirements presented by 
•Momson in Hospitals 21 58 April 1947 
tLatfve in Hospitals 20 63 March 1946 
X Series E R. American Hospital Association, 
aevcland 1944 

Minimum Area (m sq ft.) Recommended by Guild Research and Plannino Committee for 
A Pharmaceutical Department in a Completely Self swportino General Hospital 






Prep Room 






Sq Ft 






1 000 

1 0-0 











500 to 650 

2 400 


5 000* 


* Includes accommodation for stall antemues not shown separately 

/fmr ran itw rf) «/ Ifoipi al Pharmaritlt 

no 17! Pharmacy for a 50-bcd and a 100-bed general hospital (UJSPHS) 

iicff far a JOO'hitl f/enwrtit hnmpitttl 

490 Hojpitol Phormocy 

Laws ond Regulohons 491 

phannacy Attention is called also to the 
need for explosion proof electric switches 
and bght fixtures m the alcohol and the 
volatfle hquids storage area, 220 volt electric 
lines for heavy-duty equipment such as 
mixers, the need of mcludmg, m biological 
refrigerator specifications, automatic de 
froster equipment, biological drawer inserts 
and a freezmg compartment, the latter for 
the storage of nonlyophilized smallpox and 
yellow fever vaccmes, and the wisdom of 
providmg sterilizers at least 24 m x 36 m x 
48 m m size to allow for 2 level loads to 
save labor cost on sterilizmg runs In this 
connection, recent surveys* mdicate that 3 to 
5 liters of salme and sterile water are needed 
for each operation, with the average 200 bed 
hospital consummg 122 hters daily Hot- and 
cold water pipes m bulk-compounding areas 
should be installed with water hose bibbs, 
stills should be easy to clean and be installed 
as complete umts with one or two 12 gallon 
Pyrex storage carboys and a recordmg punty 

Four Items of equipment of special inter 
est to the hospital pharmacist are (1) the 
hand'Operated crimper for aluminum seals, 
used especially in the preparation of stenie 
solutions (Fig 174), (2) a tablet- and 
capsule-countmg machine designed for hos- 
pital-pharmacy prepackaging use (Fig 175), 
(3) a hand-operated labelmg mac^e for 
prepackagmg use (Fig 176), and (4) a 
hand filler for fillmg bottles, jars, tubes and 
other contamers (Fig 177) 

Safety EQUiPAfEwr 

Inequippmg the pharma^, attention should 
be given to the installation of proper safety 
equipment Fire extinguishers (carbon tetra 
chlonde extmguishers must not be installed 
for use m confined areas), fire blankets, fire 
sprmklers and fire showers are important for 
the safety of personnel and plant Some hos- 
pitals insist that personnel operating steiil 
izers wear shatter proof gog^es and head 
gear and wire meshed asbestos gloves when 
stenliziag hquids la glass containers, thus 
mminuzmg accidents m cases of explosion 
and glass^hattermg 

• Schafer, M K. Sierthzers for General Hos 
pltab (50 100 200 beds) Dmsioc of Medical and 
Hospit^ Resources UlS Public Health Service 

Space does not permit a discussion of the 
laws and the codes apphcable to hospitals 
and hospital phannacy The hospital phar- 
macist should be familiar with Federal, state 
and local laws as well as the common law as 
they apply to the chantable trust doctrmc- 
present legal trend, the hiring of hospital 
pharmacists, the degree of skill and care re- 
quired of the hospital pharmacist, the state 
hospital licensing acts and regulations, the 
legal aspects of PJLN orders, the liability 
of the hospital for acts of the pharmacist, the 
law concemmg the compounding and the 
manufactunng of pharmaceuheal prepara- 
tions covered by patent rights, prescriptions 
as pnvileged communications, the statute of 
limitation on suits for negligence, the laws on 
substitution and duplication, the fire and 
safety codes and regulations, the fair trade 
laws, the Federal (Rustic Poison Act, the 

Federal Insecticide Act, the Federal Food 
and Drug Laws, the Therapeutics Trials 
Committee (the Research Committee of the 
Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry) of the 
American Medical Association guide lines 
on procedures for the clinical testing of in- 
vestigational drugs, Federal laws and regula- 
tions relative to industrial alcohol, tax-free 
and tax paid (Regulation No 3), registration 
of stills, the Federal Harrison Narcotic Act 
( Regulation No S ) , and state and local phar- 
macy and hospital laws and regulations The 
hospital-pharmacy aspects of these laws arc 
to be found m hospital and pharmaceutical 
junsprudcncc texts (see Bibliography) and 
Journals This chapter discusses the high- 
lights of the major Federal laws 

Narcotic and Other Records 
IN Hospitals 

One of the more important legal respon- 
sibilities of the hospital pbannacist is that 
of supervision and control of narcotics, hyp^ 
nolics, ethyl alcohol and sptnluoits liquors 

Laws and Regulations 493 

Fio 178 

m the hospital Several systems have beco mmistratjon to the patient or the release of 
developed to provide sound mtemal chechs the drug to an outpatient 
on these items The system m use m the hos> One should note m particular that this type 
pitals of the U S Public Health Service of control system provides “checks” hospit^- 
throughout the country is presented (m form wise as well as pharmacy^wise This is essen- 
manoer) as one method of handlmg this tial in hospital narcotic control The chief 
activity. The 8 forms are numbered to show pharmacist who does not protect his hospital 
the flow of the controlled drug from the time by assuming responsibility for this item from 
of arrival at the hospital to their actual ad- the time of its arrival at the hospital to the 

Flo 179 

494 Ho]p tol Pharmacy 

nnstwm i~i »i n.r* 

a^ia*"" •• 

Fia 180 (U^PII^) 

time of consumption or release to the patient 
15 not fulfilling his duty m this area It is of 
special importance that security controls be 
in operation that check transfers of supplies 

from the pharma^ through the nursing 
medication stations In the system illustrated, 
the pharmacist prepares these audits monthly 
and ascertains the status of all outstanding 
cectiBcatcs of disposition (Fig 181. Form 
1435-2, No 4) 

Harrisov Narcotic Act 
Registration Hospitals are registered m 
class 4 (authority to administer narcotics), 
classes 4 and 5 (class 5 gives authority to 
deal m “exempt" narcotics), or classes 3, 4 
and 5 (class 3 is for retail dealers and is used 
for hospitals dispensing narcotic presenp- 
tions to outpatients) Physicians attached to 
a hospital may not use the narcotic registra- 
tion number of the hospital, the so-called 
narcotic number, to write prescriptions or 
orders for an individual patient 

Practitioners who presenbe narcotics for, 
or order narcotics dispensed to, patients m a 

Flo. 18! ) 

Laws and Regulations 495 

hospital must be entitled under the laws of 
the state, the temtory or the distnct (Medical 
Practice Act) to prescribe or order dispensed 
narcotic drugs and must be registered with 
the Director of Internal Revenue for this 

Interns, residents and medical officers who 
are attending patients m hospitals, if entitled 
under the State, Territorial or Distnct Medi- 
cal Practice Act to prescnbe or dispense nar 
cotic drugs to patients in the hospital, may 
obtam the requisite registration from the 
Treasury Department, Director of Internal 
Revenue, to complete their qualifications to 
write prescnptions for, or order narcotics dis- 
pensed to, hospitel patients m the course of 
their professional practice However, this 
authonty is limited to the patients assigned 
to the mtem, resident or medical officer, and 
no others 

Usually, the State, Temtonal or Distnct 
Medical Practice Act sets forth the require- 
ments for the professional right to prescnbe 
and dispense narcotic drugs The licensed 
physician, dentist or vetennanan m good 
standing has this nght However, there may 
be a question as to whether an intern or a 
resident has such a nght, even as limited to 
hospital patients, unless the Medical Prac- 
tice Act or other statute confers this author- 
ity If It IS determined aulhontatively that the 
mtem has such a legal right limited to hos- 

pital patients, he may apply for a registration 
under the Federal Narcotic Act This is a 
matter which must be determined m each 
state Some authonties on this subject beheve 
that the laws of most states do not authorize 
the mtem to prescnbe for, or dispense nar- 
cotic drugs to, a patient on his own inde- 
pendent professional judgment In such m 
stances, Uie mtem cannot be authorized to 
prescnbe narcotics by the Bureau of Nar- 
cotics because the mtem is an unlicensed 
practitioner In the former mstance, qualified 
or restncted licensmg gives the authonty 
The administrative head of the hospital as 
a registrant is responsible for the proper safe- 
guarding and handling of narcotics withm 
the hospital Responsibility for storage, ac- 
countability and proper dispensmg of nar- 
cotics from the pbannacy usually is delegated 
to the pharmacist Likewise the director of 
nursmg usually is responsible for the proper 
storage at nursmg stations and use as di- 
rected by physician orders However, delcga 
Uon of authonty does not relieve the admin- 
istrative head of the hospital of supervisory 
responsibility to ensure detecuon and correc- 
tion of any diversion or mishandlmg The 
administrator should be certam that all possi- 
ble mtemal control measures are observed 
A doctor’s narcotic orders for patients 
nonnally appear on the doctor’s order sheets, 
no prescription is required The nursmg floor 

Fio 182 (U^PJIS) 

496 Hospifal Phormacy 

stock used in adnumstcrmg narcotics is ac- 
counted for on the narcotic Certificate of 

The doctor’s full name or mitials must ap- 
ar on the doctor’s sheet His registry nura- 
T IS not needed 

Telephone orders are permissible only in 
absolute necessity The nurse will write the 
order on the doctor’s order sheet, staling 
“Telephone Order,” and sign the doctor’s 
name and her own iniuals The narcotic may 
be administered owe The doctor must \enfy 
on the patient’s chart withm 24 hours 

Verbal orders are permitted in a bona fide 
emergency They should be handled as tele- 
phone narcotic orders 
Procedure In case of waste, destruction 
and contamination: 

1 Aliquot Part of Narcotic Solu- 
tions Used for Dose The nurse should use 
the proper number of tablets or ampuls from 
the nursing unit stock She should expel mto 
the sulk that portion of the narcotic solution 
that is not to be used She should record the 
number of tablets or ampuls used and the 
dose given in the proper columns on the Nar- 

^ s! ( 3 ) 

Te Mniiul 0(ftc«r iB curn 

Itnudi ClUlal Dicectsr 

Suajtei Karcotlc Audit R«p>rt 

I rrmrt ,fi,t m m luAlf nf nirmHf InvMfBrlfi »•« uriB 

Md the iBTraietKi scUait tte lirr^tal InrrDiBrr rteoru nis Audit Incladcd 

1 A ewet «r (!• AMKtlrUaM u* rtutiilduM w t« MttHIUld ul Mrrict peittip 

I A ci«et M l< tH KCutKI IM fMIUI AltuURtl Ml 

1 A* MtHl <nai tl ilptcAl (tKU Md MCMciilAtM «lit Ut pUntcj MtCMie Tteerl, 

foUoilfli dlictipABcln terf octfd (if mm vrii* mm) 

IT 11 rtcaiMiUrd tbit • luiri)' te 

et f/faoM >rl(« mm) 

Mf to deura 

U* tte rttsan 

f9r tte in«TCotl]r eiceisite met 


•"* M 'BHO-T 



Fio 184 (U^PH5) 

Laws and Regulations 497 

Fio 185 (U^PH^) 

498 Hojpife! Phormocy 

cotic Administration Sheet (the Certificate 
of Disposition) 

2 Prepared Dose Refused BY Patient 
OR Canceled by Doctor When a narcotic 
dose has been prepared for a patient but not 
used due to refusal by the patient or cancella- 
tion by the doctor, the nurse should expel 
the solution into the smk and record on the 
back of the Narcotic Administration Sheet 
the reason sshy the narcotic was not admin- 
istered {Example “Discarded Refused by 
patient or order canceled by Dr A Jones “) 
The head nurse of the unit should sign the 
statement and the director of nursmg or her 
assistant countersign it 

3 Accidental Destruction of Nar- 
cotics When a narcotic solution, tablet, 
ampul or substance is destroyed accidentally 
on a Nursmg Umt, the person responsible 
should indicate the accidental loss by a check 
in the spaces allosiicd for the record on the 
Narcotic Administration Sheet of that nar- 
cotic The person should write on the back 
of that Narcotic Administration Sheet a com 
plcte report of the accident and sign the state- 
ment The head nurse of the unit should sign 
the statement sshen complete Then the &• 
rector of nursmg or her assistant should sign 
the statement also 

4 Contaminated or Broken Hypo- 
dermic Tablets and Contaminated Nar- 
cotic Solutions When a narcotic hypo- 
dermic tablet is contaminated or broken or 
a narcotic solution is contaminated, the per- 
son responsible, or the head nurse, should 
place the tablets, the particles or the solution 
In a suitable contamcr and label them The 
person responsible, or the head nurse, should 
indicate the contaminated narcotic by a 
check in the space or spaces allowed for the 
record on the Narcotic Admmistration Sheet 
of that narcotic She should wntc on the back 
of the sheet a complete report of the accident 
and sign the statement. The head nurse 
should sign the statement when complete 
The director of nursing or her assistant 
should then sign the statement The container 
with the contaminated narcotic should be re- 
turned to the pharmacy The pharmacist will 
reccn’c it and note on the Narcotic Admin- 
istration Sheet cownng that particular nar- 
cotic that It has been rctumeiL The hospital 
should return the matenal either by itself or 

with similar narcotic material at a convenient 
time to the Narcotic Bureau in the proper 

In using the above procedures, the head 
nurse shodd sign entnes as a witness In ad- 
dition, a professionally responsible super- 
\TSory official should mitial the entnes to 
assure an awareness on the part of super- 
visory professional personnel of all matters 
relating to narcotics 

Procedure in case of loss and (heft: 

1 Discrepancies m narcotics count m- 
volving small amounts (such as single doses) 
should be reported to a responsible super- 
visory official An mvestigation should be 
made to determme the cause of the loss A 
copy of the report of investigation, signed by 
the responsible supervisory official, should 
be filed with the hospital narcotic records 
and appropnate action taken to prevent re- 

2 In cases of recurring shortages, or 
LOSS OF significant quantities of narcotics 
(several doses), a thorough investigation 
^ould be made, makmg every efiort to de- 
termine the reason for the shortage and the 
person responsible, if possible, with a com- 
plete report of the incident and findings made 
to the administrative autbori^ of the hos- 
pital Appropnate action should be taken 
immediately to prevent recurrence A copy 
of the report, mcludmg any findings resull- 
mg from the local investigation, should be 
forwarded to the District Supervisor of the 
Bureau of Narcotics, in accordance with 
Article 194, Bureau of Narcotics Regulation 
No 5 

Questions concenung Interpretation of the 
law and regulations as they apply to hospitals 
should be duected to the Commissioner of 
Narcotics m Washington, D C 

Questions on taw and regulations viola- 
(Jons should be directed to the local narcotic 

Hospitals arc registrants m class 4 (to ad- 
iiunister narcotics) if without outpatient de- 
partments, m classes 3 and 4 if they operate 
an outpatient department This is one of the 
annoying problems in hospital pharmacy and 
hospital administration Separate slocks and 
separate imentory records must be roain- 
tamedfor each class (classes 3 and 4) Class 
3 applies to retail dealers m narcotics, and 

Laws and Regulations 499 

It has been ruled that hospitals and clinics 
must register m this class »/ prescriptions are 
dispensed to outpatients by the hospital 
pharmacy Class 4 applies to physicians and 
other practitioners who administer narcotics 
to patients This is the registration dass re- 
quired for hospitals with inpatients 

The MuUiple-Dose Vial Problem. It is 
claimed that nurses seldom obtain the theo 
retically possible number of doses from a 
multiple-dose vial The Bureau of Narcotics 
has suggested that hospitals use the VS P 
and N F limit of tolerances as a guidepost 
— 1 e , 2 to 20 per cent dependmg on the size 
of the vial 

‘ Standmg ’ and ‘ P R N ” orders for nar 
cotics are permissible, but they should not 
be given for periods exceeding 72 hours, re 
gardless of the type oj case — terminal, cancer 
or otherwise This helps to elumoate the 
chances of drugs bemg diverted illicitly after 
the death of a patient 

Storage. Narcotics must be kept m a 
locked, secure place Reserve stocks should 
be kept m a * strong safe substantial enough 
to deter entry and heavy enough to prevent 
their bemg carried away ” Other valuable 
property may be kept m the safe A chest or 
safe meetmg Underwriters Laboratories re- 
quirements for an X 60 tatuig is designed 
to offer protection against attack by tools or 
cxplosues for a period of 1 hour, one with 
a TR 60 rating protects against tools or 
torch, one with a TX-60 laUng protects 
against tools, torch or explosives for the 
same period of time A safe with any of 
these ratmgs, or of equivalent construcboo, 
IS considered a ' strong safe by the Bureau 

For small stocks, the Bureau of Narcotics 
has occasionally, though reluctantly, accepted 
lighter safes with only a T-20 ratmg This 
type of safe is built to resist attack by ordi 
nary burglar’s took only, and only for a 
period of 20 minutes While better than no 
safe at all, it offers a bare mmimum of pro- 
tection Although sometimes msisted on as 
a minimum requirement, it is never recom- 
mended as adequate and certainly is not ade- 
quate for safekeeping of a narcotic stock of 
any appreciable size or value 

Any safe weighmg less than 750 pounds 
should be securely anchored m concrete to 
the floor or the wall to prevent its bemg ear- 

ned away If bolts are used, they should be 
imbedded completely so that they cannot 
readily be reached and cut, sawed or un- 
bolted (see General Cucular 195, Bureau of 

The president of the hospital corporation 
is usually the mdividual m whose name the 
narcotic registration is issued However, he 
may delegate certam authonty to proper em 
ployees of the hospital, for example, he may 
delegate to the registered pharmacist author- 
ity to sign forms He may not delegate the 
right to sign the application for registration 
Applications of corporations must be signed 
by an officer duly authorized to act (Article 
8 of Regulation 5) Supposedly, this refers 
to the president, the vice president or the 

The hospital hcense must be renewed 
annually on or before July first 

A physician cannot replenish his office 
narcotic supply or his physician’s bag sup- 
plies from the hospital pharmacy narcotic 
supplies He must order from a drug whole- 
saler on a special narcotic order fonn An 
exception rarely, if ever, used is the single 
ounce of an aqueous or oleagmous solution 
of not over 20 per cent when ordered on the 
physician s official Federal narcotic order 
blank, not on his prescription blank (Article 

Though not discussed here, the regulations 
that apply to the bandlmg of narcotics m 
commumty pharmacies apply also to hos- 
pital pharmacy 

Closes of Narcotics. General Circular No 
262 classifies narcotics into four categones 

Class A — fully controlled narcotics that 
requuc a written signed prescnption 

Qass B — ^narcotic drugs authorized for 
oral prescription 

Class X — exempted preparations which 
may be sold without a prescription 

Qass M — specially exempted preparations 
which may be sold without a prescription 
It is of special mterest to hospital pharmacists 
to note that Qass M narcotics are exempt 
from record keeping at the hospital Ex- 
amples of Qass M drugs are Papaverine and 
Nalorphine (Nallme) preparations It is only 
the original sale by ffie manufacturer that 
need be recorded for Qass M preparations 

500 Hospifol Pharmacy 

Federal Food avd Drug Code and 

Pmcnptions for prcscnption legend drugs 
ma) not be refilled unless authorized by the 
physician or the dentist 
Prescriptions for prcscnption legend drugs 
must contain on the label ( 1 ) the name of 
the prcscribcr, (2) the serial number and 
the date of filling, (3) the name of the pa- 
tient, if on the prescription, (4) any direc- 
tions or warnings given in the prcscnption 
(signa) and (5) the name and the address 
of the store or the hospital 

Oral prcscnptions from phj’sicians and 
dentists for such items should be noted in 
wnting by the pharmacist and filed The 
pharmacist must record ( 1 ) the date and the 
serial number, (2) the names of the doctor 
and the patient, (3) the items and the quan- 
tities prescribed, (4) directions and cautions, 
if any and (5) refill directions, if any 
The doctor’s oral refill authonzation 
should be noted on the original prescription 
While the Act may not specifically require 
the exact procedure as indicated m this and 
the preceding paragraph, the adoption of 
such procedures meets m full the require- 
ments of the law 

The Statute of Limitations for violations 
of the Dutham-Humphrey Act is 5 years 
During this period prescriptions, medication 
orders and purchase orders should be kept 
as evidence of compliance with the Act 
(1954 Amendment, USCA Title 18, 
Crimes and Criminal Procedure, 1959 
Annual Pocket Pact for use during 1960, 
Title 18, Chapter 231 Limitations, Section 
3282, Offenses not Capital, The Prescrip- 
tion Legend, a FDA Manual for Pharma- 
cists, p 12) 

Federal Code and Regulations 
Pertaining to Ethyl Alcohol 
Nonprofit hospitals and clinics may obtam 
tax-free alcohol for use In the hospital or 
the clinic, including use in the compounding 
of bona fide medicines for treatment of clinic 
patients outside the chmc, but such medicines 
may not be sold (Section 3108 (C) of the 
Internal Revenue Code of 1939 and Section 
5310 (C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 

Hospitals operating outpatient depart- 
ments and charging for prescriptions contain- 
mg alcohol (such as phcnobaibital elixir, 
tcqjin hydrate elixir, terpin hydrate elixir 
with codeine and belladonna tincture), dis- 
pensed to outpatients may not use tax-free 
alcohol in these preparations 
Tax-free alcohol may not be used m the 
preparation of condiments, culinary extracts, 
flavoring or other preparations used m food 
products This exception specifically pro- 
hibits the use of tax-free alcohol m the mak- 
ing of vanilla, lemon, maple or other flavor- 
ing extracts by the pharmacy for the dietetic 
service of the hospital 

Federal Code and Regulations 
Pertaining to Stills 
Stills must be registered with the Assistant 
Regional Commissioner, Alcohol and Tax 
Division of the Region (Regulation 23, In- 
ternal Revenue Service) 

This regulation applies only to stills used 
or intended to be used for the distillation, 
the redistillation or the recovery of distilled 
spmts, mcludmg alcohol or any dilution or 
mixture thereof (Section 5174, Internal 
Revenue Cede) Prior to the Internal Rev- 
enue Code of 1954, stills used for distiUmg 
water or the preparation of drugs or chem- 
icals or for recovering cleanmg fluids were 
required to be registered This is no longer 
a requirement 


Statement of Principles 
Involved in the Use op 

Hospitals arc the pnmary centers for clinical 
investigations on new drugs Dy definition these 
are drugs which have not yet been released by 
the Federal Food and Drug Administration for 
general use 

Since investigational drugs have not been certi- 
fied as being for general use and have not been 
cleared for sale in interstate commerce by the 
Federal Food and Drug Administration, hos- 
pitals and their medical stafls have an obliga- 

• Developed by the Amencan Ifospital Associa 
lion and the Amencan Society of Hospital Phanna 
cuts Joint Committee 

Safety Practices 501 

tion to their patients to see that proper pro- 
cedures for their use are established 
Procedures for the control of investigational 
drugs should be based upon the following pnn 

1 Investigational drugs should be used only 
under the direct supervision of the pnncipal in 
vestigator who should be a member of the medi 
cal staff and who should assume the burden of 
securing the necessary consent 

2 The hospital should do all in its power to 
foster research consistent with adequate safe 
guard for the patient 

3 When nurses are called upon to administer 
investigational drugs, they should have available 
to them basic information concermng such 
drugs — including dosage forms, strengths avail 
able, actions and uses side effects, and 
toms of toxicity, etc 

4 The hospital should establish, preferably 
through the pharmacy and therapeutics com 
mittee, a central unit where essential laforma 
tion on investigational drugs is maintained and 
whence it may be made available to authorued 

5 The pharmacy department is the appro- 
priate area for the storage of investigational 
drugs, as it is for all other drugs This will also 
provide for the proper labeling and dispensing 
m accord with the investigator’s written orders 

It will be noted that the statement ensures 
that the hospital, its nurses and pharmacists, 
as well as the physicians evaluatmg an in- 
vestigational drug m clinical practice, will 
have complete information available to them 
within the institution In this connection, the 
code to break, the “double blind and other 
studies IS available m the event of an adverse 
or unexpected reaction from the admmistra 
tion of an mvestigational drug to a patient 
Theoretically, similar information is readily 
available m * remote coding ’ programs by 
telephoning the central point and breaking 
the code there, however, communication diffi- 
culties may result m dangerous delays 


Keep narcotics, hypnotics, amphetamines 
and poisons stored separately m locked 

Keep narcotics m as small supply as is 

Keep TOlatile liquids m a cool place 

Store acids and other irritating liquids 
below knee level 

Verify the accuracy of pharmaceutical cal- 
culations with a mental estimate of the 

Where possible, have a second person 
check the pharmaceutical calculations on 
preparations requirmg weights and measures 
^eck each prescription with a second 
pharmacist, if possible 

Check labels 3 tunes first as the item is 
taken from the shelf, secondly when used 
and lastly when returned to the shelf 
Verify the accuracy of the label by careful 
qiacToscopic exammation of the material m 
the contamer 

Use every precaution to prevent a pre- 
scription label or a stock-container label 

Permit no unidentified substance to remam 
m the pharmacy 

Pour below eye level and avoid splashmg, 
handle strong chemicals with care 
Give close attention to matenals being 
heated Do not leave process unattended 
Be certain that you have fulfilled the in 
tent of the presenber before dispensing the 

Use the check system to ensure delivery of 
the proper prescription to the patient 
Include ffie patient s full name on the label 
pf each prescription 

Use strip labels” when indicated, such as 

• eyedrops,” ‘nosedrops,’ “Do not use after 

• ,”ctc 

Make certain that the patient fully under- 
stands how to take the medication 

Where the presenpuon calls for a phar- 
jnaccutJcal specialty, a basic drug or bio- 
logical, place the name of the manufacturer, 
the trade name of the product (if any) and 
the manufacturer’s lot control number on the 
reverse side or face of the prescription (See 
fig 180 ) 

Use dual code labels m prepackagmg 
fxave one label on the container, afiSx the 
Other to the prescription bemg filed. 

Also, the use of a code number on all pre- 
packaged and floor stock contamers which 
identifies the entry of that item m the chron 
ological log IS highly desirable to ensure 
ijuolity control For example. Code No 

Fjo 186 (Top) PharmaccuticaJ formulation control record (Doliom) Rcvcnc side 

1163105 indicates that the item was pro- ot the pharmacist responsible for the pack- 
packaged in November 1963 and was the aging. <2) the name of the manufacturer 
105th Item packaged With this information, and (3) the manufacturer’s lot or control 
It IS possible to find in the log (1) the name number 

Volume Compounding 503 

Fig 187 (USPHS) 


Volume compounding or bulk compound- 
ing are relatively new terms applied by hos- 
pital pharmacists to the manufacturing of 
phannaceuticals in hospitals 

When to manufacture is often a difficult 
problem to decide A simple lule-cf-thumb 
used by many pharmacists is to manufacture 
only those items that may be prepared m as 
good or better quality at a cost less than or 
equal to the purchased item Obviously, items 
not commercially available must be manu- 

The problem of when to bulk compound 
becomes more complex where the hospital is 
a teaching one Here, the hospital has teach- 

ing obligations as well as patient care respon- 
sibilities, and, while a high-quality medication 
standard must be adhered to, an increased 
cost can be justified for bulk compounding on 
the grounds that it is necessary for the intern 
to become familiar with manufacturmg tech- 
nics and with the operation of equipment 
such as blenders, filter pumps, homogenizers, 
ointment mills, tanks, mixers, bacterial filters, 
stenilzers, prepackaging and labeling equip- 
ment and similar items 

An important factor m bulk compoundmg 
over and above formulation, research and 
actual compoundmg problems (subjects dis- 
cussed m other chapters) is that of controls 
Reproduced below in Figures 186 and 
187 are 2 forms used in the Public Health 

Fia 188 Bulk compounding unit in a hospiul pharmacy (USPHS Hospital, Seattle) 

Service Hospitals bulk-compounding activ 
Hies These arc self-explanatory of the sys- 
tem involved It will be noted that the manu 
facturing worksheet (Fig 187) carries not 
only the name of the drug or the chemical but 
also Its source and the manufacturer’s or sup- 
plier’s package control number 
Many items in the hospital pharmacy ob- 
xiously lend themselves to bulk compound 
mg at considerable savings to the institution 


The larger hospital pharmacies with heavy 
nuising-station medication orders (basket 
filling duties) and outpatient prescnption 
activities fmd it good management practice 
to prepackage the heavy repeating items 
Prepackaging consists of packaging in dis- 

peming-size units large quantities of fast- 
moving Items m advance of actual need The 
tune saved is considerable masmuch as the 
pharmacist merely replaces the empty con- 
tainer returned from the floors with filled ones 
or need concern himself only with individual 
outpatient prescription labeling for the pre- 
packaged prescnption item The prepackag- 
ing process places the preparation of these 
Items at ofl-^ak penods This type of oper- 
ation ensures neat, clean containers with 
property shellacked or varnished labels, mov 
ing to the floors at all times, as well as an 
adequate prepackaged stock of individual 
paticnt-size prescription items 
Obviously, a control system must be ap- 
plied also to prepackaging because of the 
shelf life of the items A self-explanatory 2- 
fonn control system is illustrated in Figures 
190 and I9I 

Fig 190 (USPHS) 

506 Hotpifal Pharmacy 

Labels and Containers 507 


While It IS realized that medications for 
ward, clinic and outpatient use are consumed 
normally m relatively short periods of time 
after being dispensed from the pharmacy, it 
IS known also that many such medications 
have long “shelf hfe ” Adequate protection 
should be provided to maintam the full ther- 
apeutic effectiveness of these preparations 
It IS for this reason that many hospital phar 
macists standardize their prepackaged ward, 
dime and prescnption containers to the 
amber-type contamers used by manufacturers 
m complying with VS P and N F require- 
ments to “store and preserve in tight light- 
resistant contamers ” 

Two Unit Container System 

Prepackaging m the larger hospital phar- 
macy as an important element of the m- 
patient dispensmg activity has been discussed 
In the smaller hospital, prepackaging may not 
be either desirable or practicable Many small 
hospitals prefer what may be termed the Dual- 
Container Ward and Qmic Issue System 

This system operates as follows 

1 All items having quantity usage are 
kepi at the nursing station medication center 
in 2 identical standard-sized containers (the 
size varies with the size and the number of 
tablets or capsules or the volume of Ucpiid re- 
quired for a mmimum supply for 1 or 2 

2 The label on each container shows in 
the upper left hand comer the home station 
of the contamer such as ‘4 East”, m the 
upper right hand comet (or as a separate 
‘ strip” label) is the control number described 
previously under “safety practices”, m the 
center of the label appear the name of the 
drug or preparation and directly underneath 
the unit strength (metnc), the approzunatc 
capacity of the container m miUililcrs or 
units IS typed m the lower nght hand comer 

3 The charge nurse or her assistant 
checks medication needs prior to 9 00 a m 
on “issue days ” 

4 Any contamer that is empty or no 

longer needed is placed m the drug basket 
for return to the pharmacy 

5 The 2-UDit Contamer System provides 
for a full contamer remammg on the floor 
whde an empty contamer is bemg refilled 
This elimmales the dangerous practice of 
placmg the few remaining tablets or milli- 
liters of a liquid m a medicme glass to satisfy 
ward needs while the sole contamer is at the 
pharmacy for refiUmg 

6 The charge nurse prepares the requisi- 
tion m the usual fashion by fiUmg out a phar- 
macy requisition form m dupheate 


Neat, well-designed labels are important to 
the hospital and its pharmacy In the home 
of the patient, as well as throughout the hos- 
pital, they speak for the hospital Illustrations 
of the 3 major type labels (prescription, 
wammg strip and pharmai^) used m hos- 
pital pharmacy are reprodaced as examples 
of good label design m Figures 193 to 200 

Prescnpfion Labels. Rolls of 500 Prmted 
in blue tnk, with hospital location (size 
inches by IVt inches) 

Fio 193 (U^PH3) 

Warning Sfnp Labels Rolls of 250 
Prmted m red tnk (size U/4 mches by 

508 Hospitol Pharmacy 

Pharmacy Labek. These labels allow space 
for Ihc Public Health Service station to in- 
sert the station location by use of a rubber 
stamp or by typing Labels arc packaged in 
individual boxes of 100 labels 

Printed in blue ink, (size 2 inches by 1 
inch, rounded comers) 

jVbf to be Swallovicd 

Fro 194 (U5PHS) 

Printed in blue ink (size 1V4 inches by 
Vt inch) 

Kf lOrtai tf luini texiTioa. ui ituai ' 

rXMK HtAlTH timCI 








Fro 195 

Printed in blue ink (size IW inches by 
44 inch) 

Printed in blue ink (size 1*4 inches by 

iirtumiiTei luinun-uncii iMiuiiu' 
rviuc HtMIM u«nci 

01 Sm IIM 

Krtr mraisiRATco 

f/’Ty. wuiK« » Bam iwiroi. u> min' 


nPrtttKNJMtN! imKNtOtlS! 

10 my 

Fro 197 (U^PFKS) 

Fro 198 (U3PHS) 

rnspedfon of Nursing Station Medication Units 509 

Pnnted in blue ink (size 2^A inches by 
1V4 inches, rounded corners) 

Printed in red ink (size 2Vi inches by 
VA inches, rounded comers) 



wtlh Seep 


Ifeep tightly C/eted 

DiriilHiit Of lUim (lucitioi mg rufiit' 




OJ Gm. (6 frolml 



Miue KuirH siivicf 




0 5 Gm. <7V> groliitl 



(SetvretcW F«letit«m Midt Sefirtteiil 
1 Gm. (II qretii) per eiL 

ujr owr WHIN coioiins 

Fro 199 (U^PHS) 








Fio 200 (USPHS) 

Labeling and renewal of containers for 
ward and clinic medications is the responsi- 
bility of pharmacy personnel No item should 
be labeled by number or corned name, where 
trade names are employed, the generic name 
should be used also 

Labels of all medications, other than those 
of the individual patient prescriptions, should 
be varnished or shellacked to mamtam pre- 
sentable label longevity The use of adhesive 
tape as labels for stock medications should 
be discouraged All containers should be 
checked routinely for appearance and un- 
sightly containers and labels changed 
promptly Labels and contamers should be 
inspected as issued No label changing should 
be done by other than trained pharmacy per- 


The use of a prmtcd or mimeographed 
pharmacy requisition form is desirable m the 
handling of ‘ house orders ” A typical form 
of this bnd is reproduced m Figure 201 


The monthly inspection of each nursing- 
station medication unit by the chief phar- 
macist and the director of nursmg as part of 
their supervisory duties (Fig 202) has been 
discussed previously Outdated and surplus 
stock IS kept to a minimum by this routine in- 
spection Label and container condiuon is 
detected quickly, also, violations of hospital 
regulations relative to narcotics, hypnotics 
and other controlled drugs are subject to ex- 
posure by alert mspections 

510 Hospital Phorraocy 


rupsrc I" IT ciiABC itjrse sic* ^dats^ 

Th« nursing unit drugi listed b6'»o» «r« for comrorieneo in ordering. This 
fore is to be used on raguler "issue dejs" only. Preserlptlon fom fo. 565 i* to 
be used for en energmey itea es uauel* 

Dosipieto cunbor of unite rented in the colirui directly to the left of the 
Iten. Indlcete the unit quantity directly to the right of the Iten If not already 
entered. Tfrite "new" after Itene requiring a new peraanent container, otherwise. 
Item will net be dispensed. FR5PAE5 m PffUCATB AMP SSM) ROTH COPIES TO PHABMACT. 














.aestyJsal* Ae*.Ccr4i._I'ab,_|.APC^ 



- Asitest Isblett 









(d&inophylllne_£up;as . ,_Q.6 ..ob*_ 





_ Bo-lltdocetJlaeture _ 



. _ 

. Soat&llc. Chloci &al.. JilOOO 





<tostsllc> Chler<Sel..Uet.Instr. 


^DtalV. Chlar.Sol.jUet.Instr. 

fiS' W.lpi|WJIw*l 

Sensali:. Chlor.dol., 1(39,000 


__ DeasalkonluRjlnct., IjlOOO 


■7 Xftsm 


■i! id 







|5ibed i,S5ngiUjaabatli<,C.QagtCAPk, 










— —■Bi 











LiQulrt Petroletiin 

I'amoaia Jiarre ^wt^V 

















_lS>lt S.ibBt._f?'«agurtB8alV 



rio 201 Pharmacy requmtion fonn (USPHS) 

Emei^ency and Anlidotoi Drugs Cabinet 511 

Fic 202 Inspection of a nursing sta* 
tion medication unit by a director of 
nursing and a chief of a pharmaceuti- 
cal service (USPHS ) 


The outpatient prcscnption service is an- 
other vital activity performed by the hospital 
pharmacist Inasmuch as many of the factors 
to be considered here are the same as those 
involved m the dispensing of prescriptions at 
the community pharmacy, this topic will be 
treated by mention of only those key points 
to be observed in maintaining a well-operated 

A prescnption check (Fig 203) should be 
issued to each patient 

Labels should be typed neatly and should 
carry the prescnption number, the date, the 
patient’s full name, the signa and the phy- 
sician’s name as well as the name and the 


PleaM be seated iintO the phannaost calls 
yonr name or the numbers listed below 

eaescRiPTiON no . 

NCW4.0C. KT 

Fio 203 Prescription check (USPHS) 

address of the hospital and the initials or 
name o! the pharmacist (Some hospitals re- 
quire that the prescription contents (medi- 
cation ideotiUcatiOD and strength) also be 
typed on the label unless presenber requests 
otherwise ) 

Proper “strip” or ‘ supplementary" labels 
should be used 

The patient should be presented with a 
neatly wrapped package 

‘Counter prescribing," attempts to diag- 
nose, discussion of prescriptions in a deroga- 
tory manner with a patient, or discussion of 
the disease or the ailment for which the 
pharmacist believes the prescription is in- 
tended, are, of course, prohibited by ethics 


Most hospital pharmacies maintain an 
eme^ency cabmet stocked with ready to-usc 
emergency and antidotal drugs and mforma- 
tion on clinical toxicology TTiis is especially 
important today with the increased number 
of household and economic poison cases 
entenng the hospital The contents of such 
kits IS properly the responsibibty of the phar- 
macy committee of the hospital Periodic m- 

512 Hosptfol Pharmacy 

Table 97. Typical List of Emeroescy 
AVD Antidotal Drugs 

Amphetamine sulfate 20 mg /ml , 

I ml 


Atropine sulfate, HT, 04 mg 


BAL in oil, lore, 4 5 ml 


ColTcine sodium benzoate, 

0.5 Cm /2 ml 


Calcium gluconate lO'^-lO ml 



120 Gm 

Cottonseed oil 

240 ml 

Epmephnne HCl 1 1,000 

30 mt 

Magnesium sulfate 


Milk of magnesia 

240 ml 

Mineral oil 

30 ml 

Nikethamide 25?o-5 ml (Cornmine) 


Picroloxin 0 3$o 

20 mi 

Pentobarbital sodium injection 

0 25 Gm , 5 ml Amp 


Sodium bicarbonate 


Sodium Chloride 


Sodium lactate 1 Molar — 

40 ml Amp 


Universal antidote 


Zinc sulfate 

1 3Gm 

I V Fluids kept in designated section of 

spcction and replenishment of these supplies 
IS the duty of the pharmacist 

Table 98 Zuctai System for Deter- 
mining Drug Oiarces* 

A hospital can use this equation as one basis 
for reasonable, consistent drug charges Cost 
fluctuations and diiTcrenccs in dollar value thus 
may be adjusted and the pharmacist may main- 
tain better control of his department, its surplus 
earnings, its financial needs and its fairness to 
hospitd and patient 

Desired income 
from drugs 
Cost of prescription 

per cent above 
X 100 = cost to be charged 
for prescriptions 

1 Determine desired income from drugs 

2 Divide desired income by cost of prcscrip 

tion drugs 

3 hfulliply the result by 1 00 

In one hospital, where no profit from pre- 
scription drugs was desired, the formula was 
used in this manner 

1 Desired income, based on cost of medica- 
tions issued without charge to patients 

Total nursing unit expense 3,153 06 

Auxiliary professional unit 
expense 280 83 

Narcoucs 80 00 

Nuisance prescriptions 215 38 

Pharmacy salaries and other 
expense 1,284 62 


The hospital should have an approved uoi- 
form schedule for the charging of drugs 
There arc several systems m use They may 
be classified as 

1 The all-incIusivc or no-spccial-charge 
rate The cost of medications is absorbed in 
the all-iRclusivc day rate 

2 A part-inclusive rate Charges are made 
for medications not on the “free” or “sup- 
plied ’list 

3 A cost-plus rate (sec Zugich system in 
Table 98) 

4 A flat rate for each outpatient pre- 

5 The suggested list or fair-trade price 

6 Actual cost of medication plus a pro- 
fessional fee (the preferred system and one 
that IS growing m acceptance) 


Normally, drug supplies for hospitals arc 

Desired income (tabulation) 5,013 89 
Desired surplus earnings 00 00 

Desired income to meet 
expenses 5,013 89 

2. Cost of prescription drugs $6,430 00 

3 Above cost percentage 

$5,013 89 (desired (per cent above 

mcomc) „ ICO = -JB 
$6,430 (prescnption charged for 

cost) prescnptions) 

The 78 per cent represents the mark up neces- 
sary to meet all pharmacy costs and to place the 
pharmacy on a self paying basis with no desired 

* rrom John Zugich Assistant Director, Uni 
venity Hospital, Univenity of Michigan, Ann 

purchased m one of the following ways. (1) 
by bid, (2) by direct order to the pharma- 
ceutical or the chemical house or (3) from 
the local wholesaler However, the subjects 

Management Responsibilities 513 

Fio. 204. Section of the central sterile supply service of tbe pbannaceutical service of the 
Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health. (U.S.P.H.S.) 

of drug buying and pharmacy administration 
— in general Uke subjects such as the manu- 
facture of sterile and nonsterile preparations, 
ophthalmic solutions, formulation studies, 
pharmaceutical research and kindred tech- 
nical problems common to the profession — 
are not within the scope of this chapter. 
Much of this material b to be found either 
in this volume or in Sprowls’ American 

Some of the larger pharmacies operate as 
subdepartments the central slerfle supply 
service of the hospital. This department is 
responsible for providing sterile items such as 
dressings, syringes, needles, sterile solutions 
(parenteral and surgical), trays and s imila r 
items. The smooth functioning of this activity 
is accomplished best by bringmg problems in 
this area to the pharmacy committee and a 

special procedure committee representing 
nursing and pharmacy. 


Good management on the part of a depart- 
ment bead presupposes his ability to com- 
bine the factors of men and money, time and 
“tools” to produce an efBcient, economical 
end product — in this instance, a good phar- 
maceutical service. 

No department head can expect to perform 
this feat without the management tools of 
responsibility and accountabUity. The tools 
of management, other than men and money, 
needed for sound hospital pharmacy admin- 
istration are: 

1. An inventory policy 

A. Storage 

B. Perpetual inventory records 

2. A monthly or quarterly and an annual 
reporting system of workloads and costs 

514 Hojpitol Phormacy 


The first point usually considered in dis- 
cussing msmtoncs is one of location Where 
should the bulh-diug mvcntoiy items be 
stored"^ \Vhat is the best storage place for 
pharmacy supplies — in a general storeroom 
or m a separate storeroom attached to and 
part of the pharmacy? 

Management experts all agree that, m gen- 
eral, a common or central storeroom is ideal 
Imentory is controlled and labor and record 
keeping arc lessened by such a procedure 
However, many well founded rules have ex- 
ceptions, and pharmacy is the exception here 
— there is no question that, in the interest of 
economy and efficiency, there should be a 
separate pharmacy storeroom under the com- 
plete control of the Pharmacy Department 
and as close to it as possible 

In arriving at the policy that drug supplies 
should be stored in separate pharmacy store- 
rooms under the jurisdiction of the chief 
pharmacist as against any dichotomous ar- 
rangement mvolvmg general supplies, an 
analysis is made of the factors of public 
health and safety as well as those of efficient 
and economy A few of these fundamental 
considerations are the 4 following 

1 Responsibility for storage of drags, 
many of which deteriorate by improper stor- 
age, IS given to those who by ihe« education 
and training arc best quaLfied to assume this 

2 Rapid changes in drug therapy trends 
and the prescribing habits of ph)sicians and 
dentists usually are known immediately by 
the pharmacist This information is not com- 
monly held by other persons mvolvcd with 
supplies. It IS necessary in properly deter 
mining reorder amounts and/or the addition 
and the deletion of stems in the drug m- 

3 Such a system of operation gives im- 
mediate availability and knowledge of per- 
sons of supplies to the department which has 
the sole authority to use the stock— the pbar- 
mat^ department This ensures more efficient 
service and lowers the amount of capital m- 
vested in drug supplies as contrasted with the 
amount of investment required m any other 
sj'stcm It also couples with the responsibility 
of maintenance of vital drug inventories the 

necessary management compaiuon — account 

4 Stock-control and inventor) -cost rec- 
ords are made by pharmaej pcrsoimel at or 
dose to the time of the action, thus, lengthy 
delays m postmg and preparation of requisi- 
tions, as well as duplication of effort, are 

This basic pattern for the control of drug 
suppLes and stores follows principles laid 
down by Malcolm T MacEachera, M D , 
former associate director of the Amcncan 
Cbticge of Surgeons Dr MacEachera, m his 
text on Hospital Orgamiation and Manage- 
ment, slates that 

in selecting a location it must not be for 
gotten that ample xpace is required for bulk 
storage and that this storeroom (pharmacy) is 
preferably located on the ground floor close to 
the pharmacy that the purchase of drugs 
and pharmaceuticals is a specialty which can 
be earned out to the best advantage by a phar 
macist trained m managing a hospital phar 
maty This is the only department m the 
hospital m which it is usually not advisable to 
have purchasing done by a general purchasing 


Dating ol Stocks. Sound business manage 
ment indicates that money invested in drag 
supplies be turned over 4 to 5 times yearly 
This IS called “stock turn “ Normally, a stock 
turn of less than 4 indicates an over-inventory 
and of over S, outs * and shortages 

Therefore, as the lint step m a program 
of sound inventory control, all expendable 
drug Items, when received into stores, should 
be marked or stamped with the month and 
the year of receipt For example, an item 
received on February 15, 1956, should be 
marked or stamped in small print “2/56 ” 

The introduction of such a dating system 
ensures the use of old stocks first and makes 
more noticeable any overbuying on a par- 
ticular Item 

Drag-Stock Amuigcracnt. Drag supplies 
maintained as stores (not expended to the 
pharmacy proper, but kept in the pharmacy 
storeroom) should be arranged in simple 
alphabetical order with 5 exceptions 

Perpe^uallnventory Records 515 

1 Gallonage Gallon containers should 
be arranged and maintained in alphabetical 
order m a separate section or stored on 
bottom shelves 

2 Perishables such as biologicals, anti- 
biotics and others should be stored m prop- 
erly refrigerated units 

3 Narcotics These should be stored in 
properly locked containers that satisfy the 
reflations of the Harrison Narcotic Act and 
local authonties 

4 Alcohol, Spirituous Liquors and 
Wines TTiese should be stored m properly 
locked, fireproof cabmets that meet the re- 
quirements of the Federal codes and the local 
taws, mcludmg fire regulations 

5 Large Bulk Items Liter parenterals, 
plasma, gases and others 

"Shelf-Stripping" This consists of apply- 
ing tape (the width of the rim of the shelf), 
capable of carrying wntmg, to the upper front 
edge of shelves The information and the 
rulings on the tape indicate the “home” of 
each particular item Each item is allotted a 
definite width of the shelf for its accommoda- 
tion Example 


Acid Fuchsia 




325 mg 

(4) 5 000 

(1) lOGm 

(2) LB 

Information on the tape may give the name 
(acetylsalicylic acid tablets), the strength, if 
any (325 mg ) , the umt quantity (5,000), as 
well as the minimum level (4) or reorder 
pomt “Shelf-stnpping,” besides providing a 
double check against shortages, ensures a 
definite ividth of space on the shelf as the 
“home” for the item The item is set directly 
back of the tape m the space designated The 
markmgs on the tape may be erased and 
changed several times before a new tape is 


With drug stock systematically arranged 
m a pharmacy storeroom, the task of setting 
up and mamtaining a perpetual inventory 
sj’stem becomes fairly simple For this pur- 

FiG 205 Biological stock control form 

pose, use of a visible Kardex or similar type 
drawr file appears to offer the ideal solution 

This system provides a standard method 
of controlling stock levels, ensurmg avail- 
ability of supplies, the reportmg of drug- 
usage rates and a monthly mventoty value on 
each Item stocked Inasmuch as current sta- 
tistics indicate that 25 to 33 per cent of every 
supply dollar at a hospital goes mto drug 
purchases, the value of sound records m the 
pharmacy department cannot be underesti- 

Operation of Inventory Control System. 
Normally, the chief pharmacist places the 
responsibility of postmg to the stock cards 
and the accuracy of the records, including 
ihe accuracy of inventory and the correction 
of extensions, on one person, usually a com- 
petent pharmacy helper This person is given 
the responsibility for drug receipts, with- 
drawals, perpetual inventory records and 
storeroom arrangement m addition to his 
other duties In practice, it has been found 
that, when the pharmacy helper has been 
properly selected and trained, he is well 
quidified to assume this responsibility Obvi- 
ously, m one-man pharmacies, this responsi- 
bility must rest on the pharmacist himself 

TTie person made responsible for the 
pcnodic checking of physical stocks against 
the perpetual inventory records should be 
instructed to check items m at least 2 letters 
of the alphabet weekly, le , A and B items 
one week, C and D items the next week and 
so on Neat stock arrangement, clean, dust- 
free storeroom, and accurate unit and exten- 
sion cost records in the perpetual inventory 
osually result when such a check system is 

516 Hospital Pharmacy 

cmplojcd Furthermore, such a check system 
gives, annually, 4 complete ph)sical checks 
of supplies against records plus the usual 
official ph)'sical inventory taken at the close 
of the fiscal) ear 

Some hospitals have found it convenient 
to locate the stock-control records just mside 
the entrance of the pharmacy storeroom 
where poslmgs of inflow and outflow of stock 
may be made at the time of the action 

Purchase requests for supplies usually arc 
prepared when the minimum or reorder 
point IS reached on the stock-control cards 
however, in determining reorder amounts 
and/or the addition and deletion of items 
from the drug inventory, such factors as 
drug-therapy trends and changes in medical 
and dental staffs also must be taken into con- 
sideration As a rule, except in emergencies, 
purchase requests for supplies are submitted 
to the Purchasing Department on certain 
designated days Purchase requests should be 
dated and prepared in duplicate with the 
carbon retained m a “requisitions pcoding” 
file in the pharmacy Copies of purchase 
orders issuca for pharmacy supplies by the 
hospital should be routed to the pharmacy 
where they are stapled to copies of the 
requisitions This material is kept m an 
“orders pending" file until receipt of the 
stock, at which time it is filed for the duration 
of the fiscal )car in the contractor’s folder 
on file m the pharmacy 

It will be noted that items expended from 
the storeroom to the pharmacy proper arc 
not included in the inventory value Tlie 
value of such items may be kept at a constant 
figure for a 12-month penod, when a new 
physical inventory provides the adjustment 
betor ^Vhile it is admitted that this is not 
an accurate inventory figure, for 1 1 months 
out of the 12, It IS correct as of the last 
month of each fiscal )ear and does not im- 
pose the cost of an expensive physical in- 
ventory of open stock each month 



It IS the responsibility of chiefs of phar- 
maceutical services to provide the adminis- 
trator with a quarterly or monthly and )cariy 

yanlstick with which to measure depart- 
mental aciivi^ and progress 

This report is one of the major tools of 
mana^ment Tlirough it, a department head 
documents his needs for a larger or a smaller 
budget, for increased or decreased personnel, 
for equipment and for other needs 

A hospital might well adopt a combmation 
profcssional-business-type report In such a 
report, the quarterly or monthly professional 
workload factors could be divided into in- 
patient and outpatient activities The work- 
load might be broken also into various cate- 
gories, such as those requumg special 
accounting as made necessary by Federal and 
state laws (narcotics and ethyl alcohol), and 
those categories not entailing extra man- 
hours of bookkeepmg 

In brief, the workload of the pharmacy is 
presented as a report of specific areas of 
major activity Each prescription, requisition 
or issue to a ward or a clinic and each manu- 
factured Item and item prepackaged is tabu- 

Space may be provided in the quarterly or 
monthly workload report for reporting phar- 
ma^ committee meetings and their activities, 
as well as space for remarks on pharmacy ac- 
tivities of the quarter or the month, such as 
climcal pharmaceutical research, new equip- 
ment received, papers prepared for publica- 
tion, drug therapy consultant activities and 
other matters 

Finally, the reporting system should pro- 
vide for noting the number of group meet- 
ings, both intramural and extramural This 
IS a valued part of the report inasmuch as it 
covers ‘nonmeasurable workloads ” In hos- 
pital pharmacy, considerable time is devoted 
to * nonmeasurable" loads such as individual 
consultations on drug therapy problems with 
medical, dental and allied personnel, hospital 
pharmacy indoctrination and teaching sched- 
ules for medical and dental interns, nurses 
and hospital aides, also man hours arc con- 
sumed m the requisitioning or purchasing of 
supplies, the keeping of perpetual narcotic, 
hypnotic, gram alcohol and spintuous-Iiquor 
inventories, the preparation of the quarterly 
or monthly reports on stock control, drug 
costs, workloads, indoctnnation and teaching 
of junior hospit^ pharmacists and, m some 
utstanccs, senior pnarmacy students, as well 

Fto 206 Quarterly report of pharmacy operations, parts I II and III (U S P H S ) 


Fio 206 {Continued) Quarterly report ot pharmacy operations, parts IV, V and VI (USPHS) 

Fio 207 Annual recap sheet parts I and II (USPHS) 

I 520 I 

Fio 207 (Continued) Annual “recap” sheet, pans III, IV, V, VI and VII (USPH,S) 

I U? ] 

522 Hospital Phormocy 

as time spent m attendance and preparation 
for staff and pharmacy committee meetings 
Total personnel is reported in Part III of 
the monthly or quarterly report form (Fig 
206, top and bottom) used to illustrate the 
reporting system described All personnel 
assigned to the department, esen though part 
of their time is spent m other areas, are re- 
ported with this system This serves to brmg 
to the attention of the administrator the 
added responsibilities of pharmacy person- 
nel m nonpharmaccutical duties 

Value of Reports. In the quarterly or 
monthly report, the hospital administrator 
has a yardstick or measurement tool of the 
pharmacy department, he knows quarterly 
or monthly and annually (see annual “recap ’ 
sheet, Fig 207, top and bottom) the pro- 
fessional workload, the committee activities 
and the personnel structure, as ucll as the 
pharmacy's inventory status, inventory or 
• stock turn,” the average cost of medications 
per outpatient visit, the average cost or value 
of inpatient medications per inpatient day 
and the average cost of each prescription 
Nothing 1 $ left to guess or estimates Should 
a department need increased manpower, one 
has documented proof of (he need Should 
the administrator be required to cut back on 
budgeted funds, one again has proof of 
actual drug needs based on usage rates — 
proof that (he pharmacy budget fund can be 
released to other areas or that pharmacy 
funds cannot be cut if normal service flow i$ 
to be maintained To aid m the recording of 
the statistics indicated in this type report, a 
daily worksheet is utilized (sec Fig 208) 


Hospital pharmacy practice— like other 
hospital activities must expect increased 
automation in the future Automation that 
ensure more clTicicnt service at less cost with 
no loss of patient safety and drug control is 
to be encouraged However, any automation 
that violates the practice acts and regulations 
of medicine, nursing and pharmacy may leave 
the hospital, the administrator and the oper- 
ator of the equipment open to censure and, 
possibly, legal action 

In this connection, il is necessary that 
drug dispensing — (a function of pharma^) 

and drug administration (a function of nurs- 
ing) be cleariy understood 
Drag dispensing is a function that is by 
custom, tradition and law restneted to 
licensed practitioners of pharmacy. Drug dis- 
pensing involves the issuance of one or more 
doses of a medication m containers other than 
the ongmal, such containers being properly 
labeled by the dispenser as to contents and/or 
directions for use as indicated by the pre- 
senber Drug dispensing Includes also the 
issuance of a medication in its ongmal con- 
tainer with a pharmacy-prepared label at- 
tached, the label carrymg the signa of the 
presenber as well as other vital information 
Drug dispensmg also mvolves situations in 
which the package carries a pharmacy-pre- 
pared label and is intended for nursing station 
use m a hospital or a nursing home Ihc con- 
tents of the container may be for one patient 
(such as an individual prescription) or for 
several patients (such as a floor stock nursing 
stations medication container) 

For patient safety, the ideal situation m 
drug dispensing is one m which the medica- 
tion order, in the handwriting of the pre- 
scriber, is presented to the pharmacist for 
compounding and dispensmg However, until 
this Utopia IS reached, floor stocks and medi- 
cation orders "transaibed’ by nurses are 
the traditional avenues used m hospital drug 
and medication distribution systems 

Drug odministrnlion is a nursmg activi^ 
by which a smgle dose is administered to the 
patient by the nurse on the order of a physi- 
cian or a dentist 

The filling or the refilling of a nursmg sta- 
tion medication container wifn &c drug 
called for is “drug dispensing” and can be en- 
gaged m legally only by a licensed pharmacist 
under the Pharmacy Practice Act and the 
regulations of the several states 
The public health point at issue concerns 
patient safety and error control Should a 
nurse remove a single dose from a wrong 
contamer the damage is confined to the pa- 
tient m her cliargc However, should the 
nurse perform an act restricted by law to 
(rained pharmacists (drug dispensing), such 
as the rcQIlmg of a patient’s prescription or a 
floor stock medication contamer, it is possi- 
ble that an error may injure all patients who 
subsequently receive medication from that 

Bibliography 523 

container, whether the medication is “admin- 
istered’ by the nurse making the error or 
other nurses on duty at the medication center 
where the contamer is housed 

One must study automation activities m 
this light automation equipment that be- 
stows ‘drug dispensing” rcsponsibUiUes on 
nurses, or ‘ drug administration” activities on 
pharmacists is, quite likely, illegal under the 
laws of the states Such equipment places in 
the hands of individuals responsibilities which 
they have not been trained to handle For ex- 
ample, nurses are tramed by formal study 
and expenence in “drug admmistration,” i e , 
to observe m the givmg of a medication the 
outward signs of reactions such as changes 
m respiration, pulse and myotic or mydriatic 
reactions Pharmacists, on the other hand, 
are trained m drug evaluation, selection, stor- 
age, identification, compounding and dis- 
pensmg characteristics The following prac 
tice would quite likely be m violation of state 
laws and regulations if a nurse should pla(» 
a label on a medication contamer or other- 
wise identify the container as prepared for a 
particular patient when the amount of the 
medication is in excess of the number of 
doses to be administered by that nurse dur- 
mg her 8-hour tour of duty, such an act 
would be drug “dispensing ’ and not drug 
“administration ’’ 


A Phannacy Residency m a hospital is a 
postgraduate progcam. of ocgatuzed tcaioiag 
approved by the American Society of Hos- 
pital Pharmacists The trammg must consist 
of not less than 2,000 hours extended over 
a period of at least 50 weeks to meet the 
A^ H P Accreditation Standards (or Rest 
dency m Hospital Pharmacy as approved in 
May, 1963 

Residencies m hospital pharmacy may be 
given only in general hospitals accredited by 
Die Jomt Commission on the Accreditation 
of Hospitals 

The areas of activity of the residenqr cover 
administration, inpatient and general dis- 
pensing, outpatient dispensing, formulation, 
preparation and control of sterile pharma- 
ceuticals, and formulation, preparation and 
control of nonstenle pharmaceuticals 

Usually, the residency consists of a senes 

of lectures, conferences and practical expen- 
ences covermg all phases of hospital phar- 
macy In addition, the pharmacy resident 
rotates among the other departments of the 
hospital, such as mtemal medicine, surgery, 
pathology, radiology, nursmg and administra- 
tion He participates m stag and committee 
discussions, seminars and demonstrations and 
works with mtems from other services on 
]omt studies The resident gams firsthand 
knowledge of the professional and the man- 
agement activities that compnse the total 
hospital function, with special reference to 
drug evaluation, selection, procurement and 
utilization and, also, to clmical drug studies, 
drug movement and control Also, during the 
year, each resident is assigned a pharmaceu- 
tical problem for investigation on which he 
IS expected to write a thesis 


Aroencan College of Surgeons Manual of Hos 
pital Standardization, 1946 
American Hospital Association The Magic 
to Hospital Literature 

Statement of principles on the use of 

investigational drugs m hospitals, Hospitals, 
January 1 1958 

The hospital formulary system, Hos 

pitals, October 16 1960 

— — Guide Issue, Hospitals August 1, 

Editorial Notes — ^Formula for formu 

lary. Hospitals, July 1, 1963, p 23 
Amencan Society of Hospital Pharmacists 
Minimum standards for pharmacy intern- 
ships in hospitals with guide to application, 
as amended November 8, 1962, Am I Hosp 
Pliarm In Press 

Accreditation standard for residency 

in hospital pharmacy, May 11, 1963, Am J 
Hosp Pharm In Press 

Statement on the abilities required of 

hospital pharmacists. Am J Hosp Pharm 
19 493, 1962 

Constitution and bylaws, as revised 

1962, Am J Hosp Pharm 19 423-428, 

Aicbambault, G F Hospital phannacy as a 
career, Sci Counselor J7 61,1954 
A narcotic control system for the gen- 
eral hospital. Hospitals 28 1 12, 1954 
Procedural manuals for hospital phar- 
macies, Am Prof Pharmacist 19 42, 1953 

Hermetically packaged surgical fluids, 

Pharm. Intemat 6 35, 1952. 

524 Hasp fol Phormocy 

Practical appl cations of mmimum 

standards (in 3 parts) Hosp Prog 33 SO 
33 80 33 84 1952 

The business s de of hospital phar 

mac} Bull Am Soc Hosp Pharmacists 9 
102 1952. 

— Standards for prescription containers 

Bull Am Soc Hosp Pharmacists 8 103 

Arthur W R Law of Drucs and Drucgists 
ed 3 St Paul Minn West 1947 
Bierman C H and Archambault G F The 
hospital pharmacy from the administrators 
point of view Hosp Management 57 86 

Drawback on Tax on Distilled Spints Used m 
Manufacturing of Non Beverage Products — 
Regulation No 29 US Treasury Depart 
ment Bureau of Internal Resenue 1947 
FitzGerald E J and Archambault G F The 
Publ c Health Service Bull Am Soc Hosp 
Pharmacists 9 270 1952 
Food and Drug Administrat on Service and 
Regulatory Announcements — Food Drug 

and Cosmetic No 1 Revision No 3 Depart 
ment of Health Education and Welfare 
Francke O Evaluation of management guides 
Hosp Progress p 94 September 1954 
Goodness J H Personal communications 
Guild of Publ c Pharmacists Hospital Phar 
macy Planning ed 2 London 1961 
Harrison Narcot e Act— Regulal on No S and 
Supplements (1949) US Treasury Depart 
ment Bureau of Narcotics 
H mmcisbach C K. and Nelson k The Rc 
sponsibditics and Functions of the Individual 
Pharmacy Committee Mcmbcn US Public 
Health Service D vision of Hosp tals Circular 
Memorandum No 54-130 March 1954 
Hogan T J and Archambault G F Meeting 
problems of design in hospital pharmacy 
Bull Am Soc Hosp Pharmacists 10 293 

Hope M C The hospital surscy and constrtK 
lion program Am J Publ Health 39 7 

K)ait H}3tl and Croeschel Law of Hosp tal 
Physician and Psticnt ed 2 New York Hos 
pital Teal Book 1952 

Industrial Alcohol US Treasury Department 
Bureau of Internal Resenue Regulation No 
3 (1942) and Supplements 

Jeffnes S B A new approach to costing and 
pricing prescriptions in the hospital phar 
macj Bull Am Soc Hosp Pharmacists 11 
455 1954 

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals 
— Standards for Hospital Accreditation De 
cember 1953 

MacEachem M T Hospital Organization and 
Management Chicago Physicians Record 
Co 1940 

McGibony Pnnciplcs of Hospital Administra 
tion New York Putnam 1952 
Marihuana Act — Regulation No 1 (1937), 
U.S Treasury Department Bureau of Nar 

Petit W Manual of Pharmaceutical Law New 
York Macmillan 1951 

Regan L J Doctor and Patient and the Law 
ed 2 St Louis Mosby 1949 
Registration of Stills — Regulation No 23 U.S 
Treasury Department Bureau of Internal 

Skolaut M Scigiliano J and Salvma J The 
central sterile supply of a pharmacy depart 
ment Bull Am Soc Hosp Pharmacists 2 
114 1954 

Sloan R P This Hosp tal Business of Ours 
New York Putnam 1952 
Traulman J Masur J and Archambault 
C F Facil ties for pharmaceutical service 
Clinical Center National Institutes of Health 
Bull Am Soc Hosp PharmacistsP 38 1952 
U.S Government Printing Office Operations 
of the United States Marine Hospital Service 

U S Public Health Service Hospital Services 
1953 Pharmacy Bull Div Hosp Facilities 
Will ams R C The United States Public 
Health Service 1798 1950 Bethesda Md 
U.S Publ Health Service 1951 
Zugich J J Pharmacy Hospitals 27 No 6 
Part II June 1953 

Monthly reports emphasize value of 

pharmacist to hospital Bull Am Soc Hosp 
Pharmacists 2 64 1945 

Note A comprehensive indexed bibliography 
on hospital pharmacy has been prepared by the 
American Society of Hospital Pharmacists It 
covers all facets of hospital pharmacy The stu 
dent IS referred to this bibliography for addi 
tonal reference material (see Bull Am Soc 
Hosp Pharmacists 8 No 1 January 195! 
and supplements) 

chapter 14 


William H. Briner,* Commander, U S. Public Health Service 


While the use of radioactive materials to 
study and treat some of the ills of mankind 
IS not particularly new, the emergence of 
radiopharmaceutical products as an im 
portant part of the Araencan medical scene 
has come about largely as a direct result of 
the weapons technology of World War H 
Radium”* and its radioactive daughter 
radon®” had been widely used to treat a 
variety of pathologic states both in this 
country and abroad for nearly 40 years be- 
fore the begmning of World War 11 In addi- 
tion, early m 1936 Dr Joseph G Hamilton 
undertook the first studies of sodium move- 
ment m the body, using the radionuclide 
sodium” which had been produced in the 
c)clotron at the Berkeley campus of the Uni- 
versity of California®® Following this, a 
number of investigators throughout the world 
performed studies of thyroid metabohsm and 

active lodme derived from particle accelera- 

Then m December of 1942, occurred an 
event so remarkably significant that its im- 
portance IS not understood by many people 
even today The incident was, of course, the 
production of the first controlled chain re- 
action, This took place m an atomic pfle 
composed of graphite bricks, fueled with 
natural uranium located on a squash court 
beneath Stagg Field at the Umversity of 
Chicago This first successful expenmeot in 

• Chief, Radiopharmaceutical Service, Pharmacy 
Department, Clinical Center, Kation4 Institutes 
of Health. U S Public Health Ser\ice U S De 
partment of Health. Education and Welfare 
Bethesda, hid 

the cnticahty of piles, or reactors, was 
directed by the Italian bom physicist, Enneo 
Fermi The ultrasecret Manhattan District 
then developed more sophisticated nuclear 
reactors for the production of fissionable ma- 
terial to be used in atomic bombs 

A very necessary part of this research was 
a consideration of certain by-product mate- 
nai known as radioisotopes, which was pro- 
duced m these reactors After hostilities bad 
ceased, this by product roatenal was diverted 
to civilian uses, including certam medical ap- 
plications — and the first radiopharmaceutical 
products as i^e know them today began to 


In the early days of research m nuclear 
medicme, it \^'as extremely difficult for a 
pharmacist to participate or assist in such 
endeavors — ani mdeed, few pharmacists ex- 
pressed any mterest m these problems How- 
ever, m the ensuing years, durmg which time 
phannaceulical products containing radio- 
active constituents have become firmly estab- 
lished m value and usage, pharmacists have 
become more acutely aware of their abihties 
and responsibilities m this area of practice 

Monographs for radiopharmaceutical prod- 
ucts now appear m the Pharmacopeia of the 
Umted States,®* and additional monographs 
for such products are to be found in New 
and NonoSicial Drugs ” Thus, there would 
seem to be httle need to justify the mterest or 
participation m radioisotope procedures by 
pharmacists Too frequenUy, however, cer- 
tam professional deficiencies are given too 


57 6 Rodiopharmaceulkolf 

much emphasis by nonpharroacy personnel 
m evaluating the abilities of pharmacists in 
these areas For example, it is true that very 
few pharmacists arc also nuclear ph)sicists 
or radiation chemists It is also true that most 
pharmacists are not doctors of medicme 
Hoi^cvcr, the latter fact docs not prohibit 
some of them from professional pracDce in- 
solving the formulation of injectable products 
used by physicians in their practice 

The important point to remember is that 
some additional training is usually required 
no matter what facet of specialized practice 
a pharmacist may choose, whether it be in- 
jectable formulation in industry or hospital 
pharmacy practice, tcachmg, radiopharma- 
ceutical practice, or any one of a myriad of 
avenues of specialization open to a graduate 
pharmacist This additional period of train- 
ing may well be reduced both in scope and 
in duration if the present trend toward more 
and more instruction in schools of pharmacy 
in radioisotope technics contmues Christian** 
noted m 1960 that 18 schools were utilizing 
radioisotopes in their teaching programs. 15 
of these olTcrcd specific instruction m isotope 
technology, while the remaining 3 made use 
of such material m courses such as pharma- 
cology or quaotitauve analysis In addiuon, 
21 schools were, at that time, making use of 
such compounds in research This study also 
mdicated that, of the schools of pharmacy not 
oflenng a rourse m isotope technology at 
that tune, 23 mdicated that they planned to 
offer such a course within the foUowmg 2 
years and that, up to the tune of the report 
cited, some 1,788 students m schools of phar- 
mey had leecwcd sadicwsotopc tnisung 
Although commercial suppliers now offer 
B wide range of radiopharmaceutical prod 
ucts for clmicians who arc authorized to re- 
ceive them, frequently, there still exists a 
need to modify or change the commercially 
available product to meet more closely the 
needs of an mdividual user or patient In 
many cases, this change may consist merely 
of an aseptic dilution of the commercial 
product At times, however, the modiflcatioo 
is considerably more complex. In either case, 
a pharmacist who is well trained m radio- 
isotope technics and radiological health is 
able to contribute much in this area if be will 
only apply his knowledge 

The need for such expert pharmaceutical 
assistance becomes mandatory when radioiso- 
topes are procured for use m human subjects 
from other than a reputable pharmaceutical 
supplier It IS a standard condition of the 
Umied States Atomic Energy Commission 
that the licensee must show proof of his 
ability, or the ability of someone in his m- 
stitution, to attest to the pharmaceutical 
quali^ of such materials No one is better 
able io attest to pharmaceutical quali^ of a 
given matenal than an appropriately trained 

These, then, are only a few reasons why it 
IS becommg more and more necessary for 
pharmacists to assist m this new area of 


Radioactivity is customarily divided into 
two different types these are natural radio- 
activity and artificial radioactivity Radio- 
activity itself has been defined* as the several 
processes by which atomic nuclei sponta- 
neously decay or disintegrate by one or more 
discrete energy levels or transitions until, 
ultimately, a stable state is reached When 
such events take place m a material without 
the addition of energy, the substance is said 
to be naturally radioactive Artificial radio- 
activity, often called * man made radio- 
activity,” may be described** as the property 
of radioactivity produced by particle (wra- 
bardment or electromagnetic irradiation — 
the radioactivity of synlheuc nuclides 

Natural Radioactivity 
The first reported evidence of natural 
radioactmty appeared in 1896, as a result of 
Henri Bccquercl’s discovery that a shielded 
photographic plate is darkened when exposed 
to uranium ore, m much the same way as a 
film reacts when exposed to x rays There 
arc more than fifty known naturally occumng 
radionuclides, examples of which mclude 
uranium***, thorium"**, radium***, actm- 
lum***, Icad*‘*, and potassium*® 

Artificul RADioAcnvmr 
Artificial radioactivity may be produced In 
a variety of ways, and m any of several de- 
vices, dejKoding on what bombarding par- 

Types of Radioactivify 527 

Table 99 Elements Determined in Trace Quantities 
BY Neutron Activation Analysis* 





































OP Detection 





































OF Detection 


10 -“ 

• From Radioisotopes — Special Materials and Services Ird revision 1960 Oak Ridge Nauonal Labo 
ratory, operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U S Atomic Energy Commission 

tide or ray is utilized In general, these 
nuclear reactions are categorized as charged 
particle, photon or neutron mduced reactions 
In the examples of each which follow, the 
subscript refers to the atomic number of the 
element, often called the Z number, wMc 
the supersenpt denotes the atomic mass num 
ber of the isotope, and is often referred to 
as the A number It should be noted that 
the subscripts and the supersenpts on each 
side of the equations balimce, m much the 

same manner as ordmaiy chemical equations 
are balanced 

Charged Particle Reactions. Reactions of 
these types may be produced with protons 
(illustrated symbolically as iH* or p), 
demerons (iH® or d), alpha particles (jHe* 
or «), or, occasionally, by electrons or beta 
particles (_ie°or_j/?®) 

A Proton initiated Reaction 

iH‘ + iiNa«-»„Mg» + oa® 

52S Rodlopharmoceuticolt 

In this reaction, nonradioactise sodium is 
bombarded with protons to form magne- 
sium*’, the reaction also jidding a neutron 


A Deutfron-induced Reacthn 

An Alpha particle-tmiiated Reaction 
,hn‘ + :He* sQ” -f- ,H‘ 

rhoton*1nduccd Reactions. Electromag- 
netic radiations or photons of high energy 
may also induce nuclear reactions, as the 
following example ilustrates 


The source of electromagnetic energy utilized 
in this t)pc of reaction may be a gamma- 
cmitting radionuclide, os m the example 
cited, or a high voltage x ray generator 

Ncutron-Tnduccd Reactions. One of the 
most important and, also, most widely used 
methods of producing artificially radioactivx 
nuchdes is the bombardment of a non 
radioactive target nucleus with a source of 
thermal neutrons An example of such a re- 
action IS the production of radioactive so- 
dium** by neutron capture m sodium’’ 

„Na« + oH’ -♦ iiNa’* + y 

Another extremely important use of this 
type of reaction is m the relatively new 
method of chemical analysis known as neu- 
tron activation anal}'sis In this application, 
radioactivity is induced in a sample of un 
known chemical composition by exposing the 
sample for a given period of tunc to a neutron 
flux At the conclusion of the exposure 
period, the sample is removed from the neu 
tron source, and the induced radioactivity is 
determined both qualitatively and quantita- 
tively by means of suitable radiation ana- 
IjTcrs As IS apparent from Table 99, this is 
an extremely sensitive method of analysis 


Radioactive species by definition exist in 
a highly cxciicd, unstable state, charactenzed 
by an energy excess These nuclides ulti- 
mately achieve stability through the process 
of radioactive decay and the release of large 

amounts of energy, cither kinetic or electro- 
magnetic or both of these types simultane- 
ously In this process of decay there arc three 
parameters which are charactenstic of a 
given radioisotope Indeed, identification of 
unknown radionuclides is based on these 
three properties the rate of decay, the 
typc(s) of radiation exhibited in the decay 
scheme, and the energies of these radiations 
The rate of decay of a radioisotope is in 
dicated by the number of atoms of the nuclide 
which arc disintegrating per umt time This 
number is proportional to the total number 
of radioactive atoms present in the sample, as 
IS evident from the following relationship 
AN = — ANAt, where AN is the number of 
atoms disintegrating per unit time At, and N 
IS the number of radioactive atoms present 
The symibol X is the decay constant The 
negative sign in the equation is used to in- 
dicate that the number of atoms is decreasing 
with the passage of time By integratmg this 
equation the more familiar mathematical re- 
lationship often known as the decay equation 
IS denved 

N = NoC-« 

where N is the number of radioactive atoms 
present at time t, and No is the number of 
atoms originally present at tune zero The 
decay constant lambda, may be defined** as 
the fraction of the number of atoms of a 
radionuclide which decay m unit time The 
use of the decay equation is appropnatc only 
if there IS a sufilciently large number of 
radioactive atoms present at t = O to make 
the relationship statistically valid That is 
to say. It IS impossible to determine when 
any one radioactive atom m a given sample 
will dismtegrate, but, if there is a statistically 
large number of such atoms present, the frac- 
tion of the total which is disintegrating per 
unit time can be predicted with a high degree 
of accuracy In actuality, the statistical 
reUabihty of an observation is given by the 
standard deviation, s, where 

s = N*‘ 

in which N is the number of observed disin- 
tegrations Thus, radioactive decay is a typi- 
cal first-order reaction 

The physical half life of a radioisotope, 
noted symbolically as T**, is defined as the 

Radioactive Decay 529 

Table IOO Decay Table for Au”®* 

(A factor (30 minutes) =0 00537, Tj = 2 69 days or 64 6 hours) 





1 5 




































































































































































































































































































































































































*From Radiological Health Handbook PB 121784R U S Department of Health Education and 
Welfare USPH5 Washington. 1960 

tune interval during which half of the radio- active decay, although m a somewhat differ- 

active atoms ongmally present m a sample cnt manner Their mathematical relationship 

will have decajcd There is a close relation- is shown by the equation 

ship, both theoretically and inathematicaDy, q ^ 

between phj’sical half life and decay con- 1^= — 

stant, for they both indicate rates of radio- 

530 Radiopharmoceuticalj 

The basic decay equation is extremely use- 
ful, for, by substituting m the basic equation 
as follow, both the activity (A) remaining 
m a sample after a given time and the in- 
tensity 01 radiation (I) after ume t can be 

A = A,c-® or I =1^-® wsv** 

\Vhne these s'alues can alisays be computed 
usmg the relationships given above, decay 
tables for many of the more commonly used 
medical radioisotopes are reproduced to most 
standard reference books Table 100 show a 
typical table, mdicating the decay of the 
radionuclide gold*** 

Modes of Radioactive Decay 
There are a number of methods by which 
radionuclides decay or disintegrate to ground 
state These modes include alpha particle 
emission, beta particle (negatron) emission, 
positron (positive beta particle) emission, 
electron capture, internal transition and cer- 
tain conversion moccsses Examples of some 
of these method of decay will be given in 
the sections 
Alpha Particle Decay. An alpha particle 
IS composed of two protons and two neu- 
trons and has been ideniifled as the nucleus 
of the helium atom S)’mbolicaUy, an alpha 
particle is wilten jHe*, and, since there are 
two protons present, the particle has a double 
positive charge The general equation sig- 
nif) mg or defming alpha decay is 

.X^-*^aY^-'-|-:He‘ + Q 

where X is the parent radionuclide, Y the 
daughter resulting from that decay, and Q the 
energy required to make the reaction go. or 
the energy released os a result of the reac- 
tion. Substituting actual elements lo the cqua 
tion, V, c can indicate the process by which the 
uranium isotope of mass 23S decays 

,.ir»-Mni“* + sHc* + Q 

In alpha decay, since 2 protons are lost, the 
atomic number dcaeascs by tno, and, smee 
4 atomic mass units are ^so emitted, the 
mass number of the daughter is also de- 
creased by four It can tw derived maihc- 
maticall) that the magnitude of the Q in this 

equation is something in excess of 4 million 
electron volts (Mev ) 

Bela Particle Decay. ^Vhen beta particle 
emission is mentioned without further quali 
fication, It can be assumed that negative beta 
particles are being considered However, in 
the strictest sense beta emissions would also 
include positive beta particles, which will be 
discussed 10 the next section 
Negative beta particles have often been 
compared with— or, indeed, identified as — 
electrons which ongmate in the nucleus This 
definition is satisfactory for purposes of dia- 
grammatic representation of certain nuclear 
reactions However, it implies that there arc 
free electrons present in the nucleus, and it 
has been shown that this condition docs not 

Andrew* has described negative beta par- 
ticle emission as the conversion of a nuclear 
neutron to a proton just before emission, 
according to the equation 

on* -*• ip* + 

As IS apparent, this reaction would mcrease 
the atomic number by one, while leavmg the 
total number of nuclear particles unchanged 
— conditions which arc known to be the case 
IQ negauve beta emission 
The general equation for beta decay is 

Substituting the isotope of phosphorus with 
a mass of 32 in the above equation, we have 
an example of a pure beta decay 

Posilron Decay, The general cqvatton de- 
noting decay by positron cmbsion is* 

i:X*-»t_iY*+ +1/3® 4- Q 

Tbc daughter product of such a reaction is 
less positive by one unit of charge, and the 
mass number remains unchanged An actual 
example of a radionuclide which decays by 
positron emission is 

In both the positive and the negative beta 
decay reactions, it can be shown that an ap- 
parent energy discrepancy results in the sim- 
ple equations shown for these reactions, 

Units of Radioacfivify 531 

unless some other particulate emanation is 
present m these transitions This is m fact 
the case, for, m negative beta emission, a 
particle identified as a neutrmo (electrically 
neutral and of extremely small mass when 
compared with the mass of the beta particle) 
IS present m the reaction as shown below 
zXA->2 + iY^ + -i/3'* + v + Q 
where the Greek letter Nu mdicates the pres- 
ence of the neutrmo m the reaction. 

In the case of the positron emitter, the 
equation becomes 

^^^z-iYA-{-+iP« + v+Q 

where Nu again mdicates the presence of an 
additional particle, this time known as an 
antmeutnno The antmeutnno, like its coun- 
terpart the neutrmo, amounts for the energy 
surplus m the reaction, has no charge and has 
a very small rest mass 

It should be mentioned that, aldiough only 
pure beta emitters have been outimed m the 
examples cited for positive and negative beta 
decay, there frequently is a mixed beta- 
gamma decay scheme encountered m actual 
practice An excellent example of this type 
of decay scheme, and one which is frequently 
seen in ndiophannaceutical practice, is m 
the decay of the radionuclide sodium^^, this 
isotope dec^s by negauve beta emission to 
magnesium,** with the concurrent emission 
of two energetic gamma rays of 1 38 and 
2 76 Mev , respectively, as shown m the fol- 
lowing general equation 

iiNa« isMg=* + + 7 + Q 

In the case of either positive or negative 
beta decay, particles are emitted from un- 
stable nuclei with a continuous energy spec- 
trum, ranging from nearly zero to a maximum 
beta energy listed m isotope tables for each 
radionuclide A rule of thumb, m cases where 
the mean beta energy for a given transition 
IS not known, is to assume the mean beta 
energy to be that of die maximum listed 
m the tables In actuality, these means range 
m value from 0 2 to 0 4 of the maximum 
Orbital Electron Capture. The most fre- 
quent electron capture reactions mvolve the 
K shell In this case, the nucleus of a radio- 
nuclide absorbs an electron from the K shell. 

and, m so domg, neutralizes a proton m the 
nucleus It is apparent from the general equa- 
tion given below that the products of such a 
reaction, are the same as though a positron 
had been emitted 

Tlie equation mdicates that one of the prod- 
ucts of this reaction (hv) is electromagnetic 
radiation (or photons) which can be pro- 
duced either as gamma rays or x rays An 
example of a frequently used radioisotope 
which d«ays by orbital electron capture is 
the nuclide chroimum®^, whose decay equa- 
tion IS 

2iCrS‘-f _iC»->23Vsi-f-hv 

Another useful means of indicating the 
decay reactions which take place with a given 
radioQuchde is in the diagrammatic repre- 
sentation of the decay scheme In the case 
of chromium,^' the decay scheme might be 
diagrammed as follows 

27 8 days Cc«‘ 

Other examples of decay schemes and, m- 
deed, a whole host of other nuclear data are 
to be found m the Table of Isotopes ** 


It IS difficult to describe anything without 
havmg the means with which to describe it 
and some baseline with which it can be com- 
pared In the case of radioactivity, one must 
become thoroughly familiar with the systems 
of umts which are used to characterize nu- 
clear radiations and their effects m media 
throu^ which they traverse and with which 
they react 

Of greatest interest to the biological sd- 

^32 Rodiopharmoceuticols 

cnccs arc perhaps two sj'stems of units One 
of these is used to indicate the amount or the 
quantity of radioactivitj sshich is represented 
b) a p\xn sample, and the other sj'stem is 
uiilucd to define the dose uhich a gi\"cn 
amount of radioactisitj dciners to the s)'5tem 
of interest This system of interest may take 
the form of air, tissue or any material of in- 
terest, depending on the units one uses to 
delineate the dose 

Quantity Units 

The Curie. It is possible to indicate the 
amount of radioactive matenal present m a 
given sample as a function of the mass of the 
radionuclide present In fact, for years 
this was the means utilized to define the 
amount of radioactivity present The amount 
of radon in cquilibnum with 1 Cm of radium 
was adopted as one Cune of activity 

Usually, we are not concerned as much 
with the mass of the radioisotope as with the 
rate of radioactive decay of the radionuclide 
Therefore, the Curie unit was defined more 
precisely as that amount of any radioactive 
matenal which is decaying at the rate of 
3 700 X fO'® disintegrating atoms pec sec- 
ond In medicine, sub-units of the Cune are 
more frequently used, such as the miUicune 
(3 7 X 10^ disintegrating atoms per second) 
and the microcune (3 7 X 10* dismtcgraiiog 
atoms per second) 

Specific Activity. Another unit of activity 
or quantity which is frequently encountered 
IS known as specific activity This term may 
be defined as the amount of radioactivity con- 
tained m 1 Cm of a substance However, 
some sort of qualifying statement must be 
made if one is dealing with a compound 
rather than an element, m order to avoid con- 
fusion Tor csamplc, if the radioisotope 
sodium"* 1 $ present in sodium carbonate 
(Na’'COj), and one stales merely that the 
specific activity is 40 millicuries per Cm , it 
IS not known whether the miss indicated is 
for sodium carbonate or for sodium only 
Therefore, it is less confusing if one speaks 
of specific activity (compound), specidc ac- 
tivity (element) or specific activity (isotope) 

Dose Units 

The estimation of the dose delivered to or, 
at tim«, absorbed liy a matenal of Interest 

IS an caircmely complex task, and the result 
B, at best, only a good estimate when com- 
pared with the results of other more accu- 
rate and precise methods of dose deter- 
mination used m nonndioactivc medicinal 
products Further complicating the measure- 
ment IS the fact that, with certain radioactive 
maienals, the dose can be administered to the 
body even though the material is located out- 
side and at some distance from the body 
This of course, is the case with a gamma- 
cmitting radionuclide Thus, it is necessary 
to consider both external and internal dose, 
due to both electromagnetic and particulate 
radiations, in order to cover the general topic 
of radiation dosage adequately A thorough 
understanding of the various units used to 
assess dosage is absolutely necessary if one 
IS to comprehend the meaning of these terms 
The units most frequently used to indicate 
the magnitude of radiation dose arc the roent- 
gen, the radiation absorbed dose, and the 
roentgen equivalent man 

The roentgen (abbreviated r ), is the fun- 
damental unit of radiation dosage from which 
all other units arc derived As it was ongi- 
nallv defined at the Stockholm Congress of 
Radiology in 1928, it was applicable only 
to x-ray dose However, the Chicago Con- 
gress of Radiology (1937) modified this defi- 
nition to Its present form so that it can be 
used for cither x ray or gamma-ray dose esti- 
mation Thus the roentgen is defined as the 
quantity of x-radiaiion or gamma-radiation 
such that the associated corpuscular emission 
per 0(X)]293 Gm of air produces m air 
ions cany mg one electrostatic unit of quantity 
of electricity of either sign This definition 
was given international standing by the In- 
ternational Commission on Radiological 
Units and Measurements (ICRU) m 
1956” and again in 1959** Its use is valid 
m the calculation of doses from x rays or 
gamma rays of quantum energies not ex- 
ceeding 3 Mev ** 

Hic radiation absorbed dose, usually WTit- 
ten rad. is the next unit to be considered It 
may be defined as that dose of ionizing radia- 
tion which results in an absorption of 100 
ergs per Gm of any material Tlic rad is the 
more recently derived unit which replaced 
the older roentgen equivalent physical, or 
rep The basic difference between the two is 

Radiofion Protection 


Table 101 Relative Biological Effectiveness and Type of Radiation* 


Biological Effect 


X-rays, y-rays and electrons and /? rays of 

Whole body irradiation (blood 

all energies 

forming organs cntical) 


Fast neutrons and protons up to 10 Mev 

Wiole-body irradiation (cataract 

formation critical) 


Naturally occurring n-particles 



Heavy recoil nuclei 

Cataract formation 


• International Commission on Radiological Protecuoo, BnL J Radiol Supp 6, 1955 
t If direct comparison with body burden of 0 I pc of radium is not possible 

that the rep specifies tissue as the matenal 
in which the radiation dose is absorbed, while 
the rad may be used for any matenal of in- 
terest In contradistinction to the roentgen, 
which IS an exposure dose unit used only for 
electromagnetic radiations, the rad is a unit 
of absorbed dose which may be used for 
any type of electiomagneUc or particulate 

The roentgen equivalent man, or rem. is 
the umt used to express human biological 
doses as a result of exposure to one or several 
types of lomzmg radiation ** The rem is re- 
lated to the rad by a factor which is used to 
compare the biologic effectiveness of ab- 
sorbed radiation dose due to different types 
of radiation This factor is the Relative Bio- 
logical Effectiveness (abbreviated R B E ), 
and the relationship is 

rem = rad X R B E 

Unlike the roentgen or the rad, the icm 
cannot be measured directly with an instru- 
ment It IS determined by correlation of the 
biologic effect under observation with a dose 
measured by some physical method * There 
are at least two determinants of R B E , these 
are the biologic effect under observation and 
the type of radiation which produces this ob- 
servable effect during the penod of observa 
tion An estimated relationship between 
R B E and tjpe of radiation is presented in 
Table 101 


From the standpoint of the practicmg 
radiophannacist, there can be no more im- 
portant facet of his daily practice, for radia- 
oon protection concerns not only the safety 
of his patients but his owi secunty as well 
Anyone who works with radioactive mate- 

rials must have a fundamental knowledge of 
radiation protection and radiological health 
precepts if he is to fulfill his responsibility m 
this important area However, m a discussion 
of so broad and complex a subject as radia- 
tion safety, comprehensiveness must be sacn- 
ficed to some extent m the interests of brevity 
Therefore, we will confine out discussion to 
those aspects of radiation protection and 
radiological health which are of concern to 
the occupationally exposed individual (as op- 
posed to the genera] population) who, m the 
course of his daily practice, works with radio- 
active materials which are either pure beta or 
mixed beta-gamma emitters We thus have 
ruled out consideration o! machine-generated 
radiation (from x-ray machines, for example) 
as well as nuclear reactors and alpha emitters, 
in order to shorten our discussion 
This compromise or limitation is not as 
senous as it may seem There would seldom 
be a situation in which a radiophannacist 
would be called on to serve as the one who 
IS responsible for the over-all safety program, 
as It relates to radiation, m his institution 
Generally, this penon — usually called the 
Radiation Safety Officer — is chosen because 
of his strong background in radiation physics, 
or, in some cases, he may be a physician who 
is knowledgeable in such areas as nuclear 
physics, radiation hazards evaluation and 
radfodiemistiy In any case, jt is seldom a 
good policy to assign radiation safety re- 
sponsibilities to one who customarily uses 
radioactive matenals m his daily work, just 
as it would be unwise to allow the production 
department of a pharmaceutical manufac 
turer to carry cut the quality control pro- 
cedures on the products which this same de- 
partment formulates The radiophannacist 
has no real need to know every facet of the 

53i Rodiophomoceufmh 

extremely spccialaed practice of radiation 
safet)— or health ph^-sics, as it is often called 
Hi$ need is to comprehend enough to allow 
him to perform his function m a manner 
«hich IS compatible with the safety of his 
patients, his environment and himself In the 
final analysis, it matters little to whom the 
overall rcsponsibilnj is pven, for it is the 
direct and inescapable obligation of all who 
work, or arc m any way associated, with 
radioactive matenah to do so m the safest 
possible manner for all concerned The real 
problem ss so induce personnel to accept this 

Maximum Permissible Exposure 

In the absence of any definitive evidence 
that there is a tolerance level below which 
no possible harm can evolve from radiation 
dose of such magnitude, reason dictates that 
exposure levels be kept at the lowest possible 
level which will permit a given procedure to 
be accomplished Tunher, the physician, m 
determining whether or not to use a radio- 
active matcnal m a patient, must weigh the 
^siblc harm to the patient against the bene- 
fits to be derived from the administration of 
the radiopharmaceutical product In any 
case, except m cases of therapeutic dosage. 
It IS prudent to keep patient exposures below 
the maximum permissible levels for occupa- 
tionally exposed personnel, and the radio- 
pharmacist must develop a method which 
Will permit him to complete the task within 
these limits 

Maximum permissible exposures for oc- 
cupationally exposed individuals m the 
United States arc Tecommended by the Na- 
tional Committee on Radiation Protection 
(N C R P )'* These exposure levels arc cate- 
gorized and reproduced in part below • 

A fjiternal exposure to critical organi 
11 hole body head and trunk active blood 
forming organs eyes or gonads The maximum 
permiwiUc dose (MPD) to the most critical 
organs accumulated at any age, shall not exceed 
5 rems multiplied by the number of years the 
worker is be>ond age IS. and the dose in any 
consecutive 13 weeks shall not exceed 3 rems 
The accumulated maximum permissible dose 

• Maximum Pemimible Body Burdens and 
Maximum pem ssible Concentrations in Air and 
In Water for Occupational Exposure Handbook 69, 
National Bureau of Standards U S. Department 
of Commerce. Washington, DC. 1939 

may be calculated from the relationship 
MPD = (N — 18) X 5 rems, where N u the 
age m years and is greater than 18 In arriving 
at these values it is assumed that one will not 
have occupational exposure to radiation prior 
to age 18 The maximum permissible weekly 
dose that is used most frequently remains at 
300 millirems, but exposures of this magnitude 
each week of the year obviously would be In 
excess of the recommended value 

B External exposure to other organs Skin 
of whole body MPD = 10{N — 18) rems, and 
the dose m any 13 consecutive weeks shall not 
exceed 6 rems This rule applies to radiation of 
low penetrating power Hands and forearms, 
feet and ankles MPD = 75 rems per year, and 
(he dose m any 13 consecutive weeks shall not 
exceed 25 rems 

C. Internal Exposures The permissible levels 
from internal emitters shall be consistent as far 
as possible with the age-proration and the dose 
principles given in Jhe preceding paragraphs 
Control of the internal dose is achieved by 
limiting the body burden of radioisotopes This 
IS generally accomplished by control of the 
awrage concentration of radioactive matenals 
in the air, the water or the food taken into the 
body Since it would be impractical to set dif- 
ferent maximum permissible concentration 
(MPC) values for air, water and food for radi- 
ation workers as a function of age, the MPC 
values are selected in such a manner that they 
conform to the established limits when applied 
to the most restrictive case In other words, they 
are applicable to radiation workers of any age, 
assuming that there is no occupational exposure 
to radiation permitted at age less than 18 

The maximum pcrmissibic average concen 
tratioRS of radionuclides in air and water are 
determined from biologic data when such data 
are available, or they are calculated on the basis 
of an averaged annual dose of 15 rems for most 
individual organs of the body, 30 rems when 
the critical organ is the thyroid or the skin, and 
5 rems when the gonads or the whole body Is 
the cntical organ For bone sccken (radio- 
nuclides which tend to accumulate in bony tis- 
sues), the maximum permissible limit is based 
on the distribution of the deposit the Relative 
Biological Effectiveness and comparison of the 
energy release in the bone with the energy re- 
lease delivered by a maximum permissible body 
burden of 0 1 meg Ra~* plus daughters A 
comprehensive listing of maximum permissible 
body burdens and maximum permissible con 
centrations of radionuclides in air and water for 
ocoipational exposure, in which body organs 
of reference are tabulated may be found In the 
I C.R P. Internal Radiation Report®* 

Radiation Protection 535 

Methods of Protection 

The means of protecting oneself from the 
harmful effects of ionizing radiation must be 
considered from the standpomts of those 
radiations that present a hazard even when 
they remam outside the body and those which 
are likely to be harmful only when the radio- 
nuchde is m the body 

There are, basically, only three rules to 
keep in mmd when working with externally 
hazardous radioisotopes Ihese are expressed 
m terms of tune, distance and shieldmg That 
is to say, make exposure to a source of ioniz- 
ing radiation as bnef as possible, mcrease as 
much as possible one’s distance from the 
source, and make use of suitable absorbers 
or shields to dimmish to a reasonable level 
the amount of radiation reaching the body 
It IS frequently necessary to make use of ^ 
three of these methods 

Insofar as the radiopharmacist is con- 
cerned, radionuchdes wLch are considered 
to be hazardous externally arc those which 
emit gamma rays, as well as certam beta- 
emitting radioisotopes of relatively high 
energy The dose rate from a pomt source* 
of 8 gamma-ermtter varies mversely with the 
square of the distance from that source 

This relationship may be expressed mathe- 
matically by equation ( 1 ) 

h (R:)= 

( 1 ) 

where Ii is the gamma mtensity at distance 
Rt from the source and I<i is the ^imma m- 
tensity at distance Ri For example, it is 
known that the dose rate from a I-milltcune 
pomt source of Na^^ at a distance of 1 cm 
IS 18 4 r per hour If one wished to find the 
dose rate at a distance of 10 centimeters, the 
answer may be conveniently calculated from 
the equation (2) : 

18 4 _ (10)g 
h “■ (D* 

and I 2 IS found to equal 184 miUiroentgens 
per hour It should be emphasized aeam that 
the mverse square law is valid only lor point 
sources with no shieldmg or attenuauon am- 
siderations, it does not apply to radiation 

* A point source u a source which is smali in 
physical dimeosians when compared with the 
tance from the detector 

fields due to multiple sources, beams of radi- 
ation or to extended sources Howwer, the 
law IS approximately correct as long as the 
distance from the detector or pomt of mter- 
est IS at least three times the physical dimen- 
sions of the source 

Beta-cimttmg isotopes of relatively high 
energy may constitute an external hazard in 
two situations If the radionuclide comes mto 
physical contact with the skm or the eyes 
and IS not removed immediately, a radiation 
bum may result Secondly, beta-ermtters may 
release x-rays when the beta particles impinge 
on and are stopped by certam materials 
These x rays are known as Bremsstrahlung 
or ‘ brakmg” radiations The amount and the 
character of these x rays are functions of the 
kinetic energy of the particle and the atomic 
number of the absorber This phenomenon is 
analogous to that which exists m an x-ray 
lube, m which electrons are accelerated across 
a large difference m potential to impmge on 
a target of high atomic number, such as 
tungsten Bremsstrahlung is an important 
consideration m working with radionuclides 
such as phosphorus *2 plastic formulations of 
low atomic number are frequently used to 
shield synnges m which relatively large doses 
of P” are to be admmistered and a thm sheet 
of lead IS added to the synnge holder to shield 
against the electromagnetic radiation which 
IS produced (Fig 209) 

lulenial Hazards Protection against radio- 
nucbdes which are hazardous only if they 
gam entrance to the body is generally afforded 
by good laboratoiy pioceduie and 
personal hygiene Many sets of rules for con- 
duct m radioisotope laboratories have been 
advanced by radioisotope workers, all of 
which are mtended to reduce to a nunimum 
the hazard of isotope work A representative 
set of rules appears m the Radiation Safety 
Guide m current use at the National Insti- 
tutes of Health** and is quoted m part below 

Each individual at the NIH who has any con- 
tact with radioactive materials is responsible 

1 Keeping his exposure to radiation as low 
as possible, and specifically below the Maximum 
Permissible Exposure as listed in Appendix 
Table 1 Laboratory air and water concentra 
lions shall be maintained below the levels in 
Appendix Table 2 

2 Weanng the prescribed monitoring equip- 

536 Rodtophormaeeulicols 

riQ 209 Radioisotope synnge with plastic and lead shields (National Institutes of Health, 

ment, such as film badges and pocket dosim* 
eters, in radiation areas 

3 Sur\e)ing his hands, shoes and body for 
radioactivity, and removing all loose contamina- 
tion before leaving the laboratory to smoke, eat. 

4 Utilizing all appropriate protectise meas- 
ures such as 

(a) Wcanng protective clothing whenever 
contamination is possible, and not wearing 
such clothing outside the (aboratory area 

(b) Wcanng gloves and respiratory pro- 
tection w here neecssar) 

(c) Using pipette filling devices NEVER 

(d) Performing radioactive work within 
confines of an exhaust hood or glove box 
unless serious consideration has indicated 
the safety of working in the open 

5 Avoiding smoking or eating in labora- 
lones Smoking or eating may be permuted Jo 
an office area of the laboratory that has been 
demonstrated to be free of contamination. Re- 
fngeraton will not be used jointly for foods 
and ndioactiv e materials 

6 Maintaining good personal hygiene 

(a) Keep fingernails short and clean. 

(b) Do not 'work with radioactive ma- 

terials if there » a break m the skin below 

(c) Wash hands and arms thoroughly be- 
fore handling any object which goes into Ihc 
mouth, nose or eyes 

7 Checking the immediate areas, c g , hoods, 
benches, etc . in which radioactive materials arc 
being used at least once daily for contamination 
Any contamination observed should be removed 

8 Keeping the laboratory neat and clean 
The work area should be free from equipment 
and matcnals not required for the immediate 
procedure Keep or transport materials m such 
a manner as to prevent breakage or spillage 
(double containcn), and to ensure adequate 
shielding Wherever practical, keep work sur- 
faces covered with absorbent material, pref- 
erably m a stamless steel tray or pan, to limit 
and collect spillage in case of an acetdenL 

9 Labeling and Isolating radioactive waste 
and equipment, such as glassware, used in 
laboratories for radioactive materials Once used 
for radioactive substances equipment shall not 
be used for other work, or sent from the area to 
cleamng facilities or repair shops until demon- 
strated to be free of contamination 

10 Requesting Radiation Safety Office super- 
vuion of any emergency repair of contaminated 

Radiahon Profedion 


equipmeot m the laboratory by shop personnel 
At no time shall service personnel be permitted 
to work on equipment in radiation areas with 
out the presence of a member of the laboratory 
staff to provide specific mformation 

11 Reporting accidental inhalatton, mges 
tion or injury involving radioactive materials 
to his supervisor and the Radiation Safety 
Office and carrying out their recommended cor 
rcctive measure TTie individual shall cooperate 
m any and all attempts to evaluate his exposure 

12 Carrying out decontamination procedures 
when necessary, and for taking the necessary 
steps to prevent the spread of contamination to 
other areas • 

The extremes to which one must go to pro- 
tect oneself from a source of ra^oactivity 
depend on many things Among things to be 
considered are the quantity of radioactivity 
with which one is to work, the type and the 
energy of the radiation emitted by the source, 
the complexity of the radiopharmaceutical 
procedure with which one ts faced, the physi- 
cal and the biological half lives of the com 
pound, and the physiologic behavior of the 
compound, should it gam entrance to the 
body However, it is unportant to understand 
that all radioactive contaminants — regardless 
of their type of emission — may be hazardous 
if they gam entrance to the body, they differ 
only m the degree of that hazard 

^eoiical Radioprotective Agents. While, 
m the author’s experience, the use of chem- 
ical radioprotective agents has never been 
indicated m the practice of radiopharmacy, 
some mention of these compounds should be 
made m any discussion of radiation protec- 
tion Presumably, these compounds might be 
used when the probabihty exists of receiving 
a single, relatively large ^se of radiation Jo 
general, these compounds must be adminis- 
tered pnor to or during the penod of irradi- 
ation, no beneficial effect is to be expected 
from administration of these compounds after 

Smee radiauon damage to biologic tissue 
probably results from the ionization of cer- 
tain tissue constituents and, m certam cases, 
the production of free radicals, a number of 
mechanisms of action of protective agents 
may be suggested. These chemical com- 

• Brown J M , and Cool, W S. National In 
slitules of Health Radiation Safety Guide Wash 
ington. Government Printing Office 1959 

pounds may react directly with the ions and 
the free radicals to neutralize or reduce their 
toxic effects, they may exert some purely 
physical shielding effect to protect against the 
products of ionization, or they may reduce 
the o^gen tension ra the tissue environment 
to dunmish the production of strong oxidiz- 
ing agents resultmg from the reaction of the 
ions and the free radicals with oxygen 

Early work of Patt and his associates at 
Argonne National Laboratory mdicated that 
the pnor ingestion or injection of compounds 
containing a sulfhydryl group, such as cer- 
tam ammo acids, significantly reduced the 
number of deaths m animals that were given 
lethal doses of radiation Through a sys- 
tematic approach to the problem, Doherty 
and his co workers at Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory discovered a modified ammo acid 
configuration which showed great promise m 
Its protective effect on laboratory animals 
This substance is S-(2 ammoethyl)isothiu- 
romum bromide hydiobromide, commonly 
called AET, which breaks down m the body 
to the compound 2 mercaptoetbylguanidme 
hydrobromide (MEG) , it is the latter com- 
pound which exerts the protective effect ** 

While, on theoretical grounds, these com- 
pounds should be effective m preventmg acute 
radiation sickness in patients receivmg large 
therapy doses of radiation, the results thus 
far have been far from uniformly successful 
However, the search goes on m many labo- 
ratories throughout the world 

Acceptable Risk 

It may seem quite logical to question the 
wisdom of engagmg m radiopharmaceutical 
practice m view of the possible hazards of 
radiation exposure In fact why should not 
one avoid all exposure to radiation? The fun- 
damental impracticality of this proposition 
IS apparent when one considers that man has 
been bathed m a field of radiation since time 
immemorial — an exposure over which he has, 
at best, only a limited control This is, of 
course, the natural background radiation 
from the cosmic rays and from certam natu- 
rally-occumng radionuclides which are 
widely dispersed throughout our environment 
(and, mdeed, throughout our body as well) 

It has been estimated'’* that the total amount 
of external background radiation to which a 

53B Ra<nopharmaceulicals 

Ffo 210 Portable Geiger Kfueller aur 
\ey meter (National Institutes of Health, 
PJI5 ) 

kmizing radiation With respect to the types 
of compulations usually encountered m the 
use of radiopharmaceutical products, these 
equations may be categorized as beta dosim 
eiiy, gamma dosimetry and beta plus gamma 
dosimetry equations 

Deta Dosimetry Equation (3) is used to 
compute the beta dose m rads (D^) for com- 
plete disintegration of the radionuclide (oo)* 

DjCm) =73 8E^CoT'*Ce(t) (3) 

uherc is the mera^e beta particle cneigy 
in Mev, Co IS the mitial concentration of the 
radionuclide in /ic/Gm of tissue, and 
T*(cfT ) is the effective half life Effective 
half life IS defined as the time required for 
a radionuclide fixed m tissues to be dimm- 
ishcd by a factor of SO per cent, due to the 
combined effects of radioactive decay and 
biological elimination Effective half life may 
bccomputcd from equation (4) 

T«(eff ) = 

Diologtcal half life X Radioactive half life 
Diological half life -f- Radioactive half life 


man is subjeaed every day of his life is of 
the order of 0 3 mr per day, intemally, there 
arc at least three naturally-occurring radio- 
isotopes svhich administer to a man weighing 
70 Kg a radiation dose equivalent to ap- 
proximately 0 1 mr per day These radio- 
nuclides arc potassium”, carbon^* and 

Consideration of radiation exposure m 
this context leads Inevitably to the concept 
of 'acceptable nsk ” This has been defined* 
os a ruk that ts made so small that it a readily 
acceptable to the average individual, that is, 
the risk is essentially the same as that present 
In ordinary occupations not involving expo- 
sure to radiation The concept of acceptable 
risk obviously implies that those who work 
with radionuclides have had sufficient train- 
ing and experience to allow them to do so 
safely Most authontics today arc in agree- 
ment concerning the validity of this concept 


There are a number of equations which 
ore basic to the calculation of dosage from 

It should be emphasized again that tables 
of beta energies found in the literature are 
tables of maximum beta energies for a given 
radionuclide The average beta energy used 
m most calculations is approximately VS the 
maximum listed in the reference tables 
To determine the beta dose m rads for any 
time (t) after the administration of a given 
radioisotope when i is m days, equation (5) 

D, = E^CoP* (eff ) ( 1 - e-* <»« > ) 


Gamma Dosimetry. There are a number of 
reasons why gamma ray dosimetry is not as 
simple a procedure as beta particle dosimetiy 
In the case of beta particles, although it may 
not be apparent, an assumption ts made that 
the cnei^ dissipated per gram of tissue ts 
the same as the energy absorbed in the same 
mass of tissue Because of the much longer 
range and an infmitely greater ability of a 
gamma ray to penetrate matenals, no such 
assumption may be made in this case The 
dose delivered by a gamma emiilcr depends 
on a number of parameters, such as the effec* 

Radiotton Detection Instruments 539 

Fio 211 Portable ionization chamber survey meter (Cutie Pie) (National Institutes of 

tive half life of the radionuclide, its concen- 
tration m the tissue and, also, to a large 
extent, the energy of the gamma ray A rela- 
tionship which IS frequently used to deter- 
mine the gamma dose m roentgens for com- 
plete dismtegration of the isotope («o) is 
given by equation (6) 

Dr (e») = 0 0346rp|CoT«(eff ) (6) 

p = Density of tissue m Gm /cm * 
r = Emission constant (r/mc/hr 

at 1 cm.) 

g = geometry factor, which is a 
function of size and shape of the tissue 
volume and the penetration of the radiation 
(tables available) 

Co = initial concentration of the 
isotope m pc / gram of tissue 

T^^CeS ) = effective half-life of the 
isotope in days 

If one wishes to know the gamma dose for 
any tune (t) when t is m days, equation (7) 
may be used 


Since human sensory perception is m- 
capable of detecung either the presence or the 
magnitude of a radiation field, mstruments 
have been developed to make these deter- 
mmations It is customary to classify radia- 
tion detection instruments accordmg to the 
use to which they are put or with respect to 
the type of medium m which the determina- 
tion IS made ^Vhen categorized accordmg to 
use or function, they may be classified as sur- 
vey instruments, personnel monitoring instru- 
ments and laboratory mstruments 

Survey Instruments 
Survey instruments are usually portable, 
relatively simple m design, and may display 
a readmg m roentgen units or counts per 
umt time They are used for gross determma- 
uons of the presence and the magmtude of a 
radioactive source or contammation Two of 
the most frequently used survey instruments 
are the portable Geiger counter (Fig 210) 
and the ionization chamber instrument (Fig 

D^ (t) = 0 034^00*^(62 )(1 — 


540 Rodiopharmaceultcals 

Fio 212 Film badgci standard and wnst. (National Institute of Health U5 P ) 

211) (often referred to as a ‘CmicPic” 
(abbreviated QT-) m the literature) 


The function of instruments in this cate* 
gory IS to afford a reasonably reliable esti- 
mate of the radiation dose uhich an occupa- 
tionallj exposed individual rcccises m his 
daily work Since these devices arc concerned 
with the health and the welfare of radiation 

\JS PH5) 

workers and, thus, may serve a legal function 
should a claim for radiation injury anse, they 
arc among the most important of all radia- 
tion dctccuon mstruments to both the worker 
and management However, unless they are 
of good qualii) and arc used properly in a 
well founded health phj'sics program, the re- 
sults may be something less than satisfactory 
Two of the most important personnel 
monitonng devices arc the film badge (Jig 
212) and the pocket dosimeter (Jig 213) 
A film badge i$ an opaque packet containing 
a photographic film whicli vanes in known 
scnsitivit) to radiation of diverse energies 
and types After exposure to radiation, it 
will be found, on developing, that a darken- 
ing of the film has occurred as a result of the 
interaction of the incident radiation particles 
or ra}s with the silver halide granules m the 
tTwJft’/aw TVit tA -ityX- 

enmg of the films, as determined by measur- 
ing the transmittance of light through the 
film on a densitometer, gives a fair!) accu- 
rate indication of the amount of radiation 
striking (and reacting with) the badge In 
order to make this determination, standard 
or “comrol" films from the same emulsion 
number as the batch worn by workers arc 
exposed to known amounts of radiation of 
various t)pes and energies The control films 
arc then developed at the same time as the 
‘ unknown” films, or those actually worn by 
the radiation workers, using the same dc- 
VTloping technics and chemicals The densi- 

Radiation Detection Instruments 541 

Fig 214 Regions of loitnunent response (From Cbase, G D Principles of Radioisotope 
Methodology, Minneapolis Burgess) 

tometer readings from the control films versus 
the dose administered are plotted on graph 
paper, and then the e;tposure of the unlmown 
films may be read from the graph WbQe this 
procedure seems simple and forthright, it 
must be emphasized that an exceptionally fine 
system of quality control on the part of the 
group providing the film badge service and a 
sincere, conscientious attitude in the radia- 
tion worker who wears the badge are neces- 
sary if results are to be meaningful Neither a 
haphazard calibration procedure nor a film 
badge which should be worn on the person 
of the worker but which is placed, soon to be 
forgotten, in his desk drawer wll provide 
significant records of radiation exposure 
Pocket dosimeters, or pocket ionization 
chambers, resemble fountain pens m outward 
appearance In actuality, these instruments 
are self-contained electrometers in which the 
amount of ionization m a sensitive volume of 
gas within the electrometer is measured This 
ionization then can be related to the amount 
of radiation which has reacted with the elec- 
trometer Both the film badge and the pocket 
dosimeter indicate a cumulative dose of 
radiation, rather than a dose rate 

Laboratory Instruments 

These are the most sensitive of all radia 
tion detection devices This kind of instru- 
ment IS employed when an assay or calibra- 
tion of a source of radioactivi^ is necessary 
The conditions under which these instruments 
are used lend themselves well to reproduci- 
bility of results, a factor which is seldom, if 
ever, attainable wth other types of mstni 
ments or devices 

It IS obviously impracticable to discuss or 
even list the considerable number of labora- 
tory instruments currently available in the 
United States However, it may be con- 
venient to classify such devices m terms of 
the detector utilized m the particular sys- 
tem- Those m general use include ionization 
chambers, proportional counters, Geiger- 
Mueller counters and scintillation counters 
The first three types are known as gas filled 
detectors (although, m certam instances, the 
“gas” IS merely the atmosphere around us) 
and include some of the oldest — yet most 
widely used — radiation detectors devised 
Scmtillation detectors, while relatively new, 
are extremely valuable and, perhaps, the most 
versatile of all 

542 Rodlopharmaceuticols 

Ionization Chamber Detectors. BasicaQy a 
detector of this l)pe is designed to measure 
quantity of ionizing radiation m terms of 
the charge of elcctncit) associated svitb Ions 
produced within a defined solurac” Thus, 
In the strictest sense, Geiger Mueller counten 
and proportional counters should also be 
included w this group However, it is 
customary to qualify this definition by con- 
sidering detectors as ionization chambers 
only if there is no gas amplification factor 
mTOlvcd If one plots the number of ions 
collected ^rsus the applied \oltage, five 
regions of instrument rcs^nse will be noted 
as the soltage applied is increased abos'C 
zero (Fig 214) In the first region, known 
as the region of recombination, the ions 
which are formed are under so low a voltage 
gradient that they tend to recombine with 
each other rather than migrate to the elec- 
trodes and be collected. As the wltage is 
increased, this recombination phenomenon 
decreases and actually disappears at the start 
of the second region It is obvious that radia- 
tion detection instruments cannot be oper- 
ated m this region 

TTie second region is know-n as the ioniza- 
tion region and represents a point at which 
all of the ions formed are collected The 
electron portion of the primary ion pair which 
IS formed is accelerated toward the anode of 
the chamber, while the positive ion moves 

no 215 Gas flow tJelcctof for 
solid beta-emitting samples (may 
be used as & window less or an ultra 
thin window detector) (Nuclear 
Chicago Corp ) 

somewhat more slowly toward the cathode 
At some large voltage increment above the 
region of recombination, there is a saturation 
point at which all of the ions formed are col- 
lected This IS known as the saturation cur- 
rent region or ionization chamber region 
An excellent example of an ionization cham- 
ber instrument is the Launtsen electroscope, 
which IS widely used in the measurement of 
gamma radiation Another ionization cham- 
ber instrument which has been used to meas- 
ure beta and gamma radiation is the Lands- 
verfc electrometer 

If one applies sliJl higher voltage to the 
detector, the number of ions collected will 
also increase This apparent ambiguity (more 
ions being collected than arc formed by the 
primary radiation source) is due to the in- 
creased force with which the electrons are 
accelerated toward the anode With a suffi- 
ciently high voltage — and resultant velocity — 
these migraung electrons produce a second- 
ary ionization of the gas in the detector, re- 
sulting m an amplification of thepnmary ion 
current produced by tlie radiation As the 
applied voltage increases, the gas amplifica- 
tion factor also inacascs Since the size of 
the current pulse which results is propor- 
tional to the applied voltage and to the 
number of primary ions formed, this region 
IS known os the proportional region It should 
be noted that the number of pnmary ion pairs 
formed is a funcUon of the specffic Ioniza- 
tion of the radiation Thus, an alpha particle, 
with Its relatively high specific lonizauon, 
will produce a larger current pulse than will a 
beta particle, of a correspondingly lower 
specific ionization Proportional counters arc 
extremely venatile in that it is possible to 
distinguish between alpha and Mta gamma 

If the vxiltagc is increased still further, 
gas amplification is also increased, this is 
due to an even greater acceleration of elec- 
trons than that observed m the proportional 
region In this, the fourth region of instrument 
response (known as the Geiger Mueller 
region), a veritable avalanche of ions is pro- 
duced and gas amplification factors as high 
as 10’* arc not uncommon Over a relatively 
narrow range known as the operating plateau, 
the count rate produced by this avalanche of 
Ions H nearly independent of applied voltage 

lAo OACT viTY emcroi camua srccrtoMnEi 

Fio 2!6 Block diagram of gamma ray spectrometer (National Institutes of Health, 

m a good detector That is to say, small devised method of detection which is in wide 
changes m either Ime voltage or applied volt- use is Chat of scmtOJation Systems employ- 
age will have a relatively small effect on mg this detection medium may be of either 
count rate The mstrument also is relatively the solid ciystal or the liquid type Both types 
independent of the specific ionization of the have been used successfully to detect and 
tnggermg particle or photon within this measure alpha, beta and gamma radiations 
plateau The Geiger Mueller region is sensi- Whatever the detection medium, whether 
tive to any radiation event which produces sohd or liquid m nature, the basic pnnciple 
even a smgle ion pair, which means that in is similar When radiation, of either electro- 
dividual lonizmg events may be detected An magnetic or particulate nature, mteracts with 
obvious example of an instrument which a detector of suitable material, photons, or 
operates withui this region is the Geiger- quanta of visible light, are emitted by the 
Mueller counter, which is one of the oldest molecules of the detector These light pulses 
of all radiation detection instruments These are then observed, multiplied and amplified 
detection devices may be of the older “end by a photomultiplier tube and, finally, after 
window” ty-pe, m which the gas is enclosed additional amplification, counted by an elec- 
withm a Geiger tube which the ionizing radia- tronic adding machine known as a scaler The 
Uon must penetrate to be detected, or of the process is essentially one m which the energy 
more recent variety of windowless Sow of the radioactive material is transformed 
Geiger counter (Fig 215) In the latter case, into visible hght energy m the detector and 
the radioactive source is literally bathed m mto electrical energy m the photomultiplier 
the detecting gas, resulting in a much ht^er tube It is this electrical energy which ulti- 
detection efficiency In the past, Geiger- mately is counted m some suitable device 
Mueller counters were widely used to detect Solid Detectors If one utdizes the 
both beta and gamma radiation There are proper solid crystal, it is possible to detect 
now much more efficient detectors for use alpha, beta or gamma radiation However, in 
with gamma emitters, so that beta counting this section we shall consider only those solid 
is the most frequent function of a laboratory detectors which are used to measure gamma 
mstrument of this type radiation In most cases, a thallium activated 

The fifth region of mstrument response is sodium iodide crystal is used as the phosphor 
attained when the applied voltage is increased A block diagram of such a countmg system is 
beyond the Geiger Mueller region Like the shown (Fig 216) When gamma rays im- 
first region (thatof recombmation), this level pmge on the crystal detector, the mtensity of 
is not utilized m radiation detection instru- the resultant scmtillation is substantially pro- 
ments, for, m this instance, the gas arcs and a potuonal to the energy of the gamma radia- 
state of continuous discharge results This is tion The number of pulses which are caused 
the region of continuous discharge in the crystal by the unpmging radiation is a 

SemtiUaUon Detectors. The most recently measure of the dismtegration rate of the 

5i4 Rodlopharmaceulieoh 

no. 217. Camnu rav spnlrometer with »cintilb(ion ucll detector. (National Imtitutcs of 
Health. U.S P.H.S.) 

sample, when compared with a known stand- phoioclectrons arc accelerated by the dillcr- 
ard of the same radio3Cti\-c species. The ence in potential applied to the tube. The 
amplification factor in a photomultiplier tube photoclcctrons, in this acceleration through 
w cependent on the number of stages In the the tube, strike a succession of other surfaces, 
tube; as light pulses from the crystal cause or stages, known as djTiodcs, with secondary 
the emission of photoclcctrons from the light- emission of electrons occurring at each sur- 
semitive phoiocaihode within the tube, these face. For each incident electron hitting one of 

Fio 218 Three channel hquid scmtiUation spectrometer and freezer (Nuclear-Chtcago 

the dynodes, there are approximately four 
secondary electrons emitted Thus, ampU- 
fication factors lo good photomultiplier tubes 
are of the order of 10® to 10^® The pulse 
leaving the photomultiplier is given additional 
amplification and then fed into the spectrom 
eter, or pulse height analyzer Usmg the dis 
cnmmation mherent m the spectrometer, the 
instrument can be adjusted to a given dts 
Crete energy of a particular gamma-emittmg 
radionuclide, and only the pulses caused by 
impmgmg radiation of that energy will be 
counted This technic, knosvn as counting 
on the peak,” is utilized when other radio 
active materials m the vicinity of the detector 
may give false count rates or, in other cases, 
when the daughter, or decay product, of the 
radionuclide of interest is also a gamma 
emitting isotope Figure 217 Dlustrates a typi 
cal gamma scmtiUation spectrometer 

Liquid Detectors Within the last dec- 
ade, there has appeared on the American 

commercial market a system m which beta- 
emitting isotopes, particularly those of low 
energy such as C^* and H*, may be counted 
with a fair degree of efficiency This sj'stem 
(also n scintillation method) is known as 
liquid scmtiUation countmg and, as the name 
implies, the detection medium m this case is 
liquid in nature Hiere is an intrinsic ad 
vantage m this method of detection, for the 
sample coatammg the radioactive matenal is 
usuaUy dissolved m the detectmg medium, 
thus placmg the atoms of the radionuclide m 
mtunate contact with those of the detector 
In so doing essentially 100 per cent geometry 
IS obtained, and self absorption is kept to 
a minim um. 

While there are certam similanlies between 
solid and liquid scmtiUation counters, there 
are certain important differences also Ihese 
differences are largely due to three factors 
(1) beta energies under observation are 
usnaUy of much lower magnitude than the 

Fio 219 Remote pipetting iloiec for bulk £ainina-«milting rai]joiM>to{>es (National Insti 
tuta of Health, P ) 

gamma energies previously considered, (2) ponents m the system The operation of the 
the cHiciency of liquid santillalors m enuttmg photomuUipIien and the detector at reduced 
light ts much less than that of solid crystals, temperatures m a freezer greatly dimmishes 
and (3) all photomultiplier tubes produce a the rate of thermal pulses occurring m the 
considerable and s-anablc number of thermal photomultiplier (Fig 218) 
pulses The amplitude of these thermal pulses To limit the acceptance of the remaining 
1 $ quite similar to the amplitude of the beta thermal pulses by the spectrometer, a co* 
decay esents which one wishes to measure incidence arrangement of photomultiplien is 
Thus, discrimination against the tbcnnal used Two photomultiplier tubes siew the 
pulses w not possible, as was the case m the sample simultaneously, and any scintillation 
gamma spearometer, for the instrument is occurrmgm the sample will be “seen” by both 
meapab’e of dutmguishing beiw cen Icplimate tubes at essentially the same instant The co- 
pulses onpnaimg m the radioactive source tnadence circuit allows such an esent to pass, 
and tbcnnal pulses from the photomultiplier but blocks any random event which occurs in 
tube, waihoot the presence of additional com- only one photomultiplier Thus, unwanted 

Radiation Detection Initruments 


Fio. 220. Remote pipetting devices for beta*eioittiog and low'sctivity gamma-emittiag radjo* 
nuclides. (KaUoaal Institutes o( Health, U.S.P.H.S ) 

thermal pulses (often termed “accidentals” (3) it must be compatible with solubOity 
in the literature) are practically eliminated restrictions imposed by the nature of the 
from the background in a good liquid scintfl- counting solution and by the temperature at 
lalion counting system. which the counting is performed.'’ Since the 

While It is sometimes necessary to count most efficient light emitters have emission 
samples in a suspended state (even a thixo- spectra which lit within a very narrow range 
tropic gel has been utilized), it is the usual of wavelengths, it is common practice to 
practice to dissolve the sample in a suitable employ a combination of two solutes in a 
solvent which also contains the phosphor, or pven counting “cocktail” — a primary scintil- 
scuiUllator. The liquid scintillator consists lator to provide a large number of photons, 
of a solute and a solvent. The solute emits a and a secondary semtiUator to shift the 
burst of photons for each radioactive event emission spectrum of these photons to a more 
which deposits energy m the solution, and convement wavelength for detection by the 
the solvent absorbs energy and transfers it to optics in the system. 

the solute. ^ There are many different liquid scintiUa- 

For a solute to be useful in liquid scinffi- tion counting solutions used to count a va- 
lation counting, at least three criteria mnst be riety of sample types, and the reader is 
met: (1) It must be an efficient light emit- directed to other references for a more com- 
ter; (2) it must produce a photon spectrum prefaeosive discussion and listing of these 
which, in a conwntional scintillation detector, substances.®* A representative example of a 
will be efficiently transmitted and reflected in “cocktail” used (and modified) in the au- 
the optical system and converted into elec- thor's laboratory for the counting of aqueous 
trical energy by the photomultiplier; and samples, and originally described by Bruno 

548 Rodiopharmaceuticals 

rto 221 Ridiochromitognm scanner, witb couat rate mefcr and rectiltnear recorder 
(National Institutes of Health U S P H S } 

and Christian is listed below to illustrate 
the types of chemical entities which are used 
as solutes and solvents m liquid scmtillatioo 

Dimethyl POPOP, 1 4 bis 2 (4 
methyl 5 phenylosarolyl) 
benzene OtOOGm 

PPO 2 5*<lipheny1oxazoIe 4 000Gm 

Ccllosolvc* (ethylene glycol 
monocih)! ether) 5000 ml 

Toluene 5000 ml 

It is interesting to note that the designations 
dimethyl POPOP, PPO, and others arc much 
more frequently noted in the literature than 
are the chemical names also listed above All 
chemicals used m preparing ‘ cocktails’ 
should be of scmtiHation grade 
* Cellosotve* (Carbide and Carbon Chenucab 


Much of the equipment used in radio- 
pharmaceutical practice is quite similar to 
that tthich IS utilized ui more lemihar areas 
of pharmaceutical practice However, be 
cause of the inherent hazard involved in 
working with radioactive matenals, there are 
a number of somewhat specialized pieces of 
equipment which should be mentioned 

For example, there arc various remote 
pipetting devices in common use m radio- 
pharmaceutical laboratories Figure 219 
shows an mstrument used to withdraw ali- 
quots of a gamma-cmitting radionuclide from 
a bulk bottle in such a way as to prevent the 
operator from receiving an unnecessary radi- 
ation dose during the procedure Note that 
the bulk bottle is stored bchmd a barricade 
composed of Intcrlocljas lead backs, the 

Dosage Forms 549 

Fia 222 Radioisotope eloved box, wub aseptic transfer m progress (Kational Institutes 
of Health, USPJIS) 

mircor faalitates placing the pipette in the 
bottle without looking over the lead shielding 

When It IS necessary to pipette beta emit- 
ters or relatively small amounts of gamma 
emitters, two other remote pipettors (Fig 

220) may be used to avoid pipettmg by 

Another example of specialized equipment 
IS the radiochromatogram scanner (Fig 

221) This instrument is frequently used to 
establish radiochemical purity m products, it 
consists of a mechanism which drives the 
paper strip chromatogram on which the sam- 
ple has been spotted through the gas flow 
detector A rate meter — to integrate the 
count rate into aserage counts per mmutc — 
and a recorder — to present a wTitten trace of 
the count rate — are usually included m this 

Gloved boxes, or hoods (Fig 222), arc 
also frequently used m this specialized area 

of practice These enclosures serve to confine 
contammation dunng a given procedure and 
may have ultraviolet hghts withm them to 
provide an aseptic environment for sterfle 
procedures Since these boxes should be 
maintained at a negative pressure with re- 
spect to the laboratory air, m order to pre- 
vent the outfloN/ of air borne contarmnaots 
a bacterial retentive filter is necessary m the 
air intake Ime Customary laboratory utili- 
ties, such as air, gas and vacuum, are usually 
mcorporated m gloved boxes for the con- 
venience of the operator 


Commercially available radiopharmaceuti- 
cals are limited at present to oral dosage 
forms and a variety of injectable products 
Those in the oral categoiy are supplied as 
either an oral solution or capsules The m- 

550 Radiophannaceuticals 

jcciablc catcgor) ts represented by products 
v-hjch may be administered bj the intra- 
venous, the intramuscular and the intracavi- 
tary routes of injection In certam research 
applications, both the topical and the inhala- 
tion routes have also been utilized. 


la gcacra}, fonnuUtioa procedures in the 
practice of radiophannacy do not differ 
greatly from similar procedures mwlving 
nonradioactivc medicaments \vhich base been 
discussed m other chapters in the text The 
exceptions obviously arc a result of the radi- 
ation hazard involved \Vhilc a drop of solu- 
tion or a small quantity of powder released 
to the environment m the course of a rou- 
tine pharmaceutical procedure not mvolving 
radioactive matcnals is seldom cause for 
alarm, it becomes a problem of major con- 
cern in radiopharmaccuucal practice Thus, 
strict attention to the avoidance of contami- 
nation, if possible, and the discovery of such 
contamination when it exists are of para- 
mount importance m radiopharmaceuucal 

Since many of the materials with which 
one deals in this specialty are heat labile, if 
sterilization is required, some system of ster- 
ile ffltrauon must be used In this regard, one 
should remember that the amount of dis- 
solved solid which represents the active con 
stituent may frequently be a microgram or 
less of mass Thus, adsorptn e filtration media 
should be avoided wherever possible 

If an autoclave is to be used for steriliza- 
tion, It is usually wise to incorporate a water 
condenser m the steam discharge line to pre- 
vent the release of large amounts of poten 
tially radioactive vapor into the laboratory 
oir should Ical^agc or breakage of a sealed 
container undergoing stcnlization occur 

The adsorption phenomenon mentioned 
previously can also occur m the use of glass- 
ware, including that used to package the Onal 
product Should this occur, considerably less 
radioactive material might be administered 
than the labeled potency would imply The 
use of certam silicone compounds of a non- 
toxic composition to coat the walls of glass- 
ware used for radioactive matcnals tends to 

minimize this adsorption process Another 
method which is used to prevent adsorption 
consists of “saturating” the glassware by 
soaking it in a earner, or nonradioactivc, 
solution of the same composition as that of 
the radioactive solution pnor to use with the 
radioactive matenal 

Proper quality control procedures are ab- 
solutely required m the formulation of radio- 
pharmaceutical products Always included 
are checks on the identity o( the radionuclide. 
Its concentration in the ffnal product, the ab- 
sence of radioactive contaminants in the final 
product and, where parenteral products are 
mvolved, a pjrogen and stenhty test ^Vhile, 
m a commercially procured radiopharmaceu- 
tical product, the manufacturer is responsible 
for the quality control on the products sup- 
plied by his company, there frequently exists 
a need to prepare dosage forms containing 
radionuclides extemporaneously at the hos- 
pital level In the latter case, the respon- 
sibility for quality control rests with the 
radiopharmacist who formulates the product. 

Paefcagmg In situations where radiophar- 
maceutical products are to be shipped from 
the supplier to the user, regulations of the 
United States Atomic Energy CommissiOQ 
(USAEC), the Interstate Commerce Com- 
mission (ICC) and the Post Office Depart- 
ment are quite specific m the protective 
procedures to be followed In addition, if 
shipment is to be made by air, regulations 
of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) must 
be observed, and, if the shipment is to be 
made over water. United States Coast Guard 
Regulations apply While it may appear that 
there IS a vcntaolc host of conflicting mterests 
and regulations involved in the shipment of 
radioaaive materials, there actually is a sur- 
pnsing degree of correlation between them 

In general, these regulations limit the dose 
rate at the surface of the outside container 
of a shipment of radioactive materia! and 
impose certain labclmg criteria which must 
be followed In addition, when radioactive 
liquids arc shipped, there must be sufficient 
absorbent material withm the inner package, 
in close contact with the container confinuig 
the liquid, to completely absorb the total vol- 
ume of liquid should rupture of the iimer 
container occur The inner package, which 
encloses the actual container bearmg the 

Uses <3f Radiopharmaceut cal Products 551 

Fig 223 Monitoring of commercial radiopharmaceutical package with ionization chamber 
survey meter (National Institutes of Health U S P H S ) 

liquid must be sealed m such a manner as 
to prevent leakage of the liquid should break 
age of the container occur Those uiteicsted 
in the specific regulations applying to ship- 
ment of radioactive matenals should consult 
the Handbook of Federal Regulations Apply 
mg to Transportation of Radioactive Mate 
rials published by the United States Atomic 
Ener^ Commission There are, m addition 
certam regulations imposed by the several 
States uhich must be considered m this 

Commercial radiopharmaceutical supplieis condjictad a d^ ot ccsearctl uito 
improved packaging methods In general 
these research efforts have been directed 
toward limiting or reducmg the radiation 
hazard to personnel who handle and use 
these products and toward reducing the costs 
of shipping these materials, along with the 
attendant shielding sometimes requited, by 
common earners One supplier has put into 
use a glass container with a tough coating of 
plastic on the outside of the container to pre 
vent shatter and minimize, if not elunmate, 
the leakage of the liquid contents should the 
container be subjected to severe shock or 
stress sufficient to break it Another supplier 
has developed a shielded outer container 
composed oi lead and polyethylene into whidi 

the vial containing the radioactive liquid is 
placed The glass vial is held securely in the 
outer shielded container and is of unique con 
structioD to allow the complete removal of 
all of the radioactive liquid without even with 
drawing the vial from the shielded contamer 
In general all radiopharmaceutical suppliers 
package sufficient excess matenal m the case 
of short half life isotopes so that the amount 
ordered is actually available for use on the 
day the shipment is received by the user 
A variety of commonly used radiopharma 
ceutical products is available from commer 
cta.1 sources, and the seudet is directed to the. 
catalogues and the technical buUetms of these 
suppliers for specific details 


Medical and pharmaceutical literature con 
tarns many reports concerned with specific 
purposes and indications for radiopharma 
ceutical products In fact there are far too 
many such reports m the literature for even 
a bnef survey to be made of such uses m 
this chapter Mention has already been made 
of the official monographs m the Pharma- 
copeia of the Umted States These mclude 
pr^ucts contammg H’*, Co*®, Au^**, Cr®S 

552 Radiopharmacetrticali 

and P” in a vancty of forms indicated for 
diverse routes of administration, and the 
reader is directed to that compendium for 
detailed infonnauon concerning these several 

However, there are many nonofficia! radio- 
pharmaccuticals which are commercially 
available and arc widely used today At the 
present time, the diagnostic uses of radio 
active agents far outnumber the well-defined 
therapeutic indications It is reasonable to 
suppose that the ratio m favor of diagnostic 
over therapeutic application of these com- 
pounds will contmuci for most authorities 
agree that the true potential for diagnostic 
and tracer uses of radionuclides m medicine 
has not jet been explored Current literature, 
in which new uses of radioisotopes m medical 
research arc cited indicates the validity of 
this belief 

A number of the most frequently used non 
official radiopharmaceutical products will be 
discussed as well as several other tagged 
compounds which arc, at present, restricted 
to a clinical investigational status 

Radionuclidcs Used ts Diagnosis 
F c®* Preparations 
Radiation Characteristics 
Decay Scheme— Oeta particles of 0462 
Mev (54*^) and 0 271 Mev (46%) 
Gamma rays of 0 191 Mev , I 098 Mev 
and 1 289 Mev 
Half Life— 45 3 days 

This radionuclide is available as Ferrous 
entrate Injection Ferrous Sulfate Injection, 
Feme Chlondc Injection and Iron Globulin 
Ccinp}cx Jn/cct^on Jt js used for a vartety of 
ferrokinctic studies, such as plasma clear 
ance rate, plasma iron transport rate, appear 
ance rate in crytlirocjics and m the deter 
mmation of the metabolic state of certain 
‘ iron pools’ within the body 
Chlormcrodon-llp"''® Injection 
Radiaiton Chonctcnstics 

Decay Scheme — Beta particle of 0 21 Mev 
Gamma ray of 0 28 Mev 
Half Life— ts 8 days 

Considerable interest in this compound 
was generated from the favorable results in 
bram tumor localization reported by Blau 

and Bender** m 1960 Subsequent studies*® 
** ** have also indicated its value in kidney 
scamimg as well On theoretical grounds, its 
advantages over the more familiar Radio- 
lodinatcd Human Serum Albumin USJ* 
when used for brain scans include more 
efficient counting of the less energetic gamma 
tay of Hg"®* (0 28 Mev , as opposed to the 
major gamma component of I*®*, which is 
0 364 Mev ) , a more rapid blood disappear- 
ance rate, with a resultant lower background 
in counting procedures, and a lesser incidence 
of allergic manifestations, which are some- 
times observed in repent studies utilizing the 
protein matena! radioiodmated albumm (It 
IS interesting to note that the total dose of 
chlormcrodrm used m brain scans is seldom 
more than and — indeed — is frequently less 
than the amount used for sensitivity studies 
prior to the initiation of diuretic therapy 
using nonradioaciivc chlormcrodrin ) 

Ca*^ Injection 
Radiation Characteristics 
Decay Scheme — Beta particles of 0 66 
Mev (83%) 194 Mev (17%), 044 
Mev (40% Sc«»), and 0 28 Mev 
(60% Sc«0 

Gamma rays of 1 31 Mev (77%), 083 
Mev (6%) and 016 Mev (60% 

Half Life— 4 7 days 

This radionuclide has recently become 
quite popular in the detection of bone me- 
tastases Through the use of heavily shielded 
scanning equipment equipped with suitable 
collimators capable of extremely fine focus- 
ing It IS possible to delect even small bone 
lesions'® not previously demonstrable with 
ordinary X ray studies 

1151 Preparations Gljccrjl Tnolcale-I'®' 
and Oleic Acid-I*®' 

I'®* Radiation Characteristics 
Decay Scheme — Beta particles of 0608 
Mev (87%) 0335 Mev (9%), and 
0 250 Mev (3%) 

Gamma rays of 0 722 Mev (3%), 
0637 Mev (9%), 0 3 64 Mev 
(81%), 0284 Mev (6%),and0080 
Mev (2%) 

Half Life— ^ 07 days 

These two radioiodmated compounds are 
widely used m the study of gastromtestmal 

Uses of Radiopharmaceutical Products 553 

fat absorption m man Tnglycendes mast 
undergo hydrolysis before absorption from 
the GI tract is possible, while fatty acids can 
be absorbed intact The hydrolysis of the 
neutral fat, or tnglyceride, is accomplished 
m a normal subject by the action of pan- 
creatic lipase If, after the oral ingestion of 
tnolem-I*®^, senal blood samples taken from 
the subject show high radioactivity, good pan- 
creatic function and unimpaired mtestinal ab- 
sorption IS mdicated On the other hand, if 
blood radioactivity is low, either of the fol- 
lowmg conditions may exist (1) there is a 
deficiency of pancreatic lipase due to abnor- 
mal pancreatic function, or (2) pancreatic 
function is normal, but there is impaired in- 
testinal absorption of the hydrolyzed mate- 
nal To differentiate between the two possi- 
bilities, an oral dose of oleic acid I*^‘ is 
admimstcred If blood radioactivity, as de- 
termined by senal blood radioactivity counts, 
IS low, absorptive defects m the small intes- 
tine are suggested, since the fat was not ab- 
sorbed even m the hydrolyzed form 
Rndioioduiated Rose Bengal Injection, 
When tagged with I‘*‘, this fluorescent red 
dye IS a sensitive diagnostic agent for the 
diffeiential diagnosis of hepatobihary pathol- 
ogies In a normal individual, rose beogal 
rapidly disappears from the blood following 
mtravenous administration However, m the 
presence of liver pathology, its prolonged re- 
tention and clearance from the blood follow 
characteristic patterns Since it is known that 
the uptake and the excretion of this dye are 
functions of the polygonal cells in a normal 
hver, the rate of blood clearance is a direct 
index of hepatic cell dysfunction A major 
advantage of diagnostic studies utilizing the 
radioiodioated dye is that, through the use of 
external gamma ray counting procedures, 
blood clearance, liver uptake and excretion 
of the labeled dye, as well as its intestinal 
accumulation, may be studied simultaneously, 
primary hepatic cell injury and extrahepalic 
biliary obstruction may also be differentiated 
L-TruodofhjTonine-P^*. This radioiodi- 
nated thyroid hormone is widely used as a 
diagnostic agent for thyroid disease While it 
IS not intended as a substitute for other stand- 
ard laboratory diagnostic tests, its use makes 
possible an additional thyroid function test 
which is extremely simple and rapid. It is 

well known that thyroid hormonal substances 
are bound by plasma proteins and erythro- 
cytes This bmding process occurs preferen- 
tially, m that thyroxme is more firmly bound 
by either the plasma proteins or erythrocytes 
than is tniodothyronme It is also Imown that 
plasma proteins bind thyroid hormonal sub- 
stances more preferentially than do red blood 
cells If labeled truodothyronine is added to 
the blood of a hypothyroid individual, when 
the cells are separated from the plasma after 
suitable incubation, it is found that most of 
the added radioactive agent is bound to the 
plasma proteins and relatively little to the 
erythrocytes The obvious explanauon is that, 
m hypothyroidism, the secretion of thyroid 
honnone is low, leaving the plasma proteins 
m a relatively unsaturated state Since the 
plasma proteins tend to bmd thyroid hor- 
monal substances better than do the erythro- 
cytes, most of the radioactivity is found m 
the plasma Conversely, m a hyperthyroid 
subject, plasma proteins axe nearly saturated 
with the hormone, and, hence, most of the 
activity introduced with the truodothyromoe 
is found m the cell fraction of the blood after 
centrifugation Perhaps the greatest single 
advantage of the T-3 uptake test, as this de- 
termination IS often called, lies m the fact 
that It IS performed m vitro, no radioactive 
material is actually administered to the pa- 
tient Therefore, it can be employed advan- 
tageously m studies mvolvmg pregnant 
women and children, without regard to any 
radiation dose considerations 

Sodium lodofaippurate (1*^0 Injection. 
This compound is now widely used in kidney 
function determmations, often called radio- 
isotope renograms It is a simple, rapid and 
accurate method of determining renal clear- 
ance In addition, this particular chemical 
compound is excreted exclusively through 
the tadneys, whereas certam other indicators 
used in previous attempts to evaluate kidney 
function were also excreted partially through 
the hver After the dose of labeled compound 
has been admmistered intravenously, two 
scmtniation detectors are positioned, one over 
each kidney The detectors are connected to 
a rectilmear recorder and to two count rate 
meters The traemgs on the recorder show the 
uptake of the compound by the kidneys, and 
the recording is continued until the down- 



ward slope of the curves has been established, 
indicaung clearance from the kidne)s The 
total tune required for the test is only 10 to 
20 minutes One of the most important uses 
for this lest procedure is as a screening de- 
vice to delect hypertension which may be 
due to unilateral renal disease amenable to 

^dioiodinated p-ToIuldme rolyTiii}l- 
pjTTolidone (!**') Injection. In certain dis- 
ease states, a protein losing gastrocntcropathy 
occurs Before the synthesis of a labeled 
macromolecule, this condition was extremely 
dilEcult if not, indeed, impossible to evaluate 
A method for the preparation of such a com- 
pound for clinical use in the diagnosis of 
this defect has been described' An intra 
venous dose of PVP is administered, fol 
lowing which the stools of the subject are 
collected for a given period of time The de- 
tection of radioactive todme in the stools 
above a predetermined control level is highly 
suggestive of a defect involving protein leak- 
ing. smee, normally, the roacromolecule is 
not excreted by this route 
Tntialcd Vi atcr Injection (II’O) 

Radiation Charactenitics 
Decay Scheme— Beta particle of 00181 

No gamma component 
Half Life— 12 26 years 
This product has been widely advocated 
as a dia^ostic agent to determine total body 
water (TBW) Tritium, or H’, is not me- 
tabolized and reaches equilibrium m the 
body very rapidly, even in edematous stales 
Normal values for TBW vai^ quite widelv, 
so that any single delcrmmaiioii may be of 
very little value However, changes in the 
totm body water of a given subject, clua 
dated through senal determinations, repre- 
sent rather saluabtc diagnostic mformatmn 
It should be mentioned that many of the 
commercially available radiopharmaceutical 

J iroducts containing P*’ arc also available 
abeled with P"-* instead of the heavier iso- 
tope The radiation charactcnsiics of P” arc 
as follows 

Decay Scheme — Beta particle none emitted 
Gamma ray of 0 0354 Mev (7*o) and 
xray ol 0 0274 Mev (80*^) arc 

Half Life— 57 4 days 

It IS mteresting to note that, even thou^ 

the physical half-life of P** is much longer 
than the 8 07-day half life of P**, the radia- 
twn dose that is administered to a patient 
who receives the compound (or, for that 
matter, to the chemical compound to which 
the P“ is bound) is much less than that 
which evolves from an equivalent amount of 
ps* This is due to the absence of a beta 
emission in the decay scheme of P'® and, to 
a lesser extent, the less energetic electromag- 
netic radiation emitted by P'® 

Radiowclides Used in Research 
Four examples of radiopharmaceutical 
products which ate not commercially avail- 
able will be discussed, in order to provide 
some indication of the research studies which 
arc made possible through the use of radio- 
active compounds 

Kr*® Injection The detection and the 
characfcnzaiion of circulatory shunts is an 
aspect of cardiovascular medicine that is of 
more than passing interest Until quite re- 
cently, a clinical diagnosis of anomalies such 
as these w'os at best problematical A method 
was developed for the formulation of the 
radioactive foreign gas, krypton**, into a dos 
age form suitable for intravenous adminis- 
tration, as a solution of a gas in a liquid * 
When injected into the chambers of the heart, 
abnormally high levels of activity may be 
detected m arterial blood or m expired air 
in patients wiih shunts At least one mjec 
tion into each chamber of the heart is neces- 
sary to detect the site of the shunt The radia- 
tion charactcnsiics of Kr“ arc 

Decay itAcioe — ffwa parfieiVs of i? f/ itfcv 
(O65^o) and 0695 Mev (99+''o) 
Gammaray of 0 517 Mev (046*^) 

Half Life — 10 27 yean 

One of the chief advantages of this test, 
besides its sensitivity, lies m the fact that— 
although the physical half life of the radio- 
nuclide IS quite long — ^when injected in solu- 
tion, the biological half-lifc is at most a 
minute or two Ihus, relatively large amounts 
of the material may be administered without 
resulting m a large radiation dose to the 
r** Injection 
Radiation Charactenstics 
Decay Scheme — a positron of 0 65 Mev 
energy, which gives rise to two gamma 

Other Research Applications 555 

photons (annihilation gammas) of 0 51 

Half Life— 1 87 houn 

It has long been known that fluonde ion 
IS a bone seeker ” In tracer amounts, it has 
been shown® that about 50 per cent of the 
dose is fixed m bone and the remainder is 
rapidly excreted Utilizing this information, 
Blau, Nagler and Bender* proved that fluo- 
rine** accumulates m bone with a greater 
selectivity and at a greater rate than (^cium 
and, furAer, that F‘® fluonde concentration 
m areas of regenerating bone was at least 
ten times that observed m normal bone It 
was therefore employed m scanning proce- 
dures designed to detect malignant bone 
lesions and metastatic bone ^sease and 
has produced almost uniformly good results 
Because of the extremely short physical half- 
life, relatively large amounts (for a bone 
seeker) of 0 5 to 1 millicune are adrmnistered 
from 1 to 3 hours prior to the scanning 
S” Injection 
Radiation Characteristics 
Decay Scheme — Beta particle of 0 167 

Gamma rays none 
Half Life— 87 1 days 

A number of investigators have described 
a selective retention or slower exchange 
(turnover) of sulfate ion in cartilaginous tis- 
sue After extensive animal work, it was de- 
cided to use radioactive sulfate ion m an 
attempt to inhibit the growth of a neoplasm 
of cartilaginous tissue, known as a chondro- 
sarcoma, in a human subject ^ A dose of one 
Cune of S** was admmistered as m 

a earner free state and at a pH of 5 0 to a 
male Caucasian, 42 years old, with a recur- 
ring chondrosarcoma of the nght lumbo- 
sacral region The injection was made by the 
intravenous route The results of this case, 
while not satisfactory m every respect, were 
sufficiently mteresting to warrant further 
study on other patients In a more recent 
case, it was found’® that a more beneficial 
effect prevailed — at least from the stand- 
point of concentration of the radionuclide in 
the tumor at given mtervals post mjcction — 
when the dose of S*® was reduced to 500 
millicunes, foUovsed by a dose of 2,000 rad 
external radiation to the tumor site approxi 
mately 2 day s after the mjeaion of radioactive 

sulflir had been made In explanatioa of this 
phenomenon, it has been suggested that the 
more acute effects of the external x-irradia- 
tion killed or otherwise disrupted the me- 
tabolism of a large number of actively grow- 
mg tumor cells, thus further reducing the 
exchange or turnover of radioactive sulfur 
deposited m the tumor mass Needless to say, 
the bone marrow of this subject had been 
aspirated pnor to the initiation of therapy to 
avoid unnecessary insult to the blood forming 

Cr**-Normal Hnman Serum Albumin In- 

Radiation Cbaractenstics 

Decay Scheme — Beta particles, none 
Gamma ray of 0 32 Mev (8%) 

Electron capture 
Half Life— 27 8 days 

Mention is made o! this compound only 
to illustrate the manner m which an attempt 
IS made to improve existing products or — as 
m this case — to develop a supenor product 
for a given mdication This product is used 
m a similar manner and for the same purpose 
as PVP-I’** Advantages over the earher 
compound have been cued,** mcluding a 
much simpler synthesis a greater sensitivity 
and the fact that a protein (albumin) is bemg 
used as an mdicator of a protem leakmg 


There are currently many other uses, both 
biologic and chemical, to which radioisotopes 
are being put For example, many isotope 
dilution studies have been performed m which 
the compound of mterest is present in so low 
a concentration as to make quantitative esti 
mates of concentration impractical or impos- 
sible If one adds to this unknown mixture a 
knouTi weight of the compound to be mves- 
tigated, and this known weight contams an 
established amount of labeled, or ‘ tagged,” 
molecules of the compound, dilution of the 
unknown occurs Then the specific activity 
of the dilution is determined by standard 
methods, and, when compared with the ac- 
tivity added to the mixture, the origmal con- 
centration of the unlcnown can be calculated 

Radiometric analysis has also frequently 
been employed This mvolvcs an analytic 

SS6 Radiepharmaceuticals 

procedure for a nonradioactivc ion For ex- 
ample, nonndioactivc SlI^c^ ion, when pre- 
cipiiatcd with iodide, may be detected 
with a sensitivit) of 10 ppm of sihcr by ad- 
sorption of the precipitate on Fe(OH)s *• 

Research methods, m which the technic 
of autoradiography is used, are rapidly be- 
coming routine in certam laboratones When 
these procedures are utilized m radiobiologtc 
studies, the localization of radiochemical 
compounds in certain tissues can be deter- 
mmed by plaang a section of the tissue of 
interest in contact with a photographic emul- 
sion of suitable type This technic (also 
known as radioautography) is widely used 
to show the localization of alpha-emitting or 
weak bcta-cmitting compounds m biologic 
tissues (Fig 224) 

Other technics arc used to study diffusion, 
reaction kinetics, oxidation reduction reac- 
tions, chemical separations and a veritable 
host of chemical and biologic phenomena of 
mlerest to specialized research groups 


The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 assigns 
the responsibility for regulating the possession 
and the use of source, by-product and special 
nuclear materials to the United States Atomic 
Energy Commission Regulations issued by 
the Commission in these areas arc set forth 
m the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 
Title 10, as follows By-Product hlaterial. 
Part 30, Source Material, Part 40, Produc- 
tion and Utilization Facilities Part 50, Oper- 
ators of Nuclear Facilities, Part 55, Spcaal 
Nuclear Material, Part 70, and Standards for 
Protection Against Radiation, Part 20 Ex- 
cept for By-Product Material, Part 30, which 
Will be discussed in some detail, the reader 
IS directed to the appropriate parts of CFR 
for an explanation of these regulations 

By-Product Material is defined by the 
Commission as any radioactive matcnal (ex- 
cept Special Nuclear Matcnal) produced m 
a nuclear reactor or otherwise yielded m or 
made radioactive by exposure to radiation 
incident to the process of producing or uU- 
lizmg Special Nuclear Material These regu- 
lations are administered by the Division of 

Licensing and Regulation of the USAEC and, 
at present, include more than 900 radioiso- 
topes of 1 00 elements 

No person in the United Slates may manu- 
facture, produce, transfer, receive, acquire, 
own, possess, use, import or export by prod- 
uct matcnal except as authorized m a gen- 
era! or a specific license issued by the Com- 

A general license concerns possession and 
use of small quantities of radioisotopes not 
subject to individual licensing There arc a 
number of rcstnctions that apply to radio- 
isotopes subject to general licensing ( 1 ) No 
one may possess at one time more than 10 
of the quantities specified in Part 30, (2) 
there must be no increase in the associated 
rate of radiation effected, (3) the isotopes 
must not be used m human beings, (4) they 
must not be added to human mgesta or cos- 
metics, and (S) they must not be used in any 
device for the treatment of human beings or 
animals Many educational mstvlutions cur- 
rently use isotopes subject to general licensure 
m teaching programs 

Specific licenses arc issued only on appli- 
cation (0 the Atomic Energy Commission A 
specific license is reauired for procurement, 
possession and use of radioisotopes m quan- 
tities exceeding the amounts specified for 
general licensure In addition, a specific 
license is required for the export of isotopes 
of atomic numbers 3 through 83 to coun- 
tries or areas wiihm the Soviet Bloc and for 
the export of isotopes of atomic numbers 
less than 3 or greater than 83, regardless of 
their destination Specific licenses may be 
narrow or broad m scope That is, they may 
cover the use of few or many dilTcrent iso- 
topes Like general licenses licenses of this 
type also specify a possession limit in each 

In order to obtain a specific license, the 
applicant must complete Form AEC-3 1 3 m 
detail This form requires the listing of such 
information as ( 1 ) Name and street address 
of applicant, (2) department to use by prod 
uct material, (3) previous license numbers, 
(4) individual uscr(s), (5) name of the 
I^diation Protection Officer, (6) by-product 
material requested (elements and mass num- 
ber of each, chemical and/or physical form 
and possession limit requested for each), 

Summary 557 

Fia. 224. Autoradiograph of thyroid carcinoma (From R. L. Swarm and the National 
Cancer Institute) 

(7) purpose for which by-product material 
will be used; (8) experieoce and training of 
individual users; and (9) other information 
concerning instrumentation avadable, fadli- 
ties and equipment, waste disposal, radiation 
protection program; and other data. 

If the by-product material is to be used in 
human subjects, a Form AEC-313a must 
also be completed. The information required 
on this form includes: (1) the using phy- 
sician’s name; (2) an in(^cation of where 
the using physician is licensed to dispense 
drugs in the practice of medicine; (3) a de- 
tailed statement of the using physidan’s 
clinical radioisotope experience; (4) pro- 
posed uses, both diagnostic and therapeutic, 
including dosages to be employed; (5) the 
hospital facilities available for admitting pa- 
tients to whom radioactive materials have 
been administered; and (6) a description of 
identification, processing and standardization 
procedures to be employed by the user in the 
event the by-product material is not to be 
obtained in precalibrated form for oral ad- 
ministration or in precalibrated and sterilized 
form for parenteral administration. 

All licensees are subject to inspection by 
personnel of the Commission to insure com- 

pliance with the conditions set forth in the 
license. If serious violations are found to 
exist, the license may be suspended or re- 
voked by the Commission. 

A number of individual states have also 
promulgated Radiation Safety Codes, the 
regulations of which must also be obeyed by 

While this degree of control may seem to 
be excessive, the enviable safety record ac- 
cumulated by radiation workers and the nu- 
clear energy establishment in general indi- 
cates the wisdom of such control measures, 
for few industries can compare favorably in 
this regard with the nuclear energy industry. 


Information has been presented to give the 
reader a better understanding of the practice 
of radiophannacy. The text is not intended 
to be comprehensive in scope, and detailed 
explanations of the medical uses of radio- 
pharmaceutical dosage forms have been pur- 
posely avoided. The reader is directed to the 
references cited and to the general bibliog- 
raphy listed at the end of the chapter for 
more detmled information on these matters. 

558 Radiophormaceufieolt 


1 Andrews, H L. Radiation Bioph)'sics, 
Englewo^ Cliffs, Prcnlicc Hall, 1961 

2 Andrews, J R., Swarm, R Schlachter, 
U, Brace, K. C. Rubm, P, Bergenslal, 
D M , Gump, H , Siegel, S , and Swain, 
R \V The effects of one Cune of Sulfur 
35 administered intrasenously as sulfate to 
a man with advanced chondrosarcoma, 
Am.J Roentgenol 83 123,1960 

3 Bell, C G , Jr , and Hayes, F H Liquid 
Scintillation Counting — Proceedings of a 
Conference held at Northwestern Uni 
versity, August, 1957, Oxford. Pergaraon, 

4 Blau, M , and Bender, M A Radiomer 
cuty (Hg**^*) labeled Ncohydnn A new 
agent for brain tumor localixation, J Nuc 
Med 3 83, 1962 

5 Blau, M , Nagler, W , and Bender. M A. 
Fluonne-18 A new isotope for bone scan- 
ning J Nuc Med 3 332. 1962 

6 Bourne, G H The Biochemistry and 
Physiology of Bone, New York, Academic 
Press. 1956 

7 Brtner, W H A note on the formulation 
of Iodine 131 labelled polyvinylpyrrolidone 
for intravenous admimstratioo. J Hue. 
Med 2 94. 1961 

8 ■ The formulation of radioacuve 
kryptoo*^ for intravenous use. Am J 
Hosp Pharm 18 170, 1961 

9 ’ Certam aspects of radiological 
health, Am. / Hosp Pharm 15 44. 1958 

10 Bnncr.W H. Correa. J N , and Andrews, 
J R. Unpublished data 

1 1 Bnoer, W H , Cordon, R, S , Jr , and 
Waldmann T Fnnciples in the Produc- 
tion and Formulation of I 131 Labeled 
Polyvin)IpyTTOlidone and Cr51 Labeled 
Scrum Albumin, Wasma PiottCTo awl G» 
trointestiiial Tract in Health and Disease, 
Proc International Symposium m Pans, 
Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1962 

12 Brown, J M , and Cool, W S National 
Institutes of Health Radiation Safety 
Guide, Washington, Government Printing 
Office, 1959 

13 Bruno, G A , and Chnslian, J E Deter- 
mination of Carbon 14 in aqueous biear 
bonate solutions by liquid scinullauon 
counting techniques. Analytical Chemistry 
33 9, 1961 

14 Chrutian. J E., and Bousquet, W F 
Radioisotopes and Nuclear Techniques in 
the Pharmaceutical and Allied Industries, 
USAEC Contract No AT(11-I).737, 
Lafayette. 1960 

15 Corey, K. R , Kenny, P , Greenberg, E., 
and fiaughlin, J S Detection of bone 
metastases m scanning studies with cal 
cium-47 and strontium 85, J Nuc. Med 3 
454, 1962 

16 Fields, T, and Seed, L. Qinical Use of 
Radioisotopes, Chicago, Year Book Pub , 

17 Fowler, J M , et a! Fallout — ^A Study of 
Superbombs, Strontium 90, and Survival, 
New York, Basic Books, 1960 

18 Fnedlander, G, and Kennedy, J W 
Nuclear and Radiochemistry, New York, 
Wney, 1955 

19 Hayes, F N Solutes and Solvents for 
Liquid Scintillation Counting, Packard 
Technical Bulletin No 1, Packard Instru- 
iMDt Co , Inc , La Grange, Illinois, rev 
Jan , 1962. 

20 Haynie, T P , Stewart B H , Nofal, 
M M , Carr, E A , Jr , and Beierwaltes, 
W H Renal scintiscans in the diagnosis 
of renal vascular disease, J Nuc Med 2 
272, 1961 

21 Hine G J , and Brownell, G L Radia- 
tion Dosimetry, New York, Academic 
Press, 1958 

22 International Commission on Radiological 
Protection (ICRP) Bnt J Radiol, SuppI 
6, 1955 

23 McAfee, J G , and Wagner, H N , Jr 
Visualization of renal parenchyma by 
scintiscanning with Hg 203 Neohydnn, 
Radiology/^ 820, 1960 

24 Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and 
Maximum Permissible Concentrations of 
Radionuclides in Air and in Water for 
Occupational Exposure Handbook 69, 
National Bureau of Standards, U S De- 
partment of Commerce Washington, 1959 

25 New atul NonnfQciai Drugs, Ptwladelphii, 
lappmcott, 1963 

26 Pharmacopeia of the United States, 16th 
Revision, Easton, Mack, 1960 

27 Radioisotopes — Special Materials and Serv- 
ices. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 3rd 
Revision, 1960 

28 Radiological Health Handbook, FB 
I21784R, U S Department of Health, 
Education and Welfare, U S P H S , 
Washington, 1960 

29 Recommendations of the ICRP. Report of 
the Committee on Permissible Dose for 
Internal Radiation, London, Pergamon, 

30 Report of the International Commission on 
Radiological Units and Measurements 
(ICRU), Handbook 62, National Bureau 

Bibliography 559 

of Standards, U S Department of Com- 
merce, Washington, 1956 

31 Report of the International Commission 
on Radiological Units and Measurements 
(ICRU), Handbook 78, National Bureau 
of Standards, U S Department of Com 
merce, Washington 1959 

32 Seaborg G T Third Annual Nuclear 
Pioneer Lecture, The Society of Nudear 
Medicine Dallas, Texas June, 1962 

33 Shapiro, B USAF School of Aviation 
Medicme, 59 30,1-12,1959 

34 Sklaroff, D M , Berk, N . and Kravitz, C 
The renal scintigram in urologtc work up, 
JAM_A 178 418,1961 

35 Strominger, J M, Hollander, J M, and 
Seaborg, G T Table of isotopes. Re- 
views of Modem Physics 30 585, 1958 

36 Wagner, H N, Jr, McAfee, J G, and 
Modey, J M Medical radioisotope scan 
ning.JAM^ 174 162,1960 


Behrens, C F Atomic Medicine, Baltimore, 
Williams &Wakms. 1959 

Beierwaltes, W H , Johnson, P C , and Solan, 
A J Clinical Use of Radioisotopes, Phila 
delphia, Saunders, 1957 

Blatz, H Radiation Hygiene Handbook, New 
York, McGraw Hdl, 1959 

Chase, G D , and Rabmowitz, J L Principles 
of Radioisotope Methodology, 2ad ed , Mtn 
neapolis, Burge&s, 1962 

Hollaender, A , et cl Radiation Biology, Parts 
I n, and III, New York, McGraw HiU, 1954 

Hughes, D J On Nuclear Energy, Cambridge, 
Harvard Umv Press, 1957 

King E. R , and Mitchell, T G A Manual 
for Nuclear Medicine, Spnngfield, 111 , 
Thomas, 1961 

Lapp, R E , and Andrews, H L. Nuclear 
Radiation Physics, Englewood Cliffs, Pren 
tice Hall, 1954 

Murray, A , III, and Williams, D L Organic 
Syndeses with Isotopes Parts I and II, New 
York, Interscience, 1958 

Overman, R T , and Clark, H M Radioiso 
tope Techmques, New York, McGraw Hill, 

Price, W J Nuclear Radiation Detection, New 
York, McGraw Hill, 1958 

Quimby, E H , Feitelberg S , and Silver, S 
Radioactive Isotopes in Medicine and Biol 
ogy, 2nd ed , vols 1 and 2, Philadelphia, 
Lea and Febiger, 1963 

Quimby, E H Safe Handlmg of Radioactive 
Isotopes m Medical Practice New York, 
MacnuUan 1960 

Shy, G M , Bradley, R B , and Matthews 
W B , Jr External Collimation Detection of 
lotracramal Neoplasia with Unstable 
Nuclides, Edinburgh, Livingston, 1958 

Slack, L, and Way K Radiations from 
Radioactive Atoms in Frequent Use, U 5 
Atomic Energy Commission Washington, 

Sommervilie J L The Isotope Index, Indian- 
apolis, Scientific Equipment Co , 1962 


Absorption of drug, evaluation, 
by unnary excretion method, 

gastrointestinal, effect of Dpid 
solubility, 55 
emptying rate, 42-43 
in evaluation of dosage forms, 

influence of dietary factors, 
79 80 

role of regions, 40-42 
kinetics, 32 36 

liquids, from gastrointestinal 
tract, 69 71 

ointments, by skin See Oiot 
rnents, effect on skin, general 
factors affecting absorpuon 
processes, 38-40 
diffusion passive, 38 39 
pinocytosis, 40 
transport. acUvc, 38, 39 
facilitated, 40 
rate, 34 

eflect on drug action, 36 38 
evaluation from drug level 
data, 51 

total amount, calculation, 37 
Acacia 184 190. 308 
Accreditation Standards for Rest 
dency m Hospital Pharmacy, 

Acetaldehyde, structure, 314 
Acetamide, dissociation constant, 

Acetaiulid. dissociation constant, 

Acetest reagent tablets, 450 
Acetic acid, dissociation constant, 

incompatibility, 318 
solubility, 317 
stmclure, 323 
Acetone, solubility, 316 
N Acetyl p aminophenol, 47 
Acetylcholine, 146 147 
chloride, solubility, 340 
structure, 343 

Acetylsalicylic acid, and aluini 
num aspir. dissolution, 60 
incompatibility, 323 
solubility, 321 323 
(ablet form, gastrointestinal ab- 
sorption disintegration and 
dissolution values, 74, 75 

Aads, weak, absorption in gastro- 
intestmal tract, 40 
See abo individual names 
Acridine dyes, 353 
locompatibili^, 359 360 
Acnflavine, hydr^hlonde, struc 
solnbiliiy. 358 
structure, 353 

Acromycio. See Tetra^line 
Adeps Sobdus, 232 
Adhesive tape removers m aero- 
sols, 281 

Administration of drugs, fre- 
quency. IS 
route, 17 18 

sequence accordutg to Latin 
square design. 79 
Adrenalin See Epuephnne 
Adsorption of drugs, on diluents, 

Aerohaler (Abbott), 439, 440 
Aeroso’s,241 286 
containers. 272 275 
defloitioos, 242 243 
histoncal considerations, 243 

manufacture procedures, 251 

laboratory, 251-259 
cold process. 251-255 
pressure process, 254-257 
laipe scale, 255 259 
medianal, 243, 283 285 
advantages, 245 246 
operation mode, 246 253 
phannaceulical, 243, 277-263 
advantages, 245 
cfassificauoQ, 281 283 
propellants, classification of 
compounds, 272 
compressed gas, 270-271 
carbon dioxide, 271 
rutrogen. 271 
nitrous oxide, 271 
physical properties, 270 
liquefied gas, 258 270 
fiuonnated hydrocarbons, 
258 270 

cbeinscal properties, 

268 270 

mixed with hydrocar- 
bons, 270 

nomenclature, 259 260 


Aerosols, propellants, liquefied 
gas, fluorinated hydrocarbons, 
nomenclature — (Continued) 



physical properties, 260- 

density, 264 266 
heat of vaporization, 
266. 267 

solubility cbaractenstics, 

vapor pressure, 260- 

range of vapor pressures 
obtainable with van 
ous nuxtures, 260 
with surfactant, 279 
without surfactant, 278 
pbysieochenucal properties, 
256, 258 273 
toxicity, 271 273 
systems, classification, 246 
compressed gas, 248 253 
dispensing, by foam, 251 
by solid stream, 249 251 
by spray, 252 253 
liquefied gas, 246 249 
three-pbase 247 249 
foam, 248 249 
two-layer, 247-248 
two-phase, 246-247 
dispersion or suspen 
sion, 247 

tests, special 286-287 
valves, 273-274, 276 277 
foam, 276 
metered, 276 277 
spray, 264, 276 
vetennary, 285 286 
Agar, 190. 307-308 
Age of patient, effect on elimina 
Hon of drags, 46 
as factor in calculating dosage, 

Albamyxin See Novobiocin 
Alcohol(s).306 310 
boiling point, 328 
monohydne, solubility, 307 
monohydroxy, 306 
polyhydroxyl, 306-310 
carbohydrates, 306-310 

562 Index 

AiedboHt)— (Continued) 

tolubilitv, compamon with a1 
dehydes, 313 
Aldchyde(i), 313 316 
chemutiy, 313 314 
cyanohydnn. structure, 313 
incompatibility, 314>316 
solubility, 313 

compansoQ with alcohols, 

Aldehyde-bisulfile compound, 
structure 313 
Algins. 185, 191 

Aliquot method of weighing and 
measunng, 20-22 
Atkah metals, 293 294 
incompatjbiliues, 293 294 
Alkaline earth metals, Incompati 
bihties, 294-296 
Alkaloids, 331 332 

and chemically related com 
pounds, 331 342 
classification, 332 338 
croup, alkanolamine, 333 

alkylamtne, 332 
aniLne, 338 

djphen^lalkylsmine, 333 
piaaidine, 338 
imidazole, 337 
indole, 336 337 
isoquiooline, 33S 336 
pheaothiazine, 338 
phenylalkylamine, 332 333 
piperidine, 337 338 
punae, 338 
pyrazole, 337 
pyndine, 334 
]^dine pyrrolidine, 334 
condensed (tropme), 
334 335 
quinoline, 335 

incompatlbiliiy, 338 339, 342 
solubility, 340-342 
Alkanes, boiling point, 328 
Alkanolamioes, structures, 333 

Alkylaminea, siruclures, 331 
Aluminum, chloride, 299, 300 
compounds, solubilities, 301 
hydration energies, 300 
hydroxide gel 300 
incompatbilities 299 300 
ionic i^iiis, 300 
phosphate, 299, 300 
salts, 300 
subacetate, 300 
sulfate, 299. 300 
Alurate, solubility, 349 
structure, 347 

Amaranth, resistance to condi 
lions influencing color stabil 

Amaranth— (C<m//nir«f) 
solubihQi. 358 
structure, 354 

American Association of Dental 
Examiners, 383 

American Assouation of Dental 
SchooU, 383 

American College of Surgeons, 

476, 477 

American Dental Association, 
Couoat on Dental Education, 

American Hospital Association, 

477, 484, 485 

American Journal o/ Hospital 
Pharmacy, 477 

information on dosage forms, 

Amencan Medical Assoaaljon, 

Amencan Pharmaceutical Assoa- 
auoQ, 477. 484 
Code of Ethics. 381 
Amencan Society of Hospital 
Pharmacists, 477-478, 484 
Amencan Standards Assoaation, 8 
Amencan Vetennary Medical 
Association, 393, 3M 
Attudopynne See Amioopynoe 
Armaes. 329 331 
solubility, 329 331 
p-Asunobeazoic aad (PABA), 
47. 374 

Aminopyriae. solubility, 340 
structure. 337 
p Amiflosah^he acid, 50 
Ammonium chlonde, 49 
Ammonium hydroxide, dusocia 
tion constant. 330 
Ammonium salts, 293 294 
solubility, 293 
Amobarbital, solubility, 349 
structure. 348 
Amphetamine. 71 
solubility, 340 
structure, 332 333 
Amyl alcohol, solubility. 313, 

n Am^ alcohol, solubilifr, 330 
Amyl Ditnte. incompatibdity, 527 
n Amylamine, solubility, 330 
Amylcaioe See Amylune bydro- 

Amylsine hydrochlondc, tolubd 
ity, 340 
ttructuiT. 334 
Amytal 5ee Amobarbital 
Analgesics, in dentistry, 385 
narcotic, flavonng. 164 
non narcotic, flavonng, 164 
In podiatry, 392 
Androstanolone, 71 
Anesthesin See Ethyl aminoben 

Anesthetics, local, in aerosols, 281 
Aneuno, 3TJ 378 
Amhne, dissociation constant, 330 
structure, 330, 338 
Anti acrodynia rat factor, 376 
Anti arthritic, 397 
Anti asthmatic bronchial, 398 
Antibenben vitamin, 377 378 
Antibiotics, 365 371 
bacitracin. 366 
chloramphenicol, 366 
cydosenne, 366 367 
erythiomyan. 367 
flavoring, 164 
neomycin 367 
novobiocin. 367 368 
oleandomycin. 368 
pemcillio, 368 369 
m podiatry, 392 393 
polymyxin 369 370 
streptomyem, 370 
tetracyclines, 370-371 
lyrothnciD, 371 
Antieczematous agents, 202 
Antihemorrhagic vitamin, 373 
Antihistamine 395, 396 
flavonng. 1 64 
use m dentistry, 386 
Anlj infectives, 397 
m podiatry. 392 393 
use in denustjy, 385 
Anti inflammatory agents, use m 
denustty, 386 

Antineuntic vitamin, 377*378 
AntjparasiUcs, 202 
Antiprunue agents, 202 
Aniipyrine, solubility, 340 
structure, 327, 337 
Antirachitic vitamm, 372 373 
Antisebonheics, 202 
Anusepucs, 202 
m aerosols, 281 

Antimony incompatibilities 302 
Antuerophthalmta vitamin, 372 
Anireny], structure, 343 
Apomorphine hydrochloride, tot 
ubiliiy, 340 
structure, 336 
Apolhecanes system, 3 5 
calculations w/w in, 7 
equivalents, 8 
Argyrol, 365 

Armstrong Suppository Machine 
No 3,237 

Aromatic carboxylic acids, them 
istry, 321 324 
dissociation constants, 322 
solubility, 321 
Arrfaemus equation, ]62 
Arsenic, Incorapatiblhues, 302 
Arsenic acid. 302 
Arsenous acid, 302 
Ascorbic aad 374 

Index 563 

Aspirator, nasal, for mfant, 411?- 

Aspinn See Acetylsalicylic acid 
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 55^ 
Afomizen, 434-437 
solutions compatible with me^ 
als, 436 

Atropine, solubility, 340 
structure, 334 

Aureomyan 5eeChlortetracycliDe 
Autoxidation reactions affecting 
stability of solutions, 161-162 
Availabibty of drugs, biologic, it* 
evaluation of dosage forms, 8^ 
Azo dyes, 353 355 
incompatibility, 360 
Azobenzene, structure, 360 

Bacitracin, 366 

Bandage(s), adherents, in aen? 
sols, 281 

absorbent, adhesive, 453 
conforming, 458 
elastic, 427 

plaster of Pans, 458 460 
roller, 457 
self adhenng 458 
tnangular, 457 
tubular, 456-458 
Banthine Bromide See Methari 
thelme bromide 
Barbital, solubility. 349 
structure, 348 
Barbiturates, 347 350 
chloroform water partition co 
efficient of uodissociated 
drugs, 55 

colomc absorption lo rats, 55 
effect on biotransformatiou 
rates of drugs, 47 
ffavonng 164 
incompatibility, 349 350 
refill regulations, 24 25 
solubility, 152, 349 
Banum, 294 296 
salts, 295, 296 

Bases, weak, absorption in gas- 
trointestinal tract, 40 
Basins for sickroom use, 430 
Baumfi, Antoine, 226 
Becquerel, Henn 526 
Bedpans, 429-430 
Benadryl Hydrochlonde. See D» 
pheEhydcamine hydrochlonde 
Benedict test of unne, 449 
Benemid See Probenecid 
Bentoiute, 187, 217 
Benzalkomum chlonde, solubil 
ity, 340 
structure, 344 

Beozednne See Amphetamine 
Benzethomum chlonde, solubil 
ity, 341 
structure, 344 

Benzocaine See Ethyl anuno- 
Benzoic aad, 41 
dissociation constant, 322 
incompatibility, 322 
solubility, 322 

Benzpynniiim bromide, structure, 

Benzyl benzoate, incompatibility, 
325 326 

Betanaphthol, incompatibdity, 

soIubiLty, 312 
Bevidox See Vitamin Bjg 
Biebnch Scarlet. See Scarlet Red 

Biebnch Scarlet Red See Scarlet 

Bilirubin, 53 

Binder, addition to tablets. 120 
hiologtca} Ahstracts, information 
on dosage forms, 87 
Biopharmaceutics dcfimtion, 31 
Biotm. 374 375 
Biotransformatioo, 44-49 
classification, 44 
effects of factors, age of pa 
tient, 46 
disease, 47 
dosage. 46 
drugs. 47-4$ 

dunog gastroiiilestiRa] absorp 
tion, 48-49 

rate, effect of preadmuustered 
barbiturates on, 47 
Biscoumacetate, 47, 50 
Bismarck Brown, solubility, 358 
Bismuth, incompatibilities, 302- 

salts, 302 303 

Blood, drug concenlratiou, 
changes in, 32 36 
levels as biologc factor in 
dosage form design and 
evaluation, SI 54 
data, use in evaluation, of 
absorption time of 
drugs, 51 

of antibiotics, 53 54 
Body rubs, in aerosols, 281 282 
Borax, 111, 299 
Bone acid. 299 
m ophthalmic solutions, 174 
Boron, incompatihiliUes, 299 3Q0 
Breast pomps, 418. 420 
Bnlliant Bine, resistance to con 
ditions influcRcing color sta 
bihly, 359 
FCF. solubifaty. 358 
structure. 357 

Bromphenol Blue, solubili^, 358 
structure. 356 

Bronchodnator. antihistaminic, 

Bums, remedies, in aerosols, 282 
Busher Automatic Injector, 442, 

Butacame sulfate, solubili^, 340 
structure, 333-334 
Butane, boiling point, 328 
solubili^, 328 

Butesin See Butyl ammobenzoate 
Butyl alcohol, solubility, 313, 
316, 324, 328 

n Butyl alcohol, solubility, 330 
Butyl ammobenzoate, solubihty, 

tt Butyl stearate, camauba wax 
and steanc acid mixture as 
entenc coating for capsules 
and tablets, 136 137 
R Butylamme, solubih^, 330 
Butyn See Butacame sulfate 
Butyraldehyde. solubility, 313 
Bu^ic acid, solubility, 317 

Ca<t injection, 552 
Caffeine, solubility, 340 
structure 338 

Cakjng, m pharmaceutical sus 
pensions, 179 
Calciferol. 372 
Calcium. 294 296 
absorption from gastrointestinal 
tract in normal and anaod 
subjects, 69 70 
salt. 295 

Camphor, 113 114 
incompatibility, 317 
solubility, 317 
Canes, 464 

Capnc acid, solubility, 317 
n Caproaldehyde, solubility, 313 
Caprokol See Hexylresorcmol 
Caproic and solubility, 317 
CapryLc acid solubility, 317 
Caps, cervical 426 
Capsules. 72 73. 103-108 
capacities 104 

coating See Solids, as dosage 
form coating 
counting machine, 491 
elastic, 107 

extemporaneous, 104 107 
filling, 105 106 
hand-operated machine. 105, 

handling, precautions, 105-106 
hard gelatin, 104 
specialty names, 108 
vials, use m dispensing, 106- 

weight, accurate, U.S P tol 
erances, 127-128 
Carfaachol, solubility, 340 
structure, 343 

Carbmol base, structure, 362 

564 Index 

Carboh)drate», 306-310 
IncompatTbltities, 307-310 
$u|ari See Sngan 
Carmn dioxide as propcllaot m 
aerosols, 271 

Carbonate esten, solubility. 327- 

Carbonic actd. dissociation con 
slants, 311 

ester of ethyl salicylate, solu 
bilily, 327 328 
Carbopof, 188 
Carbowax, 216-217 
Carboxylic acids, 317-324 
aromatic, 321 324 
dicarboxylic. 320 
hydroxy polyxarboxyhc, 320- 

monocarboxylic (fatty acid 
series), 317 320 
Carboxymelhylcellulose, 186, 

309 310 
Carotenes, 372 

Catalysts in pharmaceutical solu 
tions 160-161 

Catheter(s). filiform, 421, 422 
flexible. 421, 422 
Foley. 421, 422 
induellinc, 421 
Maleeoi lip, 421 
mushroom bp 421 
sizes, 420, 422 
urethral, 421, 422 
Catheterization urinary infections 
from, 422 

Catholic Hospital Association, 

Cathomycin Sodium Set Novo 
biocia j ' 

Cccon, 175 
CcdilamdO, 17S 
Ccepryn See Cetylpyndinium 

Cellulose, acetate phthalate as 
entcnc coating for capsules 
amliaWerx. UH-W 
derivatives, 308 309 
gum, 309 310 
microcrystalline. 186 187 
Cerates, 222 

Cetylpyndinium chlonde, struc- 
ture. 344 

Cevitamic acid, dee Ascorbic acid 
Charioite ND ! sanitary model 
colloid mill, 181, 182 
Chemical Abstracts, information 
on dosage forms, 87 
Chemical Spccialucs Manufat- 
turen Association, 258 
tests for aerosols, 287 
Chilsonator, 124 
Chiropodist Adhesive Felt, 434 
Chiropody See Podiatry 
Chloral, structure, 314, 315 

Chloral atcoholate. incompatlbil- 
structure, 315 

Chloral hydrate, incompatibility, 
solubility, 315 

Chloramphenicol, 46, 47, 62, 366 
esters of. 63 
palmitate. 61, 62 
ester, 146 

Chlormerodnn injection, 

Chloroacetie acid, dissociation 
constant, 318 
p-Chtorobenzaldoiime. 63 
Chloroform, structure. 316 
Chloroguanide hydrochloride, sol- 
ubility. 341 
structure, 338 

Chloromycetin See Chloram- 

Chlorothiazide, 46 
Chlorothymol, 312 
Chlorotrianiscne, 146 
Chlorpromazine hydrochlonde, 
solubility, 340 
structure. 338 

Chtorpropionie acid, dissociation 
constant, 318 
Chlortetracycline, 370 
Cholesterol. 192 
Choline, 375 
Cholinesterase. 147 
Chondrus. 190 
Cinchotudioe, solubiUty. 340 
sulfate, structure. 333 
Cinchonine, solubility, 340 
sulfate, structure. 335 
Citnc .icid 320-321 
dissociation constant, 319 
Incompatibility. 321 
solubility, 319 321 
structure, 323 

Clark's Rule for calculating dos 
age, 17 

Clays as stabiliuug agents for 
suspensions, 187-188 
Clinical Pharmaeolo/ty and Ther’ 
apeutlcT, information on dos 
age forms 85 
Clinisiix, 450 
Gimtnt tablet. 449 
CMC. 309 310 
Cobtone See Vitamin Bjj 
Cocoa butter decTheobroma oil 
Cocaine, solubility, 340 
structure. 335 
Codeine solubility, 340 
structure. 335 
Colchicine, structure. 336 
Colloids, poteclive, 182, 184 188 
classification. 184 
Color, addiuon to tablets, 120 

Coloring, solutions, 163 
tablets. 133 

Colostomy, apparatus and irriga- 
tion set. 417 

vs ileostomy, basic dilTerences, 

Compazine Injection, 175 
Compicxstion of drugs, 64 66 
interaction with a macromo- 
lecular substance, 64 65 
solubility changes, 65 66 
stability constant for. 64 
Compounds, ammonium, quater- 
nary, 342 345 
incompatibility, 345 346 
solubility, 344 
hydantoin, 350 351 
inorganic, mcompatibililies, 
292 304 

alkali metals, 293 294 
alkaline earth metals. 294 

hydroxides, comparison 
of hydration energy 
and solubilities. 294 
solubilities of salts 294, 

sulfates, hydration, sol- 
ubility and lonie iize, 

arsenic, antimony and bis 
muih, 302 

boron and aluminum, 299 

general solubility rules, 
292 293 

Iron nickel and cobalt, 
303 304 

tin and lead, 300 302 
Zinc and memiiy, 296- 


hydration, 296 298 
and salts properties, 


solubility. 297 
'iiltfvppinnniatninti, v.'ibiv, 

barbiturates, 347-350 
hydantoin compounds, 

350 351 

sulfonamides 345-347 
basic. 329 345 
alkaloids and chemically 
related compounds, 

amines, 329 331 
quaternary ammonium 
compounds. 342-345 
organic, incompatibilities, 305- 

Concentration of drugs, changes 
m blood, 32 36 
constant, in fluids of distribu 
tlon. 45 

Index 565 

Condoms 424-425 
Cones medicated use m home 
opathy, 389 

Congo Red solubility 358 
structure 354 
Coniine solubility 340 
structure 334 
Contraceptive agents 426 
Cortisone acetate polymorphic 
forms 61 
Cots finger 424 
Coulombs Law 153 154 157 
Council oa Dental Education of 
the Amencaa Dental Associa 
tion 383 

Counting machine tablets and 
capsules 491 

Cowlings Rule for calculating 
dosage 17 

Cr®' nomal human serum albu 
tmn injection 555 
Creams 222 
Creosol structure 328 
Creosotal 328 
Creosote carbonate 328 
incompatibibty, 312 
Cresol mcompatibilily 311 312 
Cnmper hand-operated for alu 
mioum seals 490 491 
Crutches 461-464 
accessories 46M64 
handlmg on stain 463 
size estimation standard chart 

Crystal form of drugs 60-62 
Crystal violet, structure 356 
Current Contents information on 
dosage forms 86 
Cushions invalid 413-414 
Cyanocobalamin See Vitamin 

Cyclomethycame See Surfacame 
C^Iosennc 366 367 

Deflocculating agents, 179 
Degradation of stability of solu 
tions hydrolytic 161 
micro-organisms growth of 
162 163 

temperature eSect of 162 
Deh^uescence 110 111 
Delvinal solubility 349 
structure 348 

Demerol Hydrochloride See Me 
pendine hydrochlonde 
Dcmelhylchlortetracyclme 370 

effect of serum on antibac 
lerial activity 53 
Dentistry pharmaceutical prepa 
rations used m 385 387 
practice pharmaceutical serv 
ices to 384 385 

Dermatologic products in aero 
sols 282 

Desoxyephednne See Metham 

Dextro propoxyphene use in 
dentistry 385 
Dextrotest 449-450 
Diabetes mellitas diet factors 

incidence 448 

supplies for management 448 

unne tests 449-450 
Dial solubility 349 
structure 348 

Dialysis of complexed drags 64 

Diapers disposable 460 
Diaphragms vaginal 425-426 
Diathermy short wave 467 
Dicarboxylic acids 320 
Dichloroacetic acid d ssociation 
constant 318 

Declomycin See Dcmcthylchlor 

Dicodid See Dihydrocodeinone 
Dicumarol 37 47-49 
Dielectric constant changes of 
solvent 155 156 
of Iicruid 154 155 
Diethoxin See ffifraeaine hydro- 

Diethyl ether bo1me point 328 
incompatlbilitv 329 
solubility 328 

D ethylamine dissociation coo 
stint, 330 

Diffusion of dines across bio 
loeic membranes 32 33 
concentration gradient 32 
equtlibnum 33 
passive 39 

Dieitallioe Hativelle 175 
DTiydrocodemone, structure 336 
DTiydromorphinonc hydrochlo- 
nd“ solubility 340 
structure 336 

Dihydroxyethyl peroxide struc 
ture 329 

D hydroxysDCcinic acid incom 
patibihty 320 

Dilanlm See Diphenylhydantoin 

Dilaudid See Dihydromorpbi 
none fiydrochlonde 
Dilutions, use m homeopathy 
388 389 

Dimethicone as oleaginous base 

Dimethyl ether boiling point. 

solubility 318 
Dimethyl ketone 316 

Dimethylamine, dissociation con 
stant 330 

Dimelhylcthylamines structures 


Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate 68 
Diomn See Ethylmorphine hy 

Diothane hydrochloride solubil 
ity 340 

Diothane structure 337 338 
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride 
solubility 340 
structure 332 

Diphenylalkylamines structure 


Diphenylhydantoin sodium solu 
bihty 351 
structure 350 
Dipole moments 153 154 
D scare effect on elimination of 
drugs 46 

Disinfectants lO aerosols 281 
Dismtegrant, addition to com 
pressed tablets 120 
Disintegration of drug con 
trolled, as method of 
release 141 143 
Medules 143 
repeat action tablets 14! 

Spansules 142 143 
in tablets 73 

Disks medicated use in home 
opathy 389 

D s^ium salt structure 361 
Dispersion of drugs eutectic mix 
lure 72 

solid ID liquid See Suspensions 
Displacing agents 53 
Dissociation constantfs) of 
drugs 54 56 

aromatic carboxylic acids 322 
bases, organic, 330 
monocarboxylic aads and 
chlonnated denvatives 318 
phenols 311 
polycaiboxylic acids 319 
Dissolution of drugs 150 153 
rate 56 60 

influences deposition of u-a 
ter soluble film on sur 
face 59 60 

formulation factors 74 75 
methods for changing pH 
in d fTusion layer 57 58 
salts of weak acids S8 
solubility m d ffusion 
layer 57 58 
surface area, 56 59 
modificauon 72 

Distnbuuon of drugs, apparent 
volume 33 34 
Dodex See Vitamin B|« 

566 Index 

Dolinlhifl. Stt Mcperidjne by- 

E>oIq)hine See Methadon 
Do«aj*, c&lculatiO&s. 7 9 
evaluation, factor?, 290 
formfs), 18 
aerosol? 5er Aerosol? 
capsules. See Capsule? 
clinical evaluation. 76*8i 
expenmenlal. 77 80 
conditions, 79 80 
controls, 77 
data. 83 85 
statistical analysis, 

83 84 

validity of conelu* 
sions, 84 85 
methods, 80-83 
absorption rate, gas- 
trointestinal, 80-81 
biologic availability, 

excretion rate, 80-82 
sensitivity, 83 
side-elfects, 82 83 
stability In gastroln 
tesuoal tract, 81 
placebos, 77-78 
selection of subject?, 77 
technics, 78-79 
test methods, objective vs. 
subjective, 78-77 
deflniUoB. 31 

design and evaluation, 31- 

biologic facton, 38 54 
physical and chemical fae- 
tors, 54-89 

elTect(s), on drag conccntra 
tion in blood, 38-37 
of surface active agents, 

emulsions, factors In avail- 
ability of drags, 71 
(nformaiion sources, 85-87 
liquid See Liquid, as dosage 

maintenance doses, 44 
major classes, 69 
pharmacologic effect, influ- 
ences on, 31. 32. 36 
repeat action, vs sustained- 
release. 139 

technics of obtaining, con- 
trolled disintegration, 

semlsohd See Semisotids, as 
dosage form 

solids. See Solids, as dosage 

solution See Solutjon(s) 
suspensions, 70-71 
sustained release. See Sus- 
tained release pharmaceu- 

Dosage, forni(s) — {Continued) 
tablets, compressed, 73-76 
overdosage as therapeutic in- 
compaubsltiy, 290 
Oouche(s). powtera, 100 
vaginal, pans, 430 
sjTinge, fountain, 409-412 
rubbtf bulb. 418. 419 
Dramamine Injection, 175 
Dressings, surpcaL bandagefs), 
adhesive absorbent, 453 
confonning. 457, 458 
plaster of Pans, 458-460 
roller. 457 
Mif adhenng. 458 
triangular, 457 
tubular. 456-458 
cellulose. 452 

Chiropodist Adhesive Felt. 

cotton. 451-452 
gauze, absorbent (cotton), 
451. 452 
pads, 451-453 
spcctsl. 453 

liquid adhesive. 456-457 
moleskin, 454 
packaging and storage, 460 
pad?, eye. 4S3-454 
gauze. 451-453 
plasters, adhesive, 454-455 
reactivity to, 455 
primary, 452^54 
ravott, 452 

related supplies, 480-461 
diapers, disposable, 460 
masks, surgical, 460-461 
underpads, disposable. 

secondary, 454-460 
tapes, hyporeactive. 456 
Drop as unit of volumetnc meas- 
ure, 8 

Droppers, medicine, official and 
standard, 8 9 

Drugs, absorption See Absorp 
lion of drags 

activity, pharmacologic, influ 
ence of route of ad 
miiuslration. 50-51 
rate of decline, 49 
biologic availabiliQr, 37-38 
local side-effects. 38 
biologic half life. 35, 44-45, 48 
concentration, effect on means 
of absorption. 40 
content, changes in. 34-35 
total, calculatKm, 33 
diffusion See Diffusion of 

elimination See Etunuution of 

"therepexrtic blood level,*' 36 
transfer processes across bio- 
logic membranes, 32-36 

Drugs of Choice, information on 
dosage forms, 86 
Durabond products. 145-146 
Durham Humphrey Act, 24, 500 
Dyes, 351-363 
acndine, 353 
incompatibility, 359-360 
atixochrome, 352 
azo. 353-355 
incompatibility, 360 
classiflcaiion, 353-357 
“coal tar," 351 
fluorescein, 355 
incompatibility, 357-363 
tndigoid, 357 
incompatibility, 363 
mtro, 357 
incompatibility, 363 
phthalem, 355 356 
incompatibility, 380-361 
rosanlline, 356-357 
solubility, 358 
theoiy of color, 351-353 
thlazine, 356 
incompatibility, 362-363 
trphenylmcthsne, 356-357 
locompaubility, 361-362 

Ebers Papyrus, J 
EDTA, effect on drag absorption 
in gastrointestinal tract, 66 
Education, dental, pharmaceuti- 
cal services to, 383-384 
medical, pharmaceutical serv- 
lees to, 382 
Efflorescence, 111 
Elastic supports, 426-430 
athletic, 429 
bandages, 427 
for extremities, 428 
hose, 427-428 
suspensories, 428-429 
Elavil Injection, 175 
Elimination of drags, effect of 
factors, age of patient, 46 
disease, 47 
dosage, 46 

in evaluation of dosage forms, 

kinetics, 32 36 
rate, 34 35 

unnary excretion, rate, 35 
Elonne Sulfate See Tricyclamo! 

Emollients, 202 203 
Emulsions, 178, 188-198 
agents, from animal sources, 

classiflcation. 189 
natural, from cellulose, 191 
from vegetable sources, 

^(hetic, 193-198 

Index 567 

Emukiom, agents, 
qmthetic — {Continued) 
amonic, 193*195 
compounds, sulfated, 

sulfonated, 195 
soaps See Soaps 
cationic, 195 
nomonic, 195 
esters, glycol, 197 
sorbitan, 197*198 
HLB (bydrophile- 
lipophile balance) 
^tem, 195-197 
availabOity of drugs contained 
in, 71 

bases, 214*216 
specialty, 216 
dispensing, 199 
globule size, 189 
packaging, 199 
phase volume ratio. 189 
preparation, general, 198 
preservation, 198 199 
solids, finely divided, 192*193 
stability factors, 189 
storage, 199 
vucosity, 189 

Enema, disposable units, 41M12 
synoge, fountain, 410*411 
Energy of hydration, definiuon. 

Enterostomy outfits, 414*418 
colostomy apparatus and ir 
ngation set, 417 
diagrams of typical enterosto- 
mies, 416 

Eosin, soluble, solubility, 358 
structure, 355 
Epfiednne, solubility. 340 
structure. 333, 346 
Epmephnne, solubibly, 340 
structure, 333 
Epimne, sofubifity, 340 
structure, 333 

Epitrate "Ophthalnuc," 175 
Ergometnne See Ergonovine 
Ergonovine, maleate, 336 
solubility, 340 
Ergotamine, solubility, 340 
Ergotamine tartrate, 336 
Ergotoxine, solubiLty, 340 
structure, 336 

Ergotrate See Ergonovine male- 

Erosion of drug as technic of re- 
lease. 143 144 

Erveka equipment for omtment 
preparation, 2l9 
Erythroan See Erythromycin 
Erythrol tetranitrate, 63 
structure, 327 

Erythntyl tetranitrate. structure, 

Eiythromycm, 56, 367 
esters of, 63 

Eiytbrosin, resistance to condi 
tions mfluencing color sta* 
bihty, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 355 
Esenne See Pbysostigmme 
Esenne saliqrlate, structure, 336 
Esmarch tnaoguiar bandage, 457 
Esomid Chloride See Hexa- 
methomum cUonde 
Esters, 324 328 
denvation, inorganic acids, 
326 328 

incompatibibty, 324 328 
solubili^, 324. 326 
organic a^s, 324*326 
glycol, 197 
sorbitan, J97 198 
Etamoo. See Tetraethylammon* 
lum chloride 

Eiamon Chlonde See Tetraethyl 
ammomum chlonde 
Ethers. 328 329 
boding point. 328 
incompatibiLcy, 328 329 
solubility, 328, 329 
Ethocel, 309 

Ethyl acetate, solubility, 324 
Ethyl alcohol, dissooation cos 
stants, 311 

in hospitals. Federal code and 
regulations. 500 
soIubihty,313,316, 330 
stilly Federal code and regu 
lations, 500 

Ethyl aminobcDzoate, solubility, 

Ethyl biscoumacetate, 53 
Ethyl methyl ether, boiling point, 

solubili^, 328 

E4b}'} Bioifbiae bj'dnxblonde, 
solubiLty, 340 

Ethyl mtnte, mcompatibiLty, 

Ethyl nitrite spirit, mcoropalibil* 
ity, 326-327 

Ethyl saLcylate, mSueoce of 
moisture on pemitaneoos 
absorption rate, urinary se- 
cretion data. 206, 207 
structure, 328 

Etbylamine, dissociation con- 
stant. 330 
solubility, 330 

Ethyl n butyl etber, boiling point, 

solubility, 328 
Ethylcellulose, 309 
Ell^lidene peroxide polymer, 
structure, 329 

Ethylmorphine hydrochloride, 
structure, 335 

Eucupm, solubiLty, 340 
structure, 335 

Euresol. See Resorcmol mono- 

Excretion of drugs, unnary, 49- 

m evaluahon of dosage 
forms, 80-82 

influence of moisture on per- 
cutaneous absorption of 
saLcylates, 206-207 
as measurement of absoip 
tion, 149 
pH influence, 49 
processes, 49 

Expectorant, sedative, 395 396 

Eye pads as surgical dressings, 

Ft9 injecLon, 554 555 
Fe“® preparations, 552 
Fast Green FCF, resistance to 
conditions influencing color 
stabihty, 359 
solubiLty, 358 
structure, 357 

Fats, mcompatibiLty, 324 326 
P D & C, Blue, No 1, re- 
sistance to conditions 
influencing color sta 
biLty, 359 
solubiL^, 358 
structure, 357 
No 2, resistance to eondi 
tions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubiLty, 358 
structure, 357 

Green, No 1, resistance to 
conditions influencing 
color stabihty, 359 
soluhiL^, 358 
structure, 356 

No 2, resistance to condi- 
tions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure. 356 

No 3, resistance to condi- 
tions influencing color 
stability, 359 
soIubHity, 358 
structure, 357 

Orange. No 1, resistance to 
condiLoos influenang 
color stability, 359 
solubiLty, 358 
structure, 354 
No 2, resistance to coodi 
tions influencing color 
SUbibty. 359 
solubility, 358 
Structure, 354 

568 Index 

F. D i C.— ’{Continued) 

Red, No 1, reusunce lo con- 
ditions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubiUty, 358 
stnicture, 354 

No 2, resistance to condi- 
tions influenang color 
stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 354 

No 3. resistance to condi- 
tions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure 355 

No 4, resistance to condi- 
tions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure. 354 
No 32, resistance to condi 
tions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 354 

Yellow, No 1, resistance to 
conditions influencing 
color stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 357 

No 2, resistance lo condi- 
tions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 357 
No 3, resistance to condi 
lions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubility. 358 
structure, 354 
No 4, resistance to condi 
tions influencing color 
liability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 354 
No 5, resistance to condi 
tions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure. 354 
No 6, resistance lo condi 
tions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 354 
Ferrous Iron. 304 
FicL's law of diflusioD, 32 
Finl Bid preparations in aerosols, 

Flavoring, solutions, 163-165 
Flocculation, vs cnbng. in phar- 
maceutical suspensions, 179 
panicle, 179 

Flow characteristics, sanous ma- 
tcnals, 183 

Fluid measure, equivalents, 8 
Fluorescein dyes, 355 
Fluorescein sodium, sotubilily, 

stnicture, 355 

Fluorescein, soluble, structure. 

structure. 361 

5 Fluorouracil, active transport, 

Folic acid, 375 

Foot preparations, in aerosols, 

Formaldehyde. 314 315 
incompatabiliiy. 315 
Formaldehyde hydrate, structure, 

Formic acid, dissociation con 
seam. 318 
solubility. 317 

Formulation factors, pharmaceu 
lical. 69 76 
Fouler s solution, 302 
Franklin, Benjamin, quoted. 476 
Frederick II of tiohenstaufen. 2 
Freon, 260, 263 

Freundlich adsorption isotherm, 
51 52 

Fned's Rule for calculaung dos 
age. 17 

Fuchsin, structure, 356 
Fumane acid, dissociation coo 
stont, 319 

Galen 2. 213 
Gallic acid, solubility, 321 
Callotannic acid Set Tanmc acid 
Gantruin See Sulflsoxizole 
Gas flow detector for solid beta 
emitting samples, 542, 543 
Gastrointestinal agents. 397-398 
Castromlestinal fluids, drug sla 
biltty in, 62 63 

GailroinCcstmal tract, drug ab- 
sorption in, influences. 40- 

emptying rate, effect on ab 
sorption of drugs, 42-43 
fluids, pH change induced. 41 
mucosa, interaction of drugs 
with components of. 43-44 
Geiger Mueller sunrey meter, 
portable. 538. 539 
Gelatin J9I 192 
glycennate^ as lupposiiory 
base. 232 233 
Genetron, 260. 264 
Gentian violet stnicture. 356 
Genatnc formula. 396-397 
Germicides in aerosols, 28! 

Globules, medicated, use in 
homeopathy, 389 
size in emulsions, 189 
Glonoin, structure. 327 
Gloves, rubber, 423-424 
/l-Glucuronidasc, 47 
Glucuromdes, formation, 48 
Glycerol, structure, 327 
Glyceryl Monostearate S E., 197 
Glyceryl tnacetate, solubility, 

Glyceryl Innitrate. structure, 327 
Glyceryl tnoleate-IWJ. 552 553 
Glycine, 47 
Gtycol(s). esters, 197 
polyethylene, as compressed 
gas aerosol, 250 
as suppository bases, 233 

salicylate, influence of mois 
lure on percutaneous ab- 
sorpuon rate, unnary secre 
tion data, 206, 207 
Glycosides, 363-364 
solubility, 364 
incompatibility. 364 
Olycynhiza 164 
Gold'#', decay table. 529, 530 
Cradumet tablets, 145 
Granulations effervescent, prep 
oration 103 

Granule, coaling See Solids, as 
dosage form coattog 
Gnseoiulvin, 50, 56, 57 
serum levels, effects of differ- 
ent types of food intake, 79 
side-effects, 78 
CuBiacol, tiruelure 328 
Cuanatol Hydrochlonde See 
Chloroguanide hydrochlonde 
Guanidines, structure, 338 
Guinea Green, resistance lo con- 
ditions influencing color sta- 
bility, 359 
solubility 358 
stnicture 356 
Gums 307 

Hahnemann, Dr, Law of Simi- 
lars 387 

Half life, biologic, 44-49 
intenubjcct variation, 48 
sulfa drugs 45-46 
Hamllion, Joseph G, 525 
Hand filling machine for jars, 
lubes and other containers, 
491. 492 

Hamson Narcotic Act, 29, 494- 
496, 498-499 
classes of narcotics 499 
multipic-dose via] problem, 

procedure, in case of loss and 
theft. 498 

Index 569 

Hamson Narcotic Act, 
procedure — (Continued) 
m case of waste, destruction 
and contamination, 496, 

registration, 494-496 
storage of narcotics, 499 
violations, questions on law 
and regulations, 498-499 
Heat of fusion, 151, 153 
Heating pads, electnc, 430-432 
Hectonte, 187 

Henderson Hasselbach equation, 
55, 156 

Hepann, 56, 66 
n Heptaldehyde, solubility, 313 
Heptane, boiling point, 328 
solubility, 328 

Heptyl alcohol, solubili^, 313, 
316, 328 

n Heptyl alcohol, solubility, 330 
n Heptylamine, solubility, 330 
Hexamelhomum cblonde, struc- 
ture, 343 

HexamethylparaosaniUne chlo- 
ride structure, 356 
Hexameton Cblonde See Hexa 
methonium chlonde 
Hexane, boiling point, 328 
solubility, 328 

Hexyl alcohol, solubibty, 313, 
316. 328 

n Hexyl alcohol, solubility, 330 
n Hexylaimne. solubility, 330 
Hexylresorcinol, mcooipatibiluy, 

soIubiLty, 312 
Hind-Goyan buffer, 174 
Hippocrates, 1, 2, 387 
Hippunc acid, 50 
Histadyl See Thenylpyiamine 
Histamine, solubili^, 341 
Histamine phosphate, structure, 

History of prescnptions, 1 3 
HLB system See Hydrophile 
lipophile balance system 
Hobart Mixer, 219 
Holocaine See Pbenacaine by 

Homatropine hydrobronude, sol 
ubility, 341 
structure, 335 

Homeopathy, concept of, 387 
development of profession, 387 
dosage forms, preparation, 388 
education m, 387 
organizaUons, 387-388 
pharmaceutical services to, 
387 389 

pracUtioners, 388 
present status in Umted States, 
387 388 

Homogeoizer, basd, 181 
Homologs, absorption, from gas 
trointestinal tract, 69 
Hose, elastic, 427-428 
Hospital phannacy, 476 523 
automation. 522 523 
adfflimstratiOQ of drugs, 522 

dispensing of drugs, 522 
charges for drags, 512 
containers for medication, 507- 

ward issue and prescription, 
standardization, 507 
definition. 476 
dispensing, inpauent, 507 
emergenqr and antidotal drugs 
cabinet. 51I-SI2 
equipment 488-492 
safety, 491 

first in Colofua] America, 477 
formulary, five point statement 
of operation for system, 

purposes and goals, 482, 

history, 476 477 
mspeaioD of nursing station 
medteauou units, 509, 511 
lavestigalional drugs, use in 
hospitals 500-501 
labels, 507 509 
phannacy, 508 509 
prescnptioo, 507 
warning stnp, 507 508 
laws and regulations, 491 500 
narcotics and other records 
in hospitals See Narcot- 
ics, m hospitals, laws and 

management responsibilities, 

organization, 479. 480 
outpatient department, 511 
personnel. 485-486 
Donprofessional, 486 
physical facilities 486-490 
complete department, 486 
space requirements and lay- 
out. 486-487, 490 
poliaes, 480-481 

Phannacy and Therapeutics 
Committee. 481-483 
prepackaging, 504 506 
purchasing of drugs, 512 S13 
reports, quarterly and annual, 
for costs and workloads, 
516 521 

requisiUoouig of drugs, *7iouse 
orders,” 509, 510 
residencies 523 

responsibilities and duties of 
pfaannaast, 478-480 
to admuustratioo. 478 

Hospital pharmacy, responsibili- 
ties and duties of pharmacist — 
to clinicians 478 
to the department. 479-480 
to nursing profession and 
paramedical groups, 478 

safety practices, 501 502 
statistics, vital. United States, 

stenle items, central supply, 

stock, control, and storeroom 
arrangement, 514 515 
inventory, perpetual records, 
515 516 
policy, 514 

volume compounding 502 504 
Household measures, 8 
equivalents, 8 

Hycodac See Dihydrocodeinone 
HydraUon, energy of, definition, 

as factor m compounding tech 
nics, 110 III 

sulfates of alkaline earth met 
als, 295 

Hydrazobenzene, structure, 360 
Hydrocarbons, fluonnated See 
Aerosols, propellants, lioue- 
fied gas, fluonnated hydro- 
ear boos 

saturated, 305 306 
incompatibility, 305-306 
solubility, 305 
Hydrocolloids, animal, 185 
denvatives, cellulose, 185-187 
modified plant, 185 187 
ionic behavior, 188 
plant, 184 I8S 
natural, 184 185 
preservation, 185 
pseudoplastic flow, 183 
Hydrocortisone, 47 
Hydrocortone Phosphate Injec 
tion, 175 

Hydrogen bonding, 154 
Hydrolysis, as cause of drug de 
composition, 161 
rate, propellants of aerosob, 

HydrophUe Iipophile balance 
(HLB) system. 195 197 
use. 195 197 

vaJoes, 0/lV emulsions of com 
mon mgredients, 195 
selected emulsifying agents 

Hydroxy polycarboxyhc adds, 

mcompatibiLty, 320 321 
acids, solubility, 320 
5 Hydroxy tryptamme, 50 

570 Index 

Hfgroscopiclty. 112 
Hypnotics, in dentistry, 385 
in podiatry, 392 
Hyoscine. Set Scopolamine 
Hypospray, 448 

!•** preparations, 552 553 
Ice ba;:s or caps, 4t2>413 
tdeniificailon Guide for Solid 
Dosage Forms. identificaUon of 
tablets, 11M17 

Ileostomy vs colostomy, basic 
differences, 415 
Ilotycio. See Erythromycin 
Imidazoles, structures, 337 
Incofflpatibilitydes), chemical, 
291 292 
dcfiniuon, 290 

iDorgiruc compounds See 
Compounds, ino^anie, tn 
pharmaceutical, 291 
physical, 291 
therapeutic. 290-291 
types, 290 

Index Medleus Information on 
dosage forms, 87 
Indigo Oirmlae, resistance to 
conditions mfluenciog color 
stability, 359 
structure, 357 
lodigoid dyes, 357 
Incompatibility, 363 
Indoles, structures, 336-337 
Infrared rays generators, 465-466 
faeatiog action, 464-465 
therapeutic uses. 466 
Inhalants, pharmaceutical. In 
aerosols 282-283 
Inp^tion, Ca*f, 552 
chlormcrodrln Hg****, 532 
Cr^t normal human serum at 
bumin. 535 
rt«. 554 555 
Kr«5. 534 

nidioiodinated rose Bengal, 553 
ndioiodinated p loluldioe poly 
vinylpyrrobdone (H**), 534 
S»». 353 

sodium iodohlppurate 

tntiated water (H|0), 334 
Inositol. 375 
Inscnpuon. 4 

InsulTlations. powders for, 100 
Insufflators, pawder, 439, 440 
Insulin, syringes, 442 
Intentate Commerce Commis- 
sion, flame extension test for 
aerosols, 286 

Intracaine hydrochloride, solubil 
ity. 341 
structure, 334 

Inulin, 66 

Todetkon. stroctare. 355 
Iodoform, 67 

lodophthalein sodium, solubility, 

structure, 355 

lon-dipote interactions, salts in 
water. 155 

lon-excbange resins evaluation 
by toxiaty tests in animals. 

as method of sustained release 
of pharmaceuticals, 14S 146 
Ionic types, average t values, 168 
lomzaiioft chamber survey meter, 
portable 539 540 
lophenoxic add, 52. 53 
Iron hydroxides, 303 304 
incompatibilities, 303 304 
salts. 303 301 
Irish hfoas See Chondrus 
Isoamytbydrocupreine, structure, 

Isocarboxazid, SO 
Isomylhydfocuprcine See Eucu 

Isomazid, 48 

Isonipecame See Mepcndinc hy 

Isoproterenol, and epinephrine 
aerosol suspensions, particle 
size, 284 

luspension. effect of intertial 
pressure on particle size dis 
tnbuuon emitted, 284 
Isoqumolines. strtietures 335 336 
Isocron 260 

Jetene as oleaginous base, 211 
Joint Commission on Accredita- 
tion of Hospitals, 477, 523 
Journal of ihe American Medical 
Association, Information on 
dosage forms, 85 86 
Journal of FharmaeeuUeal Jef- 
enees inlormBtion on dosage 
forms, 85 

Kanamycio, 48 
Ktraya, 183 
Keesom forces, 133 134 
Keratin, 204 205 
Keratolytic agents, 202 
KmtopIastiC agents, 202 
Ketones, chemistry, 316>317 
incompatibilities. 316 
solubtli^, 316-317 
^4-3 Ketostcroids, 51 
Ketostix reagnt stnp, 430 
Key to Pharmaceutical and 5fe- 
dictnel Chemtstrj JJleratttre, A, 
information on dosage forms, 

Kr** injection, 554 

Labels and labeling, “excuse la- 
bel.'* 5-6 

machine for prepackaging oper- 
ations, 491, 492 
narcotics, 27 
ointments, 221-222 
presenpuon, 22 
Lactofiavin 376 377 
Lanolin, anhydrous, as absorption 
base, 192, 212 213 
Lard, as oleaginous base, 209 
Latin, pharmaceutical, 9 14 
useful words and phrases with 
abbreviations and meanings, 
10 14 

Launc acid solubility, 317 
Laulh’s violet, structure. 356 
Law of Cure, attributed to Hip- 
pocrates, 387 
Law of Similars 3B7 
Leaching as process of steady dis- 
solution and removal of drug 
from insoluble, intact matnx, 
144 145 

Lead, acetate, structure, 318 
compounds solubilities, 301 
Incompatibilities, 300-302 
oteale, structure, 318 
salts 301-302 

Legal aspects of pharmacy, 26 30 
common law, 28 
criminal liability for injunes of 
fatality from prescriptions 
containing ove^osages of 
drugs 17 

Federal Food Drug and Cos- 
metic Act of 1938, 24, 26 
Federal Narcotic Act, 28 
Federal Narcotic law and 
Regulations, 2627 
Hamson Narcotic Act Set 
Harrison Narcotic Act 
narcotic prescriptions, 26-26 
Statiiia rive Leges. 2 
Leuco base, stTUCture, 362 
Lcuco form, structure, 360 
Leucopararosanilinc structure, 


Licensure, medical, pharmaeeull 
cal services to, 382 383 
Udocaine, 146 

Light Green SF Yellowish, re 
sistance to conditions influ 
encing Color stability, 359 
solubiliiy, 358 
structure 356 

Lipid solubili^ of drugs, 54 56 
Liquids, absorption from gastro- 
intestinal tract, 69 71 
as dosage form, 69 71 
containing insoluble matter, 

178 199 

caking vs. flocculation, 


Index 571 

Liquids, as dosage form, cod- 
taimng insoluble matter — 

properties, I78-179 
suspensions See Suspen- 

dispenions, liquid m liquid 
See Emulsions 

incorporation with powder, 109 
Lithium salts, 293-294 
solubility, 293 
London forces, 154, 155 
Lozenges, as dosage form, 138- 

Lubncant, addition to compressed 
tablets, 120 

effect on dissolution of drugs, 

MacEachent, Malcolm T„ 
quoted, 514 
Magenta, structure, 356 
Magnesium 294 296 
oxide, 295 296 
salts, 294, 295 
sulfate, 50, 294 295 
Iifalachite Green, solubility, 358 
structure, 356 

Maleic acid, dissociation constant, 

Mallopheoe 5eePyndium 
Mannitol, 66 

hexanitrate, structure, 327 
Masks, surgical, 460-46 1 
Mayer’s reagent, 299 
Measuring, Aliquot method, 20- 

KlechoIyL See Methachohne chlo- 

Medical Letter on Drugt and 
Therapeutics, The, infonnation 
on dosage forms, 86 
Medicine, pharmaceutical serv- 
ices to, 382 383 

practice of, phannaceutical 
services to, 383 
Medicme dropper, 420-421 
Medihaler, 285 

Medules as sustained release 
pharmaceutical form, 142, 143 
Melting point, depression, as fac- 
tor in compounding technics, 
113 115 

Membranes, cutaneous, pennissi 
ble concentrations of drugs for 
application to, 291 
Menadione, 373 374 
sodium bisulfite, 373 
M»acnne Hydrochlonde. See 
Qumacnne hydrochlonde 
Mependine hydrochlonde, solu 
bility, 340 
structure, 337 
use m dentistry, 395 
Merbromin, solubility, 358 
structure, 355, 357 

Mercodeinone. See Dihydroco- 

Mcrcunc iodide, 299 
Mercunc salts, 297-299 
Mercurochrome See Merbroimn 
Mercurous chloride, 298, 299 
Mercury, 293 299 
incompatibihtics, 298 299 
Mesantom. See Pbeoantoin 
MesomositoL 375 
Methachohne chlonde, solubility, 

structure, 343 
Methadon. structure, 333 
Methadone hydrochlonde, solu- 
bility, 341 

Methamphetamiiie, solubihty, 340 
structure, 333, 347 
Methantbelioe bromide, structure, 

Methmm Chlonde See Hexame 
thomum chlonde 
Methocei, 308 309 
Methyl acetate, solubility, 324 
Methyl prednisotone, 61 
Methyl sahcylate. loffuence of 
moisture on percutaneous ab- 
sorption rale, unoary secretion 
data, 206, 207 

Methyl violet, structure, 356 
Methylamme, dissociation con- 
stant. 330 

structure, 333 

Methyl n butyl ether, boiling 
point, 328 
solubility, 328 

Methylcellulose, 70, 185 186, 191, 
308 309 

Methyldibydromoiphmone bydio- 
chlonde, structure. 336 
Methylene Blue, solubility, 358 
structure, 356, 362 
Melhylparaben, mcmnpatibihty, 

Metbylrosamlme chlonde, solubil- 
ity, 358 

structure, 356, 363 
Methylthioouie chlonde, struc- 
ture, 356 

Metopon Hydrochlonde. See 
Mctnc system, 4 7 
equivalents, 8 

Metycaine See Pipcrocaine hy- 
Micelles, 157 
drug binding, 67 
formation, 67 
Micronizer, Sturfevant. 180 
Minimum Standard for Pharma 
cies m Hospitab of the Amen 
can Society of Hospital Pbar 
macists, 478, 480-482, 485-487 

Mixing, by geometnc dilution, 97 
Mixture, eutectic, 72 
Kfoleskin, 454 

Monocaine hydrochlonde. solu 
bility, 341 
structure, 334 

Monocarboxyhc aads (fatty acid 
senes), chemistry, 317-318 
dissociation constants, 318 
incompatibility, 318 320 
solubility, 317 
Morgan, John. 2 
&forphme, solubility, 341 
sulfate, structure, 335 
Muscle relaxant, 398 
Mycifradm SeeNeomycm 
Myrutic acid, 319 
solubihty, 317 

Naepaine Hydrochlonde See 
Amylsine hydrochlonde 

Nalline Hydrochlonde. See Nal- 
orphine hydrochlonde 

Nalorphine hydrochlonde, solu- 
bility, 341 
structure, 336 

Naphazolme hydrochoinde, solu- 
bility, 341 
stnicturc, 337 

Napbtbol Yellow, resistance to 
coDdiUoDS influeociag color sta- 
bility, 359 

Napbthol Yellow S, solubility, 

structure, 357 

Narcotics, classification of. 27-28 
in hospitals, laws and regula- 
uons, 492-497 
Federal food and drug 
code and regulations, 

Harmon Narcotic Act, 
494-496. 498-499 
prescnptions, 26-28 
U S Bureau of, 27 

National Board of Dental Exam- 
mers, 383 

Nationd Board of Medical Exam- 
iners. 383 

Nebulizers, 437-440 

Needles, hypodermic, 444-448 
construction, 444, 445 
disposable, 446 
insulin, 448-449 
packaging, 446 
selection, 445-446 
sizes, 445 
sources, 446 

use and maintenance, 446- 

wires, 446 

NembutaL See Pentobarbital so- 

Neomyan. 367 

Neo-SUvol, 365 

572 Index 

NeoiUgrame, 147 
Ncmtifminc bromule, solubilit), 

stnKturc, 343 

NeosUpmme mcthylsulfatc, solu 
bihty. 341 
structurE, 343 

Neoijnephnne See Phen)leph 
nnc hjdrochlonde 
Neo-Sjncchnne Injection, 175 
Neo-Vadnn, 175 
Ncthamine hydrochloride, solu 
hiJiJy, 341 
structure, 333 

and Nonofflelal Drugs in 
formation on dosage forms. 86 
N F VIII. Latin titles, listed 
second to English, 9 
XI. Latin titles omitted, 9 
Niacin See NicoUme acid 
Nicotinamide 373 376 
Nicotine solubility. 341 
structure, 334 
Nicotinic acid, 375 376 
Nipple shields, 424 
Nitnie esters, incompatibility, 
Nitfo djes, 357 
meompatibilit}. 363 
Nitrogen as propellant in aero- 
sols. 271 
Nitroglycenn 63 
structure, 327 

Nitrosoanupyrine structure 327 
o-Nitrosophenof structure, 327 
p Niirosophenol. structure, 327 
Nitrous oxide as propellant in 
aerosols 271 

n Nonyl alcohol solubility, 330 
n Nonylamine solubiliW, 330 
Novobiocin 62. 96, 36‘/-368 
Novocain. Jee Procaine h}dro 

Noyes Whitney law, 56 

n Octyl alcohol, solubility, 330 
R-Oct)lamtne, solubility, 330 
Oil Red XO, resistance to condi 
tjons innuenemg color sta- 
bility, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 354 

Oils, fixed, incompatibility, 324- 

vegetable, as oleaginous base, 

Ointmcnt(s), bases, general indi 
cations for, 204 
classification, 203 204 
definition, 201 

effect on slin, general factors 
affecting absorption, 
205 209 

amount of inunction, 20S 
area of application, 208 

Ointment(s), effect on skin — 

concentration of medica- 
meat in schicle. 208 

condition of skin 209 
eovenng or bandapng 
over vehicle. 208 
frequency of application 
and length of contact 
Ume. 209 

solubility of drug tn ve 
hicJe. 208 
hydration, 204-205 
labeling, 221-222 
ophthalmic. 217-218 
I^kapng. 221 
preparation fusion. 220 221 
mechanical incorporation, 
218 220 
storage. 221 
water number, 213 214 
Oleandomycin 368 
OIcic acid incompatibilily 318 

Oleic acid Ii»«, 552-553 
Ophthalmic preparation. 398 
Orange I, resistance to condiuons 
inffueoeing color stability, 

solubility 358 
stroctufc, 354 

Orange SS resistance to condi 
tiotts inffueoeing color sta 
bifity, 359 
solubility, 358 
slfucture, 354 

Ortal sodium, solubib^, 349 
structure, 348 

Orthohydroxybeitzoic acid. 322 
Osmotic pressure, dcffnition, 167 
ophthalmic solutioos, 16^169. 

Osteopathy, concept. 389 
education and training, 390 
pharmaceutical services to, 

389 391 

prescnbiog practices 390 391 
jinncjples. 389-390 
in United Sutes. 390 
Oxalic acid, dissoaation constant, 

solubility, 319 

Oxyqumolme. solubility. 341 
structure. 335 
Oxylctracyclmc. 370 

PABA See p-AmioobcnzoIc acid 
solubility, 319 
Packaging, ototmeatt, 221 
solutions, 16S 
lablrti. 127 
Palmitic acnf. 3t9 
solubility, 317 

Pamaquine, naphthoate, solubil- 
ity. 341 
structure, 335 
Pantothenic acid, 376 
Papaverine, solubility, 341 
structure, 335 
Parabens, 162 

Paraform See Paraformaldehyde 
Paraformaldehyde, 315 
Paraldehyde, incompatibibties, 


structure, 314 

PararosaniJine, stnicture, 362 
Parednne, hydrobromide, solubil 
«ty. 341 
structure. 333 

Particles, interaction in suspen 
sion. 179 

pulsenution methods. 180 
reduction of size, equipment, 

size in relation to pharmaco- 
logic action, 179 180 
Pastes, 222 223 
Pectin. 190-191 
Pelleiienne, solubility, 341 
structures, 334 
Penicillin. 146, 368 369 
V. 62 

serum levels when dispensed 
as free acid or as potss 
Slum salt, S8 59 
tablet form disintegration 
time 74 

Pentaerythntol teiranitrate, struc- 
ture 327 

Pentane, boiling point, 328 
solubility 328 

Pentobarbital sodium, solubility, 

structure, 348 

Peniothal Sodium See Thiopen 
tal sodium 

Pcntraie, structure, 327 
Pethidine See Meperidine hydro- 

Petrolatum, hydrophilic, as ab- 
sotpiion base 212 
jelly, as oleaginous base, 209- 

as oleaginous base, 209 210 
rose water ointment, as absorp- 
tion base, 213 

Pfizer Tester, hardness of cap- 
sules and tablets. 128 
pH. changes in acid ionizatioo in 

f ill environments of gastro- 
ntestmal tract, 40-41 
effect, on hydrolysis, 160 
on solubility, 156 157 
gastrointestinal fluids, changes 
induced in, 41 

Influence on urinary drug ex- 
cretion rate, 49 

Index 573 

pH — (Continued) 

methods of changing in diffu- 
sion layer, 57-58 
of precipitation, calculation, 

solutions, ophthalmic, 173 174 
Phanodom, solubility, 349 
structure, 348 
Pharmacopolot 1 
Phemerol Chlonde See Benze 
tbonium chlonde 
Phenacame hydrochlonde, solu 
bility, 341 
structure, 338 
Phenantoin, structure, 351 
Phenazone See Antipynne 
Phenelzme, 50 
Phcniprazine 50 
Phenobarbital, solubility, 349 
structure, 348 
PfaenoUs), 310 313 
acidity, cause of, 310-311 
bactencidal activity, effect of 
surface active agents, 67 
chemistry, 311 313 
dissociation constants 311 
incompatibility. 311 
solubility, 310, 311 
structure 327 
Phenol Red, structure, 355 
Fhenolphthalein, solubility, 358 
structure, 353. 361 
Pheoolsulfoopbthalem. solubility, 

structure 355 

PhenoItetrachloropbtbaleiQ, solu 
bihty, 358 
structure 355 
Phenolhiazine. 57 
solubility, 358 
structure, 338, 356 
Phenyl salicylate, incompatibil 
ity, 325 

Phenylalkylamines, structures, 
332 333 

Phenylbutazone, 52 
Phenylephrine hjdrochlonde, sol- 
ubility, 341 
structure, 333 

Phenylindanedione, blood level 
data, 37 

Phenylpropanolamine hydrochlo- 
nde, solubility, 341 
structure 333 
3 Phenyl 1,2,4 tnazole, SI 
Phenyloin, soluble See Diphenyl- 
hydantom sodium 
Phethenylate sodium, structure, 

Phthalem dyes 355 356 
incompatibility, 360-361 
Phthalimide, structure, 330 
Phthalysulfathiazole, structure, 

Physostigmme, salicylate, stnic- 
ture, 336 
solubility, 341 
Picnc aad, 312 313 
P I D , 175 
Pigmentam, 2 

Pill, coating See Solids, as dosage 
form, coating 
as dosage form. 138 
Pilocarpine, nitrate, structure, 

solubility, 341 
Pmoiytosis, 40 

Pipendine, dissociation constant, 

stnicturea, 337-338 
Pipendine pyrrobdines. condensed 
(ttoptne), stnictures. 334 335 
Piperocaine hydrochlonde, solu 
bility, 341 
structure, 337 

Placebos, use tn drug expen 
ments, 77 78 

Plasma protein binding of drugs, 
51 54. 65 

Plaimochin See Pamaquine 
Plasters, 223 224 
Plasubase as oleaginous base, 21 1 
Pliny, 2 

Podiatry (chiropody), 391-393 
drugs used to. forms and 
sources, 391 

education and pracuce, 391 
pharmaceuucal services to, 

39( 393 

Polanzabibty, molecular, 153 

Polycarboxylic acids, dissociation 
constants, 319 

Polyethylene glycol, 400 mono 
stearate, I97 
ointment, 216 

Polymorphism, chemotherapeutic 
implications. 60 62 
Polymorphs, metastable, 60-61 
preparation of, 60 
solubility, 152 153 
Polymyxin, 369 370 
Polyoxyroethylene, structure, 315 
Polyvinylpyrrolidone, 65 
Ponceau SX, resistance to con 
ditions infloenang color sta 
bihty, 359 
solubili^, 358 
stnicture, 354 

Ponceau 3R, resistance to condi 
tions infiuencing color stabil 
ity, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 354 

Ponlocatne See Tetracaine hy- 

Potassium, acetate 102 
arsemte soltUMm, 302 

Potassium — (Continued) 
salts, 293 294 
solubility, 293 
Poultices, 224 
Powders, 97-102 
advantages. 97 98 
bulk, 98 99 
douche, 100 
divided, 100-102 
dusting, 99 100 

insoluble, incorporation Into 
suppositones 240 
insufflations, 100 
medicated, use in homeopathy, 

mixing procedure, 98 
papers, directions for folding, 

Precipitation, pH of occurrence, 
calculation, 156-157 
Predisone, 71 
Prednisolone, 71 

Preservatives, for emulsions, 198- 

ophthalmic, 165 166 
Prcscnpfion(s), 1 30 
accessones and related items, 

atomizers, 434-437 
canes 464 
crutches, 461-464 
diabetic supplies, 448-450 
elastic supports See Elastic 

electric heating pads, 430 

nebulizers, 437-440 
needles hypodermic See 
Needles, hypodermic 
powder insu^tors, 439, 440 
rubber See Rubber acces- 

sales in pharmacies, 401 
sickroom utensils, 429-430 
surgical dressings See Dress 
mgs, surgical 

syringes, hypodermic See 
Synnges, hypodermic 
thermometers See Ther 

vaporizer humidifien, 432- 

checking, 22 23 
compound, 4, 5 
compounding. 18 22 
accuracy m, 19 
weighing, 19 22 
daily work sheet, 23 24 
dehnitioo, 3 
dispensing, 16-24 
filing, 24 
history, 1 3 
homeopathic. 389 
information recorded on, 23 24 

574 (ncfex 

Prwcnption(j) — (Continued) 
UbcliBg. 22 
of narcotics, 27 
ownership. 28 30 
pans, 3 7 
pilot sheet, 15 16 
procedure, 9, 15 26 
processing, 15 16 
reading, 16-17 
refills, 24 26 

regulations for barbiturates, 
etc . 24 25 

safety, check for, 17 18 
dosage form IS 
frequency of administration 

by telephone, 16 
tolerance for drugs. 18, 19 

S ical, 3 7 
Icleof IS 

Pnvine H>droehlonde JeeNaph 
azolme hydrochloride 
Pro-Daaihme See Propantheline 

Probenead, 50, 323 
Procaine hydrochloride, solubil 
tty, 341 
structure, 333 

Prefiavine dihydrochlonde, solu 
bility 358 
structure. 353, 360 
ProIIavine sulfate solubility 358 
structure, 353 
Premaane. structure 338 
Promethasne, structure. 338 
Proeadnne Hydrochloride See 
Phenylpropanolamine faydro- 

Propane, boiling point, 328 
solubility, 328 

Propanihefine bromide, structure, 

Propellant 12. 260-268 
Propionaldehyde. solubility, 313 
Propiowe and, dissociation eon 
slant. 318 
solubility 317 
Propyl acetate. 324 
Propyl alcohol solubility, 313, 
316, 324 328 

n Propyl alcohol, solubility, 330 
Propylamine solubility, 330 
Propylparaben, mcompatlbriity, 

Prostigmine Bromide See Neo- 
stigmine bromide 
Prostigmine Methylsulfate See 
Neostigmine methylsulfate 
Protcctives of sUn, 203 
Pryidines structures, 334 
Pteroylglutamic acid, 375 
Punnes, structures 338 
Pyramidon See Aminopynne 
Pyrazinamldc, 48 
Pyraiolcs structures, 337 

Pyribcnzamine See Tnpcletma 
mine hydrochloride 
Pyndine pyrrolidines, structure, 

l^ndium, sofobihty, 358 
structure. 353 
Pyndoxxne, 376 
diamine bydrochlonde, stiuc 
lure, 332 

Quartemary ammonium com 
pounds, as ophthalmic preserv 
Btives, 166 

Quinacnne hydrochloride solu 
bility, 358 
structure. 353 
(juiDidine, solobibty, 34} 
sulfate, structure, 335 
Quinine solubility. 341 
structure, 335 
Quinolines structures. 335 
Quinone monoxime structure 327 

Radiant heating local, technic, 

Radioactive isotopes as tracers In 
ammal studies, evaluation of 
sustained release of drugs. 149 
Radioactivity, catcutatioos, 538 

dosimetty, beta 538 
gamma 538 539 
decay, 528 531 
alpha particle, 530 
beta particle 530 
modes, 530-531 
orbital electron capture, 531 
positron, 530-531 
detection instruments, 539 548 
Ionization chamber. 542 543 
laboratocy. 541 548 
monitonng personnel 540- 

recions of response, 531, 542 
scintillation 543 548 
liquid detecton 545 548 
solid detectors, 543 545 
survey, 538 540 
protection from 533 538 
acceptable nsk 537 538 
maximum permissible ex 
posure, 534 
methods 535 537 
chemical agents 537 
Internal b^rds 535 537 
radiochromatogram scanner 
with count rate meter and 
rectilinear recorder, 548, 

radioisotope gloved box with 
aseptic transfer in progress, 

relative biologic effectiveness 
and type of radiation 533 

Radioactivity — (Continued) 
remote pipetting device, for 
beta-emitting and low- 
activity gamma<mitling 
radionuclides, 547, 549 
for bulk gamma-emitUng 
radioisotopes, 546. 548 
types. 526-528 
artificial, 526 528 
neutron induced, 527, 528 
reactions, charged particle, 

photon induced, 528 
natural. 526 
units, 531 533 
dosage. 532 533 
radiation absorbed dose, 
532 533 
roentgen, 532 
roentgen equivalent man, 
or rem, 533 
quanti^, nine, 532 
specific activity, 532 
Radioiodmated rose Bengal in 
jection, 553 

Radioiodmated p-toluidme poly- 
vinylpyrrebdone (P*i) injec- 
tion, 554 

Radiophamiaceutieals, 525 557 
dosage forms 549 550 
formulation and dispeasing 
procedures, 550-551 
packaging, 550 551 
history, 525 

laws and regulations regarding 
procurement and use of 
radionuclides, 556-557 
philosophy of a service, 525 

radioactivity See Radioactivity 
use of products, 551 555 
in diagnosis, SS2 554 
in research SS4 556 
Raoults Law. 151, I67-I68 263 
Rate equations, reactions la soiu 
tioo, 159 160 

Remingtons Practice of Pharm- 
acy, information on dosage 
forms 86 
Reserpine, 49 
solubility, 341 
structure, 336 
Resins 364 365 
incompatibility, 365 
solubility, 364 36S 
RtsorciQol. Incompatibility, 312 
monoacctate. Incompatibility, 

solubility, 312 

Resorcinolpbthalein Sodium, 
structure, 335 
RMzotomoi, 1 
Riboflavin, 65. 376377 
intestinal absorption. 42 

Index 575 

Riboflavin — (Continued) 
polymorphic forms, 60-61 
Roberts, Jonathan, as fint hos 
pita] pharmacist in Colomal 
Amenca, 476 

Roentgenography, m vivo, for 
evaluation of release from en 
capsulated pellets, 149 
Rosaniline, chloride, structure, 

dyes, 356 357 
solu^hty, 358 

Rose water omtment as absorp 
Uon base, 213 
Rubber accessones, 407-426 
mandrel goods, 421-426 
catheters See Catheters 
cervical caps, 426 
condoms, 424-425 
contraceptive agents, 426 
diaphragms, vaginal, 425- 

finger cots, 424 
gloves 423-424 
nipple shields, 424 
tubes See Tubes 
tubing 42M22 
manufacture, 408 
molded goods. 409-421 
enterostomy outfits, 414418 
ice bags or caps, 412413 
invalid cushions. 413414 
syringes, 409412 
huro. 418421 
unoals, 414 
water bottles, 409410 
properties of rubber, 407408 
sheeting goods, 408409 

S3* injection, 555 
Sal-ethyl carbonate solubility, 
327 328 
structure, 328 

Sa\icy\at«, mfrotiKt cfi mmStme 
on percutaneous absorption 
rate, unnary secretion data 
206, 207 

use in dentistry, 385 
Saheyhe acid 41. 4647, 49 
dissociation constant, 322 
dissoluuon rate, effect of lu> 
bneant on, 75 
incompatibility, 322 
solubility, 321, 322 
structure, 321 
Salol, incompatibility, 325 
Salol-camphoT mixture, phase dia- 
gram. 113 

Salts, dissolution in water, ion- 
dipole interactions, 155 
solubility in water, 292 
Sandoptal, solubility, 349 
structure, 348 

Scarlet Red, solubility. 358 
structure, 353, 360 

Scarlet Red Medicinal See Scar 
let Red 

Scarlet Red Sulfonate, solubihty, 

structure, 353 

Scopolamine hydirobroraide, struc 
ture. 335 

solubility, 341, 342 
Seconal sodium, solubili^, 349 
structure, 348 
Sedatives, in dentistry, 386 
m podiatry, 391 
Semisohds, 201-224 
bases, absorption, 212 214 
lanolin, anhydrous, 212 

ointment, rose water, 213 
petrolatum, 213 
petrolatum, hydrophilic, 

specialty (anhydrous and 
hydrous), 214 
water number. 213 214 
emulsion, 214 216 
speaalcy, 216 
oleaginoos, 209 212 
lard, 209 

petrolatum (petroleum 
jelly), 209-210 
piastibase (Jelene), 21] 
silicones, 211-212 
spectalues coniainiog $ih- 
cooes and sibcates, 212 
vegetable oils, 209 
white ointment, 210-211 
yellow ointment, 210 211 
water soluble, 216-217 
cerates, 222 

creams, 222 

effects of local appbcation, 202 

factors influencing selection of 
type of preparation, 201 
ovmmenVs See Om’uncma 
pastes. 222 223 
plastcn, 223 224 
poultices. 224 
Seplasarn, 2 

Serenium, solubib^, 358 
structure, 353 
Seromyan See Cycloserine 
Serpasi! Lijection, 175 
Serum protein bmdiog, sulfona 
mides, 52 53 

Sickroom utensils, 429430 
bedpans, 429430 
care of bedridden paUenta, 430 
douche pans, 430 
kidney basins, 430 
unnals, 430 

Side-effects of drugs, tn evalua- 
tion of dosage forms, 82 83 
Sihcones as oleaginous base, 2II- 

Silver protem preparations, 365 

Silvol, 365 

Skin, effect of ointments See 
Ointments, effect on skin 
Soaps, alkali (monovalent), 193 
as emulsifying agents, 193 194 
metallic (divalent), 193 194 
of organic amines, 194 
Sodium acetate, structure, 318 
Sodium acetylsahcylate, structure, 

Sodium alginate, 308 
Sodium bicarbonate, 49 
Sodium bromide. 111 
Sodium carboxymethylcellulose 
(CMC), 186, 191 
Sodium chloride, equivalents of 
drugs, not usually avail- 
able in pure form, 171 172 
usually available m pure 
form, 169 171 

Sodium citrate, structure, 321, 

Sodium ethylenediamine tetraace 
tate (EDTA), 66 
Sodium formate, structure, 316 
Sodium glucuronate, 47 
Sodium Indigotindisulfooate, so 
lubility, 358 
structure, 357 
Sodium iodide, 67 
Sodium lodobippurate (I^^) m 
jectioa, 553 554 

Sodium lauryl sulfate, 59, 68, 75 
Sodium oleate, structure, 318 
Sodium para amuosahcylate, 37- 

Sodium salicylate, 52 
structure, 321, 328 
Sodium salts, 293 294 
solubihty, 293 

Sodium sulfathiazole, structure, 
346, 347 

Sodium sulfocyanate, 102 
So\i&s. capsules, 

compounding technics, effects 
of drug properties, 108 

chemical reactivity, 115- 

hydration, 110-111 
hygroscopicity, 112 113 
incorporation of liquids, 

melting point depression, 
113 115 

potency, 108 109 
volatili^, 109 110 
IS dosage form, 71 76, 95 149 
coating, I31 137 
air sumension, 135 
enteric 135 137 
film, 133 134 
press, 135 
sugar, 132 133 
coloring, 133 

576 Index 

Solids, Bt douge fonn, coatiof, 
supr — {Continued) 
finishing, 133 
polishing, 133, 134 
smoothing, 133 
subcontins. 132 133 
cvaJuauon. J27-131 
disintegration, 129>I31 
hardness, 128 129 
organoleptic, 128 
weight, accurate, 127 128 
molded, 137.139 
loaenges, 138-139 
pills. 138 

tablet triturates. 137 138 
powders See Powders 
sustained release pharma- 
ceuiicals See Sustained 
relexse pharmaceuticals 
granules, 102-103 
particle sue, 93-97 
tablets See Tablets 
water, of er)stallization. 111 
of hygroseopieily, 112 
Solubility, 130-137 
alcohols 313, 316, 324, 328 
monohjdroxy, 306 
pol>hydrosy, 306 310 
aldehydes, 313 

alkaloids and chemically re 
lated svRlhetic compounds 
340 342 
allanes, 328 

aluminum compounds, 301 
amines, 329 331 
antibiotics, 366-371 
aromatic carboxylic acids, 321 
harbituratet, 349 
chances of solvent, 133-136 
dielectric constant, 133 136 
dicarboxylic acids, 320 
dissolution process, 130-133 
heat of fusion, 131, 133 
polymorphs, 134 
Raoutl's Law, 151 
van t HolT eq,uaUon 13 1 
dyes 338 

cfTect of pH. 136-157 
Coulombs Law, 157 
Henderson Hasselbach equa 
tion. 136 

precipitation from solution, 

esters. 324 

denved from inorganic acids, 

etheri. 328. 329 

general, Inorganic compounds. 

292 293 
glyrosides, 364 
hydrocarbons, saturated, 305 
hydroxides of alkaline earth 
metals, comparison of hydra 
tion energy with, 294 

Solubility — (ContUuud) 
hydroxy polycarboxylic acids, 

interaction forces. 133-136 
Coulomb^ Law, [53 
dielectric constant of liquid, 

dipole moments, 153-154 
hydrogen bonds, 154 
lon-dipole. 155 
Keesom, 154 135 
London. 154, 155 
polanzability, 153. 154 
ketones, 316 
lead compounds. 301 
monocarbotylic acids. 317 
phenols, 310 

polycarboxylic acids. 319 
polyethylene glycols, 233 
quarternary ammomum com- 
pounds, 344 
resins. 364 

salts, of alkali metals 293 
relationship of electrostatic 
fields of canons to, 294 
of alkaline earth metals, 294, 

in water. 292 
ainc and mercury, 297 
silver protein preparations, 365 
solubilization. 157 
sulfates of alkaline earth metals, 

sulfonamides. 346. 347 
vitamins, fat soluble. 372 373 
water soluble, 374 378 
Solubilization process. 137 
Solutionfs), advantages and dis 
advantages, 150 
aqueous, use in homeopathy, 

coloring 163 
dermilton, 130 
dosage form. 130-176 
flavoring. 163 165 
isotowc. 169, ni 

preparation by sodium chlo- 
ride equivalent method, 
169. 173 

ophthalmic. 165 174 
buffered. 174 
pH. 173 174 

osmotic pressure. 166-169, 

preservatives. 165 166 
stcnhty. 165 
viKOiiiy Jilyustment, 174 
osmotic pressure, prediction, 
packaging 165 
parenteral. 174 
pharmaceutical. 174 176 
solubility See Solidrility 
special. 165-176 

SoluUonfs) — (Continued) 
stability, 157-163 
autoxidation reactions, 161- 

effect of temperature, [62 
catalysts, 160 161 
degradation, hydrolyuc, 161 
by microHSrganisms, 162- 

hydrolytic degradation. 161 
rate ecjuation. reactions in 
solution, 159 
Solvates, 62 
Solvent drag, 40 
Soibitan esters. 197 
Spansule(s), os sustained release 
pharmaceutical form, 142-143 
Sparine Injection, 175 
Sparteine, solubility, 342 
sulfate, structure, 334 
Spint of nitrous ether, incompatl 
bility, 326 327 
Spironolactone, 72, 75 
coadministraiion with polysor 
bate, 68, 80 

plasma levels after administra 
tion in tablet form, 73 
Spray-on protective films, in aero- 
sols. 282 

Stability of drugs, m gastrointes 
linal fluids, 62 63 
Sioitiia tweLtget, 2 
Steanc acid. 319 
solubility, 317 

Siigmonene Bromide, See Bettzpy- 
nnium bromide 
Still, Andrew Taylor, 389 
Sioke’s equation, 178 J79 
Stokes Hardness Tester, tor cap- 
sules and tablets, 128 
Storage, ointments, 221 
Stratum corneum, 202, 204 
Streptomycin, 48, 370 
Strong C^bb Tester, hardnen of 
capsules and (ablets, 128 
Strontium. 294 296 
salts, 293 

Strychnine, solubility, 342 
sulfate, structure, 336 
Sturtevant micronizer, 180 
Subscription, 4 

Succinic acid, dissociation con 
Slant, 319 
solubililv, 319 
Suecini/mJe, structure, 330 
Succinyliulfalhiazole, solubility, 

structure, 346 
Sugars, 306-307 
incompatibility, 307 
solubility, 30(^307 
Sulfadiazine, 96 
absorption rate, 56 
serum levels after one 3 Gm^ 
dose, 97 

Index 577 

Sulfadiazine — (Conimued) 
solubiUty, 347 
structure, 345 

Sulfadimethoxine, gastrointestinal 
absorption, 71 
Sulfaethidole. 49 
Sulfaguaiudme, solubibty, 347 
structure, 345 

Sulfamerazine, solubility, 347 
structure, 345 

Sulfamethazine, structure, 345 
Sulfamcthoxypyndazinem, solu- 
bility, 347 

Sulfamlamide, solubility, 347 
structure, 345 

2-SulfaniIamido 5 methoxy py 
nmidme, 53 

Sulfapyndioe, solubility, 347 
structure, 345 

Sulfasuxidioe, structure, 346 
Sulfathahdme, structure, 346 
Sulfathiazole, eutectic mixture, 72 
solubility, 347 
structure, 345, 346 
Sulfinpyrazone, 53 
Sulfisoxizole structure, 345 
Sulfonamides, 345-347 
biologic half life, 45 
incompatibibly, 346 347 
influence of EDTA on gastrom 
testinal absorption, 66 
plasma protein binding, 51 S3 
In podiatry. 392 393 
ratio of initial dose to main 
tenaoce dose for maintaining 
constant drug concentration, 

solubility, 346, 347 
m water, 152 

Sunset Yellow FCF, resistance to 
conditions influencing color 
stability, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 354 
Superscnption, 4 
Supporters, athletic, 429 
Suppositories, 226-240 
bases 230 235 

comparison of melting point 
and liquefaction tune, 230 
fatty substitutes, 232 
gelatin, glycennated, 232 233 
glycols, polyethylene, 233- 

“hydrophilic, ** 234 235 
theobroma oil (cocoa but- 
ter). 23 1232 
water soluble, 232 235 
dispensing and compounding, 
special procedures, 238- 

dusting powders, 239 
incorporation of insoluble 
powders, 240 

Suppositones, dispensing and 
compounding — (Continued) 
lowered melting tempera 
ture, 239 240 
lubrication, 239 
plasQC molds, 239, 240 
dosage, 228 229 
manufacture methods, 235 240 
companion, 238 
compression, 236 
fusion. 236 238 
hand rothng, 235 236 
molding. 237 240 
shapes. 226 227 
sizes 226 227 
testing, 229 230 
therapeutic uses, 228 229 
Surface active agents (surfac 
tants), 66 69 
drug, 66-69 

effect, on bactencidal activity 
of phenols, 67 
on drug absorption. 66-67 
evaluation of effects, 68 
Surfacaine solubility, 342 
structure, 337 

Surfactants S<e Surface active 

Suspensions. 178 188 
“caking,” 179 
dispensing, 199 
dispersion subtltzers, 184 188 
clays, 187-188 
hydrocoHoids, animal, 185 
lomc behavior, 188 
plant 184 185 
cellulose derivatives, 

185 187 

modified derivatives, 

185 187 

preservation, 185 
synthetic. 188 
packapng, 199 

particles, reduction of size, 
equipment, 181-182 
preservation, 198 199 
release of active ingredients, 

rheologic properties. 183 184 
stabiiimtioo, by increaung vis 
cosity of dispersion me 
dium, 182 183 
thixotropic substances, 183 
storage, 199 

without suspending agents, 182 
Suspensones, 428-429 
Sustained release pharmaceuti 
cals, 139 149 
deflmtioo, 139 
evaluation, 148 149 
introduction into United States, 

limitations, 147-148 
methods and technics, chemi 
cal, 146 

Sustained release pharmaceuti 
cals, methods and techmcs — 
medical, 146-147 
pharmaceutical. 141-146 
controlled disintegration, 
Medules 143 
repeat action tablets, 


Spansules, 142 143 
erosion, f43 144 
ion exchange resin, 145- 

leaching, 144 145 
Sweet spmt of niter, incompati 
bihty, 326 327 
Syntrcpan, solubility, 342 
structure 334 
Syrmge(s), 409-412 
bulb, 418-421 
breast pumps, 418, 420 
for ear canal, 418-419 
infant nasal aspirator, 418 

medicine dropper, 420-421 
rectal 419 
urelbral, 420 
vaginal douches, 418 419 
disposable enema units, 411- 

fountain 409412 
folding or travel style, 412 
byrodermic, 440445 
Busber automatic injector, 
442, 448 

descnptiOQ, 440, 441 
dispensing, 445 
disposable, 442445 
graduations, 440442 
Hypospray, 448 
insulin 442, 448449 
jet injectors, 447, 448 
special purpose, 442443 
tuberculin, 442 
use and maintenance, 446- 

vaccine, 442-443 
radioisotope, with plastic and 
lead shields, 546 

Tablet(s), advantages and disad- 
vantages, 1 17-1 18 
coating See Solids, as dosage 
form, coating 

compressed, 73 76. 116 127 
abbreviations, 125 
disintegration of drug 73-74 
dispensing, 127 
manufactunng methods, 118 

precompression, 124 
wet granulation, 119 124 
binder, 120 
color, 120 

578 Index 

T«btet(t), comprciscd, tnxnufic* 
tnnnf rnethodi, net granula 
tiojv— (Co«//nwfd) 

cocnprnsioQ, I2I>124 
desi^i engraved or em 
boucd on surface, 1 20 
difliculues encountered, 

drying, 119, 120 
lubncant and dtsinte- 
grant, 120 121 
weighing and mixing in 
gredients, 119 121 
types, 124 127 
chewing 125 

gastrointestinal tract. 124< 

hypodermic administra 
tion 126 

miscellaneous 126 127 
oral cavity, 125 126 
subcutaneous admmistra 
tjon, 126 
vaginal. 126 
counting machine, 491 
disintegration, factors determin 
mg 129 130 

test, industnai apparatus. 131 
U5P. 130-131 
Identification 116 117 
lubncanis, 75 

repeal-action, technics of eb- 
lajning controlled dismtegra 
tion. 14] 143 

sustained release S«€ Sus- 
tained release phannaceuti 

triturates 137 

uncoated, weight vanation tol 
erances. 128 

weight, accurate, P taler 
ances I27-128 

Tannic acid incompatibility, 324 
sotubiluy. 321. 323 324 
Tannin See Tannic acid 
Tartanc acid dissociation con 
stant 319 

inrampatibiliiy, 320 
solubiLty, 319 

Tartraidne, resistance to condi 
diuons influencing color sta- 
bility, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 354 
Taylor. A n,.226 
Temperature, effect of degrada- 
tion of stability of solutions, 

Terramyctn See Osytetracycline 
Test(s). disintegration of drug fn 
tablets, 73 74 

flame extension, for aerosols, 

methods, objective vs lubyec 
Lve, 7677 

Test(s) — (Conrinued) 
toxicity, in animals, for evalu 
ation of ion-exchange resins, 

weight, capsules and tablets, 
VS P tolerances, 127-128 

Tea Tape, 450 


Tetraalbyl ammonium halide, 
structure, 344 

TetraalbylammoniuRi hydroxide, 
struenire, 344 

letn structure 356 

Tetracaine hydrochloride solubil 
ily, 342 
structure 334 

Tetracyclines, 370 371 
compfexed snth cations, ab- 
sorotion of. 66 

effect of dissolution rate on 
gastrointestinal absorption, 

of serum on antibactenal ac 
tivity, 53 
excretion rate. 81 
gastrointestinal absorption, 

80 81 

local Side-effects 38 
plasma protein binding 51,53 

Tetraeyo See Tetracydifle 

Tetraethylammonium ehlonde, 
solubility, 342 
structure 343 

Tetraiodophenolphthaleitt sodium 
structure. 355 

Tetramelhylthionine chloride, 
structure, 356 

Thenylene See Thcnylpyramine 

Thenylpyramine hydrochlonde, 
soiubiUly, 342 
structure, 332 

Theobroma oil (cocoa butter) as 
suppository bw, 231 232 

Theobromine solubility. 342 
structure 338 

Theophylline, blood level data, 34 
solubility, 342 
structure, 338 

Thermal analysis of dissolving 
drug tablets. 76 

Thermometer(s). clinical, 400- 

accuracy. 403-404 
basal. 405-406 
body temperature. 400-402 
broken in situ. 407 
cuset and accetsorfes, 406- 

charactcnstJCS 402-403 
cleamnganddisinfeaing, 406 
extremes, 401-402 
manufacture of, 402-403 

Thennometer(a), clinical — (Con- 

normal, ranges, 400-401 
types, 402 

use and maintenance, 404 

Thiamine, 377-378 
adsorption on diluents, 72 
chlondc. 377-378 
intestinal absorption 42 
Thiantom Sodium SeePhethcnyl 
ate sodium 
Thiazine dyes, 356 

incompatibility, 362 363 
Thiochromc, 378 
Thiodiphenylammc, structure, 356 
Thiontne, solubility, 358 
structure 356 

Thiopental sodium, solubility, 349 
structure 348 
Thixotropy, 183 
Thorazine See Chlorpromazmc 
Thymol, incompatibility, 312 
solubility, 312 
Thyroxine, 48 50 
Tin, incompatibilities, 300-302 
use m homeopathy, 388 
Tocopherois, 373 
Tolbutamide effect of dissolution 
rate on gastroiniestinal absorp- 
tion and blood sugar lowcnng 
activity, 58 

Tofaquine, solubiMy, 342 
structure, 335 

Tragaeanth, 184 185, 190, 308 
Tranquilizer(s), 398 
we In dentistry, 386 
Transcription, 4 
Tmseniine. solubility, 342 
structure 334 
TnaccUn solubility, 326 
Tnchloracetaldehyde. structure, 

Trichloracetic acid 316 
dissociation constant, 318 
incompatibility, 319 320 
solubility, 319 
Tnchlorocthanol 316 
Tneyciamo) svlIate,so)ubihty,3A4 
Triethanolamine, solubility, 342 
structures, 333 

Tnethylaminc, dissociation con 
slant 330 
Tniodophenol, 67 
Tniodoihyronine, 48, 50 
L-Tniodothyronine l‘*t, 553 
Tnmcthylamine, dissoclauon con 
slant, 330 

Trinitrophenol, 312 313 
dissociation constants 311 
Tripdennamine hydrochlonde. 
solubility, 342 
structure 332 

Tnphcnylmethane dyes, 356 357 
incompalibiLty, 361 362 

Index 579 

Tnsodium salt, stnictnre, 361 
Tntiated water injection (H*0), 

Tnturalion(s) , of potent drugs, 98 
use in homeopathy, 389 
Tuamine, solubility, 342 
structure, 332 
Tvibe(s), colon, 420, 423 
duodenal, 423 
rectal, 420, 423 
stomach, 422*423 
Tubing, rubber, 421-422 
Tussar Syrup, 175 
Tyrothncin, 37! 

Tyzine Nasal Solution, 175 

Ucon, 260 

Ultrasonic therapy, 467 
Ultraviolet rays, effects, 467-468 
lamps, 468*469 
radiation, 465, 467 
dangers, 470 
therapy, technic, 469-470 
Undetpads disposable, 460 
United States Atonuc Energy 
Comoussion, 556 
Untied Slates Dispensatory, infor- 
mation on dosage forms, 66 
Urdang, George, 1, 2 
Unnals, 430 
rubber, 414 

UJT , Latin titles omitted, 9 
Xin, Latin titles listed second 
to English, 9 

n Valderaldehyde, solubihn, 313 
Valenc acid, solubility, 317 
van’t Hoff equation, 151 
Vaporizer huimdiffers, 432-434 
Veegum, 187-188 
Veterinary medicine, 393 398 
data (1962) concerning, 394 
development of profession, 393 
education, medical, 393 
licensure, medical, 393 394 
pharmaceutical preparations 
used, farm animals, 395 
pets, 395 398 

pharmaceutical services re 
quired in, 394 395 
practiUoners, fieldsof work, 394 
Viscosity, adjustment, ophthalmic 
solutions, 174 

Viscosity — (Continued) 

of dispersion medium, stabiliza 
bon of su^icnsion by lo 
crease of, 182 183 
effect of ffi^ylceUulose on ab- 
sorption rate of sali^late so- 
lubons in rats, 70-71 
in emulsions, 189 
enhancing agents, inclusion in 
solubons, 70 
Vilaimn(3), 371-378 

A, 372 

adsorption on insoluble dilu- 
ents, 72 

p-aimnobenzoic acid (PABA). 

anttbenben. 377-378 
antibemorrhagic, 373 
antineuntic. 377 378 
antirachiuc. 372 
anuzerophthalmia, 372 
ascorbic acid, 374 

B, 377-378 
B2, 376 377 
Be. 376 
Bi2. 44. 378 

intestinal absorption, 42 
biobn, 374 375 

C, 374 
choline, 375 

D, 372 373 
Dj, 372 
Ds, 372 

m dentistry, 386-387 

E, 373 

fat soluble, 372 373 
flavorug, 1^ 
folic acid, 375 

G, 376-377 

H, 374-375 
heuiattaic. 397 
mosilol, 375 

A'l, 37S 
Kz. 373 

menadione sodium bisulfite, 

mulbple, in aerosols. 282 
nicobnamide, 375 376 
nicoUmc acid. 375 376 
pantothemc aad, 376 
pyndoxine, 376 
nboflavm, 376-377 
thiamine bydrocblonde, 377- 

Vitamin(s) — (Continued) 
water soluble, 374 378 
Volabhty, of solids, 109-110 

Warfann, 37 

Wanng Blendor with polytron 
assembly, 181 

Water, solubility of salts in, 292 
Water bottles, 409-410 
Water number, 213 214 
Weighing, 19 22 
Aliquot method, 20-22 
balance, 19 20 

sensibili^ reciprocal of, 20 
sensibviiy of, 19-20 
Weight of pabent as factor m 
calculating dosage, 17 
White Lobon, 182 
White ointment, as oleaginous 
base, 210-211 
Williams R T, 44 
Wool fat. See Lanolin, anhydrous 
Wurster air suspension coabng 
process for granules, powders 
and tablets, 135 

Year Book of Drug Therapy, in 
formation on dosage forms, 86 
Yellow AB, renstaoee to condt 
lions lofluencmg color sta- 
bility, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure. 354, 357 
Yellow OB, resutance to condi 
boos influencing color $ta 
bihty, 359 
solubility, 358 
structure, 354 

Yellow oiobnent, as oleaginous 
base, 210-211 

Young’s Rule for calculabng dos- 
age, 17 

Zephiran (^onde See Benzal 
komum chlonde 
Zinc, 296 299 
cUonde, 297 
hydration, 296 298 
hydroxide, 296 
uicompabbilities, 296 299 
salts, 296*298 
sulfides, 298 

Zugich system for determmiog 
drug charges, 512